HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-05-27, Page 41; ,1 — __ . I - — . - I i , , . . : i i I P I . . — I . . . - 1 . . I � i I � . i 1 � I . I I . I I . - N . I I : i I � . . I ; - I � I , . . I I . I I - . �. � I � i : � . i � � . � � . . � I . � ; . - I I . .. � . I . I I . I . . i - I . . . . : ! . . � � . � � . - � - � - I . i � I . . . I I . . . I . � . ! � � - . I � I . . i � I I I � . I I � . I i . - I t � I � � I . I . . . : ! . I . : i . � q . . . � . I i I � I ! . I i .- .; ! � I I ; � -, - . ! � . . . . I I . � I . I � I . I . t . I i , � . . . �,, - . . I I I - I . I �', . t � i � � . i I � 1� I - . . . : . , I I ! � I , � . . . - � .. . . � ; : � . �� I - . . . . � I I I . I . I ! . - � . I i I . . - � : :: ,e I — ': ,� : : � I I I . I - , I � . ! . . . � . ! . . I : I . . I i . . I . - I I .. . . I : r . . � - ; I - i . i . i �� . � . - � . I - 11 I . . I ! I I . I . . l� I ! . � : i . I . i . � I . ! . . i . . 4 � , � � . i . . . . . i . . : [� I � . ! I � � . - � " : . r ! . I . � . .t �: . I � � I I . - � .� - .i I N. . I . i . � I I I �, . I � . . i - i� � � -, i - ! I . : I I -_ I � . � � . - I i . � I . I . I ` I I I ,- . I I � i . . . X ; : I - . MAY 271, 1887. 1 .. � i I � � I . i_ , . I I . I I . . �, r '. i . EXPOSITOR - 1111110M.1 ­ - - I : I THE HURON I I I ; � : . — I i : , I . mmvlmwm� . I i � I � I - . .. ' i . 1. . .1 I . __ ! . I ! . . ' Zma , I ' I - __l . � , I � 4 : 1. � I I I I . - NEWNNNWW� . I � . pion and; Michigomme, in the vicinity were torn into shreds. Donald Ross, Harrison Wiltse I 7__ eers were given !for the peopleof Cham i . . :: i � ' 7 ' s4a disturbance. Ch The shock and concTsion were plainly Franklin Grant, gave in their estimate t . - ' �axes shop thriving villages of 3,POO and 1,500 . � cl . , Pray do not be mistaken; thi c i city in .which they live an pay , . . heers for O' le I I -acre stock farm iz, � NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. at it is a fixed purpose, Queen, counter Bri' n, alad two the feltin Duluth, andmany panes o.f glass of the va ue of a 100 . �Ious not an idle thre , E ople respectively,, are,' fighting . , , . � 1; __ , . without being stigmatized as �`ze - taken after full consideration." so on, the rnob yelling itself hoarse,. but. Baraga, were broken in Oneota, five miles dis,� eluding stock, building and implements ��- - he toNyus. . - ; � AW The figure between the parenthesis afte idiots." Why is it that All tbe.lGtobd's . I fortunately the belligerent ones were NE me$ to save t � taut. The loss is estimated at 830,000. for which the united thanks of the cla. i I 4ogiis are �fot the itoba, will tak4E I Michigan, ig in danger from the flames. I � each line denotes the page of the paper on which. kind words and Apo . How the people of Man . kept apart and not a blow was 1 stru oFk. g near Lanse, The -nitro-glycerine os valued At $6,000, were voted. The calculation was mAde, . i � 1. � __ r�-, 11 a tnes ,, as- D ingerous fires are burn' , ; . firebrand O'Brien, and all its ha of impudent bluster w( � iked materials was on farms in the vicinity of. Granton i lie advertisement will be found. I ce � . 11 I 1". this little pie . In the evenink abodt 3,000 peoplE �n, Republic, and the loss in unm . � � - � . .timet, Negaunee, Auttai I and reflections for Canonbumo in a0d , they allom sembled in the rink to hear Mr. O'Brien C; 41 aused The total amount was $10,245 for ' � British Empire Assurunce, Co. (5) - do not � know. If, howeverl Lakes, Metropolitan, Crystal alsd heavy. No one knows what c 411 - Farm Fof Sale --J. C. Morrison (6) . . the Protestant clergy? Is this the price ems4ves to be frightened by threat! speak. The vast majQrity of those T iree � er vil- the� explosion. � ! average farm, stock, etc., and thechair.. I 1, Notice -Peter Adamson. (5) it pays for the Irish Catholic votel, The th . I 1. � present were Mr. O'Brien's friends, And Falls, Whitney, Nestor and oth dea ' ; ard.* (8). . I Dwardly ; is impossible to eatimate losses, VIRE's Doi-,\-GS.-The city of Cannon man, after a lengthy discussion, deci i . Pa lages. It I . More Slaughtering - Jas. Pick opposition of these ti to the of .this* kind, .they are more ,ci as the leaders of the Lansdowne �.11. ta, was almost destroyed that the figures were correct. Mr. Jae, . 1. -abn - - �me��,' i 'art � A des- Falls, Minneso I -arm For Salp-R. Corley. (5) . bat they will be in the --nilliona. , . Ross.Bible is still ran0ling in i p ,e .. rid less ideserving Of consideration tban had -sense enough to arrange to allow . I re last Saturday night. Twenty- Young was appointed -to 'write a Paper i rJouse to Rent -Jas. Aicheson. (5) a � . gi4n,O,1on Saturday, bv, fi - Notice to Creditors -F. Holmested. (6) - but it should have t at in - in �he pi Ach from- Cheboy - - to be read at the next meeting on the j. --@) - I I . - we can possibly believe them to be., I, .1 their f riends' enthusiasm to escape th 8 c nty are fight- five: business houses were burned. Only 11 Well. Digging -Frank Murray. holding up Brien as a inartyr 'and de - ' says:, Farmers in , . ost profitable way of working a graih: . Pa,sture-F. G. Sparling. (a) I I lone that i way of a reception to be given to Lord ct their lives and a small portion of the business part is m nonxici ?, clergymen and other citi- is not, i however, Manitoba a' 11 . on his return home, noth ng ir g forest fires, to prote . � . farm. . Great Auction Sale -i, McLoughlin. (8) - -Lansdowne I ft. Loss, 5260,000. 1 41 Girl Wanted -Mm A. G. Ault. (8) who spoke in the park, it i only interested in this threat. V � t preventl homes from being destroyed. Immense le -The Public School baildi in Clill,. I I Zelas .. � like an organized attempt a ,ng . ncr . . a niber are surrounded by i "' � K t must, may occur to Onl- I t ctS of log ti I I - _ � ___� i ton having become too small for the ae. � - Star Mills -T. J. Hepburn. (5) making an 4 hibition of itself. ,I to Manitoba to -day , Mr. O'Brien speaking or interfering with � . i I ' - . be humiliating to every rightit-minoed - � . . I o attended the lecture ivas fi e, and the drought has dried up all the . Huron � Notes I commodation of .all the children, the - 1 . __ I G . io or any nee at som these wh ! � ;� T_'T 0 man to see a Canadian newspaper ralivl- tar'" . other Provi ade. After the lecture was Over creeks, so that mills 6an hardly be sup- 1+. trustees propose erecting a new wing to P - m ers , taking away the sal. . I ing on its stomach in quest of the Oatho-' future,day. Neither the Canadian ,Pa- . . �p The farm are I � the present building at a cost of abotit . , . crowds assembled on the street, but p ied. . I f roni the new salt wor sat ing am as *wt ou txViontot i, I ! I cificCompany nor anyother authorltY nothing more serious than a black eye $2, " lie vote. I . i ' . � � ­_­__� . faE't as it is marl I I 000, which will give two good rooms - — — - I Tele- has any . right' to interfere: with th1e resulted. Even had there been- an ' at-- . I besides those now in use. � . The abov6 is from the Toronto, . I . urbance the Police Ne*8 of t1le Week- -,Dr. William's" Mayor of Clinton, has -On Saturday last the inhabitants of ' SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, May 27, 1887. gram. We do. not copy it and 00rame-rit Manitoba Legislature'so long - as they tempt to create a dist � . . I were fully ready to inaintain the pOace BANK ROBBERY. -A leading 6riking been appointed salaried Police Magis- Newbridge, county of Huron, wero . on it with' the view of. defexxdi�g the act within