HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-09-30, Page 71 87. ;al Rotekosii,; • Gocierieh, Massa ott , rest. G»denee. rtt he neartos l'e'tnth hetes,— ..Aloutolt. .1,, T. GlizeLe Ross, an es 5eg Barrister:re_ - torel,a4 eta. c.afortn, ;er-e-e—sonetto ireforthellal eney: to Leh Hata°. zit 781 lin late e nate asseeetec - t solicitor tils :Atone, s Btoa'a,74 kN. Ioe.nts attG bo pea money- as se ED, Barriatel 850 amseate, mein. e Toronto, eu MORRIS,a iona carefully oroferne dam- atioti of teeth; uhhar with*. hardware; Sea. k can be doep aupied byme. 980 Nei>. aa h and •or atest im rove e. Sati Giatva otel, Seaforiii. treet. 941 • & Dew ter, orit. One - visit Blyth ths . fonowing- Yds Iota, will visa tern month it. snowing Thum Rote!, where he- ms, Teeth ex. netint which re. desiring new morning -13f the - lis cash. 984 Dentist, L. D.. Ont. Will be at uotea onthe EACH. MOM& Impossible. AS 971 sraduate of the surgeons, Tor - of any reliable aateed. Office 10064. 1. I., Graduate of &Han, Surgeon, Office and re reek first brick eh, 961 rucelleld, Lime ,Physicians- and Ont. 980, Office, Meyer* th. Residence, i'ther the Office 894 flieian, Surgeon, )At. Oilloe, and a street, Second urch. 842 M., Member and Surgeonl. and residence 848 disease. T any Sorneeti- d on the short- eterinary me& ate. WALTIM • 1010 L-RY.—Cornerot next door to Os Ont. All die any of *118 40' treated at tits Noted salsa. ELDER, Vetere ck of Veterin 'hand tioneer for the, attended in al fa- leit at Ti attended to. TH GE, Iered to receive ass Butte Apply at the rth 'large numbest AMER. thatilataiht• ro success." that =dicine has been. nt for Catarreela irig the past °It ',ve been maw rione the leer that no five Pear mseives to she hiTe_ the tted, w dvertised cures rtilw sate the the most sea- to- the presence Mr. Dixeu at :exterminat 'Catarrh is prow. y is unguelstion: nears ea,01111.1 r atte=Pr4" 7 no other tree' a'be applies/401 a be. dons II. the ye 10 permanent Ourer at ens nd with 101111.&_, Street, WO', strunP /°1. Star, =rig SEPTEMBER 30, 1887. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 7 Perth Items. A fine young bear was caught in Logan the other day and sold to Basnuns when in Stratford for about $20. _suss Eva Moscrip, of St. Marys, obtaiaed two first prizes for her paintings ,exhibited at the Toronto Industrial Ex- hibition. —The bags of settlement between the County of Perth and Stratford, re cost of new County buildings, has been szrived at. Stratford will pay $8,500 and. St. Marys $3,600. —Miss Maggie B. Harrison has ob- tained a second-class certificate on ap- peal, making a total of 18 suece4fu1 can- didates out of 23 who wrote at the ex- amination at the Collegiate Institute of St Marys- -Twenty one pupils are attending the Mitchell Model. School, ten .f whom are females and eleven males. t is ex- pected that the number will be ,increas- ed tatwenty-four, as three othtrs have applied for admission. I —Messrs. Ford & Murphy' e horse, 41 Thornwood," from Mitchell, took part in the consolation race at the To- ronto exhibition on Tnesday last. The Mail in its report describes " Thorn - wood " as being "a magnificent looker." Thursday morn in g he competed against 16 other horses in the ring, and carried* off third prize. —While driving a threshing machine ' over the first bridge north of Erabro the other day, (eorge Gordon was sarprised by finding himself and the machine dropped safe and- uninjured to the bot- tom of the river. A neighbor, ilviso was on the bridge, pulled out the whiffietree bolt and released the horses, as the bridge was giving way, and tlhey got —Mr, John Weber shot a 1a,4e black safely acrosa. bear in Mr. C. Lehman's bush in Ellice on Tuesday of last week. The bear .chased a little son of Mr. Fred Mehl's, but the child was rescued by his mother. The hear, when put on the scale, weigh- ed 250 pounds. This is the same bear that chased the Messrs. McFarlane and, some 15 other North Easthopeites up some sapling trees, a fest da.ys ago. • —On Sunday evening of last week Mrs. John Welsh, a widow residing in Hamlet ward in. Stratford, had a nar- row escape from death by eating a por- tion of a can of salmon, which must have eortained some poisonous sUbstance. Medical aid was called in, and dthough ; she suffered severely, lying fo hours at death's cigar, she is nos. danger, but very ill and weak effects of the poison. —On Monday morning of las Mr. Martyn, of Mitchell, was the fare feet of his horse, Raml the animal became annoyed at and suddenly raising one of his Mr. Martyr( a violent kick on head, between the eyes, the which rendered him uncoils some time. Mr. Martyn now carries an several out of rom the week as cleaning i.gh he flies, eet gave he fore- ffects of ious for ugly -leaking scar as witness of ins kick a horse ;can make son ftiess -e-The Stratford Beacon of inst.. says Our Perth friend, attendine the Toronto Industrials.