HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-12-10, Page 13, 1R86. May ertify a Tr P-Aat ir(yr Bargains es aind tasters, e and -Wool Goods, Fee Sets, Far .thing -Blankets, it? eking at Nature's ity to prepare for lie knock whea we respond by placing immense• stock of at prices that will r`ome‘ and- see us, Remember, that fidle of goods for a- yat AUL S 'Winery and Math- Seafor th. me additional was gainst using tobac- proceeded to the ,nd it resulted ia lected president ; Mrs. Neal, trees - Gardiner, A. Mor - sed J. McCallum, ttings a this socie- [ortnightly in the ,byterian churches xitie was. asked to - v. Alr. Smith, ef a giving a temper- xt meeting of this • Presbyteriarri Wednesday, De- lUry. Boyd,, lepartment a the leaving atthe end parents and pupils • as she performed oa her as a teacher aiou of the section. I -top, is to succeed erry. are glad to inti- SamueI-Bnrgess, of 'at for a short time e the way to re - a serious attack of !er the skilful treat - Df Wingham, he is .--The last meet- Iime- Literary So - Adana Hender- -; of the 24th 'rratarne was yery tL Quite a totin- •e in attendance. 11 talented young •. Campbell, who tante to the pro - was occupied by Fowler Esq., WhO I In a very satis- all present. The d to meet again at Anesday 1st in. s.eply regret, this he death a Mrs. e 4th concession of 'ased was ill but te proved the vic- es -ening of the tway beyond that ran:eller returns." unbend, sons and r other sorrowing . lees, to mourn her! tru. —Rev. John Tut- iri se eangregatian here iLi aid of the , and met with h appeal, last Sab- LW off on Tuesday y and cathing he ifferers by the late - There was preach - rid evening in the ef this village.— ached in the 'Eng - ;e an Sabbath last, y suffering from a egregation a good eIL am lleover, an old ,ilneal, wan in his the eauctuary last [t"r an absence of :•,evere illn(Ns from minatiera Ile re- laItione from his old hies vommenced 4n Tuesday night -1;er, pastor. —Mr. teken to himself a nto his new house. ,s1 better, though expect to move 41 this week. 1 1 t 11 NINETEENTH YEAR WHOLE NUMBER 991 SEAFORTH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1886. McLEAN BROS. Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. M. R,....Cottut.,0 The Old Reliable EWE -LLE Seaforth, Ont. Is showing a larger stock of Hol and Wedding Presents that ever season. Must be seen to be apprecia in SILVER PLAT You can choose from Tea Sets, Wisi Ice Cream and Tilting Pitchers, Di • i Breakfast and Individual Cast ers; er, TS ; _Pickle, Celery and Frait Stands ; Tee ' and Berry Dishes,' Knife Rests, De eit Sets, Cake Bassets, Butter Di s, fon Holders, Syrup Cups, Na kin Rings, Cups, Jewel and -Card 8. fads-, Toilet Vases, Cake Dishes, Tur ns, Biscait Jars, hit:Stands ; Tea, Des ert, Dinner,. Egg, Salt and Mustard 'Spo ns; Pie, Fruit, Tea, Medium and '11 tter Knives ; Gravy, Oyster and Soup La Iles; Sugar Shells, Call Bells, Case Je rels, etc. liti(jewelry. You will find Colored and 'P,tight i hald 1 - Sets, Roled Plate Sets, Neekiets, I cka ; , ets„, BroLlies„ Ear Rings,l, Lace ins, -Cuff B trttons, Watch Guards .and . , il• Alberts, Gem : Rings, Band Rings!, iSk II .and 10k Plain Gold RingS, Scarf -PinS, . I Bracelet , Charms; t also a large Y Tiety ! of Jet a d Fancy Jewelry. . Watch Auror English prices o rl THE 'COUNTY COUNCIL: . . The Deoember mo- eetinOf the Huron. County Coupcil opened°. at Brussels • 01.1 . Wednesday of last week. Mr. V. Ratz, the Warden, addressed the Comic 1. lie intimated than Benmiller, •Rort Albert, Ear-mm.(4We, and Zet and bnidges have all been re -built 'six de Jas t meeting. Brussels bridge • shot Id have been fin- ished by 1st Outo4r, but ,it . has not yet been completed. ; He also made re- ference to the denim I made for. t re pay.- ment of the counits•Portion of he ex- penses of enforcing ti e Canada Temper- ance Act. After routine business the clerk read vith them in petitio ling for the rep& a ircular from- the county co mil of No -folk, asking the council to co-operate of Ithe Canada- Tem erauce Act; a cir- cular from the Provincial Secretary, re- questing the . counci to provide their share of the expens s ofenforcing the said Act, arid a lett r from the license commissioners of the ounty„ asking the council. to appropriat , the sum of $1;327, Huron's ' share of .st ch expenses. The former circular z-wa referred to the . special committee a d the last two to the libellee committe 1HE COLIN Mr. • Dickson, the ported as follows: A _13 persona ',confined and 6 females. (Mt are insane and both Wm. Kelly has now years. His case has by the sheriff. The has put in seven mo also been reported , Elgin-, Waltham,- Hamden, and Swiss, in all style and Ladies' and! Gents' 11 ting ann d Op