HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-11-26, Page 441 H DRON EXPO$ITOR. NonsUBER 26, all NEW ADVE4TISEMENTS. -by tl�e construoitioni of the lbanada Pa- ject of all' this solicitude still lives and no�ne of the party, among whom were the accident happened is a mystery, but found. the ore ii abundance on Mr. policeman, -at the fis'k f h t . I , . is Own life, cifia. railway the people are enabled to thrives, find is certain to be'returned to M% Kerr's two children, reccivq anyl it is believe(] that she must have slip- Hogg's property anil a company leased jumped in and rescued, bir. Aff The figure bet%veen the prenthesis after in, ury further than a severe shaking up. ped while in the, act of lying down. The the land for 20 y(ars, at an annual rent- Miss Knox, of Nt. Marys, sweh line denotes the pge X)f the paper on which. get -tea by that route at a saving of Parliament again, and will thus be p�iye3 Tile only damaze done w-aq, the breaking beast was valued at $200. at of $5,000 and - a graduate la i byalty of 50 cents on of Philadelphia Sc)jooI Of 0 e- Inke advertiserixent xvill. be found. ratory, gi',,, Cents per pound in freght; by 'the another lopportu ity of heapipg anew -of or brought out of t c an evening.'F3 readings fast wr. �k fell of the Carriage j)old. On Monday morn- —Mr. Georgd Tate, lot 6, concession every tell h _G F"hionahle TaAlor_j. W. Millcm (5) trade and navigation returns, he found upon his. opppiients fiery coals of in , �irhilc John buffy, of the 10th �on- 17, Grey, recently purchas 'I the E;plcn- mineq. Mr. flogg was over to visit his Normal 8chool theatre, to the still, 11 �e To the Res Cej8lO n, Turilerry, was' turniner hi (lid entire Clydesdalecolt )rincel', v parents last summer. and their friends. Ne%v Buttlher -Xeyers & -Manning. (5) the people-conso ed so m any potinds of denination for, -their qlisdeeds. The en- rse is a Q,)O,l rea L I-% Bell. (5) in front of Glordon & McIndoo's from 'G. Miller & Solis, f Pickering. —A ho-und belonging to Mr. Robert and rendered elections from er ually, arld he calculated the sav� lightened Etstray Pig Nyin. n: tea an eleAoes of West Huron, are re nal gave a bound, throw- The horse is two years old and was im- NVeir, Turnberry, while cliasing a fox Shakespeare, Aytouii and Pbel I - " the anin Ro%r forServiot, —B Tvortimn. (5) ing ol al this am ount at four cents' per not, the men to parmit any fellowinan to ill'y Air. Duffy out of the rig, and tarted ported last year. He' is )av in color fit the bush Iboui 'five week Splen�fljil tylp, Sec, ps ill 5 ago, r4kn Inost to Engine ior -D.. Urclubrt. (,i) ound and placed. it to th d do! rig Ili$ Ofiff [III tear up Josephine trect, but oil with white face and four' �hite feet. ag�dust snag, entered bet e(,n Iflease the atiflience 4 p e credit Qf t1ye be hounde wn for simply dob as recital of I o Strkv Steer -11- R. -ie relItching the Central hotel it turned into His weight,is I,7170 pounds lind hi, girth the ribs ,in I I 'I ff. The do ifow "'Lilly Pad'lie real Government. In the san way If a duty. g has th,­ shed -without doing ny 7 feet, 2 inches. " Prinde I','Ivis " is acted,,stn ly Since until a few good to) see the stjj(I(!IIts Farin to ltent--J. placed to the credit of the Government irk baldly cut pronounced one of th e � be! t colts ever (lays go, ON accotiiit Of the School clections M r. D u fly, however, was w It en r. Weir noticed the couples for yon know there is a rule for. s a saving, the difft*ence between the I fig ti Lt. a, about the. face by bei rown on -the brought Into the loclity. end of tick in ts ide, and ptilled Out bidding ll CIMI'llillillication biAlvecil t lftqel for -Sale 0 tal�ing place in'the Rural municipalitie8 he 't which this Gove. -eceivad from Mr. a piece s6ven inc ies long, and about ail 011d f" rate of interest a hard ground, but his njui ie.,3 are not of --- lWord has I Cnia!e students, �lt it on the 29tb of December,' the Ontario serious uature. Vates, License Infipector for - West inch in eircull1fdrence. The bound is suspell(letl f to, Loall � -J, . BeA. k5ll. iiient and the Government of Mr. Ma= f(Welling and ,,,any 11 Clit liave changed the (late of litiron, who has in opertion ilow all right agaill. of Good Enterttinutent. Go\Tr fit' two), tbr Kenzie had effected loatis. In this way "e and I ill New york, that while —A large of the members of sometimes in,ore of the th �: I e "rovincial.. . electioils. The noinin- Huron 1fotE S. fits of the haccumulated a sufficient suin. to large- -hat ight this Wo ations will now be held on Tuesday, -Mr.