HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-11-26, Page 2Noym,113rsiz 26, THE HDRON 'idXPOSITOR. 'hen snoring SIMPL� DAN. inoments,.w ariffounced the neared my' place Of concealment, 'and REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.
fact, tht 10nda was sl eping. n hoisting the .0-6rner of the quilt in STo VEs I e agat
1101,V AV_NT 501�N-111A julm) v, aFFiaER "lWhile-she nodd T OUSE IN SEAFORTIl FOI SALE.-F6r sale MONTREAL H' USE ed and snored, I Tront of me, reached her hand in and - y .1 OVT (IF A MUM JIL;Nt exitit-iined or rather felt around- quietly said in a lo%V. voice: the comfortable residenc. now occupied by the undersigned. It contains- 3even roonis and to see wh ere I was. I found, that I "'Gib me dem clothes you done'to"ok aninnier kitchen, and hard an 'soft water, and A group of some ten boon co'nipanions stood in a deep door -way, that seemed off, den take dis: an' eat it,' and again is within two minutes walic of Main Street. Apply to HUGH 0 RIEVE. 084xt.f. ,was gathered around a gLoing fire one to be nailed'up. I got so tired atanding she was gone.: WHITNEY
C'Vellitig, talking of the wat and the still that I alutost concluded to li ill 1- - - -I- - Oak Hall Clothing and Gent8` rurnishing C 1 c down �Vliat I got to eat W�iis a piece of fat LF -For sale, Lot thriffing scenes th rough which so many and sleep, too, when I heard the low meat, soine told �ominy and a 6tip of old AIS, Concession 6, lla,cor'taining 100 acrem, hill line Of
hdgrowling of a dog, and the sound of milk. As ate heard'the door of which about co are cleared, enced and under- said Colonel Gar- voices approaching. I knew in an in- drained and partly free fron stumps, tile bal- Establishment, 011, )oys, qiiik�tly open and close, and I knew by -care-ood build- ance is hardwood hush. Thei ainer, as lie stooped_ over the heartllL nd that it was myself and men that t6ell deatli-like stifilness. that I was alone. ings and timall orchard and plei itof gmood water r
turnin' up Iii.4 hig-bowled. pipe knocked t 0
lie strangers were after. 'qinda nodded" 84' had gone to 'ut y 'clothes. some- This is a (rood fa,rin and will bj sold on rea,4on- p , in - e ablo ternis. ]-or particulars to J01I a glawing ember frou it,L "., think I and nored on, apprantiv oblivious to wh re re they would tell no tales. GORBY, oil the premimes, or If aniuLli 11. 0. hail about as closc it call during the all a,routid, and if 1 had rict �- leari ed so I F�solvcd to� quietly slip down oil the IN COAL 0114, wto coute qut its ivells I did, as inost -well the character of . these people I fl6dr ad my supper, and'I did.- Two Immense Stores Und Ir One Roof. anv Inall I. have heard of. It was in would have thou(Tht her indifferetit as to T PL-estime 110 Illn evei; t ARMS FOR SALE-. Thalb Valuable 4arill e a meal. fhat 29, this wav: whether I 7 got afely out of my close tZLSed better. It being North half of Lotl A jonipany of six of us w&e out on q Ilar L ters or not - bilt I WS.Slire she Morris, oil there is it gooki fritwe 111mi P had 'had ctuni 8inco cu'ly-in'tlie.mo.rniDg', and outhitildingi;, frnic houso,'good beriog" orchard, I Parlor Cooking nnd BOx StO-ves
�5 I inen entered I good Also that vfth. able farin bt ing �Xpeditiou. It -was iicar the h.cr part to �ct. 4 h d beell oil thd ao constantly, except M 8outh half of Lot 28, Conecs&n 5, orris, oil -amers qUare and town of that bocme so the cabin door, and one of thein, laugh- %0i 11111',L(I been stividing up beiiind that. there is It good Flew franle liotl,-,e and ^ood B -nigh nindo nic fanians durin- thLe - - I Advertising is all VA al- for being taken ing, said qui,t' md iliat had %voil A c 4 1 1 not L of tho.sc. ro adiciiiiing roundi and 'so oten', but it solne All's right, here, except that daLrky so ! tifr that I could bend. � As 'soon the of firui;,404, and tire ill six or eiqht ti-liles fardwr dowu tbe val- sleeping there so close to the fire.' I see its I was through eting I str'aightened. r ne, will be Iev toward tb:t,L ();Pt�(julT, 1, hO'l,d e ja mafio�kiiowii oil application to E. E. WADM, or sh I 11 8 co,vered it*up for the niglit, but lip tgain., hit(,] scarcely done so when Unfess there is sorncthil)&� to back it. It -is no use to r�itltc a bi noise about what Don't fail to I iiurned �'�I,Ct(j P. 0. 963 exv. Uencrat 13miks was still, if she was to nod forward and loge tholdoor softly opened.and closed. Quiet- -you (10, oil What you are going to do; unlell's you do' it hen the time comes for puebas.
