HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-12-24, Page 5• • . 1886,, - "runnseseeas friend§ from, -here he has .rvieess, for a ;with a large eei that hia ear to year,' Led that his , were nota se Sunshine! relarged and' ta- It ia all 'g numbered. feet. peke' ' 0. This has trustees are . in order to lll lots to all tillad like to ' . well as to : VOS. Clainla • La secretary,. It is hoped, baried there - tO secure the ' C open the ; . h'INtesers. Jr tern of Ex_ he London PPosite the -.re becom- ,g of water ; the ditch, : ' f the buggy .The horse TgY seine- ne has not far a nem, wish a re - many years e,cared and Oceurred in 10th inst., . of the 10th almost in- nfticting•ac2 hich he met earn, he was e and drag - ;he ground, with, a stick , death was is:rOmains nrday, and Ted in the ramily have tire neigh- ent. . - lp .of West; ie Sth inst., `I-aser. He arm, °utile ' rs age, his two miles : fallow, he and 'left n. On re- apened up, el the way. s consider - death, .500' he was a ..! has suffer- kes, one of eeth... His Ihnegannort e thegra,ve ceelecl hint - , prevsonsty. VS: As:pin- t in Wing - rd in cam - minors of broad. It w c; uld ac - other one as,is in the [ffieient for J. Ander- named an reeveshipn. 'e reliebly eking the the count has been obabilities v changes [se's. a held at at, tvas a ilar. The les Young eddresses. ding that anywb ere Own HaTI, fall in a the wean ;mg mot - roam for e pro_ eer Land ;ural In - Country r States - vat's Sup - "Our lied." A ters from tad they stie corn - light pro- • best he vn band. Central rit of the we say the Cen- ;sion was •ard near- ne of the in Brus- deep. Tocession halt svas !(I, ferru- le of the; yirsg the te&'. Mr. ac the -supper- I march- . which ening of ie doors, were be - present, et seven, ! greeted ;Went of le, made openiug isen Mr- Flinee for eV min - :him to aseur- Liberal eTetary, apses to expres- eople in nel con- arsained _ ste. ird, was ppleuse. ' - h 4 DECEMBER 24; 1886. For ov-r: an hour and a half he trenchant- ly and practically dealt with the WORK OF THE rAsir FOURTEEN YEARS SEA the success that had attended his " efforts in, working for his beloved Pro- vince. He dwelt on the - Boundary Award, the "No Popery" cry, the Mc- Carthy Act, the new Parliament Build- ings, and other live issues, and com- pletely demolished the accusations of ins opponents In speaking of the Boundary Award he showed that al- though the Privy Councilthad decided in favor of Ontario the Doininien Gov- ernment still refused to pas the neces- sary legislation confirming! the decision of the court, although they had been asked to do so by the Home Secretary and the Ontario Governmeet, and that notwithstencling the fact that the Privy Couneil had decided the disputed terri- tory belonged to Ontario, Sir John still claimed the timber and the minerals and this territory, and that matter is now being fought out in the_ couets. In view of these facts Mr. Mowatt showed the necessity for still retaining his Govern- ment in power that they might eon- simethegood workof defending Ontanio's interests against the grasping and !Den• tralising policy of Sir John 4 This is all the more necessary in view lef Meredith's past course. in dealing ! with these matters in the past he has shown him- self more desirous to sabeerve the in- terests a Sir John than to serve his Province and if he is given' the reins of Government Sir John will then have no oue to oppose him and will be able to rob Oetarie at his own sweet wills This, he contended, is not desirable, either from a Reform Or Conservative point of view, and consequently he appealed to Conservatives as well as Reformers to rally to