- Valentine Diehl, of Statile the doctors thure re not sanguine (ff the brick co-tigregation in East fair lialve �qto(k for .Je Iv over-baance the interest on the pub-., 'irl v offecting I. cure in r. ano. ssembled jj.t the residence of N%vitt expects to give tip farming in thlasprina, Yat ea! y \\'aw, qh , I been fm Doctor who pre. To whom itniav Concern ; lic debt, and then Nvith a shout of tri- Doceni.ber 2 1 1 st, and the., noil tht the operation hild r. A, Tyndall ohn evening, sid-ed over this' iw4itlitioll a h Kemp Co. (,$) Tuesday, -Decefilber28, instead of C, is boys in cliar�c, mid .,will on undenrone sinect there \vi I give tem- of lat week for tbe'i-purpose of manifest- ,ago, 'for that litipli he asked if the (lovernnient could liliely take up his resi(rellec ill Glintoll. porry'_3 relief. chief of hj_­ their 0100d. Will toWardS s. J. the r"MMMMTOM�� I M r, enforcement of thi -111:� by fjr the, rno the 22nd. and '29th respectively, �ts —The contract for bUi tile ex- o by good timuagenleil return to the police of Clinton, has been ppointed to Coultice, who lia.4 been oi- nist for that impor'tant prt; of his 9 fties air(l. woe to formerly- an oflincod. teysion. of the Canadian lliwi n ific' Railway act in T%lr. �'atcs' place -ermtiori duripc the past four years, the unfortunate pe7ople a third mote, than they ook U In. congi t to been I - L'allant "10 ve Itured to uring his illness. find who was abollit to remove from tliat clicah to one if ti; opp) ite . i i -arded to T. & J. Robinson, of front them, did theylot Ilke. that kind News' -of the Week. —A cow belonging to �Ir. Richard community, whidli g?)od Nvill they en- school. Of the I, i, toil. of eXtravagauoe and ivant more of it' of near being devored to sbowjby presentiti(y her with I (1)"OppWI into om FEII)AY, Nov 26 ISS6 0 - j X:PJILL.�l )LNT Al-.Tj 'Nlor r,;, � ()f the -Nleflial and of course he WaS Cheeed. Thii is a op li'l-idy last. 81)(1 had (10t into it handsome sugar bo -10 nd two Schools the oher afternoon * f wit DFAD. - Jr. [,Lob J11st to see oldat merchants it neighbor's gardell and was being silver pickle- c.-istf)-f-s as , token of their. the in I President Arthur died at his residence, rison, one of Bayficld',. very plausible stor 'but Thoinp- Ne York, last Friday morning, aftpr a Reform Conventicils. y an I most respecto-d cit -Ills, intends native t and Iz11 l) ont when She attvnipted to junip ppreciation of liev services. might have been eluvate(j We -stated la-,.�t week that the Conven- son failed to tell that 'Riot more than one litigerill.r illness. for `nY bold. leaving that village -and starting atioll was made I IM rs. The so"t-; on abo —all iron one with harp The prescnt� K. oF L, —:The ne over the gate ?y Ve tion for South Huron -a,,4 constituted'for i fif th. o the tea used in this country does s in Hensll. s. jnnip high Will. lloche Bker' and an the otlier like the Kkiiglits Of ve f filed a win- t I inL tbor h, or art,, glad to It ate, the ppropriate ddrelss Was read )y Th,omas in front, and there isacu. tollitbat fresh. at- ever can con-fic by the Canada f)any to run packing house at Chi' rn th, Nfr. S. C., 0 elltrance Lo"I woidd be riou 031011(fli and 011110 down oil the g, 011-90. ffirsey, of li,'xcter, niado 4tisfctory result being the points rall into the ah- licecroft. _Mr. oultice, on beld at, flensall on Nelanday next. The Pacific� raute, and thtithesvin-effocted IMOIU, proucs behalf of inen 1911.st.sit ill the topd eats and with 11 a. 8 C'S �Lrl angenlents is creditors and doincil, inflicting painful wounds, whic'h his wife, made , very suit,P)le. rell y, strangers re, in tHe ,diffeence of iterest on lons date S; n 600 tennts on it -lie that ie nendIle 7' 1 1 g S -C by her after the. a Citstlebaeestates of Lord Dillion. tho old stand. y forehand by a convation will now be field in, flodl,ins' ', and a great deal more -with it. has ,been which vas ahio very friend' I govorned Iny-elf a.c rilingi 1, 0 trying to extricate herseD. The g,tte sliniptuous te"t, c o -NEw Ai P )x -N -TME T. -- Sir Ito 'I The proposed flax mill. 'n 131 'th, is I' y ab3orb, Der y )r0ken off apol three of tile iron- -iijuch appri-ciaedt - �a pleasant and from my lofty pwajon loke(i Hall, on wednestav at. ed in the payment of interest on' Ha-111ilton wil� be itp�oinifed 0"rovern(w of nnd aftei Opting Nvitli great pickets ben t by exertion1g. niglit's enjoyment theiprt d ispersed - some aninsofmclit oil the elevation Of Iitracted. lie also Tasmania, vice -ge Straqllan,l- -ties have b-2en interview d: Y I 1 o.*cloek.. since col Gc,;i- pai --A fire occarre( '11]. t it We woultt lso acain th SOLIvIlt Who i.� about to resign. .1 last -I I I y illorn- in tinie to have - s nie -rost before ciiter- some freshnipli Illeon; r Ing a fill to mke his audience believe to i t, all r"'Port ning oil the frni of anin 1nies, in the ing upon the d.uties of the next (lay. friends in ffuro,u of the Cotivention that i t —T lie fact that the on the matter. I the victini is hurri(A -across the roolif to Nvas dne to financial skill that! slas, it) BRIga -ia Jlave -been placed un township of (.'rey, which his the middle of the front -seat and the,, lie tilibo steer, "General Pick - der flesh _&:.1v,_ention- elevated -on the shoulders of thetudents to be'lield in -Tuesday next- loan, s 'negotiated by his (3overnment Cooper shop, together with -nearly 411 its -rotee tiro - FrenclL p I . timi i . s regrded in I �(, ' __ is ini �Gvinu in under tbe, use