their legitimate, constitution- I can afford to &t firin in the 6ty of: Mexico has been tralte for the county of Huron. - - - : . . I of the city. Ottawa� -Mr. Win. Stinson h1as purchased the thrown. into a great state of excitement .L Bad Practice. GI be, as that journal is quite we111 able at rights. Themonopoly clausea of the on airs over Toronto: in respect of 4r. sharped out of S300,000. by the report of the drowning of two 0 : I ween Canada And tb! I e O'Brien's visit. . .. ! PR ._ - �illiamson Brothers ' little boys, aged 6 and 8 years, sons of Just before the adjournment of the to . take its own part and defend'::i itself agreement bet IVATE CITIzE1_4 ROBBBD At Green farm owned by N'i wich, for the sum 11 . I . . x1ear the villaqge of Ford L . ffle, Ohio, a,,few nights ago, John W. I � Mr. McKay, of that village. Upon it. . Dominion Parliament on Wednesday of against a very much stronger ant4onist company'do not include the Province of THE TARIFF. V1 was robbed of of $5,600. � . I ; Com- Shayd, a wealthy citizenj ff. Wit- vestigation the report was foun'A to be :1 . ence, th6 Legislature of The few sittings of: the House of � -Messrs. J, N. Hooper and 1 on e last week-, Mr. Davis, a m ember for than the Telegram. Our object is sim- Manitoba,' and h Mons � - scl 17,000 ill currency and gold. i ly too true. It appears that the littl - I last week were'devoted almost en f Exeter, have removed to Toron- Prince Edward Islaud'direc-ted atten- ply to show how easily some'peop�e can that Province should have the right t1,o tirely to a consideration of the items in RULE ORDFUt,-The Portngese Gov- kihs, o chased a dry fellows went to the mill. 'Pond to fish, & 11 � * -for, with 120 changes in Ernment have ordered 40,000 repeating to,, where they have pur portion of which bad been washed awqq tion to. the fact that while,the Tory be blinded by their prejndici.es�' The charter railways in any part of the the new tariff � I Is stock and business. � : . 4e the customs rates, it may at ost be rifles from. the arm,p factory at Steyr,, goot by the spring freshet. The break w4s Province they chose, so long as tbe, In respec. mem-bers from the Maritime Provinces treatment of O'Brien by the; Tibronto called anew tariff. The discussionwas Austria, � I +-The election expenses of the .. . I . . I andidates in East apanned'by a plank, which the boys ap. , -.4ses to and from 1 � . KILLED. -Grace Leslie, the leading thie parliamentary c � had been granted free Pa I people is inexcusable, and theit -c6nduct zcharters do not conflict with this agreO , enerally confined. to the items under ),s follows: Thos- peared to have attempted to cross, ana r, ; i . I 9 blished i ,I I their homes over the Intercolonial Rail- has not only brought disgrace upon ment,1, Thus far, however, the Dominion consideration, but some times took a lady of the Kate Castleton troupe, ivas Huron are Pa riald, 037.62. Must have become giddy by the rushiq � . , . ' ' � : � � � . wider ra,Dge and extended into a general instantly -killed in a railway accident Farrow, $79.25; Dr. McDoi water below and fell in, as their hats . -or had not been extended rovince Government have tsed an arbitrary Thos. Goldsmith, of, Ham- I I � : way, a like fav them selves but upon the entire I P � , . . il ov- iiear D 0 .er day. �-The Rev. ant and fish pole were found near the P I Sir Chas. Tapper I of 6itizens power and strained the constitution io consideration of the policy of the " enver, Colorad ,, the otli an able and eloqu4 Lace. as Well. That the meeting . � . fea ure 'U01j.TUNATE,. -; AV M. P. . Wall, ilto,n, delivered . " at onde I to the Grit members, ernment. It was a remarkable fe U_ The whole neighborhood was � prevent Manitoba exercising this leg4l . I I,., w York le6ture in the Presbyterian church, . promised that in f ature, these favors Sturday previous to 0`�rien's . � . . that although the Liberal party � of- journalist, and brother of the N6 I aroused. and a search instituted. The , Bl6vale, on Monday evening last. , � - would be distributed equitably, and that visit was a mistake is noiv generally ad- and 10,gitima,te power. . They did, this `iY ficially proclaimed itself not opp Tribune correspond�xxt ixxjurcd� at the ling house of Mr John river was dragged in all directions, Pat. ,_ , . The dwel � . speeches det - ing chartets high duties now that they a,re n�aces- 'Brien riots in Toronto, is ixisane at �_ I ties following the stream down for miles. . . wry townsbi� near I the fares of any Grits who bad paid their mitted, and tba,t the ivered vetoing the legislation- grant I C semore in Turnbe . I . I I ' . sary for revenue purposes, and Although )bicago. � I fire The search was kept up all night ax.1d . should be refunded. -I- : for Droiected roads within the T'rovince. J I until Manday noon -when the bodio-o 1W f 4-1,- most r1flarn- ; 11 4- A f A fn om rl � Vyviwn -At TMorristown Newt Jersey, t3tionville was consumed b� _.T 4 - mu tha u m ,t. ng w en v u I I Une lorieF; have oas e Lv� -1. � . ) & Monday morning of last week. The I - ys a very dis ut ted to Suffeting. from monopoly and growi 1 rles B. ReynQlds was. found guilty I . This little episocle'displa 1 49 of the country that they have converted -'ha � � ,,, were recovered about a mile from, where - matory cha'racte,r and ja�t_ bale 4 I greater portion of the h . _' 0 which shoald ii restive under the r r views, the dis- f blasphemy, and was fined $25 and the drowning took place. The affiCir . graceful state of affairs' create a disturbance sucli as that;! which estraininghand of the their opponents to thei ded by I Colonel were saved. - No insurance. ; er the entire neigh. . be brought prominently before the pub-. 1 i ; ' sl�tuf e cussion was nevertheless conducted very osts. He was - defen has cast a gloom ov . subsequently occurred canif6t be I enied. Dominion Government, the Legi t largely upon the old line. .Enthusiastic ngersoll. ' I � :�-On Friday night of last week the borhood. � I : I . I lie. Every member in thisHouse re- _G . lob' ,ques- ie . the Maritime i SECEDED FROM T ' - LUB.— jeweIr . y store of E. F. Gerste�, in Wing- -To the long list of heroic men who' But,, no periion, not even.the 1�� of. Matitoba now propose to break tt mainly from HE EIGHTY IC , I _. A ceives from the public treasury:an Allow- - I ' la . ilding a road themselv -1 Liberals, sevexxt� other ham, was entered and a case ot silver e N �s ' Provinces, - urged the duties of, Free Lord Bartington and . , io hold monopoly. by bu . tions the right of these partie �' , kni es and forks taken out. The amount braved all th' trials and hardships of I anee m ore than aL,ifficient to cover his - le southern boundary. It is this Trade in one brea,th, although in� the Liberal -Unionists have seceded from the v . life, but have passed from the I I the meetin and speak as they di�k. All to th! of the club's of': goods stolen was valued at $100. No pioneer 9 � .i the cut- scene of human action, is this week ad. ! enses to, and from the Capi- ' -_ resolve which has raised the ire of the next they. confessed that for Oanaaa it Eighty Club inn -consequence b policy. aces were left to indicate how 0 traveling eXP . that is sadd is that the holding of the meet- I � 4. was im�ossible.. Enthusiastic Tories pproval of Mx�. Gladstone's Iris, tr it ded another name, that of Mr. Patrick [ ' Canadian Pacific magnates and brouglit, tt tat, and consequently every one who re- . � AY. -The prits seoured access to the store, but �;canlon, of the 4th concession of Hul� � . reo- in,g