the defence of this Province by snpporting the Government that had fought for and maintained its rights_ His speeeh was an excellent one, and will long be remembered by his auditors. He spoke in the highest terms of the Reform nominee, and said no man out side of the Cabinet had been of more service to him. -Mr. Mowat closed his very interesting address amidst a storm of applause. Hon. Mr. Young then. took the plat- form and: in his lucid manner showed the electors how in a hundred ways the Mowat Government had worked for the good of the people, and how the whole force of the Dominions Government had been brought to bear on Mr. Mowat's Government to oust them. But Mr. Mowat did not go. The race and re- ligion cry was dealt with, and Mr. Young handled Mr. Meredith and his supporters without gloves as he sh wed their despicable meanness in stoop]4g to the means they have adopted to CURRY int -on WITH THE PEOPLE He urged everybody to go ;to work and return Mr. Gibson by a larger majority than. ever. This rousing and Very enthusiastic meeting was broughteto a close about 10;30. with cheers for Hon. Mr. Mowat, Hon. Mr. Blake, Mr. Thos.. Gibson- and the Queen. The prospects of the Liberal candidate in East Huren were never better, and this meeting will do much to strengthen Mr. Gibson's hands. • The Ndrainatio• ns. S 011 Tit HURON. —Tlae nominations' for South Huron were held in Hodgin's Hall, Reused, on Tuesday last.' At the ap- pointed- hour, one o'clock, Mr. James - Dickson, returning officer'called! the meeting to order, and, after reading the writ ordering theselection, celled for nominations. After; a4 short delay the folio Ning nominations were made : Archibald Bishop, proposed by M. Y. McLean, Sea.forth, and secanded by W. G. Collins, Exeter. Jaines Swinerton, proposed by Dr. Rollins, ,of Exeter, and seconded by Mr. William Keys, of Stanley. Jannes Fahey, of Toronto, was also.nomineted, but afterwards withdrew on the understanding thathe would -be allowed to speak. After waiting-foran hour and no further nominations being made Mr. Dickson declared Messrs. Bishop and Swinerton the candidates aud a poll was demanded . in behalf of each. A list of the polling places was also read, after whiela the oth cial pro- ceedingsenere declared closed. Mr. Diekson was byl unanimous vote retained as chairman for the public meeting which was to, fol- low. The hall was packed from plat- form to door. Ad:dresses stere delivered by Messrs. Bishop, Swinertan and Fahey, and they were followed by Messrs. McLean and Collins for Mr. Bishop, and Dr. Rollins and Mr. Keys for.Mr. Swinerton. All the speakers got a quiet and patient hearing,but it was quite manifest that fully three-fourths of:those present were in favor of Mr. Bishop. :The speaking continued until about half - past', five o'clock. The meeting was closed by a vote of thanks to the chair- man for his impartial and efficient con- - duct in the chair, and three cheers for each of the candidates. EAST HURON'. The nomination for East Huron was held at the town hall, Bruesels, an Tues- day. The returning officer presided. Mr. Thos. E. Hays was nominated by Thos. Farrow, M. P., of Bluevale, and. li seconded by F. C. Rogers, Reeve of ii 1 Brussels. Mr, Thos. Gibson was nomi- nated by Mr. E. E. Wade,. of Brussels, i and seconded by Mr, Samuel Mak, Reeve of Turnberry. Dr. McDonald, of Wingham, and Mr. D. D. Wilson were nondeated for the purpose of giving them an opportunity to speak. _. After the formal legal proceedings were closed the returning officer was ap- pointed chaieman, and a pnblic meeting convened. The hall was pecked with a , highly interested eudienoe. The fol- lowieg