The Huron Expositor, 1887-01-21, Page 71887., Use. a the hair Soft he lustre_ and; it to grow ADAM:at cure& e most cleanly has given ine ElefiGII. I wag , during which parat ions, bat L. what littla =Chi noer„ . I used two y head is Dow row th of ltair. •otly, Mass. t weak, gray, have new iif la- the use of Nair was. thin, - out in. large Vic -or stopped, _ -ay hair to its 'ssurg for the no equal,- ater, Minn: :may, in the ,the hair. may he period by **AEjS y hair to be - 1, to fall out eemed to do enced ie bottles a my hair to a is now soft cured, and it - i. -Mrs. E. It. Nigo,r erfumers. it action, and erties, easily •tad of the list ek and Nero - and. itdered Liver. tufferer from atleartie Pills hat has ever t- of these Pills Weis} and free iiam L. Page, - • , o.,Lovrell, Vass. Calcine ju - - - LA ,ot believe that 5.arsaparilla has LI as a remedy refulous fln- 1t is pleasant gives strength e to the body,. educes a more - out, lasting..., re- n any medicine r used. -E. No. Lindale,O. e used Aver's rilla, in iny Scrofula, and if it is taken oily,.it will lily eradicate rible dieease.- Vowler, M. D. fte Tenn. forty years I Ifered with Ery - e I have tried of remedies complaint.hut to relief until I enOed using a Sarsaparilla. aking ten boa Lids medicine I apietely cured. ' C. Amesbury, suffered, - .for from Catarrh, WRS SO severe ,destroyed my t and weakened 3m. After try - her remedies, log no relief, I to take Ayer's dna, and, in a - iths, was cured. L. Cook, 909 st. Boston iiass. Ft Sarsaparilla ibr to any blood that 1- have tied. 1 have far Scrofula, 1', and Salt- ,. and received enefit from it. adalso, for a Peirce, South Mass.. 0Lell, Meat 1164. °ached for 'and Quality. FREE, Ont. ON,. ce Agent Liachines. 4 at lowest rates ;and losscs set- v-novEnTY in ,75e to q (cash pat faetories- in- aving of 20- per , and RAYMOND std rnanntaattIr- 60 $75.All ma- ery kind of rit for sale. Ma- a J4illuARY 21,1886. . 7...1.411101teplarliMill111.11r 'esswessommenal 9 E HURON. EXPOSITOR., ; 7 Fact and Rumor. . Theik, are 150,000 persons engage& in one Opacity or another, in Loudon theatrom and music halls. -It in said that out of 28,000 Jews in the eitii of Amsterdam, 10,000 are oc- cupied io the trade of diamond -dealing. -A graveyard in the County Cork has ti e following notice over its en- trance gate: "Only the dead who live in this parish are buried here." -A large bee got inside of a telephone at a pl. de called Moss Bay recently, and _neat u what seemed to be a miniature thunde torm all along the circuit until a lineman discovered him between the soundiernboard and microphone. -A Derchester, Massachusetts, scien- tist recentiy constructed a kite ten feet long and six feet wide, which be flew in a stronO breeze with 500 feet of cotton nettiag twine. 1 -lis object was to test the " pelt " of the kite, which he found to averase about forty pounds. --It has been noted as a curious fact by Sir ;.1,Inaiel. Baker that pets are never, seen in Aftica, and that a negro has' never been known to tame au elephant or any wild anim d. The elephants used by the Oncient Carthaeinituas and R,o- maue were trained by Arabs and Cartha- ginianst-Lnlutbermen get twenty cents a log at Wit ileaw, Wisconsin, for raising " dead -1 or ivater-soaked logs from the bottom olf the Wisconsin River. They have al oady raised abeut 000,000 feet, and loos that have been dead for twenty years it -ti s tid to be as sound as the day on whirl i they were cut. i , -A wli,tehmaker says that, the multi- tude of ttkegraph, telephone, Said electric light w res in large cities has much to do with tihe variations and stopping of watche • that hitherto have been good titnekelipere, and that manufacturers are trt hieti to invent means to provide against this magnetizing of watches. -In Ilhiseia a physician who fella to respond to the summons of a patient is punished by a fine of from 5 to i.00 roubles If the case were a dangerous one, anl the physicia.'ia knew it, he may be inn risoned in the jail for three months The legal fee for an ordinary visit is rota seven and one-half tofifteen cents, -Ac ording to a table in -Wished in Londe:, the numerical strength of the leadiag religious bodies among all Eng- lish-sp eking people throughout the world i • as follows-: Congregationalists, 5,750,110; Baptists of all deseriptions, 8,195,0 0; Presbyterians of all descrip- tions, 1 650,000 ; Methodists of all de- scriptio is, 16,000,000; Episcopalians, 21,305-, 00. ., -The following, says the London Christian World, appeared- at the head of the advertisements of the Bristol Mirror en Saturday: " Wanted -A Dean 4c occupy the stall in Bristol Cathed • 1. A Dean has not been seen there frr many years. -lo D. Rogjens, Bristol." The Very Rev. Gilbert Elliot was Opp inted to the deanery by Ea.el Russell ii 185 O. - --The statement is Made that the Parsees •ave had three large and thirty- thre&sor lier fire temples in Bombay, India, mid that they have just instituted anotheot They use 1,001 pieces of fuel, different kinds, to obtain the e, which is thenceforward fed - dal wood. The process of get - fire, with attendant ceremonies,. ut $12,000. ---" My friende," said