was aj mistake, and that the ad- mainly from Ontario, at one moment PRoposm) TUNNEL RAILW . believed they got in at the front door ceives these free passes on the Inte' . out the above threat from the Presiden't b-tt, who died last Friday week. De. :i dresses delivered- were injudicidus and � . congrattilaited the Government upon hav- governments of Sweden and Denmark 113, - . . . I . . . _.. . � ation a pro . by the use of a key. . I,Oxxial Railway is able to pocket his trav- . I ing the unanimous support of the c6un- ' sat for - c -ased was a pian of strong constitution, � 4 of the comp . any. ___ . have under consider' T I ' �- , treely knowing what sickne§s was . � mischievous, and not such as should be try in favor of Protection, and in the the construction of railway u Zr the Mr. Kepple Disney, of Goderich . I eling, allowance. The railway i4a the expected from -men occupying,the posi- The Camadian Pacific Railway 48 , a, township, has a colt which has tb . ree atil late years.c'an ched the 4 1 : I next denounced the Liberal party as the Sound, and uniting Scandinavia with - L . xid is run at a � . hind legs. , It has only the or ' property W the country, a tions and wielding the influence of the built. largely, if. ot wholly, at 'the 6x- sworn foe of protection and all its works. the Continent,. . i � V . 11) Xture age of 84 years. He was bom . . , ' in ry but I I . Every metn- . : Evidently what is wanted is a recognition ANEw DISRAELI.-Mr. Ralph Dis- di a number of legs, four, 1. in the county of Sligo, Ireland, in 1803, - � great loss to the taxpayers speakers. Bat thia-ineeting w,as; not in- penseofthepeolleof Canada andwas front legs is actuall * � I one of its . y 11 fb�VAGITA who travels onit free and f- .,�_ -11 11. . A _f - on both sides of the facts as they s6ind. ,aeli, nephew of the late Lord .Beacons- axid emigrated in 1833, settled in Chin- , firavi +A 4 -.ha mPn Who now control it ;--A I ,,, ;+a Q'hu eand formation*'of V&V ) terrupted y un e 0 0t%JJFVLU % � 6 . In the course of the debate Sir Charles field-, Will so - graduate at CArnbridge - � �s tr guacongy, where lie remained for a num- At the same time draws his -.regular- � � -is, therefore, a monstrous .thing if � on . will the joints, bending backwards, as do the � With the common desire . the sentiments uttered, T4e ,several It . Tupper .ex pl ained that the duty.of 'S4 a University. The Queen, it is shid, � ber of years. allowance for traveling expenses, -de- speakers were . allowed full swing and "these gentlemen are to be permitted to n a0cepted as the push him at Once into public iife. H other hi.nd legs, and compelling t�e colt ton on pig iron had bee . e � 1.4 to better his condition he moved to this fra,uds the country out of just the am- ount . � . basis, and the effox�t bad been made in bears a greatuarne and is an able youth to hop on one leg when it attempts for- county in 1840, settling on the lot on . � were listened to, patiently, and the only use the power w ich has been th n ward progression. t amount to, and he .. . . arranging the othe� dlities to keep this and seems to have A future of promin- which he has lived ever since. Settlers . . I that his fare would - interruptions were from their own. Sym - to them to ruin any municipality or'.0- proporti m. ' .-The work on the Wing.ham, branch at that time were few and far between, _ er manufacturP6 of Railway has ,onsent and . I - e A ,s to bow submissivo � on on all ot . ence, before hi of the Canadian Pacific athy does so, evidently N�jth the c pathizera. In Alr. 0 Brien's case, how ality At ref us - ly iron, the duties be n increased in pro- A DISHOINEST CLAINTS-NIANT.-A leading and a bond of symp -sprain I at of the, Government. Sach a. � � . :. rapidly forward lately.. A I gas IUR alpRrov . . ever, it was quite different. A&jwas to their will., T,.iis company is rapidly portion to the quantity of labor exlend- officer of the Clan Na Gael Society i . n been pushed t, among the few there were, that la ted .� i I : great deal of grading is done and inos y proceeding is alike disgraceful to the denied the. liberty of fr h -his extending their 1 O'ad through all part,, Of ed in, the article. �; A most important New York is said to have gone away . until death broke the ranks. He was a . ee spee6 , 11 the culverts are built, and the work. . � . . a . I . Government tha,t. permits it and the m eeting was rudely irite,frupted' and he thu Dominion, ind they are making amendment of the tariff was made in with 18400,000 of the society'� nioney. I the rails. will be commenced man of intelligence ,and considerable . . ;goods, on whioli at bad gone of lay'"g - .,Character, a warm, adherent of members who practise it, and the one is �, . I . respect of woolen 1 1 . In some quarters it is said he tting up force of I ' : shortly. The company are pu was howled clown by his opponents.' Not these extensiow largely by, the aid of first there was a very serious discrimin- on a secret mission to England with the I � the Roman Catholic chiirch, and enjoyed In this . the fences as they go along, so that in . ! - equally guilty with the other. ' but he w I" e people, and they are ation against the articles most used by f u rid, -but others believe he has abscond- ' I the confidence of his acquaintance. 'His � only this,, as. afterwards set the money of tb about six weeks the road respect alsa, the Re -formers see, m- to be - poor people, this being effected thr, ' Dugil ed. His name is not mentioned. . � wife, to whom .he has been marriea m . � mob, and it was po,iault of .thus getting themselves into such a po pleted and in running order. I . . 5 him but is in low health as bad as. the Conservatives. Were it . . a specific duty. Odious as these specific PARNELL'S HEALTH. -The reports of years, survivef 3 1 � theirs that he was not killed. �o that sition that they can dictate their own duties are under a ircumstaxxces,�they -On Tuesday afternoon of last week and he also leaves two sons and two � is ., . I . ny c Parnell's bad health have been greatly . not f-.o,r this official ,dead -heading it. there is 1.0 paxallel. between the two - terms to amy,section, municipality or are especially. so n articles which vary d. He suffers from a very � as an old womail in Bayfield, named daughters. . Id . � . exaggerate ight a fire in he following, fr ale the Utercalonial. wou .1 len Crawford, was trying to Ii orn the London - quite prcibal cases., I�a, the one instance the speakers Province and fox ce them into.submission so much in fineness and value as woo bad digestio'n and dysentery, and it i's _T ' be a much better paying enterprise than , . � Oods. The duty was' kept at a very her house, she by some means -accident- Free Press, will prove of interest to the �i were � rresp ctfully treated by th, eir op- by threats of ruin, as they are now at- 9 owing to this that he looks so emaciated. I it is, and the country would, not be an- n . . I high rate all aroGd, but was arranged He is, however, full of life, and intends, ally set it on fire. She ran to tell a many friends of Mr. Donald McGillivray I ' I . . pting to do wi�th Manitoba. Th4 is on such a scale as to make the finer neighbor, but the house was so dry that in this section: Rev. I pcfrients ; n the other they were..bowled . tem ,, Messrs Goforth � nulaIly called upon for such large amounts . 