HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-07-08, Page 8. I I . . I . I I I � : : . . . I . I I . . I - I I . � I I . . a . I . I . . . I . I : . . � . i I - I; - . ­ � . I : . � 1 I - . - i . I I � ; . I � - I I � . I ; � i . . i � i I . I -_ I I - . I I i . I . I - I t , . ! . I 11 I I . I � I . . . I . . . ., � * I I i I I . i : i . . i . I I I - . . . % . i I I . � . I : I I . . : . . 4 — - � I I I .. . . : - I I . - I . . — I . , � . . � � I . I I . . _ I . . . - I � N . . TH9 §ITO. 0 . . 8 . .. � I 6 I � ____ __� , � , �� .--- - - . . I . . - �_ ------------: � � I I -_ . - —_ I - . .r ! I I . i . . I . -*r - , I : . - i � idly.- I . N ntrue, and I dare you to give one% sill .1 I goodly nu�iiber of those who deligh� in Ing on rap The Baird Comedy � left for Detroit on Monday last, -' h ere u � I Edward Oash . sports we*t to Stratford to see the h�rse Company have been play' 9 in Cardng,s : he will. be engaged at his trade as a- gle instance wherb 'I have "tied," o , 'inter.' A tenn � . . . Boole I of them were 'poll- Hall every, night this week. T�e I tr is match is expeeb6d to where any person lhas done so in my bf ' I . When you wer races, and I . I . Willbeprepared to buy any quantity o . f Fine sliderably disappointed, as theyaaylithe weather is rather warm, for s how - going e played between Blyth and Brussels half or in my interlests. Wool, Fairand rea.R6na-blo selections as , . I., . ith- on Friday; it is -not . certa�iu at; whicl! making a fool of yoorself trying to cor I - fleoce . .1. races wer nLot interesting nor was� the I and the houses fiave been I ight notw , .. soon as the Heason opons: ,�N-o good grass. Wtter raill,way stoinding the sill � . . . : vince the people that you were a suit in tog, pails or rolls at the otd stand, Goderich affair w I conducted. At the ' . . all admission fee. Tqe place. : . I . -0 z station hdre the following isa stateiinent � company is scarcely,up to he standarq. 0 . . able person for thei' to send to Parlia I I � I . . ' ilient I was attending to my own bug,j street. Wve me CL Call. . � I of the'tielc-ets sold for the various points i �ivlr. and Mrs. F. He me8ted leaVe Tuckersmith. I- . 0 of th . 'd CASH. of intereO -. Goderich, 271 ; Dublin 125; here to -day for � Sault Ste Marie w e . � . tier of ness, and perhaps that is one I 0 T IMPROVEMENTS.- arge. nu n - reasons for my success of which yo __ ____ � tratford; 25 ; London, 15. . :� . � they will rusticate for a co aple of week . new barns are . being erected in this - - . . . % 0 � . . - . I I I I a carload- , I f !eem to be.so very jealous. But it is a _ -.-- - � ! -M . , ) I 11 I r. Chas' Lowrie sh .... ipp d a carload . township this season. % Among otIl6rs . I , insult to the intelligent farmers of you I .1 I . ta HELP NN"ANTED. -Dining room gi I butter and cheese to Leith, Scotland, 61n we notice that Mr. Kennedy, of t1i e 2nd section to say, as you do,that any reprf uron txpo 'Ito r# and Chambermaid at Kennedy's I to . 1, Sed h. Wednesday. This is Mr. Lowrie's fir�t the 11ur6n � concessioih' Mr. Fowler, of - I 0 1 1 sebtations from me, would induce thei 1� . good wages wili be. paid to suitrble girls�', Ap. � �his year. n this road, Mr. McIntosh, of the Mill road, �I .- - _ . shipment i The reight o I . to. give tile their patronage if they di - . � piytomits. KFmN.Ywron the prem.ises. 10,21-2 carload amounted to $2,80 .'-Mr. Robt. 4nd Mr Cooper, of - tile London Roac , DISTRICT 'ATT�Rs. � APPLETo-x's Great American G.Glo- Coleman, of Tucke'ramith, recently soid ' I . not find it to their. advantage to do s( I , . have each erected1arge barns w� fl ston - . __ . . piodia is a saif UR d to its possessor. � im- a three year old colt for $200.-Mii;s stabling underneath. : I have no desire to injure either you 0 __ - - - . - � .. parts"all kqo%N- c go, apd, as knowwlledge is I'liNver, 1C . � the'Blake factory, but when p'atronag . a , 'I Moore, of Stratford, is spending son�d STATIft s. -According to the Voters . I CLORCEY'�; NENv MowiX(� MACUENE.- he becomes a potential leader,. in sooiet�-- lt . I is offered me� from any quarter � I woul teaches the gerni theorVilully,i and, therefore, days with her f riend Mrs. ."Joulter. -M ,. lists for this township, which have 'I are r( Farmers, imple m ,eiit men, and" others in e of thosill less I j ast be even More silly than y.� ' places it�i possessor: in -ad vane - . John A. Wilson leaves to- ay for Mar i- been issded, there are 738 perso a eligi- I I terested, can have an opportunity now favored Xt c ! inp, knowledge ,y given by puted to be, if I refused it.' As fc those 8� I . I r ral wee] Ls, bli nanicipal elections of reviewingthis invention catting on a ts t ,, ilLlster Koch and others torba to spend seve . a to vote at both i � . 1111, ia.-ja le ' day'dawnihg, -to the I I 0 the -character of the cheese made at in in septidp, � and elections to the Legislative Asseiii- 't .1 willing to let the prices 'Irgfossio , � n. bly; 44, eligible to vote at irunicipal John McMillan, M.P.'s farm in - Hullett. medical 1 3ai�itary boards and health . factory I am Mr. Perry, general manager of the officers sho.uld. e m be in possession of a fu -11 and . have always obtained speak. I hav Mowat Manufacturing coffilpainy-, of To- cox-pplate s� . It is a profe4sorship in a fatnily. Tm BuRGuARY. -The three youl: g elections only, and 39 eligible to v ote often got a7cent a pound more for m , , I s4bacription, anO. can , i e As- , . rorito, arrived in town yesterday with Th,is work ii only sold by men, East, Baker and Ckripenter, wl o only at elections to tile Legisla i will re, alla- now be �u scribed f4 thkough P. .R., House, were arrested on the charge of breakiii g sembly. There are 44 women -Vwters; cheese than cheese made at year factor one of these mowers, which . � sold for, and I never got less, and I X.D AdOresshiiiiat�se,%fortb,,Ont.,for�afe%Nr . W -i I -with Mr. McMillan, duripg hislTaY days only. T"Vilou IT )1AY CONGKRX.-Thks is Into. the 'store of Messrs. Kidd & St n 90 land o ners' sons; 98 tenant% ' wage never had to do with my cheese as ba , 011tting. t , i to certi6 that I have Purchased f ron i Dr. 1'. R. and .blowing open the fe, of whi(h earners, and one'iucome voter. There , . . I . � -r,,e on to be done with cheese made at you -_ -- --..------- � � . I I- House the complete work of 'the American mention was made last we. , were rL are 424 . . I . art pay the Bri- . I . . persons, eligible ,to s, I . factory last year; some of it was Be ba WELL Do.Nx.