HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-02-18, Page 51887. ion/tura' this exhibit ,eaiotia assiet- e Provincial splendid ex - • ted mainly Growers' As- 'emove erron- ether land in tr Canadian ee-Keepers) 4ed-, through last session; gat reflects 14 mineral re - }icing stead - ad valuable e daring the aorthern and d that min - hopeful pro- VITTES. ,1,..aittitig and •s' of the last )?leted their it - el two vol- 1 Avill be laid second on an r -se entbra.ee inial. er pro - at respective .. the commis- ist 'that you doll; at this ,Szkry to give f the work -EsT. , , 1.-3 tteen much limns of pro - sisal of the department [ (4 the Pro- '. to observe differences ,- of attaining fferenee as to Hie reach of ish to avail wee of unie hat furnish-. e.' Europe or having this efore you. , be Submit - :gradual ex- : Act to the Lc exiger.cies , 1 the local port of the lame of the .4tna city of you. thmitted for ng the ap- i of _Police -le amongst struction in he Province 14 its effects• to the im- labor, and liether the the labor :he Central 'ate persons advantage matory in- • ithout dis- aeslished by expiration .f LitINGS. he Provin- ,-ere adVer- he erection I 'arliament„ ueeded ac- , somewhat s eXpected. .,nteact has In parts of ion requir- contract_ a '- will be feet to the 1,eople and exaatiple of New York, L1 •. by the r ascertain - g the land ie falls of I are nearly dl hesub- i dedicatina , 0 Ine land on fyisions for eat world- t.t material r'y. A re - wilt con- earing on past year I you, and f tom 'them 'Jess than qatesand eleded the i eat year itted for - °and $ .Ifl economy $ for the ! labors Of Ni,ri 'lament same as in th it former zs, over by %old Trunk ti on Satur- R a brother ,CJ, Reich, ; k,:tore of 1,1 years. Ily man, a h.; death idow is, , ehinson piscupal • a recent Ireaders, the Rev. :r has, as the sub - Boyd is timable elnirch, e:ay e may be ee to the =41,y years„ d. Beacon that Mr. the Bea - ate FEBRuARY 18,, 1887. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. The South Huron Contest. DEAtt. Ex.rdsrron.—South Huron Was made a Grit hive by act of Parliament. Na true Reformer approved of the Gerrymanders Now we find three pro- fessing Refor ia the field fot par- liamentary h nors, soliciting the support of the elector Two of them are not , true to the cause they seek to uphold, or they \vOUl(I not come out in the way -they have &hie in: this very critical period in our history. Their action seems to totally destroy therespect whiCh the Rgorm party' always should seek to up- hold. We sq.ect Leaders and we hold conventions at great expense., to select our candidat( s. This is doee for the purpose of getting the best and most useful tams iii' the party to be brought out to repres(nt us. When this is done publicly and all have the same chancc. at fair play, • t is certainly then very unfair, and n list be a great injury to the Reform cause to have two or three more come out-, wh'ch can only have one :re- sult, fizilare o the whole. Jobn Mc- Millan is thenomihee of the Reform convention of; South Huron, Dr. Camp-, bell is not. tt is, therefore, clearly the duty of the Reformers in a body to support Mr. IcMillan.—ELneTolt. God rich Township. B1TEF:4.—Mrs. Wise, of 'the Bayfield Road, had a auction sale last Wednes- day, to disp se of her farm stock and implements. -[-Mrs. Coleiough, widow of the late Wail. Colclough, who died last summer, is very ill at present. We hope she may soon be restored to health again. Dire -ea -Wan Currie has gone to the county of Grbr, and is engaged in get- ting out saw logs and timber. One of his brothers rul a sister went with him. —Captain M Donald isstilI in Dakota. We hope he vill not fall so desperately -in love withithat country that he will want to sell out and move his family thither.—Janiies Elliott intends to build a new barn next summer and put stone stabling ander very large red. fox was killed ea the fourth Hue last Friday. d settler, but came to grief nany places the roads were bare, hut last Friday's fall hings in good repair again, 'earge A. Elliotte who was kick of a horse a few weeks arly completed anew house i to be married in a few was thirty years of age, r used tobacco ,or tasted in - nor hi his life. He was art a at last.