HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-10-08, Page 71886. messsaseenginmim LES. STOOttetendw. llc r. auction on etto mon 0, 1-1110neseot, the following van r old gelding, siren old gelding, sleet old fillet eiged b_ 28th aepe 'sect to he idl'oar, -near old sneer; id to be ill eau. 'heifers, one tette. I, 3 etve iambs_ me . without reserve. ter, ay, R. DA.s.rs.p. 98.1x2 STOCK Aiii)7•31., Dalgetty has re. andersigeee to sea eneession 12, line at one teeetog, viz : One mare 9. foal; 1. workin wo.,,rk.ing• horses, eenting coming 4, : 1 filly eenete, ▪ Inshire Torn". • Borland Chief '""t" CATTLE, - e be in ant to a inning 2 .nears old tnIPLEMEneen .- - mower, I sway 'rat wagon nearly bob -sleighs 2 et iouble set of teasin ttriving harness, limping machine ,riety on other era.' L The whole will - erne'. an the pro. rERms OF SAL& dash; ever that will be given on otes. A discount for eash on credit FITUt Ptonrietor, ree 981-2 tin FARM, FARM NTS. -The undo.. Lot No. 6, Concern Octoberan 1886, .ng vaivable-pro- e 9 years old, sup. Laddie"• 1 horse-. suppoped to be in mare 6 year old. tlark Laddie"- 1 t ear old, sired by ed by "Sir Felton `e€1 hy "Princnot est I stag, 4 steers :ars old, n steers IMPLEMENTS' toot Cut; 1 He. 1 sulky hay rake, ed p lows, 1 thistle vs, 1 set an&alen sat ef trueks„.1 parrs bob eleighs,1 entter,1 fanning K with pulleyeand whifiletrees, 3 am harness, ene .logging eneeng e tee. 1 milk can, 4 ming wheel and d about 30 tons of ter with scythes, t- of of other arti- t served at noon. d without reserve tnitoba. TEIdenit. cash ; over that nail be given on otes. A discount or cash on credit erm which is one I be offered at the • ntains 153 aeree, state of cultiva- ps, the balance is te 20 acres of fall ix miles miles of Myth. on and Brussels, c to each place. kw:AM-shop and 'ie buildings ancl ood orchard and --Ten per cent of se of sate; the re- ' $7,500, within 30 - be suit purchaser., ilORRANCE. 979-5_ Reserv- lks.. 'E LING ewelry .1 S.. NTS' ,anada. TON, ONT- .81. and professional. Ilection of debt om making bad lists of pertien others having' . to become mem- anagere, nranniln mail fult piw Seiad: & CO-, ers, Hamilton - these nte1.1' as been adding is now better of OUR,. any mill ill jibe ty waite for 11 -- choppier dons SiX!,- cents VP - ear, Ishtar' pa''' anged_ for attn.% 15- on., hand ante , also arty Winn: romptly attena iven these inilinat to do tio. Ba. 11, NVIN OCTOBER 8, 1886. rHE kiURON EXPOSI TOR. te•me. tea__ 1. 7 . Why Men Sraoke. s • one ply to M ke au income. They have lamed that with a pipe in their mouths thoughts test only come more readily, but in better ,order, and that, while it baton diffientt to get the proper word if they are not smoking, it runs to the Dela of the pen the moment they "light Psychologically this is the most t interesting, -nd the reason womankind eannot gasp it probably is that psych- hlogy ha not unfortunately, taught in iediee'semin ries, Smoking is a great safe - stare against infections diseases It is only by reading up the subject scientific - sea in meldical treatises that one thoroughly gets to understand the thousaad eisits of this kind that we run tvery (lay. In the country during the anirimer months, when men are on their holidays, they look forward to havine a temporary respite from smoking.Thben it does not so much matter how the temperaMent! is; living so much in the open air, the:smoking of other persons hes little effect on them, and there is' es danger cif infection. It is th keep off the flies that men smoke at the sea- side and eln the hills. Their own weather-bee:nen countenances .can stand the flies, but these little demons would not only spoil the summer for Suscep- tible wives and sisters and children, but would disfigure them as well. , That is what a man cannot endure. You may have seen picnics on the river or among the fields, with all the men smoking, the ladies standing quiet irar theui. With many men si oking is -merely an excuse i teestaying a home. A mau locks fool- t ish of an eve ing tieing nothing, yet he is too tired. t do much. A cigar sup- pliesthe amount of labor he requires, and he does not mind the trouble of smoking it so long as it cna.bles him to stay at-home without loss of dignity and toOlt admirably and yes undemonstra- tively at his wife. Should. a man- with espial! income be an epicure, or natur- elle, of an irascible temper, it will add greatly to the happiness, of his home if ho compels himself to Smoke. And at present, when times are so hard as to affect every elle more or less, a cigar is a cheap and xcelleat substitute for ex- pensive amusement. et numht of literary men smoke; The Tomato Thief. natural state, and correct all defentine or con- taminated secretions. Such an easy means of institntingt health, strength, and cheerfulness should be applied by all -whose stomachs are weak, whose minds are much haxrassed, or whose brains are overworked. Holloway's is _essentially a blood tempering medicine, wbereby its influence reaches the remotest fibre of to frame and effects it universal good. 964.54w. Mrs. Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was afflict:id with tape worm, eight feet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr: Low's Pleasant ,Worm Syrup. 852.52m. _ I Professor Low's Magie Sulphur Soap is high1y reeommended for an hutriors and skin diseas s. 8517.5'2m. Freeman's Worm. Powders are agreeable talce, and expel all kinds of worms from childr n or adults. 857.52m. Natioual Pills are a mild purgative, acting the etornaeh, liver and bowels, removing all o structions. 85752m. , In a -Dangerous Condition. Any man,woman or child is in*a dengerous eo dition when neglecting a constipated state of t towels. There can ne no perfect health withou regular action of this functions Burdock 131,o Bitters cure constipation by imparting a 'leant' tone to all the secretions. 858.52.2w. A Spi3edy Cure- , As a, speedy cure -for dysehterys cholera rn r bus, diarrhea., colits cramps, sick stomac canker of the stoteath and bowels and'a,11 fen is of summer complaints, there is no remedy mo e reliable than Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra berry. Dealers who sell it, and that° who buy it are on mutual grounds in confidence of its rueri s. 857.52.2w. In 'Good Repute. James Murdock, writing- from Kinsale, say : Burdock Blood Bitters as a remedy for diseas s of the blood, liver and kidneys, has an excelle t reputation in this locality. I have used it, a d speak from experience, as well as observation. It is the only medicine I want, and 1 advi e others -afflicted to try it. 857.52.2w, Fatal Attacks. d- -Among the most prevalent fatal and sudd attacks of diseases, are those incident to t summer aid fall, such as cholera morbus, bilio colic, diarrInea, dysentery, etc., that often pro fatal in a few hours. That ever reliable ,reine Dri Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry shou belie band, for use in emergency. 857.52.5w. A Modern Miracle. Ih a recent letter from R. W. Dowton, of D 1- oraine, Ont., he states that he has recover d from the worst form of dyspepsia after sufferir g for 15 years; and tyhen a council of doctors pr - Trounced him incurable he tried Burdock 1310 d Bittensa, six bottles of which restored hinhealt 857.542w. t, .n Is, -e Reader, in informing you of this wended 1 remedy fr coughs. colds, asthma, bronchiti , consumption, and all affections of the throat an lungs, we feel that we are doing you agre t kindness, as 11 you have any of the above con - plaints, if you will only try- it will guarant e satifsaction in every case or money refunde A lady -in Michigan who takes con- Ask for McGregor's Lung compound: Price 5 and el per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's dru aidera,ble pride in her 8 -mall garden, store, Seaforth. 964.59w. chiefly doted this year to tomatoes, Reason why you should pnrchase Fluid Ligh ning in preference to all other remedies are Rapid result -cures instantly. It is easily as plied -no trouble -no lost time. It does not. r quire constant use -one application effectua One bottle will remove more pain than any oth remedy in existence. Try it for neuralgi toothache, headache, rheumatism. Sold at 25p f orth. 964.52w. a bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Sele has been Much annoyed and perplexed at &din the fruit, just as it began to tarn red, was invariably eaten by" some- thing," what, she could not for a time discover. The foliage was healthy ; not &bug or worm or any insect could be discovered upon it. The 'fruit where - ever it touched the ground especially, looked as if it had been picked by the chickens, but that was impossible ; the English sparrows were suspected of the mischief but given a "clean bill" at jest, Finally, by rising eerly she dis- covered that the cut worms breakfasted upon tomatoes, and then retired to their underground apartments to digest the meal. The vines were supported -by sticks, so the fruit no longer rested upon the ground; and the remainder of the crop ripened in good shape. What Was It? A Wiseonsia journal asserts that in that State, recently a peaty of land pros- pectors foaled rhat appeozed" to be the ruins. of an old well, walled up with stones, in which a moderate supply of cold water was found. They removed the stones, which had caved in to a° depth of aboiat three feet. Further ex- amination iievealed the fa,et that the ground around was regularly,paved with stones for a-tleast an acre, varying from three feet deep in the centre to a foot at the outer edges. The stones are covered with moss, which ma,y be rolled, up like &blanket, disclosing the stone as clean as if watee-washed. The country about is timbered, and trees te-o feet in diame- ter are growing aboventhe ruins, while the farms of a prior generation of trees •eten larger lie in moss and decay at their feet and above the ruins also.. Barbadoes Island. The Island of Berba.does is the most 4eusely poPulated part of the earth. 