HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-09-03, Page 4RE 1) T E, M I I 4
summer rains in mo� -al mL cting, th re, v�hcreas as -e Rt number of. the latter society favor the night a barn oil the- Hot
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ha sufficient t a politi( r e moved away Gladstone aved a fare- coutse where names at mproperly IP h of
idea of erecting alarge three story brick 1). Tayfors flax mill, conta-
vell. He appeared.to be in good spirits ofl* or wrong in any particl lar paits of Canada, and do not many hundroolils would be considered a
AW- The fik-lure between the 1),areatheis after 9 and presented'a jaunty air, though his might deprive the individual ol �a vote-, buil ding, with stores oil the ground floor, large quantity of flax
III view lie or
eaoh line denotes the page of the paper on which ort to. rrigation: - But 'the extent to "air tu * -outi here. of this second, fire, The mill was saveti y
destroyed b
face was pate. Ele wore A gray suit and it" is only right that the error be rectified. a conlizilod ous opera hou. th
Ik-advertisement will be foUnd. by extraor
which fie fruitfulness of even nt.Lrio fact, it is s4mply 'amazing Qiat the din -
Bargains in Boots and Shoes -G. Good. (I)
a brown felt hat. Against the lists for the town of Clintion and tliq lo Igo room on the third floor, ary efforts on the part of th � ect tor
P 8.p
Montreal 11-ouqe-Di-Inean & I)Illican- (5) depends'On the preservation of the fQf- people rob- TiMP —Thirty thousand dollars have- the Reformers have entered 68 appea s an(I should the Foresters decide to com- Mr. Ta lor's los: will 1)
0mit t -y 0 about Nern.elves to.: be
Here We Are Again-& -nothing of' this de- no insur it )200;
been *stolen - froni- the A larns 11,xpress of these 18 are to striloo off, 20. to cha by bine with :them set esti is but little 'understood by th e bed an plu�idev6d .by Aheir'-rulers,
to a seriptioil %+ill likely be done. Ofcourse,
is t) ease there. � 'It is possib, Il' Co's office at Philadelphia in one wuyor another' and 31) i'Llierhrt. (5) people at large. ",.No questiqu is more, as to C -00d Frm for Sxle - will. Bryans. (5) Je ow- Di-sl-UTED TrutRITORY Of the latter number 12 are wage ca ii- nothing: ddfinitc has yet been decidi
import t to North America," says M 1 ver, tht t the people attend thes"e me .6 Upon )Ut it is to e hoped that the Notes from Southern
Houe aiiel Lot -(;jllespie. (,,). 1) Manitoba.
"'1. 1 : 6 landholde
Grain (8) 1 r i ,.ct- tile 9,000 squlle miles of isputed ers, 12 housQholders, all( ' I talked 'f scheme will be Carried through. forest -cite lent and full Of p -
No. fi Warehouse--i-mues Beattie. R. W. I"'Iiipps, in his' report fic r morB for file e.x it tory, the Afghan Co'nitilission have sons. TheConservativel make. 59 0 T)l Alt I ITOR. It i.4 not for
.38 w Both lodge are in a flon�rishing financial harv,-esting to becollm g - ral
an forest preservaic thi-I ti n to gain information 1,
-yly - a AWarded 7,000 to Russia and 2,000 to peals, of which I is to strike of)
I& th n. it h tile " thi g soill. condi ern Manitoba in Jiii ye
le - J. laTinmi. (6) 1 carners to add, and 4 laildholder's tion, all(], Ekhould�, they combine, in y
Ong been said that tfie nol)] cmarll a I'VII, res aA the
Vot t cou t t of thoapproachIngelec- the undertaking, they will a:s c witli us:this —,Earthqu,�ke 67)cks . - I
Septertiber Balw d- . Lortiro &Co. (S) t h, e, e ra f t s all An A` 'like buildings th, With
P nd the soldi s t e 6xCeptioll (if all odd, I
er are a tion be it is impossible to adcuratie- -I n 11 t, here
$Vh0- Got the Ffour?,-A. Cardillo. occui -ed 0 Saturda.y, in " talyj 1,13gy' erect one of the handsome
Huron Notes.. ' . - r at
dependent on the fari-ner, who fec(I's ly pi-holict. We Mre 'tc6ce, � lid in town, and ther�,�, is now wall ijigh
of tb c opinioin, hvi a R-onitne, and some of the
r- -er, that the �Southcrn: States. Vesuviu have had -,it exceptionlly ilry n,mer
Mr -Judge Doyle has intimated to the
them all. But the farnle in turn de'- cN loverlitrient'. will be sus- is in or- Mude, of Fordwich, has I
B,ruccifield, where lie intends t people of Blyth
ruption. to that they iniis� prox�i& Which, togeher with good 'in ed,. at thou :It per�.'Iaps 1) a de, ftthQr, bas brought t1w vro of hot
Ponds, Opon tlie.soil, -and on these ti6l t' 19 y a -better place for the holdill", Of the We,
K ro icreased �WITII Cl r C (I c.
ps on very
f '.ieat mid moisture,:without IllaJolityl Tho laking, Liber Dr. 4pence of (xarrie, has been -cessions
English pe ittings of the Division Court, else the fast. An early hill
crl deaths liave occurred in the NO)- Court -will be removed from there. )c result. The grain this s(.a��01.),
Ith Oflicel- for
which growth is inipossiblo'�... Now we its, at ail evelibs, do not seeiii.to have flos'piial for the Inso ne froul'over- pointed W'dicai t TI ' s was to
paticilts with chlorat to esent building is entirely too smatl expected, is -short, Lut tlit, ample is
township of Ilowick. pr
by K:' vast body of evidence that strollo
fidence -inthe ffitegrity
hmr, W. Iiissett of Exe er, Ilk' and in other respects unsuite(I for court eq iial to anytbig Tir. the leader of -Ahe' Local purposes.