a returned mis- sionary at one of the late anniversary rneetingS, "let us avoid sectarian bitter- ness. The inhabitants of Hindustan, where 1 have been laboring for many years, have a proverb that 'though you bathe a dog's tail in oil and bind it in splints, vet you cannot get the crook out of it.' New, a man's sectarian bias is simply the crook in the dog's tail, which cannot ie eradicated, and I hold that every o e stiould be allowed to wag his awe per uliarity in peace." -Th smallest oscillating engine in the walla has been made by John R. - Hare, if Baltimore. Its bore is one- sixteen- 4 of an ineh. and the stroke one-eigieth. The wheel shaft and crank weigh ight grains, the cylinder five, and ti- stand and pillar twelve grains, making the whole weight one penny- weight jnse grain. It is about the size of a le If -grown collar button, and is ' comple ely covered by a No. 5 or child's thinatel It will be run by compressed air. 14 makes 3,000 revolutions -a ute. lr. Hare has also- made a corn- paratirk giant, which is covered with an English walnut shell. IR ound the Corners. Tact Imight well be called the oil of societyTo know, how to smooth on•er i the ron h places ;,- to adjust the ruffled featherk; to turn the unfortunate re- mark; to separate the flint and steel, and bling- together the oil and wick, therebti, producing a pleasant light in- stead 4 spasmodic sparks, is a graee to be cult rated. The grace of tact, like - the genhis of poetry, can be wooed and won, bet is never quite so successful as when itis a birthright. How delightful it is to neet the people who never show their ae, gles, and have cushions ready to hide their neighbor's angles at a mo- ments :notice ! Those persons who hring1int the neighbor's tender spot, : who (Trig unfortunate subjects of con- vereati 0 iuto the evening circle ; per- sons v1:o make sweepieg assertions re- gardles of the opinion of the people present when nothing is gained by a der:lot-al:mu of opinion, arc a nuisance. People Who condemn that which is dear as the apple of the eye to another, and whose itondeamation counts for nothing became they know nothing about the subject they condemn, would be annoy, ,ing if tliey were worth being troubled about. i There is a good deal of selfish- ness amid yet a good deal of wisdom in the sunktuine up of a boarder as to how he gained advantages over Ins fellows. Ile sail, speaking of the landlady's baby: " Thp baby is not handsome, I admit. It. erie eeneiderable, I allow. But 1 can't make it any handsomer nor. im- prove its temper; therefore I make the host (Alit. I call it a pretty little dar- ling, a kweet little thing, I make ex- i Mises ft r the noise it makes by saying ' all ahil hen are so. The other boarders laugh i t me, but the laugh is on my aide when they are sawing away • at tough build steak, and I am luxuriat- ing on andel:loin. It doesn't take mach effort t k. smooth over the rough places of life,' -And it's worth while trying. It cer- tainly . heave a wiser spirit to make the rough idaces easier for ourselves and our- neighbj re than to make them harder by ma -king them more prominent. It shows a morel gracious spirit to endeavor to sixteeu sacred with sa ting thg, costs ab keep the sharp corners, the weaknesses in a neighbor's mental make up, out of sight than to bring them into promin- ence, to the embarrassment of the com- pany and the shame of, the offender. Tact is a grace to be desired and culti- vated. Clirious Effect of Arctic Cold. A person who has never been in 'Talae polar regions can probably have no idea of what cold really is; but by reading the terrible experiences of Arctic trairel- ers in that icy region some nation ban be formed of the extreme cold that Pre- vails there. When we have the tem- perature down to zero out-of-doors we think it bitterly cold, and if our hoses were not as warn') as at least 600 above zero, we should begin to talk of freezing to death. Think, then, of hiving where the thermometer goes .doivias to 35 ° below zero in the house, spite of the stove! Of course in such a case the fur garments are pi ed on until a man looks like a great bundle of skins. Dr. Moss, of the English polar expedition of 1875 and 1876, among other odd things, tells of the effect of co d on a wax candle whieh he burned there. The tempera- ture was 350 below _zero, and- the doc- tor must have, been considerably dis- couraged when, -upon -looking at his candle, he discovered that the dame had all it could do to keep warm. It waS so cold, that the flame could not melt all the wax of the candle, but was forced to eat its way dawn the candle, leaving a sort of skeleton of the candle standing. There was heat enough, however,' to melt • oddly shaped boles in the thin walls of wax, and the result was abeam- tiful lace-like cylinder of white, with a tongue of yellow flame burning inside it, and sending out into the darkness many streaks of light. This is not only a curious effect of ektreme cold, but it shows how difficult it must be to find anything like warmth in. a place where even fire itself almost gets cold. The wonder is that any man can -have the courage to willingly . return to such a bitter region after having- once got safely away from it, and yet the truth is that it is the very hardship and danger which attract them.