The Huron Expositor, 1887-07-01, Page 7tetlEet,
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JULY 1, 1887.
A Community of Chess-
- Players.
The all-pervading influence of chesa
observable in that peculiar region de-
scribed in. "Through the Looking -Glass"
is hardly less perceptible in the little -
antiquated German village of Strobeck,
not far front Halberstadt. In the
eleventh century this village was noted
for the devotion of its people to chess,
and they have kept this characteristic
feature down to the present day. All
the inhabitants, except the very small
-children, are chess -players of more or
less skill and the game is to them what
the worIct-renowned Passion Play is to
the Oberammergauers. .
A great many notable men heave visit-
ed Strobeck at various times on account
of its repatation as a chess -playing com-
munity, The council -house contains
numerous memorials of these visits,
which the villagers take pride in show-
ing to strangers. Among the most
highly- prized of these memorials are a
board and chessmen which were pre-
sented to the village in 1651 by Ker-
furst Frederick William of Branden-
In June 1885, the'chess societies of
the Hartzdistricts held a ," Schachcon-
grass," or chess convention at this ap-
propriated place. Besides the regularly
appointed delegates, a large number of
visitors came from va=rious parts of Ger-
many, many of whom were players of
.wide repute. Among the latter was
herr Schalopp, well.known ozone of the
best chess -players of Berlin. While at
Strobeck, Schalopp played games with
37 persons at the same time. He won
34 of the games, and two of the three
opponent' vahom he did not defeat were
an old woman of the village and her
grandson, a boy of 13.
The convention lasted several days,
and the villagers won a large proportion
of the silverware, chessboards, and ether
prizes offered Tor victory. Every house
contains prizes which had been won in
such contests on former occasions. The
visitors were very much surprised at the
fine playing of the village children,
-who, before the convention adjourned,
gave a special exhibition of their skill in
the gaihe. The time characteristically
chosen, for this juvenile tournament was
Sunday afternoon. Of course the early
development of these small chess -players
Mint have been caused principally by
frequent practiee and constant study of
the game; but students of psychology
might find in it an instance of transmit-
ted tendency and the inherited effect of
a certain habit of thought.
Such a rustic society as Straibeck could
hardly exist anywhere but in Germany.
The Italian peasants, who give so much
of their time to loto, are generally too
lazy to make the Mental exertion requir-
ed for chess, while in most other Euro-
pean countries the rural population of
the lower class entertain themselves
chiefly with fights between dogs and
cocks, or men who are but little superior
to either. Here in the United States
there are, no doubt, lovers of ehess in
nearly every village or small town, as
well as in the cities; but in comparison
with that of base ball or roller skating,
its popularity- is nowhere great enough
to be taken into account as an indication
of mental tendencies or characteristics.
-Lippincott's Magazine.
Ready for the Call.
A lady once asked Mr. Wesley,
"Supposing that you knew that you
were to die at twelve o'clock to -morrow
night, how would you spend the inter-
vening time?" ",'How, madam ?" he
replied. "Why,, just as I intend to
spend it now. I should preach this
evening at Gloucester, and again at five
to -morrow morning; after that I should
ride to Tewksbury, preach in the after-
noon, and meet the societies in the even-
ing. I should then „repair to friend
Martin's house, who expects to enter-
tain me, converse and pray with the
family as usual, retire to my room at
ten o'clock, commend myself to my
heavenly Father, Tie down to rest, - and
wake ap glory."
Letter Carriers on Stilts.
Bicycles and tricycles now help many
of our rural postmen to make good time,
as they say in America, provided their
heats lie in fairly level country, with
tolerable roads ;_ but I am not aware that
the letter -carriers of the Fen districts
have profited by the wisdom of their
French brethren in the Department of
Landes, that desert *region of reedy
marshes and -ever-shifting sands, only
traversed by muddy, uncertain roads.
Year by year, owing to tho prevalence
of westerly winds, the dunes (as these
sand -hill are called) encroach more and
more on the fertile tracts, actually over-
whelming houses and vineyards. Here
and there, on the marshy heath, or in
the forest of cork trees, are scattered
the wretched huts of the people, who
are mostly shepherds, cork -cutters, and
charcoal -burners. One of their chief
industries is the manufacture of sabots,
or wooden shoes, clumsy indeed, but
warranted to stand any amount of wear
and tear.
