HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-07-15, Page 7D' CHASES)
j-uvr 15, 1887.
cou.scrx, Dorstoss-The council met at
Fulton's hotel on the 27th ult., to hold a
inal court of revision and transact gen-
eaal. business. Moved by R. G. Ross,
seconded by John Benneweis, that the
aPPlication of the following parties be
ow heard, viz a Henry and John Den-
ao have their names assessed.for
north half of lot 15, concession. 13, and
south half of lot 15, concession 14, in
lace of Abraham Crich. James Camp-
bell, assessed for north half of lot 9,
concession 14, in place of F. Holmested.
"Patrick Callan assessed as tenant for
east half of lot 2, concession 1. Thomas
E. Hays, assessed in place of Robt. Tor -
for part of lot 29, concession 2.
Adana Dodds, assessed as L. II. S. for
ka 31, concession 7. Henry Rapaine,
assessed as L. IL S. for lot 2, concession
10. That said applications be granted,
the rolls as finally revised, and, the court
cloaed.-Carried. Moved by R. G.
Bass, seconded by John Benneweis, that
the reeve and treasurer be authorized to
borrow from the Bank of Commerce,
Seaforth, or elsewhere, such sum or sums
of money as may be required from time
to. time, not exceeding $2,000, to meet
she current expenses of the township,
and a by-law passed therefor. -Carried.
Moved. hy R. G. Rosa, seconded, by
Murchie,_that the by-laav appointing
a township engineer be passed, Also
that the following sums he given to the
following parties as charity, viz: Mrs.
McDonald, $20, Robert Donaldson, $4,
. and Mrs. Deunis' statute labor be re-
mitted.-Caraied. Moved by R. G.
Ross' , seconded by A. Murchie, that the
;clerkbe instructed to notify the chair-
man of the School Board of Tuckersmith,
that this council having received a
petition praying to have a union school
Section formed, composed of parts of
McKillop and Tuckersmith, and that it
lathe intention of this council to grant
said petition. -Carried. -Next council
meeting to be held at Crawfords hotel,
Dublin, on the last Monday in August
Nice Discrimination in Words.
Pretty refers to external beauty on a
small scale. Grace of naanner is a natu-
ral gift; elegance implies cultivation.
Well bred is referable to general conduct
rather than individual actions. Beauti-
ful is the strongest word of its class, im-
plying softness and delicacy in addition
to everything that is in similar words.
Courcesy has reference to others, polite-
ness to ourselves. The former is a duty
or privilege to othera, the latter is be-
havior assumed from proper self-respect.
Benevolent refers to th.e character of
the agent acting, beneficent to the act
performed. Charitable is restricted to
almsgiving except when used in refer-
ence to judgment of others. Lovely is
used only where there is something more
than external beauty, when there is a
combination of personal beauty and
pleasing manner. Faultless features do
not made a lady lovely who is disagree-
able in disposition. -Journal of Educa-
Fact and Rumor.
A Madrid scholar, Senor Coruna., who
has been for many years at wor1r. on a
rhymed version of the Bible, has just
completed his text. The work contains
250,000 verses.
-Many dwellers on the Pacific coast
are asking that a bounty be put on seals
because they are so terribly destructive
to salmon. They rob many of the nets
of every fish, killing them in mere wan-
-"Now there are diversities of gifts,
but the same spirit."
"Seine only work with a cotton thread,
And ou all day is the weaving -room ;
Some work with the fleecy wool instead,
And some have the richest silk in loom.
Wool, cotton, or silk, none need to care,
If only the work be good and fair."
men, 3; widows (with large families),
16 ; girls over 14 years of age, 20-' chil-
dren under 14 years of age; 30 of .both
sexes; total, 97. Sonae time since they
sustained t disastrous loss, the whale-
boat in- which 15 of their men put to
sea to intercept a passiug vessel being
lost, and every one ;being drowned.
Reduced in number ilia this way, they
have been put to great straits. A plague'
of rats has also invaded the Island, and
donegreat destruction to the potato
crop. The vermin landed from a ship-
wrecked vessel which came ashore on
the coast.
-The fund of £500,000, of$2,500,000,.
left by George Peabodyor building im-
proved houses for the poor of London,
has through rent and interest, grown to
£910,668, or $4,513,340. There are now
5,014 separate dwellings, containing 11,-
150 rooms, and the average rent of each
dwelling is less than $1.25 a week.