arraegement as to speaking was agreed to: M. Wade and Mr. Wilson 15 mieutes each; Mr. Faerow and Dr. . McDonald 30 minutes each i; Mr. Gibson 45 minutes , Mr. Hays an hour, and Mr. Gibson a reply of 20 minutes. The audi- ence, as a rule, were tolerably orderly, and deserved credit for their good be- haviour in view of the example set them on the platform. Some of ;the speeches were good, but some of the, speakers de- voted more attention to personalities ri than to the public issues of the day. In li this respect it is not too much to say I that the Dominion member! for East Huron I was the leading disturber, as when he I got cornered itt argument he resorted to rowdyisin. A gentleman occupying his position should be above this sort of thing. At times the scenes almost begs, gered description. Aside from this rowdyism, the speeches on both sides were very- good, although neither Mr. Farrow nor Mr. Hays is any match for their opponents in debate. The meet- ing closed in the usual way, and if one could judge by the applause we should A THE H RON .X.POSITOR. 1 • netesesnesseeessetesereseihsese- say ihe audience wee largely ii favor of Mr. ibson. . . -WEST HURON. A argil number of electors, c iefiy far- mer attended the nominatio s for the Leg lature for West Huron at Goderich on esday. Sheriff .Gibbons Return- ing • facer, presided. Coldne A. M. Ros Provincial , Treasurer, as nomie nate by Mayor Hortoneof oderich, and econded by John Morris, n indu- enti farmer, known as the pa rianch of Colb rne. Dr. A. Taylor, Con ervative, was ominated by Mr. Camp ell, and seco ded by Mr. R. Medd, o Wawa - nosh An arrangement was made to have nb other candidates ni minated, and one but the inovers secon ers, and. cand ates were tespeak: Th PTovin- iial made a rattlin speech, and roved that Ontario had genuine surp is of six million dollars, a e out five milli ns of which are in the hai ds of the Dom nion Government, which Govern- men'was paying the Provinc five per cent. Or an anetual interest of 279,000, as th Dominion blue books wo Id show. The 'overnment had borrowe it was true; but it borrowed when it found it coulc buy money at four and quarter per cut. and sell it at five per cent. The urplus of Ontario was not idly hoar ed, but brought in an a nual in - teres 1 of $329,000. No farmer who held a mo tgage that was bringing im ingsix per, nt. would object,to gettir g a tem- pera loan of a smaller amou t at four and quarter per cent. His exposition of th school -book matter was ble, and was eeived with applause. 1 r. Tay- lor, ho is a wretched speake , made a very weak address, showing he was force to acknowledge that h had not writ n his election address, a, d finally settl d down to reading from printed slip i is allegedsspeech. A mo e farcical ante pt at a reply toaCabine Minister was ever made. Hon. A. . majo ity willeprobably be beer ased. Mr. was thro to b prin. secu cent Mr. polic seve to b wee resid McF Mon hour of S Can of 1' on t till h ing f of h spec ever thre mou of Tor Port 12, I ed inst. tena form attai that and time Mr. he h sa,m hate and brok • -Nem to b ton, bled way nsur burg even lar CORE with villa mucl seve coun five - Ada sum of h in a ing $ hor evid Ke an S ednesday. The scaffoldi aroultd a new lime kiln gave the 1 eavy load of stone it was prec hating seven men to t ami the debris. Four of the with a few bruises, but Mr. his on and James Davidso fare so well. Mr. Kennedy buri d under about three rens and vas extricated in en u stet His injuries may. pr Mr. J.ennedy, sr., and James wer badly cut and bruised, b serio is is expected to result f inju es. sad shooting accident o a b ending -house' in Careen