HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-11-26, Page 5188.6. kit own life, • graduate 7aitory, gave week in the ;he studente g4)°(1 reader McCauley, rhelps in hed most to 3 recital of me real ome in in rule for_ etween the but it was rtet many of three and mit' of the would have \viler pre: few years ou :.it. the a- the most ettl woe to centured to of the ce Medical hint to see ement and ray bold - one above eatrance ;that fresh - (ha ancl efreehmein liand ha- a. weardingly ,.alt -ed with [evration of later on ; roam to and then, he students *mid shouts an hone men it and lectnrer ka twenty igitted varying he nent barna iadea and ot, to the eked aw-ay unl Tenth hc td E.oaral inspect- lieton orL aast on the led, form - ?Entered in tire satis- eral. The - tint tunics dress is mail bey. , cap and lacings of 4, but exQ. - trs attach- ; - express, LIRE, west, ,ur o'clock ricks -burg. iuto other • valae of the fire The Ioss be about es is con lay wark. k when it avernment Canal on aye bee& Lt 20 lock • wcrking • Sunday stop the that city, , ,litekman, ander the months, " ,about 11 ettle and std of his h not no - as down, lessenger rptly ad - I checked have fad; ash. eCaSkarted. Captain the Sal- rpa were Caines being rt being tit which constable •ain into, hL Sub- dismiss - ex. Carr, .company Thorn - driving ang into .rack be- ey tried - in doing ee of the fatal in - e leaves name of :allied by hom are ,e been ork Sun .house of ':-vear old nue an ats at fax' - and home in respect - ter upon !aged 17 tJ whose found Wind- ephone ved ttrieeer- .v con- enpany hr rale- aresent per an- ' rged to site, is in ),,,er been ra- cents k er Whieh 'dd $400 Hence.- NovEmBER, 26, 1886. - THE HURdN EXPOSITOR. Perth Items. $15,000 Mitchell debentures fall dua 1893, and $15,000 more in 1897. . —The newM eth od istehureh in M i tchell is to be opened on the .first 'Sabbath in january. - R. Mr. Baldwin is to be stationed st Fallarton village as pastor of the Baptist church. h —Mrs. Isaac Ye, of Hallock, Min- siesota, has been ou a visit to her mother hfrs. Hoskins of Mitehell. —Mrs. Joseph Barnes, of Simcoe, has igen engaged as leader of the Methodist church choir in. Listowel. _The young men of Listowel have formed a Mock parliament Club with a membership (.4 22, _The Salvation Army in Mitchell, is contributing $10 to the shfferers by the recent Southampton fire. —A valuable dog belonging to Mr. John Bartlett, of St. Marys, n as poison- eka: few days ago by some %ICLOIS mis- creant. _The town fathers of St. Marys have provided a snow -plow to keep the side- walks cleat this winter. This move will be appreciated by the,citizens. —Petty thefts are being committed on the residents of Fullat-ton ta their great annoyance. Suspected par- ties are being watched. —The funeral sermon of Air. Witi. Thompson was preached at the Meth- odist church, Bornholm, on Sunday evening thel4th inst. —Mr. Joshua Challenger, Huron Road) has purehased a farm of 102 acres on the .8th concession of Ehna., within one mile of Atwood,. Price, $5,000. —An apprentiee lad in Mr. Dow's blacksmith sheer in Mitchell had. his knee dislocatedand the cap injured by a horse that was ibeing shod. —Mr. A. F. Love—, who has been a resident of Mitchell for twenty years, leaves in a few weeks for Aurora, where he has received a good situation in the Fleury Works. ---It is reported. that the late pro; prietor of the Kirkton cheese factory has left that village for parts unknown, inning numerauh, creditors, who mourn his absence, behind him. —Mayor McGregor, of Stratford, tripped t the tloor of St. Andrews' church, Sunday