. -A man named David Wales, of Fort
Worth, Texas, lodged at Rice's hotel,
Detroit, Sunday night, and next morn-
ing was $300 in cash and a $500 certifi-
cate of deposit on a Canadian bank worse
off than when he went to bed.
-A young man named John Little,
son of Mr. J. Little, of Fish Creek, and
a few years ago well known in St.
Marys, died recently at Calgarry. He
was a young man of more than ordinary
literary ability, and was much beloved
-The sums each municipality has to
contribute for educational purposes in
the county the current year are: Blan-
shard, $384; Downie, $340; - North
Easthope'$313; South Easthope, $228;
Ellice, $339 ; Eima, $470; Fullarton,
$301 ; Hibbert, $337; Logau, $373;
Mornington, $409; Wallace, $393.
Total, $3,887.
Amusing Metaphors.
Ridicule, says a German critic, is like
a blow with the fist ; wit, like the prick
of a needle; irony, like the sting' of a
thorn; and humor, the plaster which
heals all these wounds. All these
qualities may be found in some meta-
Man is said to be an animal that has lt
mania for getting up societies and mak-
ing himself president. If the presidency
has been already Claimed, he contents
himself with the position of treasurer.
In a cynical old bachelor's opinion, ideas
are like beards, men only - get them
when they grow up, and women never
have any.
A farmer said, "One thing I don't
like about city folksthey be either
so stack up that yer can't reach 'ern
with a hay -stack pole, or so blamed
friendly that they forget to pay their
board. -
A rural poet said of his lady -love,
"She is graceful as a water -lily, while
her breath is like an armful of clover."
An American poet wrote a eulogy on
Washington, whose glorious life should
compose a volume as Alps immortal,
spotless as its snows. eThe stars should
be its types, its press the age, the earth
ita binding, and the sky its page. Truly,
some American poets go in for marvels
of 'metaphor.
A fanatical Sabbatarian writes: "The
Seinday newspaper is a crayfish in the
dikes of misrule, a crayfish that under-
mines the banks, behind which the
race -courses, the theatres, the saloons,
the gambling dens, etc., are roaring for
exit." J
• "You look," said an Irishman to a
pale, haggard smoker, "as if you had
got out of your grave to light your
cigar, and couldn't • find your way back
A schoolmaster describing a Money-
lender says: "He serves you in the
present tense, he lends you in the condi-
tional mood, keeps you in the subjunc-
tive, and ruins you in the future." • A
close observer of human nature re-
marks : "Time marches on with the
slow, measured tread of the man work-
ing by the day." A French author is
charged with the prediction that France
will throw herself into-the.arms of the
liberating sword. -This is not quite so bad
as the Democrat's speech, We will
burn our ships, and, with every sail un-
furled, steer boldly out into the ocean of
freedom !"
A elergynian on board a ship began a
sermon in the following manner "Dear
friends I shall embark my exhortation
on the barge of nay lips in order to cross
the stormy -ocean of you attention, and
in hope of arriving safely at the port of
your ears."
A young American lawyer. employed
to defend a culprit charged with stealing
a pig, rescsived to convince the court
that he was born to shine. .According-
ly he proceeded to deliver thelfolldWing
brilliant exordium, " May it please the
court and gentlemen of the jury, while
Europe is bathed, in blood; while
classic Greece is straggling!forher rights
and liberties, and trampling the unhal-
lowed altars of the bearded infidels to
dust • while America shinesforth the
brightest orb in the political sky -
1, with due diffidence, rise to defend
the cadge of this humble hog -thief." -
variety would be thwarted. For this
end the biscuits are suggested. The
cost is but a trifle, and they replace the
brea4 which would be eaten in their ab-
sence. With the addition of a little
cheese, fresh fruit in season, inexpensive
canned fruit or preserve, or, better yet,
apple sauce made from evaporated apples
the meal would be complete. -Juliet
Corson, in Good Housekeeping.
" My loving heavenly Father, help me
to be so earnest, so eager to do well the
work which thou hast given me to do,
that I shall have no moments of envious
thought -toward the work of others of thy
-Bishop Warren, of the Methodist.
church, does not believe in gentle preach -
big to rich sinners. He says there are
some pastors who go at it in this style:
"Brethren, you must repent, as it were,
and be converted, in a measure, or you
will be damned to some extent. -New
Orleans Times -Democrat.
