HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-12-10, Page 510, 1R86. R MILLs. L. Gibson, publfr that he h rperate the as &LEN FACTORY, wed to give good vat t REDS, WINCEys. • Awe in yAams. ariarig and rummer I.. - aenCied to iz I7--- „, ill, ae far as possible, 'WITH THEM, and ae. (t;ood Working Order :ient Workmen, Warranted. :11XETEtt Proprietor. OF COMMifICE. TaRONTO-. $6,000,000: , 1,G00,000. DARLING, ESQ,, BRANCH-. his Bank continues to - *Wrest is allowedon towns and cities in hand. on the United' the Commereis. Fftet4AN11,. Manager. ;or )T eserv- ilks. • Collecting r Canada. MILTON, ONT.. 1882.. lace3 and professional — collection of debts, froni making bad vith list* ot partiert and others having inc'- to become meta. Afangers, turn mall fa par- tbership, &a. Send Ma.gers, Hamilton. staurant, arket street, Ig Lantern, "JE FOR ERSI rect, and receive ar, so th.at those [east of these ex - be eupplied on BURGESS.• BRUCE vesttnen mingMoney On -iweet Rates at. vehased. iBizA-scH. -:rest Allowed on anieunt and. Market Square rich. 7E. HORTON, MANAG-Kft, ' 92e DEcEmB R. 10, 1886. THE HURON- EXPOSITOR. Ne. El- Notes. -A Chicagoitelegrattesays the recent -- f4torine have prk.etically put a stop to naVigation. Sc -far 33 vessels have been driven ashore o• foundered this season. -Theta wer heavy snow storms last week, through at Northern New York and Peausylvai ia. At Scranton a foot Of snow fell. -The Londe i City ,Companies have resolved to sell their lands in the North of Ireland to their tenants on ,easy ter-mOs.ne map a as killed and two seri- . misty Injured -: 1y an explosion in the Wyoming colliery, near Wilk-esbarre, on Satiirday, edateed by the earelessness. of a alio& in 14i -idling a lighted fuse. - -The heir qf the late. Baron Roths- child,. of Fray', -ford, Will construct a pablie museum in which will be exhilb-' ited the floths •hald art eolleetion, the riehest in the .Naorld, t -Mr. John 1 aitherford, of Roseville, riear Ayr, was u large exhibitor of sh.e' p at the Chicago- !at stock show recall ty held. Mr. kW herford had 40 animals at the shew ane he carried off '12 first premiums,: ast, _ands and 9 thirds. -, -Miss Clabde te--- unveiled a statae. of her father, Rientrd Cobden, the cele- brated free tracer, at Stockport,. 'Eng- land, Saturday. The Marquis. of Ripon delivered an or tion on the benefits iof .fre_e tTvr‘aT.(1,e, e'd•tildren named Nieistil were , frazen to .death last week,. ten 14M earth of NtandM), Dakota, while loOk- for lost stock. Two brothers nanfed - Sims were frozen to death -while return- ing from work. -Mr. Jatnee B. Reid,..an ald and re- spected member .ef '5u. Mark's church, Orangeville, can repeat perfectly 166 chaptersaf th,e Bible, • 58 psalms, and every collect, 'epistle, and gospel in . the ecclesiastical year, aee0Tdin to the Eng, fish Church prayer book. .• Besides, : he can repeat a. large portionof the teniain- ing chapters of the Bible. -R. Porter Ashe sold on Saturday at:Bay Diatriet Park, - San FranciSee, his racing stable cousistingof six horaes. The three-year-old filly. Gu4im by Flood out of Gleadeav, waepurektiaed by j.: IL 1 flaggin for $5000. , Binnette 5, years. by J3ifiet oat of Mirah was sold, to ' dlay-- pole a trainer, for S72,500. The remain- ing four 'hr(aagh t $2,200. -Mr. Gladstane declines every Ire - quest to speak until Parlapent reas- sembles. He has sent letters to several .of his Colleagues, stating his progra,mane for the coining season. He approves of an immediate challenge to the Govern- ment to state its Iristepolicy in the de- bate upon the address; although he ex- pects that the -Unionists will, maintain their adhesion to the Government. Afterward he will assist in an effective settlement of the proced ur q u es tio n. —Twenty-two sacks containing mails from England to Germany, Russia - Austria and the East, While in transit on a train in Belgium on Saturday, were opened and plundered of all the registered letters. The robbery was discovered upon the arrival of the train at Verviers. Letters from Arnerfea Cap- taining money and dismonda to the amount of f::10,000 were stolen. This is believed, to have been the mail that left New York on • November I7th, on the Elder and left London for Petersburg- on November 26. - Miss Cassie Sinclair, (laughter of Dr. Sinclair of Kincardine, died in Toronto .8, few days ago at the early age of H.20 years. The young lady, with her sister, had spent a partion of the summer With her father in Kincardine, andeabout two months ago -left for Toroeto to assist in makiug preparations for the removal of the family to Kineardine. When the train left_Kineardiric on the 'morning' of her departure there was such a dolam pour of rain through a car having a leaking roof that the' sets wf re (Limp. This was the cause of Mi s‘; Sinclair em - trading &cold which settled np et her lungs. Hemerrhage followed, and a gradual and almost uninterrtoted bink- ing, and finally death came wheu it was thaught diesolation W'as yet some dis- tance off. The body was brought to Kincardine on Diced ay for interment, and was accompanied 1:y the bereaVed father and brother, R. :mien, B. A., of Toronto, the bethrothed of the de- ceased N.Vas also one of the mrearieful party. An Alleged Daughter of Burns. Under the head Of "A Link.