Face, Stem and Key Wider. Von can get a Stem Winder Watch from :•:-5 up. Clocks in Great Variety from $1 Upwarcls'i' THE LARGEST STOCK Wieerschaum„. Brief & ,Other Pipes _ In the dou_nty. Also • - of a choice sel ction 11 Cigar Cases and 1Ho ers Pocket Books and other.sMall ware .1] Work Depagmeilt, Order's for any style lei kin Jewelry. taken. Watches, Clocks ,fewelry, repaired on short uotice. go ity of ods and workmanship gs. teed to give satisfaction. tair_Don't foi•get the place. rI Silver Plate in window. - , , of and ual- ran- e of IVL R. Counter, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Y JAIL county jailer, re- present there are in the jail, 7 males e seven males two very troublesome. ) n here over two la en duly reported -then Hugh Hall, ths; His case has by the sheriff. Of the remaining five nales, on is under, sentencefor assistin and one for peddling also tinder sentence, ing are . vagrants, bodied men who n every daY sawing wo months each. The t age. He will finis months on the 6:th then will go out -Pe for another ter. one, Sarah Henley,, now been in jail ne she is quite harml been duly reported of the others is threats and abusive maiming four are vagrants, and all are ander sentence, thre of them for.reterra of six months *each. These are mother and two daughters, tence.d .to bard labor. these three when , that they had at (iic. and their rags, for clothed in rags, hat them and *the grea burnt. These thrc clothed hen their's was undeiathe neeeS and stockings for at illicit distilling,. without a license, The three remain- wo. of them able- rk very, williugly d ; -they have four ird is 83 years of .• his term of six of .December, and bably to be sentin Of the six females, inane. -She has. ay, 16 intniths; but set- 'Her' case has by the Sheriff; uhe rider sentence .for language. . The re - none of them sen - The conditipn of rou lit in was such county of Norfolk, -as of the Scott Act: I motiem of Dr. Rolla. was given at the Jun ing the of c pens.ep. of enforcing ti ance -Act, it is rcco motion be adopted by 'Moved by Mr. Wi by Mr. McMillan, in report, that no actiot to motion, of Dr: Re expenses. . . On the names belt, taken there Voted for the amendment Messrs. Homey, Britton, Kay, Ande son, Scott, Oliver, Smilliee Cameron, Bryaais, Struthers, Torrence, Black, Gi vin, Strachan, Mc- Pherson, Saunders; Corbett, MeMur- chie,' Beattie, Walker, Campbell, Wil- soneMeMiLlan, Grifli a Currie and Mc- urchie,-26. lisor the motion'*NI ersre. Howe, Wray, Duels -ion, Manley,N. clt, J ohnstost, Hays, Rennie, Kalbfleisch ',Elliot, Cook, H. Eilber, Bissett, Boni is', Rogers, -Jacques, Beacom, Ke ' Kelly, Elli ttt and Kaine.-20. • . SALT BA IRELs. Moved by Mr. Mc lillan and secoeded by Mr. -Clegg, tha the warden and clerk memorialiee th Dominion Govern- ment to pass a law r nclering it a punish- able offence for any tilt manufacturer to sell salt in barrels, s take or other pack- ages without hayin the name of the manufacturer and the net Weight Of the salt contained therei legibly printed on the barrel or sack, and that the net weight of salt in a b rrel be five bushels or 280 lbs., and fu •ther ordering it a punishable offence t sell salt so branded that does not con ain the weight as branded thereon. The usual ,grants paid to the Clinton: .school. -tanattoa king for the repeal a reference to the s, of which notice meetieg, COncern- unties for the ex - c Canada, Temper- innendcd. that the the council. son, and seconded amendment to the be takenin regard llins . 011 Scott Act vete ordered to be - rid Goderich Model REPORT. The Finance Conmittee, besides re coinmending the pa of accounts, ! took circular frotn the in reference to the p oft the salaries an( spectors-and Board, for the three ridinast of Huton., The amount requited for West Huron being $270; South • Huro , $520, .and East Hueon, $537, makin in all the suns of $1,327, which is req tired to be deposit:- ed.to the credit of. wense Fund special account. The Comn ittee. reconireended that no action be aken at the present tirac in -reference e the above claims. The committee als recommended the account Mr. W. for the Brussels ment of a number to consideration a irovincial Secretary yment of two-thirds expenses of the In - of Commissioners payment of.