'ave a � . danger which now stares us in �he goods pay the higher rate of duty. The to lead the Irish pa�rty for many a long it was all in flames in a moment, and , and McGillivary, graduates'�cf Kvw! I . down and tnobbed. Theyshouldbothh. I � I . ; .. o m ake good deficiencies in the wo'rking - i � day yet. A � I t . ,� I ing discwmion was entirely upon ma f - - - .Y IN T-zXAS.-A pas- nothing coilld be. done to save it or its College, delivered serm ons in St. ii- � . � � . been ac--orded equal right of free', speech face. The country �s rapidly fal I TRAIN Roi�BFp ' . Of the road. i , detail, and was rushed through at the contents. The old lady had about $100 drew's Presbyterian Church on ,Sunday. . � under the power of a soulless monopoly, senger train on the�,nterxxational & G ,reat . � --th and fair play. That they were not, is special, request of the Government, on , in her bed that was also lost. Dr. Stan- In.the afternoon. there was a Sunday I It is not, however, in connection wi , - I . who have shown the power they alre0y Iilroact was stopped a few - . . � . . id what . . the plea of the necessity of reaching as . ury owned the property. chool missionary meeting at whicha, , -at Railway alone that whattheGlobe complains of,& . . I r nights ago at McNpil statiOD, a few miles a - the Intercoloni - every right-minded -citizen. shoulld com- I Possess,, and that they are quite pre- advanced a stage as possible before the north of Austin, Texas, by fifteen or ll -X1r. David Cobbledick, of Biddulph, collection in aid of the Foreign Mission - I . South , I I a buses of this kind exist. Both the Cana - plain of. ',Both meetings were ol jection- Pared to use that power when they feel week's recess. The amendments Which twenty robbers,.who robbed the express who assisted at the meeting of the , Fund, amounting to over V-3, was taken � -nk are � the Liberals will doubtless propose have Huron Farmers' Institute at Brucefield, up, The contributions at the inogniing � than Pacific and the Grand Tru � . ' ' � that their own selfish 'interests aro in car of an unknowli amount. Sorne'50 . : . able. In view of the feelinas wh' ch were . therefore not been: foreshado�wed. The 0 ing service � ous, to members -of Parlia- few months Arm, had his leg broken and even" s were also 14rge. � equally gener . 'hots were fired and one man was slight- a k . danaer. Instead. of pandering to il feature s just above the ankle, and was otherwise t known to exist the citizens' nice ng was 0 . i 'is iron.duties are at once the chief I - Air. 'Goforth is aboiit to enter upon �� , I - ' . -spirit- . ly wounded in the: hand. . � inent, and there are members mean . 1 .. , - � monopoly, the Government and Pailia- and the chief greivaqce of the new tariff. injured one day last week. Hehadsold missio ", ed enough, to accept Of passes over these especiLly, objectionable, vbile� on the. . . ; T hey have called forth the earnest pro- SUNDAY PLEASURING. -Last Sund . ay some stock steers,axid while driving them .nary work in China, and Mr. Me- .. . id very few, ff any, justify the merit of Can a shoula'at once take afternoon a party of eight persons, in- Gillivray in India. In their sermons t� their Pax- other h.a,n test, by letter, telegram, and 'perAonal from the yard one of them attacked a . '- .... roads and collect and. pocket . . I 0 im- - steps to place it under reasoxxable� re- eluding two womon, started out from they set forth the claims of the vaat �, O'Brien in attemptinjg t I ' in- cow, an � ' ham, entary allowance as well. Indeed coarse of,i I I 1 remonstrance of men of all -classes i Port Richmond in �a row boat for a ride . d in attempting, to separate the heathen populations of those countries ;; i3trictions. Th d threatened'treatme I t of e e con- animals Mr. Cobbledick upon the Christian sympathy and liber- '�� . it is said, a,nd we believe with some de) port the fends of the old world into this a t6r st d in the iron trade.. The oxxl� on the Delaware River. On the return Z. -- . pntry. But, . had both parties dis- Winnipeg shows that they are not to be cession which the iFinance .Ministor has trip the boat capsi�ed and five of them down, trampled 'upon, and Injured as ality of the Church of Canada. Many � I - . I . . - : gree of truth, that many members of -co I made is the promise that he will ask the above stated. ' I ouired. As A 1777 trusted with too - Much power, and � the - r I drowned, All were said to have r missionaries are re ; �� of played an equal degree of toleraynce, his � If ouse to give the Government poN�er to were Municipal courts for the revision of mo e .,. ' Parliament are habitually in receipt . I people.should see to it, and that at o ce, , been somewhat under the influence of - ' result of the appeal, Rev. I A.- Murrsyj I . - favors of this kind from the railway visit wouid -have done do harm, where as . . .. grant relief in cases, of s-pecia'l hardship liquor. the assessment rolls will be held ae fol- the pastor announced the receipt of a � I � . - now a feeling has been engendered be- that this daDg3r which nOw tbrea,�'exxs drising out of interference by the' tariff COLLISION AT SEA. -The titeamer lows - Stephen,, Thursday, � Alay 26 ; letter in which twelve members of the � co. mpanies, not only when attending to . . r - - i ' , the country is 4verted. It will be a', bad witli�coxxtractsalre�dy made. Thisptate- Exeter, Thursday, May 26; Vaborne, congregation pledged themselves t con- � tween the two parties which it will take . I Celtic, from Liverpool for New York, 1'. I O ' their Pa,rlia m entary duties, but also I I ment was brought out in reply to Mr. Saturday, May 28; Colborne Friday, tribute $12 per month annually towards - : � , n it becomes�� th�e came in collision with the Britannic, years to W� e ont. Those who, sympa- � ' when attending to their private business. I P ; Baker, of Victoria] who represented that May 27 ; West Wawanosh, Saturday,- the support of a missionary, while 50 -'; . . .. thised with O'Brien ind the cause he Prey of the unbridled rapacity of a . several British Columbian cities' had I from New York for Liverpool, on May 28; Morris, Monday, :May 30; � I - 1 . .1way com.- : I - _k, 350 Miles east of otb ers proposed giv ing ',",2 per month, Flo w . I . As is well known, all these rai . espouses have on this occasion shown the grasping, selffili and soulless corpor- large quantities -of � gas and water pipes Thursday last wee Grey, Thursday, lvlay 26;4 Howick, 'hat before long it is hoped 8t. Andrew's 1,11, 4 ... I , ; i i Sandy Hook. Four steerage, passengers � � panies are continually seeking for favors ation such as this oDe is rapidly, de- in transit, the.ne tax on which j�ould I Thursday, May 26 ; Wr6xeter� Monday, " ., 1-p better judgment and the more Obristian l ; 1i on the Britannic were killed and several � Church will be nobly supporting one q � � _r . - ; h, ThurA(lay, May and probab t f rG?n Parliament, and how can a me m b . � I be very serious.. Sir Charleis Tupper - Alay 30; Tuckersmit' ly two workers in the foreign I � -, . � elOpiDg into. ; . injured, and the steamer was so much A I spirit, and it is neithera sin xxox� a crime v . . � . Turn- - �� be expected in saah a case to deal fairly . : 0 � I was asked what alssurance he bad that I damaged that sh6 had to- put back to 26; McKillop, T londay, May .30 ; mission field. � . I .' - � to say an. They permitted their' op- . the iron industry would boom, as lie has berry'. Thursday, May 26. 1 --On Monday evening of last between his constituents and the com- , I New. York. I �. ponents' to fly tlitir colors a Id speak 0TTA:W_A LETTER. i predicted, but wa!s unable to' mention -One evening last week Mr. James . � , 11 � . pany if he has a free pass from the corn- , . - A:k AFFLICTED PRixcE.