-A Philadelphia paper gives the re-
sult of some official calculations recently
. made, showing that the total anthracite
area of Peansylvania befdre mining com-
menced was 320,000 squore miles; and,
allowiag 1,000 tons to the are a foot
in depth would give 326,000,000 tons,
then, assuming the depth to average 30
feet, a grand total appears of 9,600,000
tons. At the present tirne the con-
sumption averages about 30,000,000 tons
a, year.
-Suppose we run over a list of impor-
tations and see what the taxes are on
what the poor man or woman uses;
Coat, 75 cents per ton ; thread, 50 per
cent.; cotton clothing, '25; knit etock-
lags, 40; plain white china and all
eroekeryware, 55, pipes, 70, books, 25;
all articles of brass, 45 ; chemicals and
dye stuffs, ; bags and bagging, 40;
brown a.nd bleached linen, 35; window
glass, from 53 to 87 -not including plate
glass; all other glass articles, 45; straw
hats, 30- ; cotton ties, 35; pig iron, over
50; plate, 33 ; eutttery, 50; ma-
chinery, 45; paints, 32; manufactured.
wood, 35; carpets, 49; woolen clothing,
07; knit goods, SS; shawls, 59. This
is a list selected at random. It does not
fully illustrate the iniquities of the tariff.
-The introduction of soap, says an -
exchange, is doing much to civilize the
people of the Holy Land. A large soap
factory, has been established on the site
a the ancient Shechem, and the people
are beissirming to use it on their persons
instead of trying to eat it as they did at
first. Along with the introduction of
soap other reforms are going on. Beth-
lehem has been rebua, and the streets
are lighted with gas. Cesarea is having meal which can be made from these of this stubborn malady. This is none the leas ,
a building boom. :Nazareth is becoming materials is composed of a stew with garbling when it is remembered that no five er
the headquarters of big olive oil specu- dumplings, boiled or baked potatoes, cent of patients presenting themselves to he
lators. Corner lots in Jappa are uoing and hot Wscuit. By combining the regular tpueragetiltnieosnearntreotbheerfittve.dehissvviitle
A Dutch Interior.
It would be hard to find a prettier
picture thau Dutch cheese -making in the
summer -time. The empty cow-stalLs
are as clean as scrubbing can make
them, and well whitewashed -with adorn-
ments of a palezblue color that contrasts
with the dark rafters overhead. The
floors of the stalls are stamped tiles,
slightly raised toward the middle, so
that all moisture runs off. Between
stall and flcior is a trough for waste and
water, now well carpeted. Round each
•stall are hung beautiful old Delft plates,
and on the floor is set a well -polished
brass or copper kettle or pitcher, that
any connoisseur would he proud to put
in his drawing -room. 'Imagine the
stored -up wealth of beauty that it im-
plies to decorate a dozen or more of cow -
stalls in this .lavish way. The raised
platform at the end, where in winter the
calves live, is the family sitting -room in
the summer, carpeted, hung around with
plates, and fitted with a table, whereon
stands the ever-present tea -stove. The
rnistress of this establishment wears
wooden shoes, a rough frieze petticoat,
and a cotton jacket -but who looks at
them ?-while round her neck are rows
of pink corals as big as filberts, fastened
with a diamond clasp, once her grand-
mother's, and on her head is a gold hel-
met, covered with point lace cap, and in
in the front of it more diamonds, set in
.pins and heaten gold. Clasps. Even a
Dutch cheese becomes romantic amid
such surroundings. -
"Goin a Berryin'."
-Young people, whose lives are spent
in cities, have no idea of the fun their
country fellows have in " goin' a berry:
in'," as it is sometimes called. In-
deed, it has appeared to me that our
country boys and girls did not make
all they might out of it. They can
collect all that can be used at home,
fresh, dried, or pre -served, and enough
besides to bring quite a good sum in the
way of pocket money, if sold; besides
all this -the fun! The way to get the
most fun is to hold berrying picnics,
where a jolly, not too large party make
a day of it. Such hunting for the places
where the fruit is thickest, such laugh-
ter at the tears and scratches, and the
rivalries as to who will gather the most
fruitanake the clay pass -joyously. Wild
strawberries ! Was there ever such
ranceeand flavor ? It is many, very
y years since I attended a straw-
y pic-nic, but the exquisite odor of
e wildings of the fields, and the
ht faces and rippling laughter, are
istinct in my, memory as if that
happy day had been but five instead of
fifty years ago. -American Agriculturist.