$1,000 o Law, contract() IH. • to go to the bath, bridge: they wese literally Roams iva-) muuons. to be taken from The Road and 13! idge Committee re- er portion of. them will have to he ntencq. expires, ity of gttting boots 'arah Henley and (Fame, Sarah and Mr-. Halliday, as they oted. chan, seconded by 1 carried, that the when reporting in bf vagrants in the -here they are from ality they belong. IPARTURE.. ' legg, -seconded by carried, that the the several muniei- in future during the his council, instead– were actually bare -f Moved by Mr.: Str Mr. McPherson, an jailor be instructed future the nutaber county jail to state and to what rnunici A NEW I) Moved • by Mr. Mr. Anderson,' an assessment rolls of panties be'equalized January session of of the June session. NEW flI The Engineer w• amine the. two co the village of Kirkt line between Ushers they are not ccintlid travel, and report t, net meeting. The council adim Thuisda•3i. J DOES. s instructed -to ea -1 nty bridges east off n, on the boundary e 9.nd Blanshard, as red. safe for pnblic 'the council at• the rned until 2 o'cloclt TnpaSDAT, Dec. 2. tAfter tontine bus ness the sum of $ap was granted t the ownship of StePhen to assist in .the'ereet'on of anew lock-up. A motion by Mr - Strachan, instruct- ing the -County En Weer to have new bridges erected o the boundary line between Grey and lma, on concessions 4 and 6, in conjunct on! with the county, of Perth, was refer ed to the! Road and Bridge Committee. The council agree to merribrialize the Local Legislature; a king theKto amend the Municipal Act so that it will not hereafter be necess ry to a47ertisein eannty papers 'by -la vs for the eloeing up of roads, streets, e., when 'there are papars in the mun• cipalities interested w ere such by -laws -an be advertised. The County sEn:ineer reported work co Opted during e past season to the value of $11,851, • rid recommend.ed a new :superstructure, to be built of cedar, lo the. bridge over ti e Eighteen -mile river 311 the Lakeshore. I 'Pad ; a 'new, btidge the gravel rea 1 between Goderich and Lucknow ; a new superstructure and one • abutment for the Morrisbank bridge; a new bri ge over the Sauble river on the bounda y between Hay and Stephen; also, a ne v iron -Howe Truss fot• the bridge on the London Road south of Clinton. The report of he Jail and Court House Committee, reconunend ing the porchase of Wood, c., was received and adppted. The motion • ma.e by Dr, Rollins het the last June me ting, aoncerning the -expenses incurred nder the Scott Act, came up for coneitle •atioa. The motion was referred to the •Special Committee for consideration. The Treaeurer w s instructed t make out a report of the xpenses incurred by -the Warden's Committee of 1886 and lay the same hetet the January meet- ing. After paesing s. veral motions, in- structing the Engi leer to examine and . report -upon several bridges, the -council adjourned until Fri lay at 10 o'clock. Fluna„1-, Deb. 3. After routine. pr ceedings the Special Committee re-porte 1 that no action be taken on the con muoication from the r Led , reconin en d and Mr. Strachan e the boundary betw and ,report .at th Also that the repot siouer be adopted. A fter formally, 1 by-laws the couiw o'clock in the afteri ig that the engineer -amine the bridge on en Grey and Elma, January meeting. of the road commis- . aseiag number. of I closed about three oon. Temperance andPolitics. DEAR EXPOSIT(), :—Beyond doubt - the Temperance question will be a prom- inent factor in oming eleetoral con- tests, both Local ready decided actio several •constituenci Temperance with men favorable VI t form laid down' by liance is being actel upon where prac- ticable, viz., the el to the Local legisla House of Commons Prohibition and res every kind. In ou Huron a movement by an agent of the looking to the forn toral unions who themselves not to date who is not a k prohibitionist,- and unions have been the Iding. Now is not on -the face nd Dominion. Al– has beefs taken in s by the friends of view to electing e cause. The plat - the Dominion Al- - matter of restrictive Temperance logis• Mien. Which is the man most likely to further the ends of Temperance ? Mr. Gibson a known Temperance man and abstainer, or Mr. Mays whose personal habits have hitherto been of the opposite kind, and whose zeal for prohibition has been born in him so late and at so strange a , tinie ? -Mr. Hays doubtless wants a votes. He will need all he can et, and if •a profession of faith in Prothibition will bring him. votes, such's, profession is easilynia,de. do not believe how- ever, that the Temperance men of East Htiron Will he caught with sach -chaff. They will be able quite easily to see the cause of Mr. Hays'. suddea conversion, and they will naturally dotibt the sin- cerity of the -man who at such a time for the sake of -office belies his whole previ- ous career. Yours Truly; MAITLAND. llowiek, 1St Dee., 1880. • John Brown, of Theeold; carry g the heavy public works contracts 'latter had on hand, and he aucceet Mr. Brown and performed the work closing them up satisfactorily. to Buffalo on Tuesday last, and While pital, in gratitude for the treatment walking to the 13enzler house