- writes us that his time is too mireh oc • pen a descriptive letter, but s gratifying informationj—which route paper* de not give—, cheese was judged yesterday Mrs. John Morrison,: of Ne awarded the first prize for whi and else the gold medal, and the fifth for colored -cheese. • —On Sunday morning of, 18,54 week,. some acmes; before daylight, t store in Milverten was entered of burglars.. Dr. ilutherford's blown epee, and about $250 in c therefrom. After the robbery Jars- proceeded to Brunner stati _the vie- etimes at the_ 1.4th, who is upied to ends the the To- ilet the and that ry, 'was cheese, he drug 'Sy a gang safe was .;sh. taken he burg- le where theybrolse into the seetion mea's store- house,. and taking the " jigger " or "lorry" therefrom worked. theer passage to Stratford. - It was some hears after the occurrence before the robbery was discovered, and, the thieves m&de good their escape. Fact and Rumor —4 To number the haws of - our head is tot a very di Ili:cult teak," t, ; e refiner of the Assay office said to a Sus . reporter Lady. "A very close a_ppr ximation I; can be made by weighing tee entire amount of hair cin a man's head and then' . weighing a single hair. The weight of the former divided by that of the latter will, of course, give the desired number. - lf you will:pluck out a lassie . fro•m your heard I will show you." A. long and -straggly one was ac'eordingly.)detached, the refiacc putting it en a scale,. whic-h waaiudosed in a glass case,_ a -ated with extreme accuracy., tle weights of _ainatiniare, he pil arm, mail an equipoise was; ; The hair weig-hed three mini "Ifyou. reduce this to Retires,' R it would require 81030hairs an ounce, arid supposing you ounces; you have 48,000- hairs!" —John Bright refused to op .ose the grant of 126,000; to Princess Be trice. In aletter en; the subject he says annual grant of :Ca,000 is. less' farthing per family among t _million's. of families in the Unit d gradu- ith lit - d up one rea.ched. renames. he s -aid, o weigh have six followed can only be described as a, tor- nado of logic accompanied by copious showers of wit and humor, with an oc- casional hailstorm of raillery thrown in. To enumerate all the brilliant things said would transcend the; limits of this letter; suffice it to say, he left the Christian Theists not the ghost of a leg to stand upon, or the dream of a, peg upon which to hang the; shadow of a hope." —The Japanese Government has had to yield to the popular demand and re- turn to the coinage of copper pieces with holes in them, so that they can be strung aud carried around the neck. There are no pockets in Japanese: clothes. The coins are worth a mill, and are of large denomination compared with the coins Dr. La.nsdell found in Kuldja, 250 of which would make a cent. . So small were they that the Russians, instead of confiscating the contents of the treasury, shipped them by the tont() be used. in making verdigris. i —A Wyoming judge recently utter- ed the following remarkable death sent- ence, so at least our exchanges aver: "I am by no means satisfied with the evidence in this case, and am not sure whether you killed John Forbes or whether he died by a viaitation of pod ; but my sentence is that you be hanged on the third Friday of &line ; and should you know of your own innocence; you will have the comforting thought; that it is doubted by some of the wisest think- ers of the age whether life is in any cir- cumstances worth living;" —A: Madagascar correspondent of "All the Year Round " says: "Fancy a steamer having on board a mixed cargo of missionaries, Bibles,' and Mauritius rum—the most poisonous spirit ever dis- tilled ! The late Queea tried to keep • out a. poison which was nndermining the health of her subjects; but the spirit merchants are a powerful body, and our Government says, 'You. 