HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-01-14, Page 11887. iitsistinieenneweesee season with hTRONS El new season tke our great EV R. t very depart- lats we have ea, y and Cloth - :eh. at the chair '- Rev-. A. Y. he choir for v. Mr. Rosa akers, Rev. ; McQuarrie, of Bluevale, ldresses and the best of rem. valuable aumber of ed solos was L, our pre - playing an •bert a weft- `anada" and tieran a stranger singer, sang ne." Also a ok was very eat part to a Phuudo and Jeanie a King and at applause. t, Bella Max - (ere wen re - if tVingliath, ihed the cli- ui his elt Brother is deafening, net cheerful third Psalm. I trek, filled tria choruses redit is due or the effic- te performed her. After e part in the waabrought ttfawing is a for the var- at the Tant- a last: For a55 ; Samuel .eve, George Evans, 216. I-, 265 Wm. 216; El- ' The Council rson, Thomp- Berton . elections are led ap a fine , about fifty The School. tilted in the far the third 1, last Tues - ch is mirth whofives taken out to Le eou hi not asked which a- Hays. He te for no one aiy gets as has already t. -.—Mr. Me- n declined to Itee-veshint ; T. M.. Kay ! acclamation. it (if the Yates West Ward 4 Martia,29 itydd, 73; East Ward, zetwood.,, 34. 'aerieron, 72; it will,, there - Kay,. Reeve,. S Shier and The Deputy :at the cearn hy them, at , 'NINETEENTH YEAR. • WHOLE NUMBER 996. Store Closed for TWO DAYS, We have decided to hold a MOTSTER CHEAP SALE, And in order to give us a eha ma kall our goods down, we are o to alose our store an January 11 .ce to bilged h and 12th, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. NEXT: fe connection With the aline, we wi6, to; state that our sale com tenees the following day, January 13th,.and any one wanting anything in Staple ma Fancy Dry Goads, Mantles, Hats and 'Cepa, Fees,. Gents' Furniehings, ate., will do: welt to call early and often and get some of the bargains, as we are determined to clear out the whale stock. The goods axe all new, having been purchased for this season's trade. • IL-. ' kll are cordially invited to inspect th !goods and prices. Hoffman & Co, Cheap Cash St Cardno's B ock, .Seaforth. e, ---Mr. John -annex, B. A., of Ste Marys, has been appointed a teacher on the staff of the Liedsay---Hign School. sonie young people were t& iniegaanag in St. Marys on Wednesday tous accident happen- aith, daughter of Mr. Mg down the steep k the front of the to - he snow and those on of last week, a se ed to Miss Galb J. Galbraith. ti bank of the ere beggan stuck in it were thrown high into the air. Miss Galbraith received very severe injuries. It was thought kit first that bet spine we.s injured, but fortunately that has proved not to be the case, and she is now slowly recovering' , - • —About 11.30 last week an ap council chamber tieed, and on ente the floor and m on Monday ,ght of • earaece of fire in the at. Stratford Was no-: lee it was found that tting in the neighbor - hod of the. stay -6 were on fire The fire • began itemediateY over the brick wall between, the tre- sarer's office and the hallway, and its peogress was nedeseari- ty, slow. The flijemen.. turned °Int but the flee was put &ut without the; aid of the hose. Its can only he sus- pected, but might easily be caused by the stump of a, igar„ as the carpet is: much torn and frayed in the vicinity of the stove.. sane county board of exert:Antis have greeted thir certifieetes to the following, as the result of their re - eat training in the schools at Stratford and,. Mitchell: jeseph IL Beckton, Archie Bothwell:, Truman Baxter, Robt. thilley„ Sam, Coach, -James- Cosset. Charles,' Albert • Catlin, !Frank Doherty, Gear Dobson„ Sam. Darst+John IL Eby, Fa L. Evans, James Foster, Ede gar- Flethieg, Jahn. Griffith,. Robt W. A. Humphries+ Wm. Hackney,W. IL Kalbfleiach, Wm. Minto, Alfred Macklin, Donald Munro, Micha4 Mc-. Gairiess, E. J. McDonald, David Mc- Lennan,Alfred., Reymann,. .clantael: ube„ Robert T.. Stewart, John Swann, Jas. Switzer, C. Steureagel, Gerry yg- ley, Elle A. Aiteheeon, Lima B Auer, Bella Chippa, Sarah Deltnage, JCarrie Dent, Mary Edmunds„ Bella ( ibsore Ida (riffith,. Letta 'Hail, Mary . vet,. liar - Minnie Henderson, Hannah rwin , Christiaa Kirk,: Elizabeth Laing, Mary - Lavern, Jessie Moffatt B. M. Morris -eta Mary -Maudson„ Nettie Q„ Mottahan, nereh E. Orr, thlaggie Patterson,Annie tanith, May l'Tyer•man„ , Susie -Wren, Maggie L. Wilson, Etta Woodley, W ray. • -We regret to.: learn that a se-rio s asaident happened to Mr. Jas. Hill 'brother of Mr, Thos. Hills,. of. Eginoth vile, who is einplo'yed an - the Dicks faani west of Egieondvide. He fell fro; a loft above the barn floor a distance jd over 20 feet ,; Hewas taken up- ins :able and remained in -this condition oifsr tit hou re., He Was-exainined by a, medical man who found that with. the exception tif ;the fracture of a rib or two • Re' r the back