HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-09-23, Page 711.11
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StPTEMREB 23, 1887.
`, '3' ';',•
Aftealistic Adventuret
As. the dusk was setting in 1 on a
'beeutiful autumnal day about thirty-
seven year ago, a man and a boy were
&nine a cow along a country rold in
.Ohio.°They had come a long distance
and were weary ; but though thP boy
Helped, the conversation did not flIeg as
they trudged alon,g.
They -were evidently •not far ers ;
both had the appearance of Living
't life, but had they been o. serve
al, the things they were saying
net their looks, would have att acted
attention.; for they were talking c4f Cer-
vantes and Shakespere. -
The cow needed much urging, nd it
was late at night when they rE3ached
seine white -limbed sycamores beside
the teil-race of a grist -mill on the Little
Miami River, on the other side of
which was the Email log-cebin in which
lived. A question then arose as to
f the
, and
ss the
ck to
f the
how they should get the cow
They did not know the depth
water, they knew it to be col
they did not care to swim it
elder wanted the bey to run np
the sycamores to the saw -mill, cr
head•race there, and come b
receive the cow on the other side
`tail -race. But with all his litetature,
the boy was young enough to be super-
stitious, and efraicl of the dark; and
though the elder urged him to Igo, he
chi not force him. They could see
1 -race,
cl the
the lights in the cabin twinkling
fully, and they shouted to those
but no one heard them. They
and c•alled in vain, and were an
-only by the cold rush of the ta
the rustle of sycamore leaves, a
homesick lowing of the cow.
They then determined to d.ri
across from the shore, and then
u th the saw -min end down the
e her
o run
bank, ,so as to catcleher as she rjeaehed
it. Vhen they came there, sl e was
riot to be found, however; sI e had
instantly turned again, and duri g the
night she made her way back to -the
town from which they had .bro.0 ht her.
, with
-nd it,
a cen-
t after
o had
The log-cabba was a small on
a corn -field of eighty acres beh
and it was nearly a quarter of
Wry old-. The boy who entered
this adventure was Wm. Dean. El
and the man was his father've
recently brought his family fro -
ton to take Charge of the saw ant ilius -
mills on the river. The inciden
trates the simplicity of the earl
one who has since becorrie the f
American novelist —Wm.
in:St. Nicholas.
Social -Wine Drinking.
At a religious convention a di cussion
on temperance brought up the"wine
•uestion." Part on the clergy advo-
ea.ted it3 entire disuse, and p
the other side. At lengthan in
clergyman arose and made a v
rt took
.argurneut in fever of wrne den ..uneing
the radical reformers for atterri ting to
banish this token of hospitality f om use.
When he had resumed his sea alay-
-Male treaddiug with, emotion, r se, aud
asked if it was allowable fe him to
speek. The chair having signi ed that
he would be heard,he said,. "NI . Chair-
- man, it is not my purpose, in r-
auswer the teamed argument y
iust listened to. My object
borate, and I hope more pree
- once knew a father, in moderate
T stances, who was at much incon
tn educate a beloved son a
four men, Once when he was living at
the Rev, Dr. Sampson's, one �f these
heavy boxes got stuck in the stnirvvay.
It could be extricated without damage
to the walls only by lifting it over the
banister. The four men failed to apply
most advantage,
other's way,* and
box. The Sena -
ready to go out,
their strength to the
for they got in each
thus failed. to move the
tor, hatted and gloved,
came down the stairs.
sing, to
u have
is more
ical. I
"Why don't you lift it over the rail ?"
said he.
"How can we ?" answered one. "You
have no idea. of its weight"
"Let me try," said the Senator, and
leaving over the rail, he seized the rope
becket at the end of the box and lifted
the latter clear of its entanglements by
one sure pull, splitting his glove, how-
ever, across the back. The men were
amazed ; and he, a little embarrassed,
said, "I didn't mean to lift it, only to
try its weight; "and then went back
for fresh gloves.—Cosinopolitan.
s .1
Queer Facts About Steel.
