HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-03-04, Page 7bout the itches store, leaforth. th: Deat Sir eleasect I anr - ;Asti from you st time accur- -expectations ; initiate in a th one whist- temending it Ji ae a correct it for any :Jecon Me, e, -November r- : The Col- in ycu. about per, and I am itire satisfaca fiefound none bus, which. Cestrixo. . Dear Sir: eed front you is as repre- s any watch eter time, as 'based it, and aininte move - Yours truly, .aid take the iniekeeper, I say my opin- a'an find no , the Colum- S- movement Se. October ievatch whide first-class to- better. I Roaaan Dear Sir: pare/lased in is ago, haa t 'rob; e what a. tt repaired a tshort time, ged tee $1.75 thoroughly aents are the. Ley are all as WErilLAK.B. . Dear Sir : ;-lit front you ani greatly the minute, other watch sell another friend here. iv. 25th, '87. Dear Sir: r, announce he the filled purchased -erele- hope Les may ex - truly, J. A. Dear Sir: at the neat Lt time ago, atisfaction. t is highly - 0mm:ewe Dear Sir: iieh 1 par - :best time- t part with; isits me so ibus watch T. Kippers . Dear Sir : iehly satis- 1 Cohur bua -oathsago. er a watch, mare cor- k:lied it for Up , and c leading enrriat. stied f am e found all ruly, P. -If, eh. • Yea. .to hatch. 1 sense; hey, -atch tment remov- essrs. :street,, a large Os eliable ken fa unt Ths 11TARc 887. • THE HURON EXPOS.' FOR. • L , Some Short Sermons. 'BY EROTHER GARDNER. A nate hasi been left on' my desk axin' me why the present aige has not pro- duced a Cicero, Diogenes or Milton. I answer to dp effeck dat each aige has produced of itself an' far itself. Diogenee was looked upon as a wise man in his day an' aige. Pat him an' las tub on airth to day, are it wouldn't be twenty-four hours befo' he'd be jerk- ed to de jag fur a. crank, an' de law would fo'ee him to eut his lia'r, dig out bis finger nails an' put on a clean shirt. Cicero was applauded by thousands fur his masterly oratory. At dat aige de gift of gah, was a rare thing. In dis aige you kin attend a five dollar lawsuit befo' any.Justice of de Peace an' find a match ful- Cicero in a three dollar law- yer. If licecould drap down among us he'd. find it hard work to get a resolu- shun fur a new side walk frew de City Couiscil. , Shale:Team was a bigbug fur de aige in whielt he lived. He was probably thaonly person on airth who could have ser0 his writings, are he deserved all prage. If he wai among us to -day he'd find e eiry newspaper givin' him de guy, i aa' al. de boys yeiiin' out " chesnut!" as his works appeared in Seaside form. Dis aige demands a different style. We want sunthinl 'bent angels comire down an' takia' Iettle ehil'un straight up to Ileaben, or a feller gwine out to Texas an' killin' hala dozen Injuns a day fur 1 a vaeashua. We want plain English, widout any ha'd words in it. We doan' know tooth'', `bout in lord, me duke, me lady an' su :h, an' we doon't want to. Dis edge as preduced 5,000 pussons, who, white <ley citu't write like Shah.; speare did, kin waltz all aroun' hith in keepia' de reader's ha'r on eand from de lust paige to de last. Nero wad a big gim fur his aige, but jest.you einagine shill a chap cavortin' areun' dis kentry at dis day an' date! De werry fits time he sounded his bazoo in de Ninth Ward, a peeler would give him de collar an' walk him down, an' dext mawnin', you'd see it in de papers slat ale Nero was sent up far sixty days fur disturbin' de peace. We has no poet to ekal Milton, but if we had, de newspapers -wouldn't give hirn a fair show. Dey'd refer to his produehshuna as spring poetry, an' he'd likely be dubbed de Ban. -gate Balla.dist of Indiana. Di s aige doan't cry fur poetry half as much as fur perk, an' a chap like Milton would hex to tura a hand organ to make a livin'. De aige dean' cliquind no great man in any line. When it does ee will bob to de surface an' his name will appear in de papers We am all mo' or less orators. We am all wise 'nuff in our way. We am all philosophers 'fluff to see Why water won't run up hill, an' statesmen 'miff to know dat what ails dis ken try am its over -production of buot-jaeka. My advice to you am to keep right on beires common folks. If yeti want to get Love the common herd pay Ash fur your groceries; let odder folkses wood- piles alone; keep whisky an' sieh at arm's length; put iss six days a week at hard work ; read am' skillet books an' fewer novels. You may not become a Napoleon nor a Plato, but you'll be remembere(i in your own nayburhood when de names of State Guv'nors hey bin f orgo t ten. -a- en- . Fact and Rumor. -The nobility of Il`..ngland give $100,- 000 a year for missions, the Sunday - schools $500 000 and the " poorer classes" $2,0 0,000. -The pile of old London bridge, put down in the year 900,are still sound, the water and