---Ecleetic Magazine. • Paper 'o:and It Uses. The history of 'Guernsey' furnishesa curious and perhaps instructive instance of the kind of uses that paper money may serve. It was determined to build a meat market, and £4,000 were voted to defray the cost. Notes were issued by the authorities for that amount, and were guaranteed on the "whole of the property of the island, said to be worth four millions." These notes were worth- less outside of Guernsey, and so they never were exported. They were one - pound notes, and were numbered from 1 up to 4,000. With them the con- tractor was paid; he paid. his workmen in the same money and those that sup- plied him with materials. Tradesmen took them for goods, landlords for rent and the authorities for taxes. "In due season," to quote from. Jonathan Dun- can, "the market was complete. The butcher's stalls, with some public rooms constructed over them, were let out for annual rent of ii400. At the first year of tenancy the states called in the first batch of notes, minibered 1 to 400dand with the £400 of real money received for rent redeemed the ;£400 of represen- tative money expressed by the 'meat market notes.' At the end of ten years all the notes were redeemed through the application of ten years' rental; since that period the meat market hai returned a clear annual revenue to the states and continues to 'offend accommo dation without hia.ving cost a farthingin taxes to any inhabitant. ! The Singing Voice. Song may be said toe differ from speeela ae dancing does from walking. It is rhythmic, varied, and sustained use of voice-, as compared with an irregular, broken, and more or less monotonous _delivery. The range of the whole . hu- man voice, from the lowest note of the bass to the highest of the soprano, is a little over five octaves. •The coin individual voices is of course ass of Much smaller, the average being probaibly of little more than two octaves. A range of three octaves is exceptional, and, one of four almost prodigious. Woi ian's voice is higher in pitch than man's be- cause her vocal cords are smaller , the difference in timbre on the 'other handl depends on the differencela the size. of the resonance chambers, and in the density of their walls. Up to the so- called " cracking " period the boy's voice is modistinguisha.ble from f the woman's except by its comparative •lack of richness and volume, and, above all, by its want of soul. The boy's vpioe, even when most beautiful, is to the 'woman's what new wine without body or bouquet is to a rielna ripe Burgundy,. made fragrant and mellow by the stibtle chemistry of Time:--Enolish illustrated Magazine. .A Good Ra4tort. • Two ladies arrived, in Buffalo last mi- dair on a visit to some relatives, an one tells the following amusing incident which occurred while they. were route over the Niagara branch 0,f Michigan Central, her companion. en the eing the victini. A- diminatiVe; boy wal: en- deavoring ..to. please the ; passengers. and get a few pennies by singing comic songs in, the car. When he had finished and -waspassing along the aisle with mite stretched palm, Makinghis collectioes, the lady in question said' fa him Don't you knew it's wicked to singsongon her f his hitik The ions Sunday ?" The youngster looked a, for a second and, with a, twinkle black eye, replied: "Don't yea t it's wicked to travel on _Sunday ? passengers roared and no more ques were asked. -Buffalo Courier. .• • • A Monster Safe, . There is about to be erected i:nI the premises of the National • Bank Of, land, St. St. Andrew Square, Edinbtrgb, the largest steel strot4-room.,, or, safe, . ever man ufactured. Its; external di- mensions .are fifty feet I long by ti,elve feet broad and tali feet high, and a are- ful computation shows n that -wit-n it. might be stored- about 1,12.50 toes' vight of ge'd bullion, -Neal in I value to qiso,. 000,000. It is heavy in proporti n to its size, weighing 100 tons.. -Its vails. are believed to be thicker than tho--e of auyother steel roam of similar propor- tions - in use in the United kingdom. With the view of insuring greater se- - clarity than has hitherto 'been obtained,; its walls are composed of a tripW,series. of plates, similar to those Whibli the firm have -Or many years used in the manufaciure of bankers' safes. These plates a e so toughened and harden d as to be pr ctically impervious alike t3 the force of lows, leverage, and the cu ting by drill . This "compounding o the plates," as it is termed, involved an enormous amount of drilling, no fewer than 1,000 holes being pierced in each section. Admission to the interior of this strong -room is obtained by Means of three massive doors, each seven ches thick, and weighing a ton and a half, but On the hardened steel pins on ifhich they are hung they swing wit -hi the greatest of ease. Apart from the. eat -thickness of compounded hard and ill - ed steel plates in these doors, the pifinci. pal featr .diagonal bol y present is the p tent These bolts, of ifhich there ar tw nty in each door; shoo out from th edge of the door at op sing angles of forty-five degrees, and thus powerfullly dovetail the door into the frame at [either side. Thus,any atte pt - ed wedging between the door an its frame Si ply tends to bind these olts tighter jot° their holes. , Bumbljebees and Clover S ed. Mainlie Thompson, State Geolbgist of Indiana, and chief of the Department of Natural History in that State, well- known as aiNiterary and scientific writer, relates hi a recent report, the folio ing interesting incident. "I made a • ood old farmer call me a 'crank,' the ither day when I told him the reaso his clover fie'ds have failed to beat as uch seed as they formerly did. ' 'You i on't allow the bumble bees to be kill;d on your fa m, do you ?" I asked. 