HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-06-03, Page 8r
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. , . � ; � i JUNE 3, 1887.
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. . � .. �. - # 11 . i . I HURON EXP I . � _+_ _. - .
I ''. . . I ... I I THE . . i -_ i i . I
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. � I
� ,�
8 1 1 - - _� . I . : . : I d for tbvujL — I Large Assottment -.
— � I i ' *
I � � . I- .1 � I . - -D. D. Wilson, had the misfortune to let realized 5 cents a poun i . �
� re on Wednesday on a triI, transaction of'ordinary business. T I hile the church people of Westfield
to determine. it is likely, however, 16, ge left he am run away. No serious damage W I �
. . I ere opened 'for building t o his to ed were returning bome'last Sunday,even- I —OF --
sh that the Canada Pacific wjll take hold to the old.country, where he will review ders w , .
� ! e 3rd concession) the tender wai d6ne.—A.!'Lindsay has commene ..
Edward" Oa . ere suddenlystartle& by the 1
of either one, and that one will be the th� scenes mid renew the acquaintances bridges on' th . ; t the Cellar fo jug they W led by parties � I
a He sails from - of L. Hardy for $690 was accepted ,lie dic ging r R. Milne's new report 6f a revolver Carr I . I -
i . buRding.—S. Gidley will soon be y ra I �
assing in a bu�gg' . Some of ' the ;
� ,
.tions as con- t4 3rd, and ex SUMMER ('_,-,I C ) S;
e wool. Fair and reasonable solec ave a direct the champion bicyclist.—The Clin- P, d fled for pro- k;IIII, OD '
tity of Fine I . "' J, o t?llr . . ade use �of their legs an I F
Willbeprepared to buy any qun,n successful one, as it saidl the Canada of �hi , youth. Quebec 01
pects to be gone about treasurer was instructed to pay
Seec Pacific are bound Lo h one ap I -y as assessor
r I ouths.—There is only peal Young $85.00, his s%lat
ason opens: also -good grass butte - two in . , — �
soon as the se . ,� nection with. Lake Huron. ! In the mean . nt roll of this tow , 1887 ; Mrs. Brewer wes.granted $5.00 lin ton, base ball club is very anxious in but the rest remained. The
tAuid, Goderich nst the assessme .to team. The club tection, *
In tubs, pails or rolls .at the old a � time our Council and public men are on agai I I ncil then adjourned': to play the Blyth els after doing a certain amount —AT
. ined and. that 'i appeal against asses 3-, charity. The cou — ScOundr :
street. Give me a call. I d are evidently determ is an eve.: here will tackle them some time soon. shooting started off and I .
I the alert, an imes meet again when called by the Re ; I �
built in this direction, ment on income. - This speaks volt , - I Lord's Supper was of talk 'and ��
- ASH. th%tif aroad is I . � ! Sacrament of the Such -va I
__ E. 0 e efficiency of Mr. Ballantyne as i I ew ;a church were not since heard of. gran's
it will not be their fault if it does not. for th . r. S. G. McCaughey ]Elullett- administered in St..Andr e allowed a few years in the
— I ta,.p Seaforth. They show the right aii assessor. —M I . n n last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of should b . I R . MCFAUL'S
I � . '� 4ves here on Monday for WinnipF , A Goop"Cow.—Mr. Thos. ison. I i I
-1 0 le I . Livi w g8t ' Wilto'n, preached in the evening, and pri I i I
A.ry . I In I -----.-- I
W* V ;6 . w att6nd the Presbyteri d concession, has ga� e —The band has I �. I . !
- �ere he;wiII I aco fr I m a very fin' address. Whitechurch. � I
;Nwnvo a tw o0vto T # - . spirit. s' MEEIIn ac- —Mr. M. R. Counter -� lbs. of -butter were made n � �
P - THE MER,CIIANT, General Assembly. which 17 . � been engaged to go to Belgrave on Jubilee �
r%I r one weekl- Who can beat it? I
cordance with previous announcement, a hais had the front of his jewelry sto e I OBIT17ARY.—At Whitechurch, on the
— - .meeting of the merchants and business n wly painted and other' ise im'prove4. - - _-4-_ 1 Day. x I ry Mundell, wife of Mr. Cash Dry 00ods,
e w . � . . . I 20th ult., Nal � I i
DISTRICT MATTERS. I . 1 55 years. The de- i I
. men of the county was held -in Clinton �Tuesda,y the 21st day of June is to be Kippen. i r ! ! Grey. Thomas Dunn, age( � i :
I There was a good at- doclared a public holiday and the CounOil e in cash will , . f Langholm, Dum- . �
on Friday last. WOOL.—The top pric �be' NOTES.—ThI6 rain on Tuesday has ceased was *a native o o Canada � 2.1
g �� E(,C.g —Some idea may be con- - .have granted $100 to assist in suitabl.y paid for all wool and grain delivered at �his s. It rained friesshire, Scotland, and came t
, GI _ tendance and nearly every business con bean a boon for the crop member And ,milline ' Wouse
. d of the immense business done by tre in the county was repr . esented. The celebrating theoccasion., The Recre4- station before the 20th of June. The warehouse the County except in about 24 years ago. She was a I ry ,, �
ceive , a D. mc- everywhere in . �
ti�n Groun was of r .
'Mr, D. D. Wilson, GE this town, when . chair wa -e 1016-2 Galbraith the Piesbyterian church in this place i �
8 oCGuPI _d by Mr. George Sam - ds Associ 'tion intend gettibg is open daily from ten to four o'clock. .
LmN.AI Grey. — Phrenologist �
ay that he has 14 teams on. the well, of Exeter, and Mr. George Good,� up a splendid programme- of games apd, . I -4— 1 School Section No. 2 for upwards of 20 years, and was esteem- - i
we Is, � .burnping headA in all who knew her as a f4thf nI I
road; that every team� averages two of Seaforth� was appointed secretary. It athletic sports.. — The fine, . stea y - , I I Belgrave. - thisweek. He "felt" some pretty well ed by I
trips a week; that each load I've -'rages was decided to ask the county council to warm raip of Tuesday last was just t I f the Lord. Her Iona I
e I a id ? � .
