The Huron Expositor, 1887-07-08, Page 787 Di strum ,ot Ilith`e female - r dabs. St. with & neat_ re its 1ake thee IAYs. .AFGR, it • SON. tea Mills, hat bi known t turnberry, hoe and are eine Si'sVirtrt ng, Si Fait 0 ottee ete. u the publican intend to adhere, iy durable attat ▪ machinery an& 'sustain th high. aar a for mating tor wool • ex. irantee satisfac- Id: prices. & Son iNE =ships. %ntermedint4 engers are book- ;ristown, es as Liverpool, ids„ we ca fa- irtifiCate to bring :rmany, Sweden, always asTow se done as usueL tanitoba, Brie& Baggage checked per cen pet foe STRONa DN inindr acting- scientist pie. It Vented Ey is not affect to, lido& •.. rani eith the n tiding pir d ever te tool TE -`1?. IAL, shells of 3te$$L. are respecattai e, end da otlyt eaforth. -- 1 .tf nt.iofl. Binders. - d repa faer of all hi/ uarantees along Your tend aye also on ehines. A ° d Root SattiWt JULY ,e- 8, 1887. e • i -THE HURON EXPOSITOR • News Notes. --Mr. J. Rider Haggard attains to the rank of a singlievolurne-fiction success by the fact that the London trade has subscribed for 10.000 of his new "Allan Queatertna n," which will be out next syeek. This is the largest order for a six -shilling book ever given. --The English Cabinet has decided to prorogue Parliament about the middle of AugustIt is reported in Unionist . quarters that if1 strong opposition be offered the proposed Supplementary •Crirnes Bit will be dropped. -A. Mal Wilson, a wholesale mer- chant of Atlanta, Georgia., who does business w th many people in the remot- est pada of Georgia, received a mortgage for a debt on a negro- man a few days ago. from a customer in Gilmer County. The maker of the mortgage was evident= ly not aware that slavery had been abolished. -On the morning of the 21st ult. five men boarded the 1.15 a. m. Grand Trunk train at Fort Gratiot, going east to Port Huron, and "held up' the passengers. Several lost what money they had, and one man lost b150. Three men have been arres -ed, and are now in jail, and more arrests will probably -Win. F. Smith, general eastern pas- senger agent of the Grancl Trunk Rail- way, was found dead on the 27th ult. sitting in his office chair with a pencil in one hand and. an open letter in the other. Death is supposed ta have been caused by heart d -The 3. New Gla situation iu which late amendments to the tariff ave placed the iron and steel industry of Canada. The manager of the works has gone to England to en- gage additional steel workers, the force of 120men now operating the forges and rollers not being sufficient to fill the orders. And to avoid beipg "caught" by strikes in riaines in which they have no interest and over which they have no control, the Steel Company has acquired and intends to operate the Black Dia- mond colliery, which has lain idle for some years. -United I relax' d Irelan cl is the li only civilized countey: in the world. which di not share in the jubilee cele- bration. She stood sternly and sorrow- fully aloof. Ireland's place ought to - have beenbeside England at the throne. Del Dish blo and brain helped to build the empire, Poverty, misery and slav- ery are her rewards. She shared Eng- land's labors} but she may not share her trinraphs. England's joy is for fifty years of liberty, prosperity and pro- gress. The Irish grief and wrath are for fifty ears of misery, famine and op- pression. England is cumbered by the dtruggles of a sullen captive, when she might purchase by justice he .aid and comfort of a friend." a famous elephant that has been before the American public for 60 years, was killed by poison about two weeks ago at the World's Museum, Bos- ton, where it had been suffering from old age and disease. Poison had been prepared in capsules whicili were con- cealed in chocolate caramels. Dr. A. Watts a and coronets. The Duke of Albany, lies on the stone table in the centre of the vault, with King George of Hanover, George III. and the Duke of Kent. The other coffins are on the shelves on each side of the vault, which a entered through two gates, from a passage which communicates with the vault beneath the choir of St. George's Chapel: The Prince Consort's coffin was never really placed in the royal vault; but, till it was removed to Frogmore, it stood on a bier in the underground passagejust out- side the gates of the vault. I believe that the Queen objected to her husband being buried, even temporarily, in the same place with George IV -London World. at " Hungry Joos " of Society. I wish somebody who could, would tell me what special fascinaticn there is in a meager lunch, with tea or coffee, for people who spend hundreds of dollars a week to run their home tables ;-that even the wealthiest and best folks in so- ciety will pull and push and almost tear .each other's clothes off to deb a