HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-04-01, Page 8S Edward Ciash ItaS opened his seed stOre as usual, for th purchase and sate of Clover, Timothy, and Seed grain, and will continue to sell at goof value to buyers. Parties who, have Clover or Timothy to sell, 'lease give me a call at the old butter and ed store, Goelerich street, Seaforth. E. CASH. 'atm t:Fposttar. DISTRICT *ATT.hlet6 A SUCCESSFUL, STUDENT:—It affords us the very greatest pleasure to note that another Huron boy has Won for him- self signal distinction and honor. At the annual convocation f McGill College, Montreal, on Tuesda last, the Holmes gold medal for the last examination in ell branches was awe.' cled to Mr.: Ed w-ard Evans, of Seaforth, seta of JoseptrEvans, Esq., of McKillop. We heartily con- gratulate our young friend on his merit - 'ea success and we hoe his future pro- lessionalcareer will be as successful and brilliant as has been: his college course. We are pleased to learn that Dr. Evans is likely to become a permanent resident cif Seaforth, and that he will practioe with Dr. Mackid. 0 HONORING A Hums fBOY.--1 "ipeg Free Press o last wee following : Mr. IIel my Cam flas been for some years connec the business staff of the Free me Tuesday secretary-treasu islor'west Farmer, and severed nection with this jaurnal. In th-g he was waylaid by membe !business and editorial staffs tented with a handserne set of works and the poetical works Alind -Burns, richly bound. McIntyre, business !na,nager, 'presentation cm behaIf of the o tiressing their regret at losing e office, and wishing him s Is new undertaking Mr. Ca *lied briefly but appropriately. . . le Win - has the on who ed with ress, be- er of the his con - he even s of the ncl pre - Dickens' of Scott' r. ade the hers, ex- • im from ceess in eron re- . REMOvING FROM $EAFORTH. gret to note the removal of. Edmonds who for several year *eater of St. Thomasch,ureirh thimonds removes: to Hambu bag his, residence in Seafor -trade many warm piencis, all 'sill regret hie depart , te, He *smelt an earneet 4ristian w stleveys chentfully gave his ser tatereet el every Eoojci and wor HURON EXPOSITOR up in Seaforth next summer.—Mr. Thos. 1 ry Tovvn, left on Westminster, re he intends to is a clever young t, do well.—Mr. We re- ev. Mr. has been re. Mr. g. Dar - h he has of _whom SA proven rker and ice in the Ity cause. fle leaves this week and we ope him - ;elf and family wi I enjoy h alth and 1 =fiappiness in their new hor e. The Teeple af• Hamburg will find Mr. Ed - morels a good and nseful citi en and a, true and worthy lean. Mr. - tuccessor here is Rev. Mr. M Luc sal, who is, we believe, an gentleman and a go.;d preach Town, son of Mr. He Wednesday for Ne British Columbia, wh push his fortunes. H man, and will, no dou J. W. Warwick, who for several years has been salesman he Mr. Jamieson's store here, leaves next week for River- side, Southern Calif° ilia. If he likes the country and cli ate he will make the Golden State his uture home. Ale though we do not 1 ke to lose youngl k's cheracter, wet success should he abode under the r.—Dr. Oronhya ill deliver an ad 1, under the aus emplars, on ,Tueht here will also b tal music. Th e a very able an we hope themeet ended.—Mr. Wm smith, is now ad be able to driv old friend an m Gray, *rite , Walsh c We have here since •d stormy, e snow is disa.ps , the ed . ere. home klmorals' gahy, of estimable r. 1 ., A CREAMERY INS1RUCTOR.--tAs this is 1 ltecerning mse of the principal entres in Olt Lrio of the creis -- ery inter e pleased 1 the erea ronto les_ 'Le the Gc of our readers will I th tr; at a meeting ei stion, held ittT was resolved to util great recently giver the assoc 6rt• ploying an instr dor durin tug seasou, and the asociatio st, many to learn ery aseo- week, it vernm en t ether), by the corn - have ad- vertised fot a comp teat perso . It will he the duty of =this officer t =visit the -various creameries and give i struction In the best methods of making butter, ant also to give any hints hat would tit ly result in benefit to th interest. dairymen's association s nne years ae: employed a else. =se -maker o give in- s' uction of this Lind with the,. most inneficial results, and if a eampetent pereon be secured hts the cretutiery asso- eiation much good will, no tdoubt, be sehomplished also, men of Mr. Warwi wish him the greates decide to take up his star spangled bann tekha, of London, dress in Cardno's ha pices of the Good • day evening next. vocal and instrume Doctor is said to elaquent speaker, an ing will be largely at McConnell, of Lecke ficiently recovered t oat hiniself.—Our townsman, Mr. Ad from St. Andrews Dakota, as follows: pretty hard winter Years, being cold a is milder now and t peering rapidly, an first harbingers of s the 21st. All well Mr. G. E. Cressw from the South The meeting in the ro Men's Liberat Club o was not very largely pleasant time was well rendered. readi We notice in the win photograph studio a life like crayon por Howell, the esteem Methodist church. Mr. B. S. Crump an est credit on his sk Professor Anderson, has taken up his resi is arranging to open then. in dancing.—M the nd concession o a very fine sample weighs 621 pound day last week he sol forth at 80 cents per 1 D. Kay, nephew of ald, a celebrated opti been here for several days and h a large number of pe ple call on be fitted with the equisite sp and eye glasses.