The Huron Expositor, 1887-08-05, Page 7t less than, rtrogg ; . C, call at Si' EIts L ORIS, erg QOSty 1 Watch for tel* for * an& 4 atch for $15 !1:1 for 43 and 'ate. U.Sasett e, and up. e size, 'Or 50e; Spectacles for roportion. :rated. ,Pt repairs, aid rtes;. Buy or 1unting or a Geniis A.merian for t face, with for $fid and iducecl prices: IIILKS, KT rt hands. ige=. f[llkb, FORTH. MifIS. .1, SON/ nes *Its,. who rattly ; known to TurnherrY, blue 'th, and. are pia` ds, Full 010t. isrra&, ere ;nit the Fublica intend to' only durable'aI1 ma€hinerY an$ t=- sustain the ears for d fig: t loo in es' ttarestee wrist ane: 'prices. sag. LCc, *=1 is °FI r the world', Lr4 8g. le -ides- SANIARC Ey ,_ter, Out. AIMUST 5, 1887. jIion and Rascality. sol JONES SAID ABOUT IT AT wESLEY PARK. Oh Thursday afternoon of last week sant Jones addressed an assemblage at Wesley Park, Niagara, and it was a very Targe pIIe. that reeted the After the singing ofeCa um - centric prcacher ter of Methodist hymns he at once and informally began to speak, and the fol- eawing are excerpts from his speech :-I wist I could impress this fact upon you -_that religion is a personal matter, salvation is a personal matter, damna- tion is a personal matter, Nobody can repent for you. Nobody will die for you. Nobody will appear at the judgment seat'for you. God will judge you as personally as if you were the only man that ever lived in Canada -as if you were the only human being that ever liv- ed in this world. Salvation is not a shoat, or a song, or getting happy, or - ieining the church, or being baptised, or leading good books, or keeping good company. Salvation is not simply being able to get up and relate a good experi- ence. . Salvation is not praying in your families, or reading in your Bibles, or attending Sabbath. school. Salvation is not a sad countenance, a dejected look ! I say cant confuses people. I have said frequently I would rather associate with a hog than with a man that drinks' whisky. You can associate with &-hog until you, become hoggish, but YOU will never become a drunkard by associating with hogs. I have found 'out this much -that there is a. great deal of difference between profesaing religion and possessing reli- gion. The only sort of religion I believe in at all is that hundred cents in the dollar sort. It is that sort of religion that makesa man tell the truth every time his mouth flies open ; that makes him a good husband, a good father,a good member of the church, a good citi- zen in the community where he lives. We have talked enough about a heaven 'hereafter. Let us pitch in and have a little of it down here before we go up yonder. No man ever went to heaven thatdidn't have a little heaven to go to heaven in. There is too much singing "Wa-a-a-y Over Yonder in -the Promised Land," and "Sweet By -and -bye." I want to hear people singing "Sweet Now -and now." I want to have hearen right down here in America and Canada to -day. If I never get to heaven in the next world,' want to be the most decent gentleman that ever went to hell. This old idea that God offers a prem- ium on rascality by making. it easier for a sinner than a decent man to go to heaven -it is not true. There is a good deal of preaching on the doctrinal feat- ures of Christanity. There is a Metho- dist ringing the changes on infant bap- tism, and all the little babes in the town -fast asleep, and all the grown-up people going to hell. What do you think of that sort of preaching ? Here is a Pres- byterian ringing the changes of the final perseverance of the saints -and there isn't anyone in his crowd that has any- -thing to persevere on. Here is an Epis- copalian preaching Apostolic succession -telling the people where they came from,when he had better -be telling then where they . are going to. A Baptist is crying "water," and half of his crowd are going where they can't get a drop to .cool their parched throats. We don't need a gospel of doctrines and creeds, but we do need a gospel of backbone that says "Wrong is wrong ; quit it. Right is right ; you had better do it." H F 'RON;.EXPOSITOR. short of the estimates made two months ago. In the early part of : the season rain fell copiously and cereals hada good • start, but of late the drought has done much damage, especially in the arid region lying west of Broadview. No frosts have been reported, and there has been little loss by hail. So far as we can learn there is no sign of the Hessian fly in any part of the Dominion, but in this province rust has appeared in seve- ral counties • where heavy showers fell lately.