cup of poor tea, or a thin ham sandwich, or a half-dozen raw oysters-sacrifieing breed- ing, self-respect, and all the usual cour- tesies due from one individual to 'an- other on such occasions, for this modi- cum of refreshments It- may seem ri- diculous, but it is nevertheless true, that some ladies have fasted for forty- eight hours to get their appetites in trim isease. for an afternoon tea or an e 'ening en - Nova Scotia Steel Works at tertainment where they expected a. par- gow, it seems is alive to the Ocularly goodtable, • • And when the evening came, these ladies were - not aloue with their un - whetted, appetites. The -re were others there too, crushing to the frontl theni selves, or sending their male friends to jostle and jolt and struggle with each other for the coveted edible. Sitting on stairways and clustered in hallways, belles and matrons aiho would scorti such an indignity in the privacy of their own houses, sip their tea or surround the slippery oyster and. seem perfectly con- tent. See the sacrifices made for this little free lunch ; ladies forgetting their manners, ad gentlemen wrecking their nerves and putting themselves into per- spiration, besides making pcsitive - garians of themselves, for a plateful or a cupful of refreshment that might be had at any restaurant for fifteen cents, or at the utmost twenty-fis e. -Globe - Democrat. - The Kist and -the Siller. There is an admirable bit of seri- comedy by Christopher North, in which the taming of the shrew is re-enacted within the precincts of a humble Scot- tish home. The master of the house, a cobbler, if my memory serves me aright, after a long experience of slights and seoldin' a effectually reduces his ter- n magant companion from anmannerly sgpremacy to abject submission by the sitiiiple expedient of capturing from her the " key of the kist an' the siller." Henceforth the perturbed stream of do- mestic life flows on without a ripple, thaugh, alas ! the sudden" y emanci- ffered one to the great beast as Fated serf develops into an unreasonable on its side. Bijou took it with depot. Still, there is calm, and the liberation, swallowed it, and sc pter of household authority, typified p for more. All that had been were giyen, and then the re - awaited. The poison used was Dr. (Vatts uses in dispatching dogs.. It did its work thor- Just 45 minutes after the first andy had been placed in its ijou was dead. For a few min - re had been convulsive workings gs and body, the greatlead was - lifted from the ground, and I bank; the eyes became fixed, hout another tremor Bijou passed While seven grains of the poison ill a man a pound was used to out a similar result with Bijou. d elephant weighed some 4,500 and was as strong in proportion. mile of the African species and s e florae Secretary has received lowing letter from the Queen: anxious to express to my people rm thanks for the kind -more nd-reception I met with in go- nd returning from. Westminster with all my children and . grand - n. The enthusiastic reception I th then, as well as on all these 1 days in London, as well as at r on the occasion of the jubilee, 1 one most deeply.,. It has shown e labor and anxiety of 50 long 22 of which were 'Spent in un - d happiness, -shared and cheered beloved husband, anal while an dumber were full of sorrows and orae without his sheltering area se help, have been appreciated by ople. This feeling and, sense of owards any dear country and my ts who are so inseparably bound h my life, will !encourage me in k,af ten a very difficult and. ardu- e, during the remainder of my The wonderful order preserved on ecasion, and the goad behavior of 'ormatis multitude assembled merit ghest admiration. That God may t and abundantly bless my coup - ray fervent prayer." It lay up great d looked prepare suit was the sam homeles oughly. bit of mouth utes the of the I partitll then fel and wit away. would k bring a The da poands It was 75 year • -Th the fol "I am my wa than ki ing to Abbey chilli niet wi eveatf Winds touche that th years, troubl by my equal trials and w my pe duty t sulsiec hp wi my ta GUS o life. -this the e my hi prate try is e Queen's Burying -Place. Prince Consort's mausoleum is of the most spienclid tombs in e; andd' it is a pity that so baa timid have been selected, for it is sary to have firesiperpetually ing both summer and winter, in the resources of the firm, a definite and exact method of keeping household ae. COMAS, and a recognition of the fact that bricks cannot be made without straw, and that a cer- tain approximating annual expense mest be proportioned to the position the family occupies in the community, would go far to bring in a Millennium in Anieri- Th Th one Euro site s neces burn order costl the d feet is inc whic larg Que ther nine buri but (the learn roy Duk Qee left sho and ber bee erii orn the sep hie or sh C:a he th the observer that both the p:easure and th pain of home life are moreidependent thu many fancy on the question of mfrney. Neither husband nor wife hasa ri the key, is firmly grasped by the td of the house. Observation • comparison of views, ught on die subject, will convince ht to control the key of the exchequer. belongs to both. = • • The theod- of marriage as laid down it the highest attainable manual of j uris- • prudence, the Bible, is that the twain, united • by a sacred. tie, are one flesh. The husband is to love and cherish his wife, as the Lord the 'cliptch ; the wife is to reverence her husliand. Can hu- man language do more to make plain the dignity and beauty of the sacred rehttion voluntarily entered into by two immortal beings ? Probably not one bridegroom in a thou- sand, standing proudly at tha altar with the woman of his choice, would believe the thing possible were some truth -tell- ing prophet to whisper to hien, "In one, ,or in two, or in five years, ycur wife will want money for needful expenses, per- sonal to herself, or for your common ad- vantage and comfort, and from asking you for it, lest upbraid hdr for extravagance • for fatly:* Indulge/lee, liberality, and. generosity arcterms wholly inapplicable to thesitu- ation when we are speaking of the re- lations of husband and wife. The one does not dispense an alms; the other does not accept a charity. They are partners in the business of life. For con- venience sake, and because thus from the first hath God ordained it, it is his part to do the providing and hers to look after the use of the provisions. He at- tends- to the outdoor economy; she to that of the interior : economy being taken irs its root -sense of systematic gov- ernment. She sees, if she be like the beautiful portrait in the Proverbs, that the household is clothed in scarlet and fed, on the finest of the wheat. He takes liis place among the elders of the land, an goes forth from the shelter and the refug of a happy, well-appointed home to th strife of the stock market, or the toil o the anvil, or the desk in the counting ronm. Entire openness and confidence as to shrank you should or, chide her to keep the beautiful and very y decorations from being injured by &rap. The building lies in a per- earsh. The coffin of Prince Albert losed in a sarcophagus of granite, h is ill the centre, and which is enoueli to contain two coffins, the a designing to be herself buried The crypt underneath contains can homes. niches, and was intended to be the 1 place of the Queen's children; The Frog Crop. so far it has not been used, as Seth Green, the piscieultinist, writes cess Alice was buried in Darmstadt the Sacramento "Bee," reconimenci re is a. statue of her in the mauso- the owners of marshy land to raise fr He says : "The idea has occurred to n that it would be a profitable ven u for farmers on whose acres are marshy lands to raise frogs. I would recom- mend inclosing several acres, including the frog -pond, or, better still, the whole farm if practicable. In constructing the fence, the first two and one-half or three feet in height should be pf tight n huried in coffins covered witit boards, so the frogs could not escape, ISM velvet, with massive silver and all bushes should be cut from the aments ; but a few years ago, when close vicinity of the fence. I do not Queen paid her first visit to the know that it is generally known that ulchre, she observed that the cover- frogs climb small trees and bushes, but s had become ragged and faded, and such is the fact. I made the discovery ers were given that all the coffins that this was the way they were escap- uld at once be placed in new oak ing from. a small pond. inclosed by a fence es, 011 the top of which are the plates four feet high, which was shaded on the inside by busby willows. It is my opin- ion that 'fanners would be repaid for theit trouble in three ways : First, frogs live en all kinds of insects, many -of which. are detrimental to farm pro- ducts, and by the cultivation and con- finement of frogs they would feed upon these insdets, and benefit the farmer in that respeet ; second, they would by eating the insect life convert what'is now detrimental into frog meat, which commands a good price and ready sale ; and, third, they would not go else where for music, as they would always have a band, a well -regulated and extensive orchestra." • Miss Saxe.in Mer Mother's Gown. A writer in the Kansias City Journal relates this anecdote of the late John G. Saxe and his favorite daughter, Sarah. It was the custom of the family to spend much of each summer at Saratoga. One summer it vas decided that Sarah should remain at home in charge of the younger children instead of , accompanying her parents, as had been her former custom. This decision roused the wrath of the young lacly,and awakened all that latent obstinacy which her father claimed for her. In vain she remonstrated. Her best clothing was put under lock andkey, key, and her parents departed charging her to be a good girl and to content her- self until their return. The season was at its height, and many person s brilliant- ly conspicuous in literary circles were gathered under the flashing of th watering -place chandelierg. Saxe hel his court at one end of - the saloon tha August evening, and sat conveniently facing the entrance door when a servan announced "Miss Saxe." The poe raised his eye -glass to .behold Sarah, miss of 16, haughtily sweeping dow the grand parlors, dragging after her he mother's best winter gownof velvet, an glittering -with her mother's trinkets. I was warm tvork enduring that heavy, oppressive finery, but for three day father and daughter held their little in depen denecop rts at the famous watering place, each ignoring the other's presenc -a, clear case of "Greek meet Greek.' At the end of that Sarah was igno miniously taken home by her father anc duly punished. ), and the Duke of Albany in the I vault. It was arranged that the e should_he buried Lere ; but the was reluctantly changed by the en when it was found that lie had written instructions that his coffin aid be placed in the family vault er the Wolsey Chapel. The mem- of the royal family have al ways 0 g Almost Every Person has some form of serofulous poison latent in hi veins. When this poison develops in scrofulou soree, uleerS, or eruptions,- rheumatism, o organic diseases, the suffering is terrible Hence the gratitude of those who discove that Ayer's Sarsaparilla, will eradicate this evil 969.62w, To Most Children theebare suggestion of a dose of castor oil is nau seating. When physic is necessary for the littl ones, use Ayer's tpathartic Pills. They combin every essential 'and valuable principle of cathartic medicine, and, being sugar-coated, ar easily taken. 969.52w. 4. The Triumphant Three. During three years suffering with dyspepsia tried almost every known remedy but kept get- ting. worse luntil I tried B. 13. 13. I had onl used it thred days when I felt better, three bo Mei completely cured me. WeNichole, of Km dal, Ont 1007.52.2w. In Better Humor Now. M sere aged 11, was cured of an eruptiv humor that covered his head and face wit sores, by two bottles of Burdock Bloo Bittet and Pi Is, testifiesMrs. Mary Fulford, of Pott Hope, Ont. • 1007.52.2w. Be on Your Guard. ' Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly an surelyun into catarrh when you can be cure l. for 25 ents by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cur a A few pplications cures incipient catarrh. 0 c to two boxes -cures ordinary catarrh. Two five boxes is guaranted to cure chronic cetarr Try .e. Only 25 cents and sure cure Sold by a 1 deal. rs 066.13r From Manitoba. I have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by tl- userof Or. Fowler's Extract of Wild .Strawberr% I used about le bottles of•it and am now entircl free from the disease. Wm. McLaren, Clue water, Manitoba,. 1007.52,2w. . ee Worth Remembering. In •ri long" letter from John. If. Hall, 004- dick, Cape Breton, N. S., he says: I believe wei 0 it net for Burdock Blood Bitters I -should be in mygrave. It cured me of kidney and liver com- plaint and general debility; Which had mlee- proved fatal. 1007.52.2w. . . • Like Magic. It alWays acted like magic, I had scarcely ev r need to give the second dose of Dr. Fowls 's Extrae of Wild Strawberry for summer coi plaints Mrs. Walter Govenlock, of Ethel, On t 1007.6' 9w. Dangerous fits are often caused by %vorm. Freeman's Worm Po micro destroy " worm. 1007.5m. Arouse the liver when torpid with Nation 1 Pills, a good anti -bilious cathartic, sugar-coate 1. 1007.5m. For tetMe rash, summer heat, eruptions al d general Wet purposes use Low's Sulphur Sou 1007.5m. All Plesed.-aThe ehildren like Dr. Lo% 's Pleasait Worm Syrup and parents rejoice ov ite vir ues • 1007.52m. Advice to Mothers. Are -ou distm bed and broken of your rest a sick child suffering and .crying with pain cuttin teeth? If so send at once and ge bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" children teething. Its value is incalculable. will re ieve the poor little sufferer immediate y. Depot). upon it, mother; there is no mists. re about It. It cures dysentery and diarthrea, gives t soften "Mrs. teethi spehryipsit is for a It e Stomach and bowel, cureswind col the gums, reduces inflannnion, a one and enemy to he whole syste Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for childr tg is pleasant to the taste and is the pre - on of one of the oldest and best ferntle lanS and nursesin the_United States, and d. ed c, 1. ale by all druggists throughout the wer: Price 'twenty-five, cents a bottle. Be sure a ask fo "Mas. WISLOW'S SOOTHING SYR.CP," .a take nn other kind.96.1v, Catarrh -a New Treatment. BOOTS AND Fresh Arrival of Ne • .