HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-05-13, Page 7f
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MAY ,13, 1887.
Colborne. .
Lookt.11IL8.-Mt. Edward Young is
in great glee these times, its a young
,son. Mr. Thomas Morris also ex Its
-over another boy. -Jacob 1isher has
Tented his little farm and e gaged for
/five mouths with Mr, M. Framer who
inteixds to raise his barn ana int in ew
sills and stone- stables. -A out :ti79
weeks ago a little son of Mr. S. m.
Straughan, of the 5th concess'on, w ile
'running over some plowed ground fell
:and broke his leg just above he ee.
The doctor set it and he is doing as ell
as could be expected. --=We got a ne
rain laal• Thursday which as m tch
ineeded.-The farmers are making he
!best use of their time and if the weat er
keeps fair many will be thro igh s &l-
ing title week. --Mr. Durst, of the Mait:
land concession, has sold his farm. It
is a good one and he has sold it oo
-cheap. But it seems that money makes
the farms go as well as the " are," for
Mr. Wilson, his neighbor orl theop-
posite side of the road has so d his 40
acres for $1,300, which is onside ed
-very cheap. -Miss Holmes, oLir effici nt
teacher,„is making good progress with
her school. ,
Be Consi.stentAlwa -s.
Don't forget that consieten y in -the -
100111ITICM things of life. is - all important -
!to,' fruitful service to God, eitIier in di-
rect- work for Him,a. or in ny otl»r
walk of Christian life. Whil - • -we ire
in His presen.ce at all times; sas are at
certain times. more than at others, un -
pier the observation of - those around IS.,
I in our home, in the office,- onthe street,.
mongst those in any respect over whOrri
we have an influence and before whOin
we watk-by these- we are - watch d.
Don't forget that, nor forget that V ry
ranch •wisdom and knowledge, very
much faith and love, will be Outweighed
by small _ inconsistencies in common
things. --;
The Dark Day.
The fallowing is at description of the
dark day which happened on Friday,
May 19th, 1780, taken from the Fr -
Triers Almanac for 1815, _printed by C.
Norris and Co. :-
"The circumstances and appearan es
which marked this methorable day,
were as near as can be recollected, as
follows: The morning exhibited nothing
remarkable except a thick smoky at-
mosphere and a pale glimmering of the
eastern sky, about eight or nine o'clock
smoke and clouds obscuredthe sun, be
heavens assumed a brassy appeara.4e,
something like that of the moon when
it is totally eclipsed. About ten or
twelve o'clock a gloomy, melancholy
darkness involved all terrestrial° bjects ;
the birds and beasts repaired to their
retreats of night, consternation and
horror seized the minds of mortals alact
the solitary and deformed sky micht
Beem to portend that the final dissolu-
tion of all things was near. The da !k-
neas was so great it was necessary Ito
light candles in the houses. The da k-
ness and; brassy color of the sky contin-
ued with little alteration forthe rema,n-
der of the day .a.nd the night was as re•
markably dark as the day."
A Famous Farm House.
Perhaps there is not in the Province
of Quebec, or the Dominion of Cana-
da another home such as we propose
describing. In the township of King-
sey, on the banks of the St. Francis, in
a very pleasant situation, with beautiful
Surroundings, stands a comfortalple
though unpretentious farm-steadi
On this farm have been reared t
families in succession of ten children in
each. Of these„ during thelast 27
years, there have been qualified two
doctors, two lawyers, also ten teachers,
some of them with academy, model and
ekrentary McGill diplomas; two others
have taken courses at St. Francis C°1 -
lege, and there are yet four of the 3rOUllg-
est tO hear from. '
Here was written S. Carsley's prize
tales, "The Three D's," " Dishonest*"
" Disgrace," " Death," and other mat-
ter of merit. Nothing pleases us more
than the success of our farmer friends,
wham we are always pleased to me t. '
We are aIso pleased to see so many of
them in high positions in the cit es
and towns in the Dominion. No mat er
in what position we find them they
look back to the days when they
"pa.idlt i the burn," and "ran abcot
the braes." Perhaps at times they hid
hard work, but they now know that it
helped to: fit them, for the "battle of
life." And haw often while telli, g
tales to the prattlers, or gazing in t , e
embers of the midnight fire, do t . e
thoughts steal away to the forest, to t • e
fields, the brook, to the sugar making,
to old Dobbin and Jessie, the colts as
.they stand by the plow- furrows, to the
Sleek coated oxen with the big hay
cart, to the Corn field and the husking.
Again they hear the tinkling of the Ow
bell, and, yes, father is there; again jhe
is opening the gate and mother, d ar
mother, is again standing in the dooriof
"Their Childhood Home. '-Sherbrooke
About Lumbering. .
An outside estimate places the total
lumber output of Manitoba camps dur-
ing the past winter at 45,000,000 feet.