.11.1.11aIr .. 3 'jud- - 'ing, as they lead for style, antl 'I glidedL in (I there at the titn. A con1je 1jer b�tlal)Ge She inight fall into the ]lot ly along tintil'sho camp to "��d' ion. Advertising is all nonsense you can get th-e people to read wh are 1P, -A first-(, at
of came inta'our lines, and one embers axu? get burned. Nay, Alanimy wh4l-v I Was, -and 8lippiD,y behind the Farm for Sale ill tile township of Tiii ay, and the very essence of mdness- to ask peoplo4 to' waste time reding
.11. sed to gi tj cti
of them said t�i you guarante % e .9a sfa o'C'[14a,' he said as he shook her, ' have quill, whispered berry, in the County of lhirori, being Lots the ct 1to al Art " I-) ' 1 - wht you know is entirely strange to the truth. �A�'e W� tend tellim, tile PUI)I.i,e Fand 55 in the let y Jek-qon's nleri�s you seen any soldiers? Arethere any Now you listen good to what I tells wht we will do, and then do it. Cold, rough, dry, hard facts are here set fortli,
comill" kase I llft�rd 0`10 Say to PrOWlillgaround here this afternoon? i T - acres, 150 �cicarc(l and it) n. zowl itato of (Itliti. " Famous' I -Loyal, NjodL.1 Cook
you, is wille to tot6 some cawn to de vation There is it orchrd, it good ivlii(;Ii we warrant to be a sure cure for extravagance and,ivaste of money. dat de Yanks would be travel- �Lrc huntirl g for party of mill ' an'"yu is Sitpple Dan, an,,is goin' fnune and it bmik havii SU bv 48 feet with lscott, " &e. The clwapest
an( I w e a!(y I to))c stable under it. The is sibiated one- in' like blazes Yort� d6 sun done sot nex' �Yauks that got henimed in licr�, Avid me all' all Von got to do whell day.' don't want 'e hal'f mile4roin the gra%-el roid leftding from under the sun'f or goods ii, our line,
in to get away from us'. welurine to- de'llickets is jes' to -,%vaU au� 11"roxeter to. 5 mile.4 fr �111 11'roNcte I to to ItUilil 111T ly oSugers., did you say, Massa,' said goes to p!aguill, )'On, jes, you kill, had sever -al titnes before needle .31. I'V111TA
,C -idely opening her eyes, -ictur, oil the pi, illibe8. W I We,didn't take this inforinaflion as I Y, d id you see 'ein ?, let ifne do Ie talkin',--an' if 4ny ol) tllclu� M essrs, Duncan D u ncan
nand haii�r back like an' say 'bacca,' an' when'; . 11rojoi us. Otir i0okino, first at one of th'em, then at an promises you oun' den you cornlri"ght 'Time S U 'long wi&nio. w you sure you inin' best, however"to, ITS aut uil a little other, as if frightened out of a, 'deep No O" scoutim-, trip. 6 e took quite it little teep, " flo-%,j, many is dar, Mssa, - dat -me, an'ill.an gwine to gib you safe' back fitri . n forSide, being alf of Lot sual.
out around You j, Ith It Don't wish to intrude, but to careful buyers andjlullges bf %',Illne we offer % g6od 1()O L'cl pointer. Every sensible person wants to buy they'can get the best goods 't a.rtt, ?, Ilatlierin tip her fallen to (je UAion fi,, Cori or i -3, orri dowli and from there knittim, tind xisin,,, to I are tbotit 80 cres cledred and free from ier feet. she started, out and pullect I 1c: . A. t . t I atillill).j. L The soil is 11 fille 0111 10t011 and well at cheapest prices. - Embrace the opporturlity we 6fTer, breSS (;Clods beilltif our a t across ou"ll tu 11orryville. W_c were e think there are about four alon Oil oneporner of ie wide sit)liei fenecil find wit ,"food ])art] speciality. We have the largest stock in the county, f n 0 to 30 er yard up tered. Theecis n r I I c e 1) just be ('rill lilti g to feel that we were arain around here goine placer there wore� six earth, stood two sacks, probably. a half, with stakles underneth iLii(i a gqod frame house Mantles and Ulster Cloth for 50c up. Mautles cut free of charge nd on the --OF T1E_ the buildingsre nearly new, and -there is rst- to lie iiiade the victinis. of th foolish of them, but we cautilit two down near busliel of corn in each. She thre% a C v One,. premises. fears of the colared people, when 'booin' the old stone house, &nLd a�re awf ti I class 0 ird. There is a wood 1�ush with plenty -ali x i - on iny, shoulde1% and then took the other.* of rnil timber. The farni is one infle from school, way, toward Witicics- aus to get the rest; one of 'em is an o1fi- Readhir ry me a gtout club and taking, if D 6m i n ion. Flous vL miles from Whit list ter' This Nvas socin, followed by another cer, and if we catch him we a . Itow to in, and two - and a half e e, frown station.- 000(l Kr�velroads lea EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY
one it lsef,sflie pa'zsed out, I followed, and anot-lier. Then the souild of nlus- illLke hini aniart, for sonic of the Ni-rongs, a:nd if ter- softly closing the -door slie, led inf4 from the place. The Faroi will be sold C0NSTA1,qC1,:
Apply oil the promises 6�r Belgravo JIM.,* ketry, valley after voley'L eallle to' HSI done to Olif S?Idlers that have. beeii taken tile way. Suou we were treading it 057 r sectire the largest and best bargains -in'z Ladies' Jersey acets
and Ne kiie�v- 'that our uien had beent 11A.2 We offe you to
pri,4on I — Is just on time Nvitha frill'star,'k of ltest stv,�es
narr(�w-path through a deep dark lAody Scarfs, Tain O'Shanters. I,adies' Shawls 25 per '
and Mantles, Woolen Squares, in Dress Goods, Wool Calls and JV0oj 1jLo;d
',�actly Masa,' said 'Ginda, of'wpods. Oil, oil, we went; sonletinie8 Olt -For male i'n the thiivin�r village cent. reduction. Surprised bI tic Corfederates and. we Facinilltors, Velveteens in blcic and colore�:
we"t- 1161itid we would'be cut offfrom with .all `I tell I nearly fell, wid my sack grew very of lic"Isall it a Plushes, Underclothing, a big stock of Guernsey
the to, whieh we Velonged. So you, I ',9pect I done seed dern very sov .8001, we property situated oil the west ers heavy. I was,'oh so. tired ide of Brooke Fhirts:'and Drawei,H. Pliin aod i�ancy
v Top Shirts
-ard t a rpid -rate. aad dis obenin'. Allus when -I goes out to street, consisting of a t000d new frame dwelling Cirdigan Jackettl, Flantwls,Tweeds Cottonade,
WeL hurried foiri beg4ti -to nuar 'the edge of the %vo( 18x2b feet, and well 'finished throughout, with soon found by trying several wilk old'Suse, old Nlissey say, " Now, then herd 1he challenge good well and stable oil the promises. O -UR. FIGUIRES AIIE REIDUCEM. �irtiri,rs. white anti factory CottNA, Weaving
roads tha the enen-iy iid pic ets posted I'ton,and K"itti'll,f Cotton, Whil Is
k 1 'Cinda, do be keerful, and look up and aWho goes there f I SLIling is that the'u i idersign ed i I I tell (is lig d good. lifirts aheap
wi, all of After a 11asty consult;F&- down the pike afore you gits under dt t1le the end . ofth..evoar. llo8scliision guide an'swered, 'Ale, Alas9rt tion we concluded to leave the road and barri. flo' can at ans, thim notim. iplendid lille of Tells just arrived,
to git out the cawn for de e6w, Grob I knows vour Nroice, Pure Suar
cut the the %-cry worst thin,, all' se, ti. if it is too Torimi of lilivral. I For full We are * orking Oil a systeril of close margins, and this se,�son we HAVE JUST try it. A lot of those populr Spice -i for ID O if dari is any sojers, in sigilt ka.�e dark o see you. We i's two 'off Gin'ral lars to li. NfowBRAY,'U2son and ("oil- could. have done- under the circuln- if dey.eber sees yo 0 STRUCK IT RIGHT9 bought.low, and secured at' reduced prices, a nice _tr;�; and pickling, prepared bv Conner a
u gittin' an out from Thon'ips6fi's poo 'to do ole ruill 1,jon.1 Iforley in conib and btraine'd. . . I ' ple gwine tra I ctor, Ilansall 11. 0. 005 e Skirts at ialf-price, 50c, 75c, $1. staRce1q. - We Itad goue but. a �.hort dis- dLtr, large stock. Two Hundred Felt and Lustr its groric corrl., for meal. Alasin,.1?ktterson say dat 'dey Three Hundred.Dozen Ladies' and Misses' Rose, which w(. offer less than whole- An0her lot of dolored Mmsware �heapo thau
tauce wfwa we found that we were pur- 0h, well, go on Atinty ind tell us gwine to ki-01 IN. . GREY FUR SALE. -Being Lot er
rin� A�I ' night.. You *know sale mill price, as we ave bound to make a QUICK TURN on these goods. �n ,rcat variety. cmna setq
sued by a squad of ca.vairy. &bout the -soldiers,' said one of the inen young N.lisaZiis is s' F, 14, oil the lalf Concession, containing ioo Grey,
ilck, an' she wants her Stolle China etiil A biif drive' i i3oots a," nd at -res, 8outlipart of Lot i5, oil tlic 16th nbWe not the sli Ii test hnce with lion, many (lid yoft see, ca'%vn0hrC.Ld po�tevful bad. Ise ut Sfni-* k3i* Scrlet and Fancy Flannels. A large stock of Ladies' Furs. I tell you it' 9 oil, eol tain.ing 45 acres; Lot 14 is partly (,fear- it-IjUmining at xamine them aad where were they.?' pie I ed, the I fore litirchasing elsewhere. themn. The country lvz" full of stotle Da� liere wid me.' balarive well timbered, ijovqr faili I ( Cr -1 (4-48us the lot -it ij wad tpted for far 1 t's jes' what I was g'wine to tell I'ass alon.'a, 'Cinda, you faibli u ledges. We cauld w -t see their great, f ereek Cl ing or grazing lot, 15'deres is moiitly cleared and 11ardliware and everythingr '11jualir liept 6) a
broaU, irreg,ul�Lr fi-ces, just prorading with a toss of her red-tur- creatifre. !' 1 Wish there' were wore g,eneralcouritrysto're. under good cultivation, the halatice is we -11 _tinl- and all to.th�,,
baned When I look up. the pikj tirue Lis you rsaid the picket. ured with black ash. It is well dt"aitled Will sen ouritil l� mi -e t(.) thli t new st6re kept�4y
