HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-11-26, Page 71886. Gibson hat he has,- essaas, the FittATORY, ttive good vi. E.INVE't-s and Fi-‘• c‘. , Palittig far as Poesiblee 'IlF•At, and aa orking Ordeis krueti. aXXtt d. ktILLS. l'roprietor. ONTO. .tl3G,000,000. 1,600,000. LING, ESQ.. ,k continues- te, IS allowed Mt ! and eities the United- • ColaMercia LNI), .11anager. eserv - 4LI G Ts' fleeting ada. ON, ONT. professional Lion of debts, making bag. ts et partiea hers having Omuta mem, igers, iXamil tull par - &c. Send 00s, [Hamilton. rant, freet, •• antern, S Ind receivehat those,„ if these ex- ipplied lESS, ;CE q,Iney on- ItateS CCH. Ilowed on mt and A Sqnare 92 &Amex En, NOVEMBER 26 1886. 7 THE HUH N EXPOSI TOR. 7 )v..1gligoWsiq,saff1 Essence of Business Law. ) - - under the above l heading the Boston Journal of Commeree publishes the foie , Raving useful information: The maker of an accommodation bill r aete---that is,' one for which he has o received DO CO'llsideration, having lent his name or credit for the accommoda- tion Of the holder—is as fully bound to all other parties as if there were a good 47114(1r3erAttreIn'e. e may be introduced to - contradict or vary a written contract, bat such evideuce may be received la order to explain'the contract when it is ia need of explanation. If oue holding a check as payee or •Otherwise transfers it to another, be has aright to insist that the cheek be pre; seatedthat day ar, at the fi.trtheat, the day following.. Cheeks and drafts -- should be pre- sented during busitiess hours, but in this eountry—exeept in eases of banks—the thee examds through the day and. even- ing. 1 ela orad agreement inur.it be pro t ed by etidena. A writ ten ngreemeut proves itself. The lama prefers writtfsel to 'bral evidence, beeauss of its precieion. " Value received '3 is uhlutii 3 t , and should be, written- in a note, butis not essential. If net written it is priest -tined by the law, ce," may be supplied by proof. - If a note is lost or stolen it does not release the maker. He utast pay it if • the consideration for which it Was given and the account can be proven. If the letter containing the frotest of nen peyment he pa:: in the post -office, any mise srri tge does net affect the party game .)ti'C. A nete cadoraed in blank—the Dante of the endOrser only written—is trans- ferable by c slivery, the same as if made pay -able to Fearer. An agreetnent without consideration is void; a note made ou Sunday is void ; contracts Made on Sunda,y cannot be en- forced. If the drawer of a cheek or draft has changed his residenee,, the holder must use all reasonable diligence to fiad him. A note made shy a, JmirL0riS void ; a eontract made with a minor is void ; a contract made with a lunatic is void. The time of pa.yinent of a note must not depend upon a contingency. The promise must be absolute. An indereee has ar right of action against all whose names a ere on the bill when he received it. . Notice of protest may be sent either to the place of busines3 or of residence of the party notified. A note obtained by fraud or from a person in a state of intoxication cannot be collected. . A bill may be written ma any paper or substitute for it, either with ink or pencil. The payee should be -distinctly named in the note unless it ie payable to a, bearer. . Na consideration is sufficient in law if it be illegal in its nature. Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. - The law compels no one to do imp,oa- sibilities. I Siguatures made with a pencil 'are good in law. I A receipt for money is not alwa.ys i only when . so sonclusivt. Notes bear interest stated. Ignorauce of the law excuses no one. It is a frantl to conceal a fraud. -Hay. Corset". MEETtst;.--The Council met pursuant to adjournment an Monday Novetnber 1. A communication front the Canada Compsay respecting the road allowance on Blind Line between Concessions a and 4, was read, and ordered to be tiled. .Moved by Mr. Heyroek seconded by Mr. MeEwen that the foliewirea pereaus be appointed Dep- uty ItAurning 0:licerS, for 11 Arline; the kunicipal Eleutions for 1.887. For p ling sub-div:it-io,n No. 1, James Bouthron ; Na. 2, Mex. McLaren Na. 4, Moses Geiger N. 5, Ilenjs min Surertts ; No. 6, Reinhard Cook : No. 7, Charles Troy- er; and that a bnalaw IF0 panual con- firming said ;1.1p4inttnent5. .Moved hy Mr. Kalbtleisela eueonded by Mr. Surerus that the Clerk la: instructed to advertise the namination meeting by posters and in the Exeter Timea. - The followino- accaunts were plsseth ,James flowartr, !limber ; ince an bridge, ; C. Troyer, ;2ravel"..7..36- ; work on ; Robert • 3011, g • aye 1 ,. :.:4180.48 ; cc r - face damage, 5.