HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-04-15, Page 5th ha t day. R the ' f *i- t the NI acte ttpoaa, , ie for ! _ - - I who - ryeag le for d the , Prgaee ra.tu- imity ,oh to ne of ‘cring- The )y fire .e-ethee atore '• Tat g this, Ca.ri- sheda 11 aiga` ..€1.._ olloe pink livin S, an 1 ikelt t tha Lose of — onx sti and * 1ai1ug O Sea, t with proved. tr the In and among f egg% seaped pieteiy of Mr. in the .„. 3ross a L dead.. and, he is sup - n some .ghtaei rhis Is e itaa .rd. of a " Old ras one tailioria he has ts thaa in thie et pa- lms,. of sold to f Hiln Lgo. It left 160 at the 'f Gre,y, the coa- g claw gee last ng Jen - to Jr at the Ie the ition of Aiwa of Ps e6m- matter 'hat in - ds from e stran- d have factory?' ! are re - le privi- Fe to see > reach vendors hey can ny from pedlars - found in CHn several ight be and re., -, he re - back to :ter con - and the iii the the bay ther or get the re given ' who has Raln.eY has re-. posses - Edward farm for _Jame& English sion at ndville, •m john ..—Geo. t of the moving A week at town Ina from. ,:, he Cana - TS inter- niBranch ed from riy daY. oom and - ty years- ub a3131* UM be he New he Cana- toderich. ; e eXtell" Govern APRIL 15, 18E17. , ; T1-1 HURON Exeter. DoTs.-A large number of visitors were present at the spring show on -Tuesday last. -Rain, rain, beaatiful rain on Wednesday. -Messrs. Herbert and Reginald Elliott weretheguests of their parents during Ea.ater.-A large crowd was -in town on Friday last to hear the verdict 'of the trial of Zent, Weber, and Sipple. -Mr. Moses McFadden, left on Monday for Sault Sp. Marie, where he intends to locate and practice his pro- fession of the law business.-e-Jno. E. Barnes, of the Glencoe ManUfacturing Company was in towa on TueSday. THE ZURICH Titotheeu.-The persons implicated in the Zurich robbery, who were remanded, were again placed on trial oo Friday last. Ther was an inamensecrowd of people in town. Mr. B. McKenzie was honorably discharged. A. Sipple was committed to stand his_ trial ; W. Zent and H. Webe were re- ma.nded until to clay, (Friday , when if is expected new evidence will endcluced against both. Theyf will ikely be , either committed for trial or di scharged. MAciiixes AT Tue. Elia- moog the . list of machines, we noticed t e follow- ing and their agents at the fai on Tues- day last: The Glencoe Man facturing Corapany, Glencoe, Westcott Sanders, agents; Jno. 1,1•iott &on, London, 4 Wesley J. Bisset, ageut ; . Harris, Son •&:. Co., Brantford, E. Christie; agent; Massey Maankfacturing Com- pany, Toronto, • R. s: Lang, agent; A. Wren & Go., Forest, Jones & Rock, agents;:Watson) Manufaxtur ng Com- pany, Ayr, I. Bowerman., ag nt ; Ma*: well Manufacturing Compariy, Paris, i C. Perkins, agent; Chatham Ma.nufaca turing Company, Chatham, J. Arm- strong, agent; Sarnia Agricult raI Manu- facturing Company, Sarnia, Ja . Pickard, agent ; North American Manhfacturing Company, London, W. B. McLean, agent. Each of the above rms were represented by ;binder, and I eaides the local agent, we 'would be saf in saying that there were no less tha 25 other agents. -eelts ago ruceffeld, ,,,araber and gr- - returned De horse , rived be e.a to 'Ir° rnainiA ng isureu, lira. freight 11 t taa` as saveay Spring , Show. EXETER. The annual show 40,f entire sock under the auapices of the Stephen aid Usborne Branch Agricultural Society Was held at Exeter on Tuesday 'last. Tho weather , was as favorable as could 1e desired. The attendance of tpeetatorsIwas very fair, over four hundred tickets having been sold at the gate. The exhibit of stock, however, was milli no class being up to former years. The follewing is a list of the successful competit°rs : STALLIONS. -Reported HeaeryDraught -4 entries -1st, fain Willis' "Count Careless ;" 2nd, Colquhoun, Dow & Willis' "Freedom ;" 3rd, I Gardiner /1; Brotehers"'Stone Clover." hree year olds -Thomas Berr``4s's Auct; encairn." Percheron-Chas. liesery's " , onvega.s." Two Year Old Agricu1tural-1st, George Taylor's "Gold Cup ;" 2nd, Henry Horney's "Young Prince , Arthur. Aged General Parpese—Wra. Rolling's "Black Prince.'" Two, Year Old Gen- eral Purpose -1st 4 -Peter McQueen's "Young Prince Arthur;" 2od, James Gould's " Yeung Plow Bo..." Shire Horse-Wro. FotIpringhain cess.." Diploma fo beat . ho age or breed on the gro Willis''' Count Careless.' several light horses shown, union others " Tontine " and " Fearnaaglet Chief," both of which took Fret prize h in their respective classes, but we have not the full list of prizes awarded and will give them next week. BtLLS. —Aged Durham-- ist, Thos. Russel's " Maxi John Strang's "Tecumseh Thos. Coates' "Usborne L years oId-lst, Thos. Russel:Its " Young Yeaton ;" 2nd, Thos. Shaptola's "Czar II." Yearlings.