'Thisislanel with an area of 106,000 -acres, contailns a population of over 175,- 6OO souls ; that is to say, an average of no less than ;1,051 people to eaeh of its 166 square ; miles of territory. The _Chinese pre vince of Keang sit, which was at one t rrie ignorantly ima,gined to be the most luneernfortably crowded dis- trict under the sun, contains but 850 mooreesTed Celestials to the square -mile; while E est Flanders, in Belgium, the most thickly populated neighborhood in Europe, can boast of only 705 inhabie tants to the square mile. Coming near- er home, 'tVestehester county, New York, with a ten ithey three times as ' large, has only four -sevenths as many people ria are packed upon this thronged, man -ridden Caribbee Island. If the Empire State were as thickly settled as Barbadoes in woald boast a population of '60,400,000. Of the 175,000 souls in this island 9 per cent. are white and 91 ,per eeent. aro blacks or of mired blood. - The Catilolie Columbian. - i1tany Forget that the hair a, d scalp need cleansing_ Exten- sive use of Ayers Hair Vigor has proven that it, ia the best demising agent for the hair -that it prevents and removes dendruff, cools and soothes the scaleP, ,695 a1.1t1z:..tim:tlates the hair to renewed growth. A 1--). eouliar Virtue 111 -Ayer's Sadaparilla is, that while it cleanse and purges tne 1)1°0 from all corruptions and impurities, ann thereby roots out disease, it in- vigorates the whole system, and Makes one young atiain. 969.52w. a "What is McGregor's Speedy Cure for ?" - It is for dyspepsia, liver complaint, indigestior, , biliousness, and it is the finest blood purifier in the World to -day. Does it give satisfaction ?" We cannot point to one instance where it din not. - "Where does it have the argent sale?" o Right in the city of Hamilton, where it s ma.nufactured„there has been over .one thousan dollars' worth sold in the last year's retail,and th great majority of the sales are by one reeo mending it to another. For sale at 500 and 1 per bottle by Lutesderi & Wilson,'druegist Seaforth. . 964.52w. - Ladies, troubled with . pimples, blotctiesneofig hands or face, or sores of any description'shoulLl use McGregor & Parken 'Carbolic Cerate. t will leave the skin in perfect health, moot clean and good color. Be sure and get the gen ine, made by McGregor & Parke. Price 25c. Sol at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seafortl 964.52w. Be on Your Guard. - Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly an surely develop itself into catarrh when you ea be cured for 25 cents. A few applications wi I cure incipient catarrh. One -to two boxes •wi 1 cure erdinary catarrh. ° One to .five boxes wi 1 cure el -ironic catarrh. Tin Chase's 'catarrh cur Sold by all dealers* 25 cents per -box. 966.1y Consumption Cured. An 'old physician,retired from -practice, havin had placed, in his hands by an East India mi sionaxy the,formula of a simple vegetable roma for the speedy and permanent cure of Corisum tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Attiona, and all thro t and Lung affections, also a potitive and radic 1 cure for _Nervous Debility arid all Niervou plaints, after haying tested its wonderful cur t tive powers in thousands of eases, has felt it h duty to.make it known to his suffering fellow Actuated by this ntotive and a desire to relie e human seffering, I will send free of chaxg,o, o all who desire it, thiarecipe, in German, Fruit h or English, with fun directions for preparb g and using. Sent by mail by addressing -wi h stamp, namin_ this paper, W. A. NOYEn, 19 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 now Advice to Mothers. Stnatford, Aug. Sth, 1885. - About three years ago I was laid up ith bronchitis, and -for six menthe as unable to do anything. Fuer Wes of Dr. Jug's Medicine com- etely cured me, and my health S been first-rate ever since, in et I never felt better in my life. W.11, Magee, T. It. tiorkg, Stratford. For sale by 5hi druggists. 967.52-2w. A Live Question. Quetion this life orth living?" An- sner-n" ft all depends upon upon the liver ?" If torpid or ihaetive it cituses a dull, tough, lan- guid feeling. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure gives health naend buoyariey. Sold by I. V. Feer, -druggist, zeatOlth. Holloway's Pills 'With darkening days and changing tempera- tures the digeetion becomes impaired, the liver disordered, and the mind despondent, unless the tteise of the tirreeularite, be expelled from the ood and bony by suc-h an alterative as these eis. They nirectly attack the source of the !y11, thrust dut alt impuritiee from the circula- tion1 restore the distempered organs to their WROXETER MILIA THE CELEBRATED 11 A. 8 M Alexn aderl. L. Gibson MANDRAKE DAN'DELION' Begs to announce to the theoced to WROXETER WO And that he will be -Pre 1 FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, ' UNION FLA And Va STOCKIN „ public