HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-07-15, Page 4, . . I � � i
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. . I . I - . . E HURON EXPOSITOR. �
* . 4 ; . . : - I- . .
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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. to Commercial Union -which he admits quently advised the appolintinet t -of such tinguisbed then?melves in schools apd, jurisdiction of County: Police
I .
- � . . o items of an officer, bat as yet no action I as been colleges, who prove idbat successf all in trates, has been reversed by the Cc
will bring us ,on. the - tw . . � �en
1. AW The figure between the parenthesis after horses -and barley a million mad a taken by any municipality. As a result, life' and this is .no doubt due to I he Common Pleas. It will be rem
emkoh line denotes the page of the paper on wh ch 4 "t as ns i
fte advertisement will be found. . � quar . ter dollars an,nual�ly,-on the sup- the weeds are, year by year, growing . e o we have already.given. Webe- that the. Police Magistrate of the c
- - . : .
. . D. Appleton & C ,o. vs. All Others. (8). . position that it will . destroy the home more. numerous, and I thb farm are in lieve that a great many young men pr kc- of Brant convicted certain hotel -k
Alma. Ladies' College -Principal Austin. (8), - . ! I
I Another Man. Cured -George Good. (5) - � market. - .Now, why -will it destroy' the this way be�omihg less product' 'and Pically waste valuable- time, and a ill in the town of Paris of violations
ive . I �
. . I
Look !tight Here -C. Al. Whitney. (5) � ' . I Canada Temperance 'Act, The
Iteal Estate Agents-Westeott & Sanders. (6) I home market? Mr. Nicholls says be- consequently less-valtiabl6, and the first more valuable energy and physical,wid ; .
� .
.. . . '
I Ladiei0 Girdles and Belts --M. R. Counter. (5� cause- all our manufacturers will be thing we know a pest such as that de- .mental power, in endeavoring to ,sect re were appealed, and the appeals
I - I . I
Cooperage -P. Klinkhammer. (5). . - . T heard before Judge O'Connor, w
Farm in Grey for Sale-Valentipe Foerster. (5) wiped oat of existence by the ,-competi- scribed by Mr. Harris will ,be I king its - Jniversity degrees. None should desp 'se . . . .
To Volunteers -John G. wilson. (8) . tion of th I e American firms. He fails, place among the others. 11 . Harris al literary education, but all should - cided that a Police Magistrate ap
Biadinic Twine-JohnsoimBrothers. (5) . . . . I deavor to a ply , I ed for a county has no jurisdiction
Girl Wanted -Mrs. J. At, Best. (8), however, to give one single reason why says: �- I . - p lit to the best practils,
0 1 1 . ;
I . .
� Farm For Sale -James Cowe. (6) -_1 � th,is-wonld be -the result, and such a con- I 'As I have been in the habit �f,travel- purpose . in thel wisest direction, and cases occurring within. incorp
� I � teation is not - -complimentar I either to ling in this and adjoining con ies or that is . to fi�tirkg themselves for owns n . a coun y, an accor
M I - 0 . . T the last fifteen years, and noti rig par- - the battle of i life. Every young quashed the convictions. This
Wit to 4 & 11,0 0 I f 0 �*+ our manufacturers or ourgeountry. Air. ticularly -the beautiful farms and, the ' 1 .
. !- ' ' an should decide as ,early as decision sets this matter at rest an
V--�� NichG11s, must;rernember that when the manner in which they were worked, I M I
- - - National Poli6 . y was introduced ita advo-� could not'help admiripg and saying to possible what special sphere he intends firms the jurisdiction of Police
. I
SEAF011TH, FRIDAY,. Jul y 15, IS 37. . myself, "hoNir industrious the people of to fill in life, an4 then he should bEnd trates and gives them .power to
cates'urged its. adoption not for the pro- Western, -Ontario ate 1" On ,ny first . I I .. � -
, I - � - I every -energy, tov�ards fitting himself [or ally municipality, in the 0oanty for
Commerclial Union. ' ' tection of the .manufacturers, but to trip all the weeds that Could belseen was - . . .
. I .1 I * to excel in they have been appointed. Thus a
secure reciprocity. They sa'M they were an abundance of thistle b the last that sphere and 'enabling him �
let er - 'it I I :
- ablish- a let .
It n we p of the obstacles which have been
In anoth,er colum few years a far worse p%t than the -this- it, and he shoull riot waste time in ic-
f rorn Mr. Nicholls, Secretary of - the. willing to compete with the Americans' � - tion which
I . . . - . t1elts slowly, but surely, cree ing into quiring an educa .will not be to impede the operations of the
. in on even terms, but it was not fair to pastur s and .meadows. I an the Act has been swept away.
Canadian Manufacturers' Association, . . . e . of .service to him in that particular .
e the Americans free access to .our white daisy -the worst pest thE a farin- �
which he puts forward the views of the. g" . - . 4 . ----
- markets while we were barricaded out er could have. I know farms- many of province. If Other knowledge and
inem-bers of this association on th ... n".4 sw * 7 News of the Week.
e qu of theirs by a high tariff.' Surely the - them - east -that are almost unsa leable on - education com6l in his way, good DIED OF STARVATION. -Many
tion of Commercial Union with the � account of this pest. When once they and well but he should have this
United States. This letter was publish- maLufacturers of this country','are not get a good root it is almost impossible to - . ) . . . ants "d cattle have died at Skag
. . aav -less courageous now than they were eradicatethem. They will entirely ruin bno main object always in view, and Iceland, for want of food. -
ed in reply to some statementff ,said ' to . - . ' ' FATAL LANMsLip.-A landslip a
� � I I
.,. - � , ten . devote all his study and eDerrries in that Switzerland, carric"d twenty-seven I
' If they arelessable now to pastures, as no grass can grow where . b
ha,ve, been made by Mr. Shaw, Se etAry . years ago. . . . '
e' F*r I et their, American competitors on they are. They will also spoil meadows, directign. University ,honors are good I and twenty people, into the lake.
of the Central Farm rs' Union. NVe me and not only smut tbe.grass but ripen- enough in their place, but it does not do ROYAL FAVORS. -The - Emper
publish this letter, not because we coin- eve -R terms than the, were then the and s. fa,rm. I
. lor . : y end the seed all. over the r that to give them too high a place. Th ey Morocco has sent an envoy with va
cide with the views it contains . . National PO:licy,.must have re,sulted-in would urgently advise every farme will not, as a ftile, do much presents to'Olueen Victoria, ' -
- . . . .' We has this pest to dig them up and either � � towai ds '
. the conclusions arrived .at, but be injury to them instead of benefit I carry them into the road or Vain them." - � airning bread an� butter. A knowle' DiRO'UTH IN li,-NM,AND.�The dro
it is the beat statement of that side I of believe, however, that ,in this respect I . Pt c ge Soule p,arts of England is becoming
� of the world, �.horough acquainta ce serious. 0
the case we have seen in print, and �,,e Mr. Nicholls in' his' ,zeal misrepresenis - I . � . .
