HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-02-11, Page 7___1887. TNEY :line of 00-17t. Bax-atoves are and fore parches - it 'and are all naetione tee Butner," Cook," seapest hennas - our Rue. • NEY, S. 1 nstrument B o r 8. : have remove. or tateMessrs. 'Main Street, et with a large- 'IANOS ! most reliable nts ta,ken in :erai discount *Ws- gAFORTH. Co. o Stock TORONTO. ' .11 •f•-; [ark, Chi oagat Montreal,. Dtati011S. eneral siness. , Provisions on Margin. CE EE� Vianager. PMMERCE. lltONTO. $6,000,000, 1,600,000. AR -L, E.Q. WALKER,,i ?WM- nk Continuos to t lit allowed aft a and cities. in on the United lac Commend* 'AND, Manager. kauflant street, Lantern, FOR S! and receive that those it. of these ex - _supplied on RGESS. [7 I . . 'SeetaRd will be found iidence of John in ID o'clock a, irything will he Srest of Suitors. office. • an goad- prop- lo'west rates: of t made to suit !E; Clerk. FEBRUARY 11, 1887. Perth Items. -Mr. James Todd, an old resident of Stratford, who left here during the boom in the Northwest; died a few days ago at St. Paul, 'Minnesota. -The Perth County Sabbath Shoot Convention will meet at Listowel on the 8th of this month, and will continue in session for two deys. -Two large Mogul engines from Tor- onto went lately from Stratford to Fort Erie, to haul the freight for the west. There are over 1,000 cars of freight at Fort Erie waiting shipment for the west. -The basement of the Congregational church, Listowel, was flooded during the recent thaw so that on Sunday; 23rd ult., the furnaces could not be lighted, and no services were held. . -A new public hall, erected at Mill- bank by Mr. W. A. Rutherford, was opened on Friday evening, 21st ult., by a concert given by the Jubilee minstrel troupe. • -A son of Mr. Wm. Willoughby, of Wallaee, who went to Colorado some time agoe was ancidentally killed on New Year's day while driving a load of logs to mill. -Mr. Robt. Davis, with his wife and family, arrived at Kirk ton from Dakota a couple of weeks aeo. His opinion of that country; is not very favorable, hast- ing lost four crops out of five with frost. -Mr. R. a. ldallantyne, of lot 16, in the rd concession, Downie, has pur- chased lot 10, in the 3rd -concession, from Mr. Robert Hobson, for F9,000. It con- tains 100 acres and the buildings are first -elites_ -Mr. H. K. Maitland, of Guelph, Miss MeNeileof London, and Mr. G. A. Methieson, of.- Hamilton, were among the most attractive performers at Burns' anniversary concert in Stratford on the 25th ult. -A young boy named Morrison met with a bad accident at the shoddy mill in Stratford the other day. His leg was. caught and drawn into none machinery and badly lacerated. This same boy's brother lest an arm in the mill about a year ago. _ -Mitchel has a Young People's Literary club.; iill the members of which are under 16; years of age. They were invited to -the residence of Mr. Walter Mitchell, one evening lately,and gave a very interesting and creditable enter- tainment in he presence of a few invit- ed guests. -Mr. R. a,zelwoed, employed at the Grand True, Railway freight shed, Stratford, had his leg broken the other day. During a shunt a barrel of raisins toppled off e case on which it rested in. the cad and fekon his leg, making a rather bad fractere between ankle and knee. - -Word. hes been received of the safe arrival of the steamer " Persia" at Bom- bay,: with .1iss Dr. Oliver, formerly of Downie, on board. Miss Oliver, who is a graduate of Queen's University, is the Ur:0nd methal missionary sent out to tile mission field of India. by the Presby- terian Chianti of Canada. -.ek series nf gospel temperance meet- ings are beime held in Listowel for the purpose of awakening interest in tem- perance matters. The meetings opened up iwith great promise of success. On 11. Wednesday veiling last week, the first meeting was acid in the Army barracks, which was crowded to the doors, end on Thnrsde y in the Evangelical church.. Friday in the Congregational church, and; on Saturday in the Odafellows' hall. The n eetings will be carried 'oh indefinitely. _ -At the annual meeting held in the township hall, Stalfa, Thursday oflast week, of the Hibbert Agricultural So- ciety, the following were elected officers and directere for the ensuing year :- Peter Camphiell, President; F. R. Ham- ilton, Vice -President; John Carmichael, Secretaxy-Treasurer. Directors. -Jas: t. Gardiner, Walter Shillingl a W, Thomas Scott, RodeIick Kennedy, jr., James Barbour. David Hills, Wm. Oliver, Geo. &mac, Davpl- McLellan.. A u di tors. - Archbi b al d ,:‘ I eTavish, M. D., and Alex- ae der Ferguson. -Mrs. Elizabeth Mot'ey, one.of the most honest and herd working women in Mitchell, while over the wit:is-tub on Tuesda.y,18th ult., complained of a slight pain in her had. A few minutes later t she fell ov. r insensible. Medical aid was summon d , when -it was found that the poor wouilan had been stricken down with a paa (. Slytie stroke. She never - rallied, rallied, end n Friday her soul returned to the God who gave it. Deceased wits for Many years a resident of Mitchell, and was well and favorably known. Her funeral on Senday ,vis large, testifying