� A. TA� LOR is rushing off his -large 'its he was " boozy " part of the time. — sorvant 0 e with in ,h Pa- � 1
1,15 boxes; that each box cont increase the fee for licenses under the thing wafited and will have a spteud�d tock of fine Straw Hats at reduced prices. painful illness was born .
to $200 . rops.—The -8 3r Goods from hi Cal 1 A number took in the games at Ethel Extraordinar� Value ,
bout'l 800 dozen to the , efreGt .upon the growing ci I and select Dr s mammoth stock 11 8 . : I
dozen eggs, or a': ) Hawkers and Pedlars'By-LaNv 'have children in connectio4 wi-Ch the Band ;,o at lowest prices. Butter and eggs wanted, 1 16 1
I f . on the 24th ult. They were we 1 con- tience and a cheerful submis ion io the I
lead, which costs him about $200 be- and arrangements were made to the Master, whom she loved so : � . �
. A r, d cted.—This week 'will finish potato will of I . .
penses. . It can thus be ' out 25 Pic- BRIEF.,;. —Several horses - attached -to ,,mory will long survive : —IN EVER*�—
sides other ex petitions put in circulation. A large Hope to the number of ab I PI uting and sheep shearing.—The fall much. Her mE I -
seen that he pays out about $6,000 eveilty and representative committee was also nicked at Bayfield on! Saturday last ,*d buggies tan away on Sunday last, �nd a-nd affection of
. �
week for eggs. Surely Huron hens are , appointed to wa,it on, tile county council bad a grand time. - T - hey were accoib- the result is work for the carriage buil �d- wl�eat went back during the last two in the sincere respect 11 I I .
I weeks on account of the dry weather. her many friends. :
industrious and well up io business. at Goderich on Wednesday next and panied by the Misses Cowan, who to - ers. No person was seriously injured,,— 1he minutes of the last council meet- ----- �_ I DEPARTMEIIINIT
. - : I -press the matter upon the people's rep- c4a;rge of them.—A meeting of the S a- George Tyner is slowly recovering fro'm — . Sunshine. !
: ' ing and Court of Revision will be Pub- . ' �
I (looly CATTLE.—Mr. J�ohn McArthur, resentatives there. The co4n&I will, forth volunteer, company will be held at his late severe illnesa.—The committee D : Mr. Isaac Rogerson, � I All Through the Month of JUNE.
of the 9th concession of Morris, deliver- we have no doubt, fairly and impartially the Commercial hotel on Monday even- have engaged two good bands for �he ii hed next week. LOCAL NEWS.—- he last
I BA.9B BALL. —An interesting game was who has been in Manitoba -for t I
- . I Iurpose of celebration to be given here on jnbi ee I I . 0
ed to Messrs. Govenlock & Winter in consider the matter; We believe it is ing -next at 8 o'clock for the p plityed= the farm of P. Sinclair, sr., on month returned home on Saturdiiy last. � .
this town on Monday las . t four very fine . ' ' M ; �
in the interests of all classes that the re- making arrangements for the celebratim day.—Mrs. Levi Vallier, of Buffalo, is iy 24th.. The game was between sides We are sorry to SaY that the trip did i
reighed 3,700 of Jubilee Day in Seaforth.—Mr. Robt. visiting her sister, Mrs. David Fern r. i
fat cattle. Two of thes6 u quest to be preferred by the business . A [r. lZogerson's health.—
) . iking a total I 'his *-- a o8en by . McNeal a teiss. not improve IV ihe !
and the other two 3,280 mi .,. men should be granted. As matters Jamieson has been confined to re3i- The playing on both sides was excellent. James Hill., son of. Thomas HiII9 of t
0 They were sold for 5 r : 0 fine team � . . Morris, died very sI
of 6,980 p unds,. now stand, purchasers are continually dence through ' illness . fo'several days, . Hills Green. . J I The boys make a and well 6tb . - N 9
its per pound and this netted Mr. be ed and cheated by irre- but he is now recovering, and we hope . ' . t on BARGAI A -
eel ) I ing swindl I Chas. Trover,1 of orthy sons denly on Friday last from i-aflammati
E; I —Mrs. A LARc.B Ec,G.—Mr. . upheld the name of beM'f W ,
McArthur the am, of $349. They were -tongued, pedlars will soon be all r4 gr6t again. . 17 .
sponsible, but smooth . Green store, has an egg laid1by of noble� sires. The score stood 12 to e only been sick
-viewed by a large number of people of one kind and another; the money -is Rath, mother of Mrs. Dr. Scott, died n the Hills W,m. - in favor of Alex. McNeil's side. W- abou� two days before his death. - He - __l2N'_ �
here and were universally admitted to taken out of the county, and the honest, Monday last after an illness of a f w a commoii duck belonging to Mr. be1ats Pine and L. $teiss were umpires and was about 14 years of age, The fune-ral, i
I .
be arliong the best cattle ever shipped tax -paying merchant is deprived -.of -the I weeks. She had resided with her dau h- Parsons - which for dimensions I
9 I . :
. th i Dr seen in these parts fbr some gE ve good satisfaction. In the evening which took place on Sunday, wa's very ;
I i � ;
but being of a any int * -�ay . . Sumn�er, Silks, � .
from the county of Huron. Messra. legitimate business which should come'. ter here for several years, d time . t measures 8� inches one N a lance and slipper were given by Mr. largely attended. � I - ; .
Govenlock & Winter are doing a large to him. Both classes of the community quiet and retiring dispusitiod she hi I -
he old country are injure s out of her own i n- and ,7 inches the other. A bird Oat Thomas -Ennis. Thoboys thought this BASE 13ALL MATC9.—A very keen and � - .,
business io shipping to d, and the revenue of the few acquaintance - it of this kind should never ti e bestpartof the holiday and keptupthe eyenly contested gaihe, of base ball was �
preci-, however, a 'produces fru I of ChaB Agen, about Alintle Goods
just no,w. They shipped one hundred county is not enhanced to &�y a;p' mediate circle.. She was, . ent till almost daybreak when. played on the farm I 71
week, and this is the second able degre-1. If .these parties must 'do highly cultured and ' truly .estima le grow old. aninsern " ! �
head this . . __#_ I , ou the e ' I
1. . I by th-e light of the stars each saw his a mile 'south of here, .- I
lot they have sent across the water since business in this unbusinesB-like way, lady. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Roxboro. I . . ' nine picked tuenepof' s Goods
I way home. ' Birthday between Dres . ) -
D_" III � I
navigation opened. . * d an equal. n
�t " el T ey lost money they should be required to pay'liand- Junki of Mitchell, and the remains were a umber �
last year, but we hope they will do a somely for the privilege. I I . taken &o that town for interment on A GOOD JoB.—Mr. Edward Sparling, . the 5th concession n The � . . Millinery,
i �, 11 , of McKillop,and hialmen, completed the Stanley. of the 6th concession of Morris. I ; I
good deal m6re than rr ake up for for- . .4 _1__1 Wediaesday. — The regular montlily repairing of Roxboro bridge last week. CouRT o.F REvisio_-,,.—The Stanley day"being fine a large crowd of specta- I
inerlosses thisyear. They deserve to WIDE ANVAKE, beat of young folks' meetfn.g of the Women's Christian Tem- I u ang, ladies a -ad .�
,qualled in met as a court of Revision at tors, both old and yol .
do well, pen"odicals all the world over and une erance Union will hereafter be held* on The south abutment has been raised to C uncil tch, The Embroideries and Laces,
----------* brilliant, breezy and intelligent--relding matter, P - the township hall, Varna, on Saturday gentlemen, witnessed the ma I
.EsT HURON Tymilims.—The semi- begins its 26th volume and celebrates June with the first Tuesday of every month, and the level of the bridge : a new b"ent ed, and .