••••••••.. *v.," SHOES. • Spring Goods. As ail my stock 9f Boots and Slimes is fresh from the manufacturers, you may expectgood value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful. Give me a call and j ndge for yourselves. Custori Work Warranted. Repair.ng Promptly Attended to E. LAtIMER, Main Street, Seaforth. The Appetite 1ay he i.icreased,• .thci Digestive organs strengthened, and. the Bowels regulated, by taking Ayers Pilh. rrhese Pills are purely etgetable in their composition. They eontpin neither calomel nor any other dangerouS drug, and may be taken with perfect safety by persoos of all age. I was great eufferer from Dyspepsia and 'ConStipation. •. I: had eo :ipetite, became greatiy debilitted; and was con- stantly afflicted with Hendache and Dizz- ness. I consulted our fiiniily doctor, who prescribed fur Me, at. Various times, With- • oet affording more than teMporararelief. I -finally eommenced taking Ayer's Pills. • In a short thue my digestion and appetite E ugh ing. Best workmanship done in Galvanized Iron -OR- IMPROVED • .TIngavetroughing. my bowois were regtileted, and, bv the ,. time. I finished two box -Rs of these Pals my tendency to headachehad disappeared, and I became strong and well. - Darius !: -M. Logan, Wilmington, Del. I was drmibled, for over a year, with Loss of '1ppetile, and General Debility. (.1 I commer eed taking _Ayer's Pills, and, be- fore finisl ing half a box of this medicine, my appetite and strength . were restored. -C. O. lark, Danbury, Coun.: A.yer's Pillsare the bestmedicine known tO me for regulating the bowels, andfor a I diseases caueed by a disordered Stomach'. and Liver. 1 suffered for over three yee1 rs with ifeadache, Indigestion, and Constipation. . 1 had no appetite, and was weak and nervous most of thatime. BY USING three boxes of Ayers Pills. and, at the same tindieting Myslf, I was com- r pletely c 'red. My digestive organs are now in good order, and I -am in perfect health.-ePhilip Lockwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's PHIS have benefited me wonder fully. Fel- months I. suffered from -Indi- gestion .and Headache. was restless at night, and had a bad 'taste in my mouth, every morning. After taking one box of Ayer's Pills, all thee troubles disap- peared, iny food digested Well, and enY sleep - was refeeshinee-llenry C. Hem- menway, -lockport, Mass. I was ttred of the Piles by the use of Ayer's. Palls. They not only relieved me of that Tiainful disorder, but gave me in- creased ii,igor,- and restored my health. - John Latarus, St. John, N. Th yer'sPills,. ,• Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lwell. Mesi. tlolst by all Druggists and; Dealers in Meicine. • Perhaps the most extraordinary emcees t at as be n achieved ira =dere medicine has b en attain el by the Dixon Treatment for Catar h. Out o 2,000 patienttreated during -the past. ix Mont s fully ninete per colt, have been cu ed of thi stubborn malady. This is none the .1 ss starai g when it is remembered that no five i er cent. 1 patients presenting, themselves to he regul. r practitioner are benefitted, while- he paten medicines and other advertised cu es ease is due to the prose ce -, never record a cute1at all. Starting with he w claim nogenerally believed by the most sci n- tific n en that the di, ed livi g parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at once dapted hie cure to their extenninatioi - chis ecomplishecl, he claims the Catarrh is p. 1 Meal e cured, and the permanencyis unqUeeti n- td, a cures effected by him four years ago re cure still. No one else has ever attempte to 'cure Cetera' in thisenan tier, a,nd no other tr at inenl has ever cured Catarrh. The applicaron lof the remedy is simple, and can be done at liom e and the present season of the • year is he most favorable for -a speedy and permanent et re, the n ajority of cases being cured at one tr 'fit- ment Sufferers should correspond with Mee rs. A. H.t DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, NV st, Toror o, Canada, and enelose statep for tilieir treatiir e on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, Novedee ,t7, 1S9 • % g82-52 - mx..-UorazhaignIhinE73.191fiCieraralir•2100:101111rOTFOnia4iNr! PENNYROYAL WAFERS 4e. . Prescription of a physician Al • has had a life long experience Jle',.. --LA• - . t.....:/,••• :44' s treating- female diseases. Ise ' '...,••':,.0. - AO \ V • monthly with perfect success over 10;000 ladies. Pleasant, effectual. Ladies ask lour d vho in sed by safe rug - gist for Pennyroyal Wafers land take no substitute, or inclose post- e age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. Address THE EUREKA CHPMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. LS.1d in Seaforth hy Lumsden & Wilson, I. V, Fear and by Druggists generally. 