HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-12-31, Page 7die that he has (10-4; ette the FACient 1 to give good vai ZDs, DINGS, :WINCEYSi g in Plg and Pant L'aed to. as far possibi,„ 4T/I TREset, 4,1(1Z fl Working order Workmen, .arralitede.1 -EYE& MILLS. Ptoimieear,. COMMERCE ''ORONTO, $6,000b-00. 1,600000o. DARLING, ESQ. W.ALKEIL j. ffPixx. ANOR. Rank continues to rest is allowed at yens. and Cities In rd 011 the United r the Conarnercia LAND, Manager. „. Jewelry kNTS' Collecting anada LTON, ONT. 64. ra.nd professiona1 alection of debts-, ,otet making bad lists of parties - others halting to become mem - renegers,. Hamill - mail 1111.1 par - hip, &a.. Send 00.t ereHamilton- ura t street, Lantern, - FOR , and receive o that those t a these ex - supplied C*11. RGESS. RIME Money on -;t, Rates -hazed., t AlloWed on taunt aad 'rket Square fORTON, MANACIVI. 92* • 1 DECEMBER 31 1886. THE H URON EXPOSITOR. Turkey Talk. Fanny Field says in the Ohio Farmer, ' that, late hatched. turkeys will da as well as earlier ones, i. they are hatched early, enough to get fully feathered and are well fed and eared for from the start. She says : "We once had two broods of turkeys come off in September ; we didn't think they would amount to mach:, but we hadn't 'spunk ' enough to kin them, so we fed and cared for thorn precOely as we had the earlier broods, andl when they were ten Weeks oid they were full as large- as the earlier ones were at their age, and we had only lost four out of the twenty-four. Cold. weather mine . on about that time, but our little turks had. such a good start that they -Itep . right on growing until the. last_ of lre ruary, when they were dressed and s at- to market. They averaged 12:c ounds apiece, dressed weight, and Urdu ht 20 cents a pound. Of course it cos: more to grow those turkeys:. than it -lid to - grow turkeys of the same size in warm weather, because more of the fon ' con•• sinned went to keep- up animal het, but still it paid. to raise them. _ They NV,. -uldn't have paid, though, if we had _marketed them at -Thanksgiving time. '...very - body who has turkeys sends. them to the - Thanksgiving market, and :that is the hest time to sell the best.. but it is the poorest time to set small inferior ,birds. Pick out your largest, plumpest t rkeya for the Thanksgiving market Oa( keep the smaller ones for later mark t. in the hate winter and early spring a renths, fine, fat, young turkeys command almost,. as good prices in city markets as Thanks- - giving turkeys.- But if you do ad.' off . all your turkeys, big and small—except breeding stock—at - Thanksgiviaa time it win pay, if shipping to a city n :arket, to send them in two, lots.. Th small ones will sell for just as goed p ces, if sent in a separate lot, as they w ald if mixed with the big one, and tie big : ones. will bring more alone tha , they weal(' if the small ones *ere pat in the .same lot; bat if all are pat in t,-gether the chat:ices are that the 'Whole wil .sell at the price- of second-class birds. ' - " Don't keep the late-aatched tarkeys over for breeders ;:- it will be pooij econ- omy. Save some of your earlie t and best, and pick them out before YOU put the fleek on fall feed to fatten for a arket. " We never found it necessary io. pro - Tide our turkeys- with a, nice, air place to roost :, they`generally took a the fence and trees as soon as thea were • fully feathered—though some tha . were raised with chickens, would al way : roost . in the house with them. • , "And while I WTI talking abot t tur- keys Iican't help' wondering why f rmers' wives who raise . poultry cl.o no raise . mere turkeys. In some localities t irkey- raising will pay better than ebicken raising. One year 1 raised. 150 turkeys' that brought almost .$400, and fully -two- thirds of that sum was profit." - A New Year Tale. Not many years aao there dwe t, not many miles from ''Paisley, an opulent widow lady, who once afforded a queer manifestation of that odd compo nd of incorapatibles called " human n tare." It was an Hogmanay night of ne of those olcl-fashioned winters whic , were so "bitter cold." The good olc lady; put on an extra shawl, and as she hug- ged her shivering frame, she said to her faithful old man -servant : "Sand ! it's a terribly cauld nicht, the nicht, an' I aim fear't that puir auld Dona Mor- rison's family maun be suffering. Tali' the wheelbarrow ; fill it fa' o' coa —put plenty, on't—an' tell the puir au d ora - tar' to keep hinaser nice an' warm But, afore you gaug, Sandy, pit some mair coal en this fire, an' then ye mayi mak' me a het gless o' loddy." These last orders were duly obeyed, and the old