Co y, on Thursday of last appei rs that Joseph Johnston, gow , went into the boar. said the influence of liquor, a a, je eler named Ulrich got argu ent about nationality. prie r of the boarding-house, by n-ine, wanted to get Johns the ouse, and picked up wha pose to be an empty gun, pu char e of powder in it, placed it a d handed it to one Gri hap ened to be in at the t seise 1 others, and told hien to at t e floor and scare the old stew of -doing as requested,' the un en,the bar, and with inch js of Johnston's back, . The nen dropped dead iusta neve spoke after. The shot t just rlow the shoulder bla.de. uring one night lately th ennoch'S lumber yard, entered by thieves, w h the safe which did no locked, scattered the pally notes, about the fio d about $10, mostly in 'eces, belonging to Kno Bennoch being treasur were notified of the 1 arrests were made, b the wrong parties. he township of Fullarto one of its oldest and be nts ha the person of Mr dzen, who died at his re ay, 13th inst., after only sickness. Deceased wa ranraer, Scotland, and a in 1817, settling in the Ilarton in 1854, and boug River Thames, where s death. He was one of rmers and kept a first e ses and cattle. He was d in the neighborhood e was known. He leave sons and am arded da their loss.- His widow incipal Caven, of lino to. he house belmsging to rfield situated on lot 11, line township, was total fire on Thursday night The buildiug was occup ed by the t of the farm, Mr. James erneson, rly of Monckton. The ames had ed such headway- before . recovered the familylost all thei clothing household effects, hay. g barely to escape in their' nigh clothes. Humeson entered a room in which d some money, hoping ti save the but the heat and smok were so e that he was obliged to desist, n endeavoriug to find the door through a window an cut his so severely than medical aid had summoned, and before D . Hamil- of Atwood, arrived he h d almost to death, but he is now on a fair o recovery. Mr. Humes itt had no nee. office of tratford, ro went happen contents, r. They 5 and 10 - church; r. The fact ande t proved lost 'last t known Andrew idence on about 24 a native came to township t a farm e .resided our lead - ass stock highly re- nd where a widow, ghter to is a Miter College, r. ,James Oncession destroy - the 9th Ir. Jacob Ritz Of the N w Ham - Independent, died on Saturday llth inst. He was V Ty pops- nong the business an farming unity, having been onnected the newspaper business in that e for the last 28 years, an will be missed. He leaves a rife and children. rn. Hall of Blenhei Oxford y, has sold his fine prize team of ear -olds, by Scotchman to Mr. s of New York for the andsome f $600. This is the sec nd team vy horses sold by Mr. all with- ew weeks, the other te m bring- , or an average for the four of $250 each. This kin( of stock ritly pays. serious accident hap ened at edy & Son's lime works in Guelplh g erected ay under carrying, e ground escaped enned did n jr., w s of ston conscio s ve _feta David's° nothin om thesr curred at Bruce eek. It of Ellen - big -house • d he and into an The pro- Jic k ling on out of he sup - a small cap on th, Who me with point it an. In - e placed n a few nd fired. tly, and els effect Births. sco .—In Seaforth, on the 17th int., thewife o Mr. John Scott, of Roxboro, o a son. TAY OR.—In Exeter, on the lSti inst., the fe of Mr. Jas. Taylor of a dare hter. ROS. —In Waavanosh, on the 11th ii st., the wife 'o Mr. John Ross, jr., of a dough er. SIMS In ' Blyth, on the 10th inst., the wife of 3 Ir. W. Sims of a daughter. GIB S.