-Totonto Mail. Don't Despise Onions. A mother writes :-Once a week in- variably, and it was generally when we had cold meat minced, I gave the chil- dren a dinner, which was hailed with delight aired looked forward to; this was a dish of boiled onions. The little things knew not that they were taking the best of medicines for repelling what most children suffer from -worms. Mine were kept free by this remedy alone. Not only boiled onions for dinner, but chives also were they encouraged to eat with their bread and butter,. andfor this purpose they had tufts of the chives in their little gardens. It was a medical man who taught me to eat boiled onions as a specific for a cold: in the chest. He did not know at the time till I told him that they were good for anything else. The above appeared in the Lancaster New Era, and having fallen under the eye of an experienced physician of that county he writes as follows : The above ought to be published in letters 'of gold and hung up •beside the table so that the children could read it and remind their parents that no family ought to be without onions the whole year round. Plant old onions in the fall, and they will come up at least three weeks earlier in the spring than by, spring planting. Give children of all ages a few of them raw, as soon as they are fit to be eaten; do not miss treating them with a mess of raw onions three or four times a week. When they get too large or too strong to be eaten raw then boil or roast them. Duriug unhealthy sea- sons when diphtheriaandlike contagious diseases prevail onions ought to be eaten in the spring of the year at least once a week. Onions are invigorating and prophylactic beyond description. Furth- er, I challenge the medical fraternity, or any mother, to point out a- place where children have died from diphtheria or scartlatina enginosa, etc., where onions were freely used. hands grain "Roma of egg, say it times. does n Religion is harmony. It is setting the ten commandments to music in the soul and setting every Christian duty to music in the soul. So that when God -commands and all the chords of your being vibrate in -response to the com- mand and make music that would charm the angels to hear, that is sal- vation.. DODGERS, SIIIRKs AND SI aRKs. See the old dodgers and shirks and sharks in the church. Frere is one old shark gobbling up real estate. He has his eye on a parcel of land belonging to a widow. He gets a mortgage on it. Then he forecloses the mortgage and- gets the land in his own name, and on Sunday morning he goes: to church and sings, "Hallelujah 'tis _done -I've got it. at last." I tell you when a fellow gets up and quits his meanness, if he ain't got reli- gion, what's the matter with him ? . Is it something he eats ? Some preachers will pat a poor old sinner on the back -and say, "Agonize,, agonize. There is bat one thing for a sinner to do,and that is to surrender,and then it is God's busi- ness to do the rest. The address was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience, and laughter and applause frequently greeted the speaker as he put truth in his own naive manner. Prof. Excell led the singing, and` the whole affair was pleasant, entertaining .and profitable. t night is white of egg with • a alum dissolved in it. The toilet paste" is merely white barley flour and honey. They as used by the Romans in olden It is a first rate thing, but it t do the work any better than oatmea The roughest and harries hands cin be made soft and white in a time by doctoring therm a little ime ; and all the tools you need it brush, a bottle of ammonia, a powered borax -and a little fine, nd to rub the stains off, or a cut , which will do even better for of the lemon will clean any - month' at bed- are a n box of white s of lemo the aci thing. The still th Less heathe Abet_ in Chic day. Fait be the prime cotton It is that atrirnony is to be reeommende becaus nine -tenths of the men applying for rel of at the London workhouse are unmar led. The simple sure cure for an offensive kitche wastepipe is concentrated lye poure in boiling hot, which will snake oap in a twinkling all along the grecs line. - In ass'achusetts fifty years ago two- fifths f the public schoolteacher§ were men, pd now only one-tenth are men- showi g, of course, conclusively by figure how the world runs to women, especi lly school . teachers. -New York Mail. Facts and; Figures. �ibliotheque Nationale in Paris is largest library in the world. than 200,000 of the 125,000,000 -women in India can read. t25,000clerks andother employes ago are obliged to work on Sun- t in things unseen has ceased to great trial for mind of man. The ;est comes with things seen -like seed -lard butter. • fancied by one class of people The Value of' an Eyelash. A Washington financier, who is well acquainted with Colonel Lew Washing- ton, the teller of Lewis Johnson & Co.'s bank, said that it was at the close of business hours, and Colonel Washington was poring and perspiring over a long column of figures on the balance sheet. The sum total of the column should have read $G.090. Instead of that amount, however, it showed a total of $6,990, or $900 more than he could account for. The vexatious mistake caused the Colonel to scratch his head vigorously and won- der where the excess was in the column of agonizing, figures. While going care- fully over the column for the twentieth time he discovered the error, and it was one that would hardly occur once in a thousand years. One of the Colonel's eyelashes had fallen on the balance sheet and adhered to the first 0 in the line of figures $1,000, making a perfect figure 9 of the nought, and increasing the whole amount to $6,990 instead of $6,090. In going down the column the twentieth time he brushed the eyelash away with his forefinger. Hereafter, Colonel Wash- ington says, he will go over his balance sheets with a street scraper before_ he begins to add the columns. , An cal G at a vj in so 1 •:bruisl an en thrus lion's that hitt But vi lion Biome up to the dog with a •seeming look f compassion, and begin to lick his wounds. He then relented a little, and ht he would like his dog -again. So anging his voice, called the bleed -- The Crops. BOOTS AND SHOES. Fresh ArrisSpringl of New Goods. As all in Y stock of BvoC 1 Shoes is fresh from the manufacturers, you may I ignore blowing ; youwill find me truthful. expect good value for your money. Ives. ive me a call and judge for yours*. ustom Work Warranted. Zlepairing Promptly Attended to ER Mair' Street, Seaforth. Qhich Was the Brute'? English sportsman in the Zoologi- rdens of the Queen became enraged aluable hound that had failed him e performance, and beat it and d it most unmercifully. To make I of the punishment he seized and the . dog through the bars of a cage. He expected, of course, he beast would at once spring upon id crush him as a thing of prey. hat was his chagrin as he saw the thoug he, c ing animal by name to come out. But he did oat come. He whistled for him very familiarly, he coaxed -very affectionately. Already he,. had laid down beside • the lion, and seemed quite content with his new, sympathizing friend. Still he called, then he commanded, then h Vire•w ous t him. tened, then he stormed in impetu ne. ,The dog paid no attention t Just then the keeper came near "Mr Keeper, to punish my dog for (its plea,qing me I put him into this eage,an I cannot get him out. Will you pleas help me ? He is a very valuable dog and put did, out. A desire to take him away." " Yot olly Shower -Bath on th Lawn. A novel bath was witnessed in Lc Ane ls yesterday. A father had st tion d his whole family of children 0 the Iront lawn in order, from the shor est a the tallest, each of the .youngste led in.a big towel, and when all w y the hose was turned on, while tl igsters danced with delight. Aft en minutes' brisk application the he driven to the rear of the hous wh re they wete dried and redresse "Y s," said the. paterfamilias, "tha the way do it, and you see it Saves inuilense amount of. scrubbing." -'-L Angeles, C.Lh(ornia, Tribune. Etiquette or Baby? Madame Rudersdorf, the famous sing- er, who died lately, was once visiting the Crown Princess of Prussia, when the fol- lowing incident occurred : They breakfasted together informally, and afterward , Madame sang several songs of Hendel, the Princess' favorite composer, her royal hostesa playing her The Princess proposed, a yisit to the nursery. As Madame was sitting on the floor, with one child playing with the charms on her wate.h-chain, another hangingoner her shoulder, and- the baby in her arms, the doer opened and the Crown Prince walkedinto the midst of the frolic. The Princess arose and introduced her visitor. Madame looked upeancl, with her ready. tact arid wit, said : "Yoar Royal Highness, Lmnst either disregard court etiquette or drop the The Prince bowed courteously and said with a smile : "De what yeti like with etiquette, but - regard the baby." The crop reports are by no means so favorable as they were in the early part of the season. The long -continued drought has done a great deal of damage, and the yield of cereals in this province will be below the average. Barley has done well. The fall Wheat suffered from ia Many districts, and. the drought has affected both fall and spring wheat so seriously that the crop on the whole will be a light one. The counties bordering on the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron have had the benefit of a greater radnfall than the rest of the province, and crops of all kinds are therefore M a better condition there. The same may be said of Victoria. and Peterborough. The drought has been most severe in the Lake Erie counties and in the Eastern part of the province. Hay was a good crop and was well saved; peashave failed, and the root crops will be meagre. On the whole farmers in this province are likely to have a lean year. With the low prices current, they will do well if they escape loss on the season's opera- tions ; very few