The Huron Expositor, 1886-09-03, Page 8THE HURON E light Thumson has ow one'vaf the neatest
lod work i
r. A hort date uote, which is abokit the same,, Week by. MessrB. Cha -Ies,� Jolall'Ux., J. A'. quently a ii erate day '—Mr Beck, of
`DWAR SH and a premium note. of $; General and, Alex. Wi son, of . Scaforth, and be expected of -them. However, ij they places in town. s L. V11 - Manitoba,
-it 'hen this place, left this wee -J.: for I
t Branela'r Oil al�l insurnlce of 1$2,000,t third Nichol Robson, f Cl.titon. —The Public would notify some of the fai �ers Nv N .ster W.
lafor four. cas 0.11 re to thresh a day, it wbuld not there to jQill her busbalid.—M,
for it, ers, $18 11 i or a ,ort and High. "ch Is oboued Monday. they.,, Vin of Lco nd
no furtliir use yet,
date'note, preinitini note of 40. 'The atteudanco' is somewhat materially a who have
as. -s. n -c for a isit,
'Will sell It is thus seen that one person, -%vho is a sil-11all at all tlh-_ schools.—Mr. 'John Xlessi Ui -p� & Wiley, Is ,'they hit\ bean he Y hs soldr his liaudscon*e bay driv- threshed steadily, not -lo..ingka 3iti-lo returned home th-is Nveck. STREET (Irranger gtl�ts hi insurance $3 ilicaper .I)ore I -- . GODEMCH for fo it r �rears than his neiii- iiig 1 horse to �tev. Mr. Musgrave, of day ill foi-ir,weeks, which speaks for it- SEAF013TH. who is MoKillop, for Win. Moore, self Your Hy corras )ondent also Belgrave. not a ranger. Is tbis fair.? I will now compae th e cost of . insurance on the the-librariaii of the IN. echanics'Institute, Mentions that Berty & 8\%,ij ieeton tresh- A Taylor has received a nianinloth
'cood4 Cheper than
n ic - class of property for' the. same urned from his'llolidiiys, and the ed 1,200 bushels in 11 lioarsr Now, I Stock of Falland witiLor has rct a or- Call an(] see thuni. 97.5
05 .1 0 opefF, — would liketo.know how Vieymanaged Libuy will 'now be �a
period of time in the McKillop Com s usual. -There is a good op y, taking the average,assesaments Mr. Papst, -the old gentleman whose -leg to squeeze a day and a half it to I I
je co-n-unctic,ed business. �tokcja tsonic time ago, is iiow able hours, the former being th correettinic. here for a private scliool.—�tlrs. NV.
DISTMCT- MATTERS. 8Reeteu t Nichol is very is
Theamoo aid on $2,000 for ith the aid of crutches. I would not have t6 ubled you thi3 time
-p t1a *alk around I wi'
four years is%,,] 2.24, ot, a savitig of.$2.76 —Dr. Smith '�Iaas re�eived the ap�oint- if your Ray correspondent had tol I ttuy- visiting relatives in Cairo, Michigan.—
z Miss Maxwell leaves for Lucknow this
Ac-v1i)K\T.--A youtag nanlo( A MediOl He r thing neat the truth, but: Lach groas mis-
frorn the Branch and $�-76 from ment i 0 ic, oil scholastic dutics.—J. Ros,
Lle��iRop 11 toprosentati N I 111JUM
rat 1��ancb, Th �ow iship of lubkors itIl" Harry the Gene th e Wee
who has been ill for sornei' weeks, is
work at mill 01.1 Ttiosday _y business of suTh rveliab�e m m as Messrs.
an akes n Comp o calls -bift re teadily improving 'Taylot of
con the right hand by a bar of ired, and the ilishred has the use of u�k r naith. 4� Jiarvey and Wiley.—' I was struck qu T e s AVoodsIee'-,T.',ssex county, s visiting lIC17
ion.which, fell from �a seaffaid above their money, which is a conside6ble ad-- Tia,_ BFST NIRT.- Messrs. MUrxay 'k- Zurich. prents.—Mr S. Tlioiiipson.�oii al)pli-
la-m.)� Thethird. andfolirth fingersare ditional advantage.—W. J. S I I A 0 N1, Allan, 'one day 1 last week threshed, foe w cation received a boy fron.)4r Dr.: Ber-
that lie ' ill lose illem. See' JMcKillop Company. the Mill1load, D. S. FAVS� he sole gent h(re for retary r. anies e n os a, of nardo's home ; he is a small spocinjen of
Q50 bushels of grah
1, mostly whbat, in Viplitheria.1 and C,-oul) m(dicine.
Oillson -es
Ti i�T ie hours. teacher of No. :3, AltrROAD.—Mr. III IESL ENIIIERBABYLANDisa beau- Alwys oil handf 975� a Canavilian farmer.—Henry C�arkc,
Sunshine, lea,
A-forriso'll, fGrmerly Of 11.cKillop, but tifiii i)ooi, f(r tliQ 'verylittle folkii. There 1.13 Wm. 1311t_ Faust received a 'college, to
'coldsin th, of Lolidoll shortly for Toronto 13u.qiness jollv liaby Pezi�,uin on the fir,;t 1)age, an a .son -I the old coun- tcIcgrllI f take a cour8'c in hortlickild writing,
now of" Pembina, copunty, Dakota had returned Il me fton roin
flinny fult-i,oa-c Cats and 30 aces of oats morning, EY i N� . Dogs" xvith reaca�ts atid real do,, -,-a fo'r rainrol)s, ry last week wiW two very s- I.illg biln to
-200 acres of ' het aai.d � .1 I uperior 8aturd� I r and book-keeping: -%ve wish Ililli Bile -
and barley t1iis year. Ile has a yield of -11 the cuto col ining verses, art exquiAe " Crib- youllcy. notify Mr. Mi(phael Oster, bf tile -aublo Clydes i e. 8 llions. They are Agnew of W anosh has
4,500'bushels of wlleat�,(tiid 1,22 acres of and oth, yearlings and one'is a dark and Line, of -the eath of hisl wife's � ister, lesson,in Nvfiich the pea Mn-ci in the qlie6res becil engaged for No. .3, school 1101140.
h s land 500 4ushels. I lie brig e iaiiiiou, ilo had been i. - yielded 2, to 4 fro atlClllforr 60eentsa�ear. Pubt thq other .,a In t bay. They, are.said Miss Aiiiii -,-T. McCisey, leaves for Toponto' this
foil r & Co., Boston, Mass. by,compicten - t j dges to be - as. fine colts a
threshed out his wcrop in W�ed by LOT111101' 'working ill .to 1don. The. t e I e I; I, p h e d week. his anibitionis to he an.M. 1). dayz;, and for thLreshing alone he paid 977 at onde to I 11 ve tile b9c y sent p by
as ever caine nto the country-. Mr.. ; nieJ111;ers of court No. 2-1 Brussels', In-
��s_ an instane of " big tbresh�- t, I )*t', A Saturd-ay en ug's train, aid the ftieiids 4 No. 6 I( complet- Btltsou jiml a Yery cough passage, and tend holdiDg an anniversary service , on
we may State tnat -his men p�ut ed uiv 20th year in the grain business, I would- d throu)i the village with the-
twovaltiablehoirses ivere thrown ove�- -.passq, Sunday, September l2th. They extend
tt elu 0 blitshels in two!hors. A intiniatoto-irnici,sand others that 1', still con-
gl, 3;) with- corpse about t it o'clock 8aairdy niulit. i
n v- the hi board-, but. he g�t his colts landed 11111 h h* for wheat, t t- c to paN host niak-et I)rice a cordial invitation to Court very destructive storii, which qql I in.y,�olcl out a scratch. We! hope he'wil-I have The'reinains interred in the tho- Rev, It. McGosh to'officiate. —'Mrs.
oats )ea, lmrley� &c., and invite at le C
down everything before it, came Within frien.cfs,anclas niuroynew onesas well to deal lie cenieti3ryAn the Vreiwh etthnient 0 good luck with thein;
with me. Always represented at i McOurr of Bruce Mines, is visiting her
three miles: of his place. But, While he nia�ket and Tiii.;, S01[001, BOAR.—A ' meetn onday, T� is asad beri'eavelliert and
was o fortunate as, to escape it, oiller storehouse. JA�UES BEATTIE..' 97741.f: the! towlisMp 8011001 board *as'held at' disappointment for Mrs.1 Oster, as the sister- in'-IaAv Mrs. It. Forbes.�It would
were not. Nl _tIrrchi be wise for the Council father§, to pro -
N e,. AV-11co GOT THE FLol-0—A few d"TS Dixon's hotel, Bruce eld, on, Saturday yO1 - ure a lock-up.liere, as some of:our vil-
r. Chas. M Ling lady -v�.as expec
j t (I home on a, ago a ba- of flour was plaeod -by inistake i k fi t also aubld, McKillopite, and brother of last, but further than passinL/ 9 III) visit the ver evening 0 "the day tha wagon in the Royal 11coteLslied. The Ivrson mber lage boys like to play Mr.r A16x, Mi-irchie, the. esteemed post- who took it tway will oblige 'by faurning it ta of accounts there wa� no business of im- the'�ad news o her deathl-reached them"
11',va. Burwash has gone to, Uxbridg4, to
waster of Winthrop, had 120 acres Of A. CARD.NCI, Seaforth. 977 portaee trans1 n'Jacob A "isnier left for cted. The nex meeti e - in attend her grandni)btlier who: is ill.—
crop;'which --will not yield over 50 bu-sh- Michigan a. few days ago, h'resb6 -
__ T_ will be held at Egmol. d ville school house Severalmenabersof Court BelgraVe at-
els, 'vlr, Frank � xeve had 2200 acres - VVe again 'on' Saturday, Septen-lber Ilth, at two ends to st. C
Tim OTTISH vIES — t fty abotlt�two Ni eeks,.aild will tende Thompson
d the funeral of Brother.
Iecomiplhely dcs�troyed. Grain growig direct thiattention of o'lr reaLs to the o'clock .p. in., fbr the purpose of 'engag- then return t6 her lioin, in Kanas.— of Londesboro. in thes�- Northwe%toarn States seems to great celebratio to be' held in this t6w' ing teachers fo kiext.year, and the Mr. Jacob Rauch has beel here Wijr1lj 11 IS
be a sort of lottery. Wn-i.- Sam- on 14 riday next, o,,n the occasion - of th6 transaction of otfier Lusiness. uncle", Mr. Philip Hauch,4isiting: for a ors, formerly of �Vinthro, - had a 100- Calecloatima ga mes. . Several of the best few days, and left again for Napierville, 'Blake.
p COUNCIL - Doi.-(,--,. At -a Ineeting -of townShip CO e e 0 n`c' �eld on Tuesda Illinois, .PROPERTY acre: farri on shares, and he will have athletes, pipers alid dancers in,this coun th i1T yo where lie is attending colle., over 600 busliets of wheat forlais por- try and the Ujaited States will -be pres- for the truck Miss Pfaff, of 'Waterloo, i,� here vhfitin Jolinson,of the Browliscon Line, Hay,has
the, rate curr nt year was 9 nd will icompete. The excellent unt a i oses, liends and relativea.—Mr. H. I i- 100 as follows: 'Vor county pt�lsl f" )un exchanged' with,' Mr. John
Oo P ith,of the Browns n Li n ley, f or
prora�n me, pr 'vided justifies the expec- -L' ATupETF,—TN1r:, (1. 133/44 mills on the dollar;towpship nert hastrdedr his horse, " Poison, " to e IA SF1 tation that there will be a large attend- rkurpos, Mr. 13.ossebberry, wl�O has now a. 80 acres. Mr. Reithr gets $300 and 15
es, 1 33,141.0 mil.s Public SchOol, I
erry'r who by. the way i;- a- resident of The celebraion conclude by a acrie-s of splendid hardwood bush. We
ance. I - I I d lie sags they a - as
1 1 1 /20 ; Uniola i, ellodl No-. 1, McKi� top, pair of ' fliers, an c
co� eats' as an ths cOunty, ar-Ta" O wh ' e f grand concert in Cardno's hall, whidh understand that Mr. Reith intends Mills'.'and for railway debt interest good 1.3 a y the couity. Mi. cut a ]at- e amount of it into firewood
e i - III
xthlete we have frequently made itlen- will br* cen part in by the pipers and and inking fund of a mill. Mr. Sam- �,Nlurnei;, (lj�nt, of thi.� plac6, had a tion before, ha;sz again been distill m'h- e 9 �anc rs of the day, assisted by severa - (lays ag6 wl this winter. It will be advertised and
u e.1 C4nochan was re ppointed collector runawa wjdw� ien co ning
ing him -self. At the Irish,- gam es ut 'VO offered for sale in about two nio
well-knivia and popular calists:1 - Thi i Henslol with a loakl of g6ods.
at,a salary of 8'90, and the appointment from BoBon, (,),n the ath August Mr. Perry, bisy §eas( n for the farmers 'is no coyer, of Dr. Smith as Heal;h Officer was con- Hirojself and the horses escaped Uilill- public auction, either in the tree or in
ita throwin the 56r R,)s. weizbt for height but tile 'A wbod. Mr. Johnson has got a splendid
9 and -we (xpect- a large crowd frovii the; firmed. Counqlilc�r7' Kennedy -r -WAS in- pired, -a V newhat de
attained the height of 14 feet 2 inches, I tiding -On as bargain, as the buildings are worth near -
country a,, well as fro- al the surrou staicted to let he. job oUerecting ap- moralized.', 'beat -ug the record by I foot 3 inches, to, 8 and vilhiges. Ily $2,000, and Mr. Reith is satisfied, as
pro -aches to the ibri -- e on tile 4th con- .4111d, defeating West �tbe American chann ippen his new place joins Bhtke farm. ion �and ather eniinent atilIetes. At cedsion, n6r the sclacoA house in Section LoCAL —We would direct the (-,'RAIN' MARKET.14. — T'�id subscribev I I I' The official report of t Lawrence, Massac-hilsetts, last Sarturday, atten tio of all interested to the an- herobv inf Ethel. ings willbe published next week. orll�s his friend and: ie farmer (fen;
he threw the 16 lbs�� shot, 45 feet 9 orally reach of Kippeli that his terin Li -ST 0111,TUARY.—It is with feelings of
�e record is 44 feet 4 nouncem T, it elsiewhere of the Seaorth . N,0 T E RS' COJRT.—HiS '11onor ther havi ng,�xj)ircd, he ha!t rot) -.ed the ecninio. ches, whle th crea ery 'It will be an i nter- Judge Toni.wil hold a court at Dixon's diotis new etei-ator at'llensall station, con jlie much regret that we this weekichronicle
in,ches. At this competition he carried, eaing an plef%ut gathering, and we hall, Rr u-cefield on Tuesday, the l4th West side of the track, where I elourrent Inices he death of _Nlr. James Kilig, shoo -
off th-ree athet prizes, and 1here wm the for all kinds of grain will be paic. 1willb,,glad a lavrge croiVdpresent. —The indt., for the pulpose of hearing and de- to do business with all who make it cc nven Imaker,of this pIaee,-.vho,1di6d orithe
keenest e0fil
_Petirticon. Mr`., Perry iis a friends ot Mr' L. Thorne' formerly o t location. Avill 24th ult. Mr. King ws
f e-lit-iiiiiiiia appeals agailst the :votdrs' icrottocalf. N.ot-etlie cliangre ,f 4 y8ung man
resident orf th-c, township Of G�rey, near 0 this town, -%viIVbe pleased to l&rn that lis ts- of this toivjishi�. Owing to the opon. about the 15th of sel)tenu or. D. of about 24 years of age, aAd had been
Drussels, and first became pratniReat as N A e is liagc od health and prospering. He caj�e and iinpa�ialit' observed by the 977. ailingfor about a year- w�th diabetes,
ath-lete about a yea ago- nce then I is book-keeper,aild manager of a large eft -1 asIscor of this town- Hay. but nothing serious Was anticipated
he ha,,� can-ied erverythin be -fore hi,rin, cient clerk an, Wholesale , and" retail. meat market in slli�,p it is 6 very ra�rel thing -t until the Sunday before his death, when
He is. just 23 years of age, stands 6 feet Los Angel AMr. Win. Fowler, Pf the" 0i1TTJ-A1tY,=-1N1an f readers will
eAls aganst th V'O�ers' lists, but this y 0 Olr inflammation set. in. He was uncon-
2 inches, �ud weighs 194 pounds. He p regret to(�,learn of the death of -a old
Hurcon _W,acl.,';Iiieturiaed home from hii year the: Conservati.ires- have mAde a, scions Monday noon 'and remained so
is &, ,modest, unaSSILM i.Di �g YO:ullg ad and estee-nied resident!of: this townsh' 'P until Tuesday evening, when he was* re -
trip to thc old contry oil Tuesday. Hk. " Wig push," and ljavo� appealed t6 have if he takes ca -re Of hi. m self has a brilliant in the'peron of Mrs. Cath4ine Grand3F,
looks -well, andi eD'oyed - most agree-. lieved of his suffering and passed "ov'er
soine ififty additi, lial 4anics iLdded. We �,mreer before hiul, ill, the al..W.hio took place at Nor�h Streei !,,St.
visit in th, e old land.—IMiss Ken- will 'See what su cess they will have. the riv6r. By his death E�hel jias lost
nedy, daybte� of r. H. P. Kennedy,, Clair -county, ,24-ichigan, I on 'iumlay, a good citizen and an obliging Mid ac-
221nd August, itt the agal of 7:3 years. CO'r
Tiii., of this t 11, iias secured a school iat inplished workiijan, and his relatives
The Whyte- 13rothers,-assised by aina- Cal-e'do)tli, aud left for that place Bvf1eld. The-deccased wa�s a nati-�_e of 1�eland a kind and obedient son and br6'ther.
tears &ave th TjiE Aw�icvvrURM, Grot:NDS.—Thc and erniurated io Canada Jvlien a' child. Much sympathy is felt for tile be�eaved
ll� Winglaam Times of prainised cancert in th Saturday. -T e 0
. now have 8 he j i n Metljodi:�t church at
Methodi.�;t church on Wednesday even- Stanley Agricul* ura1 Society 0 ed the ' I
last Week 3ayB:: 'George L. Whitneyi, family in their sudden atiliction.
Jr new rouncs enclosed by a -high about the age of fifteen years and con- in I as t. ere was -It good audience, late Of t4k rm of Whitney & Duifiel&� tllq' grounc jiat:n` cobt so large as the entertain- was in town 0`111. Monday', packing -an fence and ii nea agricultural liall tinued a conistent mehiber of that d Shipping his household -goods. Mr. Grey. ment This was the first ap- eilleXated. The -d `�rcct rs had a bee -to body until her,death. (Ini 1835 §he was -pealanec of the Whyte Brothers'ha this plo,;w and level the 'grounds and now married to John the 'co alty TH 01: A PIONE- with,
Whitney goes to Woodstock to opell up Grandy in DEA Borrow
town, but we hope it will not be the in billsines; i, and his many friends in this ha�e them in good 'Illape. The show of Durham, Ont., and sh; and her hus- we this week chronicle the'death of the
last; . Their varios: s4lections were town will wish hinj every success in hi' hail been fixed fo � Moiday and Tuesday,,' band continued to resid there until Mr. Itobert McKa, ofthe Sbh con-
Irey, who died 11
M' October, 1 1 and 2. ! 1850 when they renjoved to the t,)Wn_ of (-, 0
well cliosen and eh&rmiogly rendered,. newfield cf labor. aster Wm. Sloan, the niorn-
Rach piece is a serlikon in itself and is ,"'YOLD OUT. r. John Morgn,' has ship of Hay, 6th coii�6ssio;nparr hine, ing of Friday, August 27th, in the 63rd
.,s. Sloan, of this" town, who C3
son of M, rendered with a feeling and left here I at spring to.j6in his' -The deoeased was a
father in Sorltl his hotel property' to Mr. 8 warts of the greater part of that t w ship I eing yeaX of his age.
which im�presses it upan the memory of Gilina, ha arrived safely in hanghai, Clinton for the Bum of $3,550. � In ad-, then a wilderness. There ishe" lived for Cktnad - iau by birth, a nativd,of the CoUntyr
every listex.le. Miss Canipbell gave a and so 'fa lik' 'ditiontotliebuif( ngs,N,Tr.MorL7an6vcsin about twenty-six years. ��he has Ixen of Lanark. He settled in the townsh'
68 the place well.—We �p
Before ini
be.aiitiftilselection,,ali(li�.tis needless to one ac The neNv. proprietor N4,ido%v for tweii,ty-ifine years, durill � the 11 have on h � d a most interestinc, I of Grey in the' year
tter e
say it was well, reraderedr, While Mrs. " Frorn �eaforth � to Quebee and, Re., takes possession ext �week, r. Mor,_ last teif-year 'of which- .9he made her ill the 'settlement on- thle line weie
giv; tagr _9111 has i neat d coitifortable residence home wi t,, essr's.*Donald Laniont, Yolin Lamont
Bright and Miss 14,, Johnson each gave a turn " j I li 11 i daughter; �Jrs. David a, grapilo pen-picture'of I Bola, atut, bolth. were well i.�eceived. Mr. the beautiful M. Lawrence- scenery and. Oil the opposite a de of the street ironq Quah- of Jeddo, While op a ud "Thomas Taylor. Durling his long
ibley, of Cli.-artoa, also �ia,ve two well- other objects ll:oy the Way, which our -thellaotel.,wilere I reside, and he visit to her son, Mr. \)'in. Grandy, of illness of nine nionths he'suffered the
rendmdsocosland gave two readers will rec�ive next week.—There nt'nds czrrying 11 grain a
Ipro- North Street, Michigan, she -was sird- iost acute acrony, which, was borne
chou�*es, both of whiiji gave ample: were70tiqkeWaold at Seaforthstaio duce bu iness. ' He lias occupied the denly called to her eternal rest wheri. without a sitigle complaint against the
n sa".iSfaetjQJ, tor the audicif ce. hotel for, over 9-0 years' and his courteous, attending-, nieeting� in North treet dispensations oy Providence which had
Miss Wil- for C litor co Monday last, the day of Willis presided at her kin4ly bearing towards his 'guests com-, church. bn Sunday, Aug,u,�t 22nd. All * laced upon him so rheavy a cro His
Forepaugli s raifewh there.—N-Ve under- ip i s,oloen hearted hospitality through life she enjoyed rernarkibly 'remains wer 0 %N"
qrgan.' The entertainmetat was, indeed,. stand that ,N es Leatherland, Jr., ll;�d with hi e foil ed to their liarrow
-it, musical treat, and 4�,7,e are sure o,ur who has cond4eted a very successful ,hla4e hilu one of Ithe most popular hosts, good heaha A on the illorninc, of the receptacle On turday by a large con-
-b�wlispeople giv� .tIle Whyte tailori siness here 0 e I course of friends
ng for somib time, flii�e his li a long enjoyed the re- (lay on which �he died,appeared to I)e in c and acquaintances, tes-
Brotlipra it, raos cardiad receptico,. and a has disposid of his stock.and busineg to )utWcon of I eing� one fof, the best kept her usual he�al,th. She �r)assed wwa * tifying their sympathy with a wife be-
a-mlieuce sh.oild they f n ce. Bot himself and Airs. without a strulugle while in her sei t in reaved'of a -lovin't, and provident hus-
avo,g Mr. Charles Stewart, who is well known,
U V� ell tertailiment oil a fit i as a ski -If u I andtpopular workmsn. —We. oigaal, h�ve we'l earlieda easoncof rest, the church. 'Rhe was a good wi e, a band, apil a family of a father ever
The chair was occupied lid' e hope the, r ina� lon't), live to en- kind mother dn(I faithful eady With a strong arm and tender pa-
wotil dir-ct the attention of the tow- friend. Her
by Mir. Salton, of GoderiGh. autharitie, to 'the fact thaX there is -li-O 0. i1the pleasures of the pretty bonle to hope in Christliwas the g�iiding star and i -ental solicitude to protec� and watch
dal they retir comfort of ]lei-, life. overtheni. AViieiiNvalkiiig'itlit-otiglitlie
moonight j u-st zlow, and it would be a Court was great Coilif ort to pedestrias to have the va ley of the shadow of death lie eared
held here di4. Saturda-Y Iagt'r Jjadg' street larillps lit these clark-liarights.— God was with him and coin- e nensall. co�, for
At 'forte�d him. He put'his trust in Christ,
Doyle 1here ere a large Btev. A. D.1 -McDonald returned hamb t, of the -vif II.NT.—Mr. J. Sinelair, laie of
T mee Ing A( number of cases trie'd, bat non,e of from his 1.1orliday trip on Tuesday —Mr. e t Council, behi at Kinburn, on ur faith, -and his
Perthshire, ScAland, and in the employ
special im-portance. Oinq brou,lit u 6�i -Words of fatherly -adview to his
G at tit 0. C. Willso has moved into the rest a I as to, t h d raf� of taxation for ast
y Mcl?, of'the Lon'(ion r. o� Mr. W. childreW W( to Jes 8,
met with a serious acci- oderich street, whiQ-h he're" the �current year iwas 9truck as follows ; Road,'recentl� wel�� to cling the
inatmuce �f Dr. Caletian aginst dence. on calector arf taxes cently,purchase'd from Mr. J. Duncan. For� lcoses,i 10 In tke dent ahn Ca. I Ccolint� pur� ills on while,', gged' in cleaning out Author aDd Fifiislier of that fai I.
-icited iifost interest and He h s on6 of 'the prettiest places in MjLcKillop, el 011ar Townshi) purposes, 1 4/10 mills manure. It a pears he was standing at
occupied th e greater part of the sitting Mrtin Charlesw6rth� thi, and in addition the s'ums required for the front part,of the wajon, and. where Gorrie. of the Caut. In this ease it appeare� founder a ad f6rinner proprietor of th'e" the respectivechool corporations. -The ilte load e�ended over the box and in Mr. Seamen, station
fro,na the evidence that t1je" town HgtiaofidVille inills, after an. absence of oullcilwill�-neetagain when called by tepping forward he fell behind the
Ship inaster, (X'corrie, was. Married to iss
Eagiacer,bad ordered Dr. Cole -man to, six Or Aeve,,.i years ed to Sea- bhe Iteeve. liorsesand 111'frontof the wheels, ad daughter of Mr.
and Maggie James, secon
I ditGhr tbxougli his property in forth to reside and coccitpies Mrs. Coi.T LoST.—Mr Thomas McMichael, the horses b ming startle:d art)(] Spfln. Edward Janjies,�ou Wednesday of last
David 9- an son s resid r e on o n reet- — A this town a very valuable iDg forward, li�rooglit the wagon with its
in order that adjoining I ds eiue h 6t shi week.- - The bride was inaddithe rc cipient
might ha�%- a &-ainagle outlet. This Mrs. J. � Duncarij,' accompanied 1) 4ier Bucking colt from hi ) dise�,se,, two or load across hi -I u: tider j k%V pf inaony valuable,presents 611 thE joyful
y and over, his
l)1_' ('f>le` M�an re'f or neglected to do, yo.ungest (tau bter, Lulu, "and her two, ;Ijorep, weeks aLo. It vas of the Clyde- chest, c pecsion.. The happy couple 1'eft
9, ausingipainful injuryto thefor- oil the
and the En"glileer, as instructed by law! sons, Julius and, Tlomas, left on T eedl' and. brea ng a coupl
ues- iale br and was sired by Colquhoun mer eof his -ibs. �fterlaoon train for Brockville, where as let the contract for the work and had day last for ti,ieir new hoille in Lynch- - t- Dow's,"Majcr." t was one of the , We are pleas to learn however, that they intend to, spend theif lip'neyinoon.
the c0sts chaxged against the property burg,. Virginia. Mr. and Miss Dubcan )est of the inauy g od colts bred by INI r. Sinclair, I: Ider inedical treatn ent Sun-
> art the collactar*s roll. The a,maunt not will follow them on Monday liex-j.—We Mr. 'McMichael. H Ims three very is doing as we le,asjpan be, e day last youth by the name of Abra-
loving fothcoming tt,t the proper time, are pleask. to see �Iie dheerful eounten- ood:colta left et O the same breed, BRIEFS. ite number'left �hani Fallally created quite a sensation
M1�obert Jamieson, of -the 'tit the one diei was the best in here on - Modd on to attend 4 driving a
the collector Seized the ehattels of. the anxce of I I 'I ay f6r.c.1ilit long the M
tha, 14 'large ain strect'at a
d. U s e is
r- Ile return(d fro d 'country -visit CRUANIERY PI under ptItting a new roof on his"I)rick block of ' Mr. 1.- S. Rani -
tenafittvi-ho occupied the properly. In Grolden Mcn store, on cour's-treets agaiii. he lot. Forepaugh's f it ri rate just when sPni,e were re
to rehe've the chattels of h .9. ten- iurnill" from church and others from
no his 01 A picuic.
ant, tl:t-,I)octo:r paid the amQunt u 'der on N.Tolida a meetimy of the . . . . . he auspi ce of ti e Lo d eaboro cteamery stores,'the coldlone having be,come a th School. He was so busily en -
now bring;3 ctl6n against town C0111.1 it, Ir in nie-, Sabba Tuesday e 1). iL
vemm, the ii M rs Moon's beautiful what leaky.—. �lr. W. K4*r,,of Hay, has gaged whipping the horse and chAeixing
the colk-,ctcor for the re he in. the crcari6ry, on Thursday BOW his 50 -acre farm, situated on the fa -lad of t sx m... anly business tr�iasacted 'was thelfiix" g Wve,' Ded" that be did not app6ar' to notice even
in the first place, that of the rateifor the current year, which is 'next. Among *c attractions will be 2nd concesion, to Mr. Georg� Thorr son our (tonstable, 'Mr. W. If- Clegg, wliq is
w t11C 64111-C LIS i.-tiade, and that 19'n)ill oil ttledotlr, the same as last aticalItInd int6reotftig addresses.from jr., of the same townshi' Tiiie f -amc': not a dwarf. ' Mr. Clegg, arrested �ljini
p rof e sor Robertson, of the Ontario of Mr. T. Mhr&ek's on and put him into the 61�coqler,o mhe -e
hii 1-ircyperty was, injured instead of year.—Some 15 or 16 horses have been' .8 new cottage for Sey .1 Iletiefitt&(I bV the drrai'll, and tha q an - training Itere! e -&I 'days for the. Agrictiltural Cdollege, and the-Se-cretar Q).,Lieen strect i�wu� d the contractor ie remained until Monday morning,
y reai
e P;IaC6 Ontaio nery Association. is the work in -quiently Ile liras 110 right to I stallio tak lan �)e c :n s aees, which tak of UI 81
0 mshill'g fOl vi th �vheil lie was fined includingi costs.
with tliv worl,-. T he reserved h is oil Fairvieiv here, to-day.-L�Mrs. th gentlemen are practical dair tile - good Shrape.—I Ir., W. Stone' ks Abraharn ba:d not the nionqY to pay
y n Thb Court opened It 10 Alex. Wilson returned honoet after hav- �f�lohg experience, and their addresses this week adding tp' the, aP �be fine, hisi, I father asauiried, that re-
pearande o o'clock Mild closed about 6L. ing p�tit several months With her W ill be useful ,Is Well' as, interesting. his fine residence a;ud grofilMs, Vy th roontibility. The lirmiptness W'ith
paren ts! and friends in Sq0tiand, on Besides thi$rp if ti e weither be! fine, all erection of a handsome &ket fince Clea acted lll�on thi 09 81, oc-
TH O I I d 31, last., Wilsan awcompanie( -ho attend will enjoy a pleasant. day's 'Mr. J. Workman i� doitag" ill commend itself all lovers
yortIr isstie'of the 20th lfl;e.r to and from thence lie 11 tkag. M rs. Lk s me� od order, ,whi le it will teach rawdie . s
nuin,',( f London, who lia f LY0
Signed " Michael, went to Ottawa to -ittend the I)OL I inio the guest of )Nl-rs. 11'. Torrance foi thd hat hey cannot,violaic. thq laws 'of our
givia.,r credit to nie for fairly Ri fle ssociation's mtch beh held S tdnl 3V. past two we ks, returned home on' and with impunity in our afi!l plainly the truth. .1 there tilis Tup,
ray 113T8. �We understand Wedliesday.—We are �pleaaed to learn -e to c 0 T-1 and seven- for this mu, It, but on Torrto to attend the i'eet- ;hat there are e wee sixty
I atil. ;,�rry that lin the figures p2roducid, i 11 of the that M rs. P. Loutit, The County Model�
who reside s.. wi thin S* h:)ol. 0 Conference of, the ;y appeals against the voters' lists in a mile of this �illaae, is recovering rom At a mee I r r, ting of ille County Bcard of
by him lie dues nat do tile I wih Methodist church now -heing held in Iiis township, but njost of tbein are to her late scrious illness.—The .N1 sses lield:Saturday, August28th, tu be understood tImt the c- that 'City,�and of - dy Ife i's a lkLve nf, it nou 'Oliell bo ies.addel,'anifthe apl�oeals are Wow,'n, of Exe�tler, W 0
h have beeii here lie following resolutions were passed Kill"il -s the Advocate of litiev.1 paiti s. et. e of loss pa� rolm both po
e Judge Toms forAhe past iting relative� Tli�it the candidates who failed at the
or so via
ill-.Iidld bis.*couft forL hearing these ap- and fmends,- ve returne(i home.--'Nlr. fCIR illjoulit il)SUrred oil last week makes! the following coli�oli. 'I L co -arna, oil and Mrs-. W- Nicholt, of London, are quired to attend thewhoIe,odel:N'cbooI
t%&_o_tIlird an orrdinary contents )rofe,�ssionl examinations 1885 be re -
of uienVary refereitee to one of our le eas at �th -to
-W.-Ould it llot be better to in- gentleinen Monday, the. l3tli'inst r lie asks, At the Division Gou' bold this week rt e, the nests of Mr. D. Urqu- term of 1886. sure in a- company that would py the, here on Friday last, W. H. lIaStillyS of , i TILAT Tuiiy sill IEARE X-110.1UT
0 hart.—Mrs. W. Hodgins and daughter That the percentage requi6d to obtain
ftill amount of ill8ruratice in tilie event of Seaforth, appe, 0
ared- as counsel for one of - -'In 'our lait week's issue I noticedthe Niave been visiting friends ily Kincarc it y je. cerbificate be the same as viz.,
thepropert3- ISilppoge ay CoLrrespondent took up t 0 the defendauts in a certain.suit. -It was tie coduels F. Bro*b, of the.London R -)ad, 0 pef-cent. oil each subject1 and i(l per
'range CO.Illp"Lllyr.
eeans the 0 . I 0
f so), eV�drent frorri- the start that lie hd a poo behalf o�f Me8srs. Berry & ,S-winerton, is this week vNiting relatives in Lon Ion. nt.,of the au regate. Me give, a few figyres by way of cotli- - --cqe, yet -be foruflt hard and so abl' d did L some pretty P, Wr, aC- Iug�am, of --Hay,yecently left That,che practicll work Of tl andi,
The ra Coulpany has two quitted ilfitiself that w1hen' he (lot �lso Bta,N-4 that evid4ntly we had 'lot here for Man it�oha to see lie sop Wa, - t�r, ates be examined bN
e tj
wh p
viz atige Branch and through he was complimented by v- I rod i viouls'lf eats of the, above who is seriousl� ill and not expectefl, to devote ihre�_ days each
(Z eard of the p r tile III ctors,
_Cea 'a.1 till er Brn ch. The Gra'ngp etal gentlenieta preset. -4. �Ertn. I presunlE that, to a certain �nd that they,
Huron is rep- ex- B. , Thornoson is this week Model School.
U1110ell, on an insurance of $4,000, third. rek;e-lited at the Dominion Rifle Associ- tent, is correct, a, that firin, ",811 movincr into, his large. new Xlwelling That the ecretary not
for four years, charges $15 cas or atio" ify the 3oard
-0 nse- hot, .,a joinino,
,,hootn- match at -a this day, I 1. t116 14 CO' d` his cider rnill.- ,Nlr. Of Trusteeof each odel Scho that
0 Ottavo out three Be 0
16 subject, of. inusic drill and caisk-
jellies stion''Abe taken up� in the TVIodcl
choolS, ftl)d that papers on these sub-
nitte"I to the candidate.9
will be stibi t the filittl exmilltioll..
That for prctic I (Inc a X books
)iir and fivol' be cPlll1)IctVd 1114 by the Principal. . of ech. odel
(.1lool as ))�.ing the work of the candi-
ato. That J. Mof
)ul)lic Schools, having resigned his
osition aud' removed from this county
ince the. ills niecting of the l3oard, th Lis
r"Vel'ing his lll)cjjibet�hip with. it, we, his
ecolleagn es, tidic this opportunity of
,earing tQstinjony to the industry, in-
elligence aiid elliciency 'i,vhich always
haracterize(l. him L during the fourteen
in whi ell he Was �a member of it,
nd in partipg with liin,� we express the
incere hol)6 that in the. n-eNv- profession
.,bicl) lie ha.§1 adopted lie will with
hat -success which his dilience and
erseverance so amply inerit.
exciting galL of
ase Iplayetl here last 'linton
fternoon Blyth and G
iul)-,, along with. the umpire. Although
was pretty hard work.playing iihic
len and an unipire ', our boy-, eanic off
ictorlous. ready whenever
lal_g,L Il
�Ie Clinton I )coy are.. —A umber
f peoplu-att ' ended Forepaugh's circusill
,lintoll 0111londay last.—Little Harry
,as in Lucknow last week purchasing 'a
illiard tablIc.—onie excitement is folt
i town over a report that gold has been
iscovered at theBruce mines, and the
A oil which 'A. was found belongs to
harles Hamilton. He has had some
-dow]ia to him, and all
'ho understand gold lilhiing say the
est of gold is : to , be found in them,
here is no. doubt there is gold, iba
ie trouble is whether it Will L be
I paying quantities or not. 6hoot opened on Monday last.—
n Wednsday T. Uily moved the re-
iainder of his stock,'to Seaforth, where
a will run a grocery' storq.—The band
ere engaged to atten& the Harvest
.ome held near Dungannon on Thurs-
3,y last. PERSOSA�LS.—MiSS Shaw has re -
after an extended visit to her
ster in ��_ucan.—Toin Dale, who has
withiF. Metcalf forone year,.will
ave town. in about a week. Ho Avill.
�ke charge of bi5 fatIlLer's business in
�oiint Forest, owing to the illness of
�s brd ' Pray, of Alvinston, is
ie, guest! of C. R Tanner.—We are
or . ry to L*sed R, Irwin having to go round
ith a stick. I ��ne evening abouf clark
i lie was re laing home, lie stepped
lion. a hoop, �vben the other side flew
p and bruis.ed his very badly.
Ince tbati.time lie'lias been quite larne.
-Miss Maiggie Hartnett, who has been
Buffalo iox .4ome-time, returned home
st week.l—.Miss Hathway, Of Winni-
�g7 i,s at John Emigli's visiting.—
�.iss Cur4y and Mrs. Fairbanks, of
orcester4 T lassachnsetts, are visiting
Mr. H-1 TNI cQuarric's. -Staff- Captain
]over, of Ithe Salvation Army, ColadiaCt-
I the nie6ting oil Tuesday evening.—
nine yea!'r old boy of Blytb wanted to
�e Forep-4ugh's circus ery- badly, so
6rly Mo6day morning lie walked to
lintun ; helped the circusinen to put
p seats, ind so worked his Nvay into
ke show; he (lid without dinner or
Lpper, an . concluded byhookinga ride
)me oil V4 train. How is that for one
iy's work ? Staffa. LOCALITiFs, —Miss _McLaren, who has
visiting friends and, -,relatives in
condon and Wyoming for some time -
Ls returned..—TMrs. Kinsman, wife of
if " Kill " inerchant, accompanied by
.rs. n -.Niliss Vina� Hutellinson,
arted on Tuesday for Chicago, to pend
te winter hiontlis.—The English church
in coursd cf erection, Mr. James, of.
.itchell is';the builder. —Messrs. Jeffery id Brooks have completed the bridge
)ntract, 1known. as Hothani's bridg, id were 4ighly commeilded for �Iieir
onk by the township fathers.—Mrs.
lios. -,-;niale is quite ill.—The E41ish
iurch people of Dublin, Hensall. and
;affa, purpose baving a, picnic on Staffa ountain ip a week or two, aild i free 'Deert, in,contiection with the!. -same, in 'e -evening in the town hall. The best 'aii'able localL and foreign talent will secured in order to make it, i�t usual,
success. Saddler is busy � Aing
der. East Wawanosh.*
JOTTINNG.s.—Tbe Misses McDougall of 'ingbolm , -were the guests of Mrs. Ellis
Bt week, —'David Moore' and wife :are
siting- aiiiong the McGowan clan.—
rs. durr�y of Worcester Mass . achus-
tsy is visiting at G . ecorge and Grig Me-
cAvans'.—Mr. Howard McGowan, ex-
ipil of Me. Burchill intends going to
linton High -)cIiooJ.--Mr. Alexander
enderson an old and respected pioneer
East Wawanosh quietly passed
vay on Friday morning, at the hour of
ur o'clock. fle"was one of the oldest.
ttlers in Wawauosh and was much
ollyfit of by all wh
0 o were acquainted I
ith him. e has been ill for souriel
me and as 1he waa not very' rugaod it
ant hard -con him. His funeral was
rgely attended. The remains were
orne to the Blyth cemetery. , Hi4 1063 ill be much felt in Wawanoah.—A 01111g Son Of Mr. Frederick Toll died Aurday last. He was not sick a' day 1
A the -sudden death caused all alarm Iriong the neighbors.'—The 1�ev. Mr..,
cKenzie and4ohn McCoy, are ViBiting,
Mrs. Alexander Dingwall's. 9 —Michael Davitt has accepted all in -i
tation to visitontreal,; and will de- -er an addi4ess there. -eal
Nlonti defeated Toronto i� the croise ' match on Saturday, by three
rawlit garnes. gang of professional ' thieves who �ve been' lying around Suspension:,
-idge ana. Buffato for the last week or �::
�O, 'rand Trunk fast ex -.i
worbed the G ess croing west at about 3 o'clock �8,un_ �y niorning. The work was syste-
Aically abd quickly done on the jr�,in
tween the L Bridge and 'Hdmiltoli.
bout fiftelen passengers were robbed of
ins rangi og frorn a few dollars up to
er one hi.indred dollars. The gang al-
niade it.;convenient to carry off some
OiCe - it]) No trace of the
as l3kike and 'Alowat met with
enthusiastic -meeting at Ottawa,
ond&Y,L ;and addressed a crowded
aeting ialthe evening.
—Mr. Egan who has recently 'eBi ned
e superintenden6y of the Msgtern
4 a
,,tion of the'Ca,iA cla 'Pacific 11ailway to
mme. tile niana . gernent of an American id, was at few days ago presented by
iereWe'Are Aga`ln,
st we(Ak about the probabilities, ()f ,ade lking 00US I V I throi: ic fall of the interestiag: uceme, its that were likelY to be 0'rffed�
ad of the bargains that were evel. thC11
IC Ord tr of th (lay sur,
rised.-wheir we inforl), �V)u that aliready lese have become, M It oesn't take the People low, to fili out wliat'5- in the Those Vbite 111ilt.,, that wespoke bout have pased th( hnds of people who Ic 11,r) tv a argairt-whenthey-seeit; Fortb4bene- t of those who missed the oplif) would mention that eighty-ijilljl� cents.
'a') the, ligure tiva bar' -
:tin in store for our patrom, . The fall Lills A�ill collilil-clice in f6v 'hell 1A et I weather, inud and , in older, so it belioves everylytidyto
. prot -ted. against the clerojell Is. A
hot(-. *so of Waterproof .,ircu.
,rs arej now- oil. the bargain list f( � this ad thel conaing week.
It wouldn't be ise to 'mention the price here, tiat we
arpos giving theill away at—mfor sollae
out lay—they can't lie much ff,,r rurelso we will leave them 2 copen for specdcon, defying M1 coinpeti on to
atch. this inatclifess iJargaln. -ours Itespectfully, ti R WFAM.A. P. . —We have just knocked tj e lids
F several cases, co"Wiling magn ficent
lections, and princely., purclaw as . of
illine -y, Ladiess- plea�se make a noe this, You -will hear ca little 'later
011i tite are �Dry. Goods- and
illi nery . Man.
the employees of -the section unaA!r his charge with a complimentary adress accompanied by a bank check for ten
thousanddollal�s. The grain dealers and
sh ippe along his division also pre ented him with a $500 gold- watA. Who
wouldn't like to be ',\Ir.- just now? —TU Woodstock gr . iating $10,000 to' the West Ontario Pacific Ra.,ilwaY for the extension from Wood- ,10ock to London has mrried.
. —TU mortality returns in Montreal
for last week show I' 1 deaths. Of this nuillbeil:30 died from sLumni�er complaint,
5-fr6iil yphoid fever, 6 from diphtheria. and 1 from mallpox. —All Lon iiship
St the arrivals per stva,�
Parisian were 68 children for the Ki_ug ston Hoine, in charge of Miss Lacy. -
—Th -, hieeting of ili; Ceneral Con-
ference of the Methodi�;,,- Clitirel, em- bracing the whole of the. Dominion of
Canada Newfoundland, Berniul,L and
Japan, as opened Wednesday III irning,
in the 11etropolit4n church, Toronto, —A. !Firm of spice iliallufactur(!"'S In have been fined $10 an ccosts
for sell ncy adulterated coffee not p -oper-
ly stani n the packa,(,-,�.
--On hundred tous of iron ore a day
is recei,,ed at Kingston froin',the Aiiiies.
—William Arniel. an old r lit Kingston, died on onday night at the extreniT. age of 107.- 0
--A few days ago a billy oatws ob- served wandering along Notre DanarT street, Lower,Town, Quebec'
inves.tigatilig everything tbat' haft the appearance of SUpplyiDg a rn:eal. ; Fffi--
ally, tha a6tainial pounced,tipon a pi�,ce of. paper, ivhi(,h lie , started to A
medical: man, who bad - been wat'Chin
hini, w 8 starprised to see that the I � aper
was of t greenish tinf, and a.. v, neing closer, observed the figure* 11 i�,lc " oil on I e end. I The gentleman made a boulad
to catclL the bank bil.l,- but tlie�go# was top qui k for Mill, and, as if�'op all
f urther attempts, at once swalfow6l the bill w4le, and then sauntered ct Inily .on its Ivay. —Ev ary boy and girl who has studied Canadian history at school is acquAinted with thle� name of TNI rs. J ames Secord and her midnight exploit at Beaven Dam during the war of 1813. In the deptlas of a dark night she started out�alcone througli a wild forest -where ItAdialls prowlec and wild beasts aboundedl on a' journey of over 20 miles, to acqu*c tthe British forces at Beaver Dam of posed attack by,the Americalis, till par- ticulars of which she had overheard the
American officers discus.,jipg,thus "'Ving the camp and turnii)g it probabI4 a -
aster in w a great victory, rs. �'ecord
was a sister of the late Jaines Ing sollb of Woodstock. —An unfortunate accident occur ed at Thoriadale the other' day. Whilst en. -
gaged on the new bridge -a bent gave7
Way, and Mr. lVeLend, the contrattorl- and a inall na med McKay toge her with
the teain, fell to the 1) the -iver,
a diAtan �2e of 28 ��eet the lio' i.
I rse C(,.MIAg
down oil McKay, who sustained a severe
cutcon the neck besides othei br�aises- McLeoc was also everely bruiselli-and shaken. up.1 A couple of days I)rdviolls on the -am� bridge r. had his ton�4 ue juearly bitteli *off, a pi "Ce of timber strgking, hini under the1jaw.
The doctor/ was 0 soon oil haild "d placed
three it6hes in his tongiie. . it is
thought he nia'y lose his slpeei,b- : Me-
Leod ard cKay are sl9wly recoveringy-
-A 3ad case is reported froin Ash-
burnha444 the particulars,
of wbicl , are particularly distresting. A
young :narried womdn iiamed Dul D, who onl three weeks siiicia was led tO
the alta died Suddenly oil evening last week from diphtheri. Tji6
dread �iseasc, it is said, I bt she caucl,
through handlillg the elothc:i bf a rela- tive late ly affected it, and had come to visit at[tho As dition I ie%�an)e 14worNe, her hu-,baml 1eft for -the Gratineah'district to brinu <Iowll
her sistqr as nurse, and Iteft the sicW 1v0-
nian at Me in the house. Here- her
brother- 11 -law vi , 'iited her Wednesday
afternool, and fililling that silic
, , was no w6rse,'lefthertolherself again. 1.1,'&rlY
in thee% ening the neighbors heard her tap upor the wall of the house. as if to sun inion assistance. (.;oiiig in tileYfoll"(1
her to N dying, and site expired sljortlY
afterwari Is.
Ir E N L 1 I Y U T"I ONE OF THE QUEU REA ai the pr)6-zellt st
a an 13 st
there eeilis:to be a ;+t pair Sh Boot, s, oes or ?.Ind.. At the O� so B the Dozen P
Y -%sh4l ji,e bu our R ots Sh.
this adm8op hLIVe the goo tle' best shapes, and the lowest priet-s IC.O. GOO
The bdreal -Boot Shoe 1�
Is ilow constuntly �all at
iianil,!noth stockof t0 Boots Th e lea,ii
to�iies In �h� Dominion are in ou,t sto(,,k this sea,,in, p. -
am ongst is the, F_4AG'LE B qlAl�
evry pair If tile P o is Vv,a Y in an I -v w -&r,, I W X 'WILL R 1�,' 11 A I I PAI 11 Fl., HE 0 F 0f A UI I 1-' the Hagit l,,.
t -Caps t -G0.0(
J .s T OPENED"( -�AT r I I I 0, p.;Oash S
Prints Button,3 tCotton A (D twi, h P 'Cas
'h St
00 MP