HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-04-01, Page 5Lao ler of - me oil ate ay ats the ich on her the erns on esis a a and and ime vere •writ- Ii880 it of ()ate o toles • am r aid ould tome isted _OEN- ' DOW ., On Class from • houn y an 0 lbs. theAln. year from, imaIs :•;$2-16, Ford - 11, on , ques- lounds x -ern- e was -e not' ly in - been ' made - ibson, f the artably mat - given s aen's y test, s. He abably having WM- in ther in e stores in a.nd 834 re- nt two rich for cronto. iderich, ity ever :iter of eateries, : oil work xeltuled e town - a great Ver read had the down to eeainS of s a, COM - was not omething is read. he Gov - a tittle a not be ild be as the Globe John Liv- eeton M. e• * elieve can pion voter OnS. Mr. at Welles- ..e moraint: Arsm I!±!!1 • of the 22nd and voted for Mr. BoWman. fle then drove to Baden and voted for his brather. He took the train at Baden and proceeded to Stratford, where he voted for Dr. Johnston. He afterwirCl8 went to Palmerston where he voted for Mr. McMullen, and to Wingham, [where he put in a good vote for Dr. MItedon- ald. This was certainly a good day's work, and Mr. Livingston has the satis- faction of seeing four of the candidates for whom he voted elected. --One day last week a little child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, of thel Lake road, Hay township, narrowly escaped being polsoneet. Iv nueehe inother was busily eugaged in doing the wcekly washing the child came to her side and asked for something to eat. In con- formity with the earnest request Mrs. Harris thoughlessly placed a pitcher lime, containing a. mixture of soda an which she had. been using in the water, upon the stove hearth and. proce ded to get the child a " piece." Dari g the Absence of Mrs. Harris, the little girl, l rnistekina the contents of the piteher for milk, tool a hearty drink, The danger in which the child had placed itse, If was at once perceived, and mediteal aid sought, when, after the administering of an emetic whieh acted promptly i it was thought quite out of danger. Fot several days, however, it was low, but frca.reful attention being given the child has al- -The following additional. pa concerning the death of the I Meyer,ef Wingham, are g.ivefl Winghaiu Times : The deceased joying her usual good health utast Satur- day morning previous to the Tu sday on 1 which she died, when she was stricken with paralysis. The beet me ical aid was at once summoned, and although everything that was 'possible Was done to save her life, she never recovered con- sciousness frorn the time she eves taken • ill until her death. The deceased was of a, kind and charitable disposition and in her the poor of our town hale lost a true and sincere friend, as she was ever ready to help the needy and wben there atas a call for aid she, always gladly re- sponded. She was a _kind and affection- ate wife and mother, and a Warm and true friend to those enjoying the privi- lege of her friendship, and was possessed of many of those fina qualities ghat go to make a noble Ayornan. She leaves a hus band and three -little girls to mo•arn her sad and sudden demise, and Who have the heartfelt sympathy of tae entire community in their bereavern Meyer intended starting for Ge Monday la.st, but owing to the his wife he will defer his visit time. most recovered, ask Mr. Dale if the ratepayers on concession, who now attend liar are in a worse position than their bora who attend Broadfoot's scho the West Ehd school. Two miles ticulars te Mrs. by the was en - he lst urhey (nigh - I and and a half is the furthest any will be re uired to travel, and the road is as good as the roads to Nets 10 and 11 in Tnekerstnith. Mr. Dale thinks it an injustice tie have so many schools on the 2nd con ession 3.0,1 none on the Huron Road: With th exception of Harpurhey anl the forth, y lines he 2nd co for ayers, have 1 some if re - inform aid by er the he last some- ey tell ng our rsmith Editor 17. Ours Town - w lion Separate school east of Se have no schools on the bounda of Tuekersmith. They are all on Iiijies because it is the proper ph them. As to the McKillop rate Mr. Dale should know that the w thdrawn from Harpurhey echo ars ago, and can do so agai ited, and I am in a position to r. Dale that no rate has been - y of the McKillop raaepa,yers support of Harpurhe school for n amber of -years, and as action t mes speak louder thau words t , "we are capable of manag n school affairs and let Tuck o the same." Thanking you Mr for your valuable space, I remai Truly, G. T. McKee-, Chairma ship School Board. a nt. Mr. rmany on death of for some 0 GOrrie. LOCALITIES.