HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-08-13, Page 7eee- ,•tit _ - Jair LitTER ercita n ct PROPMETO mrs, Ontario. HINQ N re selling at bottom goods, gingham& tonades, 'Wilmer& illot [Haves very cheap. stock constantly oe Read onr Prices. 3 lbs. Good Ralsits for 25ett 7 bars Seen foe irch for 25c. Try our tra Qtrality,1 Silver ery pound. -a laree and Well which we -wilt sell ilaisisware, Latest and tie and Caps, Latest stow. t order. neral Hardware on hand, be e Putty,: Paint, Oils, Han* t Machine Oila &c. rid Roller Milt Flour alvnies be convinced that We 'heap Goods. All Mods in exchange for good& Pe for their Liberal litel,. trusting them for a cottegi. place, J. Stanley's old steak S. COLE. Kinbuni, Ont. _ ion House qBURN. ND AROUND AUBURN or your very liberal pate.. year,. I would respenteek a- New Store, where I haw tot of roceries, Crockery, are, Stone and hina Sets. RY Lon - es and Hardware.; 'oe,m. it is no trouble te show tortades, Shirtinpi, Winceys, &c. e TEA, no better value ever ie paid for farm produce. ts, Hides and Skins vi for goodit . always on hand. 4 at Seaforth prices, all. Don't forget the plact. eb, wire to the new storekaft. L STEWART. LIIII WHITNEY' RE HOUSE, hE OUR LIN -Es. OF 1 -1 -EATERS. E ROYAL Id Base Burner in four JII eateraand with Oven& - yal Peninsular t Square Bane Burner ntielta at fall ta see it. line of all kinds of k Coal Cooks,, daIe to show them. _ ie all, and get Biqa* LRGAINS IN !LEM TINWATE, r AND CANADliii ALWAYS ON HAND .'SM I L LS IN, Proprietor of the* /opitlat mills, has been machinery, and is noet r out an article of LY FLOUR, i excelled by any mill in ti& . while the parte' whit/ lot I for wheat, chopping INF chopped for six matt Fir t Fresh oat meal &IMO eell rale and exchanged for id bran always on hand Mgr t market prices, also ant' cht ,and. Orders proreptlY flaw," a have not yet green theheintr o their interest to do la• ?liter "Bell's Mills." JOHN cNEVItt 1TTING STALLION LRLISLE," 6Y, at Two Years 0I0 s season at his owner's stabler Seaforthi r y ears old. stands 16 handill. 50 lbs., and is a dark bottrh Was sired by King Reneem y Alexander's Abdellah, tiletortian. First dam by ea, Bay Chief, by 31ambriiii> IjU Y Eintle. 4th dam by Blackb1110 idpedigree and perfortualleat elication. I.) /risme, payable when 1110 'VHITELY Proprietor. lEY TO LOAN. AGES BOIT 41 AND ONTARIO L _ea I Saving; Society have Sn101111111. roney to lend on real este — 'rates of interetit with the rower of repaying a th payments °hinter 4y to Messrs. DENT & who are the * citors for the Societyt 18S5, IluersT 13, 1886. News Notes. —The volunteers who served in the Northwest rebellion are rapidly. settling the Interior Department. Three oirnedrip with hundre and fifty have ili have accepted land tskelissixand 025 warrants, Seven hundred and sixty t ight volunteers have not yet been heard from- a-Tomhstone inscriptions have rarely aeached the height of comedy attained by an inscript_ion in a churchyard at rthngland. It is on the ye aof PtPi a gnn'tleman who a as eminent ArNoa e fa this world as the clerk of a race- " They -were fortunate who ✓ nuers:e'him on earth," says the elegy, "-bat,they.are Uncommonly happy who m know him heaven!, --The most valuable porcelain service existenee is in the Grand Ducal col- in- lection at Neutrelitz, Mecklenburg. It is valued by experts at from $7,500 to g12,230. It is a dinner service of the most magnificent blue enamel painted with birds from old Chelsea porcelain with gold -anchor mark. Only one other similar service is extant, which is in the possession of Queen Victoria. —The. Richmond Religious Herald a " The Rev. Mr. Carroll (colored)/ sys : of South Carolina, made a begging speech at Asbury Park, in which he said: 'This is my first visit to the North. I have always been told that Northern men are more generous than Southern men, and that Southern ladies are more beautiful than Northern ladies.' The men laughed, but not a woman gave him a cent. —An elaborate table just compiled for Lloyd's, in London, shows that last year there were built throughout the world a grand total of 692 vessels of over NO tons each. Of this number 382, were built in Great Britain, and 68 more in the colonies. The total tonnage of wood, iron and steel was 624,658 tons, and out of this England, apart from its colonies, turned out the large total of 449„825 tons. —An Italian lawyer recently bought three-quarters of a pound of sugar at Sianno and being an economical man, carried it himself to Rome. At the city gates the octroi officers demanded a half- penny as duty; but the lawyer knew that no duty could be levied on parcels weighireccless than a pound, and only paid upon compulsion. He then brought an action to recover the half -penny, and • every court in the realm had been appealed to in turn, has won it, and the municipality has to pay 3,500 francs of costs. —An English paper says that a