The Huron Expositor, 1887-06-24, Page 7isgt ad out the - tehe SiOre ftfosah. 4: Dena -- aa, leased I an; ;ed from, time aaelir ,Npeetationt Minata ; tt one win: - mnendal as a cornet 7' it for aa r, Jacoa mY „ r: The co you aaaa,;.- ter, and 'az tire "twat foundnout a - us. which k taraia. Dear ed fro zny is as rem. any w4tek _ tter time, based it, an nnbus yaw (Yours truly kid takethe mekeeper, OsT InYcipla '-`are; Atid no. ;-! the Colima in veined ia to I'wate which fitst-elso, io bEttea, !'14- iriorear "' Dear sat Putchaseckin ths ago, hie I:iaoke what it repaired sh.rt•tia„, ged me affi„. thoOtighly- Sents; are the - (ay are saw W I . •.; Doer Sir from yo am greatly the Minuts other wattle Igen another - friend hem D ar Sir 'to a notable e f pu -chased !cere hepa hes aye* trulaa,T.A. • RearSie hat then ue tihie ago, -satistaettora. id is high' Caattema. D ar- Sir rhicbt Pu be'f tun ot.p r. wi . sui mesa alb watch. ilLT.; kappa& . ear Sir Id c unto - mon hs Ago: for• wate ep note co - - Duch d it for it u ,andi . the feadiiif eor itisfi di ave purRi3 I truly, F; leap g.00d leap, eouf this 'atcbf. aove t 'out atcb ubt rs to hate - I - _ , ce, rt. • by ense ; eel y, p.ma eh _tell a, 3 i.ve rerate:rt . ta tiilessria. ;in Street rith a large. , (014 0 , enable i taken i dizonn s. 03, TEL • " Jun vr 24, 1887.. rrei. 4..444.4 ' I • "r4.4. 7•:‘,44.4.44444., 4,444.4:4•4,r4,44.444•444,44.-- •:4•47,4•-•••ir• 4••••••••••;,-",4,+•••,•-• •• • • r•r".1V. . TH a a- HURON EXPOSITOR. e. 144,44 posed to Exertion. et so much laziness in the people want to make out k, but it's always the other are lazy-. 'Now, take the wealthy traveler who lived r hate's. He did not need He did not work; but what n by calling a man lazy who he hero of this story? He extensive suite of rooms and -tree. A friend went up to in the forenoon, and. found breakfast. Fie was drink- nd eating toast and things. r was easy and deliberate. shed the cup, and he looked it. Then he rose and walk - he roam and. rung the bell. •t came. Ah i" he s'aid, want another cup of tea". sir," said the waiter, and - slaked to the:table, took up and, poured the tea into the ank you," said the English - vent on with his breakfast.- sco Chronicle. India !Imre worm. as We all wor paple wh .cfese of tha ,at one of o to work. (To you mea -could be t had a most eck end of -e call on him him; just at ing tea a Ilia mantle fie had fini calmly into ed across The serva.n 4' waiter Certotath he calmly the teapot cep, T . man, and i• San Franc 3 A Scotc linited St following The day Donelson t twenty m night. consider fort at oa day or tw favor of - till they then he sa tame in t and hear he came sack. Donelson. knapsack "Yes, sir served au sir." "0 -do not ha to -them i there. T to fight. Sharp Tactics. h traveler who visited the ths during the war tells the anecdote of General*Grant before Grant attacked Fort he troops had had a rharch of iles, part of it a. bitter cold ant called a council of war to Thether they should attack the e, or should give the troops os rest. The officers were in resting. Grant said nothing had all given their opinion, There is a deserter who his morning -let us see him vhat he has to say." When in Grant looked in his knap- Where are you from ?" "Fort "Six days' rations in your have you not, my man ?" ." "Were the same rations t to all the troops ?" "Yes, ntlemen," said Grant, "troops ve six day' rations served out a fort if they mean to stay hese men mean to retreat -not We will attack at once." The Teeth of Immigrants. The reporter of the Utica Observer has been inveetigating the teeth of the imtnigranta, with the following interest- ing resul s : " The irnmigrant train. on the Central -this mor ing was half an hour late and. consisted of one solitary car in which were 47 passengers. Come with me and take a walk through the- immigrant ear; I would like to show you the differ- ence between foreign and. domestic teeth.' The spea.ker, addressing the Observer's reporter, was an old and well-known dental snrgeou of this aity'1 have come down here for the express purpose of noting for myself the teeth of our newly-arrivedcousins,' said the dentist, as- he iead the way to the train, .which was just piffling into the yard. In the ear were Germans, English, Swedes, two Danes and four Palish Jews. Look at that fellow in the third seat there get- ting away with that baco=n; see those beantifi I grinders,' said the knight of the forceps as he intently watched a sturdy Gerinan who, with a huge jack- knife, was cutting alternate slices of schwartz-brod and bacon which he was patting under his vest with marvelous rapidity. His teeth were indeed mag- nificent specimens of sound grinders, miik white, evenly grown and regularly set. P ming two seats further on were a woman and two children. The woman was English, and when spoken to dis- played very beautiful ivories. In answer to a question of the dentist as to whether she had ever had any trouble with her teeth she said, NO, I don't know what toothache is.' Behind her was a group of seve ad persons chatting together, and while talking they all displayed perfect teeth. 