HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-12-10, Page 3iRg.g„ with °fist- ed' sores of I`, aid is eaaes out It have ;the Some of our coatlinees - It is al- Ireetelale local of test week • Particulars Mr. Tleinean Cooper had rile with ery- s was- antiei- -a come down tittg cot& he Lain indoors. L Wedeesdav na expected -„ and the au - mate like a p. m. he get r, requesting, rt newspaper \ One he fell ired withont e re-entered Iv, as widely owla having Is here for a veers tly eon. -f-r-We4 being 'Per & Son. ie with Mr. years &ince. hie inteflec nd enjoyed Les, and had blie atairs, e council at having also '-leeeve. In iipporter of Ind wielded belenged to ie Societies. titer of Mr. _ sad she with n his death, )elieve the Alliance hs Ueions is ging eabout Lower that a iant,- of both emselves an did ate ..or 11 easily see to sup - Rouse his don wj1 be ral Lrnione' -ly Ii the it has been • villages, rearly fifty, Ielitical par - are ti little as they their priv- ;ply asks a erohibition- erhibi tionist a. a staunch 4,5nservative Conserve- lidate, con - d. So what , by siening tauncri pro - • ix prinei- )(id prohibi- nti-pro1iibi- 1te legislate ,beUef, Viis Now whet Scientieusly itiOn candl- e what the e, lave not the have a law 1,6q0 of a that it has yet, arid leges have ilaVe not the temper - r a prohibi- ; short time rr its- follow, it the Dom - altogether e that ereL. aeseete ight ,ys the fol - lent to Sir ✓ Itichard aney was Orem the ring at a.s a uency, has stitueneies th Oxford lard Cart - ern. one of the Do- rineiple he y to Alex - .1f -seeking, ufacturers teetion, he perhaps - for them, them haxe at he. said. t -re almost -fella Mac- - more- sorue that the not put r themi .ir Itichard very man s did hint- , economist lesatections • racy - de r listic but tt f.ecturers iefard ad - e prince- - eaeier tc proved j;toyed ,•otittive of 1:1* - veers ago, •nd say,: titio-r this; eielas. „.. . os, team s tri tt t.t;r from . Iliere is a g into our rst of it is e as our er aide. 1 DEopmER, 10, 1886. vior7' The Liberal Leaders at St. Thomas. (By Telegraph to the Expositor.) t Hon. Messrs. Bleke and Mowat' hit, cio ed St. Thom -an as on Wednesday 'a . ad- dressed an audience of. over seven thousand people. ', They *ere accorded a warm and enthusastic reception by the people of the Southern city. Before leasing they visited Alma Collegeand made an inspection of its fine buildings ,snd furnishm s, taking dinner, with the students and faculty and a number of invited guests. r e distinguished lead- ers expressed seen elves is much pleased with the beau y and convenience of . the buildiug, as w 11 as the evident progress and prevent of the college. They seemed greatl interested in the new ethedieg to be udded next spring tc the present state y pile. The schen" of which was fu ly explained to them, as well as the cot rses of study, attendance &c., by the pre ci pal, The new structure will be in ex reme dimensions, 40x75 feet and five st reys in height. Its west- ern elevation Will be adorned with two fine round towers, and its whale &TAW -fled appearance aed internal arrangetnent and equipment will be, if possible; superior to that of the present magnifi- cent edifice. The cost will be not far short of $20,000. This grand strueture will provide d rtintories for 30 more re- sident students, a fine gymnasium and hall for calisthenics, commercial iass rooms, piano kooms, and the finest art gallery in the province. About $6,000 ass alreedy been subscribed towards the enterprise. The Liberal leaders on neseen were honored with the Alma College sat. An important Decision. . Another hitch in the enforcement() the Scott Act has occurred, In a cas be- fore him at To -onto. a few days ago, His Lordship Just ce Armour pronoune d a very ireporta, t opinion in reference to: the Act. He , ield , that the. Scott A t re-- geired that a entity Magistrate app int.: - ed under the provisions of the Ac $, or two:Justices o:, the