The Huron Expositor, 1887-04-15, Page 4 -1
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. — I , .1 - ; I! Apian. 15, 1887.
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I . . I I T : EXPOSITORN - .,; I — .. .1 — ______, I 11 '.
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- in -
4 — . 1: I an till she reaches her Fortunately no one was seriously '
__ I 0, gh Afghsnist
- - . . I . I eir6itions bf the Act. trates in every Scott Act county to try thr I ti6r.-the jured ind after a little delay in getting
- - ____ L ' r. Marter, has back bone enough I evea from the op arising under'the Act. The Gov- Only natural and proper fron I straig tone around again,, the party. .
, satisfaction with their proceedings, --by fore, M ' i his is the very reverse of the view held cases Ain o Koosh, Mountains. ii . ted for home. and arrived at their ,
. . it recognizes the fact that in this . I
. .
. . to withstand , the blaudiA m-'ents of . I acted upon will ernmer star
NEW, ADVERTMEMENTS, Aurningas their parliam3ntary,repre- is I many quarters, and:if ) -Jean -D't'on considerably ruffled, but -
L ie . in several matter the choice in Scod Act counties A Fp.F,_,Tcu AUTHoia DBAI'L I
w, he figure between the parenthesis afte sentatives, a solid contingeOt to support Government house, and continue hi C urta!11 the , scope of , the Act ill is between strict eDforeciiient of the law Heniii-Dupin, the French dramatic aath- dest' worse of their trip.
the paper on which . . - ities. The point' thus raised w . I none I he -
each fine denotes the pa agitation for . its abolition, he Will ulti and free trade inliquor, and - dea:d. w
, beratelyi selected as L I Deal ore . L . they are or,is - -T o men from Goderiell. spent a day
lie advertisement will be foli nd. 1. them, - They deli . obably receive furth ! er attention bef iat the Province shall not A Vo) ,IwB To THE SOUTH POLE. ice last week a few miles up the
, L ately succeed, as he r determined ti on, th%boot,pg, etc,
rn a& On. (5) , entary etives -the. ni I - L he House rises. - . rant and Baro Xordenskjold intends to make & The 91-afe of the
xew Goods-KeTaptho. : their Parliam : - and some of those who I be disgraced by the open, flag lake, . .
statenon for Sale-11ugh Bell, Ca) creatures and tools of the Ivery .qovern- people with him, - I UNIVERSITy FZI)BRATION. . unconcealed defiaDce of the law which voy e to the South Pole. . I the snow that covered the
Auction Sale-Wul- trvin. 1.0 I . flnd that he bas I . L 'prevailed in so many ' sun Upon -Huron was -to
i ATH 8B,-;TE__CE---DaVid Roffman, br-ad bosoni of Lake
-Manitoba Land& for Sale -F Hohnested. (5) 1 I I say go Shamefully .deceived nowineer at him will' . " - n the most important, if not the i a I ouri Pa- 0
- mernt. t i,ey 0 'e of I ha unfortunately
, . . I I is I e particular road.' u he sessi6n, nties. Under- the new I conVLCte,d ofowrecking the -Miss s L
Bees for Sale-w'm_ Ilartry, (5) a 11 Nine " by-th . I Scott Act cou , strong. that the portsalell found upon
like spoil - wO L : I . nost important I
,) . I I - I - U ,eturn that they were snow-blina;
Notice-evray Young & Spa rling. (r an d oppressed them, and low, TFI! , - ____ - t ntroduced to -day, in L a very able i law the ditlicultY Of finding magistrates : cific train at 1) nbar, Nebraska, last their I
A Retraction -IJ. calnpvell, At. D. (5) ed- children, they are crying over the was i . tfie Minister of , to try Scott Act e * sea will be -overcome, I January, has been sentenced to I b - e and eh6h was confined to the bonse for
- I
Dratuatical and-llusical-NN atson-Kelly Co. (5) . L brought upon The Whole Bible and English. ind lucid. speech by Go' a le * ban ed July 22. . I sev " I -,by,
--Jos. K d &Son. (8) hard fate which they ha.v . Id and E,du .ation. This was,the vernment 1 and tlib temperance people will be ab .Folt IRELAND. -It is eril. days therc
Millinery Openin . Under .tile above heading that o I . I - jj ct of University i tv repose confidellec in the men at)- I A Nr,.w Swurnir,
aple of FaLabi 1'-J w. ifitiar. (8) , sub -Fhe Pre.-ibytcrian!a of Marnoch who -,
Tei on theinselves. If they .think - they Can jou'rual, the MOD- ineoure on the -
Girl Wanted-Rrs. S. Cheme3% (8) . staunch Trotestant I ing tile second I ted to try. these cases; and will- repo,,rted that Lord Balfour of .Burleigh for smie tiieje back have beoll trying ,
. I work: upon the sympathies of the Gov. t and Yedoration. In mOv I Oi" IldoziDg, specialpleading al d .,, a,u (I I Dunravell are draftiDg a .
Kippen'.Aills-D-. R, RcLei n. (5)L t - ' P Lord - for -
' treal1iTitness, has a' most excellen , readingof this ineas re, Mr. Ross en 1 feel that bu . orgaii3i with a vie1v to buying one
- popul_.rStal1ious-FXolei ilim (5) . way, we Jear they axe L . ss effect in scliqlle for Ireland, which will. be Iub- cluded the
Alma Ladies! . college-Prii cipalAw4in. (8) - I er'Drilent in this I . sensible article which we quote in fall r ' are4 into a descriptidn of our education- . false, swearing will have le! their church, have 110w con z:'
Baek, to'. f I 3ed and praised its , these tritLIs than they'llave hall in too . mitted to the next session -Of Parliament. Purell e Bell organ,
Aillinerv-11offinna& Co. 1) 1. . greatly tnista,ken. Sir Joilin is too old a is in marked contrast with. muchi o I system, d*scus. age. of a very handsom
, Ma-'nificent Stoc'k-E- Nfc-Haul. 05) I I it . I ith those' of - ea hitherto. The Bill Ls ; T S'.tiL AGAI'.NsT TIIL TinsTLE.-
. merit, . , inally cas __ The collgregatiou are to be congratu.
, .. . ' General Paine, -
. I I Flo Borio Publivo " J- N.y'. ,)1illar. (5) c1iicken ed by such bait ol' the Over -heated nonsense that is writ en s, and compared it w .
. L . 11
, -Mrs. 3%t. 0 GheL-tiey. (5) ' OtIler lands. Dr. w l,-,e In founded it ; so well timed andrecognized as so -lie- I owner of the yacht May lated r)n ,]),e great degree of unanimity
Tenders for k.ouse . -. He baa U. . . Ith rs' 6 -)position have not 1 flo wpr, has I Uild a steel- I
frightened by their loud talk and spoken on these subjects ji at n(ilw, th most demo- I OL decided to b h
- I .
Sodding! ',odding!-Frank Murray - (5) - I forty years ago I cessary that tile I - . e of whiClL has prev%iled in th a, whic to
Wall paperi-Lumsden &Wilson. Oi) .. tea and lie has,secured there- and was evidently inspired by the ut4er- ,, and these ]lave - -sed any objection to it exCcPt with. i centre boar(I yacht aJ)out the sizi I proves a bone of
Servant Wanted-Mr.- Wm M. Gray. (8) I got their vo cratic features possib'I . rai portaut detail's. .1 til jMayflo ver to defend the America's many congregatious
ad I I ired; and . loped. -since. regard to some unim e . C011tellti011. . -
opening -6 ood (8) L he des of the. Toronto clergynlIen been' preserved and- deve . .