—In getting very of snow pat —The late killed by th age,: had ne and intende weeks. H and had nev toxicating _ ertll Items. Marys were flooded t.ys' thaw last week. -avidson„ jr,„ Of Car - confined to bed for tiler serious .Cavan,_ of Knox .uta, re ached the miniver - at th Presbyterian church,. on Salibabh,. 6th inst. ryl3t WEI,. of Atwood,' met 'evere aceiderit lately.. He bush mitt Mg down trees,. fell OD him, cutting him: on ti e hea d. . retiring pension is $i,SOO a y ar„ hute his position of Master in Ohance y will net him $700 more, Mos lt pee- le would not object o retiring c4i an e ual amount. —Daring the. sl .et storm of last week, tford, had a fine soft „ which has for, years pride to himself and f his acquaintances. as tendered -a fare - Royal hotel, Mitchell,ing last Week, by a da, on the eVe of his —Cellars in St during the tree —Mr. Ja nes ingford, ha been soine-,time w th a r —Rev. P College, Tor sary ser MDR, Motherwell. —Mr. Ha with a` very . was in the when a limb very severe' —Judge Legislature in the election last fall in the Democratic interest, but was unsuc- cessful. He is doing a large and pros- perous trade in dry goods and general merchandise at Lyons. —Some eightcar,. loads of columns have been consigned from Montreal to Stratford for use in the new shops. One car has ,already been unloaded, and three more are -in the yard. This looks like work, and spring will bring with it a hum in business. The company will probably advertise for • tenders, and if these do nofrneet their viewsthy will do the building themselves. One of the accessories of the newshopswill be a travelling steam crane, which can pick up a locomotive and deposit it where wanted in the shop.' - —Mr. David Edgai, of Hamilton, who had for the past 15 years been engaged in the lumbering business in Mitchell and spent a great part of his time there, died at his home in .Hamilton on the 7th inst. He was a native ofAnnan,, Dum- friesshire, Scotland, and was 1 aged 57 years. Mr. Edgar Was a good Christian man, well belovectof his family and in- timate acquaintances, and held in the highest respect .by all. He- leaves a grown-up family of two boys and two girls. • —The sudden death of John Becker, a blind man, of the Amulree,hotel, on Monday night last • week, has cast a gloom around. On the previous Friday night after he got to bed, he was awak- ened by loud knocking at his doer: Thinking it was some- belated traveller needing a night's shelter he opened the door, and found to his surprise it was a neighbor, Mr. McFarlane Bates. He tried to get Mr. Bates 'ont, but being unable, histwosons came to his assist- ance and in the struggle Mr. Becker got upset, falling heavily on the edge of a beer barrel. It was found that several of 'his ribs were broken and driven in 'on the lungs and heart. He lingered on'i.n severe in till Monday, when derith 'put an end to his sufferings. • —A Sha,kespeare correspondent. says: Another old Landmark has beep moved by the death of the widow of the laten Dr. Flynn. She was very • young when she arrived in the Canadian wild- erness alone with her father, the late Major 'Fryfogle and the other members of the family. Rough times were thCse before the Huron road was eut out, but strong arms and stout hearts conquered and a home wasliewed out in the virgin forest. On her marriage with the Doc- tor, who was sent in by the Canadian Company, the deceased settled down en a farm alongside the veteran major, where they continued to live until the death of the Doctor, a few yeais ago, when along with her son he moved into the village, where she spent the latter years of her life in well merrited com- fort. Mr. Steet, maple split been an ol f Stis in tw, ject o envy on the part- -Dr. Lel Man N.,`CirtiiIIIICT OA. the on Taesdaa eve , 1.1 number of s frie flesartare fe e Ear —Mr. D,. T. Baley„ of Stratford, re- ceivedthe other dy a tele -gram convey -- of his son's death ,in he has been. for some cause was, small -pax con- tracted in Ws bo.a ding 'house. • —Mr, R F.