HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-04-29, Page 84.
APRIL 29, 1887,
s -=p _
_ Edward Cash
Iles opened his seed stare as usual, for th
purchase and sale of Clover, Titnothy, and Seed
gram, and will continue to sell at good value to
Parties who have Clover or Timothy to sell,
ease give me a. call at the old .butter and
ed store, Goderich street, Seaforth.
- E. CASH.
*ttrovi expri5i tor.
not go unappreciated: She should be
aided and encouraged in every possible
way„ and the success of this entertain -
men musthave been cheering [to her as
it ve s gratifying to those wh witness-
LACROS—On Wednesday evening
last the Beaver Lacrosse Club of this
town met and reorganized for the coming
seeson„ - with the following officers:
Hon. President, Dr. Coleman ; .Hon.
Vice -President, F. Holmested ; Vice -
President, A. Davidson, President, W.
0. Reid; T. F. Coleman, Captain; W.
D. Stewart, Secretary -Treasurer. Com-
mittee, W: J. Fear, W. W. Meredith,
and O. Neil. It is the intention of the
club to join the Ontario Lacrosse As-
sociation and compete for the inter-
mediate championship of Southern On-
tario, which will give them quite a
number of matches and make a lively
season for them.
entertainment given on Tuesday evening
by a number of the young men of the
town for the benefit of the band. was
fairly well attended although the house
was not crowded. The entertainment,
on the whole, was very good and parts
of it were very entertaining. The
music, both vocal and instrumental,
was Very enjoyable and many of those
who took part displayed exeellent
musical ability. The drill also, was
well executed and showed careful train-
ing, while the club swinging was equal
to anything ever seen in the town.
The costumes, also, were very grotesque.
Although we have no great fancy for
" burnt cork " shows and we' do not
think it a good thing for young men to
give themselves much to that sort of
thing, yet we must say this entertain-
ment was at least amusing and there
-was nothing Said or clone which could
give offence to even the most fastidious.
Beacon makes the following mention of
a former clergyman of this county. It
says: " James Johnston, one of the
trustees of the Cierleton-street Presbyter-
ian church, Toronto, was eharged at the
Toronto police court the other day with
obstructing a clergyman, and using in-
sulting language to Alexander Oliphant,
another trustee. The case was adjourned
till May lth. It appears that Johnston,
ev- Ito keeps the keys of the church, re-
fused to open the doors on Sunday, the
IOUs of April, and when Rev. Daxid
Mann, the pastor, made his appearance,
warm words ensued. Johnston objected
to the reverend gentleman's style of
preaching, but the two other trustees
favored it, hence the tro,oble- The
Stratford PresbYtery will still have a
lively recollection of the scenes between
this ihlr. Mann ancl some of his parish-
ioners in GTanton." We fency, also,
that a good many people in and about
Walton, as well as some of the readers
of DIE EXPOSITOR, will also still have a
"lively recollection " of the same gentle-
man, as some ten or -eleven years ago he
had considerable difficulty with his con-
gregation there, and both sides gave
free vent to their troubles through our
columns. Mr. Mann seems to have been
born for trouble.
OD ' HORsES.—Mr. • Thom s Simp-
son; f McIiillopi has sold a two ye4r old filly,
for $ 95: A. Crich a yearling geldin , for $102 ;
R. T rnbull a two year old filly, for 4152. W. J.
Shan on a three year o el lly, for $225; D. Mc -
Cute eon a two year oldlly,. for 1-$ 50 •, W. J.
Men rey, a two year oldily, tor 14; M. Wall,
Ilull tt. a three year cid- filly, f r ,225, and J.
Leip r a three year- o d ';gelding f r $150: J.
Aicheson, McKillop, refused $200 or two year
old lly ; W. Galbraith has a spa of three year
old eldings which he holds at $4t0, nd T. Boa
has . three year old filly which'h h ids at $300.
All t ese colts were sired by Mr. fJo n Parish.s
Imp rted Stallion, " Scotland's Fire 'ell,"
• 1 1! I
, 1 ,,,, •„ 1011
P RsoNaL MENTicish—This town- was
hon red with a, visit from Mr. L. G dinali, Sec-
rete y of the North American 'f Assurance
Com any, who came to see his a en here. Mr.
Ratc liffe has been doing a large business lately,
and he Company have decided t at 't is to their
interest to give him plenty to d, onsequently
his territory has been largely in re ed, and he
has beeu appointed to open.someeg, ncies on the
North Shore in the summer. Mr/ C Idman,after
meeting- several of the local eke/ ts, went away
higlgy pleased with the satisfact- ry cOndition of
affatts. Mr. A. McD. Allan, o oderich. the
fruit grower, has been here helpi g Mr. Ratcliffe
this pring. 1 1011-1
The Goed Templet's, with comniendable enter-
prise, have made arrangementafer, the first ap-
pearance in Seaforth, on !WedneSday, May llth,-
in Cirdno's Hall, of the distinguished vocalist,
Miss, Annie McNeil, of London,' and Prof. J.
Chutchill Arlidge, the renowned flute soloist of
Toronto. They will be,ably assinted by Mrs. W.