lady was thoroughly warmed both inside and out. And now the trusty *-4andy was about to depart on his errand of mercy, v. -hen his considerate mistress interposed, saying: " Stop, Sam y ! ye needaa gang noo; the wather has t oder- ated." Robbed of his Fees. De. Hardie, the celebrated p1i3aiciain of Vienna, one day received a telegram. ham Cracow requestlug him to repair thither with all haste, • as . Moses Abrahamson was very ill and reeuired advice.. This Moses was knewnito, be one 6f the richest inen of his -tribe. The doctor, .who had an enormous practice and was very busy at the time, wired back- ; "Myfee will be two th usand florins." ..A. second despatch urge hirn to come without delay, but added that he might surely do it for less. "Not a kruetzer less than two thousand II rins," was the reply from Vienna, wher -:upou a final telegram came to hand dhecting him to: start at onee. It - was ii the depth of winter, and bitterly --o Id, so that oar medical man was anythieg but pleased at the prospect of th long journey, But what was _his disg tat on beina met at the -Cracow irailway tation -a by a deputation of long-coatedPalish Jews bringing the tidings that he came too, late, as Moses Abrahamson had died a few hears before. As there was. no: train back to Vienna -that day 'ie was compelled to put up for the night at a hotel. Meanwaile-the news of the great doctor's arrival had spread throu: h the team, aad sick people of every d -scrip.- / tio:n„ both Jews and Christians, ,'esieg-. ed the door. So- inany afflicted persons touched his compassionate heart, • nd he freely gave them the advme they 1 reed - ed... When at last he got to the title!' and was about to step into the e. mage a Polish Jew came sliding up 0 hint with a knowing smile an °his fame and whispered in his ear: "I say, doctor, 1 only wanted .to tell you that Moses Abrahaaisareisn't dead ; net a bit of it; he was among the patients that you cared for nothing."' Dr. Talmage on Christmas iChristmas bells ring in fami y re- uions ! The rail -trains crowded' with children coining home. The pckiltry, ,fed as never since they were born) stand wondering at the farmer's generosity. The markets; are full of massacred; barn- yards. The great table will be pread and. crowded with two or three o . four generations. Plant the fork astritle the breast -bone, and with skilful t vitch, that we could never learn, give to all the butesr3' lookers -me a specimen of holiday anatotny.1 Florence is disposed to soar, give her the wing. The boy is fend of musi&, give him the drumstick. ° The minister is dining with you, give him the parson s nose. May the joy reach from grandfather, who is so dreadfully old that he can hardly find the way to his plate, down to the baby in the high chair, who, with one smart pull of th table -cloth, upsets the gravy into th cranberry. Send from your table libieral portion to the table of the poorp sojne of the white meat as. well as the da k, not confining your generosity t gi zards and scraps. Do not, as i soilne families, keep a plate and chair fo th se who are dead -and gone. Y tut ho iday feast would be but poor fare hit th-m; they are at abetter banque in th skies. Let the whole land be ful o eh inc and carol. Let bells, silver br zen, take their -sweetest voice, all the towers of Christendom riai int sic. A Liver Cure. ( nesingle trial of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure Wil cor vince the most skeutical and confirm better than thousands of testimonials that it is a sure cu e. Medicine and recipe book $1. I. V. Fear dr ggist, Seafoith:. 966.52w. Birr, London Township, June 20th 1885. I caught a cold in May, 11384, and was continually coughing and catching fresh cold, and having a pain in my side. I tried other luediciries but was still getting worse until I tried Dr. Jug's Medi. eine in January last, and I had not used one bottle when I began t4 (eel myself gaining. So I have used tour bottles and now I feel well and etrong. Sarah Shoebottom. , 967 51.22w. or'sale bye all druggists. - George Andrews, to to ger at cro Pr rseer of the Lowell Carpet Corporation ,was, for r twenty years, before his removal to Lowe14 Cted with salt rheum in its worst form. Its rations covereirmore than half the surface of body and limbs.. Ile was entirely cured by r's Sarsaparilla. 969.52w. , It is Wise • rovide against emergencies which are liable rise in every family. A cold may be a danr us thing, or not, depending upon the means and to combat it In sudden attacks of cold, p, asthma, etc., Ayer's Cherry, l'ectoral will ve your best friend. 