HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-05-27, Page 7- MAY 27 1887. THE HURON EX.POSITOR - 7 Fashion. BY FEENEY WARD BRECIIRR. I have been asked, and several times, to write upon the subject a tall bonnets and upon the slaughter of birds for the sake of ornamentation. I take this pub- lic manner of refusing to do any such thing. It is true that both are bad, and one of them outrageous. But what of that ? The public attacking fashion is modern imitation of Don Quixote attack- ing a windmill -or, as it Would be in this case, the windmill attacking Don Quixote. Preaching agaitist &Aiwa has been the stern amusement of the pulpit for hundreds of years. What hat: ever been gained? It is true that Friends, called Quakers, adopt absolute simpli- city as a badge of certain religious be- liefs, and that primitive Methodism had for one of its requirements the rejection of all armaments. This is very different from preaching or writing against ex- travagance. The protests, were react- ions. They were part of an organized reformation of the whole life, and not a mere change of fashion. It was part of an intense and general religious move- ment, made up ef deeper impulses than those of mere taste in a,ppa.reaand plain- ness itself becomes, in a sort, the symbol of beauty. Fashion is fickle, fantastic, changeable and often destructive of taste or beauty. But these are the imperfections of fash- ion. It is in itself rooted in some of the strongest elements of human nature. The sense of the beautiful is stronger in woman than in, man. The desire �f be- ing attractive, the quick sense of what will be attractive, are especially_ asthma - tial. It is true that the woridds great artists have been men and not Women. It is not any the less true that women are, more tham men, influenced by the sense of the beautiful. In, woman it fol- lows her genius for do • esticity. It creates order and good taste in homes, it reffites conduct, it biossorisin apparel, regulates etiquette, and everywhere in the realms of home seeks to secure ele- ments of the beautiful. In man, on the contrary!, the inspira- tions of beauty -fill a widea sphere, re- present intellectual demerits, or aim at moral grandeur at one extreme,or -robust and masterful passion on the other ex- treme. Men represent strength, vtemen attrac- tiveness ; the one buildEi, the other decorates; men seek to 'produce the beautiful, women to be themselves beau- tiful. The masculine and the feminine are as marked in the realm of the beau- tiful as in bodily organization. The wonderful exception to thia rule of nature is found among birds. The female is unadorned, without glow of color, without song, plain and unattrac- tive. It is the male bird that weaves the rainbow, and fills the fields with music. It will be all in vain for Ethe pulpit to inveigh against fashion with any hope of suppressing it It may be eorrectedaed- ucatecl, but never stippressed. Neither ridicule nor reasoning will prevent the flow of that stream, whose fountains are deep and organic. Newspaper essays, sermons, lampoons, epigrams, fall upon fashion as dew upon a sleeping lion. Fashion springs from a necessity of be- ing attractive ; in part alto, but far less, from a relish of the beautiful and from the imitative faculty and_ the love of change a.ndE novelty. These fermi con- stitute, if not the deepest and strongest, yet the most excitable and active of the forces of the mind. Fasbioir is an efflor- escence of taste,of sympathy) of the love of pleasing, and the hunger for admir- ation. It is not a mere surface peculiar- ity. One may destroy this particular fashion, hut not fashion itself. One Good Woman. Catherine L. Wolfe, of New York city, is dead That bare announcement will carry anguish to thousands of hearts through the length and breadth of the land, and. dim with tears thousands of eyes that never looked upon her face. Her life was one long benediction ; _her death is little less than a public calam- ity. Goodness was born in her, and her pathway through life was rich in every blessing. Born and reared among the rieh and great, inheriting wealth beyond the dreams of avariceawhile maintaining her station with generous and honorable liberality, it was in the homes of the poor that she shone like an angel of light scattering blessings with a lavish hand,.and never wearying in her bounty. Other women there have been in our country who enjoyed great wealtWand had unbounded opportunity, but no woman in our history, for charity and wealth conjoined, will- bear comparison with her. The late Mrs. Morgan, whose 'marvellous collection of pictures and bric-a-brac brought over a million dol- lars, in early life had felt the pinching pangs of poverty. The widow of the late A. T. Stewart