HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-05-13, Page 4!�. 1 1, " w. 0 P_� !�_­',;. - p-1, -;,, - _ , 1 � .i . . , 14 I . � I I I I . . I -, I . C. .; - ; 4 : I- , I . , - � . . I � . t . I , I . . i � . � q - - � . : .1 , , , . . � I . . . � . I ,� . 1� .. . . � I I � I . - I I . ; , � - � . . � I 1 - s , i , I . , .1 .. �. � * I I q I � . , , . . � - - � - � - . I �. . - ; I . ; I . . , I . , I t , . I I � I 1 . � . � . , I - I . . I � � i - i. I Iti I 11 � � I - � I- .. i . � ! � . � - I I ; ,1 -4 � P - �, I . I � � - � , - f � 11 I � . 1� 9 I - � I � , I - . - 'I - . 1. . - ! - ,,f I �.- � �, I , � � I . - I � v - , - - ,, i4l � - . - i I I . ­ . - . - , � �_ � 7 - 11 I , - , . I ,P - � . I � I � 1 , - , . - i � . . I , , .� : � � i I I . . � � - - I . . � - I , , - I - 1� ! � . , I I �� � " � — , '; ,_, i -_ . - - � , _4 r 1 I,, � I- ! 5�4 - - - � " 1� 2�, ;� , , 1 4 %.!. I,! . , - , I : � , t �, i , � tmt 1- � f 1-1, -, j ; � i —1, .� �L . Ir " , I - P. I � � 1 , - . � � . I 4 . - . , : : ,I 1 - I ; � , A 1, 9-1 . , , . I � - " �!ft . , , - I . e . . . �. t I . # 14 � � � � t " � A�, " � f '� . I � I �1, " .--- * �je` i , I � ,,, ;.!!v 1 , ,� �, , , . �, ,I I I . � I I � - - . ��. - - " I - - - - � . 0 - , - F'�T� I � . �_ - � I � I 4,f . � I I � , , I I , - , � . - . Z - :�. , I . . - . " - �-, -� . !4� � - - . ; I I � i � . I I I . i . � . . . : - . . . .1 � . . . � . ; � . ­ . - _� i I . � I � � I ; ; � I. . . I . . . - I I - . . . I I . ! . � i . � . . I . . - ., , I I i . . \ � ; __ . : I . - � . : ! -4 1 . - . . � : . � i - I - - � * . I � . I - . � ; � i. i I . I . . - . I . � I . .. p I . . . . . . . � - i 7 . . - I I I t . ; . I - - -__ . . . . � . . . . . . . . .� i . I . : . I - . . . - . 1 I . ,� . � ;. I � . .. I - . . . . . � s - . I 1. . I . I . . I . . � . � . � - . I . I . I , I I . I . I � . .11 . . I . . I . :, . I - � I . . I : � � I - . : I . I . . . . . I I . I I . I � . . . I � . . . . I . . ; . . I . : . I I . . - . . . ­ . . _. � . . . ; . ! - . 1�- . : I . - - I I � I . � . I � I I . . . I . � . I i - . �­ ".'I- . . i . I . � , ; � - .- i . i : ! . . V I . . 1, I I ; . I � - :, : - . . I i ! . I � . - s . . : I . r . . . . . . . - � . � . . . . I I . : : ., � I . I . - ; . I � ! . . . i . . . I . I . � � . . : . I : . . . I . ; . I r - . � . � . . — t : : . � : ! � . I � I I � I I F I : . - �. . .1 . . . � � . : 3 . * I � . I . ! . I . I i i I ­ I 18 1887 . I I � ir � . . : I I - y . . I .. I ; . I . .. I . i M A I . . - - ! : : I I 1067. I . - - THE HUROk EXPOSITOR. � i . � - I� . - . I I ____ - -_ � - I -_ - -, ___________ZZ 1 4 . I . - ! . . i . I -.--- � :, ��� I - .. ,. . I I __ I � . . ! : � ipo.rted to ! into and robbed of goods, consistin - - ___ i � I I . . �daily. Upwards of of the most prominent before the House The India Government is re 9 of Yainst the age poor it � purse and in provision I r his has been going on . have advised the Home Government to- revolvers, -cutlery, etc. , to the aniolint � . ! NEW ADVIEIRTISEMENTS. nance Minister to protest ag fam recovered.- Seven- this session.� - jh of about �� $50, After' getting t . : - I ily. These are the sinaple ]acts, 40 bodies have been . . ; dvance of the Brith I hrough I I demands being made by. the represent though we ask Mr. Mowat's pardon for -teen of whom were .white men, the MANITOBA AND DISALLOWANCE. , assent to an a ar, - The Russian ad- with Mr. Ilusband the burglars di W The figure between the pa,4ntheals afte atives of some other branch of industry, e ping others Chinese. A shovel was found on There has been a great deal of discus- troops to Gandah 1. ) rected � each line denotes the page of the poer on which . I 84ting the rn so naked1j; and, k � t the lobby on the sub ect of vance to Herat has been long -delayed their energies upon Mr. B. .S. CoOk,s l- which was written with chalk, " Thir- sion abou i . . . I . be advertisement w. ill,be found. 1 and so the battle is being continued. t in in vi, -w, we think those f rien s of 6tson) already. I . loan - office, and succeeded in carryin - w' � I i t his son should be teen hours and now � dying in misery. Disallowance, bat, so far, Mr. Wo ING RAC�S.-Beach: the Aus- off his favorite rifle, a revolver, Z The Working Man -J. W. Millar. (5� By the. policy e propose, no sle6lal h who in is that Evans was 22 the only Liberal from Manitoba, has SCULL 11 Court of Revision-win.ycCarmell� (6) 1� advantages would be given to any n . t given the hrievalty did right ; that his (Signed) Jno. Evans." sman, has signed- articles and several other articles, but got no cash- ill � . Tenders Wanted -Fred Hess. (6) , � � I I - I colloagues. did right in making th a ap- years old. The men were thus evident- not had an. -opportunity to place the trali&n. oar ! :with� Han- either place. I I Bell Telephone Patent Decision. (8) all would be placecl on an equal: and a thirteen hours after the ex- question befor the House, his proposals deposited a forfei� for. a race. . P last I poi�tniant, and -that not the slightest ly consciou . ests I on, the Nepqu river on! November -The Brussels week A Suggestion -j. W. Millan (8) - ,I . fair basis and the. beat and - most stigma att iches o the Premier .himself. plosion, and some may have survived to do so having been met by requ an . 8: � List Monday Joe Davist ex. Wool Wool -James Beattie. (8) . � . irs longet. T, he fire is now from the Government and others to 26thi forX500 a side. A sculling ." Professor Proctor and Wife. (8) ! enterprising wotild survive aTd pros- - five or six hou - 36rrana-ed at Sydney. Judge of Probate Court, of Helena. -------4- yundercontrol. Thdtotalnumber postpone his resolution. The deputa- stake race is beir g ; 0 St. Julian Restaurant --James Burg�ss. (8) nearl 1. )pen�to'%Ei Montana, left Bruss�ls after a short a� Wool Wool -R. Graham. (8) per, while the laggards would have __ ver�ment Majority. of persons known to have perished is tion from Manitoba to protest against for November, which will bex . BlIth Woollen Mills --R. Forsj,?th & �on. (6) � ave already There disallowance arrived on Monday last. world. . The ent�.ance fee . will be! ;C100 journ there for a visit to friends in the " to give way and better men'would 'take The twd divisions which b 188, of whom 82 were Chinese. -050 for EngliA - east before returning to his western Auction Sale of Town Lots -7-W 11. llastings� (5) 1 . . widows left, most of whom have They havq held one official consultation for n:ative- scullero and . . . - Seed Potatoes -Geo. Good (8) . .. their places� In this way the interest taken place in the Dominion House ;;re 47 : with the Government, and any number and- American oarsmen. �.'he :prizeg home. He . came here to see NV. -B. __ Wool Wanted -D_ McLennan. (8) � large families. .; ickson and his (Dickson's) clienU coz. I The Cantata -Prof. Crotchet. (8) � oa