Peace, were req site to legally try I charge of niolatieno, the Aet„ and that he magistrates appointed for the elect rai I divisions of coukities are not counte magistrates according to the, requiremePts Of the Act, and have DO jurisdiction in, sitting:- atone to try: cases for violation of the (•.'Act. rIt is said that under thiS decision there will be no 13, difficulty in. plioving the illegality o : the fines imposed by the Scott Act tis gis- tratea fir the (aunty .of Middleseia and the same may be said of this and other satiates., Pol flood Notes. -The East Riding of York Young Men's Imiepeludent Association have nominated H. P. Crosby for the Local. Be has accept d the nomination. i -At one df the largest and most re- presentative clonventions of North. Ox- ford Liberals, seld on Wednesday, lion. 0. Mowat and James Sutherland., M. P., were enthuplastically and unanimous- ly re-nornivated to represent the riding in the Legislature and Commons respec- tively. Addretees were delivered by the candidates, Si - Riehard Certweight,land Hon. James I ming. -At a m eting in s" Ingersoll,' on Wednesday e ening leet, Sir Richard Cartwright foi malty accepted the nomi- nation tender d hira. by the Reformers of South Oxf rd. He was accorded a most enthusi tic receptien by the • ancl and citizens. At the mass meetin the hall • was fill d to overflowing and hundreds tur ed away. Sir Ric lard addressed tile most enthesiastie me ting ever held in Ilgersoll. -The Liberal )onservatives of West Victoria, to the number of 123 delegates, met inLiudsay on the Stir inst. and un- namiously no ninated John druesi, a Prominent fart ter of Meriposa, to oppose Mr. McIntyrJ in the gerrymandered constituency. The greatest en th us.asin prevails. -A largc and enthusiastic meetir g of the Conservatives of South Oxford met at Mount Elgin on \Wednesday, and mianitneuely eemina.ted Dr. WithM__R , of Ingersoll, as the Candidate foi the Local Legislature. -At the meeting of the East Daehare Coniervetive Association, held at Mill- brook, Wednesda_y, Thomas Dixon Craig, of len Hope, was selected to contest East Durbam for the Ontario Legislature. Ir. Craig is a very strong man, and. his election is assured ry a large majority P rth Items„ , A. tobogganing club has been Organ:- ized in Mitche 1 with 50 members. , 1 of 4sistowel, who two severely injured by ah covering. i x, of St. Marys, a fine elocutionist, i - tends giving a "tuba en- tertainment in that town shortly.' • -Mr. T. "C. Mulheron, , of Mitchell, was thrown rote his baggy dneing-a, runaway the other day and had hid` - shoulder d isloI ate d . . -Ur. (teoree Malcolm has resigned his position as a teaelser in the Mit - ell High School, siith a view of enttring college and ta4ittg a degree. -Rev. A. F. Tully, of Mitchel], preached two lighly instructive and in- teresting- seem Tie in First Presbyterian church, St. M- rys,on ; Sunday, 2Sth ult. -Mr. Barr, of Logan, recently sold, a Bring colt of he heavy draught, "Noe- rnan McLeod. ' stock, for the handiome tern of $300. . ' -Mr. IL Wrieht, artist, has returned . Nich weeks ago wa accident, is re -Miss Km 0 an enjoyable time was spent, and the ,ga hering broke up by singing the old bc tch favorite "Auld Lang Syne." • A marriage took place in St. Marys he 24th ult., the contracting parties g -Mr. Walter.Greeson, aged 85, and . G. Ring, aged 50. Ile happy ple will reside in:Nissonri. The St. Marys . Argus says: The Sa vation Army' jubilee, held in this to n lastFriday evening, was a financial. suress. ° A large number of citizens tu led out to help the Army in its work. Mr. Jonathan_Capling has sold his of 50 acres, near. Avonbank, to Grant, of Halton, for the tandsome of $3,600 cash, and intends remov- to St. Marys. Mr. John Muir, , sr. , of A vonbank, moved into his new residence, and a,. evenings ago invited his friends and • hbors to a reguler olde ashioned se -warming, at which it is needless ay, a happy *time was spent - The Downie voters' lists have been roved and certified by the county ge, and can now be used in the .fortla ling elections. Not one single error he appeals was attributable to the k. Loafing at street corners is Conf- ined of in St. Marys. No fewer than young men were standing on the ier of Queen and Water •;'tteets at time on a fecent Sunday afternoon. on be aNt ce, fa su in ha fe ne ho to ap j coi in cl plc 30 co _Me RC FA ,.,Births. • RTHUR.In" Morriss on the. 3 wife of Mr. Peter 114Arthur of a ERTSON.