the blue mud of the Thames having preserved them. -It will occasion leas surprise- that ill weeds grow apace, when it is known that single plants of purslane produce 388,80O seeds,i the emu mon thistle, 65,- 3GG, the plain ain, 42,2.00, and the bur- dock 38,068. i -A reeent i9Fitie of the Liverpool " Echo " contitimed the following re- markable newitem : " Canon Bardsley, late rector of SE. Anti's, 'Manchester, died early thin morniafr. No hopes of his reef) v ery are e titer t.ai ned. " -All the people nowdiving in the world, say 1,400,000,000, could find standing room within the limits of a field ten miles. square, and -by aid of a telephone evil!' he addressql by a single speaktr. In a fietcl twentyaniles square they could all 'he comfortably seated. -The census returns for Paris have lately been issued. The population numbers 2,254,306 souls, hhowing the small inerease of 14,37S shice the last census, Wien five years age, in 1881. In ten ont of twenty arrondissements the population has ditninished. -An Engliell offisial la India tells of a, French C.ttilulie pricit • Wlm, receiving a legacy of a few thousand francs, start- ed on a visit to Europe after longeervice and with is joyful anhcipations. lie get as far as J b u I pore, where he found a very needy cherish, to which he gave all his money, and returned to his field of work. 1 -Daring the Sunday dinner the fami- ly were (nee:wing the unusually hue sermon of the mornine,,:, when little Fredaaged, live, declared that she re- membered the text. Upon being asked to repeat it :she electrified the table iiy triumphantly , quoting, with marked emehasis on the tirst word, " //ono all the bew and the prophet- f" --The question as to Icow:inuch shoe leather is daily' consumed in Berlin WaS4 recently diseuseed in the " Post," which paper arrieee tet the following : If it is assumed th tt Of the 1,300,000 inhabi tants only 1,000,000 wear boots and. shots, at an average cost of only six M trite (S1.501 per p•tir, -lasting Sin menthe, this would eause the daily wear aud tear of :sloe leather in the ( VI -Man Capita tel ;.1,11P/Ittit to xictry33,000 niarks. -At one time the cluirell of St:Aland Lupo:est meney tines en -the membeis guilty of ts-rtain breaehes of church als.ioline. In a northrvi p i h a church nuenlier wee ft;itind gn'ilty of ail offense: render!ng hoe ! Iihle to a fine. He ad- mitted his faelt, but a: so es. as he paid the tine he asked fer a reeeipt, "The ministt r ssloel 'hint why he wantil a re- ceipt, t ) hielt 1preelied. is To show on the day 0-; ju,Ignielit that my sill is pardoned.- Atter that no more fines , were buena- 1 in that n,rish. - Eitel ish :hool B }ard, ed insition eontimiss to yield eurione rasulta The late -t is this : luaeswer to the question plat by the, (bier:Han inspector," Describe some el`eets of the proceedings under ()teen Mary." the !Ail) answer Was reeled elf : Many of the bishops were deprived of their sees." One of the :managers, however, cross-e:callaillea. the • children on the above answer, and ask- ed the meaning of the statement. After a long pause one boy put up his hand, and said, "Had their eyes put out" - [Exchange. -Dr. Moorehouse vellr narrowly escaped from an untim ly death the other day in Landon. Be was driving over the Ridont street cro sing when the express train came along ad justigrazed his horse's head. A bys ander sprang forward, caught the hors h and turned hilt just in time to preveiit what might have been a fatal accident.' -I-A letter from Peking, China, de- scribes a novel method of doing good adopted by the Young Wm's. Christian Association, of that city, in iconnexion with the annual examin tions, whieh are attended by 9,000 sch lars from all parts of the empire. To eaeh student it given a little package e ntaining one of the gospels,- three religious tradts, and a circular printed on red paper, offering four prizes for the four bst essays on designated topics; such as the life of Christ and the ways of salvation. The prizes range from thirteen to forty dollars. -a-A gentleman of Shang ai has, after considerable experimehtin , invented a new and deadly weapon. This is an electric sword, which when the point touches the 'party attacked, sends a powerful shock through him, and if not immediately killing will lett least put him hoes de cembat. The sword is an ordinary military sabre, ut along its whole length is let in a ijne platinum wire, which ends at the point of the weapon. A small but v ry powerful storage battery is carri d strapped about the waist, much t e smile as a cartj:idge-box. Insulated wires connect this battery with the svirord, and by preEising a button the holder can com- plete the circuit at pleasure. - • Have you ever tried McGregor & Parke's Car - boli o Cerate for sores of any kind? It