was the daughter of a well-to-do merchant, but the Clinches were far from rich. One would have thought that their natural affiliations would have been with thepoor. They both died worth, many millions: each had a splendid collection of pictures; but they passed away leaving no ehari- teble record behind them. The grass is scarcely (Teen upon their graves, and New Yorlk forgets that they have ever been. Not so with Catherine Wolfe. The blessednets of her life is glorified in her death, and she lives for all time by her generous benefactions among those who have earned the city's undying grati- tude and love. Her collection of pic- tures, donatecl to the Metropolitan Art Museum, are worth fully a million of dollars ; but her splendid example will be worth many mullions more to our children and our children's ehildren for all time. It ie not often that such an assemblage rs called together as that which stood around the bier of this dead saint. The wealth represented there was not far from- a thousand millions, and among them all there was not mere cold conven- tional eourtesy,but pme unfeigned grief, which none sought to hide. The task imposed (rpm Bishop Potter was pitiful in the extreme. The inanimate clay be- fore him had been to hills a dear daugh- ter -a loving sister -a constant friend ; and as he read the beautiful litany of the dead, tears blinded his eyes and grief choked hie utteranee. The tears of the seri-awing priest were contagious, and in alt the vast multitude there was scarcely a dry eye. If it be possible that the Spirits of the departed take cognizance of what passes here, she could wish for tio holier tribute than that with which lowing hearts laid her to rest. The bit- terest toss falls upon the poor. What he did. for them will never be known until the Lamb's Book of Life is opened, and°the widow and the orphans -whom she succored .stand as her attesting wit- neHseg before the Great White Throne. Though done withlaltering hand and heavy heart ; it is nevertheless a gracious and holy teak to write the obituary of one of whOna nothing can be said but goad. She never married. The mother- ly love with, which her heart abounded was expended on the children of others, but who reMernber her name with bless:- ing. In the language of our own sweet poet Whittier: "0 well she kept her genial mood, And simple faith in maidenhood. Before her still the cloudla.nd lay, The mirage loomed across her way ; The morning dew that dries tio soon With others, glistened to her noon." And it lasted undimined till the glory of her setting sun. Jus,t in life, just in death, there will be noaunseemly contest over the disposition of her vast posses- sions. The [church she loved so . well was bountifully remembered. ' Her im- mediate relatives all received their dues with interest the peer were remember- ed to the amount of tens of thousands; and: the city, enriched by her liberal bounty, will bless her name for ages yet to come. Interesting Bits. At the October meeting Of the Bos- tonian Society two Bibles and a ielvet tuit once _belonging to John Hancock were among the treasures oil exhibition. The Bibles were curious iu various re- spects, chiefly perhaps in that one had written on the fly -leaf a formal contract providing for its safe return, it being loaned to a clergyman, then chaplain of a regimeut at the castle, who wished the use of it during his stay at the island in that capacity. The other had on its fly- leaf the, written inscription,- "Thou shalt not stealesaith the Lord." It is really startling, says a Western papdr, to consider how muchunhealthier the masculine portion of the State of Kansas is than the feminine. It has al- ways been supposed that the women were the -weaker sex, and that they suf- fered infinitely more than the men from the tlis to which human .flesh is heir. The records of a McPherson drug store, however, reveal the -alarming fact that four hundred and eighty men during one mo tie were afflicted with diseases which req ired the use of alcohol in some form, whi e only ten women during that time wer sufferers. ' 1 - , Aigood story is told of an interview of the !Hon. W. H. H. Bingham with one of the State boarders at WindsOr. Some of the prisoners were at work lathing theguard-room during a recent offiCial visit of the "Governor," and the latter' was anspectiag the progress of the work. After contemplating the process for a few minute, Governor Bingham re- rnarked : "See here, my man, you are laying those laths too- near together); that sort of work will never do." The prisOner calmly laid down his iMple- meets, and said: "Govetnor, I am -willing to be turned off and discharged if my work don't suit; I never applied for this job or the situation, and if my work