The Huron Expositor, 1886-10-15, Page 5.1.886;
irra.e, curie
; shea,r1frie'
Doper; pir
r shearling
t Hudson ;
;n and 2nd
In. Clarke •
nibs, lebyl
s. Stewart ;
rare iamb,
pair ewe;
pair Shear.
rn. Clarke;
rke, Isaac
breed, W.
not keiseen,
t and 2nd
2rid Geo.
eo. Plewes ;
s'4. and 2rid
r, Goderich;
Fritz Wild,
k Spanish,
th Rocks,
iSon ; Mus.
on, patent
Then:Tsar). ;
°1-1, P- W.
W. Hay_
red buggy,
1%1.; chilled
eatty ; iron
T. Tipling;
norse drill,
; seed
hey rake,
rain Rees ;
eider wat-
field ; Jos.
is. salt but -
McKinley ;
Add, Mrs.
itter, Mrs.
Lade cheese.
iSton ; two
seph Wild,
in jar, A.
A. Johns -
`038 ; home-
r 00ds,
iefield; W.
is of white
inston; ten
Nott, A.
cloth, A.
ten yards
Johnston ;
rong, Mrs.
Ytt ; woolen
-ohn Reid;
' Johnston;
oods, Mrs.
Nett, l‘iiss
'ritz Wild,
st and 214
t and 2nd
t and 2nd
es, G. A.
es, G. A.
pecirnen of
Famea Arm-
; work, A.
riefield ; T.
,oes, Joseph
;oe?, Joseph
red field.
n Salkeld;
H. Wood,
o. Woods,
tn Rae, A.
Nroods, F.
Woods„ P.
Woods, $.
Cudson, W.
Sh potato
1Vild ; Can-
field, Relit
Woods, W.
t and 2nd
ece Woods,
trans, Geo.
k melons,
ds ; water -
large to-
. Woods;
W. Swat':
E. Robin -
es, Joseph;
-arieties of'
plea, Alex-,
oi I
1.. Cooper !le
El. Ritchie,
ears, Fritz
1.-itz Wild,
lob known,
jos. Wild,
lite winter.
ustoii ; rel
Jahn Mer
ks• Ifitclsori
1:any other
nirsk, John
frnsend, 110;
Ley, J. Sat-
o -wed bare
; common
eiwaffieid ;
John Mel-
r)Ins t•
;i4 ; Van'
low shams,
Elliott ;
Ohet table
; toilet
4 Sa.ikeld ;
Mies Nott;
lis Nett ;
Ss Philips ;
lkeld, Miss
'OCTOBER 15, 1886.
11111111111111„.. 1.--1111-11111k--„
Svtaffield ; embroidery on silk,
win or velvet, Miss Morrison, A. John-
** ; bonnet of flowers, Miss Wood,
Ritchie; bouquet of flowers,
seILII , W H. Woods, Miss Woods;
1:menet work, lat and 2nd Miss Van -
one; embroidery in silk, Miss .Swof-
field; fancy braiding, Mrs. R. McAl-
lister bliss Nott; fancy knitting in
worst:et& Mrs. W. Elliott; Tint in
patchwork, Miss Not, Mrs. McAllister;
tenor quilt, Mrs. A. Elliott, Mrs. R.
Allister; log cabin quilt, Miss Nott,
Tough;job gent's linen shirt, Mrs.
MeClinchey, Mrs. Nott; gent's
buoy ihumel shirt, Mrs. Not, Andw.
johnston ; plain hand sewing, Andw.
Minden ; wax fruit, Mrs. John Mc -
bed, miss Nott; Berlin wool work,
leised, Andw. Johnston, Miss Morgan;
Berlin wool work, flat, Mrs. W. Elliott,
miss Morgan, tea cosy, Miss Nott;
crayon drawing, Miss Essen ; two
house flowers in pots, Miss Woods, Min
ExTRAS.—Pickling cabbage, James
Cowie ; oil painting, Miss Essen ; paint-
ed screen, Miss Essen; key board, Miss
Morrison; brush holder. and slipper
ease, Miss Morrison ; Kensington paint-
ing, Miss Gardiner ; oil painting on
,otin, Miss Gardiner ; mantleelrape,
Albs Gardiner ; embroidery ' on linen,
:Mks Morgan; painting in oil, Mrs. Dr.
;Sunbury ; oil on -velvet, Mrs. Dr.