thiese co�ditions are not attainab]6 in of Yet pro-
sPUrCIlSCd',f0r his livery it liandso (Iti-ced. No. I hard is Ill0st far -
G a degriee� a---Thd Lucknow Sentinel says In mors will bring to market tIli4 fa 1. A,,
anything 1 like o belefi iall Opposition anql they* ar(F apparently in- Prance the Vatican Sp, r
The Destructian of the Forests. behVe(Ill au( i'of blacl� road.9ter horses from -NLII
nearly every town in.. the Provi -bf
that thes4 successions of heat nd it fail wa, lit, the Pope W. f')rew, paying. in the vicinity of lice in tol the yield, there is'a Is y
The 'New Yark un in a recent issue clined t suff6r the thek.n Nv have in of settletyli: thletic ion. file pe.148inil'st 'Wit
ture do 4 having niadc iniporULtit concesions. for theill. d
t succeed-cach ot- er in a iorts have been hot 11 you that
rather t I te
attell,6011 to it subject Of InUell an fly to those they know not wheat Nvill n
Anarchist Long, of arybor ge Inore, than
this "record" h" been
nor nearly so advantageous to'agricul of -tinderithe op ea broken by, )no or mor of
fo) tile purpo,,je and ohn -Millan, Reeve of ]in let
prao�icaVititerest oil this cotinent,viz., position I der. steni of incendiarislil thletes 'twelve bushels. to the acre, Or fiftee
t, k what �thc very outsitle. Iii.9 1)1, n at
the r ture. whe� too much of t4ite forest ha� the rcst� the overnment have great of,defrautlil'Itr insurance e(inpallici has have been ppointed by the Couni and people are ]oil to its
pid of the forests. farm
It has ropc� te( been ren+ -ed. This positi,on the write -er patioll6nage brou flit to light in New York, Council of Perth to value the Illids 1)-�4 is the " record". anyhow ? The littest of---optal-nistic proclivities will you
referred to this sub- V poNv III nd they will not climant W this honor is J. 1). McCall, that twenty-five bush 1. i. 'a. low esti-
bather at Havre (I 40119i 9 to thMt county. C 8 s
Cot i fotller is
the great
proceeds to w io, according to -an exchange, put the niate. As yet, before any thresbingha8
estblish by 4 great variety- be abovellusing ','the people's own money (I ryland, attakke ne tr d an(I o' -Nlr. Latta, son of
-oss tkat inevitabi -of evidencie derived from ex tio
perioneq in buying themi tip. �n add n to tbisl f his feet! nearly Writ off Ii a oil hiselhurst, fell front a tree y foltow the dc- 0 Lattl of heavy shot, at the )Iontreal Gab�donian been don.c. there is n)ore
tile whole inflitence of the Dominion ay. -crely i
both Of his Coluntry and thJ United., few go nd so so% inju�- games, 37 feet, es, beating all than ecrtaii)-ty abbuethe est,
sructiGn of the forests of the Adiro-ii- imate
Of grLil
States. Ontario the crops ed thlit medical aid had to be pirocilreo. prevlous. records by live inches. We I think in our part of tile Province at
11 be exerci e daek -M o un titins i a -Ne Av York State, and -ern.m6t A s''d in tileir, He isirecovering. not the sliubtest doulit but that I e,
behalf, and thtat, of itself, is it; Illighty, raised, evf n orn new buid, ar t' rl Ir of Gerniaiiy wid Austria h&VC illfO' InCd st tile yio--lill 11ly be iaf(,-Iy_ Pitt at
Pointing to: the fact that t,he destructive e n !�Ca N1r. 'John Lubcy, -put the stojio the cxaot distance twenty bushel.s. It is in.ore likely to I
the l"orte ithat in 8ettl`e nent o f �B u I -
so heavIy As they we . re 20 yea S igo, power. I - - 1)�cak tbe
t is isl Said they 'I ttl( t,ll( ibovethaxa below tat etiniatefOr,tlI(,ugI
floods ich every year , Occur !'in the lave Already iii'll toVIIShip of ne dici�ll credited him, bLit lie di:11i't
(yeir 11 rs iijigind. shoia tile
ie Clering awa 0
fiviii C, to ti y O the at the Chicaro the is short, and t))o
Ghlo and other afflue, ts of the coiniiiencid by �uying up, Mie bolter ini tiati ve. t his1reSi(tellee ill Goderich On Thur$- record"all the sallic, fol crop on tile
been carried -too a i poiiti(
fore4ts hipvin-- 11611ti-
dy hist at the ripe ai�le of 7 year base ball tournament (rallies afew weeks high land light, que. finds a mag,
ippi, and in th-e Father of- Wat Ilk spapers;
ers itself, nd the`�'are fiJl(-I to tl le
McPherson, of Kintail, nificent head
Ile Ava's native of Fermana(d), Irciall'. ago, Mr. John -
And the o�.ess -is still C, ver
Rev. R. Kano
if not, entirely due to the goin on. Year JSUcce( Orladstoniait delegates y top with
kably. Honest all(
are hiefly f %n
day last week it even-year701,1 'put the heavy stone. :38 feet, I inch. bright,plump gri�iyi- All things collid-
by and George Hill Smith of .riylagii alle .1
year the area under forest is being -'pure politiciarisittre not over daughter of r. . Henry, of 'I'llintor, Thi is-th6 best,record so far made this �.red, therefore farmers a
denudaio, of the forests. Irl the pres- y plentiful sailed for.Ctiada to preach it crusade re likely to
reduced. The lum.bernicii,, the fariners was Jumping from a post,- whenslid Ila eason with a full 21 11). shot, and Uhfil 8
cut instance it takes Gilifoi in Ontario, but they are a great deal against 110,111c,Ruild. -a oil a. regars
-iiia for its lave a most succe sful Se ened to fall"backwards aDd. break her- it is beaten John retains the ownership luality and quantity.
themselves, forest fires,- a lie prac- Oueb�c an�l thbge -Who have ON THE MAR�IT.—At a- P +Ao, aTe
text, and points to, the loss and ruin career ini IL '1 7 Priees,
tice of Alto -e of the c re- c in wof the 'i7recorfl., mproving thoi-sortage. in wheat
C if y
which will sureiv corne oll tht Sta�t �tle to 1711111 11t large in I the control of !the fnone the re, conferenc attic dealers of I' -gan, Principal of th,,t --Tbo Blyth Iteview of last Week says: broUgholit the Vnited
Dublin, it was st'ilited I - States. will un�
those portions of btisil which st�ll remain f the seson
ibs people per` it the, both Provincial 1011) depression (1-1 rapid (ieSL�J'ietion rind �)oniil are un- 11cleris School, resigiled hf The*excessive dryness o oubtedly keep ithe markets firin
in se -tied I listricts are all operatin foL had lessoned the value of po-s-
to scrupulou 3 enoii ition. Ile has secured a pos, tioll I I not improved the prospects of the apple
of the great ro�d-wood forets of the Sier- gh r,., nything. , Oil stock to the ext�!nt of liat we may e pect fair Prices this
1 0 -C20*30)0,000.