-A picked team from cyciopaidia, ex1anging in .p � 'before the Stratford Poli�,e Magistra�e j uries. I � . . : hand. My object for such . that it could not be sold at any PTICI the Seaforth Lacrosse Club, w o ose name , evity and clearness of all. in- oil Tuesday Jast. * The ev,dence again it THE ISCHOOL COXTROVERM�.--MR- and a portion was given away and rrmi I we gave � ast week, went to. London on Ao-r-m-ation given, and also b in moderni ,"up them was not very strong, beirigAargeIy EDITOR, -As considerable discu isi m has . I - Do minioabay to play a mAch'with the !to . the Ist of January, 18861 'I The Aruenc4p Carpent,-r was dl�- occurred lately. rQgarding Mi. Doig's was fed to the pigs. The less you ha% , circumstantial. _, Aia deals with the xest drugs, and , to say al -out the quality of the cheef " . London Otub, this being. One of the ,Cyclopw I colh- , each- itreats th-d and ini4robe theory fully. I To charged,, but the other two were trying to undermine Mr. Horton t . Western ntaxio allam. eries. I meithas,,tern�uthe greatest satisfaction, a:pd,l , mitted to stand their trial.' They we: e er in School -Section No. 9, WE, the. made at your factory, Alr. Reith, an I pionship s i . . V the manner in which it is being manage The match was a very interesting one,, can cheerfuliv recoinmend �he'%vork to wiy-per- write the following to show . . . � afterwards liberated on bail of $3OqO undersigned, I .the play o i. both sides being excellent. son in search of the latest -1 knowledge on aj�y . � that the difficulty arose from -a triisun- by you, the better. Hoping I have sai � I subject. (�. P. SrLvH8TR1tJ 11. D. Galt' �une each. sufficient to satisfy you, I I I Seaforth woL n the first and third games, . 10HX1 FATAL ACCIMEKT.-A sad and fat Ll derstanding between ourselves during a ; 21,1886. . I . I 4 ". I . &c.,-HVIG111 MCCARTNLY, Propriet( . . . - - I and Londan the second. The. fourth ; I accident occurred on tlic Huron rood conversation, and which becarr e circu . � . i gaxae continued for an bour and a half, FROM OLT) . IRELAND. -The f riends df east of this place, on Saturday eveniz g lated through the township, an , ,we Bracefield Creamery. I - � ; I ____ . - - k, when the ef eree. called " tim e. " and de - Mr. S& muel Clarke, who, for a time was, last. Mr. -Will. Yeo, _O" -Staffa, w E; hereby clear Mr.'Horton of having - b6en . . � . . . � ar M016110P. . . I i - clared the game a draw. . The Sea,forth editor of the Sun nemipaper in Sea,fortfi, driving to Mitchell i� his ')uggy to get a the author of said reports, and also cl� . . , I boys thus came out victorious by one will regret to learn that on account Of grain cradle. He itopped - awhile At Mr. Doig of having tried to ur &rmin:e Tow.-isHii, COUN.-CIL.-The minutes ii 11 ,� -ing We the laist Council meeting have been r iz game.- London is admitted to be one of ill bealthhe has beEn compelled to llea�e Dnblin, and did some bisiness therb, Mr. Horton in said school. Du I- I . . I . . 4 the beat clubs in the west, and they had' Can�ada, and has retu�ned to big native - 'and then started for .Mitchell. When contro ve:rsy, if Mr. Horton has caE t any ceived, andwill appear next week, aug] . ' ."� 4, their best men in the field oil this occa- counfry, Ireland,. where he intends r4- near Mr. John Aikens' reAdencelt abo4 slur on M�. Wallace's literary abilities PERSO-NALS.-Miss Annie Ross, !4 " sion,. If our boys keepon as''they ha�re. siding f or a �.]m e with the hope that tb� I e a mile east of Dublin, he was thrown he is satisfied to retract the same, while ter of Mr. Finlay Ross, who has beE t , Ladies' College, S � began, it 6oks as if the championship change ma'y1be o� benefit to him. in la from his b apparently on his hM, Mr. Wallace retracts all Blurs cast .upon- attending Alma I . uggy, ,,, would res� in Sea -forth for theinex-t year.- . dy wo�s Mr. Horton's character as, a nian and Thomas, is now honle spending her hot , . grivate lett�r redently received from Mi. and wa4 inata"ntly killed. His bol � I I I I 0 — i . : larke,an I d dated Cloness, June 23id, be .1 carried into Mr. Aikens' barn, and kepi t teacher. Signed by I days. At the recent examinations i 11 1 CATTLES,i,liPPED. . Messrs. Crovenlook says:-" I had a ver� pleasant and Pro, �' there until 11 -o'clock the next- day, SAMUEL WALLACE, Trustee.. that institution we are pleased to noti( I , I - - 11 & Wiatera shipped several � - ; oads of perous Voyage- over"from Montr al t>- ,when it was taken home. The deceased WILLIAM E LGIE, ex -Ti us be that Miss Ross.' name figured conspici i " � If . '' . ously in the honor roll, she having ri 'L tq cattle and, sheep from this 8tatio' The vo3 td te:t le�ves ,a widow and five childr n, to NOTE. -We have -'received fmin �r. �, ' On Londondqrry. , . _ � Monday last. They were Ill, destined7 -days. Theshi I sailed in *49 the Van, � .1 : . Horton a communication in repl � to that ceived honorable mention in the follov R . . . , mourn big untimely end. I I . . I for - the old country markets� Most of couver, of. tile W. inion lin � She ,,- - � I which appeared from Mr. Wall cf, ut ing d�partrnents, viz.: Penmanshi] I -- v . : i - '. - I them. were bought by bulk b4t the fol very fine _e�r: I - . ,�nt sight singing, drawing and fine arts. 11 ), I vessel, 1 . made 'a. -a fe � I Bay.field. . i in view of the above amicable se tlem � 1 . . . 5 . pt to Rev. Mr. Musgrove,. the popnia ' i � w : Robt. - 4 RVFS '.-Mr. Charles Tip- of the difficulty we have decide(' r I r an 11 lowing are the weights of a f�, speed the whole a over of about I ��. � i' - - i, I . . EARLY HA KST ri Hogg, McKillop, �two st�ers, 2,620 Ms.; miles By genial pastor of Duff's and Cava V am hour. T, saloon accommoda- publish it, as it is well the contr( r 0 � i I � I peft, of the Bayfield road, in this plac�l �e I Manitol: �, � Jas. Aitcheson, M-cKillop, Ave steers, tion should ehd �bere.-ED. EXP.* churches, returned home from ii was first-class i I altrespects, and in cut a field of fall wheat of ten acres, on I 1 � I � . V g 7, 180 lbs.; Geo. Date, Hullett, 12 steers, the second cabi . or nterme4iate, the.ac- Wednesday. It is a splendid "crop. I .--I— . � on Tuesday last. Mr. Musgrove ha t1l . 16,450:%8.; C Date,. Hallett, one cow, co m moda.tion w 'I ite good enough 'for Thi�s is the first of the sea3on, and Bay- . . . Brucefield.: . been in attendance at the Assembl , * 48j qi a � meeting in Winnipeg. He enjoyed h t"I - , 1,360 Ibs.; flugh Chesneyi Tuickersmitti, plain people-, I t ni � in the F econd cabin field still keeps the lead. 