. � Pertinent Questions. * 'with one's busirilso in life, backed up by CALIF61t-NIA LiVE STOCK. -I
are anxious, as fax as possible, to p'l ce his employers.' La:bor is as cheap her,e ostriches were sold in California las
. .
i The Stratford Beacon in a recent issue 6Ipplication and ommon sense,will stand .
both sides before our readers that they a's it is in the United States; -money is is . I and brought $1,000 per pair.
I .. . '
I , raw material is equally. propounds a series of important ques- il, man in better spead in the hour of ne d.
m ay j udge for the, m selves wheth, r it is cheap, and the, . . , CALL TO REBELS. -The Ame,
� ,
best to remain as we are at. present under as accessible. Why, -then should, the tions, which, although more easily asked Many of our ablest and most�useful rr. en Afghanistan has offered a free p
a heayry protective taxiff, or to go in for Antericart,martufacturer drive the Cat:14- than answered, are . deservi , never graced tbei inside of a* Univerefty, and the remission of two years' tw.
- . . �= I � r h all rebels who surrender*. .
Commeraia.1 Union and have all trade d ian out of the market when both have - f ul consideration. It says:[] - L -P , vhile many of the poorest, most wor -, GRLEAT Loss OF LiFr,.-The We
I barriers between this country andthe a chance to tra . de on even I terms ? With the hot season begins tile annual less tools in every professibit are men' River in China has overflowed its
United States removud. It will be seen The contention is , -absuid, � and Mr. grind of a -large proportion of the youth �who took high rank there, and''now boast submerging miles of . territory
. of Ontario. A great number are being I drowning thousands of people.
that fAl � r. Nicholls deals with the subject Nicholls cannot substantiate it. In- exam. ined - for entrance to t ie High 6 caudal string of superfluous letters to . N.ENV: YORK'S POPULATION. -'The
I I I .
in an� intelligent manner� &-ad his state- stead of the Cailadian manufabtarer Schools and Collegiate Instit s. many ,the 'ends of their names,. which Or,- York- city directory just issued co
I . I I �
being, crippled or injured he would be write for .ceitifidates' to teac and for found to be greatly more ornamen al
0 � � I � 324, 813 names; indicating a. popu
� -
rnenl;L, stark d out in bold'relief - with most greatly benefitted. His market would matriculation in our numerous Jniver"- 'than use . f ul.. -- , . I i of 1,600,000. .
of the sentimental rubbish which has I ties. Putting all these toge her,and � I -m . r- E N -'s .-The
I . .-- be enlarged both at hom 6 and abroad, . . I Ti- , Qu , , LETTEP..
been,written and spoken in opposition .. , . counting in the. large number who are � - - has addressed an autograph letter
* 9 I Matthews, in which she says sh
. to; thet proposbd change. and his indust'ry, whatever it might be, being examined in. ladies'. colleges, in � A Dail erous Precedent. '
would proportionately - expand and private,schools of one kirld and another, It took the Toronto Telegram 1% long always felt fall confidence in the 1
Since the publication of this letter strengthen. In 1hisl way, instead of the not forgetting the students ... -h-'o have time to become possessed of the ff"ct of her Catholic subjectsboth in an
Mr. 84�v has published a reply in which just been ground in our Normal Schools, of Ireland. . . . .
, - hom e market for- Canadians bein de- . that in s6far as old Manitoba is con-.
he mojeftj�at great length the objections , . 9 medical. colleges, universities and other - . n and Greber
to Coismercial Union raised by Mr stroyed, a's Mr. Nicholls seems1to fear, institutions, it would seem that there is cerned there was no' monopoly stipu �a,- of the men who have been on tr
. I
� I
. ..
Niahollx,� but to o . ur mind neither of the � I it would be largely increased. It -would a great educational work goingon in the tion in th� agreement between the I I 10- Leipsic on a charge of treason,
. � be increased in' pr�portion to,the increase Frovincei Of course all this a,chinery ion Government and, the Canalda, been sentenced, the former to si
gentlemen a,pproach -the question in a 4 Lf . is ,,not moved without money, and. the mit the. latter to five years in the . pe
i dathe pure-hasing,power o the -consumer Pa ific Railway Company, but it seems
proper spirit. The one attempts to De- I a taxpayer, who is rarely a college gradu- �.
� . 'to have got hold of it at last, and it no tiary. I
. .1 or far nier as well as by -thedevelopme,rit ate, and whose alma vwter is- generally X A AN�'ESTERX Qt-EE,z.-Queen
little, the importance of the farming in- 7 . A- . .
Of our latent �uatural reOurces. If, Qso hard work, naturally wonders what re- talks sensibly when it says:, lani.has arrived in New York fron
terest, and to show the great benefits - '' turn the Province is. getting' -for the ex- ' The serious aspect of the # il� I ope. Her Majesty was much p
as Mr. Nicholls fears, the wheat supply �xpensive ' case .is 11 ie -,land, and is
which, the country derive)s ,from the I I I- , penditure. Does adl,this 4, to with her visit to Ent
, f ro, m India will displace American wheat c failure of the Dominion Government Zn
maulifactaring. On the other h, 'd - �d, grinding enable the people to..disch&rge enforce the Ia*--. If each of thepartners way alarmed by. the rumors fro
in the English t�arket- Can Ian wheat the duties of life better than they would Hawaiian Islands relative to the
Mr. Shaw labors haird to maintain hlis 0 I to the Confederation is at liberty to re-
'. will share the same in, e. :And on6- of do under a system less expensive and I ' cal condition of things there.
position by showing'that the farmers . � . Ispect or disrespect the laws made by tile
i 6 less pretentious ? Are the lawy�rs who bominion Parliament thery Confeder - 'LiivF,.i AIND PROPERTY LoST.-,�
the reasons for reGiproci,ty is to meet . t- -
are a, down -trodden people, who axe ' . have been " graduated " better than the Otion does not amount to much. By dis- teen lives and $4,000,000 worth o
workin at starvation prices, and that this eme�gency should it ever arise,,'bY legal practitioners of the earli& days ? 'allowina the 'Hanitoba charter for the perty were lost in the Hurley, W
-9 . n - .I sin, fire.
