HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-06-24, Page 517
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Juin 24, 1887.
Hensall. -
kinFANCr Goons.—R. & M. BaII wish the la-
ding to call and get Great Bargains in Millinery
and Fancy Goods, as they are going to give up
imit nand. are selling y. ll hose indebted to us will
low,. f neeessd se
please call and settle at once. Butter an lochs
taken as cash. B. & M. BALL.
A Juicrx;BE Cars.—Quite a large club
known as "The Jubilee Sporting Club,"
has been recently organized among the
.sturdy yeomen and their sons of the first
.concession of the township of lay, for
the purpose of engaging in the manly
ts such as running, jumping, vault-
ing, throwing the shoulder stone,. etc.
We believe the club have been meeting
for some time on Tuesday and Friday
evenings of each week, and that the in-
terest manifested and membership are
alike increasing, and that a number of
what we might term senior and junior
boys are making some fine records in the
different sports.
proaru.--The annual Sabbath School
plc -nae, held in connection; with the
I'anseille Methodist church ofuThursday
of last week, proved one of the best and
most pleasant ever held, which is saying
a good deal as the Fansville pic-nics are
always good. The day being fine, and
the farmers tendance, aliwell ke of the Sab-
h with their
bath School children, their teachers,
rarrents and friends, was unusuallyge, and getting an early start for the
lake all had an excellent opportunity of
enjoying a fine days sport in the way of
strolling and court -
boating, swinging,
ing, all of which was largely par-
ticipated in and much enjoyed: Thus
the time was passed, and the day wore
on until the shades of evening gaered
round when all repaired to their respec-
tive homesfeeling they had spent.a very
pleasant time.
BRIEFe.—Tuesday, the 21st, being the
Queen's Jubilee, was observed here as
a general holiday.. Quite a large num-
ber took advantage of the cheap railway
fares to London and elsewhere where
the day was being observed.—On Thurs-
day of last week a large number of the
farmers turned out and completed grav-
eling the grounds shed yards. and streets
around Carmel -Presbyterian church.--
hurch.—The Rev.. A. Meldrum and wife, of San
Francisco,; California,: were in, the village
last week, and were the guests of Mr..
Wirt. Moir, of Inglewood Farm.—The
Bev. J. Ball, of Woodford, formerly of the
Hensall. South Circuit, was in the village
last week visiting his friends. On Sab-
bath, 12th st. ,he preached in theMetho-
dist churchhere with much acceptance.
—Mrs.. W. R. Hodgins, who has •been.
visiting relatives and friends in Detroit
for the past week, has returned home.
_-Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Hamilton, of
near Londesboro, (mother and sister of
the Rev. R. Y. Thornson of this village)
have been spending a few days at the
Manse.—Mrs. W. llobkirk, of Gales -
bur ,
ales -bury, Dakota, has been here for the past
week or sa visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. S Jackson, of Ripley,; is visit-
ing her father, Mr. John Crawford of
the township of Tuckersrni.th. —On
Tuesday evening of this week a very ex-
citing foot ball match was played in this
village between the Chisel'hurst and
home players, resulting in a victory,
after a hard contest, for the former.
Cceanlaa : S,,TiONAL MEETING.—The an-
ima l congregational meeting of Carmel
Presbyterian Church was held on Mon-
day last,; and there was•a very fair at-
tendance. The different reports as sub-
mit ed
ub-mitted showed the congregation to be in
a very satisfactory and prosperoTas con-
dition, and that in the face of very Iarge
expenditures incurred in buildinga large
brick manse and church, the latter alone
costing inclusive of labor, the handsome
sum of $10,.000. We make mention of
this amount as it is the exact cost of the
church,. sheds, etc. Until very recently
eostwakno:tknotiF n and has been mere-
ly guessed
erelyguessed at. The building committee's
- report !was very satisfactory, and they
received a very hearty vote of thanks for
the very able and painstaking manner in.
which they had attended to their work
throughout, and for the large amount of
both time and lab r they had so freely
and willingly expended Mr. R. Pater-
son:, of this village, the worthy contrac-
tor, also received a very hearty vote of
thanks for the very satisfactory and
eretital,le manner in which he had per-
forxned; his work throughout, and the
building committee in particular spoke
in:thel highest terns of the manner in
which he had carried through and com-
pleted his contract. -
meats made. The sports were c
nienced at once and continued with.
intermission until six o'clock, -when
tables were spread and loaded with
most sumptuous provisions calculates
tempt the most epicurean tastes. Th
was not much tempting required, h
ever, as after the exercise and am
meat of the afternoon all, both old
young, were fully prepared for sup
and they did ample justice to the bo
tiful spread. But there was abunda
for all and to spare. After supper
amusements were continued, and it
drawing near the " gloamin" when
last stragglers left the grounds,all se
ing loath to relinquish the fun.
was the .most enjoyable occasion of
kind that has taken place here f-•
long time, and both old and young
loud :in their praises of the pop
.teachers, Mr. Cressweller and Miss
Schafer, who had devised and so succ
fully carried out the pleasant demons
tion, and to whose efforts so much of t
success• was due. Most of . those
were present will long remember Ju
day. -
BRIEFS. --Mr.. Jacob Hauch, who has
been attending College at Napierville,.