;Stiaubury ; knitting in cotton, Miss Mc-
Allister ; mats, Miss Pollock ; crochet
lehip mats, Miss Pollock ; pin cushion,
'Miss Morgan ; darned net, Miss Jewett:
embroidery in muslin, and embroidery
-in cotton, Mrs. Wm. McClinchey ;
,white cotton stockines, Mrs. John
Tough ; truckle cheese, John Tough ;
-maple sugar, Wm. Townsend; maple
syrup, Wm. Townsend.
Judges.—Miss M. Elliott, Goderich
itownship ; Mrs. Dr. Gardiner, Bayfield.
RETURNED. —Wm. McDonald arrived
'home lately from the gold mines of
Mexico, where he has been engaged for
quite a number of years as superinten-
dent of a great mining industry there.
We welcome him home to spend the re-
mainder of his life in his pative heed,
and to enjoy the fruit of his labors after
a season of much daring watchfuhiess
and integrity in that wild country.
1FATAL ACCiDENT.,—As the workmen
were engaged in moving J. P. Brown's
blacksmith shop repart of a loose chim-
ney fell and struck Andrew Arthur, an
old man, who was watching the work,
exiusing injuries which resulted in death
.a few hoers afterward. He was injured
on the head and chest, and in vain were
4 efforts to sustain life which was lost
ea simply, yet after the divine plan of
the Almighty. He leaves a wife and
16 children, all of whom are grown up.
a.ecording to the appointment of the
Huron Presbytery, a deputation of the
following ministers from South Huron—
R. Y. Thompson, Acheson, Pletcher and
Martin—delivered addresses on the
schemes of the church to the Presby-
terian congregation. The addresses
were very interesting and- appropriate.
BRIEFS.—Mr. A. Budge has been re-
engaged in School Section No. 3 at an
increased salary.—Richard Cullis moved
to London on Wednesday, where he in-
tends entering business.—Nearly every
person took in Blyth show on Friday
last. —Miss Frank Knight returned
lately from a trip to the Lower Pro-.
vinces.—The Laheraris have a minister
now which makes the third settled
past; residing in our village.—Albert
Cullis and Miss Annie Radcliffe were
united by the matrimonial tie on Wed-
nesday last, and are now away on their
wedding tour down east. We wish
them long and happy lives.
received over one •hundred paps last
week, which were manufactured
pressly for him in Scotland, an le is
selling them at Prices that is Dish
everybody.—Communiontiervices will be
held next Sabbath, in the Presbyterian
"church here.—Messrs. McKay & Mc-
Arthur, are shipping several carloads
of apples from here, this fall. Th ap-
pies comes from East Wawanosh p ci-
pally.—A wedding party passed thij�ub
our village, on Monday.--Idiss Wji1su
and her brother, who is mulela imp ovled
in health, left on Tuesday for Hermiston
and other towns after spending s 'veral
g, J.
weeks at their uncle's, Iavicl Ge
Esq., of Morris.—Robert Arrnstro
P., has returne1 from a trip throu
Western states.—Wm.Watson his lmov.
ed into Jas. Tyner's house, lately pctu.
pied by Wm. Aclainwho went to G rrie.
—John McCool intends oing t the
States next Week to work in some llarge
saw mill.----Appieg are plentiful, atild the
farmers are getting cider made this
—There is a first class opening, her now
for a good grist mill, and there tis no
better locality in Canada. The f mers
around here are going all the w y
Bluevale with their grists singe tlje last
meeting of the Millers' Asociaticin, as
their new rules are not to their liking,
and they will go where they Can g t the
best returns.. What live miller will trike'
in here while the people are Wattle ?—
Kate, daughter of John MeEwen Esq„
of Morris, was married on The sday,
the 7th inst., to Mr. Donald MeN light-
en, of Turnberry. The many f iends
of the happy couple will join with us in
wishing them all happiness and pros-
a Local Noticesi
HORSES FOR SALE.—For sale tw good
young workinglorses. Apply to SCOTT BROS.
Seaforth. 980
chell and Seaforth Oatmeal Mills have beei reno-
vated, and the public can be supplied vith all
grades of oatmeal—rolled,- granulated, qlasgow
and Liverpool cut, also Pot Barley, Spht Peas,
and all kinds of cheap feed. Feeders of !horses,
cattle and hogs will save money by buying- at
these mills, Oatmeal 'exChanged for oats and
cash paid for any unlimited quantity cfi oats.