d, NriZ., the the Ifarriston Itigh chool. r Brow i crop. 'The fruit now oil the trees is lVinter.
one aa total destriletio 'IN -AKANTI.Ni;,.—TN inipoetation
ras, which is liow taking piw.;c, to go on of7l the.,wfiole thee0ore, it will be a ina
takes (,�Iiarge of the St" Ifeleris chool abnorthally' small, ;and early ripening
th e . �orest! . 'Unless. active ste- ',arc One of throse pests whih
ucheeked for a few years longer. The sp Of. genuinq SUrpr1se if the Ross GoNiern- of swine frbiri. NLI'innesota aml LI)akota in- erve to re-
taken wit4liiut dela�( to the ominion is prohibit (I �oxccpt by for the romainder. of the-7yer. varieties are dwrfed,- cracked and. de- I i1noLl iis thAt inundane happi
iness is never
to check the rapid nient be materl'ally we ke ed to.' ion for the curren tnrers
topagraphical': Conditions of Citifornia a -SAY way of leiperson,- -Mnitoba, Avhere they� —The�'rate of taxat ficient in flavor. The late nia erfect is an insect which is known- out
--re as the flying ant.
01,14 -hole hLild Will i-lothi. rr of beiJig de eated, 'although Avill havundergo twent -onc days, It appears
-pose the c untry to de cti of trees, the N% w is at
are such as to ex o, stri y the tox �11 of Wingli t %,I_ were gre, IV berefitted by the late rains al -
tat t
I cents oil the dollar, as follows: arld inay yet pull through all right. The tys during the hot weather
at no dis t day be entirely delluded of. either would be" 4 X, , tin of harvest
especial dang-er, or rather to the certain- I worthy of con-. (JU till G..
rate, I ills school rte, 6.f in� Ils 1; 0 nishing toich has been put to the. 1 tie, and rentains only.a few days. But
its-,farests. The resli will be ! reat tud hs
1 9 (�rattflatioi
ty Of ruin, in the event of the de,ixic- est 4 mills ; local purl Kentih and early Richmond herries by i those few (lays it
oil causes a great (Jeal
per in lien t injury tb -every. interestl in i been that thes6(earn hip tio Of the forests which now clothe its I t. Si mills. the insect which ilifests them this season. discomfort, Sometimes even
�eferring to,� thae� unlimited oni.Afaukow, for L nolon, with profani-
mauntain, The central part Of and 4bove all I to: tiie. faGrnt, of nton, his becii Trees which were carefully pruned of ThLe Manitoban will
the country abuse I decii fr be driv
loll a cargo of four did it half 60 �l iofi pounds -in c, the nio ing over
I mim- int t. Farmers its a ch%ss co*61d w hich the Toronio 'and other C e -n
0 e eng, to teach diii (it It I I every scirabli, cc of the knot this
the ta, rr of te, has been foundered in the Chi spring tiic prairie, oi- perhaps munied o
to consists Of a Ion g narroLW
val- na
tive pa in Vnkleek Hill odel at' a are now one iliass and obviously I
do initch o, �revent this result by each a ist 1w heap' nust be I inder, tryiy1g-tO keep himself cool and
ley lying between the icrra� on the e I ing see S1.30 for the term. lie is Well .'Cut dQwD. NA'Lhole rows will have to go III g.0 -)d humor, when-
any warn -
their farms
f�n' cir g Oh it it
piece of bush on poll the' Prench-Can all their re- Tradcis�.
and 'title coast range on the west. Thi qulified far the position, and will 'un- down thi--, fail. It looks as if Paris ihg a c1dud of these ants Surround him
r att 13nion` Congre.�s sittir�g in Paris lias
I i - institutions, with the View o
tit d keepint, thei c -le, out of it. I I f doubtedly give good satisfaction. uld ;have-- to be adopted as himself and his teani froill head
valey is drained by 'the 9veramento, Is adopte(l'resolittioiis'agtiii.,;t employment a c wering
creatin tricultural ,wd
'91 It gardening t) foot. They -are 'not at all shy, e
is the first and most necessary step to'be I g I this Provin an a�nti-Catlio-� of children -unfler fou��,teen - and- limit' -Nfr, W. H. 8teep of Gddericli-tow standard at ind d
Hver in. the tiorti-ij and t1te San Joachin 11 rr
oron 6 'News caustically wonion's la�bour to eli,lit liouls "let Nvith a painful ccident a few implement, and there is tie doubt r Lther the reverse, and very inquisitive.-
om,- I he T '
taen. in cvrde� to preserve in the setqed lic bo t lit
in the south, both finding an oltitlet into a (lay and dayg in' n a cythe an insect will soon come along that can I a that business
parts of this Prolklince the patches of reniarks We judge from a careful po night %�ork. oil his back 'and in passing t hr( ugh ai live oil that, -like manner which is the
the bay of San Franci$co- through theL U\ is con- peculiar characteristic of the ant family
i forest nbiGh still r -litairil. _If it is not perusal of the Tory press that the doorway, struevinic end of the cythe, e er�at and of the flying ant in par.
coast rati(re at a point nearly-oposite I siderable cill E, 1-folt, -who has been for the
Canadians are very bad to hermen 0 1 q citeni niont, fis. g U 'French-' tile point of the article being then foree(lf
the centr I — I- at Atlantic -City,"New 'Jerse�,
e of the valley. There is little erE Ily done all So thern Ontrio will t And along into past twelve years a resirlen of Australia, a hey proceed without Ios of
t Pu r
casily Swayed by 91 Godericb, visiting t
i ignorant, his le cc wound thit has hasrecently been in t itle crawl inside his clothing, settle
ere lol i a be -almost entirely :stripped i of ithe oast -at the discovery A th
pi-6-ented. him fro�i"`
or no, suini . ner rainfall in this centr4 11 doing his Nv wk. as his brother, Philip Holt, barrister Oair nd. eOimine the anatomy of
otintains by �Avhich it
4. e m I trees, with the result that the land will of light arot kill- Usual,
ofemarmcnies,' viridictivE, clanish; and a )y ti/ethousands wit] dynan.)itc. it Ills b
basin, or on 1 n lig I of that town., Ile is one of the niana- his ears and ftoie, alway!4 preferring to
a be far less productive and valuable than dle4itute -of' aiiyt�:ing like patriotism, its Curric, Leeve o E'ast ginr take their observAtions from the inside
.1 -, suporintendents.of a'cattle station
is hennned in on b6th sides. The oper, The tlte 0 Ing
it is a pv�serit. le term is undeestooil ia other parts of togelther with nQueensland, which includes a herd of ien possible. ThLey rill rush fearless -
case. icials are itivestigati th c
tioas of the farm, ers durin the Iong dry honlo�'froni the, Old Country oil 12,000 cattle; and covers an area of' 250 N into his molith unless he has the fore.
