HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-05-20, Page 4­ . � ":! � � -! - A.. ,_ � I , , � :4-1 1 � .,,�;, 4 ,� J �, j; I ' I ', -' � � 4 , - : , , � _. I ! .� I 1, I ,- � j � 1 �, I � . � I , I i i 11� - I L � I �! t �; I . . -1 , � � i- -, , ) 'A' �. i . �: I 1-13,t, :j I I t � if, � 4 ! ; " I I -1 - , � , � � I - - I I . , � , .� .,- � �q �� I ,� ��11 - � , . , 't . " I . . , �_ , . - : I . �.Ilr .I- I - , � - - 1, ? . �e_#, , � � _,� , ", . ar, - t ?7 . ­ , 1 41 - - , - - I 'I , I �, t 'i , I ; : " . , ; , , i I __�, A I � I � I ,:�:,_", � ��­ - � , � '. - , ,I :,.,� , , �� 4 if _� � 11 I , " � ,� , I ,� L I ;i. i � . �� ­ � � I , . r - , � . I I � ; . � � , � � . �. � — , �' 1, : . � . � :- I . , � , � - , - � - � I . , - . � I : , , I � _ , . � ! it -_ � 1-1 . , . I I I ,. �. I _ I , I I - � � �, , � I � I x - , I I I . I � I � -, I I i7i �.� 7 I � � z , . I . � � � 7 . . , . � -1 . � a - , . . 1. T. I � I "I I . . ! � 'S . . ,� � , C� . I , - I , C , I - � 1: . ! . , 1. - . . . � , I �� . . I . . . . I I .�!� , , � � - - . . � � - - I 1 ,� 4 � I , . - I I I � �* I- � . I I - . � * - , I � , , , � . 1�i � I � I I . �_ , _1�w� I ; - . . � . q I I � � i. . : � . I � I . . .. � I . - .. . ! . I - I � I . . . . I 1 � - . � , � . :_ b_s . . . . � . I . . .. I ­ - - 11 _., _ , , _ . —_ __ __ _____ -,—. ____ "t ­­ ­ . ---- ; . I I I . - � ­ � I — - - _ .. , 1 _ . ", - , -_ .. ___ —, I - I I . . I . I _- __ - -1 I . � � 1. � E � . . i I . ; . � I . I : i I I ; � I . . I . � . I � - r : . . . I I . I ! I I , . � I I - . . . � . .. : � � , , — � , . . . � I . I � I . . � . 1. I . . � . . - I .1 I I 1 . 1' . � ! I I I � . � I . I . ,i I � i � I . , I . - . � i . . . . i I . I - . �� ' . 1 . i .1 ! . . � i . � . __ � I ! . I I I . � . I � I i ; � - . � . I � . � ; . . Miy 20 198. , . � - . � . : ; I I . � - . .i I THE HDRON XPOSITORS -_ I * -_ --------- Z__ � . I . . . � . . - "M � - I � I 4 1 . — . I - 5 - ! — � I I ig the �om­ points he should contend against -and - . � � I I : - further loans, though what th� basis of subject "Decimals," advocatir make them, his strong ones;- he is a V�Bit OTTAWA LETTE:R , in view of the mencement of their study after fractions. � re- ' ' IEW ADVERTISEM�NTS- very orderly, although the several speak-� their suit ar6 at present on i such a statement can be - for the aids he can utilize. 11 I I . . e � — I of affairs li� did not He dwelt long on the method of decimal ; sponsible .� I From Our Own Correspondq9t.) present position ge and i while the pupil should have largel' I era got a fait hearing. It was very to Toronto. They have been there dyer ( I the notation, showing clearly the. ui y - 11 remaiA'ing OrrAw§,, May 11th? 1887. - suggest. He admitted a defidit on be trained 4hesis afte largely attended and, was., addressed by . a week,: and they intend -- . lad in the Yalue of the decimal point; he �aid that 1 freedom of action, he must Agr The ftgure between the p"aren. on. which , I I I i . . on, that yeair 1885-86 of $3,500,000, a ; 0 act in the right direction; and the -ter the 24th of May. T e great event � kch line denotes the page 6f the pape several leading clergymen arid other there until af . � curlent year which closes ow the 30th the first lessonfs were the most difficult t � I . . . is advertisement will,be found. I . city people, or a portion' of tbiim, ard to with such to understand by pupils, and then pro- teacher should keep in mind always the ' I prominent citizens. Th6 speeches were The I . I which was looked forw � f J une next a probable defl oi , - ed with the steps leading to the fact that he is training imrnortalbe�ga, ubilee Year -Joseph Kidd a Son - 0) I c , is 0 - ods -Duncan & Duncan. (6) I are making a very great f use over t6eir interest by all, the Budget Spee h 006,-, allowing nothing for supplement ceed Ireneral Dry Go anything but temperate, and were as I � . . i Z run rules for addition, subtraction, knult li- ' and ever remember and go to the one U1 forSale-:C T. Adams. (5) I new ar e. d division. it is impqassble to Supreme Being, the source of all bless. well calculated as speeillies could be to distinguished visitors, This is all q*.ite ovel.. Sir Charles Tupper, the stimates which will probably cation, an I . �y-Law No. 3 --Wm. McConnell. (5) t . y . . . ' I t el to over half a million. . i Discussion led by Alessrs� Doig, jotice--Albert Hall. (6) � , ht.* It is proper the . Govetnor-den wn his. h deficit up ing. I I create ja . . - Finance Minister, -brought 40 Fo the coming year) endin1a 30th of present an outline of the method herel _St such a disgraceful scene as rig . ' Pin I er will Anderson and Turnbull.; L Metion sale -j- McLoughlin. (9) I . ty ofithe financial statement OIL Thurs'day last, stimated a tevenue of, and it is hoped that Mr. Plu . ' atter - eral! should visit the chief ei Ju e, 1888, he e I . I #_ the afternoon session Mr, Clarksoll Axis Wanted -Mrs. Kennedy. "s) I ocourred on Tuesday. .In this m . : - . - . q ' ' - his paper for one of t e educa- At . d it is mal:ing a speech(sbf over four ours and 83(,400,000 of which abouti $29,000, - preparel ' ject " Modern Meth. L - Wanted -Mrs. Keefer. (8� '. ) the people of Toronto have allowed their chief province in the Dominion, an 11 ) .- u ryooi Wanted -A. G. VanEgmonds'. . ' ON is what the financiers,call taxiiticin, tional journals. A disc ssion ollowed, ods in Elementary Geometry," dealing . .also proper that he phould: be resp�ct- a half. . There are so inany remarkable : --- I Aardware_-Reid & Wilson. (8) -ride their judgment. ; By I bei a g the returns from custoiTis and �x- led by Messrs. Duff and Gwoves . ziegunt Pic-tures--Wade's Photo Giallary. (B) - zeal to over I : tha, it is . . with only a portion of the paper lie had I wtice . -9. malcomeon. (5) hey have.gi . d by the people. But Ithe things about the Budget speech. A . dof 1.5iminutes, ' their foolish action -t ven Mr., fully treate , I cise as contrasted with post4l revenue After an intermissioi ifigh Court of J . W llis. (8) . . . or has been turined - on the social prepared, as the time was limited. The �ueen*s Birthday Celebration. -It , diffictilt to know which one to touch for wbich there is a direct retirn to the Mr. Newton read his paper � I I I ' _ eman, Hemall. O'Brien and hi's visit an importance and Lieuterrant-Govern I . ren Euclidean Method is very ancient, and . 0or- ta A pa,yer. The estimates al P , lewelry-J- c. Stoni - (8, . � . . . t of his residence, and the Gove'r' upon first. But, as it is pleasanter to rea,dy be- relation between teacher, t and has been subject to uiany changes by Farm for Sale -Mrs. clutten. (5) notoriety they could Xiot have received on, I � an exp noliture of pupil. He -first dwelt on th: relation 3oarders Wanted -Expositor office. q8) ' it d t i �ronderf ul for% the House call for . . modern commentators, � The speakef, in any other way. It would have been General and his party occupy uT'flg- praise. than to critici e, the . � nphasiz� _ - -.