'shall not keep out Mauritius rum,' just as in China it has said, 'You shall not keep out Indian opium.'" —The New York Free Circulation Library is doing an lexcelrent work among a class of reader a not reached by the larger libraries. lt :now distributes for reading about 200,000 books a year; that is each of the 20,0(10_ books in the Bond is, and Second4venue branches is sent out an aVerage ofiten times year. The Society appeals to i the public for substantial donations toi add to its in- vested funds, and to fornish me ns to open new libraries Of distribution. --The editor.of an Omaha religious paper remarks: "We recently hired a colored main to beat a carpet for us. He had what seemed to us a viillainouil face, and we watched him somewhat closelet. We were not surprised when he brought in a bill of four dollars.. ' But sir' said we, 'this ifi too much. You surely would not cheat a preacher!' 'Ah, brudder,' said he, ' you must remember dat I'se a preacher, too.'" 4 Flousehold Hints. Orange Pudding.—Make a, custard Of the yolks of three eggs, rave tablespoon. fat cornstarch, one cup sugar, one pint sweet nailk. While this custard + boil- ing, peel and slice five oranges and put them into a pudding -dish with! sugar sprinkled over each layer; when the custard is done, and while hot Pour it over the oranges. Make a meringue of the whites of the eggs, and two table- spoonfuls even not 'raping full, of sugar. ee--ft The: hail ;one e seven d King- dora„ and therefore- cannot be regarded t as a borders that can be fel. I am astonished that Liberals and L beral as- sociations aho_utel excite themse • mettera so, small ;as this, and s . siteat on the extravagance of meat, and Parliament in other Daring the new nearly fifty reign of the Queen I _believe ti• than £300,000,000 heve been excessive military and aaval tine,. and in unnecessary an Wars; and against all this ev ves over ould be Govern - matters. years of at more wasted in expendi d unjust 1 but a faint protest has been made, even by Liberals and Liberal associatioos." —Here is an advertisement from. the Social Refertner, an East Indian paper, having as one of its objects theipopulari- zetion of second rnarriages,anclIthe doing in away with the feeling of conte pt with which Hindu widows are re arded :— "Required a match for a Bengali widow of a Vaidya caste, aged fourteen, who which has been wet with a little cold had been married at her eleventh and milk; add sugar and bail ten minutes; lost her husle\nd. at lier thirteenth year. when cool add the cream whiph has been She is of Wheat complexion, of good fea- whipped to stiff froth, flavor', stir well tures, and can read and write Bengali and freeze. 'This is much more delicious tolerably well, knows the alphabet of than when made with eggs. English, and is very intern ent ; can ; knit e.oinforters, stoekings, e ., pretty A Fortunate Failure for Two. Well, and is very swilling to work. The candidate must be a member of the Vaidya caste, and of respectalsie family. Re must be well educated; and of good • moral character." i —It is sad news that a I" liberal" Paper tella us. It seems th4 a. Mr. Watts, the Agnostic Orator, tVith whose fame our readers are doubtlese acquaint- ed, has been attacking Theism, "What Orange Shortcakeel-hPrepare a short- oake as for strawberries or other fruit shortcake. Have ready seven lakge or- anges with rind, seeds and white skia removed. Slice them very thin and place between the layers of shortcake. Sift white sugar over the slices. I Orange Custard.—This is a dainty and delicious dish, to be served in cups. The' juice of ten large oranges, the yolks of ten eggs, a heaping teacupful Of pow- dered sugar. and one pint of cream ; pat the sugar and orange Juice together in a porcelain -lined saucepan, 'and sit it on the stove ; stir it constantly until it bubbles, then skim it, land set it where it will cool ; beat the yolks of the eggs very light and add them to the orange and sugar, then stir in the cream ; let this cook very slowly until it is of the desired thickness, then pour it into cups. ' The whites of the eags should be beaten very diligently, andae teacupful of pow- dered sugar be beaten with them ; put a - large spoonful of this on the top of each cup. • To cook Turnips.--ChoP them fine; then put in just enough water to boil them tender. Season with salt, pepper, butter and vinegar. Serve hot. SOft Ginger Cake.—Beat together one cup molasses,one cup sour cream (or. Sour inilk with a tablespoopful of but. ter,) one teaspoonful each of salt and ginger; add flour enough to make a thick batter. Last of all add one tea- spoonful of soda, dissolved in a little hot water. Stir till well mixed, and bake in a moderate oven. Baking Powder Ginger Cake. —Use the same proportions of mollaeses, butter' and spice named above. Add one egg. I Beat well, then add aecup of cold water or sweet milk. stie.a teaspoonful of good baking powder into the flour. stir as little as possible to mix the flour; bake in a quick oven. Molasses Cakc.