But even these active peasants find it
exhausting work alternately to trudge
ankle-deep in light, dry sand, or through
oozy peat -moss, so they have borrowed
a hint from the lone -legged water -birds
that stalk among the marshes, and have
adapted, the pian of walking on very
lengthy stilts. Thus they get over the
ground at double pace, and, being well
raised above the world, they can keep a
better outlook for their stray sheep or
swine, or for the position of such game as
may be worth stalking at leisure. -Cas-
sells Family Magaaine.
even a greater speed. In all(Frobability'l panion and showed his delight at meeting
self through the whter at the rate of 12
miles an hour, and the sperm whale was
said .to be capable of driving itself along.
at the same rate of speed. He had
asked Mr John Hendersonl of Glasgow, ,
the Well-known builder of the Ancher
liners, to assist him in arriving at the
horse -power whioh must be exercised by
hales so as to secure
an hour, and he put
gnidfiry whale before
him. It was 80 feet tong, weighed about
74 tons, and had a tail 18 feet to 20 feet
across from the extreme ends of its
flanges. With this data Mr. Henderson
calculated that a whale of the dimen-
n order to attain a
an hour, would re-
a'propelling force of
ngineering. 1,,
A Mountain of Sin. •
A ccdored preacher undertook to de-
scribe the utter and unapproachable sin-
fulness of the best Men in the world, and
in doing this he had recourse to the fol-,
lowing vigorous language :
Ef all de waters what ELM under de -
furrnament and o de top Of de furma-
the Longnicldry whale coul propel it- his former owner in various ways,among
one of these great
a speed of 12 mile
the case of the Lo
sions mentioned,
speed of 12 miles
quire to exercise
145 horse power.-
ment was changed
eye inter de black
was ter be change
in de twinkling ob
st ob ink, an' de skies
inter letter -paper,
and ehbery blade ob grass war a pens_an'
ef all defolks who has eber libbed was
ter write day an' 'tight until dey was a
million times older den Methusalem, dey
wouldn't ha,b time, nor ihrlt\noapens, nor
paper enuff ter write up de sinfulnesa ob
de best man in de hull world.
Thoughts .by the Way.
Religion is' a very small, lean, gaunt,.
poor, ill -fed filing as it is ordinarily con-
ceived of in this world.
Men sit aroand a tool -chest quarreling
about saws and planes and chisels. They
are not building anything -they are de-
bating about tools.
That kind of revival preaehing which
seeks to drive men into heaven by the
fear of hell is not Christianity; it is the
worst form of paganism.
Sects are candlesticks, atid a man or
woman that is big enough to be good for
anything is too large for any sect.
Why is it that men think it incum-
bent upon them to be hats and dogs in
religion and gerllemen in everything
outside of it 1'
The prevalent idea of keepingthe
Sabbath is that it is a day on which
certain things mnst not be done. To the
majority- of people Sunday is a day full
of nets. 1
I am in favor of any movement that
helps anybody to appreciate Sunday as a
day of rest, of health and pure pleasure's,
and that will gently lead men, women,
and children from the things of low
estate -up ta the: higher.
To one who is_ living aright no death
can be sudden, and no place.unfavorable.
One step, and all roads meet.
Dying is the best part of life to .one
who knows how to live worthily.
If the life that has gone out has been
like music, full of concords, full of sweet-
ness, richness, delicacy,, truth, then
there two ways to look at it. One is to
say, "1 have not lost it i" Another is
to say, "Blessed he God that I have had
it so long !" 1
I say when a person becomes a Chris-
tian that he loses nothing that he should
not be afraid to keep. If ever you are
going to be a Christian, don't set out to
be a gloomyseyed, twilight -faced, bat-
like Christian. -Selected..
other tricks going into his coat pockets
for the delicacies that he used to find
there. The gentleman asked -him to
"roll over" for him, and he went down
upon the straw and over in a moment.