of them indeed Will make money. • In. Lower Canada the bay crop in the Eastern Townships was a poor one owing to the drought. Peas are ripening pre- maturely, and the yield will be small, while as in Ontario the root crops are in danger from the drought, and the pest3 which exceeding dryness breeds. Oats have turned out well, especially in the lower counties in Quebec. .1n the Mari- time Provinces there was a good crop of hay, but the other crops are below the average. A correspondent in the Anna- polis valley says the drought has dried up creeks and ponds which never failed before in the memory of man. In Man- itoba and the Northweat there will be a good yield of wheat, although the re- turns from the thresher will fall far Mr. W. is quite an elderly, wealthy gentlemen, having for his second wife a lady many years his junior, and mu:eh petted. Any expressed wish of here he has at once gratified, if money could be the medium., One evening she remarked in her eharrni•ng way, "I sada to -day, at -store, a lovely camel's hair Shawl that I want ever so much. Would you bring home to -morrow a check ? It is only $1,500." "Yes, dear," he replied, "I will bring the monv ;" and the next evening, with the assistance of his pbr- ter, he did bring home and placed on the parlor table fifteen hundred dollars. At the sight of this pile of metal, weigh- ing nearly a hundred pounds, the wife exclaimed, "What.are you going to de with all that money ?" -• Why love it's the money you wanted for the new shawl." "Good gracious ! Does 1 it take all that to make $1,500 WO' had no idea it meant so much. I 'will do without the shawl, and will p t /all in the savings bank, if yOu wil let me ?" and she did so, and has Since added several sums to the deposit. Mr. uinan sufferina, I will send free of char,o, to \V, affirms on his honor that since that allevhO desire itt, this recipe, in ocrinan, lench event she has not asked for quarter part I loatridEuntvliith, iisith fall directions for prei aring ent by- mail by addreseinn with so ranch money as before the incident. stamp, n7einin. this 'paper., W. A. NOYES, 149 clot retie you fift wa For Toilet Use. Ea is ietr0 Ugh tag, Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft 1 ind pliant, imparts to it the. lustre .and reshness of youth, causes it to. grow uxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff,. cures 1 all scalp diseases, and is the most cleanly . • of all hair preparations. Best workmansh.in done in AYER'S Hair Vigor has giyen me perfect satisfaction. I was I time-Insed many hair preparations, but I Galvanized Iron nearly bald for six years, during which without -success. Indeed, what little hair I had, was growing thinner, until bottles of the Vigor, and my head is now ; well. covered with a new growth of hair. 1 -Judson B. Chapel, Peabody,.Mass. HAIIRthat has become weak, gray, and faded, may,have new life Tin Eavetroughing• and color restored. to it by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. **My hair was thin, I faded, and' dry, and fell out. in large quantities.' Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the falling, and restored my hair to its original color, As a dressing for theMetal Roofing - hair, this preparation. has no equal. - Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. youth, and beauty, in the appearance of the hair, may be preservedfor an indefinite period. by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. "A dis- ease of the scalp caused my hair to be- come harsh and dry,. and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do any good. until I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored. my hair to a healthy condition,. and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it is also 'free from dandruff. E. It. Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. VIGOR Ayee's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. PERFECT SAFETY, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list of popular -remedies for Sick and. Nerv- bus Headaches, Constipation, and alLail- ments originating in adisordered Liver. have been a great sufferer from Headache, and A2ler's Cathartic Pills are the only medicine that has' ever given ine relief. One dose of'these will quickly move Thy bowels, and free my head from pain. - William L. Page, Richmond Va. An Open Letter. November 25th, 1886 I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner, whieh wo Id have saved me years of suffering with e y.-; sip las, from which I coul get no relief unt'' I tri B. B. B., which soon cleared away the it .h- ing- burning rash that had so long distressed i le Mr.'