'Mr. Jani�s I�AS,E BALL. -A friendly game ol baset ': f . I i three steers, 4,bl.0, lbs. The Messrs. ui aitisfied both with - the Reid and Mr. Richardson, of the Ba�_ balt was played on the Bayfield recrpa- trip very much, and returns improve . i � and was q te �� . ' d in better healih. He went west i . I - Case adso shipped the same day a nlum- treatinent I , rece ved and the class of' field road, Stanley, hav( fields neafl tiori grounds oil July lot, between I a . I .Y )) Vie n A ,& ber of very fine steers, which � they took passengers with i he im I found" my m,lf I far as Calgary. He tbinks we' .1 of -tl. T, .. I , read ill be at it th'.s wdek. B :: J bilee club of Brucefield and. thel, I in I � �, i yl . . . ntry, and was much surprised to s( � off their o'%V'n pasture fields is vial -1111- associated. They, were plain, sensible 'y �,ickers " of Varna. The Jubil es con f If ty. Prices are considerably lower in I Canadia,n f - � next week fa I wheat and wrley harvea 5 t I , so large -and finely built a city as Wii '. . I ol k, o#, what would . here be will be ener I in this vi, -inity. . Both took the bat first, and by good batting ,:, the old country just now, but we hope . � . nipeg. His return was hastened by th 7 1 called the middle �`,-_Iass Any one w.sh- are goog-crolks. I I and sharp playixiig scored six runs. The Mrs. Musgrove, but Y, the will take -a jum p up before the ing to pay the oi4, con ' I . . � serious illness of L I y ,Be ritry a visit cai� do _. Kickers then tried their skill at the bat, 7 I . - I : . � animals reach the other side of the water. so cheaply and coillfortfillga'a second- . . was greatly relieved on reaching home i , . :11 . . . .� i � . Exeter,- I but had scored only one run when ' their. in ' � . I . t, , On n 0 V find her much better. -I -Ir. Ja es M( . 1. A — 0 - - class pass I.. er - n - oil line . � BR=s.-The rain of Tuesday last third man wentiout. In the se,-ond ln-, ' -T -On Thar8day. o last week _,I " _ I . . -,om ­ A neq UP N I- 4. r 41 Dowall returned home from AIL . steamier. av I no ol 6a vl�_ made the garden vegetabl(s grow. -Mt_. nings . The JUDILees scored Two rallis and: . vei "', as Mrs. Angus UcDerm id, of the Huron in a satisfa �;tory ,state. are ex.- 0. . I I - the Kickers one. .At this 'point this week. He likes the country it) I - much,and returns with improved hea wn treinely dul in'Ir6land, eipecially among . � Varna boys becoming discouramo , ob . Road, Hallett, was driving into to Ge Easterbrook :;Ao I as been con I the� her horse got frightened at i 6 disabled the faimiux clags, .Mmy farms are fined to the house for sevc ral days, W He says that before leaving the San baggy which was lying on th6 road side , . D . . are glad to state, is able �o be aroung jected to the, decisions of th('UiLpire changing h i,nds 'at muel low � - there was a very severe frost, which di - i I rr Mr. Joseph Brown's in arpurhey.. - � er prices again. -'Mr. P. ,Sweet, N7bo has beeb and so brought the game to a el os 1, the . . . � Rea than formerly.' There s scarcely any wo in f a, � -o'r' of much damage to the growing crops i The animal. becam e unm, anac- eable and . - apendingafewdaysinLo on,,d result standing eight to t ; I that vicinity. . cultivation (lone in" this p %rt of the coun, ; . . backed into the ditah, up�dtting th . home last- week. -The boo t race on Mon Brucefield. c try (County Monaghan). The whole of LOCALITIE"A.—I'Lev. Dr. Ure, of t4lod�e, Do-di-Niox DAY Pic -sic. -The moi baggy and -throwing Mrs. McDermid the laud allliost is in grazing and n ieadow. day was won by Mr. Frk, Collins, our . . pleasant gathering of the season, I ., oat. Fortunately there weregoille par- assistant postmaster, wi�th Mr. George rich, will occupy Union eburcli $ulpit C5 ties near b - This gives the country ab this season a Vosper second. -Dorninioii Day passe.d on Sunday next, morning . nd -,A'nincr, those concerned, took place ia'Mr. Rob I y at the time, who came to wonderfully green and ery pretty ap- and Rev. Mr. Simpson goes to (XO feriel Turnbull's grove oil Friday, July 1s: her rescue. The horse was -secured be - I : : off very quietly.-Busin� a i is dull, and to preac � Rova' Tern- wher - pearance.� The houses boweJer, are L d e a number of the young people 4 L fore further serious damage Was done.- very often In a dilapidated -condition, , farmers are very busy w,it i their haying. h for Dr. Ure.-The I Mrs. McDerm id was ta,ke,n up unco . 1. Mr. Goo. Moir, of St. Marys, did the plays of Tem peranqe of Brudefief I pined that vicinity, who have bad a re-unio g. � s one th � - - I ' of this kind for several years, met t n- which i e'id-,a that things r. with their . brethren of Seaforti and scions, however and was conveyed to generally:'Ze going toiruiu i-ith many of town on Monday in pompany- with M. t Bayfj( ) " - hine agents ' I . Mr. Brown's house where every -possibl ' James Acheson. -The mac Varna, lodges in a picnic a I ,d,on spend the afternoon. The day being e, . ab -Those of them who are i t cessively warn� it Was thought most ji 4 . . I I . axe ver busir Just now --News ite 8 the first of July,'and all en'joyec I MOB . 0 : &I'Vellblon was given her t, r MeuicaL m aking More th a, ])are living are, I .7 . ,� ". I un L � an '.�, � I Bting dicious to spend an hour or two in soci; I aid arrived, It was found at' aside ' . axe scarce, and the corr�4pondent as pleasant day, and no doubt man,, - think, but few in number." - � . . . t� i ; . . I I � friendships were formed. ThiE 8 ciety -intercourse, which all enjoyed. Aft( i � fro m" the nervous shock, she h, not re- I & 1 _1_-..t_._[__ . . . har4 scratching � has now a membership of over 7). ley tea was served and justice done tl �i � I . �, - - . -.0--- . Th T ceived aerious in'tiry-and she was suffi- I 21 .1 J contemplate a lawn party in a f w days. choice viands, #tile party bein - ref reshc q Clently recovered by the af ternoon to be.. LOCAL � BRlEFIIS. _kCssrii, - Yorbes 4ud I I Ashfield. I i I n her and ready f6i active worko, difterei I nor. 1 1 V, �, . -LArs. Simpson is recovering oi . , I Donovaii'.a trotti .., 4orse took second i taken home. , I I m I ,oney at' the S,tratf( races in his class, - Sici�..N;E8,s.—Mrs. Grahw -1 in old la4 I I .. I I iro I I y ecent illness, but is still very. leeble.