HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-04-01, Page 1NINETEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1,07. 1 SEAFQR H FRIDAY, AI-JRIL 1, 1887. McLEAN BROS. Publishers, ice SPRING, 1887. pring Goods JUST OPENED CHEAP CASH STiORE mute may mom ling how hti usly the very ree —At the— • IIIFE IN INDIA.. AN INTERESTING LETTER BY D. E. M'CO.N- NELL,I IN THE GODERICH SIGNAL:- Steaming through a quiet, sultry at- mosphere, the evening of the third day Ifrom Madra.s brought us to the waters of the dirty, muddy Heoghly, one of the• principal outlets 'of the Ganges. - The time was pleasantly spent throughout the whole passage from Colombo to,Cal- cutta in, reading, playing chess or draughts,' or in sleepy conversation with the dozen or so Iadiau passengers all of whores, under the reeky Bengalese at- mosphere, were as destitute of energy as were we ourselves. The steamer was obliged to lay to darittgethe pight, the river not being navigable to ocean-going steamers after dark. Next morning we were within 26 New Dress Goods, New Priuts, New Cretonnes, New Shirtings, New Cottons, New Gingharris,seNew Corsets, New Gloves, New Frillings, New Laces, New „ Embroideries, etc., a,I1 at pilices that will save you a little cash, no matter how small the purchase. Youl will say how can we do that? Well, here is our answer. - We can mirk every article at the very lowest possible price, knowing quite well that when we mak a small profit, we do not run the risk o losing more than we ha,ve made on the truck and trade that we might get did we ta.k&tracle, but as we on§r sell for cash, we are sure of what we make, be that ever so little, and everybody knows that the cash always buys cheaper than truck and trade. Then take the true and proper way, which 18,1 sell yo trade for oasis and. buy the game wa and you will be the gainer !by lo way. If you have any cashl to spen try the Chean Cash Store of attain u• day he is quer- 1 Ma - 511 the s to be to call Paper r• iace free. of Eies are >re you 1004 ads- at er rate. te are aildiere utes to ble some m the reed to da and f this, -nee of leschool the d no 'ard the ther or -shall be Board - against saion is d Miss y morn - number train his an- andsome ts were the Ro- ham, on several arty ap- y of Mil - ere ship - Messrs. s of salt. te Eliza - sit, was Trinity e edifice Rankin tho did •ery silos Clinton has gone 's teach- mmertda- successs the best - Hoffman (I Co., • THE WIDE MOUTH OF THE H but no land was visible fot !tie Then we had on either side banks covered with thick lungle, with now and again a mile or so of well culti- vated cocoa -nut groves, palms ,and luxu- riant vegetation. hia,ny nativts villages are passed nestled among the palm- groVes along the shore. The river is alive with boats, barges, rafts, ships, and steamers ; groups . of natives here and there are havine their morning bath in the saCred river. 'Cattle and donkeys in handreds are grazing along the bank and cooling themselves in the shallow waters close to shore ; everythingaround renders the scenery decidedly 'attractive. The hay -rafts are -peculiar features of the Ganges. Our steamer passed a score of these, which can onlybe likened to stacks' of hay floating up the river. No wood- work or float is observable, but at each side an oar works by some un§een force supposed to be a native concealed in a hole in the stack., This is the only means of reaching the market with hay and straw from great distances up or down the river. The steamer dodges about from side to side to -avoid send banks, but notwithetanding the pilot's wateh- fulnese SHE RUNS AGROUND, and a large British India steatner that had followed in our wake 'MI the way from Madras, triumphantly creeps by. The navigation of the llooghly requires a pilot. The sandbanks are, Continually shifting and what may be the channel this reonth may next mont be a sand- bar which a craft of five t ns' burthen cannot pass: •ee hours. the low ing the hea is n offic afte odies were brought out with life id , all the rest having died from. the , pressure and. want of air. .The site w occupied by one of the finest post s we ever saw. The city was shortly this horrible event captured by Cli e and Admiral Watson, and has ever sine ish. the con pou ade remained in possession of the Brit - The principal places to be seen are Botanical Gardens, Fort William, tructed at a °est of three million ds sterline and the Maiden Esplan- a beautifq open square, with sever- al nonumente. and laid out in splendid walks and drives. In the _cool of the _eve ing CheaP Cash Stor, N., H.