'Yes, il sir, I do ' he cried, 'I make my boys burn up every plagued nest of t em.' 'So I supposed,' I replied. 'And that is why your clover iseed fails you. Bumblebees make clover seed." Y u're a, crank! You're a . crank!' he ex- claimed, and looked ,at me as f be thought I was a fit subject for the una- tie asylum. And yet it is a fact, t at a strong nest of bumblebees, in a big clover field, is worth $20 to the owner • for these insects are the chief agents in fertilizing the b'ossoms, thereby i sur- ing a heavy crop of seed. In Aus ralia there are no bumblebees of our kind, and they could not raise clover seed there until they imported some bu u ble- bees." A Mother's 'Idea. A fen{years ago; a teacher- in a New Englan village, who was her ow tru- ant officer,. started out to find the rea- son for the continued absence of bul- let headed youth of about 12 years -She was met' cordially. and smilingly be the bey's mpther, who told her that " ohn- ny via§ helping to dig potatnes ov r to Mr. BL -'s." The boy was so oink - ward iij his studies that the teache felt called u on to expostulate.: I ;" Why, Mrs. Halla-han, do yoi want Johnny to get ahead in schoo . "Oh, yes'm !"-smilingly. ''. • "Well, then, he must come to s hodl regularly." "84•3,I send him when he' can' get. a job.'r "Will.you buy a small geograph for him ? I lie -has not had any in a ye. r." _ Iletle la hard and cold expression came into the mother's -face as she ans ered stiffly, eimoothing her apron: - • "I don't moind• about Johnny's s udy- ing jogaify, miss." . Johnny had taken good care to give his mother's Opinion in school. ' WhY; Mrs. fiallaha,n, do you not want Johlinye to know where tea and affee come from? " iThe teacher thought tea was a s ecial oliject 'of -devotion with this cla s of women. The mother looked into her face earnestly, and replied: ' "I'd a deal rather he'd know li w to 'am n it, miss." ' 1 ., 1 i . . Jap.an's V.iTondrous Gard n. 1 The spring and summer in Ja n is, full of picturesque beauty, and yiel s an atmosphere of delicious comfort. The skies cleop gladhess. Its garden pictures -are changing as al kaleidoscope. The tsrraced hillside, rank with verdur , vie with ivheat-fields bending beneath their load Of grain; some just cut and sup-• plant chby rice, in fields • flooded.. with d1 water ivhilie others green with th ten- der s riots are ready for transpla ting. Whet the iseasons are unusually dry nothi gl is left to suffer. The rese voirs are so large, and the irrigating si stem so col plete, that Japan's- wOndrou gar- den.s iles on beneath scorching rays. The trees of Japan are a wonder. Here ii3 the " mockungi;" with its purple bell- shaped flowers; also the magnolia, with its rich white and purple clu tern. Queeramong-the trees towers the ame- lia. - 1 " . , Some Of these are sixty feet higi and are covered with blossoms from Ja nary to May,. of many varieties, from the large pure white, resembling a d uble rose, to various shades of pink and red. The cherry and plinn trees, are cul ivat- ed solely for their blossoms, ani are trees pf rare beauty: The former grows 30' _feet high and as many broa , its branches covered with red ,and frhite flowers, two inches in diameter, an per - familia the air to a great distance. Its petalsi of snow andcream,-.falling in' show rs, spread many a carpet fo • the feet oh' the stone 'pa:ths leading to the 'temples, verifyine: the native poet when he satin, "There are snow showers 1. hich do not descend from the kies."-I The plum tree is par excellence the oet's tree: Often it is seen standing leimfiess in the snow, yet adorned with blo soms like a .bride. The tree bursts int soft clouds of bloom and fragrance in F dem: are', but without leaves. -Along the hillsides maples and Ines are covered with -vines of exci iisite lovlincss, trailing and interw.ning with, bewildering intricacy ; a noug. these are the wistaria and thnnb rgfa, with their purple stars a,nd tufts. 'min the verdant valleys to the tops of the mountains' are- seen lillies, pinks and roses of endless variety. The gr ss is studded, and fie -were spring even from the quaint, artistic thatched roe s of ‚the tea houses, asking that .onl to grow and blesi. the light. . 