Great Gain.
-4 _
Fresh Arrival of New Spring Goods.
As all nay stock of Boots ana Shoes is fresh from the manufacturers, you may
xpect good value for your Money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful.
ive me a call and judge for 'yourselves.
Custom Work Warratnted. Repairing Promptly Attended to
E. LATI1VIER Main Street, Seaforth.
I used a great deal of doctor's medicine for
kidney complaintaluring five years, e as getting
worse all the time until I tried B. 13. B. I took
three bottles, gained in weight from 130 to 159
lbs. I can highly recommend Burdock Blood
Bitters to be a good medicine, Thus testifies
John Walton, of Springfield, New Brunswick.
After Long Years.
A Common Cold
s often the beginning- of serious Abe -
ions - of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes,
nd Lungs. ,Theretore, the importance of
arly and effective treatment cannot be
yerestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
lay always be relied upon for the speedy
ure of a Cold or Coug,h. „
lEayetro ugh i ng.
Last January I was attaelced with a I
Best workmanship done in
severe Cold, which, by neglect and fre- Galvanized
quent exposures, became worse, finally
settling on my lungs. A terrible cough I
soon followed, accompanied •by pains in
the chest, from which 1 suffered intensely.
Aftur trying various remedies, without 1
obtaining relief, 1 commenced taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was
Speedily -Cured.. .
z am satisfied that this remedy saved my
Mo. -Jim. Webster, Pawtucket, R. I.
-•.I contracted a severe col& which sud-
doily developed into nieunionia, present-
ing dangerous and obstinute, symptoma.
My physician at once- ordered the use of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 -lis instruction: .
were followed, and the result was a raPii:.
and permanent cure. -IL E, Simpsou
Rog,ers Prairie, Texas.
• TWo.a.'Cars ago I suffered from a severe
Cold which settled on my Lungs. I eon -
suited various -physiehms, and took the
medicines they prescribed, but received
only temporary relief. - A friend induced
me to try Ayer's .Cherry _Pectoral. After
taking two bottles Of this medicine I was
cured. • Since then I have given the Pec-
toral to my children, and consider it
The Best Remedy
for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat. and
Lung diseases, ever used in my -
Some time ago I took. a slPigah.t, C' old/
Robert Vanderpool, Meadville,
which, being_neglected, gro* worse, and
Settled on my lungs. had a. hacking
cough, and was very weak.! Those who
kuew me best considered -Inv life to be
in great danger.. continitil to suffer
until 1 . commenced using Ayers Cherry
Peet oral. Less than one bottle of this val.
nable medicine cured me. atilt I feel that
I owe the preservation of tiny life to its,
curative powers..- Mrs. At n Lockwood,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral IS considered,
here, the one great remedy or all diseases
of the throat and lungs 'and is more.
in demand than .any .other nedieine of its
class. - J. F. Roberts, Mag olia, Ark.
Ayer's Cherry ectoralf
Preparedby Dr. J. C. Ayer & o., Masa
Sold by Druggists. Price 41; six bottles, $6.
I 'as troubled with liver complaint for a num-
ber ef years, finding no cure. I tried Burdock
Blood Bitters. I took four bottles, and ,am per-
fectly cured, strong and healthy. Mrs. Maria
Asken, Alma, Ont. 1007.52.2w.
Aro You Going to Tra,yel?
I Don't forget a supply of Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry. It is a superior remedy for
sea, sickness, a positive cure for all Navel com-
plaints, induced by bad water, change of diet, or
of cliinate. Whether at home or abroad, it
should be kept at heed in case of einerg-ency.
.In Good ,Repute.
James Mc -Murdock, writing from KinSale, says:'
B. B. 13. as a remedy for diseases of the blood,1
liver and kidneys, hats an excellent reputation
in this locality. 1 have used it, and speak from
expe.rience, as well as observation. It is the only
medicine Pwant, and I advise others afflicted to
try it. 1007.;52.2w.
A. -Source of Danger.
A Plain Dinner.