- - I , . shown by the abciut $35,000.000to which of course between teacher und pupil, di by the use of the black -board, showed ��� - - -------------. I more to their cted,it their stay in the city. According td the graap of his subject thellre will be ' le additions ing the value of patience, love, the modern � way of enunciating and - much better and : . i very considerab � n;irn I ,I, 1..dw 'Minist1er may 1. e menti 'ned first. recognizing. of . t, t r A! ZY U 0 *�� 11 IV r papers, His Excellency is also disch�rg- Finance O . in the supplementary estimaties, of -which the commenoling and . Vill opositions as stated by J . . , . � 1) 0 5Jt, f 0 41. bad they followed the good example set � . imself P,r 0 9 I . i r generous . _! R 4 � lu been &' %el gave the number of, the , contrea,l and ..i g ' -social duties," with a lavish�ess The speech would'have; good one there are generally two ve merit, the teacher's interesting h r�uelid. - .- .1 . them by the people -of M I D I . i the 8up- in his p . upil's outdoor amuserneilits, and - . ritioning th � - - __ — t4 I of doses. Allowing nothing fo modern theorenis, me e cor- ' ------ aebec. In these places Mr. O'Briei! almost &mounting to profligacy, Nearly even for an old hand in the portfolio of 'weather . FRIDAY, 'May 20, 1887. Q I I . plernentaries the Finance Nlin.ster-wotks, their bodily welfare in cold -f Ones in Euclid ; dwelt oil the 3BAFOW-CH, Finance, but for one who joined the 1'betwee� responding . . . : In referring to the. relation, . , . — was received and entertained by his im- every person in the city who makes any ou� what lie calls a fair surpl is f4r, the difficulty in dealing with parallel straight ___ mediate friends, and. others,paid little profession to upper tendom, has been Government only last anuary i p,f ter sev- ye�r. Of course he took an I excee-olihg- tehcher and parent he dwelt on' the im- lines, and: gave, by using a symmetrical ' � . . . lyr, a e e of a kindly, and co- perative . . - - P. and ence from the�l country, ly ;hopeful Vi gso figure, an original wa,y of overcoming Mr. William UBrien, M . tention to him. At each of his dined and wino�d and feasted, rr should 0 . or no at . . . I n(e, Minist�er = the -interest a teache the difficulty that so many writers havi I : elite of Toronto are having a high, old and since then has taken the leading bot!inden duty of the Fina � I Few visitors to this country have meetinus he had a tolerably fair audience, . 61 par tin a tremendous election I struggle, to 4o, in an administration whlc� cla,blis show in his pupils whether! dull or endeavoredto suritiount. Severalother more I time. Now, if the Governor -Ge ere I I i prosperity [ of poor � ' �,reated a greater sensation )nd r' . I thi effort of Sir Char es Tripper is to ,be the maker of all the hildren mathematical questions of interest also � but no special demonstration was made . cer- . clever, and in the 01 red � wide-apread comment than -idr, Win. over him or his visit. If he is the dem- did all this at his own expense no per- tai ilyr'one of the most creditable of his thei"t comes to us. lie declaxied that,- parents. A vigorous and prolong were discussed. 1he method presented - ' fly fine in contrast Cahlada was never in so sa sf,actory a discussion followed, in which! . Messrs. � � ion, the talented Irish journalist ' ' ' plain, but life. .It yKas especia . . I G was clear, and proved interesting to the I YBr agogue he is said to .be by those, who son would have a right to com warming- co4dition, and he declared it in a great Balfour, BlackNvell, Duff, King, xroves, I ., . . atical geniuses present. � -elected member of the Eug- e of wi h the maunderings of Ilia �ffi . ed many mathern � Ind newly I oppose him, we venture to Say he� was when it is being clone at the. expew 1, McLelan, who hold -the c in different ways and w1th.a great Hutchinson, ard Linklater join - Mr. Clarkson has beon a close student - the N orth-East ' Province, the people Pa'. 'In lish Parliament for much more disappointed at the reception the people of this session. Great as wa - the interest ex- m4nyy �Iifferent kinds of oratorical e ffects. - Mr. Groves moved ...and r. Mal- . . . � of all questions in mathematics, and has Division of Cork, who is ubw on a visit iven him'in these -dities than over the have a just ri* lit to enter an indignant cited -by-the Budget speech �o be de- ,�uii, 1(;1f,tTjD CARTWRT(;11T'g RFFLY. loch seconded, and the resolution was e faculty of outlining his subjects #I 9 . . i 9 new . �T. I . � carried that the order of bu3iness on th to mt Lord Lane- v -General receives livered by one who is, in a Sense, a ' n r.pplying present them in an interesting form. A to Canada. It seems th turbulent scene enacted in Toronto. i proiest. The Go ernor SLL ,Richard Cartwright I - of ; : I cother in the field of Olarnadian politics, Reception umber of questions were a,pked and I T of '.. . I i mitole 'a speech which willIcall dpy�n Friday be as follows- 11 -'rovernor-('eneral . the princely salary of fifty thou and iscussion downe the present ( I - I I � -eat port,� Mr. Tumbull also, for a few I � i it ould h uah gi or had of answered) . I upon him the wrath of e Tory -in Secretary -Treasurer's re . . . last year his travel- V fee, the 41�ction Canada has large estates ii Ireland, ' dollars a year, and � triy, ernbership 7 i Piling on the TA;xes. : . th. country known w at would be pro- the country. He earnestly . ed upon on in rites, commentin4 on the modern . 1. I I I � � - a Mal- in,, ' and that recently he has had win e trou- I I nd other expenses cost the people posed by the Finan& Minister. The tho Ministers and the officers. On the motion of Me�ar . thoughts and usages in Geometry.. . It is. surely time for. the people of! this ing a . I peo I a repro . It e . I . has evicted a 2, thou gaud turiff changes are more nurnei-ous than settatives and all the people.to consider loch and Ddff it was decided i � hold an � N�OTES. ble with his tenants, and . country to take alarm when mer�, the of this country 'nearly twelve eveniog session. . I . . I . It is part- ot his ever before since the present 1jariff was car,efully the position which anada has I I . Messrs. J. Connolly, Listowel, and J. � I . I umber. of them for n. on -pi � tyrneut Of friends of' the Government, are ,com- dollars additional. � ,120 � ning session was opened by to � 11 . I 1. � ad)pted, totalling up no fewer than re�cliedf, with -a view, if possible, in- ,The eve ' Buchanan, Wingham, were invited 4. , M" CV-11-ien, says that -these 4. Ik t the: ra, id in- duties the duties for which he is so - -ber Nor is the number of them A - . rein " on our prescut headlong 4--'-- --din of the minutes .,of the last +,,L,, art in the proceedings of the 4 vj� a� . I mencing to cry ou a ou r . I JL.L1 - � . � Lli;U W L�t6 1:1 0 'the sexton r I - . - evicted tenants have been cruili-y-treat- ' I Inion aid, to become acquainted the most marked fact in connection with spo' d before it becomes to � late. He Session, and " An appeal