—Mr. Wm. mJanes, son of ix Mrs. R. Jaes, of this village, is spend- ing a few days with his in, ther and. sisters.—Mr. Wm. Dane has a gang of men putting milers into his mill. Gorrie will soon have a "roller rnill."--41r. Watson delivered one of his popular lec- tures ta a small audience on Wednesday evening of last week. Thote present were delighted. with the le ture and manifested their appreciation y tender- ing the speaker a hearty vote f thanks. He will deliver his lecture, . entitled "Pluck, Patience and Perseverance," in the township hall, Gorrie'or Saturda evening, April 2nd. Those who wil avail themselves of this opportunity- t hear Mr. Watson will get roe than th worth of their money.—Mr. Richer Ross, our popular imp1emenI agent, ha commenced work already, ajicl has sol , two self -binders. Mr. RosI is admir ably adapted for the business n which h is engaged. . TEMPERASCE.—Mr. Masora of Harris ton, succeeded in organizing a council o Royal Templars, on Wednesday of las week. The object of the Order is to pr mote the temperance cause, therefor all those who- are favorable to this nobl cause will wish. the council God's spee —Notwithstandin•g that we have th Scott Act in our.village, we occasionall see drunken men staggering on o streets. Any legitimate means whic will' tend to , render drunkenness eve less frequent will be warmly welcome by the better class of our citizens.—R ligious services are being held in t English chareh this week. DEATII OF A P101•ZEER.—Mr. Jam Strong d ied on Saturday last of inflamm tion of the lungs. He took sick Friday, the 18th inst., and medical a d was procured on the following Sunda At hest his illness was not consider d of a serous nature but the disease pr v - ted beyond the centrol of the physiaia who did their utmost. Mr. Strong w s born in Irelendlin 1821. He came o Canada in 1855 and settled on the fa m ly ot rHE /4.0 ON ExPositon, Trinity chu ch next Friday evening by the incumb nt, Rev. F. Parke.—Mr. Forsyth an his son will run theWoollen mill here next summer, Mr. Moffatt having disposed of his interest.—The thermometer dropped to zero Wednes- day morning. —Sleighing has been improv - ed by the aeclent fall of snow and our sports are enjoying themselves.--COun- eil meeting Menday night and School Board meeting Wednesday evening.— Mr. John :Young, agent for the Ross knife sharpener, left Triesday for Peel, Simcoe an Barrie.—A large qua,ntitY of grain has been marketed during thp past week, good prices ranging. —Nearly enough o land for flax purposes has been secui ed. by Livingstone Bros. in this vicini y. --A number of applications -have been made for the office of Bailiff for the 12h Division Court of Huron, among thew being Mr. Wm Campbell, who has been notified to the effect that he will, all probability, receive the appointin t; Mr. Alex. Murdock hav- ing resign Manchester. •l• BRIEFS.—Robert Mutch is still in a ces are church ssful.— ome in Donald lt phy- hope he r. Good- tal ser - len call is com- d hence ad condition.-- Revival serv eing closed in the Methodis ere, and. have been very. succ liss E. McDougall left for her olton on Monday.—John M as gone to London to cons icians as to his health. • We • ay soon be recruited.—Rev. villie officiated during sacrame ices in the Presbyterian chum • SUDDEN DEmora.—A very su as given to a member of unity, to one least expected, ore of those sympathetic fee ings are borne to the bereaved. Th taken away Was the beloved life of Alex. Young, sr., of who, with her haeband, took p pioneer life of this township, a property, forms a leading par section known as " the You ment." On Sabbath afternooi she, as usual, attended service at Srn'th's Hill, '.person •rtner in olborne, rt in the d whose of that g settlet and durang the evening and time of retiring she was in tomed good health. But, sho retiring, she became weak an whieh will be known was from and in less than hall an hou pired. Her family have all g and only two sons with the witnessed the sad event, and them are not in the Province difficult to reach here, but among whom is the second son, now pastor of two leading Presbyterian. charges, near Niagara, have arrived to mourn their unexpected loos. p to. the er emus- tly after •faintish, he heart, she ex - own up, husband s some of it will be the rest, • Wroxeter.' MBER.