isn't satisfactory I am willing to quit" The offer was not accepted. - Montpelier, Vermont, Journal. i . By the death of the Marquis of Ailes- bury his son, young Lord Savernake, becomes the owner, not only of a -large. estate, but also of eleven livings of the Church of England. The new Marquis is described as a notorious frequenter of- cencert saloons and the betting rings - "a Cross between a professional pugilist and a betting tout" This is the sort of person who, under the curious regula- tionby which the affairs of the English' Established Church are directed, be-- com a the owner_of eleven pulpits and the reyenues that support them,. with pow r to sell the same and to fitl them by iis own ' nomination. -- New York Times, -IA clergyman writes to the Boston Advertiser that he recently preached in one of the oldest churches in the! " old " city of London. As he entered the pore 1 he wasl met by a rotund and .dig-,nifie beadle, who led him to the vestry- roon , and, pointing to two decanters), said,: " Will you take sherry or port, sir ?a The parson smiled at, not with, the beadle, who then explained that abodt three hendred years ago a good wordan of the parish, dying, left a cer- tain sum for the purchase " of wine aral sweetcakes for the clergy," and since that time wine and cakes have been reg- alarly supplied at each service. I should define a great man as a little man great in spots. From Father Adam and Mother .eve to Abram and Isaac and Peter and Paul and Luther and Calvin and John Knox; from Socrates to Bac- on; from Raphael to Turner; from Calsar to Grant; from Cicero to Glad- stone ; and from David to Tennyson - you find skulls that are of irregular con- struction -valleys 'mid hills, picturesque and yet rugged. Men, to, frequently use their weaknesses as instruments of strerigths aficl thus, like Peter, become great. Thus greatness may become the wise use of littleness. -The Rev. Dr. Talmage has been chosen as the, orator of Deeorttion day at New Yorit '. -Detroit printers, members of the Typographical Union, the . other day; helped to swell thefund for building a home for age and infirm printers, /each - adding the mace received for 1,000 ems composition, about $160 in: all, to the. $10,000 jointly contributed in June last for that purpose by George W. Childs, of the Philadelphia Ledger, and A. J. Deexel, the Quaker City banker. ' -Tho Paterson Iron Works in New Jersey were tptally destroyed by fire on Friday night, lath inst. The loss is be- tween $250,0Q0 and $:300,000 and the in- surance $75,000. The, chief owner, Charles D. Beckwith, Mayor of Pater- son, was just beginning to make the works pay after years of hard struggle. - He will rebuild. 4 Free Gift. , Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a medical guide and recipe book containing useful information, over 200 recipes, and pro - 'lammed by doctore and druggists as worth ten times the eost of the medicine. Medicine and book Si. Sold la- I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. r 966.5-2w. Aye's Sarsaparilla ! • Has such coneeptrated, eurativepower, that it is by far the leiet, cheapest, and surest blood purifier knowq. 969.52w . ;Baldness May be avoided by the use of Hall's Hair Re- newer, whic-h prevents the falling out of the hair, and stimulates it to renewed growth and luxuriance. It eestores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and cures nearly every dis- ease'Of the scalpii 969.52w . , Advice to Mothers. - Are you disttubed and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. Its value is incalculable. It t will relieve the poor little s erer immediately. Depend upon it, mother; here is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery nd diarthoaa, regu- lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to he whole system. "Mrs. Winslcav's Soothing Syrup" for children teething Is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription- of one of the oldest and best female physicians arid nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fot "Mee. Wusseow's SOOTHING Smut.," and take no other kind.966.1V. _ C_ onsumption Cured. An old physiciararetired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remed , for the speedy and permanent cure of Consum tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radic I cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou Joni - plaints, after having tested its wonderful cunt tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hie ' duty to make it known to his suffering fellowE. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of chargo, th all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with • full directions for preparint• and using. Sent by mail by addressing wite stamp, namin. this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester N. Y. 938-26 eow Stratford, Aug. 8th, 1885. About three years ago I was laid u with bronchitis, and for six months was unable to do anything. Four bottles of Dr. Jug's Medicine com- pletely cured me, and my. healt has been first-rate ever since, 1 fact I never felt better in my life. W. H. Magee, G For sale by all drugtri` TsiRWorks, Stratford. s. R. 967.52.2w. An Open Letter. [ November 25th, 1886. Messrs. T. Milburn St Do., I wish I had used B B. B. sooner, which would have saved me years f suffering with erysipetaa from which I could g t no relief until I tried B's B. B., which soon eared away the itching, !burning rashthat h d so long distressed mei Mrs. Edward Romkey Eastern Passage, Halifax N. S. 1007.52.2wr Useful to Know. Mrs. John Siddell, • Orton, Ont., was afflicted for years with contrac ion of the bronchial pipe, and tightness of the chest. She was cured bt the internal and exter al use of Hagyard's Yel low Oil. This reined , cures rheumatism, neu ralgia, inflammation, ongestion, and all externa an internal pains. 1 7.52.2w. Sudden Di appearance. ify face was cover° with sores, arising fro bad blood. By the se of three bottles of Bur dock Blood Bitters IA as completely cured. R E. Sinclair; of, Port B rwell, Ont. 1007,52.2w. - Off ork. 11 For two years I e as not able to work, bein troubled with dyspeps a. One bottle of Burdocl Blood Bitters relieve nie ; threebottles cure me as well as ever. J hn . A. Rappell, of Farm ersville, Leeds Co., 0 t. 1007.52.2w. [ A Go d Test. What .everyone sayts must be true, or hai some foundation at I4st, and everyone who ha, tested it, says that ayard's Pectoral )3alsam i a prompt and rehaible cure for the various throat and lung tro hies cause by colds, which are always prevalent at this season of the year. 1007.52.2w. . 4.ee"",ti Liable th Happen. . Sudden attacks of cOlds, sore throat, croup, -swollen glands, rheum tisni, neuralgia, and simi- lar troubles, are veiy liable during the winte and early spring. A a prompt remedy there ca,n nothing .excel YelIlow Oil. I never feel safe to be wittiotit it, sa -s Mrs. Henry Dubbs, of 13erridale, Ont. 1007.. es2w, Catarrh -a Iew 'Treatment. 1 Perhaps the most e -traordinary success tha has been achieved in ipodern medicine has been attained by the Dixoitl Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients it eated during the past sie months, fully ninety p r cent, have been cured of this stubborn 'naiad . This is none the les - startling when it is re embered that no five'pe Tent. cif patients pres ntine themselves to th regular practitioner re benefitted, while th patent medicines an other advertised cure never record a cure a all. !Starting with th claim now genet -3.11y b lieved by the most scicn tifieimen that the disc. se is due to the presort° of lering parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon a once adapted his cure to their extermination ehis accomplished, he laims the Catarrh is prae Meetly cured, and the ermanency is unqyestion td, as cures effected 1)31 him four years ago ar cures still. No one elhe has ever attempted t Cure Catarrh in this 'Winner, and no other treat relent has ever cured Catarrh. The applicatio of the remedy is sintple, and can be done a home, and the present -season of the year is th most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treat ,rnent. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. 11. =DIXON & SON, 395 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, arid enclose• stamp for thei treatise on Catarrh.-Montr eat Star, Novembe 17.1887,i ' ; 882-52 Fever colic; u nn atii rat appetite, fretfulness, weakness, and convulsions, are some of th effects of worms in children ; destroy the ivorin with Dr: Low's Worm Syrup. .1007.52in. Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat, nettle rash, scaley eruptions, itch, and ell dis- eased conditioris of the skin. 1067.52me • The hectic thigh, pale hollow cheeks and pre - 'carious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually re- move them. 1007.52ni. " What is McGregor's Speedy Cure for ?" It is for dyspepsia, liver complaint, indigestion, biliousness, and it is the finest blood purifier in the world to -day. " Does it give satisfaction ?" We cannot point to one instance where it did not. "'Where does it have the largest sale?" Right in the city of Hariiilton, where it is manufactured, there has been oyer one thousand dollars' worth sold in the last year's retail,and th'e great .majority of the sales are by one recoil:, mending it to another. For 'sale at 50c and .eisl per bottle by Luinsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 964.52w. National Pills are sugar-coated, mild but thor- ough,. and are the best stomach and liver pill in USO. 1007.52m. Reader,in informine you of this wonderful remedy for coughs. colds, asthma, bronchitis, 'consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that we are doing you a great kindness, as if you have any of the above com- plaints, if you will only try it will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Ask for McGregor's Lung .compound. Price 50e and 51 per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 964.52w. Reasonsieshy you should purchase Fluid Light- ning in. 