boee, there were no broken bones. The accident happened on the 28 h nit and although it will be some title yet beforeheis fully recovered, he 's get - tee along nicely. Upholdin' the Protestunt Religuri. - ORATE KONITENSIDELN OF, PATRIUT8 AND. IONSERVITIF AND GOSPEL MINISTURS. To the Editor of THE nthiert Ex:Posta* :Rum Valley Korners, Dec.127,'86.; "I've bin so biey in the bak townL ships uv late diffasin kepieS ratthe Male and other sich. yuseful infininashie where they wood du most good, that I haven't writ much .fur the papers shag my ietterz to yure, valleahle iaper last yore. • ! " The idee uv this assemblij fast awake in the pins buzum tie Brother Bunting, , who has long felt a deep konsarn fur the Protestunt az well its fur public morality. He imenshieed it kasynelly to John A. and others, who. all felt that the Protest- • mat religun west- going to the dogs in Ontareo, sure ez guns, if Mowett diden't let go the nines uv poikver, end that, moraver,,a grate konvensain and the en- thasyistri it wood Medd in the -hertz. ue the faithful wood help Merey.deth in his distree. So we Eked on S';u-Oday,- the - 26th„ konsiderin' that day Ivery ape nrepriate fur defendin' the Bible. After some konsultashin we those Karling's brooery as the plase uv.meetin, not only beceuz it wuz offered free but also fur the konvenyens uv the dely-:gates.„ "It proved a grate suksess : Nearly all the grate partee lites wuz present. Sir John Foster, Bro. :White, Karling,• Sheede, John, Bro.' Bunting, Rev'. D. - Kettles, Cannon Damouline Bro. Hughes, Bro. Evans, the edi orof the Reveo, Mr. Chapleau and yti e hembel servant okkapide seets on the platform. ” The - perceedings opened in truly Konsereitif manner by ,tappi " a hogs- head ue-Karling'a XXX., whi h he had generusly donated for the happy oh-: kashan ft Me. Edam., it wad hey done .yare hart good to have seen Kerling and. Foster, Dr. Kettles and Chepleau, Bunting and the Ite:voci Editu , Brother White and Bro.. Hughes -Sir John and. Sheelds, a sitting side hi sid , inspired by one hely and patreutic desire to up- hold the Protestant lathe by driving Mowett rom power • ! - " Thespeek in win truly movie, aooth- un and satisfyin, eloquent and logical, .and wood hey koqvinsed •and .kon verted etrery- heethen lied th-a bin thate, The . . apple= wuz unbounded . : "I will konteot ;myself with:06n the outlines in the speeches, butf the rezye lushins-I 'pat in terbatem, - - "Bi the time the speekin wiz finished the enthusyisni had reached its klimaks and a second hogalied wuz railed! in. "Sir Jahn wdeI the feint s'peaker. • He wuz the anthbe. uv Konfedereshin and uv the Sierra 'Akt, and i he either - wrote the last. vershun, ay the Proteitunt • Bibel,or .hiz Government hired men to do o it—he disremembee.d Wien. z hart he•d bin deeply moved be the base -attempts uv Arclibithip Lin:eletO under- mine Protestuntism by the Rose -Bibel. • Bat theiz traterg wood be defeeted and Merrydeth wood kum forth to deliver: Ontereo from the Pope. He Wm gettin to be an old man now,. and he had bet one dezire before he dide, and: that wuz to gee the Pretestu.nt religtunoese more tolerated and the Protestant Bible on.se more in the heeds ay his fellcaltuntre- - men in -Ontareo . (Long liontitiude ap- planz.) .Foster and'Karling beth follode in half hour addresses in wiett tha sbode up Mr.Blake's inkousistensy on the pro- Mins:hue questyure Theez speeches, in wich Foster shodethe awful evils air in- temperance, and axlini the wikedeees uv vice in not ietradusin probibishun tu us fust, fast melted the autieace to teerz and then rouzed !th indiguashun, -so that at the kloee the people wuz reddy to tar and fearer that hard-harted mane • Bat, the speeches ; uv the day- Nvuz made by Bunting and Chapleau on the -Ross Bibel.. Bea. I Bunting wuz. fur . the hull, the hull I3ib ,and nothin but the hail. He ai-gye4l that without this there wood be nd pubtik morality and • that bribery and liorninshati wood face us, Mr. Chaplead 'held that ,.the open Bibel wuz the ark uv our parteez, and showed the perfidy uv Ross in fine - stile. Th:a proved very . planely that Mowett had sold hisself to the -Arch- biship—that the 'Ross Met wuz a skil- fully 'prepared dtAkyneentwritten bi the Pope, aad that therefur the only hope tar the Proteetunt religun was in Mr. Merrydeth. ' The applauz Was tremjas at .the kloze, Dr. Kettles led- ing. ," I had the honor uv presenting the folloing Tezalushins L That ;the in- • trodukshio uv the Ross Bibel into the. skates. uv the keuntry is an akt of gr4ss tyrreny„ and is tkalkulated to destray Protestentism. 2. That the omissun iv the story ny Potifer's wife is a direkt u-' kouragement tu vise and is .kalkyletcd to make Archhiship Limb the pope he Kanady. 3. That our thanks are due and herebi tendered to those G-ospil patrent ministers who hey seen it th re bounden dirty to uphold Pretestunti in clueing the past three weeks and h v used there pens -and pulpits, 'With Si h godd effect to the party. 