HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-05-06, Page 7lope . e nozlat- rt. :sir; Pere time- acl !yeti% ee- PeeIt ! atiers esteue ! ego, latch. i dors a ler - end r t era ea eat. re% i [hoer,. e • eis-e; ent , ,tiessra. !Street, _ tt..Iarge os reliable Lken Lisc 711.1.nt- MAY 6.7 1887. 3 1 • THE .IIJRON EXPOSITORr , • , Perth Items. -The Listowel Lacrosse dab has been re organized for the season. -The population of Mitchell has in- creased front 2,858 in 1886 to 3,103 in 1887. -Diphtheria is prevalent among chil- dren in Stratford and some deaths have occurred. -Mr. Geo. Baxter has sold his farm on the, northern boundary of Mitchell to Mr. Fritz Ott, for $2,900. -Mr. George Andrew and family in- tend removing from Mitchell and taking up their residence at Denver, Colorado. Young Lord Douglas," owned by Mr. James Watt, of carried off first prize at Guelph spring fair- -The Perth Caledonian Society has decided to hold genies at Stratford on the 22.ad of June, the day of Her Majes- ty's Jubilee. Heary Vietor, the popular Boruhohn hotelekeeper has been con- fined to bed for some time with rheumatism. Whelihare Esq. , of St. Marys, recently- sold a three year old Percher= Stallion, of his own raising, to a Mr. Daniel Feeley, of Michigan, for $1000. -Mr. Geo. H. Barr, sale of Mr. Rob- ert Barr, of Ilibbert, has assumed the management of a cheese factory at Brownsville, malty of Norfolk. -Mr. John Rodgers, Huron road, sold six head of fat cattle last week- to Mr. T. D. Ryan, at 41- cents per Ite They averaged per head 1,421 lbs. -Conductor Warner, of Stratford, who drew $15,000 in a lottery a short time ago, has resigned his position in the Grand Trunk Railway service. -A daughter of Mr. Alex.Caven, Collector of Inland Revenue at Strat- ford, died at San Francisco a few days ago. The young lady went there a short time ago in quest of health. -All the merchants and storekeepers in, Li -dowel, now close their places of business at half -past six every evening except Saturday, when the shops are closed at 10 p. m. -By recent assessment the total val- ue of Real Estate in Listowel is given at $692,000 being an increase aver last year of $22,030. The number of acres within the Corporation, is given at 1,340. -Mr. P. Dettler, proprietor of the Revere House, Sebringville, took his de- parture fel- the United States a few days ago. A number of creditors regret his sudden leave-taking. -The Salvation Army barracks at Listowel known as the oIci. Methodist church, was burned to the greund on Monday last week. Loss, $500'; no in- surance. The fire was withoat doubt the work of an incendiary. -Another load of eggs belonging to Mr. J. D. Moore, of St. Marys, came to grief near Gadshill on Saturday. The front axle of the wag= gave way and let 2000,dozen fall on the road. They were nearly all smashed. -Mr. George Rock, of near Mitchell, will leave for Germany in a few days. He intends taking with hini three plows, and half a dozen corn brooms, as speci- mens of Ontario manufacture, to present to friends. -The other night in Stratford Hugh Doherty and James Ward lbrutally assaulted Oliver Barben in ae saloon. Doherty next meaning got six s months in the Qentral prison, and Ward was fined $20 and costs or two months. -The prompt application of a few buckets of water quenched whet prom- ised to be a serious blaze at the fine resi- dence of Mr. D. D. 'Hay, RegiStrar, in Stratford on Sunday afternoon. An ac- cumulation of soot and defective piping were the cause. -A few days ago a Stratford pump - maker, named Bowes, white putting up a wind mill at the residence of Mr. Mc- Kim, Downie, fell from it, a 'distance of 35 feet. He was at once -brought home and medical aid summoned. No' bones were broken, hut he has sustained internal injuries. -Dr. and Mrs. Ahrens, of Stratford, on Thurschsy of laet week celebrated their paper wedding -the first anniver- sary of their marriage. A large number of guests were present on the -occasion, and the host eud hostess were made the recipients of a number of handsome pre- aents. -During the heavy thunder -storm of Friday the 15th inst., lightning struck a tree forty feet from the house of Mr. Martin 'Grady, Downie. In addition • to the tree being completely smashed the windows of the house and several articles of furniture were broken to atoms. The inmates were not injured. -A Shakespeare correspondent says: Misses Elirsbeth Rutherford and Jessie McTavish, of North lea,sthope, and Mise Lizzie Donaldson and. Maggie McIntosh, of Shakespeare, left 011 Teesda,y, 19th inst., for