Illinois, is at present home on a visit to
his parents and other friends. He in-
tends returning to resume his studies
after the holidays.—Mr. B. Walton, in-
ventor of the Surprise Washer, was in
town this week and was the guest of
Mr. G. Holtzman.—Mr. C. Brill and
Mr. Wm. Wing went to London on.
Jubilee Day and had a good time,
Visrrxti:.—Mr. Lippert, who has
been here from Pulaski, Michigan., left
last Wednesday for Tavistock Mr. 1t.:
Koch and wife have gone to the same
place.—Mrs. 1. Kock, of Johnston's
Mills,. accompanied by Mrs. Lippert,
her sister, left here on Tuesday for Pul-
aski,, Michigan, to spend a week or two
with their relatives there. We wish
them all a. pleasant time.
Susses ti shoos DAY.—The teachers,
ehildren and friends of the several
Sabbath Schools of Hay district, of the
];vangelical church, will hold their
annual festival in Mr. Wm. McKie's
grove, half a resile west of 1.1. Lippert's,
next Sunday.. The proceedings of the
day will consist of addresses by Revs.
T. Hauch, J. P. Ortwine, and other
Sabbath School workers, and music,
dialogues and recitations by the chil-
dren. A free collection in aid of the
General Mission Fund will be taken.
The occasion promises to be a most
profitable and enjoyable one, and all
are cordially invited.
cnirese [)ay.—The principal event
here on Jubilee day was the public school
slime. The day was ushered; in by the
ng of a royal salute, the anvils of lir.
Seigna•r being used in the absence of the
more mighty cannon, and they made
quite a noi'c too. In the morning a
heavy rain set in and c intined through-
out the forenoon, Inti;ch to the dis•:ip-
pQintrnint and diseuat of the young
people, and no doubt :some of the older
ones as well. However, about noon the
el mils cleared off, the sky became clear
and the sun shone forth beautifully, and
all cheered up at the prospect of having
a pleasant afternoon's sport. About half -
past one the school children and a large
number of parents and friends assembled
in Mr. Volland's grove, where the teach-
er, Mr. Cressweller, had all arrange -
LOCAL NEWS.—Strawberry pie l es
are very .busy just_ now laying r:n la
supply of preserves for future use.—
colds and measles are very corer
among the children in this vicinity
Mr. Charles Conary has gone to Lists
where he will work during the sums
—Mr. Robert Young, of the 6th
cession of Morris, sold a fine four y
old horse to a buyer from Seaforth
the sum of $185. Mr. Thomas Mi]
of the 5th concession of the same to
ship, sold to Messrs. Govenlock
Winter 3 head of very fine fat ca.
two steers and a cow ; the steers w•
ed 3,170 lbs and the cow 1,440 itis ;
price of the former was 5 cents and
latter 4 cents per pound.—Mr.. T
raised a fine barn on his farm on the .9th
w 1
tle, -
concession of Morris, on Thursda
last week. Sides were chosen by
Kelly and A. Smith ; the former co
off victorious.—Wm. Michie and
Hood attended the division grange
ing at Londesboro on Tuesday last,
• LOCAL MATTERS. — The exciten
over the Jubilee seems to run hig]
this vicinity. The people appear to
loyal as well as courageous. '1
actually displayed their loyalty in
way they turned out to take part in
Jubilee entertainments that took
in and around Beigrave. The prin
iG ..
1 in
incident in which the people of this
section were interested was the of
foot ball, the match being between the
boys of School Section No. "8 and t ose
of Beigrave and neighborhood'. The
No. 8 boys showed power as player o
foot ball in an excellent manner, co
off victorious by 3 goals to 1 goes
Beigrave. It is to be hoped the
will not disunite now, but will con
to be successful in time to come.
weather has been veal( favorable for
crops in this vicinity and thing
general present a very good appear
—Although rejoicing in many way
is not all rejoicing. At the present
the measles are very prevalent}ar.
the children, and • on that accoulnt
school attendance is - very • lim
Also, the friends and acquaintancE
Mr. George Tyner will regret to he
his .very low • condition.
s o
r 0
OBITUARY.—The melancholy du.t de.