-n7.0 1: gravel- ling read, ;•.,4l5.O0; . J. Alexander, gravel S19.60; R. Cook, Itutth.fr and J. C. K dblieiaii, lumber 6'23.59 ; L. Hardy, repairing- bridge 2.09; J. Spaekiu tn, gravel., 31; A. Geiger, statute 1al r for tin; C uvula Company kl; C. USwald, ravel VI). Gaijar,. in„kin„, '-d5.75; ;Sorge (YBriea, road ailowanee ; J. Oesela work an drain :10. The Council then adjourned tt . meet aeaia on Friday the- 2Ist of Deeember, at 10 a. in. CrItleiner. A furniture journal_ says : Ex.pri- eneed. wood worker;: have always Con- tended that u. giue jaint„ properly done, is stranger than the wood itself. And yet Mats often give way at the surf:tee where the glafie is usell„ which is aceotMt- ed far by ba.1 material. A smilar rcAson IS frequently the true cause, which few artisaus wish to k n owl e d gn. it 15 merely that skill is laekina. it glueing wood, it is asserted Cay- cyropetent authority, thit bad work is prtabsced' by ta both ant -fosses.' ge-fd lob is secured by applying the glue liot, but not extremely en, to one surface, which should be erqd, While the oteef surface should b(i 111.1'tted at the stove, but should have no elite upon it. BY this Method the glue will permeate tite wood and hind the surfan- togeqter firmer their netere binds the fibres. D- i -3 said by Ir. ),(1, cabinet makers that if these preeilutiene are taken, lass difl catty will found with glues whiele . skilfully lihndhel, notelle will do !the • .1 , work veneered of them. The Int7...-Antor of Spec facies. Few inventions have cenfeteed a greater bles-ing on the ;Inman _race than that whiele Ls .' •ts imp al vision It in s ix haw mealy there are at the present 31 iet telnees lives -Nv.m.1.1. 13J alittlost vielt;It''.ess were it. not for the Use sp ,elet.e."! _is. ital teal, 1)r. Johnsen rightly caeb;ve surne:ee that sueli a belie: let r as the discoverer of the speet toles should have been regarded with in lill'erenese an 1 fonnd na worthy hiegraelter to tellehrste his ingenuity. Unfortatettelv, however, his name is, a niatter of much uacertainty ; and, hence a•grateful paterity have been prevented bestowing upon his memory that honor .which it has so richly merited. :But it may be noted that popular opinion has long ago pronounced in favor of Spina, a Florentine monke as therightfulclaim- ant, although some are in favor of Reger Bacon. Monsieur- Spoon' in his - • searches Curieuses d'Antiqutte,31 fines the date of the invention of spectacles between the years '1280 and .13 1 1, and says that Alixander de Spina, having seen a pair made by some saber person who was unwilling- to communicate the sec -tet of theitacconstruction,, orde .ed a pair for himself; and fauna them s.r, use- ful that he cheerfully and proinptly made the invention public'. According to an Italian antiquary, the per Al to. whom Spina was indebted for his effor- t -nation was Salvino, who ,died ii year 131S, .and he quotes from a -script in his possdssion an epitaph the ianu- . 'Melt record i the cireumstaarCe : " Here lies Salvino Artnoto d'Armati of Mot enee, the inventor of speeta.eles. May God pardon his sins. The year 13 I 8.:'-- • • Life in a Snowflake. soine imaginative and wandeefully learned. Germ -an scholars tell us that every snowflakei is inhabited by 1 appy little beings, who begintheir eXis etice, bold their rcvas, live long lives of hap:- piness and de1it4ht, die, and ttre b ried all during the descent of the sin:a -flake from- the world-ef clouds to the solid a lnd: These seol Ins also tell u that every square foot of air possesses from twelve to fifteen millions of inore less perfect little beings, and that at -wery ordinary breath. N1.7 destroy a m Ilion, more or less, of these happy lives. 1 he :sigh of a healthy lover is suppo..ed to 'swallow up about fourteen in l'hey insiet that the dust, which will, as all know, accumulate in the m st ee- cure and secret places, is merely t e re- nutins of millions and billions of these litae beings who have died of. oh age. Alt this,i of course, is Mere guess vbrk. But I (10 .know that the snow in some parts Of the world is thiSkly inha. add. I have seen new snow in Idaho black_ with little insects. 'People t her,. call theta snow -fleas. They are as liv 1Y as possible, and will darken your ifoot,:' priata, walk as fast you may. Thy are found only on the. high Mountain , and only in very flesh an(1. very deep now. They, of eonrse, do not annoy 3. bu in auy way. They are infinitely smaller - than' the ordinary ilea, but they are not ass -whit less lively in their locomotion.— St. Nicholas. We Take Pleasure • in recommedIag Hall's Hair Renewer to our readers. It -restores gray hair to its youthful color, prevents baldness, makes the hair soft and glossy, does not stain the skill, and is the best known remedy fur hair and scalp diseases 969.52.w. - Marvellous. One dose of lar. Chase's LiVer Curd will cure sick healache, dizziness, and sour steniac 1. One to te o bottles are warrinted to Cure liver com- plaint. indi ,eetien and bilioueness. -, Sold sy E. V, Fear, aginit fint Seaforth. 