HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-02-18, Page 71887. !tralsollessassioem,„w L, ad about tile ratches y store, esrth : Dear Sir: Pleaesel I ant litt7stat from von jeept time aveur- eapeetations ; a -t minute in a a ;tit one Mind. eon/mending it b as a vorrect :th ir for any, LeaMc- ..!‘1..1 ember : The Cole r 411 athoLlt qe•r, and arta :•rtire satiefac- ..t• foetid none filch I Dear : •.ts-.tal ;Alm you e. is as rem_ " allY watch tt-tter time, as it, arid (lintlittis move - Yours truly, • t said take the timekeeper, I Say m3 opia. ! fiud no i the CoIume its movement October watc.11 which g firet-ciass sW better. I RoBRItr I)ear Sir: ;purchased ict the ago, bag broke what a it repait•ecl elnert time, eeed tee til -75 tiairou.ehty iiente are tttt: eet- are all as p.4,4 rLA : Dear Sir ; ,ht ft -ma .you, am greatly the minutes the wati-11 8711 t'enother triend here. 'S. 23th, esee. !- Dear Sir : annotince ki the tilled Inkreitased reit hepe ,e may ex- r•triy, J. A. Dear Sir: e the neat • rime it494, 4-tisfaetion. hiehly ;tear Sir: H;LI 1 pr - •t time - rt ith site zee sa v•atell Dear Sir: lilt sfstie- %Jinn-bee :ths ago„ a watch, itore eor- 'led it for ep, and 1 leadime Te, t. d I an -FUr le, F. IL hate*. FEBRUkla 18; 1887. HE HORON EXPOSIfOR. -Ike Met eeecently inti -The trustees decided to ea tees have rec debt of the ch each year till L ve alt.o paid about,$400 on ' the debt «urn g thc,. at year. -" CoarOi John iy," who was made immeneely ri ii b the discovery of petroleum, en( who scattered his weaAth with such a la ish 1 and, has descended step be step until h now has noplace to lay hie head st ve in a dreary cell in the Mount Holly, -New Jersey, jait. The quoadain poseeesor of millions is now a connutei tramp. -Abaut 4 o'aloek Tuesday afteraoon bat week, as the fas express was about one mile east of lamilten outward" bound, a seminan nt med Mrs. Ripley, who sheeld hL e got olf at th•e station, - hurried out of the car and down the steps. She h td a b shy, two small stteltels •cail ex ra clothing in her arms. She jumped off and ingutar to say, the Child rye:Ave:I nly a slight scalp wound and the mottle th. ugh stunned with the fall, seaa a )Nara ttly net seriously treal was not very encouraaing. The injzne...1. The trade ‘ates a doable header fast. A d ran nitisight of one eye has totally ?ailed, and g pony svere sent to take the the other seems to be going. d int, the city. --Mr. Malcolm Laughton left St. aa in Toronto Henry j, Marys a few days ago for Australia, Laen, an 0 I to' erpleaded. hard where he has gene in the interests of the wt1 , pollee with Afe! book publiehing house of Mr. G. Lyons, al. aiead, he acting Ma *neat., to 1 e allowed -to go llama ,:e:f Guelph. Messrs. James and Robert l Clyde also left on Friday for Kentucky, and, get to bed, prom ing th it he wolild neer tru11 r nithe di op ” As a last ! wilere they have sectu'ed work in the ‘ •:• i - . resort he S1,"V 1‘.1.0)W me, your rconstruction of a bridge. . • -Mrs. James Stamp, of Stratford, has Worship.- " utl, ray, w here have . we mct ?" aele 'd trt urprised alder- ! just arrived home fr ont. a three months', rinmOhe eeen me in the trip to England, having on the home-', . , y m'v Methodist ch uch,1 aaswered the ward journey encountered very severe veteran. W 11, yot -are aot a very weather. The hatches were closed down for three days, the captain's bridge was good-looking ID 'tuber of the Methodist o sev the least of swept away, and the passengers suffered OWS iodist oduc and pet t e :pews. The trus- !ads,- urch, Ire w Notes. entitled to credit as payment upon their detricehLetYtaireerlighhaes. ast:ccpkrditnhge to their eontention, they had price of the lands which, aches,' Aid have also turned over to the Society at $3 an ac e, and during their direettarate this "land credit," as it was called, appeared upon the books of the sOciety.. The defend- ants, who are the present Board ef Directors of the ;society, when I they assumed office, altered this entry, of "land credit " an the books and called upon the plaintiffs to pay up theirestoelle: This action was then brought toe -6840 -in the defendents from enforcing payment of calls upon the stock, and to compel them to restore the entries of "land credit " upon the hooka. Mr. Justice fia.lt gave judgment in favor of the de- fenda.nts, holdiag that the plaintiffs were not entitled to the " land credit" they claimed and dismissing the action. Upon the counter claim for calls upon the plaintiffs'atock he directed a re- ference to the Master to ascertain what Was dne. paid $1,000 on the. nd intend dein- so- iale is paid. The Perth Items.