the whofe would be immensely bene- give evidence that' the hopes of those - . �. X� = of unofficial. consultations with members will bre X700, X200 and.C100. A double D - . -INotice-John Stoneman. (5) 1 ____ . I The Gov sweepstake is also proposedi oerning the disputed Dewar -estate ill . Public fitted anct increased. ,,Indeed, this is who dtsi�dd the ver -throw of the Gov- . on' both sides of the House. - -scalliDg Montana. � There is likely to be m. Ore Binders, Mowers, &u. -Hugh McIntosh. (8) . .OTTAWA LETTER. ised to with prizes of .C250, C I 00 and X50. , . � . ernment, of course, has not prom , I Court of Revi ion -John O'Sutlima. (5) just what the manufaicturem themr ernment a L -e not to be fulfilled yet for a - I ' 1 ICI IIGA'�N.:. The tion'concerDing the property as Notiee 8 Manning & Sc,ott- (8)' . Ives ; 'Own Correspondent.) � do more than take the matter into seri- TEURNLE STOI�M IN N , I ,- litiga Legal - ) ' � (From Our I thirteen counties of the Upper Pe!nin� Davis, who is a wealthy man., claims a.n . Ifats andCaps-George Good. (8 agitated for a- few years ago. �yh'en while. Tile qu stions .upon whic the .1 ous consideration. Tile Cduadian Pacific . . Boot,q and Shoe", Mantyre, niaringer. (,,i) .1 upon sul*, Miebicra,n, -were all swept by th: aivnership ,and will: fight for it in the __ ,they asked for protection they'do so divisions took place were of such a na- OTTAWA, May 9th, 18S7.1 people, it is understood, insist 0 e � ; Kip en Grain, Warehouse -D. INICLOn'nan. (6) . '. nsiderable number of the trie%;- ie rich pine: fi-elds Courts. � � - seff Potatoes--wilson & Young. (8� . . . because of the exception�,l co-nditic�n of ture that none bat tbe.most bide--1ound A co . I their monopoly, and, as between the recent storm. Iii son 1 grass, - -The ! following . matches have been . . omised by the Government haye - CaDadian Pacific. and the people of the trees were mowed down .like � a -ged alongside 6f a partizans could possilily support th' I !!!T!!T__ - ___ __ ___ ------T— Ca,uada being ran . i . Manitoba, the GoverDment will favor and millions of feet oUpine wore destroy- . arranged to take p.141ce -under the am. 9 . I Gov' 1 he first was on a motion already been passed by the House,: a Houses were unroofed or demolish- pices of , the Huron County Cricket highly protected nation. But ever , one ernment. . fbe former, and, to a certain ex- ed. ; . -_ f;0_1 4 tv Y, this :period of the cia,tion: On May 24th, Brussels 0 I'M X - wonderful thing for ! Rtv a v 0 n � 0�ltor - King for Queen's county, tent, they will be justified in doing so, - ed, unfinished buildings scattered, ,and Asso � %V # of -them declared that if .the Amerii�cans . "_> 11 -_ : . - Nova Scotia, instead of Mr. Baird. As session. It must be remembered, how- - desti,oyed. and Clinton, at Seaforth; on Jane 2nd, ------- - I would only abolish their wall of protec . . for the reason that four ont of five of chimneys and outhouses I d Brus els, at Brussels, . . — , 1. .that most of the measures promis- the Manitob-i members have,been sent Scareply a, town or settletnei,it escaped. Seaforth an Is and . 1 ' Ir. Kilig had a ma- ever, : � to s -well k iown, rted.' It I SEAFORTH, FRI AY, May 13, 1887. tion, they were prepared and willing . T% . - ver. The down to support tl�e Government, o;-nd Onl - three fatalities are repo is on Jane 14th, Clinton and Seaforth, at - . . . ed were of no importance whate yl ' - Seaforth. The Poesident, Mr. N Tade, . __ ___ - __ co-nipete with them oil even terms. !This. jority of ixty tes, but the -returning I this is practically a verdict in favor of estiniated the damage will reach $1,00, N N - .. ____ __�__ only one which maybe expected to cause � I - 1 M_ was the boast then. We believe it will officer. on a trumped up echnicality're- disallowance. . I 000.. . of Brussels, has an.nounced his intention The Mai�ufacturers wid Co : . . � ' * ' be p' layed I . be the same now with theg i- turned- Mu. Baird, and he now holds the the discussion usually given to a first- �CLF_'_1;I_N0 up Cuiv.wo. �- Twenty- of presenting a silver cup, to TIIE (2uEBN_-',J (IdUSTY OUTRAG& I I . mercial Union, . - , . I I Go er I nment. ref Mr. class Government measurel is the one, The Privileges and Elections Com- three of the "blacklisted" Chicago for under proper regulations. It was . I . . .. ty. It is only those who are being Vain- seat. The . used J . I;c also resolved that a �at should be pre. The manufacturers, or som e thirty- or rather the combination, to re -arrange inittee have considered the Queen's saldbris �were closed by the po . e on I . ! - pered and especially favored by an', un- -King this ii I act of justice, and they county election cage and bave.corne to Tuesday last. These places, the - Chief sented bythe Association for 11 e high. I : three of the manufacturers of the Pro just system., who are afraid ot fair com- were sup?orted in their refusal by a the public dei)arfinents. - Delay has the conclusion, whid' h they'were expect- of'Polide declares, will not be allowed est average score by innings in the ' . vince of Ontario, asserxibled I lin Toronto . i � . majority �f 32. Tile second di�ision taken place with regard to this through ed to reach, namely to advise the House to re, -open Under any consideration. County. � . . I i petition. . -During the pa,st week several de � la,% -t week to discuss and cl�n&ider the n a. I ot - the Government so far. fa,iling to bring , to leave th matter to th courts. The All other saloons must conform strictly - � � . . � . . It is the genaral E, matter e tp the regulations or be closed ce. Xoderich jail have been question of Com mercial Uniq � n between -isable to incur the un- down information respecting their -wholE result of the reference to the -committee I , t and lawfully elfected-. Tuesday. I ':Sriona it ina�fv has oiily-been delay and a putting . quietly opinion that now is T, ior of the Oppositicm de at on liverances from G the time to strike for this great boon. , el . . olf of The total blacklistfor the city stood a Canada and the Un:it�ed St�tes. They I . � I . last the three Blyth hotel keepers, who - , the decision until after * the expiry of 270. Between and 60 south and I It is said by those who should know. that. necessary ,xpense of a Deputy Speaker. plan, which was promised wh .50 1 decided unanimously that such an ar- , D -a -was first introduced. The fact that such tbe'tinle allowed for petitioning, ,N -Ir. west side saloons were to be closed on have been incarcerated for ten days for � I � 'the Americans are prepared to meet us This. officer receives a salary of $2 001 contempt, were liberated; and on Thum. I i,L 4z_i 4. 