that he has co -n LIVER CURE operate the Have you Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Pain in the lick, Costiveness, or any, dis- ease arising from a deranged liver, Dr. Chase's liver cure will be found a sure and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy -The unqualified shccess of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fait that it is compounded from nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandrake and Dandelion, conibined with many other inval- uable roots, barks and herbs, having a powerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood.. Five hundred thousand sold. Over lane -half mil- lion Of Dr. Chase's Receipt Books were sold in Canada alone. We want every manwoman and child who is troubled with Liver Complaint to try this excellent remedy. Something new. Give away free. Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household medical Guide and Receipe Book (84 pages), con- taining over 200 nsefnl receipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. Try ` Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 25 cents. Try Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty. five cents per box. Sold by all dealers. -T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. For Salo by I. V. Fete, Druggist, Seaforth. 986-52 LIEN -'FACTORY, ared to give good val WEEDS, NELS, AIDINGS, . WINCEYS, 'ales in YARNS. Custom Carding, S inning and Pulling Proziptly Attended to, Parties from a distan have their ROLLS HO. he has put the Mill in and employs none but - All Wcirk e will, as far as possible, E WITH THEM, and as o Good Working Order fikcient Workmen, ;Warranted., REMEMBER THE yiROXETER MILLS. ALEi7.1E.-GIBSON, Pro prietort conprion Cod g of seriothe Beonchial Tubes, le, the imper ance of tecatment ciu not be 's Cherry ectoral upon for the speedy h. . Li !often the beginnii hoes of the Thro: t and, Lungs. Theref eerier and effective overestimated. -Ay may always be relic cure of a Cold or CO Last, January I \ severe Cold, which quent exposures, settling on my lun soon followed, ace 'die chest, from whic li After trying vario 'obtaining .relief, Ayer's Cherry Peet • as attacked with a y neglect' and fre- came worse, , finally . A terribl cough welded by i anis in I suffered in ensely. remedies, vithout commenced taking al, and was • S,peedil -Cured. I am satisfied that 1 is remedy se •ed my life. -jace, Webstm Paevtucket, 1 . 1. contracted a see .re cold1 wbi h suds denly developed int PneinnOnia, I resent, ling, dangerous- and •bstinate -sen litotes. My physician at on ordered th. use of Ayer's Cherry Peet . Ilis hist uctioe• weee fotlpwcd, and . e. result was a: re pie and permanent cut". E. 8 moeue. Rogers llrairie, Tenn:. Two veers ago T'sit ffered from severe Cold width -settled 6 i my Lungs. 1 mediehees they pre Tibed, but r suited various Thy clans, and t ok tha ecied only temporary rel f. -A- friend nduced me, to try Ayer's C Tre Pectoral After taking two bottles 4 this inedieuv I was cured. sSinee then here ttie Pec- toral to my childree and tousider 't • Are you distutbed and broken of your rest 1 y a. sick child suffering- and -crying with'pain f cutting teeth? If so send at once and go bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup!' fir children teething. Its value is incalculable. It will -relieve the poor little sufferer immediete Depend upon it,. mother e there is no 'nista, e about it. It eures dyeentery and diarrhea, re u- lates the stomach and bowels, cured wind eol c, softens the gums, reduces infliumnation,a d gives tone and energy to the . whole sytte n. "Mrs. Winnows Soothing Syrup" for cliildy teething is pleasant to the taste and is the p e- seription of one of the oldest and best fem le physicians and nurses in the United States:, a d is for sale by all druggists throughout-thenver d. Price twenty-five cent§ n bottle. Be sure a, id ask fot "Mas. WINSLOWIS SOOTHING SYRUP," a id take no ether kind.966.1ys Catarrh -a New Treatment. Perhaps the most extraordinary success t at has been achieved in tnodern medieine has b en attained by the Dixon Treatment for Cetar h. . Out of 2,000 patients treeted during the past ix months, fully ninety per cent, have been ea ed of this stubborn malady. This is none the 1 ss _startling when it is remembered that no five ier cent. of patients- presenting themselees tp he regular practitioner are benefiftedn while he patent medicines and -other advertised et res never record a cure at all. Sbaxting with he claim now generally believed by the most se' en- tific men that the disease is due to the prese ce - of living parasites in the tissue; Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterminate) i- ehis accomplished, he chairne the Catarrh is p ae- neatly cured, and the permenerrey is unquest on - as cures effecten by himfear years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attemptell to cure Catarrh in this man-ner, and no other tr at ment has ever