—In Henson, on the 8th' inst. the wife—of r, G. M. Gibbs of a son. I 1. HE W Read EFI D Goods, .A.T\T u"VOra-I At E KLY B )( Everybod -JAL- T That re Captiva AT • .1 T at are Dul AT That are AT LLETIN and ALL. llinery, Clothing, Etc. ard McF TYLES Fascinating ARD McFA. OODS be, Permanent WARD McFA PRICES u-st, Fair and DWARD 1 McFA A_TMEN ul's. and Enchanting, L'S. nd Lasting, L ' S. Moderate, L' S. That is n11,._Polite; and Puespectful, AT ARD McFAL L' S. ' Conducted on AT With a feeling of Prid ness. No trouble to show good ,to beholdsa picture of EDW Great Pry Good SINESS Principles that are Faultless, DWARD McFAtIL'S. we announce our way of inanaging a large cash besi. ods and if you don't want to buy, it will do you EAL BUSINESS LIFE at RD McFAULS Millinery and. Seaforth. Clothing House, ' • Marriages. HA.GGIT—FRAZER.—In Blyth, inst., kr Rev. Win. Mills, Haggit -Jo Miss Elizabeth Ja• of Blyth McdLYMONT-3IAUDSON.--At of the bride's father, on t Rev. Wit Torrance, Mr. \yr of Stan ey, to Miss Melvin - Tuckersinith. •CLARK—BENGOUGH.—At Hen inst., by Rev. Wm. Torrance, Clark, ol Stanley, to Miss Marl . of Hay. CAMPBELL—ELLIOTT.—In Lo . inst., at the residence of the, , Mr. Wm Campbell, of Wawa daughter of Mr. Thos. Elliott • Deaths. on the 15th Ir. -Frederick Frazer, both he residence 21,t inst , by eClymont, Maudson, of II, on the 22nd Mr. David T. E. Bengough, ,on the 14th ride's father, sh, to Helen, f Logan. 1 THE MARKETS. SLAFORTII, December 23rd, 1886. Fall Wheat per laushel (new) SO 75 to $0 77 Spring Wheat prbusheJ0 60 to 0 76 O 08 to 030 O 60 to 0 50 0 45 to - 0 60 Butter, No. 1, le se.... 0 14 to 0 15 Butter, tub.... ....... 0 14 to 0 16 Eggs ........... 0 00 to 017 Flour, per 100 200 to 225 IHay per ton f 8 50 to 9 00 Hides per 100 lb 6 50 to 7 00 Sheepskins each 0 76 to 1 00 , Wool 0 20 to 021 I Salt (retail) per arrel.... . 0 00 to 0 75 I Potatoes per bu el, 0 45 to 0:50 Salt (wholesale) 1 er barrel.. .. 0 80 to 0 80 Wood per cord 2 60 to 3 60 Oats per bushe Peas per bushel Barley. per bushel • •••• SMITH.—In McKillop, on the 19ti inst., Robert 1 Fall Wheat per Smith, sr., aged 74 years'andi4 months. . Spring Wheat p CLARK.—In Egniondviile, on t 17th inst. Oats per bushel William Alexander, eldest sox - of. Mr. Daniel - Barley per bush Clark, ol Egmondville, a,g-ed ' years and 2. - Peas per bushel months. Butter IleFADZEN —In Fullerton, on , he 13th inst., Eggs Andrew McFadzon, aged 6I years and 6 tray per ton ' - months. . Potatoes per b HARDING.—In .Grey, on the 10 h inst., John Apples per barr Albert Harding, aged 23 year and 9 roOnths. Wool . Local Notice • THE best and cheapeet s serving are at Wilson & YoUng's, WILSON & Youst4's", Seaf Tea is very choice. Try it. STORE AND DWELLING to ent occupied by Hrs. Bassett. 0 stands in Seaforth. Geo. Gbod. ALL persoas indebted to tle the sum- by January 10,188 will then be closed. Accounts a &MEW wines. Hides per 100 /b Pork Cordwood LINTON, December 23rd, 1886. ushel (new) $0 76 to $0 77 r bushel.... 0 60 to 0 75 ..... . 0 28 to 030 ...... 0 45 to 050 0 50 to 0 60 O 14 to 0 15 0 00 to 017 8 50 to 9 00 0 46 to 0 50 2 00 to 200 . 0 20 to 021 t 60 to 700 4 50 te 500 Iressed Hogs, re for pre - 'forth. LIVERPOOL, rth, 50 cent crealifowni Itae rN, 07.13 Od ; peas,5805 nt, at pres- of the best 988 Ole must set- ae the books r now ready. 991-tf. MONEY TO LOAN. —Partids borrowing -money on farm aecur t able rats of interest, and on favo a have an opportunity on appli t lettsr..or personally, at Tits E. Seatorda. No. 6 WARE11013SE.