1 � . nroLyress has been made with Govern- y, 11 +11 T ; 11 I � A -.;m-;4-_ nwntli_ Wednesday. It is said that a war is rangement, -WO11111 ZIGI, Ue . e V . half way if we will only take the initia- session in �ddition to the regular s sion- I 3� mr, 11 �Im . .7 - . their interests. ' More than'thi-i, they : ment business causes not a little discus- date, if lie wants the seat will have to about,to be commenced on the gamblers, day the Halliday family (a iiiother and . . I I tive.' We should do it.. There is no at allowance. Until last session 'the sion, and the question is asked. by many protest against the return of the man %nd that they will be given Until the two daugh ters) '%kho: have just completed � . took exception to the action of the far- � . i duties-we,�e very -efficiently performed what it portends. It is a strange feat- 15th,of this inonth to close up. : . .3. six month's term for vagrancy, shook : - whom lie �defeated, and incur all the � . . msers a- few days previously i declaring use ill standing upon cereMODY or rest- . I ure of the business of tile session that costs and trouble of extended litigation. - J% � � : the dust of the Bastile ofE their feet. � ing upon our di'nity while the most by members of the House, ap i t d . . — � . . n. ornmercial union. These - . 9 . I n e ha�oly does Parliament begin to sit be- NotwithstaudiDg I the covert opposition : They purpose returning to Brussels. t favor of C I . . im port,ant interests of our country axe from time to tinie by the Spea e , and fore everybody enters upon speculationE from tile Oonservative members of the 1 Huron- Notes. . I There are now in jail nine persons all . m am,ufacturers professed to believe that suffering. We should at least r4ake the without any added expense to t e oun- as to the length of tirne it wi-11 continue, committee, a resp'lution was carried to - The --aoutract 46-r the conteiii e plated told, six of whom are insane,' one aged . - - I the farmers: did not know wNtt would be . - ed by the � and these speculations are kept U . .1 . . 0 - 4t woman for vagrancy, one man 84 years offer. At the worst it can only be re- try. Tbi,r motion was oppos call upon tile returniug officer to appear improvements in t -he scho'l buildin . I 9 . 1, they. are advo- - . throughout the session. TbeJact tha IN t of age -for vagrancy, and one mail good for them, and tha.1 h i ; I . ! f Used, and a refusal will riot hurt 'us, Governnient, and -on-this occasion t eir . at the Bar of the Rouse, and to explain Bluevale, has been awarded to I . Duff, charged with attempting to . cut big I . so much government business has alread S269. � _ . eating a, course which will result in their ' ' his -conduct in deflance of the popular for , � i - . - was increased to 43. Thq fOl- been completed, would indicate that th _. � I and it is well worth our -while to *ruri the majority I . - t liroat. � I . will and the law of the land in returning The United Enipire, of. the 13eatt!y injury. With all due deferdirice to VILe . . y . risk. - Our politicians should ta,ke this lowing re larks n the subject. from the day of prorogation will soon arrive. Bul Mr. Baird to the House. . Line'rriade her first call at Clode'rich, for ,. -Wednesday morning of last week -; ' . � � I I ronto N ews f L rnish foo . ar . UNAUTHORIZED EXPEND'ITURE. ' 6on, on Friday last, on her way . Aween si oward wisdom and foresight of these gentle- - d for refle tion: this does not necess ily follow, for it i,, . this se'a � � I even and eight o'clock 11 matter up at once. It would pay those TO. . � . ; , 'oderich men,, we believe we axe corr�ct *in sa,y- whom they. reprEisent much better 'if There is justifiable jubilation in! Tory rather the practice of this governmeni There has beenh good deal of discus- to -DP In th. ,.lox,, son of George Cox of G I �: N I t; keep back any objectionable ineasilrE . . ifelticed a blackbird on one of the trees iag that what the farmers do! not know circles over the increased - ovprnment on an . d sion in the'.Rouse� of Commons upon the- -A boy named Dufflop, of Clinton, i ; the orchard and went into tile house . , they would devote their attention to' � I until near the close of the sessi � bit d rk7ying a lighted lamp ',to his 'bri I in, relation to the. adva,ncer�ie t of their - majority of 43 on the Deputy Speaker- if there is soinething very specially bac� extraordinary co#duct of - the Govern- . w 0 6 f ur a gun to ng down the gam e. . such a subject than waste hours in dis- ship division. It is claimed that a large . ment in expenctling about $92,000,000 room, .the other night, fell and ', broke . . calling the rrianufaettirer - - - ___tnot be a,ble . about them, they are.even kept out OJ . After loadiDg'a breeebloadingshot gun I . * the lamp to pieces; fortunately the . b I . cassing the weigh ty,.'question of one set number.o Grits1were absent, and that a without the authority of Parliament �_ " . � . I ; 1! I he was just going out of the kitchen rl'. It is quite t . : tile Sgeecli from the Throne. It. i flames were extinguished,:, before any . to teach the I- . � t1ae that the of members haViDg been ga,zetted a - few full. hotm,.� wodld have reducea the probable that the in!,ain discussiousjo linder the Governor -General's warrants. - I I door when the gun went off, discharging interests of borth parties are denti�cal if figures soinewhat. However -thi� may I ' These warrants, iinder the law, are not other damage was done. I . -of its contents into the foot , : days earlier tham another. We do not thegession. will be u on bills that r - 'overnment dredge is e f a portion " . be, the fact that several Of the Quebec p to be issued exqept in case of pressing Th.e G xpected both parties cod,ld only be tt to view not yet even foreshad6wed,exoept in t,h , ek to of his younger brother Benson, who was _, J - I I to �arr4ve at' Goderich next we . ' expect anything from tbe Government. Bolters, ho v e a,s ime with the and unforeseen 'emergency. But such i � i n promises:,of ministers, apci � dredge out the sand bar which is, filling . orming the m atter ri this light. �Bat it is They are bound hand and foot t9 the Grits, rain ,,ed tbeiriselves on the side of ante-electio . works as those at Banff and at the sta- . standing at the wablistand perf I ; that the session maybe even longer thpa . - up thetinouth of the harbour. It has ablutions. The sole of the lad's slipper equally true that by the pr sent policy the MiniAry, hz a substantial tr mph - I tion gro ds at'Cbarlottetovvn, Prince el monopolists. But the Opposition are the average. . I . S is was blown almos-t- completel off, the advantages are all on the side of for Sit Jobn Macdonald, It is V tri- I 11 Edward afnsland, rhich might have re- been ordered from Owen , ,ound and , I * y free. Mr. Blake and Sir Richard Cart- . A RESUMED DEBATE. I ow on the way. � . but fortunately only a few grains of . the m anufactarer. Tile 1 m,&n,ufac- . - umphil `h(wevei, upon -wbich. nl� up- . Members of the -Corrim-ons, and visi mained undone or five years without n ! shot penetrated the . foot. Under care- . wright should take up the. question. holde� of 4 conoi icaL and decent govern- doing any lia.rin, Were paid for by this -The other evenins, after N. AN'. . I ' tors to that House, on Friday last li�e I Nott, of Colborne, and D his family ful medical treatment the boy is on the turer enjoys all the proted,tion while They -Would have the. .people solid at meat can ongratulate him. In th� first means. And other quite as indefensible . h d . ' the advantage of hearing one of the ol i iretired for the night, a stone from t e me�nd. . the farrner, has to compete! with the . I place,,': the offi.ce is superfluous, aild its ' expenditures were made. The Gover - . arc . . i their back, and they, would -force the time debates, in which Ron, Edw I 11- 1 builaing fell on the foot of a bed 'awa�_ --As the train -Oing north on the creation a scandalous waste of ublic ment . put in a formal defense, but it is . 