wolves on me of recording the dea•h of
the late Mrs. Bergin of the townshi
Hibbert. She was a native of
county of Leitrim, Ireland, and i
grated to Canada in her youth,
after residing fora time in Paris,
ing fixed herself in life, her husbam
she moved into the above named t
ship over thirty years ago, where.
purchased and improved tt�he fart
which she breathed her last. A
two years ago she was attaeked by
cer, and as she declined to submit t
cision the insidious disease soon ass
fatal dimensions. Through all her'.
sufferings she bore up with Jot
patience and displayed a- fortitud
resignation known only to the Chr
heroine. Though man is grea
action, yet woman is greater in su
and often reveals powers of endu.
to which man is a stranger. Sa h
was the deceased esteemed that fro
time she became confined to her
the house was literally "besie¢ged; da
night by crowds of admiring and
pathising friends, and thoughdi
tions' may be deemed invidious yet
justly due to one lady • in partieul
give her special mention here, viz.
amiable Mrs. John Cairns, who
oblivious of race and creed distinc
simply acted the part of a minis
angel, and for her unremitting att
and assiduity in easing the dying po
p of
1 0
t i
it tpp
ture she has a large measure of gra
from the bereaved survivors and t
miration of all. May she reap a
reward in the happy future
whose bourne no - traveller ret
Finally the decisive moment ar
and on the morning of the
instant, after being fortified b
the consolations that religion a
the spirit of the loved one departed
its tenement of clay'without a str
She endured no agony ; her last- sigh
was inaudible, and those kneeling ever-
ently around her conch imagined they
heard her repeat the Svords of the Olt :
" The world recedes ;1 it disappears !
Heaven opens on my eyes ! my cats
With sounds seraphic riri
Lend, lend your wings ! I 'haount! I
0 Grave ! where is thy victory?
0 Death ! where is thy sting?'; j " I
But the grsve has no;vi�ctory and death
has no sting for heti who leads a truly
Christian life, for religion renders e
the transition from this probation
state to the real destination beyond
coniines of the grave. The funeral
place on Monday, tie 20th inst.
solemn procession, consisting of over
vehicles, moved slowly to the Irisht
church, where the obsequies were
formed by Very Rev. Dean ,Mur
and thence to the 1rishtow cense
for interment. She possessed many
clearing qualities ; Was large y en
ed by nature ; more than lordin
intelligent, bright, sprightly, ge al,
and her superior powers of conversa
always chastened by respect for of
rendered her a most pleasing memb
society. Her philanthropy took p
deuce of all her other qualities ; she
indefatigable in relieving the distr
of others. She felt that she was in
most becoming attitcide when rend.
assistance to suffering humanity, s
ing to lift the down.rodden, mitig
want with her bounty, or pourin
balm . of consolation into the wou
heart. Wherevertsickness• or trouble
Came she was thet a to council and alle-
viate. Loving all i and was beloved by
all, her large and glenerous heart ex-
pan4e•' so as to embrace the species.
This is but a feeble and imperfect notice
of one who practised charity without
letting her left h.nd know what her
right i and did ; . one w9ho possessed dig-
nity ithout pride, beautiful qualities
withou vanity, rigion without hypo-
hrisy r superstitipn, knowledge with
but pe I antry, and the shining virtues of
her se. unclouded by its vices.—Coir
Winnip4g to Kildonan.
[By Rev. A. ,fe'D. MdDonald.]
Wiiretezo, June 11th, 1887.
This day was cine of the grandest I
;have e periencd in!a long time. I would.
like to retain the impression of it ey er
green and fresh is my memory. eve
spent he forenoon in general assembly.
;The a bjects cons dered were the 901-
,leges, commencin with !Halifax, ten
;Monti :al,thenQue n's and Knox colic e,
land 1 st Manitob` . The reports from
!all these colleges were very encouraging.
Although all finan ial difficulties are not
out of the way, still the current exppn•
diture has been. Whet by contributions.
It was a pleasing sight to see the 'pro
fessors of the one institution moving an i
seconding the adoption of the report o
another. After dinner the General Aa.
sembly accepted an invitation to visi
the settlement o> Kildonan—a plat:
Iwhich will ever bel.historical in the his
tory of Presbyteriapism,in this part of th
Dominion. The 'Kildonan friends char
tered' a new steaanboat to take up th
Commissioners to the General Assembly
and as many of .the citizens as would like
, to accompany , them. The consequent:
was that about 600 took passage on th
boat. The steam* is a new one,: name
the Antelope, a misnomer so far as spee.
is concerned, as I will show further on
The steamer is -a deuble decked boat, th ..
