The Huron Expositor, 1887-08-19, Page 7erg
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Feeding the liorse.
One of the practical farmers in atten-
dance on the series of farmera' meetings
recently held at Boston, said:'
"The size and value of our domestic
animals depends much on what they eat.
I need not go back to the colt. I don't
think any man here needs to raise a colt.
But when a. horse you want to
make him as valuable as possible by the
manner in which you feed him. The
horse is different from any other ani-
mal. He has the smallest stomach of any
`animal in proportion to his size; smaller
than man. He is -made for quick and
rapid circulation and with large internal
viscera, like the lungs and heart, but the
stomach is very small. The largest atomach ever measured in a horse was that of
the great race -horse Eclipse. He had an
enormous girth, but his stomach held
only aixteen quarts. Take our smaller
horses and their capacity is only ten or
twelve quarts. When you take this fact
in connection which has come under the
observation of every one, as to the feed -
'big of a horse, you will see that this gives
him the greatest efficiency. Now, in the
Barre system of feeding cows,Which I be-
lieve in thoroughly, the cow is fed. only
twice a day, and allowed all the rest of
the time for digestion and rumination. If
you remember seeing a horse in pasture
you now that you have got to get up in
the night to find him when he is not eat-
ing. He is eating way into the night.
He don't get so much at a time as some
other animals, but he takes it in smaller
quantities. ile keeps his stomach well
filled and the rapid process of digestion
takes it out so he can keep feeding all the
time. horse will do better to be fed,
four times a day than three times a day,
and should not be fed less than three
times. If a Boston teamster is in this
meeting, he will very likely tell long
stories about feeding his horses only at
night and morning and their doing ef-
fective work all their life. But their lives
are much like those of a State street bank-
er's. He has his breakfast in the morn-
ing and dinner at 6 o'clock in the even-
ing, but the first thing you know he dies
suddenly and that is the end of him.
Good wholesome living requires break-
fast in the morning, dinner at noon and
supper at night. And perhaps some-
thing before going to bed, because digest-
ion goes right along.
"Now, in regard to feeding horses it
may be said that most of our farmers
feed them more than is necessary. There
is a class of people in the community who
look upon there fellow men as though
they were pirates who abused their ani-
mals, ancl it took a lot of cranks to keep
them from doing it. Men almost always
overfeed their horses. Probably there
are few farmers' horses that are not over-
fed. A neighbor of mine used to take
loads of hay from Leicester into Wor-
cester. He had a large horse to do his
teaming. He stopped at my house one
day and wante(l to have rne look at his
horse. The horse had shrunk away
until he looked like the celebrated cross
between a clothes horse and a nightmare.
lie was all frame. I said to him :
"What have you done to your horse ?"
He answered me in a whisper, just as
they do back in the country; as if they
imagined somebody was going to hear
them: "How much do you think I am
feeding him?" " Well," said I, "1
don't know. He don't look as if he had
very much." Said he: I am giving
him twelve quarts of meal a day !'
''Twelve quarts a day ?" Yes."
" Well," said I, " It seems to me that
you have turned your horse into a fer-
tilizing machine and are running him
over his capacity." I told him to re-
duce the feed gradually until he got four
or five quarts of meal with ten or twelve
pounds of hay a day. He did so, and.
brought his horse around immediately.
Horses, like men, cannot stand being
overfed. _Their eyes are too large for
their stomach. They will feed more
than is good for them if permitted, and
will suffer in their digestion and power
of assimilation. A Percheron will get as
fat as a Yorkshire pig on that kind of
plenty of water clear up at the top -for
cleanliness and use in case of fire. An
up stairs sink where scrub water can be
drawn and discharged saves many katep
-and tends to keep things clean. -
All the rooms on the floor should be on
the same level. This. up -a -step and
down -a -step business is a nuisance.
Many a small house is spoiled through
not having enough hall room ; no place
to put a hat rack,or the baby carriage, or
lots of other things which take up room,
and which do get put in & hall or an
entry where there is one large enough.