slipped on the icy pavement and fell heaviily. • Ilia death, it is thought, tate due, tO', ecrel ral apopleity caused by his fall. ,t —The actual sales of twopenny tin of Ontario honey at the Colonial Exh bi- tion have numbered between fifty nd one hundred thousa'nd, whilei no sniall proportion of purchasers have ex pre a desire -to secure contineal stspplie —The Methodist Women's i ssion Society of Canada, have raised $11,441 011 he ed of fro mexposun re. The survivors are by himself, ad`was -composed of powder u Marice Voimg and.Thes. Cox, of Tor- and saltpetre wrapped about with. onto, and Edward -Mulligan, of Picton. twine, and had the appearance of an --Mr. Thomas Irvine, of Wisconsin, ordinary and innocent ball. After the has donated $200 to the Hamilton Hes- explosion, which nearly resulted in the loss of a limb to young Clark, the -police were called. —While. Mr. _Angus Thompson, of Erin, was catching a pig, a boar made a dash at hini asaahe was stooping, and striking him id' the face made a bad gash with its titsks. Mr. Thompson was knocked insensible, and it was fear- ed that he 'would bleed to death. One ' eyeball was somewhat di( -placed; One. of the, boar's tusks entered at the corner of Mr. Thompeon's eye and the other below his j tw, and the 'hill was stripped clean off that side of his face. A por- tion of the ear was also torn off. T he injured man is over 60 years of age awl his recovery is considered doubtful. from Russia, was lately received by 3,1r, —The foundation stone of the- new James Lobb-, at Toronto. The sheets armoury building in Montreal was laid were produced at Nijni Novgorod, an Saturday, rhe building is to cost $30s - Interior town of Russia, which the play of "Michael Strogoff" has made familiar. —The fines • for the violation of the @anada. There are Seventeen students in the Wainen's Medical College at. Kingston. —The Catholic church and convent at .Napierville, Quebec, were burned dovitn last Sunday night. —Tire aeason's cut of six of the lead: ing Chaudier lumbermen amounts to / a total of 200,000,000 feet. ! i—Mr. Alex. Mitchell, of Montreal, arrived in Winnipeg Friday, and will purchase grain on an extensive scale. — The Brantford School Board spent about $15,500 last year, the receipts being about $16,000. . --Denninion, revenue for November, $2,719,824.58 ; expenditure, $4,328,471.- 55 ; excess of expenditure, $1,608,646.91. —Malone Brothers' grain elevator at • Alvinston, wasiburned to the around on Thursday night last week.- ground over $2,000. . —The by-law to raise $175,000 for le Guelph Juection Railway, a branch o the Canada,- Pacific, was carried by over 600 majority. . — Robert Barr, a Woodstock restaur- it keeper, has been fined $100 by the lice Magistrate for keeping liquor on s premises. —E. S. Golding, of Sidney, and Dr. ulkner, of Stirling, were each fined 0 and costs, at Belleville, on Friday, r shooting deer out of season. —Mt. Fletcher, the. entomologist, Estes that the fears of an early invasion the Northwest by the Rocky Moun- in locust, are unfounded. —Sergeant James Crawford, for many ears an esteemed member of the Lon - on Police Force, has been appointed to se position of Chief Constable of Galt. —A steel sciesa steamer of 1,000 tons as been otdered from a San Francisco company by the Canadian Peed& Rail - ray, to ply maPnget Sound. —A hundred thousand bushels of po- tatoes were shipped from Montague, reience Ed.ivard Island, in one Notember k. t—Two moose have been -shipped from lattawa to Winnipeg for Sir Donald emith, who will start moose breeding at 'ilver Heights. - e—By the will of `Elder Robert Rich- rdson, aged 83 years, who diedrecent- worth :$33,000, Knox Church, Kin- ciaisdine, was entirely relieved of debt. I=Thieves entered the bedeoom of Rev. Bland, at Kingston, and stole $130. he occupants of the house were at hurch when the robbery was conimitted. —Henry McQuade, caretaker of the .. M.. C. A., Kingston, has gone religi- usly insane, and the other day he was :found iti the roams flourishing a loaded 1 evolver. , . e --An immense ditch is being dug hrough Mr. Duchner's, and several ad - j ining farms in . East Niesouri. - It 1 easures616 feet wide and 10 feet deep in ' :me places. *—The traffic receipts of the Canadian 'acific railway for the week ending. .. ovember 30th were $304,000, an in- rease of $83,000 compared with the dorrespending week last year. -' —Colonel Gilder and his companion friffiths, who seek to reach the North ale, are wintering among the Esqui- naux near, York Factory, with a view to earning the language and habita. of the eople. —Mr. James Muir, keeper of the Can- adian Club house at St. Clair Flats, elnims that members and attaches of he club killed 2,796 -ducks during the