- -lin Mitchell Advocate - regrets to learn that Mr. John Molyneaux's sight is no better. His consultation with the leading °oculists of Termite and Mon- beicitel time, a: enieliie anti ear -woman and chi -Tleaother ehureli tide Inoroing, it ; but if that's the e se, VII fine you and. eeete or 30 days, just because y go to the Meth( dist hureh, and con into the docl . iu that shape_ It is ri duty to take ca e of y u and straight you up, if you • re a ethodist." -An exeha ge g ves the followie treatment of a felon which in the ca daseribed was eninently sueeeseful : handful eateli of tanse, hops, catnip an wormwood was brown in an old isasi a small quantita af tabacco and a ha- teacupfut of t -u t soa added, and stiff cient water to et ver. When boiling h the hand was pl teed over the steam, an a email blank t wethrown, over ti basin to retain t re ste nt that was a plied untii tin mixture cooled. Th was repeated lay and night until th pain was entire] - rem( ved, which was i 48 hours. The rs het ham the paroxysm of pain is alma, magiaal aa soon as th ateaiii is raTlii.d. etixture wi only once ren ea ed. 0 anodyne wa used to prewar sleet , as the steamin instantly reliertd the suet:es:ev• e parox- ysms of pain. plaints after having tested its wonderful Ctiiis tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hir duty to Make it known to his suffaring fellows. Actuateil by this motive and a dedire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of chargo, to all who desire it, this recipe, in Ge man, French or Englishovith full directions or preparing 1 and using. Sent by mail by addressing with litamp, namirn. this paper, W. Ai NOYES, 149 ower's Bloplc Rochester, N. Y. 938-25ow • Not Bad: It is sceagreeamethat even an in it. For coughs, clds, hoarseness, - and inonehitisataaaard's Pectoral 1 able ler young ox 4 $57.52.2w. ., The Best: eiombina The beSt combh Won of blood eta lathier health givi herbs.; roots an into durdobk Blood Bitters ---a pin' retnedy that cures diseases of thelil kidneys. 867.52.2w.. ant wil take roup, a thina, alsam i • reli- • i.nSing, regu- 1 barks niter ly veg table od, livcfr aid • Better Than Gold. ed Tq those trout)with Kidney and ur nary troub es such as a conetant desil to uri late, sitooting, scalding -pains, pain in th ..back, sedi- ment, &c., &c., Dr. Uhase's Liver 'ure w'll be found more Nraluabble than gold. It posit vely cures. See "Prophet' for testim Ma's. Sold by all druggists. 966.52w. - As an Article I for tiii toflct, A3•er's Hair Vigor stends uni ival- eel; It cleauses the scalp and preserves it rom scurf and dandruff, cures itching, run] humors, rostors the hair, when faded or gray, t itaf origin, 1 dark color,andpromotes its gro %tie 969,52W. The Disfiguring Eru tion on the face, the -sunken eve the pallid coin] lex 1,;;ieinr dicate that there' is something- wrong:go gn withio. Expel the turking f e to health by usi ig.Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 969.52 _ . • Be o'n :your Gua d. Don t allow a cold the head t slowly and surely run into catarrh whenyou cn be cured for 25 cents:by using Dr. Chase's • C. tarrh Circ. A few applications cures incipient e tarrb. One to two boxes cures ordinary cater h. Twd to five boxes is guaa•anted to cure ehro ite catarrh. Tty it. Only 25 cents and sure cure Sold hi all dealers. 966.1y • • important News -It ms. pookstown•-Mrs. Campbell had been trout for a number of 'years with indigestion and stipation, and was induced- to try Ale0reg 81 eedy Cure and found- it all that was neec $1 mach from cold. , an ‘vould recommend its use to y . ou e -Mitchell esimilarltroubledThis invaluable ie xhibitors were pretty suc- -so d „wary part of .canada, at t cessful at the Seaforth' poultry show. pe beittla. Sold at Lumsden & Wi Mr. J. G. Jones showed several classes st en of game fowls and carried off six prizes -1 first, 2 seeonds and 2. speeials g garne, and 1 second on Malay fowls. se Mr. F. eacebel took 1 first and two sec - A owls en White Legharns*and 2 firsts and al 1 special on canaries. Mr. Oliver Hodges la took I first on game fowls. If --Mr. Thomas J. Jones, a I former a resident of St. Marys, was run over by ot an engine and killed in the 'randTrunk a Railway yard'at Point Edward on Satur- day, 29th ult.' Deceased was a brother of Mr. C. 8. Jones and Mrs. A. J. belch, and was a paltrier _in the boekstore of Belch -4e Ce. , St. Marys, for several yeara The deceased was A genial, friendly s and his terribly sudden and tragic death ,e will be regretted by all. His 'widow is the daughter of the Ilev.Mr. Hutchinson s a former minister of the Episcopal g church at Kirkton. • =The Waterloo Chronicle of -a recent issue says: -One of the oldest readers, cif thd Waterloo Chronicle is. the Rev. --A serious aceiden ocearred recent!. to Hugh Kaye living t jelin Wilson'a 3rd coucessica ,effu.ron tewnship, count of Bruce, by which he was rendered in sem-Aide for wane tin e. .1Ie had bee. carrying a pole and ha 1 I. * Ft . end rest hInaself, and when ;again placing i ors his sho•uliter he 1 ust have fallen Further than this he 'Iowa nothing a what happened. He wandered home WILIII.S, [Int paeaed his : nue, and did no, reeover conseimisness ell ' ' I I' , 1, '•: aearly two. ades front eri-e- pace of acci dent