-.13- rboar„ Of St, Marys,' and his tw i sons, who have beenre,sid- ' ine in the Norti•west for • a -couple , of at present OR a wait. shortly return-. .to te- at St. Marys. - --A litt e boy. in Mitchell, named Willie Edwards„ school the other ' pe. ing 'the sad news NeW York wher time.The years, are !home Mr. Barbolir will _side pernitiy when returning from, day placed his tongue -against a 14,r in. -tie iron bridge near the Callisentli use, and before he- could, be released I4 svatet had to be applied —The 'month's-- Cattle Fair, for Feb - towel., was but poorly small and but poor was offered for sale. sworth„ bought .a few , at- three cents per mazy, held in LI, attended, tud class of at imals Mr. Scott, if Mol head of ti e hes pound. —A you g ma , nephew of Mr. J:1-1. Flagg-, of Itlitche. I, who had been visit- ing at his uncle's a short time ago, and made several ti,Cfpnintances in Mitchell, died two eveeksi ago. at St. Catharines, where he w 4. a st ercnt at the Collegiate institute. —The '-‘• itchel assault case was dis- posed of a Stra ford Police Court on 11, ednesda last eek. John Nicholson was (bends, ed las Patrick was taxed to the amou t of 427, including costs. roderiek 1 as sa ceeded so far in the pace. —The ea gregation of Burns' church, Milverton, some time s -ince resolved to build a ra w phec of worship. They are now tu ring he plans and specifica- tions prepa tftl. he style ehosen is the Early E " and the design will be hands° nu. t will be about 72x43 feet and. will sea comfo•rtably about 600 people. —A mos the pleasal Mr. John on Tuesda t enjo it and Ioore T even a hundred tow for c. the who, went auspices of Deaztid Davidson, an old resi- dent of Aornit gton, died a few days ago. Ile vas one of the earliest settlers • in that ,tawnship,, and did his part in he ft: e, tiourishitv township wa. a native of Rosshire, tid w is universally respected - for his exe •lient character aad, honorable and, manly dispoition. —All the httelkeepers in Listowel were munitioned to „appear at Court in •-• stratfoni on .1 uesday last week, on charges of infis etion of the law. Al - thole+ nct cat•ght dispensing licensed •• beveragee, they admitted having lightsb . in their bar -r Yams after prohibited hours, anti a the was itnposed in each ease. —Mr. I avid McMoiiie, of Lyons, Ne- braska, arrised in Mitchell last week to spend a few days with old friends. Mr. MeMonies was candidate for the State ,ahle time was spent at iomfortable resider, ce of Base Line, Blanshard, ng last week, by nearly speople of St. Marys, sleigh ride under the ethedist church ladies' iLlltkiIlg tt it is. al Scotland, i inNIMMEMIMI1111111 - Local' NoticeS. . - FRESH SEA. HERRING. -- Wiliim -& Young have coining one car load of • Fresh Her- ing and Cod Fish expected early next wel3k. A icliod discount giVertto partiee bu ing RI quan- ties. WILSON 84 YOUNG. '1 :. - 1000 , , CLOVER and .Timothy s ed wanted.• ny quantity of, choice Clover and Timothy seed anted, for which we will pay the highest( price. WILSON SI. YouNo, Seaforth. - 11000 us of ega, soonen- er by osITOR Office, tirin9g1-3-.Stafle abon. $S,000 ats an caps, be shu ghter- Weal n, as I ness. 996 over MONEY TO LOA1q.—Parti9idesir mrrowing money on farm security, at a ble rate of interest, and on favor bletern aye an opportunity on applica iore-eitl otter or personally, at Tim Ex eaforth. I ' DON'T forget the Big R ow,going on at J. McLolighlin's. worth of dry goods, millinery, furs, wools, yarns, and groceries t ed. Come soon and secure a good inean•what I say—Giving up bus t TO LET:—Three rooms to rent A. G. Ault's store, snita,ble for dw Bing or makers, or office of any kind. Apply esidence, Goderieh Street A. 0. ULT. • . NOTICE TO DEBT() .-7-Parties• • rne will -act wisely by mak ng priimpt pa npent, as circumstaneesrwill cot pel me to coll ,ct all =tints due. TuomAs Coviuvrav. 99-4 -1 No. 6 WAREHOUSE. —Havingeo plet d my 20th year in the grain business, fl would ntimate to farmers and oft ers that I still cen- wheat dress - at my 098 wing —Dr. Eckroyd, of Detroit, formerly of Mount Forest, has fallen heir to $50,- 000 through the death of a, brotherin Australia. —Mr. J. Gentling, of West Garafr• while in the act of stepping on a ho se - power at his own „barn got his foot caught on the cap of the large. rheel, and the arm coming around dragged the foot with it, tearing the large toe clean off at the first joint and badly bruising the second one.