Manitoba. They go ostensibly to keep leause for their -bachelor brothers; but perhape they have also some other Ulterior object in view. Time Will tell. -The Western Association of Con- gregational Churches met in Listowel last week. Delegates an& minister were present from a number of places, aid the meetings were of an interesting ald pro- gressive character. An important scheme was proposed for extending the usefulness of the Association, which is to be submitted to a special meeting in Toronto in June. A sermon was preached on Tuesday evening by the Rev. R. K. Black, of Semite and on Wednesday a public meeting was held. --One evening lately a serieus acci- dent took place at the sawmill of Murray & Ateheson, at Avant= As Mr. Wm. Hughes was moving some lumber in the neighborhood of a circular saw, he stum- bled and fell on the saw, and in a twinke • Ihsg he had lost his left hend, with part of his arm. Fortunately, Rev. Mr. Chrystal was near at the time, and, with praiseworthy presence of mind at once applied a 1i aurae which no doubt saved Mr. Unglue; frem bleeding to death, until medical assistance arrieed. He has a wife and family of three children depending upen him for support. -A men named Dices died very suddenly at the Queen's Hotel, Strat- ford, a fess- days ago. Ile attended a ball at Shakeepeere on Monday evening and etainee to ln, as lively as any one at the ball. IL laughed and chatted and had a t4ond time ,tenerally. o return- ed to Stratford about half past 2 ae and at :I o'olook he was a corpse. How " In the mishit of life we are in (Lath,- Moielay he was in the full en- joyment of 11i senses : Tuesday after- noon, and just twelve hours after being at the ball, his renia.ins were laid in Avombde t•etnetery. - - One day lately lligh Constable Thomas IL McCarthy, of Stratford, went to Drayton, County of Welling - ten, with a. warrant for the arrest of one I - Nicholas Welch, on a charge of stealing a pair of boots from a citizen of the, Ellice• swamp named Johnston. Con- stable McCarthy got his man, hut while carelessly atternpting to put the hnd- cuffs on the prisoner'he received a blow under the ear which knocked. him down. Before he could regainf, his feet Welch was ont of reach, and made such excel- lent speed that the Constable, was forced to let him depart in peace, taking the handcuffs with him. -Monday's storm last week Was of exceptional violence. In Moravia and Galicia, twenty railway workmen sought shelter in a building which was struck by lightning, and two were killed and the others rendered deaf. Twenty- three persons were crossing the river San during the storm, when the boat upset and the greater number were drowned. 1 -Mrs-. John Lake, of Avonton, met with what might have been a very serious accident the other day. She had been visiting and when she etarted home, by an oversight the lines were not fastened to the horse's bit, con- sequently she had no power to guide it, the horse went all right for a short distance, but, finding it was not under control started off ' at a pace to suit itself, taking the side of. the road Mrs. _Lake was , thrown out by the btiggy jolting over the knolls,. her little boy • who was with her clung to the buggy till the horse, which was going at a fast pace, got home. Mr. Lake caught the horse and. immediately started for 'his' wife. Sh,elhad been thrown out against the fence and sustained.- some severe bruises. • • -The Goderich Signal of last week says: The unfortunate females of the_ Holliday family, who were committed to jail from Brussels for vagrancy nearly ,six months ago, have now almost put in their full term of confinement, and will be discharged on or about the s>thof May. The family consihts of the Mother and two daughters, who are in j#11 for - the heinous crime of poverty, an -da son Jake, who is in the Northwest. During the past winter several letters have been received from Jake by the mother, expressing his intention of endeavoring to bring them to the Northwest when their term of durance was ended, but the last letter received indicates that - the Iad has met with financial reverses d anwill not be able to accomplish the object which he had contemplated. If by any means an arrangement were made to send these -unfortunates to their natural protector in the NorthW' est, the county would be the gainer, and the people in the vicinity of Brussels, and that portion of Morris and Grey, where they formerly resided, should see that pressure be brought upon the councils of these municipalities tp provide the necessary funds for taking them to their relative, ,who is willing to support. them thereafter. Failure to make provision for these unfortunates in the manner in- dicated will result in their becoming a legacy for jail purposes upon the county. Let something be done to help these un- fortunate women in their distress. Wind the Clock. The best clock needs regulating and winding when the main -spring runs down. So, too, when the human. machinery gives out, it needs regu- lating aud the main -spring (pure blood) needs toning. Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate and tone alI broken down conditions of the s3 -s- tem. In purchasing -B. B. B. beware of counter - faits. 1007.52.2w. A Fair Offer. _ For Many years the proprietors of Haggard's Yellow Oil have offered to refund the money to all purchasers of that medicine where it failed to give relief in ease of pain or painful affections, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, deafness, burns, bruises, sprains, stiff joints and cords, and internal or exterual inflammation. 1007.52.2w. _ In a Bad Condition. I was so bad with dyspepsia that I could not take food of any kind without distress, and could not take a drink of water for a month at a, time. I have been a great sufferer from liver complaint and dyspepsia for many years," says Mrs. Nelson W. Whitehead, of Nixon, Ont., whom two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured. 1007.52.2w. Froze His Feet. While out ska, ig last winter, G. Varcoe'of Brandon, Man., gPt his feet badly frozen. He rubbed them with snow, and then applied Hag - yard's Yellow Oil, which speedily cured them, and saved him from being a cripple. 1007.52.2w. A Hamilton Item. "My wife has been a sufferer from liver com- plaint for many years. I am glad to be able to testiry to the benefit received from Burdock Blood Bitters, as well as in the ease of my little boy, who had glandular swellings." J.S. Mil- ler, 77 Victoria avenue, Hamilton, Ont. 13. B. B. regulates tha entire glandular system. A Matter of Fact. One of the few preparations that seldom dis- appoint on trial, is that old standard throat, and lung medicine, Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, aore throat aad other diseases of the air passages. 1007.52.2w. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the heat that can be employed to correct ir- regularities of the stomach and bowels. Gentle' _vot thorough, in their action, they euro constipa tion, stimulate the appetite and digestive organs - and strengthen the system. 969.52w. ; The Constantly Tired-Qut feeling, so often experienced, is the result t:if im- poverished blood, causing enfeebled vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enriches the blood, increases the appetite, and promotes digestion. The sys- tem, thus invigorated, feels new strength and energy. 909.52w. Fever colic, unnatural appetite, fretfulness, weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of worms in children ; destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 1007.52m,, Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat, nettle rash, scaley eruptions, itch, and all dis- eased conditions of the skin. 1007.52m. The hectic flush, pale hollow cheeks and pre- cariOus appetite, indieate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually re- move. them. 1.007.52111. Birr, London Township, June 20th, 1885. I Caught a cold in May, 1884, and was eP.ntinually coughingand catching fresh cold, and hiving a pain in my side. I tried' other medicines. but was stiff getting. worse Mail L tried Dr. Jug's Medi- tate" in January last, and I had not used titre bottle when I began to feel Myself gaining'. So i have usi:d Tour lio.tth.:s Mal now I feel well and straw'. Sandi Shoebottom. Fiir sale by all druggists. • • 967.52.2w. Why EmploY Doctors; • Congult a doctor and in eases out of 10 he pronounces your disease 1i er complaint, and . char,es you st for a small bottle. Consult a d171=ist awl for al he will give you Dr. Chase's er Cure, guaranteed to enre, and a valuable ripe twirl; tree, Sold by all dealers 960.52w. - " What is •McG regor's Speedy Cure for?'" It k for dyspepsia, liver complaint, indigestion, bili,,u-ne, and It is the finest blood pU-rifier in - tie- v.rhl to -lay. • tiata it ah satiAtetinit ?" Caalgyt ptit ti,)nle hist:Mee where it did iw,t.