11.3 A imarican prodacer just as 1'e had be- Government either' to. accede to their . ... Blake and Sir Charles Tupper figured a., � ing the '$Iumberers who Just- escap9d London, Huron & Bruce was nearing the fare, and is, in addition, handicapped I . . money for the s,,ke of increasing th e pat- the chief speakers. The origina�l ques plain to everybody that they acted out- J demands or make way for others more ronage at the disposal of the Adininis- side tile law, trusting merely to their when a corDer of the house caved .in. � diamond at Clinton station, on Tuesday i i . tion was the proposal of the Government f A- morning of. last week, th, ' i by an American duty. Fori�stamce, in majority in Parliiii-lent to b -Mr. E. Miall, Commissioner o e engineer in accordance with public sentirrien tration. � econdly, the place is to be . ack them up, - Z, t. - �. to build the line, from Oxford to NeNi � . land Revenue, Ottawa, naet the sallt noticed a stick of wood some distance the one item. of horses., during last year given I to the r otorious Rykert, i upon � no matter what they did. I 4 . - � I There is now a great army waiting for a . � Glasgow, through Tupper's constituenc�y, - � - I maAufa6turers of Western Ontario , at ahead on the track, but before he could . . I whose,unsavory reputation it is un)neces- � .. Canada sent to the United States horses . . - . 9 a governmeht work. flop. JohlL - - ----.----- - Cl'lntonla,-t Thursday, for the parpo,se bring the en(firie. to a standstill the cow. . ledder. Will -our Reform friends step in der4tions, a I � I to the value of $1,680,000, and on these sary to enlarge. These consi Henry ,Pope had solemnly explain - I 6 and take the positioa? If they do they however, will tr)-ible ihe party support- � News of the Week. of learnincr their views on the proposed catcher struck it, without, however, . ed that this road had been J I . I 0 � � was paid $336,000 in duty. Had will secure the object of their ambition ers of the Goveriment very*little.,, The subsidised by the government, but FIRE AT J�ANMAS CITY.—A dozen legal standard barrel. � doing much damage to the engine. The . . . . � I ' there been a Commercial Union � increase-ols the Tory majority is tile all- -The-other day, -while, Mr. � James piecernay have been placed there with , much more speedily tba_n by. any other i I the company had failed, that the gov- I buildings occupied by merchants were Walkinshaw of Hallett, was leoniMla malicious intent, as the down train found , portant ma,tt r in their eyes. It is ZD between, the two couatrie� ,Canadian toute, and will in addition accomplish m ernment had paid a considerable amounp ' burned in Kansa,s Cityllast Sunday. out of his yard, be drove over a sm�ll the track clear an hour before, but the- , � � I - now clea, 1� evident that tile Grit cal- I ilities, taking a lien on .' I Loss, $35,000. � � faxwiers would have pocketed on this I of its liab till knoll, which upset the buggy, 'throw- probability is that it was done by some a great work for their country. . culatio'ns f a di 3integration in the ranks . � . . - work, and that, as the Cape Breton rail I (4RAINT, VIL .N'OVEI.IST, DI�AD.-The . i wife out ; the latter boys -for a lark, tb-ey liot knowing the � I . . . Ing himself and one itern of export the no tri ing sum of . i . of -the party in power was based on a � _ i� . q . . 'rant, the � way with which this was to connect I death is announcpd of James G I . . i . -' the stren th of . . I I I . was pretty bhdly bruised and has npt enormity of such an offence, as it is It will thus be, seen tha,t ' radical mi�conc tion Of � . � . - the Government' 1, I E'uglish military novelist. He was 64 i $336,000 1 MR. FlKEDBRICK MOWAT S011� Of At was to. be built by I . � yetrecollered therefrom. � : I I hardly likely any one would do such an * � pro e I I the influences a J work.' The soliiarity ­ overnment to . —Mr. Hess, of Zurich wbo' hag maae act in broad daylight, with serious in - while the m anufalaturers ar t �cted tomey-General MowaV, has been ap- of pl iiidet, which binds the Ministerial was decided by the q clu - I years ot a . ore, � I . . I 11 . -11TNING. — Several . in their own m,a,rk-e,t , le present . . � I struct this line with public money also, I KILLr,D'n By Lw ., pointed sheriff of the city of Toronto-. following together, is as strong as ever, ' horses,an -other live stock were killed several town clocks for places in Ontario, tent. ' t . ariff, and that, too, at the !expense of ,Some object to thi � . it is contint ally being streng hened This decision was reached, he said, I";; ; d was in Clinton on Wedneisday of la'st —A very unexpected death took place jl -s_ appointment and and summer. Mr. Blake! pointed out tlia I b lightniDg during a storni in the Cat- week and examined the Market Rouse at the honie of 1%1r. Robert Ple,wes, ia i by the unscrup IOUs use of, patronacre. ' I I I the farniers, the latter have iot only to _acGuse .Mr. MQwat of nepotism. At-: . th . . 0 the Minister of Railways of that day I skil. regions recently. tower, with a view to having a clock Tuckers,raith, on Sunday, the Ist inst, � Ano er.. 110int hat should'be clo,ar by cornpetewith all other natibus, but in � . Sir Charles Tupper,� had been as4ed I (30T THE WO�'ST OF IT.—M. Slaugh- . putia; Ile estimates that one suitable His daughter Ann hall been laid up for ' I though the appointment rests with the this time to ev the dpllest, is that the . , . ' I . I . when this bonas w as first gran,te I i ter, one of the wealthidst stock raisers - arder to secure entrance into the best Government, it is*,of a purely ge ,adi oter cannot be Aaken I L . I se for the place would cost in the neghbor- a couple of weeks with inflammation, of Provincial 11 11 v I w d be carried on, , in New Mexico, has been riously 1100,1 of $,100. � I' the lungs, and on Saturday seenied �o - . ,; i whether the work dul I . � y . " - � � ,markets for niamy of their products, they local character, -and,if it is satisfactory in his: pw �,Jiance by the cry of cor and he had declared -,�ith his usual posi- I wounded by two herders. — - much better that the doctor told her she . . ( The Chief Conztable has -iiotified hav e to pay a heavy tax. TIiis is ruption, even t ough substa.ntimbed by - what * 0 tiveness that there: was no doubt what- � , t1'.AIL%V_-VY GO-NTRACT.