. Edward Romkey, Eastern Passage, lialif x, lways Required -A good cathartic medic'. Na ional Pills will_ not disappoint you. .1, 52i a Prompt Results. phj-siCians did me no good. I tried other m di- einhs but all was no use until I tried Dr. F w - i. ler s Wild Strawberry. The next day I was ike a ifferent man. - Geo. II. Peacock, of Stro d. it reeamn's Worm Powders are safe, sure .spdedy to remove _worms from children or adi nd Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dealers in Medicine. . Praiseworthy.. ieast summer I was entirely -laid up with .1 ver coMplaint, a friend . advised me to use Burdock B1Pod Bitters, I did so, and four bottles c red nie. I cannot praiae this remedy too me ch. John _H. Rivers, Orr Lake, Ont. 1007.52.2w. ow's Sulphur Soap should be found Inith ev ry tenet.. It is cleansing- and healing. 1 07. 52 Broken Down. After suffering with dysppsia, kidney disc. atsiees, :An Old. Favorite.. An old favorite. that • has been popular with the people for nearly 30 years, is Dr. Foe ler's gatract of Wild Strawberry for all varieth s of s kimner complaints of children and adults It seldom. or never fails to cure cholera mo bus diarenea and dyseptery. 1007.52.2w. loss of appetite and pain in the head unti couraged, I heard of B. II:Be took two bo ConsumptiorJ Cured. An old physician,retieed from practice, h ad placed in his han d by an East India Sore Eyes And all kinds of work in Tin, Sheet Irdn or Copper. Dairy Utensils The eyes are always in sympathy with the body, and afford an excellent index of its condition. When the eyes become weak, and the lids inflamed and sore, it Is an evidence that the system has become disordered by Scrofula.; for which Ayer's OJ HNSON Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. A SPECIALTY. -MANUFACTURERS OF THE KIPPEN MILLS. The undersigned having purchased the Kippen *ins, is prepared to MAKE A SPECIALTY _Having seeured the aervices of a first-class Miller, will endeavor to give the best of satisfac- tion to customers. Cherry Creamery Gan, Keippen Ont. Genera Insurance Agent -AND-- Dealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of property insured at lowest rates in first-class reliable companies, and losses set- tled promptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterloo, from 76c to $1 (cash plan) for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saying of 20 per cent. on stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from 825- to $75. All Ma- chines warranted for flve years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma- chines repaired. And best Self -Skimmer in the market. Stoves have advanced in price ; our old stock will be sold at old prices. Iron Cisterns & Well Pumps ving mis- edy or the speedy and permanent cure of Cons imp - tion, Bronchitis, C atarrh, Asthma and all t 'Ind Lung affee-tions, also 11 positive and r -erre for Nervoeits Debility and all Nervou rlaints, after having tested its wonderful tive powers in thOusands of cases; has felt oluty to make it known to his suffering fe -actua.ted by this motive and a desire to r Scrofula, wbieh produced a painful in flammatioti in my eyes, caused me much sufferinw for a number of years. By the adYice ohf it physician 1 commenced taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this lqy-eves are now in a splendid -Condition, and 1 am as well and strong as ever. - Mrs. W illiam Gage, Conrord, N. II. For a number of years I Was troubled wit h a humor in my eyes. and was unable te obtain any relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has efl'ectiel a complete cure.. and I believe it 10 be the best of blood purifiers. - From childhood, and until within a few months, I have been ;dinette' with Weak and Sore Eyes. have used for' these complaints, with. beneficial Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and consider it n great blow) purifier.- Mrs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma- tion in my left eye. Three tacers formed on the ball, depriving me of sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to no intrpose, I was finally inclueed to ,use Ayer':, Sarsaparilla, and, By Takin.g roat dical ura dieve The aboVe is not a fancy sketch. It all really happened. PoWer's Block Rochester h. Y. 9.3--, Advice to Motherz. i Are you distm bed and broken of your r Flow to have White Hands. a sick child suffering- and crying with l ain Of A little arninonia or.borax in the •wat- cutting teeth ? If so send at once and get a er you .wash_your hands with, and that children teething. Its %ethic is incalculab P. It bottle of " Mrs. Winslo-,v's Soothing Syrup " for water just lukewaren, will keep the skin relieve the poor little sufferer Mimed ately. menu - c cal ni cd, clean and soft. A little oatmeal mixed Depene upon , . , • with the water will whiten the hands. ahout it. It mires d \--winery and dianheba Yates the stomach ind bov-vele, curea win 3 people use glycerine on ' their softens the gums., reduces inflammatioi hands when they gO to bed, wearing gives tone and energy to he whole sestem. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, 'Syrup" for el iildren. three bottles of this medicine, bae been entirely cured. sight has been re- stored, and there is no sign of inflamma- tion, sore, or ulcer in mv eye.- Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. My daughter, ten yenrs old, was nfflieted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During the last two years she never StIW light of any kind. Physician of the highest standing exerted their skill, but With no permanent success. On the recommendation of a saparilla, which my daughter commenced takieg. Before sfie had u,ed the third bottle her sight w:v4 re, -t ()red. NMI (art 110W 1001i StCadlly at a 11:1111:111I 11;.::11; \\ lit: - out pain. lier cure is 001nnlete. F',„ Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ey. their gloves to keep the bedding clean ; but glycerine does not agree with very one. It makes some skin harsh and red. These . people should rub - their hands with dry oatmeal and wear gloves in bed. A good preparation' for the teething is pleasant to the taste and is t scription of one of the oldest and hest physicians and nurses in the United Stat is for sale by all druggists throughout the Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be s ask fot '` Mate WiNseow's SOOTHING SYRU take no other kind.966.1y. - e pre - female s, and world. re and Ayer's Sarsaparilla, BROS., MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. London, Huron and Bruce, GOING NORTH- Passenger. Londen, depart Exeter Brucefield Londeshoro Wingham arrive oiso Scum - Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & LoWell. Mass. field by -all Druggists. l'rice $1; bix. bottles, $5. 9.35 6.45 9.46 6. 9.5 6.15 11.00 7.20 11.20 7.40 Blyth 7.31 3.42 Londesboro .7.40 3.51 Clinton 8.00 4.10 Brucefield • 8.19 4.29 Hensall . 8.33 4.43 Exeter. 8.47 4.57 London, arrive 10.10 6.00 MAIN STREET, SsEAFORTH. Fencing Wire. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gouge NORTH-. Pagenger. Mixed. Brussele 2.59 9.36 9.30 Bluevale., 3.05 9.60 10.00 Gon40 SOUTH- Passenger. Mixed. Brussels 8.45 11.45 7.02 Train leaving Wingham at 8.10p m. for Kincar- dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as GOING WEST- SEAFORTII. CLINTON. GOING EAST - Arouse the liver when torpid with National I'ills a good anti -bilious cathartic, sugar-coated. TO THE GREAT LIVER PENIFIN, BELL 1- ORGAlt Unapproached for Tone and 9uality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL CO., Gllelph; ollt, Keep Your House Guarded. Keep your house- gmerded aneinst sudden at- tacks of colic, cramps, dix•rrinta. dysentery and cholera iufantum. They are Bable tv come when least expected. The safest, heat, and most reli- able remedy is Dr. Fowler's Eatract of Wild Strawberry. 1007.52.2w. 13' CHASE'S' MANDRAKE DANDELION LIVER 1.CURE brated Dr. C.:hase, for all diseases arishig from a torpid and in- anth e Liver, such- as Dyspepsy, Indigestion,. Billinusnesa Jaundice, Pain in t'he Back, 1-4 Ro 0 CD CD ct- CD td 44, CD CD 0 CD CD CD CD CD CD CIP o IDJ CD o,A&1 `2UYOLIad aim saapJo anoA aoeYri 0 0 0 CD CIO y . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea. forth. 974 EAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.- 0 Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976 1") C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Private Money to _Jae lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office -- Rooms One Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground floor 'next door to Beams butcher shop. Agents-CAMBRON, HOLT &CAMERON. 870 WM. PROUDFOOT. 686 riAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. 606 TCA)10BFIR°N1J.S E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, 1J Holt & Cameron, Goderich. Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- SOn's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 TANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Sacitors, _LV_L Conyeya,ncers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MANNING, JAMRI3 SCOTT. 781 HOMESTED, succeesor to the late firm of licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Pz) MONEY TO LOAN, -A,,frONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per .1.31_ cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, sue- cessor to D. Watson. B. 13. MORRIS, as- sistant operator. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed, Chloroform, ether, gas.and local agents used in extraction of teeth. Plates inserted at prices agreed upen with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as low as good work can be done for. Residence same as that occupied by Mr. Watson. 980 Headache, Sour Stomach, &c. From one to three bottlee guarantied to cure the very worst case of Liver Comp aint. One dose cures sick Headache ; one to tv, o doses stinerlatea and invigorates the whole system. 