D. Bright, Miss Jennie Ewing, Mr. E. 13. Hollis,
:and other local talent, These are indeed artists
of undoubted ability, and 'should secure for the
Good Templars a crowded house. 1 . ton
Go to .Papsta Jewelery StOre, No. 1
Campbell's Block, for Nickle • Alarm Clocks,
only 81.50; nickle 'time' pieces, 81.30; gothic
time clocks, $1.25, and all other goods in propor-
tion. We have secured the services of Andrew
D. Young, of Dublin, ''Ileland, as a; practical work-
man, and would ask all to bring their old conntry
watches to us. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. Gold an 4 silver plating in all its
branches- done on shortest notice, at PApsm's
Jewelry Store, Seaforth. , - -1' I
i , • 1011
WA.DE's Photo Gallery .has been re-
fitted, and is now one of the finest ; studious. in
Western Ontario. Also a!new line of ;Instruments
and back grounds -have been -added-, Which will be
used in Oroducing work equal to!the best. Life -
size portraits painted in oil and ctayon. Cabinet
work a -specialty.' A new line , of ! choice gold
frames just arrived. Pictures freincidi All work
guaranteed. • r 1011-2
BUGG,IES.—M. Pillunan of the.Seaforth
Carriage Works, wants every pen -on who intends
to purchase a new buggy to c,all and see him be-
fore they strike a bargain elsewhere. Ile can
give them a better, neater, and smoother run-
ning buggy, for less money, than they can g.qt
any place else in the county, or even from citY
establishments. , ! 1011
law of Mr. A. Davidson, of this town, is
seriously ill and not likely to recover.
He had been under medical treatment in
Winnipeg for some time, and, not re-
covering, 'himself and Mrs. Killer
started for home and reached Stratford
on Saturday night, where Mrs. Killer
was taken ill and was unable to proceed
further.—Dr. Evans, who recently pass-
ed his examination .at McGil College,
Montreal, so creditably, has decided to
locate in Stratford, where he will prac-
ctor will
he profes-
and will
will com-
9th May,
be on their
• managed
ybeen ap-
the On-
-Mr. F.
deuce and
the erec-
and other
ughter of
is in town
ihl as ot nh a. - n
al meeting
d London,
esday and
of Glen -
conduct a
" in reply
on the 2nd
uestion of
ung Men's
eting, one
a new de -
Mr. 0. C.
of his im-
by paint»
otel build -
There are
, CIVILIZATION is advancing, and music
is being- introduced into all our public schools.
Ca.rdno's Hall, Tuesday evening next. Hear for
yourself. 1011-1
. A GOOD CHANCE.—Building lots for
sale in several parts of Seaforth. I am now
opening up my grove and offer lots of any size
and.on conditions to suit purchasers. JAMS
SuCII wholesale cruelty to children
should be strictlj prohibited. Cruelty! IIow ?
Go to Cardno's Hall on Tuesday evening next,
and find out. 1011-1
• GIRL WANTED—. Wanted, a girl about
15 years of age, to assist in house -work. Apply
at TIM Exrosuou Office, Seaforth. 1011
MCsIC THE Prerou SceooLs.—The
Educational Department has appointed
music to be tanght in our Public Schools
but as yet it is only optional. The sub-
ieet is taught in all the cities of Ontario
and a large member of the principal
towns. The " Royal Canadian Society
of Musicians" have adopted a method
of teaching music iu Schoo:s which has
proved a great success wherever it has
been adapted: This Society is co-
operating with the Educational Depart-
ment in this matter, and are determined
to make the teaching of music a success.
A: large number of citizens of this town
are anxious to have music taught onr
-Schools. _With this end in view, an
entertainment will be held in Cardno's
on Tuesday evening, May 3rd.
The entertainment will consist of music
and short addresses on mu -sic. Ad-
dresses will be given by Rev. Messrs.
McDonald, Howell, McCoy, and Mr.
Mc:Paul, principal of the Public School.
The services of J. Ross McKay, of Lon-
don, have also been secured ler the
occasion. Mr. McKay is an active
Member of the Royal Canadian Society
of Musicians, and a pupil of G. B. Sippi,
organist of St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon-
don, and will be able to give some use-
ful information on music in the schools.
All interested should endeavor to be
present as a good deal may depend upon
a large attendance.
tice Ins profession. The D
be a valuable acquisition to
signal circle of the young cit
make a good citizen.—Th
and Londesboro creameries
mence business on Monday,
when the cream drawers will
mites as usual.—Mr. George
of Ripley, who for one seaso
the Seaforth creamery, ha
pointed Creamery Instructor
tario Creamery Association
-Guttridge has had his res
grounds greatly improved b
tion of handsome, new fences
adornments.—Miss d
Rev. Mr. Mills, of Harriston
this week the guest of Miss
Rev. Mr. McDonald went t
this week to attend the ann
of the Synod of Hamilton a
which was held there on T
Wednesday.—Mr. Ridley M
this town, goes • to the count
garry again this spring to
cheese factory at Summers
letter of -"Another Reformer
to "Observer," will be found
page of this issue.—The
bonuaing manufactories willo
by the members of the Y
Liberal Club at their next m
week from next Tuesday eve
George Good, grocer, has put
livery wagon on the road..
Willson is having the front
plement emporium improved
Mr. Hawkshaw is having his
ing similarly ornamented. in
now four barbering establi
town. The folks should be well
"shaved."—The leading mlisicians of
the town are now practising for a
cantata, to be given about the 20th of,
May. This is expected to be the grand
musical event of the season.' Full par-
ticulars will ' be given later on.—Mr..
John Stewart, son of Mr. Metre Stewart,
who has been in Galt for several months,
is at home visiting his parent S this week.
—We are sorry to learn that Mr. An-
drew Calder, photographer,' has been
confined to bed for several days with a
ring, how-
im around
✓ the erec-
brick resi-
WANTED.—A good girl to do general
house work in small family. Apply to MRS.