—;--..uaa ed my 20th yeaz in the grain hu intinade to f /rmers and ott ers t linue to pay thehighest malsaket oats, peas, barley &c., and nvi friends, and am many new on q with me. Always represe r 1 i( storehouse. JAMES BEM, TIE • SHEET MUSIC, MIlla book organs at greatly reduced price accordeonsoilways in stock. Br plied at Scow Bitos., uext door '& Son, Main street, Seaforth. STAMPI4CI--=-11-ew patterns stock of the : atest New York pat ern Ontario, will be found ,at S forth. KIDD'S SAW MILL, SEAPO ed, any quantity of all kinds of for which the highest cash pric Custom sawiag done at all times and good sawing guaranteed. ticulars apply to JAMES KYLE, Se desirous of , at a reason - le terms, can on, either by SITOR Office, 988-t.f ng complet- en, I would t I still con- ifice for wheat, all my old well, to deal market and 977-t,f. and mouth Also violins, s Bands sup- • Joseph Kidd 990tf - the largest rns in West- orr BROS., Sea- 990tf H.—Want- od saw -logs, will be paid• suit farmers, further par- rth. 990 A CHANE.—Mrs. door to Reid &Wilson's hardware to dispose of her fruit and, confe ness. The sore is -fully stocke fruits, canned meats, eon fectione etc., the whc lc of which she off The stand is one of the best ii there are camfortable Heine- r Fresh oystes raw and coorcedi bulk. 3 Henn Cesu tells the tat at Rantoir Bros.-, Exeter, and show that there is nothing like it these make things move_ It is wonderfi has in making things lively an While others may charge higher -profits count at the end of the year draw' more tra(1e, and in the end This month is to be the benne rear. Xmas is ccfruing, and th have Jr. merry Christmas, shou -money with f s.. It goes so far You are inuc'a more likely to haw the holidays if youbuy from us. cheap for crish, silks and satins e Girls, if you are going to -get m us and you will save !money. T nels cheap tor cash,' furs .and cash, grocer et and a general s goods cheap for cash. A big pus at Ra.srox BROS., Exeter, Th your cash, )92 !, • mith , next store, wishes tionery busi- with canned of all kinds, • at a bargain. Seaforth, and oms upstairs. served, or in 992-2 every day concl usively ard times to 1 the effect it -1 _profitable. tires to make we reduce to e the gainers. nonth of the e who would spend their u know that lenty left for Dress goods leap for cash. ried, come to eds and flan - 8 cheap for •Ic of holiday 11 this month bring along 2 50 to 360 r 00 lbs 6 50 to 600 ee. 22.—Spring wheat, 7s 05d; 06d; Califorma; No. 1, 7s 09d; Os 00d; oat3, Os 00d; barley, Oa ; pork, 628 06d; cheese, 633 00d. Tortosro, De 23.—Fall wheat, $0.70 to $O.83; spring, .1.0.80 to..$.82; oats, 30e to 32c; peas 51e to 53e; barley, 8c to 570; hay, per ton, 09.00 to 814.50; butter, 22e to 24c ; potatoes, per bag, 80c to 85e; egg , per doz., 22c to 25c; dressed hogs, per 100 ib., 5.75 to $6.00. • A CTION SALES. On Thurs ay, Dec. 30th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on L 26, Concession 9, Morris. Farm Stock. Robert Higgins, Proprie- tor, Geo. Kir' by, Auctioneer. On Thurs ay, Dec. 23, at 1 o'clock p. rn., on L t 29, Concession 11, Me- Killop. Far Stock. Wm. Cash, Pro- prietor, J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. IMPO' TANT NOTICES, • OTICE TO IN to the u oblige by calli street, and pa January next. EBTORS.—All parties indebted dersigned would very much g at his residence, Goderich ing the same before -the first 0. AULT, Seaforth. 993 FSTRAY HE ot ofthDeecter ttiei lst and red. °- The ing property a JOHN BEATTI FERS.—Came into the premises • ersigned,- near Seaforth, about iber, four yearling heifers, white mer can havethe same onprov- id paying reasonable charges. b. 993-4 FARM . FOR 1.28 acres, 10. Ninety acr tion; the rema barn and sheds the premises. farm: It is five same distance places; school MURRAY, let 2 ton P. 0: ALE IN MORRIS.