HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-12-10, Page 46 THE HURON EXPOSITOR DECEMBER 10, 1886s Looation . of Farm Buildings and Orchards. Having- abandon e of excellent „ma- terial within its b rders, the State of Michigan is fast coning to the front in the matter of neces ary farm buildings. Money thus. expended is well invested, as, every progress -is e farmer realizes. Reading the rsaincifous inquiries made relativeto plans of tonstruction, it has brought to my mind another subjeet closely connected therewith. How sel- dom do we see conveniently arranged farm buildings, having in view the economical handline of farm predieee. Disorder seems to 'be the rule, not the exception, and by their ill arrangemeet, causes, as to retraee- our steps man times in doing the work about then So apparent is this disorder we a - forced to the conclus on that they sve deposited on our fouls by a whirl -win The causes for this state of things I doubt exist primari y in the fact th we built without any pian in view, an latterly long period e of time. elapse from the erection of one building to a. ether, the ground became occupied b orchard, garden, well, etc., obliging i to select some out of the way place t erect our new barn. The writer of th has worked at the carpenter's trade i former years, and knows that it is a difficult to determine where to erect a how to construct, and only a fess. day ago„ a neighbor calledon hins for aid i ,nelecting a site for a r siden,ce.- - The plan adopted b some farmers o building upon theline of the highway i in badtaste, as the r .ad is used some what tor barnyard, nd in some .in stances amounts to a nuisance am[i ob struction. Having thus expresskd disapproVal a the prevailing style, or want of style the reader no doubt will look for some plain or suggestion th t may be an ins is On therearth side of t le highway; as all . p roverrient. The beat' cation for a farm 1 work seems to come r ght-handed as it were, also receiving tie direct rays of the sun upon the fronts of buildings. Where the land is hint. and broken, we must make the beat of he situation, but as most farms are le el, or nearly so,. some general plan can J e adopted. Do. not build west or soat west of the resi- deace, for sanitary rea ons, as the pre- vailing winds come f our these direc- tions. Build residence as central along highway as possible, a ,d from four to aix rods back from the uses this will be far enough to escape t e dust from the street, and make amp e space for °rim- I:kraal purposes.. eEre t all out -build - flags in rear of residenc , and in a -line, on one or both sides of a lane, :being of staffielent width for the easy turning of teams; those in const nt use first in line,. the larger hay an grain barns' at farther end of row, as ti,eir more central location will shorten th. haul at the in - gathering of crops. Another convenient Ian is to build along the sides of a sq are, said square formlug general purpos barnyard. Care ahould be taken not to obstruct direct view from residence int it. rhe ancient eustorn of . planting the orchard along the Wee way should be . abandoned in the .futit e,as it greatly detracts from a pleasin front view of the farm, and obstructs a clear view of the road„ which is often desirable. The early pioneer in his has e to raise fruit generally used the fir t improvernent Ytnule for this purpose, planting along the roadside, very close o his dwelling, and in some instances surrounding it: This he regretted afters ards, for when about to ere.et permane t buildings he not infrequently found he orchard en - cambering the coveted round. Would it not be a bet 'r plan to post - one planting orc-hards until more im- arovements are made, th n plant in the kear of buildings, whic