.: encouraging the production of Otber arti- Do the doctors'diiplay more skill? Do buildi g of the Red River Valle R `I -
the man7ufacturers are,a: clas� of vultures, : ' y I -RED ox DUTY.
who are revelling in affluen . --e, by exact- c wc . y is pa,rticularly Ahe pTeachers preach better 3ermons ? way the Doiriinion Government In , , Oi-wj, -Soldiers o
, . adapted to grow, mich 'as barley, horses, ,Do the schools prepare young trien well 'Intimated plainly enough that the acfk,i' n I* lough in South'ItAissia have been oi
. -
ing, from farmers exorbftant�,prices for . I I . qualified for business ? Do the hundreds of the Manibobans is illegal yet 1� to rejoid their colors.
� sheep, poultry, &c. If we bad a free ot thousands of dolla;rs spent annually ' I
their waires -which the farmers are forced Manitobans are apparently to be p�r- O -NE SANDWICH ISLANDER. -Y
' nk,rk,t,stablishedin thiUBitedst ,t -es on public and high schools in Ontario , �rnitted to go on with the work just as Ashford, a� inember of the San
tia buy,,. and that considering the - vast f I or these we would be coinipar'ativel ' I .make it easier for a busin6s man to get complacently as if it were legal. What Island -revolutionary Cabinet, was
importance of the farm ing interest the .3 in-, a boy better qualified for duty in a store, is the good of &'central government if it time a book agent in Toronto.
O ct,are�rer areaot dependent of the European grain mar cet, or office than formerly ? As a result of I SAD I)Row.xim; Ac-CIDENT.-Be
- .
worthy of serious conside . ration. Now' I 'is the increased home consulap ion ' the training in these numerous 8choo.1s, cannot enforce its decrees ? This, and twenty and thirty women and ell
-- . not the construction of *a competit, re
in purS117ing this line of argument we be- created by increase of population wc aid are the boys becoming more capable, railway, is the crucial point. No one were drowned in Canarsie Day,
- � - - �
- la-rgely oz h of the wh'eat �nore trustworthy, more in(Instriousi drearris that the Dominion Government Island,'ou Sunday, by the capsizin
lieve that each of th e contestants is in- . - I . and -mc6i effici6nt in the discha..ge of the will send up an armed fore . e to coin el . yacht. .
. yield as we would care to produce. At in situa-- I I �
juring his own case, In order to arrive I duties that devolve upon boys i the Ma,nitobans tO desist from bui d- EIAD TO CUT Oi?i., His WirzE's HA
11. any rate, wheat is otl� of the least pl�ofi- tions,, or n their appren,ticeship ? 6 � Mrs. Bautsch got ber hand caugilt
at an intelligent conclusion on this im-- I i - I . inga railway, especially as the right to
table crops we have, �nd 'if we could 1,get �, horse -power feed ma,chine at
portant question, it -is not necessary to . . : That -bur educational system in On- build railways has -been as fully conced ad .
, &reasona.blvDrofit&bl.ei.substitute,fo it' to old Manitoba by the Act of Union as Prairie, Illinois, on Friday. Her
. . ej;n
belittle either class. The interests of , tario is very effici 't none can truthfully
. - -i . � . .
I . � to the other provinces. But the Domin- ba.nd stopped the ritachine, but con
it would be- money in our pockets. On � I -
the one Orre identical with. those of the ; . I deny. --' That it costs a great -deal of extricate the band, and so cut it
I I � ion Government has said that Manito a . i
no reasonab16 grounds whatteirer can . . .
I - no .
other, and anything that will improve I money is equally true. It is 4 t only 4liall not build this road, and Manito a the wrist.
nion, in itl. wi es� . and SKILFUL ftlt(�-FMY.I-The ope
Co al mercial V id t *1 . .
the lot of the One cannot fail to aid t be , . the cost of the system RE elf that defies it. Is the provincial authori y of tracheotomy was performed su
. . broadest sense' be opposed. The objec- greater than the central?
other. But at the samrie time it is ne- . � is to be considered, ,but tile value . .. full Friday morning by Drs. Ros
. tions to it are as visionax and unsub- ry y - 0
cessaxy to guard against any policy that . I . y of the time and talents of the, vast ' The Telegram puts the watter ve Freeman on a 4-y�ar-old daugh
,tantial as is! the imaginary line which * �lainly, and the situation is certainly a
will unjustly increase the prosperity and : � . . . a.rmy of students should ba added . Johia.Morris,of Carrollton, E'ast Sag
, .
- divides the two bountries. I � to the original cost. When we con- grave one. The authority of -the (-,',oiv- A-lichigati. The child swallo wed an
profits of the one at the cost of the'other. . . . . I '
- '' . mental hairpin some !days previ
� .
I . D ent is defied and- the Governme�t
This, tile present trade policy of this � , - . sider all this the outlay - i almost er, in ; The.pin was three inches long and
I -* , Bid Weeds. dd,re not e'
cou does to a certainextent, for i . nforce that authority. As big nob at the end, and it stuck i
.n2try, I I I I . . appalling. But the main. question is, I -
while the manufacturers are protected., Professor J.� B. Harris writes to,the Manitoba has done now Ontario and a' back breast bone. ; z
I ' . I do we directly and indirectl� reap a,n � . 0 Ty ' IqCIIED.-
Stratford Beacp I of the other Provinces may at aby �111. LY-
. -
and are in this way enabled to get high- n balutioning -the farmers � adequate reward for all this O,xpendi- . d A'WIFE MVJIDRR�
� i - . . I . ' - AH. Kelly, who shot and killed his
er prices for their war�s than they VVould a gainat a new:'nemy that is making its -ire afraid the ar: swer to future. time, and in this way the entire �
. � . I . ture ? We , at McCoy six weeks ago, was take
otherwise do, iit is im-possible to devise a a ppear , heir r�idst, aad for which Confederate system will be set at naug
, . . this query must be a doubtful. one. 4 jail at the Dalles, Portland, Orego
policy which would secure to farmers a they should be on the. look -out. In the Education is, unquestionably, a good ,%nd destroyed. This is what. comes 11of oVock Friday morning by a mo
si�milar advantage. In this respect, and matter of noxious -weeds many.farmers, . 11 - - � - I e hanged in the court house yard.