uight, by getting his - foot caught in the sera -per, ancf fell heavily to the ground, sustaining severil sprains arid injuries. —The treasurer of Mitchell shows an exceptionally large defihit this year. The floating debt reaches $7,500, inde- pendent of the $5,000 a.pplied towards general expenses, which would make it exactly $12,500, - —The Mitchell Recorder says: Mr. , Alex. Gourlay, who spent the past season at Londesboro, has returned to towh. He reports a very successful and satisfac- tory season for the butter factory, of which helad the management. —Mr. D. E. Cameron, of Lucknow, one of the Vice -Presidents for Ontario of the Dominion Young Men's Liberal As- sociation, is to deliver an address to the young, men of Listowel at an early date. - —Mr. R. A. Duncan has sold out his drygoods business in Mitchell to the Messrs. McCosh Bros., of Listowel, who have taken possession. • Mr: Duncan will remain in town and engage in some other business. —Oue day last -week ,a son of Mr. Thomas Todd, of St. Helens, met with a -very serious and painful accident while working in the saw mill. He undertook to remove the end of a log that had fallen down, when his hind came in contact with the moving saw, which tote off part of the thumb and otherwise terribly lacerated the hand and wrist. —Miss Jennie Francis, teacher of the junior department of ' the Fullarton school, is leaving at the end of the year. Both parents and pupils are sorry to lose her as their teacher. Miss 'IL -ace Davis is to succeed. her. Mr. George Honey has been re engaged far next year at a salary of $500 as teacher of the _ senior department. -r-A S. Marys lady was the .plaintiff • in a breach of proMise case at lhe i. Woodstock assizes. The defendant is a resident of -Brace county. The plaintiff related her story of the cotartahip, which had extended over ten years. The gay Lothario did flat appear to answer the charge, and the jury gave the plaintiff a herdiet of —A painful accident happened to Charles, son of Mr. Thomas Connell, of Poole, a few days ago. He was driving the horse -power at his father's barn when he accidentally slipped, his footget- ting in between two large cog -wheels eruahingit very badly and I eaving th e boot amongst the wheels. Dr. Parke, of Milverton, was sent for and dressed the limb, and hopes are entertained of sav- ing the foot, although badly smashed. —John Beller, a Gernran from Ellice, who was connected With.the mau mur- dered in that township byburning hiin in a log -heap, has recently been stt'ealing frorn the aeighbors, but information was laid against him and he was arrested. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in Kingston penitentiary. A few days ago he under- took to raid the till at Moore's hotel, seearine He owned up to thetheft and paid the money back. —The anniversary services recently held in Knox church, St. Marys, passed off very successfully. The pastor, the Rev. A. Grant, 13.1A., presided, and delivered a, humorotis opening speech. I The choir then sang an authena, follow- ed by a speech on the rapid progress made by the Presbyterian church in Can- ada by the law. It. Hamilton, of Mother-' well. Sulnethieut speeches were also made lry the Revs. F. Tully, of Mit-_ ehell, A. M. Phillips, J. A. Turnbull andi C. C, MeLanrin, of St. Marys, and J. Kay, of Aliiverton, alt of which were well received by the audience. —On. Monday last week the Messrs. Weir shipped at St. Marys their famous lot of cattle, consisting of 28 head, to the British market. Tweety of this number were fed in their own stables— ) two year old, 3 four