in j time will form a beautiful backgro nd to them. - L. L. W., in Michigan Partner. methods. In less than two months he built two massive walls, one of stone and one of backbone, around Jerusalem; and of t e two thebest safeguard on all occasion is the wall of a granite pur- pose. It seems to me that was a big B.ble class ha he street, a sort of joint effort of a. fine Scholar and a fine man of affairs. A doctori of theology is a very excellent person ii a Bible class; for I 'testify whereof do know, as a very modest and exce' lent doctor of laws is a member of g Bible class in which I am permitted to sit, We also have Nehemiah in our class -a 'sharp energetio doer of the word. 4 nd 'twixt the two our Bible h I class get a good deal of cream off' the: se pure mil t of the Word. We set laur re milk -pan several days before we skim d. them, a d that gives us' more oreare- the Coo ey Creamery not ,yet having been intiI d i the riche I le liungarian Grass. for Horses. .:. In answer to alpiery„ trofessor Stew- -art says, in the Country Gentleman: "This belief of the injurious -effect of feeding liannarian grass to horses has tee basis of a few cases where this grass as been fed to horses after maturing its seed. The seed is too. fie e to be masti- _stated or digested, and if Jn such cases it vaere fed in consideras le auantity, it would be likely to prod ice indigestion and other serious disease in the horse. And if this grass is- out in full blossom, the hay may be so dusty as to be its- ;furious- to horses with tareak lungs. For hay, it should be cut --,jist before blos- Korn, when it will be faand a very nu - 'thous and profitable Isay for horses. The larger sorts of milletare of the same general character, and if the seed of golden millet is, allowed to mature, the Keed should be threshed nd ground into stieid„ when horses will da well upon this, millet mead fekl u an cut millet 'straw. as " Hangarian grass o t early makes good sheep h'ayebut alth ugh the sheep nan digest more of the small seed, when allowed to ripen,. yet ti e seed, is not ssrotitabIe to feed sheep I the straw, be- cluse they cannot digest it an,. and this *t wasted, if nothing wear, when fed to aheep. "1t is much more preifitable to feed ly stock when cut befooe blossom and red into very sweet, nutritious hay. t then contains its full a nount of nutri- theist, which it would have in stalk and grain, were it allowed to ripen. We !ave fed matured Hungarian to cows in *ilk. They eat it with zividity at first, Lut on examining the droppings; the :teed ie found principally to have passed nudsgested, and like ti .e, second crop &over, the seed in the droppings will grow vigorously. All such tin,e seeds are wasted as food -When fed unground. " Ground Hungarian. seed is said . to have ail injurious effect t pon pigs when fed alone, but if mixed vith other, feed re quite harmless. If this seed be ground to feed to horses, it .sh uld always be mixed with moistened c t hay or Hun- garian hay, But this cr p has its great- est feeding value when eut green and cured into hay." Hints and Hips. One of the best proverb evolved from modern life is this : ''If you have any think to do that you wa it done, get a busy wan to do it. on e hired a man to work for me because h had nothing to do. He sawed one stick of wood half off, and then sat dow to rest, and asked for a luncheon. here may be exeeptions, but the clas 'es that have nothing to do, as a rule, that would do nothing, everything to do. Nehe my reason as well as my the zeal and good sense, the original picturesqu re the classes if they had lab captivates magination by s well as by ness, of his Moving a Big Tree. Colonel Walter C. Larned, he faenous art connoisseur, has been in San Francisco for several