- -Mr. James Ormiston, of Woodstock, who fell in a fit on the street on Friday night, ,died Tuesday. Deceased Was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, spent about twentY years of his life far- ming in Bruce county, and has livedthe last four years with his brother, Mr. John Ormiston, in Woodstock. --Terrible destitution is reported to exist among the inhabitants of Northern Newfoundland, scores of families being in danger of death from starvation. , —Alexander Ma.carthur, of Winnipeg, accompanied by W. H. Young, and fully equipped., has left for York Fac- tory, en route for Baffin's Bay. The objeet of their journey is scientific re- searches, and it is possible an effort will be made to reach the North Pole. The funds are said to have been furnished by the Smithsonian Institinte. the Commercial Hotel. Without reserve. —Word has;been reeeived from Paris. John Campbell, Proprietor; J. . Brine, of the death of Rev. Adam Townley; D. Auctioneer. inue to pay the highest market price for oats, peas, barley &c, and nvite all ly old riends, and its nany new on e'sas well, Ilo deal vith me. Alwalys represented at markt and torehouse. JAMES BEAITIE 9 7-t.f. AT COUNTER'S JEwELEYF STORE, you an get a lady's gold hunting, stem winding watch, for $20.00 ; a gentlemanrs open faced, filled case, stem winding watch, for $ ,00 ; a good nickel alai th Clock for SIM a crue stand for $3.00; a bu ter dish for $2 50 ; a air of spectacles for 1 c., and all other oods n1t hard time prices. To the Electors of the South Riding of Huron. GENTLEMEN, -1 have been requested by ninny of the Reformers of the South R ding of Huron, to alloil Myself th be brought out as a ca.ndidate tO co test the said Riding in the in- terests of the Reform pare. I have always! been a sincere p,nd coisistent Reformer, and believe that the principlas advo- cated by the old veteran -Refordiers, Al.,xander Mackenzie and Bi lake, are best c lculate to ad - vanes the interests of this, my native and. I believe with the Hon. hd.ward Blake, that as soon as the country is ripe for supirlegis ation, a prohibitory liquor law should bq pass . I be- lieve that every citizen of our ydung aa d grow- ing country sh uld be allowed to worshi . God as his conscience bottom of my dictates, and will ever, f Om the cart, encourage hat ID rhteous- gess which exa teth a nhtion, an1 have no sym- pathy whatever with Agnosticisifri, or why other ism that interferes with the religious aith of ourselves or our children. - • .1 have always taken a deep iUthrest i i educe - ,tion, ,and -will still continue to do so. I believe in managing the affairs of Ole coun- try with econ My and honesty. As 4 native Canadian, ewculd like to see our your. - and en- terprising cou atry take a proud positio the nations of the earth, and if elected, her gifted son, the Hon. Edward Blake est, conscientious and ardent support, a n among will give an hon- nd I will support all measures which I honestlyi pelieve are for the welfare of the country. As it fariner'S son, and one who has till the soil in my youthful days, I wil take a deep interest in any measpre the •vance the. bone and sinew" of ;the cou Will be ready, with both voice 'rid pet the same. It is im.possible to explain fully my in this short address, but will nnoun ins at an early date, at which I will n elped to always will ad - try, and , to aid rineiples e meet - ore fully POLITICAL MEETINGS. , Dr. 0; mpbell's Meetings. _Dr. C ni bell Will address the electors of the ou h Riding of Huron as fol- lows: Satur a Leadbury, at &o'er Mr. J?h clidate for Electors as Saturday White Sch 6, McKillo Dr. Cam is respectf meeting discuss the issues of the day. I have to say that I will cheerfully iiesign at any time, in -the event of any of the Reform leaders being defeated, and will not 'Attire the Hon. Edward Blake,or the Hon. Alex. Mackenzie to come up to Huron to plead with inel to do so. Ihave the Honor to be, Gentlemen, Ydur Hum- ' ble Servant, :1 • , - ,J. CAMPBELL!, M. D. : SSAFORTII, Febl'Ilitty 3, 1887. . AUCTION- 'SAE. On Thursday, March 3rd, at o'clock sharp, on Lot 12, Conces§ion , Grey, Farm Stock and Implements. J hn Mc- Intosh, • proprietor; A. Delgatty, auc- tio leer. Ou Friday, larch 4th, at 12 o'clock, noon, on. Lot 13, Concession '8, Tucker - smith, Farm Stock and l'Impiements. Alex. A. Nichol, proprietor; P. De- Cantillon, auctioneer. On Saturday, March 5th, at 1 p. m., on Lot 28, North Bound borne, Farm Stock andr Imp John Ryckrnan, preprietore A. „ . auctioneers On" Thursday, :March 10,.at p. m., at the Commercial Hotel ,Household Furnitere and .effect o'clock ry, Us- enieiits. Bishop, o'clock eaforth.. of the , Feb. 19th—At SOUTH HURON'. McMillan, the Reform can -I outh Huron, will address the follows: - February 19th — At the ol House, Lot 10, Concession , at 7 o'clock P. M. bell, or any other opponent Ilyi invited to attend ther EAST HURON. Meeting to be held as follows: GREY. Monday, February 21st.