—One-half cup sugar ; half cup of molasses ; two tablespoonfuls batter; one egg.; one cup boiling water,, in which dissolve one teaspoonfulof soda; flour to make a good !patter. Salt and ginger to suit taste'. : Pie Crust.—Take on'e cup lard, one au p water, one teaspoon f al salt. Mix the lard through the flour before adding the water ; do not knead only just; enough to roll smooth. Alhesys use the lard soft enough to -mix easily, (never melted) with cold water. , Ice Cream Without Eggs.—One quart of mik ; two-thirds pint of cream ; two; cups sugar ; two tableapoonfuls corn.; starch ; one tablespoonful of lemma! ex- tract. Put the milk in a bright tin dish and set in a kettle of boiling water ; when scalding hot stir iu the corn -starch, and the yoUnt people lived in elegant e, and poverty stared ace. At this juncture a ung wife knew she pos- ght into use, and a few llinery establishment was k Street, London. Over ed the badge of the bus - and even extra' agent style. But now a change has co them in the gift that the y sessed was bro days since a m opened in Pa the door appea band's family, and over that Under Royal Patronage," for the courageous little woman, Who had determined to do her; share towatd maintaining an honest and independent position in life, was a friend of the Princess of Wales, who proved a profitable customer and a firm friend by ordering ten bonnets. The husband has gift of poetry, and his poems, bound the houses of the author. out the genius den in each of a heavy has the only bast ttie true metal • Mexfcan Oddities. in blue and white, adorn his frkends, a gift from ay not necessity bring that prosperity had hid - hese people? Adversity mer, but itis sometimes ument that will bring out When able t translate Spanish, there will amuse a tourist more Mexico than reading the signs, and names of the s. Streets are not named Every square is called a s a separate name. The the stores and public difference ,how sinall, e long, fantastic name the doorway, e," "The Paris Boot, " t of Gold" were all shoe is nothing tha in the City of street and stor different squar there as here. street, • and h same with a buildings. N they have so a,inted above ; "Sara's Sb nd "The Bo tores of the very best order, where they Will make lo ered in gold to $5. They their shoes, make to ord There is not IMexico. Th Pair of Ameri a prominent Ideal of atte Mexican won their shoes high cut, Fr pointed toes. book in whi shoes. lirst a clean page, size. Then ure and the shoe arrives , be added, Arnericanna, 'eyed Senorit and shape, s'stoop, cause ;heels she has "The Sur ion, " ''The the Purse,' "The Land stotes, kept with the most expensive things ever ex- hibited to the, public. While "The Red Sombrero " sells silk hats at $3 to hundreds of dollars for sombreros cover- ed with fiftir pounds of silver and gold ernbroidery, "The Temptation," "The Reform, " "The Flowers -of April," The Sun of May," "The 5th of May," "The Chri4mas Night, and "The 11 Dynamite" s pulque at a lace a mug to the thirs patch, 1 'ely satin boots, embroid- or silver bangles, for $3 never have numbers to nd if none will fit, they r without extra charges. low-heeled, flat shoe in y cannot be sold. One an make, in a window on street,, attracted a great tion and ridicule. The en have lovely feet, and re very fancy—extremely nch or opera heels, and The shoemakers have a h they take orders 'for they set the foot down on and mark out the exact hey write on it the meas - thickness, and when the t is of perfect fit. Let it a encouragement to La that, although the dark- 's foot is exquisite in size he walks with a decided by the extremely high worn since babyhood. rise," "The God of Fash- Fay to Beauty is Through "The Esmeralda," and of Love" are dry -goods by Frenchmenwand tilled A few months ago the failure of an Irish rnillionaire was announced. His erniarged tonsils. I was very weak; I doctored ‘,a.onill,dhilsd.a.dvice from three doctors ; eldest daughter had married the Younger thneu; I.:s.-dal.Is inbtael.ae.to undergo an operation. M. A. Squelch, I ti:ied B. 11. 1.3..1. Raglan, 04. 