weeks o a curious mission. He wishes to transejlant tothe handsome lawn of his magnifieent sum- mer residence, at Lake Fore4, one of the big California trees, and he has just closed a contract with the Wells Far- go Express Company, to Oils ffect Special cars are to be construct to transport the tree acrosi the p ains, and the umbrageous leviathaa will have to be drawn by horse power afte the Missouri River has been reached be- cause the obstacles in the way of rail- road curves and bridgeseast of that oint cannot be overcome. The tree hich me - feet and t of rest Colonel Larned has selected is what over 300 feet in height, is 98 in circumference near the base, weighs about 40,000 tons. The co transplanting this monarch of the ( uce n our town to hasten will exceed $18,000. ss of the Scriptures. GRATEFUL-COMFORTIN In our class Ezra .reads the text in Hebrew, nd comments, and the rapk and file r -Liz him, aud get what ere un there is n his pan. Then we tackle Nehemia and make him pan out (beg- ging paa ion for our homely, back -lot veruacul r): Nehemiah is full of home- lysillustr tion and apt suggestion fr sh from his ife in politics and in busin ss: I don't nean to say that Ezra nd Nehemial rim our Bible class; but I de meals to a ty that without their presei ce We shoulc 't have our big room do full as it is. The a of preaching is the art of explainin and applying. You m y apply tht truth. without first havi made the truth clear, and you larg ly get your 1, bor for your pains ; or. y u may ex lain the truth and fil to apply t, when the hearers will /o away wi iout - being pricked. So se pleachers 4whom I hear are all Era ai d some are 411 Nehemiah. I know of so e ministers Vho yet preach to the an e- dituvians and others I know who prea .11 to poster' y. Sometin es I Igo home and ask n boy: " H w did you like the sermon "Splendid ' he says. "What did 1 e preach- ab ?" "Oh, I don't exact y remember ' that. I never can r member the text, you know; but th t story he t d about the girl in the cu rant bushkIs vas tip-top." When 1 you can re einber of the sermon is t' e illustrations, without being able for t e Iife of you to tell what the truth i lustrated vas, be sure you have ha flowers bu no fruit, entertainment b t not pi -each ng.-Layinamain the Ohre tiasa Unioa , . 1 Grey Council Meeting.. Council ;met at Dame's hotel, Cea broek, on November 26th, pursuant t adjaurnnsent. Members were all pre entj; Reeve in the chair. The minute of last meeting were read and passed. Moved by James McDonald, seconde by Walter Oliver, that the nomination for Reeve, first and second Deput Reevea, and Councillors for 1887 be hel at Dame's hall, Cranbrook, at noon o j Monday, 1 le 27th day of December, and, in ca, e a poll is demanded, tha the J followlg persons be appointe deputy retnrning officers in the tespec tive pollii g sub -divisions : No. 1 Alex. Ross,j school house in Section No 4; No. 2, lhomas Calder, school, hous Section I N , 1; No.. 3, Andrew' Turn bull, schbolhhouse in Section No. 2.; No 4, James AlleNair, school . house in Sec time No. 9; No. 5, Wm. Spence, schoo house in Seetion No. 11; No. 6, Jame Lindsay, school house in Section No. ,5 , IN o. j7, Anthony llaymann, Dame's., hall, Granbrook. A by-law was passed con- firmjing the above appoiutmeists. The following accounts were passed and ordered to be paid: John Ballantyne, andel-drain on side road 2, concession 17, 82; Jelin McLauchlin, stone cul verti, lot 11j, concession 12, $5; A. La- mont, repairing culvert, lot 14, conces- sion ' 13, $1.0; Thos. Shiels, ditch and culvert, 1ot05 and 6, concession ,13, 82 • Louis McD nald, board snow -fence at Ritchie's hi 1, boundary Grey and Mor- ris, Grey share, 830.35; L. McDonald, lumber for eaads, 619.16; James