—At Whit ichbol• House, 12th concession, Grey, a 7.30 p.m. moRRIS. Mon( ay, , February 21st— At Gos- man's S hoS1 House at 7.30 p.m. The ilectors at `each meeting to be addressed by leading Reformers. A ordial invitation extended to ladies. ROOMS TGLET.—Four good rooms tip rent over the Star Grocery. Alio a sum of money feund. GRO. 000n. 995 lehereetreinasamea=28m==rheausaeceenner.avaesemeperalieete IMPORTANT NOTICES. - flOLT 1FO R SALE.—For sale, a good heavy kj draiig-,ht colt rising 3 years old. Apply to IARDSON, adjoining the village of 113Viuslkselles. 1001x4 OTICE1'0 MILK DRAWERS.—The Walton Union Cheese and Butter Factory will let their milk Outes on -Tuesday, March 1st, 1887, ihBeirne's 'Ian, Walton, at 1 o'clock p. in. It. 11. FERGUS N, Sect etaryc 1001-2 _at MIOR SAL .-Theundersigned has for sale a X- good vorking horse, four years old, and perfectly so nd. Will be soldon reasonable terms. App y to S. ANDERSON, Teacher in NO. 2, Ooncessim 16 Grey, or Walton P. 0, 1001X5 ARM FOR SALE. ---;For sale, the east half of „Lot 2,IConcession 2, Grey, containing 50 acres. For fertiler particulars apply to JAMES WRIGHT, J inestOwn., 1001x4 11-TOTEL IN BAYF1ELD FOR SALE OR TO REN .—The property known as the Albion Hotel, Bayfi Id, will be sold cheap or rented. Possessi n mill be given on the first of May if rented. 1 Ap ly to JOHN REID, Administrater, Varna 1. 0. 1001x4 ••, D., canon of -Huron, and formerly in- ! 1 cumbent of Paris, at the age of 79 years. . On Friday, Feb. 25, at 1 o'cloc,•k p rn• , • on Lot 9, Concession 12, Grey. Horses and Cattle. Calder & Al cLauchlin, pro- prietors; Alex. Dalgetty, aucticlucer. The doctor had been in feeble health for a long time. ISCIAW ALL lovers of good bread will do Well to remember the flour used at the Fieischmann Yeast Company's free•bakin,g schools in Seaforth and Clinton, is from the Bm Balm Sea - forth, Ont. RATES OF ExenAsoK-38 lbs. good Flour, 10 lbs. Bran, 3 lbs. Shorts per bushel A 1 Wheat. CUSTOM CHOPPING- BATES—Eight cents per 100 lbs. cash. FOR FARMERS WHO GET THEIR SUMMER EXCHANGING DONE IN THE SPRING, we will keep a special grade of Flour, that they may safely rely upon to insure them 'first-class bread all summer. Our tan ANOE, FAMILY and BAKER'S FLOURS are unequalled for quality and cheap- ness. A. W. Outwit,: & Co., Big Brick Mills, Seaforth, Ont. 1000-3 Births. to T4OMAS.—In East Wawanosh, on the th inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas of a son. SMITIL—In Seaforth, on the 10th inst„ the wif of Mr. W. R. Smith of a son. f, COSENS.—In Grey, on the 1st inst., the wife o Mr. C. W. Cosens of a son. , HOLMES.—In Brussels, On the 7th inst., th wife of Dr. -T. G. Holmes of a son. ' ARMSTRONG, --In Morris, on the 5th.inst;, th wife of Mr. Geo. Armstrong of a soe. I Marriages. , , MONTGOMERY—O'BRIEN.-,-At Irisbtowltl, o the14th inst., by Rev, Father Lamont; Mr, James Montgomery to Miss Ellen, only daughter of Mr. Mi thael. O'Brien, all of - Hibbert Township. CHAPMAN—G•ORDON.— t th.e residerne Of th bride's father, on thi 16th inst„ bylRe,1 Mr. Ross, Mr. Jame Chapman to ;Jane youngest daughter o Angus Gordon,.Esq. - all of Tuckersmith COWAN-1'AI1KElt.—On the 16th -i-nst.; by Rev. - A. McLean, of Blyth Mr. David Cowan te ' Miss Maggie, dauthtei of Mr. Jas. Parker, o East Wawanosh. CAMFBELL—KNI(HIT.--fin Stratford,.. 01 th 9th inst., at the reeidence of the bride'; brother-in-law, A. A. Adair, Esq., by Rev. A Cunningham, Mr, Frank A.-,Campbel4 onl son of Hugh Campbell, Esq., of Mitchcv11, f Miss Ada Knight, of Stratford. • I SANDERSON—an:S.—At the residence el th bride's father, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. Charlton, Mr. John Sanderson,. of Gortic,1 Aliss, Clara E. J. Boys, third daughter f Richard Boys, Esq., of Garafraxa. . Deaths.