'Iles tea houses seen -i idyllic. They are a n firm - al instittition, for they are .everyw tere ; along the city streets, bythe roar side, in the groves-, woods, parka, valley., and . up the'Mountain side. not• Threatened Danger. In -the fall of '84, Randall Miller, of Ma tland, N. 8., was prostrated to his bed with an ittack of, incipient consumption. Cough reme les all failed. He rapidly grew debilitated, ana riends despaired Of his recovery, lie tried B irdock 3 Blood Bitters, with immediate relief, followed by a speedy cure. 857.62,2w. Be On Your Guard. Against sudden co ds, irritating coughs and soreness of the throat. Keep Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at hand for these prevalent troubled' of fall and winter. 857.6`...2w. • Ayer's Sarsaparilla. - is the most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Be wise in time. All baneful infections are promptly removed by this unequalled alterative. 999.52w• Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beauty of the hair and promotes. itirgrowth. It imparts an attractive appear- ance, a most delightful and lasting perfume. It stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and proves itself to be the best and cheapest article for toilet use. 969.52w - Dr. Chase's 'Liver Cure. Liver complaint causteli dyspepsia, indigestion, Liver complaint cat sen sick headache, dizzi- ness, Liver complaint causes all kidney troubles. Liver complaint causes three-fourths of all dis- eases. Liver complaint is cured by Dr. Chase's Liver -Curs. 966.62w. I. V Fear, agent, Seaforth. A Lucky Escape. Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne, of Beamsville, Ont, had - what was -thought to be a cancer on her nose, and was about to stbmit to a cancer doctor's operation, when she tri d Burdock Blood Bitters, which effected a rad cal cure. This medicine cures all blood diseases 867.52.2w. The Deaf Made to Hear. After eight years suffering from deafness so bad that I was unable to attend to my business, I was cured by the use •Of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. his known for the belle - Ricardo, Toronto. 857. With gratitude I make fit of others. Harry 52.2w. Four Years Miss Torrance MeNi atter. four years of i fula, from which he cured by Burdock 131 - medical aid had failed. Sure Cure fo If --the System is, medicine that acts opo skin, such as Burdock ferer will use Hagyard directions, there are however bad, but wil treatment. 857.52.2w VJUGS MEDKINL C. 01- - LUNGS LiVEFt BLOOD_ of Suffering. h, of Smith's Falls, Out., tense suffering -with scro- head became bald, was d Bitters after the best 857.52.2w. Rheumatism. roperly cleansed by some -the bowels, kidneys and lood -Bitters, and the nut - Yellow Oil according to few eases of rheumatism, yield promPtly to the I was at with ant person c Medicine the seco seven bo ble. 967.52.2w. • For sale by all drug eked about twe years ago na, and I -was as bad as a ld be, I tried Dr. Jug's and got relief after taking bottle, and after taking ties feel fine and no trou- ohn MeHale, Stratford. ists. "What is McGregor Speedy Cure for ?" It is for dyspepsia, li or complaint, indigestion, biliousness, and it is t e finest blood purifier in the world to -day. • "Does it give satisf etion ?" We cannot point to ne instance where it did not. "Where does it has' the largest sale?" Right in the city f Hamilton, where it is manufactured, there ti been over one thousand dollars' worth sold in e last year's retail,and the great majority of t sales are by one recom- mending it to anothe .For sale at 50e and $1 per bottle by Lunt en & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth: 964.52w. Ladies -troubled wit hands or face, or sore use McGregor & Pa will leave the skin clean and good color. me, made by McGreg, at Lumsden & Wils 964.52w. Reader, in inform remedy for coughs. consumption, and all lungs, we feel that kindness, as if you h plaints, if you will satisfaction in every Ask for McGregor's L and $1 pee bottle at store, Seafforth. 964. Reasons why yotts ning in preference. Rapid result -cures plied -no trouble -n quire constant use. - One bottle will remelt remedy in existene toothache, headache, a bottle at. Lumsden forth. 964.52w. Worm e often cause is Dr. Low's Worm S3 pels worms effectual Thesignsof worm remedy is not always powders will destroy For -the Complexi tan, and all itching t Low's Magic Sulphur Good the Year R good blood purifier,. purgative for all sea Be on Don't allow a col surely develop itself i be cured for 25 con cure incipient cater cure ardinary cater cure chronic catarrh. Sold by all dealers at ii pimples, blotches, rough of any description should ke's Carbolic Cerate; It n perfect health,. smooth, Be sure and get the genu - r & Parke. Price 25c. !Sold Ws- drug store, SeafOrth. g you of this wonderful olds, asthma, bronclititis, ffections of the throat and ve are doing you a great ve Any of the above com- Ily try it will guarantee -case or mohey refunded. ng. compound. Price 50c ,umsden & Wilson's drug 2w. •eld purchase Fluid Light - o all other remedies are: nstantly. It is easily ap- lost time. It does not re - e application is effectual. more pain than any other : Try it for neuralgia, rheumatism. &Wit at 25c Wilson's drug store, Sea - serious illness. The cure up. It destroys and ex - 857.52m. .are well-known, but the a) well determined. . Worm them. 857.52111. -For pimples, bletchee, mors of the skin, use Prof. 