Large purchasers of articles of steel
manufacture keep mext constantly at the
works to examine and test the prodact,
in order that there mey be no inferior
articles delivered. This is the case at
the Bessemer steel rail mill, • and rigid
inspection is also made of; the manufac-
ture of steel axles by the Troy company,
so that nothing but articles of first qual-
ity leave the works. queer .inciclnt
Here his sen became &sailor). ed ; but
after he had graduated, and rethrned to
his father, thelnfluence of hem , acting
open a generous nature, acttelly re-
formed him. The_father was ove•rjoy-
ed at the prospect that his c erished
hopes of other days were still td be real-
" Several years passed. when, the
young man having completed his profes-
sional study and beiog about to I eeve his
father f!fdt _ the parpose of est blishiog
himself 0, business, he was i sited to
dine with a neighboring clergy ilall dis-
tinguished for his hospitality a d social
qualities, At this dinner wine as intro-
duced and offered to this young man,and_
refused; pressed upon and again firmly
refused. This was repeated and the
young Man was ridiculed for bid singular
abstinence. He was strong enough to
overcome appetite, but could uot resist
ridicule, he drank and fell, and from
that moment became a confirmed drunk-
ard, and long since has found
ard's grave.
" Mr. Chairman," continue
man, with streaming eyes, "
father ; and it was at the ta
elerayman who has jut take
that. this token of hospitality
son I shall net-er cease to mourn."
Charles Suraner's Gteat
Strength. 1
, Senator Sumner stood six. I feet two
inches high without his shoe, and he
was so well bnilt that 14s height was
• only noticeable when he WEI,8 near a per-
son of ordinary size. But • thpre was a
mariner about him, a free swisIg of the
arm, a stride, a pose of his shaggy head,
a sway of his broad shoulders, that gave
to those who knew him best the idea
that he was of heroic size. Then, too,
there was something in the intent look
of his deep set eye, his corrugated brow,
the frown born of intense thought, and
his large head, made to SCOM et larger
t wenty -cent lunch . ---American Traveler.
by its crown of thick, heat. , longish
gray hair, all of which gave t. e idea et
physical greatness ; but -wall his fre-. Mum's the -Word.
quent smile the set frown assed, his •
face beamed- like a dark la 'Father ! fa.therld' shouted the son of
denly lighted.. tRis smile
wonderful transformation in
'appearance, and. it set up
aympathy between himself
For one of his sedentery
had extraordinary strength,
was not an athlete. While i
ton his only exercise was w
as he believed it was the
tha'a the distence that tens
portunity offered he would
that amazed. beholders. Sone per,
attempting to join real keep up with want a $2 shawl, and like enough a pair
him only succeeded by taking n occitei on- of them . red st ckings. A.= is the tine proper
and nutriti
happened recently in
rnent. The axles ar
heavy trip-hammer, t
cession being the rule, and an a
one axle in ttv-eaty being s
to this test. The inspector is,
to witness every blowt On the
referred to two blows had beed struck
when he was called aside, and ppon his
return the third blow was given, when
the axle broke. This surprised every
one, as there had been no brealiages. on
the other tests of the same heat. Then
the operator began to think the
over, and finally he decidpd to
trial when the Inspector was not
the axle depart -
tested tinder a
ree blows in sue-
erage of
make a
Ile did so, striking the first twoblows,
then after an interval the third, and the
was the
e same
lows in
hile un -
t orders
der the
axle broke. Again and again
attempt made with invariably t
result, although with three
rapid succession there were no
The facts suggest some peculiar
in the conditions of the steel
dergoing the tests, and new stri
are enforced not to call the
away while the axles re u
haulm er.
These facts offer no ground f
tion upon the excellence of the
of the Troy Steel Corapany, bu
go to show that our manufact
learning something new about 8
day.—The Northern Budget.
A Persian Hair D e.