Simp- son, gravelling at lot 6, concession 18, $18.90; John Usborne, ditch and two culverts-- on side road and conceseion, lot 30, cancesaion 15 and. 16, Engineer's awatd, 842 John Taylor, gravel, $2.50; David McI onald, repairs on Ethel bridge and ulvert at lot 22, concession 8, $3.65 ; John Long, gravellipg at lots 21 and 22, emiceasion 12,- $5; Malcolm Lamont, ditching at lot 15, concession 7, $11-; John Osborne, ' repairing cul- vert on side road. 6, concession 16, 50 cents; Luke Spieran, ditch and 'culvert at lot 26, concession 14, $10; Alex. Campbell, Otch. on Grey and Logan boundary, Grey share, 85; Marshall Har- rison, ditch 'at lot 28, 'concession 13, 83; John P tterson, repairing culvert at lot 28, concession 14; 81:20; Wm. Har- bottle, tag b Its and repairing culverts, , concession 1 and 16, 86 ; Daniel Byers grading on boundary Greyand, Elma, Grey share; $4 ; John Grieve, part pay- ment for ditch at lot 2, concession 7, 810; Truman Smith, culvert and re- pairing anotIher on side road 1, conces- sion 6, .$6;• J hn Shiels, parapayme-nt for ditching an timber for culvert, Jot 10, concession 1 , $13; Geo. Elliott, gravel, $31.50; J. Martin, gravel, $1253; Wm., Mitch j.11, gravel, 821.84; Geo. Al- cock, ditch i nd culvert on side road 1, concession 4, $1O; Alex. Thompson., gravel and repairing culvert On boun- dary betweei Grey and Howicic, $5.31 ; Thos. Stra han, gravel, 83.80; Louis Bolton, Enrineer's expenses, Ditches andWater ourses Act, 1883, 830.50; Robt. Pears n, ditch, at lot 22, conces- sion 4, $9.7;- : John Young, balance con- tract gradis g at lot 33, concession 6, Rob. 'McCutcheon, for repairing culvert, sidd road 3, concession 1; $2 ; Abraham Bi4hop, putting two .loads of gravel in a 1,ole on road, 81.50; George Clark, 'ditch and culvert on side road 3, concession 1I§, 19.50;8Wm; Whiteford, gravel, 90, cents; Win. Al ilne, lumber for bridge nal culverts, 88.03 ; John Grant, two days' statute labor in 1885, $2-; Wm. 4 eKelvey, gravel and one plauk . for (I: ilvert, lot 2, concession 2,' 86.85; John McLennan, repairing ln•idge at lot 26, co icession 1, boundary, Grey share, 81 ; V. 11.. Kerr, printing 811 ; Richard Peaason, ditch and culvert -at lot 19, conce5I ion 4,811; John Harbottle, Engineer's e penses,'Ditches and Water- , courses Act, 1883, 830; John Dunbar, ditchl in front of lot 22, -concession 4, 818.50. Thepouncil- thea adjourned to meet again a Tucks' hotel, Cranbrook, on the third riday in December. PPS's COCO BREAKFAST. "By n thorough knowledge of the nia ural laws which govern the' operatione of dig stion and nutrition, and by &careful application of the fine properties of well,selected Cocoa, Mr has provided our breakfast tables with a cately flavored beverage which may say us manyheavy doctors' bills. . It is by the judi ious use of such articles of diet that a qonsthi tion may be gradually built up until strong et ugh to resist every tendency to disease. Hun. reds of subtle maladies are floating around us ir ady to attack wherever there is a weak point i We pro- perly nourished fraree."-Civil Service fied with pure blood and a may escape many • a fatal shaft by keepink oetuter selves Well forti Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled ius JAMES EPPS & Co., Hommopathie Che ists, London, England. 96 42 PPs deli. W. N. WATSON, General Insurance A6 -AND- Dealer in Sewing Machin All kinds of property insured at lowest in first-class reliable companies, and losses tied promptly". s. ates Iset- Special low rates on FARM PROPER in the Gore and Waterloo, from 75c to $1 ( ash plan) for three years. Mills and factorie !in- sured in these coMpanies at a saving of 20 per cent. pn stock companies. Stple dealer in the WHITE and RAYM0 D SEWIIN6 MACHINES.