—The snow st JO • • s 6 untet had a. Nast ut it the crow ring, appea with us 11 returned n Wednes ay. -s- • ms of the oun Tuesday e enin ttended but a ver pent and evered gs were e - g vene ow Of Mr. Wades ell execu d and 140 rait of Ret. M. d pastor f the t is the w rk reflects the high - 11 as an artist -e- late of St. Mare* ence in to n an -class for i strut- . Wm. R bb, Gf Tuckersm.th, has of wheat which the bushe Oe 90 bushels n Se4- ushel.—Mr James v. A. D. 1 cDon- ian of Detr • it, has s had im to ctacles rm of to be f this e than w fell. for a n has again. hauous ber.— der the ssue, to royer, Id out on was as gone he, hat seeured a I V Sunday and Monday genera' as in many - the storm was much here and a great' d couple of days but made the streets We have now had sleighing since the 2 last seeme laces east more seve pth of sn There was good sl ighing her he warm s learly bare almost do nd of Ncoiet The statement which appeared u shead of Hills Green, in our last the effect that M. Charles nnerchant, of that lace, had s 'and intended remove g to Olin incorrect. Cha les Strong 1 to Winnipeg where -good situation. • DEATH OF Mits. DUNCAN.. Word was rees-ivedt here on Oonday I, st of the 1 deeth at Lynchbutg,, Virgin -a, of hire. Julius • Duncan,. formerly of this town. - tree sad event took place on Thursday af last week._ She- ha(I. been i)ut and at - tousled harch on the previats. Sunday, •esset it is suppose( caught told. Mrs. Duacan has been a auffere,for many years, anei it 'Ores On her a, count that Mr. Duncan rereoved to Vir Mire a fens al atths ago. °At first the chafige seemed te ineve a beneficial effect, but it *as anly temporary. She wee an estimeble„ •,Christian, lady, and her de •th will be very keenly felt tthy her li, ,sbend and I ituily. , This isthe second sad aline-. tien w-hich has recently befa, len our old te vasman, his eldeat son It ..vieg - _died einee removing. th Lynehb erg. The at r•cerest sympathy of their any friends. bere will be exteknled to r. Duncan evasi his interesting family .in this the neer of their severe a:Motion Lome Beerees. Mr. Jams Bet- -a na formerly of this town, hI s been ap- pointed Sheriff of Regina, 3 dicial Dis- triet.—Mrs. G. fa. Robins n, a Cass Cir_11 Michigan, wi.s the guest of Mrs. A C. Robertson t els week. Cearleswarth has teturned t Mr. David. town and t tee,s the positron of head re iller in the it,,t gin.—Mr. Robert. Go eenlock, cd tieKillop„ has r (Tiered -a ;handsome be mze (medal ani (iLp:iom6 for fruit and grain exhibited by lim at the C toniaI and India Exhibieme at . Lon - ease Englend„ last season. Ir. (totem-. I =ek is the only iteiner in his district t•s, st has been sitniterly holoted.—Mr. \Via. Angus and family„ of Tucker- s ,sti th,left here on Mon -day fc r Manitoba, where they will ii future eside. • Mr. A leue has hedtwo sons ti ere farming t 4-- several years, and they are sa well teemed' with.ehe Gauntry th it they hate n, i steed him to join thein. Mr. Gunn, se ecer, is getting in met rial for the a : :notionof it ecw1 brick re itlenee. He hs. not eelected hie lot yet- but will do e = as soon an the spring, pene.--Mr. t h vid 3 ahnson ie making reparations •.: tuild a brick resident an his site 14- I r the residenee. of Mr. D It. Wilson. -- sirs. Iohn Torrance, of Eullett, and family, left here far Manit ha int Tries- . . • issy.,—Itir. James N\ mr run nds erecting an add=tion to the Royal sotehae scion as spring opens..—, The co tractor n are itevine the material for th s new High ishhool building laid on. th ground,. We regret to learn that Mr. Robert C trmichael met With- a. pain -ul accident ou Monday night e , He w4 coming- in through the pitch holes oi the North Road and the cutter upset and he fell ant, breaking his eollar-bo e.—A great ttany new buildings • arcs likely to go , ' of the country to perfect the provide adequate means for e as the indifferent enforcement Act has received in this prejudicial to the moral inter community, as well as dish our laws, which it is the du Government to uphold at al They also advise the people to en the hands of the officials not to recede: from the Canada Act, except in the direction prohibition. ' Act and forcing it, which the ountv is sts of the Miring to ty of the 1 hazards. strength - under 'the Act in the perforrnance of their duty and Temperance of general FINE cabinet plat res taken at Wanets [ Photo Gallery with hi_ new scenery. -rayon trtist, now Oil exh bition. 107-I k the St Thomas, nt Company r .ceived agent, making total 3'ear at this time. ion wonder if March portrait, by 13. S. Krupp, ONE day last we White Bronze biennia twelve orders from one of 72 orders ahead of las GENTLEMEN.—W will go out like a lamb, perhaps it May, but one thing is Certain, and thet is, that C. STEWART, the fashionable tailor, pan suit everyone who will leave an order With him. Whitney's Week, Up- . 1007-1 alder, Photogeaph- cialty of cabinet photo - See for yourselves and be ,he finest work in town .!ALDER, thp Photograph - 1007 -2 OLLEGE.—Thi8in Stitntion which had las year the largest enrol - went of all the Canadia 1 Colleges .for women is offering superior advari Literature, .Firie Arts,' Music at the very loive AUSTIN, ILD., St. Brucefield. MUSICAL AND LITERARY entree—The entertainment o day under the auspices of U choir; assisted by Mr. W. E. Listowel, was a grand su choir, under the able leaders NTERTAIN - last Tues ion church Burgess, of cess. ' The ihp ef Mr. James 13. Jamieson, with Miss Maggie Fotheringham at the organ; ga e very fine selections. Mr. Burgese' v ntrilo- quism, readings and recitations delighted the entire audience. He poSsesses rare ability coupled with becoming modesty, which endears him to his audience.: The meeting was opened with prayer by the pastor, and closed with the benediction , bei Rev, S. Acheson. i MORE GOOD Hoitens.