-Yst, Robert Roy. Jorieeee-Hersess-S. Cotton, Mon- treal; P. .Mow bray, Granton ; George Smith, McGi I 1 ivaey. Bulls -William Rogers, Kirkton aid Geo. Smith, Mc- Gillivary. a " Suc- se of any nd—John here were entries- er ;" 2nd, cry ;" 3rd, d." Two SEAFORD-I. The ruckersmith Society's! show was held at Seaforth on Wednesday. The weather was net 'eery favorable, and this, no doubt, interfered with the at- tendance. The show, however, was very good. In horsed -the several classes were well filled, ad.. competition was • very keen. In bulls, also, there was a good tarn -out and many good animals. The following are the Prize winners: Honses.-Imported Heavy Draught - 12 entries -1st, Thos. Diekson's "Mark Laddie ;" 2nd, Chase Masou's " McAl- pine ;" 3rd, Horton & banes' "" Kin - mount Willie." Three year& old -2 en- tries -Brian O'Harra's " Play Boy ;" Two years old -3 entries -10, Wm. M. Butson's "MeNevin ;" 2ndr "Young Lord Erskine ;" 3id; Simon Hunter s " John Gourley." Percheton-Wm. Evan's " Priace Napoleon." Roadsters, any age -G entries-istsGeo. Whiteley's " Carlyle ; 2nd, J. C. Carter's "Ken- tucky Star ;" 3rd, Patrick Fair's " Gode- rich Chief." CarriaN, any rage -3 en- tries -1st, James Berry's " Fearnaeght Chief," 2nd, R. W. Fultoo's "Black Hawk ;" 3rd, Wm, Pinkney's "Bonner" Beees.-Aged Durharmsilst, James MeGeoch ; 2ed., Wm. CoUper. Two years old -A., Elcoat. Yeaelings-lst, Robt. Charters; 2nd, John McKay & Sons; 3rd, John McConnell. Junees.-Heavy florses-Robt. Scott, Hallett; James Aichesen, McKillop; Donald McInnes, Usborne. Light -Horses • -Themes GreerelDulefin ; Wm. Fowler, Tuckersmith; Leonard -Hunter, Usborne. Bulis.-Wm. Fowler and a. M. Ches- ney, Tuekeramith ; Biggins, Stanley. an. Road or carriage horse, °air , John T. Carter, Jonathan Miller, Da 'd Ir- win. Road or carriage colt, foa ed in 1885, Alfred Carr. Diploma to t e best horse, entire, of any age or breed, Don- ald Clark. CATTLE.-Thorou hbred Durham bull, over two years, John Washington, Robert McGowan, John Henry. Thoroughbred Durham bull, under two years, Robert Medd, Wm. Cunningham, John Barr. i The judges were George G rrell, Kingsbridge; E. Bell, Londesbor ; and J. Connolly, Goderich townshiP, and in the case of the sweepstakes, Messrs. Montgomery and Hakingbottom, were added thereto. M.k.NCI I E:•;TER. ; Although the day was raw and cold,, good crowd gathersd at Manchester on Tuesday, on the occasion of the first spring show of the peason.. In heavy draught horses the ceinpetitiou was par- ticularly keen, there lieing thirteen en- tries, and as every horse always has its friends and sympathisers, the decision of the judges did not • give entire satisfaction in the first class.. So far as we know, they no doubt used their best judgment, and it would be jhst as well, and much more satisfaetory ra,t all shows, if the deciehm of the judge -at best a thaaiklees poeition-was accepted with less "kicking- by those specially inter- ested. The prizes were awarded in the order in which they are here given. The prize liet is ae follows: Heavy draught o 4 years and over- F. McDenuugh, John Washing- ton, J. 1'. Fisher. Colt forded in 1884, F. McDonough, Ilarry Beadle. Ca,nad:` ian draught horse, John Miliis, Robert McGowan, George Tyndal. V oung Can- adian draught horseeeyeax old, John linker, Richard. Sprung, Andrew Fag - I Perth. Items. The average attendance at the Strat- ford Collegiate Institute is 489.. . —Two very fine young cattle were recently said by Mr. W. -Spence, of Blanshard, for St. Marys Easter market. After traveling 13 miles, the pair , tilted the beam at 3,430 pounds. —Captain Jona L. Ellison, f Collector of Customs at Stratford died Very sud- denly last week. He was 64 years O f age, had been a resident of Stratford since 1860 and -for fourteen years had veryefficiently filled the office which he occupied at the time of his death. I -Rev. C. Fletcher and Dr. Irwin, of Kirkton had a serious runaway oi Sun day last—in fact two runaways, f* their team got from their control at h o dif- ferent times. Results—The Docto visits his patients leaning on crutches, and a badly demoralized buggy. I —Tiie Commissioners appOin ed by the Ontario Government for the license District of South Perth, which ninv in- cludes the township of Logan, are Messrs. John McIntyre, of St. Marys, T. II. Race, of Mitchell, and Jas. Prin iville, of Logan. For the Lioense Dist iet of North Perth, Messrs. Geo. G. Macpher- son and M. F. Goodwin, of Stratford, andJacob Kollmaan of Millbank. -On Friday last the real estate of the late James Norris, of Hibleert, was dis- posed