.0 , :
X - ;rvile support 1. . -
Boot an(I Shoe . — I b. , th.e se ances of some. t to every -1 ti i cup, ilding in Wing-
- , I . . I . gql ed tha . __ _]'he pr
_____._____ ___ ., ------- _: _. _ th at was at .e was particil e Ministe'ial The',state has reco , The only opposition conles from I e, ' ' ospects for bu
- - _. . Ili larly concerned - - I - is clue, and ` ,it Teniperance, ' A RAILROAD Fon AFMIAN 'TAN. -An are excellent. The
i I at a recent mecting of th 1. (0) this IS ,on
. , . 0 A . 0 . rnan, in it an educat* ineinbers of the' Liber, hani thi4 'seas
11_ .1 AV I Sincetheywe edulous eiiough city. We earliestly I ic civil cl gilleer has gone from
NIN"i'L I abolit. Associa,tion of that secured by our free pubi tile society whose chief glory it 1 Ell, ;Iish
, Iv I N 0) V -0 L L . 17 I , s its pr,esi-
: , 1-14 . - " `5 I ir ree I `
gha& been i Union, I- r uest of the Beaver block recently destroyed by fire'
.. __Ptt M L' ) ' 11 11 ' I prowises,-and cc ' 1.)
, . - , -our universities is that L ,. C ay to Cabul at the req _,j so
- to accept his aute-eleCtio mmend it to soma of those good peo!L.Ple ,schools, and the fees.Of N11 ,oldwin Smith i lio 11),. will Ile rebuilt a , 0D as the weather
. I . i cons'LlIt with hini about the
- . I . -
I 1r_,> '. ----" ______ --- . . nd the cheapest in dent4 I will permit, and .it is expected the store
I _____ __._____.______ e4pecially after their p1st experience, who have recently been working them- were but Dominal, a, : I Ameer, to 'Iway from Cabul to
I I ire. . to fits over the use Of the " Ross ItheworIct. Our system is unified -after ,7 (,*()OI)S 8()f.1) oN' CREDIT. 1- con,truction of a i ral recently burned, occupied by 'Mr. Tal-
- 9,9AFOILTH, FRIDAY,- APr 1 15, 188-1 ' they deserve all the sque zing they I I (10.9 , :was defe,l.t- : Herat. bot, wi ilt. Besides this,
. - selves in i Ithebest methods; the different gra M Nairn, of Elgin, 1010 ill also be reba
— -
- . I — . — __ likelytoget. Wereitflitthat'the in-. ' I - . - I I 11. I Olt T111?, 1)W111,70TION OF F0R1u,GNER8.. the -Can-
. . Bible" in the schools, although, we ven each other, and ni-ty be ell ill the gencral election of 1883, on his :11
. .. I - I dovetail into there will be tile erection Of
I -1 - - 11! -ob a- . . i Lel I ig
T D,1,sal-lo-wance . Manit . the ! fhe Frenc I
jury that is being inflict Upon them is return to the House, has resurned his I ]I ('6vernment has ordered
. . . 0 . tura to say, ma,DY Of them have lie , con-1pired. to a ladder, of which _. adiar. Pacific depot, the frei --it sheds
Pro- * _. . I Ublic schools, the I effort -to reform e-xiStiDg abuses in rela- - a Man-of-war to .Poit-au-Prince, for the , nd other storehowses. There will al-'L
The good people (A the Vrairie at,hio injurious to the - O her provinces, seen. the book, and many more., are iiot lower rounds are the; p I threatened by ' -
. oifully exercised E I secondary and highi# institutions SUP- i tioll to goods sold oil credit and paid for ! protection of foireigners ir Gov- be several private residences erectea.
vInce are becoming ol-ea ille people of the ast Could now well ver' students even of - the are '- the Raytians Ir. 11. Pollock and Miss L. Pollodk
. y earnest - plying the others. Our System was : on the installnent. plan.. There . two in the event of the
over the question 4 disallo-w-ance of .l: -.fford to laugh at their dis-tress which 11. Whole Bible," ;is they call it and !for In th6 first erpnle Olds Of
I I I ' " equalled by none except the Cr6rman) ' -special evils to reinedy. - ,,,It acceding t i o , the deau left Bayfield last week for Napinl;tk
. :
I - Own folly has broudlit upon them. which they profesasuch de L 0, tllat of .other Coup- place, it frequelitly occurs that peop) : . ., Jauitoiba. Mr.' Pollock has been living
t1ketr " 0 - . e (,',r at Britain. , irie fire I I
local railway' charte.s. The Province . me regard at `and wits superior t i L I S, and
' secbDdary schools were baygoods ill good faith believing them tUAITV,ui- Fii,LE - A'tetrible. pra _
bound III, by the Canadian That they will have am.l)'Le time - to to- th - y ,can pot boar to have selectil ng L tries, in that our I out there for the last three years,
is just now e rp uons of Norton and
L . ected with and pr*ovidedi stepping to be tile property of the seller,only to find sivopt over pu I at LChristinas. He liikes
.Pacific I'ailway Company. No- other folly, there is little., doijbt. - : f In iitila til) g iL" i It conn . L horne Ia,
1, . arct th6ir . I 1,11ade from it for fear 0 ul - a ii ,e on the north fork of call'(1
1i I stones to the higheri grades. Tb6 vast I out after a time that there is a lien upon Glr h Ili coil ti the ,coniit*r ivell, and says that the
railway is 410 ved 10 cOn'Pcte for tile The influence- of the Canadian - Pa,aiiic ISO has a word for those timid people in 7 th , Soloin as, last Saturday. . itLrs there are preferable to those of
. I - a I increase in the nu , ber of our schools them by sorne inanufacturer or some for- : on rivev, Kans .
and the people t with the iaures - , In . - I T11711sands of bu'ned fowl and hundreds " "' i
trade of the Province, railway is a deal molre'lipten . kvbo affect ,such alarm because the and pupils is seen in these I -c' mer ow,ner for nioney due as part pay tr u Their inally friends 'j,Oj in
- ! iupils attending pub- At agri- of hogs with occiisional. horses and n m- Ont , tri,ciii a safe journey ,and a
are confined to the One line, and to that present (lovernnient than are the in- French language is being taught in a .1843 we had 96,756 1 : ment on the goods themselves. ,vixicig,-
' .
.X I . . lie schbols, and in 1 8,84', 466,917. In 1843 ' cultural .%ales,. for Kistance, a reaper may '. cro us cattle are lying in the track of the ea4ant time in th-eir-new home.
The Local LE gislature lias Char- the former 'French -speak-
alone. teres of M&iaitoba, and that y ' es. From . ' '
0 - ts - . * few schools ill exclusivbl . cost $ ,16,239, -and in 1884, be offered which is only partly -paid for. fla 1 3 to 16 lives were - -A ,,, adies -
' . - . a a couple of young I hailing
; a South' er, ma y be re in : $3,9 , 2,610 schools in 1843 A, neighbor buys the machine and at I . time from Wbbert,,%vere oil their way to Sea -
Ie latt t's in Ontalrio. i ,
tered several road:, I 'will prievail over th ing settlemen Few a )O 222. From in lie two counties, four Children per
D', and they have all been ta'k I . ne conclusion. And, . i in had grown to 5,216 schools, , ' me later time is ,-,alled upon either to ', ish (I in one fa ily. At the sa
erly directio en as a forego I a better position to express a correct our syste I so I forth, one day last week, they met with
ad by the Federal GovernlD ent. I I , de L n i costing -nearly four '!'Millions. We have make good some amount due to the ': an tberfire*sw _tdOWpthe south,,fork .1 e proved -
disallowe I . Ien the critical ti 0 es to dec-i opinion upon these matters' than the . of I oloi-no.1 RiverLto a'poiLnt: near a nlishap wbiccll might havi
, e Cana ) v 11,110 . . two normal, 52 rdodel-, and. 153 high ! manufacturer, or give 7LIP possession , S I . ljng in its seriq6s. They were turning off the
When the agreement ivi.di, th d'an between the two influ ces, if such a e the following I schools, and- an effic'ient system of 'n- I thearticle. Another difficulty is Most I ok, sweeping e
. * . Witness, and we are stir . . veryt) d11 when their cutter upset them and
.. -
- - ' . . . eath, roa
Paci' was be-in'g. zlseussed by Parlia.- time does Come, we pred ct the Manitoba - , ti n. The higE Ischoo P prov
ac . I I remarks will meet with the .hearty ap I Spec io I ided a I frequently seen in the sale of Sewing ; d burni,:iig six persons to 4 and the 1contents, which con isted, among
m. ent Sir John Ma4donald ass,'ared the tepresentatives, with o,n honorable ex- . ho went no L I ier, nd four ciiildren, i
. - rovad Of the vast .majority of Protes- 1 thorough course for those w machines to poor people, often Women, I fa0lier, motl othe,- things, of a large basket of eggs,
P . I i mttle horses, hogs
House that it did not 8,ppl to tha.t Pro- f : further, an4 yet wo re the preparation I who have no knowledge whatever of the Ilarge nuniber. of c- , .'