—Brucefield can very.justly claim the proud distinction of being the grand centre for the best horse flesh in Canada. Not a little of this credit is due to the enterprise of the well-known importers and dealers, Messrs. McGregor & McIntosh, who have their headquarters here. They have now in their stables a large namber . of as fine animals of all age's. as can be i found any where, and they ave recent- ly added to their stock a very superior two year old Clydesdale stallion, Which they purchased from Professor Smith, of Toronto, by whom it Was imported from Scotland about three week ago. ! This iar. William hn K rr, of oote151363, volume 9, and in the Canadian book 449. He is a dark bay, low set, good limbs and ,splendid front end. He has the appearance of making a valuable a,nimal. Messrs. McGregor& Mc ntosh are also importing three others, four year old and two three year olds. Mr. d to meet stairs. • Loon. HERE. —A or,-Seaforth, makes it sp graphs, and larg,er sizes. eonvinced that he does in his line. Remember er„ Seaforth. A lane LADIES' A FINE DIsPLA Thursday and Sateda3 Meli'Ai?1,'s big show w Attractive. Everybod novelty in 'Window Dr ;ages to young women in 4ommercial Science and t rates. Address Pnisci- honias, 1007-1 . —On Wednesday, April tith, 7th and 9th, ndows will be Specially should see them. A ssing.. 1007 animal, which is called " Bryce," was bred by Mr. J Coleman Tron, Scotland!, an ber in the Clydesdale Sted HATS AND CAPS. Mr. Geo. Good begs to announce the arrivit of his stock of Gentle - mans' Hats and Caps for Spring and Summer wear. Inspection invi ed on and after Saturday, April 2nd. , 1007 REMOVED.—II. Smith & Co. of the Seaforth Restaurant, fi ,dine. their late premises too small for their ri eidiy increasing business have removed to the Canadian Bank of Com- merce Building, wilt e they, have greatly in- creased facilities, and *ill be glad to see all their old customers and ma y new ones. 1007-1 BOOTS AND SII0Eti FOR SPRING. — Seventeen hundred pa I'S of new Boots and Shoes already received. In few days stock will be complete when we wit have something new and very. interesting to st te in connection with our Boot and Shoe depart lent. Gko. Goon. *7-1 NCE.—The whalesale of Canada have formed a e prices of Clocks. I have other 60 Pirate Alarms, • the nionth of April for hey cannot be sold less ate. M. It. COCNTER. 1007 THE LAST CH. Jewellers and Jobbers combination to raise t this day received a which I shall sell duri $1.65 each, net cash. than e2.50 after that Mareh 31, 1887 McIntosh has gone to Portl them there on their arrival, and they are expected here early nett week. 1 Hullett. MELANCHOLY. ACCIDENT. — A mos melaneholy accident occurred i thi tii township on Monday morning 1st, b which Mr. Joseph Martin, of e 8t concession, lost his life. Mr. Marti and his eldest son went out to the bush on Monday morning to cut some wood. In felling, a tree it struck against anothe dead one near by and a erok from it fell down, strikin Mr tin fair on the head and ki ling most instantly. He was stro orous man in the very p ime being only 48 years of age. He Hullett about twelve years township of Darlington, an the farm where he resided his death. He was an E birth, and was an indu living man, and was greatl all who knew him. He le and three sons and three mourn his sad and sudde they have the heartfelt sy LARUE SI1IP1EN .—On last Saturday considerable interest 'astaken in the immense l'ile of large Cases in ront of Mr. Good's store. This lot of Cases exter ding right from the cor- ner up to the Sun Oft e Block and ashigh as they could be piled, contah ed the 'first :Shipment of Boots and Shoes for Mr. Good's Spting trade. Another shipment ere elle large will arrive in a few days. Mn. Goon 8 evidently determined to do his share of the Bo..t and Shoe trade. 1007-1 THE Rev. L. N. -Beaudry, Methodist Missionary to the Fro ch in Montreal, will de. Ever his interesting at d thrilling lecture in the Methodist chureh, o 1 Friday evening of this weak. Mr. BeAttdry i a convert from Remanisiu and will intensely &light and interest by his c•lear, forceful and en ertaining aeooulnt of his life, past and present, his wonderful work for God among the Fren h in Montreal. A great treat is in store for th eitizens of Seaforth. o wit' should miss this are opportunity. Special collection at the elose of lecture. Lecture -to be- gin at 5 o'clock. 1007-1 " THE Pules:erre SCOTT ACT.—The_ shows the attitude Huron on the p Temperance quet brought out at its t (wising the swum ance, this report' answers to the „ Y nexus ON THE following residution of the Presbytery of •esent aspect of the ion in the county, as March meeting in re - 1 report on Temper - being based on the General - Assembly's question from thes ssions of the different congregations wit in its bounds. "That this Presbytery e ntinues its adherence to the Canada emperance Act, be- lieving it as a Tem erance measureto be in advance of a icensolaw, and that good has .been acc mplished. by it, not- withstanding its partial failure from non -enforcement The Presbytery Very much regret,- this inadequate enforce- ment as a thing t at ought not to be, and would urge upon the poVernment lim Mar him al g, vig of life ame t go f ,om th settled upo t the time o glishinan b triou , goo est�ened b yes a wido aug1iters t de th, an pathy of th entire ' community in this their sa bereavement. friends. She leaves a heart -broken hus- band and a family of small children.— Mr. Geo. Smallacombe and family are about removing; from this place to Forest.