is beyond g doubt the very best preparati n in the market for healing and curine sores, burns, cuts, pim- ples,iblotc.hes, and is the only proper method of appleing carbolic aeid. Sold et Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth or 25c per box. 961.5l2w. The latest remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough. bronchitis, etc, is McGregor's Lung Compound. There is no ramedy in exist- ence containing any one of the active ingredients not say you have taken every hing until you composing McGregor's Lune Orpounde so do have tried this for your cold or cough, and your Opinion will be the same as all who have used it, viz., , that it is the best. Sold in 50c and $1 bottles by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea - forth. 9e4.52w. . Have you toothache? Use Flu'd Lightning:. Have you rheumatism? Use F luid 'Lieshtmera Have you a stiff joint! Use F nid Lightning. Have you neuralgia? Lfee Flu d Lightning. Have you lumbago? Use Elul 1 Lightning. Are you troubled with. heada •he? Use 'Fluid Lightning. Lightning. Heve you any pain? I;se Elul It will cure you the instant it s applied. Try it. 25 cents per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 9r.52w. - ne 19, 1885. . .Far two years mi., wife -/auffered frail i lung and heart disease through rheumatism. She tea§ greatly oma - elated and too weak to do anything ffir herself ; she was given up by five doctors, they all passed their opin- ion that she could not lien. She eounnenced using Jr. Jug's Medi - sine in December, LSS4, and after taking six bottle sh was so much naproved that she could look aftefr her household duties. ' J. M. Rodoics, . . . 967.52.2w. Engineer; C. P. R., East Toronto. . Far sale by all druggists. - - Ayer's'Sarsaparilla. lathe best medicine for every one in the spring. Emigrants and travelers will finI it an effectual cure if or the eruptions, boils, ph iples, eczenias, ete.„ that break out on the skint -the effects of dinorilare in the blood, caused by sea diet and life on holed ship. 969.52.w • i Rett4v your youthful vigor be using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will vitalize Ma blood, recruit the ‘Oasting, energies, and build ip the snetnrii.- 9e.).52.w It is -a Good Rule To iteCept only such medicines as, 'titer long- trial, heve proved worthy of confide- lee. This is a ease where other people's experiiince mar be of sr' -ice, andit has beet the exenellenee of thous- ands that Ayer's Cherry Peetornl in the best cough medicine ever used. 960.52.w Mind and Body Alike ant of dyspepsia or biliousness. ever's Pills stir Stiffer from sluggish action of tht, blood, the re- ap the liver, exCite the stomach and bowele to tutivity, open the pores, and insure that health of body which is indiSperisable to. menu vizor. 969.52.l.w Dr. Low's WOTIII Syrnii has removed tape worm from 15 to 30 feet in lengt . It also de- troys all itende of worms. 857.52 - Prof. Low's feulphur Soap h.: ' recom- mended for the cure or Eruption, Chafes, Chap- ped hands, Pimples, Tan, &C.. 8571.152.in If Feeling 01 Freenean'e Warm Powders require no other Purgative. They are safe and surh to remove all varieties of Worms. 857.52en • From Manitoba. - In a' letter from James Irwin, Beaver tereek, Manitoba, he says, " I was taken 11 last slimmer with a very severe pain in my back.. By using one hottle of flagyard's younx. OiI I.was -com- pletely cured." Yellow Oil MIS° elves luMbago, rheumatism and all external and i iterrial pains. S57..52.2w , , • A Good Nanie. The - best recommend Ilion of anything is its pepelerity where it has been longest known. Throughout the_ Dominion at Canteda there is no . mare effeetuad Medicine for (loughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throat; branehitts and asthma; than flagyard's Pectoral Belsanti, For sale by d rug:gists. 857.52.2w _ ptohibition and P lities; Thin anti -lienor -question is a s ewer plank in - thapalitical platform., and one es.fe to lay hold of. All intoxicating beverages ale safest when :Vane, even iri medieine. Ifindork Blood ;Bittern is 110t a bar beverage, but a strictly pure anedicine, -reliable' for diseases of the stoinacb, aver, bowels, kidneys and blood, aid Will not aid in malting d raukards. 857.52.2w Natian3.1 Pills act promptly upon the Liver, regulate the Bowels and as a purseative are mild and tliorougli. 657.52en He Feared no Foe. Nero fleeted when Rome was leilrning. Many tint, to danger ect a, chronic enali• notvatsde3-s seem equnlly iiidjffei . be the inannier ntwhich they nee - If taken in time. tie re is scercely tete., whielt Bordock io.1 'Bitters .a2.2w by. its . reetilaitine powers. Be on Your Gua,rd.