- games were enitered into with much ze, .1 I living. on the 12th con., is very low at -% , -1�.,—Mr. John Hannall, and could easily hav Itiken first, but it here was a nice, shower of rain here on .and enjoyment, and none left the gro -.1 ." SAL8. OF BUTTE � present. We trust.to soopi hear of her i � . n, rietor of the Seaforth and Landes- is �sai,l he, was kept ba k aq is to prevent onday, but some of our neighbors were - until forced to do so by darkness. A I .1 prop I I I I S �recovery. - . � .1. I boro creameries has sold the ly,utter niade him making a rec id.8--Mr. William - njot so fortunate, as a few miles oil aithe:r, then returned to the pleasant and con 'lF - �� NGE . . - . at these creameries during May and u .Sonlerville,'of the Sea,forth Exchange, ORAN I The anniversary sermon to side of the villa(ye there was not a drop modious dwelling of Mr. Turnbull, whei ' - . p I �E I tild Orangemenwill be pr ached in Zion I I rl -1 . poin a visit —. There are many very fine fields of fa i a programme, consisting of, music, rec �A � to the 23rd of Jane. Fratin the Londes- paid Rochester and ot er 4 . . . k, i JV10( church next Sunday at 2:' 30 p. m. - -� pr6- tations g then 9 bora creamery be sold 23,162 pounds ari d this week.—Miss, Minnie Ir6gor, of wheat -in this. vicinity, and baile and readings, was awaitin P� . 0 EXAMINATION.—The examination of A from the ,Seafarth creamery, 20,80-0 McKilla�, took paxt in the dan'cing at mises to be a"very large crop, ani both Mr. D. C. Dorrance was, called to ti 1 S. S. No. 5, Ashfield, took place on the will be.ready for harvesting by h chair, and filled the honorable positic 11 0 ounds. The price realized was 1K the Caleaolliafi gam -m at 1(rioderich, on : .time ;�i P, I 0 30th ult. There was a lai ge attendan: ce . . . M cents per pound, being one cent peir Dom inion day.—INIr. M. Y. McLegtu . the bay -crop is secured. _-The- Z, but- admirably. All .were very much ii I I e A of visitors, especially the ladies The ter made at the Brucefield . has debted for the success of the evening i ,a pound mo�e than was realized last yeax has sold �is residenc. on John street I o trustees and visitors ex)ressed .them- - . I I 1 _4. - Mr. Finl . r . , �1 at this time. .This' speaks well for the Q,Y. Ross, of cKillop. Mr. Ross selves well pleased with tile general de-- been sold at 18 cents pe pound., ! The the following ladies and gentlemen wl . . . 'on Mr. � is one of the pionee e t is- � sale is a satisfactory' . —� J7. J. took part in the programme: Mrs. Wi ',, 41uaaity of bu.t�er made at thes6 cream- t lers of this d e .. , RE coi. n_ ,portment of the pupils, nd also their - eries. The, Ile-ulax market ,!price' * for trict, and having go is sons 'all Clark, of Seaforth,. occupied th � nipit ters and M rs. Jas. Cowan; Misses Taylo 0 progress in their studies d iriDg the terni, , A I private made �Ziier at the present time fortably settled and � loing for then-iselves, � in Mr. Ross's church on Sabbath last, Kerr, Turnbull and Cowan; and Messr . A, is 121 cents ,per pound, so' .that tile and having laid im a competency' fo:r A large promotion of pup to took ce both morning and evening, and preached TurDi)ull, Kerr, Hogg, Murdie, and M, , 1 from junior to senior classes. Anexc F . - 61- I two able apd eloquent sermons tc.large .Leod. At the close a vote of thani, � r- patrons of th!6 creameries Will receive -him; self and Mrs. R( ss, he intends retir- _ ,.� lent lunch was prepared oy, the ladie's congregations. He is e cordially gi'ven to Mr. and Mr � � I i I ; Mor m than they would ing from-tbe active 'usinegs of life, and for the children. - i I vidently a V un - WAS r the kind . or I bzvve done for their butter had they will enjoy for thie re ainder of his days . : 1 man of mfich promise, and le� ,,a piost Turnbull and family fo I I . I i I I ' . � made it themselves and will save all the a well -earn 6d leisur% and he could Dot . ! favorable impression on . those who heard genial manner in, which they had ente 11 'i Hibbert. - . I r . � labor and trouble. This onell 'sale will - have selected a more inviting spot than Ttm SHow.—The Fall show of the him. Many would like to hav-�R;he tained the young people, to which M I I . distribute ill the vicinity ofthese two Seaforth for that"Purpose.—The straw- . privilege of listening to him again Turnbull replied:,, wishing thern mat I -ug ili Hibbert Branch Agricultural .Society, MR. REiTii AOAI'�.—DEAR E 019 returns of tile happy QCCaSiOD. , He- r A creameries the sn! sain of over $8,000 berry seas ' which is ow over, was re- - . ' ,_ I ' ill be held on the souiet a earounds at In - your issue of -last week I n Ai ce an- fe�red to the cha � ' w` nges: that had tak( ,. ill cast�, which sh'6uld be scm e help these mark -ably aliort this year, and berries I - . � - . t� I Staffa, on Thursd1iy, eptember 29. ; dull times. were, sco�.rci and dear.—Mr. Jamieson � other impertinent screed from t a can- place since he came to Canada, 37 yea ) " . - . There is always a good show in this - ", . . and Miss lAwson left here on M6n0ay - ta,nkerous and notoriety � loving individ- Ago, when the old people now were tl �. WUAT TuE LAD.iE8 Do.—By th . township, and as the dir*entbrs have thl's - e g people then, and those prese, I e all- for fbe old country. During her short I ual, John Reith, of ffla4c, in v hidh he youll � I . � I I - nual repart of tile Womens' Foreign I ' yearen proved the prize c I � . residence li�re Miss Lawson made many makes several very serious cliarges were their representatives. He said ', i � . r list, they hope to have a inore attractive J� � ' r Missionary Society, in connection with friends , all1of wboul were sorry to. . art � I against me without giving one worid of was very much ploased to have so mai i the Presbyterian church, for - the West- with her.' 'At large ber assembled at display, and a larger turn -out of exhibits proof to support therv.1 Mr. I em spend the day with h'im, al . - . . - . ndayl=ng to bid her %I . . now becoming so well !known- ia this hoped he would have the pleasure of wo .. ern, Division, which e m braces the Pro- the station 'LVIO and visitors than ever bef Dre. i, . � . vince of On.-tarlo, we notice that for the good-bye.—Itis!sa-id that some g"tle- . - - . . . locality, .as well as whefe he lived, that coming them again on a.similar occ I I I . I - I ending April" 1887, the very liberal . Blake. I .t. ! r.. year ) . man. f rora Park Hill1is about startirg a . ' . I might treat his wri ings and charges SiOD. The company then joined insin � I 811111 Of $2 1,233 was raised for the spread new livery stable inito�vn, and has leased _DAiRy PRODUCE SAuh.