—A great many peopl sed of the idea that sawrnillin trict is practically a thing o owing to our, timber land come exhausted. That this o idea can be proven any tine a-look over the stock of logt I yard of Themes and Joh0 f this place, where there it feet of valua.ble lumber in logs season's hauling. The largest e season were brought to thie -df SOME T are posse in this di the past having b a mista,k by ta,kin in the mi Gibson, 1,000,000 all of thi logs of t Belgrave. NOTES.—The new harnes opened DOW and will be Enema of Mr. Billingsley's men who class workman. No doubt will be well patroniaed and cessful business.—The revive. conducted in the Methodist Robert, Simpson, of the Sav are doing a great deal of good many young men have been and changed -their ways of 1. trust the good work will be and prosper in our midst.— don, formerly- of Wawanos home last night from Mani his mother, who is very ill He looks well and speaks th of eNorthweet, he says th ing this week. —A heavy suo in Sunday evening and we good sleighing. again althougl cold for this season of the yea March is going out like a lio large number of people a funeral of Mary, eldest Duncan .Anderson, on Thu Her remains were interred don cemetery. Her parents have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in 11 8, on which he deed. The Ilunera,I to place Monday and was ery larg attended, the Methodist church being large enough to contatin all. Oue. Somme—The aianieal exam a. - tion of the Gerrie schooi! occurred on , March 18th. 'Pie was the tenth pu ic examination or this kind held since N r. Campbell, the principal, took charge of the school. If increase ia the att n - dance of visitors indicates increase of interest in education the people of Go rie 'and surrounding country are certai ly taking deeper interest in this than h re- tafore. Ihe attendance ox t this occas'on was larger than that op any ot er similar occasion, there beilng about 50 visitors present. • MIIINIIIMIIIMMEMIIIM11110 SMITH.—In S of Mr. Th STRACHAN. • wife of • a eon.' VINCENT.— mill last lweek by James McEwen,3r., Turnberey. They are three soft elm twelve feiet in length and all from OD tree, comprising in all 3,227feet. Cuitei• tro —I noticed a communieatio 1 from M. Counter, saying that- t club was the first to receive from Seaforth. Why did n ilter go on and say that tli l r club accepted, and said Bru ld suit them to play in ; b would not go to Brussels they would have to drive, a Wroxete challeng Mr. Cou' Wroxet sels wo Seafort play, fo that they would not do, even to pl for the ; medal. The Wroxeter curie s would h ve had to drive also, and it is nothing; but fair that their epponen should do the same. The curlers he are always willing to meet any club Ontario, on fair and equitable ter_ They ale in better trim than ever t winter, not having loet a game and co peting ivith some of the foremost clu in the they wi little TV Births. aforth, on the 28th ult., the Wife s. Smith of a son. I 1 In Brussels, on the 20th lit., the T. Donald Strachen, mere ant, of • 1 1 1 Brussels,' on the 21st Olt., the wife of Mr. Robt. Vincent of a son. 0-OVIER.—In Hullett, on the 19th ult., the wife of Mr. Join Govier, Jr., 'of ithe llth conces- sign, of a daughter. ' 1 . I Marriage. 1 MAN.—At the manse, Br cefield, h ult., by Rev. Mr. Simps nilir. lid to Annie, eldest dau hter of plan, Esq., ali of Tuckersinithl EVENS.—By Rev. J. E. Howell, on ult., at the residence of Mr. Wm. Hullett, father of - the bride, Mr. Yar to Miss Sarah Stevens,lboth of of Owen Sound. RTON.—On the 2114 ult.', at the reside= of the bride's brother, Mr. Henry Kitten, (Iif McConkey, Parry Sound, by -Rev. • Geo. Grant, B. A., Public School Inspector, Mr. James Boyd, of Wilson, to Miss Harah Kirton. - McDOUGALI.,—SMITIL—On the 23rd Ult, by Rev. J. Greene, Mr. John. W. McDougall, of . Port Elgin, to Miss Sarah Smith, of Grey township. , : 1 • , 1 • BROWN—BUTTREY.—In Atwood, on the 23rd ult., by lam A. Henderson, M. A., Mr. John Brown, of Elma, to Sarah F., dangler of Mr. H. Iuttrey, of Grey.: CLEGG--,---FI, DLATER.—At the residence of the brides father, on the 24th ult., by R4/. 11. . IMeguarrie, Mr. John Clegg, eldest elm of •Mr. Jos ph Clegg. to Jennie, eldest daugh- ter .of Mr. Win. F iindlater, all of the town- ship of orris.• •• 1 MASTERS_ , STEWART.—In Bluevalc on the 23rd ult., at the residence of the hride's partnts, by Rev. Mr. Cook, Mr. Martin Ides- •-• ters to Miss Sarah Stewart, all of Morrisl HILL—CLIA on the 30 • George Win. Ch BIGGAR—S • the 29th Stevens, \Vrn. Big the town WILSOX—K a It shop is ed by one is a first - the shop do a suc- meetings hureh by ge .Band, as a great converted ving. We continued ohn Bran, returned oba to see t present. ery highly y are sow - storm set now have it is very "Verily" .