to the respect in which she was held. -The misSionary services held in the Methodist churches in Mitehell during last week,. Coins -Waring the weather, were very successful. On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Caswell, of Fullarton, preach- ed a very nice sermon in an excellent missionary slpirit, in Trafalgar street church, and in Main street church in the evening. ltdv. Dr. Shaw, of Toronto, preached in Main street, church in the . . morning, and in Trafalgar street church in the evening. As i. missionary address Dr. Shaw's evening discourse was a masterpiece and elicited many compli- mentery rem irks. On timidity evening services were held in Trafalgar street church, and addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Ctswell, Mr. Dillon of the High Sahoot, Dr. Shaw, and Rev. Mr. Phillips, of St. Marys. The chair was occupied by Mr. IL J. Hurlburt, who filled it with credit end ability. Mr. Horde read the report for the year past, and pointed out that Mitchell had con- tributed mote to the missionary cause than any other town in the Guelph Con- ference, except the town of Clinton. The co leetionsand subscriptions EVITI011ut' ed to $274. On Tuceda.y evening the services were held in Main street church, some samples many seeds of found, and in not a few cases lack of germinating power i weds are there is a the seed. These leen.; have led to e practice among prominent seedsmen °I guaran- teeing the purity, cleanness ah4 vitality of seeds sold, and it has beet observed that during the past few year8 4 Marked improvement has resulted. i Leading Canadian and American seed en have also adopted this idea of testing their seeds before recommending hem, ' and ! Therie Pould be no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, whohave find that the expense is well repaid' by ' long offered to refund every cent expended for that remedy if it fails to give satisfaction on fait trial for rheumatism, neuralgia, sort throat and all painful complaints. 857.52.2w. ! all who desire it, this recipe, in or English, with full direction ; and tilling. Sent by mailby stamp„ namire, this paper, W. Power's Block Rochester, .N. Y. erman, French for preparing dressing with A. NOYES, 149 988 25 eow • He Shook It. wattsubject to ague for two or three seasons, which ;n tiung would emdrcate until I tried I3ur- thick flood Bitters, since w hich time, four years, I havehadno return of the disease. W. J. Jor- clqn, Sirqnge, Ont. 857.52.2w. ' A Fair Proposition. securing the confidence of the, :peoPlee With a view to calling the attention of; oar Canadian farmers to this que,Stion of: testing seeds, this bulletin is WritIten..j While all failures in germinatilon. an- -not he attributed entirely to poor seed, there is, no doubt that much 'seed is. , sown .which has:very little vitaty, and ' in some cases, especially grass,Isevdeal varieties spring up where only dee -Was expected. The seeds of'weeds, too, are not uncommon in seed grain, and thus at a period in Canadian farming where:, there is so much interchange of grain for seeding purposes as the present. it is nota matter of surprise that. we nd weeds on the increase, -both in regard to number • and variety. Having mede! some tests in the germinating Of seeds at the College during the past year, the' results are now published with a hope; that they may prove interesting and in-, structive to the fanners oftheProvi ce. METHODS. 1. Place 100 seeds between, sheets of blotting paper laid on saede and keep: the paper damp in;a place where the temperetuee is about 78' to 85' F. The, number of seed's germinating will indi- cate the percentage goad. - 2. Place the seeds on apiece of flan- nel in a saucer, with sufficient water to moisten it thoroughly. Aftet scattering the seeds (100). on - the flannel, put a piece of damp blotting paper over the whole and place in a Warm room. : Keep it continually damp, and id a sheet time the seed will germinate; the number - sprouting will be the percentage, of geod seed. 3. The followine°method is much more complicated thee the preceding, and can only be adopted where the sub- ject is made ,a, study. This is the ap-i paratus used at the College. It consists of a hemispherical copper boiler one. foot in diameter, fastened to the bottem of a galvanized iron pan, two feet wide, four feet long and five inches deep. The water passes from the copper boiler into the pan, through four small holes, end is made to circulate over every part of it by guides three-fourths of an limb high. Another bottom, resting on the top of these, is firmly soldered around the edges; at one corner a tube passes through the bottom, f r the purposd of filling the boiler and under pen with water. After coming from the copper vessel the heated water runs back and forth several times in the lower an, and is finally conducted by a retuen tube back to the copper boiler, entering near the bottom'. Some sand (eboht two inches deep) is put in the upper part of the pan, and on this rest the boxes, etc., containing the seeds to be tested. This tin box and boiler is 'et in something like an office desk, a,boi t feur feethigh, standing on four