of the fire The Brucefl� 'petiii capitals as p . ignifying- tlla�-, tile Ca contents. ;The c, inlid abotits for the -purpose of selecting a candiklate 1 Nvere git; is not and passed up to the top seat at a lower rate of interest 'than e of ge Hitl,'Mr. faines Pick - T t definitely Icnown.. r. Anies had set The conventio Which assembled at of lughter. The lecture lasted Ifopr the Legislature'. We hope tile siniflar loans ne triple allian6e is at Call an hour gptited by foreinan. The. ties everythinglin' order erly qn Saturda. Brucefield on Tge3day last to nominate with a bort intermission between it and i SAVA(.11, native Qf tthat the animal will be )rourrlit iiito y atterulaiee Avill bt� lar&e, and tliat there predecessors, but lie, olld not say. 0 evening and thought.1,11 was� secure ii.11- a candidate to cut test the constiu e next one. As sooll as the id in thd Sol Ambau, an'islai'. Uth P�difi6,' ShApe again. -lecturer will riot mily be a f ull. representation. of t h at vN-.lien the -loans were nego-. haveF inass* -oused by the fire about14 o'clock on In the interests of the ILeform party at left the room, 'the hundred and twen til at acred thd captain and ;even' Z1essrs. John Grant and JohnSteiss Sunday morning. 'this i8lithe second the Dominion cle ty e I �tions, was one of the uden n acres of hardwood time Anies"shop was burned. largest, if not t�e largest ever held in huti-dred and twenty pipes va but that Itefortiers, generally titive by hts Government the rate of of, the,- crew of . th French niai� hajo bought tell ts, who were present, lightd a will their synipathy with the lf�,ngouin, who had nded to 915 &ixi bu,41i front Thonlas Calden' 12th -con- '—A Foresters' Lod(re ws I established tl'43 Ridillga Evory municipality Was style f rom the c- rying in -interest was rey much lower the we ollimon five cent corn - water', cespion of Grey. They' intend cutting at Sunshineo The folowing fully represented and a larger number cob, through the various sbades an case by attending in large nunibers. over than it was whentlieloatis were LADY Co11)1T-,;z',16_NiE-RS. Among th, it al� I into fire Wood and sa%v lovs for the a negotiated by their predecc -8, just New.:York school commissione'r Inat-k-et this w.i.,ilter. I were.installed.by Provincial or- of Reformers who wei-c not delegates g-l-ades of wood and brier 'root to the The F2oth Huro Couventiovin. poin gallizer White ;—C. R., 1. llogerson owed tlleir�, intar'est in the cuse by eriive meersellauni, a ted oil We(In sday by'l lid pulle away is niany farnters and oher people r e " i . � Oideoll. . Ifuron''s heavy N C. R., "llothani ; It. S. Robert their prcsMlcc� - The Itefor m ers of ou-th, fluron did were two Alary N&.5h I til the ne'Nt Ilecturer appeared.. nONv rulievin- weightathlete, has,gone to NVinnipeg. Clark ; F. S., T. Itobertson. ; Treasurer, At the ap ed hour the -meeting mortg -1race Dodge. point The' QLiee withl I A gn6-w it. (I iss' them an in- 1 , selv"_ credit nd their pa,rty proreUrcid at'a niuch. lower rate Of' vhere a heavy weight colltc�t 'has beer, 1,aw�ence' NVhccler Hr. N., James was called to: order by tile president, n's Own itifles and Tenth EFFLOT OY G0NfVE,T[T10_N.—The' 6,* Ias tile !to esetim,ble' �;ervice ou . Tue,:4ay last by rill come off soon. It wa' ar- Jr. W., Conery B 'Mr. John Mcil who, after briefly yal interest than they could get it'four or ing'returns for '1886 show how tile I'll- by NViIIUipC(r nian vho is'bck- G ."enadiers, were reviewed and inspect- w- b? U'llaniniouly re-nornitiating -Sir I'licliard renlullellative price obtained for wh e -at-, ing Perrie. Charles \Vilkinon r. B., JanicsNe addressing th-C niceting-d resigned his five ears tro. e. Thompson also, for d by Major Cencral. id(licton on y -> Ca-twright as their catididate. They due' to foreian qompetition, caftse'd­a —Dulicall Livi conibe ; P. -C. I", John Thompson. The position 0 as 'pt;csi(ilelit. The resignatioyo 'atur(lay. They mrched past on the und, atighter, Of Lodge will nicet in the Orii(re Hall oil accpted 'LlId PNI - John Ilniiall, of got to say one word in explanation of IIg.9t0Tl 1, NN -as r large decrease in the-area'of wheat and quick nd doul)lc quick, form - have thus glveu the best aiswer that Morris,, and Mi.sscs -Maggie Kitty tho, I st'and olidy in cach niontl Tuckers6iitli, was appointed president. the detit�its llat re nollv' being a corresponding Increase in the rea'of. ed'fours and Otherwise manoeuvred in y 4� Mr. 1hunn' )I, ont tking the chair, thank- reaular soldier st,l t could pos*i4ty be given, to the lylticr NlcDonald, of re way on a trip at '.:'Op. fit. There are at present 16 a (I tip b his Government, and that grazi land. to Michign tavisit old O.Ele N he. very a,ted 116 0 i slallder that lla.ve b,_ -en circul, it, t They members but this number will d. h is, f ello w 1',( forniers for the honor f entire satis- too in the face of , the fact that taxation. —According to tliq tal cxp�ut to be bsent couple of -weeks. - largely increased durin the winter. done Iiiin ill pl I cil g hini in such a posi- ctiOn of the Maor: General. The Conservative -press about 117 0 Richard statistics of Gerinany for th6 year 1885,. ('renadier hs been increased nearly fifty per Cent. son of Rev. E. Kershaw, Of Cen, McLean, wife of 1M r. tion.