960.52w. A Heavy Load. , ' When I ate, my food was like a lump of lead in ey stomach.. I took Burdock Blood Bitters Th • more I took, the more it helped. inc. I an like a iiew man now," says Era Babcock, Cloyn P. 0., Township Barrie, Ont. 857.52.2w. •. A Seasonable Hint. . During- the breaking up of winter, when th air I is chilly and the weather damp, such com pla nts as rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sor tin at, croup, and other painful effects of sud ..del cold, are prevalent. It is then that Hag. ytu d's Yellow Oil is found truly valuable as i hot ehold remedy. 857.52.2w. , - A Seasonable Hint. or an obstinate hatrassing cough there is no bet er remedy than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, wh eh cures all. throat, bronchial and lung dis- eas s. It is pleasant to take and effectual for yo ug or old. 857.52.2w. ' It Seldom Fails. J D. Cameron, of Westlake, Ainslie, Cape Br ton, had inflammatory rheumatism which Ha ryard's Yellow Oil cured after all other treat - me its had.failed. 857.52.2w, --- The History of Hundreds. .,) r. John Morrison, of At. Anns N. S., was so ser ously atflicte.d with ii4sease Of the -kidneys tha dropsy was develoPigand his life was del. spa red of. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bit ter. cured him_after physicians had failed. 852, 52.1.w. Broken Down. Bei n g completely broken down in health, I , , was induced to try that valuable remedy, Burr doe,: Blood Bitters, One bottle made me feel like a new man, restoring me completely te hea th." George V. Detlor, Napanee, Ontario, 857 52.2w. . "I' Remove Dandruff,—Cleanse the scalp with Pro• Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful mec 1 • e e icated soap for the toilet. 857.52m. . A Crying Evil.—Children are often fretful and ill visten worms are the cause. Dr. Loiv's Worm SyrUp safely expels all worms. 857.52m., National .Pills are tbe favorite purgative and ant -bilious medicine; they are mild and thor- ough. 857.52m. ! Worms often destroy children,' but Freeman'S Woilan Powders destroy worms, and expel thein froii the system. 857.52m. M Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate.. H Ve you an. old sore, cut, burn, bruise, corn, bun on, salt rheum, pimple, blotches, rough hands or face? If so, there is but one cure, naniely, McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. If Poll try it, it will convince you. It costs but ' 25c at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth, 964.)2w. 1 Mineral Poison. nothing but pure extracts from plants .aud roots are used in preparing McG regor's -Lung Con pound, the modern and now popular reme- dy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, croup, asthma, and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest. All mineral poisons and dangerous -substances are avoided, which .renders it safe for children or adults. Sold at 50e and a per 'bottle by Lums- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 964.52w - The Last Year, 1886. A ter tbe above year is ended there need be no per. on suffering from, rheumatism, neuralgia, toot iache, headache, lumbago, or any acute pail , if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid Ligl tnine as it cures instantly. Pain cannot stae where it is used. The name is. Fluid Light - nim . Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea oath 064.52w. , . McGregor's Speedy Cure. 1144hen we say McGregor's Speedy Cure is the on13, perfect cure for dyspepsia, liver complaints, indigestion and impure blood, We are telling pIai1 facts of which hundreds upon hundreds can i test fy who have been restored to perfect health by ts use. We would therefore advise .you serakly, if you are a subject of any of the above troi bles to !-ive McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial andi be convinced. rt is sold in 50c and el bot- tles 1 Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth: 964. 2w. Be on Your Guard: D n't allow a cold in the head to slowly and stir I3- develop itself into catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A. few applications will curc incipient catarrh. One to two boxes will cure Drdinary catarrh. One to five boxes will cur( chronic catarrh. Dr. Chase's catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25,cents per'box. 966.1y Advice td Mothers. A e you distutlred and broken of your rest by si !k child suffering- and crying with pain -of cutt ng teeth? so send at once and get a bot le of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Srup" for chil ren teetliing. Its value is incalculable. . It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Dep nd upon it, mother; there is no mistakeabo