—The conteact . to the people of the city interested we the clearest evi ence. I all business meri ot Clinton th,�,t the would be able to get 'up. Sunday be I I llibitirlg the USe Of tile Side- such a beautiful day she got up, 12 . . . . . -of t -%v) forthe extension of the 'Northern ')a- by-law pro : an . . irijay be very properly term'd a "jug- . I . I ever about the matter, yet iu!iide 0 do not see that it is a matter,for concern ; � ! . . P0,licy." The fa ' 5 s have it C I � . : --i—_ - __ , years the thing wa� a com 111 i cific railway through Da,kota, to the walk in front of'their preifiises for t�e was made coiiifoi-table in thw sittin ha4dled ra4e,r I I I I I 9 to outsiders, except orl, the principle that TuE Encylish acliament is still strug- acknowledged fadlure., This was Cf Canadian - boundary lias been awarded - displa.y of th. oods, wilt be strictly room. With the reinark that :�141she . in their power to make a chainge if they it is wrong for members o . f Government glina mai fall . y wit a p 171 C'MiT OF A VU.SEkAj, Luxcm--.()-,-.-1he enforced so eir" � h the Irish C er-cion. � that Parliament sllo�uld demand f tliaZif goods are' exposed - thought it would do her good to go out� will,. but hitherto the m.a+ufacturers . or of Parliament I .. I 0 � the Government bett I er ex plaiiatiou ii I champagne luncheon given at tile fun- I . e side," she walked across the room but to. use their -public Po- Bill. It i, being pressed forward Imost [ I in -front of their pre . Inises, it must � have succeeded by skilfully playing upon: I . I � :) . more satisfactory assurances, when prd- eral of the late Duchess of Norfolk at , . wil property. feeling faint sat down, and to tile con- - * . lone upon tlleir� o I sitions to advance their own' private in- to the e.N clusicil of all other bu�iness, I jects of this kind were proposed. He Arundel Castle cost,$45,000. . � ., . I . I sternation of the household was in a few - . I their political prejudices in actually se- terests. That this appointment is satis- but it m:: kes I slow progress notwith- pointed out the statement that the dd- WRBLIKLD JENVIMS.—The steamer Tas- --Last Saturday morning Fannie, . minutes a corpse. Her death was so I ' I I I , . McC�l ettring their add to fasten' the manacles . .. . I I . I i . . . second daughter of Mr. � Jitines �� - - factory to tile people of Toronto is standing. The Opposition is exceeding- termination to construct this road as I mania,'wrecked off Corsica, contains six sudden that, it could scarcely be realized. I - . I I . � i Iiiiii, of the bouridary Of Grey, died after Upon their own litilbs. And from thi proven by the fact tlia-t a depulation ly a 0 (,x'overnment work, was reached JaA I boxes of jJewels belonging to the 'Ma_ ' She -was just budding into wonianliood, i � ctive xnd arrgressive, and, the Irish . 11 of i brief illness of seven (lays. The�cause . . i - D - . remarks of tile few mamufac!turers . I summer, and contrasted this with, Tul_ , haraja adl and was a promising girl, loved and re- f ­ who composed of the Reform member for the menibers Are nimters in the art of ob- : ipore. Of ? her death was spinal disease. A� r.. ! . . - I., per's own stat6ment to his constituents, 1 DOSATION OF 1G'R,kTITr,w;,.—Tbe Czar � met in Toronto last week-, th�y hope still and Mrs. McCallum and Wilily have t spected by all. Her parents have tile : to, continue this deception. J "rim, e will city and mamy of the leading Reformers straction. That it will be carried in the . that he had secured this boon for them .' has donated 100,000 roubles to Gressen, sympathy of the entire. Community J �hearfelt sympathy of their inany friends I waited upon the Premier to urge the ap-. end, -howE ver t aere now seems to be no �dn his enter * the (loverninent in Jan- i Prefect of 8t. Petersburg, for frustrat- in this sudden and trying - bereavement. , . ; P . I this sudden and unexpectedberea�einenl - . tell, whether or not they will 13ucceed. i Uary last. ,Mgr Charles Tupper spol�e - hig the recent plot against his life. . � . pointment. . On the' other ' point, the doubt, as lie G verninent are as deter- ,—On Friday last, while NP -1r. Robert The manufacturing inter�st of this � . with much of his old time vigor, aill I � CHi.xEsF, BuitNm) OTJT.--­The Chinese '. —1lugh Gilmour, ' son of Mr, "Hu In . . question of principle involved', we have : mined as he Opposition, and they have with quite his old time freedom in the I portion of San Jose, California, was de- Gilmour, of Moose Jaw, Assioiboni e, Hodgins, who resides about two miles couritry is, certainly, ain imp rtant- one, . . ' . . former] iAg I st west of Crediton, was workin- about , always held a,nd stil� hold that it Jroyed by f [jof8tanley,camelicarbeiAgI I Z) - . ig1the majo ity at­tbeir ba,cks. But way of. broad statements, and ill the I st. ire the other day. Loss, , . 1.11 .1 . ­ . . - his barn he discovered several 1�aperg I : in the snow. He was shoveling snow . . but the farming. interesti Ld N . .astly more wrong for any member of -a Go'vernment I wheblier not they will diire to Enforce -way of talking about matters having no ' $47 5, 000. , , * * upon the hay. Re'picked them up, and . ac- - I conn limm Li ,,�s� - MIC111GAN.—The: on the Canadian Pacific Railway; :when , ' im-portant. The exports, of manub or of Parliament to use the.power �vhich its provisions when they do getit passed elation with thel subject in htuid. C1,_ , .IN � � . . __ � uncatior, s High Licei3se Bill was passed on Thuts- 6 he and a, number of others were covered they were carried to the house. After tories for last year amounted to $2 8-12,- 1 He worked himself up into den . . : . ) the people have given him"to advance is do t ubtful. , e do not believe 'they - - inst., by the Michigan -House of I snow slide. Ile was un(ler the an examination, it was found that the - t . .. of Mr.Blake asan 4 opponent of No% a, day, oth 0 . up in a � ' I 000 ;. of the milles . $3,951,147, . and Of his own pecuniaxy interests by having will. It has rot got the sympathy of 'Scotia's interests, and as a man change- I Asselnbl�,. wholesalers axe to pay *'800' snow for about two how's and , wl�en papers belonged to Mr. D. Steirlbacb, of � fisherics of which we hear so much, himself or his relatives appointed � to po'- the mass.s in either