---Ins Grey, mi the 2.9 wife of Mr. Behert Robertson •oftr Mitchell,. on the •29 wile of Mr. •Bedford Farrow of a t e d inst , the aughter. h uit., the- aon.. . h ult., the aughter. Marriages., HI..NH.A.11-MALONEY.-on the St inst.,-'by 1 Rev. T. J. Sabine, at the. .Methad st parson- age, Walton, Mr. John D•tinham, of Seaforth . , to Miss Mary Maloney, of McKilloe. BA ROWS-ROBERTSON.--Orethe st inst., by Rev. T. J. Sabine, at the -Mahe( ist parson- age, Walton, Mr. Geo. I3arrows t Miss Jane Robertson, both of AlcKillop. EL ' SON-FAWCETT.-At the mai se, .Bfatee- field, by the Rev. J. H. Simpson, o -n the 1st , hist:, Was, AL Butson, Esq., of Tr. ekersmitin, - tol-.1iss Maggie A. -Fawcett of Ful arton. ' AI 4WEN-DRAPE1L-At the reside lee of Mr. Hugh MeEwen, Gore 9f Downie, by Res% P. Wright, of 'Stratford; Mr. D•unca '1 McEwen to Mary, third daughter of Mr. T os. Drapera of Clinton. RE VE -COOK. -On the 30th ult., at St. James' Hotel, Toronto, -by Rev. W. C aig,- B. D.., John Reeve, Esq., sra.M.-D.'a . of 'Han, to Isabella S., daughter of Mr. W a cook, of Goderich township. ,. . . M*DONAGH-MARTIN.-In Saltfor 1., at the residence of the bride's' father, n the 25th uit.., by Rev. Dr. ,L're, Prank W , third son of Mr. Jas. McDotragh, of Carlow, to Evelyn, second daughter of Mr. Henry 11, rti•re SI CLAIR-RONALD,-In S. Joh 's (thumb,- 1BruSsels„ on - the - 27th ult.,' by 'ev. W. Ta (Aug, Mr. W. M. Sinclair to Miss Grace 31„ youngest daughter of Mi. J. D. Ronald, all. I of Brussels. ORTIVINE-OTTERBELN.-At the r• ianse, Ki •-• pen, on the 7th inst., by Rev. , . Acheso a Mr. 'William Henry Ortwine of 'tephen, fo Miss Sarah Otterbein, of Stanley. SE • 1.1.K-CALDWELL-At Win-gha ns on - the .1st inst., by Rev. IL MeQUarrie, - r. AridreW Sherk, of Dakota; to Miss . Ba bara Jai e -Caldwell, of Turnberry. '1. sAHAM-BOWDEN.-By the. R v. .R. 24. Higgins, on the 2nd-inst., at the r Sidence of •the bride's father Mr. Win. E. '7A iralutui to Miss Mary L., daughter of Mr. Jot n Bowde „ all of Calumet, Michigan. to St. Marys. ber of the you consented to o in painting ane -The Eima lecturing Com tember cheese cents per lie ti season. the Avon not so largely usuol„, owing t At the request of a num- g people, Mr. Wright has .rcis a class for instauction l•drawing. Cheese and Butter Mama' tarty shipped their iSep- tWo weeks ago, at 1.2.1, e highest price paid this rank plowing match was ttended by spectators as the rough weather, but more than the, usual eutubir competed and did very fine work. ' -Rev. Mr. 'Kea the new pastor of Trinity church, Mitchell-, ispreaching a series of four sermons on "The erilous Times." He is said to be a talented speaker. -Mr. A. rmiston, of Listowel .who is removing to Fergus to take the nan- agetnent of a woolen mill, was the Other evenine, entertained at a public supper ler a number (1 his Lietowel frierale. -St. Andrew's dile- was celebrated .on the night of the 30th alt.. in Mitehell, by a (Lamer at the 'loyal hotel. I The celehratien Nees ctinfined to the members of St. Andrei s' Society, who were ac- contpanied by their wives, daughters end Other lady friends; A splendid Social • Deaths. G "MMETT.-In Harpurhey, on th Eleanor Bloomfield, wife . of .Grummett, aged 6.1 years. • K NKHAMME11.-la Seaforth, on th Thonias Patrick, only son of A Klinkhanuer, ag-e,d 1 year; 3 mot .dars 6th inst,, r. Daniel -3-rd inst.., a Joseph ths and 17 C r DiFF.