—A. very tended the aughter of sday last. the Bran - country, it is altogether lik I hold the Gibbons' medal ye Ile longer. JOIVIINGS.—Our mills here are so thing p • be proud of. We have best in the county, farmers coining awl 12 miles to get gristing done. Co along, tou will not only get good w done, hint you wit be well ueed and get good prices for all you have to sell. eA. good many went from here on Monaay last to p.ttend the funeral of Jas. Stro g, sr. Ile was among our earliest settl rs. --Jimgay-Breathour left here on M 11 - day mdrningaast for Galt, where he as taken it position in a tailoring esta,b1 sh- rnent. We bespeak for him a'eucces ful capeer—Mr. •W, M. Robinson will I at- tend the annual meeting of the Ontario M.utut Life Assurance Company, td be held a Waterloo next week. This la a flavor* company in this neighborhdod, and fast coming to the front all ver the Province. --Mr. and Mrs. have 1een in Teeswater for a conpl weeks, owing owing to illness in the fa of bill Howson, sr. We hope for t speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mrs. sytli are making a visit to Mr. John San lerson and -family. We understand they intend to make their home in Blyth. —BuSiness seems to be somewhat dull • at present, owing no doubt to the se[mre weatter we are having, Tuckersmith. - T F. HARpuRnEy SolooL. — D AR Earosrrota.—In looking over the Trck- ted •om er- af ool ces the ar- On- of ersmith items, in your widely erre& paper, I noticed a communication f Christopher Dale, censuring the Tuc smith School Board and the remove the site of the present Harpurhey SG to Hannah's corner, and citing baste of the -injustice that will be done to children of some 30 ratepayers in purhey, besides those on the lat cession. By consulting the registe the School, Mr. Dale will -find that the Mr. Smith went with . average attendance for the last year was series of Gospel ,Temper only 14 pupils. Does that carrob rate have been held in the Te Mr. Dale's statement. New sir, it ir for under the auspices of th say plats of Temperance, d their sad bereavement — Proctor has recovered fro: severe and dangerous illness abie to do her work again. Lean • is going to erect a nes summer.—The merchants a their spring stock now and a laa* business this: year. • Mrs. John her late and is now Arch. Mc - house. this e laying in xpect to do 11 s. is ly e - he 10 rk THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE I In a few months the many million who form the subjects of this vast an mighty Empire, will be commemoratin in a manner worthy of the occasion th • Deaths. SWEENEY.—In Seaforth, on the 29th ult., . Maria Sweeney, aged 39 years and 16 days. CAR LIN. --/In Seaforth, on the 29th ult., Michael • Carlin, aged 29 years. ' DIINCAN.+-At Lynchburg, Virginia, on the 24th ult., Jane Beattie;beloved wife Of Mr. Julius 1 Duncan, late of Seaferth, aged 49 :years and 6 months. 1 MciBRIDE.I—In the township of Barton, County of Weatworth, on'the 2eth ult., Joseph Mc- , Bride, father of Mr. James McBride, of Sea- - 1 Blyth. FRANK' Metcalf, Myth, diestres to call attention to his Spring Stock which is very large andwebass patterns. Remember Metcalf's i where you can get your Paper charge. Parties buying in large liberally dealt with. Call and se buy, FRANK METCALF, Myth MONEY TO LOAN.—Priv 6i per cent.; company money Apply to M. YOUNG, Clerk of Cou- er and Issuer of Marriage License 1001-8 THE WRONG PAR-TY.—A tion a.ppeared in a Clint week censuring the Counci the town band, whereupon resident was accused of bei and consequently rceived letter from Mr. J. T. Cart r on behalf of the band. The letter, besi es being any- thing of a civil nature, con ained tvtenty five cents which was to be cknowledged by the receiver as a reba of excessive taxation which he might near by the band receiving a grant of 0, which was the cause of complaint i he communi- cation. They have since learned that. they have accused the wrong party, There are a great many ot ers in _town who would like to receive rebate of 25 cents. Wall Paper rted, over 200 the Only place edged free of quantities are' us before you ' 1004 te fund e at at lower rate. , Commissien- , Blyth. 1 communica- n paper last , Reeve and a piaminent g the writer, a registered son of ily eir Or - • forth, COLLINS. Collinl, aged 21 years. MeKEE.