it it. It mires dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- late the stomach- and bowels, cures wind colic,, soft ns the gums, redoces linflammatione and give tone and energy to he whole syetem. M s. WinsloW's Soothing Syrup" for children teet ing is pleasant to the taste and is the pre - seri )tion of one of tile oldest and,.best fernele •phricians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Psie tweney-tive cents a bottle. Be sure and as "Mits. WiNStOW's SouTIHNO Svarr," and tek 4 no other kind.066.1y.. • atarrh—A New Treatment. P rhaps the most extraordinary success .that has 1)een achieved in modern medicine has been atta ned by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six eller ths, fully ninety per cent' have _ been cured of ti is stubborn malady. This is none the less ling when it is remembered that n� five per . of patients presenting themselves to the lar practitioner • ere benefitted, while the pats nt medicines and other advertised cures nev r eeeord a cure • at all. Starting with the clan I now generally- believed by the most scien-i- talc men that the disease is due to the presence af 11 -Mg parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at uric adapted his cure to their extermination— Iiis accomplished, he claims ehe Catarrh is prae-4 tiea ly cured, and the permanency is unquestion, td, s cures effected le- him four years ago are curs still_ No one eiee has ever attempted to cur( Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat mei t has ever cured Catarrh. . The application of Val -remedy is simple, and can be done at hon c, and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure, the najority of cases being' cured at one treat -i mei t. Sufferers should correspond -with Messrs A. I DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, West Tor nto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their tre tise on Catarrh.-eMontreal, Star, , Novembee 17, 837 1 • ' 882-52 star ecu Consumption Cured. An old physician,retired from p actice, having had placed in his hands by an Emit India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent our of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Abthma and all throat and Lung affection, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou iern- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curs tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hit. duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motiveiand a desire to relieve human sufferin , I will send free of charge, to all who desire it this recipe, in German, French or English,. wit full directions for preparing and using. Se t by mail by addressing with stamp, namiro this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block oohester, N, Y. 938-25 eow OYES. Cooking S\ oyes FOR 1, 'OOD AND C AL\ Parlor & Parlor Coe k Stoves. 1 Hall a d BOX 5toves. 1 WE SHOW A FINE INVOF fH LRT Co.1 Stoyes, In Single an Double Heat rs, with and ithout ONtens. `Rememb r in the abolve lines we WILL NO BE U DERSOLD. Agents for 3. & C. Gurney Co., Hamil- ton,and Toro Ito ; James St wart & Co., Hamilton ; oherty & Co., of Sarnia HotAirF JOHN rnaces a ON pecialty ROS., , MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. THE SEAFO TH WOOLI EN ILLS. We have ow on hand the largest str,ck of TN BEDS in to n, at prices lower than e er. Coarse, Fine and Medium Tweeds. Overc-oati gs, Wors and U eds sterings. . Also all; inds of . Fla nels, Knit Goods, Unde wear, Top S Arts, Cardi- _ nits, Scarfs, gan Jackets, • •ys' Jersey 3 Gloves, Mitts Yarns, &c., IN Gil AT VA IETY. Z-47 A CAL SOLICITE VanEgniond' Sons. RE1wAiRIN1G 1 We ,want e •dry reader t that we make a specialty of Cleaning and Re ALL KINDS 0 Watches, Clocks & Skillful - Workmanship, Promptness a d Reasonable always be re iecl upon wit entrusted to our care. W finest work at d pod satisfa W. 1. North Opposite Cot rhercial Hote AJLI N T-11 --OF-- AIL': STE ROYAL A. STRO G, Seafort GREAT r.ED17 PION IN PASS Cabin rates fr donderry, 850, 8 of stateroom. in Halifax to Live 3, and $73, accord hildren under 123 under 1, free. ervants in Cabin niediate, 835; St -erage, 813. Fro Londonderry to 1 lalifax : Cabin, 84p 894.50 Interme Bate, $35; Steer turn Tickets fro Liverpool and b and 8143; Interi remember airing ewelry. Neatness, Prices may any work guarantee tion. aves, , Seaforth. 