Those who have the smallest pro-
vision in the way of variety in food and
utensils call for our immediate atten-
tion, and to them the first considera-
tion must be given. Begin ! with the
supposition that one room lierves as
kitchen and dining -room, and that the
heartiest meal consists of one hot dish,
with potatoes or one -other vegetable,
and bread and some simple beverage.
We will suppose that there are On hand
flour, baking -powder, salt and pepper,
vinegar, a little butter or sweet drip-
pings -and much care must be given
to augmenting the reserve of the latter
-a sma.11 supply of meat, with a good
provision of potatoes and bread. A
• ,Y,A110•01,111i,
The frequent sourc,e of danger attending bowel
complaints darina the summer and : fall is the
liability to cliec12".the diarrhoea too suddenly
Dr. -Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry will
not do this. Inflammation of the bowels doeit
not follow its ,use, as is too often the case wit
powerful Opiates and astringents. It eures
promptly and in a natural manner. 1007.52.2e
Consumption Cured. -
An old physicia,n,retired from practice, Lissvin
had placed in his hands by an East India mi
sionary the formula, of a simple vegetable remed
for the speedy and permanent mire of Cdnsumrl
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat
and Lung affections, also a positive and radio I
cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou Jen
plaint, after having tested its wonderful cur
tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it h
duty to make it known to his suffering fellow
Actuated by this motive and a desire to relie
human suffering, I will send free of ehargo,
all who desire it, this recipe, in German, Fren
or English, with full directions for prepari g
and using. Sent by mail by addreseing wi h
stamp, namina this paper, W. A. NOYES, 1-9
Power's Block Rochester N. Y. 938-26 eow
-Advice to Mothers.
Are You distmbed and broken of your rest y
a sick child suffering and crying with pain f
cutting teeth? If so send at once and get a
bottle of "Mr?. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"f r
children teething., Its value is incalculable. t
will relieve the pcior little eufferer immediatel
Depend upon it mother; there is no mista e
about it. It cures dysentery and diarihma, reg
kites the stomach and bowels, cures wind col c,
softens the gums, reduces inflammation, id
gives tone and energy to he whole syste n.
" airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for childrni
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the p e-
scription of one of the oldest and best fem le
physicians and nurses in, the United States, a d
is for sale by all druggists throughout the wer d.
Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure a d
ask fen "Mas. WINS/OW*3 SOOTHING SYRUP," a d
take no other kind.966.1v. •
Catarrh -a New Treatment
hot meal is to be cooked without too
large a. fire, and without making the has been achieved in modern. medicine has b
perhaps the most extraordinary success t
room uncomfortable for eating. The attained by the Dixon Treatment for Cater
months fully ninety per cent, have. been ell
most savory, nutritious, and abu.ndant Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past
The First
Of failing health, whether
Night Sweats and Nervo
sense of General Wearin
Appetite, should suggest t
Sarsaparilla. This prep.
effective for giving ton
to the eefeebled system,
ingestion and assimilation
frig, the nervous forces
condition, and for pilaf
and vitalizing the blood.
in.the form -of
sness,. or in a
,s and Loss of
re rise of Ayer's
ration is most
and strength
promoting the
of food, restorr
o their normal
-ing, enrichiug,
Failing H alth.
Ten 's -ears ago My health bean to fail.
tressing Cough,
, and "Nervous -
i es prescribed
but . became so
up stairs with -
friends recom-
-'s Sarsaparilla,
v healthy- and
. L. Williams,
1 wat troubled with a di
Night Sweats, Weaknes
ness. I tried various re
by different physicians,
weak that could not go
out stopping to rest. 3I3
mended me to try Aye
which I did, and I am no
strong HS ever.-ISIts.
AleXandeht Minn. i
P • 1 .
I have used Ayerls So
family, for Scrofula an
taken faithfully, that it
eradicate this terrible ills
prescribed it -as a touie, a tvell as an alter-
ative, and must say that . honestiv believe
It to be the best blood. medicine ever
compounded. -W. F. Flotvler, 1). D. S.,
M. D, Greenville, Tenn.'
Dyspepsia Cured.