—At Glendale, Beautiful. Plains, Mani- toba, pan February 24th, john McKee, aged 21 years. He was a former resident cs Grey • township. HOWE.—In Mitchell on the 18th ult., Sarah Ann, wife of Mr. Wm. E. Howe, aged 39 years and • 9 months. COLLINS,.—In Stanley, on the 17th ult., James Cotline, aged 21 years and 11 months. •• litARTIN+In Hullett, on the 28th ult., Joseph Martih, aged 48 years and 5 days. •ged 91 years. . In Stanley, on the 17th ult., James Jubilee of their belayed sovereign. God bless our Queen, Victoria, Long may she live to be The happy monarch of this land ••Of light and liberty. Great changes have swept o'er the land And prices have come down, But Willis' Boots and Shoes are still •• The cheapest in the town. The farmers say, " It does not pay To cultivate a wheat crop." The public say, "'Twill always pay To trade at Willis' Boot Shop.". • Most people like to pass remarks Each day about the weather; But young and old say Willieboots Are made of good sound leather. All shades of politics agree It is the soundest policy, With due regard to quality, To buy the cheapest boots you see, And study thus, economy; Now Willis' boot shop is the school To carry out this golden rule. • Hard times has knocked at many a door And sternly cried, 'Bring out your.stote.' But this advice we give to all, At No. 1, Cady's Block, call, For Willis has a wide renown • For Boots: The cheapest in the town • 11111011•110i111 — ev. Mr. Deck, late of- Kincardine, hat been appointed pastor of the Baptist chine h, Listowol. AUCTION SALE. On Tuesday, April 5, at 1 o'clock p on L t 17, Concession 8, McKillop; 1 Stock and Implements. John DI Prop ietor ; Geo. Kirkby, Auctione ijr• 0 Wednesday, April 6, at 12 o' noor4 on Lot 9, Concession 18, Superior Farm Stock and Implem Francis Johnston, Proprietor; G Kirkby, Auctioneer. - -lock fi' ell... xan- el loocnk, , Ilett,J ents. eight ief,` 4 Pro- MiSlinery Opening. •GRAND AND ATTRACTIVE. DUNCAN 86 DMICAN,Seaforth • While informing the Ladies of Seaforth and surrounding country, that, their opening of Mil- linery wi* take place on 'Wednesday and Thursday, !April 6th and 7th , Would respectfully -endeavor to impress on their Old patrons, and as n anv new ones as may favor us with a visit, that we have put forth extra. offsets to. make this department more worthy of patronage than hitherto. Our stock of millinery is now complete, and we are prepared to receive Orders for all kinds of millinery before the open- ing, and which we may add will lie promptly at- , tended tO, and executed in the latest style. Hav- ing made considerable improvemersttin our show room, we can now exhibit our inimense stock to advantage. This season we have a very much larger stock of Millinery and Millinery Material than has ever been shown by us at any former period—+eclipsing our very best efforts. Our stook embraces quality, style and Auantity, and while returning our sincere thanks for past favors, and soliciting. a continuance or renewal of patronage, we remain, ladies, Years Obediently, • DUNCAN & DUNCAN. IT IS NOT TOO EARLY R. WILLIS, Main Stret, SEAFORTH, ONT. I 'arm ffus, r. lock rey. nts.1 orge• Ori Thursday, April 7, at 12 o noon, on Lot 34, London Road, ersmith, one mile north of Bruc Sup0rior Horses and Cattle. Al der ross Proprietor; P. DeCan Aue ioneer. •- On Wednesday, April 6, at 1 o' perm, on Lot 14, Concession 13, H Superior Farm Stock and Implen Alsa an Entire colt corning 3; 1400 lbs and sired by "Borland C heaay draught. Walter Riddell, prietoa ; C. liamilton, Auctioneer. BRIEFS.—Maggie Hart at' is horne from Buffalo on a visit. • Mr. Livink- stone, one of our flax ill firm, has rented a house on Queen treeand will l remove his family here s ortli. .-e-A Oar load of horses was ship ed from • the depot here Friday for Montreal by Messrs. Alex. Smith and W. Campbell. the load.—A nee meetings nperance Hall Royal Tem - ring the past o addressed by d orator, and v. A. McLean esdo.y evening. ., Geo. Gibson, who has been for some time living in Manitoba, is reported to be clead.—Mr. Geo. King is suffering set erely from the effects of a tumor on hi Mr. Tonge, of Guelph, invited to assume the p Blyth circuit, will prea in Ebenezer at 10:30, 2:30 p.m., and at Blyth —A confirmation plass w the ratepayers of Tuckersmith to whether we will go on year after incurring the expense and keeping u formula of a school for half work formed., when by removing the same to Hannah's corner we can have a s worthy of the name, and relieve mondville sehool of an over attend' which will in the near future, ne tate the building of additional ac dation, and the engagement of a teacher. By removing the present I believe we are supported by the jority of the ratepayers, and mai posed by those with whom self interest reigns supreme. As to the roads, let Inc rear week. The meetings wei the Rev. Mr. Coburn, the bli per- other local speakers; Itt gave a fitting address T —An elderly son of M hool Eg- rice, CSS1- I110- hird site, ma- 01? - 1 lungs.