W Dominion tillan Ou6bec. We are TujiTy DAY'8-FAST.�Giovanni 'Sticcl, TLICS(fa�- evening (if last weelio. Tliey,�,,, miles square. The station is owned by t1jought tokeep it closed. At intervals
summer are largely dependent on ird-
politi al v1pey. sorry! to 6ear' it, but gel 1�1-etlian residing in �i, a(red 45
A v IT' tter and exciting' we cannot visited'Eiigland, Ireland, Scotia d and!lf,4ir Arthur -Pa in their journeyings Over his person
gation, especially in the South half, of years p:r liner, acting governor of
Ill ofesses to have. discovered it , Islands during their al fence. Queenslan, tIJey administer a biTte or sting (I scarce -
contest is now being foug4t in tho county ring �,wliy, if Jean Baptiste li(luo the Orkney
-6the valley. The Aivater fo this purpose, small quantity of Ivilich Avilt d.. Mr. -Holt likes the country
any. o�dy to fastfroin thirt - days
b' -the unnllitiga�ed reprob t' 'that t er The trip taken for the belt -fit of land his eiliploymenit, barring the touch I)l know which; but it i e so far as
of The election, is for' t lie b S all on,
as Nvoll as for the ot'her greatiri- Tori to t months. health, she havinq beeliTness entl to it. The inagnitude.of
ol-)lj� n1inisterial'Tress 11lege I e isl �11 1, ilicid, the result is coeernerd) to show w1l&t
1) nion Parlia-ment Ad the racan 2y es ficei, as all oixperinient, VC
dustry of the State., is nearly all drawn as ry poorly for some time past.
Should liaA.- I beezi' williag to ally them- agre&I 11�icattle rane'hing on so extensive a scale th ey call (to Av b en th ey I ay th ir m
AV caased by the death, several montlis to fast for, thirty ys, and e ind
from, the branch Streams that run down --The f eight Shipped froill the rand may be ima.itied by his statement that to it. This -produces a
tI him 1 for so long. We do
selves, wi began his,,task 6n the l8th ull. A� com- mean, Stinging
aiNay station at Goderi1j, for !:it takes soi4etimes thirteen, -weeks to S 11 lar 0 r
to and Ing ay trid I'llig'lit. sensation, sometbim, it i
Jii the �,ierras to the Saarain-en Ogo, of Mr. Thompson, the late lamel-t- ;Ilittee is.watch him d Trunk It t batone
ed representative. The nornin, nOt (lispit.,tiq the. c'brrectr. ess bf. this esti- tile ending August 21 rnour te t(,) round up` tile wlicii scattered would look. for if he happened to collide
%tion,to�k TitIIT-1t0IIE AVALi
San Joachin riverS.L L These streams are - Dis.-% 0
niate, but fisn't.it just a little at r. Hour 113 full Several rniseell." over the ratich. All this ground has to with the busii�e.4;s eilL(I
a- lakes and the wterg Place on We�dnesdy last, and the el singul, y Bergh, of the li�ew York, neous of a bee. - The
fe(I frolut wo-unt
lots. The f till cai�.s desptelie !be covered -ort Ilorseback,—i ll tile saddle, of riddiia
't that ever silnc6 Confeder ition the Tories I ociety for the Prevention of ' 7ruelty , to d W re as ni tries varioUS L Ways
tio wilt be held on Wednesday nex I Oil Z3
ikit -reat forests Of pines an:d Aninials, has ddressed a com n'tinic, follows Tuesdav 18, rill's the ground ivhere� nself of the ants, bili without any
stored the,L Mondy 19, h1l, it,
Both political parties are. particularly have bedn 'o*n the clos,.st tei, IS' Of ill-� t Wednesdy W, Thursday 18, Frithy �Aceerpt a0l 1�le satisfactory results. IndeeA, about the
other co-niferaus trees which coverkthe- to*.\Ir. Lewis E. Cook which lie calls 29, '[Over iligh s youi. r. Holt
timac -witIl the Prench-Cana4iuis, Saturday 20. Durimi, the'last noil 11 visit fhen Or,` - noticeable result is that he loses his
y his attention all -
I to the' fact thab the pro -
Sierra avada-,- And other Californian Anxiou to win the seat, and as a, re. i �i n Ct el- th as ds in other parts of cz . I - oil nurberous ,,any s, 40 full ears Were shipped in one per, and�perliaps wishes he coilld
uency is over tisions iave suppor
tb e a a, and 1�robably take a* trip to th tei
mountins, If these forests are -run Occ, i ted posed -attempt to I-Avve the horse 131on.din d -a
c if, SAN -,ar in se
their vi against those of AIk 4 tight rope over Niagara Pal -Is'. is day. The old town still lives 1,11' does Yiorth�vcst cattle rnches, to compare al languages at one and
ci I'll ver
anLS ; d heelers and - c&6- the 611- business. potes. thi. saine time ; that is, if lie regards
to reniain in th.e qonditioirl. to w1iie h e t contrary to' the laws governing er
assers ta;rici U'rits witho'Ut ti
On the Ileforn, side the spe4 ie faint s' MIS- 1101ty The Bluevale correspolident o . f the' wearing as an aceoraplishment. Final -
nature has &10 ly developed thein, the v- -The Elm says It is reported
to and that if the attempt is Ing is being dGile by Sir Richtrd Clir1t- PlIc"011 of �lle titter depravity and AvQrtll-- made lie (Cook) Nvill lay himself li�Able that� a. Clintonin, A`rho was re(lently, virighaiii Tini&s say The Reform- a slight breeze springs up,
SROWS of the 6.0,untains gra -.s 0
dually melt-, a fe-NIV. days ro I I— there is anyt I hill,,- that nili I and if
callies' Nries Jii the States, met Prs I, und! here feel very sore over- the es an ant
wi-111, as gradually pass olown through Wright: a- Patterson Jessness of fbeir(AlebeL to band prosecated. The
with an nnoyllw mishar, (1.0 -in his inistake made by prties who should tired it' is a - con) nion place
ety in NVeitern New ze7phyr.