TIMM NON, Head Of John Street, Sea.forth. 1010
'bases von SALE.—A femegood work-
ing- and driving herses for sale. Scour Eaos.,-
A MERRY PARTY: -- The forenoon
monotony of Tuesday Was broken by
the arrival in town of a genuine old-
fashioned eveddirig party. It is not
often now -a -clays that , people are afford-
ed a treat Of this kind, as the young
folks of the present generation seem to
have a fancy to "steal quietly away"
and "do it up on the sly," The party
consisted. of some eighteen double and
single carriages all; laden with dashing
swains and bloomieg, pretty maidens..
They came from the south arid drove up
Main street and around to, St. James
Catholic church. The happy principals
in the affair were Mr. dolin Ford., of
Castleton, Dakota, fonnerly; of Tucker-
sniith, and Miss ,Maggie, ;the second
daughter of our old and esteemed
friend, Mr. Donald McKinnon, of the
10th concession of Tuckersmith. At the
church the wedding party were met by
numerous friends, NOR) had come . to
witness the interesting ceremony which
was performed by the pastor, Rev.
Father Shea. This concluded, the
-newly wedded' pair were greeted, by
congratulations and -ell-wishes on all
sides. Leaviii the church they re-
entered the carriages and drove to Car-
roll's hotel, where the entire party had
dinner. After enjoying the sights of the
tOwn the party left for the residence of
the bride's father, where another hearty
reception awaited, them. . Here the
night was spent in: a most joyous man-
ner, music and dancing taking the pre-
cedence, and it was not until long past
the " wee stria' hours." that any thought
of calling a halt and returning to their
respective homes. , Mr. and Mrs. Ford
intended to start on Thursday for their
home in Dakota, Where Mr. Ford is a
prosperous farmetel We join with their
many friends in wishing them health,
happiness and prosperity during their
united journey through life. .
LOCAL 1.1 RIEFs.1— The Seaforth pop
works are now in' full operation.—Mr.
Robert Willis has ;commenced the exca-
vation of a foundation preparatory to
the erection of a new brick residence.—
Mr. George Murdie, of McKillop, has a
ten months' pld " Carlyle '? colt for
whicli he has 'refused $140.—Rev. Mr.
Howell preached in Goderich last Sab-
bath, and his pulpit here was occupied
Ey Mr. Dillon, High School teacher of
Mitchell.—We regret to notice by
despatches from Winnipeg that Me.
Blea.sdell's drug store in that city was
considerably damaged by fire on Mon-
day morning. The loss on stock is esti-
mated at , $4,000, but is said to be cov-
ered by . insurance.—There are seven
f ull-fiedged implement agents doing
business in this town, and all of them
seem to be making lots of sales.—Mr.
James Duncan, formerly of Stanley, and
THE BAND OF HOPE.—The children of
the Band of Hope gave their promised
entertainment in the basement of the
Preebyteriam church on Wednesday
evening. The room was crowded, and
the audience was composed of many
adults as well as children, and all seem-
ed alike interested in the proceedings.
The little folks gave an excellent pro-
gramme of music, readings, dialogues,
ate, all of which had been judiciously
kwieeted a-nd were well rendered, show -
i: not only that they had been well
end carefully trained, but thatthey pos-
eeeied good ability... The chair was oc-
cupied by Mr, NV. J. Clark, who appro-
priately performed the duties and closed
th,_, proceedings by a neat address. This
Bandis eomposed of some 175 boys and
girl, varying in age from about seven to
:trteen years. They are under the who some six years ago owned the farm
eltarge of Miss A. Cowan, of the Public in MeKillop retently sold by Mr. James
School, who:performs the duties as a McDowell, was in town on Wednesday.
labor of love.1 They have weekly meet- Mr. Duncan is ilocated in Chippewa
ings, whicb the children are amused county, Michigan, about thirty miles
and interested by musical and literary from Sault Ste. Marie ; he is engaged in
exercises, the selections being made with e farming, and is doing well. • fie says
the view of inculcating in the hearts and that nearly all his neighbors are Can
minds of thechildren a healthy temper- adians.—Mr. Thomas Fell, of Hibbert,
mice sentimett and a dread of the evils has the blessing of our office employes
of intemperance. The Work is a noble . for a present in the she of a basketful
one, and caoanot fail to bear good fruit of beautiful apples. They were as fresh
in the future lives of those who are being and well; flavored as when taken from
thus instructetL By her self-sacrificine the trees, and they were a real treat to
efforts as well as by the success which'"the boys. --Mrs. Clement has opened
has attended her work thus far, Miss a restaurant and confectionery store in
Cowan has placed the parents of this the premises recently vacated by Mrs.
town under a deep debt of gratitude to Smith.:—We regret to learn that Mr. H.
her, and we are sure that her labors will Kilter, of Emerson, Manitoba, son -in -
sore leg. He is now recov
ever, and we hope to see
again soon—The contract f
tion of Mrs. Chesney's new
dence on John street has been awarded
to Messrs. Spaeling .& TyerMan for the
sum of $2,500.—Mr. Jameit Edwards,
who has been in the Gebrgien •Bay dis-
trict all winter, is home this wpek
on a , visit ,to. his family,
away welts on Monday.