4. That t e theismu tie the Bible is mutylaehia v the Bibel and, that all ministers a d Sabbath School teachers who diVide " Here Rev. Dn. Kettles- eroze -a Pointed out that thetrezylushin, .if c r- ried out on that line, wood pat him i a tite place, as he belonged' to the Int r- nas;hinal Sabbath School kemitty, a t1.1 led to divide tip the Seripares. n• deferens to his feelins the rezylusl in wuz amended, • leaving' out all eb ut ministers end teechers. 't Sir John then: moved the klozi i g rezylusbin as follows : That we koun el all our friends in ;upholdin the Prete t- ent Leith to follow apostolik advise a d -bekum all things to all men.:- Verb rn sap,' "The -Protestunt refigure said • John, is not in enny pertikler danger in Quebek—and there!. are koenties in • n- tareo where the Katholik vote is la where it ie in no danger. • "In konklushia, said he, giving ne ay his knowin' winks, if you want a r de n th ou old Iliis 'he Protestant hogs iump ide him into 'a Katholi be sere he is well b joek produced grate atno onvenshin then busted u " Youers treoly, I 4 4 BLOOMINGNOZE P • . he Leader of the -Opp E. E. ShepPard, of the Toro us writes of Mr. W.' W.; Mer 'of the Oppositienl in th ORTI-1 FR n, but if strong- auketed. zement.) FFER." to News, dith, the 1 ader -Ontario 4 .1 ogle ature.—I feel a strong iking for Mere4lith as a white man and honest bevy r. I do not go much on him as a politi 'hie, but I know hitn to •e an hon- . Iu Lon - you can Bill vote greatest mily his lied ,with " Bill " all every st name, state the fer to all aptly as near re- n and a and men - ay, and know it man to °rub! ; gentle and loveable ma ecko that those who cp.11 him on t ley call him "Bill," an he same way. He has the ry of names, faces and f ever saw, and I've nay pretty slick politieians. ood handshaker and can his constituents by his fi nd enquire after the wife and xi rtitcht if he lativ 1 pont tione mem tory I Some is a g one infes, a oliti o ician to be 4vho are at the time beneath ) who striyes to be in symp ever body's afflictions and Can't(1,be a very badman, and pend ,d upon to give to ever hie, and not give it grudgin nuinber of babies, and r , marriages and deaths a were a relative. I lost while I was in Loud later Meredith met me, the trouble in a kindly d- him pore than ever. ea.k thing for a full grow s himself open to the chin, but somehow I thi with human nature enou considerate of the feelin iles of a k' a poll - h in him s of those him, and thy with troubles, an be de - man his ly either. :in trance Exam in a t • ns. The following is a'list of t ose who successfully passed their exa -. indtions for admission to the High chool, at Goderich and Exeter. 103 wrote at Goderich of whom 54 passed, and 24 wrote at Exeter of whom 18 p ssed : ' PASSED AT EXETER—MALES aker, Henry ' ' • owerman, Arnold , bell, Daniel 'acrett, Earliest R 'ollick, Horace H . • 'regory, John Albert arvey, Wesley H. litchell, ' William J luldrew, Robert - tuby, Abraham J. .4 'erity, Percy.. ell, Ellie _Illerington, Margaret 'rigg, Alibi -licks, Maud . Kydd, Ida J. • ollins, Pearl.. • 'tewart, lirggie . 1 ASSED AT 000gR.1011—MALE Ron, Joseph, Belfast . Bissett,AIexander," Colborne Crabb, FrNnk Goderich M. 6...... Christilaw; Albert, Shephardton Chilton, Thomas, G. M. § - . Donaldsoit Albert, Saltford. • Edward, -William; 6 Ooddrich Finlayson, Malcolm, Lochalth, Farrisb, Kenneth', 10 Ashileld Gledhill, Albert, Baimiller,. Grant, John, -1-. M. S. J oh nston,-J ohn, 10 Ashfield • Johnston, Wiliam, 9 '' Jervis, Edwin, Porter's Hill - LeTouzel, Robert', Senmiller, Murney, Fred, C. M., 8 ' Morrish, James, remniller • FEN 441 ..591 510 491 • 481 .576 ........ ... ..... 518 • 454 514 422 481 ALES. McLennan, Dona. d,)Lochalsh , blaKenzie, Rod, " ..... ...478 421 Sheehan, PatrickGoderich Convent 473 Tait, Robert, G. M. S' •420 Treble, Charles, 1. Colborne, • 400 Tigert, James, 8I-ephardton. 481 Vanstone, Agust s, Bemniller 479 Williams, John .4., G. M. S Whitely, Albert, 2 Goderich FEMALES. Addison, Alice, G. M. Bell, Grace, I " COlwell, Mary, POrter's Hill Curran, Emily G M S Carrick, Bella, 3 shfleld . Evans, Alberta, M. S Edward, Mary, 6 oderich - Foster, Emma, eppardton Finlay, Lizzie, 9 4sh6eid Fraser, Jennie, 01 M. S Gardner, Minnie, lPortr8 Hill Ginn, Elizabeth, '?Goderich Graham, Birdie M. S Jones, Josie, 1 C ervis, Minnie, P illier, Minnie, 01. M. S . cConnell, Mary, Goderich Convent "chool..430 • faherson, Nellie, G. M. S. .481 ceartney, Tillie Porter's Hill 522 eCabe. Mary, Sti. Agustine Sep. S 457 antosih, Fiore* G. Convent Sch ol 383 502 430 382 636 431 641 527 430 581 416 499 641 395 - 421 538 447 • 433 455 • 547 421 439 528 522 578 450 538 463 474 McNee, Frank, Shephardton • . • 452 .407 450 415 446 426 404 452 669 460 475 390 443 473 