—Agents for Butt rick's Re- liable paper patterns. ..._____L_ —Fifty-six students went up for t le anatomy examinations at Queen's U i-' cluding four ladies, paseed, —The Senate will have some work on their hands clurbeg the corning sesaion, of Parliament, as no fewer than seven appli- cations for divorce are already filed. —Alainson Elliott, of Oxley, county of Essex, , has a deg eight Months o d, wh•ich weighs 148 pounds. The pu is part hound and ma.stiff. It is from he kennel of the Lard of Bois Blanc. —The population of the township of Glengarry is estimated at 5,600., of which , about 5,000 are Macs, and of these about . pass the i 1,o00- -are Macdenalds and McDonne Is ; PB,IsON, PALACES AND (;;ROUNDS there are also a large number of Carrier- - woman named -Williamson 'has been, committed for trial on a charge" of seeding a threatening letter to Mr. Clax- ton, of Paisley, a respectable: resident and business man of the place, with the !ob- ject of extorting money from him. ,—The train with the mails. and pas- sengers for England fron: UPper Canada, due at Halifax on- Saturday, failed to reach that city in time on account of the great snow blockade at St. Flavie, Que- bec. The steamer Peruvian therefore sailed for Liverpool without them. —At least one woman Voted in the recent Dominion elections., In copying from the municipal lists in North Oxford the name of an Innerkip woman got into the north riding list and was overlooked by both parties at the Courts of Revision. - Stie claimed her right to vote, and did —A Coboarg preacher, W'hile watching the sport at the toboggan slide, saw a good many of his flock there. A! by- atander asked him why he did hot take the toboggan slide for a t it wae a good idea, and th turned up the first verse Nairn, and preached el -e-There were last year aeyium at St. Agatha., in on ari th tu th be pr el gl s. WE ISTROLLED -ABOUT the Maiden, now teeming with 4e tocratic Indian life of this vast ciey. And India's capitel had- gath'erO re her beauty and her' chisralry!." w a rich Indian nabob, with a mag - cent carriage and pair passes, his red bailed " sices" running on to clear way, while he and the black-eyed uties beside him laugh and chat ass rrily as though England, under the text of Christianizipg his forefathefs, not passed the seritence of perpettial very on him and his nation. !! ow even a more gorgeous turn-eut des by, black gentlemen in strangely aped garments,- glittering with gold a d silver !lace, black ladies, brown la ies and browney-white ladies in white, p'nk yellosv, green or blue muslin man - a st si ta 1. a s, no other covering apparently but is web without shape or make thrown tlessly about them, so their bejewelled oiled around the glassy little lakes, meted an the- heart of the Eu opea.n eater, and teeming with its myr ads of honestly putting the questions of the before them, is true. We converted many that we turned a Tory prese e fish; we have obeyed the prepared for our late member into a DICTATORLAL MOUAMEDANS form constituency with 61 of a malori by sitting; down on the hot marble flags and that with a list stuffed- with o tq take Off our boots that we may roast 125 bogus Tory votes dishonestly the soles of our. feet (and inwardly, I +r,o,d �n�t left on at the final court fear, had thoughts akin to wishing all N_ohamrnedan souls in like predicament) in crossing the marble courtyard into t eir mosque ; have invaded the sacred p ecinct of a Hindoo theatre ; have en " `eat out of " several rupees by t e inns to cupidity of guides, boys, and egg ; so paying our bill we are on e mos a once more. What a strange ad seems like a glittering centre pi a cloud of colored muslin. The hor e gaily caparisoned, the harness ric °tinted, the carriages equal to t ece ses ily ose ars eling ur we i this i now few ailwa ickets uckn he lin nto t nglis re m nd se ith i isonstchne his be ly be EXPO last some side ridip held cedin are start tive your senti vetes THE Hur both Bonn allos colu cize exp Thi Ano tern ing the the the oth f satisfaction takes possession of ried brain when we feel there is NOTHING MORE TO SEE lace, and the sight-seeing which ecoming wearisome may rest for lours at least. At Howrah, a suburb a mile across the river, are procured for Benares, Delhi, w and all points cif interest along . We find, when the train backs e depot, that the cars are all in shape and appearance, but ch better ventilated, and all first ond class carriages are provided genious spring panel contrivan- matrasses for sleeping on, traveler may, if weary, let down by toucbing a spring and literal- ' laid away on his shelf." • through the ruling of their own offi en a legal technicality. It will be so thing for your correspondent to tl about, where those converted To carne from, which will be a good more profitable than wasting his b power worrying over the Catholic I may tell him that they are not me his calibre,- but men who, like the Alexander Mackenzie, put countr