- uith the Past,” a correspondent sends the follow - in to the Pall Mall Gazette : " It will Surpriee many, a,nd may in- terest a, few of your readers to learn that theie died at MI drat, on the lati of last month, a veritable, altheugh illegiti- mate daughter of the pOet Burus. The old lady in question. ffelen At inti by name, who Was 97 or 98 years of age, resided for many years in Moffat, in the same little back street in which she .t.1:;as born somewhere abut the year 1788. The fat of her relatimisidp to 13urns was well known ia 'Aloffat and the neighber- hood- lier mother, larel!y Hyslop, a as Bi beauty in her day, and Burns m•aa Or some tirne a devoted admirer of hers. Helen is said to have borne a streng resemakeeeto Barra, ie her earlier_doys, and indeed the likeness to the pr- oraits of Burns was traced:1e to thc hist U1 the contour of the f Lee and in the dark bright eyes, dimmed as they 1,1 ere by age and sickness. Nor was the like- ness canfined to physical paints ; itt her mental powers Helen eliowed a strain of the poetic. blood. A few years ago dier conversational powers and her quick- oess of repartee kvere most amusing and attractive. Even few months since, when well elm:L(4h to tai 1z,1 her com er- salon Was highly intercslivg. aeletr'e life, as far as I can learn, was not a very eventful one, She WrelIt to service at a very early age—seven, I think. She belonged to that genus of Izicotch ser- vants, still extant though rather rttre, who remain years in our, "place," and identify their employers' inierehts ith their own. SIIC AV,LS - 3J years in one raihttountlion at the lit-ice:knell Arms Inn at hill, ith fata:ly honied dineine.1 heiicve she tied there:till ell the family had died. out. Thornhill, as every seheelboy knows oroueht to know, ie cloae tu Drundan- rig Casue, ow, of the d treat paaicee: of the Bac-clench family. 1 ((Ion told me she once saw Sir Walter S eat :Attie old inn 011 Iii a way to visit the duke at brundanrie. Ile came into the kitchen and shoek hattds ttitil the cook in his bright :red nial way, and pping to the lire, where hu tig it. huge pot or -Skinny 1,ititt,oes, he lifted up the lid, took wit a p•rtato, and proccoded 1.3t to ear it without the aid 0( knife' or fork. The eouk, who \vas very proud of .her kitchen, had her metal NO1, .41'6 brightly burnished,' and Sir Walter, lo ,Lu th th a W qtii th Wh go sucf as might be expected in the case of on who, in her own work, " h d hada Ion life and had seen muckl ._" She I ath ed, with pious thanksgivin ' and a tole+ of true ' Scottish indep ndence; d never .ny one: ne, her . or many . . Itis - LS Were :indness a great lot only t which Iso as a s nnfor- . Inde- hing to e was a. 41111111111111111N1 444 mg rolund on it, remark d, " Eh, ky, yelhae a' bricht and shi ing like Biller." To which Lucky replied, y, Sir Walter, but its no' a' golds' glitters." Helen thought hat was ry sharp answer, and beli ved Sir Iter thought ap too, as h subse- ntly related it at dinner '‚atnang gentry." Helen's remin scences, n she was well enough o be in d conversational trim were the ha Tb hu band having been d yet -s, and she had no pie sing to know that her 1 rel ved and brightened by of lik in all her long life she h to ask for charity from old lady lived entialy al ad amili _St d the friends in. Moffat, whp ha( ig and, respect for Helen, n interesting link with a pa /IS air ady seems far distant, but tyil of Scotch character which tun ttely growing rapidly' rat' pen:ler:fly of the interest atta heti as a daughter of Burns, al chat acter worth knowing. ch gal 0 erg -Mr. J. T. Hicks shipped at Mit- 1, a car -load of fine horses t ichi- last week. The lot COT slats of teen handsome animals e 'ery one hing over 1,500 A Profitable Life. ' I? : ts9' men have aecompl ished the .ern re amount -of m rk and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. 'hese. Over 500,000 of his works have been Bel in Canada alone. e. want evsry person W trot. led With liver complaint, dyspe sia, head- er+ , kidney. or urinary troubles, to c di in at L V. fear's and buy a llottle. of Dr: eh e's Liver Cur, it will cure you. Medicine a.nd ecipe book $1. 