stand, the hotel -keepers h
cotted " Mr. George Ewi
Laidlaw & Fairley and ot
men in town because they
to sign the petition asking f
of the Scott Act. Of cours
-keepers have a perfect right
if they choose, but it is
swora which can be made t
ways.—The weather still
and is very backward for f
ations, and no gardening of
has yet been done.—Staff-C
nen of the Salvation Arm
ters, Toronto, and formerl
the Seaforth corps, is lyin
the residence of Mr. Coate
here last week to ret a
friends for a few day, bu
has not had the desi ed
Mr. Ball, of London, w o a
lain for the forces ire th No
ing the late rebellion, and 1
on Northwest affairs m
this county since his etu
elected Moderator of the S
ilton and London in connec
Presbyterian church.—Mr.
and Mr. J. E. Kent will
Gospel 'Temperance meetin
hall on Sunday afternoon
health officer of the town
quired to make a thorough
eat once p.nd have all beck 3
noxious cess pools cleane
these pest holes that eau
typhOid fever and kindred
a general cleaning up shoul
on at once.—The annual
examination begins to -da
the High School, at one o'c
be continued to -morrow
Mr. John Modeland, of
recently sold to Messrs.
Winters, a fourteen mont
which weighed 1610 poun
monster for its age, Mr.
year sold one two months
went the same weight.
raise cattle of this kind
should strive to bring the
as soon es possible.—M
michael, V. S., left on IN
Lynchburg, Virginia, whe
practise his profession,
special; care of the hor
Hickson, formerly of this
extensively engaged in t
and coal business, and en
number of horses in this
J. E. Kent, head clerk i
Faul's stere, and Mrs. K
the fiifth anniversary of t
generally known as the
ding," on Wednesday ev
entertaining a number of
and acquaintanzes.—Mrs.
.of Clinton, who had spen
days visiting friends in
home on Wednesday.
been faVored with e cop.
cudbrightshire Advertise
In it we notice a lengthy
ten poem, entitled "C
Cotter's Fair, 1886," by George G. B.
Sproat. This poem we
.first prize in the recent
connection with the Dalb
Association for a poem
way subject." The sae
was also awarded the se
the association for a " Soi
ject, not to exceed six s
lines." This association
composed of many gifted
ut he goes
We under-
ve "bo-
g, Messrs.
Ler business
ave refused
✓ the repeal
, the hotel -
to do this
work both
keeps cold.
rming oper-
any account
i.ptain Sum-
captain of
very ill at
. He came
d- visit old
, the change
ed as chap-
thwest dur-
ho lectured
ny parts of
n, has been
nod of Ham -
ion with the
W. J. Clark
address the
in Cardno's
hould be re-
ards and ob-
out. It is
e diphtheria.,
diseases', and
• be insisted
Art School
(Friday) at
ock and will
t 9 a. m.--
Govenlock &
s old steer,
s. It was a.
odeland last
older which
It pays to
and breeders
to maturity
. Win, Car-
ednesday for
e he goes to
nd will have
s of Mr. John'
own, who is
e lumbering
ploys a great
Mr. E. Mc-
nt celebrated
eir marriage,
wooden wed-
ning last by
their friends
the past ten
wn, returned
with in
our rea
to the
of Scot
equally beneficial to both. M
the au hor of these poems and
livere this address is a neph
Messrs. Sproat, of Tuckersmit
is, evi ently, a gentleman of
relativ s both here and in
have j st cause to feel proud.
erest and profit by eve
era and we shall publi
The suggestions are as
eople of this country a
and and if acted upon
The cott Act in East
paper that Inspector Paisley
succes fully discharging the
volvin upon him in the c
inspec or. How is it that
Miller fails to secure as ma
tions s Mr. Paisley? Mr.
been office much longer
Paisle has been, and yet h
sceounuvriee , we, think, one fifth
did he
pay him $600 per annum for
salary is large, and we think
earn it. Probably Mr. Pai
give Mr. Miller some hints
secure convictions. Are the t
people satisfied with Mr. Mille
lIewi2k, April"87.
of the 8th concession, who is wo
into a splendid herd of thoroug
stock, returned from London this
with another handsome thoroug
Durham bull calf, 11 months old.
the 7th concession, lost a valuable
on Monday last. She took sick
three o'clock, and in about two
she was dead. She died after foali
ions. Why? Mr. 11
s soon as he received the app int -
e notified the hotelkee ers. Vhy
y one of
h it next
to those
oulc be
. Sproat,
who de-
w of the
, and he
how, his
Scot and
HOr on.
by your
wae very
utiles de-
pacity of
y convic-
iller has
than Mr.
has not
as It iany
iller said
do this? Does the G, vern ent
his? His
he a ould
ey ould-
ho v to
mpe ance
'sre ord ?
RAILWAY 11.1.EETING.—A meetiri
held on Tuesday evening in Mr. ,
hotel for the purpose of appoint
committee to confer with the auth
of the -Canadian Pacific Railway
gardito the contemplated line Of re.
to run from Guelph to Goderio
goodly number ,of the inhabitan
Walten and its vicinity were pr
Mr. Jehn Hewitt was appointed,
man and Mr. M. Morrison seer
The cihairman addressed the nie
and ehowed, in a neat speech, th
vantage it would be to • this the
agrict ltural part of Ontario, and
straight line running from Guei
Goderich would be a great advent
the Cenadian Pacific Railway Cul
as well as to the people. A coin
was appointed to confer with the
adian Pacific Railway Company
the meeting adjourned to meet ag,
the 3rd of May -next.
g, of
• was
ng a
. - A
Is of
ad -
at a
h to
ge to
Can -
in on
e 16
nark -
were aroused from their slumbers by the
sounding of musketry, bells, horn's,
boomerangs, &c. Our friend after e
had collected his scattered though s,
resolved to rush to glory or the grave,
and aceordingly seized a stick of wood,
determined to break somebody's crab,
ium, but no blood was shed. The ne t
night was a repetition of the first e -
fore the third night arrived he det r -
mined to stop these pranks, and went to
borrow a gun for the purpose of spillitag
some person's gore, but was refused, so
he returned home_ to fight it out with I is.
club to the bitter end.—COM.