fore party. Let us return to the idings as we eoted by in 1878 same election and franchise law, na the local lists and responsible retu officers,. and be would see the Re party, headed by the Hon. Ed Blake, sweep the country of boo and bribers. Mr. Blake noW had jority of the electors in Canada a last electiop though not of repre tives, but. I would remind our f that we have before now defeated in a House with - 40 majority, , Tory majority is not so high as-tha time. Trusting I have not tresp .ANOTHER EAST HURON REFORAI R Emeoa,—I see in, last week's ITOR a Conservative's views of the lection which probably requires xplanation for your readers out - en in HydePark on a fashionable , ay. f East Huron, for those in the way, all my mistaken ideas of the sd ial fully understand the position ate of India ! There is y both parties in the last and pre - AS MUCH FINERY Alk.:D FASHION I elections and know that his views THE PILOTS ' OF CALCUTTA . in point of position, pension; and pay are foremost- among the pilots df the world. They draw afl the way fr4n $1,500 to $10,000 yer year, a,nd are Perfect auto- crats on shipboard once they are within the river, Oar vessel brou ht her pilot from Madras, where the last outgoing steamer had left him. He was so quiet the passengers were not astare such an important personage was o within the Hooghly ; then sailors had to fly around quietly swallow a large d andeven the captain wes to have anything to, say in of hie, 'own vessel. Just steamer is wharfed at Gars board .until offieers and as well as se of abuse ; ot permitted he directieg before our en Reach we xt. He said next Sunday of the 26th neatly sham in the orphan the county of Waterloo„ 44 inmates, 291 malea aad 15 females. Of these 42 were froni the village of St. Agatha, and one noniresi- sient of the county. The revenue" was $1,120.64, including the Governinent grant Of $271.16. The erear's expendi- ture was $1,184.64. The inspectot's re- port on the condition of he school was very favorable. . —A large and enthusiastic convention of the temperance workers of the county of Oxford met at Woods:tack on Mopday. The executive committee reported on the working of the Scott relating the difficulties 1 Act, and the better p future. It showed the months there have been 21 convictions and $2,000 collected in tiiees, with about i1500 yet to be collected. ! —A very serious 'and Painful accident happened a! few days ago to Mr. Wm. Sinclair, l'h A., head master of Sarnia High School. While cenducting some chemical experiments foe the benefit of his class in the school a. glass sressel cap- taining water, into which' he dropped a piece ef sodium, exploded with great -Ogee, shattering the glass into minute fragments, and, it is feared, driving :mule of the particlea "into one of his eyes. The wound was an exceedingly pair:dui one, and as it May also lead to the loss of eight in one ,or perhaps both eyee, the probable consequences are ex- ceedingly aerious. Mh. Sinclair was taken to Detroit the I same day and placed ha skilful medical hands for treat- ment. i of the ex -king of Otale. need he gets a yearly stip British Government of re are infer- snd from she 10,000, and maintains mueh of the lutgly magnifi- cence onee displayed at 41, —the kingclo•m of Oucle ct in Oxford, enforcing the ospects for the in the last ten meted palaces ch's kingdom one of the weelthiest and meet densely pyulated of the Northwest Provinces—Vas " an- nexed"' by the British' 1856, which action gave rise te the hei eible mutiny, the 'eaddest peges II The palace is inartistic:4h colors of the rainbow, and of several acres. The men, several beautiful Eu walls.of his garden is ke mound, containing:- aver a sing serpents, and. ther cages -containing Bengal ti lest hia majesty might s dim). history. painted in the covers an area ing is a pro- ng, it is said, besides a score of Ins oan countryvvo-, ithin the big thousand his ers, of which me day for little diversion let them f ee, the peopl in the neighborhood live. aily in dread At last we are on the wh rf with • ly displayed here as op "Rotten Riiw" else and mis-leading. He first f pedestrians, mounts, and carriage' we yelled himself of the columns of rrive at the " Garden of- Eden," a', de- paper during , the election in pre- ghtful,-charming spot close to the river's g their reasons for receiving the dge and to one side of the .Maidasa. of • East HUrOD electors. Now, his is the fashionatsle promenade where EXPOsITOR is more read ' in East any of the Carriages stop, that the! oc- n than probably any other paper by upaalts may take a turn under the brit- , sides of politics, and is known to be iant electric light. A military band to the core for Reform, and while iscmirses pleasant music from a costly ' •ing