W - - the next meeting will be held on Tu -,a- placed between it.and,the hrst pier ; 'the last. There were no appeals against the field was all that could be desir . .
annual institute meetinu of the teachers ' number of singular richness and promise IV. [ . r. stringers, railing, and part of the floor assessment roll, and it was accordingly the play on both sides was very good. . �
Wide -Awake for June can be got by sending 20 day, the 7th inst., at 4.30 p.m.— ach has been ` imposed th6 Hosiery and Gloves,.
of West Huron, will be held at Exeter, cents to D. LOTHROP & Company., Boston. Sub- ,, and the appro confirmed and the court closed. The The following gentlemen. co,
�oa.year. A sample copy sent for -Samuel,Cairnochau, of Egmondville, goes are new, ed. Mr. James Scott ' - I
on Thursday and Friday, June 9th and scription-, S2. to Winnipeg next week as a delegate to widened and rais , C01111cil organizing the following sums players: For the 5th Line—T. Kirkeon , * - .-
I .
6 cents. Illustrations alone w rth half the price. from his gate to . Clarke, R. Agnew, W. Potter, mlislills) I ;
10th, 1887, begfuning each day at Dine . 7 1016-1 the Presbyterian General Assembly — has built a wire fence nt the -were allotted to be expendbd in im- nell, R . . Baines, J. , I I .
- � I
o�clock. Wrn. Houston, M. A., parlia .1 WE find it impossible I to xe-open Teams are now busily employed drawng the end of the bridge, to prove provements on the several roads in the C. Conery, A. Conery, S. h
, . - return of the annual drift. Altogether township: Concessions 2 and 3 $100; MeGarvie and S. Irvine.
mentary librarian, has been appointei 'Kidd',store before the early part of next week,1 bricks from Foster's kiln, in the toi m � ith, A. Smith, J. Walker, : Gingliams, Prints, &C., -
by the departm ent to act as director,and on account of the time it take' gtookThkin- ship of [lay, near Zurich, for the r ew �he general appearance is very much im- C,)n-essiono I and 5, $100; concessions 6 Line—D, Sna : I
. and I I
' markirkg down goods. JAMES ICK"D, Seaf0eth. . and ' ed, the bridge more substantial, and a ad' 7, $60 ; concessions 8 and 9, $60 ; G. Robb, W. H, McCutcheon, G. MC- _:
will deliver a lecture on Thursda, *d I Li
he .r resi ences of Messrs. C. Wilson
. Waxi M -s. )I . � . I I 1016-1i . � 6 office prov (. -Leeve . Carter, T. MeGarvie, C. Agen and C ` ets and Oil Cloths
eveningi on 11 Educational I Alexander Stewart.—AMODg th rs perfe � y safe. On Friday last I c)ncessions 10 and 11, $80; concessions - Carp , I )
� . H Yame lasted about three
The lecture will commence at 8 o'clock. — itiATio I Is. —The r e*sults elected by the Grand Orange Lodge of ay8 Inspected the work,and pronounced 12 and 13, $80; Sauble Line, $100; Parr Michie. . The L I . � �
EXAM N . . .
DRAV-V G ' i - ings being played and .
Choice music may also be expected. By of the examinations in, drawing and British America, in session this week at it one of the best jobs ever done In Mc- 0 (loshen, $70; Goshen to Bro hours, nine inn P I -
' � I
n �
half a show and IS �0 - Bronsoii to S&uble, $10 ; Carnie's the score at the finish stood 38 to 37 i f � & 'O., v
re(yulation all the teachers of the division %1 I Lace Cartains
9 painting, recently held at the Art Schools, 1$elleviII6, we find the name of Rev. J as. Killop : Give Edward �
I ` I The I i side 3 !
. . - Trustees . I ,in. he neve I fails to do good work. I 8 de line, $15:; McGregor's side line, $10; favor of the 6th line. 08109-1 I . i
are � r � i
� I :
! _-4— 1 I anes' side liLe, $30 ; Sharp's side line, treated their friends to a dance ail sup- i i
terested in education,are � ools, tund Collegiate n f i I . A. Cloakey . !
expected to be present ; Meehanics' Institutes, Ladies' Colleges, Broley, Elora, Deputy Grand Chaph
mild others in High Sch Institutes =Mr. a d Mrs. J. W. Fear and family � I r
cordially invited. The following pro- ' I f Mr. W. J. : Ashfield. $15 - Mellveen's sideline, $25 ; Boyce's per at T, Russeli's. Mr. W . � I
i �
. , I I throughout the Province, have just been of Brussels are the guests o I I . . I ohnston's side line,. $10; acted as umpire to the satisfaction of all. ! � T
gram -me will be taken up: President's - Fear, dentist, this week.—We are sorry? rn s.de line, $30 ; J . � . . . � .
isaued by the Board of Exan-iiners. NOTE��.--%Ve are very sorry to lea - Produce Taken in Exehange.
Address ; Reports of Committees ; Eng- From the Seaforth Mechanics' Institute to hear of the serious illness of Mrs- that Mrs. W. T. Gardner is very, I I ,ow. McNair's side line, $20; Baird's side � 0 � �
lish Composition, Rhetoric and Litera- ca,ndidates have passed as follows : Johnson mother of Mr. D. Johnson of' Thers is very little hope "of her Vecovery. I ne, $10; Reid's side line, $10; Bay- . I Exeter. � . �
nission . ary, $200 � I
tu-re,. Wm* Houston, M. A. ; Disc Primary Drawing—George Dewar, free- - this to�6. —Mrs. Win - Modeland, of —The spring crops. are growing nicely f efd road, . t I LOCAL BraEF.q. —The quoit club of this � I
. .
on Report on Uniform Promotion Ex- .r, - Toronto, is at present in town visiting and look fai�ly well, but the fall w ing 114y te)wnship gives an equal place were out for practice on Saturday
Alminations; English Grammar, by Mr. band, 1. geometry, model; Janet Bat Mrs J. - fol- -amount; BaI boundary, $20, pro. . ig.* They will soon for Edward McFaul, �
Robert Jackson, Sara L. Moore, S.- her fath'ei- and other friends. in most places is a poor crop.—The . -, evenii I � I I
Houston; 'Mensuration, by Mr. George Kerslake, geometry; Nettie Ewing and D, Sills,.of Toronto, is also in town. lowing is the standing of the pupils of % iding. Bayfi6ld gives an equal amount. challenges. —Mr. Passmore, who is about
� .