It would be a very handy thing if at
least one dimension of each room was an
even number of carpet widthe. Carpet
comes either twenty-seven pr thirty-six
inches wide' and rooms can generally be
multiples ofat least one of these dimen-
The parlor may be more nearly square
than the dining -room. It should, if pos-
sible, be so planned as to leave room for
a square piano against an inside wall. A
piano placed against an Outside, wall gets
out of tune, and changes with the outside
The dining -room should be consider-
ably longer than it is wide. Ii you have
to " skimp " on the size of your dining -
room, you had better shave- off the
width of it, and arrange for room length-
wise. The room must be wide enough
for a four -foot table, and guests on each
side, and passage way behind the guests;
that is a fixed width, no matter how
many are sitting down to the table ; but
the table has to be lengthened to ac-
comodate the guests, a,nd there should
be lengthwise room.
A square kitchen seems the handiest to
the house -wife; and her ideas slhould be
consulted-andcarried out-asi to this
room, above all others ; as toe this TOOM,
if to no other. Don't " skirhp " the
kitchen as to size. A summer kitchen,
even if it is only a shed, will help to keep
the house warm in winter and cool in
A kitchen store -room, where the wo-
men -folks can keep many of theilr sup-
plies, and save themselves the tine and
trouble of going dowia cellar or up attic,
will be a daily blessing in most families.
A butler's pantry or china closet be-
tween kitchen and dining -room, is a
good investment, if you can afford by storage batteries. • It is the first
way in Canada to adopt the system, iliow
Plenty of expensive houses are built
,without it, and would be better with it. supplied by the Julien Electric Cm-
bath-room should be accessible p. any, of New York, to some eight rads
without having to pass through any in th‘ States.
other room. It is well to have it
communicate .with one of the bed-
rooms, or better yet with one on each
side, but there shOuld be one door oven-
ing into an entry.
Set it down that winding stirs a
expensive, inennvenient, dangerous
inartistic arrangement. Straight fl
are equally dangerous and more inert
Flights with right angled turns at
out. If you choose ysu can nail a strip
of colored morocco leather with pinked
edge, as a finish ,to each shelf. Support
the cabinet on 'lion brackets, or stand it
tupon a writing table or stand.
The talent of doing things well is born
and born again; but the talent of stand-
ing aloof and criticising those who are
doing things rarely gets its second birth
The Growlers are a
• and they rarely get
Anybody can pull d
ability to build up.
ites had plenty of prac
and plenty of occasio
Pharaoh's brickyards ;11/4 but the peculia
ity of discontent is theft it gets chroni
sit that at last one d es not like Mos
any better than Phar oh.
!The Cowboy pn Rollers.
"I am more used to riding horsebac
nd as soon as I straddled the layout
as wishing I had a buck rein, becau
expected them to stiffen their knees a
o to bucking, but they didn't. I walk
hem over to the other end of the corr
o gentle 'em a little, and directly th
tarted off at an easy canter and we
oming around back right through t
erd; and there was a dude there with
tiff hat who was trying to cut out
Polled -Angus heifer in a blue dress, a
t fouled, roped both my hind legs in
hoop skirt, and it had me stretched cant
ready for branding, quicken a spring
alf can bawl with his mouth open and
• et
arge community
n well together.
wn ; but it take
he ancient Israe
ice in grumblin
for discontent i
is lungS stretched. But I got up a
got on again, and you ought to seen
exercise those vehicles! Of cou
I.they'd buck when I tried to hurry 'e
'enici they would rear up and fall b
when I tried to stop them too quiek;
!I'll leave it to the boss herder of
lot if I didn't gallop round - th
for three or four hours and had 'em
,over and over with me, and didn't
line off."
-At the Grand Trunk Railway
inic in Stratford, on Saturday, Mr.
ert Beattie was struck on the shoul
by a swing, breaking his collar bone.
-In a few days two cars belongin
the Canada Atlantic Railway Comp
will be fitted with electric light supp
AYER'S surt-hc:t1teed Eavetro ugh i ng.
If the Liver be- Pi L LS
comes torpid, if the
bowels are constipated, or if the stomach
fails to perform its functions properly, use
Ayer's Pills. They are invaluable.
• er
For some years I was a victim to Liver
Complaint, In consequence of which I
suffered from General Debility and Indi-
gestion. A few boxes et Ayer's Pills
restored me to perfect health. -W. T.