906.52w. i . . orty Years' Experi nce, Ln e ery clime, has proved Nyer'S Cher v Pectoral - to h the m st reliable remedy for col s, coughs, and ring diseases. Colds should not te ecglect- ed. The Pectortilwill prevent thei becoming dee -seated in the system. . 969 52w. Tone Up the Syste by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will make von feel like a new' person. Thou, lids have four I health, and relief -from sufferi ig, by the use f this great blood purifier, wh n all other men s failed. 069.52w. . • A Strange Case._ m . Robert kissick, of Coulstm, 0 cent y recaered from a remarkable tumor of the spleen with dropsy. estheated to weigh abOat six pounds. eai-Om:se] gave‘him no hope, but Bur Itittisrs Cured him 857.52.2w. Se:arching. for Proo TI ere is no trouble in aseertainin from. any drug rist the true virtues of Haeyerd's 'allow Oil, for 11 painful and inflammatory tre dtle, rhee- mati an, neuralgia, lumbago, frost bi .es, burns, brui es, sprains, contracted -cords, s ifl joints,. ach , pains and soreness. 857.52.2w. A Fourfold Work 7tiock. Blood Bitters act ate the sante- tithe upot the liver, the Dowels, the kidnees and the skin relieving or ming in every e. se. War- rant ,d satisfactory or money refut ded. 857. t., hasre- disease-a he tumor His medi- lock Blood' Unsafe. , ver feel safe to be Without Hae -ard's hew : for sore throats, colds, swoli •n glands', &c.t has not failed to give -relief,. nd for mj ehild •en it is so east, tOadminister. A es..liente, Dabil S, Berridale P. 0., Out. 857,52.2 v. • • he Evidence of a Ju Es justit nada Bloo ein et. uire Pelton, of Grass Lake, M chine, ri e of the peace, was given up to die with ial fever. he testifies tea curefro n Burdock Bitters, after p hysicia is; arid o her ,medi- failtkl. S57.52.2w. Nothing Like .It. -1 was nearly used up with a heavy cold, from e hi( I get no relief until !'tried Hagyard's Peet •rrt1 Ilalleun. 1 fuund it.a sure cu -e. There is in tlung like it," says Edward Cot sins, Ran- son, bet. 1;57.52.2w. - To temoye ihtedruff.-Cleanse the scalp with Pref. Low's 'Magic Sulphur Sop. A delightful medi ated soap for the -wird, Laing Evil. -Children are often retful and ill when worms are the (rause. Dr. L Worm ru • safely expels all worms. tt57,52 n. • , Ica ional -Pills are the fat mite vu.r rat:ve and anti- ilious medicine ; they are mild and thor- ough'. 857,52m. WOIes often destroy childree, but Freeman's Wore Powders destroy: wornis, and e pel them • t from he system. 857.52m. Hepwerth, 6th M y, 18s6. I can say With confide lee that I derived very great reli f li 0111 Dr: Jug's Medicine. I had b :en ill for over five months with ce erestion of the lungs and was reduc d to a very low ebb, Arl:eo a frier d it duet:it me to try this 'medicine. I received very great benefit from it, and at- eribute my rapid recover, in a great .neasure to its effects. 967.5 i.2w. Mrs. J. E. Iurphy: Fo-4 sale by all druggists. Mc regor & Parke's C rbOlic • Cerate. • Hai e yon an old sore, cut, burn, br Ilse, corn, bind: -I, salt thenne pimple, blotet es, rough )1m:4 -or face? If so, there. is but one Cure, naniey, AletTrego•r & Parkes Carhole Cerate. meats hut ettio ethe 11 yo 2:.c 9t14,5 No roots Conij dy All it are a adult clen try it. it ' itt came:nee you.. :It Lumsden t& Wilsoit's-drug store Mineral Poison. int; but pui•e extracts from 1 are used in preparing MeGres ihd, the modern and now pop colds, coughs, bronc•hitis, eron 1 affections of the throat, lungs : ineral poisons and dangerous . eded, %%elicit renders it safe for Sold at 50c and $1 per bottle Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 9 lents aud or's Lung lar rente- r, asthma, nd chest. ubstances 1111dret: or by Lutes - .52w The Last Year, 1886. . Aft r the above year is ended there.' ced be no perso1 Suffering from rheumatism,. lour:140a, tooth .che, headache, lumbago, or- ny acute pain, if they only purebase a betti, of Hu id Lightning, as it cin es histantly. le in cannot stay qtere it is used. .The name is PI Ad-Light- en:la I Sold.- la -Lumsden & ruggats, Stafo 111h. 964.52w. • • cGregor's Speedy C • Waist) we say 3-TeGregor'5 Speedy C tre is the mity i:.•rfeet cure for dyspepehe liver c mplaints, belie: stint, and inertia: blood, • we re tclluig plain nets of which hundreds upon lin id reds can teatift, who li•ave been restored to perf ct by itt$ use, We Would . therefore " a !vise yott strou 'ly, if you are a subject of any • of the above troulf .es, to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial an 1 v c•on inc•ed. It •ia'sold fn 50c t :41 hoe - tic, a latinsden Wilersn's drugsstore seafoi she 064.5 w. 11 • I Be on Your Guar,. A rItti 't allow a coal in the head to .lotvly and siirel develop itself into catarrh Whe i eu lent he t• red tor ea cent, 'A lee applic time, e cure iticipient catarrh. One to two Ames will vai*e :rd.:nary catarrh. 