. .
Philology and Or- . - . . adjourned to meet again �
Badrd, sr. - English Alex. McIntosh model. The nameg, of , I - for the niontli of starting a Reforni paper, is here, and all .
� I . School I ection No. 5 ne the necessary type and: presses have at- _SEAFORTH. � .z
. �
I ist M. Cameron. Ion Saturday, 18th June next, at 0 �
thoapy, by Mr. Houston; Discussion on those who - passed from the High School � _ : Hibbert. May, viz: Fifth Class— . � � . � . . �
Uniform -Promotion Examination, (con- - L - . Fourth Class- -IA G. Andrew, 211 . 0, C oc - P, ni. I . rived, and will soon be in operation.— -_ :
are not yet given, but -the following ', Foio DAKOTA.—Mr. Arthur McC�nn, . I . —_ i
tinned) ; Engliah Orthography, by Mr. Webster. Senior Third Class -18 E. —..— Mr. Goo. Manson,. the popular boot and Happle's fine sorrel horses died. He has. I
11011%ton. 0 . � shows the number who passed in each - ' 'One of the. pioneer residents of, this to�wn- Andersoia, 2nd A. Helm, 3rd- D. Smith. . Hay. . shoemaker, has removed -his shop across -iog 70,0 1
of the several- subjects: Free-hand ship,. removed with his family,to Da ota , the contract of draw � 00 bricls i
drawing, 39 ; black board- -drawing; 2 ; He went to Gode.-ich Junior Third Class—Ist R. Andrew,1 2nd COURT OF REvisio.N.—Theicouncil. met the street, one door south of the post- from, J. B. Foster's brick yard to I Sea- :
— Messrs. Goven- on Friday last. .rdner. Se ond s a Court of Revision and Appeal on office. :He has now a very neat little I
CATTI.F, SHIPPED. - model dner, 3rd J. Ga a forth, and after returning from the trip �
geometry, 35; perspective, 10, I and from there took the boat. A large C. Gar � 8 ;
another large Wilson, 3rd '-hursday, May 26th. The members shop. ---On Monday last Mr. C. Willi , ;
lock and Winter abipped., Arawing, 36. It is giatifying, to notice, ' Class—Ist R. Took, 2nd S. on Monday, the horse died.—Mr. Abra. .
consignment of fat ca,ttle. from here on number of his old neighbors and fri(nds . -
th I .m W. J. Webster. Part Two�lst J. P�eid, were all present. The appeal of J. who has been in the employ of Messrs :
atta,kingan average in all subjects I ' ham Wamb6ld and ,wife arrived home �
. They are destined . accompanied him to Goderich ,to see ii 2nd B.� Ritchie, 3rd J. Wilson. -Part sett Brothers for the past eight years, . ]I
- . I
Wednesday last -_ the Seaforth school gtam4s second on the � aberer in respect to personal property Bis 'Uncle Sam's domains. We join a few days ago from a trip to Waterloo, .
The fol- �- off, thus showing the affection and I ud, ,as considered, and on motion his assess- .
far the old country markets. list of High Schools. ; i I . One—lot H. Anderson, 2nd J. Str ! bud left for I
,e of the . . I esteem in which they held him. It is f � . Berlin, and other eastern places, where
lowingarethe weights of som _. I �rd 0 Middleton. . ent was reduced $100. The fd1lowing with his many friends, especially the a
__ I I
. r. McC ann � - - I they had been visiting their children and I
- . . . .
� about fifty years since M — !!! hanges were made in the resident roll: ladies, ,in wishing him every success.— �
animals and the parties from whom they MI&i1o.-IARY SERVIM;.—On 'Sabbath . 0 . other friends.—Mr. H. Happle is bavin I
were purchas Ied- Georoe Black, Me- settled in Hibbert. He is; a genuine ! I art of lot 24, North Boundary, was The Oddfellows' block is being rapidly . , .
0 afternoon last M essrs. . Goforth and Me- warm-hearted Irishman and was alv�ays I � Brussels. : nany weeks his barns, sheds, and stables Pa . I
I . i ak 611 �. from , W. Irwin and charged to pushed forward, and ere r :
Killop, three steers, 3,670i tbs.; one cow' Kenzie addressed a mass meeting of thers than tho*t- c uan- Messrs. H. Randall and F, Bossenberry '�
'P ward -Hinchley, McKil top, more. generous to 0 Woo�, WOOL.—Wanted, any - J. Brenneman was assessed will be nearing completion. Mr. A I
1', 20 ths. Ed children in the Presbyterian church. . ; W. Agnew; " have the contract. It is a big job. � �
I us in I ani pre -
six steers, 8,230 tbs. Mr. Wilson, Hul- � n and ful of himself. He has two so � * tity of good fleece wool, for which n work, and : — I i
There were a great number prose. t, Dakota who are extensively engaged in pared 6 ay the very highest price in cash ; for part of the same lot, instead of W. Sheers is doing the maso
lett, nine steers, 12,350 Its. Win. Wil- - 11 kinds. Farmers will find Brus- Agnew; lot' 21, North Boundary, was Mr. .R, Gould is doing the carpenter Clinton. . � � :
. the little folks seemed to take much in e doing well �and also grai p ! a ,
I tbs. J. ' farming there and ar 'Ila I' 0 a good one for their wooli R. cliarged to :J. Thomson instead of J. work. 'It will be grand when finished. . . .
soIn Hullett, five steers, 6,9 terest in the particulars given of the sels �ket I I � Williams, having I
Mr.'McCann goes'to spend- the evening GRAUAllf. .0-13-4 —Dr.
Atcb,ewn, McKillop,. two steers, 2,7120 conditioniof the little heathen in foreign I . � � Weir; part of lot 24, North Boundary, --The foundation of the town hall is Tows DOTS. Police Magis-
nm. Thomas Fraser,: Stanley, three - - pf his life wiih them. . . I TiIE WEATHER.—The weather, ,�Iiich was taken from J. Thomson and charged built.—Dr. RolliDs, our popular Reeve, accepted the position of
: lands. In.the evening Mr. Goforth con I � — 1. I � ,
steers, 3,890 lbs.; one heifer, 1,480 e church � has Qn. very dry all through Mayt had to J. Weir at $250; lots 76, 77, 211, -1winerton were at Ot-, trate., has resigned the, office of Mayor.