PERSONAL.—Mr. Matchett, who 1 as
lately arrived from -Ireland, is algal g
acquaintances here. He report e t at
there, 'were 1,348 passengers on board
the ship he sailed iu, and. that they 4n -
countered some rough gales.—Mr, and
Mrs. Campbell, of I3lyth, were visiting
friends here last week.—We learn that
Mr. Orlando Currie leaves here :mein for
Duluth • also that Mr..Henry Chrysere
starts for Muskoka about the tirst
OICTUARY.--It is our painful
this week to record the death of
Wm. Boa which took place on t
inst. She was but 30 years of ag
up to her present sickness was re
ably robust and healthy. She had
confined a short time before her
and all the efforts of medical skill
ineffectual to save her life. She
three small children to mourn th
of an affectionate ilnother. The f
sermon was preached in the Met
Chur h here by the Rev. Wm. To
of El
.—We' have
of theliirh-
of March 25.
nd well-writ-
stle Douglas
- awarded the
ompetition in
attie Literary
on " any Gal-
e gentleman
ond prize by
g on any sub-
nezas of frier
. seems to be
and scholarly
literary gentlemen, of whom Mr. Sprott
is evidently a leader: At the closing
meeting for the season when the prizes
were presented to the fort -hi -late winners,
Mr. Sproat aid° delivered an address,
taking for his subject "T -he Mind : Its
Influence on Society." 4 is reported
in the Advertiser, arid ist so plain and
practical and withal ;conthins so many
useful hints and suggestions on every-
day life, that we are pure lit will be read
I ;
risen to a large number of p
oa has the sympathy of the
unity in his sad bereavement.
as just 30 yearrs of one an
aughter of Mr. John Yrintne
of the Crease and manifested a deep i
terest in everything w
moral and. Spiritual up
people. His departure
ted by the People of al
• h tended to t
building of the
s deeply regret -
but partimilarly by those of his own con-
gregation, who had become much attach-
ed to him. He and hi 3 family left flor
their irew fieid of labor on Wednesday,
and they arnfollowed b3t the good Wishes
of ad. '
HOME AGAIN.—Mr. August Ehne's
returned honic last Fricley from an ex -
'tended visit to Galt, Preston, Berlin,
Montreal apd other Eeetern points.
During his absence hel Obtained mulch
useful information on milling and ship-
ping flour boi the East, which he will be
able to turn Ito good account hi his hesi-
ness. '
SeEDiso.--Tlowing and seeding is the
all-important topic with the farmers.
The recent showers have nicely -reviyed
the pastures and fall wheat. 1'
PlIRENOLOGY.—Mr. Galbraith was in
school section No. 1 for four nights dur-
ing last week. He read a number of
heads, which he said were pretty. levieli.
The old gentleman gave some - Useful
hints to young men and women. i
BRIE'FS.—A. Raymanta, the assessor,
has completed his work.—Mrs. D. St4w-
art is on the sick list. We hope She
may soon be well again.—John Rodilick
is gathering in the eggs wholesale. Johnl
believes the N. P. all right. ._ •
Reeiovan.--We are sorry to learn
that Mr. A. M. McKay, late Princi al
in Cranbrook public school, is abouIto
retnove to Brussels. He was: an
active member of Knox church, . of
which he lead the choir for soine years. -
Mr. McKay was a clear-headed student,
an earnest and hard-working teachdr,
and we have no doubt but that he will
be successful' in his new business. He,
has a hardware store in Brussels.
MISS- COULTER., Corset -maker, w ile
thanking the many ladies who have so kindly at-
ronized her during the past eighteen months, -
also wishes to inform them that she intendre-
• moving very shortly to Clinton. Miss Hunter
• will act as her agent here, and still further pat-
ronage is earnestly solicited. 10113
DoT.—The business men of this place
with the near approach of summer, and,
as in former' years, have adopted the
early ; closing movement,. commencing
with this week' and. now close their ire-
spective places of business at 7 o'cl ck
p. m., shale). This will give t ose.
closely confined during the day a chaloee
to get' a little rest and fresh air at !the,
close of the day, and when once- under-
stood by the general public will prove
little. or no inconvenience to them. -1r.
Wm. Colwell, carriage maker, is build-
ing an addition to his already corn no-
dious dwelling and otherwise impro. ing
it.—Mr. R. Coed, merchant, a few
ago shot at iell's mill dam a fish h
which measured 5 feet 6 inches from tip
to tip of wings.—The Royal Tempters
have organized a lodge here and, we be-
lieve, are meeting with fair succes.--
Mr. and MO. Jas. Sutherland havebeen
in Chatham for the past week, the for-.
mer as representative Elder to the
Synod there assembled and the latte on
viedt to her sister.—Our respe ted
townsman, Mr. J. R. Evans, has mciived
to Clinton, !where he is engaged in the
bakery business. We wish hhn-success.