—Mr. Charles Sanders left on Tuesday for the United States, where he intends to remain, having secured a lucrative position there.— Large preparatiots will be made to have the Stephen and Usborne spring show one of the best in the country; it takes place on Tuesday, April 12th.—Another carload of first-class hchses was shipped from here to the United States by American buyers last •week.—A great deal of property is changing hands at present.—There were two auction sales in our village on Saturday last. There was also a runaway ou that day, but no damage was done.—The covering on the Sa.ub e bridge is badly in need of repair, —Messrs. Westcott & Sanders, Insur- ance, Loan, Machine and R,eal Estate Agents, presented their shingle for in- spection on Monday last. We wish them every success.—That paper they call the - Reflector has taken a move from the old - stand to the unoccupied store in Drew's opera house Monk. We believe this place is more convettient for the bush ness.—A vacant house is hard to get he Exeter just now. —We are glad to notice a number who were confined to the house with sickness, are able to be around again.—Every arrangement is being made to make the games on the 24th of May a success.—We understand that R. II. Collins, of this place will go to Toronto in May to pass his final examin- ation. We are certain that Mr. Collins will not only pass his examination, but will also carry off the laurels against all competitors. The prize will be a gold medal. Mr. Collins, up to the present time, has carried all before him in the way of scholarships at all previous ex, aminations. He will, remain in Exeter. • . Walton. MINISTERIAL CALL.—We understand that the Methodists of Walton circuit have extended an invitation to Rev. Mrs Torrance, of Hensall, to be their pastor after the next meeting of Conference and that the Rev. gentleman has agreed to accept the invitation subject to the approval of the Stationing Committee. Should our Methodist friends be 'so -for- tunate as to secure Mr. Torrance we can assure them that they will have an able preacher, a clever platform speaker and an energetic, earnest Christian worker. • In his present field Mr. Torrance has be- come popular with the people of all' de- nominations and he will not be long in Walton until he is, equally so here. Morris. THE TOWNSHIP FINANCES.—DEAR Ex- FOSITOR.—For the benefit of your read- ers in the townshite of Morris, in answer to an article that appeared in the last week's Expositor Concerning the receipts and expenditures of the township of Morris, I might say for the informati n of the ratepayer ceived froin all balance on hand $20,540.06. Of posited in the Wingham '$6,600 removal, for during his rest Millbank station he had gai fidence and esteem of all do with him by his obliging int APRIL 1, 1887. 1 ence at the ed the con - ng business nner, excel- lent character and busmen tact. The address, in bidding Mr. J4erold good- bye, expressed the earnest wish of the signers that be might long e spared in health and enjoy the larges4 measure of success wherever his future jlotmight be cast. Donn.ybrookl. DOTS. —A number of our young men are preparing for Dakot Daniel White and ilAlbe have already left for that they intend remaining for We wish them success.—M who has beerCsick for some slowly recovering.—Mr. received a full stock of spri ' Stephen. i A NV 04L TAUGHT SCHOOL. --4-A ver guccessfid examination of the pupils f the scho61 in Section No. 3, Stephen, taught by Mr. Saniuel J. Lat a, w• g held. on the 18th of March. T 0 read and correct answers given by th pupi s to the yaristus questions ask d the showed that they had been 'earefull taught and thoroughly grounded in eacti branch. The school was, haudsomel decorated for the occasien and . t interest which the people of the , secti take in their school and the edu ation their children' was abundantly anife ed by the fad thetthere 'were twese over eighty visitors. The ladies of ft section also did their part by furnis ing I the scholars and -guests with libetal supply of the deliteciels ' of t seas n. .Several- •of 'those pre ent de- livered suitable addresses anctt all e pressed themselvesshighlY pleased wi the efficient conduct of the school by t respected teacher, Mr. Latta. A ve pleasant day was closed bythel singh of the National Anthem. • t- 1 - a that the amount r ources including tilte rom last audit was hat amount was • de - )auk of Hamilton at to the credit of the Varna. ACCIDENT. — While 11 Harris wag drawing logs week at Mr. Alex. Mitchell a log struck him on the 1 knee,fra,cturing the bone an the anckle. He will be laic time. FOOT BALL.—A very inte of foot ball was played i Saturday between the . Messrs. t Campion place, where some time. s. Harrison, ie, is now efferson has g goods. r. Nicholas ne day last s,one end of g below the dislocating up for some. esting game Varna last ayfield line school, Goderich township, and Varna school, which resulted team getting one goal. Bin Sawino.—Messrs. • and Frank Weeks cut on Mr. Robert Turner, last w a half cords of stove wood, piling it as well,in three h NEW Fram.—Mr. Georg Parline, has bought a shar Purdue's steam thresher. Ried's extensive. experienc . we bespeak Aare. iday of last . Townsend, pping in the truck him on skull. Very d of his re - a tie, each ohn Wilson the farm of • ek, five and splitting and. urs. Ried, of the in Mr. E. With Mr. for the firm a prosperous f SAD ACCIDENT.—On F week as a son of Mr. W Goderich township, was ch bush a limb from the tree the head fracturing his slight hopes are entertain covery. DOTS.—Mr. Jas. Foote visit seeing his father, Mr who is seriously ill. He i and hearty.