Ms. I I and Mr. James ,S I I
ducted the usual service. � Th I . i I The nom ination to fill the vacancy takes
-kers mith, three . okersmith, I almost destroyed the drops; but the ) I
N.Vul. Chapm an., Tue. crowded. He had a 1couple of Tu I , and 212, Petty Is survey, Hen8all, were tmwa last week looking after Exeter's lace It is said that Mr.
. steers, 4,09Q_ ms. C. Lowrie, Hullett) was use long lo6ked -for rain came at last, and interest in the railway matters.—Scott. on Monday.
charts, on one' of which. i was shown, I HOUSE BURNED.—The dwelling lib taken .from J. Evans and assessed to �
- . � ' . - . will much improve the sprin opsi W. F . 36seph Whitehead will be elected by
six steers, 71 -,070-11)3. Joseph Atkinson) in diagram. form, I the respective of .1N1r. NVm. Sillery, on the 8th coi4ces . -, larison � the ownership of lot 265, Act court was held here on Friday laSt. . he sh oting match here
Tuckersmkh, one heifer', 1,400 Its. Wm. 4 ied sion of Tuckersmith, was! completely though too late for fall, grain. 61d. resi- M. S., Hensall, was changed from R. The adjourned cases against Mitchell, of. acclamation* —T 0
1jullett, five steeraj 6,110 tbs.; p6rtions of � the iworld -oce.p I � -say they never saw the nion fla of and Pe''Ine, of Zurich, were on Tuesday was not very successful, the
� Lowrie, by Christianized and- . uu6ristian- destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon dents ; Reynolds to J. Marshall; the firm of Crediton, L r. C. McIntosh hast weather being wet, gloomy and unfalvor%
one heifer, 1,050 lba.: Mrs. Martin, ized people, the former �a�pearing last. The fire originated with a spark May so dry and warm. —On Mon I - Durnert & 11ardy was changed to Dum- again adjourned. -4-M, able. —A lad named Harriott was firing i:
Rullett, two steers, 2,540 lbs. G. E. small indeed in. comparison to the from a pile of old rails and -other rubbish THE�; HALLIDAY FAMILY. ert & Wesloh ; and property in dogs traded his celebrated trotting horse� . off a toy cannon ou Queen's Birthda - .
Cresswell, Tackersmith, four steers, d near the house. day th6 council of Brussels assisW the was struck off from the assessment of "Rarus," to some famous horseman yy
_ Y burne . �
latter, thus Showing the great work which was being township of Morris in sending the Hal- when the: affair .burst, scatterin
4,520, IN4. Lg.ncelo;t Tasker, Hullett, -the whole Air. Sillery wa�' from home'at the time, ; the following persons: J. Bingey, A. near Parkhill. He received in return a . . * the
I that isyet to be done before - M der -over the boy's face, injuriDg
one ball, 2,230 lba.; oulle cow, 1,310 It)s-; world is , converted to Christ., The .,and there was no one in the house but liday family—mothei and two d�ugh MeTaggart, Rev. R. Godfrey and T. 2.28 trotter.—The Young en's'Liber�l. pow Considerably but not seriously.—
six steers, 8,270 Tbs 1 John Hinchley, . . A by paying, half Cousit. Lots were taken from the non. Conservative Club held a meeting on him
I t showed the �elati�e amounts ;
second char .Mrs. Sillery and the children, and' .�o the Northwe, -
ateers,'_ 7,940 lbs. Wm. ' I little of the effects were the fate. Some grood-bearted peo )le of Thursday evening, May 26th. Wonder' The Rev. Mr. Salton, of Goderich, for -
Hallett, Six � contributedbythe peoplefor intoxicating sequently very . � resident and placed to the credit of the
ullett, five steers, 6,310- . . as Brusseils also gathered something C keep . 5 now?—Mr. A, merly pastor of one',of the Methodist
Armstrong)- H liquors,tobacco bread,public amusements . saved, b the time the alarm � w They le following persons. West half of east what is in the 11 wind " ! . mt.rried on Tuesday -
il,s. John McDowell I M . Oigh- them i-vhile on ft b y half- of lot 5, concession 13, to W. H. Bailey., of St. Thomas, churches here, was
cKillop, three , ' &8d Kelp arrived fromthen� the road. as visiting in f
and foreign missillons. Ifis needless to say given an � I I laughter of Daniel
, ,John McArthur, Merner at $500 ; south half of north half town during the week. I
steers, 4,110 1T)S. ' ch hea&way stage for Wroxeter where they took the last to Miss Gordon, (
- ,
Morris, four steers '6.980 IN. John that the proportion was immensely bors, the fire had gained su Pacific Railway. . f lot 4, concession 16, to I. Miller at ' . —.---- ,� �: Gordon, Esq, of Goderich. The happy .
in favor of whisky and tobacco. Mr. 'that only a few things in the lower part Canadian Sunday communion 0 1 - :, . moon tri I p to Hug-
McLean, Tuckersmith,l ,one steer, 1,480 Goforth is a fluent, forcible speaker) of the building could be saved. Most of BRip"Ps. —Last 1 $500 ; and east half of lot 16, Lake I . Zurich. . Couple e a honey
Ib -i. John Shea, MoKillop, one bull., � were held in Melville clurch, Road East, to Peter Bowman at $1,500. 1 RETLTR.i.f.— About twelve land, wlere Mr. Salf'on's relatives re-
. . and, is intensely in earnest , and is the wearing apparel of - the fainili, to- services I I A M E A INT e.—Mr . a. Dixie Watson, formerly
100 1bg. D. D. Wilson, Seafortb, nine thoroughly posted in his subject. ' He gether with the bed-clothi�g.and �ther* the Rev. A. Stevenson, oI Molesworth, Moved and carried that Rev. T. Hauch olcloc� last Saturday night a trainp call- sid Regina is ,
steers, 11,141 lba. W Im, Fortune, Tuck- 4 —John Shaw, principal o our of Gode:rich, but now- of
made a good impression on his audience, household effects were upstairs, ': and assisting. be placed on the roll for income; W. ,ed at Mr. Wm. Voelker's house,and ask- at prose . n,t visiting friends in town.