Mr. Lloyd's health prevents his showing
t Ginger much this winter, but it is gen-
erally conceded that the handsome little
horse would make it quite interesting
for the best of the trotters. -Hartford
-Nolewer than 204 physicians and.
surgeons took part in the two day' ses-
sion of the Ontario Medical Association,
which met in Toronto last week. It is
generally admitted that in point of in-
-terest the gathering just closed stands
out far ahead of any -of its predeeessors.
Ethinent physicians from the -United
States have contributed papers, the city
surgeons of prominence have taken a
very active part in the proceedings, the
rural practitioner has been considerably
enlightened by what he saw and heard,
and harmony and good -will seemed to
perch on every bust in the theatre where
the sittings were held. ,
-By the Trade and Navigation Re-
turns, up to June, 1886, brought down
at the preseat session of the House of
Commons, Owen Sound is shown to do
Vie largest coasting trade of any Canad-
ialis port on the great lakes, leading with
a tonnage of 754, 209 tons, which is fol-
lowed by Toronto with 566,506, and
Kingston with 501,258, and other ports
with a very much Smaller tonnage than
any of these. This does not include
trade with the United States. That
being considered; Kingston leads, To-
ronto follows with Owen Sound next.
But as those returns only show to June
of 1886, since which Owen Sound has
increased her United States business
three -fold, Owen Sound will no doubt
for the present year do the largest lake
marine trade of any port on Canadian
fresh water.
Household Hints.
To Remove Ants. -Place -pieces of
raw meat in a cupboard, and after the
ants have clustered upon them, plunge
into boiling water. Persevere in this
for two or three. weeks, and you will
soon be entirely free from ants. -
Cream Rusks. -One pint of waren'
water, one teacup of sugar, one teacup
of rich -cream, one coffeecup of yeast,
flour to make stiff batter. . Let rise over
night, work down several times; when
ready to bake roll out and cut in small
round cakes,, put in greased pans *hen
light bake, and sprinkle with sugar.
Dried Beef. -Buy good beef -the ten-
der side of the round is the best, of
course, and for every p pounds of beef
use One pint of salt, one teaspoonful of
saltpetre, And a= quarter of a pound of
brown sugar. Mix them well together,
and rub the beef well with one-third of
the mixture for three successive days.
Let it lie in the liquor it makes for six
days, then hang up to dry.
Cinnamon Rusks. -Take one cup of
mashed potatoes, one cup of sugar, one
of hop yeast land three eggs; mix all to-
gether. When light add half ;a cup of
butter, one tablespoonful, of ground
cinnamon, and flour to make a stiff
dough; let rise, make in small cakes and
put in buttered pans. When light grease
the top with butter, sprinkle thickly
with sugar and cinnamon; bake in a
quick oven.
Flannel Cakes. -One quart ot milk,
one cup ofcorn meal and nearly three of
flour, half cake of yeast, stirred in a
half a cup -of warm water, one teaspoon-
ful of salt, one teaspoonful of molasses,
bit of soda the size of a pea in the milk.
Scald the milk with the boiling water;
stir in the milk and strain through a
colander; add flour and yeast and tet it
rise until morning; beat in salt and Mo-
lasses, and when the batter is smooth
and light bake on a griddle. They are
very nice.
Horses' Memories.
A couple of years ago a gentleman in
Providence owned a little gray horse
that \vas used in the family by himself,
The Triumphant Three.
During three years suffering with dyspepsia I
tried almost d very known remedy but kept get-
ting worse until I tried B. B. B. I had only
used it three days when I felt better, three bot-
tles completely cured me. W. -Nichols, of Ken-
- dal, Ont 1007.52.2w.
In Better Hurctor Now. .
My son, aged 11, was cured of an eruptive
humor that coveted his head and face with
sores, by two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters
and Pills, testifies Mrs. Mary Fulford, of Port
Hope, Ont. 1007.52.2w.
From Manitoba.
I have been cured of chronicdiarrluna by the
use of Dr. Fowler's Extract& -Wild Strawberry.
I used about 15 bottles of it and am now entirely
free from the diseehe. Wm. McLaren, Clear-
water, Manitoba. 1007.62.2w. -
'Worth Remembering..