t V I beption; Nvill be railged.1 on the L Side - 0 tants of all denominations. It says Cc L I iv,oi a deep ditch. The ladies escaped
. - . urgc4.. The' efficiency of ', law. Sometimes after paying fobr-fifths ' a ultry. In one instance: a women
. I . . a1#1 PO ii " ' ly
I the I I could not c, hi I r ilway and in ministers of Toronto, I
Vince, as he saR eck the (-'tQvern ment, ,the 0- " The Proiestaut for higher I i ured, but tile eggs were completely
our high schools W48 due to our iini- ! of. the a reed price, they fail with the prema,tureiy ga bir'th to a child. When '
I - 11.1 9 . il . diSdOL , e0ked. I - . 2 r. .
Manitoba.' Yet, tho y did-cbeckMiani- noL"Y,as opposed to the Province. , like the Roma,n Catholic doctors of Que J versities ; their excellencies percolated . last instalment and they forfeit tile . th -fire was I cred approaching, her '% i: ' -wl - of l
= . I a axing and started ----7The other day lile a son
- ' . bee, have been putting their view6 on ifferent grades all : ]ITS . e
harles. Tupper gave - .. --------I— ' down through the i clairn to the article and all they bave.i band took h&r in bi D. Shanahan, , of Hullett, was in 'th
to -ba. Later on Sir 6,11 on on paper. Iheyl th gh he. system; Thus there was a I paid as well. It is admitted 1 f or. tile plotg L
- the -education questi : e, that thesoi ' ' iallea groulid, but before he
- .
eqoally confident asaiirances that as soon A Good Ele-imPle- : hools'l thei rou t . . . oil m ,w getting out fee&, be Caine across a
. . demand that in all public se i g eat a d growing i liecessity for a well- I are wrongs, and that it is the duty of rc ched it the ,Ooniau's clothincr was -
I .
1cifi 9 As an instan -what industry, n -g it Ont bunF'h of rats frozen togetherand dead.
,e Canadian Pal - c was Completed , . ce -of I . . . Scripfures shall be read 'according to ani e r uipp :-&6. ap- attin
as th i q ed Universit ', Pon which all our i the Legislature, if the remedy is within succel'.6ded in pi
I - I less - L Cui osity led him t - ., and he
the north shore. of man enient can Ic- authorized selection .of passages, but, yk. .`11 0. o count them
and frugality and schools were dependent, and it was our , a, to find and apply it. Bu e babe than
ing a,round . good in . their power t and saved her life. Th 1. I d there were 45 of them. It is supe.
_' ruan i -11a,nitoba, -we give -the fol- fl oin the Bible itself. They demand We have prece- : the diffictlity is to find a rule which will i b n .
I Lake ,Superior the 'disallowance policy- bomplish in I duty to provide it[ an hour old,- wi I h the other i ember - ot I
; .
- `4ould be discontin. ul- lowing'extract f rofn 4 Well written letter also tha,t in all, schools- due provj Lion dents in England, th United States and .; not do more harm than good. The ria ' . .(I but the horse and posed they must have got wet in some
r cht, the family Were save ,
- I _, were drs- way and during one of the colol'nights of
- " '
of the Groverailleil . .-of E na- Z:1
. . le for' the teaciiing I 0 1 i- Ober property lon tile farra
wa- shall be niao. Germany for adding higher education. 1 of ownership possessed by the seller in . .:
Th,is partion. 6f the road ' 9 in in the Lolidon Advepti er, from 'ts fish. As the a,uthorities of the Ronian L t ' en the ,winter, were frozen solid. This is
ed--. i i In the Ia ter countr- the universities re- i such case is only the ordinary common- e trbyed. Genehll rains have since fall
0.1 Win I r
'joy em-; - rather a toug,h sto y, but we give it as
- ie completed., 'bat stil I the p i.op t i 'OF their supportfrom. wn his own ods i; j ,astern Kan as and hopes are enter
. .
due tin . i . .nipeg correspondei t.' We, I e i- Catholic Church have committed th ceived 72 per cent. , law right of a Illan to 0 . go : ,e got it. We never before heard of a -
I - i tai" ed tha I . I
. I I .. Of - course,, the selves to the approval of -an exec ten 'easure of this aid 4 though they are ill the possession of an ' t they wit a vance Wes war .
a of disaiio.vra,nce 'Wasi- Continued, and no 1will be read by many. -lection of -passages printed separa cly, the state. The iXI I . 11 . . . rat being frozen. .
I , _lLate to our wealth- .J
. I 6 .
ray of hope seeryied to Open tothe Mimi- fgood woman referred lowas favorably 84 - I should be proporti. , other, and to limit that right is to touch I . --LThe well-known stallion, - -Old
' -
OM ' - . I . .
. we think that where the use of this . I and Ontario is wealt y. The deplorable 1 a fundamental princi le which should i I I i
m the monopoly situated, being so Die the large land in - p I vi , I Is was one
tobang to -free, them,fro 0 .. - pendium would tend toward the b . t of being obliged ' n - e affected without the most care- ; Huron Notes. . I Lord Haddow," is (lead. Thi
. L . ldrenj int necessity in some c* es I Ot b I . . Of the first imported Clydesdale stallions
,d,. Then the: ,populous city of Winnipeg, b t ; bat ing.of the Roman Catholic chi er education should ful consideration. Mr. Nairn's pro- ; I
they ,.c,ha,f e I to go abroad for higq I.. lately a merchant
under which t I L I .Mr. G. A. I Powell, milty and he has
L ated the public schools the path * of wiJolo 1 e I brongbt into this c( 3 .
- -
Doraiaion elections ca -me on and M, ani-, -:she has done could ea ily be, repe be relieved. Th 15 at trajiug and the t posal was to' ma,he it conlpulsory ' - f Brussels, has! gono to Stratford, where I ef a greater number of good colts than
. for those who betieve'iu the pow r o e i
- I ; aim. 'w, I
higheat culture shoald be supplied at. ' ith 0 1. PO n 'in a -dry goods
. ' il to register every such C1 i sitio I .an ' other horse that. has traveled in this
toba was likel' ta-take a firm stand -, me.ny other parts of the ,Province, %. 0
.. Scripeure truth would be to alto _ It.L ' .' I be bar, taken a
I ry to form a ' k of the Division Court, the : - : I
. h was ii ecessa ! the cler . I!