—The Jane with the contempt they deserve ere it ing "Auld Lang Syne," after which , '. . I 11 . .1 Of this f make'of butter and cbeeluy at the- Blake ' % of the Gospel in f6reign latids' Or -, that urpose the stable recently . not that silence on my- part Mi D,,h Ij lead dispersed, feeling that the had. spen t � , , . y . � P I . . .. . . . amount, the Huron Presbyterial Society 'owned. by i r-. L. Murphy,'dear the ifesi- creamery and cheese - fac ;ory, has been some who do not know the charict .ir and pleasant day, . � : 10,11 L � Pp coutribluted W.1, divided as'.-` follows : dence of Mr.1 C. L. _p8t._Mr. Alex. sold to Mr. Charles Lowde, of Seafortb,l standing of the man, to �Iaee 'some ! I- Blyth, $40; Brucefield, $60 ,,, Clinton - I � the butter for 18 cents per lb. an'd the z : . � I Stewart, President of the Seaforth Cale- confidence in his utterances.: Now, Mr. Rensall. L . ' . I . : ': St,54 ; G.oderien, 1$74 ; Kippell, $50 ; donian Society, was one of'the juAges at cheese at S.+ cents per 1-4. I I . ,� . Reith, I did meet you nd Mr. Stickle GIRLS WA --,TED. —Wanted two � � . 17 ; Seaforth,. - , ' , * I Kirkton, ,R $1 A and-, the ' games. at .Goderich on Yriday.--�- I on the Bronsom line last summ(r, and I three G�rls to learn Dress Making. Apply - I . . I �- . " Thames Road, Usborne, ,S�5. The There are twenty-nine writing here I for t� Blyth. . . told you that if I got the cream of those ]NIlits. Kj.,4u, Hensall,.Ont. 1 11021-1 . I , � I r I . i Maitland Society contributed!�$645-76, second-class teachers' certificates this N`Eic-Hi;oRuooD Dois(,,.-,.—AIe;. Mc- in the vicinity of youi factory who did' ' CLEARI-,\-GCASII SALE OF MILLIN-El - f�_ divided as follows: Bervie $252- Blue- ,week and sixty4our for entran,�e to the Cant, V. S., has gone to Clinton, wh6kie not desir6..to send th 'r mill: i he .4,-,DFAscyGooDs.-R.& AI.Ball wish the . I I ) , I I . 1 dies to call and get Great Bargains in M I illinE ;` ll -_ vate, $8,10; Brussels, $11.5; Nthel, $29; high school. The -forl-ner occupied the he intends prac�ising. —M -s. Chesney and cheese factorylthat oeas n'. I woul , hot , I . . I and- Fancy Goods, as they are going to give - Huron,.- $56 ; Kincardine, :$153.66 ; .. si t- � i � � ka, iii.gr xink and the latter'the igh Mrs. Clark,of Seaforth,hav'ebeenvisiting -seek their cream this season proy Aing - 11 C3 business and are selling out at cost or _el -en 1 - i. Litrigside, $21 , Luck -now, $85 4; Ripley, schooL----!1 NVIr. Sherill hat; received the at N. H. Young's. —Scbo(- I hag closed for you ran your factory as a, creamEiry. low, if necessary. All those indebted to us 1.1 . - � I . . � . . . $_t I 0, and, St, Helens, $45. This society contract forex . cavating or thefoundaLion eight weeks, and the-teac�rers have gone But, immediately after nilaHn, this � . please call and settle at once. Butter and q . I � Broadfoo! - Mr. SHaw went home staterilent to -you, you turned r( and taken as c.uh. R. & 31. BALL. . I 101f is nlaaaued eutirely by t lbe ladies, and for TIMessrs. t� & Box's new off to recuperate. - 0 . . I . �u the good wo,,rk they are doing and the building, 9perations will be comimanced to Brussels on Saturday ,- 'Hiss Radcliffe as fast as you could drive you eal �d at Sow).—Mr. S. Rannie has s6ld I . ' - very systematic and efficient manner in — . timber lot near this place,to, Mr. . Rot in about tNJ,o w�eks. * 'Miss Carrie Free- has gone to St. Helens, aird Miss Doan ever J 'the line' il� told � which they seem to do it, is creditable . : . y house on .. a I)ut- Bell, jr., of Hay, for the surn of '$2,23 alike to their heads and hearts. m an, head milli ; ner for one of .the I d - returned to her home in Clinton on. tile them that you interided makint I The lot contains ;30 acres of first-cla - g 17 i reation � are being ter the next week, a.ud you ti u, took . . - ing. dry goods' houses in Kin 'sto, ' � . . _____-0-__ . visitina at tier honle here.—Mr. Ar�hur made for celebrating the l2th of July advantage of my generosity to tr y and land, and is heavily timbered With ve I Av.—O-n Fri, I -e , C, ion - s kinds of valuable hard -woods. I Do:q,i�,�w,.,� D1 - _Jak last th Forbes hois j ust Added a handsome - nuid here.—Mrs. 1). Moody, of LuckrCow-, 'is udderinine me. Learning Of 'Ou I' C. .tion, i � . town wore an almost ,Sunda�', appear- 7 comfortable new canopy top two se;�ted in town -this week. —Rev. Wr. Parke is however, I did not call upon any more 01-R NEw PASTOR.—The Wgodha � I . . I &llee. With the exceptio, an Occa- double c�rriagd to his already extenpive.' away on his holidays at re.sent.—Rev. of the farmers oil that likie, and hwl you correspondent of tile St., Marysi Arg z,ianal stray and a few � lonely-loo,king liverystoick.- It wasbuilt by Mr. P ean raturned horne from the. Gen- kept your promise it is likely yan might says:—On Monday evening, the 2'i . il an. A. MCL -) . I I I citizens who hum, around the posto,ffi, ce —A few .days ago Mr. Jas. A. And o eral Assembly and his trip to Regina have had their cream. But yoll di� not inst., members from Zion and Coopei 0 . le s n . J S1 - I ' I . about mait tiin�, scarcely a soul was to while trettinu into the Main t eet lastweek, 100kiDC' much'l,enefited))y tqe keep your procnise, and I have r3asons appointments oil NA oodham Circuit,we I , " ii 0 � . be seen on the streets during' -the day. drain, Mppbd and his leg came in. 4'on- otitincr. —Alex. Murdoch of Hensall, -to'believe that you had no intention of seen wending their way to the . -villa ( . � � I 0 . Til i�lars of Tem. . tact,with a�n'ail inflicting a severe wound, was -in town on Dominion Day.�' keeping it when you madelt. It was where they were met by tile friends � perance and . 0 � ­ . Bayfield 13 - � r 11110.ny privat� parties ivent to . which, although not! incapacitating him —J. M. Hamilton is mali-ing g eat irn- only another of your ,sharp trieks' to this.. place.: i A large assemblage w I p I and c,,caped tile smotherino, 'fbeat by. for work, has since been intensely paln- provements in the appearance of his take advantage olf what you su posed gathered at the cliurcii, and from then - 0 . . I luxuriating on the cool and gra�gy banks ful.­Mr,. Joseph Higgins, of Brucefield, drug store, by having it painted. C. was my innoceDce. After ,this I was 'they proceeded to the parsonage. ( 0 0 I 0. . . . . I . . _ Of Lake I fu ron in tile vicini ty of Middle- preached, two excellent sermons in the Addley 'has the contrac .