0,:e to il,se boxes vet e tht.ntuc catarrh. I1r. ell:4403 cat rrIt (etre. Suld k-;.. all dealers at -25 cents per box. 060.13' Advice to Mother ee yon diatuh i ed and broken Of yr 11r .retzt by' (:141 sutioilig. and (.,r1 illtf w th pain of critteee teeth ? 11 so ecird at sed rve 'anget a. t.orii • of " al re. Wio.:!ov..'s sioethieg , vrup,„" for eiii1,1.en tet thing. Its.. value is ine;bible. ale It 1 t :1ieve the mot lift.ealt, 'sha n ufferer - ediat tie. le o, 1:1 upon it. mother ; there mis ere is itacce ate": it. It cnres dy-aelitery and diarr ilea. refe- latt s' :e• stomael, and bnwela (etre; . t hid eolite see, 1. ale ernne. redlices 11,11 meet title, and 'zi::le •-i '.: Iand .ene..*•.ty to he who c system. e 3,: , Winskeva, S01... ill.:4- strrup" fr • ehildren teeth ne .15 pleasant to the taete and is the pre - seri; her Of mu. ef the oldeet nerd lest fenta'.c rh \ a. tiana and nurses in the t`iiited a tates. and is fo. sale lit all dries-fiste throughout the•werld, laie twenty five veets a bottle. . I e sure •and ask fht " MRS. 1Vissi,ow'S Sovietise S 'Rue," a;:d take [co other kinc1.06(ely. Cla.tarrh=a New Trea Perhaps the Most extraordinary has been achieved in modern medi attained by the Dixon Treatment Out of 2;000 patients treated during months, fully, ninety per cent, have of this stubborn malady. This is n startling when it is remembered tha cent. of patients presenting them Ives to the regular practitioner are benefltteiJ while the patent medicines and other adv ised cures never record a. cure at all. Starti g with the claim now generally believed by the most scien- tific men that the disetrese is due to e presence of living parasites in 4he tissue, s . Dixon at once adapted his cure to their ext rr ination- ehis accomplished, he claims the Ca rrb is prao- tically cured, and the permaneney iH unquestion- td, as cures effected by hine tour ars ago -are curet; still. No one else has ever tteitepted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no tiler treat! ment has ever cured Catarrh. Th application of the remedy is simple, and can ue done at home, and the -present season of th year.is the most favorable fora speedy and pert anentetire, the majority of cases being cured one treat- ment. , Sufferers should 'correspond .ith Messrs. A. II. 1DIXON & SON, 306 King treat, West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose' sta p for their treatise on ,Catarrh. -Montreal Sta November 17. 1882 -- I 882-62 Consumption Cu id. .An old physiciaieretired from pra tice, having had placed in his hands by an Ea India mis- sionary the formula of a simpleyege ble remedy for the speedy and permanent cure f Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aethma a d -all throat and „Lung affections, also epositry and radical. cure for Nervous Debility and all N rvou as,om- plaints, after having tested its wet erful cure tive powers in thousands of eases, h felt it hie duty to make it known to his stifle ng fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desi e to relieve hutnan suffering, I will send free o charge, to all who desire it, this recipe,. in Ge an, French or Englishovittt full 'directions f r preparing and using. Sent by mail by add essing with etamp,. nainin. this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 38-25 eow ment. 1 THE CELEBRATED access that -i--L-0a iaz 0 PI -Ae. S M 5 S e has been or Catarrh. I he Kitt six MANDRAKE DANDELION been cured l le the less -L 1 V E no five per STOV E Cooking St F01.3., WOOD AND C Parlor 84 P oves AL. 11, el Cook Stove rlor • J Hall and Stoves. WE SHOW A FINE LI HW OF Goal Ste . ! • In Single and Double Heater. - without Owns. • , . I Remember in the aboA WILL - NOT BE • i.IN Agents for E. & C. Gur ey ton and ToJai nes Jaei Ste Ilainitton ;,Dolierty &, Co,; Hot ir Furnaces JOH F•4 OF\I Sjp tete AIN -ST., SEA l'OR THE SEM-- WOOLLEN11 with and linos LISOLD. t., Harnil- rt & Co., f Stu:nia, ecialty TH t M - We have now on d e largest stock of TWEEDS in town at prices lower than ever. a Corse, Fine and Mediu Overcoatings, W and rn rst U I Also all kinds Of lam aoodS, 'Underwear, T'o Shit giin Jackets, Boys' Jtr y sit ()yes, Mitts,1 anis, & IN GREAT A CALL SOLIC1 .A. G. VanEgmoi weeds. rings. CURE.. Haveyou Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, .Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Ileadache, Dizii- neas, Painlin he Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease arisithe from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure Will be found a sure and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy -e -The unqualified euccese of Dr. Chase's L ver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from 'nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandrake and Dandelion, coinbined with many other inval- uable tends, barks tend herbs, having,a powerful effect on the K dneys, Stoniach, Bowels and blood. Five hundred thousand sold. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr. Chase's Receipt Books were sold in Canada alone. We want oven:Men woman and child who is roubled with Liver Complaint to try this exc Bent remedy. - Something new. Give away fre . Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Ctire is a valuable Household .medical Guid 4 and Receipe Book (84 pages), con- taining over 211 usefnl recipes, pronounced by Medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth ten tim s the price of the medicine. Try Chase's Oaten -1h Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 2 cents, Try Chase's Kidnee'eend Liver Pills. weety.,five cents per box. Sold ay all dealers.- , EDMANSON,& Co., sole agents, Bradford. F r Sale by I, V.. FEAR, Druggist, Seaforth. 966-52 A clren havi MPBELL'S HART2C OMPOLIN is effective in small doses, acts without griping, ihos notpe- cason liatisea., and will not create irri- tation and congestitm s do many. of the usliq cathartics ad- minister: d in the form of Pills. &c. . Ladies and Chil- ler aid /110At sensitive_ sto.. this medicine wizhout trou- )laint. . . , CATITA ,TIC CO3TPOCNI) r adaptedic • thocure of PLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- takc .ble or coin CAM P111.:1 ,is especial] LivEl: CO3 - ORDER FOR ACID • pETITE. FOR SICK. TEADACTIE. ANT) DYSPEPSIA. Fon CONSTIPA.TION COsTIVENESS. FOR ALL C IMPLAINTS ARISING Flt03( A DISOR ERED STATE Ok' TIIE STO- TOMACII AND LOSS OP AP - MACH. This me ichie being in liquid form, the dose c in be easily retaliated to meet the requirements of differen t per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the lit t:e child as to the adult. Put up in three ounce _ bottles, and sold by ail dealers in family medicines. Pr:ce Retail, 23 Cents. 16.1,A1111111.3411VM...•11.4.010•0••• odION.21-, '1,..9....re.sCorneVremm• PERRY DAVIS' c'ea P IN=KILLER . 16RECOMMENDED BY Physirians, Ministers, Missionaries, Managers of Factories, Woric-shops, Plantations, Nurses in 11:;spitals; -in short, everybody everywhere who has'ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTETtNALLY MIXED WITH. A NE GLASS OW IICT MILK AND , S CGA It, IT WILL BE FOUND &NEVER FAILING CETI E FOR SUDDEN- COLDS, CHILLS, CON— GESTION- OR STOPPAGE 01? ClUC LATION, CRAMPS, • rAiNs IN THE STOMACH, sum-- MElt, AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SOIL THROAT .-&e. AP LIED Ex'rEns.1.1.LY, EXPET:IEN(''i II IS PnoVEN IT TIIE (),•:•r EvrEc.rix E A:N• iii.s r 1,:Ntmcx-r ON eeearit teNtoviae THE FAIN AR: Seta, prr gclif r3 Ina:tations. 1.1104•14 41111, 44.r.14.......14. . ad cure f that el.. s of a...orders attend int ueon ai:as• or is el., , striae of hest. :tele. tesi 0.-; any ae, cempanied by 1' 1 r teteet 'of 1,e 11, .:t, fellow es use in '1- 11 F. s hetet ion ee-ste fruni 1 oss of le ,1, A ..cie or Cleo:11e 1s1 e.i-e-, and in 11,e v. ei ia•st inearaday - se:am:panic, tale reaneers V.. • 1 ing Fever, :No ler%;edy :•14 rt.' it: 1- in • 4/r -iv -arse% r 1n.: For I :meets - ass )0,1, •, eys anti in t.11.1,ss, ‘'S here. r.s • an 1." ,1.-"ItC1- 1; I a; .1 rtiC • * 1r1 NU' 1..A. T .40 I:;.:N! 't e i fetiad I . I .• C yet 1.41 et, t pre- aration 1, ea.::: inset Mr 1 1, C rel al end - To GentlOnen IV[. K. PILLMAN SEAFORTI'S WELL-KNOWNI.TAILOR Wishes to inform the genitiernen of - Sea - forth and vicinity, that c now has as nice an assortment of Clo hs suitable for all kinds of garments, asT can be found in any similar establishment in the county. _ He has also added a very nice and complete stook of I 'Gents' Furn shings. Having engaged the s rvices of Mr. JAMES LEATHERLA rll as cutter, he is prepared to guarantee satisfaction in style and fit. Prices reasonable as usual. His shop is first doof south of the. Bank of Com- merce building. Give hiin a trial and satisfaction is assured. M. K. PIL MAN,. SEAFORTH. THE BR? SEAFIL.R 'MILLS, TH. • The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the co Uplete HUNCANIAN ROLLE PROGESS. The Mill and Storehouse Bbilelings have been greatly enlarged, and new Ilnachinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPR3VED ROLLS Flour .Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Memo have been put in, and everything necessary added -to enable her to turn out flour .45 ECOND TO NOP4SE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating; and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now • a taken from farmers' I wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two nen. . _A LARGE FEE —FO OU ST OM C &TONE OPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop•and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that .wa. ons can be unloaded and reloaded 'under cove' WHEAT EXCJ-1Ap Promptly attended* and k...1 t FIRST-IAA:3S ROLILEI1 FLOUR GuitRANTrEED. CT_TST0111 Chopped satisfactorily and without d elay. ROLLER FLOUR BRAN And all kinds S.HCRTS of • - CHOPPED FEED Vonstantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS —AND— r114.7“f- AVE) R /1 is E. Only first-class arid obliging clam will he kept to atteed customers. The liberal patronise of fartnere and general trade respectfully solicited. 11 .? .. I A. W. Ot,kViE & GL PROPRIETORS. T. O. KEMP, Manager, - 40 Is, Knit i o 1- .er t -s, Cardi- ..(.11/a 1). ;7..7 Det.i.l.r.f id: _ii,..:... 11......-., s, Scarfs, D.LT.E3 &.- AVIRENCE 00, (Limited) , Alt ETY. c/ '8 REPAIRN We -Want every raader to that we /hake a. specialty of (Yea:Ding.. and • ltep ALL :KIN-v:410r Klatches, Clocks' (.1 skillful Work Pt:empress and Ileasoretroie alwaye be relied upou With entrusted to our care. ! -We finest work and good SaaSfa.C. • W. J. Northgr Opposite Cormaereial Hotel Sons. remember iring itielry. 'And fic.a1t.1.,i.t ‘Inurictol 114,1 cm;adii..,1 tionery. -te N'eeetahles, - ranges, Letereis and • Fruits. Sot,: i0.1CTREAI., P. Q. .44,31.71144.3,,14,1.M.111,11.0.01.T.1,41/11•2/~~10.,./f PE fi N f oYtL WAFas. arepoietirm of a physician Nt ho has had ain't: long experience .10 treating feliiale'diseaaesa. Is used menthly with perfect euccese by over 10,000 latliss. Pletteallt; sale n'Ifcctual Lndir u -k ) our driee gist for Peen) roy id Wafers and take iro entretiti, te, or:is:close pest- ; *Nage for sealed 118rtie, tiers. Sold by vet • all drueseist ler box. Address THE EURELCA CllEA1 le2AL C, 1. Detroit, Mirh. rffaeold insea orth by Temesden ee, SePareat. Fear, and by Druagiste generedy. eteeatt Stili 4head Of AIL & co. H. L. miTH CATE h E es. 1 lees may any work euarantee On. ves, Seaforth. 1 ell iirds.of inFbaintjt,sai.'il(t a) at ;,)„1,4 1 ,1re.le4t 1',iiir i.:,ill2r:-11,-rilit,i'!f ,„1•Ifei.:::-:,:".. Canned C]txlns, aoaesee, asa elaala ot the best, brands k .pt ematat•Sly beere on paid ,-tu taietontere. 'Heppe to Eery atteit -serv'e you. Remember th Reid & Wilsoe s P1Iard.ttre Store, Main Street Seaforth, H. SMITH & Co. pleee. First Door Nrei It o 959 THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND CPEAT- Ft4VIKH P,4.SCFIPT1104 A successfill inerliteirte used over SO years .111 two:sands of easete Cures Speriletteirrhea, Nervous Weakness, Ensiseitins, Impotency, and riA diseases hielsoittil caused by abuse, indiseretion lerreel or over exertion. Six pack azes !gee ra n teed to cure when all others fall. . As your druggist fcr The Great El:glitch Preseriptio 1, take 110 substi- tute One leiekage $1, six by mail. Write for .Paniphlet. Address EU' ERA' (111;',311CiAL CO.. Detroit. Mich, ('ir d in Seaferth ity Lumsden & Wilson, T. N. Fear, J. S. Roberts, and drnagists generally. %tate Removed 1 R6moved SEAFORTH, • Iti s)1r1 Estah&-hed new, 1,..rentibes 13nnual.atel,\ Stanii, Main Street, Serifnrth, pleaer•ti to mod at; his (Ad pat Heti- 011es as lea:, sea tit to Lo patrtala4t. ztn(C)110(11ber th,' ).111) t , Itt ilt,rtvess eten,, and Mel net re\ Szie('t, Seaturte, Zai6' GEORe'E EWits?Ci. hat: reiloyed tc oppositt t)ld where he eV Tale and as wan! I hire with their a re...rill:eider:ere, Shoe Safer, NrAIT f it el ses . _ fhiS e't 'I s't te'e. f -a• pr., 4P* 1). s. -n1:0-v1NcJAL Engineer. tended to. D. 8. t t, 'LAN]) .suRVENOR and 01% CAMPBELL; 1 CAMPBELL, Mitchell. Order, by nail lyre n pt ly at LEGAL. - fort SI Cor HASTINGS,Solicitonetc. Office-Cady's . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea- ' 974 AGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich, Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976 C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to . lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - ler of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 T IM. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Ofllce- e.J.l Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard - war V -Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderieh Agdots-Camintes, Lim & CAMER0111. 870 RROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Godericle 0.ntario. J. T. Gamow,. Wm PROUDYOUT. 686 C1MERO.N, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. J. CAMERON, Q. C., Puma? How., M. G. CAMERON. . . . _ 606 FTUS E. DANCE'S', late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitjor, Conveyancer, &c. Morley to loan. Ben- son e Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 758 1 -11, ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, .11 Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the 7138a17 of ..1 imeton, Tisdale & Cale. Money to loan. 011i te-Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MA NINO, JAMES SCUTT. FHOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- lici or, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Far ns for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Str et, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. °NEI'. TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly. or tia per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any tin . Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrieter, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. -- I,. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, mem- ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc- ces156or to D. Wateon. All operations catefully -pet formed and guatanteed. Chloroform, ether, gaS arta local agents used in extraction of teeth. Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. n.Prices as low as goed work can he donem for Residence sae as that occupied by Mr. Iatso 980 W_ ti_ FL D. S., M. R. C. and D. S., of . Ontario. Latest improve- lAreereee'Iiments in every line.- Satiefectien 4 guaranteed. Officei-hi Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. ReSidence,-The Poplars, John Street. 941 _ n CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den- tistsaof Exeter, Ont One the above will visit Blyth the lastThursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotd, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Ilensall the toliowing Thurs- de* of every month at Reepeld's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex - Heated with a new Japan anesthetic, which re- nOvesI early all Par tede: will please call early in the morning of the i_. Parties desiring new . that day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 Tey KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. _ *-1* . S1 will be in Zurich at the t • 11nron Hotel, on the last Thurs- 'j---e----- day of each month, and in lien- sall mxt day, (Friday,)at Reynolds' Hotel. Teeth lextiracted with the least pain possible. All work firElt class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. D. 1W IliVeIGAiNIICY‘U'EniiIv'eNrisi teD- au 1 Aeeouchem, Seaforth, Ont. .0ffiee and re- sidence -North side Goderich street., first brick home east of the Methodist church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUN, Bructeleld, Licen- tiates lice al College of Ph) sieians and Surgeons, Edinburg -h. At Seaforth every Satur- daS• afternoon. Office, -Royal Hotel, 930. T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, 0 and Accent:her Seaforth Ont and r • • restdence South side of Cock:nth street, second Doer east of the Presbyterian Church. 842. 0 n, W. BRUCE SMITH, AL D , C. M., Member De, of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,, eec , Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence - sane aa occupied by Dr. Vereoe, b48 [11 It. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of 1,./iToronto University, and Alutele.r of the College, of Physicians and Surgeons uf tnitares • Office, Feas'e drug -store. Residence, Jolla Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seeforth, Ontario. 81.4 VETERINAItY. D.R. J. 'WILSON, V. S., Honored graduate of Toronto Veterinary College, Registered Member of the Veterinary Medical As:mei:aim) of Dm ado. avi eg- had several years e',Kperienee cant lie foutal prepared to treat all thee:lees of the doteesticated anintals On the lateet and most im- proved prieciples. Treatment of . delicate foal:: and teeth dreesing a specialty. Residence 0e3 Royal Hotel, Seaforth. &EA-1701:TH HORSE ISFIRMARY.-Coreet of Jarvie and Goderieh Streets, next. deer to the Presbt teriae Chureh, Seafurth, Ont. •Ah dee ,eaSes of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, molly of the do: ineetieated ajunials, euct•esefidly treated et the 1n$r1t)ary. Or elsewhere, on the shortest mtice. _Charges moderate. J AXES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. ---7A large etoelt of Veeeein- ary Mediemes kept cola:tar:Hy on hand UCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Livellsed Ant-tie:leer fer the . County of Heron. Sales attended in al parte of the County. All orders left at Tux Exleisisoft Office will be promptly attended to. SEAFORTH PUMP WORKS In r: tundras thanks to my many enstomere for their patronage shire: commeneine hes-i1I0e:5 'Seafortli, I would add that in older to supply the demand fur VUIVIPS, CISTERN Z &c. that I have jut in SI (-am PowerandtkunTienienk% mac1, hinery, 11d (11(1(11(1 how do my wor and berets, and tte 1 Una! male bet the l.,t ma. te61.1 1 Cali get, and do as gotai wOrk as I know hoe-, I hope to Merit a 0011111.nanee of ,sonr pat- rooaect. Cl'STOM PLA :SING A.:an BA.1) SAWING A SPECIALII Y. N. C;...,1;i7.17. to rec:ei; t alt the al.