- ! . thi g, but it is possible to over -do - a Government permitting itself. to I -
ta this extent, the farmers have reasons are entirely too ca,reless. 'They have be- . . . 'come the tool of a soulless corporation Kelly hdard the mob coming he
,. � . . even a very good thi�kg, and wf-fear the- - - his lamp and cut his n''eck, wrist
. � i nada thi's- 0 , p
far coraplaini. But,'�ven in this respect com, e so accustomed to the Ca . tendenc of the present age is towards Had the Government not * laced itself ankles with the glass, and was r
. 11 ; y .1 I
the cause for coruplaiat is Often in, ore t�le, wild mus-tax'd and wild oats that extravagance in educational matters. under the control of the Canadian Paci ic bleeding to death when he was stru
. . . I NEN%-s OF STAXLEY.-The latest
. apparent than real,. for it is a fact, , as t hey are apt to regard other similar - We do not mean -by this - that the rudi- Railway Company they never would ha e . I .
. I I I -encroached so far upon the prerogati r from Stanley is that in the journey
pro by experience, - that in many scourges wifli equal equanimity. :-There -ments of education or knowledge are be- . - . 'le" Leopoldville to Leonk '
-ven j . otela he er
I .
of any Province that their authori Y tered and had to overcome seriou
highly protected industries the home is no doubt but the prpductive powers comi� - co �
i I � , g too wide spread. On the n- . -
' T . 1,
competition reduces prices even lower of every farm 'on which these obnoxious tvould .be contemned and set -at stacles. - One of the gravest diffic
. . I - . trary, we are more inclined to the opin- � . he found was to replenish his co
. than foreign competition could possibly weeds grow to any extent i,3.larfgely .de- ion that the masses are being, if a nything, defiance, but 'iiow they have made .
l . . I . sary. The threatened scarcity o
do. Of course uatil this competition creased, and larger crops of grain and their bed - and they must lie '
� . C5 . ,neglected in the effort to build up a class . visions greatly excited a number
. ' in it. The result any person may very men and it 1;ecame necessary to p
springs up, the consumer will be grass would be produced if �these were of educational specialist�. If anything, . . I
. i -- .
required to .pay the higher figures and kept down more' than, they aie. But it easily conternplite. There must be a tlie malcontents with much sever
. too much encouragement is being given
� -
also under cbmbinations which are ten- would seem, b . Y what Professor Harris to what is termed higher education, or el hange of Governinent, and that .very reduce them to subjection and sav
I - I . 11 expedition. Stanley himself. is ill
dered possfb�e. under protection the same says, that the, wniTE DAI§Y is even more mere technical education, and too little speed ily, or else Confederation is doomed. the excessive heat. The expeditio
- �
grievance ,,vill exist. - In these, ways, injurious and dangier'ous thanelther of - to the practical and rudimental. There The present GovIernment will- never be Bolobo on the I Ith of May and w
therefore, the farmers have grievances those we have named or than all of them is too great a race for 11 educatio merely free to act independently of'. this gigan-', pected to reach the Copgo at its .e
. . I . . tic monopoly corporation, an - d they- are ence with the Aronhonifti by the 6
which Commercial Union would re- put together. ' It would., th �fo e) be for 'education's sake, and the, practical I � June. Stanley's programme was t
-r c .
move. Bat it is not on account of these ' !r rig in a,pplication. of that education alter it is precedent in connection camp at this point there to await
wise for our farmers t6 take wa now making a ' I
' I - �
. . - . ,� . .
� , grievances. that we advocate Commercial ti me and not! only attend td tWl� own acquired is too little taug . ht -in o.ir higher with their treatme.lit of Manitoba which rival of Tippoo Tib, who is approO
Union, nor is it be . cause we beli . eve far . ins, but also- see that their nei�1'1 - will completely destroy their authority from Stanley F%Ils witli provisions
.1 i ,hborB Schools and Colleges. Students are be- I . . force of several hundred more men
ell. There are excellent . . I - over the other Provinces and will enable I .
manufacturers- receive exorbitant profits are careful as* , I I . coming too "anxious to become 11 B. A's') � ; : f i I
. .
and farmers: are a down trodden and laws, on the stAute book . each one to act on:its own account', �
� I 'which, if , takeri AL A's., and so on, and to attain emi- ME � . - i - . Huron Notes. -
I .
� .
. poverty- stricken race, It la because we advantage of, Would not ,only 1pr�ventl . y as cholars, and in this race � . . 2
1 � - - I nence pure] s I i agr porary . who 'lates for en
- troduction of new weeds, but' lose sight of the' great fact t1lat it is ! to the High Schol Nvrote at E.-�ete
believe it,would improve the condition the in I WE ee w -it a contem Twenty-eight candi
of bo,th. Even although our farmers would soon rid the farms of those now also vitally necessary for them to prepar says -.-A cokilm ssion sent to Europe by' week. . I
. I
. e the New 'York City School Board to, -Mr. David Milne, of Ethel, ha
may be tolera.bly prosperous now, it so, prevalent an d injurious.' but un,f6rtu- and arm themselves to fight.t e rough I
study the problom of industrial educa- chased a thorougbbred: cow ai)d cal
will bestill better for the country if they nately these laws are, in .most places, and tumble battle of life. ']'bat the . . J. & W. Watt, of Salern, for 8.300.
� I
� can be -made more prosperous. And if we allowed - to remiain as a dead lettei. . . . tion have report.od strongly.in favor of � �
. possession of these degrees, or .6he edu- Mr. (.,',eorge Diehl, who' for s
. the introductio� of mechanical training' 'years has been a resident of Clint
c&u increase their prosperty withbra t inj ur- Most farmers i woulct rather -suffer the cation -which secures them, b-,tter fits ., I
ing any other class, then, surely* a great injury'than ini I orm on their less thrifty the individual for this struggle we very into the sch6ols 1,of that city. -They con- tends removing to Toronto.
. sider- it advis&bl' , as a rnearks of general -Mr. Thomas Bell, of the Wil
11 . good will be accomplished for all. 'Mr. neiglibors and thus -secure their ill- much doubt. It is .very frequently, ,if : ather than special education, to teach. Furniture Factory, slii�bped a car I
Nicholls admits that on the two items of will, and the municipal. councils seem - -not uni vert -,ally the -case that oi ie of two r . chairs to British Colun�bia last we
I horses and ba, I Hey alone we pay in duty very dilatory in taking il .1 I ' boys the use of tools, modelling in clay, -Last Sunday morning John R
' ie matter consequences result, -the student either and . i
- . 9
the sain Of 81,2t.3,191 annually. Now, 'up and appointing inspectors whose wears himself out physically, oi- he gets c6ristruction. work in paper and who resided with his on -in-law,
l . .