to i meeting. crease in the public debt of the Don� Jiberally .p . eping cha ges which � e D, given by iss Pake, At the request of the teachers the the tariff, for t ie we dv�elt upon the . fact that, accor -r to and that the Object of his inission to with the various ,sections of the country I 8 & for air," a reading ed". and the terrible &nd increasing bdrden � TV ) - have been made are eiiough to, make -the the, Minister's own admission, thO`u&h of Wingham. The Secretar was called papers of Messrs. Turnbull, Doig-- New. ' 1 � this country is tG expose to ,he people 6i to bear. '; The over which be has been placed for the w4, Pf on tj read a paper on ' Welfareof , .. taxation we are forced � . � - whole country pause in wonder, and, it � are but four - and a half Inillions � the ' ton, Anderson and Burchill. will. be pub. f Canada -these cruelties, and in this' Toronto Telegram, altho, h 9fess- time being, and when iw the perform Would hardly be too much to say, alarm. people we pay -,$29,000,000,6f taxation the Teachers' Insititute -" the essayest 0 ngl Jpr, I . lished in some of the newspapers of the- - . . � ' I . way briD rf upon the Governor-Cfener&I the edly independent in oliticls,1 is�very ance of thit duty, he should pay his own It is true, that the du;y is taken off "' directly into� the tr, nd pay Jt drew attention to the onwarA ,march of county. � . I 0 are of oar people. � ' P � i i � - way as other citizens do n th racite coal, and the dweller�s in Can - - a system which adds 50 er cent. to education, the ways and mea�n� inwhi'ch Votes of thanks were passed to the s to -the Government nd ipever P I till friendly � ! are thus � -elieved I df on .blic School Board7for the use of the . I adian cities .a burden of it in the shap nof the - all may engage in it, and ishowed the ],,,, . N or when al or. mo: ral right to I the pr�' 'rand Trunk eison why,,.Tr. fails authority havt no leg . This is the. principal r to say a good w� d fo th a most odious tax Is to , which they a ,y them . fitg of the merchants who sel, a value in this respect of thik Teachers' E .iool building ; to the G ity by � g000 . t�,e points, i� - - ced rates ; to O'Brien has received so much notoriety in - im. of this respongibil were subjected. Bat, on, the other ected. ?,ing it can. It however, r' efuses longer t9 keep relieve h th'tough which.,the taxation fs coll I Association-emphasi, - ilway for granting redia I � . this country, and is ilie, * easoii his visit silence the impending ol�:nger placing the burden upon the public, who hand, the whole policy with regard to We have enormous deficits �,very ye�r, the giving and receiving of valuable t. -,e several essayists, and to the retiring r� � . I t . � - . � 1� � I . are not nearly so well able' to be ir it. iron, the most import nt article in man- ve I rovinoe, teaching and study, the cul- o"izers of the association. t' ­ i e to the . following In former a d claims from almost e >L . methods of . . .. h" Occasioned each general comment. and �4cture, has been chari-ed. section of some 1 to- tivation of sympathy amorig teachers, An interesting paperp " How to - gives utterand . 9 at d from every . secure It. is held by one party of our citizens words of warning -. - I . . . . There is -entirely too much of this , -were content to Vi f ces for i I the vi'alue of representation, ,the mould- iuterest and attention," � lars the Government . better terms. .4 t the sa e i , was left over that the Governor-General is t he Queen's On a great variety of things the duties flunkeyism in this, country and the 3oon- relgt under the iniput tion of fearing to ti 06 the prices of the articleg whic t e I ing of popular opinion, and he. � bene a - until the next ,meeting, Mr. Hutchison I ti , . t � . taxing The a to carry out their avowe� policy in respect ire after -�Il derived from t' � -in par- dly consenting to read it then. representative in this country, knA that in have been increased, The objec In in- er the people stop mselve faimer produces, and which �. a kin, . . creasing the duties is two -fold -to i keop . . Social to iron, by imposing auties which would tl�.,6 wealth of the countryi are mu h liamentary practice. Discudsion on the Th; Entrance Examination will be& .. . his official and private capacity he has pay for the performance of " . iron 'smelting .industry lol,wer- than they wer pape z r followed, led. '30 p 11 out foreign competition with such axt- I ey rei,lly foster the � . e even I in the few by News. Duff, on Monday, July 4th, at 1:, - M, - duties" -on t4e part of those whom th � ' r t ca, discharged his duties fa,ithfulIV &ud we . I y�ars ago when this Governmen . Rep,ftations The following resolutions were passed-. icl,es as can be produce4 in the country � in Canada. But Si Charles Tapper e Groves, and Linklater 1L � . their work, the has lost noire of his old daring, and iqto power. He made I . and that we have no right to interfere and to raise revenue.� The countr has appoint and �ay to do . . I die -startling were given by Misses Cargill and -Agnew, Moved by D. M. Malloch, seconded by . . - i a c mm nt be Ilow- J. W. King that it was -with the deep. with his private business, an4 call him such a heavy debt to carry that it, finds better. . I never did lie do a more recklessly dar- sthtement that if every ac'e of cleay�ed of Wingbam, and if a I I .. it about all it can do to make both ends I - __ I I , I ing thing than by doubling as he bas 141id in Ontario bore a crop 6 20 bushols ed here, it may be said rul that both eat sorrow that we learned of the, death to account for the doings of i his agents . . . . 0 meet, Some eleven millious of d�llars uditor- ra a d'one the customs duty on pig iron. Of of; fine wheat, the profit ; half of it citers, manifested good locutionary of our late fellow -teacher, Miss Laura - r , � e actIs are com- . 1. WE notice by the A ! a n in Irelmnd whether thes ! have to be sent across the sea !every I - . � ecurse he descanted, lin his own f1011y w-�uld be required to meet ,Lt,e taxation wer, and entered fully intp th spirit Catley, �nd we desire to extend to her , . sen newsFApery I roducers of p I the sel this -friends and relatives our ort that the Conservative' and grandiloquent style, upon the "hum iAlposed upon the wealth ; R ections, the rendering in mitted with or without h* t. In year to pay the interest gn the national rep � I � - sorrowing "Ill CO 0 fat take "� last He dwelt iipon X_ t " by M iss short, that we have to d10 wit him only debt. This is one-third of . the nnual of' this'county had a " . �. of prosperity " which was to arise. be- this country. re�p � warmest sympathies in this their hoar , - I . --- ,�p ct of I I The eagle's nes " of trial and affliction. Her muny excel- - ters' u,use of the develo merit of ,the iron tr; avagances ot which the Govern 'It Agnew, being especially fluei. , as Go I vernor-Gerieral and not a's an Irish revenue. The duties axe Still coy side,r year in printing the pornipion vo . t lie recogniz 4 . - I in teach- lent q alities of both head and heart had . I bly less than the American duties, but 1 snielting business; b ed, a h0ve been guilty -an unnec6s a- Ur. Linklater took " The 4im U . . a I der the Franchio-Act. The cost coa IL P - landlord, and tha� corisequ'en.