The only hair .dye that ti known
which does not injure the hair is that
used by the Persian women, a weak
solution of henna. In Persia only one
shade of hair is known, :and Ithat one
artificial. No matter what rnaly be the
color of the child's Irian, and. here are
bloitcles evee there eomeeirnes, as soon as
it obtains to a cony Dient len th it is
dyed with henna an kept dye as long
as she lives. The shade they desire to
obtain is one that naturally is s rare as
it is beautiful—the rliort of color which
when in shadow is absolutely ark, but
when the sun's rays _strike t all the
salient points turn to a seddisl 'gold. It
is a color sometimes seen in tils country
in children a year or two old, and noth- •
ing can be more eautiful than these
clerk locks lit with this glearqng touch
on the turn cd the cur, n the.fo.d of a
braid or coil of a twist, of silken hair.
quite as a matter of
f the wives of the
emit, lieve adopted_
drunk -
the old
are that
de of the
his seat
inert the
1141 even asked the waiter not to change
his seat at the ta,ble during the meal—
n(hv asked the guide timidly ;--' Do
atnu ,know in which direction is the
h tel ?' The indignant guide turned on
b m like a lion at bay :--' Gaul slam it,
n ? I dun't know nawthin about
Alher we be,; I ain't never guided in
these parts till this summer. Dew ya'
pect a man to learn the hull State of
Maine in one trip.'—Brooklyn Eagle.
Stylish Editors.
This editor of the London Post wears
lilac kid gloves through every -dinner to
N hi 01 he is invited. He is rather toity ;
ut fpr three-ply,18-carat style the Eng -
I sh eiGehople are referred to the Dakota
editor who wears a six-shooter, a bowie -
It ife and no neck -tie through every
nner he is invited to—as well as to
s rne to which he is not invited. —Norris -
t wn Herald.
r reflec-
rers are
eel every
Monument of' Elizabethan
Queen Victoria, while the recent guest
Lord Salisbury, could. observe an al-
ost unique blending of the good things
the past with those Of the present.
atfield Ihouse is one of the noblest ex -
ting monuments of Eliza.bethan archi-
cture. Yet it is to a • remarkable de-
ee fitted up with "all the modern
Conveniences" of the Victorian age. It
contains probably the most elaborate
an3. complete system of electric lighting
in the world, there being no less that
500 lamps in the great marble hall and
2,000 in the entire building. Spring
water is supplied to every part of the
house .by an electric pumping engine,
doors are opened and closed by touching
electric buttons, rooms are heated by
electric radiators and elevators, and
dumb wiaiters run by electric power.
The sYstem extends to the barns of the
great farm, where threshing machines,
hay cutters,grain mills and all Other
mechanicaldevices are operated by elec-
triesenergy. In fact, the whole place is
a marvel of scientific equipment, con-
trasting • curiously with the ancient
arehitecture of the hall end oftentimes
edireval Toryism of its master's pon-
—The Messrs. Smyth & Smyth, of
t Ingham, erected several large monu-
ents last week in different parts of
ntario. Among others was one in
Haetrilton for A. Taylor, merchant, of
Belgrave, in memory of his wife, and a
large Scotch granite, with white marble
cross on top, in the Teeswater ceme-
tery for 'Verson Brothers, of Kinloss, in
emory of their father. Messrs.
myth & Smyth have several large
riders to execute this fall as their work
i first class and cheap.
I •
—A few weeks ago Mr. James Mc-
Kay, the veteran bus man Of St. Marys,
1drew some baggage for Dr. Washington,
an itinerant medico of Toronto, from the
Windsor Hotel to the switch, for which
Ile charged the sum of fifty cents: The
octor considered this an overcharge,
,ontendiug that as he had walked tothe
switch himself he should be let off with
41f the amount. Mr. McKay was in-
exorable, however, and. underthok to
walk away with the Doctor's grip. The
latter proceeded at once to secure his
property and .a tussel ensued during
vhich it is alleged that the Doctor struck
Ir. McKay with his umbrella and tore
his hat. Taking forcible possession of
his traps the Doctor boarded the train
nd left withoua paying the bill. But
-la McKay's Hig•hland blood was . tiler-
: ughly aroused, and on Tuesday last,
hearing, that the Doctor had turned up
In Mitchell, a message was dispatched or-
dering .his arrest and a constable -sent to
convey him to the scene of the tragedy.