In a long letter from John. H. Hall, of Bad -
dick, Cape Breton' N. S., he says: believe- were
it not for BurdockBlood Bitters I should be in
my grave. It cured me of nidney a.nd liver coin-,
plaint and general which had nearly
proved fatal. 1007.52.2w.
Like Magic.
It always acted like magic; I had scarcely ever
need to give the second dose of Dr. -Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry for. summer com-
plaints. Mrs. Walter Govenlock, of Ethel, Ont
No Injurious Effects
can follow the use & Ayer's Ague Cure in ma-
larial diseases. It eontaine a specific and un-
failing antidote for miasmatic poisons, with rem-
edial agents which expel tho poisonous humors,
purify the system, and leave it healthy and rein-
vigorated. 909.52w.
In No Other
medicinal preparation have the results of the
.thost intelligent study and fIci enti fie inquiry been
so steadily and progressively utilized as in
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ft leads the list as a truly
scieutifle preparation- for all blood diseases.
Dangerous fits are often caused by worms.
Freeman's Worm Powders destroy worms.
Arouee the liver when torpid with National
Pills, a good anti -bilious cathartic, sugar-coated.
1007.52ni, -
For nettle rash, sumnier heat, eruptions and
general toilet purposes uSe Low's Sulphur Soap.
1007.55m. -
Something Aloout Whaleshis wife and children. It was made
Sir Wm. Turner the eminent Profes- quite a pet of. Finding that it could
sor of Anatomy in the University of speed quite sharply he entered it in a
Edinburgh, recently delivered a lecture number of country races, in the end get -
to the members of the Philosophioal In ting a record of '32 for it. Then he sold
stitution of that city on " Whales; their it. Later on the childfen misSect it so
Structure and Habits," the course of much that he endeavored to get trace of
which he referred to a Point of consider- it and sent to a slumber of places, bnt
able interest to engineers, which was the failed to find' it. A couple of days ado
horse -power ex-erted by the tail of a he was on Washington street, and his ac't-
large whale. Regarding the length of tention was attracted by a li ttle gra.y pacer
full-grown whales, Professor Turner re- that came whirling down, and he was
marked that the porpoise was four sure this was his old pet, and when op -
or nye feet long, whereas the Greenland
whale was 50 to 60 feet long, and he said.
that the great finner-whale, which fre-
quently visits the British seas, reached
the length. of SO feet, or even more. An
sportunity offered he drove alongside and
called it by name. The pony knew him
at once, and gave unmistakable evi-
dence of recognition.
Another instance showing the memory
animal of the latter sort was stranded at of the horse is that of the pacer purchased
Lengniddry emne years ago. After by Mr. Lloyd last year of a Winsted
speaking at some length on the 1strue- gentleman, A few weeks ago the form-
ture of whales, the lecturer made some et' owner was in town and went up to
remarks on the rate of speed at which see Ginger. The horse's present attend -
they traveled. It has been estimated,
he said, that the Greenla.ncl whale could
attain a speed of nine or ten miles an
hear, and that the firmer whale attained
ant was in the box stall petting him
when his old master stepped in and call-
ed him by name. The horse no sooner
heard his voice than he forsook his cons-
- -All Well Pleased. -The children like Dr. Low's
Pleasant Worm.Syrup and parents rejoice over
it Virtues 1007.52m.
Advice to Mothers.
Are you distuibed and broken of your rest by
a' sick- ehild suffering and crying with pain of
cutting teeth? If -so send at once and get a
bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for
children teething. Its value is incalculable. It
,will relieve the poor little .sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistake
about it. It cures dysentery end diarr'nma, regu-
lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic,
softens the gums, reduces -inflammation, and
gives tone and energy to he whole system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup". fpr children.
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre -1
scription of one of the oldest and best female!
, physicians and nurses in the United States, andi
is for sale by all druggists throughout the werld.i
Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be.sure and!
ask foi "MRs. WINSGOW'S 800TIIING SYRUP," and
take no other kind.966.1v.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician,retired (rein practice, having
had placed in his hands by an East India mis-
sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy
for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump-
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aethma and all throat
and Lung affections, also a positive and radical
oure for Nervous Debility -and all Nervou .)Om -
plaints, after having tested its wonderful curie
-tire powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his
duty to make it known to his suffering. fellows.
Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering, I will send free of chnrgo, to
all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French
or English, with full directions for preparing
and using. Sent -by mail . by addressing with
stamp, namin, this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149
Power's Block Rochester N. Y. 938-25 eow
Catarrh -a New Treatment.
Perhaps the most extraordinary success that
has been achieved in modern medicine has been
attained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh.
Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six
Months, fully ninety per cent, have -been cured
of this stubborn malady. This is none the less
startling when it is remembered that no five per
cent. of patients presenting themselves to 'the
regular practitioner are benefitted, while the
patent medicines and other advertised cure
never record a cure at all. Starting with the
claim now generally believed by the most scien
title men that the disease is due to the presence
of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon a
once adapted his cure to their extermination
ehis accomplished, he claims the Catarina is prae
tically cured, and the permanency is unquestion
td, as cures -effected by him four years ago ar
cures still. No one else has ever attempted t
cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat
ment has ever cured Catarrh. The applicatio
of the remedy is simple, and can be done se
home, and the present season of the year is the
most favorable for a speedy and .permanent cure
the majority of cases being cured at one treat
ment Sufferers should correspoed with Messrs
A. H. DIXON & SON, 306 King Street, West
Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for thei
treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, Noverabe
17, 1882 882-52.g
Prescription of a phyeician wli
has had a life long experience it
. treat; ne feniale diseases: Is use
monthly with perfect succesa b
over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, sal
effectual. Ladies ask our drug
gist for Pennyroyal Wafers an
take no substitute, or inclose post-
age for sealed particulars. Sold bY
all druggists, $1 per box. Ad d res
ifarSold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, I. Ir.
Fear, and by Druggists generally. 969-52
Fresh Arrival of New Sr4sing Goods.
As all my stock of Boots and Shoes is fresh from the ,manifacturers, you may
expect good value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful.
Give me a call and judge for yourielves.
Custom Work Warranted. Repairing Primptly Attended to
I .
E. LATIMER Main Street, Seaforth.
Canker, and
Can be
cured by
the blood
I do not belie,ve that
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has
an equal as a remedy
for Scrofulous Hu-
mors. It is pleasant
to take, gives streugth
and vigor to the body,;
and produces a more
permanent, lasting, re -
shit than any Medicine
I ever used. -E.
Haines, -No. Lindale, 0.
I have used Ayer's
Sarsapttrill a, in my fam-
ily, for Scrofula, and
know, if it is taken
faithfully, it avill
thoroughly eradicate
this terrible alsease. -
W. F. Fowler; M. D.,
Greenville, Tenn,
For forty years I
have suffered with Ery-
sipelas. I havetried
all sorts of remedies
for my complaint, but
found no relief until I
commended using
Aver's Sarstiparilla.
Aker taking ten boa
ties of this medicine
ans completely cured.
-Mary C. Amesbury,
Rockport, Me.
• .
• I have suffered, for
years, from Catarrh,
which was so severe
that it destroyed my
appetite and weakened
my system. After try-
ing other remedies,
and getting no relief, I
began to take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and, in a
few mon ths, was cured.
-Susan L. Cook, 909
Albany st., Boston
Highlands, Mass-.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is superior to aur blood
purifier that I have
ever tried. 1 have
taken it for Scrofula,
Canker, and Salt -
Rheum, and received
nmeh benefit from it.
It is good, ails°, for a
weak stomach.- Mill e
Jane Peirce., South
Bradford, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Inrepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Re Co., Lowell, Mass
Price tn1 ; six bottles, it. -
Day. and Night
D1.1 riug an. acute attack. of Bronchitis, a
enseless tickling in the throat, andan
e. hausting, dry, hacking cough, afflict
tlie sufferer. Sleep is banished, and great
prostration follows. This disease is also
attended with hoarseness, and sometime
L' ss of Voice. It is liable to become
el ronic, involve the lungs, and .terminate
fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral affords
sieedy relief and cure in eases of Brou-
ehitis. It controls the disposition to
cough, and induces refreshing sleep.