440 440 lborne: . • •iter's Hill. aitin, Florence, 14 Wawanosh i ay, Dora, G. M. S. Mitchell, Mary, ' otts, Mary A, Stilltford Scott, Bertha, 2 Goderich traiton, Nellie,. M. S In addition o the above a thers were r4ommended. If issiou is sanctioned • by th nent, their names will be pul Canada. —The city Of Brandon, Man'toba, will e lighted by 4lectricity shortl —The St. C air river at Co r▪ twright is frozen civet, and teams c oss with safety. --Eight of the trembers of tle newly - elected Windster council are 'nights of Labor. -- -Sir-John Macdonald was 72 years ld on Tuesday. The Premier spent the ay in leingsten, his 'native cit ,a -The winter service •betw en ▪ Char- lottetown, Price Edward Is and, tied the main land has been abando tied, —Eb nezer lllawiey, aged 2 • yeats, was instantly killed in the toi nship of awn, near Pptrolea., on Mo day by a aw-log fallinglon him. —The Canadian Pacific Rail ay Com- pany's earninfor the we k ending . anuary 7th, ere $157,000. For the t:: ame week last year they were 117,000. —David Da.nby, of .Port ll.pe, con- venor of a .freight train, w s fatally rushed betwden the ears. at iiingston station last Mthiday evening. —The otherlday the Rev. E. C. John - on, rector of !the Episcopal hurch of iristel,'ConnetIticut, tried to alkaon a lippery sidthealk and narrow y missed ailing. Ai he was pawing t e air to -eep • int his I feet, a big rail oad man ame atong and remarked wi h a grin, Guess 'nother drink will just 'bout etch you." Mr. Johnson str ightened and inquired with sever dignity, ..459 437 495 umber of,. their ad- Depart- lished. " What's th 'bout fetch'y ing railroad leaving thea after him. — The Nor tend shortl the Indians adopting the —Mr. Mc a son and da each other was aged 13 — The Sb brooke, Que taming one destroyed b —David named Mc Dawn, was ing tree. —A lige.° Saturday fin tingtine'tbe con 'the by age. —The C offered the 9 a special tra to, Ottawa posed'Irip f --The Ra steam barge She will b all, 21 feet depth in hol — Prince has expor mostly to half a millio ter of $35,0 —P. Colli well-known Sporting T judge of tur in Dundas 1 —During issued by 378 more 1885, the re ing increase —Lord L of Canada, ing the lin reason the in its pres knows whe — George one month pair of shoe don. MeC whose thre were suspec —Bogus circulated. by the wre the counte wards from uine they ti —Saskat per ton n At this ficr ere a ton of cord of woo er value. —The ordered the of all copi sensational States—sen under this this week. --Throe some reside Winnipeg, for taxes, a purchaser n land holds time is exp — The ri most solid, of ice in so railroad fei time. The hours, and freight, whi Wabash is — Mond Finkle and out drivin of horses • both out, b The Judge —Wm. Belleville, by shootin revolver. cover. Des the rash ac had threa trate. - —The Ro don, which the last ten building fu having reali terest was e gold -headed receiving 90 donald 619. —The me liquor in E Scott Act h A. S. Shep over $100 flee, while village, atm with $50. —Mr. P Knights of est advocate favoring the saloons by t his executi were solem fleece as a official insta —Mr. Jam dulph, has Rogers' Pa Selkirk ran with prospe He writes fall of over of the loca snow slides. =Captain den, Engla the Nerde undertook t ducine the purchase s has had i Caron- and is not likel DAY, JANUARY 14, 1887. , sir ?'.' 4"Nother drink'll u," replied the sympathiz- ian. And he walked on, tonished clergyman Staring h -West Salvationists in- to commence work among earning their language and ✓ habits. • ichol, of Tharnesford, lost ighter within a few days of tern diphtheria. The girl ed the boy 14. nbrooke house, at Sher - cc an extensive hotel con- undred rooms, was totally firat noon 011 Sunday. tin_ working for a farmer o.ry, in the township of illed on Saturday by a fall - dealer in Kingston was on d $40 and costs for permit- urnption of whisky on his two boys twelve years of- , ada PaeMe Railway has th Battalion, of Winnipeg, n to convey them to Toron- d Montreal on their pro - $3,000. hbu-n Company is building a or use on the Rideau canal. 99 feet keel,. 106 feet over am, and six feet nine inches I. dward Island this seison 91,000 cases of lobsters, , rope. They are valued at ad involved the slaugh- 0,000 lobsters, s, of pandas, a gentleman s publisher of the Toronto mes, - and a level-headed affairs, died at his home st Saturday night. ast year 2,611 patents were e Department at Ottawa, , • the number reseed in enue showing anorrespend- nsdewn, Governor General as definitely declined join- sh Cabinet, giving as his• wisdom of leaving Canada t political condition. Het he's' well off. cCabe was sent to gaol for nq 'Saturday for stealing a from T. J. Murphy of Lon - be; is the same individual wives died suddenly, and ed Of being poisioneda ralf-dollar pieces are being They can eatily be detected h Qn the reverse 'side. - On fejt the