—The Litera doing well ancl has a :nearly one hundred.. Th tend holding a concert sho due notice will be given. municipality an $1,675.35 of a bal- ance on hand, a great portion of which will berequired to pay our half yearly interest on our railroad debts. Any of our ratepayers can procure a copy of the Wingham Advance of March 17th in which the abstracts of receiptsand ex- penditures are published in detail. Yours Respectfully, WM. WRAY, Reete. Blake. PROPERTY EXCHANGE. —Mr. R,. Pin - hale exchanged 59 acres on the Sauble Line with Mr. J. Reith for 100 acres on the Bronson Line, both of Stanley. Mr. Reith has sold the farm he got from Mr. Penhale'and. the purchaser will be Ion hand to take possession on or before the 1st of May. FARM SOLD.—Mr. John Thompson, of Blake, has purchased from Mr. John Weir, of Seaforth, the farm near Blake, just vacated by Mr. Alexander Douglas. He pays for it the sum of $6,500. Mr. Thompson has got one of the best farms in the township and is to be congratu- lated on his purchase. Mr. Douglas and his family left last week for their new home in Northern Minnesota. While all will regret the removal of so esti- mable a citizen all will as heartily join in uniting in wishing Mr. Douglas and. his family the greatest possible suceess in their new home. Exeter. A GOOD PRICE.—Messrs. Dow & Corquhoun, of Hibbert, sold on Wedn s - day last a two year old heavy draug t colt fOr the neat sum of :600. We c a Bider this to be an excellent t3rice, a d the animal was a- splendid ne, bei g sired beethat noted horse, " M jor." SAWING MATCH.—On ,Mon ay la t, $5 a side was put up between Mr. W i. P,hair and . Mr. Thos. Welsh, of t is place, as t� which could make the fast st time in cutting seven -eights of a cord of wood. Phair won by one stick. Ti e 55 minutes. SUDDEN DEATII.—It is with profmend regret that we have to chronicle the death of Me. John Jones, of this place, which took place at his residence on Wednesday, 23rd. 'ult. Mr. Jones as a very kind and estimable gettlem n, and his sudden demise has .cast a glo m over the entire neighborhood. He h as beloved by everyone who knew him, nd the friends of the deceased have he sympathy' of the entire, community in , this their sad bereavement BRIEFS.—Thursday of last week s -as one of . the busiest days of the seaspn, and a large number of farmers wer in town purchasing their spring supplie .— i• We are glad to notice that M. Rich rd Pickard, who has . been ill for, s me weeks, is able to be on oer streets ag in. —The body of Timothy Fogaity, ,be ter known as Timothy. Boyle, who as drowned a short time ago its the r ver near Centralia, was found on Thurs • ay hist, about 50 rods from the p ace wl ere he was drowned.—We underetand hat our assistant postmaster is abut , to re- move from our midst. He goes to N w- • bury, where he has gone into part er- ship with Mr. Win. Sm. Ile, they hse ing bought out a tinware lusintss in that place. We wish the .y ung men exiery succeis, and what is Exeter's loss wi i be Newbury's gain, althoUgh we do Inot care to lose such citizens as Mr. .1 zra Spicer. --The funeral of the late 41rs. Hind took place from the residenc of her husband on Thursday of last week, agcl her remains were followed to the gi:ave by a large concouese of sorrowing • • Hensall. THE Hensall Spring Show will be held on Thursday April 14th. For full particulars see Bills. Miss Event has received her Spring and Summer Millinery. - Opening Saturday, April 9th. • ._ 1007 DEPARTURES.—Mr. John Ryckrnan and family, of the township of Usborne, left bere on Tuesday for the west. We wish them a -safe journey and prosperity. —Messrs. John A. Brintnell and John Wren of Hibbert; William and Janes Westlake, of Usborne, and Donald 'Mc- Donald, of Tuckersmith, left here also on Tuesday for Dakota. We wish each and all the best of success. ..; SERMON. —The Rev. Mr. Mutch, of Toronto, preached in Carmel Presby- terian church on Sabbath morning last. Learning of the reverend gentlenean's name, the people looked for much, and in this they were not disappointed, all present being . very much pleased with his 'discourse, which was characterized by good, sound Gospel truths, delivered in a pleasing and earliest manner, and backed up by clear ancl pointed illustra- tions. Jorranose—The recent snow fall made good sleighing for a few days but the roads running east and west are again nearly bare.—The Clinton Glee Club failed to fulfil their engagement here on Thursday evening, the 24th ult., owing, 11 0 doubt, to the unfavorable state of the. weather and roads. We have not learn; ed When they intend coming.—The Rev. Mr. Cox; of Brantford, conducted ser- vice in St. • Paul's church on Sabbath evening last. —Mrs. James Laing, of the township of Hay, recently sold the east half of Lot No. 16 to Mr. W. Buchanan, of the same township. OUR NEW STATION AGENT. —The Mill- bank correspondent of the Stratford Beacon says: Mr. Louis Herold, who has been the agent at this station of the Grand Trunk Railway for the last 'four years, has been- promoted to Hensall. On the evening previous to his leaving, the 14th inst., he was entertained at a supper, and presented by Mr, John Zoeger, J. P., with a complimentary ad- dress signed by all the leading meta at Millbank and NewtOn. The address expressed great regret at Mr. Herold's 11)07 is here on a John Foote, looking hale y Society is mbership of members in- tly of which Zurich. GONE WEST. —On Tues Levigood and Isaac and J here for Dakota. They of Toronto and Winnipeg Paeific Railway. NEW CEMETERY. —The gregation has bought on from Henry Black, on th South, about three-quar from here. It is a nic location. FARM SOLD. --Mr. Jac the letth concession of Ha farm of 170 acres to his t and George. Mr,. Schatz's, farming. AFFLICTION.