—The pie nic again asked to send fbr the cream of arriving an appropriate address was rei I I . ,Ilian church here on Sabbath held in A, W..Sloan's bu,sh on July Ist these people, and I did so. This season to 1) ev. 'M r. an �1 M rs. Fear by M r. %' ton's grove, and -all report hav-16o, el�ii'oy- Presbvte; - %. I 0 . .�, r etl a pleasant (lay. A large! nurnber last.—_Th4' poles for, the' new Canada was,a grand success. The procession I did not know your factory was gol g to Beatty. They were presented with tv ' _, , ' t.1 'Went to Goderil;h to attead �he Cale- Pacific lin6 are now being delivered along started from tile Methodi3t cburch and be run as a creamery un i, You �-ame elegant chairs. Mrs, Fear also receivi * . . * doill'itll ga.iiies, and saniclof the 9?t so the rout� in this district aud it. is said arrived � at the grove . n good tirne. whining to me about the latter�spart a -h-Amlsome silvdr butter -dish. "NI interestedi in the sports that th missect the oi:1166 vill be open"ed here in about About one o'clock dinner was served and of April, and begged of me as a 'avor not Fear made a touching and feeling repl . � . I nc . � n _. . tLe ovening train wad had t6 remain two weeks.—'Ur. W. G.; Duff is again in after dinner a ame of base ball and to take cream f roin these parties. I told' After the u.,uaI greetinf4s tables we , ID I . I 9 . . I aver` till next (lay. They, how -ever, en- charge of -�hc teachers who are writing other sports were 'participated' - in. you I had promised to take their cream, prepared on the lawn. Uji-wards of I 1 15 . I .1 .. vn to ail excellent tea which w joyed the luxurY of a fresh, invigora-ting here for cortificates. —M r.- H. W. Clarke, Abo�it 6 o'clock everybody returned and I intended doing so, and I have sat dov . - . � . ,,� — �k F_�- . — , . shower of rain, a bellent wh�eh those the noted ,bicyclist of Woodstock, is at home feeling well pleased I . with the after- done so, and I am pleased to KnDv- thau provided by the visitors.: After: a fe - L k — ored present �iii town spendin a' few,days noon's outing. -The garne .1 who staid &t home were no.tJ faiv 9 I sat' of base I *11 I have given thern entire MaCti011, hours had been s ent in agreeable co I p . � with. Agoodmanyalgo wentito Dub- with his paxents.-The delicious showers played at the picnic was 11 . . an AnterestZ and I have now'to say that �o Ic ng as versation timcompany repaired to thE 1i F lin to attend a picnic there, xv4ich was of Tuesda -ooled the air and relieved one. It was played betu;een - - e a pickeid -they see fit to favor me with tf ei r pat- ,several homes, ail pleased with th6eve, I gotten up for the purpose -of raising the parchL earth, but another down- nine from Morris and Wa I 't, wanosh against ronage- I shall be glad to receive " ii, and of the evening. - Mr. Fear and lami I4 woney for a prize list for a fall s,how, . pour would stillf arther helpt� freshenthe a number of Blyth boys ' I � ' ,ho happened will do all in iny power to Merit it and left on Wednesda� for their new held 1 I . . d. grass. Howev'er, farmers :are getf t and the object was very fully attaine , ,ing to be present, and -not I I Blyth base give them satisfaction. When yc u say labor on Hensall circui t. . . The picilic w:as largely atte nded, and splendidweather for saving their -hay ball club. by any mean.. The former I have misrepresented facts t) secure .DOT.S.-Friday July ]at was duty o . the receipts amounted to over $2200. A and the fail wheat and barley are com- came out victhrious.---�seph . I I . � - ; . I I . Walker this patronage, I say your stat'ni I . � ent.is serIved here as a public holiday. -T] . . . . . . I - I I . . , i .- I . I � . . . I I - I . r �� � � . I g -� I - . I I . : : . . . : _; . . _. . I � I . I i � . I q . . �- J . - , . ! . . I . : - . . I . - - ! . ... . : . . � . � I ; . . ! : . . I I . . . I . I � . . . - ! I . I . I I � i � � . . - � . . . . . i I I . I - . . . . . . I I I . I I I i : � i d : i , . ! . i . � I , 4 . : I � . ,. : . I , , I i � � I I . t . . . I . . I . � . I , . I . . I I . 4, / ! I ! , . . � I I I . � ! , : r I I . I I � . i . � I I . � j - . � � � . i . I . ; ; , � i . , , - — _ . . . . . — . — — . — - . . . I . — - . . , __ — � - — - — - - - � - . . — I _­­�_ — ­ — — I � � .. . I I . I I : : . I - - — - I - - I — - . "" — - — I I �, . I -1. 1 4 : - � I I � I . I I I ,I . �� _ � I weather continues ve y 7 ry an warm, and. the crops are � )egining to suffer somewhat for want o: � rain- , -The farm- ers in this nFighborb. od are all busily engaged haying. - W believe the yield on the whole is vety good. -Mr. and , , , 'Mrsi R. Patterson, o this village, are at . present I enjoying a pltasure trip up tile lakes, and intend tisitiDg friendol in Cleveland, 0_11io) and elsewhere in Uncle Sam's dominion befo ie returning. -=Miss I e- 'Ailler of Lucan, wa. in the villag' last � 1.1 week, visiting relati�es and friends. - .Miss Thomson, sister of the Re�r. It. Y. Thomson, is herd at present on a visit. -Mr. Win. Shirray, pf Toronto,-- eldest son . of Mr. iNt. Shirrmy, of the to*nshir of Hay, is home on a visit, and lookg as though the city air aigree ' d with him. Tim WAY OF Till-, WORLD. i On Wednesday-niorning another of "thost interesting events,- : for which oux village is so justly 4istinguished, took 0 Place ill the Canada ,P�esbyterian church. We refer to the nharriage qeremorij � I of our young tow#sman, Mr. J. T. O'Brient of the firmI, of McPherson &, ' ,O'BrieD, merchant tailors, to Miss M. ' McPherson ' second daughter ol . A. McPherson, Esq.',, of this village The marriage ceremony, was performed by the Rev. It. Y. Thomson, and wa., witnessed by a very large numb* of the relatives and friends of the contracting . n parties, Mr. W. Robertson, -of ,the , firril � of 1tobe'rtson. & Hood, acting as grooms man, and Miss McPherson as brides- , . . m4d. Af ter receiving the happ3 congratulations of th6se present on th( occasion, the happy couple at once. re paired to . ie residence of the bride'i le father, Whe , after partaking of a most ,le sumptuous eakfast, they drove to th depot,. accompanied, by -a large numbei of friends, where they took the mornin� � 'rain for the city of Guelph,: there tc � spend a few days t with their friend, and in that neiallb, hood. WeJoin wi-ti - - r, their many friends In. wishing them bap piness and prosperilv: I yl - I - I Bru$6els. : . - BntTiis, MARRIA.'s ANi) DRATIVS.