Xis the evening he was tried before His
!Worship the M nyon and R. Box, Etq.,
J. P., and fined the sum of two dollars
and costs. The decision, we understand,
is likely to be appealed.
Mrs. J. M. Phalen,. of Sidney Mines, N. 5„
had chronic rheumatism for two years, and got
no relief until she tried Burdock Blood Bitters.
Two bottles cured her. I was like a skeleton,
says she, before using B. 13. 13. now thanks to
the discovery of such a valuable remedy, 1 am
eittirely restored to health. ,1007.52.2w1
In Persia it is taken
course ; and many
Ambassadors of Te
the custom of dynao. their hair in the
same way, as it su ers no harm from the
A Cure for
The English Mec
lowing as a speedy cure for rheumatism:
One quart of milk, quite hot, into which
anic prints the fol -
stir one ounce of al
curds and whey.
ed with the whey
the meantime keep
after bathing, put
wrap ill flannel, a
can). Three appl
perfect cure, &vela
; this will make
3athe the pert affect -
until too gold. In
the curds hot; and,
them on a poultice,
ad go to sleep (you
to.tions should be a
n aggravated cases.
Robbed the Revenue.
A pedestrian making a toy: in Italy
-was about to enter' a small town carry -
in his knapsack his luncheon -and a bot -
t being aware that at
ariff of about 20 per
eh commodities. An
and derria,n d ed seven
x for whet ?" " On
But am merely
passing through , his town.! • I do not
intend to eat ivithin yOur walls."
" Can't help it, sin—sesien cents. "
tie of wine, withoi
all town gates a
cent is laid on st
officer stopped hi
cen ts tax. ". Ta
those provisions.
will see about
grassy plot as few
he unbuckled his
of his edibles th
lunch in its new 8,
hat," and goink to e
ods with;ont the gate
napsack and dinposed
n and there. The
tuation was not tax-
able, aucl passed through. without
challenge, w h the diatoms offi cer
grumbled at the s inginest of man un-
willing to pay seven -Cent tax on a
ten e :sena> saneentateetenNae-
• t
for Infants
and Children.
440astoria is so well adapted to children tb
recommend it as superior to any prescripti
known to me." H. A. ARCHER, M.D.,
11.1 So. Word St" Brookk* N. Y
ICastaria cures Colic, Conetipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prcrnotes di
Without injurious medication.
THZ CENTAIlli COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. 'N
Should in Every House:
The Surprise Washer,
The best Washing Machine 'Ever Invented.
G. HOLTZ:SIAN, Zurich,
Has purchased the sole right to manufacture,,
and sell the " Surprise Washer and Wringer
in the County of Huron. It is without
doubt the best and most satisfactory vi-asher
ever invented. There are over 200 now
use in this county, and every one gives the
best satisfaction. They are cheap, simple
and efficient. ! Send for circulars, or address
• N. B.—Agents wanted, and. liberal terms
given. Undertaking—Mr. Holtzman still con-
tinues the undertaking business in all its
branches. 1027
- Seaforth, 31-usical histrum entl
Prof. Low'S Sulphur Soap is a cheap and handy
loran of obtaining the healing virtues of a sul-
phur bath. 1007.52m.
Well Tested. '
•tern said -a
his -whole
a Pennsylvania farmer as he rushed in- i
to the house, 'it's coine !'
`Na,tural gas !' : L
Ind its re -
'Nes ! Williann don't ydu be to me.'
'But we've st uck erne and Jim—
a'. n
sr the old woman will
word to her, Wi liam
Time we struck ie 1
wo caller) dressca, and
coal, s'ac struck flit- a'
silo hears this thell
habits, he
nd yet he
iking, and
(1 nvir behind the
shet up
bear you.. Not a
—not a whisper !
ace rather
had to buy her
when op -
when we found
o ate rate
nns pair of shoes. I
s nearly 'dead with cholera mortals, one
bottle of Extractuf Wild Strawberry cured me,
and at another time I was so bad with sunnier
-complaint that I thought would never get over
it, when two bottles cured me. Mrs. E. Askett,
Peel, Ont. 1007.5.2.2w.