I sonlerAille �oif 13rant, Cha -r' outdit to hm,e di�overed theivickediless of the soe'
Ito, of -No'r- 0
the stream, which will thus contititi-eto liotifie(" to t a' -k 0: travels : lie I it lower -13)crth known bett' They aiceordirl,
lad er whereby about 100 gly leave as suddei�ly as
folk, a�ud other lesser lig' of the'
ir par nerrs 4t an qrlier ditto. instftn n a Pultmn. tits. The Coll- 1. - Slee (�r, had disr.11bed CQnscrvativ6 linio�s,,,�vill he left oil the th came
supply duritig th-e- sutilliler tuouttis the action if the attenipt is made. h nders
e farmer, the ond with list
serVatite cause isbein c anipioi i ,
, !1 1 -led I �y, Anniy I'110 t wl�ellce they conie -ti d whither tIley go,
miner and th., and was j get-, )ominion vo drs' li!it wliich, the revising
and I -Ion., 11 n tion rmy have ting i "to hed, who" it sudden lureh o ickhowl edge (1, if le is of Z'l, livonderin turn of I
f ad no right to nind. if
Hon. Thbmas �Vllit(.I, Dalton cCartby, I decided to Add -a new
t111q, -with plant I
pGwer, the Ot -producincr the trin threw him out on the floor, be there. -is not bel
tigning tour in the Queer lw, this new fritnoch' e place where they
Lre oil a cat�npi departincilt to H. MeLiticisli nd inali - others. T[ e pasungeirs exp- ed mt it ribt ittirn out as bad.as we fertility.' Title Slun. continues : 1 3 doll, 111"ILlid. It is propo'.'ed to take -ct bed bini, and i� thankful that they
Conse�i-atives are 'Part of t6 - Irovince'ju-sc pr
elldeavori6g�f to two or three roollis It ll tile )OOrc him to appear in ti or. think. Tlier6f seems to be very air gone. Horses lo not appear to be
"TItese' natural st'br&ge basins are r d . is- lat I iann li�tle n tile I St by. thLese pests,
Inako. a sttolicr t in.- They . - ! divallilg of ormation at The ail all 10Yed lie exclusively . 0 tricts of Lolidoll, which are, t( lie OtitlilestrtiQ-tioLli. Two fitlethe iss Rib I Th'qy t Lot threatened ith t to the y ri�e ineeancr . ocull U t drossed,� vcr la, III Ottaw, p i ed by ia man and it is Avifie oi r two 1%�o r.' Neil -�l c(` i 11 I -N Hill's aya the lists werell -returned tir ottaa Avarm on them in th,
(Itlestion, Whill th6 Ite though they s classes of CitliforuianE6&rie, h o*tly disp ea formers disca s I
'(1reen, Own 'biaing reduced to 'ii vo Weeks Ago it are,
lify the ri(r t to Use nien, (diembers�of tile army -ho will. I)c c very near
city dii Tuc� tilght, at- d several -�Ir. Edi.tor if ands, but to huniankind- they very
vvater,�.Wllilc a third the whole eoiiduct and policy'of tile 0, oil
rovid' d with cQnlnlol1 Ille imy nythim, bont it will you e
Subsequently. p slies. It ppeas Spark froilil the troublesom As the distippez r the
is siteliffly and slow�y desttoyin" -iliee�ings ir that' I y
The result, -to say the leas; A fire t -OUr
ndages, all(! a stoc �-of pai�s -�czc, and as we
capaGity �,f the rivei-SL to' it :o the i-oof, �)Ieasc let read(:)- moment there i�� any
The- addres es o lint for bo and before 3 know tive . i
is Zful. The last representa f! these gentlemen will, bl� SI r being 61iserved. the d&III utare noted for bre
aliiable' apeni' In explanation ezes, out: hdre, th( ir a
watei At all durin the sun-mi-er nio�b��tlis, N%Ilc.s p
9 any do tllb� brin ti es' etc., Eve nioriiii! es had made
blood. Ouit in Jue N, of AAich thie intes ren
when the Use of the wter is' really es- ner, And lie had held the eat forth those Vill visi. the po, Ir persoll's flowever, vitli irks - �Our Iiii- pp -"Trances are, at rare filtervals ( UrIng
'* L the ssistan ge
ill the neighborhood C9 of his neighbors, C the few da oil which they are on'tile
ation oil this subjeet is that Jud
The (lesrUC-tioLn. Of the - Cali- inally years.. But lile.was personally AvIlere Gill suceLeded in y
J)oyle was f '-rniw far0sts -will con v( or they -find. the rooni, a dii putting but the fi re, to hear the appeals on Aug -
in condition
01 --rt the Calif la. x 811? J01I. INACDOTNKALD -Lnd pitirty have
Clean thihn. 11 -ing, thus inex- The political Atmosphere, owing tothe
mpioitially poptillar, and sincq tI they w'ill but not before considera1c)
n dmge was. f rivers Spring torrents, and then, ist 6th. - 0a thdt ohly, or onie
eledtio returned to Ottia, fro it th gilled 1, all '-entry they Are t done. i I t . lie fawyer en* bu�y eason, is
leave theni dry during the ren7laitider of ill the new F ranchise Act1 h cir Nor . ti I i pay their reAsoi, )ployed, by quite callyt,
sdst tour. During his visit 8ir oh at6inti& to the Spiritul of the ---:-Tliu' fall. re -ussels Dri- the Re"fornicni failed to put In an though one may see in the distanee in-
ation. in
peo The medicines will 'be given Park Association will be lield on IV di(� iions of
succeeded irri'�g up a 1 all approac
tapography of no othrer part of large new element of%electors. -in'st g04 deal of the Illatter to go hilify tempest.
the year. c, me in o oper, This brings i4 I't c
in the'-po'
I�y (JefUlt, the judge had� It ]is said that the el
the world is so adapted to develop sons of l'bo -cg-�ary -nePark, oil Tuesday, Sept.