'reference to all other remedies arc: Rapid result -cures instantly. It is easily ap- plied -no trouble -no lost time. It does not re- quire constant use -one applioation is effectual. One bottle will remove more pain than any other remedy in existence. Try it. for neuralgia, toothache, headache, rheumatism. Sold at 250 a bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Sea - forth. 964.52w. %SU PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescriptionof a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect suceese- by • over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies risk your dreg - gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- e age for sealed particulars. Sold by , all druggists, S1 per box. Address TIIE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.,. Detroit, Mich. ZH-Sold in Seaforth by Lurnsden & Wilson, I. V. Fear, and by Druggists generally. 969-52 KIPPEN MILLS. The undersigned having.purchased the Kippen Mills, is prepared to MAKE A SPECIALTY OF GRISTING &CHOPPING Having secured the services of a first-clasa Miller, wiThendeavorto give the best of satisfaei tion to customers. D. B. McLEAN, Kippen, Ont, ' 10094.f. . . . BOOTS AND SHOE. Spring Goods. Fresh Artival Qf Nevi As all iny stock If Boots and Shoos is fresh from the manufaeturers, you may expect ood value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful. Give m a call and judge for yourselvea. CUSt m Work Itkfarrantell. flqaairl'rig Promptly Attended to E. LA'i'.11.1ER Main Street, Seaforth. Y _ . e Fir* Si 40 Of fai1iig healthewhether in the form of Night \treats and Nervousness, or in a sense o General Weltriness and Loss pf Appetit, should sug-gestthe use of tye 's Sarsapa illa. This prepatatiod is m skt effectiv for giving tone - and st ength to the afeebled system, promoti g the digcstioi and assimilation of food, -est it . Mg thel nervous forces to their nornal condition, and for purifying, enr chin' and vitelizing the_blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I was t oubled with a distressing ough, Night weats, Weakeess, and Netvous- ness. I tried various remedies prestribed by different physicians, but became so • weak t at I could not go up stairs' with- out stopping to rest.- ,My friends recom- mended me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I aminow as heidthv and strong s ever. -Mrt. E. L. Wilrialus, Alexan ria, Miuu. I hav used Ayer's iSarsaparill„n my family, or Scrofula, and know,if it is taken f ithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicat this terrible disease. I h ve al o preserib d it es a tonic, as well as fin a1ter ative, a i d must say that 1 honestly-1)611ml) It to b the best blood medicine ever compou ided.e---W. F. Fowler, D. D. ., M. D., I reenville, Tette.. yspepsia Cured, It wo Id be impostible for me to de- scribe 1- hat I sufferea from Indigestien and He dache up to the time I began taking yer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the car - cif various physicians and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never o tained more than temporary re. lief. A ter taking Ay r's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disappeared, and my toinach performed its duties mote perfectl t To -day my health is cora- pletely estored.-Maay Harley, Spring- field, 31. ss. I ha been greatla benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaphrilla. Jt tones and invigorates the system, regulates the action of the digestive and assimilatite organs, and vitalizes ; the blood. It ia, without doubt, the Most tenable blood purifier yet discovered. -II. D Johnson, 383 Atlantic ave., Broeklyn, N. T. • Ayr's Sarsaparilla Prepared bylDr. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, ?Lail& rice 81a six 'bottles, 85. he A petite any bel increased, the Digestive orgai s stronga ened, and the Bowels regelatea, by takieg Ayer's Pills. These Pills a e purely 'Vegetable in their composition. They co dein neither caloniel nor any otl4r danger° s drug, and may be taken with 'Perfect afety by persons of all ages. wes a great sufferer [from Dyspeps a, and .Constipation. 