Brightney, Henderson, W. Va.
For years I nave relied more upon
Ayer's Pills than anything else, to
e an
ing ways give a fine affect, and do not
trip one up, and children cannot fall far
when they start from the top.
Communicating rooms are a great con-
venience in most is very
easy to shut off the communication when
it is riot needed; but those houses
where all the rooms are isolated and
open only into the halls, are about as in-
convenient as those in which some of the
rooms are, of necessity, thoroughfares.
If you intend to make a home out of a
house, give it plenty of storage room,
and real closets; not four -inch deep
places in which a man pant hang up a
high hat. If you intend to rent out
your house, put. the closets in all the
same; and if the woman of the house
has anything to say about which house
is to be • taken, the one with the meet
closets will get the vote, other things
being considered. -Mechanical News.
Household Hints.
Fried Potatoes. -Cut cold boiled pota-
toes into slices half an inch thick, hand-
ling carefully so as not to break. Fry
in pork drippings or butter till brown,
turning to brown both sides. Season,
with pepper and salt. They are very
nice served hot with no further dressing.
To make a gravy for them have ready a
pint of milk into which a teaspoonful of
flour has been smoothly mixed. Pour a
little water into the pan to cook off the
browned butter, add the milk and stir
till it begins to thicken, then pour over
the potatoes.
' -The Stratford Beacon of August
says: There is not a week passes
what some case which is the direct
come of a quarrel between neigh
comes before the Police Magistrate.
day there were two. One came all
eieray from Mitchell. In it Mrs
Fraser was accused by Walter. M. Mor-
rison of scalding his dog. The cur has
evidently prov0 itself a nuisance, and
well deserved punishment, but scalding
was a little too severe. Mrs. Fraser
was fined $1, and $9 costs. A •Short
time ago Mrs. Fraser had Mrs. ltiortison
before Magistrate Flagg, of Mitchell,
is case
ut the
ts own
r case
sed J.
my bows. These Pills are mild in action,
and do tt:er work thoroughly. I have used
them w:th good effect. tu. cases of Rheu-
m:la:1n, Kidney Trouble, and Dyspepsia.
G. F. 1iIler, Attleborough, Mass.
Pills cured Me of Stomach and
:ver troubles, froM Which 1 bad suffered
or years. 1 consid0 them the best pills
made, and would not be without them. -
Morris Gates, DownSville, N. Y.
Was attacked with Bilious Fever,
which was followed by Jaundice, and was
so dangerously ill that my frienm6s 6c-
spaired of mv recovery. -I comenced
taking Ayer's 'Pills and soon regair.ed my
customary strength and vigor. -John C.
Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska,.
Last spring I suffered greatly from a
troublesome humor on my side. In spite
of every effort to cure this eruption, it in-
creased until the flesh became entirely
raw. I was troubled, at the same time,
with Indigestion, and distressing pains in
The Bowels.
To -
Where the Old Maids Come In.
"Do you know, sir," inquired an
American tourist of his companion while
doing England., "and can you inform. me
the reason for the fresh, healthful ap-
pearance of the English people? Their
complexion is far superior to ours or
our countrymen over the herring pond."
"Well, I know what Professor' Huxley
says" "And what reason does he ad-
vance ?" "Well, Huxley, says it is all
owing to the old in4ds." "Owing to
old maids? You surprise me." 'Fact.
Huxley figures it out in this way. Now,
you know the English are very fOnd of
roast beef." "But what has that to do
with old maids ?" "Go slow. This
genuine English beef is the best and
most nutritious beef in the world, and it
imparts a beautiful complexion. The
excellence of this English beef is clue ex-
clusively to red clover. This red clover
is enriched, sweetened, and fructified by
bumble bees. The only enemy to the
humble -bee is the field mouse. "But
what have roast beef, red clover, humble -
bees and field -mice got to do with old
maids ?" "Why, you muet be very ob-
tuse. Don't you perceive that the hum-
ble bees would soon be exterminated ,by
the field -mice if it were not for the cats,
and the old maids of Old England keep
the country thoroughly stocked -up with
cats, and so we can directly trace the
effect of rosy English complexions to the
benign cause of English old. maids; at
least that's what Huxley says about it,
and that's just where the old maids come
in. Science makes clear many mysteri-
ous things." -Exchange.