No. 6 WAREHOUSE.-i—HaTing CO
ed my- 20th year in the grain business, IJ would
intimate to farmers and others that I still con-
tinue to pay the highest market price for wheat,
oa.te, peas, barley &c., and. invite all y old
friends, and as many new ones as well, o deal
with me. Always represented ill mar1et and
storehouse. JAMES BEATTIE.1 97 -ti.
WORTH NOTICING. —Any pers n in-
tending to purchase a piano or organ can hear
something to their advantage by applying at
Tire EXPOSITOR office. 981x
DENTIST. —Owing t� the rapid inprease
of my practice, I am compelled todiscontinue
my visits to Brussels, and henceforth willidevote
my attention solely to the home oftl.ce.k W. J.
FEAR, L. D. S., Dentist, Seaforth. 82x3
FIVE AND A HALF per cent, st aight
loans, any amount, private funds, at t e low
rate of per cent per annum. -SEA ER &
LEWIS, Goderich.
On Wednesday, October 20,it 10
o'clock A. M. on Lot No. 6, Con ssion
13, Hullett, Farm, Farm Stock a d Im-
plements. John Torrance, prop ietor ;
J. P. Brine, auctioneer.
On ThursdaY, October 21st, one
o'clock p. in., on Lot 27 Conces ion 7,
Usborrre, splendid farm, farm Ste k and
implements. John and Jambs Fyfe
Proprietors, A. Bishop Auctimiee
On Saturday, October 23rd, at 2
o'clock P. M., at the Commereial lElotel,
Seaforth, valuable town property, J. M.
Best, Solicitor.
On Tuesday, October -19, a bne
o'clock P. M., on LOt 13, Conces ion 9
Grey, Farm Stock and Imple lents.
Robert Menarey, Proprietor ; Ale. Dal-
getty, Auctioneer.
On Friday, Oct.- 22, at 12 frclock
noon, sharp, on Silver Creek Farii, near
Seaforth, Farm Stock and Irnple ents.
John G. Wilson, proprietor; J: P.
Brine, Auctioneer.
On Saturday, Oct. 23, at th COm
mercial Hotel, Seaforth, at !3 'clock
P. M., that Splendid Farm., Liot 25,
Concessicm 5, McKillop, Huoh. J.
Grieve, proprietor; J. P. Brinle, a ction-
On Monday, October 18, at 1
P. M., on Lot 21, ConcesSion 11
ley, Farm Stock and Impl
Joshua Johns, propriethr ; A.
On Wednesday, October 20,, 1
Lot 17, Concession 7, Morris, at
o'clock, noon, Farm Stock and
ments. David Purvis and Joh
gess, proprietors; Alex. Dalget
On Tuesday, October 26,, 18 6, at 1
o'clock p. m., on Lot n, Range Bay-
field,superior milch cows and hig grade
cattle. Alex. Granger, pronriet r.
On Friday, October 22, 18., at 1
o'clock p. m., on Lot 16 Conces on 10,
McKillop, Farm Stock and Impl ments.
John Hargan, proprietor, Geo. irkby,
OffB. SIIOW.—The Blyth fall show was
a grand. success. The weather was fine,
and the people turned out in thousands:
The toted receipts were nearly $400. It
is now considered by all parties, that
Blyth had the best agricultural show in
the county.Encouraged by succeeding
successes, and in view of the fact that
the fall exhibitions have grown to such
large proportions that the grounds are
quite inadequate to accommodate the ex-
hibitors and visitors, it was decided at a
meeting of the directors, held on Satur-
day evening, to enlarge and improve the
groonds. The contract for levelling and
draining has been let, and the work is
to be done this fall. A track, a quarter
mile long, is to be made, and we may
expect some fine speeding in the ring
next fall. .
LOCALITIES, —Th os. Daley, of Seaforth,
paid our village a flying visit this week.
—Mrs. D. ft. McKinnon is visiting
friends in Guelph and Torouto.—A
missionary meeting was held in the
Presbyterian church, phere, on Monday
evening, when very interesting and ap-
propriate addresses were delivered by
the Rev. Messrs. Fletcher, Martin,
Thomson and Acheson.—Thos. Dale,
recently in the employ of F. Metcalf,
but now of Mount Forest, spent a few
days in town lift week.—Our merchants
report business good, and judging by the
large stock of dry goods arriving, they
expect a large trade this fall.—John
Denhohn is doing a large trade in apples
this season. He has shipped several cars
to London, England, and there are more
to follow.—Miss McDonald, of Exeter,
is visiting friends in Blyth this week.—
Misses Nellie Colothn and Maggie Stew-
art, and Mr. Alex. McKellar, left here
this week for Winnipeg. They went by
boat froin Goderich via Port Arthur.—
Our grain merchants are kept very busy
this season. There is more. grain being
marketed here 110W than ever before at
this time of the year.—Our town fathers
are anxious to have a flaX mill establish-
ed, and are prepared to offer induce-
ments to any person who will build a
suitable mill.