966.52w. • The Cheapest -and Des On account of its purity and come itratial, etrength and great power over disease, urdoek Blood Bitters - is the cheapest and bee blood cleansing- tonic known for ail (Reordered condi- tiobs ofthe blood. 657.52.2w. Accidental. - A Chard. of Sterling-, in a rut -ea httei, etates that he Met with all aceiCiellt SUllte time ago, bv which one of his knee e sees severely hail' •ed. A fir.v appli:•ations of IlagYard'S Yellow O•il afforded immediate and complete relief. 857.52.2w. Where to Keep It "Keep it in your family. The beat remedy for acrid en te and .emergencies, for burns, scalds; aroisea, soreness, sore _throat, aroup, rheuma- tism, andpain or soreness of a' kinds, le that marvellous healing, -remedy, ilagyard's Yellow 611. 857.52.2w. Sure to- Conquer. • The most tiuiil,Iesoiiie (smell iassure to richt if timely treated with Hagyanre Peetoral Balsam. Pleasant t-(,) take 1t11(1 Sate for youlig or old. 657. A Good .Guarantee. 1[. n. Cothran, druggist,. Esciaester, ivrites that he has guaranteed oeer het tlee ef fair- doek Blood Ilitte'rs for tlyspepeia, bilious attacks and liver and 'kidney troubles. ,fri re) ase ha; it disappointed those who ueed it. II1 t}11" eanie gentealeatiefinetion. Stratford, June 6th, edillia troubled with asthma, tee To^') e'or several years I was aving to sic up seven eights_ in suCcession, MEttICINE ileep and almost unable to 1 ro,R friend recommended • LUNGS LiVER & .BLOOD les"). greatly IL:times r eight t� reathe. . Jugs ledicilie and Pills. The fir, t bottle _cave great relief, and arise • using six.bottles %%ale (eared, and atilt 11,(YA. Slee,p and WC*Vk re -1 well as eer. itd7.52.2w. Pati -irk Flanigan, Farnter,'Downie ,,k;or sale by all druggists. bYir. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, will al kinds of worms' from children or 857.521a. .National Pills are iinsurpassel as a staf a mild, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon th or. -ins promptly and effectually. 857.52m. Prof. Low's NIteric Sulphur Sorip.—Ilealing, soothing arid cl.earisine for all eruptive liseeees of tile skin. Delightful for toilet tete. ,57.52111. I caSes. ireri on. I remove. talultS. Freeman's Warm Powders itre sate in a. They destroy and reinoVe werneein chit tvin'te. . This is to certify that I have tieed Md ;regor's :Speedy Cure .for (13-spepsia and liver cot iplaint, and do honestly say that if it coat in of e him- - deed dellare (=sum) a bottle I.would not b with- out it, .as it has done me more good than all the meilleinea 1 ever used, and I feel like an • walian. —Yours truly, Alex. Steel', -Carleton P1a2e, Ont. 'Elia merit...hes is tor sale a.t 50c and l pc r -bottle at Linuscien & Wil.so.n's drug store, S. etfortlie 64.2w. 1 in e.yoii ever tried."31cOtegar &•Parl. e's Cat- . holic Cerate for sores of any fdial't ft is beyond doubt the very best preparation iii the market forhealieg and (airing *tires, burns, cuts, pima ' ples blotches, .and•is the only proper method of applying carboli•c. u.id. Sold ..at .1,1111i ;Jett et Wilson's dime" ste-re, Seaforth for 25e er liox. 11,i1.52w. . . • ' The latest l'emetly •for coughs, colds whoopin-r coog-h, bronchitis, etc., is Me; o itavrgonr-p, s Lung Competent. There is no remedy 111 et-t- ence containing any omeof the active ing 'ea ients composing MeOregor's Lune COnipoura„' sa do riot say you have taken everything- u itil yira have tried this far yomecold or cough, a id yottr opinionlvilf he the same as all who have used it, - viz. that it is the best. Sold in 5ec and Catarrh, ts, p1-&a1eians and nurses in the United . States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Pace twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask,fot "Mas. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, and take no other kind.966.1y. iOatarrh—a• New Treatment. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of this stubborn maladY.Ohls is none the less startling when it is.remefiThered that no flve per Cent. of patients .presenting themselves to- the regular practitioner are benetitted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a eute at all. * Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scien- tific men that the disettae is due to the -presence of.living parasites in the tiesue, Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their extermination--: Oils accomplished, he cla.iins the Catarrh is prac- tically cured, and the permaneney is unquestion- td, .its cures eAfeeted by him four years. ago are cuires still. No one else has ever attenipted to euro Catarrh in (his manner, and no other treat ment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is, simple,, and can be done at home, and the preaarntseason of, the year ie the most favorable for a epetaly and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured -at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correepond with Merwr8. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catari h.—Montreal Star, November 17, 1882. 882-52 - , • Consumption Cured. • An. old physiciaanretired front practic.c, having had placed in his- hands by an East India Mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tibia Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lame: affections, also a positive and radieal cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou eon - plaint*, after having tested its wonderful cure tive powers in thousands of causes, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a, deeire to relieve human suffering, 1 will send free of eliargo, to all who desire it, this re(ipe:, in Cerman, French or English, with , full directions for. preparing and using. Sent hy mail by addressing with • stamp, ;Fermin this paper, W. A. NOYES. 149 L'ower's Block Rochester, N. Y. :9,3-215eow The Appetite May be increased, 1)igestive organs strengthened, and the ellowels regulated, byetaking Ayers Pills. 'These I'll's are vegetable All their composition. They eontain neither calomel nor any ot her dangerous drug, and thayle takeu perfect safety -by persons of. all :tens. 4 1VaS a great sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipntion. 1 had no nppetite, becilme grimily debilitated', and was con- stantly afflicted Nvith Headache and Dizzi- ness. 1 consulted our funtily doctor. %VII° 1/1t1iell1g'd for me, nt various times; Iv it 11 - out animating more than temporary relief. I finally commeiwed taking Ayer's l'ills. In a short time iity digestion and appetite IMPROVED my. bowels were regulated. Mut, by the 'time 1 finished two boXesof fil(ri•le Filk my tendeney- to hendaelles lied -disappeared, and .1 ,beefame shame—and — DIrUI M. Logan; ilmington, THE C 'LEBRATED 1:Z.. • 11 A 8 E Y's MANDHA E DANDILION LIVE OURE: Have you Liver . ompla,int, Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Plait in the 13 ck,. Costiveness, or any dis- ease arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure will Weil id a Sure and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy— he. unqualified success of Dr. ChaseLiver Ci re in Liver Cbmplaint rests solely with the facthat it is compounded from nature's well -know liver regulators, Mandraks and Dandelion comi ined with many other inval- uable roots, barks a id herbs, having a powerful effect on theRidney , Stomach, Bowels and blood. It-Iva:hundred thous rid sold. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr. Chase's.- leceipt Bool.e were 801(1- 10 Canada alone. We rant every lean woman and child who is troubl d with Liver Complaint to try this cxcellent1 remedy. Something new. Give away free. W apped aromid every bottle of Dr.,Chaseei Liver ure is a. valuable Household medical Guide and eccipe I3ook (84 pages), eon- taining.over 200 use n1 receipes, pronounced by medical men and c ruggiets as invaluable, and worth tee times the nice.: �f the medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh (Jur'. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 26 cent'. Try Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty dive cents ijer box. Sold by all dealers.—T. EMI ANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. For Sal& by I. V. FEAR, /ruggist, Seaforth. 906-52 I wastroubled, for over a yeata with Loss'of Appetite, mid (1eneral eommenced taking Ayer's Pills, 1111d., be- fore finishing half mhos of this medicine, my appetite and strength W Cr0 reetured. --C. O. Clark, Danbury, Conn. A yerzs Pills are the best medicine known, to Me for regulating the boirels, and fOr all diseases eaueed by 8 disordered -Stomach and Liver. I sufferer -I for over "three .years with Ileadaelie, Indigestion, and Constipat ion. 1 had no appetitc, and NVaS WUilk and nervous mosteof the time. °I BY USING three boxes of _Ayer's Pills, and, at the. sante - time dieting .myeelf, 1 witS com- pletely cured. My digestive. Organs are now in good order. and 1 nm in perfect health.e-Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's Pills have benefited ma wonder- . For months 1 suffered from Inch- ge:4 ion and Headache, was rest loss .at night, and had a bad tas1e. in my mouth every morning. After taking ono box of -Ayer's Pills, all these troubles disap- peared; my food digested 'well, and my sleep ..was refreshing, —Henry C. Hem- menway, Rockport, Mass. . was eured-of the Piles by the te-e of Ayer's .Pills. They not only relieved Inc of that painful dkorder. but gave Inv in- creased vigor, and restores1 my heultia— John LazarusiSt. J011.1), N. B. - Ayer's PlitS .1)1 -el -aired by Dr. ,T. ..A yer& ('0-, Loa en. se aaa Sold by all Druggiinas and Dealer s ii;A:6k 11;e. a ROFUL Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, a bottles la- Lainsden & druggi. loath. 