-- Don't anow a-coid in the head= to Iliowly ui veirelv rini into eatarrh when you can', be (-sired for cants by using Dr. Chase's Caterrh ,cti A few'applieatioes mire.; ineipient eatarrii. One to twe boxes eures ("aqui h!, Two- to e boxes is eueseesen ter (lite Ci:Ir01110 Catarrh. Try it 1 )1.1!•V 2.) (Tote and sure eu e old by all - dealers. :eel. ly Oat,a,lat' 11.-a New Treal,r. ent. . Perheps the most 'ex traordinarif sueeees that been achieviel liaxkrit mud has liven e! tamed by the. •Di eon Treatmen. for Catarrh. 0 tt. of. 2,0oti patients treated durin n the past six rienitoe, fully itmety par melt, hat e been cured or sail etehhorn malady. This is none the lees staqinig when it in, remembered that no OYC per eerie .of -patients preeenting then selees to the regular prate itioner are. benefitted, !while the I.tt-t me.lieines teat --other ad eirtisad clues -never reveal a mut, at all. . Stetting with the claim now eenerally bellevedby tbe Most *whin- • title Men that the dieettse is due to the presence liviug parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at °nee :Adapted his curo. to their exteermnatioe- ehiseCcomplished, he claims the Ceta.rrh is prac- tically curet. and the permanency is unquestion- td, ascures effected by him four years ago are curen, still. No one 'else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this tuan.n.er, and no other treat mint has ever cured Catarrh. The arplicatio of the remedy is simple, and can be done a home, and the present season of the year is th most favorable for a speedy and permanent our the majority of cases being cureti at one trea ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messr A. H. DIXON & SON, 805 King Street, West Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for thei treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, Novembe 17. 1889. 842-52 Advice -to Mothers. Are you distuibed and broken of you r rest b a sick child suffering and crying wita pain o cutting teeth? If so send at once arid get bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy -up" fo children teething. its value is incalcu able, I will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistak about it. It cures dysentery and dianhc.3a„ regu .lates the stomach and bowels, cures w'nd colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammat on, an gives tone and energy to he whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre scription of one of the oldest and be t female physicians and nurses in the United St tee, and is for sale by all druggists throughout t e werld. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be ure 'and ask fol. "Mits. \\Tarnow's SOOTHING SYR l'," and take no other kind.966.1y. Consumption Cured Arnold physiciaieretired from practic had placed in hie hands by an East Is siopary the formula of a simple vegetabl forithe speedy and permanent cure of Moe, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Abthma and a and Lung affections, also a positive an cure for Nervous Debility and all Norte) plaints, after heving tested its wonder tive powers in thousands of cases, has f duty to make it known to his suffering Actuated by this motive and a desire t huinan suffering, I will send free of c all who desire it, this recipe, in German or FEnglish,.dvith full directions for p and using: Sent by mail by address stamp, na.min_ this paper, W. A. NO Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 938- "r11%.2.411-.VVAIM52 , having dia mis- remedy nsump- 1 throat radical " _Som. ul cura it it hi' fellows: relieve ergo, to French eparing g with ES, 149 5 eow THE BC t- MI LS, SF' A Pt, ,11 TH. • The above mills have now been thorou hly re- '- built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROUE -PRO ESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings h ve been greatly enlarged, and new -machinery applied throughout. • THE LATE3T IMPROVE.° MIS --iND-- Flour Dress'ng Mac mes From the best Manufacturing Firms ha c been put in; and everything necessary added t enable her to turn out flour InCE E N T3 .N In the Dominion. The facilit.es for r grain from farmers and for elevating and have also deen extensiVely improved. G now. e taken from farmers' wagons, A and loaded lint° cars at the rate of 700 per hour, by the work of two men. ceiving hipping ain can eighed, bushels AILARGEFEFD TNEE I -FOR- CUSTOM , CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary nuechi ery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shedlituis been erected, so that wagons can be .unleaded and relouled tinder cor r. WHEti$‘1" EXOH AN -IES • . Promptly attended to, and FlasT-tuss ROLL Efn LIUR I GUARANTEED. d-CTST0111 :FEJ JD . - Chopped satisfactorily and without de ay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, 81-1 , And all kinds of fri P D FE Constantly'on hand. 'Hi,:hast Market Price P Cash for any Quantity Wheat. TS din APPLE BARRELS -AND_ C0.71SE1.105 FOR CAL. 1,1 .a.