OA -1 and then we kave to go aroulld - I SCeS four sogers coildn' ridin',like de "Coilic 'loric, � Dan,' said Vinda, all, �her or in parts to suit tile tireliaser. For f I articulars applyto the Proprietor on John Gilpin little 1� I Jv"A. STEWART
while the eaetijy, knowing all bout th.e liss Jenny read to lookin- back tot!� where,1 stood like a the premises, or by lettei to 11. O.- surface (if the country, woulLd just circle alJoVit 01le ti m e. Dey seelned like cul prito I Why doiit you c()Ille Iqjjg�_ 947x4tf UEO G 1; A V . ERY. C LOT,".' I IV G A N D around tliw8e ledges ud. be ready to theY was ill i one mighty big jiurry. U S E clo to gittin, one ob your foul spO)ls acratchin' iny head, -look- e start after its afritin. We soon saw that je tood Lltbr her Nye would be ca dey was',%vine by 413acca P I sAid, -trembling from A10T IN 31011RI FOR SALE.-ForSa !", Watches and Jewelry ptured !in thic aud o.ne of deni done holler' 11 8 F orth-half Lot 22, Conceiiiion 7, 3 orris, -And sve're bound to make it huni if a fine stock of Twce( S, &o., It bwhen vle'ar sti p of w6 )ds not far froin ay, red-tep, head to foot. containing 100 acres, about 70 of whAi re clear- living prices will do it. "We have the largest stock of", Hat3 and Fur Caps Sliirt�, the turnpike, we thre%il ourselves froin are you fattemn' dat cow for ber-'f ; ,she "..'Coine right 'long,,' said she-,,- pllllil),, ell, and llftrtly cleared f roni ptuni, ts, %vbll fenced Underwear.of every description, Readymade Overcoat' wl ile- for Ordered' Cloth- our hor-ws tuid each dite nuti for lite to IOUIQ, like she would make one of de kine ct Mlld '111 &- good state of cultMition. The w* cod -FOIL ALL AT -
me by the sleeve p'ast tile picket. tell you, I ain't stop ere %V 1 rable ceda a in . g it is universally admitted we lead the van� Give us a (-all and be convinced. gain cover. Itere we found t4e, ledges we gits lots lnd contains cojiside r. There i.4 dis hebby goo(Ornic house and bank barri with Roll Butter :u id Eggs takeri in trade. of rock bi-h'and plentifal, -ad our datie 14�f t dat foo�_speecli till I tinks I sa6k to gib ye. 'bacca. Ef you goes-Itioug. tindqA-neath and othw- necessary a ehancu.,., g00d, iLS it Was ,etti.na ober. W6 is k�tt bn laughing' � ober w id in e 'iL I I good orchard and Ident3, of sprinr water. It is Your Own, - Prices-,
wayj n' back agin, I ar� got dtisk� 1t; wa�i but a ole use's ribs dis long time, kae if 'she a big piece in iny bosoln fer ye, but if onl iart within three quarters of a mile fiDm s000l, and found Iflyse t�reb mile -i from the flouriihinXvillageof If alone, soprted froin all was fat the socers -would 'fiscate�her ; yer lakes o.' 6 ob yer triffin spells all' 1;russcls. This farni will be sold cheap. Apply uncan Oak I-1all, Seaforth.
y 0 Duncan D in the deepenit)" what would old 211issus do? S 4 jps' leb�)lnefo`lgit back to old on tile premises or FOIL�YT E, Proprietor. Having purchased the bankrupt stock khit drink Irer coffe6 wido-ut creaTi no house I . i&L nebber gwine to gil�- you a way yati fix :s it. IM h b,i te.' of C. Papst & Co., cosist,fing of rmy was about five issus she mi� miles west, (if wli,ere I 3vas, i)d I (let tiCtl[,Lr (h[tt wa: ty I y For sal -, Lot 1, try nd reaell it You say they were going to4r&rd sacks, ColiccAlon 8 Tuckersinith, --ontaining 100 W NEP L L W
y Onward we!brud-,ged with Our h cii tr OOD FAB.11- FOR SALE.- CHARLE-SWORTH BR 10
arid over-th-e rockiest icgior' 1 ha' nDow - &dross a fieldi now oil pite G 80 of which are cleared, free from -ches, acres', about at (I d were Yanks!' saidone out -skirts of a -jr.obd, but never in the 8tu,nips, ujiderdrained in a high Slate of' cultiva- O., open road uppose I trave- of the inen, as ith-ey turned to g A0 ength w WHOLESALE& RETAIL GRO ERS Clocks,
see n. I qtarted, P so e 'reche(k a tioll nd well fenced. ' There"is a coinfortable ed -about two. alites, El-Itliough i.t. eemed I 'F�r slitiro', -1 knows dey were aem stuall-boiy of ,voo s and halted. - LNy log house and a lar.ge barlic brn with stablirii 0 underneath. Also it voling orchard 00 ten, a.9 I kdo,ng over Yatikc� sogen:4' and rocks, i guldc-inotioned pi P 9 One Door Northof Scaforth Post Offl e. 49 & to stAnd still. ass'- well. The laud is all if Jewelry,
&.Rd thi&tles. (to yo,u know they were ing ar I ry iijid of tlie best qualiky. pund a ledgel,of rock, afttr several it is convenient).% situated to Seaforth and The firit Iiiiew I heard the 'K,tse dey wore dem blue coa inut s absence she returned and bzIde Kippen st"Mons, with go : .11 I . ts wid in-' I od gravel roads leading Platedware.