I hare been a practleing physician for
twenty-four years, end, for the past
twelve, have suffered from all Ill111.1 attacks
of Bronchitis. After chhausting all the
it 'ual remedies
. Without Relief,
I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It helped
me immediately, and effected a speedy
C Ire.- G. Stoveall , M.D.,Carrollton, Miss.'
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is deeidedly•thei
b ist remedy, Nvilhin my knowledge, for
C 1170111C Br011ellidS. and all lung diseases.
M. A. Rust, M. D., South rans, 31.e. .
I was attacked, last winter, with a.severe
Cold, width, from .e-xposure, grew wore
a id finally settled on my Lungs. By
n ght sweats 1 was reduced almost to a
s -eleton. My Cone -,11 was incessant. and I
f •equently spit blood. • My physician told
n e to give up business, or I would not
live a month. After taking various reine-
d es with -out relief, I was finally
Cured By Using
t vo.bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. - I
now in perfect health, and able to
PrSIIIIIe IIIINillC$S, after having been pro-
nounced incurable_ 1 Vitll (.011:411111pd011.--
SI. P. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn. ,
For years I was in a decline. I- had
weak lungs, and suffered from 13ronchitis
and Catarrh. - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral re-
aored me to health, and I have been for R
long dine comparatively vigoreus. In
case .of a sudden cold I always resort to
the. Pectoral, and find speedy relief.-
hlward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt.
Two years ago I suffered from a severe
roneliftis. The physician attending me
I ecame fearful that the disease would ter -
in Pneumonia. After trying vari-
ous medicines, .without -benefit,- he finally
prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which
relieved meat once. I continued to take
this medicine a short time, a.nd.was cured.
He Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind.
I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Itrepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass,
field by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5.
Unapproachet1 far
Tone and Quality.
BELL 81 Co.
' Get The Best.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Will Stria\ nerry is
the best, most prompt and safeet (sure tor eholera
morbus, dysentery, sick stemavh, (-ramps, cline
and choleiu infantuni that hasyet beeh ciieeov-
ered. 'Its popularity is undimmed- by age, Al)
hodieine dealers sell it. O7.2.2w.
Beet- Workmanship done in
Galvanized iron
Tii Eavetroughirig.
et1 Roofing.
And all kin1s of work in Tin, Sheet
ron or Copper.
illy Utensils
Cherry Creamery Gan,
best Self -Skimmer in the market.
s have advaticed in price; our old
will be sold at old prices.
/roji Cisterns & Well Pumps
L ndon?, Huron and Bruce,
Gong NORTH- Passenger. .
Lot don, dep rt 8.10A.m. 4.25r.m.
Ex ter. 9.35 5.45
He isall. 9.46 6.68
RI pen.. .. ...... 9.61 6.05
B cefield 9.59 6.15
Cli AM) • 10.18 . 6.35
Lo desboro 10.37 0.56
B33th.... .... ...... .. 10.46 7.05
Bel rave. . 11.00 7.20
Wi igharn, arrive 11.20 7.40
Wi gham, d part 7.00A.1.1. 3.06 P.M.
Bel rave ... .. 7.17 3.28
Bly th. s .. .. . .......... .. 7.31 3.42
Lo inesboro. 7.40 3.61
Cli ton 8.00 4.10
B cefield 8.19 4.29
Ki pen. 8.27 4.37
He salt 8.33 4.43
Ex ter. 8.47 4.67
Lo don, arr ve 10.10 6.00
n,, Grey and Bruce.
el... . ..
PasEenger. Mixed.
2.36 r. m. 9.20 r.m. 8.40 A.M.
2.58 9.35 9.30
3.06 9.60 10.00
• .. 3.20 10.02 11,25
, e Passenger. Mixed.
1 .. 7.25 r.m. 11:10 A..m.6.39. A.M.
7.60 11.25 6.48
iesels.... „, .. 8.46 11.45 7.02
el.... es ; ... 9.20 1-2.00 7.14
in leaving Wingham at 8.10p m. for Kincar-
run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
The undersigned having purchased the Kippen
Mills, is prepared to
Having secured the services of a first-class
Miller, will endeavor to give the best of satisfac-
tion to custotners.