Charlotte Russe. -Make a sponge
cake of three eggs, yolks and whites
beaten separately; one heaping cup of
sugar; one scant cup flour, in which one
teaspoonful of baking --powder and a
pinch of salt have been sifted.; quarter
of a cup of boiling water. Bake in a
large pan. Line the mould with this
cake. Fill with whipped cream, made
by whipping one pint of rich cream to a
frath, adding one cup of sugar and the
beaten whites of three eggs. Flavor
with vanilla. Or, fill with Bavarian
cream, made as follows: 'Whip on
pint of cream to a stiff froth. Boil a
pint of milk with EL teacupful of sugar,
and add a teaspoonful of vanilla. Soak
half a box of gelatine one hour in half a
cup of -warm water and add to the milk.
Add the beaten yolks of four eggs, and
take from the fire instantly. When
cold and just beginning to thicken, stir
in the whipped cream.
Hints on House Building.
for using abusive language. T
also grew out of a discussion ab
cur, the breed of which, even .
master does not know.' ' The oth
was a local one. N. Griffin acc
Jones of assualt. The dispute\ arose
about to, cow of Jones' eating the top
off some corn belonging to Griffin, which
grew over the fence. The magistrate
adjourned the case. It would be much
more sensible if these people would ad-
just their difficulties out of court, and
it is to be hoped they will remember
the magistrate's admonition.
By the advice of a friend I began taking
Ayer's Pills.. In a short time I was free
from pain, my food digested properly, the
sores on my body commenced healing,
and, in less than one month, I was cured.
-Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga.
I have long used Ayer's Pills, in my
family, and believe them to be the best
pills made. - S. 0. Darden, Darden, Miss.
My wife and little girl were taken with
Dysentery a few' days ago, and I at once
'-)egan giving' them small doses of Ayer's
Pills, thinking 1 would call a doctor if the
disease became any worse. In a short
time the bloody discharges stopped, all
pain went away, and health was restored.
-Theodore Esling, Richmond, 'Va.
B: B. B. Stood the Test.
I tried every 'known remedy I could think of
for rheumatism, without giving me any relief,
until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which reme-
dy I can highly recommend to all afflicted as I
was. . Henry Smith, Milverton, Ont.: 1007.
Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is -a s
reliable worm remedy for all. worms a
children or adults. 1007.52M.
An Undoubted Opinio
was severely troubled with cliarrh a and
having used. some of the wonderful Dr. Fowler's
Wild Strawberry, I was in a short time com-
pletely -cured. I can recommend it as a splendid
medicine. Wm. A. Stafford, Shedden, Oatari.o.
Low's ,Sulphur Soap should be found with
every toilet. It is cleansing and healing. 1007.
A Valuable Discover -y.
Fap. Tanner, of. Neebing. Ont.. says that he
has not only found B.B.B. a sure cure for dvepcn-
sia, but he has also found it to he the best medi-
cine for 'regulating and invigorating the system
that he has ever taken. B. I3 13. is the great
;system regulator. 1007.52.2w.
Always Required -A good cathartic medicine.
National Pills will not disappoint yon. 1007.
52m. •
Without Equal.
fe and
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,Lowell,Masa.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicine.
Useful Hihts. •
You can cover an old rocking chant- or
an easy chair that needs a new dress,
with brown canton flannel, puttiug a
stripe of pretty, gay cretonne down the
back and across the cushion. A narrow
band of black velvet, featherstitched
with gay silk, should cover the seam.
An excellent furniture polish is made
of ten cents worth df beeswax placed in
a tin cup and melted in a hot oven. In-
to this pour two ounces of turpentine,
and let it stand to cool. Apply it brisk-
ly to the furniture with a woolen rag,
and give it a finishing rub with an old
silk handerchief. This polish is almost
equal to a coat of varnish.
Often an enterprising woman wishes
to haw,t'a lace curtain or a, portiere, but
cannot find either pole or bracket at the
local cabinet shop. In such a case there
are great possibilities in a broomstick,
or an old rake handle.- Gilded with
gold paint, ebonizedor simply varnish-
ed, either may b3 made to answer the
purpose, and may .be ornamented by
nailing a pine cone or a bunch of acorns
on the ends. For brackets, harness
hooks can be bought ata hardware store
awl gildecl with the convenient paint.