. . pastebo.%rd, and to instruct girls in sew- Smitlij on'the 17th co4cession of
if the American market were ma,de free business it 'would be to see ,that settled irk a groove and pursues h Is studies ,
1 ese articles, the Canadian fartners, the requirements of the . laT are si . mply for the pleasure of acquiring this ing and cookingi . A general knowledge, died at the advanced *e of 87 yea
to th I . . _Messrs. R. Carter, E. Eddy a
of mechanical prI.,inciples, and how to ap-- Spi ,
would just save this amount annually observed. The only reasons we can as. education without any idea,of 1. titting it - I ndler, on the farin (if lt. Carter
on these two items of export, even if sign for this back wa,rdness on the . part to a practical use. ' In either aase the ply them, would do much to direct the lett,'unloaded a large load of hay,
. . - � attdrition of y4u'ths to an industriall I ton, in the short space of
the expoIrt dema,ad did not increase on' of municipal councils is the matter of individti,t]. is �tterly unfitttd,for .the career in preference to the over -crowded , minutes. .
account of the free ma.rket, as it certain- expense. But it must be clear to .every every -day practical duties 'of life. In --Mr. John `-')teivart,of the 9t
� ly -would do- The farmers would not .1 � . professions or the poorly -paid ligU and cession of Howick is erecting a
one, that if this is the objebtion, the pol- the one case he is a physical ,%Vreck I - I
% - I 6(genteel" emplioyments. The system some brick residence which, when
y is a penny �
hide or destroy or bury this am. ount of i1c i wise and pound foolish while in the other he is a pedantic ! I
. * . will probably ,,be introduced in New pleted will be an ornament to the
money. They would use it in par- one, for we are sure that there is not a ; crank. . .. . 1� I * V ork, and is jist as mu -ch needed i and a credit to the neighborhood.
chasing addition�l necessaries and com- t6wnship in the County of Huron 'at - If, therefore, we are to judge f rom . i n -The annual union pic-nic, w-aE
. t .1 Canada. . I
forts for themselves and families and -in would not gaili every year � i les observation and 'practical results, and , . in Alex. Campbell's grove, bound
' . :three 4 �
. . -
- that --way while benefiting themselves, the cost of an efficient officer's salary b' these are after all the beat tests - Grey and Logan, on Dominion Dap
I . y . . , w� think � WE are pleased to notice that the ab- a most enjoyable time spent. .A
would benefit all other classes as well. I having these foul weeds kept down, if we are safe in saying tha:t it is not the §urd decision re'tidered by Judge O'Con-
0 . . ball match was .played betwee
But Mr,. Nicholls ,bases all his objections not.entirely eradicated. We have f re- I extra erudite men who h ve -dis- nor a short t9'ne ago, respecting the Monkton club and the Carmu
. .
. .
� . . :
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* I I - . - I . .
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: . i � ,!.
I � i . JuLy 15 188%7. - I 10;��WWWW—M—wo"-
� - . � ---- - I 11 - - ,!!!��
. — � � 1!
'. I ------. . ----�::�� . le!! , - nber,s'hip of I �
i �:�
I I I lov a to 169—
i L
qagis- team, resulting in a victory for the lat- band and large family of small chi - . Was*
I , Ia -*or$ . c
rell . . L. I
� ,rgj�ee
art of ter by 0. score of 21 to. 7. The �pro- to mourn the loss -of a kind, aff c .�il in L ; fle
b I - I was sell
I . tionate . -1 'h, , I
. - : . � ip, � 11
grammd, of the day consisted of idia and loving wife and mother, who b I 100bers- vgxllafaflings�, .
bered aye 11 . .
. rfectlO 'f his "ability
logues, :singing, swinging and dancing. the heartfelt sympathy of all in their sad � - -r O' I �
. -10'� bOt
ountY Thomasl Gowan, the teacher, was tfie and sudden bereavement. r , tbem, Of
1: . � jD ibe ��iltlg
eepers. conimander-in-ebief. .. —Last %yeek Mr. Joseph Clegg ,all- � h7 " saactimo,
I - 'Iit�, ad
Z3102; . - rW 101ro8i I
, I . etc.,
— 'It H -
Miss Annie Chilton, of Godericb, ped from Brussels station three c . I Aure
of the daughter of the American consul at that of splendid cattle 'to,- the Old 4 . , roemy, ,
4 byp , truth as colata
: . CountrY i0a, - 11 the
cases port; to k the veil at Loretto convent Nineteen head were purchased frorli W* ,,,,., h -ad: not
, � . I GOd:, ,
. if
, P " I orlac
were Toronto., on Saturday last. She will be McAllister. They aggregated 25,67,0 1. worde , iii" coagregatil
. I
io de- known As sister Alberta. pounds, and from, the sale Mr, �j ' . 40�d ally In L d d he cou
trui Offen''.6.
. . —Mr, . rles Girvin, the justly- lister pocketed the large sum of 81 cAl. 'h ,
Cba 'ILQ - 1w . ea them, as Inell
point- , lie urg I L I,yOa to (
popular, reeve of West Wawanosh, has Andrew, Hislop disposed of 13 head' it, ,h to be
each other,
t� try gone or[; a three -weeks visittaAmlierst weighing 17,970 pounds' The he&viegt' aurc , .4 f* I
orated Island, We wish him a,pleasant )1oli- weighed 1,620. For the 1.1 head 11L I . b su 'U
I JIttrtL I a �bye a, d ood I
- -
dingly day and a safe return. L Clegg paid $800. Eighteen bead scaling ,1 � goo �. by offering .
-Mr, John Johnston, of Clinton, has 24,240 purchased from diflerent persons r .close I o(I's blessiug I
recent . . .. or t
bought §O acres from Mr. P. J. Evahs,of m4de up the third car. LLLL I on .. I)Ied,
d con- the Maitland concession., Goderich town- . -Many of our readers will regret.to . .a..- - -
- L V-
�Iagis- ship, pak�ying about $3,000 therefore.: He learn of the,dea,th of Mr. (;eorge . ,
. - Wright, of Berlin, which took H. I r I . I. .
ac has secured a, good property at a reason- I place in C11BEIJ, _ CONTROVIA
t in able figore. � . . that town on Wednesday of last week.. TO - ,�. RT N, E Y I — D,ko. i
. )J,cc,
which ! W. Robb, of the second con- Mr. Wright was for many years a resi.' Ova , -
_M r, . yoikr last ler"
� ,rt Of to form 1.
nother - cession Of Tuckersmith, had the. misfor- dent of this county, having kept store in *Oy! thep-ablic I
, L
raised tune to have two cattle killed by the Brussels and afterwards in Clinton'.. Ile . jeaviq . lainly 'aCkno w
also resided in Seaforth for a coupleot 'L )tou P ckle and I
,Scott train at Alma crossing a few days ago. ion- . Nir Ste
- This is six cattle Mr. Robb has lost- in years, being salesman in the store of joeetilig 1.,,',,_y,o�� proinisc(
L , .