�'Iy ttie rms- lists un . not a fool, Id fail to, do, that, chise Act costing over -$300 �000 a yea,r endeared her to a wide circle of friends, the American i.uties are being )artly� rio M an 4 ) ink" for his address as ChAirman. He I . " sion of Mr. O'Brien is calcul+ed to stir applied to the reduction of the nE tional' of printing these lists for this county M . I - iron being the basis of at least three -1 o6r $1,000,000 a year fo� Indians, a said it was essential to hLLve the right who will sadly miss her kindly word of . e manufacturin in Can4 n er reacies sy on debt, which with us is not.the! case. it., is constituted for Dominion el ction - q arters of t 9 I large 'proportion of which aii� prid first presented the egative side mpathy and advice. up. strife here, and is i1i bad tast1t. I - . ­ - 8 n ed by W. E. Groves, se - i People sometimes say' that a national purposes was $2,562.95, divided as fol --.1 - aiU, anything affecting the price Of Pig the Indians ,it all; $125,000, ooled away of tHe subject showing wha; it i ot, Mov conded d,e it is urged t'lat Canada, ' ibly. in � �. . the price of thO ir$� the abortive attempt t'llirough. the , the Other B -i debt is a good thing,, and poss - Iron must aitect also vit that it is not, to try to zmas a great by A. M. Burchill, that we, the Officers , - - ' through its Parliament havi*g declared *In�'Great Iowa: *East Haro . n, S88Q.66 ,- West tliousand and one art Loles which are pro. lil6enee law to 1110110polize thp. license sys- I mln'y pupils at an examinatIon, not to and members of the . North Huron Teach- . . . some circumstances it may be. and iron - But, 100 . . its sympathy with the Irlish people Britain the'national debt is in the hands Huron, .$910.45, ced fronrpig i these.4ays tem, of the country; al -wit 8:325, 1, cram knowledge , into boys' and girls'. ers' Association, desire to express the . I . � I I I I � in their struggle for Horrid Rule, has of the British people.; They hold the $771.85. There. is not a printer in the b , a strange piece of reasoning, or rather (a.01inost as much as the slu )a---, , he hmda ; but, life, 4e said, is before the deep feeling of sorrow with which we . nation's promissory nolte and thqs the � . b a strange pretence of reasoning, h( pl�ovirrce of New Brunswick) in lighting, �,, ' and the t6acher should, by his learned of the death of our late fellow- . . county who would , ot have taken the _141d, thus manifestecl its m�te4st in the money is kept in their own co � �intry. .yi a leged that the improvement in th( h6ating, furnishing, and othqrwise.rna,in- efTorts and example, boys and- teacher, Thomas W.' Sloan. Nor can . . 11 un- job and do4e the work for $600, ar d had our, : 'ic I affairs of that country, and that as When the money is sent out of tho co .1 � smelting industry' would � also in t�iniug the public building4l and pubi gi�ls, especially those who are poor, we perinit this occasion to pass without , � ' owne is a salaried official in try at the rate of eleven millions a year, the municipalities got the work dcnein- native raw material at cheap rates for 9'�ounds in the city of Otta�?a alone, and * thlit, having received the proper impulse bearing ,our testimony to his inany vir- Lord Langd, � i i - I I ent it would not t ae manuf acturers to whom pig iron is al ,so on and so on P I thi�y may � I ' and has to come, out of the podkets of: I steadi of the Gov'ernm . . Had all �'his* grievous ip on and prove themselves tries both in his public capacity as a I ple have a right to us, i'fants, r).w material. The theory, of I ance result-� � - this, country the peo , five millions of people, India, 01, have' cost more than this amount. This course, t�xation and wilful extraval .. holnest, noble, men and. women; .the teacher, and in his private life a,s a eiti . � ti in uire into the facts h idiots and all, the case is very di . was as it is in reg4rd to other things ed in achieving the greE I aim which d has his 7en. We feel that the parents have lost I q . I I P � t&cher that labors for this en . . . I . . 0111d F30 lo�-, I at �f build* i me ....- I is a fair sanrple� of the way in whi,.h the mpetition ,er the - Canada had at lieart�th Ing a ascertain whether or not he; is unjustly The loyalists in the Govern ' . . t,,iat co . reward. In the discussion ,that follow- a good and loving son ; the teachers an - � decry the very thought of ann xation public money is expended by the Dom- I' - that the natiN e article would ir - pirosperous .,and progressi�-.,.c group �of ed Messrs. Blackwell, Grovesi a-nd - Doig earnest, talented and kind-hearted frieria treating, the people with hom Can- I , I - ,Jr1cc be prod - . I "I aim " the President and co -laborer, I to the United States a ear to b blind inion Governme t�rne uced and sold at as close Plrovinces in'the west ther4� would buve commended the arrol the State has lost �' , 8 nt, and furnishes )ne of I . But it does Lo; . . atio'n for thein. I . . . I adiams ha,ve declareO their a rnpathy. . en a useful and 1 ,3, to the fact that tblel;p are the�selve - . can possi- r�tes as the foreign . bio�eu some excuse or palli I advocated. : . one who would have be the strongest arguments that - or' politicul econ 'it the result of it all was �ii bare 9,000 -iber of society. _, Which side is in the rightl1it isnot for doing more than anybody else to-, bring .. I � i � ing t�ak. e a great financie i. xpensiv A, 'cipulati6n of The session on Friday orning was influential mea f re bly be given for the necessity of liavi qmi -that with such e . f � �`milies Added to the -0 opened with prayer by r. Turnbull Moved by J. 1-1. Thompson, seconded . A us to say. Each has a illight to. its about the consummation they a -et to . I at zo see n and ' . � 2 ' . *11 the people of Cana- � the works as are used foi- smelting iro ,. n W, _nce the . -etary-Treas- by J. C I dread.. Whore wi l a ch$�nge in the mode of raising . :. Va itobaandthe North 08t si of Clinton. The S e . Linklater, that we the officers ' 'Ood � I facilities for Qoiiibiiia�ioii ' 'overnment came in power, d adopted. and members of the North Huron Teach - own opinions, and a g, eal can be turally look, if not to Wa,shington, I with such nt G er's! report, was read Had a niunici- , I . . qp 1, reveii�ue of the country. re' Province of I . I . the banner. . said in defence of each posli mal pte among manufacturei�s as are offeredi bir " Ut comi I � tion, But, �a nal I while Ontario, T nittee on nominations pre- erig's Association desire to express our . in the 'event of natio: y , is . �ned aliflost in a i d iffer on I is surely 1 pal council made an expenditure of thi - renial hich, deep feeling of sorrow on having learned however much people staring them in