National Pills will cure constipated b.oweiIs and
regulate the liver. 1007.52m.
A Severe Trial.
Francis S. Smith, of Emsdale, Muskoka, writes:
I was troubled with vomiting for two years, and
:I have vomited as :often as five times jailay.
One bottle of Burdock Blood. Bitters cured me.
• If your child is stubborn or hard to adminis-
tar medicine to, Dr. Dow's Pleasant WortaSyrup
will be appreeiated. 1007.52m.
•1 have used Dr. Fowler's Extract .oe Wild
Straaterry for summer -complaints, .0. have
given it to my friends. It gives inatant relief
when al) Other remedies fail. I would not be
without it in my house. Mrs. T. Weidman,
sOnt. 1007.52.2w.
Worms cause much sickness among children
that Freeniao's Worin Powders will surely euro.
1007.52m. -
A Lucky- Escape.
For six years, I suffered with niy threat and
enlarged tonsilta 1 was. very weak ; I dectored
-four years and had advice from three doctors ;
they said I would have to undergo an. operation.
1 tiled B. B. B. instead One bottle cured -me.
M. A. Squelch, Raglan, Ont. 1007.52.2w.
Thereis no remedy known to medical s'cience
that ean excel . Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry as a cure. for cholera ii.orhus, diarr-
husa, dysentery, or any form of summer cool-
_ plaint afflicting- children or adults.
----as- :
Messrs. Scott Bros,
Beg to annoante that they have remov-
ed to the premises next door to Messrs.
Joseph Kidd and Son, Main Street,
where they will be foundwith a, large LA rnitureWarerooms.
and well -selected stock of -
1 If you want solid comfort call at
Vir.k..›. •
tor :01.4i1,41,411
,;41, `,5'" • -fa ":44i.
ORGANS 8r. PIANOS M. Ro be rtson's,
Of the very best and
" By a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which overn the operatiatia of digestion
It, and by a careful application of the
ies of well-aelected Cocoa, Mr, Epps
.d our breakfast tables with a dell'
rad haverage which may save us
doctors' bills. • It is by the judicious
use of suc axtirles of diet that a constitution
may be gr. dually built up witil strong enough
to reanet e Pendencv to disease. Hundreds
of subtle n aladies_ase floating around us ready
to attack'herever there is a weak point.. We
may escap niany a fatal shaft by keeping our-
selves well ffirtified with pure blood and a pro-
perly tour Rhed fraire."—Givi1 Serviee Gazette.
Made sim. ly with boiling water or milk. Sold
only in ackets by grocers, labelled thus
JAMES PPS & Co., Hoirceopathie Chemists,
London gland. 967-42
has provid
Ea hap, skip, and jump, such as children ' "rd, williadrh' - ' ! eately aav
• ' . !
prectice when -walking wita their par- 1 - many Isea,v -
Asking Too Much. 1
injuries i
for, as he i The party frorri the Bucaneer lions
ibuses„ and I started at 3 a. in. to go .to a peak !fro(
1 which a $10 view of the sunrise could b
enormous , obtained. They wandered aroundunti
called into I 12:30 trying to find the peak; then t
M1ARM FOR. SALE—For sale or to rent, Lot
_U 38, Concession 14, East Wa,wanosh, contain-
ing 150 acres, about 70 of which are cleared, and
the balance mostly hard wood timber. Terms
easy. Apply on the premises or to GEORGE
THOMPSON, Box 125, Wingham P. O. 1020-t.f.
signed has a comfortable House aud Lot'
situated in Egmondville, which he will offer for
sale. The house has all modern conveniences,
is nicely located, and will be offered on very .
reasonable terms. To a retired farmer this
house would be just the thing. For particulars
store, near the post office, Ssaforth. 1023.tf
And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable
most reliabl• e Easy Cho.irs, represented by the above cut. H
can also supply
Invalid Chairs and Carriages;
He else sells the most comfortableand durabl
P 1-2I G -
The. is made. His stock of
Is very large and Complete. Intending purchas
ers would do well to give him a call before par
chasing elsewhere. Warerooins one Door Soutil
of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth.
WE. ROBE wrsop.