- A 6oniniiUde was -then appoi ted a wore Orthodox scarlet tunics' u -and high fur caps, and their dress i s dari-ag the past three niontlis.. T 4,091 niale and I -209 females conlinit-.. trali,t b,roke his ankle: wb le Nvorking 1 4. 1 to exmine the cr4dentials of dclega;tes. IAnd so w`ith.Mr. eredith in his elforts Ued sidelde. Mercau of the :Clinton High choul very nifach idinired hy the sluall boy. aceioi their pt also, ii all the nlorb I arolynd, a ..hor' to convict the Ontario Governaient of AB N IfLD.—'The cashier of the sc Oil -INIO"Ay" last. It died t Detroit last week. Q,he 11 �L(j As oine of 06 delegates appointed had- The unssu oraging cap and gratifyi it was'deenied dvisable to bottle'green tunic 1, g, as it was eatirel spon' vas caused by a miss -step NvIdeh llowed iealtl) for settle not arrived ming f ta Oflice in has been in a� low'state of I with red. facinrs of bsoonfl6d., y extravagance. lie sidd -f Ile or the full �vcight of tile bod the considefittion of the maill ob- olus and unsolicited i Sir of i n ary y Y M collic upon tinie, and Nvent to Detroit 'I ring the so: filr as He is,sbort $1100,000 in hi.; account,',, ject for which tl!ie meeting had been, th e Q. 0. R is inodest I ` ooking but ex - I expenditure had been doubled,- since -T'f:F- BARTUOLDE sullinler, where she had frt the ankle while slightly �turiied. - Rickard is concerned. In fact, as_is A Court of the Indepeiidetit Orde couvened u)itil a; I�Ltvr hour in the d ceedigly tasty. Yours trill acdonald's tinie. This is sttue on Bedloe's Island, ;NLTe w r the expectation that - - .ay, Y, EQ. Well,' -,Y di k been orgait change Would I the Toronto,Noventher* 17, Itee, it Nva� largely due o of lioreste'rs has and the interval ivas "filled in by 0 1 - ized in Ex- pr6vc 1penclic'iat, but instead f nearly correct, but lie (lid not tell 11 -is* harbo'r was illuminated Monday night. 'VI recovei Sir Richard's extremv senqe of deliccy I - ____ __ --- - --- - - 1, I The 6tch Nvill be"Tighted. every nigh ith a mernb&rhip of 21 to coin- lave got I consideration of the dvisability of - I etell il1g, She appears to I vorse nd atidience that the present Gover chnging the basis upon which delega Inellce with. This is moA deservilig gradua�,Iy sank. 6lic was a of tes —Two, Pullman sleepinty cars attach- I'liereafter. M. are appointed, The -discussion of this e Montreal evening expressi Order and the organization cannot- )c jNjr. John Brown 'of East col to tl;I� nonination have given ba, t. that lie was ilot; teudere, th It 31 ck to the people in the �5T. i Louis STOCK. YARD.K.—The pro t by the 1�'efatxters o this C� oo iNvidely spread. olliestion rc,,ulted in the appointment of Grand- Trunk lZailivay 'running west P shape -of grants to '.education, to the it ject for. building new and extell9i've sis�er of NV. Brow'D, teacher, i I 9 On Friday. las; Sir Richard was e of one-delegatie were, detroyed by fire atfouro!clock ago, er stbe 0 1 no day last Week a )oy s and prior t(j hei- Marriage a collinlitte of hospitals nd" k�yrds in the w'cstern Part of, t. Th inas Smith of �Vinghain, had the -Avs� engated its it t ii eitch niunicipality to tile Frid, y - n, 0'rD Ii fig near tendered the natuituttian o otb Louis'is viorousl ushed. The �ard,� f roi I Fredericksburg. chaitaWe institutions double as niu y p tj of some of_'the fingers of his riht Omatter mature a chenic. and bring in I lie passen ers a I e caped ilito other ch embr, I p a I 8 'tee 2 higlily esteenic4,' a member the Iteforill for, the South I 00 cres-of land. O t as Sadfield ahand cut OfT ill J. J. Anderson's saw- report to be �libl litted t, later stage. cars, but I )st property to the value of Ij()(, Cj0LXRA,--�-I1og Cholera peevails the church, and N I r. 2% I of 0-xtud, so that 'now lic has i inill b convention tl en adjourned for din- 00. Tbe- origin of the fire Y Coming In Contact a cir- Th e duplicity was used in attempting to c Le,Ln. has the sywpathy of all, in his about on- 1. ne'ar Urbana, OhiO.. dne frit'ler 16,qt,!�80 cular a w. H c said lie I'didn!t. know aillictiOn. Ille loss two Of the constituel� !. has not yet been ascertained, N: i -Lefonli-ers th, hoas oil t of a herd , of - 200 f roin the Uis, i t go i n Cf. Tl Clinton N Era of last Oil re-asse(iibling tifter diinier the to, the Pullman Company be ibout nc,-b thr, Ontario I' e.. cies iti the Pruviiiiee pla�ed cl- his dispo- c (-I k We con gratulate our. ol' f riend A. sY : Oil aturday night several sniall CODI'llitee handed in the .530,000. We have not yet 1�arlle:d lie Mom- I GofD.