969-52 A Sore Eyes Metal Roofilagl A st The eyes are always in sympathy with the bod, and afford an excellent index , of its cenditien. When the eyes become weak, and the lids inflamed and Sore, it is. an evidence that the s•ystem has become • disorderbd by Scrofula, for which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. • Set -oft -11a, Which produced a painful in. flammation in .my eyes, caused me much suffering for a number of years. By the 1 advice of a physician 1 commenced taking Ayer's :Sarsaparilla. A [ter nsing this medicine a short dine I \VHS COMPIClCIY Cured. . My eyes are 110V in a splendid condition, and 1- apt nO- well and etrong as ever. se Mrs. Wffliam Gage, Concord, N. 11. For a nunther of years .1 was 1 roulded with al umor in my eves, and was unaltle to. obtati any relief nutil 1 cammeneed using Aver's Sarsaparilla. This inedieine has erfer tett :t complete elite. and 1 belieye it to be the best Of blood purifiers. ; ---- C. E. I)1-011, Nashea, N. IL From childhood, and nn i H within a few months, I have boeb nthicted \lilt Weak and Sore Eyes. 1 have used for these complaints, with beneficial reults, Ayer's Sarsapa illa. and consider it. a great blood li purifier -Mrs. C. Phllips, Glover, Vt., I suffered for a pea- Iv ith inflamma- tion in My left eye. Three uleeSs formed on the ball, depriving- me of Night, aud ceasing great pain. After tiering many ot her remedies, to no purpose. I was finally induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, By Taking three betties of this iiiedieine, hate been entirely cured. My Sieht has been re- storedocrid there is 1.10 sign of inflamma- tion, sore, or ulcer 'in nev eye. - Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. My d‘ughter, ten years old, MIS afflicted with Serofulous Sore Eyes. During the last two years she never :•iow light of any kind. 1Physicians of the hithest standing* exerted.their 1 111 1 t if I se..., eie, w...iim permanent sueessl. Un the revommendation of, a friend 't purchased a bottle of Ayers Sar- saparilla, which my dauehter eummenotel taking. Before she ' had Used the third bottle her sight was restorcei. and slieean now loek steadily at a brilliant light lVilit-• (llt !Mil.. Bei- cure is (.)1111)10v. --- W . la Sutherand, Evangelist, Shelby Civ, Ky. Ayr's Sarsaparil▪ la. 1 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell. Mess. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles,$5. Uirappeoached fee Tonee...r.d Qrality. CATALCGU LiS FREE. BELL & CO„ Gpelph, out. Get The Best. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best, most prompt and safest cure for cholera mortals, dysentery,siek stomach, cramp, colic and eh lem infantum that has yet been discov- ered. ts popularity- is undimmed by age. All iieiue dealers sell it. 1007.52.2w. all kinds of work in Tin, Sheet Iron or Copper. airy Utensils A SPECIALTY. 1ANUFACTURERS OF THE erry Creamery Can best Self -Skimmer inthe market es have advanced in price; our ol - will be sold at old prices. n Cisterns & Well Pump -AT-- NSON BROS. MAIN -ST., SRAFORTI-T. ondon, Huron and Bruce, 0,, a NORTH- Passenger. L edon depart 8.10a.m. 4.251'.14 E -etet 9.35 5.45. II insall,. 146 5.58 K ppen. . ..... .... 9.51 6.05 B ucefield 9.59 6.15 C inton.... 10.18 6.35 L t tideshoro ...... .. .. .. 10.37 6.55 13 yth.... ,. .. .... .... . .. 10.46 7.05 r, lgrave • 11.00 7.20 IN inghant, arrive . 11.20 7.40 O G SOUTH- Passenger. ingliam, depart 7.00ene. 3.05r. B lgrave 7.17 3.28 B yth. , •, 7.81 3.12 L ndesboro 7.40 3.51 C inton 8.00 4.10 B cefield 8.19 4.29 Kippen . 8.27 4.37 eneall 8.33 4.43 E eter. 8.47 4.57 L ndon, arrive 10.10 6.00 enington, Grey and Bruc 01 o NORTH-. Past enger. Mixed. hel 1 2.35 r M. 9,20 P.M. 8.40 eem russets 2.50 9.35 9.30 lueva,le 3.05 9.60 10.00 ringham.. .. 3.20 10,02 11.25 is 0 N(.4 SOUTH- Passenger. Mixed. N ingham... 7.26 P.14. 11.10 A. me6.89 a. luevale .. .. 7.50 . 11.25 6.48 ruesels 8.45 11,45 • 7.02 Gael.... .. .... 9.20 12.00 7.14 rain leaving Wingham at 8.10 p in. for Kinc e, run on Mondays, Wednesdaes and Frida ril Grand Trunk Railway. !rains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations 1.1 ows: 0 NG WRST- SICAFORTH. CLINT° fixed . ... 3.48 P. M. 2.20 P. asseneer.. .. 9.02 P. M. 9.20 e. ixed Train.. .... 9 15 10.18e. 0 NG EAST- l'assenger. .. 7.48 a. NI. 7.30 A. fixed 1.48 e. et. 1.15?. fixed Tram.. .... 