1 hull_ made of twosall boats with
basil like a box pu
with the propellin
e. We left Winnipe',
ildonan, about seve
ie sal on the river wa
The river 'is ver
dy. On the west sid.
re houses all the way
ere ire not so man
ay'we passed St
og to -the Episco
onnected with i
d. The new col
ne one, and th
ending. All thi
e early Presbyte
minister to loo
e land passed int:'
iscopalian body
ry of many a suitabl
on. We reached Kil
lane, and the banks 0,
Trow ed with people
in sl ite of myself, an:
my eyes as I gaze
ho c•uld hinder suc
voulc try to ? Her
lobo • of one now i
ew,' : nd whose piou
cher shed. Here wa
the i ,blest battles fo
ern imes. Here wa
illustrated the power f early and hom
training in religious truth. Kildona
is a village of Jsural pretenses, th
principal bulildiilg b ing the churcl,
There is nos ore, no tavern, not eve
the usual his, l�sijnith shop. There are i
all about t n clif ere it kinds of res
s thle Chinrch, College an
deck over them,
upon bob sleighs
screw in the midd',
at 2:30 p. m. for
miles distant. . Tl
most deljghtful,
crooked and mus
of the river there
On the east 'side t
houses. About half
John's college, b ongi
pal church. Thee is
about 300 acresgf lax
lege building isl a f
old building is still st
land was given to tl
rians, but havin no
after their inters s, th
the hands of tl1e EI
:which is the hist
site in the Domini
donan in good
the river were
My heart swelled
tears came into
upon, them. W
feelings ? Who
was the field of
glory; whom I. kn
memory 1 fondly
fought out one of
principles in moth
denies besid
sch• Rol-house.1 We entered the chum
while the bell was ringing a welcom
Over the e1it anc to the church groan
was erected do arch of evergreens, n
very ',large, bat big enough to show th
these people II voud mark this day as
great day in their history. On this ar
were mottoe
Ccced Millie&
pretod, meat
"should anti
We here en
its toinbston
the horses took fright and dashed over
an embankment, overturning the car-
r'age on top of the occupants. The
orses fortunately broke loose from the
r g. Had it not been so the result
ould have been terrible. As it was,
t • ey were all badly bruised and shaken
One of, the party, Mr. W. James,
is feared, received fatal injuries, hav-
i : g been kicked in the stomach by one
o the horses. -
♦ - _ .. --
Perth Items.
Mr. Alexi Thompson . left Mitchell
✓ Southern California last week.
—The streets in Stratford are said to
e in such a condition as to be a disgrace
ti the city.
—Mr. J. R. Williamson, Stratford,
as assigned. Liabilities, $30,000 ;
: ssets, $35,000.
—Sixteen commercial travelers regia -
Hicks House, Mitchell, on
t week. ,
of this kind :—"Qct Oaeli i
alto," which, being into
is "a thousand welcomes "
acoa uaintance be forgot "
tered the graveyard wi h
s making the places whe e
were lying Lire remains of the heroic d
parted. • A beautiful monument of Abe
deem granite
Dr. 13[acir ar
f,grave of nob.
marks his_ re
will. not be
church is pl
nearly 3 feet
ing 400 peop'
across the en
pit is a table
r of
in, 1
was very ni ch surprised to see an org
.in the chu ch. The building w
packed, and hun lreds could not get
Prof. Hart rest ed and gave out t
100th Psalm The Kildonan choir 1
but; the whole cdlongregation seemed
be tinder sue'h a inspiration that y
could hear neither organ, choir, or a
thing else but your own voice.
Cochrane led in prayer Prof. If
stated briefly the facts connected wi
the early settlers
shire families, u
Lord Selkirk, in
part of the worl
ter. • Lord- Sel
one, but never d
but could not su
The English chu
this man and
every way to induce the Kildonan s
tiers • to unite themselves with 'th
church, but all was of no use. For
years they remained true to th
-mother church, though without a min
ter. They at length had the privile
of seeing Dr. Black settled among the
He Was a rean,of humble spirit, of go
abilities, and of unquestionable pie
He labored: patiently and diligently, a
today his ame is mentioned with t
Prof. McL.
Black, Dr.
dressed the
entire cone
about half
tables war:
cake and e
were satis
Premier of
started hon reward. The sail back
very pleas nt, but very slaw. It t
us one hoai incl a half to; come th
six miles. We halted to the Coll
where anoi
and , then
turned hor
'very war
ks the resting place
wife. We saw t e
isbet, but no tornbstoi
place, but I hope tl' is
d much longer. I`` e-•
iuilt of stone, the wa Is
k, and capable of 11011 -
It has a deep galla y
Right behind the p I-
morial of Dr. Black. I
Seventy Sutherla
nder the leadership
1812 `came out to t
1. They had no min
irk premised to be
id. The people wig
ceed in obtaining o
reh sent out a man, a
is successors tried
respect. Prof. Bur
of General Assembly, a
ren, fellow -students of
ryce, and Dr,. Cochrane,.
nneeting. At the close t
regation went to a gr
mile clownthe river, wh
spread and every kind
tables furnished. After
ed the Hon. John Norqn
the Manitoba Governme
the people, and then
y -
d -
in ,
! e
• t,
her entertainment was rro-
e remained till half -past t
tired and exhausted we
Ie. The weather here is fi
—A serious runaway accident hap
ed at St. Thomas last Sabbath eveni
While 1114 Nathan Small, a .Yarmo
farmer, to ether with a number of oth
was drivit g past the street car Eta-
re -
red at the
onday of 1
—The flax
✓ advanced
iving proms
elds around Listowel are
and looking magnificent,
of fine crops.