ersinith, two steers, %250 lbs, The and his address will, no doubt, produce were destroyed. There was . also about school, who was ill for a few days, is all Hood as tenaut on part M. R., Hensall, 'elker: at,first
. was ood which had lbeen right'again.—E. & Wade also* again ed for lodgings. � Mr. Vo i bought —There w a
average price paid for these cattle good results. He goes as a missionary cords of w ' - . and J. Ortwain as tenant on- part of lot refused to'receive hini, as heI t chants ' and other business meu
about 41. cents per pound, but they were wood -shed or summer a after his a turn . Moved by Mr. mer �
lort� in the i use, aroun ttack of , infla atory 23' South Boundary. there was not rooF'n,but the maI pleaded
to China as soon as the Foreign Mission pile I 0 ; in town on Friday, � and the eneral
� I-arns re ( - albfleisch, seconded by h t length taken in. .
an exceptionally good lot. committee, can arrange to send him. consumed. The )nly a ishort rheumatism. —Brussels Court f Re K' fr. Heyrock,
- .- - . � so hard that he was a opinion amongst them - - - - -_ te that -
__ Mr. McKenzie addressed the Egnidnd-. distance from the house, and thewind vision will'be held on June 6 � only that the resident *and non-resident rolls He remained over Sunday and until Mon- the pedlar should go.—Many I readers
RAHAVAY M.&TTERS —At a meeting of ville congregation the same evening, and. was blowing in that di.,ection, so' that three appeals to be heard.—On M Dnday as now revised and corrected be the as- daymorning. On Monday morning Mr.. '
the Town Council hela on Monday last uch admired. at one time it was thong it certaia they ___ __ McArthur, of Morris, came near sessment rolls of the township of Hay Voelker, as is his custom, got up early will be much grieve4 to learn Of the
his address there was in illness of M : . James Biggins, of this
I :. . Jo fire P -
kg rdsolution was passed : I i w e losknll� his barn b%re. Th� for the year 1887, and that the Court of -
the followir I ould go too. But there was pleity of and waited a coilsiderable time for Mr.
That whereas ai deputation; consistia'a of I u ! le, but wais seen Revision be now closed. Tramp to get up also I , But failing to town. On Sa,turday night he was pros,
- ' 1 )) water, and by the heroic a d persistent Caught in'the mat but his '
ers LoCAIJ BuiEF,3. —If " A Hearer de- * . . trated by an ittack oi, paralysis;
- . . .
Messrs. Holmested, Ireland and oth . efforts of the neighbors who bad,, assem- in time to save the buildings; John COUNCIL M _EETiNa. —After the close put in an appiearance, Mr.: Voelker
wttited upoin the Council and urged the sires his communication 'published lie bled in large numbers, these were saved. Leckie, who has n tor r the of the Court of Revision -the council met called him to get up for breakfast. physicians d.'6 not consider his case
, ust comply with the� invariable rule dangerous, and we hope he will soon rt -
propriety of proclaiming the 21st of m The house was of log; but was 4 very Freehold Loan Company of T:)ronto ,
I � 'Winnipeg for
_. . and transacted the following business : Wis he refused to do and commenced
I June a holiday so as to fittingly Cole- aud send us his real name,',,, not for pub - . - for a me time, has gone to * 'abusing Mr. Voelker, using the most cover.—Mr. J. Curti; Stephenson, the,
lj�rjtte the Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen lication but as a guarantee of good faith good one of the kind, and the d4truc I nage Moved by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by ell -known Sabbat School worker�
- . tion of' the wearing apparel and b , ding the summer In their Mr. Surerus, that the proposal of Mr. J. obscene and abominable language. At w . h
- V otoria, ere- —Mr. Jas. Watson W'puFchased a lot' i er 11 goes to Chicago this week as a delegate
! _re ommitee be will be a severe loss to Mr. Sill and farms in the Northwest.—H. J. White- ac man,agent of the anada ompany, last he got up, and" as soon as. he came to the International Sabbath School
with that the following C from Mr. James Beattie, +djoining the 6�ce of . ly, w 0 has been in the employ of A. . out of his room he �attacked Mr. Voelk6r
viz: The Mayor, Deputy grove, and is having �Iae �naterial laid his family. There was an insuro §� and who was teacher of our band, in regard .the expenditure of the money I Convention being held there.—Mr. .Cor -
appointed, I $300 on the *house and I content , and Goo , d although he wap
%Xeve, It. W'ilson, T. Smith, and L, down for the erection o� a neat residence. ' emove Seaforth. Harry is a char ed said Company in commutation most savagely, __ bett, the Returning Officer for Wot
I � . . hile this will be a great assistance it has epted. A numer- thrown upon r� thi� floor several time'� '
act in conjunction with a —Mr. David Donovan has sold hi8 hand -f: w citizen. —Queen's Birthday assed fo� statute labor, be, acc, I Huron at the last election, has now 0
Murplay, to . ill not nearly cover the loss' suist%in ed. good P .t. otisly signed petition from Dashwood, during the tu,ssel which ensued, he re -
.ie so,ne - living . . . I i 0 - - ,8
('mantittee of citizens, to make all ti and reliable family amd d I w very quietly in Brussels. r ci i ceived the funds to pay the deputip
s for fittingly mare'to Mr. John Idington, barrisler, of COU.10011, Doi.N(,s._The council -met on off respecting the .appointment of another fused to give up until a couple of the and other election expenses.—Mr. .
� I em to have lost their 1 .
nuce,mary arrangetuent . D. M c __ the 23rd inst., all the members present. Zens se in .pathmastek in place of C. Miller, was neighbors came in, when he hastily took
. .
culelyra,ting the Queen's Jubilee and Stratford, for $IW.—Rev. A. . . bs advertised were tendered The.measles are still raging . - Floody is the delegate from here to t 10
-Lt one hundred dollaT be and are -Donald left here on Monday for Toronto, qrs granted. The Reeve, Mr.. S ' Rannie, his departure, Mr. Voelker ot a war
All the jo I I Orange Grand Lodge; meeting now bei 19
th, A- for add let at about thes'ame rates as —Our cattle dealers, Mes. - rom Mr. Welth and i town fatheO
s a meeting of the For- . � ; been was authorized to get the necessary re rant for his arrest f
herelyy granted to assisyt'in paying the where he attend. 0 Gov nlock and Joseph Clegg, have $5. Tba held in Brockville.�The -
0 : "that the . - formerly. Moved by W.,(,'. Brook'dfoot, .. e old pairs done on . the town hall before the bad him hauled up and fined� - . DO
w.-cessary expenges andL Maydr eign Mission Committee of the Piesby shippiDg some very fine, cattle to �11 � are anxious to have % new road ope .. I
is-3ite his' p oclaination proclaiming the terian church, and on- next Monday he seconded by D. McIntosh$ that the fol- . . 20th of June next. Moved. by Mr. ungrateful wretch should havIdbeen well Halstead farm, in the � .
r for country markets the past week pr two through the
Dr. Colemv�n Toronto for Winnipegto attend -lowing accounts bepaid: G. Story I Kalbffeisch, seconded by Mr. Surerus, flogged. . ship of Goderich, to the b e over t .
