HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-04-29, Page 7ids ass E tsar lir : in has kt red me, L.75 any -the as ats. you tJy ate, itch r,her ere. ince [tied esed• tope ; f. A, Sir : neat ages Lion. fahlY tame Sir: pur- ;hue- with LIC so rate's . PPen r Sir : atis- tr.bua anna - atche cor- it for and eding t, I 1. am rid all F. H. batch. nee: went 2S, remov- gessrs. Street, _large APRIL 291 1887. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. The Work of SpaiTows. TWO pairs of sparrows, says the "Lon - on their own land and the are not re- hysieians and nurses in the United States, and spons.ble for the fact that it -cause ,other people's land to cave in. People don "Times," where watched by an ob servant naturalist feeding -their young shoul n't buy land with - such a thin with crust. in their nests- in only one half-hour -The Prineeee Louise, At the Duke the la.rwe of the bluebottle fly from a, of Edinburgh's recent magnificent ball at M4Ita, made a conquest of all male hearts, and was generally pronounced to be the handsomest and quite the most charming woman ever seen. Even the women had to admit that " she does look extremely pleasant." dead cat. They fetched these in all 104 times, and one of the birds also caught fourteen flies on the wing. Now the common house fly is computed to pro- duce in one season. so prolific is its pro- geny after progeny, no less than 20,900,- 000 -say, inround numbers, 21,000,000; and thus were prevented b3r these two paire of birds no fewer than 280,000,000 by the ctpture of fourteen flies, and 2,800,000,000 by the deStruction of the 104 larvaa Again, there figured in the parish accounts of one parish in Gloucestershire a charge for seventeen dezen uf (so-called) tomtits', heads; in another parish, Melbourne, in Derby- shire, a epterow club destroyed in one year 4,577 small birds, and in yet anoth- er 3,500. Take the smaller of these two last numbers, and multiply it by the number of flies just calculated as prevented by the two pairs of sparrows, and it give e what we may very well call a grand total of 7,280,000,000,000. - • Industrious Monkeys. Up to the present time the instinct that seem e most charaeterietic of the human epecies is the industrial instinct. Man is an animal that makes himself tools and weapons. The stone hatchet has characterized everywhere the prim- itive St tee of savagery. Bet the rough stone is an implement of a few animals, even ameng the birds. thrush (tarda -c hzasie ll.,1) breaks the univale shells that it finds in the woods by striking them against stones. The man - key, however, takes the stone in his hand. Darwin relates that there was at his time in Load= an old monkey, who, having lest his teeth, always used a stone to break the nuts he received. There was a sajou (cebtus) in the Jardin des Plantes at Pari e that used to bretk nuts with a stone when he couldn't break them with his teeth. One day, when he was by himself in the cane, he was given several nuts, which he suc- ceeded in cracking with the exception of one. He then began to descend to the ground to get a stone.; but having found on his way a big nail half buried in a post, he struck his nut againet this nail with much dexterity and cracked it in this manner. It is not true that monkeYs in a state of -nature make fires, nor that they keep them up -when they find them kindled. Travelers on. quitting their camps often leave the remains of fires behind them. Monkeys, such as the gorillas, approach in the morning and warm themselves until the embers of the fire are naturally extinguished ; "for they have not suffi- cient intelligence to keep the brands to- gether, " says -Batten. The use of tire is net natural and in- stinctive with any race of animals; it is not natural and instinctivet or rather it has not always been so, .with man, since people are known that are entirely ignorant of it, and since the traditions of all nations speak of a time when they were unacquainted with its use. Almost all knew how to unit it and pre- serve it a fang time before they could kindle it. Monkeys are well fitted far certain do- mestic services,, and they fulfil them with pleasure. The natives of Madagascar train, for hunting the lemur ape, the short -tailed indri bretti candatuAi which rea- ders them the same services as a dog. These people do not posses catt e. Pyr - and says that in his time the settlers at Sierra Leone used to employ chimpan- zees to bring water and to pat in the mortars the grain for crushing. They would carry the water in jars on their heads, but -would Jet them fall unles im- mediately relieved of theta on their ar- rival. In Breton's Chinese drawings the art- ist repreaents the precipitants steeps of Chantsung (places hardly accessible to man) moukeys of a diminutive