—Rev. who has been total duties of next Sunday .m., Sunshine, n the evening. 11 be farmed in •Local Notices. A PULL line of all kinds of Fiel Garden seeds of the best quality at WI Youl,fo's, Seaforth. • ROOMS TO LET.—The undersign roorns to let on railroad street. Apply t JAS.tRoBSON, Seaforth. - 1 SOME very fine new maple syr 101.."1".. TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A SPRING OVERCOAT, OR SELECT YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT $14—Several lines of A AT merican and Scotch fabrics, made and. trimmed in style. If these goods were bought in Toronto, they would cost you $20.! ALLAN LINE. Royal Mail Steamships Cabins --s$50, 800 and $70. Intermed ate, ,$30 •' return, no. Steerage passengers are b ok- ed to and from London, Queenstown, Deirry, :Belfast and Glasgow at same rates as Liverpool.• If you are sending for your friends, we can fur- _nish you with prepaid passage certificate to lring ; them from England, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, .&c. Rates of 'passage always as low as by any other line. Fire, Life end Marine Insurance done as u THE MARKETS.AF SHORTII, March 31st, 1887. Fall Wheat per bushel (new)..... 80 77 to 80 80 Spring Wheat per bushel,— 0 85 to 0 80 Oat per bushel and SON & 1005 d has MRS. 0 29 to .0 30 Peas per bushel 0 48 to 0 50 Barley per bushel .... . 0 42 to 0 60 Butter,iNe. 1, . • . 10 14 to a 16 10 14 to 0 16 5x4 p at W1L30N & YOUNG'ai Seaforth. • 1005 , RTST arrieed,. a half -car load of ,No. Hereings,with the heads off. Wairanted good or Money refunded,at $2.50 per barrel. .Cilaatee- wou SC BROWNELL, Seaforth.1005 • OMETIIING extra just now . Tea S at WILSON & Ydoso's, Seaforth. Tr will, pay. MONEY TO LOAN. —Parties desir borrowing money on farm security, at a reason - ns, can her by Office, rt8fie s- St aof ,00 d caps, lighter - on, as I 996 m‘u Pvoleltd ill con - wheat, s, peas,..barle3.7 &c., and nvite all ,my old nds, and as many new on as web to deal h me. Always represei at. mailket and rehouse. JAMES BEAITIE 1.11)77-t.f, Butter, tub. Eggs Dressed Hogs Flour, per lop Ilia Hay per ton Hides per 100 Ihs Sheepskins each Woo Salt (retail) per barrel..........0 00 to 0 75 Potatoes per bushel, , 0 00 to 0 60 Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. .. 1 0 80 to 0 80 'Wood per cord 2 50 to 8 60 500. it, it 1005 , us of abl ha% let Sc no WO fur ed. Me e rate of interest, and on favorable te an opportunity on application, ei ei•or persona.113,-, at Tile Exposnoe forth. )oa'a forget the Big Retirin e- • goinon at 3. McLoughlin's. Abo th of° dry- goods, millinery, hats a , wools, yarns, and groceries to be sl Come soon and secure a good select n what I say—Giving up business. o. 6 WaltenouSE-i—Ha.ving 00 ed my 20th year in the grain business, intimate to farrners and •ott. ers that I s tin etc> -my the highest niferket price fo oa • fri wi st ual. C. P. R. tickets issued to Manitob,„, Beitish Columbia, and all pointseast. Baggage checked through to destination. 826,000 to loan from 6& to per cent annum. Office—Market Street. 1 .... 0 00 to 010 5 76 to 6 00 2 00 to 225 8 00 to 9 60 6 60 to 700 0 75 to 1 00 • 0 20 to 021 A. STRON • AT S16—Fine Overcoats, English Meltoias, Corkscrews, worth Suits from: $14 to $30 in Canadian Gel:111We Scotch Cheviots, Worsteds and German Suitings. per 7 Farmers' Attention HENSALL MILLS, Save Time and Money. by Getting your Clothes made by J.W. MILLAR, the Temple -of Fashion, One door NORTH of E. McFaell's Dry Goods House, Main-st, Seaforth. ATTENTION. YOU SHOULD USE THE Montross Patent Metallic Shingles, •The Best Roof Covering; Fire and Storm Proof ; Light and Lasting; made in Galvanized Iron, Tin and Iron; painted also. The undersigned have leased the above Mills for a term of years, and BEING BOTH PRACTICAL MILLERS having had a large experience in some of the best Mills in this Country, are in a position to turn out Flour, equal, if not superior, to any made in Ontario. We are giving our personal attention to the Business, and therefore Rimers can rely on having their Gristing and. Choppin Done in the shortest possible time, as e will make this work a specialty. Give U3 a trial and you will be sure to come again. LOUNSBURY & NICOL. 