—The ann al picnic of the Staffa Cir-
uit will be Held on the old gronnds,
r. Pulmanis grove on Dominion Day,
-Mrs. Ro ert G. Rogers left Mother -
a ell a few da s ago for Minnesota, her
usband had i g bought a farm in Red-
ood county 'n that State.
—A lawnarty held at the residence
•f Mr. W. irks, Mitchell, the other
vening, for the benefit of Trinity
hutch ' Sabath School, realized the
l andsoine sti a of $63.
—St. Mair s boasts of having this
ear, as usu;1, distanced all competitors
n; the num •er of its/ graduates at the
oronto Urli ersity and the honors ob-
ained by th : m.
—Mr. Th mas Austin, son of Mr.
dam Austi , of Listowel, came home
roin Waco, ' exas, a tew days ago. He
as not been in the best of health for
ome time.
—Mr. George Davidson. has refused
o act as trt stee in connection with the
state of th late Mrs. Rath, and it will
• ow be adm
Uf Mitchell.
—M itche
defeated on Wednesday of last week,
the Mother ell team beating them by
The contest was well
i istered solely by Mr. Cull
111 base ball club was again
two runs.
—Mr. GOc
than thirty
Marys on IVB
was the big
hat place.
—Ther Me hodists of Carlingford have
decided to cold their annual Sunday
School pic-li c on the 28th of June, and
also a literary entertainment in the
�. Grant delivered no fewer
Massie self -binders in St:
inday of last week. This
st delivery ever, made in
There is not a great quantity of cheef3e to buy.on
this ; larket to -day, and from 81c for finewhite to
qui.rter more for colored is the outside range
of pr ces. BITITER-We quote as follows : Cream-
, ery,a..8e; Townships, 14e to 17e; Morrisburg, 10e
to 15c ; Western, 8c to 14e.
der, Photographer, Seaforth, begs to inform his
patrons and ithe public that his Photo Galleq, in
Seott/s Bloc , is now open again and he hopes
to be ready for business on and after Monday
next. To a y who may have been disappointed
in r eeivin,,,w orders on account of his illness,
he Hers tin apology, but the fault was
not his. He begs to solicit a continu-
ance of the patronage of all his old custom-
ers a/ d manY new ones and he promises to do
his N ery best for them. Remember the old
stand, Scott'sBlock,Seatorth. A. CALDER, 1017
.Local Notices.
PURE Paris Green, Flellebore, and
.ompletely binned oil; on Monday night. We
ave Felt and Straw Hats, Shirts and Mens' fur-
' lishinge which, will be sold below cost. Come
rid get bargains in clothing. J: W. mteena, The
PARCEL LOST. e -Lost, one day lately,
n Main Stied, Seaforth, a small parcel ad-
lressed to the undersigned, The wrapper of the
)arcel was afterwards fOund but the contents
ad been removed. The finder would- greatly
blidge by returning the article taken to De D.
WILSON, Seaforth.. 1017
BUGGIES, .-:-M. Pillman, of the Seaforth
Carriage Works, wants every person who intends
to purchase a new buggy to call and see him be-
- fore they strike a bargain elsewhere. He can
give them a Ilietter, neater, and smoother lain-
ning buggy, feir less money, than they can get
any place elsel in the county, or even from city
BINDERS MOWERS . &C.—Farmers, —
Have you extunined the London Light Steel
Frame Binder; Empire Mower, &c., on exhibition
at Dorsey's' 'Block, Seaforth. Try the London
Light Binder and be convinced that it is a gem'.
ine two-horsU machine, easily adjusted 'for all
kinds of grain; siniple in construction and most
durable on t ie market. Every machine sold on
trial. See Girculars for testimonials. Heel'
ST. JULIEN Restaurant' to the front.
ice Creain and cooling drinks of all kinds.
Choice Confectionery, French Fruits, Cream
Chocolates,' f lie brands of imported and domestic
Cigars ; choice Tobaccos -smoking and chewing
- always kept on hand. I have placed in the
St. Julien a. very handsome Silver Cregeent
Draft Stand, ' to supply the demand for plain
soda. and all other drinks, flavored with the
choicest fruit, flavoringe. A very fine display of
Flower PianN to dispose of at very loW prices.