(family- and manufa tur- ng). Prices ranging from 825 to $75. All 4a. chine warranted for five years on every kinj of work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. .111a- chinee repaired. -Wr_ W -AT S 0 INIAM STREET, SEAFORTH. -o 0 0 0 `H1290.:1h13S )ti CD 'SIt� puf s�ur�d JopwsunJ& 51) 54'4 sJapJYng jo fools es - 0 q:J (D CD s.75 CD CD 0 (D 0 Division Court Notic The Office of the Second , Division Court, County of Huron, will be four 1 open every lawful day at the residence of Jol Beattie, Goderich Street west, from 10 o'clock s until 4 o'clock p: m., and everything will be done that is possible in the interest of Suitor Telephone communication in the office. Any amount of Money to Loan on good pro erty, farm or town, at the very lowest rates interest, and terms of payment made to su borrowers. JOHN BEATT1; ,Clerk. 960t1 1FALL \r') The B AND WINTER GOODS -AT- cLOU G H LI N'$, rgain House of Seaforth. Piles of New Goods arrived and more coming of every descriptibn, to suit everybody, and fia such prices as have never been seen before in the history of the trade. Having finisihed my fifth year of successful business and pleasant relations with the people if Seaforth and surrounding country, I will begin this season by giving my old cn.stomers, and as many new ones as favor me with a call, Dry oods, Millinery and Groceries At such low pticLs as will make them go home pleased, and to r,emeinber that McLoughlin's Gr1eat Bargain House, Seaforth, is the place to spend their money and do their trac ing. All are invit taken. d to come and exarnine for themselves. VT Butter land Eggs J. McLotighlin Whitney's Block, Seaforth. NEW M ILLING FIRM IN SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH ROLLER LATE THE RED MILL. DE & SMITH, from Strathroy, Having bought thk above mills, and refitted them throughout with all the latest ar.cl best machine y that could be procured for a' GRA And the result at Farmers can now and have it home PI., 0 T3 UAL REDUCTION ROLLER MILL, ined is, they have one of the best mills in the Province. et all their GRISTING and CHOPPING done in Seaforth, ith them the sante day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. BPLA.I A. INT S PI 0 -R. 4rri S For sale by the to or in leas quantities -FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. 1 McBR1D-E & SMITH. MR. THOM Mills. 8 SMITH will personally superintend the ; Seaforth Roller Those Are not among the they get value for and Winter Goods English, Scot A _Full Line DEPRE S SI014. ho Get Their Tailoring Done at ERSO O'BRI EN'S number found complaining of hard times. Why? Because heir nioney, and always a first-class fit.. A full line of Fall just opened out, consisting of ch and Canadian Tweeds; Plain and Fancy Worsted of Overcoatings ce. Gents' Furnishings, • Hats, Caps, Woollen Underwear, etc. Parties bringin their own cloth will be promptly waited on. Don't purchase elsewhere till you s e Dur stock. Mc • P. S.-Highes HERSON & O'BRIEN, WAUGH'S BLOCK, HENSALL. price allowed for Eggs. Kidd's Pioneer Stove House, Seaforth. For the celebrated "RADIANT HOME" Base Burners and Double Heaters, the "HIGH ART ' Radiant, Home Square Stoves -with and without ()Yens - fitted with the Gen inc Duplex Grate. No line of Coal Stoves made have had from the start so la ge a sale or as perfect a record for operation, economy of fuel, beating capacity an durability, as the "Radiant Home." They are the best and the cheapest. Nearly all our 1 which together witl more attractive and ne of favorite Stoves have been remodelled for this year, the many new designs added, makes our stock more coMplete, desitable than ever. Purchasera w I find our Stove Department a "Happy Thought and "Radiant Home" ndeed. Come and take a look through. Lowest prices and I liberal terms