year olds, and. 16 three year olds, weiehing from 1,(50 1.11) to 2,200 pounds and averaging 1,850 Its. Of the ()thee 8 head, 4 were fed byeMt. Jahn Mitchell, of Blanshar(I—weighing 1,610 itos. each, and 4 by Mrs. Weir, Niseouri, averag gin 1,085 lbs. For beauty, symmetry, and all the points which deli.rht the heart of the drover, this coaaignment have surpassed any- thing of the kiud that ever lett A. Marys. f)r. Wilkes, of Montreal, died an the 17th inat. at the age of. 81 years. Deceased was pastor of Zion church con- gregation, Montreal for nearly 40 years, • ancl only a few years agti gave up thts pastorate to become the principal -Of the Canada Congregational College. ' Dr. Wilkes was married four times, his firSt wife being Miss Hedge, the second Mrs. MacDonell, the third Miss Da, and the present wife Miss McKeand._ His chil- dren living are Mrs. Dr. Gibson; of -Lon- don ; Holmes Wilkes, a son by the 'sec- ond wife, arid two daughters by histhird wife: _ - '—i The Slanderousness of Huir'art Nature. On one .of the telephone circuits in the western part of the city', where four subscribers use the sante line, one of them was called up the other day by a second on a matter of business. "You say you paid $2 a yard ?" . tjueried :the first. "No, I didn't say . exactly."— " Bid my wife wants to kuove. Give me the exact figures." - " I will the first time I see you."—" But why not new ?" "Because Mrs. L—n—, who is on the line, is always listening at her telephone to hear what the rest of us say, and my 'Oh, fraid icks, too, though I guess both of 'em areaway to -day. Good -by." " Hold on there !" called a voice as the trumpets vere about to be lowered. "1 am Mrs. L-La-e,'ana: I want to tell b.oth of you men that you state a aleliberate falsehood 'when you say I li4teri ! You are , no gentlemen, and in husband shall make y.ou apolo- gize !" - " And hold on: some more !" called a second :voice. "1.am Airs. Be---, and any one who says I listen to other people's talk hasgotto prov count! Make up your minds, to from me !" Four trumpets were fully lowered from four ears, and hung up on four telephone boxes, and -deep silence brooded over the land.—Detroit I Free Press. 1 , nna.a........n. wife doesn't want her to know." -- that's it. I thought you mirit be of Mrs. That's one of her t e itin hear care - Births. _BEST, -In Seaforth, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. J. M. Best, barrister, of a daughter. WALIGIL-In Egmondville, on the 17th inst., the wife af Mr. John A. Waugh of a daugh- ter. CAMPBELL. -In Toronto, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. 'John Campbell of a daughter. ' STEWART.-In Cranbrook, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. John F. Stewart of a son. CARTER. -In Tuckersinith, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. Cartel' of a daughter. Marriages. BRODERICK-BELL.-At IIensall, on the 17th ' inst., by Rev. Win. -Torrance, Mr. 1 Osea,r Brocleriek to Miss Janet Bell, all Of Hay township. VA.NALSTINE.---VANNORMAN.-On the .11th - inst., at the Methodist pareonae-e 13 ussels, alstine, nan,,of • •by Rev W. Smyth, ma Richard 'Van of Morris, to Miss Maggie VatiNer I3elgrave, ' •COOK-COKBETT.-At the manse, Biu by "Rev. J. 11. Ships* on the ;2:en. Mr. Wm. Cook to Miss - Jane Corbet CONSITTFORSYTII.-LOn the 10th i the 'residence of the bride's father, smith, by Rev. Sanauel Acheson M Consitt, of .Hay, to Miss Janet Neilands For- syth, of Tuekersmith. • " • 1 BENTLEY—BLACKBROUGII.