„‘Vliere doe.; it have the largest sale?" RE:ht in the city of Hamilton, where it is manufaetured, there has been over one thousand dollars' wort h sold in the last year's retail,and:the great - majority of the sales are by one re‹,oin-. mending. it to another. For sale at 50e and ;$1. per bottle by Lumsden a Wilson, druggists, Statfertla e':i:. National Pills are sugar-coated mild but thor- lough, and are the best ritomach and liver pill in use. 1007.62m. Reader, in informing you of this wonderful remedy for coughs. colds, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that we are ding you a great kindness, afi if you have any of the above com- plaints, if you will only try i will guarantee satisfaction in every case or- oney refunded. Ask for McGregor's Lung coinpolnnd. Price 60c and $1 per bottle at Lumaiden 4 Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 964.52w. ' Reasons why youshould purchase Fluid Light- ning in preference to al other remedies are : Rapid result-enres iflstfllflbiy. It is easily ap- plied -no trouble -no lost time. ' It does not re- quire constant use -one a plication is effectual. One bottle will remove more pain than any other rernedy in existence. Try it for neuralgia, toothache, headadhe, rhenmatism. Sold at 25c a bottle at Luinsden & Wilson's drug store, Sea - forth. 964.62w. • 1 • I Adviceto Mot ers. Are you distm bed and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and cry ng with pain o cuttimg teeth? If so send at once and get bottle of ." Mrs. Winslow'a Soot ing Syrup" fo children teething. Its value is ncalculable. I will relieve the poor little 'safer r immediately Depend upon it, mother; the is no mistak about it. It cures dysenteVy and diarrho3a, regu lates the stomach and bowels, ,ures wind colic softens the gurus, reduces in =motion, an gives tone and energy to he whole system "Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyni " for childre teething is pleasant to t e tits e and is the pre-,. scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in 1he Un ted States, and is for sale by -all druggists throu rhout the world Price twenty-five cents bot le. Be sure and ask foi " Ma . s WINsbOw's SOOT LNG SvauP, " and : take no other kind.966.1y. . ,' • . I ' 1 Conf3-umpti # ured. An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his handsi by a :East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple i egetable remedy for the speedy and. permafient c ire of i_jonsump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, AiAhn a and all throat mid Lung affections, alsq a pos tive and radical' cure for Nervous Debility and a Nervou plaints- after having tested its wonderful cum; tive powers in thousands Cf cas s, has felt it hit duty to make it known to his Tering fellows!. Actuated by this motive and ai. 'esire to relieve human suffering, I will send fr e of chargo, t le all who desire it, this reoipe, in German, Frenc or. English, with full directio s for preparin and usin . Sent by mail by ddressing wit I stamp, n min:. this paper, W A. NOES, 14 Power's B ock Rochester N. Y 938-45 eow q - ; Lon t; on, Huron a id Bruce, GOrNn No ,rn- , E -press. Mail. London, -----------depart.. .55.a.m. 4.25P. Exeter -.14 6.60 ' Hensel'. , T ' "*• 1* Kippen. Brueefield......... .. .... .4. .36 6.25 Clinton. • .55 6.50 Londesboro -. ;I 1 .15 7.10 Blyth.............1 .24 7.20 Belgrave ,1 1 .39 7.36 Wingham, arrive i 1 .65 8.00 GM° SOUTH- , E. press. Mail. Wingham, depart . . .00a,m. 3.05e. Belgra,ve i .17 3.29 Blyth4 .32 3.44 Londesboro........ .. 4.. .41 3.53 Clinton . ' .03 4.13 Bruoefield .22 4.32 Kippen.. .. • ...... .... .... .31 4.40 Hensall 4.46 Exeter .51 6.00 London, arrive 1.10 6.00 .24 6.05 .29 6.13 Wellington, Grey nd Bruc GOING NORTE- Accom. E. press. Mixed. Ethel .. 2.34 P. M. 20 p.m. 9.46 a.m Brussels 2.49 .35 10.26 Bluevale 3.05 $31.51 10.65 Wingham.. 3.20 10.02 12.00 GOING SouTH- Mixed Accem. Express. Wingham.... 7.06 P.M. 1410 A. M. 6:50 A. Bluevale 8.02 111.25 7.00 Brussels 8.60 1.45 7.15 1 Ethel.... .. .... 9.20 1 .00 .. L 7.27 Train leaving Wingham at 8;lOp m. for Kinca • dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. - Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and 0 inton stations follows: GOING WEST-_ SEAFOR 0. Express.... .... 1.48 P. M. Express .... 8.57 P. M. lifixed Train.... .. 9 00 A. M. GOi .G Easr- Eapress.... .... 7.48 A. m. 17..0350 PA: Express .... . .... 1.48 P. M. Aimed Tram 6.05 P li. 4. r. • CLINTO 2.20 P. 9,15 P. 10.00e. Eavetrough in : Best workmanship done in • . F c. Galvanized iron Tin Eavetroughing. - • , Metal. 