assure MRS. JOHN KIDD, MAIN ST Ft ET, - SEAFORTH; TELE POPULAR GROCERY. HUH ROE3B, Main Stre Though times a and is offering good specialty. All kind brown Sugar at 16 p grocery equally che signs, good and chea Sausage, Bologna ar Honey from my own suitable for packing. t, Seaforth, the- People's Grocer. e hard, the Popular Grocery is found to be equal to them, fresh goods at rock bottoin prices. Teas and Sugars a of Teas from 25c to 75c -good value. An extra nide light unds for $1, and all other goods to be found in a first-class pe. All kinds of Crockery and Glassware of the latest de- , All kinds of Cured Meats kepi constantly on hand. 41 Pork Cuttings good and cheap. Comb and Extriactod apiary. Hogs. -The highest market price for dressed hogs H. ROBB, Seaforth. Ne* Butcher Shop. THE tUndersigned have opened a new butcher shop in the premises on Market Street in rear of Kidd's Dry Good Store, and tho, are prepared to furnish all kinds of meat of the very best quality, and on teasonable terms. Orders deliver- ed in aibT part of the town. C'IVE US A TRIAL. Meyers & Manning. -r 4 4, . 989,4 tej ant/ft CD a- 0 CD c -t - CP c -r- 1:3-1 E-; P P-1 CD c -t- 0 PC4 1-4-) c -t - c -f - CD eirAtiod pimmemil '1;3= ea, WROXETER MILLS. Alexander L. Gibson Beget° announce to the public that he has menced to operate the sate WROXETEB WOOLLEN FACTORY, 'And that he will be prepared to give geed via in FULL CLOTHS, TWEE l»3, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, WINCEY8, And Varieties in STOCKING ¥Afarn. Custom Carding, Spinning and Palling Promptly attended to. Parties from a distance win, as far as possible have their Rom.,s nomE WITH THEM, and a; he has put the Mill into Good 'Working oilier and employs none but Efficient Workmen, All Work is WarrantEd. REMEMBER THE WROXETER MILLS, ALEX. L. GIBSON, Proprietor, THF CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, Rest, $6,000,000, 1,600,000, PRESIDENT, IIENRY W. DARLING, &Q. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues ta receive deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities In Canada, on Great Britain, and on the Hinted States, bought and sold. Office --First door SOUTH of the Cominereto Hotel. .A. II. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor This Space is Reserv- ed thr Puryis THEY ARE NOW SELLING Watches Jewelry TO SUIT THE TIMES. UTFOLK PIG. -The undersigned will keep during the present season, on Lot 7, Con- ression 7, Stainley, a thoroughbred Suffolk boar. Terms.-Oneldollar payable at the time of ser- vice,with the'privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN WILSON. 988x4 fTIAKE YduR CHOICE. -The undersigned 1 will kedp on his premises in Rodgerville, two Boar Pi for service during the coming year, a Berk -hire and Suffolk. ' TERMS -One dollar paid at the time of service, with priVilege "of returning if required. IIADLEY DOAN. Pis , . 990x4 IIE 17NDEIRSIGNED will keep for serviee on Lot 30, onceesion 2, Tuckersinith, a Berk- shire Boar. ERMS.-One dollar, payable at time of servk'3. IIe has also a span of heavy draught colt. corning 3 years old, for sale. JAMES CRICH, Tuckersniith. 990x4 B'ERKSH1RE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The un- dersigned has a splendid young Berkshire boar, which N., ill be kept for service on Lot 11, Concession 8,; Hullett. TERMS. -One dollar at time of servi e, with privilege of returr ing if necessary. BENSON TYREMAN. 989x4 BOAR For SERVICE. -George Trott has a good yo mg Berkshire pig.ior service. from -the stock of Mr. Wm, Fowler. Terms $1 per sow, with the privilege ofreturning if necessary, .butpOsitively no credit. Residence on Sparling street, near the show grounds. 