*!I.,t of June a holiday. leaves - culvert, . frorril this stationi—The Messrs.'; Smith '25 be . ORI-rool) NOTES.—Uiiion meet- ridg I
two % on concessions 8 a d I 1, l)us that the sum of 5 grantI -to the NE-IGHB I Maitland river to township of Colbo
Mid 1). 1�. Wilson- who had. been at the meeting of the Presbyterian General $6.00; Wm. Sillery, covering cu ert on Brothers are y i at their new laniDg pathmaster8 of . Zurich for �iepairing ings are now in progress among the
0ttavva oil nvilwayi'natters) handed in a Assembly.—About 100 applicants -will mill.—Dr. Graham, BL Sparling and and offer $200 to msist the townsli
I . writtvii report. The report contained write here for second and third-class cer- .concession 8, $1.00 ; A. Mustard, rock sidewalks, and also the sums of $255 and . members of tbe Baptist denominatio-n Council ,to purchase right of way . I
er Hughes, cul- Nym. Martin have started operations on -
II ; . Pet . $3 to Bensall and Dashwood, respec- here,� atid they are being largely attend-
11"thim, definite. There are now two tWcates, and neatly the same number at elm pla,nk, � , . their brick dwellings, which when corn- .. The by- ed. ev. J. ill. Hauch, of Listowel, construct such ,a road. The prop I.
0 . - ok as if the vert on concession 4, L .; It. S., $2 . 00. . tively, for the same purpose t R road would open more direct conain '
, leted -will be ornaments to the village, I
"Clivilles seeking in,corp6ration in which Clinton, This does not lo
t1li.q section is somewhat intere . sted. teaching profession, is likely soon to be- -The council then adjourned and met P law prohibiting cattle and ;Aeep from - lere visiting his. .
. . __ ' with Mrs. Hatich are I cation with the town for rnany of fts
, 26,th as a court of re�,ision. a — Sunday, T) 0 -
—Dr. Coleman and, again on the , . � running at large on the highway wa . parents, They will remiain over - era and 1, the in A
' .
' I'liv one is a, proposed road between come depopulated. 0 Members were present xcept � Blyth. ing � splen read a third time and signed andsealed. and Mr. Hauch will likely preach in the best custom I noney offe
. would be ea ,
ma�g,wa. Fedls and Woodstock via Hani� Mr. 1). D. Wilson returned fr'ni Ottawa All the profitably invested if its M,
, ', - duly swo MET 'ALF, of Blyth, is Fhow -
Mr. McLean, and being n, the C �J� A few accounts were I passed, when the Evangelical church.—Mr. John Wil
- iftotiand Brantford with an extension on Saturday night last.—'Mr. Itobert did stock of new Watches and Jewel . Th . - . siting his parents and the desired result. —Mr. Albert To - '
to ,8,t. MtLrys via.. Enibro, and from Abraham, who hoas'been workinc, at the appeal of James Landsbotough gainst priceh are so. low that thev must sell. it is k council adjourned to ,meet, again on liarns� has , of Goderich township, who was iso
� 0 the assessment of his real property as wo h- how �Ietcalf can afford t') Thu . rsday, August 4th, at 10 a, in. other friends in the vicinity of Montreal. end Is
ti..II-11ce to sonie point on Lake fluron be- shoenit6kingbusiness here for some yea,rs nder to everybo( . t Ot severely injured some months ago
A - J being too high, was considere , and 8,11 Wall' Paper so, cheap. We believe be sell i i On his clown trip be stopped Off a - �
tweell llayfiehl and Kincardine. The has gone t� Bay City, licbigan,.—In the was mo v,ed by morc:than any other iikan in the couilty, thab anosh'. tawa and attended several pitting's of falling limb was in town a few days 0
'% vf this zsclienie say it- will be last� issue of the Pembina I�ioneer Press after.due exaniination, it 1011 East Waw and seems to be thoroughl recover I
1-1"olll(ltel�a . . I -reason. I - y I
. I
Ofy'llpleted to the lake within Aliree we notice the folloNviog .- " R. H. Young N"V-m. Elgie, seconded by D. McIntosh, must.' 1)e the G.S.—Mr. Alex. Ding- the Dominion Parliiment, 4nd ba& a _-, ;
. � LOCAL HAPPENIN , -+----- ;
.. . that the assessment appealed 4gmnst by LOCAL CITAT. —Petitions are in circu- around thq magnificent i i
Y-vartq, but the route it,will ta,ke between and - wall is on the sick list this weeik and so general look 'in
family left for Minneapolis on lation forAhe,purpose of stopping haNvLc I He al 4 ej
` t. Nlarys . dnesday's train. - Mr. Young ba4 Mr. Landsborough be not reducod any qud tb -1 is Mr. James Rath.—Miss Sm'rah Wal- Parliament buildings. P:o enjoyed —An unusual wedding took pla,c
'S and tile lake is as yet unde- We - 0 . . . � I Toronto last Monday night, when!,*
. � � 0
�t izen from what it is entered on the roll�—Car- ers and peddlors from going aro , lace, of Morris, was visiting triends in the honor, by permission of' thge mein- I
, ft , tiv,l and the delegation failed to get any I been a prominent and respected cit sed ried. I James Swan applied to la�ve his county. From all accounts ey ar - . , , of sitting in the GovernorwGeneral's Church street laundryman of the
.Sati-,baetory assurance on that point. and he and Mrs., Young v. -ill be mis week.—Mr. k6be�rt Me- bers . �
'owan a ) . ,
I of a May name entered on the roll as owne � of lot beiug-largely signed.—A. Lawre ce e t G awanosh last - 14 head . , 'tail lZersuasion, named Fong Tang, 0
r, old to Mr. E. Watson
Thv sevond scheme is an extension in social and religious ci,reles. . Southern States the other day, chair. He ret�rned home on Tuesday ried to Sada Mc8mber,& oung E
from a -,Nlr. Young is 13, Arn-18trong's survey, Brucefiold, in for the 840 a head.—Mr. having enjoyed the round trip immense- mar y
it,,vv ro*Ll that is, being'built pros erity attend them." lish girl, the ceremony being perfo
. P G�ordon, which was! grant- where lie intends starti�g a furn,iture of beef cattle realizing , Ls Rolosky arrived home
Pacific ltailwk . F. G'. Sparling, of this place of Peter i ed the games held ly.—Mrs. Cyru. I I .