TIIE CHEAPEST goods ever offered,
bargains for everybody in dress goods, clothing,
overcoats. P. S.—No butter will be taken
On account after the 15th inst. at A. Tayior's
Belgrave. 983
a great number of people passed through
our village going to and from Blyth
fair, which was a grand success.—Thos.
Mc. Loughlin spent a few days with his
brother-in-law, Edwin Wightman, last
week.—The Canadian Order of Forest-
ers will give a grand concert in Tay-
lor's hall, on Tuesday evening next.
The big six band from Wingham, will
be in attendance.—Mrs. C. S. Bell, of
Bruoe Mines, has spent several weeks
!along relatives here, and intends go-
ing back home nezt week.—A Taylor
; •—r----
SHAFOBTli, Ootob (.8th 1888.
Fall Wheat per bushel (new)
Spring Wheat pier bushel
Oats per bushel
Peas per bushel
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1, loose..
Butter, tub... ....... ...
Fiforir, per 100 Is t
Hay per ton
,Hides per 100 Its
Nheepskins each.
Salt (retail) per barre
Salt (wholesale) per b rrel..
Potatoes per bushel, 4ew. •
Wood per cord
86, on
a (I • •
68 to $0 72
60 to 070
27 to 0 28
48 to. 0 60 '
45 to 0 62
11 to 012
12 to 013
to 0 14
00 to 225
60 to 900
00 to 550
50 to 0 86
20 to 0 21
80 to 100
40 to 0 45
50, to 860
0 rime, Octob r 8th, 1886.
Fall Wheat per bushel (new).....
Spring Wheat per bushel.... ....
0%ts per bushel. : ... .
Barleyper bushel, .....
Peaaper bushel
13 -utter .
Hay per ton
Potatoes -per bushel, new
Apples per barrel .
Wool .
- Hides per 100 /be
Cordwood •
Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs
LIVERPOOL, Oct.lw eat, 6s 08d;
red. winter, 6s 08d ; California 'O. 1, 6s 10d;
California No. 2, Os 00d ,• oats, Os 11.; barley, Os
Od ; peas, frs Old ; pork, 61s 00d; c eese, 55s 00d.
DAVIS.—At 112 Robert street, To rort ,ion thne.
13th inst., the wife of Mr. W. Deo, is of nso
WAMSLEY.—In Turnbery, on the th inst.,
the wife of Mr. John Warnsley of a on.
THORNTON.---In Morris, on the llth n' t., the
wife of Mr. Thornton of a son.
-PATERSON.--In Bluevale, on the 12th ixist., the
wife of Mr. Frank Paterson of a so.•i
68 to $0 72
O 60 to 070
0 27 to 0 28
O 45 to 0 52
0 48 to 6 60
O 11 to 012
O to 014
8 50 to 9 00
0 45 to. 0 60
2 00 to 200
0 20 to 021
6 00 to 700
4 50 to 500
2 60 to 350
5 50 to 6 00
TORONTO, Oct. 14.—Fall wheat,
spring, 80.74 to 80.76; oats, 320 to
to 56e; barley, 45e to 62c; hay, pe
515.50; butter, 21e to 24o; po
65c to 70c; eggs, per doz., 20e to
hogs, per 100 Ibis., 85.50 to 56.00.
.74 to $0.77 ;
34c ; peas 56c
ton,59.00 to
oes, per bag,
22c; dressed
Live Stock Mar ets.
MONTREAL, Oct., 12.—None �f the Wes reported
to -day were up to 4c per lb, and b it few were as
high as 3i -c, while p etty good stee s and heifers
could be bought at fon 31c to 30 per lb. Com-
mon dry cows were so1d at 2fc to 3c, and lean
stock at from 2c to 2o per Ite, wit l some sales at
even less than 20 pei iti. Calves al e scarce and
pretty high priced. Good large.sleep are in de-
mand for "shippers" at from 3e to 4c per lb.,
and the butcher* an ' paying from 5.3 to 9.5 each
for the others. Good lambs are in ctive demand
at $3.25 to $4.25 eacli and common lambs at from
$2.50 to $3.00 each. Mr. E. Chart rs bought five
very fine lambs to -d y at $4.25..and twenty others
at from $2.50 to 53.74J each •, he als bought two
calves for $16. Hog are plentiful but there is a
good demand for th in. Most of tie sales to -day
were made at from $.1O to 85.25 pr 100 lbs., but
a few were sold as lov as 6c, an some choice
hogs sold up to 5ic er lb, Ther4 has been a
pretty good trade in horse flesh fot local purpos-
es during the past w ek, but the sales to Ameri-
can buyers were not so large as f•rmerly. The
shipment of horses from here t• the United .