cured Catarrh. The applica. ion of the remedy is simple, and - can be don.. at -home, and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent c re, tee majority of cases being cured at ond t eat - merit. Sufferers should correspond with M srs. A. 11. DIXON- & SON, 306 King. Street, Vt est, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for eir treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Stan- Notre tber 17, 1882 882-5 Change of Busine s. THOS. DALY, Haying purchased the Grocery, Baking and Confectionery business of MR. P. MEGA EY, wilt carry -on -the business in the old and poi ular stand. Etc will keep always on hand the CHOICEST STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE, AND 1. InL SEJDI.1 01-1.A_ Give us atrial and see what we elm d for you. THOS DAL N. B. -A very nice stock of Crockery and Glassware. Farm Produce taken as Caslll for goods. - 97' -tf The Bes for Colds, Coughs Lune diseases, ever Robert Vanderpool - Some time ago whieh, being neglec -settled on -my lua [quiets, and wits vei knew. Inc best cote in great &tiger.; ,un il I commendec 'It •toral. Less thai neele medicine our 1 OWC the preservat curative powers. --el rs. Aim Loc Akron, New Yorke; . Tor's Cherry Pe toral is con. idered, lie 'e, the one great r enedy for all Ilse:lees of the throat and limes, and isemore in demand than any other mediciee of its. class. - J. P. Robert:, Magnolia, Ark. Remed and all- Throat and lead: in my fa - Mead v ille, Pa took a sligl Cold ted, grew WOlse, ancf r". 1 had a ticking weak. Tito -e who ered• my lif ' to be I continued t Suffer using Ayer's Cherry one bottle of this val- me, and I f •el that on of my lif , to its -wood, Ayer's Che ry Pectoiral, • Prepared' by Dr. J. C. A der le Co., Lowell, Mass, • Sold bee DruggiSts. 1 rice $1; six b tiles, $5. R aumors t 7 Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with I do not beli yer's Sarsap a • equal as a, f r Scrofulo ve that rilla has remedy, s Hu - ors. It ie 'pleasant t4 take, gives trength • d vigor to t e body, a d produces a more permanent, la .tin , re - silt than any ale mine 11 ever us d. -E.' eines, No.Lii dale, 0. I have use Ayer's rsaparilla,i my fam- e' * for Sem tila„ and ..klnov, if it s taken f i th f u 11 y , - it, will . t ioroughly eradicate • t is terrible disease. - 1 V. F. Itowle reenville, T nu. For . forty years I hfave suffered vith Ery- pelas. 1 h ve tried' 1 -sorts of remedies :or my comp Mut, but found no reli f until I- N,. ont inn ec ed using v e 17' e Sin Panarilla. • fter taking ten bot - es of this n edicine : n complete y cured. • Mary C. Amesbury, ockport, M. I have. A tiOnred, for .ars, . from' Catarrh, hieli. was ee severe iat it desteoyed my ' t petite and veakened. i y eystem. fter try - i 4 other remedies, al getting eo reliefeI gen :to fa ce Ayer's erseearilla, end, in a ,ss• months, vascured. . Susan L. Cook, 909 limey sh Boston ighlands, Mass. - 1 il CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND Is effective in -Small doses, acts without griping, does not oc- casion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do ninny of the • usual cathartics ad- ministered in the - form of Pills.' &c. Ladies and Chil dren having the ,most sensitive sto- machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint. CAM PlIELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND. is especially adapted for tne cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS VIS - ORDERS. FOR ACID STOMACH AND Loss OF AP- PETITE. FOR SICK. HEADACHE AND PYSPETSIA. FOR CONSTIPATION Oil COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STO- MA.CII. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose ;can' be easily regulated to meet the reqUokernents of different per- sons, thus Making it equally well adapted to the -use of the little child as to the adult. Put up in three ounce bottles, and seld by all dealers in, family medicines. . • Price.Retail, 25 Cents. A yer's S irsaperilla e superior tO any blood- ilurifier that T. have ' [is ver tried. 1 I have t tken it for Scrofula, linker, nd- Salt- hetim, ant received mch benefit from it. Iso, for a la -Millie e, • South ass. rilla, well, Mass 6. L, R and -Civ romptly at tll, t is good; *e It stoma ane Peir redford, Ayer's S rsap Prepared by Dr. 3,0. 1 yer Co., L Price 4x bottles, D. S. qAMPBE TOROVINCIAL LA it eruRV EY Engineer. Ord by mail tended to. D. S. CAM BELL, Mite • Still Ahad' Of All I • H. S. SMITH & Co .1 CATIRE RS, And dealers in American and Canadian Confec• tionery. Ice Cream and Water Ices,Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinels' of Fruits. Families, Hotels, , Picnic Parties and others wishing Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied at reasonable rates., Tobaccos and Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. , Every attention pair to customers. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, First a boor North o Reid 81, -Wilson's Herdware Store, Main Street *Seaforth, H. L. SMITH & Co. 959 Removed 1 Removed 1 G -M a_ E "w" G-, SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street,'Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all nip old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. natRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and .feIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 'GEORGE EWING. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by ovet10,0001adiee. Pleasant, safe effentual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by all drug -gist, S1 per box. Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAISCO., Detroit, Mich, ifOrSold in Seafortl by Lumsden & Wilson and by Druggists gene al y. • 969-52 The Seaforth, Brussels „4.1sTD Wroxeter Stage Line. This old and retie,* Stage Line which runs daily between Seaferth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gerrie, leaves Seatorth on the arrival of the Mail tratn from the 9ast, and connectwith the trains running east and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Brussels, and also connects- with the train for Teeswater at Wroxeteis Comfortable covcired carriages and careful, at- entive drivers always on the road. Fares Reasonable. S. WA11SH, Proprietor. : SZ' PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS RECOMMENDED ET Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, ..3fanagers of 'Factories, Work -shops, Plantations, ,Ar,urses in Hospitals, -=-17t short, everybody eteryzohere who haslter given it a trial. TAKEN tatrnitAnen' MIXED WITH A wINE GLASS 0.F.HOT WILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND • A NEVER FAILING t CURE FOR SiDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF arucuLATIoN, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER •AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, F.3()R.E 'TIIILOAT . . APPLIED EXTERNALLY, Ex pEnTENCE 11 \Si P!MYEN IT THE MOST EFFECT! vE .''‚Il BEST LIN I M ENT ON EA icra IN 1:EMOVINC/ THE PAIN enisiee reou SIJL\TNS, I; 11 UIST,S, TIEUM A - SWELLED TOti1ile(711E, F:10ST BITES, stee, . per g7 Dew&r.) of Iinitatioin. -SR ri,••••••r•—•1••••••••••••,,,,,•-••••,...., ev....mb-•••••••....-mas.raasiownerarage..••••••• • . C_A_1\/11- _h_11.J12E3 O. TliS • 4,4p. agreeable yet putt:lit' pre- paration especially adapted for the relief and •14,b cure o f that clpss of disorders attendant upon ,a low or red. peed state of the sy stein, and .ustially ac- • coin panied by P Eta', Woaknessand Dal- pitatton of the Plezirt.- Prompt results will follow its use:in ca.:es of Sudden Exhaustion • arising from. Loss of Innen Aeute or Chronic Di,eises and in the we.iiiess. tirit invariably actilnipanies the recovery front Wasting Fevers. N4 remedy will give mute speedy relief in Ily,pep.ia or I nci ig ettion. For 1 nipover- ,ett Blood, Loss of Appetite, nos- 4;4 '""epondeticy, and in all cases where , 0 Ll 4 • Eir-s-scrivs a.nd tc0 'LP .1 STIMULANT is required, da of!? the ELLXI R wiil be found I°;VALL:- •Q? - - c....' . 0 OC ' Sot a by all Dealers 14. ..1.2ral..ines. DAVIS &LAWRENCE 00. (Limited) SOLE AGENT:;, - MONTREAL, P. Q. THE SUFFOLICS ARE THE BEST. -The un- dersigned las now on Lot,21, Concesaionn, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, and will keep for the improtement of Stock, Two THOROUGHBRED SUF- FOLK BOARS. The oldest, ,"Granger," was far- rowed on April 3rd, 1882, Ists bred lir Mr. Win. Elliott, Milton,. County of I Iton. His sire and his dam were both imported. The secptei "King Tom," -was farrowed in April, 1884. Ile was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the couety of Peel, and both his sire and his dant were Also imported. They are as good pigs at were ever offered for serviee in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian Herd Bnok. Tenet 81, with the privilege of 'returning . if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. -91 Highest Praise. The well-known drug firm of N. C. Poison & Co., of Kingston, writes that Dr. Fowler's Ex - trent of Wild Strawberry has long been consid- ered the .best renvely for summer complaints in the, markets, , and adds that their customers speak in the highest terms of its merits. Wild Strawberry is the best known remedy for cholera morbus, dysentery and all bowel complaints 857.52.2w. STOVES. FT - Cooking Stoves for Coal and Wood. Parlor and Patter Cook Stoves; Hall and Box Stoves We show a fine line of New ART QOAL Stoves in single and double hee ers, with and without ovens. Remember, 1!0 the above lines we WILL NOT be JNDERSOLD. Agents for E. & C. Gurh y Co., Hamilton and Toronto; James Stewart fe Co., Hamil- ton.; Doherty &j Co., or,Sarnia. Hot Air -Furnaces a s cialty. J NSON OS., SEAFORTH. 