--D6spaWies from -Adc- cry. I f C read ex trc ts f ro in Fre ell ylor of Toront( laitle 'NI one of Huron's following r6port —he �city of St. Catharines is con: )Vs of tender age, inanageil in !some which su port INIr. Mercier L saccept. : 101 0 young nien, III PM.1111 way to The conini.it hcg leave to recoin- a Ithat ftesh discovctries of j;Old C) - ig his law 1 get posseshion of a bottle of t agitated ov r und y work. -no-till-cing the executiog of - continpe to be made in 8 inend that: af all (,,form conventions A meeting wa held last week when it de OU-th ex I linationos so succesfully. lie stood Nvhisky�, nd before long some of the'll-I Riel , - lid in th - ish to the new' gold fiehis is' tin 1-3 vay SOU ght to iea`vc tl The r le I secolid in the order of itierit hi both the held in the South- of Ifuron for -as decided to petition the Government The Claderich Spe6, ches. I abated. N� re belplessly One Nvas so w unpression that th-at was the min igsue SoflUitor's and Barrister's ex inlinations. DOIllilli011 pill-POSC-S hereafter, represen- agaist opeiliw, the Wellanil Canal on CATTwLE,Dr-.,.u,Asj,,.—A diseasere'd fely demoralized 1118 coul- we devote ill the Quebec Lo'cal clections,.and,that We- Ono lere e 1011 11 t le 0 owing Viz: , un( y, � alh sumnionses have been 30( 8 el phini in -Nvljeell)..ri-o%v nd c 0 in.p.Lnion sembling hydrophobia destroyed in'r his'shincyle. Three del f week- to , rep(),Vt 'LlIC'E�1703t N z:1 egates pr the first 25 Ile. issued 'for the arrest of about 20 lock I- lowat in co'ligrtula-ting i ber of 'cattle, ou B'I ue R t half past twelve they wheeled � 11. - - . C) iver, aboui k cier oil I The Thomas of Grey, him to loyer, but f()rlll votes cast, a�id one deleate for t(-%D(lt.-rseiiiploye(-IoiitliecanaI forworking tive ineeting held at on Friday As �uccq,,s at tile -polls becaille recentlY sold two Leicester-Irm lamb �he house of his: en)]: each subseqent 2,43 -votes or fraction 1 and passing Nvill-not 'in admission lie NA'as to the of ministers of -1) s not being ble to ga through on Sunday of Wroxctcr� and James- fitkeo elsewhere until lie disunion. - licit : 4 ..I thereof and liftat 1he vote cast at the Ali attempt was also made to stop the GOVel.71101' ig pro,cla-1 obered U17). deliveired. is cntrry to Mr. Nleredtitli d --.('t not say.tlipt Mer- ill.,Itioll to 1, Dun all,' of orris, that IV I I a'r d t o in this age that such last preceding,jelec4ion for the Dominion ran ning of street cars between that 6ty, speeo�l ll b, flocks bce, zie it doca,110t; WC gull-erally. )et They -%vere sevell Illoullis old nd are tl)le, Parliment be takm s 1) erritton and Thorold oii Sunday. ucier, the iintler all,, eircuni- leader of ur- ;allti(lc1to 1) ing. Tlrcy zusis. Also n at the SeVeVal ho requ ir- —The other iViulit W. T. hul ficlient liqu ing the recent cuip1111111, ly aild t t's a N' i''hed 15 I65. Pounds, Stalices, to secure or to C repeated , In elect all e(III.1 speceVe,; to the more rofir . ny- dity p,tper. ,e s tco4. ly- is the liji'd of ,:Ilecp inke beasts of tlicni:ielves. of deleg f has been underthe Publiely stted 'that the haillffng Of to -lliscl if you waut soinethint, profit- for CaCh polling sf.115-division and if' the doctor'�.s care for some two 111011ths, 7 AT —A I -c emised consid cx� -We howover, tj t nizillY Of "'ur was i a ii(y sunse �o- be e event of there odd numbers the 'while taking his inedicine about 11 =� I nsidered a�l issulp been at London, CitClllellt if) \\'in'Thalll, Oil ',-,'Ull lay after- 2::I r liders woillil not have oppor Its I 0 odd.rolpresenta took the Nvrona bottle and tun't L p Qd- to '0-6 eft,-ct thIl't the ship yot�ng, -t. -oung man WUS driving 11 ly. between the in the elect-lon,'aml that he 0 -SDCIICO, of lorris w noon la,� tive.s'bc distributed equal- o'clock, (lrl*vl lirr I o %td d to AN�ilighatil to Churo.111 last Sull- spn of ponies attac"hed to a pliatton con- )()1ling sub-divi,iions wallowed earbolic acid "Imstead of his -of . reailin­ did Nj-e playsue tt -,.tll 1) p ( 0, r I i 0 eo ll 11 the and (lues- .8 r6iurrl. (lay 11111, his horse too I)OHincy the lanfest number (if 11'eforin preNcribed Ile did not 110 - as the _'i 41 eel's CU'Urse on, this oc,.i:1.ZioI1x ti L Iat 1)(!sides himself, r. Ii. Kerr, -otes. .1-7 Also tl til it was down, was the' pip�-i� iti, which Pacific 01 itile side of tho road, anrl I. iat the Association ee- tice the anistake iiii tions laid down in N I oean tind that 140 Kcrriftud '(vu dhildren, and after try tb c, G th iti lu,�i efforts to go�t tnotifv -nian of each mulli-I -when Iie immediately sent a me,:SeDger LY -11d on these alone; Mr. eredith also wero� loft. buggy! w Crossing tfk�e railwy track the poilics iaii rVilarted and -4 -it I)$ e nd Itheoccupatit' 11' re thrown cipality at least tell clays ffefore tile' for his phy8ician, who pronoptly ad- i- 1 failed to Doint.out that if ju�dged him- i� Mol light occurred " I inade a break nd down � trect tit a holding of ally conventioll-) of the number ministered s , ach cijjeti,�-s u�3 soon checked . ; . I I Oil out. Mr. pence -was bad.] Cut bout we were t It d Monday bqtween the police and It, pace. They turned'at the turner ey -elf by the' sanie rule' that lie judife. the lica(l 4nd neck, but NIrsi and -Miss Ne Ofdoegteseachpo'lling sub -division ;,I the fa�al re�ulti'whiclj ha - fol - be conipreil, �,%-ith the adilresses 011 SUIli- of Josephine and Victoria st,ects, rau- _V�r Mercier, lie would be ell,' Spence haplIfly eSCaP'r-d e-ich inunicipality clititled t (I rgeable i - . . I , * � i _d a nuirib(r of cattle in all - acti6ii gainst a telegrph pole and ot clear, o elect. lowed,-alid I I ic is out,of danger. 