It would be impossib e.for me to de-
scribe what 1 suffered roil' Indigestion
and Headache up to ti e time I began
taking Ayer's Barsapari la. I was under
the care of various ph) siciOns and tried
a great many kinds o. nedicines, but
never obtained more th n temporary re.
lief. After taking Ayer s Sarsaparilla, for
a short time, My head ehe disappeared,
and my stomach perforn ed its duties more
perfectly. i To -day my health is com-
pletely restored. -Mar., Harley, Spring-
field, Mass. ,
I have been greatly benefited by the
prompt uSe of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It
tones and invigorates th system, regulates
the action of the digestive and assimilative
organs, and vitalizes he -blood. It is,
without doubt, the- in st reliable blood
purifier yet discovered. II. 1). Johnson,
383 Atlantic ave., 13roo lyn, N. Y.
; 1 1.
Ayers- Sar apa.,-rill. a,
Prepared by Dr. ,T. C-. Ayer & go., Lowell, Mass.
"Price SI: sir attles, 85.
Tin Eavetroughing.
The undersigned having purchased the Kippen
Mills, is prepared to
Having secured the services of a first-class
Miller, will endeavor to give the best of satisfac-
tion to customers.
Klippen, Ont.
Genera Insurance Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines.
All kinds of property insured at lowest rates
in first-class reliable cOmpanies, and lossels set-
tled promptly.
Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in
the Gore and Waterloo, from 750 to -$1 (cash
plan) fer three years, Mills and factories in-
sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per
cent. on stock companies.
Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND
SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur-
ing). Prices ranging from $26 to $75. All ma-
chines warranted for five years on every kind of
work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma-
chines repaired. •
Metal Roofing
And all kinds of work in Tin, Sheet
Iron or Copper.
Dairy Utensils
•saparilla, in my
know, if it ift
will thoroughly
ase. I have also
up with a, rush, and real estate in Aount meat with dumplings in the form of a never record a cure at all. Starting
Carmel is largely held by speculators for stew, two advantages are secured. A claim no a• generally believed by the most Kier-
an advance. The ladies of Jerusalem smaller quantity of meat so cooked will ti.fi,itiere that the disease isdue to Arse is)arese ace
take alt the Parisian fa.shion journals, satisfy the appetite as well as double oolnicia-lailagapptaerdahliseactiTe the
their 'exter. inixatino a at
and know all iti)011t the latest styles of the quantity cooked by baking, broil- ehas accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is p ae-
hair-dressing. ing-, frying, or boiling' without sauce. or tically cured, and the permanency is unquestion-
--The islanders of Tristan d'Actinha, • • . . td as cures effected by him four years ago
are isolated. in the South Atlantic,
have received the distinction of having
a bluebook devoted to them and their
concerns. According to the latest re-
port there are now on the island 19
families, comprisinat07 souls -namely :
Aged men, 3; agtd women, 5; men
20 years of age and er, 11; boys from
. 14 to '20 years of age, 9; married 1ST- bat, then our subject of providing
gravy, and it will be in the eoiciiton
cures still. No one else ha a ever attemptedter
best suited for immediately satisfying cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other triat
the sense of hunger; a,nd assisting the merit has ever cured Catarrh. The applica
; of the reniedy is simple, and can be don
'process of digestion. i The savory sauce
home, and the present season Of the year is
of gravy imparts to the dumplingsthe most favorable for a speedy and permanent c
flavor and some of the nutritious pro- the majority of cases being cured at OHO tr
perties of the meat. The potatoesmight meat. Sufferers should correspond with Mci
A. H. DIXON & SON306 King Street,
be cooked in the stew, if there were , no
Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for t
facilities for boiling or baking them; treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, Nove
17, 188211 • 882-62
est, est,
Cherry Creamery Gan,
And best Self-Skin-uner fa the market.
Stoves have advanced in price; our old
stock will be sold at old prices.
Iron Cisterns & Well Pumps
London, Huron and Bruce,
Goma NORTH- Passenger. .
London,depart 8.101eat. 4.26P.M.
Exeter 0.35 5.45
Hensel!.. 9.46 6.68
Kippen 9.51 6.05
Brumfield 9.60 6.15
Clinton 10.18 6.35
Londesboro ....----------10.37 6.55
10.46 7.05
Belgrave .. . ... 1100 7.20
Winghaan, arrive .... 11.20 7.40
GOING SOUTH- Passenger.
Wingham, depart 7.00a.st. 3.05 P.M.