The Winnipeg Free Press says there is
no daubt that the output this year, is
considerably in advance of previdus
years and the prospects for the SUITIII er
business are fairly bright.
Mr. 0. E. Comstock, of Arnprior, is
reported as saying that the past season
has been very unprofitable to the lurn-
bermen. The snow has been so deep
that it was impossible to get the logs
out and many thousand feet of valuable
timber will lieFin the woods all the sum-
mer,simply bemuse it could not be
moved. Many of the lumbermen who --
had engaged their men by the Week
sent them home early in the season.
The loss will amaunt to a good round
figure, and many of the lumbermen
will be almost stranded. 1
In many parts of Canada, says an eX-
Ortnge, the timber growing upon the
land is specially adapted to the manu-
facture of such pulp as is used in the
manufacture of paper, and as a subSti-
tutc for lumber in the in umfacture, of
furniture and other articles. From 40
to 120 cords of this timber is the aver-
age yield per acre, a.nil the pulp, by
mixint4 with clay, steatite, asbestos,
plumbago, mica, etc., can be made: to
amine every possible color, and is
adaptable to a great variety of uses. I
A novel building has been established
in St. Paul, Minnesota, which gives
promise of very profitable results. It is
the manufacture of a fire -proof building
material, termed terra cotta lumber,
made of a peculiar clay, formeel into
bricks into which sawdust is Mixed,
the whole then subjected to an intense heat
which bakes the clay, but burns the
thist. The bricks, when completed, are
filled with little air cells, which, being
conductors, constitutes the. fire-proef
qualities of the material. It is readily cut
i(rilit; any shape with edged tools, And
plaster con be laid directly upon it,
without the use of laths or studdina.
In some of the great will estallish,
ments of the west, six foot drat -jar saws
are run 760 revolutions to the 1111.131Itth
Running at 760 revolutions to • the min-
ute,- the teeth of a silt foot sa,W are
travelling nearly three miles a - minute.
Six-foot saws have been driven fa as
high a rate. as 880 revolutions to the
minute. In Michigan, a few years ago,
a Canadian company geared up its mill
to run a six-foot saw 850 revolutions to
the minute. A saw mill at Paducah,
Ky., which had a 76 ineh saw and
steam feed, cut one day 10,751 feet of
1 inch poplar boards in about 70 min-
utes. In this trial the sawmade no
sawdust ; each tooth tore out a strip of
wood about one quarter of an inch long.
Michigan sawyers have boasted of a
mill dropping 16 1 -inch 16 -foot boards
a minute, but this seems like an exag-
geration. -Boston Budget. i •
Catarrh -a New Treatment.
Perhaps the most extraordinary success that
has been achieved in modern medicine has been
attained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh.
Out of 2,00 patients treated duriug the past six
months, tully ninety per cent, have been cured
of Ms stubborn malady. This is none • the less
starteing when it is remembeted that no five per
cent. of patients presenting themselves to the
regular practitioner are benelitted, while the
patent medicines andother advertised ;cures
never record a cure at all. Starting with the
claim now generally believed by the most scien-
tific men that the disease is dae to the presence
of living parasites in the ttleataa Mr. Dixon at
onee adapted his cure to their extermination-
ehis accomplished, he claims the .Catarrh' is prae-
tically cured, and the permanency is unquestion-
td, as cures effected by him four years ago are
cures still. No one elSt has ever attempted to
cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat
ment has ever cured Catarrh; The application
of the remedy la simple, and can be done at
home, and the present season of the year is the
most favorable for a speedy and permarientoure,
the majority of cases being cured at one treat-
ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs.
A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, West,
Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for :their
treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, Novembe
17, 1889.1 882-62
Few men have accomplished the same amount
of work and good in this wand ad the celetirated
Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have been
sold in Canada alma We want every person
troubled with liver complaint, dyspepsia,
ache, kidney or urinary troubles, to buy a bottie
of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure 3-6u.
Medicine and recipe book $1. Sold by all 'drug: -
gists. 966.52w.
Many Ladies.
admire gray hair -on some other person -but
few care to try its effects on their own charms.
Nor need they, since A3-er's Hair Vigor restores
gray hair to its original color. It cleanses the
scalp, prevents dandruff, and - stimulates the
growth of the hair as in youth. 969.52w.
No Other Preparation
so concentrates and combines blood-pnrifying,
vitalizing, enriching and invieorating qualities
as Aym's Sarsaparilla. Quality ;amid be con-
sidered when making comparisons. 969.52w.
A Profitable Life. •
Wind the.Clock...
The best 'clock needs regulating and winding
when the main -spring runs down. So, too, when
the human- machinery gives out, it needs regu-
lating and the main -spring (pure blood) needs
toping. Burdock . Blood Bitters will regulate
and tone, all broken down conditions of the sys-
tem. In purchasing E. B. B. beware of counter-.
faits. 1007..52.2w. .
A Fair Offer. . .