� ... . There - were registe ' in Brussels for th ' .r year ending June i .0, 23 births, I ,IJ � , females and 11 malls 3deaths, 2 mates I � and 1 female; 6 ina-ria e . � BRIEFS._W. A._ � 041beck lost his in fant child from cl�blera infantum this week. -The Salvati :) rmy have quit holding their ineetinit tl!e town hat * on account of Brno 11 receipts. -Burk's cirous was here lasti-week, but is not much. -Miss l"'Isie obertson, o . n ae -1 . count of illness, hag resigned her posi tion in the Bruss s school. -Rev. S. 'Jo.uespreached his farewell sermon in Knox church to a larcre congregation or Sunday last.-TheRev. W. -Smith ha removed to Stratfo - , CRICKET.—Our i 1, C .rii keters went t( . Harristou on the fimi, accompanied by their friends and alsc , the1oot ball cla who were to take�part in a foot bat tournament. Th r [eketers speak wel of. the Harri8ton ljoys, who, althougl defeated, treated e, visiting club a well as they had ei er been treated b3 anyclub. The follo-wing is the score,-. Brussels, Ist innirig3) '16; 2nd innings, 8 H4rriston, first innih-gs, 43; 2nd innings 1 38.- The game thut; � i i f . Brussels by two r6s and 9 wickets. The foot �all boys 14yed all a1ternoon I .1 I I . but none 1secureA a ?al. � , � Divisi N- COURT. Division Court wa held here on the 30 1�, Jane before E. L � Dickenson, barrister 'of Wingham, th'i being the third Coak held without-eithei of our j u(',ym Th( Bar was represcnte� 0 by Messr 1. Mabee an4 Murphy, of Lis towel, aill Messrs. Wade, Dickson. an Sinclair, I of Brussels. The followin , cases were disposed of, -and the judg .� d a mept summonses -:were adjourne usual to next Couri:.�­Gerry vs. Living stand, judgment for plaintiff, S139.80 ' .McIntosh vs. Welatherhead, judgmen I . for plaintiff for $66.88; Millard vs. . ' Moore, jaidgill.ent f 1r,plaintiff for $8.29 I! I - Fleming, judg Wade vs..Crittendqn,an . , d ment for laintiff a inst defendant an d I . k garnishee for full ain unt; Beattie Bros 'McKague and W ill, sett d by , par vs. .le ' ties; Armstrong vs. A -nlstrong,adjourne� till next court; Ro&elis vs. Hannon, ad n Journed till next coui�t- Hobs vs. Mait land Skating Rink Ompany, adjourn& till next court, as Xe also the follow I � , :-McMichie vs. 1dcLennaii& SuIrlith Ing Smith vs. Webster, R,rb vs. Crowell, Er. vs. Dunbar, Howe vs. Scott,, A141fiek vs. White; London Life Insurance Cc vs. Sellwood, judgment for platintiff foi $20.75; Balley vs. 'Hinnon, judgment fo plaintiff for $39.00� Veal vs. Town . Judgment for plaintiff. . — � I - I . � ' Griind Bend. A SuccLrss.-The ladies of Gran Bend Presbyterian icongregation on th � tat July attracted :& large number o friends, by their good and abundant re ts, which they served in th f = grove on ,the lake shore. , 1. �. . . quiet and pie ' asant day was spent, giv '"� satisfaction to all, especially to th ]a ids, who realizea Over $A-5 by� thei, r .0 efresbrilente. We !congratulate -then 90' their good; succd". . . . . I : I . i . I I Zutich. . I 1, Locm, D0i_-qas.-' Mrs. R. Koch an Mrs. E. Lippert a4i'ved. home last Tues I d after a two w4e ks visit to Pula.skie 'Nl�chigan. They e o , p. yed their'trip im mensely.---�Mr. E. 1 ') 'urner, merchant o I thIa place arrived � I ome from a trip New Hamburg wh6m. he had been vis itiog his parents.-I..rs. Fansoll of Exe ter, who has been I i inu r e , Is aroun here for the pastj ,wo 0 weeks left fo ; home again a few i to ya ago. -Mr. , Bell der from Wall -ace I a s been here visitin his brother. -L,Nlisi !Murner from Ne I . Hamburg is here vAAiting her un�cle M`r G.J Murner. Miss Sarah Murner, daugh ter of Mr. Peter � ilirrier-of Napierville Illinois, arrived hei et a few.days ago, an is I the guest of ter' uncle' Mr. G Xnmer.--The' Public School buildin 4 . is undergoing re 1: irs. M ' I � Q6 r. Caspa I Under has started . the mason w . ork . I . ana is tearin ,,,,, davi"n part 'of the ol 4 t wing for he purp of buil ing a lar I i go addition. Ale 1 se H. & J . I . i � C. Kalb + - lir. (11 fleish have this contract. -_S eorg Re:ss has received bbe'contra tof Makin " . I � a ;new town clock for Exiter, to b placed.in the new �own hall there. Th price is $300, and bo has alreiady com menced the work 'The scho)l holiday have begun, and t, e children are run ning at Iarrfe.-'_%Tr1[ 17. Cress-weller, prin " ci al' of the public',ischool he 4, has le I , e will epend a, por f3 Toronto, wbereil. � tion of his holid4s at tlfe, parenta I I harne. He was �,ccompaniOd by h - i : meither, who had 'been here; for som i4w�eller - fi a � weeks. Mrs. Crei Blake to spend her holidays *ith friend there. -Miss E. 8h.affer,'the assistan teacher, has also gon�e home to spend th holidays. -The whe4t swindlip, of *W6, " I . . ;,� A . - - . : -NIM41 For the rest of this il "We &rp �� IS -, -1. ; 11011t I - Pre� . I going to clear out, . " -1 . I . . L I . . I - I . � - . 13 - press All Ifteourdlesis of Price, � ; � .6 ). . ­_ , I . - I . . . . , "S MILLINERY, I �. I)MS I -, - � � . I � ., I � � ; ; � . 1-1 . : __� . DRE SS GOOD0 � I I .. 7 � 1; 7 liow.. br, ftsli , _ss 10 � I I I I . . I I J ' 4 , . 8010 Ytry choice PO,t'� . . .. i - - . . - . � . 1 4 . ; I � I — . I . ___ � . � � I LACES - - i . � 7 I I I . I . . . . . - - . � I . I s . N! Brocxa . GLOVE&� I eN , . 1 7 , . . . � . ; � � . . �. ; � " � I � . :� , I . h , I HOSIEhY � I . . I - - I I ­ I . te S''] I . � ; Pat - r111, - I - . , ovoy . I I 1. . I . :� . 3 � PRINTS, . itable for C -AP -es,. ? , I r � . � Sul � 11 . I I . . . t, t �s, at the . . ,ua aicloce - I . I I - I MUSLINS,' . �, I i . . . � , . � I ; I . i . ap, Cas.1 . -AND A- � Che . , . . I I I � 11 , I . � . : ' i M.- ' Big Lot of flen, , ants bffman 1� #1 - .. I - � I —OF --z--- L � , , '�arduo�s Bloc . . �_ . . . I , I Every Description. .1 I . - , Agents for, Butp QF . � - : i — — � . - I I � I ===!i�_ - - �_ . I . I . E. - McFAUL, , . i t * P,ferth ' . . ` . I � Th4 1 Presbyteelal' r ' ' I SEAFORTH. I . AvoilbAilk gm -d MG, . 8 . I- -aecide4 to use the 11, - I I I I .. - 11 . 