1 had no appet[tt., became greatly debilitated, and was co 1 - tautly ffacted with Headline and Dizzi- ness. I consulted our family doctor, who prescril ed for me, at various times, with- out afro -ding more than temporary relief. I finall commenced taking Ayer's Pills. In a eh rt time my digestion and appetite IMPROVED - my bevels. were -regulated, and, by the time I finished two. bastes of these Pills My tendene r to headaches had ditappeared, and I -became strong 'and Well. -Dan s M. Log: u; Wilmingtoa, Del. I was troubled, ferl over a year, with Lots of Appetite, an..1 General Debility. comm "iced takindg yer's Pills, and, be- ferefini •hing halt a bax of this medicine, my app tite and streegth were restored. O. Clark, Daubuty, Coen. 1 Aver's Pills are thebest mediciUe known to Inc for regulating the bowels, end for 'al diseases caused by a disordered Sloe -mei -..and Liver. 1 suffered- for over.. three -3- Ars with Headache, iniligestimi, • and Cm stipatiou. I had no a.ppetite, and was we. k and nervous most of the time. . • BYUSING three b xet of Ayer's Pills, and, at the Same ti m dieting myself, I was com- pletely ured. My digestive organs are now in oral order, aed I am in perfeet health. Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kans.' Ayer Pills have b4refited me wonder, - felly. :or months I tuffered from Indi- gestion and Heade*, was restless at . night, aid had a bad 'taste in my mouth every m rning. After taking one box Of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles disap- peared, my food digasted well, and my sleep. was refreshing. -Henry C. Hem- menwas , Rockport, Mass. I was cured of the Piles by the use -of Ayer's ills. They n t only relieved me of that ainful disord r, but gave me in- creased vigor, and rcs °red my • bealth.ea John L zaius, St. John, N. B. yer's Pills Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Lowell, Mass. Sold by 111 Druggists and Dealers in Medisine. LflWLi eaa---, , ), '' rfflL: Unapproached for _,.._ . a Tone arid Qaality. AtALOG.Ii TES FREE, 111111111Oil .Lt11i1 ' -------- --••-- • • --. - -- Ladies troubled with pimples; blotches, rough hands 'or face, or sores of any description should use Mc regor & Parke'e Carbolic Cerate. It will leas e the skin in perfect health, smooth, lean an I good color. Be- sure and get the genii- ine, niad by McGregor& Parke, Price 2T•e. :Sold at Lune den . �m Witson's drug store, Seaforth. 964.52w. vetro ugh i ng, Best workmanship done in • alvanized Iron -OR-- T n Eavetroughing. An Sto sto etal Roofing all kinds of w.ork in Tin, Sheet Iron or Copper. airy Utensils A SPECIALTY. 1 - M4NUFACTURERS OF THE erry Creamery Can, best Self -Skimmer in the market. res have advanced in price; our old k will be sold at old prices. isterns & Well Pumps -AT IL1NSON BROS., MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. 1 ondon, Huron a nd Bruce, GO 0. Norm- Passenger. L ndon, depart , 8.10&.m. 4.25e.x. E eter 0.35 5.45 H email . 9.46 5.68 K ppen. 9.51 6.05 B ucefield• • 9.59 6.16 CI nton.... ... ..... .. 10.18 6.35 i ndetboro ' . 10.37 6.55 7.05 7.20 7.40 131 B lgraye 11.00 IV ngh in, arrive 11.20 ; Gen o S IIT111- NV ngham, depart B dgrate , . 7.17 8.28 Bltth.. 7.31 3.42 L ndesboro . 7.40 3.51 Cl ntori 8.00 4.10 B ucelield 8.19 4.29 Ki pen. 8.27 4.37 11 nsall 8.33 4.43 E eteri 8.47 4.67 L ndon, arrive 10.10 6.00 Passenger, 7.00e.x. 3.06 P.M. Go Et B1 Go B1 13 Tr dine only llington, Grey and Bruce. o NORTH-.PRBAenger. Mixed. el L. 2.36 P. M. 9.20 P.bi. 8.40 A.M. 2.69 9.35 9.30 oevsaoloe3.06 9.60 10.00 rn_ Passenger.ngham.. 3.20 10.02 11.25 Mixed. ngham.... 7.25 P.M. 11.10 A. M. 6.39 A.M. evale 7.60 11.25 6.48 elis....., .. 8.46 11.45 7.02 el.... .... 9.20 12.00 7.14 in 1 ving Wingham at 8.10 p m. for Kincar- run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays G and Trunk Railway. Tiov r is:ns eave Seaforth and, Clinton stations as foi Gore W SEAFORTH. CLINTON. 2.20 re he 9.20 a M. 10.18e.m. 31...........1.48r.i. P . 9.02 P. M. Mi ed min.. .... .. 9 161. M. . GO Elyse -- P sen er. 7.48 A. M. .. .... 1.48 r. M. Aft ed ram.. .... 5.05 P Al. THE CELEBRATED MANDRAKE DANDELION 7.30 A. re. 1.16 re M. 4.15 r. t. LIVER CURE Idve you Liver Complaint, De spepsis., Indi- gestion, EtiliousnesseJeundice, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Pain in the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease ,arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's • liverreure will be found asure and certain remedy. Nati re's Remedy -The unqualified success of Dr. hase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solel • wit the fact that it is compounded from natu e's well-known liver regulators, Mandra,ks n d 3andblion, combined with many other inval- ua bit roots, barks and herbs, having a powerful effec on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood. Five undred thousand sold. Over one-half mil- lion 1 Dr. Chase's Iteceiet Books were Bold in Cant ia alone. We want every man woman and chil whO is troubled with Liver Complaint to try his excellent remedy, Something new. Give assay free. Wrapped around every 'bottle of D . Cheseet Liver Cure is a valuable Household med'cal Guide and Receipe Book OA pages), con - taint g over 200 usefnl receipes, pronounced by friedcal Men and druggists as invaluable, and wort ten times the price of the medicine. Try Ch 's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 26 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and Livef Pills. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold by all dealers. -T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, Bra4ford. For Sale by all druggists. 966-5e W. Nr-WATSON, Geier a Insurance Agent -AND- Dealer in Sewing Machin s All kinds of property insured at lowe!et in first-class reliable companies, and loses tled promptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in ; the Gore and Waterlos. o, from 75c to acash plan) or three years. Mills and factorie in- sured pi these companies at a saving of 20per cent. 9n stock companies. &lie dealer in the *WHITE and RAYM ND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufa Wr- ing). [Prices ranging from 525 to $75. All ma- chines warranted for five years on every ki d of work. I Needles, oil and repaini for itale. Ma- chines reriaired. ' , WI- W- 1-w-..Amsaw., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. tes set - )f‘. P 1-4- rn c -t- 'A) >et CD co CD hcit CD 0 7 o cD )-1 CD ta- CD tea 0 00 e4: pi) pi) 0 0 24 0 )-$ 0 CD 94 - - - . LEGAL. TITH. HASTINGS,Solicitor,etc Cffice--Cady's . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth. 974 0° EAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.- 0 Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976 lello• C. HAYS, Solicitor, &o. P • tend at lowest rates of in Corner of Square and West Street TM. BEST,. Barrister, Solicit° ; Rooms One Door North of Hotel, ground floor next door to shop. Agents-Clannters, Herz & ivate Money to rest. Office- Goderich. 774 , &c. Office - he Commereial Beams butcher AMERCE. 870 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, 13 ur tors, ah, Goderich, Ontario WM. PROLIDPOOT. rristers, Soliel- J. T. GAREOW, 686 11A.MERON, HOLT & GAMER N, Barristers, Solicitorin Chancery, &c., oderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. T°"03.FTR°Nu's DA -NC -EY-, late. vith Cameron. 506 - jet Holt & Cameron, Godench, Barrister, So- licitor, Convej•ancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardnoti Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitor, LYI Conveyancers, &e. Soliti re for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. A oney to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MANNING, JAMES Scow. 781 fl HOLIVIESTED,- successor to the late firm of It ▪ McCaughey & Hohnested Barrister, So- ! licitor, Conveyancer and Notary Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Moneyto lend. Farms for sale. - Office in Scott s Block, Main Street, Seaforth. eta MONEY TO LOIVN. ,. taTONEY TO LOAN.-.Stmigh loans at 6 per sea _i_vi_ cent„ with the privilea to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMES ED, Barristee Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY ri L. BALL, L. D., S. Honor raduate, mein - US. her Royal Dentell Colla e, Toronto, sue- eessor to D. Watson. 13. B. 310RRIS, as- sietant operator. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether, gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth: Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson' e Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as low as good work can be done for. Residence same as that 'occupied by Mr. Watson. 980 -r D. S., M. R. and Et. S., of I 4. Ontario. atest improve- ments in!esiery lir e. Satisfaction guaranteed. 0 ce,-In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Iotei, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John treet. 941 amareesi earth/ 0 .41 )..‘ • >4 CODERICH BOILER w�Ks. Chrystal 9 Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, 6.alrine, Upright and Tnbular Boilers. ; SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron work.1 STEAM AND WATER PIPE FfitINGS constantly on hand. i On hand, ready for delivery: 1 • I 30H. P. New Steel Boiler. I 8 H. P. New Boiler. 1 A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing oueit, Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in goo4 work- ing order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders *ill receive prompt attention. Wcfrks opposite G. T R. Station. P. o. Eio?