—At the re -id enca- flic,• of 1 Bent- ' efteld, all of 1st. a• •t ucicer- .'Thos. of the brides father, by Rev, J. F. -P Myth, on the•24th inst„ Ur. Janatha ley, eldest son of John Bentley, Esq., ormer- jy of .Usborne, to Miss Sarah Jsnie •Black•• brough, of East Wawatfosh. , Deaths. MOORI1.—In Seaforth„ on tile 25th inst line Selina, wife of Mr. Wm. Moore, rian of the Mechanics' Inetitute, ..-vea.rs„11.mo•nths and 27 chip: GU'I'TRIDGE.-In Norwich, Oxfordeou the 10th inst., Henry Guttridge, f Mr. F. Guttridge, of Seaforth, aged' and 9 Months. . COOK. -In Ethel, on the llth iust., G ' M., daughter, Mr. J. T. Cook; aged 4 months and 5 days.- Local Notices. , Caro- Libra - god 56 ty, on ther of 1 years 'rtrude years, LADIES' ATTENTION.—Mrs. A. M . Bas- sett, 'Seaforth, is giving up business, and is sell- ing off her entire stock of fancy goods, wools, ete„, at cost. Call and get a bargain. 987-4 THE best and cheapest sugars for pre- serving are at Wilson & Young's,Ssafoutb. • WILSON & 'N'. ounces, Seaforth, 50 cent Tea is very choice. Try it. • T,OP.12; ANI) DwELLING to rent, at pres- ent occupied by Mrs. Bassett. One of the best stand -s hi Sea,fOrth. Ceo. Good. MONEY TO LOAN.—Parties desirous of borrowing money on farm security, at a reason- able rate of interest, and on favorable 4inirs, can have an opportunity on application, either by letter or personally,. at Tu' Exeusrroa Office, Sea,forth. , 8 No. 6 WAREHOUSE. —Having co91n8ptit- ed my 20th 'year in the grain business, I would intimate toiarniers and others that I still con- tinue to pay the highest market price fol. wheat, oats, peas, barley. &c., and invite all nyold- friends, and as many neW ones as well; to deal with lee. Always represented at mar -et and storehouse. JAMES BEATTIE,. • 904 f. A. G-ovienLOCK, Wi nth rop, ' en eral business advertisement. Store -Comp ising a well -assorted stock. of Dry Goods, 0 ocenes, Crockery, Hats and a,p3, 'Boots and Shoes; Readymade oothing, 'etc. Grist Mill Having secured the services of Mr. Thomas Qol in, who has had large experi2nee in milling, J)l. ons can rely on getting a first-class .article im fl ur, and the hest results possible' with regard t yield. Chopping promptly attended to. Saw Mill-. Dry Lumber -The- following on hand :1- Oak - 10,000 ft. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in.; White shi-10,090 ft. 1, 11, hi,, 2, 3 and 4 in.; Hard and Soft Maple -15,000 ft,/ 1 and 1.1 in.,; Black Ash -1,000 ft. inch ; Reck Elm -10,000 ft. inch; Baswood- 30,000 ft. of 5a in. and 1 in.; about 100,000 ft. Pine, 1, 11, li: arid 2 in.; also small quantities of Cherry, Birch and Butternut, and considerable Lumber suitable for building, etc.; have also inch, log Pine, Hemlock, Cedar, Tamarac, Oak and Elm ; also. a quantity of:Cedar Posts; 986' ORWINIIIMMOIMM.111117111M110111.11M -t THE MARKETS. 0 the Residents of Seaforth and Having bought the st prepared' to give you goods ralw sugar 20 pounds for $1 I have in stock a very Teas. • Also'a full stock of Goods delivered to Lill a and prices. ck cff A. G. Atilt, and adde[l largely thereto, I am t pries, unheard' of. We ar .now selling a bright fifte n pounds granulated Su ar far $1. . _ ne line of Oolong, Souchong, apan and,YoungHyson LOVR and FEED. 'Oatmea, exchanged for Oats. arts (13f the town. Please caland inspect our stock _ A Aline of Tweeds at -os. espectfully yours, i B. j . GUNNY Seaforth. e Gre Dece • We are offering November and ber Sale. dui ing those months the following. 