where ne( �,Iley La,16doN% e(�,tioiis will not be
It is expec' ai- P tibli but toz co4tify' that tile iists hel I until N rb p
ut. 150 fildians. entlinsisin amoij his�'Arien4s ill tile c also to visit tl�i� prisoli ther pernlit The first r NovEinber, Tbose. , o to-
daligrarous floods nd subsequent periods gat, es wea C-1 I . ace ill 00 o")
ed they will go al -Most solid as they Avi t Northwestj nd if speciou s prolnises will deavor to get discharg-ed pri4onen to be olkii to trotting jild pa citan(12 forward theni to ot- fess to know, however, say that of -water failliae as that of California, trses were corre
where tho 1 natural conditions are (. 1, c be led )y the Indian 4o them goo� the , should bb p' Seek. the id of tile Salvation krmy. owned within ten miles Of ber nicans solne time in October. Both
rofited by
I lent. This wil�t- , at
I i� � TIIE FiRST Divisiox IN'THE! -ae'e Nv 11 be t The BIL16vale cbri-espondent of the Sides are or -crani;,
stroy6d, nd the sheep industry of "the hv-sit. Oq his 4rrival at -Ottawa on 1) ree ing for the f i
makp, a I date of bill. Second 1 Z, ill
decided differcnc'�c in the rotd, (,�!odcricih givifs the followillgir fact;, th
PA fir'li.kil 1'.NT. --The aineridnici it in reply ininute trot, open to e Liberals have tl State is -sictivc-ly eiagaged, And- has been I horses that lave par- )eir
ailbile need be disappoi esdy:iiight he �vas warnily-welconted. to the Address to the Speech, from tile 'lot a record better thaii three ill-irnites
aetively en aed for many yeArs, in,, de- nted tf t5culars of die Gorri�, arso casc Thos. -orgirtization,'illue)-o to thTe M-scoinfiture
of the "overninent par ranks
the Con 3er'vative candidate be i by his -friends, apd it i 3,said: that the Throne was rejected' by a njajority of at date of bill. The last race will b-1 an. Jackson nd, '11-erbilrt Lightle of the ty, whose
th-e balance of power held by electe,"
the forests upon the: water supply� whereas, if he is defeat- trip bas� beell of t' 120 which is probably the 1�,rgest ii -la- open trot. 1�accs to co tibwnship of Morris, re brought before are anything but erfectly - organized.
�e greatest benefit to. nience at p. Itobert
ed, with the NI,Iler -11
LrdB of Y's i Ority the Covernment will n-,, sharp.
Countlpss he heep, cattle and him ph 11".", oil Wednesday, I The latter, while presenting a I,old front
great od (Is in his fav cal ly. I hae. I
or, it will 'silo I A' it -list 18 th,� charge
NIV r. Pili'll UPS ni andryient was 10 Cox, of Detroit, shipped car -ing set
goats are driveii every Summer tip froln. od in it- d with thai admit aniong,�t theii,selves
V cry col se Its i Irelan.( re b to a'building ill i I th ,their case is a liopeles,�
the parched into the raoist nio,im- idlasively a decidcd ch &nge iii If it dep�ecated evictio' I load- of from CItnton last Nrllek,, by the a one, unless,
of floff named Person. -all.,
ta,ill Til dows and oods. They have the poliical sentiinients of tI e News in view Ofiv, the fall in vi!tlue- of urain; aniong theni being nillials purchasdl as Lightle, Avllo is a sorilethin anforeseen til to aid
i elector the eek.
-which had f6ft'lliAll
'ir'Redvers Buller pay tho jucricil.'rent, but T. McLaughUri, I Itillett:, In -re, $260 T. And he drove tq I ;orric on'th iSh Colunibiaand. our Prenfizer has sud-
and. The result will be rinbrs nable t( follows I.I. 8cott, fulilett, inare-.$rjo; lad of about 16 year� , �;ir John is rusticLuing in Brit-
devF( tried 6very blade of. gra.ss and ate of III: Idini f, U I swore liat Jack- thelln
deepest intere is in DuNiii iti, co* -ith. tile orning as dii a e night
out aluid gnawed away every. awaited Avith the nsultation bUsli -all.d yoll-B"', tree alan. the AvIlole, illilitary dilicill, to the AddresS, it was a di- Mann ing, e ith nd Tnoriling Of the 8th of denlay discovered that the Pacific breezes
andi Cast] autho--ities.
last, And (lid the job for are good for hill, too.
rect"waiit c" 0
on ence M the sake of �Ordil)-"Iiy Ile
letigth of tb(; '4ierras. The reproductive AIR.- fi I otiDn, which 11111lett, Marc 90 1 cCorvey, 8 allRMANY.—Mr. S L Un
tLocal elections P Gladstone arriv lient 181"; , IV. Rullett, 0 -get
i- Tt the orni" I
power t4 the f4tiast i thus seriously in 'in the t J\fl)Jl wa reasonable, a' ley, niare, �Jt�llc`311nsiiranee on the Jackson is Nxith 8ir John.. T ILer they are
rovinef ptoniisedthe boy if lie tryi (-,'to
ISL 'c", 13avaria, ha.§ not had time to do more tha borse, $4180; o. , Code-ich )iild liel devise som( nie whereb
pireft, if IT titterly ruined. No c' -last Friday. n zout- P- y
line its polic as ye . ri t ladstone 0 G'rcy, Hilli, tt h; in to burit
y t A township, mare 8-17 tli�. housc. The �uild- iny be averted. What
of Queb, �c are \Pccted o tal.o'plaq 'N -or luay's fate I]
this the worst f6ature of the situation. A -It R I VA'I s. e e it p as s e nr
i1j,r Was worth only -,�I)out
lKew York L
turagc about th e close the present br er e Ie aniend1' `160; 0." i�'ilson, (.odoxi'CI1 tovil- Sir John does not
of the woods has destroy- tb refore r6fused to supp-11 horse, was out seheines
(ruas. th. The on it.
tire Provinct. Seelyl, ope oti'Suildayj with from inent, ani many, of his 811 poruel's have ship, mare, 150. ii�sured fbr $300.: It! Avas d at of t .1 tis nature, is not
es awl tile Shrubs, a IIli 3 11T)II the worth findi ii or Pitt,
-500 steerage foll tilie time of the fire The lad &Cribed of the Paci must needs
iereasing or renew- jus a�nd 1200 6abin pass* e large,
i -iose of it t no -w to be convulsed.by political ex rigers. owed his ex cc th TIi6 other (lay 'M r.! J. 8cruton of
for ptirl ample. Het but the breezes
0 ri 9
Ci 0 1, A E.N I E,-\ Oil Itkere %-cry minutely.,'
n the aupply the skep-lierds ae setting tenient, An exceedingly p"In-
i g Coveripi4lit majority. Clinton, Allet-Av. t4e journey.t Gor abld the 0 rtions be very Invigorating, if they call brin
it lt�rrible 'party 1, ERTI[QU xl�l, f I ccid6ut, and one which may ly
fire to thic forest,-;, which by shadim, the AVAN-E. —1 Ile , ackson, I e �to 11 i In - th e strength I) ecesso ry to on able
faS t 0 ran gein en rep cia A - earth- U I ,
to t le responsibil- quakew,wave w'i(; Itwd the horse by th2 roadsi
is in pro ls� I de,
r-hilethe present (,ov- h Ii visited tjld. Unite( him up for Some time. T Ife is !)Out It him to Avork out on ohills salvation
(firoUnd pheck the growth of herbage. - A n pro res ity for the recent iots, atid offer their' State!i oil TilLesday ilight, W' and while , climbing ON, t a, arter of it lit-ile fro al the vill What the propose
hundreA forest tires may now'be seen orliftlet, under tlie. ledership`of. At- services in restor as felt front j c, and 41 sellenle nay be tirrid
in order
ions p �y approached tba house froi tile alon call tell. I
Jay frota any of tl* New York tothe C-4. IL No set icket fence lie took hold of ille -br t is ruillo ; d that -Nfr.