17:0 p Book is <riven away with every bottle of ,hase s Liver Cure. It Contains over 300 choice reveipte. The ladiee' department is devoted to the seeret of embellishing the complexion, giving receipts for making Magnolia Balm, Cream of Beauty, G'olden Hair Dye, Eye Bright, &c. No lady or gentleman should be without the p 0 OTZ Sold by all dealers at one dollar_ -1-A • 1, V. FEAR, SEAFORTH. 1023-52 Binding Twine. Xi. ()titan°. Latest improve- nieuts in every line. Satiefaction - guaranteed. Office -In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941 CODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black, kj. tists, of Exeter,' Ont. One of the above -will visit Blyth the last Tharsday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Hensall the following Thurs- day of every -month at Reynold's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re- moves r early all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D, --teetTney Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST Tiirnsater IN EACH MONTH. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All 'work first-class at liberal rates. 971 IPa. Royal Colleg,e W Dental surgeons, Tor- onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office Garfield Block, 10064. 1. Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine, Upright and Tabular Boilers. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. STEAM AND WATER PIPE FITTINGS constantly on hand. • On hand, ready for delivery : 1 30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit, Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in good work- ing order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T R. Station. Goderich, May 26th. 18e6. Y I' McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and A.ceoucheur, Sealorth, Ont. Office and re- sidence -North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 561 Lf Mates Reyal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 930 WHITE BRONZE Monument Co. The Only Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Block, Main Street. Seaforth. Residence, John street. Calls at night at either the Office or Residence. 894 . and Aceoucher, Seafo'rth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbsteria.n Church: 842 R. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &C., Sea.forth, Ontario. Offiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. $48 • VETERINARY. 0 of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any domesti- Cated animals euceessfully treated on the short- cst notice. A large atock of Veterinary medi- cines on hand. Clearges moderate. WALTER SHILLINGLAW, Stan. 101e1 QEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. --Corner of kJ Jarvis and GoderichStreete, next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, (bit.- All dis- eases of HorseseCattle, Sheep, or any of the do- meeticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or eisewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Sm-geon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin ary Medicines kept constantly on hand! Our material is endorsed by leading scientist , as being practieally in -perishable. It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently- is nut e.e:ect- ed by the frost. Send for Designs and Terms to . M. GIFFIN, Clinton. AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the P.1 . County of Enron. Sales attended in al parts of the County. All order3 left at Ma EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. THE SEAFORTH COOPER AGE. The, nridereig,n«1 rew prepared to receive orders for any nunther of firete-lass Apple Barrels and Butter Also any nther woth hia line, Apply eat the works, old Baptist Cleureh, Seaforth. Dealers and Pai hers taking large iminhers • a ill be very reasonaily dealt with. P. KLINKHAMMER. has been achieved in ieodern medicine has been attained by the hin Treatment fer Catarrh. months, fully Metes. ner ,71 lit, ha .1! been cured Of thiSIA01,1)0111 This is ne,t,e -the lese startiling whet it 1- reletneeere -at, I re ehting there -claim to the regi.lar liner are ben/rated, v. bile the patent - • Jess! and (-Aber advertised cures neaer eine at all. Starting ith the by the 1:10A scien-‘ of ;ieing pat tes in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at oi. ee kih, ren -e: to their extermination- :„. • elainis the Catarrh is td, 1.... •_•teceed ',a- him four s.eara ago are. cure Catarrh er tide ;ea:nen and no other treat roc nt has ever (erred Catarrn. The application of the remedy 8111.1):P, and can te done at home, and the present season of the year is the most favorable for. a speedy and nermanent cure, the majority of cases neing mired at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON7 & SON, 305 King Street, Weft, - Toronto, Canada, and ea:close stamp for their treatise on Catarrle-Montreal Star, :Novell:the