1 nes ofgoodsfar below post : 769 Men's and Boy's vercoats ; 504 Men's and Boy's Suits; 353 Ladies' Mantles and Dolmans • 109 Ladies' Insters ; Trernen- (Thus Stock of- Fur to be included in this sale. Now iA the time to secu -e our requirem-ents in the above goods.for the wint r, t the bankrupt prices. SHAFoRan,'..November 25t1 1886. Fall Wheat per bushel (new) $0 70 to $0 73 Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 60 to .0 70 Oats per bushel 0 28 o 0 29 Peas per bushel 0 48 o 0 60 Barley per bushel.. ... ..... .. 0 46 o 0 52 Butter, No. 1, loose...,. .. ., 0 11 o 0 12 Butter, tub 0 14 o .0 16 Eggs 0 16 to 0 16. Flour, per 100 Is g oo to 2 26 Hay per ton , 8 50'. to 9 00 Hides per 100 It's6 ,00 to 550 Sheepskins each I Wool - o 60 to ' o 85 0 .20 to 0 21 1 1 Sal t (retail) per barrel.... .. 80 to 1 00 ' Patatoes per bushel, • .I) 45 to 0 60 Salt (wholesale) per barrel..'... 0 SO to 0 80 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 60 , OSEPH KIDD (54 SON, SUCCES OR TO THOMAS F4DD SON. IMPORTANT NOME I( ISTRAY EWE. -Came into the pi emises of . 41 the undersigned, Lot 8, Concessiqn 4, Stan - 1 y„ about the last of Septereber, an aged ewe. The owner ean have the same o proping pro- erty and paying charges. • JOHN MeBEATII, rucefield'. I'. 0. ' , 989-4 13 • • ' - „ • utrisrON, November 25th 1886.• • Fall Wheat per bushel (new)...... $0 !TO to 80 73 Spring Wheat per bushel.... .... 0 GO to 0 70 Oats per bushel . . . 0 28 to 0 -21 Bailey per bushel . :.... . .... .... 0 -15 to 0 52 Peas per bushel 0 48 to 0 50 13utter. Eggs .....: , .... 0 16 to 016 Hay per ton • 2 8 50 to 9 00 Potatoes per bushel, new 0- 45 to 0 50 Apples per barrel 2 00 to 2 00 Wool - • 0 20 to 0 21 Hides per 100 lbs - 6 00 to .7 00 Pork . - , . 4 50 to - 5 00 C,ordwood 2 .50 to 3 60 Dressed Hogs, per 10Q lbs 0 14 to 016 6 50 to 6 00 Livaapoota Nov. 24. --Spring wheat;e .,11d ; rod winter, 7s Old ;Caifornia No: 1; 7s 03d; California No. 2, Os 00d ; oats. Os 00d ; barley, Od peas, 5s 031 a pork, .66s 00(-1 ; elieeata, 62s.G0t1. Tounaero, Nov. 25. -Fall wheat, anne to 80.76 ; spring, s0.77. to $0.74 ; oats, 33e to 3iu ; peas 52e to 530; barley, 48e to 60c ; hay, per • ton,$9,00 to Slt5.00 ; butter, 2lie to !3o; potatoes„per bag, 7.5c to 80c; eggs, per doz., 19c to 200.; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., 85.50 to .16.00., 1TOCK FOR SALE. -For sale, a number of good Stock steers, two and three year old, saa number of cows ,and heifefjs, some in calf id- some dry. Apply on ,Iaot 34, Concession 7, OW/I Line, McKillop. ROBERT CA 1PBELL, onetance P. 0. 989.N4 -iSTRAY PIG. -Carne into the prem -{j undersigned, Lot 1, Cmicession 1 nada -last August. The oWitet can en proving property and paying M. DAVEY. ses of the , Tucker - have the expenses. 989x.4 ERKSH1RE. BOARTOR SEE -The un - J;;) dersigned has a splendid .YounelBerkshire boar, which will be kept for ser 'ice (n Lot 11, Concession •8, Hullett. TERMS. One dollar at time of service, with privilege' f re uraing if itacessary. 1; SON ,TY EM A 980x4 yearlya With the privilege to boieowe of repa.y- 81 )0 000 - I • la TO LOAN at 5.' am! 6 Crpcent. - straight oans. Iltere t pave ile• ingnart Of the principal mandy at any time. Applly to J.M.. BEST,Barrister,Swifort. . 9d0 -t!. - STRAY. CATTLE. -Came into tin premises .1114 of the undersigned, Lot. 1, Con .ession 6, IL. R. S., Tuckersmith, about the fith c f -Novem- ber, -three.: young Cattle, two.1,eifer. • and one eer,tone co•mine three and the ther two com- ijlg tiro. All Xed and white, The wner can have the same .en,proving 1)r0pe4y a id paying c_. argetL.STELUEN KEATING. - %- ARM TO RENT. -To rent,for p, terri of .years, . Lot 28, North East Boundary 1:Siorne. It c)otains 100 acres, 85 of Which are cleared, un- derdrained and in a ebod state, of e Altivation. ¶llhcre is a large bank barta and other g ijgs, and* the fall plowing is nearly al jL within three and a half miles Of th I ensall, on the Grand Trunk t JOHN G. RYCK MAN, Lumley. 