1\1- ItailiPS, Agent. GE RATES rpool and Lon. ing to positior, ears, half far e; , 850. Inter- : Liverpool or 3, 878.75 and eg,e, 813. Re - Money Loan i I represent se parties in thew VrOffice—M 862 Halifax to .LOndonderry or ck to Halifax: C bin, $100, $126 iediate, 870; Steerage, $26. d. and Real Estate Bought d SOld as Usua • SURANC -era] of the bes 1 surance Com rid. • rket Street, Seaforth. STRONG HE CELEBRATED TE.A.SM'S MANDRAKE DANDELION LIV Have you gestion, Bill nese, Pain I ease arising liver cure wi Nature's R Dr. Chase's solely with t nature's we and Dandeli uable roots, effect on the Five hundre lion of Dr. Canada alon child who i try this ex Give away f of Dr. Chase medical Gui taining over medical me worth ten ti Chase's Cata dy. Price, Liver Pills. all. dealers. Bradford. Seaforth. _ ER CURE. iver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- usness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi- the Back, Creativeness, or any dis- from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's I be found a sure and certain remedy, edy—The unqualified success of iver Cure in Liver Complaint rests elect that it is compounded from -known liver regulators, MandrakS n, combined with' many other {rival. arks and herbs, having a powerful idneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood. thousand sold. Over one-half mil- ase's Receipt Boas were sold In . We want every man woman and troubled with Liver Complaint to client remedy. Something new. e. Wrapped around every bottle Liver Cure is a valuable Household e and Receipe Book (84 pages), con - 00 usefnl receipes, pronounced by and druggists as invaluable, and ies the price of the medicine. Try rh Cure. A safe and positive reme- 5 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and wenty-five cents per box. Sold by T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, or Sale by I. V. FEAR, Druggist, 1 966-52 A MPBELL'S HARTIC. COM PO N effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not ota casion nausea, and will not create irri- tat?cm and congestion as do many of the usual cathartics ad. in in i ster ed in the form of Pills. &a. Ladies and Chil- lier the most sensitive sto- , ibis medicine without trou- plaint. - IAA CATHARTIC COMP01:14-1) ly adapted tor t4 cure of IPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS - St •. STOMACH AND LOSS OP Ar - HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA, IPATION -Oa COSTIVENESS. 031 -PLAINTS ARISI se, FROM A DERED STATE OP- THE STO- dren hav machs tal ble or con CAM PM - is eepecia Liva n CO oape Fon Acr PETIT FOR SICK FOR CONS FOR ALL Diso I MACH This in the dose meet the sons, tin adapted t to the ad - bottles, a family mc dicine being in liquid form, an be easily regalated to equirements of different per - making it equally well the nseeof the little childas It. .Put up in three ounce d .sold by all dealers in ice Retail, 2,1 Cents. CA0.1.141IIIII01.121111W.L./.1•ALit,•oi Ars., •••••••••••••lita.r.•••.,....•e••••.., •••-• • • • • +. 81.•; PA! ..cr: "comme,acctIscsocakilacios 411.0••••••••1••••••••.....• EERY DAVIS' -Ea NWILLER Ifp RECOMMENDED. BY PhYSiciant;, Ministers, Missionaries, Manage- s of Factories,1Voric-shops Planta i072.3, Nurses in Hospitals, —in s ort, everybody everywhere zvho has ever given it a trial. •TAKEN WINE TERNALLY MIXED WITH A LASS OF HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING cens FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- ,GESTI .../N OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, • PAINS I THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AX) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SO 'E RoAT.&c. A PLIED EXTE1111,1-1,LT, EXPERIEN 'E HAS rum -1:x IT THE MOST . iSe'r Vl AND REST LIN MENT eanal:i 1.1;MoVING TI E PAIN Arst; LIM") ,''.,1F.17:;.\.LG"...\ sv\-ELT,**A) i': )i' ni-ri:s, &c. 2asts. per Bettie. lloivar3 of Imitations. -umwommon•••••••....... C_A:r\,_L--) I 3 agreeable paratinn eepeteelle yet put e.i t pre- 4.‘my-• o f Lil:tt Giese of disorders v a lapted for t he rel and • otten ant upon a low or rci,itio:d stale o the sy rule ac- coinnant by P ; Pal- pitation 0 the v... t_ lir ent.t results will follow its u e of Stitiot.n Exhaustion nrIc.ing frorn Lo.sc-f 1I0, Acute or Chronic Di,ev."-es, an Nccoonl[a e)nnleide Dy:pepst iehed e>ce prnid • an .0 Sola DAVIS & in the w -...:-re-; i: -it invariably ti‘i%e.irletniv‘eerylitte,,,s\pl:.;(tiyingreFli'eel:eiras. or Intfig.!kt;.ei. For hellos e:-- lood; Tc,,4 (.1- ;Teeth., Des_ 43 ncy, and in'all c.,”, v here ca ,.FFECTIVE a:.ti. CITAW' Sp f IMULANT 15 1 E.Itiirt:c.1„ c.; the E LI X1 R wid -Le ,,,.> found1N A13;.:;M.. " .* .4,°_ s a e. o , ad Dea.",',-..- if; ..Liedhirl.:s. LAWRENCE CO. (Limited) SOLE AGICNT, MONTREAL, P. Q. 010-,• CCI PENNY 'LOYAL. WAFER.S. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in• treating female diseases. - Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies ask your d rug - gist for Pennyroyal Wafer? and take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by nil druggists, 61 per box. Address A. CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. forth by Iennsclen et, Wilson, I. V. ruggists generally: 969-52 • \e. TIIE KURE rteSold in S Fear; and by Still H. L. And dealers tionery. ;Vegetables Fruits. Families, I in bulk, can Canned 0 best brands Every atte serve you. R em embe Reid & Wils Seaforth, H. It. SMITH & Co. 959 head Of All. SMITH & Co., TE S, American and Canadian Confec- . Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of otels, and others .wishing Oysters be supplied at reaennahle rates. ods, Tobaccos and Cigars of the ept constantly on hand. tion paid to customers. Happy to the place, First Door North o Ws Hardware Store, Main Street' To .Gentlemen 1 M. K. PILL1VIAN, SEAFORTH'S WELL-KNOWN TAILOR Wishes to inform the gentlemen of Sea - forth and vicinity, that he now has as nice an assortment of Cloths suitable for all kinds of garments, as can be found in any similar establishment in the county. He has also added a -very nice and complete stock of Gents' Furnishings. Haying engaged the services of Mr. JAMES LEATRER,LAND .as cutter, he is prepared to guarantee satisfaction in style and fit. Prices reasonable as usual. His' shop is first door south of the Bank of Com- merce building. Give him a trial and satisfaction is assured. M. K. PILLMAN', SEAVORTH. THE Ble- MILLS, SEAFGRTH. The above mills have now been thbroughly re. . bidet upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS —AND— Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now. a taken -from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED sToNg CUSTOM CHOPPING Haa been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A geed shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under covereereeee WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. OTTSTOM M -T=3 Chopred satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of . CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS —AND --- FINE, COARSE AND LAUD SALT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronee of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. ()ERNIE & CO., PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. DUNN'S B KIN POW ER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND GREAT ENCLISH PRESCRIPTION sticcessful medicine used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Sperrnator rhea., Nervous Weakness, Emissiens, Impotency, and all dineases • [BEFORE] caused by abuse, indiscretion 1 arm] or over exertion. Six packages guaranteed to cure when all others fail. Ask your druggist for The Great English Prescription, take no substi- tute One pacIsge 81, six 85, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO„ Detroit. Mich.Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, I. V. Fear, J. S. Roberts, and druggists generally. 960-52' Removed I Removed 'a-= w 1 N G-, SEAFORTH, The Old Estaitilished'tutcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Oki Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he 'will be pleised to meet all his old patrons and as maity new ones as -way see fit to favor him with their patronage. . •., •VP/Remember the place, between Henderson% is..arness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main theet, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. • THE ut;r a :111 ;0 1. S?UJ., ‹..?-1\7 !o W2TS D. S. CAMPBELL, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR and Civ Engineer. Orders by mail promptly at tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitch:11, LEGAL. iXTH. HASTINGS,Soliciter,etc. Office—Cady's TV . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea- orth. 974 EAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.— Office, opposite the Colborne flotel. 976 - - TJ C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. .Prirate Money to . lend at lowest rates of interest. Office— iner of Square and West Street,-Goderich. 77-4 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office— Roome formerly occupied by Carroll & Diason, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard - were Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents—CAMMON, Hone & CAmSRON. 87'-0 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, W . PROOpPOOT. 6t56 AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &e., Goderieh, Ont. C. CAMERON, Q. 0., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CA3IERON. 