'How do you account for these people having such handsome teeth?' was asked. of 'the dentist. After speak- ing of the difference between the thick and musty odor within the car and the pure ozone outside, he said: 'The whole difference is in the food that is eatan. These people at home were wont to eat the coarsest kind of food ; they never touch sweetmeats or delicacies of any kind, and consequently the acids which in all fancy tidbits do not toueh their teeth. Therefore decayed. teeth are -are So ething utterly unknown to them. I have not the least doubt that some of these people never saw a tooth brush. They don't think of their teeth at all, and yet they look as pearly and round as if a dentist examined them every day." Boycotted. The worst thing about the Chinese is that they imitate us so readily, as wit- ness this little incident in a California city last year, when excited meetings were held to devise means for getting rid of the Celestials : Among the most violent of the agitat ors was Mr. B-, a tolerably well-to- do native of the Emerald Isle; Oae Seta day evening he was tmusally loncl and eloquent in his denunciations, de- • •claring vehemently that the Chinese must go," and depicting in glowing colors the evils he was bringing upon us poor and of t wash he d her ness afte yigh wen him clot his no s tur Ma African elephants are more tractable than the India elephants, and if any- thing have more intelligence. Most, of the trained elephants are from Africa. I have softie elephants that are disposed to be fakirs, i. e., to make a pretence of performing without actually coming up to the • excellence required. I punish them severely, and perhaps two or three performances will pass before they get back to their old shyster tricks. I have succeeded in breeding several young ele- phants in this country, something which was never done before. A time may Come when the species will be propagat- ed in America, and the plains of the West be filled with roving herds of - ele- phants. But it will be a very long time, I think. "In captivity they attain the age of 75 years, and roving wild in their na- tive forests live over 100 ' years. '..t.t 25 years old an elephant is easily • trained. The older they get the harder they are to teach and the more mischievous do they become. An elephant trainer's life is one of constant care and uncer- tainty." -New York Mail and Express. Strange Banks. An acquaintance of mine, an old lady who died a good many years ago, was of - this class. Everybody knew she had a largestore of cash, but nobody knew where the bank was ,asituated or what was the name of her banker. It chanced that the bowie in which she lived was pulled down t9 make room for a more sabstantial modern building; so the lady removed,: with all her goods and chat - tis, to the residence of a farmer in the neighborhood. Among other queer mat- ters, a.n olcl box, containing bits of iron and various trumpery odds and ends,was transported to the temporary dwelling„of the lady. At the owner's request it was placed unlocked, as it was, in one of the outhouses, and there it remained un-: heeded until the new house was com- pleted. Then the oid box, With its worthless contents, was also removed, much to the amusement of the bystand- ers, who laughed in their sleeves at the spi ; es eccentric fancy for Old iron-. Oniy4 few months afthr she died,. how- ever, knd beneath the worthless rubbish at the top of the box were found. :3,000 guineas. This box was the old lady's bank. I have always thought she had some logic in her soul. A few years ago I chanced to be on board a steamboat, where was also a re- markably ragged Irishman, Sonie of the passengers, pitying his apparent destitu- tion, bestowed alms on him; and one, whose delicacy was shocked by the con- dition cif Paddy's nether garments, or what might once, perhapS, have been en- titled to the name' - unlocked his port- manthau, and gave him a decent pair of trousers. Our ragged friend -was soon denuded of the "thing of shreds and patches" that hung about him, and in- ducted into the improved habiliments. ; Loud were his exclamations of gratitude for the gift, a,nd many the blessings he showered on the head, of the donor. These •demonstrations, however; were suddenly cut short, for one •:?f the sail- ors, raising the cast-off rags very Onger- ly between his finger and thumb, ;flung them suddenly overboard. At this sight Paddy's thanks and blessings were turned into a yell of agony so wild and unearthly that a boat was lowered, and the fraginentary article, dripping with brine, was restored to the owner. No wonder he' was unwilling to part with it; the rags contained £15, the produce of his harVesting in England, and were, in short, his bank. , . An old aunt of mine had a carious way of securing her ready money. Shnwcadd put a number of guineas -for she lived in the days of guineas -or even notes, I together, and use them te wind cotton or worsted upon. I often volunteered to use the said cotton or yarn for her