For Many years the proprietors °al -laggard's
Yellow Oil have offered to matedthe money to
all putehasers of that medicine where it failed to
give relief in case of pain or painful affectio is,
such as rheumatism, _ neuralgia, sore taro t,
deafness, burns,- bruises,. seraitis, stiff joalts a id -
Cords, and internal or external inflanuhation.
1007.62.2w. . - , . .
In a Bad Condition. -
"1 was so had with dyspepsia that I could not
take food of any kind without distress, and could
not take a drink of water for a month at a time.
I haxe been a- great 'sufferer from liver complaint
and dyspepsia for malty years," says Mrs. Nelsen
W. Whitehead, of Nixon, Ont., whom two bottles
of Etude& Blood Bitters cured. 1007.52.2w.
Froze His Feet.
While out !ekating last winter; G. Varcoe, Of
Brandon, Man., got his feet badly frozen. He
rubbed them with snow, and then apt -rhea Hag -
yard's Yellow OR, which speedily cured them,
and saved him from being a crip,ple. 1007.52.2w.
- A Hamilton Item.
" My wife hes been reaefferer from liver come
plaint for Many years. I am glad to be ahlt to
testily to the benefit receive from Burdock
Blood Bitters, as well as in the Aso of my ,little
boy, who had glandular swellings." J. S. Mil-
ler, 77 Victoria avenue, Hamilton, Ont. B.
13. B. regulates the entire glandular system.
A Matter of Fat.
One of the 'few preparations that seldom dis
appoint on trial, is that old standard -throat,
and lung medicine, Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam,
for coughs, olds, bronchitis, esthina, sore
throat and other diseases of the air passages.
1007.52.2w. _
Fever 'colic, unnatural appetite, fretfulness,
weakness, and contnisio,ns, are some of the
effects' of worms in children ;.destroa the-worme
with Dr, Low's Worm Syrup. 1007.52m. •
Itse Prot. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat,
nettle rash, sealey eruptions, itch„ and 'all diet -
cased conditions of the elan. 1007.52m.
The hectic flush, pale hollow cheeks and pre-
carious appetite, indicate worms, Freeman's
Worm, Powders will quickly and effectually re-
move them. 1007.52m.
Birr, London Township, June .20th, 1885.
I caught a coldin May, 1884, and
was continually copething , and
catching fresh cold, and having a
pain in My side. I tried other
medicines but was still _getting
worse until I tried Dr. Jug's Medi-
cine in January last, and I had not
used one bottle when I began to•
feel myself gaining. So I have used
four bottles and now Lfeel well and
Sarah Shocbottom.
For sale by all druggists.
" What is McGreeoes Speedy Cute for?
It is !ordyspepsia, liver complaint, indigestion,
biliousness, end it is the finest blood purifier in
the world to -day.
Does it give satisfaction ?"
We cannot point to one instanee where it did
not. , •
" Where does it have the largest sale?"
Itigat in the city of Hamilton, where , it is
manufactured, there has been over one 'thotisand
dollars' worth sold in the last year's retail,audtne
gnat majority of the sales are be one recent
. -
mending it to another. For sale at 50e arid al_
per bottle by Lumsden et. Wilson, druggists,
Seaforth. 964.52w.
National Pills are sugar-coated, mild butithor-
angl,. and are the best stomach and liver pill in
use. 1.007.52in.
Reader, in informing you of this wonderful
remedy for cough. eolde, aethina, bronehitis,
consumption, and all affections of the throat and
lungs, we feel that we are doing you a great
lzindness, as if you have any of the above , com-
plaints, if you will only try it wilLguarantee
satisfaction in every ease or money refunded.
Aek for Mc( Ireeor's Lung eompoun d. Price 50e
and al per bottle at Lumsden te. Wilson's:drug
st ore, Seaforth. 96 1.52w.
Reasons why you stiouldpurchase Fluid Light -
nine in preference • to all other remedies are:
Rapid result -cures instantly. It is easily ap-
plied -ho trouble --no lost time. It does not re-
quire constant use -one application is effectual.
One bottle will remove more pain than any.other
remedy IC existence. Try it for neuralgia,
toothache, headache, rheumatism. Sold at 25c
a bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Sea -
forth. 961.52w.
Advice to Mothers.
Are you ciistutbed and broken of your rest
it sick child sufferihg- . and crying with pain of
witting teeth? If tio send at once and get a
bi/tle of "Mrs. Witslow's Soothing Syrup" for
children teething. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor ittle sufferer ifitmediately.
Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistake
about it. It cures dyeentery and diarthcea, regu-
lates the stomach and bowels, cuies wind colic,
sottens the gums, educes inflammation, and
ghtes tone and energy to he whole system.
/PT. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre-
soription of one' of the oldest and best female
ph miens and nurses in the United States, and
or sale by all druggists throughout the world.
Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and
;:k for "Mas. WINS OW'S SOOTHING STRUP,;' and
take hp other kind.9G6.ly.