606 • OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, 14 Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- liclitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to. loan. Ben - BOWS Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 - — - - ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, _Lv_1_ Conveyancers, &c. Solicitore for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan, Office—Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. IL M NNING, JAMES ScOTT. 781. HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- lieit'or, Conveyancer and Notary, Solieitor for tbe Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Firms for sale. Office in Seott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. -A/ONEeerTt. TOwir tli1i.e—Sprtirylghot lotaons tamtrrtlowpeerr 61 repaying part of the principal money at any titne. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. GL. BALL, L. D. S. Honor Graduate, mem- . Lber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc- cessor to D. Watson. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether, gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth. Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea, - tenth. Prices as low as gond work can be done fer. Residence same as that occupied by Mr. Watson. 980 • 7 TD. S., M. R. C. ancl D. S., of 4 Ontario. Latest impiove- *T ments in every line. Satisfaction - guaranteed. Office —In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence,—The Poplars, John Street. 941 -0 CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den- tists, of Exeter, Ont. Ono of the above will visit Blyth the • last Thursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milnes Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Hensall the following Thurs- day of every month at Reyneld's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tracted with a new Japan arfesthetiet which re- moves rearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the first day. Charge § moderate. Terms cash. 984 KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. • S., will be in Zurich at the • Huron Hotel, on the last Thurs- i-L-A day of each month, and in Hen. Sell next day, (Friday,) at Reynolds' Hotel. Teeth extracted with the lest pain possible. All work first class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL.: WM. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician'Surgeon and Accouchem, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence—North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 961 "TARS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brueefield, Licen- j) tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Office,—Royal Hotel. 930. jG. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, . and Accoucher, Seaforth, Out. Offiee and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of -the Presbyterian Church. 842 113 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 R. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Gra;dvate of Toronto University, and Member of the CbIlege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ottice, Fear's drug store. Residence, Johe Street, first door cast of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. - 894 VETERINARY. R. J. WILSON, V. S., Honored graduate of Toronto Veterinary College, Registered Member of the Veterinary Medical Association of Ontario. Having had several years experience can be found prepared to treat all diseases of the domesticated animals on the latest and most im- proved principles. Treatment of delicate foals and " teeth dressing a specialty. Residence: 1{o3•al Hotel, Seaforth. 953 EAFORTH HORSE INT, IRMARY.—Corner of O Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the -Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All 'dis- eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere; on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S—A large stock of Veterins *try Medicines kept constantly; on hand AUCTIONEERS. - Tr. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Sales attended in al parts of the County. All orders left at Tres EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. SEAFORTH PUMP WORKS. In returning thanks to my many customers for their patronage since commencing, business in Seaforth, I would add that in order to supply the demand for PUMPS, CISTERNS &c. that I have 'put in Steam Power and more new machinery, and can now do wy work quicker and better, and as I use none but the best ma- terial I can get, and do as good work as I know how, I hope to merit a continuance of your pat- ronage. CU8T03r1 PLANING AND BAND SAWING A SPECIALITY. N. CLUFF. P. S.