species that have been sent thither to pick the leaves of the tea -plant. The ancient Egyptians mted to obtain veluabie ser- vices from the cynocephainS, employing him sometimes as a domestic, sometimes as a laborer. Be Grand pre, an offictr of the French navy, speaks of a female chimpanzee thetwo aid heat the o Yen ab and s h ps; and, judging herself of the degree of heat re- quired, she Would go for the cook at the right time. She would turn the capstan with the sailor-, ascend the yards with them, and belay the ropes as well as any of the ship's company. Baba mentions another female chim- panzee at !mango that made the beds, st ept the house, and helped to turn the spit. It is necessary to tame monkeys be- fore instructing them ; bat as the quad- rumanes breed while -in captivity, there is no room to doubt that the principal species might he trained to become good servants. Each individual would have to be taught the particular work requir- ed of him. -The Cosmopolitan. _ -A-peculiar phenomenon has oceur- red at 'Sari Aafree. Immense quntities of submarine vegetation have been thrown on the beach, covering it fot sixteen- miles. There are also large numbers of dead fishes of every kind, in- cluding whales, sharks and sea turtles. One whale measures 55 feet in length and -a turtle ten feet. It is believed a submarine eruption has thrown no the matter. --A great sensation was caused at Coldwater, Michigan, a few days age, by the arrest of C. Thomas, pro- prietor of a variety store, on the serious charge of having hired Walter C. Cole for $200 to kill Charles Davis, an did man on whom Thomas had $2,000 grave- yard insurance. It is stated that Joh Kerns lay under the counter while the bargain was being_ made and heard the, conversation. -The bell was erected ort the new school building at Carlingford on Good Friday. It was christened by M. Francis flays, who made a fevv remarks, and named it Yorkshire -John, in hOnor of NIA.. John Robinson overseer of the school building, and wfic. as trustee took a very active part in securing the new building. -A Philharmonic Society has been organized in St. Marys with the follow- ing staff of officers: President, Dr. Mathieson : vice-president, Mr. John- ston ; secretary, Mr. W. J. Galles ; treasprer. Miss Sharp ; managing com- mittee, Misses Lloyd, McKay, Ford and Harstone, and Mess -N. Thos. Batcher, Laird and Fleming. Mr. M. J. Bearh was unanimously elected conductor, and . . Miss' Harstane, pianist. . 1 I . . - . I Good, Medicine -for Other itr. People. .. i! I. A prosperous farmer - of Soethern France -asked a Parisian . : jeurnalis , Et" What- do . you -mean down . there. t Paris by that word 'communism ' ? e 't , means loafing, doesn't it?' ' ' Our cura . says :so." "It is a system of proper. sharing," was the reply, "invented so, .e time ago by a dreamer."-" What did lie dream ?"-" That the man who has la million should share. it with the coin - mune." The farmer's eyes brightened: "Not a bad dream, either," said he. "But further," resumed the journalist, " that the man who has 100,000 - francs should give up half to 'his neighbor;" -" WeLL-, he would have . enough with the- other half."-" Then, that ' the man who has 50,000 francs should come.doWn to- 25,002, through the spirit of fratern- ity." The face of the farmer assumed: d thoughtful tinge : " That may still dee" .--.". Lastly, that the man Who owns 25,000 francs-" "Twenty-five than, sand frames !" interrupted the' farmer, springing up with a. hound : "that's the valueof my farm ! If anybody wants i a vine -stock off it, let him come and try to take it. I'll be ready for him with a musket." News Note. -Miss N. B. Cummings, now the librarian of the Department of Justice at Washington, is a daunhter of a form- er Justice of the Supretne Court of Pennsylvania, and is regarded as one of the best authorities on caw baoks in the country. - At a recent carnival ball at the Austrian court the costumes of the ladies represented a value of S25,000, while the diamonds worn were valued at from 00,000 to :',.-4,2,500,000. How much was in the worth of the goods arid how much in the dresemaker's hilts was not stated. -" Another link between the old Ox- ford and the new has just been broken. says the Pall Gazette, " by the dtath of Dr. Lightfeot, the venerable rector of Exeter College. Ile was vice- chancellor of the univetaity a quarter of a century ago ; beet head of his college for 33 year e and a timber of it ti7 years." -At Menasha, Wisconsin, all the girls in the carding department of the Menasha woolen mills went on a strike the other day. The proprietors of tie - mill ordered all the wilkloe s facing the street painted recently, sothat the girls employed would attend strictly to business and not be temp ed to watch passers-by. The girls ref se to return unless the paint is remove( -A great many subsi ences of land have taken place in the so t district near Northwich, England. T e owners of the sinking land want the pumpers of brine trs pay for the damages. The brine men reply that th y pump brine Quantity in Medicine . is no indication of value. Ayees Sarsaparillai.is concentrated and powerful ; requires a smaller dose, and is more effective, dose for dose, than any other Sarsaparilla. It is the best of a'.1 blond medicines: 869.52w.. I - By the Use of Bnckingham's Dye, the whiskers May be ea.sily made a permanent, natural brawn, or black, as desired. 