Quite a neat little bookcase or cabin-
et, says one of our exchanges, can be
made by nailing two soapboxes together,
one on the top of the other, and making
a shelf in each box. Cover the box with
maroon paper or flannel, or sandpaper it
and then stain and varnish it, inside and
Inmost cases a house should be so
planned, built and placed, as to afford
facilities for enlargement, and without
making a thoroughfare of any old room
to get to the new part of the house.
For a country house a porch is desir-
able -almost essential, and big enough
for children to play on, and. to swing a
hammock in.
If you can't have a dry cellar, don't
have any, but build your house on the
ground level, on a concrete bed. Cellars
can be made dry by concreting floor and
wall, and by giving the floor an inclina-
tion toward. a drain at one corner.A
trough -shaped gutter may be run in the
con.erete when fresh, so as to make an
admirable water coursefor any water that
may get in by bursting water pipes, or
from floods.
The cellar should be as light as you
can make it. Dark cellars get damp and
dirty. Light ones are apt to be clean,
dry and sweet.
If you are oaring to have water pipes
throughout the house, see that you have
Best workmanship done in
Galvanized Iron
Tin Eavetroughing.
Wilson Montrose. of Vienne. Ont.. • having
' berry in
o 14
sed Dr. Fowler s Extract of i c ,.lea
his family ter summer complaints. say
not speak too highly of it, for ehildren <
aged people troubled with •diarrhoea
equal. 1007.52.2w.
Freeman's worm Powders are safe,
speedy to remove worms from children
Very V,aluable.
' 'geeing used B. B. B. for hilliousnees
pid liver, with the very best. results 1.
commend it to all thus troubled. The
is worth its tVeight in geld.", Tidic Wh
towaning, Ont. 1007.62.2m.
Have You Tried It
If so you can testify to its marvellous Powers
of healinr and reeommend it to yonr friends.
We refer to Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry, the grand specific for all suminer com-
plaints, diarrhcea, cholera mei-bus: dysentery.
cramps. coliesickness-of the sten-loch and bowel
comolaints of infants or adults. Let,its merits
be known to all who have not Used it. 1007.-
52.2w. )
:• Consumption Curecrl.
: T can -
swell as
it has no
ure and
r adults.
and tor-
ould re
te, 3fani-
Canker, and
An old physician,retited fur on practi e, having
had placed in his hind i• by an East
India mis-
sionary the formula° f a simple vegstaile remedy
for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump-
tion, Bronchitis, C atarrh, Asthma and all throat
and Lung affections, also a positive and radical
cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou scan•
plaints, after having tested its wonderful cura.
tie powess in thousands of cases, has felt it hif
duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.
Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve
I Price 95c and 500. Tin, ( ..10*.a .1
human suffering, I will send free of cha.rgo, to ' , - . - s
or English, with full directions for preparing 1026 52
all ‘vha desire it, this recipe, in German, French CO., 1 roprietors, Toronto, Ont.
and using. Sent by mail by addressing with
stamps namim this paper, W. A. s OYES, 149
Power'e Block Rochester N. Y. 96-25 eow
Advice to Mother
Are you distuibed and broken of yOur rest by
a sick child suffering and crying With pain of
cutting teeth? If so send at oncci and get a
bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup' for
children teething. Its value is incalpulable. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer innuediately. *
Depnod upon it, mother; there is no mistake
about it. It cures dysentery and diarihma, regu-
lates the stomach and bowels, cure S wind colic,
softens the gums, reduces* inflarrunation, and
rives tone and energy to he_ whble system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup
teething is pleasant to the taste a
seription of one of the oldest an
hysicians and nurses in the United
Metal Roofin.g
And all kinds of work in Tin, Sheet
Iron or Copper.
Dairy Utensils
I do not believe that
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has
an equal as a remedy
for . Scrofulous Hu -
'hors. • It in pleasant
to take, gives strength
and vigor to the body,
and- produces a more
permanent, lasting, re-
sult than any medicine
I ever used. -E.