season up to Saturday last. —According to the Algoma. Cossifi published at Little Current, Manitoulan Island, a carding and weaving mill is nuch needed at that place, near which, large numbers of sheep are raised. I, —D. Heffernan, of the Albion Hotel, (fuel -ph, on the evidence of Chief Ran- dall and Sergt. Dooley, was fined $50 and costs last week RA., keeping liquor On sale. „ . - —Mr. and Mrs, James Lang, forrnerly ef Durham Line,. Kincardine, but for a Score or more years residents of Senile° comity, Mich.'celebrated their golden I'vedding the other day. —Mr. Wm. Hilbora has sold his hotel in Ayr to Mr. Welder; of Berlin, for $6,000. He takes possession on the 27th of this' month, and the present occupant Mr. Thomas Dennie, ;will have to re- move. e —Merchandise to the value.of $64,- 414.64 was exported to the United States from Hamilton during the month of >ction of candidates ure as well as to the pledged to support rietive legislation of • own riding of East. has bet:reset on foot - 'Dominion Alliance ation of Local elec- e . Members pledge vote for any candi- own and professed a number of such formed throughout of it easy ta see mhy the question of Prohibition shoulc question in provinc a matter with wh lathre has !no con candidate, -iso n his Temperance will ever have for a Prohibitio Provincial legisla that body has no deal with tse metier. Prohibition is a Dominion uestiot and in the Dominion Parliament the b ttle of Prohibition must be foeght. t the same time, it would be well for t ose voters who have taken the elector 1 Union pledge as well as otl ers wl o place Temperance above part, to onsider carefully the situation in East Huron. They have their Choice between two candidates. Mr. Hays ha,s rece a supporter of Pro support ' of Temp around. - Mr: ib vention which n that as a Tinperar be made a test al politics, as. it is ch the Local legis- -ern whatever. No* atter how strong views may be, chance. to vote measure in the ure simply because uthority whatever to le tly declared himself ribition and asks the ranee men 'on that on, at the recent con- minated. him, stated ce man he had always supported restrictive Legislation in the past, and that he was prepared in the future to go as f r in the direction of legishaingaagaine the drink traffic as public sentiment what are the recor two men ? Has long adherent of t and has he silos practising What h his friends and nisi Hays. been; and i. stainer ? :Let th answer. IS Mr. • ould warrant. Now, Is respectively of the November.' - The shipments consisted Ir. Hays been a life mainly of horses and cattle, skins, barley se Temperance cause, and vegetables. ed his sincerity- by —Mr. Stanley, the great African ex - now preaches? Let plorer, and discoverer of Liviagstone, is thbors say. Has Mr. expected to lecture in the Metropolitins he now, a total ab-- Church, Thronto, under the "auspices ef )se who know- him the Ladiee' Aid Societynten January :lays, in fact, not a 2Cath and man -who takes hi a fi 81 sed try for missions- to the heathen thiayear, being in increase of $4,937 Over the prev'ous year. They have : three :female I lie- sionaries laboring in India' and Jai an. — A sample of iron ore froth hue of the mines back of Kingston attracted so much attention at the Colonial Exl ibi- tion, that an order hen beetarniceive at Kingston from a large firm in :Wale for a ton of similar ore with "which to ex- - A collision oceu'rred on. the 0: Trunk . railway, near Hamilten, T1 day evening last week, at Which engineer and fireman of one of,' -the t were. severely injured. .TwO traieps, who were stealing a ride at the frontlend of the baggage car, were —During the month Of over 4,752 cattle- and 12,858 '*e_eri were ex- ported from Montteal. rot; the ,:tear there were 58,498 cattle and 80,657 sheep exported, a reductioni - of 4,714 cattle and an increase of 42,436 in a seep as compared withlast year, t —The Executive Committee of Torento City, Council voted .4-lown by-law imposing a duty upon tavern ' la -58th. liquor, and Who has .