-Prince Wil- dreadful accident happened near the � I . any facts except that publicly known, � Coulter and family, of Morris, was waitw a highly- � ./;k:l -ir minds without let or hV6drdn6e, '_ ' liam, of Prussi:i, eldest son of the Crown village of Gorrie, whereby � ; pany, Which is worth to him many dol- -the : . (Fro;ii Our Own Corrcspo�deA.) that a number of !American millionaires . - ed upon by a large number of his friends i . i ; . � I Prince of Germaa�, is again in very bad . esteemed and well-to-do farmer named � CIO but wheo they claimed a like 'privilege . OTTAWA, May 23rd, 1�7. and was presented with a well-fillecl Thomas R. Gilpin met with his death. . lars a year. The railway companies � � - , have come over tc inspect the resource � s health, and the affection of his ears is a � . not give these passes for nothing, and they were met by brute force �xxd blud- On Wednesday last the House of Com- of the region back of Kingston. ' . I , source of great anxiety to the imperial purse of -money as a friendly,token Of He, with a couple of others, was riding I I � DISALLOWANCE TO CONTINUE, I the esteem in which he was held, previ- on a wagon froin one of his farms to an - any mem ber who is mean exiougrh to ac- geons. The Telegram surely,,! cannot mc;.ns ro§e.at si)c o'clock for a week's re - I I � There has been not a little comment family and the. nation. The Prince is ous to the departure of himself and fam-, other'; at one place one of the men ' - F; ' � As siriguarly unfortunate as far as health is . cept of one and at the sarile time pocket justify - this sort * of thing. - �.We- are cess. The rea. on -for this is that a$ - - e I - g from the wagon, caused a board , . . .3f- th lobbies on the announcement made ily for Manitoba. He was also present t ­ i .� . . , : concerned , for his lefG arm is withered I . j u mpin . his pa,r,liam, entary allowance,would very afraid, however, in making the above re- cension Day, S).turday, Sunday and the y Sir Hector Lange'vin in the Railway ed With a valuable meerschaum pipe to fly up es, which ran . I - li I �. . .1 . inittee tftat ,Ahe Government had Owing to the lack of skill of the doctors aria a large package .of tobacco, so that and -,tart the hors I easily stretch his conscience enough to marks, A was actuated more �y a de- Queen's Birth(la:y are days upon Aich Com � . . away with Mr. Gilpin on the 'wagon - . - � :, ' present at big birth. � 7� - . . definitely decide&to continue di�allow.- 'he might take a comfortable smoke and doing his ut -most to stop them, Tokeep : sireia to get a crack at the. Glob than to Parliament does not sit, th�ie were'onIy t BRITISH OCCUPATION OF EGYPT.—It is favor a railway com-pany at the expense . 61 . : . : ing charters even .in'Provinces establish- remember the friends of yore when himself from, falling, Mr. Gilpin appears � � of the public. In view of these facts it Ord for freedom of speech in a two days from Wednesday to wearies- � stated that the convention between �� say a w :! I . i - ed before ihe bar'sam* was entered into England and Turkey provides that the roaming the immense. prairies of the to have thrown his arin around the front, : is not strange that the railway companies free country, for whatever a.� person's , day during which.any business could be with the Canadian Pacific RailwAy. In 'Northwest. , I as the horses were plunging . ! . � British sball evacn.te Egypt three years � . axle, anc are so leniently and tenderly dealt with views may be upon the wisdom of Mr. done. And, as the season at whiqb 1 support, of this h6 urged the douUle plea hence. If after that time internal ---�On Konday evening, the 16th inst., along the tongue, which had come'out ' I � I I � that the Governaient was bound'to dis- abok 160 persons met at the Methodist of the' a ground, . by, Parliam ent, nor is it surprising that O'Brien's mission to �his couixtry, we Parliament meets this year add - I . troubles arise it' Egypt, British and , . neckyoke, caught in th, . :, s gre tin allow by the arrangement with . parsonag6 in Fordwicb, to present to and threw the wheels over, pirmin Gil- - . . the Cana- - they are gradually gaining concessions scarcely think any person can � Jj . istify the conveniences to those which the Irem Turkish troops will reoccupy the country � the , Rev. Wm. Ottewell a friendLy ad- - 1. . . I .1 I . - - dian. Pacific Ral,lway, (which,'by the jointly or separately, as the two govern- I . : pin between them and the groun in � . � . aiud paw.ers which will ultimatelk give reception given him;by the Oeople, of bers ordinarily have to put,up with, the ministers have opexxl�' repu- . 4 dreds, and a purse containing over $41, . . ­ way, several . merits may .Agree upon. No other I this position be was dragged along for . i ' . . . ,. , . ned it only fair . to,ac- diated), and tbat� the old Prov�nces of . w I was raised over ant'albove his i I them a controlling influence in this coun- Torontol � '. � Government deex . wers sball be allowed to . intervene in , hi I h some distance before parties could, reach Canada had invested so much: in the Fiala y. The company was composed the horses and atop them, when it was try and place the -people entirely at their _____F_, �i. . cede to the request of tbe'rnajoKity, and V91yptian Affairs. it found I - . . . .t ree ' . Showing Their Horns. . recent ?�orthwest that they were entitled to all STORMS IN GREAT BRITAI-N.—Fie not only of members of the Alethodis that his head was alm bat ground - mercy. The railway com pa.nies very I grant this holiday. The principal ' chn' ch from the different parts of the He had . . � the traffic coming f rom. that region. t . I to pieces. Life was extinct. . � , .' J t i the city have the ' � gales have prevailed and great damage ' it, but of adherents of other been ft nearly own Parliament now, and when Being unable to " check Alan ijA�, ev n sin refore been Even British CoNmbia charters 'are not has been done in various parts of circa a a business in St. Marys before ; , I ". extra-politica'I . . . . to be granted by ,this Parliarneu t! if the chuf cbes. After the - preseritation to- coming to this part of the country Was � they get possession Of the country as in an� Other way, the magnates of the -. WILLI I O'BRIEN'S VISIT. - . England. In Kent the wind blew a . I ) . . .: I roads chartered aire likely to draw traffic was served and a v�ry pleasaiit evening . � t ch,eGked by the C I i ,.- - - perfect hurricane, Snow and hail storms - a- merriber of the . Baptist church and ; they soon will do, if no a�uadian Pacific Railx�ay are now going 'On TburBday last Mr. Wm. O'Brien, from the _Canadi�u Paeific. The pr'obl was spent. Addresses, voca'I and in 1, e! leaves : people,. we will all have a fine time. A to. . i . editor of Unit have been experienced in the lake - held in the highest respect. H . try t�eir hands at " bulldozin(,- " the - � , ed Ireland,, came down ability is that charters passed by thE districts of Scottand. In Lond3n the strumental: music and social, converse a wife and eight children -having been ' - - 11 . from Toronto to beard the lion in hi filled up the time until nearly 12 o'clock. law should be passed ,making peopl P O a Is British Columbia legislaiure will bE . . twice married -to mourn his.ve-ry Inel- � I den, in other words, to take Lord Loma- treated as those Of Manitoba hai�e been . I - ' e 6f that Provin e int a� bin'sa'On trees in the'park were injured, and many � nal offence for any railway officer to be- to ni.onopoly. The followinatelegram, dowrie's scalp quietly in his own city. The Manitoba delegates who came to were'blown dowo. Many wrecks are I On Wednesday of last week a house ancholy death. I . . stow or even offer a favor to any m ern - -which f I 0 � surpasses There is a large and important Irish � : reported on the coast. belo�gixxg to Mr. W. J. Harnilton, and . ,or sheer impudence ,I Protest against !disallowance returned A 6pieeby Mr. Fred Johnsthn, in Ford- I , CI , � y, all home same timej ago, the majority! 