1 TRAY STEER. -Strayed from the the undersigned,I3ayfield Road n t *1st of Septenaber, a yearling steer., \ •ith some white on the flank, and ali a.eked. • One of his horns was turn tle other down. Any information lea( covery of theabove aninial will be • -a.rded. B.R. HIGGINS, Brueefl .1d P od build - done. It village of y, Apply 980x4 remises of rth, about red color, tle hbllow d up and ing to the titably re - 0.' 989-4 FARM VOR SALE. -For sale, .,ot 9, Canoes' sion 2, L. R. S., .Tuekersinith, °13 50 acres, of - which 45 r nre cleared, w2111tiiil fenced, d, well under -drained, and ina high st, e of culti- vation. There is a goOd frame housl, barn and stables, and an orchard of apple, flt$rn, cherry and pear trees. There is a never -failing well. It is within six miles of Clinton,. and hree from l3rucefield, with a good gravel road ceding to each place. For further particulrs a ply on the premises, or to Clinton P. 0. J. B. "ROSSON. 989-tf. 171ARWAND HOTEL POR SALE. A farm, in .12 the Township of Tuckersinith, 81 acres, being part of Lot 9, 3rd Concession, Huron Road Survey, near Egreondville mill dam. It is well fenced, with five acres of fall whea , and the ,balance seeded dawn. . There iS als -about 20 acres of bnsh on the land. The hote Village of Egmondville,lwith about o land. 'There is a good Orchard, stable other daa.commodations., A good !bush done 1' a smart man. Apply to J0 on the. premises, or tO Egniondville mile from Seaforth. NEW GOODS --AT THE— Cheap Qash Store, Departments a -re now complete with, newest goods. Some very ‘qpecial lines in Dress ( noisy Mantle and Ulster Flannels, Cottans ezfc An , solicitPd ct the Cheap Cash Store —01 H offmarip &, Corppany, cam respect u.1'.ty Qardno's Block, Seaforth. New B teller Shop. Tun .undersi hied lhave opened a new butcher- shop ii the premise's on Market Street,in rear Of Kias.Dry (loocl Store, and they are prepared to - furnish all kinds of meat of the very best quality, and on reasona)le terms. Orders deliver- ed in any part of the toWn. GIVE pS A TRIAL. Meyters & Manning. 9,a9 4 is in the 1,1 ppE • an acre of , tsa shed, and • ess can be • IN DALY: -SAW LOOS WANTE.1). P. O., one ' 6 989-13 .! - !SAW MILL. REPAIIRIN61 We want every reader to that we make a specialty of Cleaning and Repairing ALL K,1;fl/S' OF Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. The undersigne 1 begs leave to announce to the public that Ile is 1t111 in the Saw Mill usiness at Kinpen- and is prep red to do any amount of emember CUSTOM- SAWING with .care and promptness. Rememla r I not i only saw cheaper but I give 3 ou more lumber • Out of your logs t 'Ian you get elsewhere, as I do not cut for the sake of making t.,labs. ROBEICL P. BELL. en) .Skillful Workmanahip, Tcatncss, Promptness zted Reasonable Ihiees may alwaye be relied upon with 'My work entrusted to our care.' • We uarantee , linest ivorkd -augood satiefauti . . . W. J Northgrafves, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. 1 H'I.J.A..S1-1P1R,01V1 Great Electric Dry Goods, M Illnery '8‘ Clo-a,iing House. Electricity is a moving Power in the Universe, EDWARD McFAUL'S Electric Establishment is a Moving Power Dry Goods Trade. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. rria: unders!gn th-sln , h) ,.int:on.