; •
4. Consumption Cured.
An old phasiciareretired from practice, having
had placed in his hands by an East India mite
• sioustry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy
tenethe speedy and permanent cure of Consump-
WO, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat
and Lung affections also a positive and radical
!cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou elem.
laints, after hewing tested its wcinderful cure
•ve powers in thOusalnds of oases, has felt it his
utey to make it kno n • his suffering fellows.
ctuated by this motive nd a desire to relieve
mean suffering, I will s nd free of charge, to
11 Who desire it, this reel e, in German, French
r gnglish, with ful di eetions for preparing
nd using. Sent by mal by addressing with
taint), manila that pa er,W. A. NOYES, 149
maces Block Roch ter N. Y. 038-25 eow
London, H
OING Nolen"-
Londen, depart
Hensall .
Kippen .
Clinton.... .......
Blyth...) ....
Wingham, arrive
am Sown-
Wi nghern, depart
Belgrave..... ....
Blyth..., . ..'..
Brumfield .........
iw.Loiadon, arrive
ron and Bruce,
Express. Mail.-
7.55e.m. 4.25P.M.
9.14 5.50
. . 6.05
9.29 6.13
. . 9.36 6.25
9.56 6.50
10.16 7.10
.. 10.24 7.20
' 10.39 7.36
' Ethel 1.
t Wingham.
Bluevale 8
Brussels I -
Train leaving Wing
hie; run on Mondays
o ly.
10.55 8.00
Express. Mail.
7.00a.m. 3.05 P.M.
.. 7.17' 3.29
.. 7.32 3.44
.. 7.41 3.53
8.03 4.13
. 8.22 4.32
... 8.31 4.40
8.37 4.46
8.51 5.043
10.10 6.00
y and Bruce.
om Express. Mixed.
34 M. 9.20 P.M. 9.45 e.m.
.49 9.35 10.26
.06 9.51 10.55
20 10.02 12.00
ed Accom. Express.
05 r M. 11.10 A. 11. 6.50 A.M.
02 11.25 7.00
.60 11.45 7.15
.20 12.00 7.27
am t 8.10p m. forKinear-
We nesdays and Fridays
Grand Tr
iTrains leave Seale
f c1ows:
Express.... .
Express ......
Mixed Train.. ...
0. Iwo EAST -
Express... .
Mlieced Train
h a d Clinton stations as
. 1. 8 P. M. 2.20P. M.
. 8..7 P. M. 9.15r. M.
. 9 Oa. 10.00.e.m.
7. 8 a. n. 7.30i.M.
. 1. 8 e. M. 1.05p. M
4. a is
The undersiened h
A ills, is prepared to
'ingpurchased the Kippen
Having secured th
iller, will endeavor
n to customers.
D. B.
se vices of a first-class
gi e the best of satisfac-
Kippen, Ont.
avetrough ing.
Best work
an..hip done in
alvanitz d Iron
Eav troughing.
Metal Roofing
-A id all kinds oi work in Tin, Sheet
Iron or Copper.
airy Utensils
Cherry Creamery Cap;
And best Self -Ski inner in the market. '
Theclose of the year 1886 completes the THREE qui aquennial periods of the Association's exis-
tence, and the results, from whatever standpoint viewed, afford striking evidence of true progress.
It is therefore with a large measure of satisfaction that the Directors meet the Policyholders
and Shareholders in the Firm en Annual Meeting . With evidence of success unequalled in the
history ofICanadian Life Comps lee! It has continued to be the aim of the Directors to secure
business at reasonable rates, an hence they have avoic cd the extravagance in that direction which
too strongly marks the struggle for pre-eminence betveen Life Insurance.Companies. A. safe busi.
ness, on well -tried lines of insur nee, has been sought • r, and therefore all merely specious plans,
which, in the opinion of the Di eaters, are certain to prove delusive, have been avoided. The
adoption of such plans and a les conservative course i caring for the Policyholders' money, would
have .led to a largely increased v lune of business; but if that course had been adopted, a less
satisfactory balance sheet and a dedreased surplus well d have been the result.
Dune the year (including 12 re assurances far al 3,250 front the Life Association of Canada),
1,919 applications for a total ass raoce of tee,977,100 we e received. Of these, 1,812 for $.2,794,100
were approved, and 107 for 8183 (00 were declined. jt should be mentioned that these -results re-
present ohly ELEVEN months' verle, and yet, as com ared with the full year 1885, the ELEVEN
months' wprk shows an increase of 427 accepted applice tions for 8,497,062 of insurance.
1 No att.-re-or evidence than t e Above can well be of ered, of the appreciation by the public of
the Vda.e.advatitages afforded y the Association's ih standard of security, and liberal terms
and result, combined With only mind plans of. intura ice.