Hullett. '
BIEFs.—George Brown, fietir Kin -
burn, has eight head of three year old
cattle that he has made very let. A
few days ago he lest a valuable ow.—
The cheese factory at Kinburn will com-
mence operations on the 1st ef May.
Mr. John Murray has been ,engaged
again to make the cheese. He i has had
the management of this factory, now for
about ten yeareeand has managed it, to
the general satinfaction of all concerned.
—James,eReai1 has been engeged for
seven months with Mr. Wire-Shi ley. —
The Brown boys, near 'to 1p nold's
church, have been very unforturr e with
their. horses. During the last fen years
the) have lost seven head, ate a few
days ago they lost a valuable Mar , add-
ing pne more to the list. •
I 1
—At a meeting of the township ouncil
on Monday last, a petition was r ceived
from Wm. Brighani and 59 oth rate-
payers, praying for the fprmatn of a
new school .section, to be comlp sed of
lots 20 to 37, in the 10th co' c ssion ;
lots 19 to 37, in the llth cpncessi n, and
the village of Londesborce 'I) titions
wer also received from Geo.I ,uddell
and 28 others;' from Sehoolt ections
No . 4, 5, 7 and 8; from Thos. 1? ar and
46 thers of School Section Nos , pray-
ing that said new section be net ormed,
ands, protest from a public me ting of
Sch ol Sectien No. 4 against th forn.a-
tion of said new section. It was esolved
by the council that the pray of the
petition for the formation of he said
ne section be not granted. ,A resolu-
tio was passed instructing the clerk to
pre are a by-law to be taken i • to con-
sid ration by the said council at ondes-
bor on the 301th April, at thte o'clock
p. ., for forming the said ts- liege of
Lo desboro into a new schopl section,
the clerk to give due notice the -eof ac-
cor ing to law. The council ' hen ad-
journed to meet again at Iso desboro
on 'Saturday, the 30th April, t three
o'clock p. m.
• Kipp en .
a t me there lived a certain in ividual
more than a thousand mi es from
Ki pen. Like a sensible Man he thought
he would fulfil the Divine in unction
an4 secure a "better half." H direct-
ed lipid's arrows at the' heart and af-
fec ions of a certain lady; but Cupid's
bet darts proved futile to 1, erce it.
Ou hero did not then entirely all into
th "slough of despondency,;" but re -
sol -ed to quit hisadopted coun ry, take
Ho ace Greely's advice and "o west."
He went west, and after wand t ring for
sei eral years among the qua. tires of
M nitoba, returned again still n single
ble sedness. He was riot lo g home
wh n he resolved to. make an ther at -
ten pt to reach the' metrimo ial goal.
Th s time the Godess of Fate lent her
aid, he woed a charming widoii, and in
thrbe weeks brought her home bride in
triumph with a prancing steed nd a top
buggy. All now went serene u • til about
11 o'clock p. m., -when the happ couple
BL:RGLARY.—Although Mr. D. Stein-
bach has lost heavily by the recent burglary of
his store, he has no idea of permitting this to
interfere with his business. He is, on the con-
trary, putting ferth special efforts to please end
benefit his customers. He now makes a grand
display of useful and fashionable goods in every
department. In Millinery his stock is sucl-
it cannot fail to give entire satisfaction t
most fastidious, and he makes a specie
doing Hats over. In the Dress Goods d
tient he shows all the latest patterns, shad s,and
colors.. In the Tailoring department he pays
special attention to Suits and Gents' Furnish-
ings. 'Purchasers should call and see. They
cannot fail to be pleased, and they ean. buy
k-opf, f McKillop, came down hareeand
took off one of our fairest daughters. A
few days ago he Was united in marriage
to Miss Ragier, of Hay. Their many.
•friends hereabouts wish them successin
tbeir new life.
GOING TO LEAVE . Us.—Mr.. _Loins
Thiel, who went to Michigan a few
weeks ago, returned home last week.
He purchased a farm in Huron county,'
Michigan, near Berne, for which he pays
$4,600, including farm, farm stock, ;im-
plements, &c. He -went back again last
Monday to put in his spring crop.' We.
understand he intends removing his
fan-iily to their newhome next weeik.
EXerhe ;
ODDFELLOWS' BLoeic.—The cellar for
the Oddfellows' block has' been dug out,
and work Will be coin meeced. t eice.
This will be one of the
in town, will be neat
will greatly add to the a
RTS.—Everything ;available
been done by our Spors' Committe,
have the sports of the 24th of Ma
grand success. The jograrnme
consist in the morning of a grand
men's and trades' proce sion, afterw
followed by the calithuMpien process on.
In the afternoon horse races, hose- -eel
races, running, jumpi te and various
other amusements to en ven and make
the time go flying by. Every person
who loves good sports sh uld attend.
TowN HALL—Prepar tions are being
pushed forward for th p erection of the
town hall. The buildin will not be so
large as was at first ant .ipated, but we
think that the one ri v about to be
erected will be found fficiently largo
for the aceornmodatioi of Exeter for
years to come. We belie ,e the structure
is to be a good one, and we hope it will
be a credit to the town;
last a carload of fine lam
from this station to so
United States by Me
Snell. The animals
dra,ughts, and there wek
some of the finest horse
that temperance is a'goo
the latest reports fro
branch of Royal Tem
ance there have been 1
the young men as wel
continually joining th
which plainly shows th
fast increasing. May
to increase and destr
last the Oddfellows
sembled in a body to
livered to them by the
pastor of James street
The sermon was one o
delivered ,in this plan
only ably delivered, be
rumored that the mei.