984 MHOROIVRED BERKSHIRE. -The wil1. l kee during this season, on Lot 10, Bayfield Road l South, a thoroughbred Berkshire pig, to which la limited number of sows will be -admitted. Terms, -One dollar payable at the time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. JAMES WELLS. 988x4 NTOTICE Dh FARMERS AND PIG BREEDERS_ ..j The subscriber will keep for service a pure bred Berkshifr.e boar. Terms. -One dollar at time of servide, with privilege of returning if necessary. Lett 26, Concession 1, London Road; Stanley. J0.4N STANBURY, Proprietor. 988x.4 13Fli'OLK kIG.-The undersigned will keep 0 on Lot 21 Concession 2, Hullett, during the present season a thoroughbred Suffolk pig, bred Wm. Pinkney i Seaforth, to which a limited num= her of sows will be admitted. Terms 81, pay- able at the tine of service, with the privilege of returning ifi neceseary. JAMES G. Mc -- MICHAEL. ,1 985x4 TO PIG BREEDERS. -You can have your 1. choke off Berkshire or Suffolk. The Suffolk, "Young Priricton," was bred by Mr.. Hugh Grieve, and o pedigreed • stock - on both sides. The Berkshirei, "Huron King," was bred by: Geo. Green, Fairview, and is of imported stock on both sides. Tbrins, one dollar, with the privilege of returning f neccesary. J. T. MeNANIARA, Lead bu ry. 984-t.f. THE SUFFCiLKS ARE THE BEST. -The un- dersigned( has now on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. 8., Tuc1kersmith, and will. keep for the improvement df Stock, Two THOROUGHBRED SUE- Fotar, Bomts. 1The oldest, "Granger," was far-. rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr. Win. Elliott, Mi1ton1 County of Halton, . His site and his dam were both imported.',. The second "King Tom," Was farrowed in April, 1884. Ile was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the county of Peeland- both his sire and his dank were also impeirted. They are as good pigs as - were ever offe4ed for service in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms $1, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 91 THE MERCHANTS) Protectiue and Collecting Association of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT, EsT.A.BLIsHED 1884. Is an Association of business and professional men, having for its object the collection of debts, and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, and wishing to become mem- bers, by remitting $7 to our Managers, Hamil- ton, Ont., will receive by return mail full par- ticulars, certificate of membership, &e. Send for testimonials. J. Bidwell Mills & Co., 079 Managers, Hamilton. St, Julien Restaurant, Opposite Main and Market street, Sign of the Big Lantern, IS THE PLACE FOR OYSTERS! I import my goods direct, and receive fres,h consignments daily, so that those desiring to indulge in a feast of these ex- cellent bivalves, can be supplied on short notice. JAS. BURGESS. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment 0 CliVIPA.1\T-Y-_ This Company- is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates • of interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed op Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, ALINTAGBIL 922 Goderich, Aug-ust5th,1885. DECEMBER 103 1, News Notes. -A 'Chieago telegram say storms have practically put ea,vigothon. So far 3:3 vesipi dr--ivell'ihealseh°1-vreer:(47fheoauNi!ydesrneoul week, throughout Northern' and Pennsylvania. At Sttra of sn-l7'hewfell. -London 1 'it y emn' resolved to sell their lands i of Ireland to their tenatl tern. -One man was killed a ously injured by an exp on Saturday, caused by thk! "Wyoming colliery, neir " of a miner iiiiill:aii14111:1j:4ka4.11, child, of Frankford, will --The heirs of the fate l> iPtueld)lit3helinlitsleythild art:-] ri'311;s1rti.':1.