Second-hand Instruments taken in
exchange at full value.
eats. Up to the time of his
walked much in Washington
said, he could out walk om
give them long otldss
He was hardly aware ef hi
strength, it wa.s so seldon
exercise. His brinks were pecked iri' wandered around until a le m. trym
tarp bexes at the end of .
and sent from his rooms to
only to be returned at the
the next scission. These bo
aeh session find the hotel. Then they became hun
he Capitol, . gry and weary and inpatient, as summe
eginning of I hoarders will sorneti es become, and th
es weighed_ boldest of them ---a lark-browed silen
nearly five hundred- pounds each, and man, who seemed to be perfectly devoi
were difficult to hurdle in passages and of fear, and who it is reported, had onc
stairways', and. so were accompanied by committed a murder, and as some said
Agents wanted. A liberal disc ant
during the Christmas holidays.
TO PIG BREEDEO.S.----The unuersigned will
keep at his place, Hills Green, during the
present season a thoroughbred Chester white
pig, to which a limited number of sows will be
taken. TERMS.—One dollar, with the privileg-e
of returning if necessary. CHARLES TROYEK.
SUFFOLK. BOAIL—The uedersigned ati II keeps
for the improvement of stock, on Lot 21,
doncesainn 2' L. R. 8., Tuekersmith, that well-
known thoroughbred Suffolk imar,
Toms" lle was bred by Messrs. A. Fratik & Sons,
of the .county of Peel, and both his sire and his
dam were eito imported. He is as good a pig as
wns ever offered fors.ervice in Huron as can he
proven by the extended pedigree which is
registered in the Canadian. Herd Book. Terme.
61, with the privilege of 'returning if necessary.
En, neer. Orders bv wail promptly at
tended to D. S. CAMPBELL Mitchell
14 •
Royal Mail
Cabins—,950, .900 and FS70, Intermediate,
830; return, S560. Steerage passengers are book-
ed to and from Lond in, Queenstown. Derry,
Belfast and Glasgow at 'saint rates as Liverpool.
If you are sendieg, for your friends, we can fur-
nish you with prepaid passage certificate to bring
them from England, Franca!, Germany, Sweden,
Norway. Ssea Rates of passage always as low as
by any otherline.
Fire, Life and Marine Inshrance done as usual.
C. P. R. tickets issued to Manitoba, British
Columbia., and all points east. Baggage checked
through to destination.
$25,000 to loan -from 51 to 6)_, per cent. iper
annum: Office—Market Street. 1007
Still Ahead Of All.
or to rent, that well-known farm, being .
composed of Lots 4 and 5, and 76, Bayfield con-
ceasion, Goderich township. There are 130
acres cleared, with good bearing sarchard and
abundance of water. The lessee will be given
the privilege of cutting necessary firewoodzs and
rail timber. Apply to R. G'ARDINER, Bay-
field. 1030x4
cheap, two houses and three lots, situated
near the High School. One house contains seven
rooms and the other four rooms, all comfortably ,
fitted up. There aae a number of excellent fruit
trees and bushes. The property is pleasantly
situated, and will be sold Cheap. Apply on the
premises, or to A. SHAW or MARY ANN
SHAW, Seaforfh P. 0. 1029-3
.12 20, Concession 12, conto.inine- 102 acres of
which about 70 acres are cleared, neerly free
from stumpssunderdrained and well fenced. The
alanoe is well timbered and unculled. There
as a good, large frame house, log barn and frame
stables. A good orchard .and never -failing
water. It is within one mile of the village of
Cranbrook, within six nines of Brussels and two
miles of Ethel railway station, with good gravel
roads leading to each place. It will be sold
cheap and on easy terms. Apply on the premises or to Cranbrook P. 0. VALENTINE FOER-
STER. 10224. f,
Bi (71 1\1 3
The ebove mills have now been thoroughly re-
built upon the complete .