the face 9 � It the special circumstances surrounding C,onfederation, had sented the followin re ort, w y 0 1. I dustry, A will be at' lea,Istii, And -teacher, . . � - high time to take in sail' if we desire � kind not one member would have been the- iron in 1. stationary as regards pop�lation. . od motion of tMessrs. %uff ' nd Malloch, of the death of our late fellow these questions, there ,shoull be no dif i I . � I I :_ F I �' I 11 that this country shall continu6 its al- I retu ' ed to office the'next year, and 'yet very long time before, cheap iron is pro- 4I1 this had been maintained and made was carried : I - � Edward Slenimon, � and also to express n as . O'Brien's � 11 n And, in! tile mean- , .. . I . ference of opirrio, to I 117 legiince!to Britain,. the fruitful Mother I the 7 eople sustain in power year af ter duced in this way. . possible through. Franchise' Acts, Gery- I -11 - resident, W. E. Orovel, �Vingliaiii ; our sympathy to the bereaved family., right to come to this countr and to de- ' will ha,ive to bq borneand rounders, and 9, general �ystem of '109 I CO of nations. No nation can make itself I P_ . . I irne,' the tax - Vice -President, Miss Dic�, Seafortli ; Moved by J. Turnbull, se nded by o . I ich had so � '.N1. Malloch, that I � ff idered s sea if he sees. fit to do go. prosperous or happy.by piling on taxes. yeai'men who deliberately squ,fin er,the istributed oven, all the people. �t " ifbIling and corruption wh �1. Burchill D. . lavm_ cons liver his addre ') __11 I I I 866cretary -Treasurer, A. . I 8 ner. ifficultto believe tiatwhut a ; the question of a College o7f Preceptors I who If it could, all that the Finance Minister resop, rces of the country i , , I em.4[ ir - b!Iunted the public sense of 'liberty, and This is a f ree country, an( those � . I . . . -r can really be so, : I B�yth ; Assistant ' Secp . would require to do would be to! double ! I ble in this matth so reduced the standard! of political for Ontario, this association believing a1:r -)uld-re main This two thousand dollars, which was vita Miss McGowan, Belgrave. Executive do, not want to he' him sh � pice. - I S.r Charles Tuopeu, morality, that ,the sight had actually . tits establishment will - subserve the the duties and we should all rej i considering that ,1 -J. Turnbull, � Clinton - A. tha . . i . Tej C g if abso utely given as a gift,to the Gon.ser-. speaking on beha a great bo ly of 1n_ been sTen in Canada of men rejecfed Cbmmittee e n If Lord Lan: - tni o , . " . arway from his m ceti gs.. '- But where is the .ground for * I and 'in 'colcl 1. Plummer, Londesboro; I Miss Ander- best interosts of _' ducation generally, for vati .e pyinters of this county last year, ielligent inen, actuall , I and condemned by the people at the I ' � � downe is innocent and is the free, gen- people liave to p�y higher 1pri lc*i� '. I ' ! � I . . . his a the polioy which ing in the Houl-e of Co mons s6n, Seaf.orth; Miss .8inipsou, Clinton, f ully approves of the principle, and as- erous landlord he i . a claimed by.some to everything that they,consntnb ? eel cam out of the pockets of the people lood, proposes t polls sitti . , es the �Provincial Association of its - I I 0 .. - - I - dpub less has In and Miss�'Pake, Wingham.1 Auditors- Bur . . [ i ; I I I . . ado t. I e and 'voting as though he had been the . I I - , I een , anada shall inton. hearty support and assistance in matur. be allything Mr. O'Brien cap, say against i __ � . just �as surely as if they had b equir- , aken advice fro i -ia . sourec a b4fol I dhoic6 ' of the electors. ,, Sir Richard Messrs. Manning and S�oft, Cl . I I I ! I . I : - I . I him will not injure hirft. If he is the in- i i : . ed to pay it out directly to their local revoluliO ary'step. But t .1 I belegate-A. xN1. Burchill,,]�Iyth. ing and carrying out the idea until it ber Social Duties. : I . �! . I roposing this I . . spoke with great force, noti only because ' . - comes an established institution. . .1 I - . I � - I ;, J � then read I is pa er on . . 1,e--4-ms_,dep_i ed by Mr. i I ; C ould seem to be protection ran mad - o bili-ty, but becail e of the tre- Mr. Turnbull f I A, - 4f Iii4 a $ Moved :by J'. NV. King, seconded by humam monster The duties of �bl­ Lieu tenant -t' 3-overn - assessor. . I . I r ece - ." He re- I. . � ropose asa� tl e mend6us'irnport of the s �ptoo W, that this association receiv- orship. � are mainty ' a social character� .had given n appropriation of this kind the creation of a new cl!� ­ facii with which '4The College of Pr W. G. Du O'Brien, it is just is �Vell the people � I . n forred to the anomalous 0184ion held by I . I . � . I - I � 11 . xpense of the �veryl men. who, OP 0 � e de�lt, and his speech on this occasio � P ed -with regret the sad intelligence of the - but all unite i . �ying -that both thE 'the, . h xryb or . . I the teachih4 profession I The4 is this m uch to . e is not a ratepayer, be e one of a the members of I " � at it is socia I � iwould not have eon em d I with regafd to co-operatiom in a com- should know it. . I and cons ' ional duties pertain' Torr who ne his time, have been the bac4b Th is I ill long be remembered : .in the annul . . dea;&h of Miss K I MeEwen, their late be said in his favor at any rute, th , I . :)rotection, the in knufactarers'. � c f Canada.. � � I fellow -teacher, and that the condolence ing to the office h ve been*most satisfac ; mon interest; showed the 61 i6cts sought . ' ' use d i n I" - - I - I . only very- recently. any complaint has toril discharged by the outgoing officia the ��xp e1nol'Iture', and yet when a 3irpilar iubject yet rernuini to be dis . ___.— . . and sympathy of the association. beten .� I O' losed College y I . I I ; � I etail by the House, and doubtless Sir I , by the institutionof thepr I dered the parents and relatives of the � goodlady. � I a itted by the Dominion G,OV- give ; � I crests of­'�the public, been made against him, ano� he can not, and hi t �.; . no6 ypt , North Huron Teachers a.0 being in the int I I . I . 'harles will E ome facts ' I I deceased in their sad bereavement. be -very bad or we would lr�ve heard of ,,Sos' a the Toronto Telegram, and th�` eirn. ent'it exe sed or passed over in ' I the tep.ebers. He a,y I � I I renerally known. tat if he u iab .e .