• t Only first -elms end oblig:ng men will 1 ' to attend eustomers. The liberal, patn farmers and general trade respectfuly soli - A. F,./. gaILVIE & ci PLtOPRIE T Q. KEMP, Manager. •SEAF,ORTH FurnitureWareroo off you want s lid eomfort call at M. RobT.rtso*n And buy one of th05e Celebrated Self Ad j EanyChairs, represented by the above t. Es Cap also seemly Invand ahairs and Carri. 2-eF rieF also sells the mostcomfortablk and osebi _Lao 3:1\T G -H -CR • That is made. Ilk etock of CABINET FUFINITUt.'E • Is very large and Complete. Intentness p. ,ers would to re1l to gi‘lo !dm a call bana classing elnesehere. ereremen one Doo of Telegraph enftels, Mei 1 Snreen Stniforte E.R •r.S.. 11 c Teln Seur.11 P2E6,000,000 PE - FERRY'S SEE.S D. M. FERRY CO, are admitted ibe the LARGEST SE OSMEN in the wo ld, D. M. FERRY & CO'S Itrustrat d, Des- criptive Priced SEED A NHL For 887 will be mailed FREE to all appliea ts, and to last eaosonr): n tme wi out or- dt. /nig/i a. btnito sallen'uE erljng Saerr- - den, 'cid or Flower DEED should send forst. ddrese D.M.FEREIFY&C� Win4sor1Onto SCROFULA Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with • I do not believe that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has an equal as a remedy for :Scrofulous Hu- mors. It is pleasant to .take, gives strength and vigor to the body, and produces a more permanent, lasting, re- sult than any medicine -I ever used. -E. Haines, No.tindale, 0. I have. tui d Ayer's Sarsaparilla, iu my,fam- lly, for Scrofula,-omd know, if it i taken faithfully, it L_ thoroughly , 'cradle, this terrible diseas W. F. rowler;-,4„,. Greenville, Tenn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is superior to any blood purifier that I have ever tried. 1 have taken it . for scrofula, Canker, and Salt - Rheum, and received much benefit from it. lt, is good, also, for a weak stomach. -Mi I lie Jane Peirce, South Brad ford, Mass. For forty ars have siifferet with istilipeshoutsL ilive rie ren Jul for thy com id , but found no relief till I commenced u ing A. y e r" s Sarsaparlia. After takinfr )ot• ties of this medicine am completely cured. -Mary C. Amesbury, Rockport, Me. -I have suffered, for years, -from Catarrh, which was 'so severe thst it destroyed my appetite and weakened my system. .After try- ing other remedies, and getting no relief, I began to.. take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and', in a few months, wss cured. -Susan L. Cook, -009 A flintily st., Boston Highlands, Ma. ss. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Ss -Co., Lowell, Mass Price ; six bottles, 85. For ,H Toilet Use. Ayer's Eair Vigor keeps the hair soft and Pliant, imparts to it the lustre and' freshness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is the Most cleanly of all hair preparations. 'AYER'S Hair Vigor has given me. pOrfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, but witliout success. Indeed, what little hair I hadwas growing thinner, until tried A36r's Hair Viger. I used. two bottles of the Vigor, and iny head is now wellseovered wetb a now eerowth of hair. e --J nelson B.. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. I 7 HAM that ha become Weak, gray, s and faded, inay have new hie and color restored to it by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. 4'1' My hair was thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in large quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the falling, and restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammoial, Stillwater, ViGORyouth, and beauty, in the appearance of the hair, may he preserved for an indefinite period by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. 't*A. dis- ease of the scalp paused my hair to be- -eonie harsh and , dry, and to fall out freely. .Nothing I tried seemed to do any good until 1 commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor.' Three bottles of this preparatioa restqred my hair to a - healthy eonditipa, and it is now soft and pliant.. My scalp is cured, and it is also free from dandruff. -Mrs. E. R. Foss, Milwaukee, .Wiia Ayer's ;Flair Vigor, Sold by Drurgists and Perfumers. I-a:Ertl:0T' SAFS7as, prompt action, anil 1 1 . wonderful curative properties, easily place A yer"a Pillsat the -head of, the list of popular remedies for Sick and, Nerv- ems Headaches, Constipation, and all ail - meets originating in adisordered Liver. I have been a great Sufferer' from Headache, and .Ayer's •Cathartie Pills are the only medicine' that has ever given Inc te icf. One dose of these Mlle will quick13 move my bowels, and free my head fr m pain,- William L; Page, Richman() ya. ' Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Maas, Sold by, all Dealers in Medkine. • London., Huron and Bruce, GOTNG NORTH - London, depart Exeter K ippen .. ..... . .... Brucefield. ( ton.. - . . . . 