Conservatives the use of your omed bandstand, the air is delightfully , sns you -are always ready to criti- ool from', playing fountains ; this 'vera your correspondents' views and ant nook is redolent with sweetiper- ' se wrong and mis-leading views. umes from fragrant floivers and shrubs ; • is perhaps one of- the reasons. he whole effect is entrancing. Here we her is that if Conservatives at - ere among a strange •people glitteriug ted to use your columns in; circulat- with broaaded silks and satins cdrrese the same false personal attacks on ponding in many particulars with our haracter of Dr. Macdonald that was boyhood's' conception of many pf!. the stock in trade of the canvassers of characters in the Arabian Nights' Oster- soncession lines, neither yousnor any tainment. We moved about °anon the r editor of a respectable paper would crowd- but could understand ne hing '.pub ish them, and besides that, if made that was said, and only a few Earopea,ns pub ic they could be contradicted. They could be seen in the assembly. W, f°r1 were only told where no one was present got thei oppressive heat of a few houre ago, the inconveniences. of Calcutta'S best hotel, the long fatiguing joarne , beforeause and had ahnost decided td remain here for the term ----of .our netural life, when we were plucked by the elbow by our traveling dom_pamion and infeemed that " If we didn't -vamoose pretty live- ly we wouldn't get anything to eate' This. brought us up staading, and in a few minutes we were sitting under a punkah at the Great Eastern table d'hetle enjoying I for which, by this time we had acquired a sneaking regard. ! Next morning we started out 'early, armed with letters of introduction.. to some of the Xnglish citizens, only bne Of Whern we found. The day was !spe in visiting the bazars, the Eurive quarters- and some of the public ina,c Alas, how our last night's visions • splendor are dissipated ! We are to day walldng through streets surrounded by r Hyde Park. But amidst the bu tle out by saying that no Conserve- THE BUSY INDIAN CAPITAL all astir about us. The eat oppres- sive, the natites even, w notice, dras under the shade of some •iendly tree o shed to unwind a part f their cotto turban. to fan their s Ming, greas ebony facee. The Oar y (carriage) directed by the guide to he Great Eas - ern hotel. It truly is we 1 named, for 't extent and price go, but point of con - t • fort or convenience the "great" won fit. Up two or three wi ding stairwa to a stifling hot room What would we give fo an elevator hi But such a can institution is not We tlirow our perspiting body en We are sho% the luxury modern Arne flown Indi couch and hand the keys to unpack the portmant comprehend now the phere or climate. Th often rises to 120' in t hot season, but fortune. not yet the hottest par what a fearful broiling to undergo. Calcutta—(from " Ki saris, and ful plied to atm mercury he le shade in t ely for us it of the year, we would ha 1- a place) hes a populaties of over a in medans with about 20,000 Europea Iadia Camila Was then call We have and as many Eurasian founded by thej East jest 200 years ago. Fort William, but, sub the name of Citicutta heard of is s. SQL.ALOR, DIP.T AND DEGRADATION in endless copfusion. The bright side of native Indie WaS seen in the pleasant hour or two which we spent on the Mid - den and in the well -named etarden of Eden. The dark side—the side lof the great masses of the populace--w4s seen continuously until the day we sailed from Bombay a few weeks later. Palanquins are used extensively, and at any mo- ment you may meet a lazy, fat Engllsh officer or European merchant, stretched at full length in one of these heavy •boxes slung from the shoulder§ of four sweating, naked coolies, who trot along panting under their load like jaded cat- tle. The shops in the native quarters are very small, and the whole outfit, stock and fixings of one might be pur- chased for a few dallars, _but t 'ere thousands of these penny affairs, pati peens purchasing whatever they , reg from the large, well -stocked eStabl ments in the European quarter ot tO cry an nos be Op Al iss say bac No tli 11 attacked the city in 1756, and afteif a short siege tools it, when 146 men fell into his cruel hands; h 146 men in a small c and in the morning-onl w he stored th se 11 20 feet squahe, 23 ghastly loOk- wHITES VS. NATIVE POPULATION. Althotigh there are about one hundred -and fifty thousand Eutopeans, lathe today :Oa against nearly two hundred and fifty millioas'of,natives) it he a ques- tion whether there is one adult Duo: peen iu the country who can beast a father living who was born here. India can never be colOnieed by Europeans born in the land, for the state of the climate will not .permit it. If children. of European parents