so-uli�d to, every soldier's shiny -buttons, on, an' dey was sic. me,dr0p my sck.' She piloted me ovier to ecb.place. For furthew partit-61ars address clepi, 01' fat loo3kin', like cley the Proprietor, Eginorldville P. (i., or apply at allus1ind- tbe 8arno route by which she had s h ldville mills. JA,NIES KYLE, Pro- returnet'l, L m. I 11*011nd the rock to an opening, prictor. 904-tf 0 IV In POE
flierc , �. , 'All. Dire-ct from Yokohama J a'p a n. 1 am 13 ition to sell he
"I had I I pretty good reasons, Aulity,", Here f Wo 'Stal negro - men met us. i trtto,t picket of wirt at SSTHAN ',%1ANUFAC-
W111-s I 'o follow him a. me
a Imigh. Ag&i(� I 011e Of 11 I , pore( ipe t Sa ( t�� ot theal witk NOODFARMFOlt SALE. -In rdur to Owe Iteld I I on Itkfraid h6 woalkl hear tup and as ive [L'ted X" the alfairs of the (if the late W. they turued to si -go, and aE 'Ciuda follwy- , I Teas that are Teas, by steamer to British Columbi U or the leaned forward ia tlieuce Canadiari Pcific nd sali i: I the exevutors offer the i ollo-wing vry biia,ting (i�f u,)y ed to the doar she said TUIIELZS I I PRICES Fort CASH. valwrflilc lands foi- side, First-Nurth half of Railway: We have received a large consignment of new e back a, p �ce you tink dat if. any 01) itasa, Ou is S`a.�e ii iL ver the 'it te 1 ow. FEe. gwine 1,0t3U, Concession 5, townhip of orris, con- 1886 Japan Teas.' This�ofrer st,*tnds
as n )111,1 1-114 it out. de n�ien com.es ii, good for T11111TY
-car as I e( i f roin deir hidin" laces. to rni. ' and slfe flitted -away. -taining-110acres. Oijthiilot is c'-ectcd a re befo, 11101,11in" (Ilat vie -all, one ood you: t1link it, Vvas - obi',dem Wel %vent through a crevice in the brn wih StOnC foundtion, good orchard, Also �vlarge consignment of Fine Blacks and Hyson Teas, -hich. Inot a very would l,htr to o. to de -olb luill N�id. n, ro,�k,. ow 11; i iltd (it Nearly all and is, on -vilI be offiered D- ONLY , Soldiculy ct &fraij af the et.- le Of tIlOSU liLrge the,gravel road closely adjoining the of at low prices. These Tes will. be put 'up in 5, 1.0 and 20 lbs. tiTI cddies, a 11 I L I - 11 Papst's BooK1 I5 ore,
11 -lot wa.1--it to fall irlto t1le bin sic� this long tiine, -an' aint got 110 ley ias sink -holes.' W- e wen t do nd' in itigood ate of tinel, but I did I j 9 Yis )'t)Liktio%vyoing-'Nli..'38L�,9 thi. tt,14U ii' the, Shenndoah i-arill is a valilablL olIe, fee -well
of the The ne ion. adhad ' i fenced . - I f al),Petite- She. (Ione griebe ober young dowl-tits*steep focky side unt For prices and tornis apply to TITO Brus-' jobbed to our CUStOlnel-S fit Wholes told of sollilie lf�,arfullly Cruel thill-s they tik we saw it ale prices. A large and s�ortcd stock 0 .11AS11. O., -SEAFORTIL O,ittin' kill-od till I believe unless light glimmering froin the N*ton1* wid QT OUT- Illeli Wliell tLl:ev to 1. or Ji..Nibs SMIT11,11aple Lodge P. O.,Midd thain prisoriers, a4d I heili( ey we-�6 to die. When I takes bur any-. touched _bottoi, and were greeted by . ------ Groceric and Crockery on haiit]. ile gits somethirl, to lielp Ii. r, she's burn of voices reached* us'. At lt we County. 868 lof;cx Gener, I
trathful in tille toatter. --------- rhin' to, eat she looks at me. so fellows, ho I -A- -A- 1V X_j T W Zq;
4-1 The next start I made I bove-r-nore ' WO HUNDRED AC.qT,; FAR FOR SALE.- , like, an' 'sy toNVLrd, I had notTune 011, 'Cilida, if iulwus filuiA myself, Union T For s4le, Lot No, I I., 0- TI tile 14 th and 15th H A R L W 0 R T H B N -ELL OF—
only sonie good. we ised Indeed, two of them %i�ere my oxvii men, Concessious of Grey, colltibihig 200 cres 160 of 0" at a. 4in 110 f awb which are cleared and in a Nod state of cultj�' that it was it iye-ro, and I re- c_r R IVe(I to rea _t it if I Could (jell I there by the 1. IQ 7A, ILA M I ; to 1) I)vfo' the wah, mn' your Nfas of nly inorning ide, brought tion. The renjamoev is good hrdwzod bubli. ONE DOOR NORTH, OF SEAFORTH a.
so f These. -mink hold here is a nevdr failhLgr cr`�Lek ruonim- through 13OST OFFICE is it groo .orept, call ti- Den sl6 fitl] t� to xverc ll khown. to them g Autions on the farm. Ther d '40 b.�, an I carve uearer I kn ryin') an' dat�: nearly kills j' feet, good 10g, I -louse "oosd bearing oic-hard. A. S�R%,(JNG, Seaforth, Agent, ne. o I the ' uudqgiround ndlway.' I o of a- it was it pille Itis ,,i.v nifles from Brussels, all] orce from was .,not. fitted up with Walton, with good g road leading to encil
ing ta a negro's hut, I had P ace G-REAT*1,?.EDUCTIOjf Jyj PASSAGE ATES, to a"' done promise her dat niany luxuries. We had plenty (,� :Lruly I . There is a school on the next Lot. Ptice, :s7,700. This is 4n t�xcelient tAic and KI-aill 4un,I,Ls at night by- their nieli'gits 'se am blankets &nd Overcoats that hi-vt been, tell th a rHE IIARGAIN 1410USE h fs.' 881011 agi 1 -in iates from Malifax to Liverpool angl,oria
liar I stopped iii tf) t farm ard is offered very 016ap. For further Cal;
0twit to do 011e probably bandoned by soldiers ot 50 U v the particular-,; app)y to.the Proprietor -oil tile 1londcrr34,,,,k5 -'03, And $.,3, according to positiou
011Sly Ioo�ked sorne illcal f 170 of U all' in4ke soniethin fur her -imirch o'r left u,pon the battlefeld* nea:r ilses or to Walton P. O..-ADASI 1) )UGLA8. of stateroom. "8bildre under 112 years,'half fal q
q in. A -wonjali 11'as kin et. Ali if y -au by. (j6 Is filling fast with now Fall Goods. under 1, ree. - 'Servants In Cabin, ID.'Lr-
Ilies' firnilied u lGeds. Our Just received per ster.n�ers tate of Georgia
� 11 , mediate, Steera,te' 13. From Liverpool or
'llovi-ng t1le' low 1-00,11, busy &t_ k ito de ro,�d is clar I is g Will, -.�7 1
f, 'fore living i�as 0--nall'yations of bread, plen Londoriderr'y to I-talitax: Cabin, w, a.,j'j
wark She sceatt.d. to be ellt*rely th e ti I n n sl i i n e. ty ARAI FOR SALE.-Boing L(,t, 20' oil tile I-,th an'd Polynesian, now Dress Goods, New Tweeds and I)antizigs, New Coai-ings, ��94.50; Ijiterinediate, .%25; Steerm.ge, lie -
I done know whar of parbi'ed corn and,the bc.3t of water. concussionof(re containinz one hu-ndred Y, turn Tiel�et� from Halifx to Londonderry f go )-Lil iS hid, Vn* I Could �git him These - 'were br,ought "to us every night. acres. of which about 'ed and well New Shawls, New Plushes, New Velveteens, New Liiiciis iri 11ollands tive voice, I 50 are clear I Liverpool and back to Halifx.: to 3 h,Q sich a fool 'bout ben' Here we, lived, a'.nd woudered whatt was fenced and in it -ood state Of culthlation, 25'acres and $143 - Interm ediate, *-,o ; Steerf-, $26.