Remember the stand, opposite 1$1arket street.
J AM me Braosss. 1013
-Store-Stodks 'having been greetly reduced
before stock -taking, which ie just completed, a
new . supply is being opened of the choicest
goods, latest styles, and at lowest prices. The
public are cordially invited to call , and inspect.
Grist Mill -While thanking my customers for
their liberal patronage in the past, I would as-
sure them the best of satisfaction in the future.
Saw Mill -1 have r on ha.nd any quantity of dry
pi ne, nutple,; black ash, white ash, oak, etc.; a
large stock of all kinds of timber in log ; about
3,000 eedar posts at mill and on farm, four miles
east of. Walton ; also a quantity of hay. A. Goy -
en -
SRAPOssit, Jun e. 23, 1887.
Fa,ll Wheat- per bushel (new) 30 78 to 80 82
Oats per bushel 0 29 to 0 30
Peas per bushel 0 48 to 0 50
Barley per bushel 0 42 to 0 50
Butter, tub 0 12 to 0 13
Dressed Hdgs..
Flour, per 100 the
Hay per toe
Hides per 100 lbs.
Sheepskine each
Salt (retail) per barrel....
Potatoes per bushel,
Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. ..
Wood per cord
O 00 to 0 13
5 75 to 6 00
2 10 to 2 35
6 60 to 7 00
0 75 to 1 00
O 00 to 0 76
O 50 to 0 60
0 80 to 0 80
2 5Q to 3 60
CLINTON, June 23, 1887.
• 28 to 0 3u
48 to 0 50
O 13
0 13
8 50
0 60
2 00
O 26
7 00
6 75
8 60
6 00
Peas per bushel
Hay per ton
Potatoes per bushel, new...,
Apples per barrel
Hides per 100 lbe
0 11 to
O 10 to
7 50 to
0 50 to
2 00 to
0 28 to
fi 60 to
5 50 te
wood 2 50 to
sed Ileigs, per 100 lbe 5 60 to
51.00 to 51,10 ; eggs, per doz.,14e;to 15c i dreesed
.Lrvaaroor.:, June 2:1. -Spring wheat, 7s Old ;
red winter, 7s 02d • California No. 1, 83 004;
California No. 2. Os 60d e, oats, 0s700d barley, Os
Od peas, 5s00d ; pork, 66s OW a cheese, -les 00d.
. Dairy Markets.
moaratat, June, 22.4---Ciitesn--The break in
chew which has been looked for ever since the
season opened has come ont at last. This week's
steanier hasheen filled with cheese purchased on
a basis of .nine cents. Next week's shipments
will be bought on ,a basis of eight cents and it
may be ae lower prices. The public cable is is
6d lower at 48s to -41113., and New York is quoted
as low ae-70 for stat,e. The shipments from that
point for the week have been very heavy indeed'.
ROS .-In brey, on the 12th inst., the wife of
r. John Rose of a son.
YOU Ease Wawanosh, on the 5th inst.,
GAR LETT.-e-On the 11th inst., on lot 26, conces-
s on 5, Willett, the wire of Mr. Jos. Garrett
KID ).-At Goderieli, on the 7th inst., the wife
f Mr. Jos. Kidd; jr., of a son.
AM- NT. -In Brussels, on the 17th inst, thelwife
, Marriages.
)owelhiMr. R. J. Ross, of the Globe, son of
I . Rolpt. Boss, of Brussels, to Miss Lottie
3. McCallum, of Detroit, Michigan.
FAX LKNER-PATTERSON.-On the 14th inst.,
y Rev. J. R. Isaac, at the residence of the
bride's mother, Mr. Jos. Faulkner, of the
ownship of Grey, Huron county, to Miss
'arah Patterson of Carthage, Perth co ty.
SA.NDERSH-GILBERT.-In London, on the 8th
i st., by Rev. Canon Innes, Mr. Wm. an-
ers, of Exeter, to Miss Ella Gilbert, of n -
WI LIS- IITCHELL.-In London, on th Sth
inst, la ' Rev. Canon Innes, Mr, Jas. Wil is to
- lary, aughtee of the late Wm. Mitchell,
IIYI E-STRAITIL-At the residence of! the
ride's father, on the 15th inst., by Reie P.
"traithi of Holstein, assisted by Revl. A.
Nellie, second laughter of Mr. I'. Straith, of
WE LS--,FRAZER.-In Blyth, on the 15th inst.,
t the residence of the bride's father, by
ley. Di„ M. Ramsay, Mr. Jas. Wells, of Hul-
ett, ta•Miss Lizzie Frazer.