-e to th. _people of Ili•nsall„ id the inthile gcn that he has lease( for a term of years, the stwrts in Ilarbhall's Motk 11 eJIa, reoentiv rebuilt fvr Jac1cson13ros., aid a ill open ear in same abOut the 1st of Deco Aar, \\*Rh a fine st..JA of dry goods, clothing, hats and caps, boots groeeries, crockety tuel hardware, ::tel truNts hy keeping good gobds, Scill ng at chew prieca, and fair and honora.hle dealing, to merit a- share of public patronage; Butter and eats received as cash in exchange for goods. ROBERT MORRI- SON. . 5 Read, Read What the People say a,bout the • Columbus Watches —SOLD AT— Papst's jewetry,storeo NO. 1 CainpbelPs Block, Seaforth. To C. L Papst, jewelier, eaforth : Deal Sir: I feel it :my .dufy to tell you how pleased 1 ant with the Coln -rebus Watch 1 pnrehased from ye* eome eight matins ago : it has kept time accur- ately, beyondeinv most sangu,ne expectations; I fully believe it will not Vary a ininute in a year ; it will run fully 36 hours with 'one wind- ing ; I have n :e4a tio in recommending it to any person' in 'meal( .f a Watch as a comet timekeeper; 1 woul1 not part with it for any other make I know of. Youre truly, Jacos Mo- GF.I.c, retired fanner. Ea -month -Hie, November 5th, 16SU.g Mr. Papst, Jeweller, Seaforth. Sir: The Col- umbas Watch that I purchased from yob about it year ago is a beautiful timekeeper, and I am •well :pleased., as it has given nie 'entiresatisfac- tion. I have had -other •watebes, but found none in- the •so good and perfect as the Columbus, which I GOV: wear. Respectfully, PATRILI: KEATING. Electrified Inducements Offered Daily to an Appreciative Public. Here Goes a Message over the Wire: Number Sent by I 'teem red by I riTne Sent, - One. Edward MdFaul. I the People. I 3 o'cloeit P. M. Seaforth, November 16th, 1886. TO THE PEOPLE! We have a large store full of the Choicest 400ds in the country, all of which were purchased for you. We have made your vfrants our special study, and hui3_ dreds of our patrons are testifying that we afre unsurpassed for excellence in quality as well as a most extensive variety in Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Mantle and -Ulster Cloths, Dress Goods and Silks, Trimmings, Linens, Cottons, Shirtings, Flannels, Blankets, House Furnishings, Gent' Furnishings, Tweeds, Men's and Boys' Readymade Suits, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, &c. We are a living illustra- tion of a live business. If you are.seeking a place to get real valuelor your money, we are your people. If you try us once, you will continue with us. Everything is conducted on square dealing, straightforward, business principles. 129 Words. Charges Paid. EDWARD McFAUL, Seaforth's Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery Man. "An Ounce of P - ter than a Pc o e ention is bet ri4 of Cure." The best medical authorities agree in sayillg ethat Underclothing should be . • worn -next the body at all seasons. • Such hein the case, it is but right that peo- ple should know where to buy their Undercl thing the cheapest. All styles, all weights, pure wool and fine :Merino shirts aid pants at bottom prices, at the Fasjaiffna,ble Tailoring Estab ishment of Seaforth. C. L. Papst,. Jewelle; A3eaforth. Dear Sir: The Cohnnbus n.orement I purchased from :roil Horne time ago, in a Boss tilled case, is as repro- seeted, and I don't think there is any watela made in the world that will ketp better time, as mine has never varied since I purehased it, and would tell everybody to get it Columbus move- ment when wanting a good watela Yours truly, Jonx PARKER, Windsor, Ont. C. L. Papst, Jeweller: When you said take the 'Columbus watch if you want a timekeeper, felt a little indifferent, but I must say my opin- ion was agreeably changed, as I can find no better watch as it timekeeper than the Cohnia- bps ; so say I, take the Columbus movemenit every time. Truly yours, L. hintelly. °doh* 28 , C. L. Papst, Esq.: The Columbus watch whicia you recomn:ended nm to take, 1a a first-elssa timekeeper, and I think there is no better. I an\ w ell satisfied with my bargain. Routine Donna, ROXbOTOUgil. STOVES. ooking Stoves, POR WOOD AND COAL. Parlor & Parlor- .