m afeard ol) do so,,,ers good hardwood bush, the remain ler cedar and Towellitigs, &-c.; Now Silks Satins, llibbODS, &C.;' e 0 . go above ground, for nea�ly a of' l� ash. There is a epring creek ruiming throtig-li N xV and Oil you call (to in safety, I thirik,'said ive4i". o. lie dav one of -our keepers -enme the lot. There is a good frame hoitse wid, f i Money 'Loaned gd -Real Eitate Bogli ai r ;sa besi'e the cabin, oile of t)ie lilen as he s,Loo(l 1. lid tol,l us thcre hadbeen a fi(,Iit bove orchilrd in([ two g-bod and Sold as Usual. "I crept )iip cle eaning ollt buildings, good.youn, Cloths. Wei 8, coliveitient to school and chure 0 X'thel with bonewall ei-l-itmilesto Brussels and, and went itito til -Lt door bout P.sjjuick I ane oil the d6or-cing ind lo6king 'Winchester, and that. ties, It is reck-on aa ever tkav one did., I.e�:pucted down fnto p was a runnin'like, blazes, good roads leading to each`f)iace. e Yacl�sorils , -N 82 U R- A U,C f face of the Nvonian. WI ,le an slie would think 1 li-_Ld liot atit 6 Stock now complete of READYADR CLOTHING ini till si,,�C8 and p ces na dat! Upion sogers was a 'kinnin' Zbllentstocic and grain frni and wlbe gold I reprc�l
. n ell t severo of the bosT j nsu rance Con;
utid a note of tjLiarjjj, ijereto SerVe its PiL:kets to I-) propri c guarantee (I .3 _tc�in every. hl:st straggling ri-bel bad passed, and etor oil the or to 31bricrief 1% o. I about to- so I prtliie8 in'the world gan, carning ill in such a burr -r-rangttlajits fol,p nien belon aroun( ,of that clay the cheap. For further particulars apj�13- 16 the of Men's, Yotiths', Boys' &nd Children'si W ity an4 price of 'all I tN-ojnf,-e-Xarke'1; Street, Seafortl.
I to coine in . y evelin, -JOlIN CARICHAEL when- I laid tity o_ -ii my mouth, mal directiorill aroutidithe mill, and the U01' )-"I 83-11lievs weve beginning oni-goods uninist'akeablyright.- We invite you, rea 8(;2 der, eall and inspect '�ill to cani 1) 1n &,I r th c ,Spout S' motialling to her that I anted to be will run the Inill all right. --d W p ol, t'le to, for A RI) ! - I hidi., I.darted behin(l tile doo.r. unly have to pass one set i), jFORSALEThcs:ubscA1,er offerafor yourself. Zg- lNro trouble to sh6W goods.i L liieket4, and Op��uali. we c6uld come Wellis valuablofarmin 'lie Tovyrihip 'of I riodded all tlia,t she wouLd, yall tult-flielil you are out toltl�e dayligliti alid nof bide like Gray, conipl'iSiDg Lots p n 'on the t1th Coll- K E EC.- help Tue. people, atid they Wilt even rails i� t 161: 1101cs. cc-ision of said Township. -This farin colitaills She 1111stle(l up ta the fire, aird as u( 'I S'T You, they see yoft are (toin- We a hwid-lookiao '200 acmsl and is within I and A. mile,,. of the 9 ILL grood gravel libseriber"is flow prepared to delver
tn', she 0 11 vo others.Nvere'as black as. the r0adleLdill,(,rtllereto. Aboutl5oticresareclear- KARD ICE in any quantity., m a very p so ving of Brussels, wim -
She the 1) tie torch s r self and t% �iiri �_ i 'A Im E 8 T in the i it (town, goes there as s(M)li It we (,L -t It c f s ,d, free froin ttimps. P IG c C, j)ades. ' 'My colo'r was the effect and i n it L�oo� tite o4 t!ul- tZLking a this region. Lshing in 'Chida's cabin.- tivation. T)ie balance is finely -w)oded. I' his -r "A R M '
jf you can gub hoid of of roy ivi We K i P iran hovel, coverill- tip the fire, Da is Particularly well fenced iicariXf the It to 1*10 With You, th'a,t will keel) you ]au 10119 L111d �;iesved whole of the fences bcii,,, straight, and haviii- A F.q �44 cfhed. --- r P rd or soft, long 0-T
tatkiti- to ckigtoill of froin aild if you coax ott , .- t, D p of WOOD, ha hini it er by daylig sr- % .t
ecill_* I ht. lio�ve i6shed !)cen ereeted in 18s3 a. 4-n the E L L' pepiled O'n tie lip by i sill rt, hini tol Also any quai,tity of
)aeco lie will do inany,"a titne' that I "ris ai ti t eno is a comfortable log house, and a rdo(i ,hort, spi j it or unspl5t.