—Mr. Levi near Drysdale, hies been s His wife died a4er a fes and, with her infanfin t was buried Menday fo Sauble Line cenSetery. of the community is with severe affliction. ACC1DENT.—The other Geo. Broderick, of the was feeding his cattle fell through a trap do below, his bead strikin plank flobring. He sust juries and is very low. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. has sold his stock of stoves and tinware to. Mr. M. Zeller, and ti be under the managem mund Zellar. We wish good share of business. retiring from business on health. He intends rem ich. We are sorry to here, as he was well good citizen. MATnielONIAL. —W e more weddings here si Mr. Chas. Seltzer, of Michigan, has taken aw maids of the 14th con Miss Kate Schatz, and forth reside under the p Star Spangled Banner. Otterbein, of Stanley ha marriage to Miss Le Waterloo county. The performed by Rev. Mr. ay last Mi. lin Moritz left went by way er the Canada three o'clock on the fatal afternoon he changed places for a few minutes With a manswhoste work it was to hold the piles straight. He took hold of the crowbar used. for the purpose and proceeded to steady the pile, the end of the handle of the orowbar resting against his chest. As . the hammer was descending with full force, a knot or other protuberance on the pile caused the crowbar to bend, and the next just:Writ it flew ba4 with terrific forne, the end striking Mr, Reid directly over the heart. He dropped to the ground as though he had been shot, and when the other workmen an to pick him up they saw that he wae dead. The -blow over the heart had stopped the. circulation and death was instan- taneous.. The only mark on tile skin was a bruised spot over the heart. The body was removed to a house n ar by, and was ultimately removed to Bay City to the residence of his Mother. utheren con - acre of land Goshen Line ers of a mile and suitable b 'Schatz, of , has sold his vo sons, Jacob ill retire from Jot, residing rely bereaved. hours' illness, e same coffin, enoon at the he sympathy Mr. Jot:in his day while Mr. Babylon Line, e accidentally r to the stable. on the solid ined severe in - Mr. R. Bus well Deceased was a finely built mar about :32 years, and weighing ov pounds. He leaves a widow, , aged er 200 1 aut no children. Mrs. Reid has been for some time under the doctor's care for heart difficulty. She was not aware that day of the full extent terrible accident, it being deerne0 prudent to break the news to herby de- grees, and thereby prepare her 'nerves for the shock. Deceased was a lrother of William and James Reid, f Bay City, and he was in the emplo , of his brother William. - The warmest sym- pathy of the entire neighborhood is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Reid and fam- ily in their sad bereavement. s serious made of the more WitithrOP. • ,.„, .,., • liENERAL BUSINESS—A. GOVEILOCK. —Store—Stocks having been greatly reduced befOre stock -taking, which is just com leted, a now- supply is being opened of the choicest goods,latest styles, and at lowest prics. The public are cordially invited to call and inspect. 71 Grist Mill—While thanking my custo1iers for their liberal patronage in the past, I vould as- sure them the best of satisfaction in the future. Saw Mill—I have on hand any quantity of dry pine, -maple, black ash, white ash, oak, etc.; a 'large stock of all kinds of timber in log; about 3,000 cedar posts at mill and on farm, flur miles .east of Walton; also a quantity of hay. A. Gov- BNLOCK, Winthrop. • FOOT BALL.—A foot ball mat played at Leadbury on Saturda ult., between the boys of Winthr those of Walton. The game res a victory for the Winthrop bo score of 2 goals to 1. The repor appeared in the EXPOSITOR of la stating that the game was a tie, rect. The Walton correspond probably misinformed of the resu game. Tem WAY OF THE TRANSGRE HARD.—The law-abiding citi Winthrop were startled by t that a councillor of the towns wilfully transgressed and violet law that prohibits any person fr ink; stones, gratel, etc., from t h was 19th •p and hod in s by a which t week s incor- nt was t of the 'SOR IS ens .of e news ip had d a ber- m tak- e high- ways information having been aid be- fore Mr. Mumble, J. P. The co was arrainged and pleaded g • taking 40 loadof stone, for was fined, and had to pay for t besides, the while amounting t e business will eat of Mr. &t- he- new firm a Mr. Buswell is account of ill- ving-to Goder- lose him from iked and was a tave had two' ce last week, urou county, y one of the fair ession of Hay, she will hence- estection of the Then Mr. Ezra been united in a Vincent, of ceremony was laurer. Stanle GOOD WORK.—One Messrs. George and W this township, went to t is known as the "Rob felled the trees, cut, sp cords of wood in five ho COUNCIL DOINGS.