—I would be pleased to receipt all the ac- counts of the past and previous years. Must have money. I 9664.1. CiaEIERIGh BP.:MB WORKS. chrystal. & Mac Menufaeturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine, Upright and Tribular Boilers. SA LT PANS, SMOKE STAOKS ' and all kinds of Sheet Iron es ork. 4 STEAM AND WATER PIPE. FITTINGS constantly on hand. On hand, ready for delivery: I 30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. I 8 H. P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Ou- tilt, Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., ail in geod work- ing, order. Will be. Bold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T RI Station. P. 0. BOX 361. .Goderich, May 26th, 18s6. THE ZURICH Saddlery, Harness, AND Furniture Establishment.' T HAVE MUCH PLEASURZ , :ANNOUNCE j: to my customers and friends that I found. 3 necessary to make an addition to mly prewisee,and have now the largest sale -rooms h the place sad a fine assortment of goods in ever, • department. I thank my customers and Mende for their pat- ronage during the . past 13 years, and, have much pleasure in'being able to state that 1 .can give better value for the 'money than ever before in every department.. I call attention to my line asortlment of hearer Team„ Carriage and Buggy Ira ness. Just re- ceived a large assortment of Trun s and Travel-. ling Bags, Ladles' Satchels, else a large lot of Heise Blankets, cheaper than ever;lWhips, Brushes, CepAs, and everything belonging to a first-class shop-. Special attention in House and 1ali Furniture. Bedroom Sets from 815 up ; Parlor Sets from -tea ; Spring Beds and Ai attrassias; Wood -scat Chairs from 82.25 per half :dozen ; a fine carved spring -seat Lounge for Zee Give me a call and my goods and prices convince you that 1 have the finest and -die-aped Furniture in the county. Picture framing, Of all kinds done to :order: H. WELL Zurich. - • 981-13 MONEY TOL MORTGAGES B AN. UGHT. rpHE GUELPH AND . ONT RIO INVEST- . MENT and Saving Society ave an unlimit- ed amount of money to lend onl real :estate, at the very lowest rates interest with Vie privi- lege to the borrower 1 repay ing _a portion 91 the principal with payments of interest. Charges veir low. Apply to Messrs. DENT & HODGE, Barristers, Mitchell, who are the authorized Agents and Solicitors for the So siety. 9354:f Dated Nov, 5; 1el6. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY Y- -TO CALL AT THE— HURON FOUINDRY) —NEAR • THE HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTA Arid see our stock of PTIO Which have been made especiall for this county I have greatly improved my Ganti- Plow for tele season, and feel satisfied in sayin r that it is tbe best in the market. Our LAND ROLL RS Are large and heavy, running 1 ght and doiag good- work. Our GRAIN Cf,US ERG Are rade from Hard Iron, and rill last longer than any other machine made. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attentior given to le - pairing Steam Engines, Saw find Grist Mille, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Maebines, ati'd all kinds of machinery repaired n short notice and at reasonable rates. To Contractors an Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings a lowest rates. Quotations furnished on appliea on. ilarAlso Agent for the Imple4ments of L. 'O. Sawyer, Hamilton. A fu line of repairs eon- stantly on hand. THOMAS H NDR't SEAFOR Furn it u re Warerooms. If you want solid comfort call M, Roberts And buy one of those Celebrated Eris\ Chairs, represented by the can also supply invalid Chairs and on's Self Adjustable bore cut. If arriages. Ile also Belle the most comforta de arid dumb) sS1),Poil\Tc4- IVIFI ID That iienrade. - His stock of CABINET FURNITURE verv large and Complete. Int ?Mint; purchas- ers would do well. to ,rive him at llilxofoorsoth repuctr- chatiing elsewhere. WarIep ercorne of Telegraph Office, Main Street, .'eafortle OF WORTItLESS IMI ATIONS As -there are any inferior goods, eorde4 with jute_ )1er 3p, ete., oiicred and sold' Coraline y some line p11 rcipled na rchants trad- •.:1';! on the reputation of 01.1 0.4'1111 in . Cora nue, 0k -A we rii the 'adies against "ee, eeeele ins.poziabn by draw- fese, attCrtion to the see y of sleing that the name enlEIPTUN CORS'ET d on inner side of all deraline goodie which one are genuine. , JAMES' 1.10717,L, TORONTO. iTZ P & BRI HAM, winerly of Sharp'sHotel, eafork, PR OPRL ETO RL3. THISHotel, which is situated the Union Station, has recen and refurnished throughout, and the beat and most comfortable ho reetly opposite y been refittet is now one of • Is in the city EarEvery possible attention pad to guestlicr-o.. charges moderate.