bene- fit, provided I might retain the reel as wages. Her bank was her hand -basket. - [Selected. - Coihfort in Railway Travel.. The following extracts from an article in Cassell's "Family Magazine," on the 'art of traveling on railways with com- fort and safety, are as applicable in this country as in -England : . "There is a large class of travelers in this country whose duties take theth every day to the city, or to cities, and whose homes are in the country or sub,- urbs. They spend, in point of fact, -a- considerable portion of their lives in railway carriages ; and there are many others, notably commercial travelers, who do the same. Now, those belong- ing to either of these classes may be ex- cused if they Sometim;es ask themselves the' question, 'Does constant railway trasieling injnre the health in any way, and tend to ahorten life?' "The answer to this wciuld, I think, be : ' It all depends on how one trav- els.' I_happen to have among my ac- quaintances quite a large number of rail- way guards, several of whom have been in the company's service for thirty years. and some for -a much longer period, and all of these, as far as I can at present recollect, are hale, healthy men, whether old or ;young, pleasant and 'good-natured and. calm -minded, as a rule, amid all the roar and bustle incidental to their occu- pation. "1 know the case of an olcl gentle - Americans by doing all oar work, 1 team (he is well-nigh seventy) *hose pro- aking the bread out of the mouths fession-a rather singular one -compels .c poor. Monday morning Mrs. - him to live almost constantly in rail - the wife, prepared her clothes for the way can with only inter ale of a , but John did not come. Tuesday few hours' toilsome work at the places d not come. Wednesday she told i he visits. He has been leading the, ms -band. to stop on his way to l'usl- 1 same strange life for, I believe, twelve , at the wash -house, and send John a Ali I or fifteen years. He eats and sleeps in the clothes, Ile did so. ' 1 the train, and abjures Pullman. He t," said John, dropped his iron and . 1 takes breakfast one morning at, say; t to her house. :qrs. B= greeted. I _Aberdeen, sups next evening perhaps in with, "Why .on no come for my 1 Exeter, and next probably at New r John Stepped back, folded „ me ! castle, or it may be Glasgow or Perth. arms over his chest, and said, you, ., Well, I do not know where I could find vaahee for you ; ma boycott : a healthier mare nor a harder, not 0(1on his heel. and left.-Harper's raziae. hardier. His secret is this -and it is , the secret also of the surprising- health 1 which railway guards enjoy -he does Elephants Ruled by Fear. 1 his work and traveling systematically, ; 1corge Artingstall, the noted elephant ' he times himself, he never hurries. ;tier, now managing twenty elephants "There is as much difference between arnuin's circua, said Ite a reporter ' the method Of traveling adopted by t for twenty-three years he had done these people, and that of most cam- hing but traia and manage elephants. • mereial men, as there is between the rule them all through fear, and not - flight of a hive bee and that of a blueetion. They are naturally very af- bottle tly. tionate animals at times, but are sure "Those people who have business in take advantage of any concessions the city, but who go home every night anted them an that score. If I see a to the country to dine and to sleep, have per becoming kind to an elephant I only themselves to blame if they do not charge him and hire a.nother. The derive more benefit from that mode of st. thing I teach a baby elephant is his life than from staying constantly in me. That I compel him to come town. To one not accustomed te rail - hen his name is cadied. If he is tardy way journeys, the noise, the rattle, and out learning I punish him severely. e course of training is long and ardu- s, and depends on the amount of in- lligence the elephant possesses. The digestion, and to heart disease, to say -nothing of the risk' of catching cold from sitting down in the carriage heated, in cases where the person has to walk quickly instead of riding. "The in -valid will have a basket of edible provisions; this she would hard- ly forget. No strong meats, nor ham, nor beef, nor itew bread should find a place herein. Everything should be light" and digestible and tasty, but pastry and sweet stuff should be avoid.. ed; while of fruit, grapes and oranges are the best. A bottle of cold tea and a bottle of water should not, be omitted. Tea is the best of all stimulants for rail- way travelers. A cup to drink from should not be forgotten. Spirits in any shape never fail to congest the brain of a traveling invalid, although they ap- pear to give relief at the time." • -While a. clerk in the employ of Straith and McDonald, drygoods mer- chants on,Saudwich street, was turning -off the gas in the store Saturday evening some of the laces on display caught from the jet aCcl almost instantly the store was in flames. The loss is between $2,- 000 and $2,502; fully insured. The young man burned hiahands in a shock- ing manner in trying to extinguish the fire. tra in tha. no aff fee to gr di fir no, ab 0 te A Wonderful Organ, The -largest. organ and one that plays a con- trolling ,part on the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole system beornes diseased. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is niade specially for liver and kidney diseases, and is guaranteed to cure. Receipe book and medicine :74. Sold by all dealers. 966.52el. Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radically. upon and threugh the blood, and is a safe and absolute, cure for. the various diseases, complaints, and disOrders, due to de- bility, or to any constitutional taint or infection. 969.62w. • . Avoid, By All Means, the use of Calomel for bilious complaints. 'Ayer's Cathartic Pills, entirely vegetable,: have been tested forty years, and are acknowledged to be the best remedy for torpidity of the liver, costive- ness, -and All derangements of the digeetive ta,p• .paratus. 969.62w. I - I ; - Miraculous. My Miraculous cure was:. that I had suffered fi?com kidney disease for about two years, was off work all that time. A friend told me of 13.13. 13, I tried it, and am happy to say that I was cured by two bottles. Wm. Tier, St. Marys, Ontario. a dust are very fatiguingebut your con- stant traveler soon gets over this. "Harry in catching trains tends weakness of the nervous systeni, to in - 1/007.52,2w. Chalera Infantum. That terrible scourge among children may be speedily cured by •Dr. Fowler's .Extract of Wild Strawberry.All forms of bowel com- plaints, nausea, and vomiting, froM an ordinary diarrhcea t° the most severe attaeli of, Canadian cholera, can be sdbdued by its prompt use. It is ahe best remedY ;known for children or tdults suffering from summer complaints. 1007.52.2w. Professional Opinion. Rev. F. °runner, M.. D., of Listowel, Ont„ says regarding .B. B. B., I have used yonr excellent Burdock Compound in practice and in my fam- ily since 1884,- a,nd hold It No. 1 on nry list of sanitary remedies. Your three 'busy B's never sting, weaken or worry. 1007.52,2w, , ; A. *Living Miracle. - • My infant daug-htar-was taken ill with Chelera infantum, the doctor said she oould not live. The Rev. Wm:McWilliams would -not allow her head to be lifted when he baptized ber„she.was so weak. Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry -gave im- mediate relief.- She is a living miracle., hale and hearty. Since that tipie (7 years) our holm has never beenstatement of George J ohnston,Illarwood, Ont. without that remedy.From i 1007.52.2w - • . I • A Business Letter. nisonburMarch 15, 1887. Sirs, -Please s'hip at once. three dozjn B. 13. T. Milb- urn e.r• Co. Sold seven bottles to -da,!. Yours truly, C. homp- Bitters. Best selling medicine in shop. "Tillie above sample is but one of hundreds of sinnar expressions regarding the popularity of B. B. R 1007.52.2w. • I ; ‘,/ • National Piesavill not gripe or sicken, yet are a thorough cathartic. 1007.52m.: It can. do no harm to try Frecnian'i3 Worm Powcle.rs when your child is ailing, feverish or fretful: 1007.52iii. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a ;delightfol toilet luxury as well as a good curative for skin dis- ease. . 1007.52m. ; As sweet as honey is Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup,yet sure to destroy and-,ekpel worms. 1007.52M. . ' . Advice to Mothers. Are you distinbed and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and.crying with pain of Getting. teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pOor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother ; there is no mistake about it. It Mires dysentery and cliarthma, regu- lates the stomach and howele, eures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to he whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothin„,e• Syrup" for children teething is • pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scripticm of one of the olddet' and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fot , "llas. WINSLOW'S SOOTI INS Samna" and take no other kind.966.1v. . • ' Consumption Cured. . • ' An old physician,reti red from :praCtice, having had placed in hie hands by an East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, - Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aethina and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervon ..)onvi, plaints, alter having tested its:wonderfkil coral tive powers in thousands of oaks, has Nit it Ilk duty to make it known to his suffering . fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of cliargo, to alltwho desire itathis recipe, in perinan, French or English, with full directionfor preparing an using. Sent by mail by addressing with ate p, namirn. this paper, WI A. NOVES, 149 Po ver's Block Rochester N. Y.I 938-25 eow ' 1 ata.rrha New Treatment. . , Perhaps the; most extraordinary saccees that ha been achieved in modern medicine has been att ined by 'the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Ou of 2,000 patients treated during the I past six ea ths, ftilly ninety per cent, have been cured - of his stubborn malady. This is none the leap sta Ming When it is remembered that no Livelier eel t. of patients presenting themselve$ to the re ular practitioner are benefitted, while the pa ent medicines and other advertised cures neaer record a cute at all. Starting With the el m now generally believed by the most smen- tifi men that the disease is due to the presence of lying :parasites "in the tissue, Mr. 10iXon at on e adapted his cure to their extermiklation- eh s accompliehed, he claims the Catarrh is prae- tie 113.