'oap. 857.62m, und.-National Pills are a liver regulator and mild ns. 857.52m. our Guard. . in the head -to slowly and to catarrh when you can s. A few applications will h. One to two boxes will h. One to'- five boxes will Dr. Chase's catarrh cure. 25 cents per box. 966.1y Advice o Mothers. , Are you distutbed nd broken of your rest by a- sick child sufferi ; and crying with pain of cutting teeth? .If si end at once and get -a bottle of "Mrs. Win. low's Soothing Syrup"- for children teething. I s value is incalculable. It will relieve the _poor ttle sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, in ther ; there is no mistake about it. It cures dy irtery and diarrhoea, regu- lates the stomach an bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, i'duces inflammation, and gives tone and ene y to he whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soo hing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant' to the -taste and is the pre- scription of one of he oldest and best female physicians and nurse in the United States, and is for sale by all dru 'sts throughout the world. Price twenty-five cc Its a bottle. Be sure and ask tot "Man. WINE 0.W'S SOoTIIING SYRUP," and take no other kind.0 • .1y. Catarrh-ia II Perhaps the most I ktraordinary success -that has been achieved in ittodern medicine has been attained by the Dix? Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients reated during the past six months, fully ninety 1er cent, have been cured , of this stubborn male y. This is none the less startling when it is in nembered that no five per cent, of patients priaenting thernselvet to the regular practitioner are benefitted, While the patent medicines a cl other advertised cures never record a cure t all. Starting with the - claim now generally itelicvett by the most scien- tific men that the dis ase is this to the presence of living parasites i the tissue, •tir. Dixon at once adapted his curl to their extermination- ehis accomplished, h (stems the Catarrh is pran- tically, cured, and the permanency is unquestion- td, as cures effected I him four years ago are cures still. No one e e has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this anner, and no other treat went has ever cured patarrh. The application of the remedy is aim 'le, and can be done at home, and the presen season of the year is the most favorable for a eedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases weing cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers sho I d correspond with Messrs. A. II. DIXON & SO "", 305 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, an1 enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh. Montreal Star, November aseensareaseema... ew Treatment. 17. l$S.P Removed I Removed I CD_ 251" G-, SEA ORTH, The Old Establishc new premises imm Stand, Main Street, Butcher has removed to lately opposite his Old eaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all h'3 old patrons and as many new ones as msy see -it faxar him with their patronage. Pr Remember thel:ala,ce, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and eIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth, 898 EORGE EWING. Consumption Cured. ,An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed In his hands by an East India Mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou ,.)Om - plaints, after having tested its wonderful curs tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it. his duty to make it known to his 'suffering fell(?ws. Actuated by this motive and a desire to ,relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge', to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or. English, with full directions' for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namini. this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 eow • STOVES. Cooking Stoves FOR WOOD AND COAL. Parlor & Parlor Cook. Stoves. Hall and Box Stoves, WE SHOW A FINE LINE OF 1\1" --NAT _A_TZT Coal Stoves, In Single and Double Heaters, with and without' Ovens. Remember in the above lines we WILL NOT BE TJNDERSOLD. Agents for E. &.C. GUrney Co., Hamil- ton and Toronto; James'Stewart & Co., Hamilton; Doherty & Co., of Sarnia Hot Air Furnaces a Specialty JO NSON BROS., AIN -ST., SEAFORTH. t REPAIRING! • We want every reader to remember that we make a specialty of Cleaning and Repairing ALL KINDS OF Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. Skillful Workmanship, Neatness, Promptness and Reasonable Prices may always be. relied upon with any work entrusted to our care. We guarantee finest work and good satisfaction. W. J. Northgraves, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. ALLAIT L I INT ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS,' A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent. GREAT ItEDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool and Lon. donderry, $50, $63, and $73, according to position of stateroom. Children under 12 years, half faie; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter- mediate, $35; Steerage, $13. From Liverpool ow Londonderry to Halifax: Cabin, $63, $78.75 and $94.50; Intermediate $35; Steerage $13. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin, elm $128 and $143; Intermediate, $70; Steerage, $26. • • - Money Loaned and Real Estate Bought and Sold as Usual. " INSURANCE. I represent several of the heet insurance Com panics in the world. nierOrtice-Market Street, Seaforth. 862 A. STRONG London, Huron and Bruce, London depart . 7.55.3..m. 4.25 P.M. Express. Mail. GOING NORTH - Exeter t 9.14 5.50 ' 9.24 6.05 Kippen. 9.29 6.13 Hensall. Blyth. ' .. .... 9.56 6.50 . .. . ' 9.36 6.25 .. 10.15 7.10 Brucefield ClintonL0ndesb. 0. r. 0. Belgrave , 10.24 7.20 10.397.35 Wingham, arrive 10.55 8.00 ' 0.1ING SOUTII- Winghatu, depart Express. Mail. 7.00a.m. 3.05 P.M. 13eIgmve 7.17 3.29 LBelyntdhe7.32 3.44 sTioro . 7.41. 3.63 8.03 4.13 Clinton Brucefield ......... .. 8.22 4.32 Kippen.. ... . .... ..... .... 8,31 4.40 Hensall 4.45 5.00 6.00 8.37 Exeter. 8.51 London, arrive. 10.10 Wellington, Grey 'and Bruce. THE CELEBRATED 011.A.BM'S MANDRAKE DANDELION- LIVE.R CURE.. Haveyou Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Fain in the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure "will be found a sure and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy -The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandraks and Dandelion, combined with many other inval- uable roots, barks and herbs, having ii. powerful effect on the Xi dneye, Stomach, Bowels and blood. Five hundred thousand sold. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr. Ohase's Receipt Books were sold in Canada alone. We want every man woman and child who i4 troubled with Liver Complaint to try this eXcellent remedy. Something new. Give away free. Wrapped around every bottle of Pr. Chase's'Liver Cure is a valuable Household medical Guile and Receipe Book (84 'pages), con- taining over,i200 useful receipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth -ten times the price of the medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 'r25 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and -Liver Pills. ,Twenty-five eents per box. Sold by all dealers. -'-T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. Por Sale by I. V. FEAR, Druggist, Seaforth. 986-52 CAMPBELL'S ATHARTIC compouNv Is 'effective in smacaeion nausea, and ll griping, does not or!, doses, acts without' will not en ate'irri- tation and congestion * • as do many of the fi -Usual cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills, Sr_c. Ladies and Chil- dren haying the most sensitive sto- machs take ibis medicine without trou- ble or complaint. • . CAM PWE L I.'S CATIIA RTTO COMPO 17ND is especially adapted tor the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS Dis- oanns. FOR ..AGID STOMACH AND Loss OF AP- FOILFSEjcirEijEADACTIE AND DYSPEPSIA. FOR CON TIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A • DIS RDERED• STATE op TIIE STO- MAGI 'This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be vastly regulated to meet the requirements of different per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of ithe litt:e child as to the arult. Put up in three ounce bottles, t»d sold by all de4lers in family m dicipes. riceilletail, 25 Ceniee tent= MINV1!311M11.•••••.II.33.,w,3es-an3svl.r.....Vaoao•••••elfalaMdCe', ssa-'-srwesnreablelefeleralroam.alami, SW' PERRY DAVIS' 1Bit AKAKILLER IS RECOMMENDED BY Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, Jfanagers of Factories. Work -shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, -in short, everybody everywhere WO has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED' WITH A GLASS OF HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL. BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER Al) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT . APPLIED. EXTERNALLY, EXPERIENCE It IS PROVEN IT PPM MOST EFFECT] VE AND REST LINIMEN r ox EARTH IN REMOVING THE PAIN .ARISiNG PROM 11.1Z7ISES: RITEUNA- - TO'CIIACHE, fllOST BITES, &c., &c. ' 2:lets. per Ma:c. .1-4war..1 of Imitations. -Va .••••••••• 11•1•=/10111•hally....00 C ' i/1.1---)==.1_11.213 This , ien'C') aoTeeable , --* yet potent pre- 4(4, paration is espet ially, , cure of that ciass'of cii:o.rders ? . 'adapted for tizeirelief and athendant uvin a low or reduced . state of the sv t-teiii, auil -usually ac -- ° a. pcitiTtroi oi ed ftoel)Y'I. I .)1,: }..41'"tr.P NIVe'r!)11-:1 iiie!'asandPal results m -ii I follow it use in C:.. -,_s of Sudo- n Exhaustion arising- froiu I -o --s of blood,- Acute or Chronic ' Di,eases, and .in the et.... :le-, dea invariably Lecumpanie, tnere..overy 1 ,,,.i Wa..ting Fever,. No reinttly wi;1 gi .c lin,te sp,edy reiief in arty•osia or Inu:1;e,tinn. For linnover- .14 i:,:ied. Elocid, 1...,,-; of AnnetiP., licb- fo, , '?; pondeney, anti in ail ca -e-, where r0 i 0 an EFFECTIVE and CFETA ET IP/ STU.WLANT is required, *a , thee ..EI41_LIzR. wi ioll.\9 : e _.;,'s,- 0.)., .3, found 1 ':•.; VA Li:- 0,.. <1 4,C6N' . 