Belgrave 7.17 8.28
Blyth 7.31 3.42
Londesboro .. 7.40 3.51
Clinton 8.00 4.10
Brucefleld 8.19 4.29
Kippen.. ...... . . .... 8.27 4.37 '
Ileneall .. 8.33 4.43
Exeter 8.47 4.57
London, arrive 10.10 6.00
Fencing Wire.
`19aaqs utew
Wellington, Grey and Bruce,
GOING NORTH-. PReEengei. Mixed.
Ethel 1.. 2.35 r. M. 9.20 lam, 8.40.a.m.
Bruseele.a .... ., 2.50 9.35 0.30
Bluevale 3.06 9.60 10.00
Wingham.. .. 3.20 10.02 11.26
GOING SOUTH- I'assenger. .. Mixed.
Wingham .. s . 7.25 r.m. 11.10 A. M. 6.39 A.M.
Bluevale -------7.50 11.26 6.48
_ Brussels 8.45 11.45 7.02
Ethel.... .. .... 9 20 12.00 7.14
Train leaving Wingham at 8.10 p m. for Kincar-
dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Un pproachecl for
one and Quality.
BELL & CO., Guelph, Out,
, As a cure for all summ
recommend Dr. Fowler's
berry, having oftan used
I have often been thanke
W in. Haw, Ancaster, Ont
r complaints I highly
axtract of Wild Straw -
t with the best results.
for recornmeding it.
Grand -Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
fellows :
Mixed ..... 1.48 P. M. 2.20 P. M.
Paasenger... 9.02 P. M. 9.20 r.
Mixed Train.. .. 9 15 A. M. 10.18a.se,
Passenger. 7.48 A. M. 7.30 A. se.
Mixed.. 1.48 P. M. 1.16 P. M.
Mixed Tra.n.. .... 5.05 P 4.15 r.
_ --
As made by the vele-
brated lir. Chase, for
all diseases arising
from a torpid and in-
aetis e Liver, such 'as
Dyspepsy, Indigestion,
Billionsness, Jaundice,
Pain in the Back,
Headache, Sour Stomach, &e, From one to
three bottles is guarantied to cure the very
worst case of Liver Comp aint. One dose cures
sick Headache ; one to te o doses stimulates and
invigorates the whole system
A. FREE Book is given away with
every bottle of Chase's Liver
Cure. It contains over 300 choice receipts. The
department is devoted to the secret of
embellishing the complexion, giving receipts
for making Magnolia Balm, Cream of Beauty,
Golden Hair Dye, Eye Bright, &e. No lady or
gentleman should be without the BOOK.
Sold lair 'all dealers at one dollar.
C) 0
olvvi .9ui3uoa
TUX HASTINGS,Solicitor,etc. Office-Oady'S
vv. Block, opposite Commercial. Hotel, Sea -
forth. 974
°EAGER& LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.-
Office, opposite the Colborne HoteL 976
-Di C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Priaate Money to
.n,„ lend at lowest rates of interest. Office -
Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Office -
J. Rooms One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher
shop. 'Agents---Cesamme, HOLT &C ox no
QARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid.-
tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW,
jafAMERON, 11012 & CAMERON, Barristers,
isd Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont.
M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., Plump HOLT, M. G.
TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron,
.1 Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan, Ben-
son's Old Office, Cardricas Block, Seaforth. 786
1,1 TANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors,
Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale, & Gale. Money to loan.
Office-Beayer Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
M.ANNING, JANIES Soon. - 781
HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of
X . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
Farms for *sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main
Street, Seaforth.
ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per
cent., with the privilege 40 borrower
of repaying part of the principal money at any
time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister
Seaforth. 860
• L. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, mem-
• ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc-
cessor to D. Watson. 13. 13. MORRIS, as-
sistant operator. All operations carefully
performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether,
gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth.
Inates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr.
Watson.1 ROOMS over Johnson's Hardware, Sea -
forth. Pricei as low as good work can be done
for. Residence same as that occupied by Mr.