- , YATES. Iii Seaforth, on the 13,th inst. ,Edit " May,daughter of 31r. Albert Yates, agecl years, 5 monthsand 6 day., BULGER.—In MeKillop, t the" 14th insi Joh . s Bulger, aged O years. - • •1 , RBB.—In Tucker;ilnith, on the 15th inst.lElle -. S. Robb, fourth daughter o•f Mr. Wni. Robi twed 16 year-. AMENT,—In Seaforthi:on the 15th inst.,•Eliz. beth M Attica, aged80 years. Morris, on the '.5th. inst. , Catheri e Isala4ia, youngest daughter of ,Mr. Walt r Innes, aged -15 months. LOGIE.—At the manse, Valetta, Kent count the residence of her son, Rev. J. Logic, M Logic, relict of the -late William Logie, ag 90 years. • I , •• , THE' MARKETS, SEAFORTH, February 17th, 1887. Fall Wheat per bushel (new)......, $0 75 to $0 78 Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 60 to 0 78 Oats per bushel 0 28 to 0 29 Peas per bushel. .... . . .„ . 0" 48 to 0 48 ' Barley per bushel 0 40- to 0 48 Butter, No. 1, loose.......... 014 to 0 15 Butter, tub. ....... 0 14 to 0 16 Eggs 0 00 to • 0 15 • . 5 '5 to 6 00 Dressed Hogs Flour, per 100 ILO 0 to 2 26. 00 9 00 to 10 Hay per ton , Hides per 100 6 to 7-00 le 0 r5 to 1 00 NNShrnenelpskins each. - I 0 20 to 0 21 .Salt (retail) per barrel- 0 00 to 0 75 Potatoes per bugle', 0 (0 to 0 50 Salt,(wholesa.le) per barrel..... 0 80 to 0 80 ' Wood per cord 1" 2 60 to 3 60 CLINTON, February 17th,' 1887. Fall Wheat per bushel (new). , $0 '45 to $0 78 Spring Wheat per bushel.......- 0 60 to 0 78 Oats per hushel . . .... . 0 28 ta 0 29 -Barley per bushel ...... 1.... .... 0 40 to 0 48 Peas pee bushel 0 48 to 0 48 . 0 00 to 0 15 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs Butter • ' Hay per ton .. . . ...... 9 (10 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel, 110W 0 00 to 0 60 Apples per barrel Wool • IIides per 100 14 2 60 to .2 00 O 20 to 021 q O to 7 00 Pork • ,. 5 r0 te 575 ' Cordwood 2 0 to 3 60 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 5 50 to 6 00 • ToanTro, Feb, 17.—Fall wheat, $0.76 to $0.83 ; • spring, $4180 to 00.83 ; -oats, 33c,to 35c{; peas, 51c to 520;- barley, 40 to &)c; hay, per t4n, $9.00 to 815.00; butter,: 22e to 25c ; potatoe , per bag, 85c to 90e •, eggs, per doz., 26c to 27p; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. $6.00 to $6.25. • LEVE,RPOOL, Feb. 16. --Spring: whea , 76 05d; red winter, 7s. 05d ; California No. 1, is 07d; California No. 2,08 00d; oats, Os 00d.; barley, Os Od ; peas, 5s 05d; pork, 65s 06d.; chee e; 649 0661. Live,Stock Marke s. 3Iorreesb, Feb. 15.—A few srnall ots of ex- port stoek were bought on ltonday at from 3.tc to 4c per lb., which shows a decline on outside prices. There was a fair local demand and good cattle moved oft pretty well. at from 2J,c to 34e per lb., while inferior stock sold at ic per cb. live weight. Sheep were in good Supply and met with it fair thinand, but at easier prives, sales behig made at 4cper lb. There was a good demand for lambs:at -11,c- to 4e -Per lb., live weight. Live bogs were fairly inquirid for, but owing to the searcity prices were tiOnier at 41c" per Ili. The demand for calves wee good, and prices were higher at*2 to 1u each aS to quality and size. BrEFALo, Feb. 15.—A few good steers averag- ing 1,226 Ills., sold at 84.70 per 100 lbs ; butehers' steers, av_eraging 1,044 lbs., at 841; butchers' cows at 83' to $3.55;;bulls at $3 to 83.20 ;- veal calves, $6 to 86.50. For sheep and lambs the market is glutted, and prices falling. Hogs ae- tive at from 86.30 to 85.80 per 100 lbs,. -A TONEY, TO ,LOAN —To loan, 81 290, ino!iey AI beton ing to the municipality of East Wawanosh. Will be loaned on first mortgage on real csate.I Apply -to THOS. II. TAYLOR, Reeve, •:?r W 1. CALM, Treasurer, WeStfield P. 0. 1001-4 1TALLION FOR SALE.—For sale, a Cana-. din tred, heavy draught Stallion, three years oid, s'red by impdted "Scotland's Fare- well." "I -Ie is a bright bay, and a splendid colt. For furtherlparticulars apply on 'Lot 16, Conces- sion 10, MeKillop, or to MM. HARGAN, Win- throp P. 0. 1001x4 0 EEDS, S ?EDS.