of by public auction at thel Hicks House, Mitchell. The homestead, 100 acres, was purchased by John, son of Mr. Matthew Miller, for the um of $7,360.; The other lot, which wets only partly improved, sold to Mr. ¶hornas Fell fo $3,050. The chattels ve re dis- posed if on Tuesday, and rea1izel ,good prices, as may be inferred from the fact that t o valuators put them at 11,038 a few weeks ago, and under the hammer of Mr. Davis they. brought $1,7251 —A little daughter, 4 or 5 yea of Mt. Eshelby, fell into a cistern James Jones', on the Logan rea Mitchell, on,Thursday afternoon Jones chanced to see the child fa, called two men who. were drivi to the rescue. Some of the cove s old, at Mr. , near Mrs. lin and g past ring of the cistern had to be removed before an opening large enough to admit could be made. The child was re after being in the water ten and Dr. Smith summoned.• means to resuscitate the OW WE for some time before any sign of a than overed inutes, Every re used ife Was visible, but finally the doctor' • as sue- cessful,.and the child liv•es. , —Ear a considerable time the Elm, , Grange, once a prosperous institution has been gradually dwindlinaway partly on account of the growing ndiffer- i lb ence of the members, and partly y their removal from the township. ! Lett week, as there were only seventeen members on the books in good standiii& it was decided to wind up the concerti and di- vide the,surplus. Fourteen of the mem- bers met declared the Grange '1g ne np," eral or - mon est e unani- and after pronouncing the fu quotations at 05. to $45 a•head. The demand for butchers' eettie is only moderate, and prices about the same as a week ago; good to choice loads at 31c to W1.' medium at 8c to 3o., and inferior..-2ie to 2ic, Thete was a fair supply of sheep and yearling Iambs, nd prices are steady; there were a few' sales alt 85 to $7 per head.. *Spring lambs sold at e2.50 to % a head. Calves in fan demand ; those Weighing 130 to 170 lbs. sold at .95 to $.9 ahead, and common are quoted at 83 to % apiece. Hogs i; limited supply and prices firm! choice 'light nes rule at 6c to 5le per lb.; heavy at 4ic to 5c, and stags at .3c to • Sic per lb. ; - Local Notices. A Fula, line id all kinds of Field and Garden seedsof the ; best quality at WILSON & YOUNG'S, Seaforth. • 1005 SOME very fine new maple syrup at Witsos & YOUNG'S, Seater* 1005. • JUST arrived, a half car load of No. Herrings, with the heads 4!)ff. 'Watranted good or money refunded,at $2.601per barrel. CHARLES- ' SOMETIJING extra jest now in105905e. mean eitoweeee, Seafurth. Teas at Wil;s0N er, Yousors,'Seaforth. Try it, it will pay. 1006 1110NEY TO LOAN. -Parties desirous of borrowing money on fann security, at a'reason- able rate 'elf interest, and on favorable terms, can have an opportunity on application, either by lettei or personally, at Tun Exsostroa Office, Seaforth. ; 988-t.f 1.1IIE LAST ;CHANCt -The wholesale Jewellers and Jobbers of Cithada have formed ft combination to raisethepriees of Clocks. I have this day received another 50 Pirate Alarms, which I shall sell during the month of April for $1.65 ea -eh, net cash. The Y cannot be sold less than $2.50 after that date. : M. R. COUNTMR. • Mareh 31, 1887 1007 GENERAL BCSINESS-A. GOVENLOCK. -Store-Stocks-having been greatly -reduced before stock -taking, which is just completed, a new supply' is being opened o' the choicest goods, latest styles, and at lowest prices. The public ere cordially invited to can and inspect. Grist Mill -While thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, would al - sure them the best of satisfaction in the future. Saw Mill -I have on hand' any quantity .of dry pine, maple, black ash; white ash, oak, etc.; a large stock of all kinds of timber in log; about 3,000 cedar posts at mill and on farm, four miles east of Walton ; also a quantity of hay. A. Goy - MUCK', Winthrop. Births. BETTZ.-In ,McKillop, on the 6th • inst., the wife of Mr. John Bettz of a son. • MENZIES-In Clinton, mute 6th inst., the wife of Mr. .D. R. Menzies of a daughter. TAIT.-In Londesboro, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr. Jos. Tait of a son. ' 1 JAMIESON.-In Lyndoch, on the 24th ult., the wife of Rev. W. S. Jamieson, formerly of Brussels, of a son. YOUNG: -In Ethel, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. J. A. Young of a. son. • garriages. KETT', REYNOLDS. -At the residence of the hri e's father, by Rey. D. M. Kennedy, Nit% Moses Kettle, of Stephen, to Miss Vic- toria E. Reynolds, Of Hay. DOI '--INGLI8.-At the residence of. the bride's father, on the 16th ult., by Rev. A. C. Stew- art,. Mr. John Doig to ;Annie B., eldest daughter of Mr. George S. Inglis, all of Car- rick. 3IeDOUGliLL-PAPPLE.