country, and the. fill in his opinions, it d giveni to making and retaiiers 8500 a year. I rescued was apparently lifeless but s I Oil Zurich. Mr. Steinbach was coni- c) . . � - I , I ' I I ' I . ; municated with, and he attested that $6,843,388, i-,naking a total for the three ument �nder the Govern- . special speeches to sp -cial places, becau,, e I BOYCOTTISG DII. MCGLYN.N. ---The� recovered. : t-, the papers belonged to him, and that. . : . . . time has gone by when' the aristocratic I —One day last week while Mr.A. 11 � of $13,,636,535. On the othdr hand, -we ment. This is a adun pri 1 . I Mr. Anglin had decared in the Mari- Catholic Knights of Labor at New' they hall been stolen from ,tile safe in uciple, And it minority ean rate the majprity by brute time t . d � I Provinces that ;he Liberal policy Haven, Q.0innecdcut, have been for -bid- � Sinith, merchant, of Brussels, was out his store on the 4th of Mareb, the night exported of cereals $17,000,00a and of . would be well if it '*ere 'strictl i and ,'force. . I nd Dr. � driving, his borse ran away and after a ! Y, . was to secure ji,stice to all ,the den by the Catholic priests to atte. I of the robbery. rhe supposition is, animals $22,000,000. So tl� rigidly adhered to. But, unfortanately, � . provinces, by some broad and compre- McC,lynn's lecture. . i scamper on the sidewmalk and Upsetting ' .- - . . ' .a, not. Almost evo-ry member of the Tim, co, ntry Is to be saved th4 great hensive scheme doirig even more than - ARREST OF kf�- REiRk-ss.—Jeann . one's pocket, while lyiog u n ports of far m era' products : re 'nearly it is ettel Mr. -Smith out, the buggy was left near that the papers fouricl, bad fallen ftom � :. .1 gorplian heiress, was I 0 . . sonie po the t hi � am of the other � justice to the smaller Provinces,' Tup- 11allou, a youn- I ar-1 Sparling's egg. emporium, 'having: coine ,ree times greater th DoAi,inion Governin ent andi many inem�. disgrace of the unsavory Rykert,'bf Lin - i with ane* top buggyl� . eloh,,_ hay. This is confirmed to a certain - ! . . - I per felt himself at liberty to declare that rested in .,X e%v York in a civil suit for in contaQt I . 1:3 t by several of the neighbors., who I coln, being etecti A to the position of d eP u V tiPis was a corrupt attempt of Mr. $50,000 dama mplaint of �rriage shop.! 'he ex three com-bimed. InView of hese farts bers of the Dominio P lia,ment have 9 s on the co ing ;to the � City Ca' ten . I � 3 d buggy -%�ere dainaged '� , m therefore, instead of giving oil the ad- ---&r harla(5.-ss an I i say they saw three tra ps pass sout], I repeatedly and syst aticAlly d Speaker. Mr. Colby, a very- resp�qtable Rake's to win tile Maritime Province 'Mrs. Ada Antiony, who charges lier n cl . . . . I . ­ 8 I several mornings previous' to making vantages to the less profitabk, side,, it it, Ttm vote, and on this basis he entered 1p.; 11 with alienating ihe affection of her bu - -Mr. Smith somewha.t'sbaken up. i . , , I ill I . -of C . ' and the people have as rel)e;g.tedly en- E,nglish-s.eaki gConserva:tivefrc�mQue- I I —The railroad corilmittee linton. the discovery., There were also indica- I - . y . . wouldpay us to devote a litt e ,more at- I . I denunciations after h ils well known E ty I , band. I tions of persons baving.slept where the , . dorsed these violations at the � polls. be'e, has been appointed to'th officei o : SIP.W"Co. —A hot si met on Wednesday evenbigto consililer . I � evidently belieViDg that no man haill the A 11 T � . rocco blew I teAioil to the more profitable one, and el . lZation papers were found. . . They have in effect said that they' do In movinLr -Mr. Colby, Sir John qaid he right to make any pr,6mises to 'Marltirne the whole of. las,t -week throughout Huu-; the �ropriety of sending a del : e . I . . . ' -y, Pat _� 11 -e4 endeavor to secure a trade policy which Province voters ex ept himself. M i . g%i leb in u N .ts the - i —The Sarnia Observer chronicles the not believe in the .p;inciple, s-4 they - had offe-idd the position to Rykert but 9 I .' ' egetation and rendering. to 'watch the intei of, to;wn in I ecline . So the coun, ry Bla . ay happening of a most serious accident to ves � I : an d I it inflammable. ' At Toroczko 300 houses - "'w I . ke's reply was ellear, delibei!atE ,, " connection with thb various would, a,.t least, give it justJilce and W 11 do not ask'their rep�'esentati bo ad- :i lie had d has i ��'�Irb ere a, former resident of Goderich, Mr. It , ; � . 11 : complete, showing that his polic) had were burned and four lives were lost. measur�s before the Commons. ' . - ;. . i play I here to it. Why thehi try to make one . not to think Si � John for its esca. ie from i i C wag, � I . . been in this last what it was in the P' r c - � . DROWNI-NG FkT�MTY.—At a piibl- 9, large turn out. -1 er;lur4le of aption H. Cozzens. Ile was sligh tly in advance I � i i I ^-1 I X I that! if the I , the di8tyrace wbiA threatened it. : Prob- vious election and that if he had aiped 1 baptism by illiMersion. at .NL,ew Orleans, wasclecided upon, but tile que,34-on of of two companions, hurrying flo cross We believe, howevert pre � rule for. one set I of inen and.,anoth'er for 1i .n. . I sent barriers between this c untry and 1 a d�fferent set similar . lysituxted. If till-, ably Mr. Rykert's fear 1. of further (lain - for the 'reduction of duties Where pre- I on Sunday mor ing, 50 people fell into sending a delegation to Ottawa was the street in advance of the, Salvation I . 0 ' .. - ,%, Ig 0 1 1 " I ; ' viously he - hpLd argued for their Ayol.- i the river thro rh the brea,kina of the .allowed to remain in abeyance for the Army, -which was marching d wn the . i � ! - pedple approve' of- violations of this a,ring exposu s of his conduct di � : street at the tirne beating their drums the United States.w( pt away, it ; 0 1 . . d . - I ,I ; I aiid seven ohildroen. were present. ; �l : �e tion, it was; only because deficit alld ' wharf railinn,, I members -of the Don-linion he become a I candidate for ti . ' I 0 - . would be 6qually advantageous to both . principle by Ile PO- enormous expenditure and business' (11- i drowned. . —Last year, as we learn from the ,and singing and accompanied by a ' . . � . � � 0 . I I ; . I : . � 07 . d in,tereats. No business is injured by I Groverninent as. they have repeatedly sition ca ised thin to decline tile offer. pression had nlade such abolition ir ibos- i A DISAPPOINTINt: 1,11.Y.