Haines, No. Lin dale, O.
I haVe used Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, in my fam-
ily, for Scrofula, and
know, if it is taken
faithf u113,, it will
thoroughly Rradicate
this terrible (la -ease. -
W. F. Fowler, M. Da
Greenville, Tenn.
Can be
cured by
the blood
The undersigned haviog purchased the Kippen
Mills, is prepared to •
Cherry Creamery Can,
Having secured the services of a first-class
Millev, will endeavor give the best of satisfac-
tion to customers.
And best Self -Skimmer in the market.
Stoves have advanced in price; our old
stock will be sold at old prices.
Iron Cisterns & Well Pumps
W. N.
Genera In
urance Agent
ND -
Dealer in Se mg Machines.
All kinds of prop rty insured at lowest rates
in first-class reliable c:aiapanies, and losses set-
tled promptly.
Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in
the Gore and Waterloo, from 75c to $1 (cash
plan) for three years. Mills and factories in -
London, Huron and Bruce,
London, depart
For forty years 1
have suffered with Ery-
sipelas. I have tried
all sorts of remedies
for my complaint, but
found no relief until I
co mm en c ed using
ver's Sarsaparilla.
After taking ten bot..
ties of this medicine
am Completely cured,
-Mary 0. Amesbury,
Rockport, Me
I have suffered, for
years, from Catarrh,
which• was so severe
that it destroyed my
appetite.and weakened
my system. After try-
ing other remedies,
and getting no relief, I
began to take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and, in a
few months was cured. ,
-Susan L. Cook, 909
Albany st., Boston
Highlands, Mass.
Ayer's Sal*Ss pa rifle
is superior to any blood
purifier that I have
ever tried. I have
tak,en it for Scrofula.
Canker, and Sa t -
Rheum, and received
1,1111(.11 benefit from it.
It is good, also, for a
weak st °mach.- Mi 11 le
Jane Peirce, South
Bradford, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla;
Prepared by Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co.,LOwell,Maes
Price fg1 ; six bottles, 85.
• .
Of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood
Cures Headache, Constipation, Female Com-
plaints, and builds up the system:. Read the
following : "For years past 1 have suffered
from dyspepsia, and I Was recommended to try
Dr: Hodder's Compound I did so, and found it
a perfect cure." E. J. CUKTIS, Toronto, Ont.
Sold everywhere. Price, 75c. Dr. Hodder's
Count and Lung Cure never fails. Guaranteed.
Li ver Complaints
Biliousness, Im-
pure Blood, Dys-
pepsia, Kidney
Complaint, Skin
9.35 6.45
Henson.. 9.46 6.
Kippen. 9.61 6.
Brucefield 9.5 6.15
Clinton. 10.1 6.35
Londesboro 10.37 6.66
Blyth.... ...... • • 10.46 7.06
Belgravc 10.00 7.20
Wingham arrive 11.20 7.40
Goixo Sours- Passenger.
Wingham, depart 7.00A.m. 3.05P14.
Belgrave 7.17 3.28
Blyth 7.31 • 3.42
Londesboro 7.40 3.61
Clinton 8.00 4.10
Brucefield .. , 8.19 4.29
Kippen 8.27 4.37
Hensall 8.33 4.43
Exeter. 8.47 4.67
London, arrive 10.10 9.00
sured in these comp
cent. on stock comp
Sole dealer in th
ing). Prices ranging
chines warranted fo
work. Needles, oil
chines repaired.
flies at a saving of 20 per
S (family and ma.nufactur-
from $25 to $75. - All ma -
five years on every kind of
and repairs for sale. Ma-
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
GOING NORTH-. Pam enger. Mixed.
Ethel l 2.36 P. M. 9.20 P.M. 8.40 A.M.
Brussels 2.60 9.35 9.30
Bluevale 3.06 9.60 10.00
Winghara.. .. 3.20 10.02 11.26
GOING SOUTH- Passenger. Mixed.
Wingham.... 7.25 P.M. 11.10 A. M. 6.39 A.M.
Bluevale .. .. 7.60 11.25 6.48
Brussels 8.46 11.16 7.02
Ethel.... .. .... 9 20 12.00 7.14
Train leaving Winghsan at 8.10 p m. for Kincar-
dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
or children
d is the pre -
best female
States, and
is for sale by all druggists througho t the world.
•Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and
ask lot "Mas. Wty
txsaow's Se -fax° Sytter," and
take no other kind.966.1v.
Farmers' Attention.
Grand Trunk Railway,
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
Mixed ..... .... .. .. 1:A8 P. M. 2.20 P. M.
Passenger... .. .. .. 9.02 P. M. 9.20 P. Id.
Mixed Train.. .... .. 9 16 A. ,.. 10.18A.M.
Passenger. .. .. .. .. 7.48 A. la 7.30 A. Id.
Mixed .. .. .. .. ..... 1.48 r. m. 1.16 P. M.
Mixed Train.. .. .... 5.05 P M. 4.15 r. E.
Moers, Reapers, Binders.
T. Mellis, agent, for and :repairer of
Mowers, Reapers and Biaders, guarantees all his
work. Now is the time to bring along your Ma-
chines that need repairing. I ha \ e also on hand
repairs for several lines of Machines. A full
stock of Plows, Plow Castiegs and Root Seufflers
always on hand.
Kippen P. 0.
10194. f.
For Wall Papers
Decorations,Window Shades
Children's Garriages,
C. W. Papst's
had in
largest assortment to choose
and the cheapest prices to be
the county.
Few g Wire.
JnoS. aa'Yrj
Jno,I pue on , 62ufoua3
auJoTmlz na
TXTH. HASTINGS,Solicitor,ete. effice-Cady's
V V . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth. 974.
SEAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.-
Office, oppiasIte the Colborne Hotel. 976
11111 C. HAYS, So)icitor, &c. Private Money to
_no lend at lowest rates of interest. Office --
Corner of Square and West Street, Goderieh. 774
j' M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office--
.. Rooms One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor eext door to Beams butcher
shop. Agents-Cemsssest, HOLT &CAMERON. 870
ri ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid -
Ur tors, &e., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GAR•OW,
Wm. PaounIroow. 666
efAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
SolicitorS in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont.
TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron
_ Holt & Cameron Goderieh, Barrister, Se:
licitor, Conveyancer, ke. Money to loan. Ben-
son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786
ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, SolicitSrs,
..1V1_ Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan.
Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
MANNDIG, JAstss Scorr. • 781
Binding Twine.
H10 _L-?, H _
J. G. MELLICK, Zurick,_
hag on hand at all times a large stock of Af3RI
C t"LTVRAL IMPLEMENTS. Ile has also for sale sea:-
eral Ilessvv HORSES, 5 and 6 years old, and a few
good Vorso Ditivaits. • All of which will he sold
cheap and on easy terms. All horses waranted
as represented.
J. G. MELLICK, Zu1r026ic-4h.
HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm Of
. McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money totem:I.
Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main
Street, Seaforth-
NIONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per
• cent., with the privilege to borrower
.31 repaying part of the principal money at any
time. Apply to F. 110LMESTED, Barrister
Seaforth, •850
GL. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, mem-
. ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suo-
cessor to D. Watson. B. B. MORRIS, as-
sistant operator. All operations carefully
performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether'
gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth.
Plates inserted at prices agreed npon with Mr.
Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea -
forth. Priees as low as good work can be done
for. Residence same as that occupied by Mr.
Watson. • 980
T D. S., M. R. C. and b. S., of
Jj Ontario. Latest improve-
ments in every line. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Office, -In Cady'
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence, -The Poplars, John 8treet. 941
Arouse the liver when torpid with National
Pills, a good anti -bilious cathartic, sugar-coated.
tists, of Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit Blyth the
last Thursday, and following Fri-
day of each month, at llilne's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at
Peine' S Hotel, and Bengali the following Thurs-
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he
will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex-
tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re-
moves ncarly all pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please call early in the morning of the
first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984
As made by the cele-
brated Dr. Chase, for
all diseases arising
from a torpid and in-
active Liver, such as
Dyspepsy, Indigestion,
Billiousnc-ss, Jaundice,
Pain in the Back,
a.a.s,asT1 KINSMAN, Dentist, L. P.
. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at
,r'rlsii--ssa„-^•,., Zurich, at the Hurcm Hotel, on the
Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All
work first-class at liberal rates. 971
• ------------ --
-rft4A. Martin, L. D. S., Honor graduate of the
,, Royal College of Dental surgeons, Tor-
onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable
dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office
Garfield Block, BR U S SELL 10064.1.
Headache, Sour Stomach, &c. From one to
three bottles is guaranteed to cure the very
worst ease of Liver Comp aint. One dese cures
sick Headache, ; one to tis o doses stimulates and
iAnvigijor4.litesEEthewhole system.
Book is given away with
every bottle of Chase's Liver
Cure. It contains over 300 choice receipts. The
ladies' departinent is devoted to the secret of
embellishing the complexion, giving receipts
for making Magnolia Balm, Cream of Beauty,
Golden Hair Dye, Eye Bright, &c. No lady or
gentleman shOulel be without the BOOK_•
Sold by all dealers at one dollar.
1. V. FEAR,
TM. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of
31eGill 1Cniversity, Physician, Surgeon
ad Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re-
sidence -North side Goderich street, firet brick
house east of the Methodist church. 961
DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen-
tiates Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brueefield, Ont. 980
DRs. 3IACKIDD & EVANS, Office, Meyer's
Block, Main Street, Sealorth. Residence,
John street. Calls at night at either the Office
or Residence. 894
T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeoia,
. and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and
residence South eide of Goderich street, Second
Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842
T") W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D, C. M., Member
Jaa of the College of Physicians and Siargeons,
&c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence
same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848
ST _ TT-Dom.A.s
* Monument Co.
The Only Bronze Foundry in
the Dominion.
of Horses, .Cattle, • Sheep, or any dernesti-
eated animals suecessfully treated on -the short-
est notice. A large ,tock of Veterinary medi-
cines on hand. Clutages taoderate. V, ALTER
SIIILLINGLAW; Staffa. 1010 .
Jarvis and GothrichStreets, next door to the
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dis-
eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep or any df the do-
mesticated animals, successfully treated at the
Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shorteet notice.
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter-
inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin
ary Medicines kept constantly on hand
• _
Our material is endorsed by leading scientist ,
as being pra.cticalls- hrperishable. It co [mot
absorb moisture, and consequently is nota*.feet-
ed by the frtst.
Send for Designs and Terms to
W. M. GIFF'IN, Clinton.
T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the
j. County of Huron. Sales attended in al
parts of the County. All orders left at Tns
ExPosiTos. Office will be promptly attended to.
The -undersigned is now prepared to receive
orders for any number Of firet-class
Apple Barrels and Butter
Also any. other work in his line. Apply at the
works, old Baptist Chureh, Seal rth.
Dealers and Paekersakin large numbers
will hi!: very reasenably dealt rth.
Catairh-a Ne Treatment.
Perhaps the most ex ordinary StleteSS that
has been achieved in my . srn medicine hats been
attained by the Dixot Treatment for Catarrh.
Out of 2,000 patents t eated during the past six
mantilla, fully nmety er cent, have been cured
gal sling when it a emembered that no five per
of this stubbern mal dy. This is none the less
retular 1 • ate ( ,r are benefitted, while the
Ic::::::1 ::ac,e.,. la • ezenting themeelve.s to the
and other advertised cures
.1 • e at all. Starting with the
elTz.-.iver i ' -
disea_se ie doe to the. presence
believed bss the most ecien-
tifs. ne . •
•as in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at
oefr)elVal;-73,1:te .-i core' to their extermination-
ehis aaennip tsia,.:, he claims the Catarrh is prae-
ti cal i: - et.:d.t4tdheb:vperhiinmanfeonuery i2s.euirrir ago are a',
1' one else has ever attemptesd to
cure Ca re a: this manner, and no other treat
ment h ever cured Cata.rrh. The application
linforfavorable for a speedy and permanent cure,
of the
einedthY isrestsheinTtlesea.' saorn'dofeanthehey
the a : jority of eases being cured at one treat -
m nt. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs.
treatise on Cata.rria-llontteal Star, Novembe
oronto, Canada, and enclose etamp for thei
. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King Str• eet, West,
17, 1869!