5.05 P M. 4.15 r. ID THE CELEBRATED C ...A.. ' MANDRAKE DANDELION iVER CURE Have you Liver Complaint, De silepsia, In tion, Biliousness, Jaundiee, Headache, Diin e a Pain in the Back, Costiver,ese, or any di e arising frona a deranged liver, Dr. Chas 1 v r cure will be found a sure and certain reined ure's Remedy -The unqualified success er Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint tea ol ,ly with the fact that it is compounded fro a lire's well-known liver regulators, Mandra Dandelion, combined with many oeher inv Lie roots, barks arid herbs, ha e ing a pov:erf if 'clan the Kid neye, Storeeh, Bowels end bloo e hundred thousand sold. Over one-half m lion of Dr. Chase's Receipt Reoks were ho Id 'a adaalone. We want even, man woman a hid who is treubled v ith Liver Complaint rethis excellent remedy. Somethiug ne away free. Wrapped around every boti f Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Househ nedie 1 Guide and Beeeipe Book (4 pges), eo ainink over 200 nodal reeeipes, pronounced n(djCLi men and dniggists as hava.luable, a vorth ten times the price of the medicine. hasers Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive re rice, 25 cents. Try Chase's Kidney a er Pill. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold 11 dealers. -T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agen rad rd. For Sale by all druggists. 906-5' K1PPEN The Mills, GRISTING Having Miller, tion MILLS . the Kippen a firstclass of satisfac- Ont. 1001-t.f. undersigned having purchased is prepared to . MAKE A SPEOIALTY & CHOPPII4G secured the services of will endeavor to give the best to customers. D. B. McLEAN • Kippen! Genera Dealer in first-elass tled the plan) sured cent. SEWING ing). chines work. chines W. N. WATSON Insurance -AND- in Sewing Machikes. t t 1 Agent . i rates - losses set- in 81 (cash in- of 20 per RAYMOND manufactur- Ali' ma- kind of sale. Ma- . - t All kinds of property insured at lowest reliable companies, and promptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY Gore and Waterloo, from 75c to for three years. Mills and factories in these companies at a saving or7 stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and MACHINES (family and Prices ranging from es25 to $75. warranted for five years on every Needles, oil and repairs for repaired. . - I\T_ WAITISC)Wr MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL Fencing Wire. td , • a. .--. -w -i.6=-- LI] r -L s in....1 c.--4- 1 tr CD as CD )-$ ra )ni CD c's cse a-, aai i'''''.•......i C) CD Clt? 0 W W 0 0 • rpe ° )--,- 0 P:i • 67::). . ' 'd --'•-I p s-- o 1--1- -,.,- ell ee li CD (1) ee. CD 0 ei. CD,..., CD imme . . td . Pd rn 0 C)ne a) sti P 1-6 o o sei pet 1-S sa ctt- 0' I • tit ;= Cual-1 = td CD 0 -, 0 Cr° ,...40•0111 r""'"3 1 • Binding Twine. . CODERICIi Chrystal 8 Manufacturers SALT as STEAM N. M. M. it. M. A BOILER WORK, marine STACKE wok. FITTINGa! Boiler. Outfit in good work orders wil opposite G. T 361. & Black, of all kinds of Stationery, Upright and Tabular Boilers. PANS, SMOKE and all kinds of Sheet Iron AND WATER PIPE constantly on hand. On hand, ready for delivery: I 30 H. P. New Steel I 8 H. P. New Boiler. Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Engine, Separator, &c., all order. Will be sold cheap. Mail prompt attention_ NN orks Station. P. 0. BOX God erich, Maj 'MIL Itee. Boiler, ing 3 receive It. _ 11- ._ oYi Lowest ts ks uill- Insurances I in- First-Classeompaniu ld to iv. 'le A id lay ad ry APPLY te- nd by fa, MONEY TO AT LOAN . :?arm: Ont. Rates of Interest . Effected Number of First -Class for Sale. TO WESTCOTT & SANDER Real Estate Agents, Exeter, • LEGAL. tXTJL HASTINGS,Solicitor,ete. effice--Ca,dy's V V . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth. 974 SEAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.- Office, opposite the Colborne IIotel. 976 1111) C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to ..1-te lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 • T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Office- . ROOT'S One Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground floor next door to 13eams butcher shop. Agents-Cenotote, Hoer &CallX11.0M. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &e., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. PROUDFOOT. 686 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERO, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderih, Ont. M. C. CAMXRO, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. OAMBRON. 506 -r OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, „I .1 Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyaner, &e. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, .IN1 Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontation A. H. MANNIG, JAMES SCOTT. 781 Tel HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. 