dis- covery has just been made which has aroused considerable interest among an- tiquarians. While engaged in excavat- ing at the Brigg Gas. Works some work- men came upon a large boat imbedded in the clay some three or feet below the surface. " On the boat being bared. it was found to be 48 feet long, four feet four inches wide, and twO- feet nine iaches deep. It is undoubtedly of very ancient construction, being out out of a solid piece of oak. Great care is being taken in order to get the boat out of the bed with as little damage as possible." —An Exchange "up East, comment- ing on a Fact and Rumor item in which the wonder of ignorance was expressed at the fact thatNorwayice was import- ed to this country,- says: "It is a regu- lar busincis, that of bringing ice here from Norway, and Contracts can be made for any number of cargoes at any time. - Ice can be brought here from Norway at as small cost as from the Maine rivers, and the wastage is less .eve U on the voyage from Norway than it is from Maine. Brought as ballast by vessels engaged in the oil traffic, the •charter-party is low. As the ice crop never fails in Norway, thereisno fear of an ice famine." —At Bloomington, Sunday, while Barnum's circus men were shooti g at a L hoard tossed up by Abdallah Bey, said to be a chief of the Arabs, Abda.14 h was accidentally shot in the neck by Orrin Ulla, a bareback rider. The Chief will probably die. —From the Masten Herald: A re- markable_ affection is said to exist be- tween the trotting stallion, " Little Billy," record 2.27, and his driver, a man named Isaac Hodgins, of Brantford, Ont. The latter has trained and driven " Little Billy" from colthood, and the horse will (lo anythhig he wants him to, even to stopping at a signal from his driver when in the midst of a hotly -contested heat; Not tang ago :the owner of "Little Billy" secured a new driver for him, but thus far he has been unable to do -anything with the horse, which refuses to recognize any master save the old one. —Joseph Arch was one of the few paid English members of Parliament; had a salary of $25 a week ; and on the strength of it took his daughter from service and made her his secretary. She had been housemaid to a lady well-known in London society, and astonished this hay one morning by telling her she must leave because her father had be- torne a member of Parliament. The girl's relationship to the agricultural Agitator had remained quite unsuspeet- 'ed. Not that she or her father had any shoasmehi in the matter—far from it. Mr. ep Arch s a man to whom the dig- nity of labor has always seemed equal to aSy other dignity. 1 Holloway's Pills thanges of temperature and weather frequent- ,lt. upset persons who are most careful of their aealth, and partieulat in their diet. These cor- lletiye, punt wing, ami gentle aperient Pills are ne best for an defective action of the digestive 'deans. They auttmene, the appetite, streegthme stoumeh, correct billioustiess, and carry off 11 that ie noxious from the system. Holloway's Pill are compoeed of rare belsane4, unmixed rh baser matter, and on that aecount are pee:I- L:1dt well adapted fur the young, delicate and tteil. As this peertees meiliiiine hire gained fame !lithe past, so it, will preeerve it hi the future by Lreceipobook alone worth the money. For sale by'!. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. 966.52w. Stratford. Aug. 5. 1885. Having suffered trom kidney dis- ease from childhood I consulted emident doctors in Chicago, New York, and in Canada. Also tried various patent medicines, but get- ting no relief: from any source gave up, as I -was sure my case was hopeless. Finally I was induced to try Dr. Jug's Medicine, and I am glad to say that three bottles cured me. D. Duggan, Dry Goods Merchant. For sale by all druggists. 967.52.2w. A Free Gift. „we Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a medical guide and recipe bpok containing useful information, over .• 200 recipes, and pro- nounced by do-etors and druggistsasworth ten tunes the cost of the medicine. Medicine and book $1. SOW. by I. V. Fear, druggist; Staforth.. 966,52w. _ • • A Wise Precaution During the summer and fall people are liable to sudden attacks of bowel complaints, and with no prompt remedy or medical aid at hand, life may be in danger. Those whose experience has given them wisdom, always keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry at handforprompt relief, and a physician is seldom required 857.52.2w. A Fortunate Escape:. Mrs.. Cyrus- Kilborne, Beamsville,_ Oct., had what was supposed to be a cancer on her nose. She was about to submit to . acaneer doctor's treatment, when she concluded to try Burdock Blood Bitters, internally and externally, a few bottles of which entirely cured her 858.52.2iv. None Better. • There is no more wholesome or delicious fruit onearth than the wild strawberry, and there is no more effectual remedy for