—The cancel- auditor's report, the town � of Winghani rabble of small boys, shouting, an ' . - I , I . I . � IL re i poll tax, s42. hall rent, making . hideous noises, when the horses . healthy callipetition" Monopoly has a. done, lio%v can the), consistently object sible. . The discussion was doubtle. S . )). t � lation of her .1lichiga,ii dates by Mrs., . ceived ii 11 . The offic is an unne one, �nd its the first Of Many that will follow and i Langtry has tell Manager Powers, of ,_032; weigh scales rent, .11-56 ; licenses, attached to a back in which were several . tendency 'to 'contract a,nd Iftiffe, while I to members of the Local Governraentl continual ce is a wicked. waste of Public � . I i i 0 nd Manager Reynolds, $-125 ; land improvenient , fund, , $400 ; persons, became unmanageable, and he- . I . I . . . ! as a ineeting of the tepresentativc In.- , (,rand ltapi(ls, C . I . I i o be, fair competition. will strengthen, stim- I following in the sapie. linq. It.is cer- � money, but so lono, as it is contflitted iti tors on the two sid6.§ of the Houst was ; of Muskegon, tc contemplate suing the fines, :81%79 ;- poiindage feq!�, .�9,'; taxes, fore -Mr. Co;?ze-n,-, could get out f t - � I I . 0 1 . . ' ! i I ' . I cc ;t -a $8,526. Durincr the saine tinio they way lie was knocked down and rull- ulate, and expand any legitimate enter- tainly not fair to make flesh of one and should not be ffisgraced. i I decidedly interesting. Lily for dair ges. . 0 : I ; - prise. ItisLi.aiiiisulttotheilianufactur- fish of another; and they have no ri,, t - � I i THE SCOTT ACT. ; rNION, OF T -IF C',RFVK A -M) L.viv, paid out for, publiv schools, .S2,9)0; over, one of the front wheels passm& I I , , .. I 01, — — . : I The repeal of the Scott Act � de- ,1 Cill* 111CHALZ. --It is stated that the Ilopei :streets and sidewalks, .,�1,227; salaries, across h18 back. It was fourid lie had - ers of Canada to say that, gliven a fair to bla.me Mr. -Alowat fpr doing what I - The 13rithz h Colui-ribi a line manded by _-%1r. Ctxgill, of E.ast I rimak, i and the Czar are negotiating through a! '_,775 ; charity, S65 ; -watbrintr streets, received a severe bruise oil the rightside . � � . . .- . . I . .. - I ! C� __ -, ' tn field and on even, terms, the' nable they have comm 11orror. , grants to town band and -Nlechkn- of his face and head caused by .1itrih-ing � are u ended i� Sir John, ,5ir . I who, in introcincing a bill to effect that noble Lombard nonk with a view to the'. *95 : 11=� - . . I I . . - : h I . losion nstituenc7 op- .' retmion of G,re�k and Latin churclfi�s. ic*s Institute, -'� 1 00 each. � �: � . I Z I . i . I � , art rlv lie received to hid back inust, have been � ev " f the 3rd. inst., in th o posed the Act, although the count -Vas a A� the Pope is willing to let ihe Greeki . I . I I "' on the hard pavement, while, Vw crush to co,rapete with amy c lianUfactim- , Charles, Sir flector, ;'lnd su (Iry 'others. A terr:i __ of gas took place object, stated that his co 'le P �rs in th M . ter, the T-)ro - a � the e M . . —At the last meeting of th e , , u le It is now Propo , In referrin,, to -the illat ilto, ,,O. I I il)(' t - . . -uuit.a eordi�,l -move,1 to h'-, home a . e world. sed to' I I Ilb?aft- �f the Vaucouver Coal whole carried it. He believes th� tl4c ' churel, retain.its own manner of wor-' board of Blyth ch nd terrible. He was re I give them this fair field, and we believe I Mail. says : :. I I . � I s , vas � I I � __ i , I Company's minb at Nanaimo, in which Act does no good, and that its only ,-- feat : �.Ihirl, it ias expec.� �,d that the negotiations' unanimoUs vote was passu,I; expressim, few hours 'ater and at last accoant, - . I . n , - I I I I 0 I that the great majority would be pleased Fair-minded men will -see noth n Cr ob- there were upwards of one hundred and is to k1oprive municipalit4es of !1,'n-ze ' will be !mccc:--_:-ful. , t -he lliLfh esteem in wlii,_�11 the � jmsjor, (loing as well as could be expf:,�t�,d'al- I . I -1) P -- . ; 1, _ with the ehange. The exten4ed market I jectionable n tile appoi�tineptlofi '.N1 r. fifty 111in rs at 'Jhe time. Tile qrst in- fees and � depreciate the value of llIntel 1, 1Nvi-,i_) 7(r- 1"EM-.\.—The Bylgarian,;. tev. Ar. Mills is bel(I th roil -h 6iuit lie thotwh sufferii)g considerable pain. . � - _" I I I _'Nlowat's solilto the Toront � mpathy for his 6 — ow n or Yillage - of arty 0 oirfevafty. tiniation hose On the surface had of the property. The prohibitionists wit I C � llc,(reilts have:invited Prince Alexand circuit, Qf sy allticti n, A] mr).st every t . d . . I e and regret a' . the neuc­n� ­ b would do vastly m . ore to Mr. Mowat has been Premie'ri of the explosion.was a terrific shoc lowed better,able to meet this attempted rei)eil - to rc-a,-cend Ali; Bulgarian thr6iSe, and! i sitv for hi� tem- importance must, .some time in its ex - I . � . porary retirement froni tl�e active' work istellee bave it,:. excitement over a W7 interest than the iriereased poinpetitian Province since 1872. T[ e dutie� of his by an oatbiirst. of thick black smoke of the Scott Act, because the pr6hib[- . a -sure him that they are willing to run - . J � or(raniz�., . ; I W, and jadging from a p grap possibly do to contra4 it. Even othce are so onerous as to render it im... throuall the air shaft. The fi:st ex- tion -members have _7 �d, not e - all ri-�ks'bf bis doing so, even.to a dir,er,� oftheininistrj. �\][�mberli of. the' bo ird ')Y -la A.ra'r , b could I . __ . _. ,spe I plosion NN 'as cluickly, followed by a sec'ond cially for the pur-pose of fighti v. gentle'in-i'S I 1 'a Z innip4i possible for him to pursue his profession. n') -th.s I e . I i 1 b t I now,, with all their protp'Gtion, the . M 1_� : ;,�,iu with P,U -sia. Prince Alexander, i spoke highly 6f� tile! Ite I in last week's 1�'xeter Times, tbat.villa."'p- I . . The salaxy attached to the officeds not a one stronger than the first, cirrying bill, but for the purpose of bringing in a � however, rcfu�e,s to return to the cowi� ability as a prpacber', an(l succei a is now going to have its In, . -At 1 manufacturers are far from �eing SA,tis- . I', mi' er's . lampp, &c., resolution :in favor of pro hini, him speedy recov6ry.' . the last - meeting of the Council, S I I - la,rge one, and a'cbrlsiderable- portion of pieces or ,vyoo,t n, hibition, by 1 try- exLept -with the sanction of tb� : pastor, wis g I ' . . fe � - � fied. What is protection to one, is an it is no doubt absorbed by the machine, hundredd o into the air. I4 a few nieans of N:vhich they hope to conlinift I 14'.uropean powers. .1 _;-Th_'e village of F6rdwit!h in Howick petition, $�gned by a large num'ber of I I i . . ; aMes I a g time �een pestere(I '"!"ith ratepayers, was laid -before the )�oard, - injury to another, and as a consequence Nvbich constantly requires fuel in the � minutes fl commenced to . issue this new Parliament to the prinijiple � TjiE F I,. I t; I I T 1--, -s I.,- f) A-.