- InstituteJ � Of education and of ' Moved by W. F,. Jones,eeconded by 7C e ive P�Soof 1 th; 6t compared the influence of Mle Law So- hia alleged offence� beforeinow, and in statement is, no doubt, substantially sil irselv(s a ver r at ;`0 do so it will be conclus� ' I I .. � . ence. I . rg � :i The regular annual mleting- of the W. Doig, that the fee for membiershipin i . . . .1 � I I D to seEd aT d ciety of Upper Canada in 110 -gal matters . I - there is, no doubt, The duties ar6 mainly of a in by such conduct.' i I rotection'in Canada has run rs' Institute, was . I this association be, 25 cents ; that the, the present trouble correct, � j ustice b: I I A 19orth Huron Teache: th that influence a College of Pre- . , � I in � wi . I :: � fault, on both sides4 It is a3 well, there- soiGlAt.. char�tter; und it I d have : I - - - __ ! hat � only the most, desperate tax . atio: held in the Central s-lbool;1 Wingham, on 6eptors w0uld have in eAucational af- securing of professional journals through I : . I ; . ; it going much longer. I . the association be discontinued and that . . ' . i riday, May 12th and , - y - -te el cc out- :: question of commercia� union . I . Thursday and F fairs; the scheme undW aiscussion fare, that Mr. O'Brien be allowed to ate been little to his credit'had tl� - N-1 ih 1� �0 : the secretary be requestoid to close all � . I . C TY. � . " I . ON-TNTERCOU ILSE � - - L - � I 13th. !The first session began at 1.45 p. *ould be fruitful of much # it were well ' . freely and fully the case A the disaf- going official 1' not performed th " satis- the'i ToroAo Telegram r,marks : � " it I companies - I ; I I- li . I During the course of his spleech Sir In., *ith-the president, Mr. J. C. Link- carried out. He gave an IDWine of the accounts with the publishing � . . . as soon as xpires, factorily, seein the whei 3- ithal mig e i� order, af ter tie �epi es nta- -ater, in the cha the present contract e. fected tenants, and they dGuld not easily � g that . ' htb ', P Charles made an important stateme it I ir. After prayer by Mr. lieading features of the i��Ialish College . : I . )inter J. Anderson, the rninutcs.� of the last sea- � I I � � . able spokesman, ap-d then if ' has been provided by the tax-pi,yers of. t,ive bodies; of the country get through ith regard to the tbreatene.d non- - ! ors, showing th4tj the institu - . . get a more , I I; I . : I . ---.-- , Lord Lansdowne fee -Is it necessary he this country. But, after all, w at bene" discussing !the qi!iestion, to enquire. how course regulation which the Presiderit Sion of. the meeting held ih Seaforth, on tion had worked advantageously in the Notes From a Wanderer., , . i .of the United Statee, has 11-een authoriz, -.d October 8th, 1886, were read, and on the " ; I I . old land; and the Orit66riq,0ollege, .if it . means to have his fit do nine -tenths of the peop] to con- commercial union would affect the. eon- �O es- otion of essrs. Duff and Doik, were ­ � I - . . _4 . by Can e generally supported� wd4W be crown- . DEm?, F,X110.1i1T0R,-In COnvergati�" will, possibly, take , gress, at his discretion , I � - ts : I � ,ratood by . uniers. , admit h ai regu- � o 1. tribute this money derive� from �he per I The manufacturer looks, at it tablish. He ed that sur" , , nfirmed... It had been!unde 'd with still greater slecessi herb, Ques- With a farrier a few days ago 1 remark - ,side m- ade public, when those of oar I I . . � ; ' . - i . i I I formance ,of these social duties by the I ricim his p6int of view, the 'farmer from lation would be a � , - . wda nity d itated k number of the teacheri. that Dr. Me ns w I . e t 'bellan would be at the 6eeting, but as i - ted and general disclassion took ing their mares this spring. !How did people who mary care to follow the mat" f ere asked on �he ,�iper, and an ed that a great many farmers were log I I . I In the Lieutenant -Governor. Wouldlit not be ' 1 o'on all that he had no id a M t6anPresident 'L anima . ' I ter can judge between them. I !hii,.tbe merchant from hi , and � i he United States would u�e agaii: at fie was not, the chairman. xplained fully lace, which wits participated in by ihe account for it? Ifesaid,,"If they 'L of of t �Xr 1 ' the visit better, a great deal better, if tAese social 1aro5und the circle. But the interests ower ! with the eircumstanc--s of hi absence, and mean tim e it Would Seem IS if I . t Canada the tremendous 1p Balfour, Connoll�i, Blackwell, 4 will take my advice they will not lose L . . , duties were dispensed wiP, ad the ' e- in I I is. not at all likely to st :6nsu era must not be left out of trustedi. tut at .the different steps takeriby the,offibers rengthen the . . . Ith c I which he had b Groves, Turnbul 1, I Duff, Black many of their mares. The plan of feeding ; ,in I e time be d clared that it 'would !to Secure his presence. �: . � es q'n the the sam . ;kson showed is wrong. .Farmers- generally feed too aym,patliies: of the people oj'thi§ country money, which is thus frittere . d a ray and vi6w. If �11 the customs hous 'I. ( . . ,I !%hauan. Mr. Clair' I . not be an unmixed ans, he ' On the motion of Mr. (Iro'ves, secon( - . squandered, used to ligbten the axes of fr6ntier w re swept away everyt ing on ,vi lan�di , y citing several examples, Oat different much hay and not enough grain. The in favor of Ireland, 'whiaterer other re- I ir, f t d by Mr. u , t e commit- . . tile, people. Then all would Jceap the which dul I has now to be paid would said ' were united . the pr6teqtiori o e � I folYsing . tasses of merchants and! ' others of dif- hay being bulky requires too much room sult it may have. . . . y . . fisheries, because (if the protection of I ees were appointed .- I erent callings- had been �greatly bene- in the stomach of the mare, and the gas , . I I . S'. Wilson, A. H. Plum- , - ! . I �teyrrpt benefit, whereas now only. the; favored co ne in free and thus the price to the which this threat was ma,de. And he ;I Reportin tted- by union, and co riselled the arising from digesiing'the hay too often Some have gone so far as to al I . � I . I � Agaiq, we say i e unders th � Gov- mer J. R. alfour, A. '.Nf� Burchill. - hers to enquire well into the sub- results'in inflammation. Now, takethe � few get the advantage. � co�samers woul'd be reduced. As we gave it to b - tood that: e ) � Mr. O'Brien fron being heard � -J. Turnbull, D. M. c to prevent I f I. ernment would staud to the last by I he 1 Constitution d V Ley would away and feed oats and ci� q I ect under discussion an see hay nearly' all I at all. In t ;his respect Uie people of the social duties " should be dispens'ed ! a,r6 all consumers we should all enefit ; I . : . b ights of Canada in thistespect. 1he Malloch, J. C. Linklater a to W 4 lerived from bran mixed with a tablespoonf al of Sul - I I rid the Lieu tena,ut-GoveJrn or :, to' degree. A good deal i,s I I . 'eneral � � J. Turnbull the great advantage � I Toronto have made thEmselves eon- with, � a . I I � some. , through trade if it ivere prpvEnted trom ; Resolutions- C - ) t. A resolution on the s4bject was left phur onoe a day. Sulphur is a good .1 - W. . G . 