- ' � '011 1; .
Be a 113rons . our n
: the same, way (luring the: past two .or Messrs., Duncan & Dunc3.11. h d -1 is year in .
, L : � L been confined to bis residence for several 111 *�
three years. I . � . I o0 - - aone to., cOntr;.
1 - �ahaving' p�roveyourself
-Messrs. Seager & Lewis, barristers, m,=tbs, and had been for many years a 10 . ou
peas- of Goderich,bave dissolved 'partnership. victira of consum ption. : tomise, Y I turned ar'ri
.-fjord, Mr. -�Thornas Jamieiori's barn neat 111k,r. I t! Wu, BOY 1i
� LOU I ,
Seager will continue practising in . � . , as ust a's I C . ld, el
the old! stand, and Mr. Lewis is having ncoch� in the township . Of L I' 'aSt N'Va"'V.a- ing- 'a the Bane, which i�
t Z11g) an offi4 erected 'for himself on' the nosh, was struck with lightning on ,Sil I b eo L -
?D n- 01" �Jled Olt 8, few' 1101
I f Hamilton and Newgate streets, da.y the 3rd i,nst. 'The lightning struck 1.0aly * . as I -was -.01
z ,-,,y, home U Sa7
p 'I e Colborne hotel. . I Iny y 't]
0 pw t -,� th it 6 f,Aoet above the stone wall and fol. . �
or of -rh� Grey and Morris cheese factory lowed down the wall, throwin - 4,06k Ineo Next, Y'a . �
. 9 some of . I of your generosity
luable sold 3.20 boxes of cheese, the make of the the stones into the horse stalls. 'N -Jr. -,,,tage L, I didi]bt, I)ut'
I 1, . �Ocenca. - 4
last part of June, to Mr". Zinkam, at 94 Jamieson's eldest son was sitting at the W - -Lida-half lllilt-�.
J t) t. -o ar ,
uth in cents per pound. The cbzese factory i,� stable door about 12 feet from where it ..Over overtook I
. � ' i6etion, you
very doing atip-top business, and the cheese-- struck, and narrowly escaped being . . Out Of ,'N1r.ArmetrO!
r, i Robertson, is an excellent killed. One of the horses standing at �000109 -t , � to let you in, -
ifteen maker and understands his basinesA. the stable door fell as if it was shoi, but L ed the �P
� . I in.a.debutter X'
I ,�St if we ,
tweek . . ! recovered again. The West Wawanosh . , to us, but if I
-The Brussels Post �egrets to :hear , pany promptly paid ., ould give
that Mrs. ArthLnr Hingston is 'nqt in -Fire Insurance Coni I. to YOU. yb
er of - . the damage to the barn. , � . ,k,l, give
� I I
-1 good health, her trouble peing water L I u begrrinfr 0
on JL( - Ig to YO '4t:,J-) = .
arcion the luit's, and her condition is a cause -The Jum bo steer, ("Ieneral Pick- 4bblir froal. -as, wbi
9 d," raised and bred I ,A,ke crea"A .
es to of alarm to her friends. 7 We h e by Mr. James - - - I went to �
I Pickard, of E�eter, has gone the way of � delib8rat-e lie -
Will soon improve, however, and be re- . Sr.igbllto do, to see -if you
nchow - : all flesh. He died last week. lie bas been greed
stored to her usual health. ; - h to do as YO11 `a� I
janks, ' I ailing for over a year, and has been in toollIg I was to]
-Messrs. CO1Lquhoun and.Dow, the haA not
and Mr. L Pickard's possession for that tir 'Von � ., - yow
well-known horsemen of, Exeter, have e. . I I --- criali
E-lerinaries were present when S. .
Several ve, uthority that - -
gone to the old Country for the purpose � �selitillg �,our crea
rdsreprf . I
New A Of hunting up something pretty good in lie died, 6,11 of -whom after an examina.- I � . I . -do not wish their n
. rates .
ntains 7 ti.)n had been innade pronounced the youspeaIkabout me
lation thle 'horse line. Their return will be AILL ment a well developed case of c - 4 .
" � h repard -to t]
awaited with considerable interest by ' on- ,j Tayse �
. . � , " 11 ption. The beast's lungs had .. . . Pablic in the
- . .
Queen many. - - . . � �usted almost aw1ay, which toget - �efore the.
-Tile people of Exeter North, or Hay . . her ,Wiuter) but I am thankful
to Mr. postoffice, now have a mail service twice Nv; I 'h intestinal affections, caused his vat -many noble, miadcd
e has a day directly between- the office and the de j1h. His body, save the head, which 9
-to the voods ithawise, aud w0ul,a.hav,
will be saved, was taken I a 1. am 54atisfi,ed that n,
oy'lty station instead of one, and that in con- AD . . � - I
d out nection!with -Exeter postoffice as for- and cremated.
I ,,,tis ash46111ed Of the Pq
merly. � This will be a great conveni- -The following card was publishedin g-huo pne ,eve'r Mtn",
;, two f : . . . the Goderich papers last week --No ' thoug, � d perhaps.
ence. 1 . tice -,
i Wjy, bef Ore6 KA
ial at I 11 I
-Mr,' J acob Halliday, school teacher. to hotel -keepers and others: -I take ' 1 1. yet have Your eves oPenel
, -
� .
li�ve in Howick, pear Clifford, has taken. ad- this occasion to warn my fellow hotel. I vaueedeA. You say Y
x and vantage'of the holiday season to make a keepers in the county of Enron and else� . got less ,for your cheese -
nite'- .trip to the old country. He is a success- wbere against harboring a glib -tongued lay you � have, And Y
. f ul teacher and very popular -,vvith those young man by the name of John Brown, I of our -
iapio-1, who knQ'W him and all his friends ill hadling from Toronto, and claiming tobe . . . tbat gorll.e
w so baa:,t1,.1atit could r
Eur�� unite inj wishing him bon voyage. a newspaper man; as, if be serves thern ADy price -i a portion 911,
leased' -A i ery painf ill accident occurred the saine as he did tile last week, he will', ' . is a iuml
. . v � ' .Taore fed. to pigs, '
in no at Mr 1 Williams' mill in Gorrie, on depart between two days, leaving only I U should be punished f`
m. the � Tuesday of last week, whereby Addie. an unpaid board bill to remember bfir, 'gf,re last, ,wb-,en Mr. 1!-,':,
politi- Wiggins, a lad of about nine years of by.- If he sends $10 to pay for his board . . Dey had � the contract i
� . age, had three fingers severed at -the bill nolthing further will be said by me; 11 . cheesei be; !employed Mr.:
. .