—For sae, eing lots 24. and 26, concession s are in a good- state of cultiva- nder is well timbered. Good nd a comfortable log house on spring creek runs through the miles from Brussels, about the om Blyth—good roads to both ithin one mile. Apply to JAS. , concession —, Morris, or Wal - 993x4 tf MISS T7T1LL. OPE _painting 20 Lessons: D Color, 85.00; Oi cost pride NNA CULL. A CLASS for drawing and on September lst.,186. Terms, •wing, $3.00; Painting: Water , $5.00. Material furnished at 975 Dairymen's . s THE annual e tion will LI on the 12th, 13t Dal iym en, and are urgently in are being made parties on starti of meeting, andl secretary, entit turn. By ord Ingersoll, Decl Association of Western Ontario. invention of the above assoeia held in the Town of Ingersoll, and 14th days of January next. II interested in dairy products, ited to attend. Arrangements or a reduction of railway fare; g will pay full fare to the place obtain a certificate from the ng them to a reduction on ire - r, C. E. CIIADWICK, Secretary. • lst, '86. 991 THE 13 HOTTSE Bargains in Men's and Boys' Overeoats, Bargailr in Bargains in Bargains in Bargains in Bargains in Bargains in Bargaine in Men's and Boys' Fur Caps, Misses' and La0-ies' Fur Coats, Tweeds and Wersteds, Men's and Bays' shirps, Dress Goods,i Shawls, ! Ulsters and Jackets, and BARGAINS ;IN EVERY DEPARTMENT kT_A_IVI IL -1;S 1=301-t_A_TR•ID., CAMPBELL' I BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. FALL AiNi D WINTER GOODS J. MpLOUGIIILIN' The Bargain House of Seaforth. Piles of New Goods arrived and: more scorn everybody, and at such prices as have never{ been trade. Having finished toy fifth year of successful with the people of Seaforth and surrounding coun giving my old customers, and as many new .mes Dry Goods; Millinery 1 At such low prices as will make them go battle McLoughlin's Great Bargain House, Seaforth; is t and do their trading. [ i All are invited to cbme and examine fer t taken. : : . . I . . : J. IVIcLoughlin,"Whitney's g of every description, to suit seen before in the history of the usiness and pleasant relations bry, I will begin this season by s favor me with a call, nd Groceries pleased, and to remember that he place to spend their money mselves. err Butter and Eggs Block, Seaforth. AME , RY CH AND. 4. RISTMAS I—LA...1=113Y N H: • Just received for the Christmas Trade :a fine CHIEFS in all the latett designs. stock �f SILK HANDKER- Gents' Silk and Merino Mufflers, suitable for Christmas Presents. White Dress Shirts, Collars Cuffs, Braes, &c. The latest styles ie Gentle en's Neckwear. Ties in Silk, Satin and Velvet, imported direct from Rochester, N. Y. !I - To get a Nobby Suit of Tweed, Worsted, or a fine Overcoat well made, just right in style;and fit; guaranteed, remeniber the New Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of Seaforth. J. W. MILLAR, the TOmple of Fashion One door NORTH of E. McFaell's Dry; Goods House, Mein-st., Seaforth. A CARD. To The Electors of the Tow?? of Bea - forth GENTLEMEN,—After a great deal of per- suasion I have allowed imyself to be brought out as a candidate for the office of Deputy -Reeve, and would hereby ask the support of all tlfb Electors of the Town that can conscientiously give me their support, and 'will, if elected, do thts best I can in the future, as I have in the past for tbe best interests of the town and count.. Hoping to get a liberal share of your support oft the 3rd of January next. I am Yours 3-1Respectfully-,• 99 , • NOBLE CLUFF. Seaforth High 8cliool. The Winter Session will begin Jinn It 1887, when the following classes will be formed. as may be required :- 1. 'Poor those who desire a good general -eduea- tion, but not the full High School course. 