1--i9pfing And all kinds of work in Tin, Sheet Iron or Copper. Dairy Utensil A SPECIALTY. MANUFACTURERS OF THE BOOTS AND, SH ES. F esh Arrival of New Spring Goods. As all my stock of Boots and Shoes is fresh from thmanufacturers, you may exp ct good value for your money. I ignore blow' g ; you will find me truthful. Gi e me a call and judge for yourselves. C stom Work Warranted. RepairinI4 Promptly Attended to Cherry Creamery Carb And best Self -Skimmer in the market. Stoves have advanced in price; our old stock will be sold all old priees. • iron Cisterns ift- _AT -JOF,INSON. 1 E. LATIMER, Main S reet, Seaforth. !bay ar;c1 Night During an acute ., ceii&css tickling exl austing, dry; thel sufferer.. Slee pr stratiou follow. att nded with Hot Lo -s :of Voice. eh. mile, involve ti fat thy. Ayer's C sp edy relief and chlis. It controls the disposition to co gh, and induces refreshing sleep. have been a practicing- physician for tw ntysfour years, And, for the past tW lve, have suffered froni annual attacks of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the us al remedies leads of Bronchitis, a iil the throat, and an backing cough, - afflict banished, 'and great . This disease is also . rscpess, and Isometitnes t is liable lo become LC lungs; and terminate erry Pectoral affords cure in eases of Brous Without Relief,' t-ied Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It helped immediately, and effected a speedy cu e. - G. Stoveall, M. De Carrollton, 31iss. yer's Cherry Pectoral is decidedly the - be4t remedy, within my knowledge, for ch emic Bronchitis, and all lung diseases.. -M. A. Rust, M. D., South Paris, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which, from 'exposure, grew worse an finally settled on my Lungs. By ni lit sweats I was reduced almost to a sk )leton. My Cough Was incessant, and I • fr quently spit blood. My physician told - m to give up business, or I would not. ]iv a month. After taking various rune - di - 8 without relief, I was finally Cured By. Using •,t‘ o bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I a now in perfect halth, and able to re 'tune business, after having been pro- mo need :incurable with Consumption. S. P. Henderson, Saulsbergh, Penn. or years I was in a decline. I had w ak lungs, and suffered from Bronchitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral re- st red me to health, and I have been fora lo Is time comparatively vigorous. • la ca e Ofi. a sudden cold •I alwa.ysekesort to th Pectoral, and find speedy relief. - E •weed E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. wol years ago I suffered from a severe B -onchitis. The physician attending me b came fearful that the disease would ter - innate in Pneumonia. After trying me - m. s medicines without benefit, -be finally pitcscrbed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine a -short time, and was cured. Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind. ell Pumps BROS., SEAFORTII, • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, P epared by Dr. J. c: Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 8 Id by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. SCROFULA umors, , rysipelas, anker, and atarrh, an be, ured by urifying the blood ith AlVIPBELL'S. THARTIC COMPOUND dre I h mac s ble is eve LIVER on Yo A is effec ive in small doses, cts without 'gripieg, does not oc- casion musea, and will no create irri- tetionai sl. congestion as do iany of the aanal cithartics ad- inistered in the form of &c. . Ladle* and Chil- ving the most Sensitive sto- ke this medicine 'without trou- cemplaint. BE LL'S CATTIATITI (13 COMPOUND ially adaptd tor the cure of OMPLAINTi AND 1li LIOUS Dr - ERS. ID STOMAC I AND Loss OF AP- I do not believe that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has an equal as a remedy for Scrofulous Hu- mors. It is pleasant to take, gives strength -and vigor to the body, and produces a more permanent, lasting, re- sult than any medicine I: ever used. -E. Haines, No. Lindale, O. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my fam- ily, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, it will thoroughly- eradicate this terrible disease. - W. F. Fowlers M. Greenville, Tenn. For forty . years I have suffered with Ery- sipelas. I have tried all sorts of remedies for my complaint, but found no relief until I c o In men c ed using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After taking ten bot tles of this medicine ani :Completely cured.. -Mary C. 'Amesbury, Rockport, Me. I have suffered, for years, from Catarrh, wheels was so severe that it destroyed my appetite and weakened my system. After try- ing _other •remedies, and getting no relief, I began to take. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in a few months, was cured. -Susan L. Cook, 309 -Albany st. - Boston Highlands, ifasse Ayer's Sarsaparilla is superior to WV blood purifier that t have ever tried. I have taken it for Scrofula. Canker., 'nnd Salt - Rheum, and received much benefit from it. It is good, 'also, for a weak stomach. -Millie Jane Peirce, South Bradford, Mass. yer s Sarsaparilla; -Ilrepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8; Co., Lowell, MOBS • Price ; six bottles, S5. 6 6 PE ITE. Fol Sr ‘is. HEADAC FOI.c C NSTIPATION FOUAI COMPLAI DIV ORDERED 1MA II. This nedicine b the I do m e et t son*, adapte to the bottles family ris .AND DYSPEPSIA.. OR COz;TIVENESS. 'f'S ARISING 'FROM A TATE 6 THE STO- . Mg, in liquid form, e can be . easilygulated to e requirements oe different per - hes making- it equally well to the Use of thei ittle child as dult. Put up inr three ounce _and sold' by a111 dealers in edicines. . Price Retafl, 25 Cents. PERRY DAVis' mtft INKi LLER 15 BECOata ENDEti BY Physic ans, _Ministers, Missionaries, Man gers of Factories, iyork-shops. Eta tations, Nurses in I lospitals, short; everybody everywhere ho has ever given it ,a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITU W NE GLASS OF HOT 1ILK AND UGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A. NEVER FAILI G CURE FOR SU DEN coLDs, CH LLS, CON- GETION OR STOPI AGE OF . C RCTerLATION, CTIaliMPS, PA[N . IN TIIE STOMACH, SUM - 1117., ND BOWEL compLAINTs, ORE TIIT'e0At • &c.. -APPLIED EXTER4LLY, EXPERIENCE BAB PROVEN IT erre MOST CTIvE AN BEST LINIMENT ON RTIT 15 REMOVING THE PAIN' - ARISING FROM NS, BRUISES, RITEUelee.-- 1, NEURALGIA, 'WELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, , seNS, ruosT S, &e., &c. 25c1s. per Mille. Kra! owara of Imitction.s. VIIM.144CON.0 .••••••••••••{A.W.0,0 M±EflI Ifs agTrelelaishle yet t pre-[. parauon ii espeilailly 414; adapted for the relitif and "V cure of that class of d` -orders attendant upon a low or reduced st te of the sy item, and isually ac- Conpanied by I' alhir, NV ark less and Pal - pita len of the II eart. Pram at results will folio its use in eases of Sudden Exhaustion arising from Loss of Basal, Acute or Chronic Diseas s, and in theakaa-aies1 tlaa invariably aecom .anies the ref -livery la an !A -a -tine Fevers. , 'No emedy will elve iw,)re Siweity relief in Dy. pepsia or Indigestion. For Impover- ,/,) is ied Blood, Lisa_ of ApOetite, Des- 4.3 poridency, and in all ears where EFTFECI VE and CERTAIN 10' STIMULANT is required, 4 the ELIXIR walibe 44) ca. •r•aa found alf3 'ods • 4, 1- 0 ! la by all Dealers in ; - S & LAWAENCE 00. (Limited) SOLE. AGENTS, M01;TREAL, P. Q. W. N. WAT1SON, Gener a Insuraire Agent AND• Dealei; in Sewing Machincis. AU kinds of property insured at lowest rates in first-class reliable companies, and losses aet- i tled promptly. 1 Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterl0e, from 75c to $1.1(cOsh plan) for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per cent. on stock companies. - Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from 825 to 875. All Ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil- and repairs for sale. la- c -Wises repaired. vamemill PENNYROYAL WAFERS, THEE Fear, a _ W_A_TS001\1" MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. _ tr. 7 '•'=.:4-1.133416,4.411 LEGAL. •AITH.{ HASTINGS,Solicitor, etc. Cffice-Cady4 VY . Bloek, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea- fotth. I 974 EAGER, & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.- Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976 ' C. MY'S, Solicitor, &e. Private Money to . leed at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street Godei'n ch. 774 - I T Si. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, itc. Mee- t) .* Rooms One Door North of the commercial Had, ground floor next door to Beams butcher these Agents-CA.3=os, Hoar &CAMBRON. 870 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &o., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, W Pationrovr. 686 11 AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. C. GAMMON, Q. G., PIIILIP Helm, M. G. 41BR0N. 506 - OFTUS E. DANGEY, late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- li ittor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. Ben so Old Office, Cardna's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, 1. Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors fer the Bank of atahnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. 