-In Grey, on the 30th ult.. the infant daughter of Mr. John Cardiff, aged. 6 weeks. TT. -In Brussels, on the 1st ilis ., Jackson Stitt, aged 46 years. INGLE.-In Turnberry, on the 22nd ult, Janet, youngest daughter of 11 . Andrew Pringle, a.ged 22 years, 5 months a d 13 days. Turnberry, ort the 22nd It., Char- lotte, wife of Mr. Jas. Raby, aged 6 years. M SGROVE.-In Turnberry, on the 24th ult. Mary Ann, wife of Mr. John Muserove, aged ' 58'3 -ears. NICUOL.-In Turnberry, on the 28t ult., Mrs. John Niehol, aged 65 years, 1 MOI 01 and 12 des S. Wingham, on the 30th lit.,Edith May, daughter of Mr. Henry Grafi un. aged -6 years, 2 months and 14 days. eiesroseesmaisseasmesar._ Local Notices. ItitE best and cheapest egars see ire; are at Wilson & Young's; Ssafr PI r„ • 1886. CE THE FILIRON T AL GROCERY. 1887. The proprietors. of the " Central " wish their numerous Customers a joyous , • Christmas and.a Happy fully to the enjoyment things of this life, specie so large and varied as it spect our immense disply, w 'been to offer to the publ that the BEST goods are "INFERIOR goods, and called cheap goods, beli handle them. and fa ly a, 's tli Prosperous New Year, and in order to add more good time, we have laid in a large supply of the good! lapted for the holiday season. Our stock was never' s year, and we invite one and all to drop in and in- hether they purchase oe not. Our aim has always best goods the market affords, believing as we do ys the cheapest. We do not buy LOW-PRICED, sent them to be the beat. . We 'avoid all such so- ft is neither to the beivfit of, buyer or seller to ' for pre- rth. WILSON' & YOUNG'S, Seaforth 50 cent Te is very choice. Try it. • STORE AND DwEteese to rent at pres- en occupied by Mrs. BasSett. One of the best st. is in Seaforth. Geo. Good. 988 IONEY TO LOAN.-Partieri de irous of Ito rowing money on farm Recurity, a a reason - ab rate of interest, and on- favorable erma, can, ha 0 an opportunity on applieation, either b3-/ let ei or personally, at THE EXPOSIT a OffiCC, o. 6 WAB.liousE.--diaving 0%188p -tie! t_ Se. forth. s- ed y 20th year in the grain busirses ; I Would in mate to farmers and ott ers that I still con - tin re to pay tile highest mi'rket price for wheat, oa , peas, barley &c., and nvite al my. old fri ndsaand ae many new o LEEas w 11„to deal wi me. 'Always represe at n arket and ehouae. JAMES BEAL TlE. 9774.f. iHIE41:T ITIUS1C;ITIUSie books, a d mouth or -'ns at greatly reduced prices. A se violin, AC rdeons always in stock. Brass I ands sup- pIi Seder Bitos., next door to lo-eph Kidd & on, Mai* street, Seaforth. , 990tf 'TAMPINO-neW patterns -4h largest st k of the latest New York pattern in West- er]. Ontario, will Ise fo.und at Scow aos. Sea- fo h. •960tf IDD'S SAW MILL, SEA:FORTH. --Went- . ed any quantity of all kinds of goo saw -logs, or which the highest cash price. wil be paid. Cu tom sawing done at all times to s it farmers, an good sawing guaranteed. For ft rther par - tie tars apply to JAMes Kms, Seafortl . 990 Fa Sp Oa Pe Ba Bu Bu THE MARKETS • SEAvoivril, Decemlier Wheat per bushel (new) $0 ng Wheat per bushel.... 0 s per bushel 0 per bushel ........ . 0 ley per bushel . 0 ter, No. 1, looSe,... 0 ter, tub. 0 4' '13 Fl r, per 100 lbs.. 2 II per ton Hi es per 100 It,8 Sh epakins eacli....... We I. Ste (retail) per barrel...... . Po atoes per Ilushel, a 0 Sa (wholesale) per barrel.. 6 W d per cord 2 _- CLINTON, December Fa Wheat per bushel (ilea-) 80 Sp mg Wheat per bushel.... .. 0 Oa s -per bushel ...... . 0 Ba lea- per bushel .. .. 0 Pe s per bushel 0 Bi ter 5 0 01 1 . th, 1886. 3 to 8077 O to 0 75 8 to 0 29 f0 to 0 50 5 to 0q2. 4 to O1 4 to 016 6 to 07 to 225 0 to 9-00 O to 5 60 )0 to 0 85 10 to .0 21 0 to 1 00 5 to 0 50 '0 to 0 80 O to 3 60 ith, 1826. , 3 to st) 77 •0 to 0 75' 8 to 02') 5 td 012 0 to 0 50 4 to 015 6 to 016 0 to 9 00 5 to 0 50 E!,s 0 llaperton. 8 PO atoes per bushel, new -- 0 • sles per barrel n eel - Riess per 100 ibs GDor :".sis"e'oeloldlogs, per .100 lbs Polk • eet.eroos, Des s. -Spring wheet, 78 02d ; re_ winter, 7s 02,1.; California No. 1, • 7.9 05d; ifornia No. 2. Os 00r1 ; oats, 08 00d.; barley, Oe Od1; peas, 5s 044 ; pork, 045.00d ; cheese, 63s Ood. oaoa-ro, Dee. 9.