0 " ' . . orth, wich, was destroyed by fire. i Roman Catholic section in this ci� ,-xDDREq'S ON COMMER AL UNION WITH OCC'. ber of PaxIiarrient or other representa- I in , : CANTADA.-i-Hoxi. Benjamin Butterw The fire Doings in Dakota. , anythi ", that has ever appeared in . ' . . . of whom are, of course, Home R41ers, them feeling ve'dy foolish. � They fou, n(. . ( HIGTILAND CASS COWN-ry, I'll, people, and forever disquali- � print, 7as sent by M7 . George .Stephen, . started near the top of the building �, May 12th, 187. � : member 6f Congress from Cincinnati, I - : .tive of the � I and they have'strong affiliations almong themselves absoldtely without isfluenci, - i )es had gdt apart and ( DAKOT. ' - . fying the recipient fro -in occupying amy . Pre'sident of the road, to Hon*. Air.. Nor- a large class 6f French people, b�sides here, and were treated very much lik who intorRuced last session a bill to pro where the stove, Pil en first noticed,, but DEAji, Exl-OSITOR,-I send you a few ; . - . �� � . I I f Manitoba. Mr. Ste- - which there is a . good contingent of -14r vide for commercial union with Canada, was very small wh . 8-ach positiom quay ,. Premier o . children. The discussion upon A I delivered, �n address on this subject at as the house wasa� very high one and there lines from this part of the far west,bear- . I Liberalsi kee sympathisers witV the . . - I -- -r . and present - - phen says : . _ I Watson's long postponed resolutioi. I Associati ii. Hall, New York, on Thurs- was no way of. reaching the top � of it - ing upon our past winte : Home Rttl-- movement.. Mr. O'Brien i �, Our Nvinters cannot compete Liberty of Speech. 11 I am informed that ne I against d sallow nee will come up oi , day evenIng last week. The occasion for there- was ,ot even a laddir-to 6 spring. . I .. I . gotiations are would have been sure of a kind tecep- Thursday next. It is undefatood tha , ,,, in response to an invitation from found, the fire on spread, but gave the with yours in variations of temperature, Every one who is concerned for the in pl.,ogrese, if not �'Iready completed, tion. under amy circumstances, thofigh a Manitoba Conservative members wil. gathered sufficient- ti e for when our frost sets in there i!i no let - . uat- deplore the between your Government and others larrye number of ; those who symp4thize - I . the Canadian Club, whose president, crowd that had I � '. d. � . . vote for it, but the mtijority of the irlde Mr. Eras;us Wiman occupied the chair. to remove all the doors,, window8 up to it Until SPYl,Dg opens. Our winter. good name of the city m - and the Northern Pa6ifie Railway Com- with the Par ellites believe that in com.- - 1�1 ,. the first - row that took place in the streets on ac I I . . an pendent members are almost sure to ,iot -, ToRIE8 A -ND LiBERALS.—Mr. Chamber- furniture. . . I set in about the usual time , ' count of O'Brien. But deploring the pany with the view of giving that com- ing to Canada Mr. O'Brien assumes against it on the principle that if � Mani- . val of the Hard- -it is stated that Mr. W. Drum- snow fell on Nov. 22nd, in a severe -rent pany ap independent conxxec�ioxx with untenable position and commits a grave - -lain presi ed ata f6sti I the , r.ow- in the streets is a very diffe I u . sage toba wants disallowance to be discontiu ware See", ty, in London, England, on mond, of Blyth, whose store in that storm. December, January, and very ! Winn' leg. I canuo� but reg4rd thi!t as tActical blunder. , But the rough Fupporting the Gov- I ruary, were thing from pitching oaffensive epithets at LP nto ed,.slie should quit 1:D , Wednesday the 18th inst. - -In replying place- was receiAtly burned, has decided greabeer part of Pab the clergYmen and laynien who took a,n act of undeserved; hostility towards he received a - the 4ands of the Toro ernment that maintains the disallowanc,, that for the prepent he will not rebuild. stormy, more so than in any former wiAr . - . the the Ca,hadia.ii Pacific'Railway which in . mob aroused or,hin-1 the strong personal ; : � to a, tom t to Parliament, he Raid he ; � . I part in the loya,l demonstration in . � policy.- I � �r i I ter we have passed bere. The tempera- uting the end will do nothing bu harm tot - sympbLthy ' of the sympathetic 'Irish I � thought hat when the Irish problem. His loss, over and above his,insuran e, . ueen's, Park. The Globe is sho I . I I had ' hemly, and although he has ture was about the usual average, but -we- - I I � been solved the Liberal Unionists! was retty I I Q ars c �et in lvlamitoba and the Northwest; and f ur-- ppople, and called'forth also not a little : I - p - 'had some very low -dips. The morning itself ho, e for liberty of spee b, . . X. 4A ' iF - would no return to their old places, bat:� had very favor�ble offers frotm Jsome of ther,- I consider it a breach of faith to- p�vty bigotr . The success of Mr. FOREST FrREs I-,- Mic111C,A_ ed , : . . ' ' am e column in Which it de- I � . . as said to have been every firebrand who comes . wards the holders of �he $134,)00,000 of. ,O� on Friday.last says.: Not s m that the ore advane (I Tories and intel- I the wholesale couses to enable hini to of JaDuary lst w , Brien's ledure, f or Which a fe� was patch I . � mands that . c - t fires of 187 luxx�ber lig continue in business, he feel$: that he � ia 52 0, on the 4th 45 0, and on several . , hearing without private capital invest d in the Canadian ctlarged, was assured when it blacame the for s I have- the ent I eral's would be found working . be given 96 1 1 P I � to -ether. Parliament would then pro I .1 e - other mornings in that mouth at or near : here shall I b-� t000ldaman toassumeagainth anx reviles respecta,ble citizens for Pacific Railway securities. If ,the mis- known that he bad bad a narrow �scape districts of Northern Michigan and Wft- t� I - at ranges Of I dissent, it I . Fully a'thou. c6sin . suffered by fireas they a4ire. i I io ably be composed of three parties, First -! ieties and responsibilities of commercial 40 11 below zero. The gener ki - exercising that very liberty of speech chievous, agitation in favor of -diverting with his life .n 'Toronto. . J " life. Ile has I)een a residen I.tbemarkingson tho inorningsof.the-se businoess of the North.vest into dieq, were suffering. The fires burned for 4 weeb, , fossil Tories, second, Advanced Con-. t .of Blyth fo " it professes to be so greatly the sAad people, ! ncluding many la . Unionists, ever sinZe it had aii existente, months was froin a few degrees above,to . . r wIlic-11 Canoa Damoulin is ace I used American channels is continue , and the presualt at thi i station to see him cofne in, doing great.damage, but were partially servative, and Liberal an& almost 4 . concerii6d. . I the �ain, on Saturday,.the third, a arty led by Mr. Labouchere. and should he decide.on lea+ing., wo Id 35. degrees below zero. '8ome J . ike a Billingscrate Canadian Pacific Railway is t . be trea,t- and he was greeted with cheer" upon quenched by . . . I � zero - ig himself I , I i . � Of behavii, -]� 14thinst. They7havesprung up Again , FEARFUL ]EF#ECTS OF A DY.NA31ITB I be greatly missed. . i 1 the afternoon, for a few hours, fro the -ergy 11 are ed as a public enemy by the people of ,cheer, - the people.