1007.52.2w. son ;of one of Eneland'S 'oldest noble 0 d One hottle cured me. ;families, but not noted for its wealth. Fortunately for the young people, it Unknown.. was a love match, and not qne of ex, There is no remedy known to mcdical science that can exeel Dr. Fowler's Extract of - Wild change—money for title. The father Straw of the young lady had always been ver ha, depentery, or any form of summer orn- Strawberry ee a cure for cholera n:orbus, diarr- y (e liberal in his allowance, to his daughter, plaint afflicting children or adults. 1007.59.2w. • y natives.—Pittsburg Dis- I Whar's Last Mon colored brot of an old oat near Centre\ thunderelou tit tree, split it into fragmeuts, and threw Jake many feet away, apparently deader than Hector. Mr. Calvin John- son, "Uncle Glenn," an old colored man, and others rushed np, poured water in his face, and all hope of r friends had pare for the around half (lenn, whar hassee (Fla., My Watermelon?" ay while Jake Gibson, a ler, was sitting in the fork tree on the Ball plantation, ille, eating a watrinelon, came up, lightning struck Exce Foote, th ;west of El inn. When land to rcl as fare. "1 le began to rub him. Just as suscitation had fled and his urned sadly away to pre - funeral Jake rose up, looked lazed, and inquired, "Uncle '8 my watermelon ?"—Talla- ' ) Tallahassean. --•- tis Excipiendis. comedian, traveling in the gland, dined one day at an the cloth was removed -the sed him how he liked his ve dined as well asany man in England, 'said Foote, "Except the mayorrcra d the landlord. "1 do not except any "Bat you "I won't !" the strife c ded by the landlord (who was a petty magistrate) taking Foote be- fore the mlyor, who observed that it had been cnstomary in that town for a great number of years always to "except the mayor,' and accordingly fined him a shilling for not conforming to the ancient Custom. • U;aon this decision FoOte taaid the shilling, at the same tine observing that he thoi est foe: mayor. CASIO • •••\:•••:, Oe - s.\ o NO a a t see s for Infants and Children. • geastorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. Aitcriza, H. D., 11180. Oxford M., Brooklyn, N. Y. I Castor's cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote s; di gestion, Without injurious medleatIon. TEEM CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. 1' ody whatever," said he. nust !" screamed the host. ; "You must !" At leagth gilt- the lendlord• the great- Christeedom—except • the Restored. Mrs. J. M. 1Phalen, of Sidney Mines, N. S., had chronic rheumatism for two years, and got no relief unti she tried Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured hr. I was like a skeleton, says she, befOre using B. B. B. now thanks to the discovery' of such a valuable remedy, I am entirely restored to health. 1007.52.2%1 - Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a cheap and handy form of °lite ning the healing virtues of a sul- phur bath. - 1007.02m. 'Well Tested. - I was need y. dead with cholera morbus, one bottle of Extract of Wild Strawberry aired ine, and at another time I was so bad with surnmer coMplaint that I theught I would never get Oyer it, when two bottles cured me. Mrs. E. 'Askett, Peel, Ont. National Pills will cure constipated bowels and regulate the liver. 10e7.52.m. • A Severe Trial. Francis S. Siuith., of Enfsdale, Muskoka, writes: I was troubled With vomiting- for two years, and I have vomited as often as flee times a day. One bottle of Burdock lilnod Bitters cured me. 1007,52.2w. If your child is stubborn or hard -to actin ()je- ts r medicine to, Dr. Dow's Pleasant Worm S3 rup will be appreciated. 1007.52m. Indispensable. I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'iId Strawberry for summer eimiplaints, and iave given it to my friends. It gives instant relief when all other remedies fail. • I would not be without it in -my house. Mrs. T. Boil, Weal' Ian, , Ont. 10u7.52.2w. Worms cause much sickness among chi: iron that Freeman's Worm Powders will eurely mire. 1007.52m. . A,Lucky Escape. For six years I suffered with my throat and Should be in Every House. The Surprise Washer, The besteWashing :Machine Ever Invented. ).6s G." HOLTZMAN, Zurich, Has purchased the sole right to manufacture„ and Bell the " Surprive Washer and Wringer in the County of Huron. It is without doubt the best and most satisfactory washer ever invented. There are over 200 now in use in this county.. and every one gives the beat satisfaction. They are cheap, simple and efficient. Send for circulars, or address G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich. , Nat.