-FaIl whe.at,'$0.1•6 to $0.79 ; ing, .80.70 to $0.79 ; oats, 320. to 330 ; peas 52c to •3e• barley, 45e to 57o; hay, per ton, $9.00 to 814.50 s butter, 20e to ,23c. potetoes, per hag, 841 to 80c; eggs, per doz., 21e to 21c; dressed het!, Per 100 lbs., al." to f.•11.00. GRO o th al w repr ving Y DEPARTMENT. New Pa ras and Vostiza Currants, new Valencia, Sultana and Layer Raisins; new Figs, neW, Peels, Valencia Almonds, S. S. Almtnds, Grenoble Walnuts and Filberts; full lines in PiCkles, Sauces, Canned Fruits, Canned Meats, etc. Teas in Green, Black and Japan, at prices from .25c to 75c .per pound. Segars-a large stock. Tobaccos in black and bright. Flour, Feed and Provisions at all times. Crockery and Glassware It is Simply impossible to particularize in this seen to be app eciated. We show this year the fine ever offered in Seaforth. Di ect importations fron lend, compris)ng Fancy Goods,- China Tea Sets, Tete -a -Tete Sets, Fruit Sets, Cubarets, Plaque Vase Hanging Lamr, and prices law. An endless varlet Ipspection of our stock •ordially invited. LAIDL W & FAIRLE Department. department ; it requires to be st stock of goods in this line France, Germany and :Eng - Breakfast and Dinner Sets, etc. A fine assortment of of Glassware. SEAFORTH. took .Mar ets. Lite 8. -The sapply of butchers' ; MONTRNAL, -DC 'cattle on the ma kets to -da 3 was for some time peat, but -the butc 'considerable old, stocks on hand willing td pay advanced. prices, near Christmas, and the trace wa with higher prides asked -a 1 rou beeves sell at frOm 4c to 41c, an animals at about 31,c per thaswith cows and rough steers at from 3e t stock at from 2c to •2iss per It scarce and pretty high piece'. Iambs are rather scarce and price up; old she* selling at . f -om ' lambs o.t froin 4c to '4Lle per lb. ,live hogs is pretty large al d pr without material change, or frow 1h. Dressed hogs are not nt mero Smaller .than ers have still and are not t least- until ; rather slow,' id. Superior pre* good common dry 31c, and lean , Calves- are -Sheep and , - are looking.; c to 3e, and ; hp supply of ces continue 4e to 4ic per 18 and prices •are firmer, large lots selling at a 1 ttle less than , Ge per It,. and small lots at .from to 6c per lb. ' IMPORTANT NOTI ES. OSTS FOR SALE. -For sale 20 0 cedar posts at 8c. for all round, Oe. for s iwnatt Benne- wies, 61 miles north of Dubli i or 61. miles north of Seaforth then 61 milts eas , a steed road. JOHN 13ENNEW1ES. 9914.f, • ERKSHIRE- BOAB.-The um keep for service during the 1 int Varna, a Berkshire Boar. Term at the time of service, with .t he p turningif necessary, JOHN WA- ersigned will re:atilt season, --St, payable •iai.lr.ge of re - 'LESS. 991x4 I[STRAY STEER. -Came i ti e prtenises of j the undersigned, Lot " 0, T wn Line Hay and Stanley, about the mid( le o November, a yearling steer, dark roan color. iw owner can itiest the same on proving p -opei e and paying ges. - Love Baoansias, 11 Ils G een. 991x4 V.STRA-1.- SHEEP. -Came into ti I's the undersi ned Lot 29 g , Ilibbertt, about the last week n N. 1, and a lamb. The owner may hay ' proving- property and payin s exp PARISH, Chiselhurst 1'. 0. - • . I o 120 to 0 21 2 pc, td 2 00 6 00 to 700 .. 450ter 500 2 50 tla 3 60 5 50 to 600 ''‘TIOTICE.--21'he undersign( Tremises, Lot 6, (once thorciughbred Suffolk Boar, f of stock. Terms. -One delta of returning if necessary. 8 stance P3 0. le premises of 'Oncession 12,- N:ember, a ewe. the same on -eases. JOHN 9014 d wi I keep) on his sion 10, II ullett, r the improvement , wit )t -he ilvilege 110C ERSO- , Con- ' • 991x4 iTitAYED STEER.