and then returned ty the road. .11 had received el bad en onethe farehead and -leas badly bruised abont the .head but does not know leou they were done A neighbeas stitched - tie woand on his farehead. . -The Napinee Ex ..esS of a reeen date savs : it s a. rfatot ions fact that for the past feW days inic of the hotels of this towa Lae been 'lade betrer ehan a g•untrling hell, at one tinse on Tuesday nieht there hviintr no Ices than ten genes ,in 'full bleat. lAre onr rem authorities so: deal that they aim ot hear of theSe things or so 1H.Inti tha. Alley cannot see thou ? The l_tanee of :ttkii's and dead- beat.; wha inveri tblv ft Neel; ue the cir- cuit of race ituaainies.se ene4 to have full swing here thia week, a •ni.,. lio far as we have been a,hle to ti, id lea, not , the ee , slialeteat effertisves mete 0 ta pi.' )tett the reeidenta of the town and surrounding country from these lea: :es on society. 1 -Last Satarday mernirg in Winni- peg anne partieS pas.ing along 'mar ••• Mactitolea college, notieed TA itnIal Iyiag on his back on the praiie about 50 feet from the graded road.- As the morning was very cold; they naturally supposed the man was tisit lying there for p. Caen re, and thinking he might be drunk, they weat to rotate him befoie he was frozen. It nue' then discovery I the num was dead and frozea 11,4.4 stiff aA a lag: Lying beside him on the Anew were his in its, cup and hulEelf) coat, the corlpse being bare-. headset and I are -handed_ ; 71.1ie police were sent for, and the Unfortunate mail waa rerognized as one dames Peat, an old resident of the viten hailing from OW(11 Salina, Mid %VIM hit:-; been for same tinieltast emplayed at -!coanes' auction roam-% The ramains ‘ ere .removed to hie :home, a short :lista Mee !from where he wa.; found, i -Un Saturilty, .39th ult., while the east bound exp. ess train Was waitina at Vereet for the weal lennel exprease _Mes- senger a'sparlinea, of the (` madam Exprees Company, notieed two clahleen shielding on the: est. itch a. few vete' e I rem his eau, lie yelled to tht•rn, hut lic noise Of the eseapina steam front the atanding engine drowned outhia voice. Thel engineer of the inettinin:4 ti tin at tin slikie' time inr- tio-d their dangt.r and w instled, puttintz , on ; h • brakt•s and rever i[nte Ili.: engiec, Alieeeen„,..or Sperlinee sceing that the eaialeen did pet iteties: 1.1.'• yelling' or the whi,tiiol!, jumpel oat I, til( vir door and, i•an anti thr •tv them miler the stand. iite" train as the eveine se -opt part. jut lerserhier them. The ex itetnent of the : 10,e0 tie „le a ha st ere t it: far away t0 . rvn,ii•r ',lily --i ':n'', NV E intense, and • schen ireect see t ill tl- •:! eltisara ol 1,niu:.4 th,.. slink, ii:i0,1- wi:it i'.4. e ni:r•ttulat • hint on hi his .lirar, c -The Toronto Ci6I lini-o: ..r.n:-,i.i..,!..1 it•t• .f ,:r.:.!. t%try.. in.:. nia.:1I ;t1 :".. .-e.vs Powvii • 4.1 ' i a ...,q0...th t'.. c, 1. 1,ratt 1 0 at: tried in t no . 1.!.... *,... -t :01t;t:;1;... Wt Y ,farnes Boyd, of _Grosshill, who has, as he informs the editor, been on ,the sub - Y scription list for 27 a`rears. Mr. Boyd is one of the most scholarly and eatimable EL ministersin tile Presbyterian church e and we trust that his bow May long • abide in strength and that he may be • able to minister in divine things to the good people in Wellesley for many years. - To all of 'Which the Stratford Beacon t fervently adds amen ! Also, that Mr. . Boyd has been a subscriber to the Bea- . - • con for a longer period than that. Anecdote of Dr. Chalmers. lite right word at the right tithe' is a power for good. The following story is told of Dr. Chalmers : will relieve the poor little sufferer immediate131. re, Seaforth. 904.82w. 1 Salt Rheum Curei. • leCregor & Parke's Carbolic Genet:: has boon tri d and found to be the only positive cure for sa t rheum, pimples blotches on the face or ha ds, cute, burns, bruises, or any sore that no hin_ else will heal. Try MeGreg-o , & Par ,e's Ca bolie Cerate 25e. per box at Lulus en & Wii- sor s chug store, SeafOrth. 964.62w. any pe remed Oc. and Ison's d led on- r's ed, on • is 81 cGregor's • Lung Co I POUIl lave you a bad cough, a chronic h arsenese, a fet Ming of tightness in the chest, a•eak lungs, or any si niter compliant? If so, bu3rat once a be tle of MeGregor's Lung- Compound. " If tern C110 yclu." It contains entirely new specifics of ,3 wl ich one dose is. more effectual than a wh le bottle Of the old-tinie remedies. It iS put up1in 50( and $1. bottles. Sold by Lumsder & Wits n, drtjiti.ts, Seaforth. Try it, and you will ne •er hate reason to i complain. 