—Agents wanted, and liberal terms given. Undertaking—Mr. Holtzman still con- tinues the underteking business in all its branches. 1027 REMOVED! Seaforthillusicallnstiltment Messrs. Scott Bros, Beg to announ:e that they have remov- ed to the premises next door to Messrs. Joseph Kidd and Son, Main Street, . . where they will be found with a large i FurnstureWareroom Si and well -selected stock of fE." A FORTH ORGANS & PIANO Of the very best and most reliable makes. Second-hand Instruments taken in exchange at full value. Agents wanted. A ltberal; disc 'unt during the Christfrias holidays. SCOTT BROS., SEAFORTH. TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep at his place, Hills Green, during the present season a -thoroughbred Chester white pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. TERMS. ---One dollar, with the privilege of returning if necbseary. CHA LILES TROYER. 1007x7 UFFOLE BOAR.--Theundersigned still keeps for the imptoeement of stock, on Lou 21, Concession 2' L. It. Se, Tuckersinith, that well- known thoroughbred Suffolk boar, "King Tone" He was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the &aunty of Peel, and both his sire and his dam were also imported. He is as good a pig as was ever offered for service in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigree which is registered in the Canadian Herd Bock. • Terme a, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. • 91 I • ALLAN LINE. Royal Mail Steamships. Cabins—$50, $60. and $70. Intermediate, S30 ; return, $60. Steerage passengers are book- ed to and from London, Queenstown-, Derry, Bellied and Glasgow at Fame rates as Liverpool. If you are sending for your friends, we ca.n fur- nish -yeti with prepaid. passage certificate to bring them from England, France, Germany, Sweden, Norwriy; -&c. Rates of passage always as. low as by any -other line. • Fire, tile and Marine Insurance done as usual. V.,- • C. P. R. tickets issued to Manitoba, British Columbia, and all points east. Baggage (-flecked through to destination. $25000 to loan from Or to de- per cent. per annum. Office—Matket Street. 1007 A. STRONG. Still Ahead Of All. H. L. SMITH & Co., CATERERS, And dealers in American and Canadian Confec- tionery. Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and ail kinds ot Fruits. Families, • Hotels, and others wiehinee Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied at reasonable rates. If you want solid comfort call At M. Robertson's, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. H can also supply . Invalid Chairs and Carriages. HO. also Bells the reost comforiable and durabl SPitil\TGr 133:30 That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchee era would do well to give him a.call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wareroorns one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. 11103ERTSC). THP BI ,x 1 AL..Laeee Ft.reolH. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JlARM FOR SALE.—For sale or to rent. Lot 38, Concession 14, East Wawanosh, contain- ing 160 acres, about 70 of which are cleared, and the balance mostly hard wood timber. Terms easy. Apply on the premises or to GEORGE THOMPSON, Box 125, Wingham P. 0. 1020-t,f. HOUSE AND LOT FOR istLE.—The under- signed has a comfortable House a-ud Lot` situated in Egmondville, which he will offer for sale. The house has all modern conveniences, is nicely located, and will be offered on very reasonable terms. To a retired fariner this house would be just the thing. For particulars apply at CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL'S store, near the post office, Seaforth. 102.3.tf The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the. complete ilaM.,1 RLLEE PAUCEcs The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. TH LP,TEST IMP:v.111ED, ErILL3 D Flour Dressing Machines TIARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE —For sale or to rent, that well-known farm,. being composed -of Lots 4 and 5, and 76, Ba.yfield eon- ee8U0n, Goderich township. There are • 130 acres cleared, with good bearing orchard and abundance of water. The lessee will be given the privilege of cutting necessary firewood and rail timber. Apply to R. GARDINER, Bays field. 