- pressing about hin . . rx , t never abov 2 -- fishwife ; ' tl,,,.e Protestant el I �_ th' EAR DULUT11. -Particulars � -The Grant6 Farmers' Clu� rn�t �n to 28 degrees above, bu Id be Winnipeg, the company will at once anxious to g ad or even Ito get and are worse an ever. West of Mich- EXPLO.Sio,� N I I Vs out Of fotir, once more sneered at -they shou . � r sp his hai ussell gouse igomme the construction camps� of the of the ex losion. ' of f our tons of nitro- the; Vening of i the 2nd inst. ; i Mr. Ja;s. freezing point. Three da, I used to it by this tim e -and Lord Lans- take steps to establish their principal ai look at his ace. In the R ' . I . , I Vice.- President, occ��ied the more or less wind was blowing,aadanOw ' c' dtund D�Inth,'8outhShoreand Atlantic rail- g,lyceri eight: miles from Duluth, on Yo ng, , . downe is declared to! have been com- Western shops at Fort Willia , which, at whi h hotal he put up, the r a Two lambe J 0 i at nine resi I I After syme preliminary busineo , driftiug.. There is no shelter on � ,the It is fro m an operatinig point of. view, has was thronged with an excited mob made' road were burned. r carril s the 18 inst, show th . dexxces� ch 117. I - tizealous iAiOts-" I . � at-' the icommittee,1 composed of the follo.lw- prairie for thedriveU Snow, save among sed by many advantages, leaving �othixxg at" upof all sorbs and conditions of men, w6te also burned. Over a million fe(t and as m ny other buildings were tot , � ; E ; - too bad tha - 4'ing!rnembers, � ohn R the buildings and stacks. The waythc � - romi Yeally ,t respectable citizens i iOing a of 9 : g pine was destroy4 I uuter, J. Avery, . n not a few of them bent upon ra I I . I the Wixinil�pg bat the ordinary diviaio tandin i The - ly or pa �ially wrecked, i4d the trees, cannot- hol-d a loyal demonstration in I . t . � . � I . i I , I I I - I I I . : - - I I r � . � I ! : . 1� . . � : . I I : ; . � .1 . . . . � . I I . I .- I . � I . i � . I . . ; I i . � i . � I ! . 1 It i I I . I . I I � . I . I I I- I . i � ; I I I . I - i i . . � I : . . . . ! � . : 0 i � I . . . . . ; . . � � . . : . . i - : I . ; .1 I � . i . , . . I � . � I I i I � r I I i "I � I . I ,_ I I 111 , - I � I I i i I P sio i � T 1� I P !` nel � th a , r - I I . - I I ; ! 4 -,I � � I - � I . r I � I � . - ! . I I ,� � . I I J .- I , � ; I I i . I . i � w , � f . . � I I i . I . ; ! i i , ! � % - ; I ;, . I 1. I I . . :. 1. � I . ; , - � - . . i i I I I I . I I . I I . - '.. - i I i . . I � . i I � . . � ; I I I I I f � I . I . ] . . : : . I . I : i. � . I .i � . . a I . I .1 . I I . I 1 !,) � - ; �. . � i I ,� . I . . � I . ; I . � . . i I ! � I I . . t . . . � I ­ � . �� : � . � � . I � i � �i I a I . � ! I I , . I : . . i . t I I . . � i - � I - - � - I i - __ � - - , 1. .. �.. -11 _1 , i , I - ... .. I ,I,—..- 4 I - -_ I _ 1-1 I - - ,- - . . - I - _ I ­ .1 . I I . .. ___ I ­­­ . - - �. I - . , . , _ __ , �, — -1. � %.... _­­ — .... .. 1. .. - - .. - � - J - - , � . I _L__ -� __ � ._____.�­_1­­i � -1- ___ I _ � � � - -1 I � - . - - _� i__ ., __1 , -1-1. ­_ ­­ - - - I- __ -, .� - .- ,-- � . - i . __ - I �. � N. , � .t I I . . I - " . � I . � . . � - I . . - I - � -i - - I , I - - � : I I � - _: - . . . . : - I � . 1887. �. I., 4 2 � 47 I - . . . . ; I I _I- I �.. 110 -_ .--- I , ­ 11 I - - I . � i I � . I 1. atea around us I . . 0 soa . --; - de sl�Ale than we ;e � � bWt . . � t. we had '� , nuch i. � ;� ,h gria . f . U fac .. . � fere P asenta, ,. . . ro 1,iatgre repr, �, I ,�. � 111 '11 I i I- z COU11try - ons , I - . * 11 ridges - and peaks, On 12 f . 12 . eet high; . overl, - , 'VV# Over . ,,, ,,ravir-es- . Cliff % . - �, a_ re Itrtating hidden, 411 , and passes .ina I us,of ten rods. It took a7u .,$ineerand keeP'Q . - IS iiscle.to e lling v 111 tween t Anal -h,e.- dwe - ,,ages be... luornin,g of Feb. �, I ., ildings. . ,111is was the I but abolve2oo. I . . 0 , . 'of ,,y morning since w! . I 1. e snow 11 I 1�king a.g I . . ovVing to the - 204 � � expected when it wll,eu ,ioter, We i rould hVZ . big 1100d in 'On' IV risiderabli we , Maple, aad 00 I I -wind,lug . hs and hollows' � : . t 01 eably disaPPO'.n kal, I . . I , r r- 11 r � - , eit Persnow nor rain feI. out I rs Appeared to 4� t - . . our. . '11, - . . 6 rioting in the's,frJ, - .. � oat s, for they were,, : . had frost every =a ­ . ough We ,ature was hig! the daily temper _df 1 50 0 t -0 in the sha � frolu , r 000 - . - ihe early covering .1 - 0 a , -th snow thie frO-st ' I I . etrate into the ground so d'ac I and the snow -Nvc I er winters, wed lat So � 8, that the plo, took ropher holes, .. P an 9 om the xncItinZ':> �'31` - . �of � . r fr. g are the s�*u ,seldom in sprin ' ws so free from water, a's t 110110. 11ad it not been' - ,OU spring. I I i at nig -, COW *08 - ghts, seeding tointnenced by the 20ti; Of '�" was all gone but where� .the snow . twced. A few began SOWMz . ,&rlioons of the lst awl 2nd `0, but a .cold wave struck u,s,on . " � ng until the aftm Z�topping Bowl', b � -f)th when seeding ecame the, Y ,he night between the, 7 th and i from frost. � the first night free ; . I i � *h1t 9, strong gale blew fro"I th � -imd 0011siderable property. wals. .ea -by fire on that day by partiel fn to the old prairie grass. ,evening we had our first thunllt And -rainfall since last sumn, A following week little sowing W ' I the weather being broken bY rb in this part seeding was well I . by theend of April, and 1110st . Ud finished in the f1rst week go -fa,r there has be7en a, fine growth.and the early so%vn 0overs the ground and the fal� shows welf In wheat the� - sown will be a little above th-1 ,of last season, perhaps 5 per eq . � in oatsandbarley,the acreage w - I . . I vaerably larger, from 12 toll -5 . above last year. Grass Was 60 that herds went to pat,ture in, � ,weekiii May. So far, .�-Ni�y 'I ve in heavy gales I m Prolific � I tb , and south east, with � .high temperature when blo,Vvin, I - . S50 intheshade. onegale"01, . Ww a severe one, and did co� &Mage by uncovering the S� pu � Bing ,up the young plan' itating in some -cases, exposed ' h . e,sow-n over again. These BPI -when the crops are not so far . � as to cover the ground are-veo I able, owing to the immense I � Jlrt t.11ey raise. At times it . . I � - I .� impossible for mau or beast to � . � in them. The look out at I yery promising for good crin, Z3 than usual care was taken by �, � . ers in selecting seed grain and I � . thesarne properly put in Of Considerable building will be i . ' thissummer and things in , more lively and progressive 1 fomeily were at this thne of � Work is plentiful arid watfv--' �' - no one need be idle who is N1 ling to work. Wishing 01, . "Weekly Visitor, all success, ; . . 'Respectfully Yours, - . I . ill' . I : ____1 _____ DisaRowance in llw : , . The public� Piecting ealli. Mayor of Winnipeg -to discu-1 . " ent,railway situation as afl ,Province of Manitoba. and to meats from the deleiatles re, ; U Ottawa re disallowance, V Winnipeg on Wednesday '-A, . . ball was literally crammed V and large numbers were un5 ,admittance, and crowde(I _� windows and doors. A w � - , ematic and intensely inter ,ence bar, never been so . eitY, and the resolutions I ulinost entire unanimity ai am. The resolutions in . thanking the delegates for efforts at Ottawa, endorsing of 1he Local Government in build a road. to 'thebound cond-emning in nximistakeabl . 