— on the 26th ult ; all th sent. The following m ed: That John Alexan for gravel; That the tre accepted; That James of Goderich Star, be ,printing notice of by -1 Brownett be paid $52 f Bartlett for the year 18 Stewart be paid $5.30 hall and $L50 for dr gravel pit. The path keepers and fence vie appointed. The counc clay last week lliam Bates, of e bush on what y" farm, and it -and piled six rs. he council met members pre - tions were pass- • er be paid $7.50 surer s bond be Mitchell, editor paid $2.53 for - w; that Georget ✓ keeping John 6; that George or lamps for the wing deeds for asters, pound - vers were then I then adjourn- ed to meet again as a Court of Revision on the 28th day of lay next at ten o'clock a.m. PASSED AWAY. —Sta ley has lost an- other promising young resident in the -person of Mr. Mr. Jae es Collins who died on the 17th of arch. About a year ago himself and is elder brother took possession of and oved on tg the homestead farm on the 2nd concession of Stanley. He was then in good _health and full of youthful hop . A few months ago he caught a severe old which settled on his lungs and ultim, tely turned into consumption which sp edily did its,work despite the efforts of he best medidal skill. He was a partic Italy industrious,' amiable young man an enjoyed in the fullest 'degree the estee of all who knew him. , He leaves a wid wed mother and one brother to mourn he early loss of an affectionate son and fathful, loving com- panion. INSTANTLY KILLED — On Saturday evening, the 19th inst. Mr. John' Reid, of the Parr Line, Sta ley, received the sad news of the instan death of his son, Mr. John Reid, jr., of Bay City, Michi- gan. A few days pre ions to the acci- dent the deceased we t to Bay View to drive a team which w s operating a pile driver on some boom w ncillor ilty to hich he e stone $14.80. Our Millinery Farquhar. MATRIMONIAL. --On Wednes4y even- ing, 23rd ult., at the residence Archibald Hodgert, a very event occurred, which was the the bonds of: -matrimony Mis Hodgert and Mr. John Duncan the township of Usborne. The c was performed by the Re Fletcher in the presence of a n relatives and friends. We j many in wishing the young happy and prosperous journey life. NOTES. —The entertainment the Young People's Mutual Ment. Society in aid of the Foreign Mission was a success respect. The people of the vil vicinity doubtless appreciate portunities of spending a pleas ing. —A public examination wa School Section. No. 2, Usborne day, 25th ult. A number o were present and everything pleasing and satisfactory. --Th be a sawing match in the Friday, April Ist.—Mr. Wm. had a large wood -bee on Fri ult, There were between 5 men at it. At night they re his dwelling and enjoyed tl dancing until they thought fi their several places of abode. chants are no doubt build ng their hopes On a large trade this spr ing from the amount of- s are displayings—Messrs. Will Westlake have 'been biddin good-bye before taking leave f May they be ,successful in th Mr. E. Williams has been • of Mr. pleasing uniting Emily both of remony Colin mber of in with couple a through given by mprove- Vomen's in every lap and .snch op- nt even - held in on Frf- yisitors eased off re is to illage on Gardiner lay, 25th and 60 Aired to emselves . to go to Our mer - OPENED, Continuation —OF TTIE— opywIi\TG- -THROUGHOUT— THE SEASON. Large Additions —OF NE W— rnerican Styles ON EXHIBITION All Next Week. 7) 16:1 Look at our Windows • ng, judg- ock they nd James friends r Dakota. West.— fling for some time, but is recovermg.—Mr. Arch. Hodgert and Mr. Samuel Pas more car- ried- off first prize at the Sta 1 a sawing match last Wednesday. Brussels. IMPORTED STOCK.—On Sa urday T. O'Neal's heavy draft two -ye r -old stal- lion arrived. He is called Galvane." He is in low condition but ha bone and hair. He purchase an importer in Montreal. Joseph Webster, who has old sod to purchase for T Lachla.n, the well-known hor plenty of him from n Monday een to thena o as Me- eman, re- turned with two Clydesdal stallions. =" Prince of Dragon" is a three-year-old, dark brown with very heavy is an exceptionally fine ani the best yet imported by M la,n. The other, "King of lands," is a two-year-old, i •bay, and is also the makin —ON Wednesday, Thursclay and Saturday ane, and al, in fact . McLach- the High - a bright of a good hors. He was unlucky ini losing the finest of all, a coach horse r sing three y breed, a as much as s insured, E. McFAUL'S Great Dry Goods, Millinery and Cloth- ing House, Seaforth. election the Conservatives, feeling sore over their defeat, thought they could get some balm if they could get a paper started in their interest here, but the -last few days the stock seems to have dropped about 50 per cent. We have about as much need of _two papers._ as a goose has for two heads,--Smitht Brothers are bully engaged laying the material on th ground for the new planing mill. They propose building this' spring; it still be brick throughout, an& will be quit3 an acquisition to the- villa.ge.—Mr. Leird has sold his proper- ty on Elizabeth street to Robert Wilson. for $550. years old, of the Cleveland B very fine animal, and costing both of those landed. He w so the loss will not be so heavy as it would otherwise have been. • There are nog, about ten or a dozen thoroughbred imported Clydesdale stallions in the township of Grey. BRIEFS.—We again had pne of our periodical storms last Sunday, which stopped the early train.—Mr. Gibson, M. P. P. for East Huron, wrote our reeve last week that if they wished to oppose the reduction under the head of municipal qualification, to send down a deputation. The council, however, are a little too liberal for that, as they are in favor of the amendment, thinking the voter the proper person to jud c who to elect, qualification considere .—Gt A. Powell has made an assignm nt in trust Path -masters, pound -keepers and fence - IA):, to C. B. Armstrong. The s ck will be viewers, were re -appointed, with a fen' Goderich. litnirs.—Mr. and Mrs. Campion rc. turned from a trip to New York last Friday. They spent a most enjoy,abler time, and came home quite invigorated. —Mr. H. Secord has left for his far off horne Manitoba. He took with him a large carload of goods, machinery and animals to be placed on a farm. He evidently intends farming in earnest.