At thelelese of the year the egister shewed the ael owing busipess in force: • 493 policies on
8,476 lives, for 814,679,474 of asatranee. 1
in the matter of the re-assuresiees front the Life ssociation, and the cm .deration allowed
for the sane, the Directors might he charged only a art of the expenses of the- year, carrying
the balance to some such account a " Commuted CCM nissions " ; but such a eourse would have
been contrary to the -Practice of this Company, and Wht le apparently increasing the sutplus would
division, and therefore the consideration
d balance sheet will readily compensate foe
le, calling for a85,948.85, which includes
on 49 lives. This fact sufficiently attests
1. be observed that the interest received
•ubmitted herewith. It cannot fail to be a
to note the rapid growth in volume and
g INCREASES on the thawing at the close of
have been entirely worthless either as a security or for
was charged in full to the expenees Of the year. A soul
a slight inerease in the expense retie.
The death claims for the year were again tavern
bonus -(and interim bonus-) additiona under 56 polices
the care exercised in the admission pf members. it
mote than provided for the clainis.
. The ushal Financial Statements, duly certified, are
source of eatisfaction to all interested in the Compa,n3
strength which these statements indicate. The follow'
1885 are werthy of note:
. Premi me. Rnt
IncreaAses,se$flts ,894.20 $13,019.91
Sur lus.
' ES356,375.35 a80, 234. 07
. In.the opinion of the Direct is, the time has arrive 1 when the rate of interest used in calculat-
ing the policy liabilities should -he reduced front four a id one-half per cent., to.four per cent. The
large hicrease in the Reserve, amounting so nearly tie 8.00,000.00, will indicate how fully provision
has been made for the future :payments, which areal re to be required. So thoroughly has the
necessity for ABSOLUTE safety been eealized by the Boa d, which, in the face of the greatly reduced
, rate of interest now (and likely to be) obtainable on fir teclass investments,' can only be assured by
reducing the assumed rate of interest, that they have de ermined to hold a large sum ahdistributed.
Larger profits to the po1icyho1deis at the present thee aiuld be but a poor compensation for a pos-
sible ability to mei e, at an earl ,' day, for the greater li bility which will be occasioned by the Gov-
ernment compelling 'the assumilion of four per cent., in calculating the Reserves. The Directors
mean to be prepared, and will th gefore hold for the p irpose and for unforscen contingeneies the
sum of 61,364.46 undistributed.
It wilLbe a cause of satisfaeion to the policyhol e s, to learn that one-half of the ten per cent.
going to the shareholders, for the past Quinquennium 1 as been given up, as a further proteetion to
the policyholders, being include r in the 061,364.45 SO pecially reserved. This gives, practically,
ninety-five per cent. of the profit of the Quinquennium to the policyholders.
The Confederation Life has done the Canadian pu ic excellent service in leading up to a mea-
sure of liberality on the part of t e life companies strik ngly in contrast with what prevailed before
it was deenied advisable to come up to its standard. his Association still maintains its . place
the in
fil b'm th
e seen froe Baa ce Sheet that the 'at m of 8260,420.50 has been allocated to the
yIatni • .
policyh Iders. To this should b added 810,239.78, whi h has been paid out as Interim profits;mak-
ing the total probts to the police holders for the last AN e years 8270, 660.28, more than double the
profits for the second Quinquenn um. .
1 p
This result cannot fail to rove ,m
e satisfactory, the ore especially as so -large a proeision has
been made for all -contingencies inder the special amoant held as undistributed surplus.
It has also been decided to b ing the amount paid on the new shares up to ten er cent., mak-
ing the old and new alike. Thai will be done by declaring a bonus of 82 per share, and calling in
$4 on the new shares. This bon s Will be declared out of the shareholders' surplus and will make
the paid up capital 8100,000, whi h will still further strengthen the security of the policyholders.
The Directors felt that the t ire had arrived for the creation of an Actuarial Department, and
on the recommendation of the M ridging Director, it has been organized.
The valuation of the Policy rid, Annuity _obligations has been made by Mr. D. Parks Fackler,
the well-koown Actuary, of ew York. His eertificate will be found appended to' the
Report. • .
. ,
The chang-e decided upon la yetax in regard to the quingur ynzial period goes into effect in 1887,
and in future the date of the iss e of the poliey will determine its quimmenniat periods. Policies
sharing say four years' profits no e m ill, on the settlem nt of the premien, for 1888, become entitled
to the profits for 1887, the fifth year cif the policy. P licies in force for longer or shorter periods
will shuilarly become entitled to profits in 1889-90, &c.
The directors have had the i - sufficiency of the pres nt office accommodation forced upon them
by the rapidly growing businest, and have eoncluded t at the time has conic when the Company
should posdess a building of its o vn. They have tried o purchase a suitable site but endieg that
impossible; have leased for. a pertod of 42 years with th right to reeew in perpetuity, the site is on
the North East Corner of Yenge nd Richmond Streets. It is proposed to proceed to Build as soon
as may be prudent, and have thef building ready for oFe patio!) before the expiry of the Leas e of the
present offices.