'Kippen, Ont.
Grand. Trunk Railway,
Tr ins leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
Mi *ed 1.48 M.
P -senger.. , 9.02 e. m.
Mi ed Train 9 15 a. et.
Pa*senger. .. 7.48 A. M.
Mi -ed Tram . • . 5.06 r et.
2.20 P. kI.
9.20 P. m.
7.30 A. M.
1.16 P. M.
4.15 r.
Ha -e you L ner Coniplaint, 1)3 epepsia, Indi-
! gest n, Biliourness Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi-
ness, Pain in tie Lack, Coetiveness, or any dis-
ease arising i bm a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's
; liver ,ure will fcund a sure and certain remedy.
Natu -e's Re dy-The enqualined success of
Dr. hase's Liker Claire in Liver Complaint rests
sole]. with th ifact that it is coMpounded from
natu e's well- i .own liver regulistore, Mandraks
d andelior4 combined with ninny other inval-
, bl roots, baltks and . he rbs, having a powerful
effee on the K Ines s, Stome eh, I1d,weis and blood.
Five undred nousand sold. Orb- one-half mil-
lion f Dr. Chase's Receiet Bcoks were sold in
Cana la alone. We want every man woman and
1 -
child who is t oubled with Liver Complaint to
try his exec leet remedy. Something new.
Give way free. Wrapped around every bottle
of D Chase -s 'Liver Cure is a valtnible.Hoosehold
medi :al Guide and Receipe Book (64 pagee), con-
taini ig over 20 useful receipes, pronounced by
medi al men nd druggists as invaluable, and
wort 1 ten times the price of the medicine. Try
Ch 's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme-
dy. Price, 26', cents. Try Chase's Kidney and
Lie -e Pills. Teventy-five cents per box. Sold by
all d alers.-T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents,
Brad ord. Fat Sale by.P.11 druggists, 900-52
Genera Insurance Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines.
All kinds of property insured at lowest rates
in first-class reliable companies, and losses set-
tled promptly.
Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in
the Gore and Waterloo, from 75e to .$1 (cash
plan) for three years. Mills and factories in-
sured in these companies at a saving ot 20 per
cent. on stock companies.
Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND
SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur-
ing). Prices ranging from $25 to $75. All ma-
chines warranted for five years on every kind of
work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma-
chines repaired.
Fencing Wire.
`4094.14S TireTAT
Binding Twine before the advance in price.
Plain 'Galvanized Wire for Straight Rail Fencing.
Fencing, Two and Four Point
Binding Twine.
Chrystal & Black
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine,
Upright and Tabular Boilers.
and all kinds of Sheet Iron work.
conetantly on hp.nd.
On hand, ready for -delivery; .
I 30.H. P. New Steel Boiler.
I 8 H. P. New Boiler.'
A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit,
Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in gooyd work.
ing order, Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will
receive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T
R. Station.
P. O. BOX 361.
Goderich, May 20th. leen.
Lowest Rates of interest.
Insurances Effected
TITH. HASTINGS,Solicitor,eto. Cffice-Cady's
VV . Block-, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth. 4174
8EAGER & LEWIS, Barristers,
0e; opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976
C. HAYS, Snlicitor, &e. Private Money to
. lend at lowest rates of interest. Office-
orner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774
BEST, Baerister, Solicitor, &c. Office -
if. Rooms One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher
shop. Agents-Ceeinaon, Hoer &CAIIRRON. 870
jflfrARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici-
tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GAMOW,
HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderieh, Ont.
LOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron,
Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So-
licitor, Conveyancer, &cl. Money to loan. _ Ben-
son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786
- -
TANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Senators,
Conveyancers, Ito. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan.
Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
FHOLMESTED,, successor to the late firm of
McCaughey & Holmested, Barristnr,
Conveyaneer and Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main
Street, Seaforth.
ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per
cent., with the privilege to borrower
of repaying part of the principal money at any
time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister
Seaforth. 850
L. BALL, L. D. S. Honor Graduate, mem
• her Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc-
cessor to D. Watson. B. B. MORRIS, as-
sistant operator. All operations carefully
performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether'
gas and loeal agents used in extraction of teeth.
Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr.
Watson. Rooms oyer Johnson's Hardware, Sea -
forth. Prices as low as good work can he done
for. Residence same an that occupied by Mr.
Watson. ' 980
W- M
TD. S., M. R. C. and ins S., of
i. Ontario. Latest improve-
ments in every line. Satisfaction
gitiarantecd. Office, -In Cats
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941
tists, of Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit Blyth the
last Thursday, and following Fri-
day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at
Peine's Hotel, and Hensall the following Thurs-
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he
will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex-
tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re-
moves 1- early MI pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please call early in the morning of the
first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984'
L.SMAN, Dentist. D.
Leter, Ont M 11
... at the Huron Hotel, on the
Teeth -extracted with the least pain possible. All
work first-class at liberal rates. 971
rij A. Martin, L. D. S., Honer graduate of the
. Royal College of Dental surgeons, Tor-
av s Rtis
iaiass those s.
osLeof any reliable
dentist, and eatisfaction guaranteed. Office
10064. f.
,▪ -tr M. HANOVER, C, Id,, Graduate _of
VI' McGill University, Physician, Surgeon
and Accoucheus, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re-
sidence -North 13ide Goderich street, first brick
house east of tbe Methodist church. 961
in\ RS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Limn -
1.1 tiates Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons Edinburgh. Brucefields Ont. 930
BS. 3.1AC1CIDD -& EVANS, Office, Meyer's
jJ Block, Main Street. Seaforth. Residence,
John street. quus at night at either the Office
or Residence. 894
T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon,
J. and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and
residence South side. of Goderich street, Second
Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842
BRucE smrrir, M. 13, C. M., Member
nns. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
&c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence
same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848
0TAFF'A HORSE INFIRMARY. -All diseases *
0, of 13 orees, Cattle, Slicep, or any domesti-
cated aiiimals enceessfully treated on the short-
est n otige. A large istoels of Veterinary meclis
eines on hand. Chaeges moderate. WALTER
SHILLINGLAW, Staffe. 1010
0 Janie and Goderich Streets, next door to the
Presbyterian Chnreh, Seaforth, Ont. All dis-
eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do-
mesticated animals, successfully treated at the
Infirmary, or elrewhere, on the shortest notice.
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter-
• inary Surgeon P. S. -A large stoek of Veterin
ary Medicines kept constantly on hand ,
TP. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the
• . Comity of Huron. Sales attended in al
parts of the County. All orders left at Tna
Exeosieou Office will be promptly attended to.
A successful medicine used
over 30 years in thousands of
cases. Cures Spermatorrhea,
Nervous Weakness, En/lesions,
Impotency, aed all diseases
llierearn caused by- abuse, itidiscretion [AFTER]
or over .exertion. Six packages guaranteed to
cure wnen all others fail. Able your druggist for
The Great English Prescription, -take no substi-
tute One package $1, six 0, by mail. Write
for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL
CO., Detroit, Mic-h. iMnSold in Seaforth by
Linneden St Wilson, I. V. Fear, J. S. Roberts,
and druggists generally. 969-62
AS there are many inferior
goodie corded with jute,
net ip. etc.,offered and sold
as Coraline by eoine ine-
pt i merchants trails
Lie on the reputation of
oat genuine Coralirie,
tbe ladies against
imposition by draw -
•i1 atteetion to the
nesee nee of Fecing that the
First-ClassCompanies ET
4 • 4 f, ass 5
- ,
• n inr&r i al I Coralinegoode,
2 which r.Lno aro genr-lue.
rvi ES' HOT! ,
A Nurnber of First -Class Farthi3 SHARP &, BRIGHAM,
for Sale. - PROPRIETORS;
(Formerly of Sitarp'sHael,Beaforth,
frHIS Hotel, which is situated directly opposite
_L the Union Station, has recently been refitted
and refurnished throughout, and is now one of
the beet and most comfortable hotels in the city
icSnEvery possible attention paid to gueethere
chargee moderate.
Real Estate Agents, Exeter, Ont.