1) u ff, . q � e_ . ridiculous. In Montreal and should be required and expected to per- :a out thell political aspect of t e case, going to New York and B,ost,on, I'wo Id x C. Clarkson" W to be brought in by the:iCommittee on 'thing to, drive any dis ase out of the . I I , I jics at go to Halifax an:d St. John, :i and b Id Resolutions o i)!ence-J. . I : I -opt this method spicuously ' - d b :Resolutions. : i system, Letfarmersad ,-rfered with. form only the " constitutionali duties.' M the question is not one of pcIi.t 3 � . I , Quebec, he was not int, I I eseports. H-,expresse4the ho e, Shaw, W. E. Groves. I I rds of Tr7ustees "was of feeding about a week or two before This,woqld be the case if the country I all, but one of bread and butter and up th I tions -W. G Duff D �N 1. I I Township Boa I foaling, and my word for it they willnot I But in Toronto he was not only ref ased � . I � I . rather a chimerical one'� ha.t ' in he Nomina ; ritercou e bar ier ,Mallioch, J. W. King, s - Dunbar taken up by Mr. W. Doig. i He proved , , . job to speak, but when he cease�l to, provide the' f ands I for ;the I business," . i I�Iisse , - or:�ed and pro- lose many of their mares." This seerill � . I I event of the 'non -i � I a hall in wh . i ! . I I i iniself to be a well-inf . and if I ! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ; , Q ates, Graat and McGowan. . . rs - - —_ being! I iis paper was of gener- 11-1 I i -,, I . ft social duties," The' fi t:step irr this : . set up by thE Uniie4 S 1h to me to be good, Sensible lo " . , - in I open air in . : � I ! I I ." th gressi attempted to speal, the, � ; e ve teacher, I I i up thd q ari, I " � I ' � I direction is to' abolish the Lie' utenant- I :A DRiTIATCH from Kingstoll ' dated Britain would take ' . el a nd -1 In presenting the p6grarnme al interest and was listened to with close it is of any use to: farmers here it is. ; e was : . an wheat i chairman �-alled for the s'ubje t " . Queen's Park on Tuesday 'last, h : . I . sh Tuesday' last, � says: it On 'Sa,turday discriminate against AnTeri3 . c - Meas- attention. He showed how the To wyi� All nature now'jisvit look -i st,-reim., I Id Governor's residence. Let - hin� fuini ' nd Mr. IV (;. Duff t Thi� tri,,es and llc�ds are robi-din green. b1 who Nvou I and in favor of the Canadiom. p.nd Indian urements,!' a ? Fie n met by a howling mo ; . . � � I ship Board is constituted, touched on I . is ,elves I nor permit his own residence and his ow attend- ie'i,eaing the mother of Rev. C. E. and product. This, he contendedi could be Iread a leng-thy and int4esting essay on � I : I � ; i I ntraste(I That will do, ,NTr. Editor, T Avill not . � neither Ii ten thems - I . I c n- 1 !this topic, dealing,, wit long, 1 si�luare, the early history of it, a;nd: co !, I I ' who desired, to hear what was .ants the same, as the rest of u$ have to Sir B lichard Cartwright died at the resi- done without injury� to tbo� British .und cubic measures,. .4 sures of ca a , the two classes. of trusteies-�-'Township give you, i . ny poetry On spring this tilylelf I . -me : . , others I i I her brother-ir I sumer, for the reason tha� the vast And C � - Board and section Board.' The beat but the farmers are done seedi�fff orouto mob, do, and pay for them out of h;is liberal diemce: of Aaw, R+.� F, W. Id 1 3 r. 11'e advo- ' said. The action of the I . . lds of 1 India 11 WO city, the circle and cylin c , I i - i 11 I features of the former lie illruAtrated, and and the grain has started to grow. Tfie oub due to the salaxy. If be then liked to 4iscbarge [ Dobbs, at the, age of 718. Sir IRichard growing ripetitic n necessary to k ,,ep I 1 cated the use of . objects, such as blocks, was, however, UO d � : I L . � I give the cor I I )olles, !etc., and illuorated a showed also the manifold disadvantages. ground was never in better condition f* - so-called " I ! arrived from Ottawa a few bouts before down prices. He declar6d'hiMSelf'in I measures, I � social duticis " goo6 , I . course pursued a,t a meetin rt held in the these �_ I 1. . I of .The essayis4preferred the:iSeotion Board. the spring crops than .now,. and the CA � - - d rig the are� � . I heir death, and in time for recog tion by favor of more extended 7re iprocal re- practical method of find � urday. and well, and if he did not the country I . 'L . P" I i, dlinder; he also:pointed �Discussion followed by 3,1,00rs.'Scott and prospect is that they will be Zood ; fall 0 11 ; - a circle and � � � I . ! � - same place on the previ us Sat Id have no right to complain. All 'h�r- She was exceedingly charitable., lations with the United Rtates, and eon - !Duff. . : . : I wheat is looking sickly, althc�ubh tber6 I , This was _' meeting of citizens and. was Won I � I I I J tended that if Canada weie shut )ut out a Nvay of exf,mplifyiiig the "meaning I Mr. J. E. Anderson introduced the are sonie very good pieces ; the farmers I a . as one of the founders I e ; � and its ob- they need care, about - is the proper.-il-4-1 w . � � I froin the United States, sho Would be I of 'I measur " land " multiple " called by �jjayor Howlancip .! '; I oral � Edu&tioi�." This are busy putting in their root crOP!j - � Home, and contributed libeirally'to the stano: the siege I (Ineitioned the advisability of retaining ,subject, " M ;titutionall duties " . I I , . en charge of his � 11 cons 7 - I in a better position , to e said, is of v4f; importance; and wishing for rain ; fruit trees are 10 ject was to &otest a-gy'ainst: Mr. O'Bri . � � Paci Rail -way , in arithmetical text books thd. tables of- question In and these are the duties, and tb�ese.alone I�cal Char-' table institutions. She came now that the Canadian , 2 . � bloom, and there is a good prospect d coming to this country 'to attack the I I .- -was was built, than She wouldl have been be- : cloth measure, English currency, etc. teachershad to face criticisms bearing 110 . , . . . -a caring I for which be should be'paid out of � to Canad in 1832, and her husband on the morals of themselves and of their fruit at present,; sheep h i . � i � iscussion followed2 engaged'in by . Gavernor-Gerieral and to ,� express eon- . foxe. ! A d . e strongly , . In this' c- for a long time chaplain of the Kingston Messrs. Newton, Balfour, Plummer, Pupils. H emphasized the commenced, and the farmers may be ex- � conne . -14-AN fidence in the ability oi� the Home the public treasury . . ' - 11XHE FL 2 CES. Shaw, Anderson, Linklater and Wilson. necessity of the teacher's own example pected in town With large loads of W"001 . we may mention that the Gov- Penitenti hh oition on I e of her The Finance MiAiSter stated that he . c I . I 9. � . (,,o.vern.ment tg de�l wit'7 the. Irish . tion, . t 3) 1 : I P, obliged to effect ny Mr. Plummer next introduL ed the ,being high and ennobling; his weak before Ion and sons now Occupies. ; i did not expect to. I I i . I I a , � . . I I . . � I . .rig 4 Iso, w 8 not ernor-General, Lady L nadowne ! � ; I question. This meeting a . I � , ; : . i : -_ 1* I � I . I I . %� . � I � I . . ; i 4 I I _.. : . q � I : I . I . . . . . . I i . I I . . I . � . � . I I . . I I . . I . . I . �, .1 . i F � . : I . . i . � I . . . � I . . � : . � I � . . � � I I . ; . I � - i . t I . � I . ; . . - . I � - � � � i i I � I . : I � I � � I � . . I i i . � I . . I ; : I . I - ; I . . I � I - .. : i . I I � . I I . E . � I � � . I - I � i i . . . " i k '­ . . 1 §4 ' � el , If" I I, ; �1! � I � I ' a I I I i I 1�', , I k� I 7, i W I , I. 131n � i I 4 I I ry� I � H ny I I n r 14 ii i " I' f "y O�' n' .9. -tt ic �7hv e !!!!!7 1, i , I i 6.111 d I �v I". �'Iv i it i I t e ' ' i .DJ' I i , � : i � i i I I , . , , I . I i I i I I ; ; . :1 I I . . . . ; . i I - � . I � � I ! i � � I I . I � I I . i I - : . I : I : i � I I . . : . i . I : I i . � 1;1 . : � I . . i ; . . 