—Edward Cash has opened his 0 seed s ore as usual, (or the purchase and sale Of elov r, timothy, and seed grain, and will contin e to sell at good value to buyers. -Parties who ha ,e c over or timothy to sell, please give iiie a c 11 at the old butter and seed store, Code - rich stieet, Seaforth. EDWARD CASH. 10011 —Any -person or persons found tres- ig on either Lot 29 or 30, Concession of Hay, by either cutting or drawing be prosecuted as the law BISHOP, Proprietor. - 1001-4 NTOTICE. -11 assi 1, tow) ship away imb directs A The Celebrated and Popular Dry Goods and CI thing House Bills G and pi poreh HUDS ERS WANTED. — Tailors will be re - wed by the undersigned, addressed' to eerr P. 0., until March 12, for repairing inti g sehool house No. 7, Stanley. also it to ,.,)e erected. WM. PARSONS, JOS. N,and THOS.W1LEY, Trustees. 1001x4 DUNCAN & _DUN -CAT\ , SEAFORTH, Of TARIO, 5 Grand Trunk Railway Allan Line Agency. Tick -eta issued to all points in Manito-ba and British Columbia, via Canadian Pacific Railwk'a Also to all pints in the United States", via Pc" Huron and Detroit, Baggage chtelzed throu"-h to destination. Tickets issued to and • from all importara points in Grieat Britain and Ireland, ia Allan Line. For 4111 particulars, apply to • C• BETHUNE,Agent, 100143 Grand Trunk Rau1wa, Seaforth. You Cart Buy A Solid Cold Open or Hunting Still tearing down the prices of goods, and by so doing are getting amply re- ' -hs warded by the satisfaction visible on the countenance of those who have embraced LadiesWate, for $20; or a Gent' the grand offers in cheap goods by the MEN r tion of a H. R. tL, T The lo vest E $ WANTED,—Sealed tenders will be. .ceiNed 1 y the undersigned, for • the ered-' )riCk house on Lot 8, C011CCSSIOTW 9, ckersmith, up till :Friday, March 11. or any tender not heeessarily accept- ed. P ans nd -specifications can be seen at any time o i the farm. Address W. BURNS, 57 Col- borne strect, Toronto. - 1001x4 NTO IC .--,Tenders for building a bridge over IN ho able River; opposite Lot 3, Conces- sion2, Tom nship of llay, will be received by the underignel Up to the Sth of 'March, at whose resider ce lan8 and specifications may be seen after the T nd of February. Thelowest or any tender, no necessarily accepted. SAMUEL R.ANNVE, teeye of Hay. 100173 ARM F IR • SALE.—For sale, Lot 22, on the . , 2 id 4on6essio1l of Stanley, containing 100 acres, ver 80 cleared, and in. it good state of Cul- tivatiO ; t -e balance is Well timbered with hard- wood. Th ,re is a large brick house, good frame barns, she( s and stables, and all necessary build- ings. - There is it orchard, and two never - failing wel s. ,It is withie sik miles Of Clinton, eight rom Seaforth, and three from Brucefield, with g od grayel roads leading to each place. •Schoo convenient. It will be Sold cheap and on easy ems. :Apply . on . Lot 24, Concession 3, Statile', or( to Brumfield P.O. JOHN GILMOUR.. 1001-tf. GRE4T CLE A 11 Which was inaugurated at DUNCAN & DUNC Clothing and Gents' Furnishing House. ' NG SALE N'S ever popular Dry Goods Messrs. Duncan & Duncan Still intend to offer such inducements to Piircha Millinery, House Furnishings, Gents' Clothing insnre a speedy reduction of their immense atocl best selected lines west of Toronto. • DUNCAN & DUNCAN having already ;bu cellent quality of their goods purpose still to offering goods at low prices, will handle none b conscientiously recommend. TAIP RTONT AUCTION SALE OF IMPROV - 1 E II RSES.—There will be sold by Poblic Aucti n, on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, 1887, at- the itattei bury Hotel, Clintbn, the fqllowing valu- able stock, viz. :—Six first-class draught mares, 5 three-year-old draught mares, 6 two-year-old draught Mares, 5 one -ye -a -old draught mares, 2 spring foals, draught mares; 3 three-year-old draught geldings, 2 two-year-old geldings, 2 one- year old draught geldings, 1 draught stallion coming 2, 3 first class drivers our years old, 1 first-class matched carriage teani, 16 bands high. This stockliS all picked drst,class, and offers a rare chan e for farmers to procure good breed- ing stOck. 1 All will he sold Without reserve. Sale to corm -119m at 1 o'clock p• in., sharp. TERMS OF SALEd—Eight months' credit will be given on furnish,ing approved joint notes, with interest at seven iier cent. WILLIAM BAWDEN & CO., Proprietols ; JAMES ORE, Auctioneer. 