H"vt.,",i-V101RtILLP" FrJfEg"3
The Mill and Storehouse Bnildings have been
greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied
Flour Dressing Machines
'LIAM'S FOR SALE.—For Sale Lots Nos. 12
and the east half of Lot 13, on the nth Con-
cession of McKilop, containing 150 acres, of
which 130 acres are cleared and in a, first-class
state of cultivation. There is a good house and.
good frame barn, stables and outbuildings on Lot
No. 12, also two good orchards. _A spring creek
runs through both Lots. There is nearly 100
acres in grass. It is convenient to Schools,
churches, post office, &c., and is within eight
miles of the town of leeaforth. It is one of the
nicest lying and best Farms in the county of
Huron and is well adapted for either grain grow-
ing or grazing. It will be sold in one Lot or in
two parts to suit purchasers. Apply on the
premises, or addiess Winthrop P. 0, ROBERT
G. ROSS. 10304: f.
From the hest Manufacturing Firms have been
put in, and everythiog necessary added to enable
her to tura out flour
Land Owners!
Do you wish to dispose of a our XANITORA
so, you will find it to your interests to place
them in our hands for sale. We have had TEN
YEAR'S EXPERIENCE in the land business in blank
toba, and are thoroughly aequainted with every
part of the Province. We attend to the pay-
ment of Taxes, Value, Inspect, or act as agents
for the sale or renting faf Farm Lands and Win-
nipeg City Properties. Charges moderate.
FIRST-CLASS Farm for sale, being Lot 30, on
the llth Concession of the township of
McKillop, containing 100 ;acres. Ninety acres
cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. There
are 10 acres of good hardatood bush. Fenees are
good. There are on the ipremises a good frame
barn 40x04,fiame stable 30x50,a log stable 30x36,
and a good log house. There is an orchard of 1
acre of choice fruit trees, and a never -failing
well. This farm is well located for, markets,
being only 7 miles from the town of Seaforth„ a,
town on the Grand Trunk Railway. and 2,i miles
from the village of Winthrop, where there is o.
post -office, grist -mill, saw -mill, a church, and a
school house. This farm will be sold cheap.
For further particulars apply to JOSEPH CRAIG
-on the premises, or to J. M. BEST, Barris r,
Seaforth P. 0. 101141
, -
In the Dominion. The facilit.es for receiving
grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping
have also dean' extensively improved. Grain can
novl . 2 taken from -farmerre wagons, weighed,
and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels
per hour, by the work of two men..
And dealers in Ameriean and Canadian Confec-
Ve.estables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of
Families, Hotels, and others wishing lee
Cream; in bulk, can be supplied at revonable
Uo.nned Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars of the
best brands kept conaantly on hand.,
Every attention paid to customers. Happy to
serve you.
Remember the place, in the Canadian Batik
of Commerce buildings, first door south of the
bank, Main street, Seaforth.
H. L. SMITH & Co.
e;k1) rs' Lre 1 "44 -p ikr ‘
Has been put in, and the necesartry machinery for
handling chop and coarse grains.
A good shed has been erected; FO that wagons
can be unloaded and reloaded under cover.
\NI i'l A T PXOH N
Promptly attended to, and
1-rifkr,3 ROI! FI_T.3
--C_T ST 0 MV:1: 3:3
Chopped satisfactorily and without -delay.
And all -kinds of
Constantly on hand.
Manitoba, Winnipeg and Ontario
Properties exchanged.
Timber 'Limits, Cattle Ranches
and Alining Glainzs for Sole.
Bargains in Winnipeg city Pro-
Real Estate Exchanged for goods
of every description.
Improved Fai MS and Vacant
Lands for saiR in all. parts of Mani-
toba and Northwest Territories. -
Our Agent for Northwestern Ontario is
Agent of the North American Life Insurance
Company, Seaforth, Ontario.
,AA ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -TA first-class
1./1) farm for sale in the township of Morris,
in the County of Huron, being south half of
north half lots 25 and 26, and south half of 26
in the 5th concession, containing 200 -acres, more
or less, 125 acres mostly clear of stumps and in
a good state of cultivation. There is a young
bearing orchard,- a good house and bank barn
55x56 feet, with stone stable underneath. The
farm is situated within a mile of the Village of
Brussels, and is a good farm for grain or stock -
raising, as it is watered with the river Maitland
and a never -failing spring creek. • Possession
will be given at any time. For further particu-
lars apply on the premises, or to A. K. ROBERT-
SON, Brussels P. 0. .