Church, Exeter, are 6,
handsome new church,
ably cost in the neigh
Of this amotint we bel
ual has signified his
scribing the sum of
the rumor is true, an
;such be the case, that t
-be a handsome one, ai
the town as well as a r
SCOTT ACT TRIALS.Thomas Hodgins and',
Centralia; Matthew It
Curry Walper, Exete
inest bnildi
; d showy, -
pipererance of
strong, Farquhar; en,
Elimville ; appeared
jesty's Justices of t
Wanless and GovenTOlj
-for breaches of the Cea.
Act, information h
against them by Lice
Sprague. After a lark
nesses were examm.ed
, the, prosecution each de
°f the statutory fee of $,
Part -
well, who has. been a true and faithful
citizen of Zurich for the past twelve
years, and who has been engaged in the
tinsmithing business with good success,
removed to Goderich last week, where
he intends to live, and will retire from
the more active duties of life. He could
not well have selected a more charming
spot. While we all regret losing Mr.
Boitivell, we can congratulate the people
of the county town in securing so worthy
a citizen, and we hope himself and'fam-
ily may enjoy a long season of health and
happiness in their new home.
lage was again thrown into a, st-
excitement last Monday morning
• its becoming known that a son
G. Mellick an a son of Mr. J.
had ran away. Mr. Mellick too
mediate steps to ascertain the
abouts of the lads, and soon ascertained
thet they had been seen at Grand Bend.
He left on Tuesday night to trace them
up, and overtook them at Port Frank,
twelve miles south of Grand Bend. Ile
took them both home with him. They
are aged 12 and 14 years respec ively,
and were making their way to the coun-
try of Uncle Sane but no doubI were
pleased enough for an excuse o get
home again.. At any rate, their parents
are rejoicing over their safe return'.
Maurer, who for the past threei years
has been pastor of the Evangelical
church here, preached his farewell ser-
mon last Sunday forenoon. The church
was crowded, and the reverend -entle-
ere he
proved himself a most faithful alervant
r ail-
te of.
f Mr.
man preached a most impressive s
which will be long remembered b
who heard him. During his stay
BRIEFS.—The Sout
Scott Act Associatio
Exeter on Thursday
ber of delegates and I
Act were present.—W
to state that Mr. JO
the Commercial Ho
confined to his bed.
hear of his speedy Y
H. Weber and Wri
liberated on bail, ap
Willis on Saturday 1
orably discharged.— •
has been living in
8 months, returned ho
has resolved to reined
building operations
and a large number e
buildings will be O
during the season.
Exeter will be one of
esque towns of Ontar
streets have been sera
nicer appearance.—
is having a new tenc
his residence on H
will present a very
ance.—Mr. Samuel
visiting at Koreolra
there, we are glad to
ed sufficiently to ret
-es was shipped
e point in the
srs. White &
rere all heavy
among the lot
that ever left
•eedless to say
object. From
• the Exeter
ars of Temper-
rge numbers of
as older ones
above order,
temperance is
long continue
y that cursed
unday morning
this 'place as-
ar a sermon de -
v. W. Graham,
ethodist church.
the ablest ever
, and was not
was very
is. at present
bers of Christ
out to build a
hich will prob-
hood of $10,000.
ve one individ-
tendon of sub -
800. We hope
we are sure if
ie structure wili
an ornament to
dit to the con -
n Tuesday last
Vim Moffat, of
lland, of .Devon ;
; Joseph Arm -
Thomas Brock,
efore Her Ma -
Peace, Messrs.
to stand trial
Last Monday Night,
See Hamlet Act 1, Scene
Vis not alone my threadbare coat,
good -mother; nor the greaey spots that
adorn my wore out vest, nor the deject.
ed look you see in my weather-beatea
countenance, together with all forms,
modes and shows of grief that can de.
note me truly,—these indeeci are fade,
end not actions that a Man might play,
for I have that within which hells me
elo,—these are but the trappings, aaa
the suits of-- but why all this la,
menting, when within a stone's throw
McFaul's Great Dry Goods, Millinery
and Clothing House is open for every.
body, sad or rimy.
Dress Goods
Mantle Materials.
More Choice
Piles of Prints, Gingham
• and Affuslins.
More Laces and Embroid-
Big Stock of' Gloves, Ho-
siery and Corsets.
Stock Splendidly Assorted..
Everything new, lowest.
Millinery to
Great Dry Goods, Millinery and Cloth-
ing House, Seaforth.
commendable manner, which reflected_
great credit upon themselves and Mr.
A. Lawrence, their teacher. The organ-
ists, Misses Jones and Young, acquitted
themselves Superbly.—Mrs. Daly, of
Seaforth, visiting friends here this.
week, combining bnsiness with pleasure,
—Confirmation services will be held ia
Trinity chureh next Monday evening by
the Bishop of Huron. A large class will
prdsent themselves, some coming from
Belgrave and. Manchester appointments.
—Mr. Win.:Southcott, of Exeter,was
town on Monday, having bnsiness at
the Court.