3Ioney to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main • Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOX -Straight loans at 6 per _al cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. . Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. rst L.• BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate man- ge". ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, 611C- cessor to D. Watson. B. 13. MORRIS, as- sitant operator. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. -Chloroform, ether, gas and loeal agents used in extraction of teeth.. Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as low as good work can be done for. Residence eame as that occupied by Mr. Watson. 980 W_J • TZ, T D. S., M. R. C. and D. S., of Ontario. Latest improve- ' ete• e tempts in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Offiee,-In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941 rt CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den- e). tists, of Exeter, Ont. One of the above will visit Blyth the -last Thursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotl, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Hensel' the following Thurs- day of every nionth at Reynald's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tacted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re- moves i early ali pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the firstday. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 R•r- TJ KINSMAN, ,Dentist, L. D. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at "r•'' ' Yurich at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST THURSDAY IN tAell monen. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates, 971 "C't A. ..11artin, L. D. S. Honor graduate of the Royal College of 'Dental surgeons, Tor- nto. Charges as low as those of any reliable dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office Garfield Block, BRasaignien., 14264.1. MEDICAL. TNT M. HANOVER, M. P. C. M., Graduate of V V McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheni Seaforth, Out. Office and re- sidence -North side Goderieh street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, 13rucefild, Limn- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 930 DRS. MACKIDD & EVA.NS, Office, Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seafotth, Besidence, Jahn street. Calls at night at either the Office or Residence: •894- . T G. SCOTT, M, p., &c., Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Preebyterien Church. 842 -0 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D M; Member Ile of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seafortht °Manua Offiee and residence same as occupied byDr. Yercoe. . 848 ETERIN ARY Si TAFFA 14ORSE INFIRMARY. -All diseases of Home, Cattle, Sheep, or any domesti- cated =herds encettesfully treated on the ehort- est notice. A large stoek of Veterinary medi- cines oe hand., Chaeges moderate. l'i ALTER SHILLINGLAW, Stella. 1010 •OEAFORTIT HOME INFIRMARY.-Corerof r) Jarvis and Goderich 'Streets, nextdoor to the Presbyterian -Church, .Seaforth, Ont. All dis- eases of Hemet +tattle-, Sheep or any of the -do- inesticited aninaals, -successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shorte.st notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of V-eterin exy Medicines kept:constantly on band -AUCTIONElla T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended in al parts of the County. All orders left at TUX EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. GREAT EniflH PRESCEIPTION • A successful medicine used over :.0 years in thousands of cases. Curs Spermatorrhea, Nerveus Weakness, Emissions, Intied eny, end all di -.eases reeronel calved •by Omr., inditcretion IAVTRIC1 or over exertion. Six peckages guaranteed to cure when all others fail. Ask 3 our drugeiet for The Great English Prescription, take no substi- tute One peckage 11, six 5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. afold in Seaforth by lemisden & Wileon, I. V. Fear, J. 8. Roberts, and druggists generally. 969-52 OF WORTHL,ESS IMITATIONS As there are many inferior gotels, corded with jute, hen eji, etc., offered and sold Cot -aline by sotne na- p11acinled merchants trad- in et on, the reputation. of O) genrime •Coralittee we ;-"-fl the ladies against ....eh lupe:Aire/I ley draw- ;.: -+h attuation to tho e ;relate thatthe nrente 7Tinei17'qt"11 C0I9 ti ia " i tint r Celt:of all Cra111e goads, • t 'rich none are gennite. si AMES ' HOTL, R 0 T O. = T) P. ts't (i(11"'1of Sheee'r,troel,Srafortk, Pli1OPRiETORS. mins Hotel, which leeituated direetly opposite the Union Station; has recently been refittt d and refurnished throughout, and is pow one -of the best and most comfortable bottle in the city far Every possible attention paid to v.:seethe re charges meritrate. •