States last week con isted of three horses costing
0, twenty horses costing 51,781.50, and two
mares for breeding urposcs cy w ich cost Only
5165 for the pair.
-E1STRAY SHEEP,—Came into t e premises of
r the' undersigned, Lot 29, Co cession 13, ale-
Killop, two. sheep The owner an have the
same on proving property and pa, ing expeeses.
WM. SCOTTelteadbury P. 0. 983x4
subscriber offers forsale a nu ber of choiee
Shropshire Down Rams, bred f mu imported
stock. Prices very reasonable. pply to JOHN
T. DICKSON, T'ackersmith. 983x3
SALE —For sale,
thoroughbred Ayrshire cos , three years
old, and newly calved,also a heife call 7 months
old, both registered in the Can dian Ayrshire
Herd Book; also a spring horse colt, sired by
.North Star. Apply to THOMAS IILL,Eginond-
ville. 983x4
OW ESTRAYED'—Strayed frO u Lot 16, Con-
cession 3, Sta ley, about the 26th day of
September, a thee -year-old m lett cow, red.
color, with some wh te spots, and one hip slight-
ly down. Any pers n giving sti h information
as will lead to her r covery, will be suitably re-
warded. JOSEPH BpL_L,Brucefiel P.O. 983x4
Grand Heavy' Weight and
19,Coneesision 6,Grey,conta ning 100 acres,
50 of which are cleared, free fron stumps, well
fei Ced and under -drained. 1 Thelbalance is well
tinbered. There is a frame b rn and frame
house, and other neeessary out- t uildings, also a
good -bearing orchard and two never failing
wells. It is within eight miles o Brussels, and
five nines from Ethel station, an within -three
miles of the prospe ous village of Cranbrook.
Thereis nschool o posite the f rm. It will be
sold cheap and on c sy terms, as the proprietor
is suffering horn oor heali h. Apply on the
premisenor addres ALEX. BAI RON, Moncrief
P. 0.' ,
_ 983x4
t--- 1
FARM FOR SALE in Culross 'P wnship,County
of Bruce, beitig- Lot 3, Cd 'cession 1, the
farm contains one hundred and three acres, 90
acres cleared, and s well water d by -a good
spring creek running,- through tin lot, and a good
well at the house, Well fenced . nd in a 'good
state of cultivation. There is a god frame house
and back kitchen. a frame bar with stabling
underneath, also ail excellent rchard. There
are 8 acres sown in fall wheat. The farm is sit-
uated one mile fr in the villa e of' Belmore,
seven miles from Wroxefer, a d seven miles
from. Teeswater station on the C. P. R., and a
good road to either' place. Th proprietor will
have no objections to taking a • 0 acre lot with
some timprovemenq on it, as par payment. For
further particulars apply on t e premises to
THOMAS BATTERS, or by lef er to Belmore
P. Q. 983x2
_ - i. I
HAY—STRONG.—In Egmondville, on the 12th
inst., by Rev. William Graham, 3 r. David
leray, to Miss' Mary Ann Strongebotl et Tuelt-
COLEMAN—CONSIT.—At the residen e of the
. bride's father, on the 13th inst., b the Rev.
Wm. Torrence, Mr. 1Vni. Coleman, o Miss S.
J. Consit, all of Stanley.-
GIBSON—BROWN.--At the manse, roxeter,
Wednesday, Opt. 6th, by the tfath r of the
bride, Thos. W. Gibson, to Jessie .-, eldest
daughter of the Rev. Geo. Brow n, all of
STEEDSMAN—SMITH.—At the reside ce of the
bride s father, Shakespeare, Ontari , on the
6th inst by the Rev. J. McClung, Mr. Wm
Steedsman, of Larimore, Dakota, • Esther,
youngest daughter of Mr. Archiba d Smith. '
WELSH—POPPLESTONE.—'fl Exete ,. on the
23rd ult., at the residence of t e bride's
father, by the Rev. W. S. Pascoe "Mr. W.