even- first joipk He was .trying to operate if lie. does not, further particulars of his work and, neglected to s
f pro- , _ . -1 be ven.—JA=S- - - . . 11 I 'i he milk -v
. some of the machinery and had his hand visit to Huron wil I -one day unti, t
iscon- I drawn under a knife. BAILEY, Union Hotell Goleirich. I . yr. McCartney paid f,
1" 1)atr�o-ns lopt -not a ce t, t1]
-The, old school house that has done -The Mitchell Recorder of last week In +- -not , I
:t f ur- - . I . . �
service so long in Holmesville, and in . .Qays :. Mr. Lou Wood, who lids been at, 4011t SiXt�, dollars' - 'r%
dered which in,any, no -%v occupying positions of tending the High School here .�ince Xew , � , . - .. .
- mot willing to p b "
. N�- trustlang, re9ponsibility in various parts Year's, left for his home at Londesboro " . iddabout it.the e, er f,
* of the world, took th,eii first lessomin .on: Wednesday. Mr. Wood will be ]kBve been; enough I ar4 '
dwich ,, ;
readin', riting and rithmetic," has been greatly missed in town, where he seems 11ready. ;,N -1r. Park wa-9,
at one torn down to make way for the new and to have become a general favorite with ' b1strie,though I belii we t � I
tween more commodious structure to take its all classes. He was an ardent teacher deal of eo,�rt ma'de to b
place. - � . � and worker in the E piscopat .
.. Sunday soid our! 1 ')
ildren -AJatthew Winer, general teamster school, and his class marked their appre- � R-6-ertsetzli 'Ballant";yne.-)-
Long' of Crediton, while whipping one of the ciation of -his services by presenting him .with the ' exception ,of I
9 of a horses for misconduct at Grand Bend - with a set of Mrs. Havergal's poem. s, and yr,
� . Lov�4,e and Mr, 1,14i
, t '
Ork. Dominion Day, was kicked twice one or more of'the teachers presented ed the �ch�eses that Mr- i
N, 1). - . I . ,I
in the breast and knocked sense- him with a bandsoine Bible, We v.-asdisao,pointed. tbat I
in a less upon the ground. Medical aid will be glad to see Mr. Wood return - -them, i 1 need,
Sand �
was immediately summoned, and re- after his ho.lidays, , 4 ad not �one chepSe, M'��
- �
hus- . . )S Make.
Id not -storatives applied., and liesoon recovered -A Bayfield correspondent' says: the whou yeir .
off at'. consciousness. He is doing well. . The Rev. Mr. Gee, Ailetbodistelergy- !nenare,l believe, the 6
-The parents, children and friends off man, lately of this village, bas,we believe in Ontario. Can you 8A
. . Cai an 11reshyterian �)) arch Sabbath gone to Auburn. The incoming clergy- sold to tLese men ? I ZJ
ration , I �
ccess- school, E xeter, had a very pleasant and man is the Rev. Mr. Hill. A very act- tons Of fir'st-class buytr,,,
successful picnic in a b�&utif ul grove on ive and intelligent fariner of the con- � your cheese far behind '-
sand the farm of Mr. Peter Mair,-T'harkles gregation, living on the road from Bay- I them wient so far ItS �
ter of i I I
Road, Usborne, on Dominion. Day. field to Goderich, being very anxious to � worst chp!ese was w; go
inaw, There were about 500 people present, see his new pastor, accostea a clerical i Y�u spe$k about the it,
' � 3
orna- and both old and young enjoyed them- -looking man in sombre clothes near Bay- ; of this siction, a -ad sce�
Ously, i
elves immensely.. I field, andasked him was he a clerg _at,, � � tate to them aboutthe
bad a " t L, I .ym ,
n her -A mos melancholy accident ha,p- thinking he mig,ht be the expected I I this fattory, as I do W'A
Pealed on the farm of Roderick McLeod-, pastor. 11 I am not of the sacred pro- . tatisfaetion, but there.�
of:tbe 4tb concession of (',rey, on 9"liurs- fession," answered the individual, "but directom as well as m y-
Oscar daythe3015litilt. Two youngmen, John the next thing to it; I .am a Goderich ; melk,mnre tobereli ',
wife I � .
.1 � -
Giddens and 11arry Spillett, went down: lawyer. " The .farmer was disgusted '. 'i you, -aad the people 1;
i from , � `
to i'tbe river to -bathe, when, after being � with the answer, and disappeared. The - % btislne6 a,bout whorn t;
1, at 2 . ! � '
ini some time, Harry got beyond, big lawy,,6r was Mr. Elays, of Goderich, and I Riers better than you..�
J and - , ,O,i,� RF -
When de�th and was drowned before any the fa,rmer Mr. J. Wallis, so the story � . :1 SIT11. �
0 assistance could reach him, - goes. . -Nkht- El)mon�-Thq
br ke I I . �
' - :
I On Saturday evening a bear.was -TheClintonNew E'raof lastweek the la�t issue of Tily, 1.
s find t
ipidly seen in a pea field a few miles south of says : 0a inform, ation laid by Inspector llcca�rt�ney's reply to NN
0 orning a large . 0
rig up. ' Paisley, Mr. Frank McDonagh. of Inetitt theeffect.tliat�
G rrie, and on Sunday rh i - . It '. , last *�
news crowd of men and dogs started7 in pur- Smith's Hill, appeared before Police the lake factor , . .�
'Magistrate Williams on Friday last, and -was f I'M.
from suit. After a short chase lie was run I 2,
coun- into a swamp on the 2nd concessi ' on of plead guilty to a violation of the Scott I give A most emphatic
s ob- Howick. The swamp -was then surround- Act, when he was fined ,0,50 and costs, lf� M,qCartney or a.vt,
ulties ed, and Mr. Bruin soon. received a shot which. he paid.. On Tuesday 'tile magis- 1. provej any such statearill
mmis--- from W. Sande�rson's girn which ended trate went tor Wroxeter, -where Ars. . I -derra;;ud an inimed
f Pro- I I . Johnson, Wroxeter, W. Ward- ()Irrey�, AN-41r,�Nv PARK, Che,
'-'.Mr. James Potter, of Howick, near and L. Cam pbell, G"orrie - all hot' Y"tary, -
of his I Ir el keep- -
uni-sh Gorrie, died last week in the London in- ers, plead guilty to violation of the Act, �� -- -*-
. .