017 Yy our own A lodg.c of the IjAppendent report Ivas alopted and the repr - i -elit, and a -met; of'400 attacked the - le vil at is now being for I —Quite an excitement was occasioned I 11 4.1 10 aln'se th, Order only to bo stopped at a tic p6st a fe%v e wit' This f U I ood Tempiers will I I-ivaped upon Ito-mn Catholics' and the i t I - -� and Q 1)), further on, against w iiel "'ill I)e up)" this basis in future. tile oher night b� the arrest of Captai The . in, son flat attenipted to rescue th' e It- s the young people of 8thishink and sur- The CoiiA, th(n. proceeded to the i I they y li batons and bay- nomination of c3aididatc. f(.Lflll, j- given in, these C"itholic religion by- the Toronto I t1le new conimandnt of the al- tle The poli 'C. wit got one on 'each sidoe and stood- still. u u try. T -he Only vatio' 11 corps In theniob after wolldiug The oecupants Nvc,re thrown out, nolic of Pat s. Thecorps were reports, and fle'llce the utterances Of the of LncknolNy,' has been invi'teit to colne ones no'lilillated welic '-,ir Richard Cart - 1 and othec Coiisurl�7ative and be i several thelli being eri6lisly injure(l, but Coll- having their air praer-tilee speakers ill Compare ti -tore, fvorao and or � t MiZefjhc Lodge. The tem -per- w neglected to mention the fact cyuo-N)�.. I I ly fattlic. �',, Wrilght nd -Mr. JQIIII A ing, cyclone or siderably bruised. Tli'e pli,toll Nvs when along, canie Caines selitillient is oil the ris.3 III d t I I ballot being t,ikcm !the Tcrutineers all- -d�red ti iclites of the i"rovince e young folks re taking a lively interest oullecd that r. Cartwright repoi-t bet -ti. while tht l . or 'era d,- '-., t1rn hail a fit tt the leading 1, etric, 9t fil �Itruck G r I�nsas, not badly daniaged. and oi icin to move. Not being had re- satitsfied with the alacrity with whiell at 8.40 ., iii.� oil konday, and :pq 011' of the temperance the largest number of votes. the roporter ha -4 lmd I`Ct(ir ssed in th —A conventi 9t - y Of are: Conservatives, nd have work. -or celv( command, the constoble through the 11sesidence portion of the AA kers of this couhty Nvas held in the - - Sir III ichard S ll­onii�ation was then made they obeyed th�e fTakin-Z, tl'e peeches de- I been life-long -stipporters-of-bis leder' town. Thest0rin-Nvasonh Five hundre'd boxes of the 96ptem-, 1jpt. st church, on nesoly advanced' and' took the captain ilito y 50 to 76 fe6,-t i unallillious. The"S crctary,%vas instructi- livered Ify Sir �John ber and October make of cheese, belong- and .va-s'fairly ed to clistody, lodging him in the cell. Sub - I I aud chief, Sir John Macdonald. All th lighter buildings -N�'ci-e 'afternoon of last i t White: t -t-11 a few instances th-a Orrey nd Morris fa veek, action of the sequently tbe l'olice Magistrate dismiss - n( lVe have thus gi� nuaiber of persons in-;, "I t tory, was attended. A] r. JD. 1). Wilson, (if Seaforth, ition to� `�ir" Ulichard Cartwright ed k6e case tsou, the v ell -known President of the Scott. Act Association, thern. with tliose of Ifoll., _Vr'."Blakc and of what tllc Cose'rvative le and report his ti ccis�oii to tile Presiden aders did Ile paid 12.f ents per occupied the chair. The pi "llcipal t i3ight last,week Alex. Carr, 1.01�'l o J110. Robel vel D, B. -I V lie wheat crop of the' thee e man. RE T opi, A re�;olution Was th011unaniniously ass- a ,v�ll:to-do farnie,r"of Essa, I'D company 1�"ir 1)' ch"(1 ('t"WVight, id We' are ' OT Say' ill their speeches t G-oderiah. Red River Val ey: proves larger than the pounji for 300 -boxes and 12�'j cents for of discussion ws a resolution to fo iire th- 'Lnv the o her 200 b,)x v lfl ed. to the eff-ect tbati in the event olp ir J)"litif.-idly We have not; space to -pursue the su stim .1 es. T e, elevators an(I ward- es. Th e fa c tory - 11 s electoral unions in every town aiid toN Hill, a shopinaker of Thor- Richard Cartwriuh de0ining to accept been very well handled this year. itio, ship in the county, the niewbera of tell, county of imcoe, was driving holuses'along thel'Movilitoba rohd' are full would give verdict in favar o farther this week, and must leave al.a Forbes was salesman. which are to work and vote Only for the noinitiationo, Air. ohn INIeNLlil- t the illail train runnina into the latter ljv great to ovefflowing. � III some of the townal agains Ilan b.