964.5-2w.• • littve you toothache? f-setFlaid Ugh. • : iaN ou rhe'uniatisnr? C•se Elide" 1.47 I lave volt a stilt- joi LI t 1.`;...,e Fr lid Li: liar,: neuralaitCf . ("se Fluid Light: Have you I tinilete-o ? rzte •1,ig•fitt in- ;rC ,vou troubled with. headis-lie?. 1 •e Fluid Li-shad:es% • ; • itave oiaany pain ? nes Fluid Lights int.kr. ft wi11 vela you 1.1el:is:tent it is aeolit • LP aiN up _ Try- it. 25 cent,. pe: ottie Asia sderi drug' st Soat • cured by Be on Yo- r Guard. ' • sneeavaievelop ;teen' inteecatarrh iviien aim ocen ri.fyin Do.ct atiow (",1:1 m -tqe ro vly 11(1 lee ve f,,r ee, c .tits. A few appliestinis will , •'flt.11111. 1 Inc to t i)( "•;:eS Mill yore ar 1--- ----- ca:arrli. Co rive le ace: will rare chrome Dr. g-nase vatar by lili 1(,,tier:1 at pt.,. Ad -vice to lvlotlaers. 10;1 clistui bed aad broken• of your rest by _ a ehild •sie7eri2g mill • 3-1,3ing with ietin ef teeth e If so eund :it 'onee 111 11 get it I, • . uf " "Isiott•ing S;, run " for 1"-eu • Its valut, ilicaleulal'ee. It w.l: relaa c• poor little sufferer •ialine,iiate.ly_ upon it, mot -her; twerp is no mistake it. Is vereeds•steitely and diarrloea, regla - 's ho..•_t„....st.01,1m.h and id colic, at soft es the glints, reduces itillammatiOn, and q tone and energy to . he whole systent: " Winslow's Soothirig• S3-rup " for • children • • teethina is pleasant to -,the taste and Lithe pre- seriptioei or one of the oldest and bet female • the blood cur -t.:- wit h s T tlo not believe that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has , an .egrial as 8. remedy for Serofulous Ilu- ; mom. It 18 pleasant to take, gives strength and vigor to Ow body, and produces: a more permauent, lidding, re- sult than any medicine I eVer Ihines, No. Lindale, O. - I have used Ayer's Sa rsa pa ri 11a, imi in fain- - ily, for Scro-fula, and know, if it is taken f al fitfully, it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease.-- • W. F. Fowler, 31. D., Greenville, 'rem). For forte years I: have stiffered with Ery - have tried all' sorts of remedies for my edmplaint, hut found 110 relief until 1 - c(»n lil eneed using A ye r' s After -taking ten bot- tles of this medicine I emlijilefely cured. -Mary C. Amesbury, Rockport, :Me. 1. have $ufVered, for yerirs, from Catarrh, which wan so .severet 1 that. it destroyed my appetite and Weakened my syf!?tont. After try- ing ,ot her remedies, end getting no relief, I hoL:7ren lo take Ayer's aneeeparida. 'and, in a !_few montlisovas Cltrelt. - SII -4111 L. Cook, 909 AlhenV -st.. Boston • Ilighltrinle, Mass. - U Ayer's Saraeparilla is superior to :Inv blood .0).urilier 1111)1 1 have I ever tried. I bave 121011 it for 4e1'0fula. ('a n , Salt - l 1Z 11,•1in t. and received : henefit i f10111 it, ;1 t gnod, for a- -1 xyeak .1.a11e 'Peirce, South Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Price 81; six bottles, 85. CAM ATH BELL'S " RTIC F41 P 0 W\I /ra is effective in small doses, aets without griping, does not, (- C:ISi01.1. naueen, and will not create irri- tation and congestion ,do many of the usual entharties ad- asn a ministeri d in the fOrlil fTills. &c: Ladies and Chi]- . dren having the rtmet sensitive Sto- machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complainiti Cam CATHAIVTIC COMPOt'ND C.SPeCIII;IY ad iptest tor the cure of Livn a COMPLAINTS AND- B11,10176 MS - 0111)1E1{8. FOR ACID ST04ACif A :C.-13 Loss OP AP- PETITE. FOR SICK BEA IPACTTE xi D'VFNPEestA.. Fon. CONSTIPA't ION on. CosTi vENES-s. yon ALL (7,0afritersTa an let xr; FRON1 A DISORDER'. D STATE OF TI1E STD- MACII. This medicin being hi. liqnid form, die disste can )C easily regulatOd t.) 11100t the requir 'ments of differenaper- eons, thus nn king it equally well adapted to the lee of the little child as to the adult. 'ut up in three. ounce bottles, and sold by ail dealers in family inedicin ; 1.,.1.%1 • • &LII1FMx- rs, " fjir 's. Price 1 atail, 2 Cent,a -•ne ,...11.11.111•••••••••••1•4,4-1,,j ••••••,••-•,•••••••• PER Y DAVIS' -Tegf AIN IS RECfl1NDE1) 1Y KL. R Physicians, blisters, Missionaries, anatiers bf Plantations, Nurses in. I I f.soita --in short, eperybOi-ly ercrywhcre who has e4cr a trial. TAKEN INTER:x ALLY -..f‘xix.E1) aerrit A WINE (1 LAS OF NT LK AND SUGAIt, rt' WILT, BE FOC.ND • A NEVER FAILING. CFBE SUDDEN Ce) ,Ds, CHILLS, CON- , GESTION: c 'a STOPPAGE ()F - TION, ClZ,VAIPS, PAINS IN T1 E STOMACH, ST. -7.11- M Ell, AND P.( WEL MarpasksiNn's, SORE "']I 11()AT &ca. -- A PPLIE.) neernesa Ler,. 5 1,111,1,-1.:N i r_rtti: nn)sr .1, re, r maimeai• on eeevese, '1 HE PAIN 1...X w..11 1 %NCI: 11 I.! VI.; Will IN _ ; '1', IdT 1 3", dee, Sae pre I: 41tet. see ea: Santlet....; 1L --)=',17_1T 731 4. 