- cured, and thecermanency is unquestion- td as cures effected by him foiir yearsi ago are ' cu es still. No one else has e 'er atteMpted to cu e Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat m nt has:ever cured Catarrh. I The application of he remedy is simple, and can be done at I hoI ie, and the present season of the year is the m st favorable for a speedy and perman int cure, th majority of. cases being cured at oile treat - m nt. Sufferers should correspond with •Ifessrs. A. H. DIXON & SON; 305 King Street, West, T ronto,' Canada, and enclose stamp for their tr tise on Catarrh.-MontrealStar, aleveinhe 17 1880! 8/32-52 BOOTS AND SHOES. resh Arrival of New Spring Goods. As all my stock of Boots and Shoes is fresh from ihe manufacturers, you_may xpect good value for your money. I ignore blowing you will find me' truthful. ive me a call and judge for yourselves: ustom Work Warranted. Repairing Prorrliptly Attended to E. LATIMER, lVLatn Sl.reet Seaforth. uring au acute attack of Bronchitis, a pay and Ni -g1” lEavOtrough i ng , r. easeless tiekling in the throat, and an xhausting'• dry, hacking .cough, afflict • the sufferer', Sleep is banished, and great .. ; 1 rostration Ifollows. This disease is also • . ; 1 ttended with Hoarseness, and.sometimes l3est' workmanship done in ass of Vaiec. It is liable to. become hrouic, inVolve the lungs, and terminate • , itally. kter's Cherry Pectoral affords _ I' • ..peedy relief and cure in ciies of Bron- G . alvanized Iron hitis. It controls the disposition to ough, and induces refreshing Isleep. I have been a practicing' physician for wenty-four years, find, for the past twelve, have suffered from annual attacks f Bronchitis. After exhausting all the t sual remedies Without Relief, tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It helped. 1 .ie iinniecliately,. and effect( d a speedy ure.-G.Stoveall,M. D., Gan ollton,Miss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is decidedly the .1 est remedV, within my knowledge, for eln•onic BrOnehitis, and all lung diseases. M. A. Rut,_ M. D., South Parts, Me, , I was aft: eked, last winter, With a severe 'old, wide] , from exposure, :grew woyse nd 'finally settle'd, 'on my Lungs. By iett sweats 1 waa reduced almost to it. •;kereton. My Cough was ince s,sant. and I reqUently Spit blood. My physician told fie to give bp business i or 1 would not live a month. ' After taking various reme- ies without relief, I was hnally 1 Ctfre.d By Using - . wo bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I I in now in perfect health, i_tid able to .esume business. after having been pre- ounced incurable witla'Consumption.if- . P. Henderson, Saulaburgb; Penn. 1 veal( lungs, and suffered froi i Bronchitis For years I was in a decline. I had nd Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral re- :tored nie to health, and I-he been for a ong titue ai comparatively vikorous, In 'ase of a midden cold. I :dm ys resfirt to :he Pectoral, and find speedy relief. - dward E. Ciartis, Rutland, tt. _ - Two years ago 1 suffered f -om a severe ronchnis. The physician attending me )ecame fearful that the disease Wen ICI ter- ninate.in Pneumonia. After trying veil -- ins medicines, without benett, he filially naelcribed Ayer's Cherry Peeteral, which Tlieved me at once. I continued to take .his medicine a short time, and was cured. Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind.. - , Ayers Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. .LC. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all bruggiata. Price $1; six bottles, $6. For Toilet Use.. ' Ayer's -Hair Vigor. keeps the hair soft and pliant, impafts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all sealp diseases, and is the most cleanly of all hair preparations. AYER'S HairVigor has. given me perfect satisfaction. I was. nearly bald -for six years, .during which ' time 1 used many hair preparations, but twit hout suCcess. Indeed, what • little hair I had, was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Ilitir Vigor. I used two laott les of theaVigor, and my head is now Nvi911 covered wit h. anew growth of hair. -Jut:son B. Chapel., Peabody, Mass. HAIRthat has become weak, gray, and faded, may have new life and color resi-ored to it by the use of Ayer's Hair -Vigor. i'4•My hairWas :thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in large q Ilan! ti es. Ayer's Ifair Vigor -Stepped the falling,and restorednay hair to its original color. . AS a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal. - Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, :alinia • ENNYROYAL W A FIR S. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diaeasesi Is used . monthly with perfect success h3 over,10,000 ladies. Pleasant, saf effectual. -Ladies ask your drug gist for Pennyroyal 'Wafers an take no substitute, or inalose post ag-e for sealed particulars. Sold by . all druggists, $1 per box. Addres. T • E EUREKA CHEMICAL 00., Detroit, Mich Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilon, I. V Fear, and by Druggists generally. 969-62 :VIGOR, youth, aud beauty, in the appea,rance of the; hair, may he preserved for an indefinite; Period by the tam of Ayer's Hair Vigor... ;ctit: dis- ease of the scalp e-ansed my hair to be- -come harsh and ;dry, and. to fall out .freelY. Nothing- I tried seemed.. to do any. good: until I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this 'preparation restored/my hair to a bea,lthy condition, and it is now. soft and pliant. My scalp is -cured, and it is. also free from. dandruff. -Mrs. E. R. Foss; Milar,aulcee, Wis. • • Ayer?, s Hair Vigor a:old I!iy Druggists and Perfumers. a I !I-OtainneT SAFETY, prompt action, and wonderfuli' curative properties, easily place Ayer's rills:at the head_of the list of popularl -remedies for Sick and. Nerv- Ous HeadaChes, Constipation, and all ail- ruents originating in a disordered Liver. I have been. a great sufferer from Headachei and Ayerka,Vathartic Pills are the only medicine that has ever • given pie relief. One dose of these Pills will quickly move my la wels., and free my hea.d from pain.- L. Page, Richmoal Va., • Ayer's Pills, Prepared ba Dr. 3.0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in edieine. , Unanaroaclied for L 5 MC Ton ane.. Qualit.3 CAtALOGUES BELL & CO, „ Gilelph 011 _ Nature Makes no Mistakes. Nature's own remote for bowel complain cholera =rims, eolic, cram sickness, cholera infantuni, di and all diseases of a like natu summer season, is Dr. Fowler Strawberry, which 'an be obt in medicine. 1007.122w. • a 9 ps, vomiting, va irrha,a, dysentei y, -e belonging to t e s Extract of W Id 'tined of all deal rs Ti And An Sto stoe OR_ n Eavetroughing. etal Roofing .1 alt kpads woilt in Tin, Sheet Iro or Copper. airy Utensils A SPECIALTY. I ANUFACTURERS OF THE erry Creamery Gan,. best 'Self -Skimmer in the market. es have advanced .in price; our old will be sold at old prices.' n uisferns.& Well Pumps -AT- HNSON BROS., MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Gen ondon, Huron and Bruce, GI NORTH- ndon, depart I E eter. 11 nsall. ' K ppen.. .... . B ucefield . Cl nton ndesboro B yth.... ... . . . B lgrave Go; - 13 ingharn, arrive G SOUTH -- Passenger. 8.10a.m. 4.25e.m 9.35 5.45 ; 9.46 5.58 9.51 6.05 9.59 6.15 10.18 6.35 10.37 . 6.55 10.46 7.05 11.00 7.20 11.20 7.40 Passenger. ingham, depart 7.00A.m. 3.05 P.m 'grave 7.17 3.28 yth.... .. 7.31 3.42 ndesboro 7.40 3.51 8.00 4.10 8.19 4.29 8.27 4.37 8.33 4.43 8.4710.10 57 64..00 inton B refineld K p ensall " LE -edteorn, arrive ellington,' Grey and Bruce Got a NORTII--. Paseenger. Mixed, E hel I.. ; 2.36 r. te. 9.20 r.at. 8.40 A.K. 2.50 9.35 9.30 B ussele 13 uevale 3.06 9.50 10.00 ingham.... 3.20 10.02 11.26 Got 'es SOUTH- Passenger. Mixed. Ingham.... , 7.26 P.M. 11.10 A. 4. 6.39 A. lueVale 7,50 11.26 6.48 •russels .. 8.46 • 11.45 7.02 thel.. . .... 9.20 12.00 7.14 ain leaving Wingham at 8.10 p m. for Kin ca din -, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday onl Grand Trunk Rail -Way, rains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations boll ws: Go NG WItf3T-,- SRAFORTIL. Calm 1 ixed ... . . .... .. .. 1.48 r. M. 2.20 P. assenger... .. . .. 9.02 P. M. 9.20 P. ixed Train.. .... .. 9 15 A. M. 10.18A. Go NO EAST2.- assenger. ixed.. . ixed Train... 7.48 A. m. 7.30A) 1.48 r. M. 1,15 P. .... 5.05 e M. 4.16 P. T. , THE OELEBRATED p ±-± s MANDRAXE DANDELION IVER CURE I ave you Liver !Complaint, Dyspepeia, Ind g ion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizz ne a Pain in the Back, Costiveness, or any di eas .arising from :a deranged liver, Dr. Chase' , livi r cure will be fotind a sure and eertain reined3 Na ure's Remedy-Tne unqualified suevess Dr Chasers Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rest sol ly with the fact that it is compounded fro' na ure's well-knoWn liver regulators, Mancirak 1 Dandelion, conibined with many other in va I 1 e roots, barks 6, nd herbs, having.a peiVerft ell et on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood 1.-si e hundred thoupand sold. Over one-half mi lio of Dr. Chase's! Rec•eipt books were sold i Ca ada alone. We *ant every inan womah an child who is troubled with Liver Complaint t tr) this excellen% remedy. Something new Gi e away free. Wrapped around every bottl of r. Chase's Liv4r Cure is a valuable Househol me ical Guide andi Iteceipe Book (?..4 pages), co tai ing over 200 u efnl receipes, pronounced b m dical men and druggists as invaluable, an wo h ten times the price of the medicine, T Ch :e's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive rem dy Price, 25 cents. Try Chase's Kidney an Li er Pills. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold all dealerie-aT. EDMANSON & Co., sole agen Br dford. For Sale by all druggists. 966-52 ,---r-rre.r1r.....-morwrvaror•rsommrsr•rwarr,=,..yesmorrtrer4,......9 • • . • 4 Mills, GRISTING Miller, Won KI P?EN MILLS . the Kipper • • G . . a firat-clasa I of satisfae- 1 / 1 ' Ont.1 i looa-t.t. 1 , "-eying Purchased The undersigned L. is prepared to MAKE A SP 4 OF to. • S6, HOPPO. ces of the best LEAN Kippen' Having secured the sery will endeavor to givej to customers. D. B M • Dealer in tled the plan) Sured cent SEWING ing). chines work. ehines W. N.WATSON, Genera Insurnce . _ -AND in Sewing Machines. Agent lowest losses to $1 actories: of RAYMOND manufactur- every sale. rates set- in 1 (ab I ill- 20 per ' ' All nia-1 kind of I Ma. I • , I , All kinds of property insured first-class reliable companies, premptly. Special low rates on FARM Gore and Waterloo, from for three years. Mills in these companies at on stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE MACHINES (family Prices ranging from warranted for five years Needles, oil and repairs repaired. • W_ MsT_ W.A...TISOIT, - MAIN STREET, at and PROPERTY 75e and a sa ., and and 425 to $75. on for SEAFORTH, AiV31. HANOVER, M.D. C. Ma Graduate ol McGill Lniversity, Physician, SurgeoP and Accouchem,Seaforth, Ont Office and re. sidence-North Side Goderich street, -first brieli house east of the Methodist church. 961 - Fencing DS. MACKIDD & EVANS, Office, Meyeel Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Residence John street. Calls at night at either the Officc or Resfdence.894 _ . . I T 0:• SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, e.) . and Accomber, Seaforth, Ont. Office and , residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the, Presbyterian Church. 842 Wire. - - W 0 P ,-,- P W)•-•1 i'''' tli . P mt--74 ''ci 's. (rD );1111 W C). H 0 o )--S 0 )"" ... tri C) _ ,..,77t_ c ----i - - t (D g tr, 24 ' • 0 )1 CD )1 „ CD u_r , ,..., 1..4 Lei Pi) co 0 SD P 21 )-(,„ CR; 0-` • )-‘• % 0 p)-1 )--, ,....,• , ,0. „I 1:5 cp CD 0 )--a- Con 0 cut- 0 CD c -t- - 1 )-7,1 0 INIMINON4 1...e•ii ...mo • .....--( ,.... ' tml i = -... saiamai 1...±-....1 ' . ._ 8 8 r. 1. t. . 1.• 1. : ;• • • . - ,- s i- 8 8 - 1 .-------1N-------- 1- ._ e d 1- y d y d y a, 00 CD P c -C HI a 0 ch 0 0' o '-1 CD - CD (-) )-•,- Z CP - • =11 r-ril C-.. . = CD ''l W 0 ).-1 4 ..ftul.:i . . Binding Twine. . 1 CODERICH BOILER WORKS. Black Marine STACKE work. FITTING Boiler. Outfi in good wor Mail orders wi opposite G. 361. i Chrystal & manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Upright and Tr.bular Boilers. SALT PANS, 'SMOKE and all kinds of Sheet Iron STEAM AND WATER PIPE constantly on hand. On hand, ready for delivery: ' 1 30 H. P. New Steel I 8 H. P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all ing order. Will be sold cheap. receive prompt attention. Works R. Station. P. -0. BOX Goderich, May 26th. 18h13. ; 1 I MO.NEY TO AT LOAN • • farm . , Ont. , • Lowest Rates of Interest, Irlurances First-ClassCompanie6 Effected A Number of Firpt-Class for Sale. _ APPLY TO ; WESTCOTT & SANDERS Real Estate Agents, Exeter, LEG -AL. HASTINGS,Solicitonetc. Cffica-Cady's . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sera forth. 97 0 4- EAGER & LEWIS, Barrister, Goderich.- Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 970 • R0. HAYS, Solicitor' &e. Priyate Money to . lend at lowest roles of interest. Corner of of Square and West, Street, Goderich. 774 ir M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office - Rooms One Door North of the Commercial (..)a -round floor next door to Beams butcher Hotel, b ,ts-CAMERON, HOLT & 0AMI3RON. 870 shop. Agex. 'OUDFOOT, Barristers, Soiiel- Ct ARROW & -ich, Ontario. J. T. GAREOW, Ur tors, &c., Godes. 688 WM. PROUDPOOT. ••6444.4. flAMERON, HOLT & CAXEh..:'N, Barristers, U Solicitors in Chancery, Ont. IL C. CAMERON, Q. C, Purtte 'got?, X- G. -CAMERON. SOD TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with CallISPOr Aly Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- Isiociiit,sorocCdoonfavec3e-a,nceaerar n&oc,.8 Ballooenke,3s- ethaflootatnh.. B7e8n6- 1 1.ANYING & scow, Barristers, Solicitors, Iti_ Coneeyancers, &e. Solicitors for the Bank ef Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. 'Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MaNamee, Jamas Scorr. 781 'C1 HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of .E. . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale.. Oflice in Scott's Block. Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN, MONEY TO LOAN. -Straight Mans at 6 per cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. 860 DENTISTRY. ______________ _•._ ...... _ _ ri L. BALL, L. D.13., Honor Graduate, mem- Of. ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc- cessor to D. 3Vatson. 13. B. MORRIS, as- sistant operator. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether, gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth. Plates inserted at prices agreed 'upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over' Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as low as good work can be done ; for. Residence same as that occupied by Mr. Watson. 980 W- 5- , T 1...,... .;, .1..4. 41111/44 ' 1 . ments guaranteed. Block, opposite 1 Residence, -The Poplars, 1 M--1 M• D. S., M. R. C. and D. S., of Ontario. Latest imnrove- in every line. Satisfaction Office, -In Cady's Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. John Street. 941 - - CARTWRIGHT & -SON, Den• .tists, of Exeter, Ont. One above will visit Blyth the Thursday, and following Fri- at Milne's Hotel, will visit Of every month at Hensel} the following Thurs- at Reynold's Hotel, where he dental operations. Teeth ex- Japan aneSthetic, which re- pain. Parties desiring new early in the morning of the moderate. Terms cash. 981 ....- fl - I.e.>. . 4ii; , • •0 of the trik10 I last day of each month, Zurich the first Wednesday Peine's Hotel, end day ofeverymonth will perform all tracted with a new moves nearly all teeth will please call first day. Charges •--4.wg-tyx... -T2r KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. • 47,- --;,i1 11 „ S., Exeter, Ont. -Will he at 1 II'? 1,1' "" Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the 1.,,,afr TiirasnAY IN EA -C11 MONTE- Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates.. • 971 - . . . -El A. Martin, L. D. S. Honor graduate of the 111. Royal College 'of Dental surgeons, Tor- onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable dentist, and Eatisfaetibn guaranteed. Office Garfield Block, BRUSSELS. 1006-t- 1. . MEDICAL. AiV31. HANOVER, M.D. C. Ma Graduate ol McGill Lniversity, Physician, SurgeoP and Accouchem,Seaforth, Ont Office and re. sidence-North Side Goderich street, -first brieli house east of the Methodist church. 961 - TARS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Bruceileld, Licen• _LI tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surg.eons, Edinburgh. Bruceneld, Ont. 930 - DS. MACKIDD & EVANS, Office, Meyeel Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Residence John street. Calls at night at either the Officc or Resfdence.894 _ . . I T 0:• SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, e.) . and Accomber, Seaforth, Ont. Office and , residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the, Presbyterian Church. 842 RW. BRUCE SMITH, M. 0 , C. M., Membei e of the College of Physicians and Surgeons &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and rebidenec same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 • - VETERINARY. • TAFFA HORSE INFIRMARY. -All diseasel 1.-j of Horses, Cattle, ' Sheep, or any domesti oca-ted anhi:als },-ueeesslully treated on the 'short cst notiee. A large etoek of Veterinary medi c.ines ex] liand. Chaiee,es moderate. WALTET SHILLIN(;LAW, statta. 1010 , CtEAFORTH HORSE 0 Jarvis and Goderich Preebyterian Church, eases of Ilorses, Cattle, mesticated animals, Infirmary, or elsewhere, Charges moderate. inary Surgeon. v. ary Medleines kept INFIRMARY. -Corner el Streets, next door to th4 Seaforth, Ont. All dis- Sheep, or any of the do- successfully treated at th( on the shortest notice, JAMES W. ELDER, Veter S.:;. -A large stock of Veterin constantly on hand _ AETCTIO.NEERS. T le BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for till 4..)aCounty of 'Huron.• Sales attanded in al parts of the County, All order& left at Tail Exeosrron. Office will be promptly attended to, .CREAT ENCLIA PRESCRIPTION A successful medicine used; a, over 30 wears in thousands. of tr cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, '', Nervous 1,1-eakneee, Enlissionse at, . Impc,tency, and an diseaees ' leteenaij caused by elem.., indiacretion f AMR or over exertion. Six packages guaranteed te cure when all °tilers Mil, Ask a our iirnggiet foi The Great English Prescription, take no substi tote One paCkage1, six 86, by mail. Writ( for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAI CO., Detroit. Mich. (e -Sold in Seatorth 1)3 Lumeden it Wilson, I. V. Fear, J. S. Roberts and druggists generally. 069-52 BEWARE OF WORTHLESS _ ,rf ill , ' I , :' fi4:4- J.CI . LI CV i, I I ' % a-. ;,..., a v - - e ; . . ,..1 ,-,..(: ' ki ''' .. . , _ , , .N.._ IMITATIONS A a there a,,re many inferior glinfli, corded with jate, Ile: 1p, etc.,offered and sold - ,• , aP t i;raillle i)V SWIR3 11/1,- p/; icipled mer'abants trad- ;3!•,2 (du tha reput ation of cei genuine Combine, -•.. -........ 4 1 4 4 1.1 r4 ; Ira 41 rro 3 1 114:747, • itinn "draw- ',elbon to tbo n ..a.i13” that tba h tin 4.1 7' g.§ ippistC0-. 5 o iz i I....tic:of ail Co:aline goods, which nono are genniae, i :r dsitES' HOTr" TORONTO. P r r ;'.4 kJ' kihrayr'x Thitti,Srixforth. • P2OPRIETOR-13. I which iseituated directly oppoeite THIS Hotel, the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one of 7 I the hest and meet eomfortable hotels in the (eta 1 virEvery possible attention paid to guest li,.-re , charges moderate. • • • • 4