A. R. Selina in returning, thanks to
ada Temperance his cutomnei ehrsisf full
neSpringnSsp°rIiinegits gao aloe?!
mg been lahl
which is now open for inspection. Our Millinery
Inspector 0. 1-1.. Department is still -ander Miss Leek's eharge,
. number of wit- who:is toe ..ve1,14k-nown in Brussels to need any
n behalf of the further recomMendation from us. We have now
hand the I most attraetive stock of Dress
admit was fined knoods in town., Our ready made clothing ex
and costs. ceeds the combined sales of all the stores in
• iding of Huron town. New, 'cheap and stylish goods in the
eld a meeting m
t. Quite a num-
11-wishers of the
are very sorry
n Hawk-shaw, of
e, is at preseht
e hope to soon
Zent, who were
red before Squire
and were hon-
. Geo. Weeks, who
onto for the past
ne last week, and
here. --Already
ave commenced,
handsome bribk
cted in' Exaer
We believe that
he most pictilr-
ere long.—Our
ed and present a
. Jahn Cudmore
uilt in - front 'of
on street which
ttractive appear-
weet, who was
taken ill while
tate, has recover -
n home.
Tweed Department, new, cheap and stylishgooda
in every department. Out Shop is now com-
plete. Call and examine it. A. R. $MITH; Brus-
sels. • RTh
IEFS.—e Bishop 9f Huron B1d
confirmation services in St. John's
church here this week.—The Indepen-
dent Order of Oddfellows of Brussels .
attended Divine service on Sunday last,
at Melville Church. Some 40 were pres-
ent. The Rev. Mr, Ross preached from.
the text: a To love the Lord with all
your heart," &c., is the first great -
commandment, and the second is like
unto it, " To love your neighbor as your-
self."—A. Galbraith, phrenologist, is
lecturing in the town hell this week to
good houses. He looks about as fresh
as of yore. -4 -Mr. McInnis, agent for the
New York 'Mutual Reserve Life Insur-
ance Company, has been in town for
some time, awl reports doing well in his
line. ---The ta,nnual meeting of the Me-
chanics' Inistitute was held in their
rooms last 'Friday, when J. R. Grant
was re-elected president, and F. S. Scott,
vice-presideot, A. Hunter, secretary -
treasurer, and directors the same as last
year.—W. B. Dickson and wife and.
Chas. Cormack leave this week for the
Western States, on business and for the.
benefit of Chas. Cormack's health, which
has been very poor of late.—John Cor-
mack, formerly of this place, but now of
the Northwest, is. here visiting his
brother and friends.—Farmers are busy
at their seeding now, which makes times
a little dull in. town.—Samuel Shine, of
Grey, left for the Northwest last week,
having rented his farm for a term of
years.—Melville church was closed last
Sunday evening on account of the illness
of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Ross.—E. E.
Wade goes to Stratford to the chancery
court this week.—W. Nightingale &
Go, 's head(uarters are now at the Gar-
field House—D. M. Sullivan, the noted
athlete, wail in town this week. He is
getting in shape for the coming season.
—Durham has advertised their Caledo-
nian games for the 24th of May. They
are under tbe management of Archie
Scott, the athlete of this place.—It is
reported that Mr. Jennings, of the Dur-
ham Chronicle, will locate her in June,
and. start re Tory paper. He reports in
his advertisement in the Globe that he
has 1,200 of a circulation there. If Bo
he had better stay in Durham, for he
will not have that here, nor the half of
it. We have now more papers in the
county than are properly supported. --
Building operations are commenced, and
e number of dwellings are going to he
built this season.—Dr. Graham has com-
menced his dwelling.—Smith Bros. will
commence their planing mill 8hort1y.
METCALF, Of Blyth,
did stock of new Watche
prides are so low that th,e
wonderto everybody ho
sell Wall Paper so chea
more than any other m n
must be the reason.
Emigh and D: Cunni
to Goderich last at
to pay the penalty
court.- They positia
sworn and give ev-
compelled one of ..�z4r
merchants, Mie R.
an assignment for
creditors.—A bakerlf
Clinton 'have come
May their most san
just now, consequentl
is quiet.—Mr. Wm. ?.t
ly commence the .nftt
here. The yard a
Mr. _R. B. Durnin
hotel, was fined $50
lation 'of the Canada
Hammond has
she having strayed 1
Saturday.—The see°
Blyth Choral Society
perance hall Monday
attended and was
The class acquitted t
showing a splen -
and Jewelry.. The
must sell. It is a
letcalf cart afford to
We belieVe he sells
in the county, that
, 1011
B. Durnion'J.
ham were taken
day for ten days
for contempt of
ly refused to be
encein Seott Act
circumstances has
leading dry goods
McGill, to make
e benefit of his
nd a tailor from
o try their luck.
ne expectations be
particularly busy
business in town
outray will short-
ufacture of brick
ins the station.—
, of the Queen's
nd costs for vio-
Temperance Act.
ost his Mileh cow,
ni her some last
d concert' of the
given nalthe tem -
evening,' was well
financial success.
emselves in a most
Great -Dry Gao
and Olothin
W4 are now tOn1tt
son, sma we are addin
day dr so to our alread
The xinestion
Money, is an old one,
the problem daily, by
ordinary value in 1
Cottone, Shirtinge, Dc
Linens, Carpets, Oil
tabas, &c.
Can be made by F..vei
er'who visits our Es
Asked for Silks, D
Trimmings, Mantle
For everybody who 8
a Splendidly Assorte.
Laces, Hosiery, Gle
D 0
No T oubl
Great Dry Goods,
ing House
Just opened an
Men Boy
Cheap C
• H offm
• —Three resit'
--away last week.
Goetler, who
'ness and suffer
88 years, and 1
reached the ad,.
:The Doctor had
!resika-ent i1 the v
—A Mock P
weeks ago in .
the Ladies' Aid
was elosed on
lectione at the
• hags replenishei
ury to the aeno
'ef debate was
Ireland," and
telligent citizen