Welsh, of Usborne, to Miss Jennie, daughter
of Mr. S. PoppleStone, of Exeter.
LINN—ESLER.—At Hensell, on the 1 th inst.,.
by Rev. R. Y. Thomson, Mr. Ale.. Linn, of
Sault Ste Marie, to Miss Agnes Esler, of
McGONNIGLE:—In Tuckersmi th, at the residence
of her son, on the 9th inst., after a four days
illness, Jane Cluff, relict of the la e Robert
McGonnig-le, aged 94 years.
GRAHAM.—In Seaforth, on the llth i ist.; Mrs,
Jane Graham, aged 83 years.
AG AR.—In Morris,on the 6thrge Agar,
aged 56 years.
POLLICK.--In Exeter, on the 5th inst.', Marshall
Pollick, aged 56 years, 4 month and 16
KERR.—In Brussels, on Sathrda.3-, Oct
Harold Addison, son of W. 114 Ker
Post, aged 2 months and 9 days.
INGLIS.—In Wvinghain, on the 5th ins
Wilfred, infant son of Jas. W. In
5 weeks and 2 days.
MORDEN.—In Wingham, on the 3rd inst.,_the
infant child of Leander Morderl, aged 6
days. 1e,
ber 2nd
•, of The
, Sidney
McCALL, of London,
PERRY, of Brussels.
J. D. iloCall( and G. Perri° have signed articles
of agreement for an all-round heavy weight and
wrestling contest for 5100 a side, to tak4 place
Wednesday, October 27, 1886,
Commencing at 2 o'clock P. M.
The contest will consist of the following events :
Putting the heasry stone, putting light stone,
throwing heavy hammer, throwing light ham-
mer, throwing the 66 lbs. weight, tossing the
caber; wrestling—catch-as-cateh-can wrestling—
Scotch style. G. McLean, et St. Aarys, is the
final stakeholder. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS,
15 cents. ' 983-2
St. Julien Re\staur.ant,
• Opposite Main and Market street,
Sign of the Big Lantern,
I import my goods direct, and rt4eeive
fresh consignments daily, so that those
desiring to indulge in a feast of these ex-
cellent bivalves, can be supplied on
short notice.
JAS. 13uRGEss.
In the High Court f Justice,
Chancery Divison.
to the judgmen in this -cause,
and bearing date the 21st ay of March, A.
D., 1886, there will be sold wit the approbation
of Sutherland Ma comson, esq ire, one of the
Masters of the Sup enee Court f Judicature for
Ontario at Goderic1i, at the Con mercial Hotel in
the Town of Sea° th, on Tues ay, the twenty-
sixth day of Ooto er, 1886, at the hour of 1:30
o'clock in theeafter oon, the following lands and
premises in one percel, : The northerly
seventy-five acres of Lot numb r twenty-six, in
the second Concession of the ownship of Rib-
bed, in the County of Perth. This property is
situated.about foutl miles from he Town of Sea -
forth, andetbout three miles fro Dublin, and is
convenient to church and " sc ools, in a good
farming section of the country. There are seven-
ty twd acres of said land cleare and free from
stumps, and the balance is bush land. The land
is well fenced, is a blay loam, is ree from stones,
and is dry, but well watered bo a branch.of the
Bayfield River, and there is a 'ell at the house.
There are erected on the lands log house and a
bank barn 44x56, and a frame table 36x20, the
barn and stable are in good epair. There is
also an orchard upon the la d. TERMS OF
SALE.—The property will be •ld subject to a
mortgage thereon to the West rn Canada Loan
and Savings Company, dated the 23rd day of
January, 1884,to secure $500 Wi h interest there-
on at seven per cent. per annu from the 23rd
day of January 1886. Ten per ent. of the pur-
chase money to be paid down o the day of sale
to the Plaintiffs Solicitor. A fu ther sum suffi-
cient -with the deposit and the aid mortgage to
make up one half of purchase n oney, to be paid
into' collet within ene month th reafter, without
interestothe balarice of the pu chase money to
be secured by a mortgage upon the lands, with
intereet at six per cent. per annum, payable
yearly. The expeises in conn ction with the
preparation, execution and re istration of said
mortgage to be bore by the p rchaser. Upon
payment of the proportion f the purchase
money to be paid as aforesaid, and the execu-
tion and delivery cf the inortg e to seeure the
balance of purchase money aid .nterest aslafore-
said, the purchaser shall be en itled to his con-
veyance, and to be let into •ossossion. The
purchaser at the 4me of sale vi 11 be required to
sign an agreement' for the completion of his pur-
chase. The prope 'y will be pi t up subject to a
reserved bid, to b
respects the condi
ing conditions of
particulars may b
itor, and of Mea.
tem, Stratford. I
of October, 1886.