The Directors have pleasure in referring to the; c ntinued diligence and faithfulnest of the
Officers an Agency ,Staff.
All the,.Directors retire, but , re eligible for re--eleet on.
J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. 1
. W. P. HOWLAND, President.
- C-A-SI+1 ST -A. BJ 1\II
Dee. 31. Cash on. hand and
in ,banks
1886. Revenue Items.,
Dec. 31. Premiums
Premiums Paid in
• , advance
Annuity premiums
Repa mit of In vestin en ts, etc.
Letitia on policies4,
mortgages 67,
a 89,947 86
, 475,102 41
! 95,285' 12
3,433 39
! 2,0150 00
11 27
41 04
" stock.. .. 65,'9S BO
" debenturei 9,155 00
Sale of real estate.. 21,170 45
Debentures matur'd 34,093 90
202,570 26
Advances to em-
ployees, &c...... 793 63
Flom sundry sou rees ,],a 91
t -a70,174 52
Dec. 31, 1856. -
! :xpen.ses for year
le -insurance.. .......
`ommission on Loans
nsurance .su pen ntendence
Returned to Policyholders:
Naims la- death . P01,186 05
'urrendered policies.. -11,217 25
'refits in cash and re-
duction of premiums 16,601 24
tividends to stockholders and
al05,434 71'
4,450 29
a.,449 44
1,008 15
e,668 30
b05 00
367 00
110,004 74
In estments, etc.: _ 10,532 00
eivio tax on same
,oans on mortgages, stocks, de-
benture, Sze 537,004 67
ledora and Wood, stinting fund
paid off 67e 13
vancee to general agents for
travelling expenses, ac , eat 94
.civaiwei lo eniplojces on secur-
ity of commissien or salary450 00
'uspense time:mit -and small cur-
rent at -comae
late nee on hand, head office
;Mance in hanks
, . ASSETS. .
Dee. 31st, litea. ,
Debentures' e 166,748- 60
Mortgages 1,331,040 10
Iteal Estate a79,474 78 ,
Less loss on sales for year 2,042 69
Loans on stocks and debentures.
Government 5 t stack and eavi
bank deposit
Loans on. Company's policies...
Agents' balances 4330 36
Less writte0 off as bad, 60 22
,Quebec Government ta.x(in suspe se)
Sundry accounts., -
Fire Premiums, &c., repayable by
mortgagore 1,S73
Cash. on hand. 131
Cash in banks 84,704
Premiums in course of collect on
(reserve thereon included in
ties, of this the suni of a47,837 60
is covered by short date notes. .. 84,500
Quarterly and half -yearly premiu 112
en existing policies due, subt•e-
quent to Dee. 31st, 1886, (reserve
• thereon includedin ... 24,445
'Interest chic and accrued 50,031
Rents accrued 333
.7-77 _ 777_7 - 17:7%- 747,
Li A131 LIT IES.
)ec. 31sta1eee.
ance fund (including -
ins additions)..- ..e1,567 157
ity funds.... 13 100
252 09
131 94
84,704 262
ae.70,174 52
77,432 09 1,5s0 347
130,415 94 Less or pelages re-aseured 19 WI)
. 1,501,278 00
4,680 50 For t enporary reductions _ 3,222 27
72,177 60 Laps el policies, value on
suirender, . • 1,009 00
27014 e
890 00 -Loss s by death, waiting
2,004 31 coi ipletion of papers,.
, 2,441 89 Peen Mins paid .in advance
Declered profits unpaid..
23 All 0 her aceouiits, includ-
94 in. medical fees, diree-
22 tor a fees, ihe
Suer ndered policy waiting
tee ority of beneficiary
Paid up capital stock.
60 Dividend fc,r half year to
Pec. :31.... ......,
Held to cover ccst of col -
lee ing premiums out -
09 sta }ding and defer red on
92 De 31st, 18e6
34 Surpl s.
Ap =tamed as follows:
1 • policyholders.. seate420 50
T shareholders 35,548 22
1 eld undistributed as
security and to pro-
vide for a 4 per cent.
basis of valuation ,e64 46
e2,032,710 03
We hereby certify that we hat e audited the NEW Yiai, March 5th, 1e87. -
- Books of the lAesociation for the year ending 31st J. •Inedonald, Managing Director, Confedera-
1 December, liateand have examin d tbe Voucher:, 1 ti n 1,iie Association, Toronto.
1 (•onneeteI therewith, and the a ove statement Dartrc Sniirijagn.3e.thterpoctrsafit,iilo,ciiiithi•euslaftoiroitiht;todf
and Bat ice Sheet agree with the Books,. and are
1) -eember 3h -d, thee, 1 find as follows :
also examined the se arities repre- Patel tavalued, 040-3 • I usurance...s14,042,459
sented in the Assets, which are safely kept in the Berne ' " 517
Association's vault (excepting he Securities
lodged with the Dominionalovern hent, amountlisIlo -
Re-ietured. S414*(1;1:4'‘:;tit:(3;
ing to $3,770 par value) and foun them in good fo
1,565,509 27
- 5,211 25
,474 94
531 97
- Managing Director. •
7,338 36
217 58
80,000 00
aeo0 00
1o,C,93 -fe
357,633 is
- .42,032,710 03
Stoves have advariced in price; our old
stock will be sold at old prices.