-At the manse, Kip - pen, on the I3th inst., by Rev. Samuel Ache- son, Mr, Win. McDougall, to Mrs. Henney Papple, widow of the late Willi= Papple, 'Esq., all Of Tuckersmith. ' Deaths. Cranbrook, on the. 3ed inst. • the info.nt of Mr. Jas. Brown, aged 2 month's. BRYAN. -in Morris, on the 6th inst., Edith Mary, Wier daughter, of Mr. Alex. Bryan, IIillsburel Ontario, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Robt. Phillips, aged 62 years and 8 months. IIAWKINS.-In Hay, op the 2nd inst., Jessie Ann, daughttr of Th§s. and Jessie 11awkins, aged 4 years and 3 months.. ; aged 12 days. R••••••••••11 • Sodding! Sodding! Tke undersigned now has a machine for cut- . ti6g sods which is a great labor saver, and he will be pleased to take the joh of SODDING LAWNS. He will furnish and 1a3 the Sods and gliarantee-a, first-clase job for six cente per square yard. Orders respectfully solicited. Apply to F RANK! MURRAY, Seaforth. 1000-3 ation, Isecl parcelling -the stoele IMPORTANT NOTICES. the survivors a resolution we mously carried, to orgaiiize in the place of the Grange, a farmers' elu , which was accordingly done. Shanklin, -who it -Leib be re- • membered was so badlyfrost bitten • ;Le g p EXOSITOR. New Goods, ,New ,-J UST STEP INTO T $ea forth .Boot FRESH ARRI MENDERS FOR ITOUSE.-Tenders for the 1 • whole and: separate trades for building house will be received till, Monday, April 26, at nobe, Marked tenders. Plans and specifications at Charlese orth & Brownell's store on Tuesday the 1.9th. No teedernecessarily accepted. MRS. M. C. CHESNEY. 1009-2 vhil " hawlin the material for the an at the new salt block in Wingham, from Goderich, some time ago, has singe lead to have all his toes amputatej with !the exception of one. He is reported as doing well •now and will sooe be re- covered.. - AUCTION SAII,E. On Thursday, April 21, at 1 o'clock • p. m., on Lot 6, Concession 11, Farm Stock and Implements. Robert Wilsop, proprietor; George Kirkby, aefetioneera On. Monday, April 25, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Lot 2, Concession 7, , Tncker- smith, Farm Stock and ImPlements. Thomas McBride, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Oh Saturday, April 30, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, on the premises a Blake, Wagonmaker's a,nd Blacksmith a elects and Household Furniture. Wm., Erwine, proprietor ; E. Bossenberry, aUctioneer, ae-e--.......e. , THE MARKETS1. SEAFORTII, April 14th,11887. Fall Wheat per bushel (new) SO 77 to $0 80 Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 65 to 0 80 Oats per bushel • 0 29 to 0 30 Peas per bushel '0 48 to 0 60 Barley per buthel 0 42 to 0 60, Butter, o. 1, loose.... .. 0 14 to 0 15 o 14 to 0116 Butter, b ges... ....... 0 90 to 0 10 Dressed H •e. 6 75 to 600 Flour, Per 100 Ms 2 00 to.. 2 26 Hay per ton 8 00 to 9 50 o Hides per 100 lbs 6 o to 7 00 Sheepskins each. 0 76 to 1 00 . .... . 20.to 0 21 Salt (retail) per barrel.... 0 00 to 0 75 0 Potatoeis per bushel, 0 0 to -0 60 Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. .. 0 80 to 0 80 2 60 to 350 Wood per cord CLINTON, April 1.4-th, 1887. Fall Wheat Per bushel (new) so 77 to $0 80 Spring Wheat per bushel... 0 65 to 0 80 Oats per bushel . . .... ...e. 0129 to 0 30 Barley per bushel . . . .. 0142 to 0 60 Peas per bushel ...... 0 48 to 0 50 O 14 to 015 O 00 to 009 8 00 to 950 0 00 to 0 60 2 00 to 200 O 20 to 0 21 - 5, 50 to 7 00 6-50 to 575 ,Butter. B:oes T. Iley per ton Potatoes per bushel, new Applee per barrel Wool Hides per 100 Its Pork Cordwood 2 60 to 3 60 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs........ 5 ,50 to 6 00 - - 4. TORONTO, April 14. -Fall wheat, $0 82 to $0.83; spring, $0.82 to $0.84; oats, 340 to 3ele ; peas, 51e to 52c; barley, 40 to 55c; hay, perltone$9,00 to $15.00 ; butter, 23c to 25e; potatoes, per bagel s5c to 900.; eggs, per doz., 14c to £5c; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., E.,6 75 to $7.00. * LIVERPOOL, April 13. -Spring Wheat, 7s 001; red winter, is Old; California NO. 1, 7s 00d; California No. 2, Os 00d; oats, Os 000 ; barley, Os Od ; peae, 5s 02.1 ; pork, 678 06d ; ehlese, 64s 00d. Live Stock Markets. ToR0NT0, April 13. -There were some very good beeves, and sales of several loads of ship- pers Were made at 4e to 4e per lb.' They aver- aged 1,300 to 1,400 lbs. There is rot much en- couragement yet from. Britain, an4I the quota- tion i 61d. For May delivery ehoicjc steers have sold t lie to 6c in the country, .nd prices in Britt la will have to advance more tcl let shippers out. ulle are quoted at 3e to :3;lo per lb., and feederls at 3.1c to 3e. 31ileh ;e1)1i S dell, with tTAILLION FOR SALE -For sale, a Canadian bred Drauoht Stallion, coming three, dappled hay, and a splendid animal, sired by "The Viceroy," Imported, his dam has fine drosses. Will be sold cheap, aset1 am not able to handle hint • He weighs 1,500 pounds, and has splendid bone and good action.. Apply to the undersigned, Seaforth, or at VIE EXPOSI- IOR Office. HUGH. BELL Pioprietor. 1008 • AND EXAMINE 0.0 OF --- ods. tore, a. AILS BOOTS and SH 1 ES. • 'Special lines for Spring Wes... A lot of these goods are now opcne oat, and a' lot more will be on hand in a few clays. For quality and pric s, it will, pay you to make your purcha. es at the Seaforth Boot Store: The alance of o r stock of Flats must be sold, many at c st. Don't fail to come and ring your friends along. KetripthOrtle & Co., Seaforth Boot Store , ramatica an BEES FOR SALE.-Twelee colonies of pure Italian bees for sale. They are in the Jones hive on combs built of full sheets of foundation. They have wintered well and are in prime con- dition with plenty of storel-o-spring with. They are very gentle and easy tp hanti le. Prices from e6 to $7.50, according to number of bees and dombs given. WM. HARTRY. Seaforth, im- mediately north of Dr. Smith's residence. 1009-t. f. • 'LANDS IN MANITOBA FOR. SALE. -The fol- lowing farm land in Manitoba, will be sold cheap, namely : The north half of Section twenty- eight, the south half of Section thirty-three? the north hfile of Section three, and the south half of Section ten, all -in Township Sixteen, range fourteen west. The aforesaid lands are held by patent, free from all setelement duties, and are good, dry, carefully -selected, well watered, and within from three to four miles of the Portage Westbourne and Northwestern Railway. Appli- cations may be addresaed to me at Seaforth. F. HOLMESTED, Barrister. . 1006-tf Musical ;EVENT OF THE SEASON. OPRA HOUSE C4th , -MONDAY, April 14h. 1- :NIG-IEET 01\TI.1-Y" 1 Canada's Greatest Favorites,. Watson & Kelly Co. Under the Management of LINDSAY & HODGSON. MRS. T. CHAS. WATSON rivafs Mrs. Langtry lin beauty and costumes, and Scott Siddens in othos and Humor. -N. Y. Werld. CHARLES KELLY, a sweet and wonderful singer, impressive, full of ipower .and pathos.- oront,O4Globe. MISS MINNIE MARri'IN, i Musical Directress. PRICES, 25 and 50 Cents. Secure Scats at PAPST'S BOOK STORE. KIPPEN MILLS The undersigned having purchased the Kippen Mills, is;prepared to MAKE A SPECIALTY A UCTION SALE of Wagon -Makers' and Black - AL, smiths' effects and household Furniture. - Mr. E. Bossenberry has received instructions from the undersigned, te sell by Public Anction, on the premises, at Blake, on Saturday, April 30, 1887, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the followine,s• • property, viz.: Two lumber wagons, one light " Wagon, one double earriage, one single buggy, one trotting sulky, plows and iron harrows, hard- wood, lumber, spokes and felloes, and bent stuff, -one cart, one paint mill, ope grindstone, one cast platform for tire -setting, bne set of rollers for tire -bending, one anvil, one bellows, two vices and: hammers, two set lightning dies, two set conimon dies. Ilouseheld Furniture, -One new Bell organ, 11 stops; one bureau, one cupboard, bedsteads and washstands, tables and chairseope Osborne sewing machine, one cook -stove. and pipep,one parlor :stove and pipes,there hex stoves, and pipes, one lounge,' besides a lot of other. ettieles too numerous to mention. :All accounts' past due must be settled either by cash or note TERMS OF SALE. -All sums of tei mid under, cash; over that amount eight months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes.. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allosted for cash on credit amounts. WM. ERMINE, Proprietor; E. BOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer: 1009-2 A RETRACTION. GRISTING & CHOPPING TO JOHN REITH, ESQ, SIB: -In justice to you as well as to myself, I beg leave to state that I was not responsible for the contents of -a sheet, or circular, which was issued towards the end of the fate electoral contest for South Huron''with" the solitary exception of the statement that you had resigned in favor of Mr. McMillan, which statement I have since learned -was incorrect, as ou aesure me that you resigned in favor of neither candidate and voted for neither. I have also to say tha 1 neither read the doeu ment ii question befere or after publication - did not kpow What the -body of the circular con; tained., nor one word of the comments at the foot, ef the same., of which you justly complain. Moreover, I can truthfully say that I never wrote one word for to y newspaper during the whole conteet, or after It, with the exeeption of my printed address at the commencement of the 'campaien and my card ,of thanks at the conclto ,sion of the sameth and ese appeared over my own signature. In corielusion I would say that I deeply regret that a sheet sp false and abusive should ever have beencirculated in my name. J. CAMP M. D. 1000-1 Having secured the services of a first-class will endeavor to give the best of satisfac- tion to Customers. D. B. Mcl_EANI KiPpen Ont. 104-t.t. Still Ahead Of All • H. SMITH & 'Co., CATEE E S3 And dealers ;in American and Canadian Confec- . tionere„ . Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits.. Families, Hotels, and others Ivishing Oysters in bulk, can be supplied at reaSonable rates. • Canned Goods, Toaaccos an Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on band. Every attention paid to custortiers. Hapny to serve you. Remember the place, in the.Canadian Bank of Commerce buildings, first doe)* south of the bank, Itio,in street, Seaforth: L. SMITH & Co: 959 Fear's Drug Store, SE AFORTH. , WHAT IS MEANT BY "P110 BONO PrBLICO ?" The ancient Romans were often roused to a, emarkable pitch of enthusiasm by the orations of their leaders. The reason why they were so rou4ed was simply owing to the fact that the Roman generals were In earnest-dowiaright earnest. Now, although making a suit of Clothes is a very small matter conlipared with an oration from a man like Brutus, yet it is none the ess a fact that the tailor may be in earnest, and, like the proprietor of the Temple of Fashion, Seaforth, be in 483 WASTHE LUCKY NUMBER - downright earnest in his endeavors to rouse the people to a knowle that they can purchase Clothing, Gents' FOrniling; Hats and money, and get asegood value as regards style and qiiality, as th$3y can ge of the fact Caps for less ; in the 1 Send in the ticket, accempanied by the name of the fortunate holder, and whole Dominion, and that is what is meant by " Pro BODO Pnbli.c0 ).) Fine Ordered Clothing Our Sp • *It* 1 J. W. MILLAR, the Temple , of Fashioli, get the prize. I. 1T. FEAR, S eaforth. SEAFOR H Marble&G anite WORKS. One door NORTH 0 E. McFaul's Dry Goods House, Main-st., Seaforth. Thdre is nothing to compete *ith the natural Rock] for Cemetery and Buil ing ;purposes. Marble and Granite remains, an I ever will re- main the STANDARD MA ER/AL for oUr cemeteries. No hollow: can take its place. Your orders' solicited for Marble and Granit deceived by untried metals. hells of Mrtal re respectfully and do not be "Sign of tb.e Red Flag, Seaforth." GENUINE BARGAIN eASH STORE. TO THE' FRoNTE AGAT--\ Not having disposed of the balance of our albock, as .anticipated to moment, we open up again for Spring and Summer trade, with a b -and new entire stock, fresh in every department, and, as before, only doing busin ss on straight cash and trade principles we are bound to be the'supply store for all favoring us with their patronage, at rices not approached outside of us. • Also our MILLIN RY DEPARTMENT; never surpassed (only by self praise), will again be in full blast, under the able management of MISS BROWN, of New York, and we will be ready lin that depaitment with entire new goods fnr the usual opening, advised later. I the last HENRY MESS T, eaforth. 1008-tf _ THE BRODH GEN SASH 'and DOOR ACTOR)/ JOSEPH K.IpD & ON. P. S. -Butter and Eggs taken as cash. —AND— PLANING MI LL. Charles Querengesser, Manuf cturer of Sash, Doone, Blinds, Mouldings, etc. This establishment is situated on Lot 31, Con- cession 8, Logan, and six miles n ,rth of Dublin, a good road all the way. Parties in ending to build will find they will make money by buying from me. Good work and the hest ma rial guaranteed. Good Dressed Flooring and iding at $17 per thousand. Charles Quere4igesser. Bro dhagen P. 0. 1005 SEAFORTH ROLLER MILS. THOMAS SMITH tc*CO. THOMAS SMITH. F. W. We have pleasure in intimatin to the public of Seaforth alud surrounding country, the formation of a partnership as above,J and that we will now be in the very best position to give satisfaction to all who inay favor us with their patron- age. Our best attention given to farmers' trade in- Gristing and Chopping. • Special grades of Flour for domestic use and bakers, made fr m careful selec- tions of wheat. VrAsk your grocers for our Family Flour. CASH PAID Fpit ANY QUANTITY O?- GOOD WHEA . T. SMITH & CO. POPULAR STALLIONS. i The fo lowing Stallions will stand for ; th4 Improvement of Stock this Season as follows: ; .PRiNCE VICTOR. T. Coleman, i.roprietor. - IiIONDAY, April te-Will leave his own stable, • Hills Green, and proceed alongethe Town Line to the 2nd, Concession, Stanley., thence nor h to Joseph Wood's for noon; thence north to Bay- field Road, theeee west to Varna, for night. Teremee-eWill proceed »orth to W. M. Wiee's, yo noon; thence (me and a quarter miles west, thence sleuth to Bayfield ;Coneeseiem, thence west to I:Charles Simeon's, for night. WEDXF.sDAY- Will proCeed by way of Bayfield to James Speck - Men's, Sauble Line, for DODD ; theme.: south to . •oysdale's corner, for pight. Tiiresney-WHI Proceed one and a quarter miles eouth,thence two and a half miles east, thence north to Blake, for noen ; thence north :to A. -Clunpbelre, Broneon !Live, for night. , FIUDAY-Will proceed one and . A half miles :north, thence one and a half miles east, to Geshen Line,thence south to Wm.. Peck's for noon; thence -south to Wagner's corner, ;thence along the ,Town Line to bis men stable for the night.SATi Anee-Will proceed on Parr Liee three miles. »d three quarters nortlethence. , west to Wm, Kees, for noon ; then will return .heime the same r sad to his own stable. where he will remain unti; the fellowing Monday. This mete will be c lithium.' regularly during the season, health axi1 Weather permitting, 1e09-3 . THE BARGAIN HOU DRY GOODS AND Clothing Establishment AU HENCAIRN. Thomas Berry, Proprietor. :MONDAY, April 25, Will leave his own stable Hensall, and progeed north to John Ross' Stan- ley, by way of London Road, fur noon ; thence north to Bruceficld ; thence west along the Bay- field Read, to Alexander Thompson's, 'ler the night. Treseeve--West along' the Bayfield Road to Varna, thencei south along the Parr line to Wm. 31cAllistefeafor noon - thence south to the Zurich Rotel, -thence along the Zurith road to his own stable, for the night. Weesespev-Will proceed south, by the third conceesion of Hay, to Mr. Campbell's, for noon ; theeee south to EXeter, at the Central Hotel, where he will re- main until Thuesday noon. TneRSDee-Will go north to the Thames Road, then east a mile and a quarter, then Mirth by way of the second von- -cession to ReVeReddy's, for the night. Feiner along the eecond line to the White i School House, ncheeemith ; thence west to his own stable, where he will remain over night. San-Roar-WM procee.d north by way of th,e second concession, L. R. S.'Tnekersmith, to Johill.eGregor's, for noon ; then hy way of the leind Road, to his own stable. This eoute -011 be continued regularly during the sea -on, health and weather permitting. Is now complete with its many attractive varieties of New Spring Goods, receive per steamers Alaska, Republic, Hibernian and Manitoba. Our British and foreign importations, selected from the leading markets of England, Scotland, France and Germany. We inVite public inspection of our stock, comprising Silk and Woelen Dress Goods fabrics and trimmings (ha the newest colorings and designs), Jerseys, Hosiery; Gloves Prints, Linens, Tiekinga, Steirtings Cottonades, Erne broideries, Laces, &c. IA fine variety of Tweeds and. Worsteds, from which we make up Suits, and gu+antee good fits. The newest and nobbiest Hats at right prices. Large variety of Carpets.' We especially pall attention to our splendicl range of Readymade Clothing in Men's, Youths'; Boys' and Children's -styles and workmanship of Which are guaranteed. We claim to suit and. fit the most fastidious. ' I No trouble to shwa) goods. S.L^A_M HIS PICIA__L--t1Di CAMPBELL'S 'BLOCK, MAIN STREET, - SEAFORT14. 1. J. L. SMITH'S 1C08-3 EARNAUGHT CHIEF. I J. Berry, Proprietor. tMON•Ar, April 25 -Will leave hie own ;stable, Hensall, and preceed by way of the London Read to Brumfield, at Robinson's Hotel for noon ; :thence by way of the Mill Road., to Car- roll's Hotel, Seneorth, for one hour ; thence 'west along the Huron . Road to 8. Wise's for night. TrEsnkv-To Clinton, then by way of the Bey - -field concession, Goderich Township, to SwartzOs Hotel, Bayfield, for noon; thence south :alopg the Sauble Lin six miles, then east to John tennis', Browns n Line for night. Weexeseee- Sputh to Zuric ; Road, thence east to Zurich, al the Huron Hot 1, for noon; thence west to the 14th concession then south to the Town Line, then east to Da :hwood for ,night. TntitsDAY- South three- miles and three quarters, then east to Crediton at rioon ; then east to • the Loildon Road, then to the Central Hotel, Exeter, fpr one i him; then nort ,i. to John Wil -lib' Corner; then east a mile and a quarter, then north to Walter Reddy's for nig it. leninev-Wiil proceed along the 2nd comes ion to the Tuckeremith bound - Ary, there east t the 7th cOnmision of 'Usborne, then north two miles and a -half, then west -along the 10th conce*ion of Tnekeremith, to Charles Robb's for noon ; thence to his own stable for the night, where he will remain until the follow- ing 3Ionday morning. This route will be con- tinued regularly during the season, :health and weather permitting. . 