Bayfield, by Rev. „D. Forrest, on the 8th
inst., Mr. Geo. Sterling„ of Goderich town-
ship, toi Ejizabeth, daughter of Mr. A. Stone -
TO GH-C'ARNIE.--At the residence of the
bride's. father, by Rev. D. Forrest, .on the
21st inht.i, Mr. John Tough to Janet M.,
aughter of Mr. W. Carnie, all of Stanley.
' Deaths.
RO, S. -In 1.51eKillop, on the 7th inst., Alexander
CA TE11.-',-In McKillop, on the 14th inst., John
i --
son, lf, . D. Johnson, on thel8th inst., Sarah
Willett relict of the late Wm. F. Johnson,
of Elmira, aged 67 years. .
SQL IER.- n the village of Brighton, on the 9th
inst., 1 'ilinott R. .Squier, Barrister, in the
5th 34 r Of his age.
MI IPM: :1 --In Seaforth, on the 17th inst.,
Josepal Francia eldest son of Lawrence
Murp Esq., aged 11 years and, 3 mcnths.
TDS.--4-in Tripp, Dakota, on -the 8th inst.,
Georgie Edward, son of George and Margaret
Randb4. formerly of Huron county, abed 1
-ear, 3 months and 6 days.
R4NT.—In the village of Becehwood, 61
'snort4 east of Seaforth and 5 miles north of
lin, in a first-class farming locality. Frame
), ever) thi ng complete. Splendid stand ; no
mitiori., For further particulars apply to
N Melba -NOSH, Beechwood, Ont. 1018
TRAt RHEEP.-Strayed from Lot 16, Con-
cessi n 3, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, about the
le of Aped last, 5 ewes, supposed te be in
TwO of them had long tailsand the others
been. Idockedi They 'Showed Shropshire -
n bredd. Two of them are yearlings. Any
matidei leading to the recovery of these
be rewarded. AleCHI-
ripCO.. TRACTORS. -Tenders will be reeeived
by t ie undersigned, until Saturday, July
9th at 2 'clock p. m., for the erection of a Brick
in he Irarpurhey district. Plans and speciti-
ca.ti ns y be seen at Mr. Henry Colbert's, Eg•
mo Writ] -The lowest or any tender not flues -
sari y ateeted unless otherwise satisfactory.
A. FUEL, WALLACE, Secretary, Eginolongi3lle
P. .
wi t
ESIDfiNCE FOR SALE.-ir sale Cheap,
the4sidence on John st at present
'pied ;hie' the 'undersigned. The house eon-
s parlOte sitting room, dining room, kitchen,
ry ale six bedrooms together with wood -
I an( Mona cellar. Hard and soft water
er er. There are two lots well planted
ornn mental and fruit trees and shrubbery
ing ho lee. The property is pleasantly situ-
, bell!' high and dry and convenient to the
IleSS rt of the town. It will be sold cheap
on easy terms of payment if desired. Ap-
to M Y. McLEAN, Expositor Office, Sea -
THE[mATTER of guardianship of the i n
1 fent .hildren of John Kirsch, late of the
TON el of Seaforth in the Dainty of Huron,
lab rer, deeeased. Notice is hereby given that
an pplication. will he made to the Surrogate
Cm rt of t(he County of Ilitilon, before the Judge
in hamb6rs, at the Court House, in the Town
of Goderieh, in the Comlity of Huron, after
the expiHetion of twenty days from the
firs pubfitation hereof, on behalf of Cath-
crii e of the Township of Hay, in
the Com* of IIuron, widow of the said John
Kit ch, and the natural and lawfUl mother of
the said i fants, for an order appointi ig the
sai( Cath ine,Kirsch guardian of Mary eirsch,
Ca herinq Kirsch, Miehael Kirsch, Elizabeth
Ki ch arid Caroline Kirsch, infant children of -
the Said Jon Kirsch, dereased. Dated at Sea -
CA HERINE KIRSCH; by J. M. Best, her
soli itor. . 1019-4
.Welcome News) .for PeOptel
ariner§' Attention.
Mowers, Reapers, Binders.
. agent, for and repairer of
Mo yeti, lieapers and Binders, guarantees all his
wo k. N44- is the time to bring along your Ma -
chi es thee heed repairing. I have also on hand
irs 41.1. several lines of Machines. A full
sto of Plows, Plow Castings and Root ScufflerS
alw ays on hand.
10194. f.
0 C.1 LT, ETT, Mali I LLOP AND
For the next three. feonthe I will give
pound of tea for a dozen of egge, to all those
br riging Me one dollars' worth and to the one
th gives me the greatest number I will give
Se of Sile er Ware, containing twenty four pieces,
ex 1018-2
Regardless of
the Original Cost.