cholera, dysentery, cramps, and other summer complaints, of infants or adults, than Dr. Fowler's extract ofWild Strawberry -857.52.2w. Off Work: suffering was off work for twe years sufferinfrom kidney disease, and could get no relief, nail ad- vised by a friend to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I was cured by two bottles, and consider it a miraculous cure." The above is the substance of a communication from Win. Tier, St. Marys. Ont. 857.52.2w: On the Rise, • "Leaves have their time to fall," says the poet, but wild -strawberries leaves are on the rise just now, being utilized in swim enormous quantities in making Dr. Fowler's Extract Of Wild Straw- berry—the infallible remedy for cholera morbus,- diarrhea, and othet summer complaints 857. 52.5w. In Ba-dHumor. A year -ago my head was covered with sores, and the 'eruption covered my face also, and spread even until the backs of my hands were sore. I became weak and ill. Finding no cure I tried Burdock Blood Bitters Two bottles -per- fectly cured me." Statement of Miss Minnie Stevenson, Cocagne, N. B. 857.52.2w. • Always Required—A good cathartic medicine.• National Pills will not disappoint 'you. 857.52m. 'Freeman's Worm Powders are . safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children and adults. 857.52m. Low's Sulphur Soap should be found with every toilet. It is cleansing and healing. 857.52m. -Low's Pleasant Worm 'Syrupis a safe and reliable worm remedy for an worms afflicting children and adults. 552.52m. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is most effective for giving tone and strength - to the enfeebled system, promoting the digestion and assiinilation of food, restor- ing the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purifying, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health Ten. years ago my. health- began to fail. I was troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous- ness. I tried various remedies Prescribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs with- out stopping to rest. My friends recom- mended -me to •try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and Jam 'now as healthy and strong as ever.—Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my' family, for Scrofula and. know, if it is _ taken faithfully, MIA it will.. thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alter- ative, andlmust say that I honestly believe It to- be the best. blood - medicine ever - compounded. —W. F. Fowler, D. D. S., Di. D., GreenVille, Tenn, Dyspepsia_ Cured. It would be impossible for me to de- scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and -Headache up to the time I began. taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians andtried a -great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re. lief.. After taking Ayer's SarsaParilla for a short time, my headache disappeared, and my stomach performed its duties more perfectly. To -day my health is com- pletely restored. e- -H Mary arley, Spring- field, Mass. I (have been greatly benefited .by the 'prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates the system; regulates a the action the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. —H. D. Johnson, 383 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thin is to certify that 1 have used McGregor's Speedy Cure for dyspepsia and livernomplaint, and do honestly say that if it cost ane one hun- dred dollars (e100) a bottle I would not be- With- out it, trait hasdone rad more good than all the - medicines I ever used, and I feel like a new man. —Yours truly, Alex. Steel, Carleton Place, Ont. This medicine is for sale -at 50c and 51 per bottle at Lurusdep & Wilson's dreg store, Seaforth. 964.52w. Have you ever. tried McGregor & Parke's Car- bolic Cerate for sal -es of any .kindli It is beyond :doubt the very beet-preparationin the market for healieg and curing sores, burns, cuts, pim- ples, blotches, and is the only -proper method of applying carbolic acid. e Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seeforth tot 25e per box. 961-.52w. The latest remedy for coughs, colds; croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, -etc., is ..Miciiregor's Lung Compound. There is no remedy in exist- ence containingidany one of the active ingredients composing AleGregor's Lung Compound, so .do not say you have taken everythinguntil you have tried this for yourhl coor cough, and your opinion will be the sane as all have -used it, vizi, that' it is the best. Sold in 50c and el bottles by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea - forth. 9G4.52w. ha -re you toothache? Use Fluid Lightning. Have you rheumatism? Use Fluid Lightning. - Have you a stiff joint! - Use Fluid Lightning. Have you neuralgia? Use Fluid Lightning. - Have you lumbago? . Use Fluid Lightnine.. Are you troubled with headache? Use Fluid Lightning. Have you any pa -in?