are born here they are sent to 'Europe ae soon as they• are old enough to trevel: On the way from Bombay to England a number of fellow passengers Were en route home to see their wives and families, whom they had not seen for many years, preferring to leave them in England to toeing them in Indies Military men are obliged to put in 20 years in India, them if they desire they may retire on a pension.' But out stay in the " city of palaces " is .at a close. have seen its lions. We have etood. on the site of the infam- Maidan : the Garden of EdeiT with its !little lake and Burmese Pagoda ; ,have visited the bazars of Chowinghee and Chitpore Road ; have gone through some of the fashionable Mammoth, European business esta,blislLents ; have are on - ire sh- the ontradict. Rel'itays that in 1882 our was _the Canadian Pacific Railway Boundary Award, and that they are • dead issues, but his memory must bad or he is ashamed of one act we o there were several other important es that we opposed them on. He e we then told that if Sir. Johe got k he would. give away our territory. w easy one knowing anythipg about subject must know that since then Canada. Royal Templarism is ilourishi increasing in Hamilton. —Ridgetown union will place t ance literature in the library o Mechanics' Institute. —The Whyte Brothers are no ing their valuable aid at revival —A Humane Society for the in sioh of every species of cruelty i established in Hamilton. —Over $20,000 has been subscr the Hamilton Young Men's Cl Association building fund. —The special evangelistic sem Chalmers church, Woodstock, a continued with increasing interes —The Toronto Homing Pigeon ation.is preparing for a series of -take place during the summer. —The Canadian Pacific railvvay ers will commence running for th between Owen Sound and Port on April 13th. —Detroit river is open, and steamers plying from Detroit even as far as Cleveland in Lake Erie. And oronto Bay is full of ice. —The first season's cargo of smoked fish arrived in St. John the o er day from Grand Manan, in the s ape of 5,000 boxes of smoked herring. London, has been appointed medical examiner for the'Knights of th Macca- bees of Port Huron. —The other day Mr. John ortley's team drew a button -wood log eighing 92,000 lbs. from EsSex Centre o Wind - soy on a pair of common trucks. —Two hundred immigrants 'rived at Winnipeg from the east last Sunday morning, 300- arrived on Fri ay -and several carloads more were on he way. —Two men named Trembly and Roy are under arrest at Ottawa cha ged with ment of a signal station at the southern stealing, in greenbacks, $295 ft oni Dom- _ extremity of Vancouver Island, to be Sit John gave part of it to Manitoba, an but for the courage of Mr. Mowat, Ontario's Premier, in opposing this gift an forcing Manitoba td submit a case to th Privy Conncil, each resident of On- io would have been a sufferer to the at th ti th ount.then stated. I He. says Sir John u said he would not risls his repute - n as a lawyer in saying it was ours, t he did risk whatlittle he bad (and. ging from the cases sent to the Privy upcil that was not muCh) by saying t it was not ours. He aleo asserts ay BO ve er ut er, ne- ink ies eal ain ote. of on. be- ame ely ping orm vard lees ma - the iend them the this ssed, Much inforthation was given on the whole subject in the lecture. The Rev. Dean O'Conaor, of the Roman Catholic church, moved 'a vote of thanks to the lecturer, and! in a few well-chosen sen- tence§ expre§sed the pleasure he ha,d, ex- perieneed in listening to such an excel- lent discussion of the subject. The motion was seconded by Mayor Ross and several other gentlemen, who com- plimented. the reverend lecturer upon the, able dismission of the subject. ---,Mr. Wen. Bueglass, apiarist, near Bright, has received from the Indian and Colonial Exhibition a commemora- tive medal. Mr. Bueglass was the largest exhibitor of honey from the county of Oxford. He has now over two hundred colonies of bees. —The Guelph Ministerial Association have pronounced against Sunday, milk delivery, against ,keeping stores open after 9 p. m. on Saturdays, and against keeping drug stores open on -Sundays to such an extent as prevents- employes from attending church. —At a late 'meeting of the town coma - oil the ciaestion of having Palmerston made into a county town was discassed, and a committee consisting of Messrs. and Dr. Stewart was appointed to ins terview the Ontario Government to pro- mote the interests of the scheme. —" Lately in Calgary," says the Winnipeg Sun, " as high as $40 was paid for a gaMn of whisky, and $60 was offered for two gallons. One party who had two gallons of dark Hudson's Bay brandy was offered $120 for the lot, but refused to take it, holding out for $150." —Mr. Alex. McLachlin, of