1 Gatti Chains. A large and eyell-selected stock will be sold at bottom prices. ! . Two thousand pound Platform Scales on wheels, witii drop -lever, the best goods in the rarket. Call and ask prices. Complete stock of Builders' Hard- ware, Paints arid Oils. American Wsterlime, and New Bruns- wick Calcined Plaster. American and Canadian Coal Oil. JOHNSON E3ROS., SEAFORTH. CREAT ENCLISH PRESCRIPTION „ , IA suceessful medicine tested 'over 30 years in thousands of cases. Proniptly cures Ner- vous Prostration, Weakness of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Gen- erative urgans et either sex, Emissions and all ills cauSed by indiscretion or over exertion. ,Six packages is guaratiteed to effect a cure when all other medicines fail. One package :31, six pack- ages 35, by mail. Sold by druggists. Write for Pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. anff'Sold in Seaforth by burn- sden & Wilson anel Druggists generally. 969-52 LEGAL. UTH. HASTINGS,Solicitotseto. Office-Cady's V 1 . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea- ' forth. 974 ; SEAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Godericti.- I Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 976 i RC. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Prirate Meney to e lend at lowest rates of interest. Office -- Corner ef Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Office - •5 Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth, Goderich Agents-Cerszeon, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 GARROW & PJ-UDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, nre., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. PROMFOOT. 686 ST. JAMES' HOT, 1-i)Ropi-ro. • sHARp !St. BRIGHAM, ( FOreierfy of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth, pnoPrnEToRs. MHIS Hotel, which is situated directly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city enrEvery possible attention paid to guest here charges moderate. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristerd, Solicitors hi Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAmBRON. 506 TA0F210 E. DANCEY, late with Camerone & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- ` Bolton Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben - sod's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money -to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. lit MANNING, JAMES SCOTT. . 781 nEl HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of ..12McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- licit:or, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms kir sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LbAN.-Straight loans at 6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or ed per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister,I 'Sesiorth. 850 DENTISTRY. w_es2i-is a 1•T, D ENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over John sons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 W_ LT_ AR, D. S. M. R. C. and H. En, of Ontario. Latest improve - guaranteed. ___ Office, -In Cady's nents in every line. Satisfaction' Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, •Seaforth. Resideece,-The Poplars, John Street. 941 I 1 itetent 0" KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. -'e S., will be in Zurich at the I tteitti ;Huron Hotel, on the last Thurs- -' day of each month, and in Hen-. tall net day,.(Fridayn at Reynolds' Hotel. Teothl extracted with the least pain possible. All work first class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. n(ISTM. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of VY McGill University, Physician, -Surgeon • arid Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence -North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the Methoditt church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- tiates- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Office, -Royal Hotel. 930; t T G. SCOTT, M. De &c., Physician, Surgeon, en . and Ac,coucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOU —TO CALL AT TTIF HURON FOUNDRY, —NEAR THE— HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTH* And see our stock of Which have -been made especially for this county • I have greatly improved my. Gang Plow for this seasonsand feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the maxket. Our RW. -BRUCE SMITH, M. D, C. M., Member . of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. • 848 DR. MACKID, (late of Itucknow) Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drug store. Residence, John Street, first door cast of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 ' EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medicel College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- fimiary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hofmann 817 Church Street, Toronto. VETERINARY. ,LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running light and doing good work. Our GRAIN CIFIUSHERS Are made from Hera Iron, and will last longer than anyother meckine made. Having -special tools for recuttinn Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to te- pairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, , Reapers, Mowers, Threshing .31achines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. sit . DR. J. WILSON, V. n., Honored graduate of Toronto Veterinary College, Registered Member of the 'Veterinary Medical Association of Ontario-. Having"had several years experience can be found prepared to treat all diseases of the domesticated animals on the latest and most im- proved principles. Treatment of delicate foals and teeth dressing a• specialty. Residence: Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953 • EAFORTII HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner of Jarvis and Go *eh Streets, next door to the 11.7 Presbyterian Ch re , Seaforth, Ont. All dis- eases of Horses, Catt e, Shedp, or any of the do- met3ticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept constantly on hand r AUCTIONEERS. TP. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Sates attended in al parts of the County. . All orders left at THE Exrosrroe Offiee will be promptly attended to. SEAFORTH PUMP WORKS. In returning thanks to my many customers for their patronage since commencing business in Seaforth, I would add that in order to supply the demand for PUMPS CISTERNS &c. that 1 have put in Steam Power and more new machinery, and ean now .do rey work quicker and better, and an I use none but the best ma- terial I can get, And do as geed work as 1 knew hoent hope to merit a continuance of your pat- ronage. CUSTOM PLANING AND BAND SAWING A SPECIALITY- , N.-CLUFF., P. S. -I would be pleased to receipt all the ac- counts of the past and previous years. Must have money. 960-t.i. CODERICIt BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black, Manufecturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine, Upright and Tubular Boilers. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and ail kinds of Sheet Iron work. STEAM AND WATER PIPE FITTINGS constantly on hand. On hand, ready for delivery: .1 30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. I 8-H. P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit, Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in . ood work- ing order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T R. Station. P. 0. BOX 361. Goderich, May 26th, 1856. To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished an application. EnrAlso Agent for -tne Implements of L. I). Sawyer, Hamilton. A lull line of-, repairs con- , stantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. 110-RON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment -00 This Company is Loaning Money on Farm -Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH.. • 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and Worth Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON,' MANAGER. Goderich, August 5th,1885. 922 SEAFORTH. FurnitureWarerooms. If you want said comfort call at M. Ro be rtson's, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. If can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages, Ile also sells the most comfortable and dumb! S:PIRal\TG- B33 That is made. IB8 stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending numbs*. ere would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing, el.:et-there. Warerocant one Door South ot Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. ROEIERTSON. RE OF WO RTHLESS IMITATIONS An there are many inferior goods, corded with jute, not ap, ete.,offcred and Bold as Coraline by some ufl- pxi scipled merchants trent- ire3 on the reputation of oisi -gewgaw Core:Muer we -stern the ladies against ere...h imposition y draw - , tee, n: -1r attertion to the ri.C"r.3.ii,y ofreing that thit name • CROMPTUN CORSET CO is stamped on inner side of all Coraline goods, Without which none are genuine. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. MBE GUELPH AND ONTARIO INVEST- MENT and Saving Society have au unlimit- ed amount of money to let,d- on real estate, at the very rowest rates of interest with the privi- lege to the borrower of repaying a portion of the principal with payments of interest. -Charges very low. A-pply to Messrs. DENT 6: HODGE, Barristers, Mitchell, who are the authorized Agents and Solieitors for the Society. 935 -ti .,• Dated Nov. 5, le./.5. r•-• 4 !'E OF BUSINES:). !,i say .to my patients and others, that 1 d my business to 3Ir. G. L. Ball, den- t; .,ve known Mr. Ball for many years, . .vith confidt nee reconunend him .as my iti«.• • rni business. You will find him care- • 0.,sidtrate and efficient in ever“hing per- t. • -I': to his profes$ ion. D. WATSON. L. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, nieni- J. bar Royal Dental College, Toronto,. -suc- cessor to D. Watson: All operations carefully performed and guarant?.ed. Chloroform, ether, gas and local o.genta used in extraction of -teeth. Hetes inserted at prices agreed upon with, MI:. Wation. Rooms -over Johnson's Hardwar0Sea- forth. Visits Brussels every Thursday till' fur- ther notiee. 980 — -