--7-Robett 13, McPherson, President of of Thursday morning last week, been on goad tern is -many a tinse with the Thorold Woplen. aod Cotton Com- a short distaoce of Oswego. The the social glass? pany, and an old tesident of that tone), was run ashore to prevent four( et-ing. with Mr. Hp.ys, h died in BUffalo on Wednesday night last Hugh McKay, of Toronto, -eon ptain, other hand,1 what given his son by Dr. White, the Super- intendent, while the lad was in the in- stitution suffering from diphtheria, ! —Rev.. Sam Jones is expected to ar- rive in Toronto, Saturda,y. He Will preach a'serinon on the evening of his arrival and three times on Sunday. pn the three following evenings he will lecture in the Metropolitan church. —Several large cargoes of West In- dian, Brazilian and beet root sugars hay e been landed. at Halifax during the past week, thetgreater part -being for the Halifax and Moneton refineries, the re- mainder is ms Montreal account. • —A'consignment of sheet iron, direct 000- It will be eighty-six feet sqeare, with stone basement and two storeys of brick and terra cotta. The basement Canada Temperance Act in Brock ill will be laid out for bowling alleys, and have reach:ed. the sum of $1,650. The shooting :galleries, etc„ besides the lava - the ity 'series end kitchen conveniences. On on the ground floor svill be the officers' and ins. hand. • sergeants' mess, billiard rooms, .orderly, —Mr. Daniel Stevens," of lot. •12, con- . reading and music rooms- and company cession 13, \Vest Williturss, in diggieg, a leen)* The upperstorey will contain a well recently, struck a flow of water at hall large enough for company drill or a depth of 32 feet, which quickly tilled for the battalion to parade in .,torarter the well, and has overflown constantly column. --Sad news has come acroes the .sel since at the rate of about a barrel per minute. from Africa. Last April., Mr. W. T. —Frederick Tucker, eagineer at Rein- :Currie, a recent graduate from the Con- hardt's brewery., Toronto, is supposed gregational •College, "Nlontreal, w-ent out to have:committed suicide by jemping as missionary to West Central Africa. out of a window in the second storey of He was married, jest before. sailing, to. his boarding-house. He was abont- 30 Mies Clara Wilkes, of Brantford, a niece • Of the late -Rev, Dr. Wilkes. And - years of- age and unmarried. • —John Lewis has been. fined. $8 and now w:ord has jest been received that costs at Moncton, New Brunswick, for ehe passed away on the 24th el -Septem-s gambling on the cars. It seems that bet. She had been sick with., the coast immediately alter boarding the train at , fever while they were detained at Ber- Three Rivers he spread a paper over the mealte by the laziness and snperstition seat and commenced a game of shells:, as • of the native carriers.. When they went he called it. The game is playe-d with inland she did not rally; and died after three wet -nutshells and . pea, amd. ,is three days of snffering. Another life simply the old thimble rig; which it has has gone out as a prayer to cod for that cost so many travellers large simis to dark continent. learn. , - —Mr. J. G. ,7‘loylan, inspector of —The' London Police' Magistrate!, on -Dominion penitentiaries, returned :to Thursday morning last .week, remanded Ottawa on Saturday from Atlanta, Henry Donnelly until this week,son, the fteorgia, where he attended the National charge of larceny, after •,fining him $5 for : Prison Congress, He says there are in drunkenness. . "D.onnelly is charged with -1 Canada now very few' prisoners engaged assaultingand tabbing -Peter •Conion on at labor that in any way .ceines into com- the night of October _17th. The •Sletee- petition with the outside workman. tives are now looking for -a, colleague of T There are, he said, in all .about 100 .his who assisted him in the assault and prisoners at Megaton- engaged in lock- • . =All the employes of thel Michigan robbery. • . making or in other similar pursuit. At I —Mr P. Alercier, the celebriated Dorchester, New Brunswick, there are the the and shop licenses over and above the heense fee, and reducing the slumber to 100 and 20 respectively. . The vote stood. 10 to.3. --While Joseph Mellott, of Amherst - burg, was threshing clover on the farm' of James Delmore in Anderdon t ship, Essex comity, the other sparks from the engine caused th strnction of the barn and the bontbnts, also three horses and a clover! issill be- longing to 111allott. —Rev. Benjamin _Stewart; of Chat- ham, and Mrs. Stewart the other tight celebrated tlse 55th anniversary of their marriage. Rev. Mr. Stewartiis a Minis- ter of the 13. M. E. Connexion, 74 years old. He has pastoral charge of the Nazarus em oriel church, h Ahem township, and Davis' chapel, Shrewsbury. Central Railway gravel treble, railasaw, and a number of those emploYed the Alaskan traveller and explorer, reatthed about 30 kept at W or k making pads and ibuilding department havebeen paid off Ottawa" on Saturday on business on butter -tubs. -Mr, Moylan, whileabsent, for' the season, work of cOnstnaction nected -with the Geological survey: Mn vi-ived the Washington penitentiary, ha ing been suspended until syfring. Mercier spent 14 years in Alaska.. and the Maryliind State Prison. and the Two hundred men arc laid off id St. has attained a wide reputation for his Pennsylvania State Prison, and says -Thomas and one hundred at WindSor. researches into the historys and