64 .1 a•N,o...•..I..le -.. . • , VI po; e.../. t""e. *117 Pi-a:emu is 011, ::.'ly 1 -it. 4‘•"..%,,adailte.i Es- ti.e r -i:1.17.- 11'1 , 1 ti co „ re o f il.:it t 1,..s o .f t..i.. r. i -5 ir 4 . atteisiant fi on ft 1(_ v 1,e 1":11. - a , state of the . e •sseii. s, ,1 0-1 eey :ea creeremie•I hy ' : :. e, le eaSse , . :sail I 'al- . sereeeei of the. ! _se 1 1 •." : ie-ults ei:1 'f. llow its me in .,...... , f la... , ei Esdemet -,,ei :-.••••- lig from '-1..,--5 (.1 1., 1..- . , A :1: or t.'hosie. IA ..:,-,••••.-, and in ,:e NN, ,, .:. --. / , 1 i3t.-a/1;03:y :.......,mpanies tar r :eoverN• 1.,.::. V.-1.1:1....: NO 1 C.,11VtITI ‘S1.11 2',l 11e. eee • •-..y rt::i 1.1 1 )y,p,p,,ta or Ia.:: :..-1_,...-... 1•,,r lino. x .,?) 1,,,,,a1 111,,otl, 1,-- • I .1/.1•elit... 1..., 4.3 J .•,:e• i,,indea• • y, 011,1 in :,:: 1 ..-. - NA -...,..; a .... Q.., 4,-- ...i. • .. -. • •••.'11.1..; a..1 1' - ! u --, sleet _vas- is s(e:ie...., sea 4111e : I ,1N 1 R. a , . t. ies re," A . f; end rev:se:a ea Gs,. 4,7 Sohz a.7 7)e0.1.)-: DAVI3 &LA l'InT2r1rTC/1 game.....t,grgurwo.car sr -1,, 'PENC7 GO• 40(1) Le Are.a. MONTREAL, P. Q. To Gentlemen! K. PILLMAN, SEAFORTH'S WELL-KNOWN TAILOR Wishes to inform the gentlemen of Sea - forth and vicinity, that he now has as' nice an assortment of Cloths suitable for all kinds of garments, as can be found in any similar establishment in the county. He -has also added a very nice and complete stock of Gent' Furnishings. Having engaged the services of JAMES LEATHERLAND as eutter, he is prepared to guarantee satisfactiOn in style and tit. Prices reasonable as usual. His shop is first door south of the Bank of Com- merce building. Give him a trial and satisfaction is assured. M. K. PILLMAN5 SEAFORTIT. • THE BP '0'1_1 P- i , g The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the complete - HUNGARIAN RULER PRUCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been ,greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout.- s THE LATEST IMP211rED . BOLLS • —AND— Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and eveeything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour r.;;ECOND TO N In the Dominion. The facilities for receNing grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can .now • e taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and leaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE. FEED STOWS _ —FOR— CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagona can be unloaded and reloaded under cover.... , WHEAT EXCHANGES • Promptly attended to, and - FIRST-glASS ROLLER Hi -MR GUARANTEED. 0138`11101V1 :E11-0=13 Chopped satisfactorily and withoutdelay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN. SHORTS, And all kinds of - CHOPPED •• FEED Constantly on hand, Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of. Wheat. InAnintninnnientTrnIffal11,01.11111.111 PNYRUY.1 WAFEHSI Prt vcription of a phYsician mho teei a life tome expellent.° 111 ding fetnaleslisNeaes. ls esed ithly with erfet sucpcss (.1(1 10,000 ladies. Pleasant. sat (471 Mital. leetiee ad; 3 our d rue - gig . for Pennyroe al \\*eters and ta'ac, 110 1.4144111,1t e, .or in close pc)ht- for settled pa rtictila rs. Sal by 11111121,&11.s, ;7:1 per 11(1,,... Add 1eF11 ENI1Ca14 Ida, Detroit. Yi 1 by Liiirsaicti .Sc Wile:4a I. V. dsts paler:01y, 9e9-52 ha. tre , TIIE, EUREKA CI t1iJ'SOId in Seafort Fear, and by Drug Still Al H. L. CA And dealers in Sii tionery. Vegetables, Oral Fruits. Familiefe Hotel in bulk, .can be .1 Canned Goods, best -brands kept Every attention serve you. Pe•member • the Reid & Wilson's Seaforth, ead Of ITH AIIO ',A) 0 • ericab Cantenn, Ce,fec- . ges, leat.ciesahd ail kinds of , awl others ishine Irs pplied at r: - Tobacco,: and Civars of the .onstently on haief aid to ensteaners. Happyto - place. Firet i'os r Nerth o lardware Store, Mein Street MITH & Co. ---------------------- 959 APPLF BARRELS —AND-- letesikts.",t. F 1.7. SALE. T WI forth. LEGAL. . HASTINGS,Solicitor,ete. Office—Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - 974 EA ,fElt LEWIS, Barristers, Goderieh.— Opice, oppoelte the Colborne Hotel. 976 HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Office_ of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 R.c Corner T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Office— s) ,Soonis formerly occupied by Carroll & Dicks*, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware lltore, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agent4—CamBRON, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 •AI ROW PROT:1)11100T, Barristers, Seal- •irs, Goderit-h, Ontario. !J. T. Gaiteow, . Wm. rito-twota. 