leg, and 'having a hinged glazed top. Helat is prmtuced by v. This testing a small coal oil stove pl ced belo germinator is well ad ptecl for many samples at the same time. 4. For examining seeds as to purity, scatter them on a piece of bialok cerd board, and the foreign krains ar readily observed. If a good collection oif seeds, true to their kind', is kept for ompari- son, the impurities can be easilf identi- fied. No Other -Medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for the cure of colds, coughs, and all derangkinents of the respiratory organs tending toward tonsump- tion. It affords sure relief for the asth natic and consumptive, even in advanced etageEi of disease. If a Well. 969.52w. I . • be poisoned, woe be -to those who drink therCSat. It is worse to poison the fountain, of lib ,for One's self and for posterity. Often by carelessness' or misfortune; or 'inheritance, this haii been dine. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, and re- stores health. 969.52w. Be on Your Guard Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly clind surely run into catarrh when you can he ured for 25 cesits by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Care. A few applications cures incipient catarrh. One to two boxes cures erdinaey catarrh. Twol to five -boxes is guaranted to cure chronici eats. rh. .Try it. Only 25 cent e and sure cure Sold Os all dealers. 966.13, 3 . _______. • _ Important News Ite s. • , , , Cookstown. -Mrs. Campbell had been troubled for a number Of 3 -ears with indigestion s'aird . con- stipation, -'and was induced to try McGregor's .Speedy Cure and- found it all that w14s needed, and would recommend its use to aa y person. 7 Similarly troubled. This, invaluable emedy is sold in every . part of Canada at 50 a and 1 $1 per -bottle. Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's drug- store, Seaforth. , 964.82w. Salt Rheuria Cured , .. , MeOrego•r & Parke's Carbone Cerate has been tried and found to be the only poSitive cure for salt rheum, pimples' blotches on . thd face' or hands, cuts, burns, -bruises, or any .pore that nothing -else will heal. Try McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate 25c. per box at .Lunistle a & '4111-" eon's drug store, Seaforth. .964.52w. McGregor's Lung Compound. Have you a bad cough, a chronic hoarseness, a feelling of tightm ss in the,chest, -weak lungs or any similar complaint? . If so, buy at once a bottle Of McGregor's Lung Compound. "if Will care you." It contains entirely new si. wiliest, of which one dose is •mord effectual thai a wr ole i bottle of the old-time remedies. It is -put tr. :in 50c and.$1 'bottles. Sold. by Lumsden & W116n, .druggists, Seaforth. Try it, and you *ill never have reason -to complain. 964.53w. ;• .. Invisible but InStantani 'ou All pains or aches will be instant13 reincieed by a few drops of Fluid Lightninapplied dyer Otis the the affected parts. No time- lost'; noinause medicines needed ; no poulticing Or using get liniments. It will nut blister or diseolor skin. Sold at 25e per bottle byLumsdee sil- ron, druegiste, Seaforth. Sufferers from neural- . tea assure us that they never _fear it When their htiirse contains a bottle of Fluid Lightning and addresses were delivered by Rev. 964.52w. ' Mr. CaisWell„ Rev. Mr. Cas-soter and :the The Best Taken. Rev. Mr. well, ofS'eaforth, Rev. Mr. I had dyspepsia for a long time. Was entirely Swain fillet( the chair. The addresses cur?ed by two bottles of Biirchal: Blocid Bitters. g wereallall iateresting, tt•-et the collections The best medicine for regulatinand int the system I had ever taken. F. p. Tanner, and subscriptions ran up to S164, which e (ening P. O., Out a57.5e.aw, was specialist creditable, considering the _ Main etreeelfriends are just paying for handsome_and costly nee, church, • oismis-BowralmmAlvennorses Testing Seeds.. .JoyfUl News. It is certainly glad tidings to the.- porn invalid to be informed of a remedy that will giVe prompt and sure relief in case of p tinful suffering- Such a remedy is Hagyard's Yellow Oil, adapted for internal and external use in all aches ; pains lamenedss tied soreness. It mires rheuaratism,• Profeeeor J. Hayes Pittston, M. A .neueeiteeore throat,eroup and ail Liflanimatory Professor of Natural. History and nrains.; a57.a2.2w. Creolog-y in : the Onterio Agric&teral Connetenaption Cure . • College, writes as follows : An old physitian,retired from practice, 'having For some years past, especially in had `placed in his hands by an East India ruin England, farmers have had their atten- sionary the formula of a simple vegetal -An Obstinate Case. •• : In the spring of '83 I was nearly dead, as everY- bo'bearound my neighbOhood knows. My trou- bl1 was caused by obstinate constipation. One bo tie of Burdock Blood Bitters curedone entire- lyJ, This statement is made by Walter itinson, of Gerrie, Ont. 857.52.2w. ' Quick Relief. EXPOSITOR' STOVES. Cooking Stoves FOR WOOD AD COAL. Parlor & Parlor Cook Stoves. One bottle of Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam cured me -of a a sore throat and loss of voice. One trial relieved me when all other medicine failed, says H.all Miss J. McLeod, Belfountain. Ont. ,857.52.2w. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will remove Worms and cause, quicker than any other medicine: 857.52m. • For nettle rash, itching -piles, ringworm, crimp - Mons, and all skin. diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. 857.52m• Destroy the worms or they may deseroy the ehildren. Use Freeman's Worm- Powders, they expel all kinds of worms. 857.52ni. . National Pills purify the blood, regultre stom- ach, liver and bowels. 857.52m. Advide to Mothers. Are you distutbed and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of 'cutting. teeth? If so send at once ard get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Seothing Syrup' for children teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhcca, regu- • lates the stomach and bowel, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and rives tone and energy, to he whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of theoldest and best female !physicians and nurses in the United StaSes, and Its for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twentysfive cents ; a bottle. Be sure and lask for "MRS. WINSbow's SOOTHING SYRUP," and take no other kind.966.1y. Catarrh -a New Treatment. I Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been httained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh.' Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six imonths, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that no five per 'cent. of patients presenting themselve to the regular. practitioner are benefitted, w lie the patent medicines and other advertis d cures never record a. cure at all.. Starting s ith the claim now generally believed by 'the nio t scien- tific men that the disease is due to the resence of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. ixon at once adapted his cure. to their extenni ation- ehis accomplished, ha,claims the Catarrh is prac- tically cured, and the permanency is un uestion- td, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attei pted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no oth r treat ruent has ever cured Catarrh. The ap Bcation of the remedy is simple, and can he done at home, and the present season of the y ar is the most faverable for a speedy and perman nt'eure, the majority of cases being cured at o e treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond wit Messrs. A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King Stre t, West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp or their 'treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, N • vember IL 1889. 8 2-62 THE SEAFORT Harness Empor urn WA -'-ID, 9 THE OLD ESTABLISHE HARNESS MAKER, 0 P Has constantly on hand and ne kes order all kinds of :LiOt and. Ile.ory HarneS3. ; Also a. full stock of Ttunks, iSatchels, Whips, Lashes Horse Cloth- ing, and everything usually fouu 1 in a fiest-class harness shop., I Eel as cheap as tilt cheap st for cesh. You will make money by ex- aminin my stock and getting prices befo're urchasing elsewhere. I I 'Rein mber the place -On Main street, oppasi e Market street.. :1 ! : JOH N WAR Au ora 1:ock rid Two • at ches. of Oe Best Irak s in 71Z eried. Sold ii A 14' 0 It --ONLY 'BY -2 B, COUNT i• - Another shipment df those • Nickle Alarm Clocks. More Des in 'Jewelry, Silverware •and • Larger. stock than ever at hen prices. Quality • guaranteed as le remedy . tion directed to the condition of the fur the speedy ail permanent cure of Consump- eed sown on the farm, and in many- 11rolichitis, Catarrh, Asthma arid all throat s cases have. found that seed: is far from being Pure, pr suited- for the purpose in - bee rowers in thousands of cases has felt it hie and. Lung affections, also a poeitive atm for Nervous Debility and all . Nor plaints, after having tested its-wond id 'radical ou' rful cura tended. It fails in being true to its - dut,y to make it known to ,his suffering fellows. label; other seeds r.re mixed with it, Ac•tuated IsY this motive and a desire to relieve • I • • sented, Special attention given pairing fine Watehes, Jewehy and Clocks. All work mitnisted to ler care will receive prompt attehtion, an guar- anteed to give satisfaction. 81.50 goods tches. times repren to re - especially -in the cast of grass seed. In human suffering, I will send free of chargo,to • • ; M. R. COUNT R. and Box Stoves, 17 SHOW A FINE LINE OF 1\T-NATAT Coal Stoves, In Single and Double Heaters, with and without Ovens. Remember in the above lines we WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD.. Agents for E. & C. Gurney Co., Hamil- ton and Toronto; Jame A Stewart & Co., Hamilton ;Doherty & Co., of Sarnia 1 Hot A ir Furnaces a Specialty JOHNSON BROS., MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH.' REPAIRING 1 We want every reader to remember that we make a specialty of Cleaning and Repairing ALL KINDS OF Watches, Clocks. & Jewelry. Skillful Workmanship, Neatness, Promptness and Reasonable Prices may alwa,ye be relied upon with any work entrusted to our care. We guarantee fines work and good satisfaction. W, J; Northgraves, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. L.A_1\T D I 1\T -OF- ROYAL MAIL - STEAMSHIPS, A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent. GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool and Lon- donderry, $50, $63, and $73, according to position of stateroom, Children under 12 years, half fate; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter- mediate, $35; Steerage, $13. From Liverpool or Londonderry to IIalifax : Cabin, $63, $78.75 and $94.50; Intermediate, $35; Steerage, $13. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin, $100, $126 and $143; Intermediate, 70;$Steerage, $26. Money L9aned and Real Estate Bought and- Sold as Usual. INSURANCE. I represent several of the bast Insurance Corn panes in the world. MT -Office- arket Street, Seaforth. A. STRONG Londo , Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH-, Express. Mail. London, depart 7.55a.m. 4.25P.M. Exeter.; 9.14 5.50 Hensel]. 9.24 6.05 Kippen. 9.29 6.13 Brucefleld 9.36 8.25 Clinton 9.66 Londesboro 10.15 6.50 7.10 Blyth.... ...... . 7.20 Belgrave - 1100:5359 7.35 Wingham, arrive 8.00 °SING SMITH- Express. Mail. Wingham, depart 7.00a.m. 3.05 P.M. Belgrave 7.17 3.29 Blyth 7.32 3.44 - Londesboro 7.41 • 3.53 Clinton 8.03 4.13 Brucefield 8.22 4.32 Kippen. . 8.31 4.40 Hensall 8.37 4.45 Exeter s 8.51 5.00 London, arrive 10.10 6.00 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GoBnitmossNeolsarn- • Aceorn. Express. Mixed. Ethel., .. 2.34 P. 9.20 P. M. 9.45 A.M. -2.49 9.36 10.26 Bluevale. ... 3.06 9.51 10.55 Wingho.m.. 3.20 10.02 12.00 GOING SOUTH- Mixed Accom. Exert SS. • Wingham .. 7.05 P.Mi 11.10 A. M. 6.50 A.M. Bluevele 8.-02 11.25 7.00 Brussels 8.60 11.45 7.16 Ethel.... .. ... 9.20 12.00 7.27 Train leaving Wingham at 8.10 p m. for Kincar- dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. C4 -rand Trunk Railway. Trains ine leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as fol GOING WEST- SEAFORTII. Cancrosi. Express.... 1.48 le M. 2.20 P. M. PM Express 8.57 re at. 0.15 . . Mixed Train.... .. 9 00 A. M. 10.00 A.M. GOING EAST - Express.. , .... 7.43 A. M. 7.30 A. M. Express .. , .... 1.48 e. it. 1.05 PM Mixed Train.. .. 5.05 P. M. 4.15 P. Removed! Removed I G-I.Q SEAFORTH) The Cid Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaferth, where he will be pleased to meet all his olii patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. eV-Itemember the place, between Henderson'e Harness Skop, and Mchityre's Shoe•Store; Main Street, seatorth.. 898 GEORGE EWING] THE CELEBRATED P R GEl...&_sm/s MANDRAKE DANDELION LIVER OUR,• Have youj Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi-1 gestion, Biltousnese, Jaundice, Headache,- Dizzi- ness, Pain i the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease ansin from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure w I be found a sure and certain rentedy: Nature's R medy-The unqualified filICCe8s of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with he fact that it is compounded fro nature w ll -known liver regulators, Mandrak and Dandef on Combined with many other inval uable roets, barks and herbs, baying a powerfu effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood Five hundr d thousand sold. Over one-half nil] lion of Dr. 'base's Receipt Books were sold -1 Canada alo e. We want every man woman an child who i troubled with Liver Complaint try this e cellent remedy. Something new Give away f cc. Wrapped around every battl of Dr. thas ,s Liver Cure is a valuable Househol medical Gui e and Recelpe Book (84 pages), con taming over 200 usefnl receipes, pronounced iss - medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth ten tilnes the price of the medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive rens& dy. Price, '26 cents. Try Chase's Kidney an Liver Pills. Twenty-five cents per box. Sold b all dealers. -T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents Bradford. For Sale by I. V. FEAR, Druggist Seaforth. 966-62 CAMPBELL'S , 111A11-HARTIC COMPOUN is effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not en- ca.sion nausea, and -Neill not create irri- gaion and congestion als do many of -the' tirsual cathartics ad, itinistered in the form of -Pills. &c. I Ladies and Chil- dren having the .most, . sensitive sto- machs take this medicine without trou- Ile or complaint. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND is especially adapted for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- . ORDERS. • :FOR ACID STOMACH AND LOSS OF AP- iF9RSPEI;HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. FOR CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STO- MACH. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily rezulated to- - meet the requirerdents of different per- sons, 'thus making it equally well adapted to the u -se of the littie Child as. to the adult. Put up in three ounce bottles, and wild by all dealers in • family medicines.. Price Retail, 25 Ceets. , EGAL. 117-11. HASTINGS,Solicitor,etc. Office-Cady's V V Blink, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth. 1. ; 974 SE AGE & LEWIS, Barristers, Godericla- office, opposite the Colborne'Hotel. 