1,..e3w. ' Ill c d. I visible but. Instantaneous 4.11 pains or aches will be instantly remot ed by a fen : drops -of Flu d Lightning aliplied o er the affected parts. No time* lost ; ii i nausec us malicincs needed • no poulticing or using gre sy linimente. It win* nol-, blister or discolor the skin. Sold at 25c p(e• bottle by Lunislen & \‘• il- sof , druggists, Seaforth. Sufferers fr in neui- 1 - gra assure us that they never fear' it vhen thiliir house Contains a bottle of Fluid Lightni ig 964 52w" . I r. Lew's Worm Syrup will i•ern vd wort is and canse, quicker thap any other inedicine.,_ 857 52in . tior ph t chil exp ach or nettle rash, itching- piles, ri mete mil, ern s, and all skin diseases use Prof. ow's Sr I- r Soap. 857.62111. . eetroy the wor ns oi• they may destroy ti 10e11. IT:se Freebian's Worm Pow lers, th y el all kinds of worms. 857.52m. ttionaliPills purify the blood, -regulate stein - liver aind bowels. 637.5211. , '..eidvice_to Mothers -0 you Ilistul bed and breke» Of yo tr rest 1 lc elit d suffei ii g and crying wi h pain ing te th 7 If sOiSend at Mate ud get !i.: of ' Aire. -1Vine1ow's Soothing Syrup" ft irente. thing. Its value is inealctilable. I • " Dr. Chalmers WaS 011Cd at a noble- ..Deperd tn on it, mother ; there is ne 'nista* man's place in *company, a abet t it. It mires dysentery and diarrInea, regd- late the etineach and bowel5, cures NI hid COH(14 esteel in the* Docter's b:rilliant conversa- Five' roue and. energy to lie whol systene land chief. The chief Was m uclainter- '.oft i's the gums. retituTS inilzwtina anit then. 'i'he two Nvereshoven- into adjoin- wintlow's scathing- spew- fori children f eething; is pleaeant to the ate and i the pel. ing poOnIS to sleep: While. prepari g . Bete tioa of one of the oldest and b et female n ph3eiciaes cuid iitiesee in the United SI:t Iles, and 18 hi side liv all druggists thramehout t le world . to en •y -live cents a bottle.. - lie no oth :r kind.966.1,y. • oi ''A RH. 11-issatev's Soternixo Sv! for bed, the chief was peastrated by •apoplexy, and soon died. This event called forth the fol owing to those who had gathered about the Corpse : ' Neeer in my life (lid I see or did I feel, before this moment, the meaningof the text, 1` Preach the word ; be instant in season, ..out of season.," 11ad I knoWn- that my venerable old friend Was within a few minutes of eternity, Iewould have ad- dressed mysel f earnestly to him; I would !niece preached unto hini and you Christ !Jesus and him crucified ;' 1 wou'd have iureed him and you, with all the earnest - :noes befitting the subject, to prepare for eternity. A ou - would have thought it, and yau would have prononeced it, eta of season; but ah ! it would have been, in season both as it respected. him and as it respects you.'" HowEgg Are Utilized. Egg soap is nilade from the yolk of eggs by the Tartars of -Eastern Russia. Albumen is made from the white of epegs, and egg oil from the yolk. Egg mom- atum is also made. Egg oil is _used for oiling egg leather and wool in the 'wool inills. Ewe -albumen sells for about 75e - per n in Prance, while blood albumen is- m -trail only 25c aer• 11). , The yolks ef eggs are also preserved in theaform of a powder, which is used in bakeries and confectioneries. The yolk may also be preserved.in glycerine and salieylic acid in the rapid shape, and is used in tan - aeries in this form. In Russia, over a millioa dozen eggs are yearly used for these manufacturing purposes, their cost beiag from 5 to 10c per dozen. . , - .----a- . A True Statement Eied worth:van ureter die," and there are none but kind words ep. .1. e n regardinL;• liagyard's 1-e1- 1ow ()i1 that 0141 reliiihle remdy efor external and internal use. It cures rheumat ism, deafnesg, t'r ii114, 1.) 1-4' thniat. 011,1 all sureness and womids 11, ,Ite flesh. s• -17.5.2..2w• ° Without Doubt.- , . 'edam; 011 ie par Vit..Celvill•t. fOr 1•1141114. (lc 1111,1 Iitrj,.inte and all !leek %%minds. Any l. -di-ii-1,e'er ran t Amish if: A Voice from tile -United States. %.,• saft• tlivy I 1, 1.4,1 f i the V:0', it 11 11.1 'Z- .\ ear to I reia aed tried itimi.N tin.s...ent•ter' an1.1, t‘ Mt little •-,114.i.*-4 t': -t'4 Ile anti On nit then relit tiniek 11.1411 t._ A. I...1 •irt, A....eizes were „.-aneeet, .11.1, literteau, I". S. 1 1-t. i ANt .1 I •re 4,111. ,e L inal pre;••• 1.4et; Of Chi' 1111•44, Ulf'- ( ):1Ji4j. .'".44, iety, end it fee land, teealleta- -veers. :i --.t 1. tt -",greii It- ti Do:atm:tit tv('rtiniont at :QUI par aere, 11 I till* they 1.1.1-1' sol•1.1)\- then; to ; the StteietV at :'13 alt ;Le 0. ;rite plain- tiffs Irere alI subserill r.- or stoek in the society to) a Urge extent nil were among !, the first directors. They claimed to be ,Tood Advico. areepr 0111 ;'. .•1 0 b .t tie in 1 1.1..2.‘ard., Yet - at a r In t-1.14. it.11C11 118 •• "11 .1-. 1,10V] vs..., chil- 1.! • 1.; •....•!,t;., 1 I alit thf 11.