%TEER. — Thd has for a long � � - . . � ; . I � I ty thieves and all' efforts to fixid 'out asking that cows be closed up fron, 7 " sha,pe o;f funds. It � happens, too, th 'thr ' gh he air shaft, with a IOU roar- they advoca,te. These things, toge her Ameer c, Afganistan has sent the grea pet � we are forced, day after day,'I to wiriness., . at .. , the I odest sum which 'Mr. Mowat has I ingornoise. ,ies ha n p. m. to 6 a. m., each day during I the in Rescuing parties -were at with Mr. Jamieson's * bill to make th e est porti n of his treasUre into In the guilty parl I f - ' I the spectacle of the representatives: o put away has been' sadly! reduced. by once orgsniz�ed and the work of bringing Scott Act more workable, will prob y I security, and meditates flight as :thJ unavailing. Some levenings ago Ithe moutlas which they are allowed to ro,'m - one branch, appearing bef I re e i- . losses, so that be is'enter'" upon old I up the bc di f of the unfortunate victims bring the temperance question up a one I only chance of I ereonal safety left htm 1 - store of Mr. Itli H4sband was. �rok en the streets. The plea set forth in ibe . . LD.9 I I I . . I . . - � i . I i . � I . . . I . .� ; ; � 11 I � I . : I . 11 i - , P - - � . . � I � i d � : � I . � I k ' in c I I I I I I I il I I I il t &O i '�01 , � i I i f, �� � L or I i e J I I � I I I I � i I � . 1' I bl 1�s . - . � I . - . - . I � I- - ! i ; . li � I I I : I i � : . . : I I I .. . I I � � i - : � - . I I I � . . : I � . . . . I i . i . . I � , � � . . . . I- . I I ! . I . . . i � I . �� - : I . I I I i . � I : . � I ; . I � . I . - : � . . .. . . . . . I [ � . i . 1. .. . I I . i I . . . . . . � '. , I : . '. . i ; - . . I : � � - : : . . � . I i :1 . . . 11 I . . . I I r - . . 'I I I . � I - . I I ! . I I � I . I i . , � 1. . . . . . I : I . . � : � . . . . I P � . I . I I ; I I . I � i �_ - I I L PIA6 1 __-:7_77-, 1 . SO -01111111 . I I I . I 1 as that the. cattl ow -on W4 . ure � sac, . oflierwise i'lli � ht There was; I the D19 ' th e Oil% tall -0:90i 1. upoll Ole debating filing the paper � I Z , . Vouncil simply, - -in favorol. , . ,,,,,il those I I . ht " privil� &.y$1 ,gall Big , we the � lon.,�, V& a counter Petit' � -prePXre - _ there is great ey , r.aent tilne Phsides bei-og busily eng-%,",e' . I I tures. The matter Wi q IF Big,* eetina Of -t4 at t ext M 51 , he 11 . ted th,ete wi-Il' � I . Xpec � . 'When it is e � I Ily time. tirlie between I i ;.-Solne ligi niot and daY . I Saturday- Exete, . Y I jnornwg�, -_: Ilouse -0ras elitered. by bnr�,� I led by way I ., 1100 was gall - entro I mth 'na Of the 1" ,-,aow in the s(apartment. I t J, tl3,e.fr9i9ht. the. . &at palff attention' t'O I � they Where they burst OPI loffic�, I 14,�] , I ,d,awer and tabstracte(I tl ' I p rs. Having �, � , . vents in. CO, pe � � the ssafe- 10 thle rooln, leaving � I which it is said there Ara:- - r,r.. I 1 fin ' _dto the f *4 burglars repo -11, t where' they opene(l � . 3nell! J - a a few -; I.ts, and selecte � � � thattbe goods nliOlt 1 'Orderlittle I,nc a vii .tU ,onve.nience, V71 _. and which li Was ,11 the, room, Mr. ,Cartwright, 'of 1*'­"ett'r' '%v - I of its contents,and refilleil M I � . , �lr­ . An overcoat belonging to � . I .n. The burlrlar'� .Was also take _13 1 11 . ,d to be t:rampsl) as 1"%-er" have been, prowlin"" ' � ry. ir,ity of late, FrF0,T I "'Se ge] the VIC l" that t1le safe was *'lot "' 1*1 ',),eor,( is f laite evid6t that the that of experts. ___ - I Stephen. I !C0V,qCIL D,O,N,A*,, 14- .� -..;--A- a _ the Stephen Countil held � , . ,D,st it was decided that abo . "I M 4 hiner be do"lealOr'll-4 tl� of dite t' cession road'at 25 cents p(I assessment rot' lVas accept.' Court of Itevision was fixed day ,May '25- it -was ;?.I-,< let ihecontr�cts for haulin1g, Cred1t n to the . : 0 aild other ro�. I day. - __ I .� __ - -, __ - I Morris. _� R.,CNAWAY.-I-IT. J�lell- 1`� . I.au away at Jame -town t -lie. P,esults: Little Allan Ram'sa � . x4)bbe J�ohnston, I ea face ,. N a,ud broke his turpentine I . . I King, ,safe; ,buggy, shafts b.;' 1,LF _T ,�,OpEN-ED,. he, Meth4ot.1 � ,9choolat Jobuston7s aPP01. re-OPeried for �'87 on Sabbatl . , 'to . � Itobt, Shaw was aPPO111 i_� � dent-, Mrs. � William J amei Mrs. Peaco ,,-k,, 4miss lsabe and llr� . " Mr. John j�eaeoe.k, librariar B3EtIm,j.-�,jr. Wm. Dulii , buyer, ha;,g re -rented Mr. 11 stoWs f&rm,on the bounAary tends to sto<'!k it with eattil miles of tire ist line-fliere ai, buyers, �S I urely lambs niust' gnee - anil profits - good. -Z t * 4 Johnston has talken a rIP I bodiny spring breezl�s oly La:�.'�' . Z Kineardine - Z I I , � . � �_,_ . - � 1� � i Constan,ae � . LoCAL BITS.- � The enterta. last Weduesday-by the Go of this place,, was quite a .9 local driiiiatic club displa.N." ent. The dialogues Nv,er� especially thosse in whici were engaged. �Our genial i . z�l I J. R. Murray,i is baelt � -the patrons of the cheese" 7 will beassiste(l this seas�, . Papinea;u,, grana son"of L. - of 1837 renowv.-A couph . vulcams ivere,exercising th� rn . I thestreet th,e o1blier da,v, I friendly sp'irif. They sf� ' � to roll ea -6h. other in the I, I eachotherg clothes'. but di hurt the eyes of ,eitli-er hy, other in itie fi�ce. - _N1 r. N i has gone oil a Visit to friet ., ---�Court Consistance ho- . meeting iii� the �,tenlperancc; - . Thursday hight ; it being i all the old ,,officers were re ;same positions for next terl -of seaforth, bas been hi days- -working for D. i� . 7 . : I black'sm ith. : . I . . . I . I ----. __ _- I I � � I Exete!r.; � Bftir.IN.-The farraers' i, -wheat in some sections, il I . Aition, wIffle in �otber - . ly as goodf. -�Jr, Robert, wife, of -G I I en co, le, are .%t I),: friends in town, --Our sti I . very dusty appearam.:­ -, - lake left on Tliursday, t0 Sault St,e. Marie, 'Sueee. Accil)F4NT.--Oa SatUX AVm. Gould, who works,� at Goulills sa-w mill, accii fingers in.'contactl witli ti, - the large finger �of hiz k about hall' au inell above' which ren,dered anipatti Drs. HY64inan & 8on fin er at'the knuckle. wetI as call be expected, CON I FIV.-MATION S1--.RVk7 day evening la.st, at . Exeter, the , Ri-lit Bev.- I of the , Huron Rio'cles'e, he � I services, an,d thirty-one, Before tile ceremony i1t. ; Or, the subject of chriAia handle�l .in a first-vla-t�i I wholie servi,�-e throngh�)n: I I 3ressive., we hr)p(,, tl soon faw:)r us with an-oti. . Ani.,w�; D.-,Y.--XV,edn-� limring 'i V)celi set apart, � . � lleev� a., arbor day, 1v 4ervell Ity a large numl),,� Who turned out aild �n flObt of their own rf' waxcls they all repaired I . . ket srIu*Vrp we tht-V � . �, w1l" - ' 1119 abalit 1*2:) maple ti , they a,, ill tll?,+ a a ,ned 4)11t I the sa"we, pUce and i. ornaillez+.d tr.cl., cf),W ta:111 a6b�, Norway plmel: and White birell. Till sents 'a - * 1 �,4 vviry rt!,spectao'- is an opla,nielit to tli,- tr' , a f,L.%v Years be <)I . 'i � � 1: . Warm ,.1r,eath,_1r. - I , . R,'\4,%%.kvS, --On .,,�I� � I Arnbroic (, , � I ottle (lrol..,! - : for 4 loall of lumber, w eanie frightened awl .' "*,`agon�was loaded VV�� title. Tile horse bein. Pletely deiriolishied � � Friday last as ',Nlt�� township Of' Stephlell'. to th1svillag Z�ej �his 110 � I ;r_�. .; . . I