976 RC. IAYS, Sol I. r, &c. Private oney to . le d at lowes fates of interest. Office - Corner o Square ant Vest Street, Goderich. 774 T M. EST, Barri fei• Solicitor &c.'Office- e) Rooms form rlY occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware S re, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 GARR )W & PROVD, FOOT, Barristers, Solidi - Ur to , &c., 0°de-inch, Ontario. J. T. GAR.ROW, WM. PRO DFOOT. 686 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chlincery, &c., Goderich, Ont. i._, M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., Pamir flour, M. G. CAM ERONi 506 TOFTds E. DAllaCEY, late with Cameron, A AHolt & Carneroln, 'Goderieh, Barri-if-ter, So- licitor, Cqnweyanrcer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old 10111cc, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 1 MAN, LNG & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, riLIL C nvevancers &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johns on, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Bloc , Clinton, Ontario: A. lasesixo Jamas Sco 781 HO •M icitor, C he Cana arms to treet, S MESTED, •uceessor to the late firm of Caughey & Hohnested, -Barrister, So- nveyancer ;and Notary. Solicitor for ian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. sale. 0 cc in Scott's Blpek, Main aforth. Je•••••.111=1•21.11•1111211.0./.•.•••••••••••• •••••••6..arLZ r•••••.C...111,14•..,• ao••11.1 111051MIIIIMMIIIIMINIIIIMMINIMMEMEM5M....10.5.1530”11$M1051.5.$ Ma' PERRY DAVIS' ',az( - PAIN=KILLER IS RECOMMENDED BYPhysicians, Minister* Missionaries,: Managers of Factories, Work -shops, . Plantations, Nurses in liespitalS, -in short, everybody everywhere s who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN I NTE RNAL LY MIXED WITH A. WINE GLASS OF HOT MILK AND' SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CURE. FOR - SUDDEN; COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER, AND BOWEre COMPLAINTS, SORE THR.OAT &c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, tXrEH,TENCE HAS PROVEN IT THE MOST aiFentsrivie A .ND*E;:y LINfmENT oN naaril itintiliv [NO- TM; , ARISING rhOn ftl)RAINS,. 11.11i.TiSES. RIIRUMA-;- NEURAL(;IA., SAVELLEI.) FACE, 'It e /THACHE, ,"-T,N-S, FR: ittr rxrEs, &c, &c. 2.:;c! s. 11, Iii Dewar,..) of Imitations. arza.-ear •uwand.w• ••••••••••••...••••=••••=som•••••••••=namm...d....... 4_0 . This, .0'4agreeable yet put cut pile- 4f. , j - paraz.ion is especially adapted for clef relief and cure of that clase of disorders attendant upon a lbw or red eceti state of the sy.:-tem, and usualry ac- conipani0 by P:'.1,..o, NV eakness and Pal- pitation cif the 113..a.t.. Prompt resultawill, follow its rise in eases of .Sudirart ExhaUstion , arising from Lose of. BierSI, Acute or Chronic Di .cases, and in the wea.,ness diet invariably, Lccompaniei the recovery f:..mi Wasting Fevers. No 'remedy will ei,_e !Mae speed' relief in 1 j.)sapeosia or Inca:est:on.] For frnpover- tto ialied Blood, Dees tsf Appetite,'.1 ice- s'ac.,* pondency, and in all ea -es w here 4, , o e, -art Ess'Ecr tyli: arid CHZTA IN 1\9). °1 .STipat'i..‘ NT is rennirej, 'se the ELIXIR wid be - found (9,b , 0 . . ...h ti .NvA ix .. '1) '''"o.,.< A I" - • 47' ' - CN; i. ..) i , e e .Sia ki, all Dcaler3; in ,I fed 1 c inc.% DAVIS &LAWRENCE 00. (Limited) SOLE Acans-rs, MONTREAL, P. Q. Asieseeseeeesseresseseetiaa-sisiellIMMIIIRIMPOIli.1 55•111•","",..+7. - :PENNYROYAL WAFERS: Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating' female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe ef5ectual. Ladies ask your di -ug - gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or incloeepost- e age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. Addresii THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.., Detroit, Midi, Mt -Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson; Is V. Fear, and by Druggists generally. 960-52 , Still: -Ahead, Of. All;: H. L. SMITH & Co., CATERERS,, And dealers in American and Canadian Confee; tionery. Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits. Families, Hotels, and others wishing Oysters in bulk, can. be supplied at reasonable rates. in, Gods, Tobaccos arid Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. . - Every attehtion paid to enStonters. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, First Door North o Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, Main Street Seaforth, , H. L. SMITH & Co. 5 959 ON Y TO LO. cc t., with f repayi g part of ime. pply to eaforth. TO LOAN. N. -Straight loans at 6 per he privilege to borrower e principalmoney at any HOLMESTED, Barrister, 850 DENTISTRY. GL. BALL, L. D. S. Honor Graduate, mem- . b r Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc- cessor to D. Watson. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether, gas and Ideal agentseused in extraction of teeth. Plates irkerted at pkices agreed -upon with Mr. WaT-on.' tRooms over Johnson's Hardware Sea- - - forth. lriees for. Re idence Wats?. as lov? Sante ,, as good work can be 'done as that occupied by Mr. 980 4 _ j 1.4 U. a. - , qi mentim "MI " guaranteed. C , -The Po e ; - \iv - --". -Jr-1,0o -•• -iseireei. um • it.,„1, Block, qpposite Reside 1 . S., M. R. C. and Thr S., of Onto. Lateet improve- • every line. Satisfaction Office, -In Cady's mmercial Hotel, Seaforth. has, John Street. 