Iv,itit on the Canadian . -1y a brother of Mrs In � ' Upshall, of Cliato'n, is John Dingwall attend a visit to by a west end .Methodist clergy
.'Ve ,Vy ed. Aloved by Wni..Etg'ie sec6nded by busine'ss.—Mrs. . 0 _Jj � to
. lvendles eastof (,Lielph to that city, town. He goes to Minneapolis', here & &88e6smeut� in town.—Mrs.and Miss Ella McKinnon in Listowel and succeeded in gaining a all safe on Saturday from .
The pro- he has started a neat,and well conduct. W. G. Broadfoot, that . 'I —Jas. Hackstep number of prizes amounting- in all to $15. friends in Huron county, Michigan.—Mr. 'Tis thus the" Heathen Chinee 91
to Lake Huron at Goderich. alled I I The Metho-. roll as Low amended, be adopted as the. . are'visiting in Paisley. - N,ying, of Waterloo, is just now the evidence of rapidly becoming adapted t'
. illotors, of both these schemes claim to ed religious journal c' -alit has moved his barber shop to the Con- —Mr. Hugh Ross delivered to Mr. D. A', 'Mr. Charles Brill, his brother- the usages and customs of civilw4
lie backed up by the Canadian Pacific dist Herald." We wish our old friend revised assessment of this muniqip . __ ie Shaw, drover, Wingham) 5 head of beef guest of
an& cour tral hotel.—Mr Thos. Richardscn,wbi one of Mr. H. society. I 1
Itailway, bnt which has the best chances much success in his new and more im- for the year 1887—Ca.rriedy 00 pounds and in-law. —On Monday Ia4t , z
. .
of tin,al success it. is, impossible at present portant field of labor.— r. Wm. out� . closed. The council then met Aor .th in town the other day gatheringaggs for cattle weighing 7,3 . . . ;
0 .. .
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,mbroideries, Floundup
. .
1 � S11kG11Dves,.;C0tt0a, "CaI
: ' .
411a I .i
to 11TO81 , "
. Lig . ..
- I
Falley Flushesi , NeNy Muslin., �
Buttons) etc., I - .
. �
—AT THE— .
Chdap Cash Stor
f go"' an dl Cio
ti ffm . �
. :
� Carduo,a Block, Seaforth,
I � .
i .
� �— I
. I
WC)ITT-0--m- i
I - 1
1 Agents f or B u t. tei ick "S Reliabl�
Faherns. . -
_-Over . twenty registered lettel
Itolen. from tho lvlotAreal N
� .
� Monday. * I
' —The Wimbledon rifle tela
, 1�
from Quebec for E'ngland by ti I
ian on the 23rd inst. I
—Mr. Thomas Caldwell, a '�
. sursery man,, Aled ,6n Sunday..
. Poisoning through a wound from�
- g
.Wd wasthe cause. � - ;
I ; . c urc
—The ladies ; 0 , I '
ardine, recently presented. Mri
� I Murray with an elegrant and
, Bmssels carpet 4 for the manse,
T The,presentation, was a surPrlrie
much appreciated. I
, .
—An insect haii attacked thir
. *berq plant in inany parts of I
Ojita:rlo, -with .the most misc
effbot. If something is not ,L
ehook its Career: this luscious
. likely to bea scarce article. thh;
I —The execution of the Gerina,
,oh, took place at Pembroke on �'
morning. In a quarrel with a. t(
his in October last, Gogrolin str
� woman on the head with a. stick i
,� musing her death in. a few minu
� —John Mulaculay, of Vanauley,
. Toronto, had his arm. taken
. train at Stratford on SaI
r 'Mulealty is a tailor, and stole- a'
I st, Marys on Friday in hope -of 7
; work. Not getting any lie -
I '
; ba,ok to Stratford, and when at' I
; �
; to board one of the box ex
- I �
. freight train slipped and fell.
� ,-. pseed over his right arm, ma 1
z - I
� io badly that it- will have to I
t I I
I i
L tated. . �
� —While out boating on the, -
i . I
I r-enoe, below Ogdensburg on. I
� lut, Wm. Phillips, of Ne -
� n
� .
6, Am6ricau mana of the I
. Pr
i Press Associat'
� I ion, anti ChU
� fleorge, of Ottawa,- Canadian I
E Of the same association, were �
� �Y a passing �:steamer and ..('
� �_
I 11oth men. were strong fiwimn
: . Were forced to succumb to the
: i0ter keepin �
- g ulp for about half I
7 Nth were w4l-known journ,
: both the United States and I
- .
I They were len, route to ottav
E Oeorge w �
� ,
E . as formerly connected I
I . Watreal Herald. At the tinj
� death he held � I
I positi,on on �
[� of the Ottawa Flaree P �
P Mpss.
I I—David Ch Imers, of Owei I
I h&VIngobtaine extensive cout
P`-vin4 sidewalks in Toronto,
U TorontoI an opport,
M-9 the magnificent flag
from the quarries near -Owe)
. A scot-chman, who has�
` lifetime in the flagging
V18iting the quarries a few -d;
. Said they w superior U,
1, ere far -
- quaTries Of 'Cairtilness, scotland�
ed to be the best in the worlil, .
4re practically -unlimited. It i
'a to introduce the stone,
%Joraite .
jo,Cspecies of mague
Stfte, in hic-ago where it iE
'there will I I
. � . be a large demand f�
� 44touched b� frost, and th, e. -,
in Chicago chips and crad,ks .
action. : I
-------- *_
—Last )1101a4ay evening as;
fron, Ea -.t
') Wawanosh was ,
A l`Ome frona NNtingham � 3
1-1 . , - , after ;
vown ail day and not bchi-�
evenly balat, ' r!
Ced was passing ii
W- Ohapin&n14 tannery, anti ti
-had conle to the place when �
turns to go to Lower Winj
tlltned thle horses towards �
almd,weut dr,1 . -
. I ving on as though,
., I
"'the "n tre of the ro,,-.(l ��c
t�rPrise the horse.,j anti *Ava �
'aOwu the Steep 91
- er, Aiaij 110; ; embankiii-ent (
into oubt would bave I
� the Water had. not tile 111
,'NO,11 caught On a 'Stump.
a J
Ueture 'alaother East Wawc,].
Wat PM - .
. sing and being of a fri
P081tilDri '
. 11.f.I ealne to the rescue of,
'late birother, and i a
I . tais �_ t h Were On their honn),'el