9492:52W. A Wonderful Organ, The largest organ and one that plays a -c trolling part on the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole system beanies diseased. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially for liver and kidney diseases; and l is guaranteed to cure. Beceipe book and medicine :s1. Sold by all dletlers. • 966.52w, , Stratford, Aug. 6. 1835 Having suffered from kidney dis- ease from childhood I consulted eminent -doctors in Chicago, New York, and in Canada. Also tried various patent medicines, but .get- ting nu relief froth any soutee gave up; as I was sure my ease was hopeless. Finally I was induced to try Dr. Jug's • Medicine, and I .1.n glad to say that three bottles .cti ed me • - D. Duggan, Dry Goods Merchants For sap by alndrug-gists._ D67.52.2ee A Good Life Preserver I March 16th, 1886L T. Milburn. & ' I was completely relieved from that dreadful disease dyspepsia, with only four bottles -of that life preserver -B. B. B., and cheerfully recom- mend it to any one subject to such disease. 857.52.2w P. Devanny, Morrisberg, Ontl. Personal. . George Legault, of Tayside, Ont., says he tan heartily recommend Yellow Oil as the best re- liever of rheumatic pain, his father and mother, having suffered for years with rheumatism, pad all remedies failed except Yellow Oil. 857.52.2w A Common Occurrence. Many bad joints, by which people are crippled. for life, are made by neglected or badly treated: rheumetism. Ida Plank, of Strathroy, Orit was afflicted with rheumatism iii her, fingers So that she could not bend them. Yellow 1011 cured her, and is a prompt cure .for 'ail- painful complaints. A Severe Attack. " I never felt better in my life than I have' since taking Burdock Blood Bitters. I had a severe bilious attack.; I could not eat for several: days, and W:1.-; tunable to work. One bottle eu red me." John M. Rieharclq, sr., Tara, Ont. For all, bilious troubles use B. B. B. Sure to Satisfy. - 857.52.w There are malty remedies for coughs and edide but there are few that prove so satisfactory as Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which is a pleasant am' 1 reliable cure for all throat and lung troub ea, ine.nding broneltitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough and the pulmonary conlitlaints of yourst;or old,,`,57.52.ew Fs for eale by all druggists throughout the werlci. Pricetwenty-five cents, a bottle. Be sure ann ask fen "MRS. WINSLOW18 SOOTHING STROP," and take no other kind.986.1n. Overworked. "My husband strainen himself with overwork, causing G large swelling, in the groin.. He suf fered great agony, whiqh 'doctors tailed to re- lieve; Ihe could not eat nor sleep.. B. B. B. quickly cured him. Ho says he never had such quick, relief in his life!! Eatro.ct from a letter from Mrs. George Bosk, Cookeville, Ont. 867. 62.w • McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer0,te. Have you an old sore,, cut, burn, bruise, corn, bunion, salt rheum, Omple, blotches, rough hands or face? If so, there. is but one cure namely, MoGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. If you try it, it will convince you. It costs but 25c at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 964.52w. . . i Mneral Poison. Nothing, but pure extracts from plants aud roots are used in preparing McGregor's Lung Compound, the modern end now popular reme- dy, for colds, 'coughs, bronchitis, croup, asthma, and all affections of the throat, jungs and Ichest. All mineral poisons an dangerous substances are avoided, which renders it safe for children or adults. Sold at 506 and 1 per bottle by Lums- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 984.52w The' Last Yeai,, 1886, After the above year' is ended there need be no person suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, headache, lumbago, or any acute pain, if they only purchase a -bottle of Fluid Lightning, as it cures instantly. Pain cannot stay Where it is used. The name is Fluid Light- , ning., Sold by Lainsdep & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. .984.52w. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup -An agreeable, safe and effectual reni edy. to remove all kinds of worms. 