customs- that the management of the prisons in —Mrs. George Wilson, am aged wi!dew, of that snowclad country. Ile brinDs Canada is equal to the best of them. r, residing onthe 9th concessionef Vaughan with him and will present to the Ceo- —The, Scott Act cancpaign in Bruce county of York, and , now in her logical museum over 2,000 specimens of. Opened la Walkerton on Sunday and 92:nd year, was the maker of the baggis the animal, reptile, vegetble and miner- ;Nlonday, 28 and 29th ult., with two public Meetings and gather - that graced the board at the firkt St al features of Alaska. Andrew's dinner held in Torninto. This —One day -last week a boy re med ing of children. The greatest ,en - was many years ago. Mrs. Wilsois en- Cobb was sliding on the ice in the this -slam \vas manifested, which joys excellent health, and has algoqd north of Zwick's •Island, with -a.s eigh reached a climax on Mondeevening, memory. . W h en he suddenly broke throligh. Mrs. when at the request of Mrs. Youmans W fl - lay, de- tnavn will receive. $1,100,and the con $550, Peterboro has $1,700 in fines —Last Sunda.y afternoon in s Ayr, a I J. B, Thompson, hearing. his cries, se- almost the entire andierme rose to their building - on Stanley:street :owned by Mrs. Christie and occupied i by James Stark as a general. Store in Ithe aower fiat and 0.,8 a dwelling by John Hall in the upper flat, was completely destroyed by fire. Mr. Stark lost -nearly hs en- tire stock and Mr. Hall his 1 fun iture. Cause of fire unknown. : I —While slating the roof of al new building in London, the .' scaff41ding gave way and two men, -. named !Short and Hough fell to the gronnd. They ! were picked up insensitile hi was found that Shortleiibs, sheulderi, arm and knee cap were brokdn. Hough was taken to.the hospital, and although there are no bones broken he is Wrious- ly injured. : • I —At a meeting of the Police ICom- missilmees of Hamiltop, Judge Sinclair suggented that the detective system shoulll be remodelled and aa schohl for detectives formed. Eight intellieent and •rustworthy men might be taken and put on in turns for only k. con le of -months at a stretch, so that they ' voUld learn the business and become 'bore ef- ficient officers. ' - . • ,--Tuesday evening • last si,•eels, the Bronte fishing fleet went ontin th -lake between Oakville .and Port! Crcc. it to lift their nets as usual, and en their re- turn trip they encountered afearfilll gale and snow storm, after whielathey'found that one boat with its occirpan4 had gone to the bottom., They •were n•oth- ees Wm. and Byron Do•rlend. They both leave wives and children. • —Four dog trains, with India run- ners, came into Winnipeg,: from N rway ' House, last Friday, bringing th Rev. Mr. Semmens, the MethodisOnissionary, . and three Winnipegers, Whn have been - up north erecting a church and p rson- age. Mr. Semmens has a4 ext.msive pastorate. It is 400 miles squar He reports the Indians quiet awl cont mted, and very proud of their newichur .h. —The residence of 2+1r, Js. Islester, contractor, of Ottaiwa, took flre laet Fri- day forenoon. Mel -louse .was heated by a hot-- air furnace and pipets, an tli .froin these the woof,iwork took f re. 'When discovered. the flames were bursting through the hot - air gratings, Mr. Isbester Was absent, having left for Nova, Scotia. Hie family litiel 'rarely time to escape from the heuse. Loss $10,000 ; -partly insured. ! ,' —The schoonee-Ariadne, a Canadian vessel, was wrecked in the fuirious storm vithin vessel Let those acquainted mself reply. On the is Mr. Gibson's posi- vim knows him knows he has always been, a nee man, a total ab- navigated and carried on by the. Dom - rigid kind and fully inion Government for the past 15 or 20 lie sentiment in the years. He was connected with the late week. Mr. McPherson was one of the and his father, S. McKay, Mate, They tion? Every one best knoWn ,men connected with the were joint owners of the schoone e and him to be npw, as vast system of water Ways improvement both perished, the captain being 1 -ashed consistent Temper . stainer of the mos abreast with pu overboard, and the mate was fr death after a terrible struggle. Dean, of Shannonville, also p zen harles rished cured a piece of board from the fence, feet, pledging themselves to stand by and by creeping along on the new ice and support the Scott•Act. On Tuesday finally got close enough to reach thd lad evening .the Port Elgin _Methodist and get him out. As be was about Church was well filled. The eanie re - twenty yards from the shore and in quest as at Walkerton was made, with dee-p water Mrs. Thompson's act i re- the same result. 