8 Ail , the particulb,rs have already been given, - - Mitch,ell, has been settled in this wav by JudgL* - . c1lurch4 ) Toms: H,edeclare(I-tlietr.i.;is4tioniiulI -, .. .from # eir baztiir alla. I and void, and re . IDU Dbx llniolr aay� � quired the wheat dealer . .,. C. Kruap( I to return to Ortwhle- all notda and agree- , . _%, ments lie received from him. , By Nir � 't acd1d,p tally broke, . � I iltze's barn x a Ortwi.ne takin g legal proceedings apimt at A� �i ��l d the W this scamp, Mr. Zinimerm an, a neighbor, had ione ( . who was sil,nilarily bitten, has also been broken near the �nl- ---Mr. Thonias ;Gi� . � . relieved. They have saved at least -of Fullart;oII4 deliver 3 -1$250 -each by the proceedings. It is high - 'at cattle P . time people were learnina to beware of year ')Id - t' .at .Mitchell the ot all such swindlers. Every farmer should mals averaged 1,085. 2 keep a bull doo, of the most ferocious, _Uessrs. Thom,A character, a -Ad 1136enever a stratge . . ped- � -1 8 lar or acrent of any description Oiter& ped a; tcarf*lg (.350 -bi . �D Mitchell to Toron , . upon his premises, he Olould let thQ,dog The� had �till auOtIL 8 loosi,, on Min and worry him. This 18 .i . . about the only safe way to treat such I cellat% -. . . casitolners, - � _W. - Ilichar&,: - . thrown from his 'I - �. 11 I I Morris. I by his horse bolt' ' y - ExAMINXATio,i. -The midsummer ex- railN�ay bridge. R. , brokien and WW -SIC'. . - amination in UniOn School Section, No. head-. - I s 5, was held iu the above school on - 'Pierce Collison � - Thursday, June 30-th. The scholars, wel �6:n T . uesda,y of � ; under the tuition of Miss -Christy JL ' t Halliday, acquitted themselves remarii- - . jing , beffers for a, ably 'well in all the subjects upon which I ranching in the IN'i � -about 700 ii-ailes 'W,e ; they were examined. Miss Hallidayis . I , - a very industrious worker, and seems to price, paiawas ai)oi, goVern the children by love, and not by I each,. On the day . the strap, as some do.. Her ni-ethod. of Scott- shipped- -a < - perfect as can be de- � Montreal market. . g is as near : hea from Wm. Sa sired. It is the opinion of yonr corres- I w . eighing 5,�060 poi - pondent tfiat if you want a good teacber � head1rom, Elijah I - go to School Section No. 5. May she Ion i $600 - 4 heatl fro 121 . I - hold the position she now occupies, an I Gra' -. � - that "He w1lo governs all" may gra-lither i _y�, for $165 ; - ' . � for ,W and I heif I wisdom to instruct the childrei� in the . , 1: � ") I Wal ace for the sa ) � way they should go, is tile wish of ! , : --�-Ou Slaturdav � I � _4 : I ONE IM10 wAS THERE, C Smith, of .South . I . : � � , � � . I histeam thrbugh � . Dungannon. , � � � e . y manure v., r HONORING A PASTOR. -A few evenings � 7 g6t, over .the -ten, - I to the departure .of the Rev� A. i -shoike it off, be sli !� � . P40 ibb9n for his new field of labor a ; the'frontilounAs social gathering was held at Mr. INA- � . 11 ) . ho6e I - ..S, and ley er's, which was largely attended by both 4. 1 L � I gallop through . - I 1 1 old and young, who, -feeling that the), -; ' . ally brought, up V ' L I e could not let their pastor depart witholit L ii f tbLem . 1. of - . I I 0 1 � � 104ilut f showinc, him some. tangible expression . i i 0 the head I - the high esteem in which he is held pre- ' . .. Which was Jamin e sented him with a beautiful albu�' and 1. � - ind the tree was - gentleman's toilet Lease, and the following I " �. no bones weere �� - address: "Dj,.AR RROTHER,—WC, the .'. I 1�� � time, his broth . I I � e young people of the-11ethodist church, i ,on a ladidet p I t iel ' Dungannon, being �about to sa farewell 'i the t I ladder i��p,j to you, have thought it fit and proper to . 41 . . , I i , -gro-_ Luna, breakmg ., embrace this opportunity of (,xpresihig 11 . left, wrist. . our appreciation of your servic. a amolIgst I - 11. -The fine ehe( � us during the past year. You !found us 4 . stran: a, but you leave us devoted and I lipeof Nvaluee'ne I . -ger , � . ` I admiring friends who will fo .. -your - I . Ulednesday de,st* ;. - . - 1 Supposed to hia,ve- f attire career with interest wl ierever in ,I I I 1. 'er-room while �%I the Providence of God yoLa i . -1 I - ' � �r lot may he i I I There were abe 1, f cist. One short year, :but oh., hovr . I 11, i . tory, no last lia 0 eventful. One year of association at ' i � , . .OlUlneL 1 P bdught by A, - . , 11 .- L - pilgrims together, in which to 'Ce I have � . a friendship whic ; � been L nipt . � � h we trust shall be per, z s . . - I , , f July� I first half o L I d Petuated in -eternity.. God alone call I I L -seven. , Illefaeu tell the quality of your faitbfulness in � L r , 4 books 'an; ev-cr� - I - - � preaching and ours in hearing in exch ? . . I `wP 1.1 , I of these we have enjoyed great priv-1, - : - ere consumed , . . 9 leges and laid Ourselves under � The cheese in- - 47 equally 1, -at responsil ilities. Ma I � for S3,L000. Th< . gre L ) y God bellp us � 1ps,tront,, --who c� I - to be faithful, and as you loot: foriard � ' -advantage till � i to a new congregation, and we look foT- �� i I - � -The co' � ward to a new minister rela- ' . r d . may', the 11 . I . ' , factory. to be 1. L tionsbip be, if possible, more pleasWit- �� I , . . . I Augmt. �r and profitable. We wiQ to assure Yoll ' , ". - 3 7 r of our confidence and esteem as a friend 11 I I -Th:e funeral and brother, and beg you to a�cept this �, - kin, 'formerly ,of I . . - I � si rs I present as a slight token of the sanle- . � � I F , - . � . Cherisbinc, a hope that -Von will esteein " ,I , & earth, Sebrinf-Y, , . � , , __ 0 - ! .i tery. e ditli; - it not as much on account of its valuess I I t6 Memories which it recalls. Signe,d i e had Iivtl(l fo e on: behalf of the young people." �Ir. . I .ed Was one of ti I g I L . - . 9 District, and , AM Kil bin replied in a very suitabie I � .v� e r I ) i� tile- coL%ntv- of � m1nner, after which a ver�'l plea,311:11t I L e p ; I evening was spent. I :� - . . 11 i__ _. -.---- I I number,of pulol s : . i ,0011eetor for Do - : Belgrave. ' � 7 I - � , 811rvivor (if th . : i - - BJaEF-,.—Wm. J. Prot:ter;' and I,is , a Pe&e4_> issu..�d f "I i ,It �t mother left last week for the. f�r _North--" ; ' . : I I allown as t1l ), 4: - west on a visit to relatives forlthe bene ... � - L i . I � �� I 11 Also colnul fit' of his health. -George K. Ters011, �� I 1!�";-10 � 'I L . i 41luests 'all -d Se- a wife and child, left for their hoine in 11 . JU '. I e Ca . Igary last Friday. -The hay croP is - , la�anicipal cou I i h"In the. villa 0 unusually heavy in this nei),hborbood I? a � A) �� 'four 8 this year. Ha ing has comneDced.- - �, 1, . ld.&Ltion.) I , y 11111-liberof y,L t Philip Reddon, of Carrick Bp!n,t a fel'� I , al. L, i linew Urn, J.Ji L I 4 1 . e days wich A. -Taylor. He W' acconl- �! . - - Archal age of. I panied by his wife and Percy aylor, : . . I . I . . F . - ; i