is ugh U 'lo,--ks for flooring, she NVOMICA'S for -,-Oil.' 1-fere (IiVe(l d(jWil frme barn, with stone btblini, urici I-I)eath it] Cedar Po,As and Cedur 1, a 'f o I pint th t scene, . r the Ji�lilc friends to 'which there is a well with al-)uIldta t of s cherip as plank, all of I willzz-11 and d4o
hbrought 011t a 10011C LIPM C10 -,
E' t o I sinall anti after -You it excellent.water. There is likewise anewfraffie usill, up f., 1111tch fire , 11. I tell Al N 'SI'RE, Ei T) SEAF 011T H. t:r t re il�sonable charges.
tf* it corner bl'Cri it group such as i rarely 4.een. htiplernent house, If)) ---?6 feLt, I cored MISSY Was to vwne out h(we ' see rue fro.ru it' reached it to lic-l- uIld said IV hen; %i re-achod our -di and below, and neath There Z5 ,vision \vre were re%0.ivat . sown 111jen 2z
usin' firelight pine, 13 -.not tuo, she'd ' ffi-rc, :Itliat is to toll oy. fzJl6w. It will be �oid or, vur say, 1 itidit, vull degi along.' ewN- of p.j\.- Coli hel, I am anxic,us to know whilt nient. Fox partictil irs in jh( proprietor, ill d Lt ar, tyle., all instant th oy we r liuron Co., code 0 gone. jid �11 E�3 I-) I C, R. COIRION. Vii- (lillY It few flickering 'C'11(t'l !�t"Od It while fistellilig to Cie FG ain Ba row,' B. Latfrence's o, a ri /S
ray �y pas- n i -Is 4x' Out s over the rooni. J0 n thu ed down the pike. 8 li then a. Carlin! eath of tubacco sluoice high -Nr)Tl) FAH)IS FO'P\, SALE. r St I'LL The undt_r r.- Did she got that sigll(d offers for sato his very pro- the corner this s Ocd, very closud bolted the door, an(l I Could b ! I nAt the hear lier light step h( Peb olles. T==_9 c� -,Ie aud there as c0rIl gl L ty, consistin- of irio ,cres, Lf -in r Lot No. 2 Bile *0 11 per .1 a�nd tho west half of Lot 4 on tn(i 11 colle6s, of it cl, fil(led (Illilt nro und the cabin. Presently - , I Cptain, she got tht Niunts of Ifurdn he ion of Ttieker&initl suppo�ed clothes- n i eal The fraud� that hav& 1'een -perpetrated oil th v im-tae! e wea ri ng to a pone for her sick The btAldirjj,,s oil Lot 2, re, vi.'�: A bricuk hoii,�e 1), jet (j(: Pored lionle iris -mie ver-inflahs Was to th lioule lioie- YOU take dem off yott, f assum(d ii ii(ii-fai,c'yjl.Ltiie-itt)ordifi'Lt�l- for t,.e e out. , 11 a*a . 24x3-1 feet, kiti-lieti pedlars givinx� a and (S ds "ot o call I)tlljl;c sluoi,is alld a tL' generally in the all hillwo-rtitilt subject of th,,, of tile t,ble of the sauie, so on.' Barn G.,z j4 fee wit4i ttol I ke was all the r(tul cu, put de for ific iti�t a short tinic 'bcfore Lincoln wo from spectacle lenses (-,in be, ma articles ma unfaetured, viz.. flehWe ailif underneath 9 fcet h* h, imme an% other x112 another I.sxu, 1+� lic,ue I! 11 al.1:111 or -)n he set a lous 1, remains niaticipatik oil the othzr hiLild, is -NaL It is reniernbcr 'how the Th---reare 75 acrl!s cleared find enwrall(j, th the: quilt and whi�,percdo o i.atural found in frec!,tone toundation, air(] i-� h-irder I
as. hard as the The i.s urithill les,i tl yon w,tsjI yo, ,Lcc n, a I )y caffie neil.r being sw'ainpod with, irl hi -h st0c of ,cc i 11101 a L j �-iit by theuid of diarnofid (]Llqt -.Vlj(i ( ill all , s' timbered. There are al.so oil tho pi ood . I thz: greatest anloillit (if w-wer tile DeVrOf-18 potl rier ij�jfr(' mi all I (11 0 0. (r (�entr� off the ��rain found in all it will r., 0 to tilt ed i-ttel ver the o6ne sidd of tile, liam"intr oorchard wid two wwtx of Nvatcjr. wc-art-r a fl. could licar her g % alld feein- tht the lense-i (�. -, up the ;St�iteq_, cravinIc', the protectioll The fjo cre farin. haF oil it d by w3v poisibil, Una quilt, aTid to ine to XL118 und I a gojid orch j ler. into thu 11ofi; anti and Lye didbst-s are btaiii1jed B. L. . G. 11., and. eril only be let fall itc, dOw", ',I.' if she of.the Union Foldiers, y�d aslible, to be - -15 erv.; elvare I which is log house, good well, - r -d. -den, tTien the t to- sorne point orth, so that f such are wldrained and f :pv- C Q TT W �r_ -i in front was bearhitr a heavy bui under gr.sii, thn minbe one and Qi!ality
and sou 'ri pouring from one sia e..eed, and will be of rue. then tcjrjk her knittig ck to to hppen that the procla- sold together or separately. Thev are wCATALOC-MES FREE
nd of @01 a Ina lv�s
o'El fro."t uf the firc- I could another. �'--\-o�vagain't'llefoOtsteps!6u-,(I-� niation should have to be revoked, they five miles of Seaforth, oil. a good Xrziv �l road,con- PRACTICAL WELLER, Sr-AFORTH, ONT.