-Stra s, Concession 5, Hay, in A S aer two years old, and one 3*ar's old, Any information their recovery will be suitebl ANNIE' REDMOND, Hensall ed gust ght that raw P. 0. rom Lot 23; one dark red ed Ileifer two will lead to tided. MRS. 991x4 OTRAY HEIFER,- Strayee iron . of the -undersigned, Lot 5, Tuckersinith, a tto year old red inferniation lead' ig to the re will be suitably rewarded RAM. ,the premises Conces-ioq 2, Heifer. Any over of the same by I; E0 RO 114 ING- 991x4 - C1T RAY C A TT ['E. -Strayed of the undersigned, Lo 31eltillop, about the end of Mt one gray with shell Off one Nthite strip on one shoulder one spotted white and red. An leading to theirrecovery a ill b warded. THOMAS FLANAGAN, from the premises 2, "Joncession 6, y,3 y arling steers; orn, Dile red with nd white face, and information suitably re - Dublin P. 0. 901.x4 r110 CONTRACTORS.- The re -ere II.: South partof Roxboro Bridg McKillop, will be let by Pul lic A bridge, on Mosnav, Decemter 2C 'o'cloek.p. in. Further particulars ed at the time of letting-. or previe Cation to CHARLES DODDS Lot • McKillop. ction ofthe a township of iction, at the th, 1886; at 2 an be obtain- isly, on appli• 2, Concession 991-2 SUFFOLK PIG. ---The undersigi e oLt36, Concession 3, L. R smith, during the- present season -bred Suffolk Pig: ! Terms -s11, with of returning if necessary. ROG N, B: -Any person requirilig Cec of Mr. Pepper, will pima° cch du t Soft spell. ed will..keep S., Tncker•• a Thorough the privilege It PEPPER fix at the mill iIng the first 991-4 TSTRAY STEER. -Came nto c premises of the undersigned, Lot '7a C mcession 12, Stanley, about th ,e 1st of September, a two -year - 'old Steer of .dark red color with -0111C white. The Owner can. have the same ba proving- pro- perty end payiras eharges. N I EL B. STECK LE.. • T1, ARMS -FOR SALE OR TO REA -South half' 1-2 .-Lot 30, Coacession 11, fast Wawanosh,con- SiSting of 'ilineta---seven ac as, 1 iore. or less Eighty acres cleared, well fenced with cedar and hardwood rail's, a good hewed log house an log- • barn, with frame .stable and e rivins house, -and a never.failing spring creek runni g across the • centre. Also a farm on the 14th Concession. of Hullett, Lot 38, consisting o 1115 cres, more or less. • One hundred acres c eareci well fenced, and in a gond state et' eulthation, there isat log house with good -frame kitcheiegor 1 frame barn, diring shed and stabling, a so te ) good wells with ft pUIUP ill ,eaeli. Yee furth - r partieulars apply. . to:I. GREENEN, Marnpeh P. 0., Hur- OU 9914.f, -1AW MILL AND FARM Ft R SA ..E AT BLUE- VALE.-- !the uudereign d is d -'sirous of dis- posing- of his propetty, Whit il AS b Write(' at the Bluevale railway station. 'I here a e fifty acres of eciod arable land, all vie red, tl ordughlynn- derdrained With tile, and •s'vell f :Heed, chiefly. with boards.- On the premi es is a steam saw aeass., reneing, e rdong er, oia large 111;111,tlit.lisfl;ri::-.. 1 Liu, kl barn with stone. stelmog, arid Other nt cessaryi out-buedi gs. \Ise) a good f ratite lioneei a ith :Acme cellar. 2.11 the build- ings are nearly new. The place is well -watered. Also a villaae lotclose to a e sta ion, on whieh is a frame ea:at:le-eaten finished his'de with hard- wood, stone foundation and cella .. There is a I well of hard a ater, and a s ft we er cistern on the Premiass, both ihelose 1. For terms and other partieulars apply on the p emises, or by letter to box 2, Bluevale '. 0. CHARLES J. 991x1 RE_SDIN•ta ad, Read What the People say about the Columbus Watches Papst -SOLD AT- § jewelry store, No. 1 ampbell'A Block, Seaforth. • To C. L. a.pst, jeweller, Seaforth: Dear Sir: feel it my uty to tell you how pleased I am with the Col nrbus Watch I purchased from you some eight months ago : it has kept time accur- ately, beyon my most, supine expectations ; I fully belie e it will not vary a minute in a year ; it will run fully 36 hears with one wind- ing ; I have no hesitatien in reeonimending it to any persoa in need of a Watch as a correct timekeeper ; I would not part with it for any other makeknow of. Yours truly, JAII011 Mc - GER, retire • fanner. EgniondVille) November tth, 1886. Mr. Papst, Jeweller, Seiforth. Sir: The Col- umbus Wato that I purchased from you about a year ago i a beatitifol timekeeper, and I am well -pleased, as it has given Me entire satisfac- tion. -I hay .had other watches, but found none so good and perfect ns! the Columbus, Which I now wear. tCSpeCtillny, PATRICE. KEATING. . . C, L. Pai st, Jeweller.. Seaforth. Dear Sir: The Colunibis movemeni 1 purchased from you some time a o, in a Boss filledcase, is as repre- sented, and. I don't think there is any watch made in the world that will keep better time, as mine hassle •er varied since 1 purchased it, and I would tell verybodyato get a Columbus move- ment when N:anting a good watch. Yours truly, :JOHN PARKEr, Wiudsor, Ont. • C. L. Paps , : When you said takethe Columbus atch if you want a timekeeper, • I felt a little i 'different, but I must say My opin- ion was agiseably changed, as I can find no better witted n.s atimekceper than the Colti-m- bus ; So say I, bac the- Columbus moVerneat every time. Truly ai_ou,rs, L. •Alraeliv. • October 28th, 1556. C. L. Papa , Esq.: The Columbus watch which von reconnaended Inc to take, is a first-class 'timekeeper, nd I think there is no better. I am sa isfied with my bargain. Boner Dorms, Bost orough. • BUSIN Till, uncle, people that he has) in Marshall's Jackson 13ro the 1st of I goods, cloth' groceries, cr keeping goo fair and ho public patro cash in exch SON. SS ANNOUNCEMENT. signed desires to announce to the f Itensall,l and the pnblic generally, essed for a term of-yearst-the steres Block,•Heosall, recently rebuilt for ., and will open out its same about member, With a fine atock of dry hats . and caps, bOots and shoes, ckery and hardware, and trust8. by goods, selling at dose prices, and orable dealing, to inerit'a share of nig°. Butter and eggs received as nge for g'oods: • ROBERT MOR1tI- 989-3 Dairyrne 's Association of Western Ontario. annu 1 convention of the above assoc ia tion wi I be' held in the Town of Ingersoll, on the 12th, 13th and 14th dais of January next:. Dairymen, a id all intOested iM dairy products, are urgently invited to attend. Arrangements are beingr» de for a reduction of railway fare; parties on st rting will'pay full fare to the place - of meetings. nd obtahi a certificate from the secretary, ei titling them to a reduction on re- turn. By rder, C. E. CHADWICK, Secrestrery. Ingersoll, ee..1st, '86. 991 London, Huron and Bruce, Express. Mail. 7.55a.m. 4.25P.M. 9.14 6.50 9.24 6.05 9.29 6.13 9.36 6.25 9.55 6.50 10.15 7.10 10.24 1.20 10.39 7.35 10.55 8.00 Express. Mail. 7.00a.si. 3.05 P.M. 7.17 3.29 7.32 3.44 7.41 8.53 s .03 4.13 8.22 4.32 8.31 4.40 8.37 4.45 5.51 5,00 10.10 6.00 GOING NORT 1 - London, d part Exeter Hensall. Kippen. Brucefield, Londcsbor Blyth. Belgrave 1Ving,ham, arrive GRING SOUTII- Wingham,Idepart Dein-ave. 1113-th Londesboro BC1rtirat. eteofin.em.., Kippen.. ....... - Hxeentsear1.1 E London, arrive • .-,-- • Wellinoton, Grey and Bruce. Goixo Nordit- Aecoin. Express. Mixed. Ethel. 11 0 34 a M. 9.20 ass 9.45 A.m. Brussels..1.... .. 2.49 9.35 10.25 Bluevale....a.... 3.05 0.51 10.55 Wingha.m.. .. .. sae 10.02 12.G0 Goias" SOCTI Wingham Bluevale • Brilitels Train lea.' dine; run on on13-. lf • tql111MIRIIMEOMMISIMMIIMMISMM. JOSEPH KIDD 84 SON, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. BANKRUPT STOCK. Last week's sales were dquble as large as any, since we started this business, anci we will keep the ball humming with red hot 13argai s till all is cleared out. No reserve. Come one come all, and participate. JOSEPH KIIDD & SON, SEAFORTH, ONT. Keep Your Eye on this Sp6t Until Next \i'Vek. J. W. MI ARP Temple of ashion, Main Street, Seaforth. oliday Goods, Holiday Goods. tAiST TO HAN •OPEE ND UP -AT THE. - Cheap Cash Cash St or e RIG -HT TOT -IE FRONT. 