1, - I 1 Sthez to/ all 'Dealers in .,lfealeinf..:. .DAVIS f& LAWEENOE 00. (Limited) Soon AGENTS, ' MONTREAL, P. Q. ' PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,0001adies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and . .r- take no substitute,br inclose post- .17rr„ _ 'age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, per box. Address THE EUR7EKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich.,tSoJd in ! Scaforth by Lunisden So Wilson, I. V. Fear, and 3),y Druggists g-enerally. 969-52 GOIXO NORTH- Aecom. Express. Mixed. 2.491045A.25.MStili Ah6ad Brussels POf All. 2.34 . tw. 9.20 P.m. 9.. Ethel - Bluevale 3.05 . 9.51 10.55 Winghanw 7.05 P.M. 1.1.10 A. M. 6.50 A.M. H. 12; SMITH 8c. Co. Bluevale 8.02 1.25 7.00 Brussels__ 8.60 1.45 7.15 Ethel........9.20 2.00 7.27 Train leaving Winghain at S. p in. for Kincar- dine, run on Mondays, Wedne days end Fridays only. a Grand Trunk ailway, Wingham.. 3.20 10.02 12.00 Gots° SOLITH--- Mixed Aeconi. Express. Trains leave Teaforth and linton stations as follbws: Goixo Wen- SEAPORT)]. Cbniros. Express.... .. : . ... . 1.48 P. M. 2-20 P. M. Express ...... .. .... 8.57 in it. 9.15 s. x. Mixed Train.. .... .. Fi (xi 4. it. 10.00.t.m. GOING EAST - Express... . .... .... 7.48 A. it. 7.80 A. U. Expres3 ...... .... 1.48 r. it. 1.06 P. x Mixed Train.. .... 5.05 P. ii. 4.15.P. M, ATERERS 3 And deals in American and Canadian Confec- tionery. 'iyeaetabl es, Oraages, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits. " Farailieti llotels, and others wishing Oysters in bulk, Caen be supplied reasonable rates. Cannedt Gooden Tobaccos and Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. I lappy to serve you,. Reme*her the place, First Door North o Reid & 'ilson's Hardware Store, Main Street Seafortli;1 L. SMITH & Co. 959 Seaforth, Jan. 5, 1887. 1\TOTTOM., Charlesworth Brownell Have now got their accounts in order. Customers wishing to know how much is here to their credit, will please call and get a statement. Would also like to have -contra accounts banded in at once. Charlesworth & Brownell, One door north -of Poet Office. On Time as Usual. J. A. Stewart, -OF THE - Dominion House CONSTANCE, Is just on time with a full stock of latest styles in Dress Godds, Wool Caps and Wool Hoods, Facinatore, Velvetgens in black and colored, Plushes, Underclothing, a big stock of Guernsey ;Shirts and Drawers, Plain and Fancy Top Shirts, ' Cardigan Jackets, Flannels, Tweeds, Cottonades, Shirtings, white and factory Cottons, Weaving Cotton and Knitting Cotton, White Shirts cheap and good. . ' Splendid line of Teas justenrived.. Pure Sugar Syrup ; try it A lot of those popular Spices for pastry and pickling, prepared by Connor & Dyson. Honey in eomb and strained. Another lot of Colored Glassware eheaper than ever. Crockery in great variety. China Sets, Stone China Sets. A big drive in Boots and Shoes, away down in price. Examine them be- fore pm -Chasing elsewhere. Hardware and everything usually kept in a general country store. Come one and all to the new store kept by 907 J. A. STEWART. - _ Look. This Way The undersigned has on hand the largest stock of ' BOOTS AND SHOES Ever shown in Hensel], which he is offering at rock bottom price. Come and compare priees before buying ellewhere. All rips occurring, &c., in goods purchased from me, will be re- paired free of charge. Buttons clasped free. CUSTOM WORK A speeialty.• Repairing neatly and promptly done at reasonable prices. No trouble to show goods. Five and ten per cent. off for cash. The cheapest honse under the 'sun. Opposite McDonnell& Watigh's hardware store, Mensal". 980 .ESSE HOCKIR CREAT PRE:UPIPTION A successful medicine used over . 30 years in 'thousands of canes. Cures Spermatorrhea, • Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impoteney, and all diseases [Barone] caused by .abuse, indiscretion farreal or over exertion. • six packages guaranteed to cure when all others fail. Ask your druggist for The Great English Prescription. take no :substi- tute _One 'package $1, six .$5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Ad -dress EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich.. arSold in Sea -forth by Lumsden & Wilson„ 1. V. Fear, -J.. S. Robert, and druggists generally. 969-:52 Xin 5; DON'T FORGET THE GREAT GIFT SALE -AT FEAR'S Drug Store, - SEAYORTH, ONT. With Every Dollar's Worth of Goods you buy, you get Ticket that calls for a Prize between 'Xmas and New Year's, at Fear's ,Drug Store, SEAraltTII, ONT. OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there are many inferior goods, corded with jute, etc., offered mid sold as Coraline by 'SOME un- pri ieipled merchants trad- ing on the reputation of CAD genuine Coraline, we rn the ladies against soch innszition by draw- L-'.' attention to the of saeing that the name 40311374 CO.' t I is sore'r"Ilcninr.er side, of all Coral ine goods, • `t• eat -whieh none are gearine. • !JAMES' TOriONTO., 'Ft ;•-)tese BRIG P of SJi p'S Se -1..1%7 ! , PRQPRI rrpta. MB IS Hotel, Which is situated direr:tly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted an- d refernished throughou, and is now one of the best and n20q comfortable hotels in the city 1 tff'EVery possible attention paid to guesthere charges modera - • 1 .„ • A ;