-Join tlieTii li'irllit' -rfer . f near Ayr, Wan a large feshii atthe-hiealat stuck 's belL'-lr':itflrilItih il at -e show u(ierrii preiniumeS sos _mis3ti1ii:jrf:tier'j1111: bateIiaet1e,at llidstiriai1,;.1; delivered an oratien on - free trade. -:i‘oc1:llreia frozer;o4-stlIast, ro.til,:11iian,I)ai,;:,4ei I. - 1 for Inet stock. Two ie 4 Siini:., erejallrio:40:),.tol:1,.::_:: an ing frOln :Volk. _ sPreacn&e tedvli;V:113cart:rep,tt '±':,:,M Or' chapters o: the Bible, ..as every collect, epistle, :iiid ecclesiastic d year, aeet: 1 tin lis cailC il reiii.:e7,,:tiia ,i, lIrgy1.1-,, ))e r)ti) J.1. 2:ii(, I ing_eiltu..Lpp:-t:_tse(rA ,,t1Isiehez lti 1 ,-11.,,i at Bay Dintriet Park, . his racing -table consietine The three-year-old filly t;lit out of:GI:ea-dew, was pureles Ha.ggin illr j$.-)000- Binnetti Billet out of Mirah 'WAS Sol pole a trainer, for 824500,. J in „gf-:solurr. I aisug6litton8,e2,2(bit,Oe.liw Stle.st to speak until Pori sembles. He has sent late, of his colleagnee, stating hii for the coming season. 114 - an immediate challenge to ment to state its Irish pelic- ba.te upon the address, alth. pects that the Unionists a their adiletiion to the t Afterward he will assiet in settlement of tbe procedure -Tweuty-two sac-ks cont. frons }log -land to t;erina Austria and the East, vs hih on a train in Belgium ot were :Opened and plunderei registered letters. Tip, r discovered upon the arrive.; at Verviere. Letters from tain ing money ' aud diens, amount of st240„000 were s is beliCVCd to have, been the left Neve York on Novemb the -Elder and left Loa, sPiei NIteilasisbrIclIg1.31:111215titrlaciiiltrl:: '4'llrizitt; a few days ego ,:tt the iarlt years. The young lady, wit had. spent a portien of the s;, her father in Kincardine, an months ago left for Tinsaito making preptriaions fer the the family - to Kineare train left.Kincardine 011 the her departure there was ;.n pour of rain throngh a ne leaking roof that the seats j This \vas the can:ie of Mi:- :, tracting a celd whieh sen°4: lungs, ' Hem( rrhage areoa gradual and alinoet ueini. , e ing, 115(1 as,1 i)41;iniall,ilt1;11e),a,,t11: e,,e,iise S thought dissolution ;Nets esS Knn Tri icardine eenlay f aliltirt3rS_i1)01:and brother; If. a w as aceo,i,pani.441 1,v father of Toronto, the naked,' ceased as al:o one of e party. • . An Alleged Daufghtei% Under tile bead of -A Lir Past," a 'correspondent s4-nd, ing to the -Pail Mall Gaz tts 'Lsitafeio t willss-nriro:i i'';nra'e.' teri,‘, that theie died at Mislat, e last Month, it veritable, altie; mate dang111-.er of the poet I old 14.(ty in question. i {aka by name, who was 97 4,1- iN : resided for many years in .'st, same little leesk steeet ill w:l born somewhere abeut the The faet of her relatiensiiipi well known in Nloirat an 1 ei hood. Her' mother; Nei's.; a beauty in her day, and l'a' some time a devoted ;Alai Helen is :slid to have boe rendii)11,1 seml1:141Z. tt)iir:;1tiliT: -ti' a ninestsheeanctiont:leatro :flay::::::: craft& of BUTIIS Was' tra,cel;a. bd yaresrnsakptg( aol ef) ler andtripgielij171 ;r: tir* :4;1 ttelisi . ii N, ei i< ei i ari . :Ili:: : ,11:::: ‘:(' , . -141 .1: :y' rt 1 %.: plitli: ennversa,tionat power..; attraattive. Even a fe when well enongli s 1 13,Neisvivaifiteirleioyi:fii.,:airtlits:le.e\ilafx:1-11,a1:!_iti;,:::y,,it.iiiset,i:,11,5,-3::::stgieilltl::i.t4::,:;til:11):itts,k1,:i:N.:: iNd:*iliatelliilitla:stil'Ifitinsy;itill:111:::::;:ill:::.trtiellii:,:t2s:7:::. their ov.-n, She \yds :: 1 . Th;:1; in1111:1-1,i, iltil: el ili . .: oallilotilitgeh-f.ttto,d, liy111,:x.tivis 47:,ii.,-.4.11,,0,7- trliitC.11''aLell(Lul: (liziint1111; 11 .1 . Sjihren0:11:11Sia: SlilreN:1111:. ri =-.,,t , inn on hi:-; way to vi -'t - and sho!)k :1)0r:1:111e:1i' ,:,:t1.1,grN:Nt-11:iitt'itt::::::::.:::: ':,'. skinny pAatoes, he lifte. ly to cat it without t,. a11. flork. The coolc- who was , Aer kitchen, had all her brightly burnished,- and 3