1003 I CLINTON, Triarch 31st,1857. Fall Wheat per bushel (new) $0 77 to $0 80 Spring Wheat per buShel.... 0 65 to 0 80. Oats per bushel . .... . 0 p to 0 30 Barley' per bushel..., . 0 42 to 0 60 Peas per bushel ..... ! . 0 48 to 0 50 0 14 to 015 Butter Eggs. Hay per ton Potatoes per bushel, new Apples per barrel Wool , Hides per 100 lbs Pork Cordwood. Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs MMINICEMIX•131•111.10.0.M."11 - . - - .... 0 00 to 0 00 • s 00 to 950 • 0 00 to 0 50 • 2 00 to 200 ..... q0 5200 tt oo . 070021 • 5 50 to 6 75 2 60 to 350 6 pc) to 600 1 TORONTO, March 31.—Fall wheat, 0S1 to $0.83; spring, $0.82 to 0.S3;$oats, 34c to 38c; peas, 51e to 62c; barley, 40 to 57o; hay, per ton, $9.00 to $i5.00; butter, 23c to 25c; potatoes, per bag, 85c to 90c; eggs, Per doz., 15c to 16c; dreseed hogs, per 100 lbs., $6 50 to 84.90. , LIVERPOOL, March 30.—Spring wheat, 78 02d; red winter, 78 02d; California No 1, 7s 09d; Califernia No. 2, Os 00d ; oats, Os 00d; barley, Os oa ; peas, 58 03d ; pork, 67s CHM ; cheese, 65s 00d. , 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES. /r 0 NEY TO LOAN.—Any amount of IV" to loan, on Mortgages, at lowest r interest. Easy terms. Apply to WM. LEAN, Hensall, Ont. 1 money ates of B. Mc- 7-t.f. Our Galvanized Iron Eavetrotigh and Patent Conducting Pipe. This Conducting Pipe is made in six foot lengths, of Galvanized Iron, and. is the only conducting pipe that will stand the winter without bursting. The beet of workmanship guaranteed on any of the above work entrusted t• us. Call arid examine our samples, and get prices. Full line of CREAMERY CANS, MILK CANS, PAILS, & . Repairing and Jobbing promptly attended to. FATIM WANTED.—Wanted to rent small Farm at once, aVith good house and build- ings on it. Address with full particulars R. M. CROFT, & Co., MR. A. McDONALD ALLAN, Goderich, Ontario. 1007-t.f. -------- WANTED.—A Chamber maid and ook at v Kennedy's Hotel, Seaforth. Goo 1 wages will be paid to suitable girls. Apply t 1 MRS. KENNEDY, at the Hotel. 007-2 , MO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersig ed will .keep at his place, Hills Green, du •ng the present season a thoroughbred Chest r white pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. TERMS.—One dollar, withIhe • rivilege of returning if nedessary. CHARLES T LOYEIL 007x7 TENDERS WANTED.—Tenders wil be re- ceiVed by the undersigned, on an 1 before the 11th day of April, for the Ma.sonr3 , Brick- work, Plastering;and Carpentering-wor neces- sary to the erection of a residence, in irussels. Live Stock 'Markets. Mceerayake, March 29.—Some of the drovers maintain that the market to -day was the worst of the season; none of the sales reported were up to 4c per lb., and comparatively few at over 3ic do., with pretty good beasts at about 31c, and common stock at from 2ic to 3c per lb. Leardsh stock were very difficult to .sell at al- most any price. Calves were not nearly 'so plentiful as on last Thursday and better prides were paid, or from $5 to $8 each for good veale, find.rotri $2 to $4 each for common ones. Very few heep are brought to market now, but there is not much demand for them, es the supply of frozen mutton is still too large. 'Lambs have been plentiful last week and prices arc lower, or froni $3 to $5.50 each. The horse market con- tinues active and pretty large numbers arc being - shipped to the United States. Last week the shipments in that direction were 100 horses cost- ing $10,880.50. Thehighest priced large lot were 18horsescosting '$2,118, and the lowest priced large lot were 14 horses costing $1,379. Three horses which were purchased for the Arnaskeg Lumber Company cost here 8657, Or an average of $219 each. • • SPRING SHOWS.. Bai-oarream,--Wednetday, APril 20. SeAsoterna:-Wednesday, April 13th. EXETER., -,-Tuesday, April 12th. Goventrem—`1.'hursday, April I441i Apra 15th. Daniee,—Thursday; April 14th, CLIN'TON,—Tuesday, April 19th. STAFF.S.,—Monclay, Apnil 18th. BRUSSELS,—Friday, .April 15th. -MANGIIESTER, —Tuesday., April 124h. WINGRAM,—Wednesday, April 1:3Ith. HE-ssele,—Thursday, April 14th. STRATFORD, —Nred.nesday, April 13th. Plansand specifications may be seen at WM. GRAHAM, M. 11, Brussels. • Toronto Horse Markets. TORoNto, March 23,-1n the city there are a good many inquiries for driversi, and useful horses for wagons, but -offerings