-- r:comts (.1 the. past and pro ears. Must lea e. money. 1g50 --t.1. ;."FT nt V'• ft , Chrystal & Black, M•emiattiiren: cdr all le.inds of Stationcry, Alarine, Uprlel.t mid Tubular Beilers. •,` r- PANS, SMOKE STACKS seTaal idylsefShces Iron v ork. - STEAM AND .WATER PIPE FITTINGS r)r) bawl. rea0y for delivery: Ctcylet., P. New Ste -el Boiler; 8 H. P. New. Boiler.. A !Centailefe 2nd -hand Thfeshing Outfit, 10 iler, fit-parator, ete., all in :rot order. Win 1:::n&u1 eheap. Alail omen will reeeive prompt attention. Works oppoeite U. T R. Station. 611 P.• O. BOX 361. Ooderich, May 26th, THE ZURICH Saddlery,Harness; AND Furniture Establishment, THAVE MIXII PLEASURE TO ANN( • to my customergand friends that I found it necessary to make an addition to in v premiees,and have now the largest salerooms in the place and a fine assortment of goods in every department. I thank my customers and frieeds for their pat- ronage during the peat 73 tears, and I have in,tnet pleasure in being able to state that I can give better value for the money than ever .before in every department I call attention .to my fine assortment sit heavy Team, Carriage and 13ug,gy Harness. „Pest re- ceived a large assortmert of Trtinire and 'Travelling Bage, Laslica' Satchels, also a la: ee hit of Horse Blankets,- eheaper than ever Whips, Brushes, -Combs, and everything, beliefs:bar to a firet-elass shop. Special attentien in House -and Pall Furniture - Bedroom Sets h-om 7...7;15 el) Parlin• Sets trom ts;15 up ; Spring Beds and Mattrassee; Wood -seat Chairs ,froin :32.2.5 per half dozen- up ; a fine carved spring -seat Lounge for tzte511 Give nie a call and my goods, and prieve vIU 0011% il3CC yOrl that 1 have the finest aed eheapeet Furnitnre in the - county. Meted; frandies of all kinds done to order- - H. WELL Zurich. 981-13 MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. filiM 'GUELPH AND 01.1s.ZTARIO INVEST- , .. , MENT and Saving Soeiety have an unlimit- ed amount Of money to lend on real estate, at the very lowest rates of interest with the privi- lege to borrower of repaying a portion •ot the principal with payments of intert. st. Charges very low. . Apply to Measre. DENT & II0DOE, Barristers, Mitchell, who are the authorized Agents and Solicitors for the Society. 0a5 -Lf Dated Nov. 5, 1b55. RUM, IT WILL PAY YWJ —TO CALL AT TUE-- HUF-CO FO U N —NEAR THE -- V SCHOOL., SEAFORTI-I And Pee our stock of Which Pave been made especially for this connt) I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for tive season, and feel eatisfied in saying that it is th best in the maaket. Our •LAND FIOLLL,T'S Are seree and heavy, running light and doins, good v. ork. Our Al 1 tkJi fa US g-iF RS Are made from Hard Iron, and win last 1011Aek than any other mactine made. Having epecua- _toole for recutting Rollers, Are 03/1 euarantee satisfaction. Special attention elven te e• pairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grief, Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing- Machines, atid all kinds of machinery repaired 031 short metier and at reasonable rates. To Contract)* and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest woe Quota tio»s furnished on application. (...e^rAleo Agent for the Implement,' of L. D Sawyer, 'Hamilton. A fn line of repairs eer. standy on band. THOMAS HENDRY. Fu rnit u re Warerooms. If e 011 it 581 1,411id •Onifinrt call at PA . R 0 be rtson's And 1.t,t 1,e. Of thOseee'cl•rated et lf"alljnetabie E.1-43 CI airs, rerrerelitt d 1.„1 11.1. a mit. If can also .upply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. lle aleo 11.., :he "Inof.-t <74 "7".> That is :Lade. Ills steel, of CABINET FURNITURE 15 ely aT:d ron:ri: It; 1014 1,11)111., 0rf.,i -to ;. 1 in; c (--;41; ',if re pee N. le re. V-11 , t",“ 11.1- 01 1 11 er ereste of Telt g/ b ();110e, 'Nan: .7,1 1ves, :-eaforth. . Or -4 . rzfirrch vtvvvi arfp ;api+-1 1,,,ze 4 r .3 :IF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS Iv; there are in are. aniarior • r..0c1-1S, corded with jute. hc 1111, ete.,Offeroi 81111 sold na Ist- souse im- p. i cipird merehents trade tie; reputation of ton germint, d'oraline, s.vc ;:f.rn tlx ladies against - • imp -Adult ;.,e draw- attertion to the teser- ,„ tee ref eecieg that the ler; e,tiettesfteee,4 7:a1ee ty 'FbP1IP' tiC441Sr-.""T CO' is:An: • : .; all Coralinegoods; ,t lab acme aro gezir.ine. • , A; • -; T. r7 ry'r T"'" • • • ;ii -0 .e•.40 -raRONTO. 0'••• • • z." 2 & . •r'pef Sh it p's afo. Pc;OPR1ETORS. 1HIS Hotel, whieh issituated airectly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted awl throughout, and is now one of the beet and most comfortable hotels in the city ..SerEvery poesible atteetion paid to guesthere charges 11:::,:"..f.rate.