9.55 Londeshoro. 10.15 Myth..........., - . . . 10.24 Belgrave . 10.39 - Wing -ham, arrive 10.55 Express. Mail. 7.55es.m. 4.15 fast. 9.14 5.50 • 9.24 (1.05 9.29 6.13 A.3:1 6.25 6.50 7.10 7.20 7.85 8.60 O. eleo SotiviL-- • . Express. ?A ail. i Wi n Otani, depart. .: ... 7.00e. tn. 3.05 tem. Bele-rave I 7.17 ' 3.:.2) - ! 1113 tili 7,32 3.44 Londeeboro. 1 7,41 3.53 Clinton ... .. 1 ....... .. .. .. f.-.03 4.13 . flrecefield . 1 ..... .. l .... .. a. . 4.32 Kippen . - , . . . .. .. fee 1 4.40 Hensel' ....' ..... .... .. .. 8.87 '4.4fi Exeter. 1 -S.51 5.00 London, arrive. 10.10 6,00 - Wellington,. ,Grey and iruce. Goma NORTU- Accone. Express. Mixed. Ethel ! - i 2,34 P. M. 9,20 tem. 0.45 a.m. Briissele 9.40 9.35 10.25 Bluevale 3,05 9.51 , 10.66 NVirigham . . .. i 3,20 10.02 12.00' 0 oleo Soren- Mieed AtV011-L Ex pri.88. ' Wineln.i.... .. 7.05 P.M. 11.10 A.31. 6.50 A.M. Bluevale . „ . .. . 8.02 11.25 7.00 Brussels - e.50 11.45 7.15 Ethel.... .. .... t 9.20 1 e.00 7.27 Train leaving Winghamat e.10 p n.. fdrKinear- diiie,.eun on Mondays, Wednesdays alic.1 . Fridays only. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth mei Clinton ntations as follows: I GOING WBST- 6 EA FORTH. Express.... . 1.48 P. V. Express r 8.57 P. M. Mixed Train.. 9 00 A. M. GOING EAST- ; Express.... .... ... 7.43 A. M. Express........1.48 P. M. Mixed Train.. .. ... 5.05 e.-11, 120 P. M. D.15 r. M. 10.00 A.m. 7.30 A. ea 1.05 e. m C15 P. THE CELEBRATED 3D 1 011 A IE ' MANDRAKE DANDELION LIVER CURE_ Have you Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Ja.undiee, Headache, Dizzi-.- ness, Pain in the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease1 arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure will be found a sure and certain remedy. Nature's Rernedy-The unqualified suecess of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with tbe fact that it is compounaed from nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandraks and Dandelion, combined with many other inval- uable roots, barks and herbs, having a powerful effeeton the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood. Five hundred thousand sold. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr, Chase's Receipt Books were sold in Canada alone. We want every man woman.and ehild who is troubled with Liver Complaint to try this excellent remedy. Something new. slaty. free. Wrapped around every bottle Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household edical Guide and Receipe Book (84 pages), con- talningAver 200 nsefnl receipes, pisonounced by meaThAT men and druggists as irivaluable, and worth ten times the price of the Medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and'positive reme- dy. Price, 25 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold by all dealers. -T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford.. For Sale by all druggists. 960-52 • CAMPBELL'S ATHARTIC comPourt Is effective in sraan doses, acts without crripinc,idoes not -114"'T•itt) rCIISioll7nartsea, and will not create irn- tation and congestion as do ninny of the 3 CatilartieS 4C1.‘ - ▪ minister. d in vhe • f°.111Tucifesrilalisi.d&cbin- dren having the most sensitive sto- machs take tliismeclicine without trou- ble or complifint.- • CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOHND- is especially adapted for the euro of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- ORDERS. tOR.fkm.TE CrilDS.TOMACII AND Loss OF AP- I POR SICK HEADACHE ANI) DY5PEPSIA. 'Fon CONSTIPATION OR. COSTIVENEsS. FOR ALT. COMPLAINTS ARISING FltOlf A. DIStiRDERED STATE OP THE STO- This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to meet the requireme:its of different per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the Etc; e child as to the adult.' Putup in three. ounce bottles, and sold by ail dealers in family medicines. Price Retail, 25 Cents. 111.1.41•10MICIP.M.”5 • •••• g•••••••nomornl• •AIIMINNOIMMMII••!1•1• • 41.351,MMI•11.0,lr., • • . a. ..ar*„e-,,... *a -a.. wean= Caom.g a•M:rete.-_-. c. I-- -gler.' All ta...Z.Lacesata DEir;' PERRY- DAVIS' 'Oa PA 11 K ER IS RECOMMENDED BY Physiria7LS, Ministers, Missionariesi Managers of liac..tories,11-m*--ahops, Plantations, Nurses in, 1Thspitals, -in. short, everybody everywhere . who has ever gbven it atrial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MINED WITli A WINE 0 LASS OF ROT MILK- AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE POUND A. NEVER I?AI LING CURE PO R SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- - GES l'ION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRC. C.LATIO.N, CRAMPS, PAINS,IN THE STOMACH, ST .T1_ M- MEAND BOWEL COMPLAIN -TS, • , SORE THROAT . A PP LI ED EXTE SA LLY, 'EXPERIENCE. HAS PROVEN IT PHI: O!