toxney-(` crieral It6is, is much' ess cor- at) h -
&)o ave, however, orted except f� es of a tree close by �o aj��ist hiiii, ckson earrkd it fla,�& of coal higti mountains Slowly citting rupt OrIuay -will be Sill and another
extIL'avacrnt than 0 170111 w1en
tl Icad�,r take his place, whsi
iOrders ha% -Ie been g �,en t ecril'it 3 sou*tli t lid Ile f 11 0
away what was 6ace, thic llo'a�st esto hey broke, a. e, a,traddle of lie record
arqlina, Ahere tile WhiCh he tI VeW inst w corner of
en) It I - - I
ilent whell led by Mr. Chapleau fence, the pick' t liere the IZitellen joLil
("'overill effect� were terribly disatrou buildin velopinerit of &,It -farest rowths. The
14o(I- Cjiol.ERA.-4The h6g- �holcr s s the citir elitci-ing Ilits pers n. 6 - 0 main body of thb 110, led a nservastll(`IP614 iA clean.
aninils are gr�azin(r, I'llorcover'L And the and wkec' being �completely wrecked And between The resul t*Avas a, . ])ad Ilesh UsJackson 13ut m-bo..Vle (lark llor�ze i lik 'I to 1)
1" by i(I al, there. carrying off Iloas in Madison Indiana, liar
In for hnpro.vclljen�.—pUb]ic tting in, and one of his I gs
fircis are. burning 'upo tile public (to-. i. till -r)o f ty' And a ])until- A known. Perho this
ed li'es losl lit -it mte i no' hnded it to the
and adjoinind, court4es by ui' -i besides a LPS7 li�l!orc
of the United States ;Oit� a great number criously injured. 1111s, swelling to, twice its' natural siz and the e, boy" but it went 0111 E"Lell (if the in- reaclies you., the problem will 1,ave been
mdetilg.� are already 'daily held at, Y; -A 130-Ak Cofitant Bet no I ss is entirely suspq�li�.Iud. edical trc��`tlllcnt, an Cendiaries then 'it ik indifferent toL this colul-ilbi't, d is doing y sitgat
doa 8wede, 'who is Under lit [q( in Amen- various 1. oints tlir� as well as -wellt out..
struutioll. (if property or Unable to pre- oughout tile the:;Samc'S'ta-te,,u1I`ered to S call I;e exIbected. Th( la'd then it one X
ince, ca, was torli to fi`j�ces �, i
'.,t ferocious onte extelitil
Ixteeln cristinct Says the he applied to th'E.- coal oil'on the
vent it." nd th,e inte felt ther InIcs W, County, ex6tenipit ii -lay be boar oli'Dickilison's Thtirs--
14twqOrt 9-48 nd P. in. The -first of the it caught
E. Rutledge, clerk -of the The conclusion arrived at 1)�- out- day.
judged f 10111 the fact that they are t- fearful, and lioucs were liouse.in this toA-ii, late Ile
ek: was ad waiter ift Tbe pair thon. �liurricd to the Place where
New York ciantenipar'ary is,that Ivithout tem citol'. The quali- !� I - i
11;d by Orolvols Of peopla. ary-ug ty itikeli'l as ti. ough made of pa-Aeboard the (;rand Trunk Railway dibin th had tied the horse, and drov ore,--eli
i �r icy
- 4-f tho, crop s inuell I
of vater in .1111111ler fr()Ill two ijkied ii� if It or -.to 'lot It see' char -c- of the dining kA01 lis tile ;,it ndience a Canip
tell thou too] liginic, the Iout to
Sand. �Vlieii, this iuf .i vill aist year, and t topple,
th;Lt Of I
1�1 �11 ) jr g
Califorl till. At The 4 tth,c news that the
uninhabitable, nd number of F' as Iarg6 s 11redict6d. - 11 i in the barth Nvas loud. allil! OI lotel Stratford, "on -onchnien are gathereCt to INill. .1 th,
: liorr k the extrerne. aJld 'h -y Said the AL!t
Cease i ii:. abou t it we' YIng It oil, the followl pir
Lt saplly depellds -upon its gether r d inilained by f roill, i rung all, 11(rhe superi�tellole4 tile -kson refusod to th, 1 CIc cks stoipl� of last b 11 r I The prisoner
p(d, ells IN I)r., d ban fill e t I to the infori-
gave 1�done to, soite building� y' 1) y givell ill hollor 'ral iddlet, It that at the all(l. we the
I will perish N�ith thein. This spoakers iLls excitable ithemselves); it i of tid but his '-ter ests. ano,
otice the ott: or night that tile p "0
V 1; OPPli �19 011i "lleys. o lives holir qf th i-ith her sat
illitillitable as tll�- laws 1. hkirl,7becoliclud olthattliereissoilie. inent. Nv tild kmposit liel e fir' I le Nr,
fact" it t�ay at ti the abolition of tiic;,4, C (is
Secret 80'ry Willianidii�playsc.xcellc )IM,"Is
Of n -um miles -from G*,orrie. t1wr people it -lit) pretelifled to kilipivill,
full trate
going. The- (,),uebec people Seen, to E-10,�)00 it, bolli it, to ell knew
taste ill setting copirnitted botI1 a t u.; Admit, t All this i-� not -withoil ts, for take a inuch inore lively int for NN'Cll, we i
rest in Gldsto6e. lia —The Clipton New Era th n ks th U; don!t know about. r abuathe
oae�to (;Crl�)ATIN M:h , (3111c ��co 85Q0 al0,
ithat PUbliC tirs thiLD (10 t I Ic, 1) Ulify judge is likely.to llave- I` I I
true vs iaii( si neople of 0-11- lie, eN three N� 1 ain't worth for for
8260." Tbe-case i.i brin they ill they st)l(i 110 liq�lor, and
Lea- 'full lis�ycai
at- tioll: tie of tl Provincial Vote -8 Lists,' lowsand F oresters of Whigharn, Cojl_ I)rIr0nLrs ralice of 601 I -se they would not ay did
lo, part (if 4e� trie sof uty trio if N -qe arc to judge front thc attenc --There is sonic talk of the Od&.fe 'gilt agRinst the,
anO to' t4ic re
lie] d
nthe preservation, of the forests stone, J in orley, a, �cting a ne w Coilipany.