( 361 Goderich, May 26th. 1886. ' [ Grand Trunk Railway -AND- Allan Line Agency. Tickets issued to all points in Manitoba [and British Columbia, via Canadian Pacific Railway. Also to all points in the United States, \bp. Port Huron and Detroit. Baggage checked through to destination. Tickets issued to and from all important points in Great Britain and Ireland, via Allan Line. For full particulars, apply to C. BETHUNE, Agent, . 1001-13 Grand Trunk Railway, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN AT 1 - Lowest _Rates of. I ntereSt. Insurances Effected First-ClassCompanies i I A Nilmber of First -Class Farms for Sale. Areial To WESTCOTT & SANDERS, Real Estate .Agents, Exeter; Oat 1x-- UNN9 BAKINn WDE BE COOK'S BEST FRIEND latate ‘) CARTWRIGH & SON, Den- -tists, of Exbter, Ont. One of the above will visit Blyth the oteb last Thursday, and following Fri - der of each month, at Atilne's Hotel, will visit Zerriclithe first Wednesday of every month at Pone's Hotel, and Hensall the following Thum - day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operaaens. Teeth ex- tracted with a new Japan mresthetic, which re - Moves rearly all pain. Parti s desiring new teeth will please call early in th4i morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Te ins -cash. 984 - ------7, H KINSMAN, ste--J -1, . S., Exeter, 1 f 'ear' e'L Zurich, at the 11uion Dentist, L. 33 Ont. Will be a: Hotel, on tht ' EACH MON'TH in possible. Al 971 [ graduate of thi surgeons, Tor of any =Rabb a.nteed. Ofifici : . 1006-t. 1. LAST TIIrRSDAT 1 Teeth extracted with the least p work first-class at liberal rates. , -'--' -U1A. Martin, L. 13. S., Honor I-14 ; Royal College of Dental onto. Charges as low as those dentist, and satisfaction gua Garfield Block, BR us SE L ' MEDICAL. - 1XTM. HANOVER, AL D. -C. i McGill University, Phytician, i.nd Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Sidence-North side Goderich street, house east of the Methodist ehurch. I., Graduate o Surgeca Office and re first brie' 961 RS. ELLIOTT & &CNN, 13-ucefield, • Mates Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefiel Lieen Physicians an , Ont. 930 DRS. MACKIDD & EVANS, Bloqk, Alain Street, Seafo John street. Calls at night at e'th'er or Residence.894 - . jG. SCOTT, M. D., &e., Phy e and Accoucher, Seaforth, refterice South side of Goderie Door east of the Presbyterian Ch Office, Meyer' th. Residence the Office . _ e ieian Surgeon, int. 'Office and i street, Secok ch. 842 RW. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , e of the College of Physician: Seaforf,h, Ontario. Office same as oceupied by Dr. Vercoe. C. M., Member and Surgeons- and residenc 848 VETERINAR1 . Le TAFFA HORSE INFIRMA141 0 of Iforses, Cattle, Sheep, o catcd animals euccessfully treatts est notice. A large stock of vaerinary eines on hand: Charges metier SIII ELI N ti LAW, Stella. .- All diseasei any domesti• on the short• niedi= te. WALTER 1010 CjEAFORTII HORSE INFIRMA tY.-Corner of 0 Jarvis and 0odcrichStreets,1 ext door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. All dis- eases of II•orses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. 1'. S. -A large stock of Veterht ary Medicines kept constantly on hand AUCTIONEER.. TP. BRINE, Licensed Audi neer for the . County of Huron. Sales attended in al parts of the County. All ordere left at THE Eh -aurae Office will be promptly ettended to. GREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION A saccessful medicine used over 30 years in thonSalIIdS of cases. Cures Spermato rhea, Nervous Weakness, 130 ihlsions, Impoteney, arid dieca.eee linerone.) caused by abuse, indiseretion esereita or over exertion. Six packages 'guaranteed to .cure when all others fail. Ask yolir druggist for The Great English Preseription, teke no eulniti- bite One package $1, six S5, lit• mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL, CO., Detroit, Mich. arSold in Seaforth by 4 Lumsden Wilson, I. V. Fear, j. S. Roberts, and druggists generally. 969-52 ! BEWARE DF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there are Many inferior goods, corded with jute. etc„offered and sold as Coraline by some un- tr nu:reheats trad- s , on tlie repirtatirer of our genuine Caroline, th i: ladies against iti 1iy draw - 4." atteetton to the rteeeeeity nIve exig that the name 'FiPTON OSET CO.' is h . el•te of ail Coicaline goods, [ at 'which none are genuine. ST JAMES' HOT' T., R ra ar 0 . istt la it' C., 1 G (ForT, riel of Aar p's Ho teI,SO4fort ), PROPRIETOR:at rpHIS Hotel, which is situated directly opposite j_ the Union Station, has recently, been refitted and refurnished throughout, and hi now one of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city I - MrEve.ri.• possible attention paid to guetthere charges moderate. 1 1 , e