4�eorge Stephen's threat a, U'Peg, a fourth thanking 11 . , . son, Searth, and Daly for " ainee to the: delegation, ai I anirnaaverting upon siie Joh. . members, of his Governnie leading the .people before election as to their intew, allowance.. .Members of tht-, lature, mayors and reeves v 'ties and provincial towns - to kttend the ineeting arv.... I JiPonded. ­ " � . ; � WIIAT THE FATtNIFU�' Ameeting of the Farni Executive was held at Bran Ileaday. There was a tar;. . - ative assembly, comprisir atives from. Points fally � Miles from ', 1�randon. T : - ' , lell0lationS Were an&flj1111ou_3 . "It is resolved by the . � � � the FaTm, er's Alliance a-, : � ; The- it is the duty of tf I , 1GOVernment to present a � the Imperial Parliainel-A . the grievous injustice a are suff-,ring at - the hana- Provinces ) and askill , I " 11*1 � merit or repeal of the I A -- ,m eration', as right and jn,ti,,x�, 2nd. That the wisi,stan-­ I utcl Of the Government o' be solicite(I to, 1)uil�l t ' . lit' Railway, on the distinot: that tile manufacturts (); I , � � 4 a4lilittea at as 1,111W it 41 gencies of the Province Nvi i I � That the Fariners' Allian- support to the i, - lai� , J(0VC*r11W1t re ii -I taking tile a�eti( the preceding paragraph, k:� .!,. I � undertake the eirculatilm � . the IrnPerial Parliament Z Provi,ne'a in 'Support of S1 , . -------I- I I 0-11'e-ssrs. O'Brien ai.-' tta'wawithoutex - ", perien, aria arrived at I out Kiligston � . Any interruptio..q. . � I . I ___1 - . � kl-__ I . '. � I . . � :Nftel,- . ___ - r , [ - - I , . � . . I I - , - __ � I I - ;�. ­_ . tn. I i -, 7 ,,4 , - -- �j�*'e -F S—r- I - .-- - . - .1 � - .. 'I i I A -, . j - . . � . - i . __ - I �. � N. , � .t I I . . I - " . � I . � . . � - I . . - I - � -i - - I , I - - � : I I � - _: - . . . . : - I � . 1887. �. I., 4 2 � 47 I - . . . . ; I I _I- I �.. 110 -_ .--- I , ­ 11 I - - I . � i I � . I 1. atea around us I . . 0 soa . --; - de sl�Ale than we ;e � � bWt . . � t. we had '� , nuch i. � ;� ,h gria . f . U fac .. . � fere P asenta, ,. . . ro 1,iatgre repr, �, I ,�. � 111 '11 I i I- z COU11try - ons , I - . * 11 ridges - and peaks, On 12 f . 12 . eet high; . overl, - , 'VV# Over . ,,, ,,ravir-es- . Cliff % . - �, a_ re Itrtating hidden, 411 , and passes .ina I us,of ten rods. It took a7u .,$ineerand keeP'Q . - IS iiscle.to e lling v 111 tween t Anal -h,e.- dwe - ,,ages be... luornin,g of Feb. �, I ., ildings. . ,111is was the I but abolve2oo. I . . 0 , . 'of ,,y morning since w! . I 1. e snow 11 I 1�king a.g I . . ovVing to the - 204 � � expected when it wll,eu ,ioter, We i rould hVZ . big 1100d in 'On' IV risiderabli we , Maple, aad 00 I I -wind,lug . hs and hollows' � : . t 01 eably disaPPO'.n kal, I . . I , r r- 11 r � - , eit Persnow nor rain feI. out I rs Appeared to 4� t - . . our. . '11, - . . 6 rioting in the's,frJ, - .. � oat s, for they were,, : . had frost every =a ­ . ough We ,ature was hig! the daily temper _df 1 50 0 t -0 in the sha � frolu , r 000 - . - ihe early covering .1 - 0 a , -th snow thie frO-st ' I I . etrate into the ground so d'ac I and the snow -Nvc I er winters, wed lat So � 8, that the plo, took ropher holes, .. P an 9 om the xncItinZ':> �'31` - . �of � . r fr. g are the s�*u ,seldom in sprin ' ws so free from water, a's t 110110. 11ad it not been' - ,OU spring. I I i at nig -, COW *08 - ghts, seeding tointnenced by the 20ti; Of '�" was all gone but where� .the snow . twced. A few began SOWMz . ,&rlioons of the lst awl 2nd `0, but a .cold wave struck u,s,on . " � ng until the aftm Z�topping Bowl', b � -f)th when seeding ecame the, Y ,he night between the, 7 th and i from frost. � the first night free ; . I i � *h1t 9, strong gale blew fro"I th � -imd 0011siderable property. wals. .ea -by fire on that day by partiel fn to the old prairie grass. ,evening we had our first thunllt And -rainfall since last sumn, A following week little sowing W ' I the weather being broken bY rb in this part seeding was well I . by theend of April, and 1110st . Ud finished in the f1rst week go -fa,r there has be7en a, fine growth.and the early so%vn 0overs the ground and the fal� shows welf In wheat the� - sown will be a little above th-1 ,of last season, perhaps 5 per eq . � in oatsandbarley,the acreage w - I . . I vaerably larger, from 12 toll -5 . above last year. Grass Was 60 that herds went to pat,ture in, � ,weekiii May. So far, .�-Ni�y 'I ve in heavy gales I m Prolific � I tb , and south east, with � .high temperature when blo,Vvin, I - . S50 intheshade. onegale"01, . Ww a severe one, and did co� &Mage by uncovering the S� pu � Bing ,up the young plan' itating in some -cases, exposed ' h . e,sow-n over again. These BPI -when the crops are not so far . � as to cover the ground are-veo I able, owing to the immense I � Jlrt t.11ey raise. At times it . . I � - I .� impossible for mau or beast to � . � in them. The look out at I yery promising for good crin, Z3 than usual care was taken by �, � . ers in selecting seed grain and I � . thesarne properly put in Of Considerable building will be i . ' thissummer and things in , more lively and progressive 1 fomeily were at this thne of � Work is plentiful arid watfv--' �' - no one need be idle who is N1 ling to work. Wishing 01, . "Weekly Visitor, all success, ; . . 'Respectfully Yours, - . I . ill' . I : ____1 _____ DisaRowance in llw : , . The public� Piecting ealli. Mayor of Winnipeg -to discu-1 . " ent,railway situation as afl ,Province of Manitoba. and to meats from the deleiatles re, ; U Ottawa re disallowance, V Winnipeg on Wednesday '-A, . . ball was literally crammed V and large numbers were un5 ,admittance, and crowde(I _� windows and doors. A w � - , ematic and intensely inter ,ence bar, never been so . eitY, and the resolutions I ulinost entire unanimity ai am. The resolutions in . thanking the delegates for efforts at Ottawa, endorsing of 1he Local Government in build a road. to 'thebound cond-emning in nximistakeabl . 4�eorge Stephen's threat a, U'Peg, a fourth thanking 11 . , . son, Searth, and Daly for " ainee to the: delegation, ai I anirnaaverting upon siie Joh. . members, of his Governnie leading the .people before election as to their intew, allowance.. .Members of tht-, lature, mayors and reeves v 'ties and provincial towns - to kttend the ineeting arv.... I JiPonded. ­ " � . ; � WIIAT THE FATtNIFU�' Ameeting of the Farni Executive was held at Bran Ileaday. There was a tar;. . - ative assembly, comprisir atives from. Points fally � Miles from ', 1�randon. T : - ' , lell0lationS Were an&flj1111ou_3 . "It is resolved by the . � � � the FaTm, er's Alliance a-, : � ; The- it is the duty of tf I , 1GOVernment to present a � the Imperial Parliainel-A . the grievous injustice a are suff-,ring at - the hana- Provinces ) and askill , I " 11*1 � merit or repeal of the I A -- ,m eration', as right and jn,ti,,x�, 2nd. That the wisi,stan-­ I utcl Of the Government o' be solicite(I to, 1)uil�l t ' . lit' Railway, on the distinot: that tile manufacturts (); I , � � 4 a4lilittea at as 1,111W it 41 gencies of the Province Nvi i I � That the Fariners' Allian- support to the i, - lai� , J(0VC*r11W1t re ii -I taking tile a�eti( the preceding paragraph, k:� .!,. I � undertake the eirculatilm � . the IrnPerial Parliament Z Provi,ne'a in 'Support of S1 , . -------I- I I 0-11'e-ssrs. O'Brien ai.-' tta'wawithoutex - ", perien, aria arrived at I out Kiligston � . Any interruptio..q. . � I . I ___1 - . � kl-__ I . '. � I . . � :Nftel,- . ___ - r , [ - -