I sperity of the people so dependent tendane 't public inecting it, the re- (I,ug�ter` and Lord Acton. 1:,�s th"b nextileocl electio S ill be l'birting for the purpose of ere
wo, ljy the n Illsu
it were :not t' ne. Then Ve spective 1,;)rovill not a number I
cies. Anudiellce-of.tN listil it is (Iiiiie natu rl th; �It,19)otuitf -sixty witnesses- 111011
to, be bf personid fri rids vent to tile rail building on the vacaiit lot adjoinin t Nvuuld
thousand secin,*s to be a way I.both is�idcs should seek to have �lie lists Brunswick house, and wh get I quor if any could in ca6e �i California. We conl4lon thin station to sej� 1-irlit., off. ich was rece I t Aboyne a Tmil and it half from Y all stated. oil oath that it,
g at Ab tile train in' liquor
ade as correct as possible, and of ly -purchased by -the Odd -fellows. the
cira, about, eight ()'clock 'Monday
the had b,,-cn sold theyll Sine
rt III
1 D
. ...........
w4- ha --
U t 'Wls
tibe Scott At
el III that t114' "'"4
Z tcity7 al.141 that
tb cre.
crop reports fnrw�,
�e., "I'bronto, 1,
dents :
brie,001 'If
fall Was 962,7.'):,' aP-� ..
,Winter exl)0�1171!
a, s wtre f,, -I-
76,171 . r`
in t1W
886,402'acret, In
lated, yield. of I-,
a1v 1"i'a-s
The , str,
i 11 1
.0 dro. gi t it) -111 W! 1141
wbeat diAricts , of - tio- I'll.
b (-1 fill4A -
ea4s wf-re
h.i gril-11
of jllly�antl nearl�T
t I"!
Was Safely holl-(,ol
;-ippi valb.
it Ontario al-aint a�:
nierilliall 4�A
crop" b.1i
peas, haY allf'. ro"i
iva,, viAllly
savi tl'.
weel� Of July
harni.- I'lle
sligbtLv till" on
will ol e ("T
nct, 'Jf ra� 11
P cara
s t
ee _e
of tbe
Llawrelive and
rainfall has
lyl�Lde of rut.'awl 11:K
and the b-xr)t:N
colored to, s4rill;g..
andestinlau-41 prodin -
sented. in the f4111 -
wjwat .......
spritig --A hiunA - -
pats� ...... ....
Comparctl Avith 41 f
fbur years, the f:111
1 120,000 acres ant! N,2l!i.--'2
I the '-spring, AvIleat. Alll;.
1,255,118 bl'shels
9,448 and 10,-1`17
the : rye, 9 f 15)
and tLt-
The- area in hay all -I I
anol thii vield '2.99�,
an averag�,of 1 .310- t,,i.:;
-rage cif tIve
ave Z-
2.1�54,5SO acres an.1 3.!-
1. 1.43itous I'liel* acl'e.
i -2 1.
I The area in I lean - is
the estilylatt�,I
The area in aorn
26,5,55 avres Iv -s t h in I
four vears. antl tho
crop is.not exieonrau,.n--.
I Tbe, limbbe:rs cof iarnl I
Horses, :69,1;4S,
poultry, , fiAliN�i)15.
sbeefi isl - 144,
each of the
c The Wot
being:690� PSO th'1n 4
The avvragf, wa
the Provinee i;� -1.1%11 %j,
S'251. without 11,41
,1'.0(' with board antl
board . pil�r inonth tif till.
harrestinu, season. 11
sliglitly IoAver than
rate of wazes (ff ilikill
SI.52 per IN vek , I.t,-+ Vc
"R I.;-)
Perth lire,1111
The Mit-:11V1 i'--.
--%84 Ma",
died 0 vlay, 20*h'iz!t
11 Fr'. .
—Ali' elevvii, of th.- I..'
elub �ook I h�!
—Air. all(! Mrs, Xh1\-i-Ai
of 11,91)1)ert, started*,1111 ii. il
the ill-wvst -fill
ha Fill
]?Mvided Arith llan,h11*11- 4!
fr. J. W� NN"14. itilt-v
has Old his priZe
buyei- for the handstmic �l
e heril 01 ir r
cattlic'. l* -Jt 1q, 'Marys thx-
I the Liverpool. IM1111vi
weight Ava-, 1,400
—The otlipr day a
Pari.sh, Of te
.b0L haii hi,
ly Cut off I)y It 111t]"A 11g -T .1k
CUtti It
peas Oil his I;rotiv,F7
In Ilibbert.
r. 10
"I hu M.
tt) List
ow�-1 froill- a
,�,,olltllalllptolL rit pe .4,
clievafor at their ini:1 in L
-trg1 IL
ire lbhi� are e-ims, rai-It-11
alinolt ally givew weight.
It. Da�;i-z Ift!
t "
Advoe'ate, AVas app!jiltA
the F,'xecutiv(t (,jql1111it*t
Press Assoviatioll- at a I
110d iii, Toronto,
--A couple of St.
Moilic. 1�., OAVII'Qd liv '.%Jr.
ford, arid `NvIlit. Nv"!I;l1110T
Mettle at tile -rlkep�i 1.1tvi-v
Brited. county,
T1 t f
.-- .1-, ))ranch fl v '-.A,
21ilitcht-11 11 - el,l a 111L�1'14-0�
ly `R-1141 t
I 1111111ber of olliet.rs will
'll,eig,liboringr 't�
yoinlg illan r
11lan, tellvr �: In rthe *41 it I
after everal wi,slath�:.-A 7!7
On Prii1av, 20th i, It.' I Y,
exelnphl�v 111:11,
tl,.fnise i., Iw:!-?I
of M
PIR(Ill In 014,
hitd ;411 offi-l-
t( ni 140 'li(. S..hnic,6 as
"Ile a. f .134,:
Salary of ;�350, and I. -As iv�li .
Mr. NL-Chty,
P19 re,l