1030x4 From tho best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out fiour E 0 N 17'4. TO NO In the Dominion. The facilit,es for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have Also deen extensively improved. Grain can now.. s taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into oars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two ru en. A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR— CUSTOM CHOPPING Has beet' put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be Unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and ROLLER. FLUII GUARANTEZE.D. OTT3TO1V1 P1=13 Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And alIkinds of CHOPPED FEE Conatantlyon hand. Pt Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS FINE, COArtf:r Awn I N., Canned Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars of the FOR SAL. be brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to mistomers. Ha.ppy to Only first-class and obliging men will ba kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of Correspondence Solicited. Remember the place, in the Canadian Bank , farmers and general trade ruipectfully solicited. - serve you. of Commerce buildings, firet door bouth of the i bank, Main street, teaforth. -j- A. W. OCILVIE & CO., JOHN T. WESTCOTT, PROPRIETORS. H. L. SMITH & Co. n T. 0. KEMP, Manager. Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. e TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For sale, cheap, two houses and three lots, situated near the Vigil School. One house containSseven rooms and the.other four rooms, all comfortably fitted up. There are a eumber of excellent fruit trees And bushes. The property is pleasantly situated, and will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises, or to A. SHAW or MARY ANN SHAW, Seaforfh P. 0. 1029,-8 - FARM IN GREY FOR SALE —For sale, Lot 20, Concession 12, containing 102 acres of which about 70 acres are cleared, nearly 'free front stumps, underdrained and well fenced. The balance isewell thnbered and unculled. There is a good, large frame house, log barn and frame stables. A good orchard arid never -failing water. It is within one mile of the vitage of Cranbrook, within six miles of 13russels aed two miles of Ethel railway station, with good' gravel roads leading to each place. It will -be sold cheap and on eaey terms. Apply on the prem- ises or to Cranbrook P. 0. VALENTINE EIDER- STER. 10224. 1, 161ARMSFOR SALE.—For Sale Lots N' os. 12 J2 and the east half of Lot 13; on the 9th Con- cession of McKilop, containing 160 abres, of which 130 acres are cleared and in a fitst-class state of cultivation. There is a good house and good frame barn, stables and outbuildings on Lot No. 12, also two good orchards. A spring creek runs through both Lots. There is nearly 100 acres in grass. It is convenient to Schools, churches, post office, Lee., and is within eight miles of the town of Seaforth. It is one of the nicest lying and best Farms in the county of Huron and is well adapted for either grain grow- ing or grazing. It will be sold in one Lot or in two parts to suit. purchasers. Applyon the premises, or addiess Winthrop P. 0. ROBERT 10304. f. G. ROSS. FIRST-CLASS Farm for sale, being Lest 30, on the llth Concession of the township of 3IcKillop, containing 100 aeres. Ninety acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. There are 10 acres of good hardwood bush. Fences are good. There are on the premises a good frame barn 40x04,frarne stable 30x60,a log stable 30x36, and a, good log house. There is an orchard of 1 acre of choice fruit trees, and a never -failing well. This farm is well located for markets, being only 7 miles from the town of Seaforth, a town on the Grand Trunk Railway, and si miles from the village of Winthrop, where there is a post -office, grist -mill, saw -mill, a church, and a school house. This farm will be sold cheap. For farther particulars apply to JOSEPH CRAIG on the premises, or to J. M. BES r, Barrister, Seaforth P. 0. 101141 MANI TOBA Land Owners ! Do you wish to dispose of 3 our MANITOBA FARM LANDS 011. WINNIPEG CITY PROPERTIES? If so, you will find it to your interests to place them in our hands for sale. We have had TEN YEAR'S EXPERIENCE in the land business in Mani - toba, and are thoroughly acquainted with every part of the Province. We attend to the pay- ment of Taxes, Value, Inspect, or act as agents for the sale or renting of Farm Lands and Win- nipeg City Properties. Charges Moderate. Manitoba, Winnipeg and Ontario Properties exchanged. Timber Limits, Cattle - _Ranches and Mining Claims for Sole. Bargains in, Winnipeg ,City Pro-- perties. Real Estate Exchanged for goods of evel y description. Improved Farms and Vacant Lands for sale in all parts of Wani- toba and Torthwest Territories. 