Having purchased from JOSEPH KIDD his entire Seaforth stock, com-
Dry Goods, Milliner Hats aind _Caps, and
At a low rate on the dollar, it is my intention to clear out the -whole stock by the
10th of July. In order to di so, I have decided to reduce every article in the
immense stock below the wholesale cost. Those desirous of securing bargains
should come early, as the be t goods are sure to be picked up first.
tO" Make no mistake, but come direet to Kidd's old stand, and you will be
convinced that we are in a position to sell cheaper than any house in Ontario, who
have to buy their stock in the regular way. -
Grand th.bilee Celebration.
ShAVFORTH, :June 21st. 188rL
. It having been determinedthat atte Most Gracious Majesty Qateen Victoria's
Jubilee celebration is to be helil in Seafrirth, on June 21st, with great and loyal
efforts, ,
Have loyally corne to. the front and will give all their old. patrons :and as many
new as shall deem it necessary to provide hemselires with suitable attire for that
great event, to offer Prints, Mtislins, &O., t regular Jubilee Prices, -thus giving
all, both rich and poor a claande to come o t on that occasion in dress that for
quality, low prices ad latest atylo, wi 1 e something long to be remembered.
Our jubilee prices will hold gold from t e rst issue of this advertisement till the
20th of Jun(
So if you'd true and loyld be,
Come Dundan's mammoth stock and see,
Then purchaSe for the Jubilee.
Bemuse.% e otter bargains rare,
, With mean's stock none can compete,
So coin id make your neighbore stare
The Jubilee scale of low prices and spetial bargains ati tuncan -& Duncan's, wi1
be extended to everyidepartment in their mammoth establishment. ;Ladies are -in-
vited to inspect the 1.11illinery department, where special offers will' be made in
Hats, Bonneta, &c. Bargains less than wholesale prices.
Having made a large purchase; of new goods from one of the leading whole-
sale houses at a great redoction. 'cleat out the lot we are now' prepared to -
offer our customers great drives ia Dress Goods, Prints, MuSlinS, orsets, Table
Linen, Hose, &c.
Gents' T4iforin Department.
, • 1
This branch is still right side up avith care, and orders for summer 'suits
promptly attended to. Perfect -fit guaranteed. Latest and most approved styles,
from English, you know, to New York or Paris cut. Readymade Clothing in
large quantities. •ats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Dusters, which for
low prices knock the ust ff our best e arts.
Duncan & Duncan's Grocery DePartment will also be prepared to supply
Groceries at jubilee prices. Teas, Coffees, Spicea, Sugars, Rice, Raisins. Come
and try the MacAlpine Tobacco, the best brand in the ma.rket. Butter and Eggs
taken at highest market prices in trade,
Valuable Real, Estate
Township of Hay, County
Huron. i
NDFR power of sale coutaired in a ,Certain
' registered mortgage, made by Sta.w15130e
holt to the Vendors, there will he sold by pewee
Auction, by John Keith, auctieneer, at •
Cominercial Hotel, Village of
Thursday, the 7th bay4of uly, 887,
At 1 o'clock 1'. 3L, the followipg freehold ors,
lasta, : Lot number 16, in the 13th
(quiet-fit:ion of the township of Hay, in- the (.:ounty
of 100 rwres, more or ; about 4; acres
are cleared and cultivated, v.; II w at. red, with
good drainage, good vtdar fences, 144,,
fran bare and etables en stone ; large -healing I
orchard, good roads and good locality ; :distant
miles fr.,1 the village of Zurich.
Terms and Conditions -One-tenth of '110 pile-
tietilare will be made known at time of sale, or
may be ascertained on applicatron to
JOHN REITIT, Auctioneer. 1011.3-3.
John j. Parish, Proprietor.
Mnseav - Will leave his own :stable Lot 14,
Coeeeesion 11, MeKillop, and premed io Robert
Campbell's, for noon ; theme! te Hebert tioven.
hick's, -for the night.. TrYeiDAY- Win proeeed
hie own •table way of the Northern Gisavel
Road, for the nibt.. WEI/NEM/AT-Win go to the
34th Concession to Samuel Forbes', for noon ;
retereil e le hie ewe eiable, for the night. Flu -
S • Will to John Griea es', Mr noon ;
the!! - own litable where he will remain
Ural' 31ond'ay morning. The above.
•-"ttle-r permitting. 1017x4
Having been appointed by the Sanitary
Inspettor, of Seaforth, es Well' (leaner for the
town.. Parties lina ITIg Wt -116 1.% :.;< It,
ing out glould apply to him at once.
11 is also prepared to take orders for Asphalt,
Walks, Gravel. .11.6ofing, Sodding Lawns, Well
Digging &c. All work guaranteed. 'Orders
promptly attended to. FRANK MURRAY,
Seaforth.. 1017