4 686 Which have been made especially for thie county I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for this • season and feel satialied Si I t} at it is ti FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOU —TO CALL AT THE HURON FOUNDRY, —NEAR TIIE-- HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTH And see our stock of IDDOW fe(AM,ERON, 110LT dr. CAMERON, Barristers, Sblicitors Charicery, Goderkle„ Ont. M. C. rams:RON,. Q. II()LT, M. G. Cenral es. 500 • — US E. DANIEY, late with Cameron, 1 olt & Cameron, Coder:eh, Barrister, So- licitor, Convq3-ancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son`e Old Office, Cerdno's Block, Seaforth. 7S6 AtINING & • SCOTT, Barristers, Solieitors, J.11. .Coli v eyati vete, &c. Solicitors for the )1ank ,of Johnston, Tiedale & Gale. Meeey to loan. Mire Beaver ',lock, Clinton, Ontario. A. IL -G, JAMES SCOW. 781 11) nig best in the market. Our LA;fv,i, Are large' and heavy, elan:idea; lieht and drug good work. Our . Are Made from Hard Iron, al:1: will last longet than any other iiiae:Aine made. Bak speda1 tools for reentliiig w. can gurtrautee satisfaetirm. Special attention c:ven to • St • I Realiers, 11 w; re eh i 'it tieS, - and all kinds of machinery repaired on 1,..h0rt ne.tice •and!at reeeonable rates. s pairing taln Engine---. Say, and Grits Iv. I OLIIESTED, suecessor to the late firm of INIcCaughey & Ilohnested,! Barrieter, So- 1.1ieitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for i• the'Cahadian Ilank of Commerce. Money to lend.. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street Seaforth. Only first-class and oblieiug- men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal petannee of fermers and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. 1;:,LILVIE & , PROPRIETORS. O. KEMP, Manager. T,HE COOK S BEST FRIEND GREAT :UH PRESCHPTiON A successful insdicine tested ',‘ er 0 years in titOtti 01 t0408. Promptly cures Nen cons Prostration. 11 ealon:,,s of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Gen erative Organs of eitlwr sex, Emiseione and all ills caused by indiscretion or over eeertlion. Six peekteres is guava:IWO to divet a cure V. hen all etherauedicines fail. One pack:astral, six paeke ages iS 113 Mail. Sold 1,. drugui-t'.. Write Mr' Pam ohlet. Address El• Eit A 111 i ;MI CO., Detroit, Miele itee'•3041 111 Seaferili 1-3-" Lunf- sdeu d Wilson, 1. V. Fear, J. S. Roberts, and Druggists generally. Removed 1 Removed a_EJ W 1 IT SEAFORTH, Vac Old Establiahed llnt4htr 1--a- rzn /al te new premises inniveliat,dy oppee:'t.; Old Stand, Main Street, Si -fn h, v. h' 1st- a ill la Tleaseal to rilert peeroes 11.f.M) II('W ones ae may Ave lIt to fa" or i..11:1 ti.•11 patronage., VITRianentber th, 1 -k., lIarnr:,.x; Skop, and re\ :•• 1 , 11 Street, Fetiforth, 808 ENTRANCE Th.• Ent:n.(1(.0 F•otivh.-: 13, fee aa. •T tl sclviele tia I -nee ; . (hivor, 1.1 -1 . 1.11N1•!-.1),I..Y. aht1 -7, (I11'.'; el' Dee,',l.. -, I-- s • :. ((t('1 ;W. rnit-44 at 1". .).1! ,;•• ,;( io- te), 11,.‘"dlit't.1,- ti.1 S11111 ir •• 1. .1. ;: N:. R. A., *rill; NV. I:. a la, i; :: or flit, onfier-i•_vell. 1) N1 M ••••• N. 1 . i; D. S. CAMPBELL, MONEY TO LOAN. sar 01/NEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 6 per k cent. Interest payable half yearly, or tt per (Tat. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any " Mine. Apply to Y. II01,MESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. ' 1 850 DEINTIsTiz.x7. BALL, L. I). S., Boner Graduate, mem- N,X. her Royal Dental College, Toronto, eue- cm-Ism; to D. Watson. Ai1 operations earefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether, gas and local agents used in extra*.tion of teeth. Platee inserted at price•S agreed upon .with Mr. Wats0n. Rooms over Johnson's hardware, Sea - forth.. Prices as low as good work can be done , for. Residence same as that oceupied by Mr. Wateon. . 980 • ' W_ a_ piEJ A 7 g7" D. S., M. IL C. and le. S., of 47 , Ontario. Latest improve- 1 • 11:‘ ments in every line. Satisfaetion guaranteed. Ofilee,—In Cady'e Bloekl opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. llesid dune—The Poplars, John Street. 941 & SON, Den- tists,•of Exeter, Ont. One the above will visit Blyth the laet Thursday, and following Fri- day or each month, at Milne's 'Hotel, will visit z'u-ictt the first Wednesday of eNery month at Peinc's Hotel, and llensall the f-ollowing Thurs- day o every month at Reynolds Hotel, where he will wrform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tractdd with a new Japan anesthetic, xi hieh re- mOveti nearly all pain. PartieS desiring new teeth will please call earlv in the'merning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 - T1 KIN:43IAN, Dentist, L. •ID. - • 't I f, ., will be in Zurich at the , •: /.1Huron Hotel, on the last Thurs- "-taa -1a ofeaeh month:, and in Hen - sail next day, (Friday,)at Reynolds' Hotal. Teirth extrai-ted with the least pain possible. All work first alass at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. AVM. HANOVER, M, D. 0. M., Graduate of - McGill 'University, Physician, Stirgeon and ..tAccenehem, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence -North side Ood•erich .stret t, that brick hous4 east of the Methodist church.. 