041 & SON, Den- Exeter, Ont. One tists, of E - above will visit I313-th. the and following Fri- Milne's Hotel, will visit of every month at lensall the following Thurs- at Reynold's Hotel, where he operations. Teeth ex- anesthetic, which re- Parties desiring new early in the morning of the Terms cash. 984- KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. S., will be in Zurich at the Hotel, on the last Thurs- each month, and in Hen - ) at Reynolds' Hotel. Teeth pain possible. All work . 971 ri CARTWRIGHT ' 002 eee. of the •Illattill last Thursday, day of e:ch montheat ,Zurich t re first Wednesday ,Peine's I fetch and3 day of es cry month will pert irm all dental tracted 1 ith a new 1Japan moves r early all pein. -teeth wi I please call first day Charges moderate. , IT .°'.1 -I. :n't.Huro .-1-J day of sail next day, (Frida: extracte with the least !first claslalat liberal rates. -----4-3-------------- - • - - ' . : • ; 'MEDICAL. : , TXT M. McGill and Accoucheur, !sidence 1.1.etise east HANOVER Unis Se .North side of the Mithodist M. D. C. M., Graduate' of ersity, Physician, Surgeon forth, Out. Men and • re- Godtrich street, first brick church. 961 ; '-riltS. ;If tiptoe Surgeons, day afte ELLIOTT it GUNN, Brueelleld, Liven - Royal College of Physicians and Edinburg . At Seaforth every Satur- 110013. Olfi e, -Royal Hotel. 930. -- . T G. 30 . and residencs IDoor east COTT, M.D., Accoucher. South side of the Pre , &c., Physician, Surgeon, Seaforth, Out. Office and of Goderich street, Second byterian Church. . 842 . . W JJ'kj. ofthe 6.-,c., Se• -same ak ' - -- ' - DR. MA Ton College 4f Office, 1 ear's first do4ur -Seafort , BRUCE aqiITII, M. D , C. M. Member College ' f Physicians and Aurgeons, forting-0Mo. io. Offiee and residence ecumed by Dr. Vercoe. ' --848 . . - i . • - ' CKID, (late of LucluMw) Graduate of onto - Uuivereity; and Member of thc letiseainiana and Surgeons of Ontario. drug store. Rei -id ewe, J obis Street, east of 4nglish Church Parsooage, Ontario. al , 1 VETERINARY. 1 . . , EAFORTII Jan iis Presbyttfiati ease S of Imesticated TyifirniarSj, :Charges 1 inary Surkncon. a.ry Medirfines 1 HOTtlir IN FIRMA ItY.-Corner o! and Goderich Streets, next door to thi Church, Seaforth, Out. All din -tomes, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- animals, lsuccessfully treated at thi or 'elsewhere, on the shortest nothe mderate. IJAMES W. ELDER, Veter P. S. -A large stock of Veterin kept lonstanny on hand • , - . • ; , , . . AUCTIONEERS. i ! T P. ,. e..) . Col , parts of : Extostr TRINE, LIpl ensed Auctioneer for thr nty of Huron. Sales attended in al the County. All orders left at TIll a Office will be promptly attended to. .., i : A, UCTJION SALE ,OF VALUABLE EARN ' „As PROPERTY IN TUCKERSMITIL - lir ' ..T. P. Brine, auction6r, has been instructed la I the Exegutor of the IDA will and testament oi the late ;lames Roust, to offer for sale by public ,auction;tat the Commercial Hotel, in the Town ' of Seaforth, on Satteirdav, the 19th day of Febru . ary, 185*, at 2-P. M.3, the following farm lands, . viz., The westerly part of Lot 27, Concession 5, : L. It. S., Tnekersimph, 100 acre'. There are v small frame house, ti. frame barn, a frame stable. . and a log harn on the lot. About 50 acres Of OA ' land are cleared and under cultivation ; twenta 5.1P155.11 (rend bush land. There are 45 acres ir grass,13 acres under fall wheat, and 20 acres , plowed for spring crop. There is a good young -, orchard -m the land.' The land \,. is well fenced, . *di watered, and ilea good state of cultivation. The lot as convenient to good roads, market, e elm reh aind schools. ; TERMS or SALE. ---The per- ' cha.set at the time O' sale will be required to Pay ten per cent. of his purchase money to the Vendor sir his Solieiter, and the balance, without ! interest oxithin one month thereafter, when the pu rehasdr sill be entitled to his conveyance apo to be let into possession: The porehaeer at tIni 7 time of 'sale -to sign an agreement for the eons.. pletion of his purchase. Further particulars ,and eone Mons of sale may be ohatintai on ap- plicationi 'to 01-.:ORGE WALKER, ESQ., of -;Tuckert, rith. or to his solicitor in Seaf7ftllin....4F. 1101. i.,ME.'TED, Vendor's Solicitor. Seaforth I, : . ..16,ttur.try !lath, lbia7. ' si • Iner'net SALE OF FARM SToCK AND IM 0.11,.. -PIXMENTS.- -The midersi,:ned will offer ;•ii for t•tale 1 y Public At' ction, on Lot '44, Conees,..ion 614, MeK4Iop, on Thursday. Feb. nary 17th, 1e-7, at 1.2 tic:leek nooe, sharp, the following valuable ;1property viz : :•;TOCK -One agerl mare in ford Ran 'in Boy," I flare 10 3 ears old, supposed t 3:to be in oal to an imported horse;- 1 good works a ing hors rising 4 years old, sired by " Donald , il Dinnie" 1 blood mare 9 years old, in. foal to r " K6ntui. ky Star;'; 1 filly rising 3 years, sired by I- " Clear ( sit' ; 1 colt rising 2 years, sired by I " Kentudky Sta./ " ; 7 gelding rising 2 years, sired . by the "Ibul:Q of Ilighgile " ; 3 Acerb rising 4 ,years, 4 4teers ri,ing 3 e eass, 2 steers rising 2 years, I heifers ri,ing 4 S cars, supposed to be in ;Sealf .; If: t cow. 1 heifer rising 3 ears, supposed _Ito be in calf ; 3 heifers rising 2 years, 1 grade i 1 bull, and 1 brOOd sow. IMPLEMENTS-- One set s :. of bob .