;. I
T a - -hich beset ome. This re, : Y import . ed about Six -
s,. Vat once ar, in despite .a;1I the drawbacks -,i . ty, L fori all nations of I district. . He was
sor 0 e not made actual use Ot
a nst, their opptes, of. L 7L I . ali - . process being simple and -the cost oply-' _! S'ellora, of - A-lorris, presented
. -Those who hav noble nation i '
,gai ' __
I -e nde ion would, per apsi I I rs. . . teen years ago by Mr. Alex. Innes, of
. won over by the soft words . that country. he Cox), spoi arit says: the selection in quest prominence o k art to their litera- i nominal. If. the law affected only the. i r JIL" with a Pair of I
. were they * - we it i .. I Z h . e lord b at week Sta'alley, and was Shortly after sold to ,.
e Hon. Thoulas White Four years ag ngoludefrom change their feelings with regard Ao it T I
the ahai mer. -1*1- oIsold you ture'. Canadahad otanational litera- 1 few lines of manufactured goods in,` la,))y boys. Both the mother
. i_ l iles -af ter doing so. On : the questi n O i bright I, . ,Messrs.- Brooks &Col,r4uhoun, of Hib:
- , e Liverpoot a fiarm about sixteen'm tdre, but we were laying -tile f onnd ation -'.which the greatest abuses have arisen - en a doing wel ' ago
and other Government agents visited tl . I " nalish in a-11 the scho Is iii . 1 a d childr - 1. - bert, who kept him until a year - It
f rom, this - City. He had a draft for teaching E " I of one. The viliv6sity of Toronto was I
,I . ; . Id be no objection to this ! .0 I onell, of Exeter,. par- is
d assurel tile people that if Ontario, we think there is no sectillon 0 1 ---'Mr A id of hiin that- one sea -son be left 160
- not what it was i there won L, - .
- .L1,325, or 86,360, uliei he arrived, and doing a great work but I course, but as flon. Mr, Fraser pointed' - - - .
I true. to the Gov- the coin muoity that would not be f )ree( , ..:) . of in a entleinan in Brucefield,
.ih ill . ; aff was incomplete; I C llased fro fo . Peace to his ashes.
they would but ren . -which he deposited in, the ba. ikl here. capable of. , The 0 1 out during the debate, the letting out : . A number . I
. c-presenta,tives to He wishied me to get. h m a houseke4r to fall in %v th the Toronto rainist,,rs i. it lacked not in quahty, but in quantity. I sheep on shares, the renting of a fur i I ist week, r of black driving horses' L ; of friends met at the
n ! f S350. Clr. John'SL
Ieet r I - P Ce Of N
ernment and e . I V res Aen
I men s6rvants. tlle pext day, the plan Could be m, rried so far as ,core- whi - ; aying thereft trach -ani of Grey,
. Its endowment, ,,h yielded a revenue
support -theni, they would be reliev I two _ . - s ose, and the cliartering-of a I i- "Mr. ohnstoll, the exceedingly last Tue-solay eveninv -to hear tile con-
- . the arriwil of thE enRrant train quire both thq, languages used* i.i the of S70,000, was vixitly inferior to the I Vessel would- all corne within the, gain I i -Rev. - ;=kl
their inatlopoly in cle's and the oft- 0"' coni- country t6 be effectively taught in al!I i't ular curatc I of St. George.'s church, I I the singing class
. a rn. El fronj the East, I jpic,ke n a Itrirb, revCDue of Ame'rO.tti. universities. A I 'i I c u;ding - exercises Of
- .7 1 category, and the confusion which m - I I . . lie will be I
L I be fill- hould ,rreatt I Qdcl ch., uoes: to Burford taught by 1N1 _. Will Cout
j . . ' I . .
proniises wo Id at leugtl ; rian remedy was desijable for our ,il ef- ' becaused in attemptingto enforce this - :,
broken, , pact and thrifty-lookin gcotbh won .the Schools in it; This ive ts for i the last
i I ons, tile one 19 ly like to see. As we are. a biii.,igua- - -nenC for higher educa- ! liply ; niisseil. in the 'ouuty. - I tw6 winters. During the e,vening Jen -
L I , - w
i . The ConfidiL g PCOple took the m- about 40 and her two, ll ficient equipi I law in all such cases would be sii ngr gationof Erskineclinrch,
filled nation we ought'tb be a bilingual p -.ople tio . .1 u I ,, -The c .0 . : Reid came forward and read -to ,Mr.-
v,ord and Nvith but G -ac Si'D and the other 15 yearg IF age. She had I a I e believed' Dion was stteDgtb, I nie
I i gle . . I endless. Respecting the right of the 11-amilton, baN AdreSSL at the .
. at their . ), 0 . ayi g their This is, however, practically impossible, and that it w s better to have I buyer in cases where a part of the . price baN , tendered a ,.unanimous Coi.1tts a complimentary a 2
1 28 sovereigns left fterp I ,
exceLition the'entire representation of - qil y andisnot the mea,ning of the T ront- 'all to Rev. .. Stewart., Of 'Clinton, to sallie-tillie Mary Turnbull made the
I passage, and ,wag glad o get tile place. than several
0 _ TA,ni L one good institu-tion . had been paid, Mr. Nairn proposed thatj ' -
er - a _ We rve a, A". it Stood I be their pasto ",land offer hini a, salary of
Manitoba &-Rd the Northwest Nv 6 The be,g,an operation on the f4,rtii fit ters. L bways wit 11 - ,_ below the standard.: He had witnessed I the seller should have the right to take '; $ presentation of a beautiful edition of
I .
I y - al I O' I . iuor benefits of all affiliation Of ' back tile article only on tendering . all - , ; .i . Lobgfellow' t
the cl. ins of I , ni , to specia pri I 500 per an in, s poeins, a fine colle ion of
elected to support the. Go,verninent. once-. The buildings ;vere put up by I . S ts b4wee: I the Ili , n should be 25 p' C. I -'-\-I r. L. ( pbell, formetly of the Sc tch songs and a gentleman's com--
. iteges, as based -on treaties I , I -Ia applied I in -_
- I On this 1) er cent. of. j .
ntract, and in thred yea.r,,s 140 acres col,leges, and L I Roy Iorrie, who haa been far- -
Glace m-orc. the Confidence rif the peopil& CO , , . . I the inoney received, less at hotel, ( I L papion.
- . broken and wire fe,bced., and v i- lapsed authorities. Tile couhtry IL now to the higher institutions, Ili desiring i fair marain in case i
. the price, and a Z3
0 were I th e , ast year has 'leased the I
eL Go-vero- -gove i -ual I berty of ! ming for 2 . . h
- e a self riling one, and eq 0 I standard of excel- r I I . i
is likely ta be betrayed, as t h s 'ade I 11 . -Te Brussels Post puts the matter
- . . ant M .. But at - t maintain a hi I breakage or damage. This w e 'Jr. -I. V L'y ' - hat 'in-
ous other improveme t, ould' be 'I
a's kill gone, e a fellow-citlZb-ils ils I Albion hotel oul Wil . Dane, and
'Ion b at the hand , of their . ur r L -el . I . eT correctly when it says - NV -
nileut ev ry cent of i: , I I ' lence in o P qvi icial Universities no I theorctically just, but many members ; is to, ta 'th. ' .
, having accoulplished their pur- n ey w .L . .. osh ssion n -e 1) -
. . (I 4 ement is goods from .
as firally vvedded*to theirino- a-nd bills f or m -a -all inery and wha.t not un- all that ,any citizens call clailli. It reflection on- any In 1 u ion was intend- ' doubted that the good achieved.woidd ' I pos xt ino . ; it -to purchase .
pose". seem ' ' ' . I I -,\Ir. Johi Leggett, Of Wingham, ' pe#lars and to be told by these stran- - 7
. - paid. He was a Ste(. -I, -wottld, h4wrever, be fair to ask if an a - : - k . I
o thor il..ajily di. ed. Ili the p L osed federation we I
'IS ever. , §gu -,it the E ,nglish language haJs . . counterbalance the difficulty of enforce - has brought Ifroni F lint, , ichigan, a
"t.) I ge them and have
I nopaly a,nd disa-1.110waace policy , sumption th 4 1 t !- advantages of a larger ; lient and the injury done to Niportalit : , § that you can return .
. to . with th6 " blawsted' country'that lie Would have at 1. i trottlig stallion. . ey refunded if not Satisfactory?
+. 11, . L and a" _cturing. The I - , I .
_ bat th likely be and rights that- the French has not is in a4- vcry fine Mehibrino . yol# plonq L I
. I Finding th - determined to go back to E'nidand ' corda--nee with equal liberty in view of provi.sion as to t9i,ching facility I lilies of trade in nianufa 'rhe'animal co -t upwards , and f
.. ""I y a'rp .6 - - ,, . . Of 4 d,000, DO bot all our local dealers, who are re -
a leceived, b proin-ises, the the canilie fiftfe , 06t(h 4vo`ulan r-C',nted i . . better equipment. as to libraries, 11PPara result of the d'ebate .was an acknOW- L - .
- -1 the hirge proportion of'French-sp -akino, . tl,6,t.. -will be travel6d in the vicinit 7 of 'Wing privi- -
, d f `_13" ,- Istood, and coun t I . :) give the best facili- 'eheral - - I spb-hsible Dien, give you. tile sa m e
0 y the f will, from him as i - tug, etc. it mkrd ' l9olginent by the Attorney -G . I I
. Manitobans are nje inore , -up in. arms, I It maybe a - , haiii duridr, th.ja Coining ScasolI. i I lege ? It is a- inatter of surprise to see
ed out 17 of tile sover(ig a to buy him a ties to all. He 'did not con something,- should be done, .and the I .
I d Sundry with the, , I peop e in I tile country. - sider the I 0 I N.1ins, of Lthe 14th'couces- People jOStliDg one another to reach
omd threaten- all, an I swered that the French axe not nine - I
ticket home. 1Now saenthe difference. cba,rge that federation would mean cen i reference of the Bill to a special coin-. -Mr- JOb '
ie Shackles of 1.1LI I da - . 1 -le was in ' jon of 11u.11 11;, has b(ought the Broad- th,eiu money out to irrespon -sible vendorla
' . .1it and Ong in OntaxiO, That would be e
direst vengeance if; th 0- L ' rong , tralizatio a serious one. , mittee for consideration, the und I
! - b ast year in spite of the (I . n 1 4
i a- , the sbort'arops, theytiade $1,100 on it. I gerous argliment. - _. " u
nopoly axe not at'ance removed., If all -schools iin 0 - favor of centrali ation if it meant I standing being that the Bill shonld* I ot I bent farip f robi Mr. Renry J4cLson& It wheh ih nite cacies out of ten they clan
I - 't i b
fe .1ing L a, They had only- 450 tushels of -%iheat, I tario are to i be carried oil in E ngl i!ih, tNe strencyth, as be beli aved- it did; diffusion idjoins the iaini. on which NIk. .. Jilts re ge etter value for their money froin
. I . ., .
a 'F -nipeg . . - 1O d e ars.
- -i . , " Win Lluht pe9ple-of the Province of Qu - 0 be passed this session, but should be contain' 80 acres A ur ers. Bewxr,.Of shooldypedl
scriptive of th English D, I anol ad p
but bearly 800 of 6al a, which broi meant weakness. A strong central uni- I improved, as well asthe committee could side , I . , A,j eat
, . ,ttion 19 I c -bas ills is no ,
correspondent ites, as f ollows : I several with a ' ed for ,, 1.400. L Mr. AA , W
L In ughout' . . . I
vr 40 cefits a bushel, being scarce this year; bee may intike immediate prepar, a
. versity was better than improve ,it, and distributed tbro 1-4he other day a farm er's son found
tl , I i .
. .
li" Tile feeling t6c tension, or ra Xer d,e-. , L pounds o I We .moderate endowment. ging' ost ve 1 farmers in a po - containing ,5190 in Clin
f but er at'l ca,rry on't'llieir schools in Frenc . limited staff and iew to brin one of tile bket-book
.. I
I and she sold 1,240 et the Province With L a v . -ks 400 acres
011, jUL thE 1) i ,e c) Should not a.1t6gether regr $inch a
terminati Ublic 111ind of th nd. to sp, cial customers in 'L . Neither would -th . scheme cause nni- public opinion to bear upon the qpes- Aqllett, as h(,, wor j-, I ,,as ton, and m-ade known the fact to several
. Pravin, e on this (it eat O__ -0 cents a poll I I I necessity. , The learnif - w!o Ia.' 11 -1 ' - ucl -Shine, of I xrey, ,
. imi (8isall valce) the city, aftergiving the milk for July , . ig of t I T fortility in the c IJurc of itsgraduates, ' tion and elicit' all the facts bearing dA TNI r Sa, r i 0 pafties, so that the owner might be
guapes in I f 4L
- hitdhood is one of t4e ve y i1of -years t . ou
is daily increasing, in -d nothing can avert and Aucyust, tile two hot months, to the . and diversity sho ild be obtained. It the case, so that the Legislature -may be r fented. big f i rm. for a tern nd. When the' boy got home -and re-
e ell " best train ings the mind can-! hav , enry Keys. Mr. and 'Mrs.1 Shine will
a, serious cribis here before v ry long but sh ed ,altogether I would not destroy be efficiency of out- - ' p6rted the finding to his father, he Ye-
., .eese factory. e l- - . . in a, position to act next session.. - A '
J . 6 or and the very best f9undati"on'for a 4 - lad been adopted by . , emo e to t.e. Northwest this spring harnessed the horses and drove back to
-est liberty -to build railways to -3, a head oil e L -he eight cows 1, I I . Z v
the full 9 ; ach of I I side colleges, and KiKFnLo. '
. - . . . ' ith the hop# of ben -
. olary llne,'Or " ' 1. . -1 I eral a.11 the colleges air d universities excdpt wi efi'tiug. the health t8wn to hunt up the loser. After con-
VIC American boan . in other . mental culture." .
tilb season. . - I __ - : 0 . — I J
w-orda, the abolition of rail way niono - oly --- by * 6f the latter. " . and the
P - By working hatc and carly, ' L I I Queen's and IrinitT, but they.could, 11 .1 S derable trouble be,wais found,
_ ;
ven The . . . iny Alp.. BALFOUR, the member for Essex, 7 -Last weet" Mr. 1-1obe t Reid, of the " to, the
In Ma,ilitoba at oricq and fore '%ve lum: come to wb at ye see- I The Ontario Legislatu e. the provisions of tt e bill, come in at I I I n llau was so gratified. at findirg
. I
- people will not b liulilbugged by false Although we d r bridal bed 4 . ' a consid- T actually boy .
0 1 1 1 . time. The Minist r then went into an who is himself a newspaper man, has a dith conces I= of Hullett, W. S gave the
0 On clean Ll)eas'el"Nrac ' . 1 ToROSTO, April 12th, 1887. . I ... lioney that be
L bay on , i re a -ty C,(
promiises any n They are at I extended explana,lion of the clauses of Bill before Parliament to amendthe law, prably inju - by a horse WhiLCII lie w s JIV ,nLtS. It is not stated whether or
. .
di,,1.l,14owauce,, and if L th ;he far in a few years, - The members of the Legislature stri i :g .
I the q. ullestion Of e They will own I kI rP - the bill, and concluded 'an eloquent ad- I'lleading to WE ;er rearing up an n'6t he bad, to break a bill to get the
t and be independent for, life. . - slimed. their duties after the.Easter ho 1- of. of libel. As we have before pointed out, . I the h, d w - ng a
I i
, eal for the adoption 4him. ol I All its foot, mak
Dominion Government should not gta.n . dress by; an. app . - I d1lange. .
__ - . At the i I I I : I . ri
Iisfitutiow I . . any worthleSSL character can p 1 -m ng local n e given -
the Province its c( .41 rialits in days, thi's afternoon. . refer an Veep wound,
. . t I )P'l ' 9 the bill. I I . . I --! 'he follo otes ar
opening of Parlia- there was a tolerably full house, and : (I E.
- this respect at tile I L Government House. - . . n : Several other Irembers followed Mr. action for libc-1 against a newspaper , -Mr, McRwan, of Sta- _ dom ayfield: obert Cook, Who has
-iggle that will . . % - the evening nearly every seat was oed'a- of Goderich to-wnship, $200 ,
inent, a life and d(ath, stri , , Ross, but all wera anxious to hear'the Rothwell, I - shent the last three years in the Ralney
publisher andlin the event Of failure to I I
, er rebelliou,8 in the The- Parliatneiit&ry Vrrespond7ent'of pied, There will not be ailly more W- . ; -old filly last week, and
throw all the forn .1 . . . iews of the lea: ,,er of the Opposition, J lor a two-yeal.x Eiver settlement, Manitoba, has re -
inevitable ruments over Saturday this Isessid1n. v I -prove his case, i)F he has not the means 1, used - , -
shade will certai ...... ly be the tile Toronto 'Globe'l a few days ago: re- ]cu . and they did not Lhave long to wait. He . i 'Mir. Jaz- M ,arlane, of Stanley, ref tarned home and re-entered in posses-
, t men talk- Pla-rked : "It is 'L Qderstood that;the Puring the remainder ,of the Segal n thought that before con-imitting -the of paying the costs, the publisher has -to- $200 for o I of the same age, got by L4
result. I hear soller, ea;rnes in s elf - . i I Government business will have preoie- . of ne -)7 L Sion of the Id bo m-estead.-Edward
ing of taking up their m,uskets . the g6lieme the Government I foot the bill, even though be wins tile, " Pride Yi - rented the Bo
- . excep priv te . give e . n - -Mr. " a ge Avery, e
I . n ' slature . - r I it contains 125 acres. -James
- " OPPOSitio in the Ontario T,i gi I Efouse to *1 estlake has ' wie farm for
olefence alm ost every day o -n the Street. . . donee over other business should ' d fi' te information as to - of Grey, has dis- ;
rs 'L, are preparing for all attack,' up4n ',the bills on Mondays, WedDesd nd Fh- ease. Inthis. way, whether he loses of land, being part of on year ;
e here with. money a fe* ye& . I 1L what the ad I cost would be. On . - . t pQsed of - res -d English
cc , rnmig. sitthig will be hold .:
They cam - -ell, but IDS expenditure o: , - ce of days, and a " . ditioni -in the --ther innocent or guilty, e_ lot 15, conce ion 15, to Archibald Ale- j'phnston has rented the ol
, ago, expecting to do ,5 tead of f r 41'p main'tenan . pie embodied Wins, or.wli ,
. I .
. L
they can I . . I on Saturday. Practi Cally - the Govegn- the general pri ; in. Intosh, for " 200 cas . homestead. He takes possession at
tlia,t lost the most of it, and measure, Mr. Mer dith thought that in publisher is liable to be mulct;dd 1. I Mr- Avery ha's 6nce.-John Cowan, Of Egmondville,
. . "'Govern ment House' and that Mr. 'Mar- ., . ZD
L - while t1te pres- I i , ment assumes control until' prorogation. a, and be will dispose of ,
never hope to get it back - a country where;1 hey co vy costs. I One of the main pr o:,V,is- : still 200 ac I Was bought; a house and lot from John
ent order of tilings is a,llowed to. last. ` ter, of Muskoka. Onceives tbiq to be But the Attordey-General promi sea that I ity offers. Although ,, hiddon and moves into town. -Geo.
. . r-, . child to drink oft e fountains of know- . ; 100 if an op ortun L
ed to be a. virttle in " his particular road to fame and will time will be given-fo"r-consideration o(a ions of Mr. balfour's Bill requiresAhe- I .f
Patience has ceaf I . ledge it was enti rc ly right that the State . . i Qver 50 vear 81 of age he is as lively as a as purchased part of the
. ' . i astle, sr., b
', I .
this, matter, and Mae Canadian PaCific - number of important. public b 11 ti t plaintiff in all cases to give security for I kitten - dams property and intends moving
i captain 'tile attackin party.", We . a should -Prov id a- i the means whereby .
I ;
Railway monopoly that ha§ paxa,lyzed I 9 remain for final disposition. , P:rh ps studies co to their fur- costs before he can enter an %etion -The hea I office of the Upper Canada ere also. .
, V , , incerely bape that . his atta* N%111 be t uld .be pursued I . . :
the CO I )ast five -years must a I . - ,the chief 6f these is the bill ) amepd thest possible e , nt, and so f ar a, the 1 presented M P
unitry for the 1. I I 1 This is only fair and just, and, the !Bible. Societ y has just . lie Goderich papers of last week
I, even if Confe, er made, and if it is Dia .e the Ilittacking the libel .la%T, the 'progress of , vhichl is i i -1 - and- ,; -T
d ation Should I -lave to , I I I CX_ I C. Stevenson, of Clinton with a h
go) 3 . ' _ I , bill introduced WE s based z on that prin - - I ,say authorities of that town
' . i
I ; t Bible, containing all the
th it,J) . 'not be confined w,holly to, being zea oiXsly promoted by ma iy mepl- Legislature should pass the measure. - . that.the
go wi I - . . party. should : He . i some Oxfo (
- d . _L_W . . h f ir L pie it had his N iarmest support. -6 I have a definite assurance in writingfrom,
rhese axe brave wor _ S, but e h' ' the Upposition Side of the hOuse. If bers of the House, and which, Wit thought the Aoit se ought to show now I without a moment's hesitation. I :., latest reftre ces, Sunday .School helps, - of the Ca na-
. I I I
aVe . L I Xr. Van Horne, President
I . treatment at the .hands of the Govern- L that it had se0 ed as a fixed ,k.nd fir n I . 11 etc., in reco nition of his services as see "
L I I . I
aln _._T_._-__ __ - d 1pter-
. . . . '!retary-t easjrer of theGliDton Branch
heard and read in y suell froin the Mr. Ifarter succeeds in carrying his I't it . than Pacific Railway, an others
: ' Le ment, cannot fail to become Ia before L policy not to be daparted from tha I is I I L . .
same quarter at intervals du - ti oint he will. deserve the thanks, of the e rises. I _ 48t,ed that the Guelph Junction'Branch
, I ring 1. . i p IL__ . ,the Hong I the duty of the 1Rtate to equip and pro- I Ne-ws of the Week.. r 1' for the past.peu years. I 'I x I
; I . .
iV L - of that road will be extended from
, ,ial Treasurer prcposes to - The main princi- I *r. IV 'M, Donald, a former resi-
past three. year , and yet when Ith e. country. There is na earthly, reason .. The Provinc vide for a un efs ty. BARIIACX.-; AT ALDEMSHOT Bt-w\1E1)._ 11 - I . i Vk 'oderich at an arly day.
. . . . . ts : . I increase ithe. school tax on un Decup ed ad d of SeJorth, has graduated at De- '47 nelph to 0 e
sticking point 4omes th e belliger L -Governor, who re- I. his warn-, and cordial 11 The great pernia,neut infan'try barr'a ks ent ' N - of
I . I wily the Lieutenant . lands in the fiew districts from one c, ,nt p e of the bill h -as ae e ,
, support. . I . - of Medicine, and. 11 - This will mak the old to vn bloom an
- calmly givo way before tile voic ceives a salary much in advaince of the to two cents per acre. k I at Alde shot )lave been destroyed by fire. troit Colleg ith one D f th, boom as it has not done foT forty years.
The speech of tie leader of the Oppo- ' cepted e pro
cha,rnler in the p xson -of- the D, duties he requires perform, should . The Minister of E'ducation's bill Ire- . thy of the great A - TREATY WIM . CiusA_ he a pai , nersbip w the healing art. Clinton will not be the I I hub " any
a I sition was not U wor, Portuguese Government has concluid d practice of ore then an d the, county seat will be
. '
L is agents, and it I also be piovided wi , ,Oa residei'lele which specting Separate Soillool debent9'res : ea .. , sessions at McGill College, III I
Premier and h 0 . -.,. - I )i1tgages and otper question with w. ell he had to d ' 1. In i treaty of friendship with China. - 'Re SPCnt tw further from it than ever. The New
'provides that the in( ; '
be feaxed they In . I pp rted at the expense a3lill been more ably, or I LA,a) SLIDL AT _MUNTE CARLOL', A. Montreal, a d is admirably . fitted for his Era bad better sell ont before the'Cana-
-will. do . a,Jadn. is kept tip and su . instrument fact never has orted in the Legislature, I ,
Much to , . - s which Separate Scliool'trus- cordially supp I 'beavy'laud slide'occured -,it Monte 6arlo: PfOfeSSiOD.* if
Atobans have a gliev - of the people. %-also, is an oppor- .-
That the Mal, . ,1 tees have Power to make may be made - seen , L A . Vyn Says-. dian Pacific R-ailroad reaches Goderiell-
I . . and each membe i led to approach the other day, which entirely blocked,the lie correspon(lent . L
nestio'n. The in the form of debentures; that a, by-law L;: :. W- e m. ,ay say, however,, that the exten-
Lince, and a verylse rlous one, no pe son tune time to agitate his (.1 the subject free-ftom all, party bias or I railway and carriage roads. - Last Wee' ' L h his -
- t . . I , . ' W. Burns, jr., wit 1'. ig t!ontingent upon a large Govern
' ' e for the is 1 ic d rarely has partisan- oved. off.lot 4, conceg- 8,10n .
-tit 1, neNN Parliament builidings are in' cour sue of such debenture may be Ind, -LLE1, %M)El) _ cut a ( rem 70
will dispute,'b , they have bro _ !, t it - . quashed by application to, he High bitterness. i FATHER KE ' 11 E NN . Father men . i juent bonus being giyen,
bis ac- of construction aildLlt is only pro ship been more bsolntely excluded from I 1,r -1-4 n 6 .
,ellc pine
largely upon them.Selves On t ) I per tfiat ay, as 7 .t, the linprisoned Catholic priest, Sion 14, I!' ,.Ill , , o e of th, largest
-L . I . I court of. Justice in the ,sa . ' ` -We stated a couple of weeks ago
. I a discussion in I hdrlianient, and not often ' has been appointed Canon of Clerine by trees that ever grew in that vicinity. It *L
Count t1. , Ili' -' a suitable office in which that official can ' . I Mr. David. 3racefield,
allo I
__ I
- i
1:1 -
Lin an ther
I .1
n 'Ebro
( ,
. , h ail
0 t!
I D a
1) Ill , I's
0 -
, d I
0 i
( I
t ! I"'
0 r VL
l n I
I ,7
i Ill
0 11 i I ."
t NN;
, ,
I I 4
I 1
c of tile I
i jou I
1:3 1 cry I
4 W
_ley JOLDOJ, receive the publiCES, I municipal by-laws may be., Iuasbpd ; has the Assembly Contained five 14 fect-logs tip to where that I McIntosh, of I
' . - Clone itself 'greater the Bishop of the Diocese. r l
li,,tthy that tbeylotherwise would Ilave. transact such publi6 business as he ha's that -no debenture issued sh4l J)e -for credit than when it consented at mid- i . one to Portland to meet
I W.AXED 11TS 11PAIT.-It is stated the' the top v. as broken olf, and meastired h ad a a-nualber
. if ap l cation -to I 0
They always 8'qu al -at t be wrong til [m but than $100; and that) night, ivithout division, to the'second i * Id 4529 fee log of imported stallions which he aad3lr.
qle to do, shoLild be PLI'bvided, for h.' 2 , 1% . Duke of Edinburgh has agreed to waive inside of the sap-wo( . ,, ) 0
,I .
. i I quil . r1ed . nd qua3h a by-law is not made v i bin tii.ree reading of the bill. - . . measure. .McGregor were importin,g. He raturne(I
p ibey are now raising wic,lit - he should be re to provide -a , . r I bi-i right of succesisi011 to the throne of
1; - I '11,1,ATI 'lit last week a sleigh load of thome last week, but had only One bors
The row .11 months, it shall be -valid not ithstond TEMPERAN DE LEG 0 . i f li ia -One ni' e,
. - I , ax 'Coburg and (.'otha in favor b 9
. ainta,in his owo rWdellce at his owiI wa.ut - of substance forai in .. . I ' e- . "D I .
r I .
- T -le avail before the eldc- rn , .ing any . red. about tbirte( ni -
have been of. so I 0 1 son, Prince Alf I -,n young, folks from Fox's with Ill When thevessel arrived be
. +-br, ex ense iust t e 11same, as ordinn the bv-law or in conn ection with! its This session W*l 'be known as a most I -I -1 - V i. W1 - 1, drove le-nrnprl +I -%a+, tbv-ep of f_.1_J0' nrQes_aLMOJ3g
I 1. o1c. place. 111c, gliv J L, : 1J I A U0'%l*1.A(;F.AT1()'_,-.—A fire DrOKe out ! elgimoriloo , as __" ,
. . tions to . . i i J , important one ill the way of temperance I I .
1 N i I e to do. I This same question passage. I I in St. Au(rusfine Florida, on Tuesday ,; to the residence 0i Vm. JVellwood, 10th them two particularly good ones -1104
. 'e" , , norNv 0041,plain ,of existed then, amd. they I people bav i During the discussion: I , ct authorizincr the ) .
. . 1. . - . I . I . : of the bill for legislation. TI e A 0 C Sion, West Wawanosb, a few died during the voyage, and had to be
in- was broached last s ssion, but m6mbers - schools of morning which destroyed two large 11 conces. In
- nniant Which ba6 i I . M r. ,Aowat off - d introduction int) thepublic 41
keew that th,e Gorer . I improving the law. I . I I hotels, court * . e, n aini'19
I . . eat ef- house, the old Spanish 1! evenings ago to spend a few hours in thrown overboard, and tb re I
' i he House seemed th ' t when a part of a ni' 1- instruction upor the physiologi I . .
- flicted these inju ies upon them and bad -on both sides of t, I ,e 6pinion tba I __ n 1i aTnusements.. A Splendid time *was put horse he brought home with bin). Al -
L % 4 iild- . -
P, - asseck- ,afraid to tonch , it. I 11"hy.they should cipality under the Scott AC beco ,Mes fects of alcohol,, which was mentioned in Catheral and a number of other bi I ipsured,
. : . ,I in and all went well un
, . deceived them aa ld Red to the m w I ., . not 1 nder.: the my last letter, is followed by one under ing-5. T . - tit returlibig, though all. the horses lost A -,,ere
'aJ and support. ;'In- t I - when the Sleigh was passing a steep em- the loss will be considerable,
. be, we do -no kfiow, unle3s that the cc-- to a nitioicipality: v In Gov' -nment will vigo ou ly 4 , , I as freight
iug their appro I I I Act or incorporated in a illa e formed Which the 01 r 8 A C.k.SB OF N -_CE4';ITY. General -cot UP to -A
T , I C' t cession of East and incidental expenses will f
_ stead: ind, they casional receptions I d dinners mlinicipalities om added prosecute the ' work of enfor ing the Komaroff, the Russian military organ, bankmen on the 10th con
.. . of- treat't g -them in k I ain u y out of the two izer, says the force of circumstances will Wawanosh, the load upset throwing the ' large amount. The horse that Was saved;
an nd I mollifying ef- t the non-Sc6tt,Act county the portion Scott Act. The Government is given
took them to thex bosoms and declared His Honor-bavo 0, 0 - - the embankment. is fortunately, a fine animal. -
. . 1P I ty i4- re- power under the Act to appoint Magis"- compel Russia sooner or later to advance d.cupants down I
tile most utter cc,nfidence in them 'and I feet upon their 'sy athies. - It, there- transferred to the license coup I _. . I
S i - - . . .
. - I . I I -
S I . - I !
I - i ; . . . i . I . . I
. I . .
_ . I . . . . I I . - . .
. - I . . . I
I . I I .
. . . 11 I . . ; . I .
, q . I
; . i . . . , ! . r I -
- I I . 'I . I I . I I I .
. . . : ! I . .
. ; L I . I I I . . I I
. . . i
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I . ; . . . i . . . .
I . . 1. I I _.