Watson. 980
w_ a_ P'
T D. 5., M. R. C. and D. S., of
als. Ontario. Latest improve-
ments in every line. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Office, -In Oady's
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence, ---The Poplars, John Street. 941
tists, of Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit Blyth the
last Thursday, and ,following Fri-
day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at
Peine's Hotel, and Hensel the following Thurs-
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he
will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex -
trotted with a new Japan anesthetic,which re-
moves nearly all pain. Parties desiringnew
teeth will please call early in the morning of the
first day. Charges nuiderate. Terms cash. 984
e -A-1
)7' tzi
0 0
CD (D 1 '
ea 0
)-$ . •
es -
saes KINSMAN . S., Exeter, Ont Will be at
Dentist L. D.
Zurich, at thelIuron Hotel, onthe
Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All
work first-class at liberal rates. 971
. B.. Martin,03L.al c0ILI e. .De 2f.,,Heonntoarigsraurdgueaotenso,fTtohre_.
onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable
dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office
Garfield Block, BR U S &ELS. 10064.1.
M. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of
McGill. University, Physician, Surgeon
and Accoucheur, SeafenthaOnt. Office and re-
sidenee-North side Goderich street, first brick
house east of the Methodist church. 961
DRS. ELLIOTT & UNN, Brucefield, Licen-
tiates Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brumfield, Ont. 930
DRS. MACRIDD at EVANS, Office, Meatr's
Block, Main street, Seaforth. Residence,
John street. Calls at night at either the Office
or Residence. 894
T G. scorr, m. D., &e. Physieian, Surgeon,
J. and Aceoncher, Seafolth, Ont. Office and
residence South side of Goderich street, Second
Door east of the Presbyterian Church. • on
RW. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , 0. M., .Member
. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Seaforth, Outwit). Office and residence
same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848
0 of Horsea, Cattle, Sheep, or any. domesti-
cated animals successfully treated on the abort, -
eat notice. A large dock of Veterinary medi-
cines on hand. Chaages moderate. WALTER
SHILLINGLAW, Stade. 1010
0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door tors
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All Is- -
cido eases of Horse, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the tio-
mesticated animal?, sumeaefully treated at ,the
Infirmary, or elsesabere, on the shortest notice.
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Ve r-
inary SurgeOn. I'. S. -A large stock of Vete ha
ary 'Medicines lLept constantly on hand
Binding Twine. • AUCTIONEERS,
Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine,
Upright and Tr.bular Boilers.
and all kinds of Sheet Iron work.
constantly on hand.
On hand, ready for delivery:
I 30 H. P. New Ste01 Boiler.
8 H. P. New Boiler.
A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit,
Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in good work-
ing order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will
receive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T
R. Station.
P. 0. BOX 361.
Goderieh, May 2Gth. 1886. i
1- P. BRINE, Lieensed Auctioneer for the
t) County of Huron. Sales attended in al
parts of the Coinaty. All orders left at aTns
E,xaosrroR Office will be promptly attended to.
Dr. Washington,
Throat and Lungs.
Cold Medicated Vapor Conveyed to the
Seat of Disease.
Specialist! Specialist !
N. Washington
. 1 ). , L. C. P.'S. O. & T. &e.
Eminent Throat and Lung Specialist,
Of Toronth, will visit the
ON -
Saturday, July 281ld,
Lowest Rates of Inierest.. 1:.itsirrbet1 Chrots!(• j;ron
• phito- • -1 5 and Cr:spossoptitat.. Ab - 1.40-s -of
, , Vol, • :,, , .11is• .s -ore Throat, lienvok in:!: Ealaraed
, - f . i Tr ; aa silo Throat, aid rt -,1:.1 -ii, <-,r t;rOviths
I IIS lir ances Eff cted ' ""I'
_ 6 of I. . ;, Throat and Liaas- treated ay in-
sr- IA itholAt 6,, Lase. Altilits.-aksts€
. .
First ass COInpanies
-0 Vid;...11!
tts, 14-istetr.1er ds,te, s:tpi uoss.1- early,
A Number of FirstiClas'S Farms !•••ation free.
alkaarei Plesaleas aa.t saanata
I. • :aus tits are oft, 11 ; samaaaa
Arouse the liver ' e ben torpid. with National
for ai. Pills a goed eathartiaaanaar-coated.
.1007:52m. -
Real Estate Agents Exeter, Ont.
For nettle rash, surnaier heat, ; riptions and
general toilet purposes use Loa's Sulphur Soap.
Ala Well PleaSed.-The thildren like Dr. Low's
Pleasant Worm Syrup and parents rejoice os a
ite virtues 1007.5.n.