leaves all turn in - he stem, while on the gen- rn both ways. hewan coal is selling at $6.75 ✓ in the city of Winnipeg. re a focal authority consid- oal is as low in price as a , while being of much great- ominiou Government has stoppage through the mails S of the Sporting World—a journal published in the into Canada, and seizures order were made -in Ottawa some blunder, the hand - ice of Hugh Sutherland, in as sold for a trifling sum d not being redeemed the ew claims it. Mr. Suther- e tax receipts, and a lively eted in court. -er at Windsor is frozen al- nd piled up with whidrows e places ten feet high. The ry boats are having a hard -ound trip takes over three 11 the roads are blocked with they cannot transfer. The ver 500 cars behind, evening, while Judge sister, of Woodstock, were their team—a spirited pair an away, and threw them eking Miss Finkle's ankle. seeped with a few bruises, cCarthy, an old resident of tempted suicide on Friday himself in the head with a t is probable that he will re- ondency was the cause of which the unfortunate man ned several times to perpe- nan Catholic bazaar at Lon - las been held there during • ays in aid of the Cathedral d, closed Saturday night, ,ed about $4,000. Great in- cited by the contest for a cane, Hon. Edward Blake votes and Sir John Mae - who will persist in selling •t Nissouri contrary to the ye to pay for the privilege. rd, at Thamesford, handed he other day by way of a . McCartney, of the same itted his guilt and got off wderly, the head of the abor, is known as an earn - of total abstinence, and as "boycotting" of the liquor e working_men, and that all e associates for this year ly pledged to total absti- art of the ceremony of their lation. es Carroll, formerly of Bid- tarted a general store at , the highest point in the e of the Rocky mountains, ts of a good winter's trade. hat there has been a snow '0• feet, and that residents • by have witnessed several Douglas, R. N. R., of Lou- ., is at Ottawa, representing feldt Gun Company, and ,e trip for the purpose of in - Dominion Government to e of this. ordnance. He erviews with Sir Adolphe r Frederick Middleton. It that the Department will take any immediate action, as the esti- matenadopted last session do ,not pro- vide for any such purchase. 'Major- deneral Middleton said: "The or- deefeldt guns are now being adopted the, English army. They are very ef- fective, and I regard them .as greatly superior to the Gatlings used in the late rebellion." • • —Railway Mail Clerk Walter I H. Cousins, who does duty on the 6 a. m. train leaving London for Suspension Bridge, while getting off a train at Lon- don East station, Saturday morning, slip- ped on the platform and slid under the train which was moving slowly. The wheel struck his foot, so smashing it about the instep as to make it necessary to amputate it. —It was first announced that •Dr. Dowling was elected M. P. P. for Sputh Renfrew by a majority of 3» A receunt afterwards held before Judge Deacon, gives Mr. McAndrew 9 of a majority. Several ballots for Dr. Dowling, wrong- ly initialled by deputy returning offi- cers, were thrown out. A scrutiny will probably be demanded. Poor DowIling gains his political honors hard. He has had four elections within as many years. ' —About six o'clock Tuesday moroing the servants at the residence of A. F. McIntyre, on Sandy Hill, Ottawa, put the heating apparatus in operation as usual. About twenty minutes later the inmates were startled by hearing a great noise in the kitchen, and on investigat- ing it was found that the heating, pipes had been frozen, and the force• of steam had caused a genera t explosion. The -cook, who was in the kitchen at the time narrowly escaped fatal injuries. The report of the explosion could be heard a considerable distance. i —A new $2 counterfeit' bill has' ap- peared. in Montreal. It is pronoueced the best counterfeit that has yet been made. The bill is one of the Du erin issue (with Lord Dufferin's pictut on it.) The vignette is perfect, only the face is a little too broad, and the fore- head slightly contracted ; dots on the i's are emitted in the words " Bilitish America," amid the color of the back is a very pale green, and the paper is slight- ly poorer than that of the genuine bill. It is payable in Alsintreal. The number tzif the counterfeit its of series B. 1 —The Church of Ascension, - 'Hamil- ton, was buttned to the ground on 'Sat- urday night; only a portion of the tone walls tied tlie to er being left start ing. The organist went into the chamber at the back of the organ to oil a part of the bellows machinery which was creaking. The organ took fire from his taper, and though the firemen were promptly on hand the whole edifice was soon in a , mass of ruins. There is an insurance of $11,000 on the 'building, and the con- gregatioi. is one of the most wealthy in the city-. tk —Mr. Samuel Carrell, a farmer and drover from near London Ont., died at the Crandall House, East Buffalo, on Saturday morning, aged 18 years. Shortly after midnight on December 4th he entered a car containing his own cat- tle, between Erie and Cleveland, for the purpose of assisting a steer to regain its footing; when he was severely hooked by one of the animals. He was attend- ed by Dr. Dorr, and received the best of care, but from the first his recovery was considered doubtful. He was un- married. • The remains were returned to friends at Landon. —A brakeman on the Lake Shore main line had a thrilling experience a day or two since. The train had just left Hudson, Michigan, and was run- ning 25 mileean hour, when he fell be- tween two cars. By chance he caught the brake beam as he struck the ground. He was partially disabled by the fall, but clung to the beam desperately until he reached Clayton, over five miles, when his cries were heard and he was rescued. His clothes were torn to shreds by contact with the frozen ground, his boot heels torn off and the flesh of his legs badly lacerated. He is all right now, and will be ready for business shortly. —At five o'clock last Thursday morn- ing a terrific explosion occurred in the new roller flouring mill at Carberry, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, about 100 miles west of Winneptg. The ex- plosion completely wrecked the building. Ritchie, the miller in charge, was badly burned on -the face and hands. Every- thing was running as usual when the fine dust flying about took fire, com- pletely filling the building with flame. Sonic heavy timbers of the mill were thrown fully sixty feet. The mill was erected only a year ago the building and machinery costing $35,000. The loss will be half that amount. —Mr. John A. McAndrew, who on a recount of ballots is declared to be the member of the Legislature for South Renfrew instead of Dr. Dowling, is a pledged supporter of the Mowat Ad- ministration. In his election address he said: "I have always identified my- self with the -Reform party, and have no reason now to change my principles. Thc Mowat Administration is, in my opinion, entitled -to the support and con- fidence of the people of this Province. I am, however, not a blind partisan, and if elected will not be a mere voting machine in the hands of anyone. I shall vote for no measure which will not, in my judgment, be conducive to the best interests of the Province." —General Neal Dow, in a recent arti- cle regarding the effect of the liquor traffic on the business interests of the country, says: No business can add to the wealth of a community that earns nothing; gambling twines earn noth- ing; distilleries, breweries, saloons earn nothing. They live on the earnings of other industries and upon the wages of other men's labor, giving in return for what they obtain from them nothing but poverty, pauperism, wretchedness, crime, insanity, and premature death. The entire sum spent for strong drink? whatever it may be, is an absolute loss to the community, as well as to the in- dividual citizen, because no value is re- • McLEAN BROS. Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. ceived for it. The 000,000,000 spent in' the nation annually for drink is a loss to the country as entire as if that value were destroyed by conflagration, ship- wreck, cyclone, or earthquake. In either case the property is gone, with no equi- valent received for it. , —Mr. Justice Armour gave an im- portaet judgment, regarding the Scott Act, tit Osgoode Hall, on Monday, in the 'case of Queen vs. Heath. In December last ti motion was made to quash con- victiOt against the defendant for aiding and abbetting in the sale of liquor con- trary to provisions of the Canada Tem- perance Act. The exact offence was that he purchased the liquor as an eider and abettor. The learned Judge is of Opinitn that a purchaser is not an eider and abettor, and he quashes the con- viction. • It will be seen that if the pur- chase of liquor sold unlawfully is an offente punishable by conviction, the in- former would be deprived of his streng- eet weapon of attack, and prohibitory meastres could easily be evaded. —Thomas H. Johnsr, Assistanteorn- inissitmer in the Crown Lands Depart- ment at Toronto, died suddenly of heart • diseaee on Saturday. He Was • in his • usual health and spirits on Friday, but felt enwell during the night and on Saturday while changing his pos- ition on the lounge, where he lay, at 4.30 p. ne, he fell back dead. He was born in Caledonia in 1810, and before • Confederation represented Prescott for , sevee years in the Old Parliament in the Conservative interest. • Subsequently he was !appointed a Stipendiary. Magis- trate„ and he discharged the duties of this important office until his removal to Toll -onto, 17 years ago. Here be en- tered' into the position in the Crown Landis Department that he held at the time I of his death. He leaves behind him ft widow, four grown up sons, and four daughters. He wasene of the fore- most! members of the Spadina-avenue Methodist church congregation. He was 1T7hey efatornsoowfing age.