0 flee -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. II. M. VNI/s10, JAMES score 781 11 ti 11 IIOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of 1 McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- itOr, Conveyaneer and Notary. Solicitor fax le Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. rms for sale Office in Scott's Block, Main reek Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. IVIONc/EeI. TOwili?AtIe.-Sprtiqii‘het lotagis ;3Lotrreorerr o repaying part of the principal money at any t p. Apply to F. 110LMESTED, Barrister Shaforth. 860 DENTISTRY. L. I3ALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, mem- ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, bile- esSor to D. Watson. 13. 13. MORRIS, as- tstant operator. All operations carefully iei-formed and guaranteed. Chloroform ether, as and local agents used in extraction of teeth. 'bites inserted at prices agreed upon with Sir. "atson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - °db. Prices as low as good work ean be done erti.tscridence same as that occupied by Mr. 980 -VST_ Li_ 1' TA D. S., M. R. C. and '1). S., of I . Ontario. Latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office, -In Cady's lock, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. esidence,-The Poplars, John Street. 941 Prescription of physician who has had a life 10ng experience in treating f ern ale diseaSes. Is used monthly with prect success by over 10,0001adie . Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies atik your drug- gist for Pennyr yal Wafers and take no substitu e, or inclosepost- a e for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $l1per box. Address vREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. in Seaforth by Luinsc1ci & Wilson, I. V. d by Druggists generally. 969-62 i THE CELEBRATE') , I 331 _ 0 1-1.A_Sit-il'S 1 1 MIME DANDEL!i;GH ELL'L O/ER CUIRE_ ORE Li\tl Hare you .Liver Compla.int, byspeYLsia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Jvindice, Headache, Dizzi- 1 IletiS, I'Llin in the Back, Costivdiress, or any dis- ease ,ar sing from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cu e will be found a sure an I c.ertain remedy, Nature'. Iteniedy-The unqu lined success of -Dr. eh se's 'Liver Cure: in Livek Complaint rests solely ith the fact that it is e inpounded from , nature' well-known lia:r regulators, Mand raks :, treseseroached.- for and kir delion, eomIrined with Many other inval- ualo r ots barks and herbs, having a powerful oi the Kidneys, Stonateh, ',ow els and blood. ; Five ihu dred thousand sold. ( ver onedlalf mil- - CATALOGUES FREE. • lion of 1 r. Chase's Beeeh t Paallis were sold in Pr n A Canada alone. We want calla-111am v:oinan and ehil , eh° is -troubled with L4er Coniplaint to E'inr: (Ili i e„t,h. ( i. rn;,.:,- 1,1clItetTe.- 71.., C.; li, .:.-,.: 31115 Opt, ta-,. e kb, savefxreeeel.I e riNtvrarie:Lrell. e- eases-- a- Tone aed Qnaiity.effec of In..hasets Liver Cure is a N alital,le Household 1, inedica Guide and Receipe Book (a.4- pages), eon- taiping over 200 useful receirah, pronounced by medlcamen and druggists a invaluable, and worth Ilen times the pr ee of tl. e niedieihe. Try Chazie' Catarrh Cure. A Eafe end -positive reme- dy. I P •ee, 215 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and LivIer 1i11s. Twenty-five cents per box. Soldhy all dealers, -T. EDMANSON 4 Co., s/. -.1e agents, eraefcre, For Sale b • arl draIt:gitts. i'icl;e5t1. I ! ! Ladies troubled with pimples, blotehes, rough lands or face, or wires of any deseripi inn should •ise McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It svill leave the skin in perfeet health, smooth, lean and -good color. Be sure and get the genu- ne, made by McGregor& Parke. Priee 23e. Sold at Lumsden & Wilsen's drug store, Seaforth. 1,11.; 3-2W 1 t:34 CDo 0 0 CD CD ref) CD cat - *owe eases./ Cf • CODEBICII BOILER WORKS. Chrystal Black, Manufactarers of all kinds of Stationery, Maine, • vpright and Tubular Boilers. SALT ,PANS, SMOKE STACKS -and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. STEAM .,,AND WATER PIPE ifTTIIr8 Iconstantly on lihnd. On hand, ready for delivery': I 30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. I 3 H. P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Out it, Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in good w rk- ' ing order.Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will receive prpmpt attention. Works opposite G. T R. Station!. - P. 0. BOX 364 GoderiCh, May 26th. 1886. Grarid. Trunk .1ilailway • L -AND--t , Ailaii :LineAgenc. . , , , t, Tickets armed to all points in Manitoba and British Columbia, via Canadian Pacific Rail vay. Also to all points in the United States, via ort Htiron an Detroit. Baggage. checked thrOugh to destination. ! a Tickets issued to and from all inThoiftant points in Great Britain and lIreland, via Allan Line. For full particulars, aphly.to �. BETI-IUN, A4ent}, 1001-13 Grand Trunk Railway, Seafortlh. MONEY TO LOAN Lowest Rotes of lOereist. Insurances Effectod ; -- ; First-ClassComOnies 1 A Nunliber of First -Class, Far • for Sale APPLY i0 • ms WE-II-COTT 84(iSANDERS, _ Real Eetate Agents, exetee, Ont„ ; ri CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den- tists, of Exeter, Ont. One '-'1"-• of the above will visit Blyth the 414410 last Thursday, and following Fri - ay of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit ()rich the first Wednesday of every month at ,Peine's Hotel, and Hensall tbe following Thurs- day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex - &laded with a new Japan anesthetic, which re - Moves pearly all pain. Parties desiring new eeth will please call -early in the morning of the tst day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 -s.7 - :.*: -.,- I I . S., Exeter, Ont. Teeth ex- 7....'-„ 4:-ttraTKINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. eted with the least 'gain possi. l' tile. All work first class at liberal ate 971 ri A. Martin, L. 1).: 8., Honor graduate of the 12. a . Royal College of Dental surgeons, Tor - I. Onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office Garfield Block, BRUS Wk. LS., 3.006-t. I. MEDICAL. M. HANOVER, M. D. C. M.,Graduate of - McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheuy, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence -North side Goderich street, firSt brick house east of the Methodist church, 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 930 T G. SCOTT, M. 0, &c., Physician, Surgeon, efr . and Accoucher, Seaforth, Out. Office and residence South side Of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 RW. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , 0. M., Member . of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 R. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of Toronto Univeraity, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drug store. Residence, Joh' Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 VE'tERIXARY., SI TAF FA HORSE INFIRM ABY. -Ali d iseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any domesti- ed animals successfully treated on the short - notice. • A large stock of Veterinary medi- cs on hand. Charges moderate. WALTER ILLINGLAW, Staffa. 1010 EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner of Jarvis and Goderieh Streets, next door to the Presbyterian Church, teaforth, Ont. All dis- eabes of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or eismrhere on the shOrteSt notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin ally Medicines kept constantly on hand, . AUCTIONEERS. T P.boBu IRA3IN0, LicensedroenSales Aua c ti oaneenear e faxdn tha part 01 of the County. Ail orders left at Tms Er,ostroa. Office will be prow.ptly attended to. ! I ; MEAT EKLUSH PAESCRIPTION A succeswful medicine used over :30 years in thousands of eases. Onres Spermatoithea, Nervcius Weakness, Emistions, Impoteney, and diseases Inr.rantr.) mused by abuse, indiscretion faaraa) or -over exertion. Six packages guaranteed to mire *hen all others fail. Atk your druggist for The (:11reat English Prescription, take no aubriti- tnte One package 811 six a5, by mail. Write, for 'Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit. Mich. 110*So1d in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, 1. V. Year, J.. 9, Roberts, and 'druggists generally. . 969-62 ORt HLESS IMITATIONS TME PPY'S BrsT rp,Ptin As there are many inferior gOodS, Corded with jute, het ip, etc., offered and sold as Coralino by some un- pti acipled merchants tred. 1112 011 the reputation of our genuine Coraline, We w?rn the ladies against oah impoaition i.,y draw- l -a !..'hoir attertion to tlie Tic aeasir, of eeeieg that the 128.0.10 FIPTON CORSET CO.' 'on inner Side of all Coral ine goods, sestich none are gowns' le. -1 JAME8' HOTr" TORONTO. RP & E4,' RIGH )1771e.-1 tr of Sharp'srotrI, SaIforZl4, PROPRIETORS: IIIJS Hotehavhieli ia situated directly opposite j_ the Union[Station, has reeently been refitted refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotele in the city tfd-Every possible atteLtion paid to guetthere ctarges r,