� the unanimous candidate. r. -Lniier in Nrh ic they IN-1cPherson, Do[ tity-Re temperance candidates.iti both municipal 'Thornton depot, the road nd trae'k be - exposure of the ni-L farnie ipile. th ir acks out. of doors, s , eve The cif the Xonservatix - 0 '_Ur- Ca-meron until 11 * I of Turnberry, met with a pa, nful acci- ill tbauked the Convention foi- I ext the is hilitble to fill- ish cars fA, and Parlililentary elections, and tl i 1Dgr alinost alougside'of each other. Hav- their action and tho�� proccedij)(ys Closed at s far as Week. enougl 'to dent an Saturday ithst. He was driving course Was finally decided upon. I 9 got slightly in they tried I haul It to the market. TI _- ie in the usual. way. in along the road in his buggy when e' they Avent, wore plausible, and a person railways say the move'nent of grain veuilirr the Rev. NV. Burgess, of Llsto- to make the, crossing first, lint in doing net a runaway tem, the result be- we], delivered Wrring temperance so they; were riin into and one of the from t le Red Valley is unprecel lie t ing a. Collis I An Honored Representati wtio-C�.i�tlr.ifjtkii.-)w.atxyb&tter Avaul(i be V,J, dented. ion. Mr. McPherson was address ii the town hall to a, lare Toronto: Topics. horses killed. Oarr received faWin- 11 almol-st lell to that the Dominion Th-cre are fe Parliain lthro�j,,ki out against the fence, 0 entary repre- 13ULG).MA.—G'eneraI' Kaulbars- ZD his fore-- audience. The next meeting of the as- I(From Out own correspollti ell t.) after. Helaves I(:GVCrUTIWnt 1101JUSt nd econonical in Carrada who ei-.* y ui�c' and ill- the I licad�being slic"litly -cut and two ribs a sinall immily., ssian ryonsuls left B.ul- sociatioii will he held in Clinton at the Frozen hard bet feet but broken or badl'y' in.-ur. that ed. Th s, we are call of the E'xecutivc: it deceiver litinctiun recently conf��rrcd upon Mi.. gitria oil Saturday, in consequence of the - beautiful overhead is the conflition of —A j)r6cnres-,, giving the name of 0111 0 cameron. verital)IC satn, nd that C, Cameron, of West 11tiran, an refusal o'ki'thc liegelits to disihiss fr '60�ry to say, will keep him in tll'e house —Rev. J. Hou'gh, f Londesboro, "let the weather to�day, but -whafeliages it Mrs. Hattie Bailey and accompanied b - L : I (I if office tile coil', Anidant at Phitippoplis. fo . r . a short time. with a serious loss on Sunday e%,CDIlltl, y the prtv re In lea"Lle NTith his constituents were proud of him lye- may go thmigh I)cf)rc this reaches you, man 1141ned Duran, both of whom are General Kxu.11)- —Lastweck a number of I ars., in his not(-, to the tile hotel before last. Oil his way from Kinbur ­rvbela and l"ol;E4 all 6'ON! . keepErs of Brussels Nvere cited. bc'fore I will not attemp" toguess. Av., said to belon to St. Thoinas, have- been Iplausi- fO1`0 tlI(T should be dobly sd now. NVO 13UlgiLrJ ?_,rnment aimouncing I cek 0 iis and when Dear ]ionic, ])is horse cougheol ago th c ,roun Ll- was leovored wi tit a -%,vli ite arrested in Detroit. The New York S,u he G Police Mgi.stratc-6inith, .16t tl,.c instance several tinies, and was found to be bleed- 1) departure, sayE4 'ov'ernmeut Ila ble we're tliffill do ot reineiliber pf an instance in the a re- iantle for the first time this eason, in of License In says th-At at the " boarding " house of 3 cc G spector Millar, to answer ing heavily from the lutigs. Airs. 13alley was found a 11; year old a ',Sia's G -unsels,,which It was led fa t -ve do not have nearly so niti6h lair.. of ill- flistorY Of this Cmult -Y NN hen PaIi - tended to extricate Bulgaria froIll It cr to cNarges. for violations of tile Scott home carefully, -bu t (I ied in less thmi an Sow here as A Van CVtity, thiLt tlWy VVIIIIIII U11110 1, nic-litary representative h. girl -ethic ifam:eof Act. The cases are the'first that have ])our. It Was opened on the followilip, dwli ed tlicir overcoats aid her was .1 fAr- -it eLd O -Ile. -is been follow- ve in -Se-forth. The who difficul its, Ind 'has continued its in - Como Busher, to helieve th'it folln A. i-, by so prominent of his p,)Iiti- solent ;Lttacks ',Pon 1�ussian subjects. ,,up before Police 'Njagist -teSmith, (I y, and the IoNver part. of both ]ungs the p� r, thr' e mile -'from ,it. Thollas, and ier presd have rcL Ilis fur I nce 1111led t� she hd been enticej jv- ith, avoNve winter onartei's, t4c housekeepers are �:jy fro��Ij ln�jein 6 _11)�Yllcllts but %�Iien they�canie to trial, there was S.kilit, ',LjI11 t!I-L' IliUl Ilf all(I Ili.j C )lle,affilo.S CA M object lie adds, iafSi,seIcss was found to be decayed and rotted. 'lot a�parti6lc of evidence to sufl)stantiatc The blood had evidently boUll. 007,iDg p ,I t ,I Nvindows, these and I the belief that she -was to Obtain respec in -on the storntt t - And of and him, as that -ges, and a"cordingly all were froin the snil.1 blood vessels into the fit di- ned in,:�ii- colliplelely, lost 'The retirement o'f* clice in. a. cliai U., it III it is 11,111oubte whioll D Lill and (,odcrich npiany other si-iiis inetivate th: emplpynient, ]),it only to ter poll ,I 'a front. Bulgaria: is dismi sed. at autunlif. cavities in and around the lungs for is already Lt that -title. girl, aged 17 IV tht. t1likt ill all -f on Frid last, Mr. Canicroll inlis bc poken lof in. 