FARMS FOR SALE. --For sale, two farms,
Lot 14, on the 6th coneession, and Lot la,
on the 7th concession of Morris, containing 100
acres each, about 00 acres eleared, free from
stoups on one farm, and about 60 acres cleared
on the other. The cleared • land is in a good
state of (-nitration and well fenced. Good frame
barn and stables, and log house on one, and on
the other a log house aliti log barn. There is a
good bearing orchard ou Lot 14. A never -failing
boring creek runs, through both places. The
soil is first-class, there being no better farms in
the township. These places are admirably adapt-
ed for grain growing or grazing, and are within
five miles of the flourishing town Of Brussels.
The places will lie sold together or separately,
and can be bought cheap and on easy terms.
Apply on the premises, or address the proprie-
tor, Sunshine P. 0. GEORGE SEALE. Pro-
prietor. 1027-8
Itighest Market Price Paid in
Cash for any Quantity of
Only first-class and obli 'ng men will be kept
te attend customers. The liberal patronge of
farmers and general trade respectfully solicited.
T. 0. KEMP, Manager.
Money to Lend.
Real Estate Agents, 457 Main Street, Winnipeg,
We have unlimited sums of money to lend on
good faxen property, at lowest rates of interest.
payable Once a 3 ear, with privileges. Charges
inoderate. Mortgages bought, DENT &.
HODGE. Barristers, Milehell. • 1029 tf
Look Right Here!.
The Old Ltand.
Ice Cream Freezers
• —AND ---
Charles Querengessar, Manufacturer of Saeh,
Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, etc.
This ,establishieent is situated 0:1; Lot 31, 4on-
cession S. Lngan, and six miles north of Duhfin, a
good road all the way. Partieeinterne: to build
will find they will make money by buying from
Good work a.nd - the best material guaranteed.
GoodDressed Flooring and Siding at SW per
thousa I id.
Charles Querengesser.
Broadhagen P. 0.
Farmers' Attention.
Mowers, Reapers, Binders.
T. Mellis, agent, for and .repairer of
Mowers, Reapers and Dindera, guaranteua all his -
work. Now is the time to bring along your Ma-
chines' that need rgliairitig. I has e: also on hand
repaira for several lines of Maeltities. A hill
stock of Plows, Plow Casthigs and Ilssit Scufllers
always on hand.
itippen P. 0.
M. Whitney's,
The thing for summer use, at less than
cost. Bargains in them,
For an Al job of Eavetroughieg,
Roofing, Metallic Shingles, &c, call at
0. X. Whitney's,
Cellect Notes and Aeconutt on the
shortest notice in any part of the world,
and at the most reasonable rates.
Correspondence Solicited.
Girdles and Belts
At Counter's.
Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont.
Selling at Cost,
But still 1tvIll sell a Lady& Gold Watch for 59
and upwards; a Ladys' Silver Watch for 86 and
upwards; a Gent's Gold Filled Watch for 815
and upwards; a Gent's Silver Watch for 133 ,and
upwards; :a Cruet Stand, full plate, $2.50 and
upwards ; a Pickle Standafull plate, 1 and nip -
wards; a filte Cabinet Album, large Size, for 50e
ditto, in phial", for aIl a pair of -Spectacles 1
10e. All other goods as cheap in proportion.
All goods guaranteed as represented -
Personal attention given to all repairs, an
guaranteed' to give troth:faction.
M. R:Counter,
You Can Buy
A Solid 14k Gold Open or. Hunting
Ladies' Watch, for $0; or a Gent's
Gold. Filled Stern Wind American tor
$20 : or a three ounce open face, with
P. S. Bartlett nweemeet, for $15 ; and
Clocks and Jewelry at reduced prices
puRVis & MILKS,
See OUT Wathh without handle
Hardwood taken in exchange.
Purvis & Milks,
.14"1:c -t Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castor*
When she hsd Children, she gave them Cesterl