— Rev. N. Louis Beaudry, of Quebec, preached on Sunday morning and even- ing to large congregatiols, in the Metho- dist church. On Monday evening he lectured to a full house on -" Why I Became a Protestant." The reverend gentleman was very mild in his remarks. —The members of the Goderich gun club are preparing to have a fine match on Good Friday. The prize is to be * gold medal. The betting is strongly In fastror of E. R.' Watson.—Messrs. Ratcliffe, P. Heat, S. Malcolmson and Jo. Williams, the delegates appointed to interview His Lordship the Bishop of Huron, relative to the appointment of rector of St. George's church, visited London on Thursday. Eight names Were submitted,' and one of which will be chosen next week. — Wednesday morning of last week news came flashing in by wire that Mrs. Meyer, daughter of Hon. A. M. Ross, had passed away to her long home. On Friday morning * special train with the remains and "%- large number of sympathizing friends - arrived in town. In the afternoon the remains were taken to the churchewherse a funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Messrs. McCosh and Johnson, and front thence taken to the cemetery where the mortal remains of the loved one were de- posited in their tarrow cell. The coffin Mr covered by beautiful fforal offering* by friends froni Wingham, who assem- bled to pay the last tribute the living can render to the dead.—The great de- bate, which is ceusing so much anxiety in the ranks of the High School students, will come off Friday evening. The High School will be represented by Messrs. J. A. Taylor and T. Allan, and Leeburn will be represented by Messrs. Clutton and 3. Linklater. Hay. COUNCIL M EETING. —At a meeting of the Council held Friday, March 18th, it was moved and carried that the auditor's report he adopted and that 100 copies of the detailed statement ef the same be printed for distribution among the rate- payers. Moved by Mr. Heyrock, see- ond•ed by Mr. Kalbfieiseh, that a by -lave be passed preventing cattle running on the public roads or on commons or un- occupied lands in the township of Hay. The sum of $25 was granted to Peter Ss Geiger on petition of a number of rate- payers, for a horse killed in breaking road e through snow banks. The follow- ing persons were appointed. Road Com- missioners for the current year, viz. R. Carlisle, .1'. Troyer, J. F. Schuettlers N. Mosse, H. Cries, and C. Troyer* sold this week at London, w enthe shoexceptions the eame as last year. After in all likelihood will be again openedpassing a number of accounts the Could! out. It is a good stand and does a good 1 adjourned to meet again as a Court at business.—A. Hunter paid Toronto a i Revision and Appeal, on Thursday 26t.li rks there. About flying visit last week.—Ever since the 6 of May, at 10 a. m. NINETEENTH VVECOLE NUMBER SPRING, 18 Spring JUST OPEN At the CHEAP CASH SEAF New Dress Goods, New ; Cretonnes, New Shirtiugs, N New Ginghams, New Co Gloves, New Frillings, New Embroideries, etc:, all at will save you a little east how small the purchase. Y how Can. we do that? our answer. We can article at the very lowest pi knowing quite well that wl a small profit, we do not ru losing more than we have truck and trade that we m we take trade, but as we • cash, we are sure of what that ever so little, aud ever that the cash always buys truck and trade. Then ti and proper way, which trade for cash and buy th and you will be the gaint way. If you have any ea try the Cheap Cash Store 4 • Ho man et Cheap Cash Cardno's Block, Ss N. B.—Agents for Be liable paper patterns. —Hon. Wm. Smith, P Victoria, British Columt He has bee* ailing for a cot —Mr, and Mrs. Ingn Pa.kenham, Renfrew cowl the fiftieth anniversary of on the Oth nit The gi bridesmaid, who had attei ding fifty years before W invited guests. ' —The DePrt inga.rararimgeeinntfenotel and topographical expedit fields of British Columbia Alaskan frontier. The set out in May, and ib tend over two years, the the party shall explore t try anti prepare, a lull rei ment on its resources, eoi —In -the assizes at Be day, 26th ult., when I' who had been convicted. brought -up for senten• said had the prisoner crime when he his sober have given him a life sen ever, he had done s,) wh and had been enconrag would, on Scott's signi liberate him on his owu appear for sentence wh The prisoner, who glad] condition, was liberated. —Miss Annie Nichol young girls sent out to I Salvation Army, a fe arrived home in days ago. She beeat steamer on Christmas a rest of the -Salvation reached Bombay on the in charge- of Major Jai who was in Canada wit Miss Nicholson was steamer direct to the Colonel Taylor, who is Salvation Army iu Indi her to the barracks. S who considered. Mize declared that to sta,es i tain death, so she and M residence is in London, f4 et sail for Britain. —Rev. Thos. Bake most worthy and passed away on the eve ult., at the advanced ceased was born in Pot the 24th of January, 17 the royal navy when y the position of comman navy to study for th Gospel, and labored Newmarket for many ter in conneetion with qhurch. He remo fifteen years ano. M ceedingly wee infore every respect a thoro tlethan. —Last Monday a lSriffith, who had bee mother, reached his el Arran township, Er apparently dying. and his clothes satu. The wound was sew Namara, and the boy otherwise, after wh adventure. lie said t returning home on • was attaeleed at a road by a man who and carried him all swamp, took his Mon bill—from him and th inflicting a gash soi length. The lad lay Monday morning, effort to reach hon already noted.