• despatch from Win- nipeg: shows the dangers of travel thratigh the Rockies in winter even in a Canadian Pacific Railway Car : The Pacific express due at Winnipeg from the 'West on Saturday evening did not arra- till Sunday 'evening, and then in t a rat ier demoralized condition of ventil- ationt The windows of all the cars on one 4de as well as the stovepipes were broken, which was done by a falling tree between Kamloops and Donald, British Columbia. The train was delayed by a snow' slide east of Donald. Fortunate- ly fot the passengers the slide was not a great qne, but while the majority of thent remained under but a few minutes, the rest did not escape so lightly. One of them. was buried entirely out of sight for one hour and thirty-five minutes be- fore a gang of searchers came across him. When brought to the light he was re- moved in a very weak and semi -frozen condition to a car, and with proper at- tention soon revived from the shock. —We clip the following item from the Picton Times. The hero of it probably had a, little more on board than he could very well manage: A man named year - horn, from' Sophiasburgh, made a ;very peculiar mistake a few nights since! -He started home late at night and took his horse from the hotel shed. Be drove it out on the street and tied it up and then went into one of the hotels for some- thing. When he came out he forgot about his horse and went back td the -shed to get it. He found only onm rig in the shed and drove it off, away down the High Shore road home. The owner of the missing rig soon discovered the loss- and after a few enquiries started with -a livery for Milford in search of his rig. , He failed to find it in Milford and returned to Picton, instituted farther inquiries, and started for the hone of the real culprit. Meanwhile the latter had driven home and having found out his mistake drove back to Piston by an- nother road. He left the rig where he got it and drove his own horse 'towards home. He had gone but a shortdig- tamfrom town when he met the owner of th missing horse returning after an- otheil fruitless search. Ile man from Soninasburgh finally put up ten dollars to p4 for the livery hire and the trbyble incurred, and went home a sadder and wiser man. —About e year ago a laborer, living in Centre Quebec, left his wife and family to join the force of men who an- nually go into the Gatineau region to cut lumber. When he came -back last spring he did not return to his first love, hut remained in Ottawadoing odd jobs about the Chaudiere in the daytime, and courting a fair young widow during the evenings. A few months ago he was Married to the object of his atten- tions, find since then, until last Satur- day, his latest matrimonial Scheme ap- peared to be a decided success. On Saturday the first wife put in an ap- pearance. Going to his domicile she met wife No. 2, whet was told the whole story, and the two women made up their :minds that the destroyer of their happiness should suffer., Calmly and patiently they waited the hour when the husband should return to his even ing meal, and as he entered he was some- what surprised to receive a; blow from a, broomstick held in the heeds of wife No. 2, while wife No. I followed it up with P. cut on the right cheek with an axe. : Of course he succumbed and begged for mercy, but none was shown until after a sound thrashing had been administered, when the women together left the home never more to return. A physician was called, who dressed the wounded man's cuts- and bruises and it is thought he will recover, although i seriously injured. , - —Mrs. James Matthews, a woman of excellent repute and good character, about 45 years of age, the wife of a! pro- minent mechanic of Tilsonburg, and the mother of a large family, attempted to dommit suicide Friday under singular circumstances. Mrs. Mathews' husband is a carpenter, and prominent enough among his townsem to have been at the recent municipal elections' a candidate for, councillor, but was defeated. Fri- day morning he went to his work as usual, but was summoned home shortly after 10 o'clock by the intelligence that his wife had cut her throat. He hurried home and found her lying upon the bed. in her own mem with an ugly gash across her throat and a bloody razor neer by. The unfortunate woman had put the dinner on the stove, and had then proceeded upstairs and deliberate- ly endeavored to complete her own de- struction. As soon as the blood had be- gun to pour from the self inflicted wound . she became frightened, and her screams attracted a young son, who alarmed the - neighb,,ts and brought assistance. Three doetors