Amaranth, the well-known Scottish poet, who was stopping in Toronto for a few -days last week, carried home with him au admir- able portrait of himself, painted by Mr. W. A. Sherwood, of Toronto, aud pre- sented to him. —Measles are gradually dying out in Amherstburg. for want of material to work upon. There is scarcely a house in the town where there are children that has escaped the disease, and those who. have not had it are expecting a visit. The children are returning to the, —It is said the Ontario Pacific Rail- way construction will be commenced in April. Tbe proposed road begins at Cornwall and terminates at Perth, a distance of 82 miles. It will cost about $1,040,000; of which $100,000 has been promised in bonuses. . —Saturday night two travelers from Montreal missed the ferry from Windsor to Detroit, and hired a small boat to take tan across. Loud cries for aesis- twice were subsequently heard,- and these died away into piteous wails. It *is believed the boat capsized and both were drowned. —In Montreal the ladies of the Wo- men's Christian Temperanee Union have pliced,in-the hands of policemen at the railroad stations the addresses of suit- able lodgings for young girls coming as strangers- to the city. Many applica- tions have been made to them for such —The Marine Department has in con- ternfilatibn an elaborate scheme for per- manent improvement in Pacific coast navigation. This includes the esta,blish- g and mper- their lend- meet- ppres- being bed to ristian ices in e still Associ- aces to to be young men belongine to tIhe higher class of society who mat'de themselves very conspicuous in the riots waged they , first arrived there. Tbe police have set to werk upou a clue and it is hoped that the perpetrators will be ap- ----Lady Macdonald, accompanied by her invalid daughter, left for Banff, Northwest Territory, Monday night. It is thought that the sprbsgs will improve Miss Macdonald's health. —John Herstine who is aceused. of having left Belleville with goods belong- ing to Mr. Vermillyea, a merchant, was arrested at Kingston oe Tuesday while crossing the ice from the States. He had about $200 worth of goods secured in a sleigh and trunk, all of which were seized. It is thonght lierstine sold Mr. g000s in the States and bought those he was bringing in.. Re is charged with embezzlement. —In the death of John McDonald, of Ingersoll, Oiford loses one ef its oldest residentS, and one who was for many years prominent ia the life : of the- dis- trict. The d-eceaSed leaves ji very wide circle of friends and. relatives ; among these are James Noxell and Dr. Springer, of Woodstock, his- s sons -its -law. Mr. McDonald was once a cendidate for Parliament in the South Ridipg cif Ox- ford. —As a tesult of the recent visit of Mr. Van Herne, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, to Ottawa, a proclamation is published disalloWing the- act incorpor- ating the Rock Lake, Souris Valley and Brandon Railway Company, paesed-by the Manitoba Legislature at its last ses- sion.' Verir little sympathy is felt at Ottawa fur the Manitobans, who have al- lowed themselves to be fooled by Tom White's premises. - —The energetic president of the Ayl- Union, Miss Belle Murray, has been - obliged, ori accoent of failing health, to sever her donnection with the Union for a time and has gone to California for a few months, Before hee 'departure a handsome preseut was givee her by the Union, aacompanied with resolutions expresisivd of the regret of the society in losing even for a time !the valuable help of so prominent a merieber. —At al meeting of the Wentworth Farmers' Institate, held at Hamilton on Saturday,, delegates were appointed to give evidence before the Railwa.y Com- mission on the grievances of fruit -grow-; tee was appointed to Sxrange for a meeting in Toronto of reptesentatives of all the Farmere' IPstitutes in Ontario, with a view to, united action ip having the farmers represented before the com- ini—ssiT% ProteStant burying grounds in Toronto are now closed op Sunday and no more Sanday funerals will be allowed except in cases in which :immediate in- terment is rendered necessary. For this purpose certificates will be tequisite. It has been urged on behelf of clergy- men, undertakers, hackmen and others engaged in funeral serviees that it is un- fair that they should have to take part in such services on Sundays, and the ob- ject iu view is to preserve as far as pos- sible Sunday as a day ef rest. . —Mr. John Senegal), a veteran of the war of 1812, died at St. Thomas Satur- day morning et the advanced age.,of years and. 5. months. Deceased swas born in Montreal in 17A He enlisted in the Canadian volunteers when the Americans invaded _Canada in )812, and secured his discharge in 1815. De- ceased