1e08-3 ---. IN THE HICH CGURT OF JUSTICE CHANCERY DIVISION. - • cDON LD vs -McDONALD. Pur ;nant to 1he Order for sale made in this ease bearing 'date:the ',loth day -of March:, A. D., lbSi, here willi he sold with the approbation of Thom s Miller, Eseluire, LocaDiaster of the High Courf of Justic, at Milton, at the Central Hotel, in th town of Prussels, in the County of Buren, by Fifiley 8. Sett, Auctioneer, at the hour :of, one-o'tioele in the aeternoon, ON FRIDAY, THE TWENTY SECOND DAY OF APRIL, 15s7, in` one parcel the fbllowing lands and premises, viz: All aid singular thoee-tertain parcels or tracts of lend 4nd premises, situate, lying and being 311 the tclwnship of Morris, in the county of Huron, and vorinee of Ontario, eentaininge by . ad- measurement, one hundred and twenty eight acres, be the eame more or beet, and being eom- posed of Lots'Numbers 21 and 25, in the tenth Concession of the .said tewnthip of Morris. This is a Farm property and about 76 acres are ,elea.te ed and in a good stateof cultivation and the re- mainder Is bush lee& covered with beech-, maple and other hardwood timbers. The soli is a day Icaln,and on the premises are erected a log house with a lean to kitchen, et frame barn :ahotet 60 x 36 Shed and stable, there is also a good well and never -failing creek on the premiees. This land is Ablated within two mike of the village of Wal- ton, and five mileit of the Wen of Brussels a Station on tbe Wellington Grey ;& Bruce Rail- way.- TieRMS OF SALE. -Ten per :cent. of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendors' el -e- licitor at the time of Sale, a said -vat amount to make together with such depoeit, one third of the- purehaee money within one month . there efter, without interest, and the balance in three equal annual instalments with it:ter:est on :the Whole amount unpaid, - payable e ith eaoh in Stalin:ea to be seenred by a Mortgage upon the fetid lands. There will he a reserved bid on the said lands to be :fixed by the said Master. In other respects the conditions of Sale will be the etandieg cenditions of the High Court of Jus- , tice. For further particulars apply to Dune= McGibbon, Esquire, 13arrieter, Nilton ; John' Dewar, Esquire, Barrister, Milton, or .James ;Murray, Walton P. O. Dated at Milton, this fith day of April, lsete. D. 31-m4113E0N., Vendors' Solicitor. Signed T. MILLER, Local Mer at II Milton. 1008-2 i'Doraimon House CONSTANCE. , i • Ili) thanking his numerous patrons for past favors during the two years of residence amongst :them, the undersigned would respectfully call 'attention to the fine stock that i now open for inspection it the DOMINION HOUSE, where everything 'usually kept in a first-elo.ss country store is to be had, and at Price's that Cannot be 'Beaten, Quality being :el wee s as rtoresorted. A large sto(-11 pf Dres:t Gora3.4, New Prints, Cott/malice, , Tobateos, Roller Flour, Rolled Oats and Sali •ad t j'Allit,.),:.. en hind. itee'Doret foreet the Dominion 1 _ Is now thoroughly equipped for the Spring and Summer campaign i with a larger stock, a better bought stock, and we show more variety at closer ptices than here- tofore. Our Dress Goods Department embraces the newest fabrics and moat fashionable colors, and for durability and liniela are equal to the best. I,aege • selections of Prints, Ginghares, American Printed Lawns, hite Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. We handle the Lybster Cotton. Shirting and Cottonades, the best in the market for fast colors and. wear. Large assortment of Tweeds, Worsteds Trouserings. Suits made to order at the lowest possible prices. Dressed and Unlaundered Shirts, Celluloid and Linen Collars and Cuffs Scarfs, Suspenders, Hats and Caps, &c, Inspection invited at • L. SMIT,RTEI TERMS -CASH Asli. PRODUCE. • Price puid for Conotry Produce J. A. ST.EWART leee rii(! er, 31AY CtiNcoRN. Note" is, J rein -e;.. en that th'- partr-r4:ip • -4ig betweun WM. ,3114)onald Gray, .; Hopkins. ;‘ ming leriteete 1,rorge . eterera tile name, •••:, le an4 11rn; ;of Gray, Vonnz, and Spar - ling., and carrying on hth,iness in the tee, ns 01 Skaforth and Wingham and in the village of Blyth, has this day been ereool; ed by mutual consent. The Gra3. Youn7.; sh41 spariusg com- pany of 3ntario, (limited,) will (-erre- en the busi- ness of the said firm and assume all the rights, ; eredits and liabilities of :the .n'- )ated ths: ! 21st day of Ma.reh, eeee .WM t;T' '4N, N. IL, YOUNG, F. G. SPARLING. 100e-3 • • 11 rti r, • .11 --I il A ti 11 11 •