1001-1 i p UTH HURON..:, , To ,a.rn s I Dicks on , Esq!, Returning Office.r :— The frillow'rig is it statement of the Election ex- penses of ,Archibald Bishop, ESq.,a candidate, at the election to the Legislative Assembly of the Province cif Ontario, at the election held onlDec. e28r st I 1: ' 1.886,1as shown by the accompanying voluch- 1 , . • /0'19650 Hall Rent4 . 1 Personal Expenses of Candidate .0 0 : 366..05000 Horse Iiir Printing and Advertising . Travelling Expenses ' 4.50 2.00 Postage ar d Telegrams.. Total Expenses • :k153.50 I do hereby certify that the above is eorrect. 1 M. 1% McLEAN, Aguit for A. Bishop. 1001-1 DUNCAN & DUNCAN would respecifillly viously informed, room' must be made for an e Goods. They do not cut on one line only, to genuine solid bargains—great and in WF -ITE BRONZE 1 comment Co. The Only.Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Our=t!.,..r:L...d Is endorsed hv tist as 'wing practically oirpc:rishabw. It cannot absorb m isture, and consequently is not affec:t- ed by th frost. Send for Designs and Terms to W.k GRIFFIN, Clinton. Dry Goods, Dress Furnishings,C1?t ed or Read ers of all kinds of Dry Goods, ordered. or readymade—as will , which is one of the largest and lt up a reputation for the ex - retain that name, and although t what a first-elass merchant can Gold Filled Stem Wind American for $20: or a three °mice open face, with I'. S. Bartlett movement, for $15 ; and Clocks aiiii Jewelry at reduced prices 1, at remind the public th-at, as pre- tra, largo importation of Spring draw trade, but BARGAINS— be offered for a few days longer PURVIS 84_ IMILKS, -1--F01t. THE NEXT—TIIITY' ID — See our I'Vatch without bands. Hardwood taken in exchange. - Purvis & Milks, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII. DIST-PIMP E R. A 'sure cure is found in the Epizootic & Heave Powder, ()oils, House 1 M.tVN r i' .i BY ingl-Order- maqe. I.V.FEAR,Seaforth. tior Don't forget the old stand, Duncan. & DT -le n, Seaforth. Butter and Eggs Always Ta,k_en. in Trade. CA.EL FOR CL a OVER SEED C. WILLSON'$, S EAFORTH. undersigned will pay the Highest' Market Pri e for -good clean , 1 CDC) _A_I\T ID 'TT CDTI-1-Y- S HI i- T) Also all kinds of good cielin•SE .,1) GRAIN wanted. , • CI WILLSON, SqAFORTH. E BARG-_M-1\ OrSYA The balance (A our -stock of Men's, Youth' and Boy' S Overcoats and Heavy , z- 1 • - Suits, we are bound to clear out, to make rOhin for Spring Clothing. All fer • ; 1 goods in Men's and Ladies' Coats, Caps, Setsit &c., will go likewise. The balanbe • of Winter Dry Goods at heavy reductions. dliig drives lin Ladies' Jackets—,'6 1 • 1 • Jackets for $2.50; $4 Jackets for $1.75. Women's -and Children's Hosiery, !Ladies' UlisterS at cost; Jobs.?.n CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH REAT DISCOUNT SALE Staple and and Fancy Dry Goods FOR THIRTY (30) DAYS, AT MAIN STREET, $EAFORTII, S It -i11 be remembered that four or five y ars ago, when the distemper went throu hithie part of the country, that the only' sure mire was that put up by Mr. T; =can, and we take great pleasure in in °riming you that we have the original and only recipe that will save your horses from this foul disease. Ask for and take no other. . Only 50c a Package at Fear's Drug Store, t- SEAFORTIL STOVE S. M. -WHITNEY ; Is showing a full line of LS W OV H S IN COAL OR WOOD, Parlor Cooking and Box Stoves ase Burners. square and ronnd. Don't fail to see them before purchas- ing, r they lead for style, and are all guarpteed to give s'atiefantion. $ee the " Royal Art " Base Burner," " Famous Royal," ''Model Cook,''-' • "Maseott," &c. The cheapest house under the sup for goods in our line. • C 11. IVIITTNFY _ St Julien' Restaurant, Opposite Main and Markt t sir,. et , Sign of the Big Lantern,.. IS THE PLACE FOR - OYSTERS! I import iny good i direet, and reeeive fresh eonsignments that those desiring to indulge in a. feast of the -e ex- cellent bivalves, ean be supplied on short notiee. JAS: BURGESS. .on Court Notice. Cfilce of tke Second I) (", .r!, 1*(1,11,*:. ,,f 114f,n, 6: - ,1 at -id,,y.,- rach Str..ct -t, fmti, 10 11.1. ta. .1., al..,1 r.1 /1,1.2 1.ir; to: &tit: 1.1.o r. -t Ot UIC (7iLf.e, An atii0Uilt t..) I'M, on ;:aolgi prey. ert:e,'-fariti or tom», at the %, kra,a,t, rat, interest, and terms of payment Trade to suit borrowers.JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk. xot