-highs, 1 land roller, 1 wagon rack, 1 set ,i.of team harnestr, 1 set of moil harrows, 1 wheel - ;barrow, parlor stove,1 logging chain, ere] other ..- articles tdO _nutnerobs to mention. T. itMS OF SALE. - ]l sums of $5 and under, cash; over -that am unt 10- mopthireredit will be given on lfurnishi g approved endorsed notes., A discount , of 6 per 4cnt. will be: allowed for cash on credit '• amounts: - ROBERT HOLLAND, Proprietor,' KIRKBY, 'Auctioneer. 908-3 ' GEOI1G p. • 31 3, 41 , Ai. N. WATSON, General Insurance Agent - -AND- :t De ler in Sewl,ng Machines, rds of property insured at lowest rates in fi t-claSs reliable conipanies, and losses set- tled promptly. Special low rates on: FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterine, *from 75c to $1 (-cash plan) for ofinonr three years. Mills and factories in- sured e stecskn companiesmpanies. at a saving of .0 per Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prides ranging from $25 to $75. Al] ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. NeWles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma- iohin es repaired. AN7-._ 1\T_ W.A211SOT-1 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. On Time as Usual. A. Stewart, -OF THE- Dor'ninion House CONSTANCE, Is just on time with a full stock of latest 5/31es in Dress -Goods, Wool Caps and Wool Hoods, Facinatoels, Velveteens in black and colored, Plushes,Underclothing,a big stock of Guernsey. Shirts and Drawers, Plain and Fancy Top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Flannels, Tweeds, Cotton ades, Shirtings,I Nthite and factory Cottons, Waving Cotton and Knitting Cotton, White Shirts cheap and goodj Splendid line of Teas justarrived. Pure Sugar Syraip; try it. A lot of those popular Spices for pastry arid pickling, prepared by Connor & Dyson, Honey in comb and strained. Another lot of Colored Glassware eheaper than ever. Crockery in great variety. China Sets, Stone China Sets. A big drive in Boots and Shoes, away down in price. Examine thcm be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Hardware and everything usually kept in a general cduntry store. Come one and all to fire new store kept by 067 J. A. STEWART. Look This Way The undersigned has on band the largest stock of BOOTS AND SHOES • -Ever shown in Heneall„ which be - is offering at rock bottom prices. Conic and- compare privet; before buying elsewhere. All rips occurring,. &c., in gOods purchased from rne, will he re- paired -free of charge. Buttons clasped. free. CUSTOM WORK A specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done at reasonable prices. No trouble to show goods. 'ire and ten per cent. eft for cash. i) The chea est house under the stn. Opposite McDaniel -&, Waugh's hardware store, Heneall. , .. 980 JESSE HOCKIR -GREAT FREIFfi PRESGE IRWIN . A .seeceseful medicine used over 30 years in thousands of eases. Ulnas Spermatorthea, tnri:o•otterislc31.1.: eaak) irctlessa, ilEn(iti.oasne% eineran] muted, by abuse, indiscretion EA1,11.111 or Over exertion.. Six peel:as:vs guaranteed to cure when all others fail. Ask your druggist for The GreatEnglish Prescription, take no substi- tute One package $1, six 55, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.., Detroit, Mieh, ta-rsai. in Sealarth by Lumsden & Wilson., I. V. Fear, J. 'S. Roberts, and druggists generally. - 9.69-e2 OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS into, q 1 p. q.5' ed with : ' 5 $ ). 7: As there are many inferior goods, cord e' .. is: lien etc., offered and sold - as Cora:line by scenic me - i 1 . 4,-4, 1),1 acipled merchants trad- in s on the reputation of cA,1 genuine Coiesillues - eve es:sill the ladies -against nab ;alp -if -ion by draw - es•%, --- :-0 • "eir ;AU (21,1,1011 to the _ a-aeme etel..., i ey of e Jeing that the n CROMPTUR tcraSET OOC is stamped on inner side of all Coraline goods, Without Vaiele none are genuine. ([zt-r „ , JAME) HOT"" TORONTO. : SHARP et. (-Former /2/ Of She/ p's aforth , • PROPRIETU-13$. rrinTS -Hotel, which is si tuated directly ono( 9ite 1 the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout; tied is utew inq of the beet and most comfortable hotels in the city tritrEv ery possible ats on paid to ;.r,neefLt.'re charges nioderate. : }Lt W0i; Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine, Upright and Tubular Boilers. ; SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS . and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. STEAM AND WATER PIPE FITTINGS constantly on frami, On band, ready for delivery: 30 H. P. New Steel Boi:er. EL P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing 'Outfit, Wier, Engive, Sepalskier, &Lc., all in gond wort], or11; r. lie Fold Pio ap. Mbil orders will re -c, i,.• ••( ;List :att.-olio/I. Worl.s oje-eelte O. T it. Is.. P. 0. .BOX , M:ty 26th.Th-fI. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND