HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-09-10, Page 7__10T 1R86, WATSON, urartee Agent Sewing Machinea. • J relttats e Peale for the and ht 'MACHINES, teed, tanning a prices frota $2n to • during the litiay Sea.soo,.. ;axe been in use in this See- anne years, and during, that - hest of Satisfaction. utteed by the -manufacturers' Puranility, Pine Finish and are uneaeelled by any °them, 'Knitting Maehines, Needles, • Sewing Maehine suppRee. 'Machines Repaired, es Moderate. iVO SEAFORTH n House Af'D ATROUND KINSWIN, or your vet .,a4 liberal patron - year, I would respectfully New Store, where I have Groceries! Crockery,. are, Stone and hina Sets. ttV Low PRICES. es and Hardware,. 1, it is ha trouble to, show - tonacies, Shiriing Winceys, &o. TEA, no hater value era as paid: far farm -produce. ts„ Hides and Skins w goods. -e3s on Aand. Seaforth prices. Don't forget the place. 'ttit wire to the new store kept L STEWART. _A= WHITNEY'S ;,„,-Z.E HOUSE,. E OUR, LINES OF 1H EATER S.: p-..RPYAL Base Burner in four siz,etia eaters' and with Oven. sral Peninsular t Square Base Burner made, ft; fail to see it. int of all kinds of Coal Co6kS, dde to show them.; ie all,0,rid get Bargain& It`GAINS TN T1LUYI.TINWAP.E1840. AND CANAVAN' 4N.LWAYS ON nAki..6 .$ 1,N1 Proprietor of these wells- °pular mills, has been Wing paelainerae, and Is now better -out am article of FLOUR, , excelled by any mill in the • white- the party waitn for • for wheat, chopping done (shopped for six cents per rresh oat meal always on, E al& and exchangedfor ow. 'bran always on hand IIId .niarket prices, also arILY Ow' atiet, Orders proinptiai atte_nd• have riot yet given th their interest to do G. fse•• War Bell's Mills." FOHN McNEVI A ....ss ,,,,,,,A,„.. As there are 'nap). l.nferior goods, corded with. jle 1 IP. etc., offered and sold L! Coraline by sortie un- px i lc ipled merchants track' iaa on the reputation. at ota. genuine enedill_o_irer ..: we N;,..ra the la,dien &Pio"' ; 7.Insh.rieraposition, be, dnIns :4. annee Lesair attorneon to ?et:a „ neensetty of EDeingthatsou / - name i 'UN CaliSETICOt nor side of all Coraliiegoodoi; hiela nona ar_ELgent. EY TO LOAN. GES 'BOUGTIT.- AND ONTARICii INVESV 'caving Society have an unliatife ton to tend on real estate, f& eaes of interest with the privi-' 'el' of repaying- a portion of Pftyments of interest. Chore; n to nlesers. DENT & 110DON heUs who, a re the tiOTS• for the society. 935-cr '.a....a.a.. SEPTEMBER :10, 1886. In The Doll Factory. There is much thatemay be seen by visit to- a. doll factory that would ha ; for many people the force of a revelatio Few probably realize what a. numbet processes are necessary before even pi tiniest of dolls is ready for the nlu sery. There is certainly a bewilder n number of silitable substances. Besi e the Various kinds of wax, fnoM the b English to the common for 'ign sor , there are spermapeti, and var ous kirc1 of compositions ;- India rubber,. gut pereha„ wood. and rags, not to meal n various judicioue combinations of th s and other materials. But the !beat doll _are made only of the best Fshislisk wE x. } - Then come the composition dolls, whi h .are mueli more dUrabie and some of th m have their faces protected by a, thin piece of muslin„ and so On 'through the Whole hist. It is, however the waxen - dolls that.appeal Most powerfully- to the affections and the .admiration of the girls of England. The .strection of the - molde in Which these are, new made involves some knee'vledge of- modeling, The molds are made of plaster of Paris, the various sections being deftly joined. together • with such nicetly as to leave but few' marks of the joints. . Into this the melt- ed wax is poared while still very' hot, and a thin film immediately adheres to the sides of the Mpuld, which is quickly inverted,. in order. that the molten wax, in the center may 11 ow out. But al- though this rough inask • is fairly com- plete iti point ofeeutiine mach remains to be done before it. eau be regarded las possessing tilose chariae whicli, are cant- nionly helieved to he a doll's eightful .in- heritanec. Tile roughnesses. have to be smoothed down, a distinctive character has to he given to the mouth and. nose, the eyebrows have to be delicately' pen- ciled. in ; and we may well cease to won- der that Shakespeare's lover! should • have written an ode "to his' Mistress's eyebrow„" When we see the wonderful effect produced on a doll's face by var- ious arrangements of brow • and lash. • Then the eyes, • which are like beautiful shells, although they can be bought by the gross of any colour and size,' have to be fixed in, which, is done by plastering them at the back With a Ii.ttle soft- wax. The method. of fastening the hair so as to give it a natural appearance is one of . the best tests of the care with which a ,doll has been made. In the best dolls. , - almost every strand is attached separ ately toH the wax itself,. while in th cheaper kinds a wig is roughly stuck e the dell's head. This is- a very import-. lust poiat, which doll worshipers will __-"""amossisasamsissas., stirring occasionally to keep it burning. Add a piece of ename size of a pea ; if this is not at hand, a teaspooqul - of _gum . arabic soli (made by ffrouring boiling water PO arable and standing until. clear an tr ti p- n or a piece of clean mupso tallo‘v half the size of a nutmeg, and , teaspoon of .salt will do but not a. good. StrOn the starch' through • strainer or a .piece of thin mit lin 'lave the shirt turned wrong side tit a, dip the bosolnis carefully in the st reit and squeez4 it out, repeating thb opera- tion until this bosoms are thoroughly and s evenly saturated ith starch ; proceed to dry. Three hours before ironing dip the bosom ill clean lwater,lring out, and roll up tightly. Irirst, iron the back by folding it leogthwise. through. the (fen- . 'tre ; next irt!iii the wristbands and 'oth sicles of :the sleeves then _the . co lar band ; now Place the - hosoin-boaild un- ci iosotn, and with a dampened napkin) rub the bosom from the top to- wardr the bottom., smoothing mid ar--' angi ng- easis plait neatly. \Vitt) a.. smoo hamodnestely flatirort begin a le top 1 iron .(18wnward, and e n- tinue the_operation until the bosom is entirely'dry titnd shining. Remove he besoin board ;iind iron the front of lie shirt. The bosom aed cuffs of shirt 7 - indeed, ttlf k1.11 nicb, tine work---‘ iII look elearer aaid batter if they are fi -st ironed Aunder ' piece of old muslin. takes 061 the 'taat heat of the irons and removes 1E1.1)3' 4iinps of starch. .THE RURDINT EXPOSITOR. rem children teething. lb value is incalculable. It the will rot eve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother; there is ndenistalto use about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- tken lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, n softens -the gums, reduces inflammation, and A gives tone and energy to the whole system. u ". rs. X nnslow s Soothing Syrup" for children n teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre - a scription of one of the oldest and benttemale e physicians and nurses in the United Stites; and is for sale by alldrugg-ists tgoughout tai world. a Price tWenty-five nents a bottle: Be sure and ask fot " Mita. Winnow's Soornixo Systole" an" . take no Other kind.966.1y. , . - ••• •E• - •-•••• • • • Ayer's. Ague Cure, . when -used according to directions, is warran ed to .eratijoate hot') !tlict systent ia- eascs, such as felon' and ague, chill fever,- int 'r- unt:tent, retnittnnt an 1 bilious feyere, and dis- orders of the. liner. Try it. The experiment will eost Sou riething if a mire is not effected. 969.52w. • The Learned Societies Through their Members have teSfified to the great etheaney of Patna' is Painless -Corn Extrad- tor. It provokes no line of demarcation, securieg- alike the good -Will of the highest and the ni4et humble, and • with striet, mpartiality, removing. with equal celerity the coma of each. Ti -y Ptit- nam's Corn Extractor 952..52w. 1 Was attacked about two years ago with aSthina, and was as had as! a .persicm could be, I tried Dr. Jinf's Medicine and got relief after taking the sec-otal bottle, and after 'taking seven bottles feel fine and no trait- ble. John Mettale,- Stratford:. For sale by all diruggiSts. 067.51,2w. A Seaso • • .Th fllitfu1 season -of this year is prolific with - properly appreciate, for is it not the many forms of bOvercofnplaintS, suc h as diarr- 1Y - intantum, kr.; as a safegaurd and posi,tive cure most delightful part of the doll's dai toilet the brushing of the hair? The there are many quali4es of hair, fro the'tinest mohair to common flax. We have said little about the tintin of lip -s and. cheeks, processes which i het, dysentery, enlic, •ciholera, mon us eholera n for distreesi ig and often eurlden mid sien- na - gerous attacks nothing can surpass that oid•aitd- ' ?Strawberry 857.2.2.w. • reliable .inedicine;' Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wir • g n-1 Worth, Remembering. valve aisic,e appreciation of effect. S far doll fanciers seem to be believers i • the ruddy hue of. health, for we ha\ never _yet seen an "interesting" do with cheeks of the color of under -don ' pastry. But it would be rash to speet late upon the future, for the new spiene of taste may yet influence even the nur sery and the doll trade. -:CAssELL's FA 3 ILI" MAGAZINE. • Grey Council Meeting. A special meeting of Conucil called b the Reeve was held. at Tuck's hotel Cranbrook, July 27th for the purpose o meeting a deputation from the Brussel Council and hearing their views in ref erence to the interest due from the Law Improvement Fund. 'Aleinbers ahl pres - ' I O In a loots letter from John IL Hall, of Badnielt, e Cape Breton, N.s;, he says : " I believewere it II not, for Lurdock Blood Bitters Ihoulti be in nes -e fkrave. It cured' We of kidnej• and liver- coin - 1.1 plaint and gener41 debility, which had nearl ' e pr.OVed fatal. 858.52.2w., 'a- •‘ • To the Rescue. e When all other t 1-10dC5 fail, for bowel con - _ plaint, colic., criubps, • dysentery, &c., then Dr. I- Fies-ler's' Extract nif X''id Strawl}e 'ry comes to the resetie. Thus' write? W. IL Crrieker, drug !gist, Wateillown, clod adds • that it sales. ar large and increasiOg. STi,7.52.2w. t• A Qomplete Breakdown. • - For ten years" says, .14nnie M. Harrett, of Wallaceburg, Ont.t..!` I did inlit see at well day - was all Ifrok;_tii doWn witn dyspepsia liver -corns plaint, catarrh ..ajnl Thoee doetool; abandoned hope for me; when :Burdock 1.11°64- '11M:in came to my rescue. It is the best niedi- , eine I have ever talaini. say this . for the belie it of an suffering as 1 nal. 857.5,a.2w. A •Sbre , A' Sure, Cure fdr Saintlier Complainta.-Pro- cure from your druggist one 37) cent bottle o Dr. Fowle•rn Extract df Wild Strawberry an use ail -waling to directions. It is infallible fo (hart -him, cholera inorbuS. canker of. the stom- ach and bowels, 'and cholera infantnine .n57. 52.5w. ent, Reeve in the ehair. After hearing the deputation and carefully consulting the act passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature relative to said interest, the Council considered that they had no jurisdiction in the matter as a final settlement had already been made with the Brussels Council in 1882 l'doved-by Ediaatrd Bryans, seconded; by Walter Oliver that the Reeve be instruct ea to interview the .Provin.cial• Treasurer in the matter in order that the amount due to this numicipality may be paid over to the township treasurer at as early a date as possible. Carried. • Mowed by Edward.- Bryans„ seconded by Thos.. Ennis that ,this'council grant the Sum. of 825 to be expended in making a road oii the boundary. line between Grey and • Musa at canceSsion • 4, Providing the Elina, Council grant an ect ual sum. Car- ried, The 'following Orders we0e.,grant- ed; Hugh Lamont,gravelling in division No. 3, concession 8 Si Robt.' McGut- eheon„ graftelling at lot -26,, concessism-2, $3,52; Wda..Peat, ditching on boundary between Grey alsd Mina asperf- engineer's award--:(:-rey share, I 1.64 ; Geo. Brig- ham; re -pairing bridge at lot -1 1.), con- cesSion 14. S2; isa.ac Currie, drawing himber for bridge, I;De. ; Thos. Straehan, expenses to Goderieli on Township business, $9. • Council 'then adjeurued. .The regular meeting of the Council Ws held at Robertson's hotel, Ethel, on August 'nth,. ,pursuant to adjourb- ment. Members al 1 present; Minute's .01 last regular andspecial meetings were read and approved. Moved by' lEdwara jkyans„ seconded by W. Oliver ithat the Reeve and Treasurer be anthor- izedito, borrow the sum of ;s:',5:00 from Mc- Iatosh& M eTaggert's B•sn k, Bruesels„ for tewnship purposes. Carried.!. A petition was read limn\ P. K. Matheson and twelve others p•r4ing. to haVe. a - ditch dug ou the side road between: lets -30 and 11 1, concessions 1G and - 17. Moved b FA1WO.rc] Bryans, seconded by Thos.Ennis' that .Nlessrs. Strachan and Oliver be instructed to examine the said premises and report at next meeting. Carried. Application was made. by , Thos, Taylor to have a ditch din; ass0111- road opposite lot 1i, concession 7. IS -No ed by Thos.. Ettnia. seconded by, Jae. IleDonald that theileeve be instructed. to •attend tO the matter., Carried: Th -- law No. -.1 to detaehtL the .North lots 1 - and 2' in the tirsf concession from No. IG Howick and Grey and attach them ti U. S. S. No. I Howl* and_ Turnberrv, was read and paesed. letter was read front itobt.: :Bowen for- - 'Wine the Council to pay out . any , hioneifor a. ditifit an .lot S, co1et.-53ion 13 Under -the 1 aelica and \VA tercoursea'- ..ket of IS‘43, stating that there is' no legal award. affecting said lot.After P,tsaing a number of acaounts the Council adjourned until the '..14th of September when they will nneelf ag tin at Cyan - A Great Awakening. There is a great}, awallening- of the slognieli organs of thdhunian ayst eit \OK:never Burdock - - Blood Bitters are taken. It arounes tile torpid liver to action, regulate- the bowels and the ki healthy tone to the systen gtelertnly ls57.:12.2e. C, sineys, purifies the b eod, and . restores a, National l'ills wil . cure eonstipated bowels and regulate the liver. 651.5-2 n. . , . <, • NVernis cause munii sicknese among ehildren that. Freeman's 1Vieittli Powders will surely cure. 857.52m. l' . /11 3 --our child is sttibbori or hard' to administer medicine to, i Dr. 11,ow's 'leas:nit Worm Syrup : brook. FLOW to do Up 'Shirt.-Bosoths. Take two tablespoons of best starch, add a very little water to it, rub and stir with a spoon into a thick' paste;care- fatly breaking all the lumps and parti- cles. Add a pint of boiling water, stir- riagat the sante titne ; an:hour, Will be epprec.iated. i •85n.5 )iii. McGregoirs S eedY Cure. •wh,:i.wa,say alai:free-a -'s Speedy: Cure is the only perfersticure fol' dyspepeia, liner eomplain•ts, .- indigestion hunt impuee I loos!, - We are telling plain faint; di width hundr du spon hundreds ca`n te.stify. \vholieve•betin rests redsto perfect health la- its use. We- eloidil therfore advise you strongly, if you are tt subject of any of the above troublee, to eeit-,.e afecinregor :4 Speedy Cure a t,rial and be coin-in(-ert. il It is Sold 1te50e- and scl hot: 961.52w. ties at Luinsd en en, \1i lo: so't d rine:store, Seaforth. .. ... . _ . . Be on Your Ghard ' r.)0.a allow a cold -in the. he4d -to slowly and surely dm e•lop itself Ipito catarrh when you can. be . cured for fa colts. A few applieations will --• cure incipi:e.nt cataifrh. (Inc to two bones will cure eirdinary catalrh. . (Inc to live boxes will euro ehronic catarrh, DrelChase'seatarrh cure. Sold .11Y all dealers at, 25 cents per liox. 966.13 . .. , - . , • McGregor ,8.5 -Parke's, Carbolic . - • ' Cerate. . Have you an old siere, -c-Ut, burn,, bruise,: corn, bunion, 8alt rheiliti pimple, 1.11nteltes,rough hands or lave ? If teon there is. but ane mire, namely, .11cOrenhr & arke's Carbolic -C1erate. If you try it; it will dinivinee you,. It eosin but 2.,e at Luinsilenan AI ilsorna druse:ato-re, neafarth. 116-1.5•2w 1 Mineral Poi.s,on. Notki iss but pure ' extra nei front plants mid roo-te are usesl. in pireparien Mtn ; .regor's Lung CoMpoond, ql., incyleTti and now 1)opti-l-ar mute, tly tor vol.clq, coughs, ir6riellitis, eroliin as.thitre anti all afLictions of th ; th4 at, lungs and chest: .311 ttOnc.ral poisons 't nd c angerknis sebstancee are avoidnd, white] renders it safe fur children or isiiilfet.- Sold at ntle and Si i er bottle by' Liens - deli & Wilsonadrungnilts, Ne, fo•rth. !e1t.52W . . The Last Year, 1846. - After the above 3 -ear is vilified then.: heed Ile no penson ettffJtine frn-ii rheumatism, neuralgia, tooth:I:y-1r, lii.aclaelitt,' lumbago, or nay asaute pain, ifs they mily pnrchitsie- a bottle of Fluid ,f...1...r.htiiin...f, a; it 1.-urcis inst•intly. -Pair, cannot -r"--t:cy where it 1-: us:. LI The i anie ie :4-lutiki Inst -ht= eine-. Sent la Di rinnen. es Wilaon, drueseeisita, S , ;amain tienneav. ; ! , C011$1.11111istI* 0/1 -Cute d. An old physician,Mired teem prneticci having hadsplactel in bin hande• lin an fl est Inilia mis- e 1, ,i/ •4!•ellIftrY the ,Forainee °lea simple vestesteintereniedy . . .e‘n- tile apeedy :Fie!' perm:men t•cure 'of Cocistimp- co, llronellitis. tt•ttattrh. A-tlinia acid all throat 4.1.1 1.11.14- t,ty, • •',,A;:is, ;!i!..,.) P., il pit ti VC anti -radical were far Nervene nehility anti all Nervou eem- pleitite, at eer havine- neaten ,inewotidernil cora tn. e ravens inthousaitIns of easei. line felt, it ht eery na melte it known to hils sufferines fellowa. .aileated lit- this itiotive and a desire to relieve licrciall '0ttierin, I :sent eenti ,frt"a lot charno, to. a'.I ',vim ilea re it, this l' -ripe, tin German; French or Einslieb with fell 1 diroviiinis -fut. preparing au i naitig. Sent •by /nai1. by addressin- with se.enta nal in_ t•his nipaperS W. A. NOYES, 149 .Powee's Bic "It 'Rocliesiter, N.i Y. 938-25 eow . tb Mothers. Are you distinhed and h•ro -en of your rest by- .: .0 sufferinsiar tl 1 Tyino with pain rin eating- teeth? If eta; eend at once and get -it bo•ttle of " Mrs. WiesIn\v'enSoothing. Syrup" for Catarrh—a New Treatntient. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that ha been achieved modern medicine has been attailied by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past aix months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of this stublioni malady. This is none the less istarting when it is remembered that no five pet - cent. of patients presenting- themaelves to the regular practitionerare benefittdd, While the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cute at all. Starting with the • elaim now generally -believed by the most scien- tific men that the diecasie is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. ,Dixon at once 'adapted his cure to their extennination- ehis accomplished, be claims the Catarrh is pran7 tieally cured, and the permanency is unquestion- td, as cures effected by him four years ago are ; cures still. No one else has ever attempted•to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat ment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is nimple, and can be done at home, end the pn3sent season of the year is the most fanoralde for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being- cured at one treat- ment 'Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. IL DIXON 61 SON, 305 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, and 'enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh.-Montteal Star, November 17, 1882 . 882-52 , Plain Galianized Wire, for straiqht rail' fences. et CA =I 2:11 , C2 r- - ] Hardware! Bought for cash direct from the manu- facture's, the advantage of which we will gi e to our customers, by selling them g ods at lowest prices. Our im- mense Istock is_very comilete, compris Ing the following seasonable. lines: SPad s and Shovels, best Eng- lish, 1Antericaii (C,-, Canadian makes. Draining Tools of all kinds, Field Hoes, Garden Hoes and Rakes, Two nd Four Point Steel Fen ing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel Fencing Wirr, Sore Eyes The eyes are always in sympathy with the, tbody' and afford an excellent index of it'ts- condition. IS -hen the eves beCome we'al, and the lids inflamed and eore; it is an eVidence that. the. System has become .disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer's 'Sarsaparillais the best known remedy. .Scrofula, Nyhielt produced a painful ill- flibbthatien in my eves, cabsed Die much sufferiwr,for ;t number of years. . By the advice (it a physiehm 1/commenced takino- Ayer's Sarsaparilia. !After using this mcdierne a short time 'Iwas completely -• • • Curet! 3fy eves are now in a splendid condition, Inul 0111 ziS :11111. Strang as ever. - 'Mrs. Wiiliem Gage, Concerti, N. II. For a nuMber of years 1 was troubled with a humoir in my eyes, and WaS, Unable to obtain any relief tintil I commenced ushig A-Ver's Sarsaparilla.' Thismedicine has•etteeted :t complete cure, and 1 believe it to be the best of blood purifiers. - C. E. Upton, Nashua, N.. i. . From childhood„.and until within •a few 'months, 1 have,been affik.ted with .11,-.eak and Sore "Eyes.' 1 'have used for these coMplaints,,Nvith beneficial results. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and consider it a great- blood' purifier-- Mrs. C. Phillips., Glover, N.Tt., suffered' for a year with inflatima- thin in my; left ey(. Threc; ulcers formed. on. the bap) deprinig me of sight, and cansing greht pain. After Crying many other remedies, to no ptirpose, 1 was finally inch:teed to use Ayer's Sitrsaparillo, and, By Taking three' bottles of this medicine, have been' . entirely eured. My sight has been re- i.tored, and there is no sign of inflamma- tion, sore. or. ulcer in I»V eye.- liendal -T. Bo w en Sugar Tree ,IZ idge, ()hi°, 31v daughter. ten years old, \\*104 afflicted .witli Scrofulous ...•ore Eyes.- During: the -last two years she never sawlight_of any kind. I'lrysicia us,. Of 1 lie '10:..liest standing - exerted their ski11,1mt .wit lino permanent success.. ()II the revommendation of a f riend 1 purchased a bottle of Ayer's Sar- saparilla, which my (laughter po)1inenced .ing. Before she had used the third bo.tle her sight. Was 1e,1(11•0(1. ;Did ••lie vim 'limy look Steadily at a brilliant light With - IOW pain: Iler cure is emuplete.--- W. E. "Sutherhind, Evangelist, Shelby city, - yers Sarsaparlila • 9 Builders' Hardware, Best Wontreal Steel and Iron Nails. Locks,1 Knobs, Hinges, Paints, Oil, Glass antl Putty. TO th4se building, we can offer special low figmfes. Binding Twine, the best made at' low- est possiple prices. Reid. &.Wilson', Hardware and- Iron Importers, SEAFORTH. CAMPBELL'ST ATHARTIC tOMPOUN is effective in small doses, acts 'without griping, doeseiot oc- caeion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and col igestiim a8. do many of Ole usual cathartics ad ministervd ill the form of l'ills. &c. 1 • Ladies and Chil- dren hi ing the most sensitive Ate): n achs tal-e this medicine without trou- .. b e or cot is :CA espech LLvees C( ire's CATILAwrth Compotes") Ily adapted for the cure of 311)3„tINT5 AND DI LIOCS DIS- onDERS. Fpn.ACII STOMACIT .AND T.oSs OF .AP- PETI1 E. FOR SICK ITEADACHE A.NT; DYSPEPSIA. F111: CON. TIPAT1ON 011 COSzTIVENEsS. „OmPLA .A 1:1S i NO' ERDM A DERED k'rATE TI1E, Sno- ALt .•I)rso This 111 1t11(ed'ttrlee 11et S0118, 1 111 -'reparecl by 1)r. J. C. Aver 'oa Lowell, Nlaee, itonttneti to the ilse or the ;We child as old by all Druggists. Price Si; six bottles, $5. 'It; Pitt. 11 ) In three omits) boitlee, 0 el s.)11. - ai d a;ees ia " feanily me -ire Raftil, 2.Ceee& dicine being iii liquid form, cEin be easilyregulated -to equiremeiltanfjlifferent per - :3 Making it E.Oinlalin :nen Day and N gh t I urine- an :vino attack of. Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling in the throat, and an exhausting:, dry, hacking cougli, 1 he sufferer.. Steep -is banished, and great pr'ostratfon follows..i This disease is also attended with hoarsen('ss. and 'sometimes Loss Of Voice. it is )liable -to become 'chronic, inYolye,,Tibe- linigs, ;Ind terminate fatitlly. Ayer's 1 Cherry Pelf toral affords ,spee`i'ly relief :nil cure •in eases of Brolla, lt Controls the, disposition id cough, and induces refreshing sleep. , I hav0. been ft practicing !phy:-ician for twenty-four eari:, and, for the past IWelVe, 11;1Ve S1l11eeet1 f rol annual at tacks of Bronchitia. After exi austing all the usual remedies - Without I tried yer's Cherry Pec oral) It helped me -immediately, and e rected a speedy cure. veal], D., Carrollton , -.Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Ideridedly the-. best remedy, within 111\J knowledge, for ehronie Bronchitis. and jiill long- diseases. -.M. A. Rust, 31. D., South Paris, Me. I was atlacked, last winter,,with a severe, Cold, tirom exposurei grew Nvorse• , „ and lin:illy settled on my Lungs.. By night 'sweats gl. was reduced almost to• -a 1 skeleton. :11y- Ceugh in was eessa tit unit 1 . frequently spit blood. My hysicion told L,tne to give up business,' Or Would not , live a month. After taking var Us rcinc- dies Without relief, 1 was finally . Cured By Using, • 1. itwo)?bttles of Ayer's (.'herry ;Peet oral. lam 'now in..perfeet, health., and _able to ;reatiints business. after havine- been pra- nouneed inettrahle with Col ,timption.- S. P. Il.enderstA1.:t1llsbu0211 _Penn. For years I IV:15 in a decline. 1 hail 'wealc lungs-. and suffered from Bronchitis 111111 Catarrh.. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral re- stortal Inc to health, and. 1 haye been for .11 long I1111e euinpaniti \Illy vigorous. In. eac of a sudden cold 1 alwa ysgresort t(y i the Peetoral. -a)d find spe«ly relict, --- I Edward E. Curti-. Rutland, Vt.' Two yvarsa12.-.0 I suffered f .0111 a severe .The physician attending mit fireante fearful that tile diseas woidd ter -1 minateln Pneumonia. Aftet trying vari$ ow; medicines. without benelt. he linallV prescribed Aver's Cherry Pectoral, which vehf.vedine ai. once. 1' eolitiiitled to take this medicine a short time, and-Nyas cured. 1.-Trnest. Colton, .Logansport, Ayer9S Cherry Pectoral, l'repared •by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Cc., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all 1)ruggiet8. 6ix Wales, $5. • f t: IS Physiciiaris 31(1)271(1er Planta/ -in Sh ,- ....gnmeirsmaftentsw;:ert-o5,4,1wererr-ewlsassmese... AMMO 1 -1"*..1.1.,2MANOTIAINN}....M. RRY 1AVIS' -ea KILLER RECOMMENDED 3rinisters, :Missionaries, of Factor tics; 1 l'oris-shoes, NUr.li )1 I ospitaLs., )rf, everywhere who as ever yen, it a tnal. TAKEN IN EizNALLY ;m1XED WIT1I A INE LASS OE H' 31 ILK AND SUGAR, IT wim.,Ins: Fut:xi) - NEVER. FA[ILING F011 . , mEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON - EST I( N. OR STOPP.VGE clucur,ATION, CRAMPS PA ME THE sTomAcH, sum- p) WEI, COM PLAINTS, .'s• THROAT ' API LIED EXTEIZSALLY, EXPER.IENC 11 tS l'EOvEN IT' run mosr c.t rEe'rrvi.... AND 111.*11" LINO! 1,,NT.0N 4 eau N EI:mort•Nt: Tux; PAIN . \1115;NI; I'1:01f • •T _ h.* .1 IN'S I, NI. TooT1 1.1.C.I I.:, •' "i:NS, ...Ili /ST Brr Es, :NT litc://e. Still Ahead Of All. H. S. SMITH & Co. CATERERS, And dealers in American and Cnadian Confee tiorcrecry . ireamand Water Ices, Vegetables, Oranges Lemons.and all kinds of Fruits. - Families, II:otele, Picnic I'arties and other wishing Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied a reasonable rates. • Tobaccos.and Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. En.ery attention paid to customers. Happy 40 seven you. • Remember the place, Firat Door North Q Reid & Wileon's Hardware Store, 3tain ntreet Seaforth, 1 . H. L. SMITH 'cc.?4.' Co. 959 Removed 1 Removed 1 -VC7- 1\TI SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to nely premises immediately opposite his Old Staind, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be, pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their pa roaage. • Remember the place, hetween Henderson's Ha ness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. ! $98 GEORGE EWING. PENNYRBIAL .WAFERS. Prescription of it physician who has had a life long experienve in treating- female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect euecess by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies -ask sour -drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed partionlars. Sold by all druggists, -1 pc -box.• Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO„ Detroit, Mich. ' !Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden ns, Wilson and Drugelsts generally. ." 969-6'4 the Seaforth, i3russels AND Wroxeter Stage Line. This old -and reliable Stage Line which runs daily between Seaforth, Brussel,-, Wroxeter and t Gotne, leaves Seaforth on the arrival of the Mail train from the east, and connects with the trains running east and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Brussels, and also cot nods with the train for Teeswater at Wroxeter. Comfortable coveiled carriages ind careful, at -1 entive drivers always on the ro d. Pares Reasonable. - • S WALSH, Proprietor. i ‘ „ ,•••„t I' , . , . - e- 'l.--•::---.1..e.-je, .4..4 f: ,• e . - I:: tni.se_a ' nenc ani s., -.1-3 , •( C‘.. • ' • r.,"'I• "t; -; ; • Lathes, Rejoic ‘VL've got the Corsets to suit you all. • A big lot just received. Ease, pomfort, and:a graepful figure secured by buying your Corsets frnm us. Any size from 18 to 30 in stock, and we can supply on short:notiee up to 42 inches. Don't fail to conic to us for satisfac- tion both in wear and in price. • New Braided Jerseys. . Black, Brown, and Cardinal. Navy and Tobacco. , ',Thousands of these goods -a I ever the country. You can't go asthly n a jer- seYe. New Fall Goods Beginning to come to hand, eettt value We. can assure you. • Our Dress and .\111ntle maker is away picking up all the newest -and latest designs for the ladies, -1 1 1 s ES, RTIET-M-k- who can rely upon being well sPited at i TI 11:. NOTE D DI tY.-G 00 DS !II -O USE s\vELLI:i) r3 of Ina4ations. RANTON BROS F1EXETER _L--)-R-1T I'S af;:i.e..C!..tl.le: yet eget!, t•Ierft- p ration is e.1.0,1:;15' ada Joel fer t Le le i ;el an -I 44* cure f L12: .;t e.1:1--; of di-..1.1-ri _• attentla it 0 len a leynor 1 tete, . .1 tate of tile SV.- !:::. : '.• 1 11,-•-:• 7 ) ; • ci-) imanied *:,)- Pea r, NV nne,,..n. et *11';,:- Pii ;11.m of t 'e li• .a.:. Pine nt rt-i;i:-. N1i.,1 1...410X ii`a u -e :Ca '...t: !•1 4. .1 ansine frem I. -s i f L. . '.,' A :.,a • :. i.•:.: ,. ',a „ea ann. n t:,e. e • . •s•-• t • e , ease., ni:e ipanies n a re ; sse ,..- la \‘".......7.•4 p,,,,;•-.„ tem;•dy ,..i,I •,;'7',.... I.: :0 ...•:-••-••". 1.!..•.1 ia ' '-p•-psia ( 1::, :--... •.,..: F ,r 1 . ';'. .7,.. • ,:ii,..,.1 11:- ..,1.,. 1. .- , : .11I t.:::.• . 1 • - ,,,..3 )a,:;.-1,3, •k., 0% '.. ..) ...a i'...- . - t.:. _ - .. I1 LI I•1',•: :0". Zi:.,: k ; : :. %. '/ 51::: : 7 . I. .. ! - 1. 1-. ; • VP o fete ,d ras . a:. • A:: . :...: • 4 AT EtiCiltZli PRESCOOTION NUR;.M E.1:=POSITOR,UFFICE DAVIS &L _ . yrzqlrimEss4i.; REDUIRFO sacrrr-v--rtar. ;net WEENCE CO. SU MONTREAL, P. Q. 1411,01.1•1,1,.....11.1.1,- , - medinir e tinted seer 01)3 eare hi thole:Ands ef mein. Premptly Ntr- 11,111. Prost ral1eri, Weakiit••••s [Ind)), rspiical cord, and n- ,•rati e. oreans. oi eitlarat ,s ills van:evil indieria Coo er ni c -r ee, sines. eia ilacitetee 1 s onarantet d to tellnet a 1-111* 1 le n all ether iteedieines fad, tee- leen-ease ai, eia 'a4 - 1,y lail. Selii Write lor .1ciciresc:1. ainea.t•I f i•()., ,,Detrait.1 Mieh. nee eani it' 1.e Line. • a-; len & :del I ease:. nee elan isdn. • - StOck , Breeders Take Your Choice. neon: a "1 Penne . reel aes.1 si n I; i; ei.11,..- . oid e.. ate' i"1:411, ilaik 1,1:11 11.;• oaf., -.t eieht. They erten; 1 l : ewe(' vorelnif aral ere - ire nieek , tte: -. rm-. For 1.r ccl,- t••• -c- Vositeg 11.11ttcherla.u, fee; Ltati!.• t it" d a:s ; for Ttornivelsbred terra a; tes either , latil, . an. Cows returned moil oilv three tilien and not in can will islet be Pillaged for. Pattie- bringing a niiiLlier of coas a ill le: Jil.or- 1 :l deatt. enth have pasturo to l'e.ep ceavs _from it el istanee. \seine Chamberlain took first • 1r:7 itt neaforth and- Brueaels :nese 5-, last fall. DAVID, MILNE, Ethel, °tit" n55 spaeseeneseiessasesaasseas, LEGAL. FARKFRSI IT WILL PAY Y II. HASTINOS,Solicifor,ete. Oiffee-Cady's . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea - 974 OEM:ER ° . RC. Corner , T !) Dickson, ware Agents-CASIHRUX, • fs{ - Wm. & LEWIS, Banisters, Office, opposite the Colborne -- - _HAYS, Solicitor, &e. . lend at lowest rates of of Square and West Street, M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, . Rooms formerly occupied Meyer's Bloek, over Store, 3I0.111 Street, Seaforth. 110LT e.Z, CAMERW.Z.. Gotten -eh.- Hotel. 1;70 , Private Money to interest. Office - Goderich. 774 &e. Office- by Carroll & Johnson's _Hard- Goderieh b70 Barristers, Solid- J. . T.,GAIIROW, 686 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, tors, &c., Goderieh, Ontario. l'Rurintuor. clAMERON, , k j j Ma CAMP:RON. • TIOFITS • licitor, son's It i II of . Ottlee-Beaver MA HOLT & CAMERON,. Solicitors in Chaneery, &c., C. CAAIBRON, Q. 0., 1.1 . E. DANeEV, late Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Conveyancer, &e. Money Old Office, Card»ont Blot TANNING & SCOTT, liarrieters, k. Conveyaneers, &e. Solicitors ohnston, Tisdale es Gale. Illook, Clintoh, iNING, JA311:4 :SCOTT. - Barrister.% Goderich, Ont ILIP HOLT, M. G. 506 with Cameron, Barrister,So- to loan. Ben- la Seaforth. 786 ._ Solicitors, for the Bank Money to loan. Ontario. A. H. 7n1 V _12. nia the Farm Street, ,---- IIOLMESTED, suceessor McCaughey & Hohnesited, .or, Comes aneer and Nottiry. ,Canadian Bank of Commei s for sale. Office in Setts Seaforth: MONEY TO LOAN. to the late firm of Barrister, So- Solicitor for tee •Money to lend. Block, Main . -- --- „m...\cent.'0EI.rIntet TOLOreAsN.p-a\Sabtitijitioans at 6 per half yearly, or 6i per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. LIOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. , • 850 I • DENTIST, Rooms Seaforth. .a. ill Block, Residence, sel] extracted first DENTISTRY. W-.L.VIIS Faculty Gold Medallist Gold Medallist,Toronto Sehool over Johnsons' Hardware, i 3 1 OlsT-, and College of Dentistry. Main Street, 911 - _A_ R C. and II. S., of Latest improve - line. Satisfaction -In Cady's : Hotel, Seaforth. Street. 941 ,. ,. Dentiat, L. I). Zurich at the the last Thurs- arid in Hen- Hotel. Teeth All work •- 071, • S.. -P1 , .--r D. S., M. R. , I L. Ontario.. 'n meats in es ery guaranteed.Mee opposite Commercial -The Poplars, John . . • - ------- ,1 1KINn1A, J n 1,ein en .:. . `. 5., will --E-1 •.: Huron Hotel, on -• day of eath month, next day, (Fridaynat Reynold' with the least pain poeeilde. elass at liberal rates. . A1EDICAL., , .. ANOVER, M. D. C.. 3L, Graduate of IvH MeC,ill University, Pin -bit -Ian, Surgeon and Accoucheut, Seaforth;Onts Office and re- sidence -North side Goderich etreet, first brick house east of the Methodietehurch. - 461 DRS. ELLIOTT & (UN, nrucefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Offiee,-Roa. al Hotel. 930. T G. SCOTT, M. D., &e., Physician, Surgeon, j. and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Gonerieh street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian fChureh. 812 . • ... itW. BRUCE SMITH, 31. D , C. M., Member. . of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, ec., Seaforth, Ontario. Office, and residence eune as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. E4-8 - - DR. MACKID, (late of Luekno.w) Gra.dnate of Toronto University. and Melina r nf the College of Physicians antl Sure -tans of Ontario. Office, Fear's drugstore. Et-siderite:John Street; first door cast of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. ann. 'EYE EAR AND THROAT • DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. P LRCSE Let-turer on the Eye, !Ear and Throat, Trinity Coliege,- Toron- to- and Surgeon; to the Mercer Es is and Ear in- firmary. Late Clinical Aesistroit Ree al London 'Ophthalmic Hospital, Mooniehis, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital.. 317 Church Street, Toronto, VETER.I.NARY. .1. WILSON, V. S., lh:iort1 araduele: of, Toronto Veterinary. Coll -tele, II•egistered' 'Member of the 'Veterinary ntedirati Aesociation of Ontario. Haviiighad several yearseexperience erni Ins: fowl(' prepared to trmt all eiseaees of th.e domesticated animals ou the ieteet and most inn iroved prineiples. Treatment of delieate Ionia 1101 teeth dressing a spec -nails, Rnesideece: (oy al Hotel, Stafortla • 953 CALL AT THE— ON FOUND: —NEAR THE, HIGH SGI-1001., SEAFO • And see our stock of i Which have been made es.pecially for ithis rturityt 1- have gre, improved 1.Oy Gang Plow fey thifi season, an feel satisfied in saying t it thti best in the market put : " - I _ NO ROLLEFf8 Are large nd heavy, ritimieg light, and doing good work. Our GRAIN CiFUSHER$ Are made from Hard Iron, and will last 4-onget than anyo her machine made. 1I3.1ing ecion tools for etaitting, Roilvet rs, we en gua ntee- satisfactier . Special attention given pairing St Engines, -Saw and Gnat . Reaper, lowers, Threshinge. 31.-aehines, and all kinds of enaebinery repaired On sbort a -Moe' and -at re.a.s nable rates. to C ntractors and °fie B • ridge B ItS and Castinga at lowest tea. Quotations furnished 011 application. iarAlso Ag-ent for the Implements o D. Sawyer, Ha llama. A full line of repairs con- stantly on 1 lid. THOMAS HENbRY• IILRO.N AND 1 UTE oan his Co Farm and Investment any is Loaning Mon4on malty at lowest Rates - of Interest • Mor gages Purchased. — ,SAV NGS BANK 13RANCH. , 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest All:Owed en Deposi s according to amonnitand , time left. r • OFFICs .---Corner of ,Markst. Sessale rid'Nortl Street, G oderieh. • HOIZACE HORTON, MANAGER-. nugust fith,leas5. • 1 922 Goderieb, n'sne7-- tnin' Furnit A FORTH re Warerooms, If you want solid comfort call at M. o be rtson's, And buy one r those Celenrated Self Adialetal4 Easy (lie ira, r -preeented by the above ent. 11can also euppl - I .. Invalid Chairs and Carriages.. i . lEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.- Corner of Jarvis and Goderich Streiste, n -t, at door to the iresbyterian ,Church, Seat -Ural, cInt: All nis- ae.es of :11orses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the dd- iesticated animals, succeeefully treated at the (1nfirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. 71-tarp:es pioderate. JAMES W. Veter- i iary Surgeon. P. S. -A Ihree etoelt of Veterin- rry Mediteines kept constantly on hand' • AUCTIONEERS. 1'. BRINE, Licensed" Auctiorieer for .the . County of Huron. Sales attended irr arts of the County. All orders left at -Tans ; xrosnint Office will be promptly atteeded to. 11 EAFORTH PUMP WORKS In reti ruing thanks to lay 0.011y customers r their patronage 1311100 Nylo11.01Willjr bueinese afonth, I would and ,tlett in ordt r toeopply le clrtijoliid for U1MrPS, CIS TERNS &c. tat I ha 'e ut in Steam Iniwcr and more new MeilinetV, :1(1(1 can now; do 11 y mink quicker e id betttr, and as• Me 110141.• nut the beet ma - 1 I) get, and do ae eased ork I know • how, I 11'; 1110rit 4•01.1:::1::17.t f• ' o•Ir pat - r emote CUSTOM PLAN int; NL BAND 5 'SWING A esPECIALITY. N. CLUFFr h10 clots Of the past arid r• mat lit(00 ..-,0111r1 plees, d 1'''_ 1t P. S.- 1. U B LIC NOTICE. AN r .the -pc c•:;.; inn r:zr t;1 . c. ana-en, ie the iens : 11-.rojj .t• 1•;.-1`712:•;11 3ir. 31.•••4.:: nriett a -r the Is et -rut nenafr bccr-e tri :col from .! ec .1 a a1c-'s, the n; 1o4- a•-. re .,",,i111- 2114 and Petri; ..;: se. , fer the ien it, ti eas • Ise ea.ea- d ta se • seee, :-1 ...V- LI'. , e. - •E-'11 CANADA'S GREAT I • IS TR IAL FAIR e A.g-ricdhural Expcsitiqp, j.386 TORONTO :SEPTEMBER 6TH TO 18TH. Pr( q,7T.74;;.!;...7 NEN; A' GREA,T i?Arl:,1`0.; is prepared fen "-Is E h, anion. -heree Fares and E.reurs ions 0 bat ilzes ize List arid Eau). Fe ess sent to ene on anplieation, by pest e„," i or other- wic, to tint Secretary at Tcraafa• E ,tries close erdav August 28th. H. 3. 111 L, . J. WITHROW, Manager d geey: President. Toitorro. I ile also sel That is ma -de. SID the most conifertable and Atir4,11 _ 11\1.'0- ..173 H13:3 /lis-atoek of CABINET FURNITURE Ia very Iarge a id Complete. Intending p-ile-chase ers ouln do a ell to g11him a eall bc-forks pii (-basing elsewl,Pre. Wareror ois one DooriSouth Of Telegraph 05 iee, MainStreet, Seaforth.; ROBERTfioN. ; This oreat Hoesehold 3hatieme reams amornsee tlie if :aline eeeteseariee. of Lite. Thine. faitimie - inns purify:tit(' Mond; atid eve meet pm% ernally,. vet sooIld.w..03, f;11; the Liver, Stomaeb, Eidne3 I+ Mill litlUVLS, g,iVintr tons-, energy and vigor to j. tliase great 31..icis1ii,:g-, cif Life. The- are eon- i firleatla• ie.-era:mai rend a, a tie: er failing reniedy , in all ease- .,berl. I icc cos.-54'111cm, from xsbat- ! c-1 er Pause, Iwo', lic•eo;.!..- i0:11.4ina1 or Weak:el-led. ' Tb*' ) 'art.; N..(4411; -r1 t11;.1. eilleaelees in all aihnente: - nit-id...anal to fen a, id 411 -4-+-7`; ; and as a Olen- ' ' 4 1.:.1 1.i..i Al:. 3:4 f11i1!.i4: .,-r4; liM,Iir.PliSSed. • ;nee ; 11.,- 11 ..i-:-1. For the '1ir ti: . • 1 ----*-,'*,J Wo.;11)&, Sores 4i3d • riE • ft I.,. if effectually e tI 114 itito innat, I -ie 11.r, ▪ no,ebitea Csaitehs and ' r aul.:alar Piles ; • Lave.. r. fa at ;alai ..1theineafisni iaila to affern n :en siantintetnred at Profee-er Ilellets a Est.:die/Iowa, 78 sieril Stret (;:d,• ::; ()%ft;rd Street) London end ,,en at Is. and 33s. teteh Bea 0111 V(J_ 1' Beware oI 4m 1 irriean comiterfeits,---Pur-/A-.•rs eliould loo1 to i the Label on the Pots atol Boaten If the a.ddiese is not 533, Osnerd Sonet +, Leftelon, they iare •;. spnrione 921-52