• Cook Stoves. Hall and Box Stoves, WE SHOW A FINE LINE OF i\T H:-V\T Coal Stoves, In Single and 'DO-11We Heaters, with and without Ovens. Remember in the above lines we WILL NOT 13E UN-DERSOLD. Agents for E. & 0. Gurney Co., Hamil- ton and Toronto ; James Stewart & Co., Hamilton ; Doherty & Co,, of Sarnia Hot Air Furnaces a Specialty Fine Overcoats Scotch tweed ar1:1 Worsted - Suitingls • Made up in first-class style, aud Trimmed \fah the best trimmings. Why pay exorbitant prices for Clothing which does not it you, when for less money you can get garments just right in style and fit. Fin- Collars awl Ctliffs in Beaver and Otter; Caps in Seal, Persian Lamb, Beaver an Otter. a J. W. MILLAR, the Temple of Fashion, i — One door NORTH of E. Ale Paul's Dry GOods House, Main -et., Seaforth. 1 fi • PHOrrOGRA PHS. The new operator at Wade'S Gallery is thoroughly experienced. All late improvements in the art are brought into use ,by him; therefore, those who give us a trial may look•for work equal to -that of any first-class gallery. Whieh are kept in great variety, are cut very close in price, and every person hav- ing a cabinet or other large) pit:Lure made, will be supplied With -a frame at Nvholesale price. Any siZe or design of frame Made to order. ). We have now in steel: a good diplay of th(1: instrumente, and as we havi. previously aamouneed, any peeson heyieg direht from the store, willsave enough ready cash to take them en El, trip a brie -Lenin We are desirous that every family should have tht: plea() in thi inarket, thenfore buy the Dominion at wholesale price at Wade's Photo Gallery and Music Store,. S H JOHNSON BROS- SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. We- Imre noW on hand the in,rgest Stock of TWEEDS in toWnaat priecs lower than ever. Coarse Fine and Medium Tweeds. Overcoatings, Worsteds . and Ulsterings. Also all kinds of Flannels, - Knit Goods, Umlerwear, Top Shirts., Cardi- gan Ja,ckete, Boys' Jersey Suits, Searfs, t11ovve, Mitts, Yarns, kc, IN ,GREAT VARIETY. Ph• A CALL soucirED, A. 0. VanEgniend's Sons. 2 111,21 Ili:TY Foil. e 1l.. The 1 ....:2 es fer .414- rat' '+'•r.. %.,Illahltt-' pr. . „•. T., At: -.:p 4 Tc,....• i• -!:ti, Co - 1 it r,...; i.f 1:tti•i, , , :vprisiirr 1,.,,t i •• t..o.1--,.--...11 ,:l. -I'1='.0 1-.-11:..11,:./.1id p.tt . ,.1 ri, l% :'...* 2;$4! i , ..'-,!../ii LI. it. ..., . •,,, A 4,, ir.w., Kil.peil ..„...•t...,n, nine ..,,rtii, aA-t tip, ,...l..t.. IP •l'.z I:iill- t". r. Ni2,--a., :eras are , a. -t ..2. 1 -, ....al ie a ..a.e..1 -tate el ' - 2-2, = a .22.i -t-.2.e. la 7 . 1171 i t1.: - , ....i'i 402 11,:' pi-, i.)' -. ••• I. r:r..; <,... !: ...,•,:,:l.L.1 pl..t.. .4 !...43, -.ti .--,:,..t.-.r. '1141!re 1.7 :,:bre.t .2...2,e a s if 1,ar-1.:(--01 l-ii-li. t',,.• -i,;Al:o..,•e 'twin.? 0,..iip!td 1.;,.• :iL ...fri•• .11,21 .--,.... 4:All. The •trit. ill h Ls ti.rt ..C.l'i!I 4.1 ..,'1,11+(--' i': ,,:: .':ii -,-.orl,..- 14.• orkr, wlth 4..1'!1.m a.!;(1 '\''Etel* 1 ,,i. -. ,-r. The e . saw till le; a 1"-r!)- 1,''t' r. 'DA, prow. rt . \NM he SOlti to:4(7011.1 fir :••••.i2art.1-!,:=-, to 2.01i1 perehaser. Ene further partieularsappl.. I.e.. W11.1,1A31 and . ROBERT BELL, Hew:al) P. O. - *Jell