Iron Cistern & Well Pump's
.1 0 I.4.NGTnN
Tel:coma, 11th April, 1557.
Tilt TR Czirtt:1•3 ).1;t; TO REPORT
That they hold Government Stack and Savings
Bank Deposits to the amount'of (o4.6e0.50) Four
Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Dollars Fifty
Cents, and that the Liability under this Claes is
(a3,52e.74) Three Thousand Itivei Hundred and
Twenty Eight Dollars Ste ent3. Foar Cents, under
51 Polices.
W If wr te•
• Teta:Tr:ES - WM, M 'MA hTE R.
.1 J. K. Meceeseze.
Toronto, 12th April, lee7.
9 ann iities of e2ete2.30 a:Tia_l_le,:_,..:141:55:3;117,,,411,111(.27) 1..r.: oil'i.i)
Re er -es if,a01•11,jilbolliaeli,ti-,•ii i611.8..41.,5149,,iii.7615.
etent liabilite ueder lepeed
t, insurance lialelia•
-e for ammities ..... ... ...,.., 1,...,1j:it:.1:,:.::: 41,f. j)
-iet- liable to be itatered
tal Iteservee
le- re-as.eu ranee 1,54,u8- 11' 11170
1,562,2e7 no
aaeve results ere riecantlite to the, I n-
ot Actuaries ff. M. Table of tantalite
four iisid once -half el ) per cent interest --
in the case of aninazies, which are N alued
ing: to Isinlaieon's Goverrnueut Annuity
Expel ience with the same rate of intereet.
. Years truly,
(Signed) Devil) Pares FACKLER,
Consulting ,ketuary.
GEORGE E. RENDERS N, Agent, Seaforth, Ont.
• • 11TH. HASTINGS,Solicitoatte. Office-eadyse
Genera I7 surance Agent 1vv. Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea.
forth. 974
Dealer in • 8wing Machines. [Y
EAGER & LEWIS, Banisters, Goderich._
- Alljcincts of pro erty insured at lowest rates
in first-elass reliable companies, and losses set-
tled promptly.
Special low rate t on FARM PROPERTY in
the Gore and 'Waterloo, jrom 75e to 81 (cash
plan) for three years. Mills and factories in-
sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per
cent. ori stock companies.
Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND
SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur-
ing). Prices ranging front $25 to $75. All ma-
chines warranted for five years on every kind of
work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma-
chines repaired.
W- 1\T- -A.rTS 001\T
- 51)
r -i-
O .
SD 1
r -4-
c -t-
iuomixosse paltu @ILL
Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976
la* C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Private Money to
_Delend at lowest rates of interest. Office -
!Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774
j M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. office_
' . Rooms One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor next door to Reams butcher
shop. Agents -CAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON. 870
QARROW & PROD-DP:tar, Barristers, Solid -
, tors, lec., Goderith, Ontario. J. T. GARROW,
flAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
lj Solicitors in Chancery, &-a, Goderich, Ont.
TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late aith Cameron,
Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer, &a. 'Money to loan. Ben-
son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 486.
'I & SCOTT, I3arristers, Solicitors,
A -
..11_ Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johneton, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan.
Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. 11.
"LI HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of
tix , McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So -
w.7...: lichv
er, Coneyaricer and Notary. Solicitor fot
the Canadian Beek of Commerce. Money to lend., "'"'"'"I Fermis for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main,
Street, Seaforth. -
'•,‘,ONEY TO LOAN,. -Straight loans at 6 per
-cent., with the privilege to borrower
of repaying part of the principal money at any
: time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister
; Seaforth. 850
L. BALL, L. D. S. Honor Graduate, mem,
. ber Royal Dental College, Toronto,
(essor to P. Watson. B. 13, MORRIS, as-
' eistant operator. All operations carefully
performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether,
gati and local agents used in extraction of teeth,
Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Ma
Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea,
forth. Prices as low as good work can be done
for. Residence same as that emulated by Mr,
Watson. 980
"Vtir,..J 0-.. '
i'..qt-gi.i.' 1-4.D'OnialarfoR. ' Lt imp
-- - 1 1 t' - .I. L.. merits in every line. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 0ffice,-1.0 Cady't
lock, opposite Coennercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 9
Chrysia & Black;
Manufacturers of all kinds,of Stationery, Marine,
Upright az d Tubular Boilers.
an all kinds of Sheet Iron N; Ork.
constantly on hand.