took part in the battle of Fort Detroit and Chrysler's farm in 1814, serving under Colonel Salisbury,aand was awarded a medal for his brevery. —The business men of St. John, New Brenswick, were startled the other day by the assignment of Mr. George Mc- Leod of that city. He has been one of the largest lumbermen ,a.nd lumber mer- chants in Viet Province, having milling property on the North Shore. He also held wharf and warehouse property in St. John, and was copcerned in large shipping interests. Me. McLeod owes the Maritime Bank about $110,000 hi obligations fifteen months old. as The creditors outside of the bank are moetly in—EnTghleanwdo'nderful growth of the tem- perance sentiment among politicians was shown in the Nova Scotia Legislature Friday afternoou when; a member moved the second reading of a bill re-establish- ing saloon licenses, Init. could not get any one to second his motion. Filially the Premier seconded it as a matter of courtesy. When a vote was taken only the mover and eeconder Voted for it. The Premier admitted that prohibition would soon be an accomplished fact in Canada, end advised liquor dealers to prepare for the inevitable. —The Monetary TiMes has been ex- amining the report of the Wellington Mutual Fite Insurence Company for last year, and ' finds that out of 25. fires, causing a loss of $13,837, the origin of some to be as follows The breaking or explosion of coal oil lamps accounted for fective chimney, another ; sparks from a forge, one ; sparks frem a locomotive, one ; plumbers thawing water pipes, one ; caught from adjoining bnildings, four ; defective stoele pipe caused one fire ; an electric lama another ; a " dry kiln " a third, and one is described as. caused by " a spark from a boiler," —Professor McLeein, of Edinburgh, gave an interesting address " Faith Cure and Mind Power " last Sunday evening in Riehmond Hall, Toronto. The professor expressed the heartiest contempt for drugs arid medical doctors, and professed to cure diseases in their first and second stages by mind power alone. Diseases existed, he said, only where there were doctors, and as a proof of this he pointed to Central Africa, where, according to Livingston, neither existed. He expresSed his willingness to give practical tests of his power and show the people that his theory was darkness. The conspirators axe believed correct. steam - season Arthur that the boundary trouble is settled, n w any one must know thet such is not the case, not even the veestern which w s before the Privy Coupcil, as . it re- q ires an 2rect to be, passed making it law, -and Sir John has and yet does n glect to have the Act passed. He must know that he is stating what is f 'Ise if he has attended any of the public eetings in either of the late elections o heard Mr. Mowat when. in Brussels. e asserts our only cry was the North - est rebellion, and that it was an appeal t race and .creed, but I think your ✓ aders will agree with Me that in On- t rie it was only the Mail and bigotted Orangemen who raised eny race and c eed cry, that our dbject in finding fault • ith the Government in this was to c tch the, Catholic vote, but •he must k ow that there is a small Catholic rote ii 'East Huron, and that they are nearly e enly divided as to politics, and I assert t tat we did not receive a dozen who do not always vete.for us, and that Ireland as the cause, not the Northwest. I t ink your. readees will --see that our onservative frierial .has been making t be false. H.e knoWs -the issues n which we opposed the Goverpment • ere : The Boundary Award, Canadian acific Railway, reckless !expenditure of be public money, the giving away of rnber limits, Senate reform, doing away ith superannuation in the civil serviee, °eruption in high places, boodling, 'ranchise Act, gerymandere partizan eturning officers, that our candidate vas the abler man, and last but not least hat our leader, the Honorable Edward lake, stands head and shoulders over ny other person in Canada as a man and n honest statesman. In conclusion, as ne • who has been an active worker in oth electiOnS and who knows the ins nd outs of hoth, I have Come to the onclusion thatour friend is one of those ersons who ie troubled with Catholic on he brain, especially when they do not vote at his bidding, that there. is moee bigot in him and that he is a greater slave he. his 'party than he would have us think the Catholics are, that he is a man not open to conviction, not one of those we tried to copvert. That we did convert a large number of Conservatives, yes, ten times ae many as Catholics, by county. - —Messrs. Cameron & Cat Luckuow, have sold the w acres of lot 17, in the 12th con Kinloss, to Mr. Robert T $2,550. —Wm. Hartop, a Guelph gr on an extensive scale, has my left the city, and