'hear the click of her needies 4ar a littl* venient to schools and churches, and will be sold -while, and tliell all was stil e ed along the floor, an( this time I would be beyond the fed,r of being cill cheap. Appl to THOMAS McBRID on Lot 2, Also on hand a stock of L ' arm, orris & Co., 'Black & Onto
a few hear her,, at thecupboard. Then she. (Continued on 3rd page.) Oo., and 3lonfreal Optical C( 1P
972-tt Spectacles. Common Spectaclazs from 10c. per pair up. BELL CO I
or:by letter to Seaforth P. 0. )mpany's Gue, h
NOVOTBER in our diviiJ4
laved a 'lle oa
afaly) htill):
we Were every
age icall)c in. rh(ly
%6th wmir-n aw','
. while th�-' W"111%1 4ik buDdies oil their imc' Oni�
and doult 11 knowe y,,u is tz
laugb 1 what I car-rie'3 110 iu Y,)ti wu.i tryj
-back to th" b t OUT Y real flairlp',
she get With ]lot]) of thr),
1-i t sinall slic- 41
to get Jos'. i One. ob her 6),
by to hell
dt Pey t"ted de"' "'a
olic mil'j, dey to do i.,),.r meal, n'istart.ed oil 414- idtf-21
Nyhen dey Cesr he ' take a Ing ein
A deml all right Up to !W11.4
j , done pl�y oil' oil ber, an )an be comles ba-�,k dat way V) je.
'Pass an' not torment him so feared. ;An',on she.troltei
Sick, an, it daylight�
got home. bd a powerh
te-11 <le old �n't do.tbe youT.,
Pat couldn't mend
heat. Sbe eber held tip her --
the Young her hust,
killed in.de bght. It was 0]
days af'4�er lis ilat ile ole missus take br an' de chileil
fl"ia tio see if dat would lie]
Al-amr, a, Vimla went 'loi�g aint gine bb�r to cure nebber be ar',)y better. ain%
wont 115ert her. tote when she wWs a picaniny, Ian,
nuss her til -j she iLes. 1�,It�l
Ill get - uo and '(!us' fliv she mamn), li,6r freedom, .1
lub for it crnesiu just arter tile young Nowl boys said the o
told you about III
think I ha, esca, -as W� 11 -is 1: can -ren,
e'as `W: long a tirne iter it happeneil
often tho, ugh t tbe rebs wou Id I
a better chace if theslavesi�lj
Moked for �herri as falth.1111-
did -for the Vwoz), � Bi the very first day the uniou foot upon .8op chrn soil, the s
bound tog�tber, a belpirij Imi
tect. thein. 1'.Vbev seemed to the first how-, that.they woub
by Thy wtre'peh
4 for a tale to tul
casion andi were entirly f(
,of dang-er..,of i the Southern so
life hae Paid for ii
seemed to �_ now that she
complish th-li act. As for me,
I am, niy heart died that night Nxilien we canie tot
pickets. I i.tin sur'e' if the -
even cast a Aulit they would me with terror,
to me that 1, Ivas just going U
to iv& mysolf up Thanks t,
bojida�ge wlban for my beixi�
could hn d ll,br and niake be)
comfortable for her kim-1 act.
never had tbe plasure of loo
the fae of Siniple Dian, the e�
son I personlated that night, 1)
you if I lool�cd and acted out
acter faithf be, was a pi
strken fool bf a fellow Man. Claieties.
Dar n�eberl' wuz a inan so sm
wawtsom;el_�6dy clVinarter.
iiian, slebt sixt*,en
went to bell at eight and
eight.)) What�, 'Mrs. Belv, k
husbaw The horrIA A'
n bly -at cbem' —When man tAes to 'bor
frorn, a fri.ud, is eY
philsoptly ;1 when the f6ei,
that is natuW plizilasophy. —Sanir Jo'nes says; "' Li
your childre;n may their 1,
tracks and Ic honorable." T11
wal-k all o ve r the road on hlel;
at nights. i —&-tid Bobby to the niin&AA
Can -a diureh whistle 'k you,as i" 11, 'Cos 'P.a owes X,
rent, and bt says -hls goin
ichuteli whstle for it. I've:come to ask a fav<
said Mrs. Porcine to the.
"Sally is v restless aaa
her t6 sleep� I ould you U
of your sermons to read to 1,
Wi x her I know."
—A man linee-ing an ac(rja
costed -him #1us: All, lily,
ust bee
(lo you thiu-.4, I have j tol� your o1o, friend Patrick;
he has groW: I i so thin I hardly
to be tu-re, u re thin, and
-but he is thitner than both ol
getber," —Young you mean 1�� chalkiiig the boots i aq—WT611, I have a pair of boots az yo -ars, and I and I cb41k,ed yours s(
would know the difference bet
and train whit
left Liverpool for Lonon t
darkey who 'kept puttifi;2fo 11L
of tb-,e winilow. 11 R -cep yoz
side, " said e� guard anorily�
fl, 0
for" denira,n�cd the colorea fear you sh�)uld darnage Iowork on!the bridg,e,sou
Ired the �)Iuard.
—Te icher� �,Now What Llo:
Stan in I -
-d by br4 work?� Bov
Ian works Ay'it 111 Correct. Alid-W.1-,latis Man
Boy—W11en a Inan Whieh of lteacliyoi0 What do teachilig yo Boy�—A haxacttw en -1 loyed bi a farmer in ()Ujobs on bis- farm. Avas ,-cry fond of a drani, and
anything.,. whether it wrong, to gratify his dsire. la rg duvk.
fa,17 suspected U ;anadr, t) ,g ilt so, going Up lVas sanding, he saidto 14W