•IT I.PPECTP."1-; AND 111,Sr LINIMENT oN 1.e:e1e 'I HE PAIN aves reost Bltt-ISES SWELLED, Y. F'ilOST BITES, &c. 2:es1s. pa. 11 .2.0v.rar .J617 linfration.B. r --I C I 1 1 1' '7'1 4§10 yet pet C..1.re- ags1,..:t.)...1. le (.4 „tense es' .4> -paralion Is espe adapted for 1 Le and cure of th:vt ti., -s attendant 01 on a low or t,-..iwt.t1 state of the sv zee( es eel.). re-- . ! companind by P: \N- tr, t i ! aF- ptat.un of the ,:11-• -Et:1,1111s Vvi,1: I U:ve Ca•-•z:v n P.:shan,tion. nhsing from Lone of A iite or Chive:en- Di.eases, and in the e 1..r.tt invariably, I.ccontnanie., the \'','„•;i0,-; Fe% er-.. 1ime-1y will ,2V' -• 0 spe,...e re;ief in Dyeensia or Inv. eesiSei. Fer inane ea i,11.41 Blood, Appel:to. 1ae- ca powiency, anti in z.:°, uiwre 0 • an EFFECT 1VE aed (.1 ecs,94" STIMULANT is ree, e• e .6 the EL! X I • found NvA:.:.:.• ..c:ola by all Dea,17-.7 • in DAVIS & LAWRENCE 00.(Limital) !., SOLE nee saare, MONTREAL, P. Q. ,e> - - ^ ....otry.a.gesaami PEWHYROYAL WAFERS. eenSee'lee,,ri Prescription of a physieian who f/_" has has had a lift, long experience in treating female dineaees. Is used e'. monthly with perfect sumps by l'sds`g, s's ovar 10.0u0 ladies. Pleneant, safe effectual. Lad i ea ank n our drug- . 4..r `.• gist for Ptimyroyill Wefer's and take no sulatitute, or inelosepoet- lene for :waled !natio) le re. Seild by a et11:20it•i! 1 Lox, drest3 TB E E -11EK A ellEel ICA I, CO., 1 Lank; Mieh, Iferstoldin Seaforth hy Lunisilen & Wileon, I. \'. Fear, mid by Druggists generally. 9/73-5-2 "PELL' W. N. WATSON, General Insurance Agent -AND- Dealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of property insured at lowest rates in first-class reliable companies, and losses set- tled proMptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gord and Waterloofrom 75c to 81 (cash plan) for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saving. of 20 per cent. on stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from $26 to $75. All ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma- chines repaired. • 'CD1\T, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Rt) 'Ll4110JUGS • 1904I4S UT paJoijo JoAa CD 0 ?-1 3-1 '0 0 )-4) )-$ 0 lees R1 - 130311TATIO0 Oq CD CD tri) CD Jo ltiatuiaoss.e `ssapopo ‘ajs ps sassassod pgrrenbaurt 0 Joj tflJ•oJSUIsluocae IIPOTJ9LUV 5,11..etld 113303m14 immense; bootsvseel , it • s s `3=11MIIMIlnimmeemmulemmil3PNINGeoet LEGAL. WVHASTINGS,Solicitor,etc. Office-Cady's 11. . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth. 974 SEAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.- Office, opposite the Colborne•Hotel. 97e C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to JR?, lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 - T M. BEST, Barrister, &c. Office - el Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents-CAMEitOin, HOLT & CAMBIUM. 870 • QARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. CARBOIV, WM, PROIMPOOT. 686 reAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, ke Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAVIRON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G.. CAMERON. 506 -- -i-OIPTUS E. DANCEY, late m ith Cameron, .t JHolt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, _Lyl_ Conveyancers, &e. Solicitors for the Bank of Jolmston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A: H. MANNING, JAMBS SCOTT. 781 15 HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of . McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. privilege et lotaoris lotrrdowp.eerr MONcyt.,TOmir A th' Atte- of repaying part of the principal money at any tune. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY Q nm L. BALL, L. D. S., Hoor Graduate, me- keT. ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc- cessor to D. 'Watson. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform' ether, gas and local agents used in extraetion ofteeth.- Plates, insertecrat prices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as lett as good work can be done for. Residence bailie as that occupied by Mr. Wateon. 1)80 tT_ „T"' _MA IR, 7 ei . lll T 2 D. S., M. R. C. and In S., of s v s''. ...