857.52m. For rough conditions cif the skin, shampooing the head, pimples, eruption' and Akin' diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap. 867.52m. , Freeman's Worm Powders 'destroy and re- move worms Without it to adult or infant. 857.52m. • Obstructions of the , Stomach, Liver and bowels, are promptly removed by National Pills. 857.597in. . 1 ' Be on Your Guard. Don't .allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applications cures, incipient catarrh. One to two boxes cures erdinary catarrh. , Two to five boxes is guaranted to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25 cents and sure cure Sold by all dealers. 986.1y , Consumption Cured. An old physiciararetiredfrom practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the formula ofa simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat' and Lung affections, also a positive and -radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou eone plaints, after having. toted , its wonderful cure tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hic duty to make it known to -his suffering fellows Actuated by this motive and a desire to reliev human suffering, I will send free of charge, t all who desire it, this recipe, in German, Frenc' or English, with full directions for preparine and using. Sent by mail by addressing witn stamp, nemin. this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's -Block Rochester N. Y. 938-25 eow • I Catarrh -a New Treatment. Perhaps the most. extraordinary -success that has been achieved in modern medicine hae beeu attained by -the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past si months, fully ninety per cent, have been cure( of this stubborn malady. 'This is none the les startling when it is remembered that no five pe cent. of patients presenting themselves, to th regular practitioner are benefitted,while .th patent medicines and other advertised cure nev.er record a cure at all. Starting with th claim now generally believed by the most scion title men that the discasens due to the presenc of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon a once adapted his cure to their extermination ehis accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is pra tically cured, and the permanency is unquestion- ta, as cures effected by him four years ago ar cures still. No one else has ever attempted t cure _Catarrh in this manner, and no ether trea ment has ever cured Catarrh. The applicatio of the remedy is simple., and can be done a home, and the present season of the year is th most favorable for a speedy and permanent cur the majority of cases being cured. at one trea nient. • Sufferers should correspond with Messr A. II. DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, Wes , Tor .nte, Canada, and enclose stamp- for thin tretaise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, Novembe I7, 882-62 McGregors Speedy Cure. When we say MeOregar's Speedy Cure is Ithe, only perfect cure for dyspepsia, liver complaints; indie-etAinn and impure blood, we are telling. plain facts of Which hundreds upon hundreds MAI testify who have been restored to perfect -health by its use. We would . therefore advise :on strongly, if you are a subject of any 'of the ab vie troubles, to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a t ial and he con`vinced. It is sold in 60e and mj bot- tles at famtsden 6: Wilson's drug store, Seafo h. 964.52w. Advice to Mothers. Are yob distatberl and broken of your rest by. a sick child suffering and crying with pai 1 of cutting teeth?: If so send at once and g t a bottle of " Mrs, Winslow's Soothing- Syrup". for 'children teething. Its value is incalculable. _It will relieve the poor little sufferer inunediately. Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistake about it. It mires dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- lates the stomaeh and bowels, cures wind .clict softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and, gives tone and energy to he 'whole system. " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the oldest and best felted! Eavetrough ng Best wt.:irk manship done in Galvanized,. Iron -OR-- Tin Eavetroughing Metal Roofing And all kinds of , work in Tin, Shee Iron or Copper. iary Utensils A SPECIALTY. ANUFACTIJRERS OF THE Cherry Creamy Can, And best Self -Skimmer in the market. Stoves have advanced in price ; our old stock will be sold at old prices. Iron Cisterns & Well P11171p -AT- JOHNSON BROS„ MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General' Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation sE most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the iligestion and assimilation of food, restor- ing the nervous forces to their tuormal condition, and for purifying, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I was troubled with slistressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous- ness. I tried various remedies prescribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs with- out stopping to rest. My friends recom- mended me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I am now as healthy and strong its ever.- Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as atonic, as well as an alter- ative, and must say that I honestly believe It to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. - W. Faftsavler, D. D. S., M. Da Greeuvill Dyspe I sia Cured. It would be i npossible.for me to de- scribe what 1 s itiered from Indigestion and Headache p to the time I began taking Ayer's Sr rsaparilla. I was under the care of varius physicians and tried a great many inds of medicines, but never obtained ore than temporary re. lief. After taki g Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, in headache disappeared, and my stomach ierformed its duties more perfectly. To -day my health is com- pletely restored. Mary Harley, Spring- field, Mass. I have been reatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigo des the system, regulates the action of the igestive and assimilative organs, and vit lizes the blood. It Is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet disc vered. -H. D. Johnson, 883 Atlantic ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. • Ayer s arsaparilla9 Prepared by Dr. J. Ayer la CO., Lowell, Kam Price $1 sir battles, $IM The Appetite May be inereasal,, the Digestive organs, strengthened, at d 'the Bowels regulated, by taking Ayer s Pills. These Pine are .perely vegetal)] in their composition. They contain ne-ther calomel nor any other dangerous drug and may be taken with perfect safety k persons of all eget,. I was a greet sufferer from Dyspepsia and Conatipati n. I had no appetite, became greatly lebilitated, and wee eon- stantly'afilicted, vith headache and Dizzi- ness. I consult,d our family doctor, who prescribed .for m ie, at Various times, with- out affording in re than temporary relief. I finally comme iced taking' etym.'s Pills. In a short time ny digestion and. appetite . IM ROVED my bowels wet e regulated, and, by the time I finished t 6 boxes of these Pills my tendency to her daches had 'disappeared, and I became s rong and wells -Darius M. Logan, Wile iugton, Delo I wAe trouble 1, for )(weta year, with Loss Of • Appeti C and General Debility. I commenced .ta ding Ayer's.Pills, and, be- fore finishing ha f a box of this medicine my appetite am strength were restored'. C. O. Clark, I anbury, Conn. Ayer's Pills are the beet medicine known to me f r regulating that bowels and for alltbscaees caused by a disorderet Stomach :ind I iter. I suffered for over ttiree years with headache, Indigestion, :rad Constipatio I had no appetite. and whis weak and n e:vous most of the. time. USING \•co boxes of Ayer's Pills, and, at the same time dieting myself, I WIN com- pletely cured. My digestive organs are now in good or her, and I nth in perfect health. --Philip oekwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's Pills h ve benefited me wonder fully. For mon his I suffered from Indi gestion and IIadache, was restless a night; and had - t bad taste in my moutl- every morning. :After taking one box o Ayer'S Pills, a 1 these troubles disap peered, my fo d digested well, and m sleep was refl.( shing. -Henry C. Hem meuway, Rocks ort, Mass. I was cured f the Piles by the use o Ayer's Pills, hey not only relieved in of that painful lisorder, but gave me in creased vigor, a d restored my health. John Lazarus, t. John, N. Bs • Aye s Pills Prepared by 'Dr. .1 0. Ayer It; ('o., Bold by all Druggi ts and Dealers in Medichte London, GruNo Nntrrit-e f,ort d ott, depart Exeter [tense -ll. In ippon • . Brucefield . Clinton...... Lot eiesboro B nth . . . . Belereee Wingha.rn, arm 031:ro Ver depa lielgrave . Blyth Londetsboro Clinton . , Brneetield Inippen Hensell Exeter London, arrive Wellington Gore° Notere--- . Bruesele Btu nvale Winghatu . Go:et) neteru- Wingharn Bluevale . Brussels Ethel.... . Train leaving W dine, run on mond only Grand uron and Bruce, Express. Mail. 7.55.m. 4.25 P.M 9,14 5.50 9.24 6.05 0,29 6.13 9.36 6.25 '9.55 6.50 10.15 7.10 . 19.24 7.20 10.39 7.n5 10.55 8.00 Express. M ail. 7.00s.ht. 3.05 e.at 7.17 ;3.20 . 7.32 3.44 3.53 .. 5.03 4.13 S 2.2 4.32 1.40 tz ter, 4.45 8.51 6.00 10.10 0.00 . • 1 Grey and BruCe Aceetre Express. Mixed.. '2..34 P. M. 9.20 P.m. 9.45eas. 2.40 9.35' 10.26 ' 3.05 9.51 10.65 3.:1u • 10.02 -12.00 . Mixed Acconi. • Express. 7.05 P, M. ,11.10 A. M. 8.50 e.et 8.02 11.25 7.00 8.f.,0 11.46 7.16 9.20 12.00 7.27 ngham at P.10 p u.. ler Kincar aya Wednesdays' and Friday # .runl;. Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations a follows: o eta ..Witar- 1•114AFORTII. Express.... ... ... 1.4S P. M. Express 8.57 F. M. Mixed Train... .... 9 00 A. m. GOING EAST- Expresa.... .... 7.48 A. ii. 7.30 e. Express 1.48 P. N. 1.05 P. hi xed Intel 5.05 P , 4. r. THE CELEBRATED -DP_ cj, .A.s.m s MANDRAKE DANDELION LIVE CURE Have you Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness,'Jaundiee, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Pain in the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure will be found a sure and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy -The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandrake and Dandelion, combined with many other inval- uable roots, harks ahd herbs, having a powerful effect on the Kidney, Stomach, Bowels and blood. Five hundred thousand sold. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr.Chase's lteceipt Books were sold in Canada alone. We vant every man woman and child who is troubled with Livdr Complaint to try this excellent remedy. Something new. Give away free. Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household medical Guide and Receipe Book (84 pages), con- taining over 200 usefnl reeeipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 25 cents. Try Chase's 'Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold by all dealers. ---T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. For Sale by all druggists. 966-52 CLDITO:s. 2.29 P. N. 9.16 P. N. 10.00 A.M. CAMPBELL'S ATHI,VRTIC CCTIPOUPI .- e_enareennesen effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not efe, easion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills. &.c. Ladies [Old Chil- dr n having the most sensitive sto,- m, chs take this medicine without trou- or complaint. ,AMPIIEL L S CATITA IiTTO 'COMPOUND is soecially adapted for tht cure of Li ER COMPLAINTS AND BiltnOiss DIS- ORDERS. 17 It ACID STOMACII AND Loss OF AP- PETITE. - F ii Sten HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA: IF ii CONSTI PATION OR COSTIVENESS. F It ALL COMpLAIN7S ARISING PROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STO- - MACH. his medicine being in liquid form, ...dose can be easi y regulated to et the requirements of different per- ts, thus making it equally ,well apted fo the Dee of the I itt:e child as the adult. Put UD in three ounce Wes, 4ind snid by all deelers in 'lily medicines. Price .Itetail, 25 Cents. th Al SO a to fa ar PERRY DAVIS' -WE( AIN'.L'll.ER IS RECOMMEItkD BY P ysicians, 1finisters, Missionaries: lavagers of Factories, Work -shops. Plantations,..Nurses. in hospitals, -in short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a, trial. T KEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITII A WINE GLASS OF ROT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOIUND A NEVER, FAILING CURE F R S TDDEN COLDS, HILLS, CON- GESTION-. OR STOPPAGE_ OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PUNS IN THE MH STOAC, SUM- ! ,- ER AND DOWEL 1C1 )MPLAINTS, SORE T1lP.GAT . &c. APPLIED EN.Trl1t2TA.LLY, • E. PERI ESC E II A S PR()) EN IT Tun 3105'7' LFVErrivE AND trEsT LINIMENT ON eatcrit iN itenovilen 'rue PAIN - ARIF..ING ' S 'RAINS, BRUISES. NE1.7Z.I.I.C,I1.1, SWELLED F(", )111EACHE, P11( h:72 BITES, &e., a.tc. es -nes, r Re/lha :Censers) of Imitations. hl 1.••••• re. ..........................,..................", a ...."'-'• ... 1...17...""""""'""."''',,,...........................”..######0.47.....".4"...........g...., .......w..........r..., C . . A . I\7: : '-'7T JT ,-7(--7.' , .......... _......._,...L..._, „..... • -4,k, is.11.0t. vet pet en t pre- •4, patation ts espeinaliy : dee: of dared:es / adapted fur I lie ',An:land cure of that d attendant ueen a low or re:lure:1 state of the sv ..arti, eel' ti•• tially nc- companied by P ele e, Vr ee'ettos or I'al- pitation of the 11 ....e t.. Ieetteet results will ollow its. Use, I ilta ,‘;.., t f Se .. : . an Exhauetion or ...ing front Las of Ine • n ne.ute or Cliroeic 1 D •efites, and in ti..e we.: .ee-s tilet invariably a :companies the re..., .... : •;• r . ..: lVa-zing Fever. \o remedy will et: e pe,:e spe•eiy relief in Dyepeneq sia or '.:est:ea. For Intier..er- islied Blood, Lea. ...I Appeore, I es- _fa Ise pondency, anti in ell ea-rs o tt here ,r,2 fe an EFFF.C'r 1 ...8 a; 11 r teereet, .1 STI:,11-LA sr is reetnrtd, .„ c.,es 4, Lime the .E.1 1, ,1X1 a %%;.l ...t .Z.'' at' found i 7. V i i.Z; - •S)9: .. 0( A t"..:..:.. • Ar ! 12o Sok: by all Dea:er.t. DAVIS & LAW itENCE CO. (Limited) " SOLE A(.0 NTS, alONTREAL, P. Q. ann-eane- -nese, -• -r. - 341.. F'ENNYRONAL WAFERS. Prescription of .a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by t j- over 10,0001i -idles. Pleasant, safe effectuela. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and free .0,s take no sin atitute, or inelose post- .v1-0.--cee'l age for sealed particulars. Sold by all drueeiets, el per box. Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAL no., Detroit, Mich. 'Sold in Seaforth h,v rams:len se Wilson, I. V. Fe r, and by Druggistger,ereily. 960-52 W.'N. WATSON, Geer a Insurance Agent -AND- Dealer in Sewing Machilies.1 All kinds of property insured at lowest rateit In first-hlass reliable companies, and lossts set- tled pr mptly. S cial low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Go e and Waterloe, from 76c to $1 (cash plan) f r three years. Mills and factories in- sured i these companies at a saving of 20 per cent. b stock companies. Sol dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and ma -nu =turn- ing). Prices eanging from $25 to $76. 411 ma- chines •varranted for five years on every •nid of work. Needles, . Needles, oil and repairs for sal Ma- chines repaired. MAIN pTREET, SEAFORT • co ata xI aVeux 0 P- 0-1 CD P CD 04 $4.) 1-1 CD 0 CID Cn- CD. • -0 1-J 04 CD ouliJosse 0 ,0 CD 0 ene Pet CB CD Cfo CD -o )•••1 • INA".10251,0 sairreistil 6-- -4d its -17-12.4 iseurpe.r1/4 Immor3 Dr --14r • CCEIERICH BOILEB WOlit{Sr ' Chrystal Black, Aland Waiters of all kinds of Stationery, Marine Upright and Tubular Boilers. - SALT PANS, SMOKE ST/NOiKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron work[ STEAM, AND WATER PIPE FITTING an constantly on hand,: . . , . On land, ready for delivery: i30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. . 8 H. P. New Boiler. ' , t A COMplete 2nd -hand Threshing 9utfit floileri, Engine, Seporater, &e., all in go -d work leg or1er. Will be sold cheap. Mail orners AO remit- e prompt attention. Werke opposite G. I R. St pieta • , P. 0. BOX 001. • Gonerieh, May 28th. 1886. Wand ,Trunk RaihAta AND - Allan Line Ageo,,y, Ticketaissued to all points in Manitnba British Cohnninannia Canadian Pacific itailwan Also to till 'points in the United ntates, Iletro0 and Detroit. Boggteee checked •throun to destination. Tickets heeled to and from all important point' in Great Britain and Ireland, via Mier Line. For full particulars, apply to C. BETHUNE, Agent, 1001-1i; Grand Trunk Railway, Seaforth. °verI6,000,000 PEOPLE US FERRY'SSEEDSFt).4) •,•/•<:. are admittedito be th at coLARGEST SEEDSME in the trOrld. sa D. M. FERRY &CD' runs Led, Des. AF, • erIpt.lY$t-&PTied 4 4,7's- SEED ANNUAL For 1887 will bmn4ed FREE to al applicants, anc to last season' customer without or it. Invaluable to allirvery Oet-- son *ling Gar- den, Fiele4; or Flower SEMIS shd,idd send Torii Address D. FL FERRY & IN 71' '7.1.1=2=1105 LEGAL. ^ HASTINGS,Solieltor,ete. Office-Cady's V VI . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth. 974 °EAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.-- 0 Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976 -D Al HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to Ii. lend lend at lowest rates of interest. : ; Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 -i- T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office- !) .: Rooms One Door North ()tithe Commercial Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher shop. Agents-eslisitox, Rota &C.suintoSi. 870 , QARROW & PROIJDFOOT, Barristers, Solid - tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARNOW, WM.' PROUDFOOT. . 13S6 1 ERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers., C Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderieh, Out, M. C. CAMERON, 'Q. C., Prime ItIcar, M. 0. Cubical:ix. 506 TJ*TU,SE. ) lloIt&Cameron,:odcricl, Icit3r,conveyanr.io,t,thloan37- sol,oldofnee,(aaIiiock:seaforthl CI'late Al thCamer:r iarristr'co: 76- Barristers,- Solicitors, &c. Solicitors for the Bank & Gale. Money to loan. Clinton, 'Ontario. A. IL 781 -1‘ • flI of Jtohnston, Office M AMONG & SCOTT, Conveyancers, Tisdale -Beater Block, reo, JAMES Scone Til „I2 I, licitor, theiCanadiam Farms Street, HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of McCaughey & Holinested, Barrister, So- Conireyancer and Notary. Solicitor for Bank of Commerce. Money to hind. for s le. Office in Scott's Block, Main Seafj rth. a MONEY TO LOAN. iv _Ai of ilepaying tiMe. Seaforth. TONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 rer cent , with the privilege to borrower part of the principal money at any Ap • i to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister 860 in ann. ce sis aerf gap Plates Watson. forth. for. Watson. ..... . Bleck, lanideneeq-The _,_ DENTISTRY. . L. BALL, her earto ant eperater. Grilled and lo ins Prices - Residence `L. D. S., Honor Graduate, mem- Ilea al Dental Cellege, Toronto, Elle- D. Watson. B. in. 310R1IS, as- All operations carefully 'arid guarapteed. Chloroform, ether, al agents used in extraction of -teeth. rted at prices agreed upon with Mt. Booms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - as low as geed work can be done Fame as that occupied by Mr. ' 950 ._ W .D -e-a . opposite - sT_ T1 -te month guaranteed. Poplars, P1 -En- y . s., m. R. C. and D. S., of . Ontario. Latest improve- in every line. Satisfaction Office, -In Cad 's Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. John Street. 