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11 .1 : I - -- ' I—- I—. . _: . I 1. -I--- _--l-, --l-, ___ -,--. - - -'.:-._-___1 _____ _ ... _., - --...1.1. —
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4 - I
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i . Z
4, I
J i 5 _1887*
AIWP 3- I=
."0000005"O" ______ _ -
: Fweter,. .
DOTS --A large numb,e
..Were present at tile SF)
't -Rain, rain, .
Tuesday I'as - , Iegsrs.
wednesolay—IL I
-on , were the I
.eginald 14 Iliott
, , .
ing lil,aster.—i'V
parents dur .
,,,g.iTI towo on Friday last
verdict of the trial of Zent,
1. I N11r. MOSCS , OICFa
sipp e.—A-
M On,day for ,S)aUlt ste. 'Ma
- *Ocq.te awl I)ra,,.
Intends to 1;
fessioR of the law 1)usillk
. Wcencoe 'N
jUarnes, Ofithe " 'J
lCon-I.Pany V as in town On .
Tjal& Z-C,It1cn TitorDIX.- ,
Aicated: in tbe zuri, h
imp ,
- were renawided, were ago
' lay last- 'I
trial. O.'a 'rk
i1i2mense crowd of people i
. .
B. McKenzie Was lionoralf,
, I
A. Sippl,p ;r,,va,.s comnlitte,V
. W. Zent anti if. "7i
trial Y )LY i J."'k
I aude I
. ,luntil to & , -
!a , . ..
ls.:expeeted, ueNve"`Id`en' c; ,
b tli. Thl" M-3,
against q J
efIth mmittetl for tri,,.F
.er,,Ol .
, ]A,,, e.lil',\),,,-ATTII .,F-- il -,,
I .
I list Of InLaellineS, we, JIfJt11.*t ,
. in land th6r agents at tho
. , yl last.- I The ,G llnleoe .
. .
. W 'L-ne0e Nve:-t3
I ,,Com, pany, !G1 I
. nts ; Jp,o. mautt ,%: I
e 1 0 -,
- . AV C. Bisset, 111'
, rcglpy J
i ,
. - S , on & ,C,6" Bra ' ntford,.:
Ag an,t ; Massey Manufa,
. Toronto, R. %-%
pany, . I
. 1;
A. W. r en & c 0. " 1`i , rc.-, t, -
, I 0
agents ; \Vat,SOU N .awaf I
. pany, Ayt, 1. Bowerim.u
3 lan'l-facturing IC - 11i
. well - X ;
.C. Perkluls, a"IT)'011t ', ("' I 7
I turing Q , , i
ji-II.Pal1v ChAt.1
I -
.strong agint.) arniaAgri
1) I _.7
factu'ring CoinpanY, , " 111
ageat ); N rth IlleriMn
Company, Londoll, W , 4
- _" * "'acil. of tile abi
ag I by a bintler,
repregen .'
local agtnt, we would hi.
that -there were no IeF9.
: I
I .
agents. : 1 -
. ? - "M
_.. - -
Spring Shc.
. . . -XF
nual show- ,of cut'
The;ln '(
the auspices.of the .-Stephl
Branch Ai.ricultural 'S"'Oeii
Exeter oti Tuesday Iwit
w avo -c
aS as f: rable as , 01
The attefidaile-e of sPect
fair over. four buildre,d.;
- been soki at tile gate, I'
. -
stock-, howeverOM818111al,
I tip to forilier years- rh9e.
ylst,of tile successf ull Cowl
STALLONZ-5. —11I)POrted;
—4 entri-O'S—Ist, John '
Careless ;1 ') 9-ndl Gol lu A
Willis, -1 Freedom ; ' ;
- I
. -4 -
Brot'hers, , - 'Stone C I,overl:
olds—Thbrno Berry',S '.
percberoj _Chas. Essery
Two y-eaj 01a Agricultul
Taylor',s -: " G,Old cup;,
I ;
Horpey ;d 44 Young V.
. Aged. Geu6eral Purvotie7
64 131atlz- Prince." TIVIO i
eral I'VitPO'se—Ist 1)"
,.,, young 1 Prince A
Gould7s Young Plolk
! ,
Horse_wm Fotllwrul
cess.)) Diploma for be-'
age or breed. 011 the I
ky_illiSl ,4-.COI_1ntCarL4esS.'
several litit t horses show
. "Tontine )!? and -_ C t Fear
both of Which took first C
reEvpectiveielasses, but w
f uIl list of prizes awarde
I . I
thein ueXt week.
BtLU.i.—Aged Durlij
. !: -
Ist, Th6s. Russel'S "A
John Strap(?" "Tecuill"
t> 6
. T11 -0s. doates' 11 UAbor
years ol.4-1st, Thos. B
Yea;toli,-11, 2nd, Thos. - +' ,
. . n ;I yo,, -
I I rlings.—lst, , 1,
: JVW t.S.—Ilorses—ZS-
p treat -, r'. Mowbray3, (11.j
I I 'illiva '
,9mi,tbi .1 i! M C(w -
Rogers,,Kirktoll al"d 47
1 ,
1'' Gillivarl - I
I i '-;YAF10V-Ti
I The Tuckersillith '.,_*,6
I I ,
I held at': Seaforth on. )
-weather; ' Nvas not very
. this, no doubt;, interfer
. tendanc4% The slww
- very goi d. In horses t.1
I were Nvp.11 filled, -an 1 :
very he u. In bulls, ti
I .
I . good tutn-out aw'.1 nlan,
The follbw mmy are the P
Hon,, s. !Ymported 1
12 entries—Ist, Thos. )
Laddie ;" 21nil, Ichas.
pine;":.4ilrd, Horton
.- molln'OV
, illic'" 'I hTZ-4e
tries -Brian 'O'ffarra't
Two ye4s old —3 exttr*
Butsons, ,,, McN,evi , i
Lord Rrsk-ine -," 3rd, .
1.,t 1) I
Jobn' Gourley- I
Evan's !I Prince Napolt,
any age! -entries_1$4
- '
44, I
. li; -' 2.d, .J. C.
Carly" e ,
tucky 'Shar;" 3rd, Patri.
rich Chief." Carriagel,
tiies—l st, .James Berr
Chief;l 2nd, R. W.
. , Pin
Hawli-;' .3rd, -.W -:,l. I -1
BLTLDS.—Aged - L)ur
I ' 1,
McGeo&; 2nd, Will"
years dId—A. Elco _u.,
I Robt. Charters; 2ufl,
Sons; 3rd, John M
JUDGES,..—Heavy HO
Hull,ett; Jarnes Aich
D o n -a I (1:1 NA c I I I ne.% I 7 s)) 1)
—Tho.. . Green.'Dubl
Tucker -am, ith ; . Leonard
Bulls _t _`Wm. Fowler
. -
Ille kersmith;
11' yo, "I'll I
Is. I ta .- *
i I
: 51 V\*`( I I I I' -1
3 .
Althbuil-i the da,y w.
rCfow-A gatbered ,
u'e's'day oil tht occa
. ;. I
spring , shou, ,of the ,,,
dvaught hoLrses the coa
A .
ticularly, keen, tlrer 1
tries, 411-1(1 as e vtl-y h,;- Z
friendi and sympath 1
4 -
. 'of thoi lvlges did
satisfap'tiwrl ill the firs.
,We kn6w, they no dov
judglilLint, alld it woa .
alul 11111ch wore, qati4 ,,;
if tile lleci; JR)11 of C -W
th-ankilfp4s pw,li ion—
less 111 Ucking" by t6rA
ested. I Tlw, prize.3 ;N (
. order In w.fiith they a -
prize ILA is as follov,
Ho1,`.S1-,s.—l1,eavy ill
over-, . !_F. MeD.) I .- .7
11 ton, J.."P. Fisher. V,
- 5 P M44)onough; 11arr
ian , , -
I &aught hor-se, -)
Nnctx,< ,wan, f3,eorge T '
I adian;
, draught hox_
Fluker, Richard I..', -pi
. I