(11(.8, a ee. and it :till r lit found ✓ ee.e2e.e. Consumption Cured. An old physician,retired from practice, having hed placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the f:Irlitula of a simple vegetableremedy for tilt...speedy tuld permanent one of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and 1410g affeetione, also it positive and radical cure for Nervous Debilit • d 11 N ' Pric ask ,take 811111 ILII( ei,," O atar-rli -----a .b:rew. TrOat ent. , Pe haps the ..mOst 'extraordinary sue aes tha has een achieVed iii itiOdern Medicinehas beer attai ied tiv the Dixate Treatment for Catarrh Out ef-2,00:patientstreatiel during the linet six Mori hs, tully ninety per cent, have be ii eareel of this stubborn malady. Tine is none the leial (14 Staling ivh.eri it is re -membered than 'IVO pel t • cent. of • patient:, presenting theineelve to the. regular pritetitioner are benefitted, While tht pater t medicines and other ad vertis al coree ilever record a CUIC at all. Starting With the claim, now generally believed by the ino t aeien title 14011 that the disease is •due to the mmence of liv ng parasites in ;the tieeu.e- Mr. )ion at Once adapted his cere to their -externimetioe--- this alecolapiiehed,• he Clain's the Catarrh. is prae- td, as .Cures effected by. him four yeers- ag-o are li ticalls, cured, and the pernianeney is ini nestion- cures still. :to one elsee hies •ever atte tinted to euro Ilatarrh in..this manner, and 110 °the. treat ment has ever eared Catarrh. The appliea.tion of th reauedyis :simple, and can be clorie at home, and the present season of the year is the. most favorable for a epeeely and perm:trier it mime, the inajorlty' of rases heing cuted et- one treats inent. Sufferers eliould come:petal with Messrs. A. 11 DIXON & SON, 306 1Citie Stre t, West, Toronto, Canada, and entente: stomp for their treatise on Oaten -h. -AI OtAl 4.1A1 State N •vember: 17, 1889 -i . • - 8 2-62 Still Ahead Of • - H. L,. SMITH & CATERERS, • - 1 0 • I And dealers in American arid C,tttt1rtui Confec- tioliery: .? I:Vet:et:11)1es, Orr:flees, 1,„es1ons.and all inde cjf Fruits. Horels, - end others /ysters in bulk. rim be suppiied at reasoitaale r :tea calmed reeees, Teiseesei ceeete uf the beet Itrahie Lela eenstiiiiily tin haul. .Everv atteetieniteid ter eusromere. 1114,p). to serve lier t1te 'rir:•+. • Deer fol-th peid -et i teed s -are erste-, Al ;in street Seaferth„ Co. 1 . 059 pver p,o0o,Qoo FrEc)PL- uE ERRY'S 'SEE ID. M. FERRY & CO. , are admitted to be the ....1\ LARGEST SEEDSPAEN in the world, . D. M. FERRY & CO'S Illustrated, Des- criptive &raced SEED ANNUAL For 1887 will be mailed FREE .to all applicants, and , to last season's 1 customers without or - Ara /fable to dring it. a1.1•E ery per. son us n t g Gar- den, ield or nower SEED should send for it. ddreml D. M. FERRY & CU. Vi indoors Ont.. STOVES. ooking Stoves FOR WOOD AND COAL. Parlor 84 Parlor Cook Stoves. Hall and Box Stoves, 1 . WE SHOW A RINE LINE OF Hr\AT JT Coal Stoves, In Single and Double Heaters, with and without Ovens. ' Rem mber hi the above lines we WILL NOT BE .UNDERSOLD. Agents 1)n- E. & C. Guiney Co.; Hamil- ton and Toronto; Jame's-Stewart & Co., -Hamilton ; Doherty & Co. of Sarnia Hot Air Furnaces a Specialty JOHNSON BROS., MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. • REPAIRING! We want every reader to remember that we make a specialty of Cleaning and- Repairing ALL KINDS OF Watches,Clocks & Jewelry. Skillfu Workmanship, Neatness, Promptne s and Reasonable Prices may always be relied upon with any work entrusted o our care. We guarantee finest wor1 and good satisfaction, - J. Northgraves Opposi te Comniercial Hotel, Seaforth. 1.2 isT LI T ROYAL MA11. STEMISMPS, A. STRONG, Seaforth, t,Agent. GREAT ItEBUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES • Cabin rates from Ilalifax to Liverpool an.1 Lon- donderry, SGO 863, and $73, accordingto position ef stateroom. children under 12 years, half fate; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, 860. Inter. mediate, $35; Steerage, $13. From Liverpool di Londonderry to Ilalifax : Cabin, e:•63, $78.75 and S94.50; Intenilediate, $35; Steerage, 813. Re- turn -Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin, $100, 8126 and $143; Interinedia_teo.7_0.; Steeragee$20. Money Leaned and Real Estate Bought and Sold as Usual. iNSURANCE.., represent several of tho best Insurance Corn patties in the World. l'OfticeHIarket Street, Seaforth. A. STRONG ; I _ London, Huron and Bruce, Goma NORTH-- i Express. Mail. London, depart 7.55A.m. ,4•25 P.M.. EfterltSearl 1 . ' 9.14 5.50 I • 9.24 6.05 Kippe.n.. .. ....e 9.29 0.13 Brucefield • , 9.36 6.25 Clinton. 9.55 8.50 pondesboro • a 10.15 7.10 Blyth. , 10.24 7.20 Belgrave. ' , . 10.39 7.35 Wingtiam, arrive 10.55 8.00 °INJ%'1•TiaS nghal)ru;,1dr-LExpress. Mail. epart 700.&.t..M. 3.05 p.ls. Belgrave 7.17 3.29 Col)»dth7.82 3.44 esboro.i .... 7.41 3.63 , L i Clinton ' 8.03 4.18 Brucefieldi.. . ,..... .. 8.22 '14.32 . . Kippen.. ...! ..... .. , . .... 8.31. , 111.40 Ilensall 1 8.37 ' .4,46 Exeter. 1 - 8.51 5.00 London, arrive.. .... .... 10.10 16.00 Wellington,Grey and Bruce. NoRTIE-1_ .Arenin. Exri-ess. Mixed. • Ethel ' - 2.34 P. M. 9.20 P.M. 9.48 Brussels • • 2.49- 9,35 10.25 : Eluevale ... 3.05 9.51 10.55 Wing -ham.. . 3.20 10,02 12,00 Omen Souris- Mixed Amon). Express. .. 7.05 r.M. 11.10 A. 2t1. 