941 • day Z P d will traded Moves teeth fi l • rates. V InA onto. dentist, Garfield . e..4. ..s. of ea rich till nee's 11 y of every perform e ith r early will st day. - - - eene . n• r ,i,... ,,,--- -nann--aln.: A. 3 . Ro Ch alnd Bilock, _ Ca CARTWRIGHT Sr, SON, Den - Tu. tists, of Exeter, Ont. One i of the above will visit Blyth Vic •laFt Thursday, and following Pri.. ni month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit first Wednesday of every month al etel, rind Hensall the following nuns -month at Reynold's Hotel, where In all dental operations. Teeth em - a new Japan -anesthetic, which re .all pain. Parties deairing nen iplease call early in the morning of tau Chargee moderate. Telles cash. 984 --,_ I KINSMAN, Dentist, L. I ., In -:r. j_ . S., Exeter, Ont. Teeth ex - tracted with the least pain possi. ble. All work that class at liberal - 971 mein, L. D. S. 1.1onor graduate of the al College of Dental surgeons, Tor nes as low as those of any reliabli satisfaction guaranteed. Off,co BR usskt L. 10en4. f. MEDICAL. _ t AtAT M.IlltiNi OV , l LEnitive3risitD; Vilyislic'iaGniaagitgeen°1 and A cco teheureSeafortheOet. Office arid re sidenc e- ortla bide Godtrich street,'firet bnel 'Muse east of the methodist church. Orl r Surgeons, RS. ELLIOTT tiates I & GUNnin Bruceneld, Licen Royal College of 1113 sicians ant Edinburgh. Bruceneld, ( mnt. 930 1 li G. SCOTT, 0 . and residence Dclior east M. D., nc., Physician, Surgeon kccoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office ant 3outh side of GOderich street, Seam of the Presbyterian Church. 842 11W. et.q., saline T'I Crillege Office, flint St a of tne Seaforth, as oticupied R. IlliCKID, Toronto ofiPhysicians 1'e4.r's door -hearth, RITE SMITH, M.3) , C. hi., Mentaet College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Otliee and residence by Dr. Vercoe.. aen . • (late of Lueltnow)Graduate o' University, and Member of tin and Surgeons of Ontario drug store. Reindenee, Join. -Street east of English Church Parsonage !Dated°. 894 Jarvis ee of If r: mat erect+ ry i.,iir! Medic 11-IEOTLIINIINFAIRInt117.R:Y.---Cnrner CitEAFOI )J0 Presbyter; ea m':-slic-mi' In Cl in eel, TH o. and Goderich Streets, next door to tht ii Church, Seaforth, Out. All dis nes, Cattle, aheep, or any of the do, dl VI timals, successfully treated at tin or elev.bere, on the shortest notice it oderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter eon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterm ties kept constantly oh hand - A UCTIO N EFS: S. ni ale valets Earosnain p. BRINE, Licensed Auctitnieer for tilt Couhty of Huron. Sales attended in al of the County. All orders It. ft at Tit/ Office will be promptly attendtni to. 1 . _ GrEAT [ : ;I , Iel mire The Ode to CO., Lunad arid L ' rises. . 1 tyorliti t•aneed over caertion. It bee Great (inc • namenlet, Detroit, en dinegisth - E['II PilE,C5IPTICN A mum -Oil nu lit -ire used '.c r 30 years in thousands; of Cures Spermatorrhea, . ervous Wetilr nese, Emissions, npotereey, and all dieeaece by abuFe, iediecretiou learnt Six pat•kaat s guarenteed te all others fun. At It our druggist foi Er glish Pre seription; take DO Stibsti package $1, MX $•:,, by mail. Writc Addrese EUIIERA CH EMICAI Mich. rerSold in Seaforth b3 ' a 'Wilson, I. V. Fear, ti. S. Roberts eentrelly. 1169-n2 areas - i. • D'' WORT. I-ILESS . - E IMITATIONS Ae there are many inferior goods, corded with jute, 1) e t ip, etc.,offered and sold 118 Coraline by some nee pi i lc ipled ins:reliant s trad- .i..02 011 the reputation of oiei gen:aline t'oratinie, we -.7.-7.,rn the ladies against r - ft-) impenition 'by draw- Lee, :eeeir attention to the neeeeeine of Peeing that the _.,,,, nir i . . ri. . e. • ,- t 1 Ie ' i 1,-, IA' ,1 et , , 6 ' n t aat, ' * "-- 1 : e . l UoUpproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. ELL &CO., Guelpk Ont, Dame 'gROW12TUR CORSET CO is Pte • ie a on inner side of all Coralinc goods, '!nalst which none are genuine. JAMES' HOT:: TORONTO. c.,t; BRIGHP, s ,r mills of Sharp's Hottq,Staft4 : PROPRIETORS. HIS Ectel, which is auated directly opposite jJ the nion Station, has recentl)r been refitted an refurnished throeghout, and is now one of flan best end most comfortable hotels in the city itqf 'Every poeFitie attention paid to aueelhere ch?.rges an:Aerate.. 1 1