1 6 . : L . I � , � I _� � � I ! �; . : : I � � I I . � . . I . I � I r � . r . � I I � I I � . : I I . ; .. . : � - . 1 � � . . � I - . . I : . I . I I . . - . . I I I I T � . � _ ! I . - : . I I . ; . . I I — - � . . I � I � ! � . i I � . I � I � ; I , : I . . , I 11 � - : i I . � I I . I I 1. � i r . . . � I- I i � I � f � . . . � I * : I - I i : I ! . . � � I I � . : I , L - - - t - ­ . . -,.-- '.1 - , -­ _. . - ­­ - ----- � i ­­ -1. .­ . — �­. � ----- - __ -­__ : - -..,.. _6 _­­ ­- � --- I .. - — - I - - __.____­­ . ­­ - .11 - � k .. . - -1 � - 1. I ... I � -1. ., - I 11 1. 1-1 ... - . -.1 __ � I - 1-1 _ I ­­_ ­­_ ___ _____ I -Ii _ ,., t-, -11 �.. - ", - Z 1. - , Irl, . - il I I I I ., . . . 1. . � . . 1, ; . . � � i �� � . . I I . -, I . _�,_* __ ,---,7 �, , I . � I . . . ; . i - . . . . I . � , . ? - . � I - I a ­ . � I - 4. �:� - � . ; � I ; I I � -7, I` �_ - I I I - . r ! I - � I - ! . I I I - I - � - I I � � I - . . I . � . . �: - �.i -201,18817. � . . �, 6 1 - - . . � � 0- - -----;.---- __ - -, I ___ , ,� .. i . - Ldgs fro�n eri � . X ,_ 00od Tbj I awtaor`*, .. W19-6�9 8 V. P". I � � 1��s , 1, . - -, , etter to 311' Mr. V. . *-T,o �au ope , ea, �ew , - � ,,, f- days ago, of th I 11 '. ,%ttention - I � 0111iol"'Olis the especial - -1 , r so le an,a more . I I P nity , _e . ; V .0p I 14en opporta ' �� A&M, tothego" I � . 10-mersi jea for ��curing ese � . . 'Oovr pr. a W�th the Un'tc(l � - .0 .1 un -to terms thf-I t V,�A I ia� a forcible iloquen t advanta,ge-� JU e on A -he Vas as lap "At I , . 6yra4lia, by ReciPr"O"'! . la,we;, to .ce I � that & If ery large, in 3Y I 9.0,swrts 11 people favor tit AuierieX . a for its Coll � the - , ,eqaire ,h ortly � A I .Wbic ttleinent of the fishery 4 . a8e neighborly: . . -00 ,display of a, T hal, ot . 0a the, art Of C.3,na,d.a. out ti'lle: !,w the P ,e at the pres k . ts sr. � : ��Tv - only too tru#- CC � dition Is � IWI - - � ed eon thinh of anv - I I ossible to x than the se -urn, 28Z )the � . . 'relief ( lea market, With, I lbeir Xtelu The!t � VeOitly c_ ir products- . i for the * . � 11 DO be 01"t""le"' 1 . rL a.inly, � . , WID � _ cert ,,e�ty, which Would - .� I . I ocity t purebasers ill��Lw t ,field Of put, il � A Vas Mr. Winian I � Iler. in ("ayiad'v I . I c . ,not prosper J.. . ;�_ er ry for evc; � 1� I -or the count 2 1 n.o hoPe f N n "UP'""' tr � , d, largelY . I .t - iatqest deperr ne Reell?rk-el fty -of this 0 - b" 11a,s indireet ( VW . . T)9 a direr-ta's we,irtan't I)rall"" . . - - . . and -.% i other Impf Inally'. the Dominion' aristry In the greateSt., a I Oubtealy achlevo T here " . .,umber. I . 6 the grestest _ li.wever,on ti -e P""t pn(��141' � position, r turers to 0 t '. , � _:� Our WaTIU19-13 . as inin-at"", � . of 0, commerelul union - . � 3 - . . ar a to take the ridicti 'riterests, , country 11-10i5t, fc" gtion that the, ,,out Of re � ror . ( ,pective benefit" � PWe don% believe any fheM. rer would be in tile I 10uUf&ctu , 1"I 1110:0 - - * But I Jur A by RcciProcitv' ay ' I �,tly hefped. - , be gm , ; I . ;7ould rrow-1111nde'l fan of na � 4reaay org , P! I to NIV orld, has been eL I Toron . , . st tile 6 ,do 'its littlle best- again _� . . of arguniout is a su16 .and its-11-ne I of ,the weakne'-s 'Of � I;;- -dicatiork 'L r This Con,ists in a series o � PC uttaeka on .Nlr maea'n 6 ' 'r6onal to ,wbom base and selfish n1( . I I 'buted NVe kn6w nothiX attri . , - . ate t � schemes "'. � Winign a priv -ase. . 9 6 4 nothing to do with the 4, -I we -cam see. NNT,e Are able to ,I oell jourselves 'Wrbe6ther ReCil)r ': and believil 6 beirefit Can&dal in for it reg woul(i we go I whet�ler NMI% vviman becoMe-S �, _NP . not 1, " A.1,earil , Of OW York or '' - the World has g,iv`en proof ti - , � sesses a tithe of W Iman 8 � p,,tr,Otisjn_, ,it will be time eno, . . I - to, become his censor. . 6 - jr.uE To-RONTO '--_-11114FV1_-LT' w; 6 - ,an be no question th4t Mr, ' made a political inistake in ,,' ' his son s I heriff Of Toro - iito. 11 inconvenient for a -political - . have a son, unless he, - belol Tory party. in that case it I . to put the z, . oDrdiUg to Hoyle 6 where he will do the ni'ost 9" family pocket. None of tly, r1i � tical m orality are outra,'9 . M .cry of nepotUrn is ealy i, Now Mr. Mowat hil-DWS %V, . that the case b3quitedilfer- 7politician of the other danl�jli �i ­ be perfectly certain. that th4 theConse-yvative party �vill; . . SIOM ggt,on suspicious occa, the electors of tl�is piece ,of � iquity�as no doubt they.Wil c 6 7 0 , 1� 11,1 LAN,-,I)OWN-Ti. AND , rN.. � vai of Mr. O'Brien an,d. hl rilbride, the 41 terrible . ,,,-e 1 1 landlordlern, -will, it i -el tO b re�arded with :a- philosophii y , b the Canadi,2111 publie. � . . � d) I � . ID1881011 IS (as allege to � Lansdowne, an, d to evoke: hostility against him. thn, country, it ought to be az We have notbiizg to do witl"6' 6 'here, in his 4--apacity of 10 only know libfi, as the t�ll sentative, and! in that cftij� entitled to our !rez,pect, W, facts may be .!as to iny 16' with his tenarits we do 1101 tainly Mr. O'Bi-len's ex -pal, . cannot be regai de(I as cond, - . -: in. any case, as -already stat, : #, of our business', -While vr. the Rome RuI4 orator a pv- . I � I spectful. heari�'119, we cam � � what good - Iii.4' tour' iid Jtk-74 . cause he has A heart. � � - 6 TiiB 34,A\. -mono. BAIL ON-7�1__. ble deputation froin "Manit interviewing the Governmel . that august 'body to stol 6 railway chaTters granted 1; . eial authorities. Poor -M is too bad about you ! F_,, ; ::: ,'solid for the party of J4L) . . . � favor of the 'bargain Wit1_1 I *which contains this -lisalbl� Then, when the elallSe 6 You Yell with rage, and ' time you go to tbe P01115- ) Sir John again. N' -ow, 1 . average politician -deal v your kind--:partisaus, wlif 6 . try to Party -overrides e. Personal interests ? lyl�� shrewd Old 11,an hms i w 6 VIth You-2mooths theriv . 6 few soft words antl se�l I bappy,,a�ftd then goes ri,gil itig their charters as beforl , . then, jolly well rigl if I punk ihan. to lick I = them. - __ I I I H-uron NX-oi —The Courtof J;L,cvisit,�, ship of (1rey will be he hotel, tthel, on Thursdia- -Mr. Philip McKibbc I California -last fall for t4 � health, is back again in. I . I —Two large panvs Thos V 6 . Holmie.57 office, Wi hamWtre broken by r last (6 - week. . . . . . —Mr. J. A. lkritlerf5o! . recently pur I chased a- I . . " - Which he paid -P I 300 7 'vehicle,) arid is � �redit I *the — * Goderich. frie- bratitig Dominion R_L�� . gar`1c8,,&'1_'. They had �, . - ftlebration la.st year. . , : - —Messrs. Hanley .., Mmoyi% of Clinton, hoo, . P,11t foundations -under t "'OW , 6 .; ,,t, ler Tuck-ersniffli . � ril t I eY) and M r. J. 'I I �. I tOWnship. . . ­On'e day last wetk _� Who resities 'near the ' property in .Stanl, I ey, � "e"t Out to shoot gr,)ut becorni., , - y plenti 6, - Aisle rIng at -one th left haid was Aisio! and thrown bar�k aaam- 11 0