200 Af Ca farm f Fo rAsRa sale iii FOR SALtownship—Atiof r Morris,atrclass in the County of Huron, being south half of north half lots 25 and 26, and south half of 26 in the 6th concession, containing 200 acres, more or less, 125 acres mostly clear of stumps and in a good state of cultivation. There is a young bearing orchard, a good house and bank bane 66x56 feet, with stone stable underneath. The farni is situated within a mile of the Village of Brussels, and is a. good farm for grain Or stock - raising, as it is watered with the river Maitland and a never -failing spring creek. Possession will be given at any time. For further particu- lars apply on the premises, or to a. K. ROBERT- SON, Brussels P. 0. IO2Stf 17, ARMS FOR SALE. --Por sale, two farms, J2 Lot 14, on the 6th concession, and Lot 15, on the 7th concession of Morris, containing 100 acres each, a.beut 90 acres cleared, free 1 r orb gimps on one farm, and about 60 acres cleared on the other. The cleared land is in a good stste of cultivation and well -fenced. Good frame barn and stables, and loealbailee on one, and on the other a log house and log barn. There is a good bearing orchard on Lot 14. A never -failing spring creek runs through both places. The soil is first -Class, there being no better farms in the township. These places are admirably adapt- ed for grain growing or grezinge and are within five miles of the flourishing town of Brussels. The places will be sell together or eeparately, and can be bought cheap raid on easy terms. Apply on the premises, or address the, proprie- tor, Sunshine P. O. GEORGE SEALE, Pro- prietor. 1027-8 • Money to Lend: We have unlimited sums of money to lend on good farnt property, at lowest rates of !interest. payable once a 3 ear; with privileges. Charges very moderate. Mortgages bought. DleNT HODGE. Barristers, Mitchell. ;1029 tf THE BRODHAGEN 8,4811 and DOOR FACTORY —AND— PLANING MILL - Charles Querengesser, Manufacturer- cf Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, etc. This establishment as situated on Lot 31,- Con- cession 8, Logan, and six miles norte of Dublin, a good road all the way. Parties intending to build will find they will make looney by bu3ing frorn me. Good wOrk and the best material guaranteed. Good Dressed Flooring and Siding at $17 per thousand., Charles Querengesser. Broadhagli P. O. 1005 Farmers' Attention. Mowers, Reapers, Binders. T. Mellis, agent, for and reriairer of Mowers, Reapers and Binders, guarantees all his work. New is the time te bring -along your Ma- chinee that need repairing. I have else; on hand repairs for several lines of Machines. A In:I stock of Plows, Plow Castings and Root Scufflers always on hand. THOS. hl ELLIS, Keppen 1). 0. 101.94. f. JOHN T. WESTOOTT, EXETER, OT. Collect Notes and Accounts on the fl T shortest notice in any part of the world, *-4 and at the most reasonable rates. Our Agent fer Northwestern Ontario is MR. D. M. RADCLIFFE) Agent of the North American Life Insurance Company, Seaforth, Ontario. G.LINES & CO., Real Estate Agents, 467 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 1030-13 Look' Right Here T. The Old Stand. Refrigerators —AND— Ice Cream Freezers M. Wbttriey's, SEAFORTH. OIL PrTCYNT,S., The thing for summer use, at less than cost. Bargains in them, • For an Al job of Eavetroughing, Roofing, Metallic Shingles, &c, call at O M. Whitney's., SEAFORD/. TTADI_H S' Girdle's. and Belts (NEW) FROM NEW YORK, At Counter's. —I AM NOT— Sel i rig at Cost, But still 1 will sell a Ladys' Gold Watch for $9 and upwards; a Ladys' Silver Wath for ea and upwards ; a Gent's Gold -Filled Watch for $15 and upwarde ; a Gent's Silver Watch for i.ts and upwards; a Cruet Stand, full plate, $2.50 and upwards ; a Piekle Stand, full plate, :el and up- wards; a fine Calenet Album, large size, for 50c ditto, in plush, for tel : a pair of Speetaeles 10c. All other goods as cheap in proportion. All goods guaranteed as represented. Personal attention given to all repairs, an guaranteed to give satiefaction. M. R. Counter, SEAFORTH. You Can Buy A. Solid 14k Gold Open or Hunting Ladies' Watch, for S20; or a Gent's Gold Filled Stem 'Wind Arterican for 820: or a three ounce open face, with P. S. Bartlett movement, for $15 ; and Clocks and Jewelry at reduced prices at PURVIS 84, MILKS, --FOR THE NEXT `111-1I_L-trirY- • See our Watch without hands. Hardwood taken in exchange. Millis STREET SEAFORTIL Whet Bahyawas sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castaria, When sho had Children, she gave them Casto6