�ty to sane asylum. In PeVr4ary last he got and were each fined -$MO and costs ; to I . The Other,
len . by'a log rolling 20 r - .
, ,
e the one of his legs brok leave Clinton at 10-15 a.m., to W ox - Mr. Frederick 3\`iel
from ?n it. While confined to bed with thil et�er, impose three fines, anl'retu.rn by the Canadian Nla.naj
' .
n left injury be became in.orosd and melancholy 4: 1 5 p- m., is pretty quick work. The , tion, 1 , writes to the Tol
Ls ex- and finally went wrong in his mind and East Riding Inspector has laid informa- to sorkie remarks tive
during the spring was taken to the tion against a couple of drugg
onfla- 0 gists within secreta;ry* the -Centr
th of asylum where he remained .until his his inspectorate, for violation of the Act, - as follows .-
I .� � � - and their cases . Th"
0 en- death. . . ; . come up next week. Aft. is. 13am e gentlem,A,
,, -,Mr. Jas -Grant, of d Reldiin reference to,
be ar- linton, has been Amos ()'Foodinanl baitender at Pike%. I I
Ching engaged to corn lete the term of teach- plead guilty to' an offence under the induRtries - " ))>at wb
. .
and a ing in the sellooN vacated by Mr. George Soott Act on Wednesday, and paid his - littld ; inter telIs .�4
, d, Stanley. In fine of $50 and costs. Nelson Glew, o that Coninit
. Badrd jr., Bayfield Roa, . Ont�ri `e�st
the 17nited ,.-*ta,t(.,; i� .:
this school Mr. G'rant rEceived his early Clinton, a private individual, on infor� ," -, 3C
training, and it says- much 'for his pro- mation laid by Inspector Paisley, charg- : . of (1413ada, that r
I . e "'I,
I ing him with selling I I surel� .
bity 'of character and i'bility as an in- iquor contrary to , afford io accep
. � �
trance structor, tha�t the trusteest chose him to the provision 6f the Scott Act, appeared 2, go. a joke. "' Whi
r last fill a situation that is�, sometimes, not before the 1' P. Al. on 'Wedne-�da�y, .and 0 �Ii'vene8s Of Mr. .
easily firled. -1 � I , plead guilty, when he was fiti.ed .$:jo and � I must also dill
costs. Information has been laid against' tllolln!�11,� 't is clainle(I I
s pur- -The larrfest wedding party that has I I
0 - I nual produetion of
f from ever. 'visited Lucknovr,:(�ailed there. on I J onatban Miller, of Benmiller, but the :
I NV.ednesday afternoon of last week. The case ha4 not yet been tried.. $400 i0o J annual
,I ,o000
everal merry company comprised some. 20 or 30 -Regarding the farewell serm on � ,how�ng, hence tbe , .
g couples, who were present at the preached in Knox church, Brussels, on indli.
)n, in- youn . B kgtri�l cia-168P.S.
11 e9i everyquesti.
m6xriage of Miss Todd, daughter of Mr. I 8abbath the 3rd inst-., by Rev. S, Jones th 10 ,census yea
gbam Thos. Todd, of St. Helens, to ^.Nfr. D. Me- on retiring fro in- active work in the min- es , - I
Oad of - Donald of the 7th concession of Ashfield. I istry, the Brussels Po t 8. , ents werle �
, : .
I s Says .. -Not- nor as ,extensive a�
ek. After an hour's stay P.t the Whitely I witlistanding the excessive heat the
. I thali - �
ender, house the happy assemblage drove out '� church was blled to over -flowing with ail . � I according to th
'.O I " 6 N,a,U6 of th:eir, 1,10.
Win. of the village by the Ooderich road., ; audience eager to htar the parting words- , P i
_n ;"P,04,600 f)()o a
-On WerInesday evening of Ias, t I of the veteran preacher, Rev. .13. Jones- � rid. #
(,'rey, 1) . . I L lvag-6 the en'ormoas -
rs. week. John Topini ail old and highly re- I The service was opened by singing the for -that y,LAar. :
, . -5 15
ad W. spected citizen of Howick, Aiopped ! 13tb Psalm, followed by the reading of I Fr(,
. . I ledgb I v I
, Hul- dead from a chair lie Nva� sitting upop in ;! the 28tli- chapter of Mattheu,, And com- � . entur-e tbe ��
� aceiismi. taken thi5
' front of the� (loor without a struggle I meriting on the same. The rev. . Of ptoductij)tla Nvwl�
over I , Irentle- I
three Up to the instant that he fell, he Ui 1 man ch,:,
I . I I ose for bis text the,'23th ,.�haptvr %61 so that 11r.
been in his usual ood bealth, and: bad of Matthew, part of 20th -r- ill
I v,c se, "Lo I I.
. .
h con- been out to tb e p at�sture .Peld and brought , am Nvith you al)N,ty even to tile end of 11'4nufa,eturers' lit
in],-,diciou,s 8.8 it wa-
hand- the cows for milking, aiid ]lad just sat I the world.." It was an able discotirse, for,
corn- down. a few minutes before the unex- full of power and interest, and was Cal- 14t '41le ana,lyv,-
farm pected summom., came. ' I I calated to strengthen the b,)pe of thebew full.141her. 'Our tot.011
. -Mrs. Thos. Mannel, of Wirlohaiii, liever. In conclusion be referred feel- �f- -
. held diedinthat town on WednesdayD . P`011uets is estimate
1ast. ingly to'his twenty. yea --s' labor"as pastor Which 10 per cent.'A
ary of The deceased has been a resident of of the congregation, and of the many P4,Ua aad 90 per c
� =d Wingbam for the past hine years, and pleasant recollections of the past. He ent4h into home ,,
base formerly lived in BelleValle. She was a had had much pleasure durirk (7 that Ion b
I rg Uys th�
. I n Is and who
n the, good neighbor, and was;highly respected period in seeing the work of the Lo ; . 1.
nnock by all who knew her, 8he leaves a lius- prosper, When lie first took charge �
I :
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