were summoned; but it is con- sidered impossible for her to live, as the windpipe and other organs were severed and she suffered a great loss of blood. No cause can be assigned for the act. The family is much respected in Tilson- burg. • Perth Items. —Every ward in Mitchell gave a Con- servative majority at the late Provincial elections. —Alderman Gordon distributed a whole carcase of beef among the Strat- ford ;poer on the day before Christmas. —The libel suit of Mr. Hogg against the St. Marys Argus is to be tried at the London assizes this week. T—Mr. D. Holmes, one of the oldest coedits:tots on the Grand Trunk Rail- way, is laid up ith erysipelas in Strat- _ford. '—Upwards of thirty electors refused to, vote for either Mr. Dougherty or Mr. McClay at the recent municipal elections. —The name of one of the candidates for municipal honors in Stratford was left off the ballot paper by mistake, and the error was not discovered mita the polls were epee a couple of houts. —The county of Perth Sabbath school convention will take place in the town of. Listowel, on the 9th and .10th of February. Au interesting programme is in course of preparation, and the con- vention is expected to be the best ever held in this county. —St. Marys will have two former resi- • dents in the Local Legislature, Mr. G. -B. Smith, who was elected by the im- mense majority of 800 for tett York, and Mr. Ingram, son of Mr. Joseph In- gram, who was returned as the labor candidate for East Elgin. —Mr, Wire Robertson, an extensive. and wealthy manufacturer of Pennsyl- vania, has been spending the holidays in Stratford, the guest of his old friend Mr. John - Corrie. Mr. Robertson was a well-known citizen of Stratford a little. over 20 years ago. —The Mitchell Recorder gives us the following: A good Tory of the north ward inquired if it was on account of Mowat's return that the week of prayer was being held. Even the Tories, you see, have a proper idea of the,greatest temporal blessing that has been bestow- ed upon the Province.' —Three St. Marys ladies were among. the exhibitors of nate at the Art Loan Exhibition in London a couple of weeks ago. Among the figure or historic pie - tures' the work of Miss Moscrip took a first place. Mrs, G. H. MeIntyre's flower piece was not excelled, the papers say,in the entire collection, for brilliancy of color and light. Miss Moore had also a very beautiful flower picture. 1 -t -A young man named Wm. Card- well met with a severe accident on Monday forenoon of last week, in the Grand Trunk Railway yard at Strat- fOrd. He was in the act of coupling to- gether two engines, when an iron bolt was driven clean through his right arm between the elbow and shoulder break- ing the limb and making a very bad wound. —An occurrenoe of a rare and danger - os sort happened in St. Marys -on Sun- day evening last, by which a young couple narrowly escaped serious injury, if not sudden death. -It appears that a young man named Mead, of Nissourt, who was accompanied by a young lady, had just driven from a side street to the main road, in the west ward, when along came a rig driven at a furious rate by one Nogles, and before Peed cou:d get out of the way Nogles' horse was prostrate of his cutter, and in e few minutes later had passed over it with cutter and contents following. No person received injury, and it was miraculous, from the fact that the cutter passed directly across the other in the vicinity of the dash, Mead's cutter was completely demolished, while that of Nogles' was but slightly injured. —Thefollowing is a list of the suc- cessful candidates for admission to Mit- chell High School. The minimum num- ber of marks to pass 378: Lillie Babb, • Mitchell; 431; Agnes Broderick, Mit- chell, 391; Mary Casson., Mitchell, 462; Lizzie Corcoran, Dublin, 44; Annie -Doherty, 6 Logan, 467; Mary Douglass, 8 Logaq, 383; Lizzie Dow, 2 -Hibbert, 405; Chtissie Dow, 2 Hibbert, 404; Lillie Elliott, Fullerton, 530 ; Minnie Engels, 9 Mornington, 491; Louisa Fan - son, Mithhell, 459; Edith Gerry, 2 Hib- bert and Mitchell, 468; Nellie Hata-- ten, 2 Ellice, 380; Susie Hamilton, 2 Ellice, 390 ; Mary Hendry, Mitchell, 381; Ellen Kemp, 2 Hibbert, 539; Ellen Laing, Mitchell, 396; Lizzie Laing, Mit- chell, 370; Jennie Lester, Mitchell, 380; Nellie II,ynch, Mitchell, 409 ; Jessie Meehan ; Mitchell, 422; Maggie Mc- Laren', 383; Jennie Roy, 6 Logan, 430; Cora Sanders, Mitchell, 506; Mabel Taylor, Fullartonit 484; Georgina Watson, 2 Hibbert, 382; Car- mine Walker, Mitchell, 406, Lizzie Waugh, 8 Logan, 408.; Fred BabbeMit- ehell, 385 ; George Bald, 3 Ellice, 387 ; Gilbert qampbell, Fullerton, 420 t John Clu low, fitchel1, 379: Blake Durrant, 6. Fullerton, 412; Benjamin Gerry, 2 Hibbert and Mitchell, 423; Win. Hart, Fullartola 4136; Amos Martyn, Fuller- ton, 384 tWin. Stoneman, Mitchell, 404 ; Wm. Waugh, 9 Logan, 426; Louis Wood, Hullett, 477. • •