011 Wednesday Mrs. garded as extremely plucky. I —At divine service at St. Patrick's, Quebec, recently, the rector, Rev. Father Burke, referred to the subject of the Salvation Army's presence in town. He said he was informed that members of his eongregation were in the habit of attending the services of the Salvation- ists. They had no business thefe,ithey had their own church to attend to and if they harkened to its teachings they had no need of the Salvationists, who, r as they are concerned, should be .left alone. —Wm. Darden, who was engineer on the express train which was run into the other night near Hamilton, stuck to his post till the crash carne, when he was pitched headlong down an embankment, a distance of 60 feet. His, shoulder was dislocated, and he received several bad cuts on his head. The passengerswere loud in their appreciation of Diniden's bravery in facing death in the Way in which he did, and a purseof $4- was collected from among the passenger3 and presented to him, half of which he gave to the fireman. . —Mr. Henry Parker, President if the 1 Agricultural and Arts Associatitn of Ontario, diied at Woodstock the ether day, after a very brief illness. ! Mr. Parker has been Mayor of Woodistock many times, Warden of the counfy of Oxford, and has filled almast all the Municipal offices at -Woodstock. • t the time of his death he Was Pollee ,'N• agis- trate for the county. lie was a ni great experience and ability 511- cipal matters, and his sadden deat created a most profound feeling h town of Woodstock, where. he was respected. —A large Newfoundland dog Is ing to Mr. John. Wyllie, of 'Ayr . crossing the railway bridge which oumans held a nrass meeting of the children, who were much interested in her illustrations and analysis of the power and evil effects of alcohol, and in the evening she made a telling addreSS in the• Presbyterian Church. —The 1\litit's Winnipeg correspoadent says: Mr. Rufus Stephenson, Inspec- tor of Colonization Company Lands, reached this city teat Friday nigh•t after a trip over the Territory, lasting since last August. During that time he has travelled on a buck -board over thou- sands of miles of territory, comprising Edmonton, Prince Albert, Battleford, Regina and Calgary districts. Out of 26.co1onization companies which existed three years ago on1ye15 are left, and these are doing fairly well_ Mr. Stephenson says he found tunongst the settlers univet 6.tfly a stronger feeling of contentment ttau he ever observed sduring any of his previous visits. They have all been doirig fairly well, and have few grievances to complain of, In Bat- tleford, Prince Albert and Edmonton districts the crops were very good, no trouble from frosts being experienced. —The County Court and. GeneraI Sessions of the Peace *ill be opened by His Honor Judge. Toms on the -14th hist. There will be considerable business on the calendar. ---The Clinton New Era of laet week says: The trial of Mr. Arthur Knox, of IfOlanebville, on the charge of assault - n of ing a constable while in the discharge of tuni- his duty, came off before Islayor has Hams, on Saturday afternoon. The the council ch.:1.11111er was jam fullof interest- nch ed spectators. Mr. Campion conducted. the case for Mr. Kni-tx, and Objected to the proceedinge as irregular, em the ground that no information laid been laid against Mr. Knox, prior to the issue of the search .Warrant. The Inspector, Mr. Spragut., claimed that an informa- • than was laid at the time the seareh warrant was procured. The Mayor in- timated be would assume that the eon - the bridge, from which height he fell stable was there in the proper discharge into the river—a clean fall of nearly 100 of his duty ; if the proceedings were ir- feet. The dog SWarn ashore, and t arm*, rbeagdulanrotabeinrgegtaord,sktINiicitiilini(tn-fmtitlixt,eNhie dence went to show that the defendant ' had resisted the constable after the search had been made, and there was nothiug te prove that the Intspeetor and constable had exceeded the bomult of propriety in their search. After a care- hong - was pans the River Nith at that place, whin an express train suddenly came' ru along, and without any apology s poor Jumbo in the rear, knocking ten feet in the air and over the si Thing .ruclt him le- of out all right with the exception of one of his .hind legs, which .was tendered temporarily useless from the blow I from the engine. • =Two Brantford boys, George \Vhit- field. and J. Fletcher, have been artlested hpon the charge of causing exp °mon in Miss pymOnd's night richooktoom that tful hearing of the case, the -Mayer re - badly injured the leg of another lad ; served his .decision until W:ednesday of named .Joseph :Clark. Tlw explosive, as this week, which deeision is -that Mr. stated Iiy Whitfield, -a as manufactured. I Knox be committed to stand his trial.