6.50 A.M. Eluevale 8.02 • 11.25: , 7.00 Brussels --• 8.50 11.45 Ethel.... .. 9.20 12.90 7.27 Train leaving. Wing -ham at 3.0p n,. for Kincar- dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. G -rand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: 1 GM NO WEST- . Siessenrii. Express.... 1.4e r. 8.57 P. Id. Mixed Train.. .. 9 00 A.: M. ClorNo EAST - Express.... .... .. 7.48 A. m. Express MS P. AI, -Mixed Train.. 5.03 e. m. Oin.rrON. 2.20 P. IL 9.15 P. Nr. 10.00 A. .1. 7.30 A. M. LO5 r. ri 4,15 P. Id Removed 1 Removed 1 Gr HI 0 W.-VT1 1\7- G- SEAFORTH The 01d Itletablishect Ent. her has removed to new premise's imniediatttly opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his oid patrons and as many new once as may see fit to faivor him with their patronage. Eft -Remember the plape, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and MeIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. •• THE CELEBRATED • DR_ 01-1.A.SM'S MAND.RAKE DANDELION LIVER CURE.. Have you Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- • gestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Pain in the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure will be found a sure and.eertain remedy. Nature's Remedy--sThe unquallied success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandraks and Dandelion, combined with many other inval- uable roots, barks and herbsehasling a powerful effect on the Kidney s, Stomach, Bewels and blood. Five hundred thousand sold. Ov r one-half mil- lion of Dr. Chase's Receipt Books were sold in Canada alone. -We want every n an woman and child who is troubled with Liver Complaint to try this excellent remedy. SOmething new. Give away free. Wrapped arour d every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a vain title lIousehold medical Guide'and Receipe I3ook (84 pages), con- taining over 200 useful receipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 25 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold he all dealers. -T. EDA1ANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. For Sale by all druggists. 900-52 - CAMPBELL'S - ATHARTIC COMPOUIN! • aLeamemeaeaeceearecianneemeeretankanneensteasea.--eaaaace-e...e-anete:st.az.;.,$-..a.,- even., ete-ae Gene a WATSON, Insuri'..nce Agent - -AND- Deale itn Sewing Machines, All ki :Is ef property insured at lowest rates in first-ela s rigiable companies, and losses set- tled prom] tie to v rates on FARM PROPERTY in nd Waterloo, from 7.5c to $1 (cash hr e years.' Millis ,and factories th- se companies at a saving ot 20 per Cie companies. Speeia the ,Gore plan) for sured in th cent. on et Sole (1 SEWING A ing). Prie chines war work. Nie Ichines re• to. MAL ale A sr an di re in the WHITE and RAYMOND MINES (family and manufactur- nging- from 825 to 875. All ma - ed for five years on every kind of , oil and repairs" for sale. Ma - "VCT .A.LTSON, 'STREET, SEAFORTH. LEGAL. HASTINOS,Solicitor,etc. Office-Cady's V . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seas forth. 974 SEAGER & LEW18, Barristers, Goderich.- OfficealpposIte the Colborne Hotel. 976 C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Priaate Money to lend at lokvest rates of interest. 011ica- I Corner of Square arid West Street, Goelerich. 774 • T M. BEST, -Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office - a) Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dielmon, Aleisr's Block, over Johnson's hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich -Agente-CAM RON, BOLT & C.uBEoN. 70 _ QARROPROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- W tors, &c., Coded* Ontario. J. T. GARRilW; WM. PROUDPO9T„ 6,6 CA.MERON,1 HOLT & C.AlIERON, Bayristere, sapitorr, ju chancery, &e., Goderkih, Ont. M. C. PAIIIH,N, Q. C., PrilLIP II-OLT, M. G. CAMERON. wit; v• - JOFTUS E.1 DANCEY, late with (.'amt-;-.n3(.'amt-;-.n34 • Melt & qameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conves,aneer, &e. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old 01 Ii1r, -Cardlio'al3ioek, Seaforth. 7s6 ?el ANNINGiet SCOTT, Barristers, Soliciters, JAL Conveyafwere, &c. Solicitors for the 'lank of 'Johnston, Tisdale- & Cale. Money to loan, Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, ()Mari°. A. IL )11=0901,7& MANNINO, JAmTs iScorr. 03•Aiwe • IIOLMESTED, successor to the late firm Cf • McCaughey & Holmested,- Barratter, : i s.licitor, Convert:ewer and Notar3•. Sather for sess . the Canadian Bank of Commerve. Money to lerni. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's ,Block:_ Main Street, Seaforth. is effective in small doses, aets without griping, does not 0,3- casion nausca, and, will not create iritaa tation and comgestion as do niany of the usual cathartics ad- - tte, 1 ministers d in the • ate. feareeeteeas „ ae.e...L.;:teeetic torin of Pills, &c. Ladies and 'Chil- dren having the rnest sensitive slot machs take this medicine without trou- ble' or comPlaint. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOI-ND is especially adapted tor the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND Po LiOtiS Dia- - ORDERS. FOIt ACID STOMACH AND LOSS OP AP- PETITE. - FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. Fon CONSTIPATION 0111. eoSTIVENESS. FOR .AT,T, COMPLAINTS ARISING EROM A DISORDERED STATE 02 THE STO- MACII. This medicine being in liquid forrn, the dose Can be easily regalated to meet the requirementof different per- sons, thus making it equally well. adapted tothe usc of the litt:e child as to the adult. Put up in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Price Retail, 25 Coes. .ffir• k •• • • - ta••••••••,••••• Le- PERRY DAVIS' '431t !LLER IS RECOMMENDED 13T Pitysirian,S, 2finist CM, Missionaries,. Managers of Fachwies, lrork-shops, Plantations,. Nurseis, in 11Gspitais, -in short, everybody everywhere_ who hcts ever given, it a trial. TAKEN I N TE RNA LI1Y MIXED went A . WiNE 0 LASS 011' HOT MILK AND • SUGAR, IT WILL BE PoliND A NEVER FAILING SUDDEN MIMS, CHILLS, CON - C it is ti ro it GEST10-7\r OR STOPPAGE OF 1 Cl RC'CLATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN TIJE STOMACH, SUM- AlEll, AND BO WEIs CWIPLAINTS, SORE 7.'11 ROAT . &c. APPLIED EXTEI:SA Lis', j II:X 12 El; I 1: yeti .11 ‘S P111 )1- EN IT THE etosrr EVI'Er IIVE AND i1E-4 r LINIMENP oN 1 S , I.H A.RrIN I 1-,:. G .ioN IN. 'I IIE pAIN AR I NO 1•1:05t 'S:'1ZA INS, lI-IS1,6 I. RIII•TA.- ' 21M, NE1.71 .11,f;1.1, swm.,LED . - FA(..-...., T. \*.Yi'llA(".11:, ' "--i.: NS, FR: )ST BITES, &c., &c. I -25els. 144 7' B•til:e. . 2-2.0ee-er e of- Ine ft cajoles. -5.e... at, le- ,. • .-...........-er- tee:- neneenenne= .22-3 , ir ' •-•• I J t•N . r14.7."' 'e•!.. ' , IC • 4. ' ! J ...• .7. 'CI; ass,,S> 3'4.it .-8(1.(1itre.:- .1. !partition is 'i' I4' <- ai.-wi,•,1 f.,r 1 i•t: r,;i ref 0r441 atct.ieliri'da6:11:eb:-:Iteici .";1'.1s, 'Woc. lici-",el'ilj' .,eer:e star of ties:7'1;'8441•11:.1.aii-Y:iac"eori4,ieit,yf:::.:)1:-.;:1-.aIcllal- letation of the 114..41. 1 l'..7' 11 re.sulis w ill •.. t•• ef . ,•V.....Vt•vers. follow its u.e. in ca-._:., of :.•,..,•••, 0 1.xliau,tiort . ci.irg. from 1.9...; c,f 1;.! i....... A. :It,: or Chrunie 1..._.•t -e•4, and in ti.e w i.•, to.. -s 1,ra nivariab:y 14-•,!Ali:an:esti-1c rt,.,ry .....inyg No. 1 enwily will g. .,.t 11... .i...: r,:: -...,1y reiief in . 1ty.;•••1.Thia or 1 11,..4.e.C,.:), 1,r 1,1•1...,..e.;- „ra lead- -11160,1, I,- --; ( i .11)10:-. lit:- 43 po:piel r 7 y, 801 in 4:1 4....., -. 44i:44e (., 1.0 1i8.11'1'11C:711'. . .... Lee s•rimier.e.,:er is_ retie:, tei, .. es s6c, the. EI.iX I•1: it e l i.,:t ty;;;'• -?` ._ A La:lid , ''''be, • 4 -5. 0 0 .. .5.0!iz by all De.a.'er.; iii ..).1.%:.•", lac. LVIS 4:z Ii.A.wRzici-c:7, co. :_i.1-0.:ited) SOLE : At;11...:,:.,(..;. ;Na......REAL, P. Q. .,. PENNYRGYAL WAFERS. -'51e7ete- Peeseription of a 1:11 skim) whe , t:i.,....;:!,17-, 4 4. 11.11:4111:,1:1 av,1::: 110,1111: te,.....ikic1-1r,i.::::sese 1 ii tyl ( 0 ', ' ..4.treltin_r, female disease -S. IS 118ed t.'l''.: 4.-e'%.3.k . ti ,-. ..f, -f ' 1. ! ....4 ot ,r 1,1,11181 iticill 14, 114.114.:411.11t, safe. %ere) effectual. tetdiee as1; yotir drug- '‘... gist for Pi•rin. royal We feri a.nd i•-?..;- -'• - "'I, take no se i.,--t.t inv. or irso,c.se post- .--• ..,... ,'.... ›,:"..,-.4,..... • atv8 for staled I V.'ll 1 t . (-wl la N. soM.. by.• '---- -^i- .. " slid ru=-_ isr s, ,-:1 !Tr 1•,:x. Aildr(*E4' THE EUREKA CH ENI ICAL Co., I le; t-oi t-, ,'N.1 i'h. ts..,ir'Sold in Seaforth liy Iatitisde-n .441 Wilsc,tt,151.21'. Fear ar, ia 1.,y Drugeists gem:rata . it:t 0 '1 CD (1) CD (7) .Q, ww )-1 51•)•a a -a 0 a.) (:)-54 H Z ° Po fne eta U)A) : ,-, CD W .?--4 ‘...i w CD eet' W 0 W W W CD a , P2-1 en W W r-4- 0 b-1 - 0 . (D 0 t•-•4- (.5 a.) , CD ti A.) CD f r+ r•--, CD• 0 issucesmi INNIMINNO! estroca`i loop••••01 '*.11 kieurmserasi 1•77: Ortalur*4 • CHEM BOILER WORKS. Chry t Manufacitirer. of Upr gh SALT P N - and al STEAM AN On hand, re. I 30 1-1 I 81-1' 1 & Black, all kinds of Stationery, Marine, and Titliular Boilers. , SMOKE STACKS ki ds c)/ Shleet Iron w ork. WATEIi PIPE FITTINGS - onstantly on hand. dy fpr delivery: • . New Steel Boiler. • New Boiler. 4, Complete Boiler, Engine leg order; Wi receive pomp Station. . God erich, M • • 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit, Separator, &c., all in good work - 11)0 sold cheap. Mail orders will attention. Works opposite 0. T P. 0. BOX 361. y 26th. 18i41. Harn j4. 1S'EAJ,'OR7'11 ss Emporium I 'rraE 1-1A R N ST -11 '7- Lk 11D, LD ESTA BUSE El) ESS MAKER ---- 01"--------- ' • Has constent y on lictuil awl makee artlerall kim s of 1,1(1111 a n floil'W 11(1 ,•1;..,r) a full t. 4;4:a ef Truelcs, Setehala, Whiee, letel-ee, tiers,: Cloth - and evei -thing uenally foiced in a first-elaes har e•sa alter. I tell as e nap as the ( apat far 1 . leak e -nem by ex - eteek and eettiee praen irig elaewhere. the phee .01r etitaa .et street. cash. Yoe _ a„,:ning me - g E. E _ " 4_ .11celiember befere. pnrcha oppoalte A M L Uzaparoaehed rer Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE, i BELL & CO,! Gulp, 011 J(.