Solicitor, S. MA
fixed by the
ions of sale
sale of this
had from tla,
rs. Idington
ated at Gode
F. HOLME'TED, Plaintiff's
MSON, Local Master at
master. In other
-ill be the stand -
court. Further
Plaintiff's Soli -
Palmer, Barris -
rich the 12th day
Cooking Stoves
Parlor & Parlor
Cook Stoves.
Hall and Box Stoves,
Coal Stoves,
In Single and Double Heaters, with and
without Ovens.
Remember in the above lines we
Agents for E. & C. Gurney Co., Hamil-
ton and Toronto; James Stewart & Co.,
Hamilton; Doherty & Co., of Sarnia
Hot Air Furnages a Specialty
—AT THE --e.
Messrs. Dunca
& Duncan
Mammoth Dry Goods and Millinery Estab-
Would call special attention to their immense eltock of Dry Goods. We can con-
scientiously say we have this season the largest' and best selected stock to choose
from in tho county, while our prices being so low make others tremble, and the
quality of our goods at once rolls the clouds of doubt away as to our supremacy
over all others for a really magnificent stock ttil select from. Amongst a few of
our special drives for this month, we might call attention to
Cheap Cash Store,
Colored Siiiks and Satins,
200 Pieces New Dress Goods,
Costume Cloth,
Winceys all colors,
Ulstaings and Cloa ingl s,
Sealetts and Astrac ans,
Hosiery a/,'Iti Gloves,
Millinery wad Mantles,
they _Flannels,
Canton Flan,nels,
Fancy. Wool Goods,
arpets wholesale prices,
eadymade Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
rdere d Clothing.
No old stock of by -me days, but fresh i portatione, During our long busi-
ness career, we have always endeavored to ple se our patrons and make their in-
terests identical with our own, and. having gaijied the confidenee of the public, it
is still our aim to wok for the maintenance of the integrity of this old and popu-
lar house. We are t xis season in a better position to lead the van for
All Departnzents are now
complete with newest goods.
Some very special lines
in Dress Goods, Mantle and
Ulster Cloths, Flannels,
'Cottons, etc.
An iimpection respectfully
solicited at the
uality and Quantity of Stock
To select from. Co prices anywhere you like, then examine our goOds, and
wonder how it is we irndersell all ethers. In connection with this immense enter-
prise is thetpopular
Cheap Cash Store
Hoffman & Compan
Cardno's Block, Seaforth.
Making two iinmens , stores under one roof. No empty shelves, but filled with
goods of the est quality from garret to ce ar—no newspaper talk. Gents, do
you want a p ir of ood all -wool Tweed Pan s, made to order, with perfect fit
guaranteed ? If SO, we an give you a noble pair—recollect "all wool "---first-
class fit, at the low gutes of $2.50 and $2.75 per pair, worth $3.50 to $4.00. Our
Canadian Tweeds ar3 all wool, and are, in f.ct, superior to some goods which
other parties repres nt as being imported Tw eds. Ve have big piles of Tweeds
from the best ,Englis and Scotch makers, alsci Iris!' Blarney Tweed.
Department we engage none but thoroughly competent
no apprentices, and guaiantee a perfect fit with. first-class
ity styles, defying competition. Go and examine other so-
fty all -wool goods, and e me and see our cheapest lines, and
still shine.
In our Tailorin
mechanics, taking i
work in the littest
called extra fine qua
be convinced that w
Duncan, Oilk Hall, Seaforth.
No Pev a ion in the Path that Leads to
The Busiest Store
Is showing a full line of
Parlor Cooking and,Box StOves
Base Burners square and
Don't fail to see them- before purchas-
ing, as they lead for stye, and are all
guaraiteed to give sa4sfaction. See
the "Royal Art" Base Burner,"
"Famous Royal," "Model Cook,"
" Mascot," &c. -The Cheapest house
under the sun for goods in our line,'
in the County,
Our patronage is daily increasing, and why? Is there a reason for it? or
does it merely happen that to -day our trade is much larger than yesterday, and
tomorrowit will b larger than to day 'i,lre know this is. a t community of
sensible people, who not only have a reason, but a good one, for any acts they
commit. NYhen'you see increasing numbers
Flocking to a Particular Store,
You can put it down as a fact that there is sclimething there worth having. One
or two may be deceived, but a crowd is nevi- misled, and this growing trade of
ours ki positive proof that we have won the confidence of the public. We are
the feiend of every economical buyer of
Staple and Fancy Dry oods, Dress Goods,
Silks, Millinery, 410t/es, Carpets,
Gent's Furnishings, Readymade Clothing, &c.