961 118,..13 ELLIOTT S.' 01.I.!'.;'N, nm:field, Licn- tiates Royal Cellege of Physieians and Surg+ons, Etlinburah. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Oilice,—Royal Hotel. 930. T pa SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physieian, Surgeon, „ and Accoucher,/ Seaforth, Ont. Office and realdtnee South side 'of Goderieh street, Second Dooldeatit of the Presbyterian Church. 842 1Di 8, a0).11111.511,)rItt,ineollliiessr of thr Co11ete 01 Setfnrth, °aeries. Oniee and residence seaneate oceupiell by Dr. Yereoe. a48 MACKID, (late of Lneknow) Graduate of Toronto I'M ersity, tied 31.1111,. r of toe tillegu of Physiviano. end Sere -eons of Ontario. 01.lice, Fear's dries saire. 11(-11 *5)00, .3 able Street, first -door etot ot English Chureh Pars,mage, Settforth, Ontario. • V E'rEltIN:A R test. T'a . J. Ni IT,SON, V. S., lIonoriel giaduate of I,' Toronto veterinary College, _Registered .Mentlyer of -the Veterinars• Medi..al Association of Gram to. liavit,g hat; st ver.i I 3 eta's expt Heliee can Ile found 3 -reran -Il to treat all diseases •of the donnatieated 0on1i,al4 on the latcet end 1110141. j111- pro: ed priiii•iples. Treatiipait . of delicate 100.4 _and , teuth dreesine, 0 specialty.Beeidem-e: i I .f95:1., -i- f 1.10 ;a Hate', fee:aurae : ; - QEAFORTII HORSE IN Fl IfMARY. --Cernerof i .3 .Nrvis and Goileric h streets, DeXt dilOr to the Presbyterian Chun lt, Se:,.fort 11, 0:t. .1.1 li ell$0.; of lloreee. rattle. Sheep, or any of the de- , meta -at -(-d anin.als, sacees-tidly treated at, tint 1inirhiar3, or elsewhere. on the ehorteet _Tenet e. niar!ttes mo±jerat v. JAMES W. "ELDER, V eter- inarY SureaOn. I'. $.--A large stock of. VeLerin- ary Mediciece kept 3 11114-3111)t :1- on band . . . A 1.7CTIONEELLS• T BRINE, Lieens,d- Auctioneer for th.• Connt:t of Huron. Sates attended in al rani; of the Comity. All melt.re 13 ft at T.IIE Exp.-AM/II 011iee AN IiI be promptly attended to: S AFORTH PUMP WORKS. -I Iir returnie,...: 11,0111:5 to try twiny cm-ton:cr. for totar patr.011:q:e Fitlf.f. 0' *11)11, ,,, it -1,,i,,.. ase u -,....a, s , in SI atm th, 1 would ;aid that 111 order to suppli the denials' for --a •/- .4- Tip- -a fli rtir cf rn Ts n TT co .1.- C.! .111.E- •-.) it; .1.0 1 .?...', .n, .1..`i la 2 , 1 1 Lae, I hare 1 tit it, Steam Power and - more 1,ew imieliiiiery, alai can zios. do 14•3 stork ,ilfieker told ,I., I ter, told as I tise nom. but the Is st me- ter:al 1 van get, Mel do as ereel a 0111 :le I !snow hoe i, 1 bop, :o ItirrIl. ft eo-,1;L:i0a11ee of your .pat- romere. - ef'4TO:41 Pl..1.:\ ING AND BAND -p IIa.aND areteenvon sea (se- F.neineer., O•rders by meet psemetly at ' tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitsae 1. ; 0 A SPECIAL11-1". ; CLUFF., le se._ 1 arsen 1,a• ai.st t() rereipt.a.D the. •e•- tag111 11. 1.1 flee peet ektel pre; lous 3 ears. Al %let r- 7t pc' t L tst tiis c I . xtd- rx, , •Cp,;;;.-„itt 1.- -41-„Ts. _T PANS, S;s1 0.K E :. al 1.,-1- ef -1 iree i 111.. AM AND- WATER PIPE FITTIIICS (44 -,..t.„ -,,t), (.13 •--- 1 a el, r, "eV fer ra: 30 P. P. New St' -c! Eii3.r. 1 8 H.P. 1"--;esv nialete 21d-hanfl Thrt.shing .r. Farehee, p--rf.tor, iig irder. 1;11: eni,1 cheat . ealers '.ili reef. Ix e pron.pt.a.t.terftwn. opp,,site. 0. Ts 11. Sit ati011, P. 0. BOX 361. G )(tench, May '.1cth, To Contractors and Other. Rridge Dolts and Castings at lowest rattts. .Quotations furnished on application: AcirAlso 'Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A fu liare ot repairs Stantly cm hand. • -I I- OM AS. fit* FL/ rn it u re Wareroorns. If you NN ant solid comfort call at Ro be rtson's, sena Ione ene ef these Cele -era aai. sielf Adje-te, J.:asy •Ceair,, /al -remade,' 1,3 the ram It can al., supply Invalid Chairs and :Carres. He aise eerie 1113: meet (4111.; -r1ft:01 dorabl ) Tbat i4 leade. • I' it, sleek of CABINET FURNITUF"- Is very terse-. wet 1'one", tea 11.1 vaa'011*-4 o•-ok yrs r.,,.,111,1 to I. 1:111, '1 C1;; 1' ••• le.r• chaNife..• Vi :41( t' 4 111.1• I ',en' "i/411tri f; ":1 1', M.11!1 1 -I,', -r, •••: est. 1-•.1.l.1'.'eFs..E.-.;?-i Nr717-1 l'"1;1'1/27-1 "Pj* 11 r1i2.1 I 0-F A, - s ejeeee (sr: •3-t;11:- g. ' • .0. ,10...:•,;•• • "it, ""'*-47. . 1.2! •t - • - "'• . , „. " .• N'to r. . 41 • •• • .1,t . tt 'We -.4,' 1, •••‘• 0111 1 to' 1, /by,. r, ••• :rf •• 1. ;aid 4.11.1..-.1: t-oinf•a.".C.•:•• ll'ite;" 111 00. (*it:: , Ar"?.rEVe.rd:g."111,,i:-1,-• • ; Intel. seta, 7 1 *. C s• tea d •oes tea' of a