are light, At Grand's sale to -day 25 animals were offered, of which 20 were sold ; among them were a few good general purpose blocks, weighing- 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., - which sold at 8110 to 8141 per head ; drivers, 15 to 15.3, 900 to 1,000 tbs., 84 to 8120. The. an- nual spring sale at Grand's Repository will take place April 19 to 22, when it is expected about 300 animals will be offered-. No purehascs have yet been made for the British Army, but a good many seilers are making inqnhies.: , , A' 'LIMON SALE OF FARM STO 1-1, John Reith will offer for sale on North Boundary, Hay, on Friday, April at 2 o'clock p. the following N.alua erty, viz: 10 steers three years old, 7 st years old, 12 heifers in calf, 6 heifers t two years old, 8 yearlings, 1 thoroughb ham bull two years old, 1 thoroughbre cow and bull calf. JOIN REITH, P FARM FOR SALE.—A Farm conta • acres, being Lot 31, Concession About 70 acres cleared. There are 8 fall wheat. A nice spring creek run the Farm. There is a good dwelling h barns, stables and sheds, good orchard fences It ie situated within, one and y Office. 1007-2 Lot 25, 15, 1887, le prop- ers two iree and ed Dur- Durharn oprietor. 1007-2 MRS. MAIN JOHN KIDp, SEAFORTH. ning 100 0, Grey. acres in fhrough use, two nd good one-half miles of Henfryn station, and two and one- , half miles from Ethel station. This I arm will be sold cheap. Apply to DINISH OVv-ARD, Henfryn I'. O. 1007x3 • —The other day' two Stratford. en named. Brovim and Itamshaw w • cutting wood in the neighborhood of tFie city, and the axe of the latter, which was being swung in a horizontal direc- tion, glanced and struck Brown under Ramshaw dexteroasly turned the axe , Fear's Drug. Store, the chin and made a wound on his chest. in its passage or there would have been \ a case for the coroner. SE AF ORTII. DISTEMP A sure cure is found in t Epizootic & Heave P MANUFACTURED B I.V.FEAR,Seaf R. 1887. • CENTRAL GROCERY. • 1887. wder, A full stock of , Choice Family Groceries always on hand, and sold at • possible Prices. TEAS-- - In Green'Black, and Japan, at prices from 25 cents per po up. Liberal Discount to large buyers. SUGARS— . All Grades. Cheap. COFFEES Green, Roasted and Ground. Spices and txtracts, guaranteed pure. Pickles and Canned Goods—full assortment. Buckwheat • Flour, Corn and Oatmeal, Flour and Feed always in stock. • rth, lowest SEEDS— As usual, we have for sale Clover and Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Kentucky 13100 Grass, Red Top Grasse Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Turnip Seed, Mangolds, etc., etc. ROCKERY AND GLASSWARE— We hold a Choice Assortment of goods in this department, Comprising Tea Setts, Breakfast Setts, Dinner Setts, and Cham- ber Setts, in White and Printed Ware. Prices very low. China • Tea Setts from $5.00 upwards. Glassware, a very large assort- ment, and at prices to suit the tiines. Table and Hanging Lamps, a large stock, and will be sold Cheap. Now is your time to buy Crockery and Glassware, as we are determined to Reduce our Stock, regardless of price. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY SEAFORTH. It will be remembered that four or five years ago, when the distemper went through this part of the coin try, that the only sure cure was that pi t up by Mr. Duncan, and we take .grea pleasure in informing you that we lave the original and only recipe that ill save your horses from this foul disei se. Ask for and take no other. Only 50c a Package at CASH FOR CLOVER OED AT O. C. WILLSON'S, • SEAFORTIL The undersigned will pay the Highest Market Price for good clean Also all kinds of good clean SEED GRAIN wanted. 0. C. \WILLSON. SEAFORTH. THE BRODHAGEN 1Westcott & Sanders. SASH and DOOR FACTORY1 —GENERAL— . • PLANING MILL. Charles Querengesser, Manufacturer of Sash Doors, 131inds, Mouldings, etc. This establishment is situated on Lot 31, Con- eession 8, Logan, aiidsix Mile8 north of Dublin, a good road all the way. Partiesintending to build will find they will make -money by buying from ide. - Good work and the best material gufo•anteed. Good Dressed Flooring and Siding a., $17 per thousand. • Charles Querengesser. Broadhagen P. O. 1005 ,Tice, Loan, and Machine 5e,nts, Exeter, Ont. A lait. amoutit of Money: to Loan on first - cies ortgagc s. A,. •••ts and Notes Collected at reasonable rates Ali , lc of Farm Implements supplied at the most ri....a-onable'prices. A call solicited, and satisfaction guar- anteed. WeStCOtt & Sanders, EXETER, ONT. 1005-S