1 Onr large assorted stock, together with, the many new goods added euitable for the holiday trade, makes our stock more 'complete, more attractive, splendid in qualitie and overflowing with generous b rgains. We show a large range of Dress Materials, suitable for Winter, Ulster ,Cloths, Mantle Cloths, Blankets, Flannels, Wool quares, Gloves, Hosiery, Cottons, &c. Gents' Furnishings -large variety -in Underclothing, Top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves, • Socks, Tweeds, Worsteds, Trowserings., . Leave your order for a Suit; we guarantee a fit. The above. in stock, and will be offered at the lowest prices consistent with good quality, at -OF- ffman & Company, A great variety of usefui and suitable goods for holiday presents, of which the following comprise a few : Ladies' and Mises' Fur Sets; Gents, Ladies, Mitses', Boys' and Children's Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Wool Shawls, Wool Clouds, Weol Hats, Wool. Tam O'Shanters, Wool Squares, Silk Handkerchiefs, Cnehmeres Gloves, Kid Gloves, Knit -GI-es, Hose, Corsets, Ties, Collars, Frilliegs, Dress Goods, Flannels,Tweeds, Underclothing, Blankets, in fact every- thing relating to Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and we are marking them all at the smallest possible advance on eost,, in order to make a speedy clearance of the whole stock. Call and be convinced. No trouble to show the goods. Hoffman d Co, Cheap Cash Store, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. Agents for Butterick's Reliable Pat- terns and publications. DON'T FORGET THE GREAT J. L. SMITH'S, Staple & Fancy GIFT- SALE DRY GOODS, SEAFORTH. THE WEEKLY BULLET' Read by Everybody and LBEiEFICIAL TO ALL. - 3Iised Accom. Ex press. 7.05 lase 11.10 A M . 1'1.50 A. NI. sala 11.25 7,00 .. 5.50 11.45 7.15 . .... 9.20 12310 7.27 ng Winglipan st 8,10 p ii,. ter Kineare. Alondays,i WIairtaadta and F1'ida3 s , . Grand Trunk Paa.ii-tVaY, Trains leave Seaforth and Ciitatai :stations as follows: Goaco 1Vasrs- Seamern. Canards. Express.. .. 1.4.s a se 2.2e a M. EX-pretiS .. . . - .. .... N.57 P. M, - 9.15 ra v. Mixed Train.. , ... a 9 00 A. M. 10.00A.M. GOING EAST4-- Express..I.. .... .... 7.48 A. M. 7.30 A.M. , •Express .. 1 ... , .: .. , . 1.48 P. M. - 1.05 P. M Mixed Train.. .. .. , . 5.05 r. se 4.15 P. M . I Dry Goods, Millineq, Clothing Etc. _Aa.,i-JD -V.7iEE H E-?, =I 'TIC) PIT\TID TiiEM, That are At Edward McFaurs. STYLIS Captivating, Fascinating and Enchanting, AT EDWARD: McFAUL'8. GOODS That are Durable, Perinanent and Lasting, AT EDWARD McFAUL'S. PRICES That are Just, Farr and Moderate, AT EDWARD MA.4jAUL'iS. TREATMENT That -Kind, Polite, and Respectful - Art ED WARD : UL' S. BUSINESS Conducted on . that are Fallitles;i, At EDWARD 'ARTA": L'S. , With a feeling of nces. No trouble to sl good to behold a pietu Yids, we ameereee :riur way of managing a large cash bus; - low good's. and if 3,,01 den`t want to buy, it Viill do yeu C of ItEel. BUSINESs LIFE at EDWARD McFAUL'S Great Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing Seaforth. FEAR'S Drug Store, SEAFORTH, ONT. 41fith Every Dollar's Worth of Goods you buy, you get a Ticket that calls for a Prize between Xmas and New Year's, at Fear's Drug Store SEAFORT11, ONT. .f:?EMOVED S fOrth:31-2f SiCa 7 In-', I UM en t 1\/11730_11-ZITTI./E_ Messrs, Scott Bros, l _ l -Beg to aerromate that they have remov- ed ' to the premises next doer to Messrs. r doeeph Kidd and Son; Main Street., i wbere they will be found with a large. i , and well -selected stock of . ORGANS & PIANOS Of the very best and most reliable makes. Second-hand Instruments taken 111 :exehange at full valet!. Agents wanted. . A liberal disceunt during the Christmas holidays. SCOTT BROS., SEAR nt.TH. SOMETHING NEW. i.Nrnri:AGE Locm, TALENT. 1 7- • : ris ,r Star Dra 177 a tic Company of Mitchell . n THE CELEBRATED DRAMA .ights in a Bar Room," r:`; THE I:NING OF W December 15th, IN C4rdpo's Seaforth, 1-iirlsr the auspiees of the Foresters-. eents ; ileaerved Seate, 35 cents; . Children miller 12 yeare, 15 renta. House)- Plan of hall at Papst'e bookstore, where ticket.- = can be had. 1 \W. II. FOWLF,11, Secretary.