We valne your patronage, and we want'
t. When you come int our store
our anxiety is to look to your interests, to please you, to save money for you,
and to have you feel that it is to your profit to trade at )
Members Toronto Stock
Direct Wires to New York, Chicago,
Oil City, Toronto and Montreal.
Great Dry Goods, Millinery and Olothing House,
-••••••••••,.., -
Continuous Quotations.
Transact a iGeneral
Brokerage ,ausiness.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions
and oil
Bought for Cash or on Margin.
J'. F. McLaren, Manager.
Valuable Farm Property.
-DURSUANT to the ordet made herein, and
bearing date the 27th day of September,
1886, there will be sold, with the approbation of
the Registrar- of the Queen'S Bench Division, by
David Dickinson, Esquire; auctioneer, al the
Rattenbury House, in the Mown of Clinton, in
the County of Huron, at the hour of twelve
o'clock, noon, on Saturday, the 23rd day of Octo-
ber, 1886, the following valuable property, name-
ly: Lot number eighteen (48) in the ninth (9th)
Concession of the Township of Hurled, in said
County, containing by admeasurement one hun-
dred acres of land, be the 'same more or less.
Seventy (70) acres are cleared, and 66 acres free
from stumps, and fit for cultivation. There are
15 acres timbered with god beech and maple.
The soil is a clay loam, andlis of a good quality.
There are erected upon thepremises the follow-
ing buildings, viz: a frame !dwelling, 18x24 with
a good kitchen attached, frame barn, 36x56,
with lean to 40x14, which is.used as a cow stable,
and a good log sta,ble. The property is wel
watered by a small branch Of the river Maitland,
which runs through the back part of the lot.
The prpperty is situated in a splendid section for
farming, and is conveniently situated as to mar-
kets, &c., there being good markets at Blyth,
Clinton, and Seaforth, dist ced respectively 6,
7, and 12 miles from the pr perty, and there Iasi
Post Office called Bandon, ob the next lot. There
is an orchard coveting abo t an acre of land, in
good bearing condition. ERMS OF SALE.— -
Ten per cent. down on the day of sale to the,
Petitioners' Solicitors, the !balance to be paid
into Court within one month thereafter, without
interest, when the purchaser will be entitled to
a conveyance, and to be letlinto pcssession. The
puichaser at the time of sale will be required to
sign an agreement for the eonipletion of his pur-
chase. The property will he put up subject to a
reserved bid. in other reSpects the conditions
of sale will be the standing conditions of sale of
this Court. Further particulars can he had
from the auctioneer,or the Petitioners' Solicitors.
Dated at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, this 27th day of
September, 1886. JA3IESI S. CARTWRIGHT,
Registrar, 0. B. D, GARROW & PROUDFOOT,
Petitioner's Solicitors. 981-3
Saddlery, H ar ness,
Furniture Estaiblishment..
I to my customers and friends that I found it
necessary to make an addition to my premisesiand
have now the largest sale -rooms in the place and
a fine assortment of goods in every department.
I thank my customers and hiends for their pat-
ronage during the past 13 years, and I
have much pleasure in being able to state that I
(tan give better value for the money than ever
before in every department.
1 call attention to my fme assortment of heavy
Team, Carriage and Buggy Harness, Just re-
ceived a large assortment of Trunks and Travel-
ling Bags, Ladies' Satchels, also a large lot of,
Horse Blankets, cheaper than ever; Whips,
Brushes, Combs, and .everything belonging to a
first-class *hop.
Speeial attention in House and Hall Furniture.
Bedroom Sets from .515 up; Parlor Sets from 51.5
up; Spring Beds and Mattrasses; Wood -seat
Chairs from 52.25 per hell dozen up; a fine
varved spring -seat Lounge for 56.50. .
Give me a call and my goodsand prieee will
convince you that I have thfinest and eheapest
Furniture in the county. Picture framing of all
kinds done to order.
H. WELL Zurich.
Worm Powders.
T - the best and most convenient
NV, -f • .-.iedicine known. No physic is
-63.11. Those that use it never try
ao, er Manufactured