2. For Graduation Diploma, for all who do not mean to go beyond the High -Sehoeil course. 41. For Third -Class Teachers' Certificates. 4. For Second Class Teachers' Certificates. 5, For First Class Teachers' Certificates— Grades 0, B and A. .- 6. For Departmental Art Certificates. 7. For Admission to any Medical, Theologie4 Agricultural,,Phormaceutical or Dental College . in the Dominion. 8. For Admission to the Sehool of Practical Science, Toronto. - - 9. For Matriculation with Honors at any British University. C. CLARKSON., B. A., Head Master ;,E. W- HAGARTY, B. A., Classics and English; and Thoroughly Competent Staff of Assistants. It. is particularly desirable that intendiV students should notify the Secretary forthwith- I3y Order of the Board. 993-3 D. JOHNSON, Secretary. STOVES. C. IYL•WHITNEY Is showing a full line of S s ; IN COAL OR WOOD. ParlOr Cooking and Box Stoves Base Burners square and round. Don't fail to see them before purchan- mg, as they lead for style, and are ail guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sep the " Royal Art" Base Burner?' • " Famous Royal," "Model Cook?' " Mascott," &c. The cheapest holies under the sun for good's in our line. C. M. WHITNEY. DON'T FORGET THE GREAT GIFT SALE —AT FEAR'S Drug Stote, SEAFORTH, ONT. With Every Dollar's Worth 'SANTA CLAUS' " of Goods you buy, you get g I Ticket that calls for a Prize, To People of Sealcirth and Vicinity. I between Xmas and New Year's, at NORTH MY DEAR FRIENDS t • POLE, December 17th, 1886. I would again eemind you that fenanden & Wilson are my duly appoint- ed Agents in Seaforth. 'I have inspected' tneir stock, and pronounce it all that could be desired, as in former years they hate beautiful gifts for all ages and at all prices. Regretting that on account of failing health and declining years, I will not be able to personally wait on you this sdason, but go to my recognized agents. look over their immensei assortment, get just what suits you, and oblige Your Old Friend, SANTA CLAUS. N. B.—Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Albums, Gift BOoks, Work Boxes, -Writing Desks, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, Plush Photo Frames, Christmas Tree Candles and DecOrations, Scripture Text Cards, Christmas and New -t$Tear's Cards at LUMSDEN'eci,' WILSON.'S Scott's Block, Main" Street, Seaforth CHRISTMAS CARDS —AN•D 0 The Largest, Cheapest 'and Stock in the!Cou a W. PAPSYS; S CA– 1-0 `11 S Best Assorted nty at 1 EAFORTET • The following are a few of the leading lines: Albunrs, Illustrated Books for children, Fine Illustrated Table Booka, Plush Goods, nilver-Plated Ware, Jewelry, Watches, Fine China and Glasswasn, Toys in great variety, Novelties. Can give Bargains ie any of the above lines. Call and inspect my stock be- fore purchasing. It will pay you. Remember the place, C. W. Papst's Bookstore, Seaforth. • Fear's Drug Store, SEAFORTH, ONT. REMOVED! SectforthinsicalInstrument ITT1/1_ Messrs, Scott Bros. Beg to ameoun;e that they have remov- ed to the premises next door to Messr4. Joseph Kidd and Son, Main Street, where they will be found with a large and well -selected stock of ORGANS & PIANOS Of the very best and most reliable makes. Second -band Instruments taken in exchange at full value,. Agents wanted. A liberal disceunt during the Christmas holidays. K. SCOTT BROS., SEAFOB,TH. EN SAW MILL. I. P. BELL !nforni all his old eustomers, and the that he in possession of the • • KIPPEN SAW MILL and is Prepared to do any amount Of CUSTOM SAWI.NG with care and promptness. All those taking ad- vantage of the early sleighing will probably get their logs cut during the winter. 993 • •