several b business men are interested in abouts. —A breach of promise c .1 0 • pbell, of connected with Victoria by telegraph and tormout sterly 78 incoming vessels. to report the passing of all outgoing or ession of —Two freight trains collided on the loan, for Canadian Pacific Railway near Smith's Falls Saturday morning. Both were in buyer badly wrecked, but none of the train teriously hands Were injured. The passengers on nks and the Toronto train, which, arrived on the where_ scene shortly after the accident, were transferred and broueht on to Ottawa. se which The Western Canada Loan & Savings' Company is about to erect a building on the corner of Main street and Por- ter:re avenue, Winnipeg. It is intended toebe four storeys highavith a red brick front, and will be fitted up with steam elevators, fire -proof stairways, and all mod.ern features. The cost of the build ing is estimated at $40,000. —The cruel custom of docking horses' taile is said to be on the increase in Morstreal. This barbarous fashiori for the cutting off of from six to nine of the final bones in order to give the an- imals what are known as " bob -tails." The attention of the Society for the Pre- vention of cruelty to animals has been called to the fact. —The Danville Slate Company, of Quebec, incorporated last fall with a capital o'f $50,000, have bought out the old Danville School Slate Company's .quarries and the Williams 'roofing slate quarries, and have erected a commodious feetory, which is being run on full time." It is expected that the company will double their capacity this year. —The village of Sudbury, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, has now two churches., one druggist, ten general mer- charite„! one dressmaker and milliner, - two barbers, two bakers, one tailor and shoernaker, one blacksmith, two pool rooms,. and:whisky pedlers masse, And all seem satisfied with their respec- tive share of the trade, says the Nipis- --Toronto has 274 cabmen in the city. These -men say that the hardest day's work they have during the whole week is the Sabbath. They divide their work on that day into three parts ; five per cent- is taking people to church (this may be eonsidered necepary) ; 20 per cent. for funerals, and the other 72 per cent. for amusement and dissipation of the worst kind. '.—One night last week a must dastard- ly attempt was made to blow up the hall in the city of Quebec where the French portion of the Salvation Army were holding a meeting. The explosion made havoc ef the front of the building and causedagreat alarm to the people inside, 'but Do one was killed, although two or three were seriously injured. The build - in was filled with smoke and the -gas extinguished, leaving the place m utter occupied the court at Barrie wo days, was decided in favor of the fa'r plantiff with $2,500 damages. Th Sued for was $10,000. —Hon. M. Stewart and former State Senator of Ne registered at the Grigg Hous The couple came to London to daughter, who is attending th College. —The Almonte toboggan sli some eight or nine weeks ago extensively patronized by the both sexes, and Dame Rumor there are at least ten marria tapis through its agency. —The Police Magistrate o ton, New Brunswick, tried s odd cases for breaches of the in town and county during th convictions have been given i of them except three, which f proven. —Last Saturday night, bet 12 o'clock, David lia.un, a Bertie, was run down and train on the Grand Trunk ra Stevensville, County of \Vella being mangled in a horribl A bottle of whisky was foun amount wife, ada, visit Hell the are don. their muth e opened has been eligible of tates that es on the ine ninety liquor law year, and every one iled to be seen 10 and esident illed by a lway near d, his body with him. —Mr. Allen Nicholson, of l'inloss, has a cow that bids fair to full) farm in a very short time. she is not yet six years of the mother of six calves, tbe est of which were calved wit 11 months. —Mrs.:Youmans, the energetic advo- cate of temperance, is now re home in Picton. She is suf an attack of asthma, but ho Hamilton, St. Catharines a places that are waiting for hlr as soon as she is better. —At the request of St. A ciety in Barrie, the Chaplain McLeod, Presbyterian min ered a most interesting and lecture on " Landlordism i to a large and intelligent au pointed out the condition of had existed in Scotland that has given rise to the Home Rule ; that notwit that had been done by the liament for the peasantry and Ireland, there still re oppression on the part of t stock his Although age, she- is our youpg- in the last ting at her ering from s to go to d to other drew's So - Scotland " ience. He things that nd Ireland aemand for standing all British Par - of Scotland ained much e landlords. Fri