_ I
On hand, ready fo delivery :
1 30 H.4P. ew Steel Boiler.
I 8 H. P. !slew Boiler.
A Complete 2,'d -hand Threshing ?atilt,
t i
.Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in go d work-
ing order. \VII be sold. cheap. Mail or ler s will
receive prom t adoption. Works oppostte G. T
R. Station.
, •0. o. pox 361.
Goderich; May 26tle. 106.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Allan Line Agency.
Tickets issued to 411 points in Manitoba and
British Columbia, via Canadian Pacific Railway.
Also to all points in the United States, via Port
Huron and Detroit. Baggage checked through
to destination.. -
Tickets issued to and from all important
points in Great Britain and Ireland, via Allan
Line. For full partieulare, apply to
C. BETHUNE, Agent,
1001-13 Grand Trunk Railway, Seaforth.
Lowest Rates of Interest.
Insurances Effected
A Number of First -Class Farms
for Sale.
Real EstateAgents, Exeter, Ont.
-4 •-•
tists, of Exeter, Ont. Ono
of the above will visit Blyth the
Init. Thursday, and following Fri-
day of each metal), at Milne's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at
Peine's Hotel, andlllensall the following- Thurs-
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where hie
will perform- all dental operaticins. Teeth ete-
tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re
Moves a-. early all pain. Parties dewing new
teeth will please call early in the morning of the
first day. Charges moderate. Terms yeah. 984
-LT KINSAIAN, Dentist, L. D,
heat:- *--11! • S Fxeter, Ont. Teeth ex -
1; ete -
tracted with the least pain possa
rates. ble. All work first class at liberal
A. Martin, L. D. S, Honor graduate of the
. Royal College of Dental surgeons, Tor-
onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable
dentist, and eatisfa.ction guaranteed. Offide
Garfield Block, !BRUSSELS. 1006-t. f.
TNT M. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate o#
V McGill University, Physician, Surgeon
tind Accouchem, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re-
side nee-NI:nth-bid e Goderich street, first brick
bouse east Of the Methodist church. 061
RS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield,
Mates. Royal' College of Physiciees and
Surg eons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 930 •
T 1 G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Pleysician, Surgeon,
e and Aecoucher, Seafortha Ont. Office and
residence Satin side of 0oderich street, Secontt
Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 1
-0 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. p , C. 31., Membet
it. of the College of Physicians and Surgeone,
etc., Seaforth, 'Ontario. Offiea and residence
same as occupied by Dr. VercoeS 84'8
DR. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of
Toronto University, and Member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Office, Fear's drugstore. Residence, Johei Street,
first door east of English Church Parsonage,
Seaforth, Ontario. 894
0 of Borges, Cattle, Sheep, or any domestie
eated animals eucceesfully treated on the shorts -
est notice. A large stock of . Veterinary mai-
eines on hand Chaeges moderate. WALTER,
l'11LLI.NGLAW, Staffa. 1010
Jars and Goderich Streets, next door to the
lareebyterian Chureh, Seaforth, Ont. All die-,
eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the dot
mesticated animals, successfully treated at the
/Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice.:
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter-
iriary Surgeon, P. S, -A large stock of Veterin
Ary Medicines kept constantly on hand
T P. BRINE, Lioensed Aectioneer for the
O.. County of Huron. Sales attended in al
parte of the County. All orders left at Tits
Exeesneht Office will be promptly attended to. '
A sumeesful medicine esed
over 30 3 ears in thousands of
cases. Cures SI-cneatorrhea,
Nervous Weaknees, Emissions,
Impotence-, 'abet all diseases
[mimes] eaueed by abuse, fraliscretion lemur)
or over exertion. atx paeka.ges guaranteed to
cure when all others fail. Mk your drug -gild for
The Great English Prescription, take no substi-
tate One peckage $1, six 05, by mail. Write
for Pamphlet. Addrees EUREKA CHEMICAL
CO., Detroit, Mich. SO -Sold iri Seaforth by.
Lumeden & Wilson, I. V. Fear, J. S. Itoberte,
and druggists generally. 969-52
As there are many inferior
g.':, corded with jute,
;an tie cte., offered and sold
as Coraline by some I10,-
acipied inerelia nts trod -
in e on the reputation of
011 enuine Coraline, .
we ge en the lad het against'
eetzli impoeition by draw-
-Itte aeir attar:atm to ttut
aceseatily of e:aeing that the
6 fir Pozwr.-.'s
trirnStir CO
n er le ef all Coraline goods,
• h. at Which none are genuine.
(Formerly of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth,
THIS Hotel, which issituated directly opposite
the Union Station, has recently been refitted
and refurnished throughout, and is now one of
the beet and most coma:a-table hotels in the city
ag'Every pceeible attention paid to guesthere
charges niceltrete.