• (F, 7 ' ' I ,, Ontario. Latest improve- ( ,•''i, inants in every line. Satisfaction - -- guaranteed. Office, -In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941 ^ ri CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den- k.o.n tists, of Exeter, Ont. One awe,. eassessa of the above will visit Myth the ▪ Mit Thursday, and following Fri- dhy of eaeh month, at Mithe's Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and liensall the following Thurs- day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where be will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tracted with a new Japan anesthetic,which re- moves early all pain. Parties deinring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 - 311M•11..4 eses'ne, c -4 - Ph) 0 (1) (D 0 geD4R:ICE ECILER WORKS.. Chrystal ;isz Black, \ Mann taetnri rs of all Itincl of Stationery, Marine, -.; Upright and Tn 'War Boilers. SALT PANS, S1o kg - STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron n ork. - ------- -nr KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. ,. ' 1.1. S., will be in Zurich at the 9 s ' Huron Hotel, on the last Thurs- ens_ - day of each month, and in Hen- sel) next day, (Friday,) at h'e3 nolds'll °tel. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work _ first class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. IXTM. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Giaduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Aceouchcan, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence -North Eide Goderich street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 961 PRS, ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- Mates Royal College of Physiciaes and 'Serg-eons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth ever) Satur- day afternoon. Offiee,-Royal Hotel. 930. T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, and Accoueher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderieh street, Second • Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 R W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. 3f., Member Isle of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 D11. MACKID, (late of Lueknow) Graduate of Toronto Unirsersity, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drugstore. Residence, -John Street, :fleet door east of English 'Churdla Parsonage., Seaforth, Ontario. 894 STEAM AND WATER PIPE FITTINGS constantly on hand. On hand, ready for delivery: I $0 H. P. New Steel Boiler. I 38H'. P. New, Boiler. A Comfilate 2nd -hang Threshing Ogtfit,. Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in good work- ing order; Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attention.i. Works opposite 0. T R. Statinti. P. •0- BOX 361 Goderiel), May 26th. 1886. ; THE SE AR) 1? Til arness Emporium_ • (T FAT Vrir- P IftFIPTH111 A sneeessful nisdieine nsed ovet JO years in thousands eases. Ceres Spermaterrhea, Nervous Nee:sheers, Emissions., Impotency, and all diseases lintinninl (ennead by abuse, indievretice 'Weep] or over elertion. -Six packages guaranteed to cure when all 'others fail. Ark your druggist for The Great Er glith Prescriptinn, take nosubsti- tete One packageel,. lex e5, by maii. Write for Pamphlet. Ad -deers EUREKA CH E'Al Detroit. Mich. rea eold in Seafs rth by Lumeden & Wileon, 1. V Fear, .1. S. Peberts, and druggists general ty. 969-52 JOHN VETERINARY. EAFORTH HORSE IN'FIRMARY.---Corner-of 0 Jarvis and GoderichStreets, neat door 'to..the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All -dis- eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any ef the do- mesticated animals, euceeednily treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges modbrate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. 1'. 8.-A large stoek of Veterin- ary Mediennes kept:constantly on band _ t;CTIONEIrsItS. 'T P. BRINE, Lieensed. Anctiemeer for the , County of Huron. Sales attn maid , in al • parts of the County. Allorders left at Ttia Earionnent Offiee will be promptly atterithei to. - TIIE OLD ESTABLISI1EI) HARNESS MAKER OF SJ7.A_P 0 LT.R. al= Has conStantly on hand and makes to order all kinds of . Light and lleary Also a :full etock of Trunks, Valises, f'•;ittcheli, Whips, Lastes, Horse Cloth- ing, and everything usually found in a first-elaSs harness shop. I selP as cheap as the cheapest for cash. Yon Will male money by ex- amining, my stock and getting prices before pnrchasing elsewhere. temember the place -On Main street, opposite Market street. JOHN F-1. D. Unapproached for • Tone and Q-uality. CATALQGUES FREE, BELL &CO. Guelph Out, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS • As there are rnany inferier gninls, corded with jute. 'ici p, ete., offered and sold as Coraline by sonso ent- re seipled merchants tract - ;0..; on the repntation 01 cii.1 genuine, Vorsaine, 'see.1 ir! rni the latliee against e. es h impeaition by draw- -- :see .'.. ',ir I teintion to the Jeing that the e GROEIMUN rARSET CO iS StElittpf.'41 On inner 4.1(le"r•le.'21 COM:Intl good.., . :se at st-hie.:a nen° aro gemaine„ u1Afvf,r-v TogorzTo. 1. racyPRic,.Torza. 'Job .1, which lb sithatect direetly testae ite I the, Union Station, has mei title been relita and refurnished ihroughont, and ie now one 01 the best and mot tenefertable hotele in the it enrEvery possible attention paid to el:tellies5 charges moderate. 11 1 • 1, 11 ij