• N WA THECUOWSBEST FRIEND • MONEY TO LOAN, oNEy TO LOAN. -Straight loans at .6 per ail cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any thne. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 550 - 'DENTISTRY. ata la BALL, L. D. 8., Honor Graduate, mem_ kx. ber Royal Dental College, Toronto suc- cessor to D. Watson. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed,. Chloroform, 4.ther, gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth.. I'lates inserted ateirices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Booms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as hew as good te.ork ear) liedoneIfioTra.snintesidence '1;anie as that occupied by Mr. : W_ tr_ P',..A.IR,7 . .,.• . :11.44-77li.ji,;:r•!. I-'. D'i3Sn't'alfrio.Latest . 11' 'Calld irnpo Sr. '17e! ) 4 -afetrag, »tents in every line. r . Satisfaction . ''• -&- ' guaranteed, Office, -In Cady's - Block, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. 'Residencee-Thr Poplars, john Street. fl I -CARTWRIGHT' -&, SON,t.I.11 en- '). tists, of Exeter, Ont. (tile of the above will eieit 1)13 tit the last Thursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month _at Peiee's Hotel, and lie:risen the following Thm•s- da3- of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, whiela re- moves 1 early ell pain_ Parties desiring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. !fel , -a., ty KINSMAN, Dentitt, L. D. 1- • S., will be in Zurich at the ' fy;Huron Hotel, on the last Thurs- "---L-,--j- day of each menthiand in II t•n- sall next day, (Friday,) at 140)801(18's' Hotel. Teeth :extracted with the least pain possible. All work first class at liberal rates. ' 971 - - MEDICAL. W 31 ". "( R A"N°T-"13'a M:tD. C. M.,Graduate of Phstsieian, Sureeon and Accouchew, Seaforth, Ont. Office arid re- eidence-North side :Goilerieh street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 961 1 -a ES. ELLIOTT & G1JNN, Brucefield, n- il dates 14o3 al College of Pit3 sici... - and 1-zurgt-ons, Edinbtirgh. At Seaforth evere da 3 atternoon. Office, -Royal hotel_ JG. SCOTT, AL D., &e., Physician, Surgeon, .-• and Aceoucher, Seaforth„ Ont. -Office: and residence South side of Goderieh street, -Second Door east of the Preebyterian Church. 812 e p •W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D „ C. AL, Memhex J.A.i. of the College. of Physicians and Surgeons, &eel Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residenee same as occupied !by Dr. Vercoe. • I 7 - , ''it. MACKID, °e(c of Ludt -now) Graduate of _I;J: Teronto 1:»iversit3•, and Member of the Collegeof 1'h3sicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drugstore. Resitlence,John Street, firetdoor east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, :Ontario. I , , . .4 . . . . 804 VETERINARY. li:AFORT1I If °RS'S: INFInIARY.-4 oilier of Jin vis and GoderichFntreels, next door ti) the Presla ttrian Church, Seeforth, Ont. A.11 '119 - eases of llorses, Cattle, Shame, or any (•1 tne.d 0.. meetiereted animalh, .1reeesFfilily treated af. the Infirmary, or eb.e.t.lit re 00 the sliorteet notice:. Charges moderall. J.:61 1..:1; W. ELDER. Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of eterin. ary kupt(TAW:Intl% pn hand .A1_7(1.'Ti()NEM1ls. T BRINE, euetionaer for the s) enmity of Ihiron. eeeles attended in al parts ef the County. Al1 orders lilt 4t, Tun Exi•o-rroit office will be pro1141.11.‘ tti tO. •r.'• EAT „• E P Cr' irq A sileceesfirl ne 1E11140 used tee: r eo yeers 111 tra.easede tI eases. 'Cores Sven' aterrlii a, 'ea le ens lee 3.11: sa, II/ 41•011•11(Iy, and all di -lases t-a10-eil by r;htti-c., t11-114 01 Ar 1 tit ! or over em. Minn. pae•Lat.,:us ..ru.ira,:,14.4 41 to when :411 4.11•ers 3 ma-ist f' -r (.1 i..? W11)1 P take 1- • c1s1eg.n .173, 811, e.5. 0.011, ‘-‘ ite l'i; Pamphk t. Achinino, EritEliA CI 1 'r:MI1'A.1., ietrrnt. :‘,1 if 11. 40111 in Seef rib by 1.101 V. if/ ),( rts, 408d. tirt1ggiq4 gent -rail. 'F'11 ¥,v? 44, s'el7 WORTHLESS INIITATIONS 1,,.-.'''.-/•...„..,1...-'4e2'.'-,.:-...!-;.,;.777,7'7i;;7'%:.',1;11;.:74-,5. A..*-le, re a.t.»im.,ewi•; rinferio r:_z4,01,”1 with jute &_ f.44 1: 1 4!),1./:r/1: i0141 141 8, , , C:f11bytri1111 , i;11.,1;e.11. - , a . • n :he ',edit e•asenel. , .sa the , 0:: Ce iit pillatieil at ..:4 ' . e I ‚.4 $' Corn line, • .ii O'4'11 it,YI ;.4:y* firie:r ;i. --•.. .r. •' . -1:. .1,11: 44I1e.rt 1...,4 1.,1, " .... ;•,,I'S'!„...if r.• -• ._:,.1.:, ,..., irlg til:4.1-, I....4 ';'-'1 .*. -.. ..,..., .. .,...2. . --;e,.... r.4:: 4.: '",.'."l -4.,4-2,4„ ,.. 4,... i; I • ' i' .. ; I..74.7: vt '1, !. . .a•• 1 : r ti'..3:i; "e • -.1 1*4. • ; `r....1.1.1410* n1 fil3 hotel, ie eiret ,,.te tio- n11... 111 41] 504 raan•is-liefl tlirwiAlwit. and is raA.. ori12 r.; the lie.st anti most, cc 11:1+11-, in the Stff•Every lifiitt411hit at ...II .'. ti 1r114 trueer'ip'r.. charges tuoderate. •