'L*1LID t lie Euro )eaii �apitals —i'llie Brussels Ilost f r a life of h, t of last week sonic timc*past, as it had I'MCD 1&edillfil Z� \'()% years, 11.031 the rot rict of ussia before thc united re to state that ft lot c -old cniw, the sddL opponen i1i'leed fso oil, tile nose before it Nvas sold to hini, p"rents live i2h I,ondoii, was l -v) fr)llIId �Iv tol-I t1l, trilth, ],lit tile says -us plesti I of the force of well-known in "Illis locl-, the haVill"I been only two Nviui wtonnill-IltC ubjects Ntiijds, aA jad:vd wo it, A t( 1 1 t, L. fods aud in tile d(In. Ibeen placed under lon clays before Thert is itich I ity, pl,39Cd his -.tmin- brb,Ii tile ex t lone ;.it of the rilisdeeds h 'protect o'l of the. Frulich diplomatic, Well to the front in sympathy niong the peoplc for r. rp in th� cit�v, we do Ilot -7-The te'lelil Ito 'how what lasvi eekI and stood see eveil sor are up III afrainst the telephone III h,LVC StVLIC class, Ife rrived I1101110 f Hough, nil stront, towrds the the bro-Avii scar, n1ked -onto on sp,any, and have y reso lved ()It of Friday afternoon. party who sold it to him, as the los:s falls solenin and there is as nine]) lit) Cott of,the C.0111pally, telepholle nrarel Y whell hy ference t'%%'Its deellied liucessary on the P:Lrt of in the town Con- nda 1 4fternoon o f la-st licitor, all(] Lhat.hi� Career .q on of. Ct)lllltry it '--tht ;.., if th(t I V011 . )[)-Uly N% hilt N r r. I lierr, of WL,I t-tku thein in 0 er will t out th.,­ r lead- Barri:: t L (I I. Ifo lot the -it intuntion of rais- ut (I ri vi if g I fis Linilvand it qoUl)lc Pst. ncli,_t its III -::v. I Huts sure to snifle npon him. I le its native Ehglkh NA- t1i - tht-v 'Lnd two of his tffleSt Colle i, . ;"t 'k . ltphi -to' -week. -20 n, thL� (Jay I� Ilon. Mr. iik' his up by a slib;leader ])(:Cattle l the to S50 per an- Illizz.,ic L 011 \-ol the south '1(1 of I., to the C Illout to try awl rvfute tj on* pro -0 AL'r, to 111(� lo� . 1 i I 1.� of gh ;.,Il the vor o het Plk!llt, ;U[Mittill ITI-ir, li,lurfli LLn(t discredit ntl th"t to be fi'(Itll tl­)rIIi'I'rc1IId rpri�_,ed to I)Ctroit. I Thn have bw'n tlIL'y.CaII)C dtiwii horscs� 811(i, - - given by lllkc of tile 'Ilul)- author of tllcII1 SO that lie Coll](I 11C)t great A"Y" 1111,1jurt, except a light flesh Irs-, tj 8 tt aftvr the St in. e of sneed I They urged the -or a pciiion and (if the Cops "j n tion of exhsting a f'(Le of C to rise, f all(I tey osTer- file charg t Correct, showed Ll"'Lill a so- t i -i L,LVI i, 1) t, t %A oit it III,. lit returned to the i wo,uld thus be relieved of to they made turn n threw 'Lit ed for rj ic C�� e r p 0 a n tht tile )ca�t ji�j(l lie fitrill ill the octApalits very I tion over file -to Detroit, which maru th-in they. took fratti. theill, 11,11- the rig Out 6D to tile )rokei her I.eg in the vicillity of the hip and hearing of the prob welcome and tro-ublesallic presence. 91. ability of irrin useful the other da, . A and . hodid, it in this way.�' lle.,said that But it is pleasing to krLow th. h ry f4ll into the bay and ound. Before ging ai inember of soine of thein estimate would add -S400 9 Joint. Being advised of. the im oossibility being fouild-in that locality went 8ebool of Infant '600 at year to their rental. Ilencl at the ob- dniinals were ca ured. 8 tran to $ 16V ge to say,, f care, the animal was sh�t. How to see his land. The, prospecting parties would hav6 been drowned had not a the kick. W.", _= 26, 0 Per,th Items. Mitc -bell _tIvbtnt1 and: 6 I 5, 000 mre in --The is to be open'!',! JayMr. 1, LIXIW* I is to If" ;,t Fnilartop as 13a,pt _Qt ell ,", Yeo, of 11:111i !,as Mrs. r kill" 4' fornit ofrecent —A john eaafe%v1l:-N.-;!_' creant. —Th4-- Stir W-1 provi(led ;L -it if Walks clear tiiis Uilitt'r. be t 1w aty htheirgreat ties a,-(. bUil --Tile f n fTbolill), on %x as .Li� dist evning the)4th iii,t- !Ias 8th of Ativ —At) knee I -at horse t) — r. A� resi(lelit 4)f f,,r it) a fLNv w, A:k ,r -,r ur Fleury Works. sreporte,l tlji�. prietor of the Kirkton clitze,�U villagia for 1'.Irlli lef t leaving 3311111f'rou- hmtr�ippea at th,e ut)r cpf t.. eburelf -Suilday foot cati-rilt-jil t b f je ly eav to spranis and ibjuries. ---�Tbe reasurer ol e The -neral which w0l; ..ge e a u t) y TeAlex, at He'report" a i;,Llry sli�eA_1>Sf1z1 ar tory season -for the bitttvr h, had! the oilde,of the rociatiol), the your date. dTygoO(IS A-1-essrs, cct: It Bros., of Lij Will reiain hi town and otber _01-1�e thkV, lWA oa -,cry that faa canic in ontaet Nvith tht. 1111� tore <,If partof tile otberAN, wrist. and r school, is lose; lier as thvir ti -ache �r'. Honey 114S year ati of asemlor —A t breach of Alvi, off " Bruce county. related her s(;ry (if !Life. had llextell ,over ten Lothario dill imt, chaii ge�l awl N,erdict of —A .pabiful Cbaries, son of M r. I'lif �r at the hnMg altlilij:"It -1) jr Nvbo dered. in that 1#y b2 the w_*_,hhor'-. hati laid himmi hiew� two pfenitentlary. A took *to raid tbe till at Mo _Tbe, off very D. A., The choir tfivil si).4 all 'by a, fiby ada by tiv� well. niade by th,t. R A� Ky, of Milyvi-ton, all receive -1 1,V tim. Weir loit of II to beauty, 0