- Use Fluid Lightning.' It Will cure you the instant it is applied. Try it. 25 cents per bottle at „Limit -tee a: Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 90I:52w. • _ Consumption Cured. An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consume - +Awn Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and an throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical • cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou eon-i- n:Wats, atter having tested its wonderful cure t•ive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it he duty to -make it known to his suffering fellows.. Actuated by this motive -and a desire to relieve human suffering, I send free of chargo, to all who desire it, this recipe, in Gemmel, French or English, with full directions for preparinn and ..using. Sent by mail by addressing with stampi rennin. this dpaper, W. A. NO YES, 149 Power's Blot* Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 cow Be on .Your Guard. . Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself in -to catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few applications will cure incipient catarrh. One to two boxes will cure erdinary catarrh.. One to five boxes will cure chronic catarrh. Dr. Chase's catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents perbox. 936.1y 'Advice to -Mothers. Are you disturbed and broken of your rest by sivk• child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so isend at once., and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. Its value is incalculableiIt will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother.; there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and (Hari -hum, regu- lates. the stomach arid- bowels,- cures wind colic. softens. the game, reduces inflasnmatiou, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the eldest and -best -female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for " Mas. W1N6LOW'S SourilltiC4 Sr11.1.1," and take no other kind.966.1y. Catarrh—a New Treatment.. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that leis been achieved in modern medicine -has been attained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,060_patients treated during the past six monthe, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of Vale stubborn malady. This is none the less St irtiline when it is remembered that no five per of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner ere benefitted, while the Patent medicines and_ other advertised cures lb renovatine and mereorannie qualdeen rue. Troyer record fi cure at al. Starting with the Maim now generally believed by the most scien- tific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the, tissue, Mr. Dixon at GON: adapted his cure to their extermination— ehis accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is prac- tically cured, and thapermancney is unquestion- td, as cures effected by him -tout years ago are curee still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, aed no other treat ment has ever cured Catarrh. The- application et the remedy is simple, amid can be done at home, mid the present season- of the year is the - meet favorable for a speedy and permaneut cure, flit majority of eases beine- cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond. with Messrs. A. IL DIXON & SON, Of King Street, Wett, Toroato, Canada, and enclose Stamp for their troerlee on Cater-Ile—Montreal Star, November 17. l'iS4 • - ereeeeeeeezezeezeeemeeeeeezegeereareepereeeeemem te impossibility of its doing hut. 9eLeaw. Ayer's Sarsaparilla It dtaiened for those who need a unidicine to hiify their blood, build them up, increase their "Petite, and rejuvenate ureir whole eystem. Other prtlarittiott so Well meets this want_ itrecord of fern: vezu.-:-: it one ot constant tit - herb (iv er disease. 909.5..er. For Its Soothing.' het eraftful infetenee en the seeip, awl for re- . 11,1:L.3%111e: end preveeting damirtiff. Ayer's flair ce.or has tin It reendee faded or leraY L11. to its original cotter, stimulates the growth il"•.l hair, and gie es it a beautiful, elossy, and ante algae mtive. ern 5tiv. Tender Corns, . cerns, corns of all kinds r-fil•oved`with"t till or- arre spats by Puinareh, Painless Corn ‘traeter. Thom -quids t.tv tnat it is certain, not be imposed upon ,Y SUbtitUtet offered for the. genuine Putnam's extraetor, Sure, 'Ate, harmless. 11.52.52w. Good Value: sufferers buying medicine have been dis Pointed, don't give up, buy a reliable article 4e Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, and with it you get LICENSES • ISSUED LT EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED • Ayer's Sarsaparilla t • ' Prepared by Dr.'J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 1$1.. sir battles, 85. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness Of youth,causes it to grow lunuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, andls the most -cleanly .of all hair preparatioas. AYER'S Hair Vigor hasgiven me perfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during which tineea I used many hair preparations, but without success.' Indeed,. what little hair I had,, was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and My head is now well covered with a new growth of hair. —.Inc...sou B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. that has. become weak, gray, 1.; -and faded, may 11MT. new life and color .restored to it by the use of 'Ayer's Hair Vigor. **My liair-was thin, faded. and dry, and fell out in large quautitiese Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped tie,- falling, and restored my hair to its or;ginal color. As a dressing Ior the lia:a this preparation has no equal. — Me ry N. Hammond, ptillwater, Minn. VR77OR youth, and -beauty, in the is el- appearance of the hair, may be preserved for an indefinite period by the lea: of Ayer's Hair Vigor. **A dis- eaeo of the scalp caused ray hair to be- come harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothipie I tried seemed to do any good until I commenced eising Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of .tbis preparation restored my •ha,ir to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it- glAo fmen from u -dandruff. — Mrs. E. R. ifo:,s, Milwaukee, Wis. - Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. • i'ERFIWT seatidev, prompt action, ami wonderful (-unitive properties, easily place Ayer's Pills -at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nen-- ons Headaches, -Constipation, and all ail- ments priginating in a disordered Liver. I have been a -great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pi -lis are the only medicine that has ever given me relief. One dose of theee Pills will quickly -move my bowels, and .free my head from pain.— William L. Page, Richmon0 Va. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, -Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. THE CELEBRATED a -a_ C.1-1 _A.. S 'S MANDRAKE DANDiLIG?1 Ek CURE_ Have you Liver Complaint, 1)} spepeia, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, lleadache, DiZZi- !less, Pain in the Back, Costiveness, or any dis- ease arising from a deranged livtr, 1)1. Chase's liver cure will be found aeure and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy—The- unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Livet Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that, it is compounded from nature's weli-known liver regulators, tla ndraks and I rand choir , combined with many other in val. ueble roots, len-kg-and herbs. having a powerful effect on the KicineysiStomach, Bowels and blood. Fint hundred thousand sold.. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr. Chate's Receipt Books Were sold in Canada. alone. We want every man woman and child who is troubled with Liver Complaint to try this exeellent remedy. Something new. Cive away free. Wrapped aroneti every bottle of Jim-. Chase's- Liver Cure is a. valuable Household medical Guide and Recelpe Book (e4 )ages), con- taining over 200 useful receives, pronounced by, medical men • and druggists as invaluable, and Worth ten times the price of the reedit -hie. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Priee, 25 cents. Try -Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty•fiYe cents per box_ Sold by nil ealt,,rs.—T. thitIANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. For Sale by I.. V. Fra, Druggist, s Seaforth. 966-52 Stock Breeders Take Your Choice. You can have choice.: of two Iinnorted Bulls, :led 'Knight, a heautiful Led 1;1111, 14 months' old weighs 1,10n It $., and Young Chamberlain, a dark roen Bull about the some weight. They are both in good condition awl are sorc Stock eetters. Teries.---For Grade Code to Young Chamberlain, s'2.50.; for grade cows to Red Knight, e3 ; for Thoroughbred Cows to either bull, 58. Cows returned 'regularly three times and not in calf will not be charged for. Parties bringing a number of Cows will be liber- ally dealt with. Will have pasture to keep Cows from a distance. Young Chamberlain took first prize at Seaforth. and Brussels Shows last fall. DAVID MILNE, Ethel; Ont.! 955 • C2 Hardware! _Bought for cash direct from the manu- facturers, the advantage of which we will give to our customers, by selling them goods at lowest prices. Our im- mense stock is very complete, compris ing the following seasonable lines: Spades and Shovels, best Eng- lish, American & Canadian makes. Draining Tools of all kinds, Field Hoes, Garden Hoes and Rakes, Twol and Four Point Steel Fencing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel Fencing Wire, Plain Galvanized Wire, for straight rail fences. Builders' Hardware, Best Montreal Steel and Iron Nails. Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Paints, Oil, Glass and Putty. To those building, we can offer special low figures. Binding Twine, the best made at low - eat possible prices. Reid & Wilson, Hardware and Iron Importers, MAIN -ST., - SEAFORTH. CAMPBELL'S` ,b C • CO ATHARTIC . MPOUN is effective in small.. doses, acts without griping, does .not oc- casion nausea, and will riot create irri- tation and congestion as do niany of the usual cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills. kc. • Ladies and Chil- dren -having the most sensitive sto- machs take 'ibis medicine without trou- ble or complaint. CAMPBELL'S CATITA TPPIC CiemPOUND is especially adapted for the cure of . larvell. COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS_ DIS-' OnnEttei FOR ACID STOMACH A.ND Loss Or AP- PETITE. - FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSTA. Foe CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARIFINff FROM A DISORDERED ere'r el OF THE STO- MACH. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to meet the requirements of different per - sells; thus making it. eqitally Well adapted to the use of the little child as to the adult. Put up in three ounce betties, and seld by . -all dualere in family medicines. Price Retail, 25 Celia .4•••••••••Nomo..,,,r le a • wJeelirreS••••••••.•••••••••••••••••Wa.s.•••••••=1L a.VVVV-11.1., Mr, 4.•^, Era.: PERRY DAVIS" PAIN=K1 IS RECOMMEND2D iVV Physirians, Ministers, Misstanaries, ManOcrs of Factor ies, ll'Ork-shops, Plantations, Nurses -in Hospitals, —in. short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TANEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITH A WISE. G LASS OF HOT MILN AND • SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CI7IIE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF ClECULATION, CRAMPS, rAiNs IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BowEL ComPLAINTs, SORE THROAT . &c. apeema Exaeesa Lev, EN-PEI:IP:SCE IIA S PROX EN IT THE 310,3T EFFECTIVE AND LINIMENT 'IN LAIfT11 IN REMOVING THE PAIN AItISNn FliOAI s'.'1;.\ TN'S, HEyar fa\VEI i rf; Nea )sT.BIT &..e.„ &c. 2, -els. per _ractavar3 cf imitations. 7 -Da ittittiieh H This agreeable yet potent pre- retration is especially adapted for the relief and cure of that cla-s of di-zordees attendant u pen a low or reduced State of the sy anti tieeeily companied by P r, and Pal- nittzion of the Pr,41,tst results ii ill know lee ete'elen Eeiran-tion f -en 1.0-s c f Bi A._ute or Chroitice Di - ea-e,e and in the v dee invariably t..": emetnie, Cie rt.,..-ffery N'•-,tiog Fever, 2ea leeeeciy se, eev reFef in or in idenied. Por -1 1:: el, 1. — I .Neret he'' eee,iee--y„-cieur ... tee - V. re:re e.r* tm 1112; : 1 : cs,C3 L./ ST:V.t.!.ANT '' .1 .! Le etei 0,r • •'-r Scia Dea:ers in ,lfe:ileincs. DAVIS 1,-;LAWEENCE 00. (Limited) ' SOLE AGENTS, MONTREAL, P. Q. p5911711. Still Ahead Of All. H. S. SMITH & Co., CATERERS, And dealers in American and Canadian Confec-i tionery. Ice Cream and Water Ices,Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits. Families, Hotels, Picnic Parties and others wishing Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied at reasonable rates. Tobaccos and Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. Happy to serve you. _ Remember the place, First Door North o Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, Main Street Seaforth, H. L. SMITH & Co. 959 Removed I Removed I G -M a_ m -w- G-, SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises- immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. ittrRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. PENNYROYAL WAFERS Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is Used monthly with perfect success by over 10,0001adies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers arid take no substitute, or inclose post- e age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, t.d. per box. Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. ierSold in Seaforth by Leimsdern & Wilson and by Druggists generally. 969-52 The Seaforth Brussels AND Wroxeter Stage Line. This old and reliable Stage Line which runs daily between Seafdrth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gorrie, leaves Seaforth on the arrival of the Mail train from the east, and. connects with the trains running east and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Brussels, and also connects with the train fol. Teeswater at Wroxeter. Comfortable covered carriages and careful, at - entire drivers always on the road. Fares Reasonable. S. WALSH, Proprietor. THE BIC! ) MILLS. SEAFt_ RT H. The above mills have now been thoroughly re- . built upon the complete. HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPUVED ROLLS Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour EECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also (leen extensively improved. Grain can now taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by -the work of two men. A LArIGE FEED LITORIE —FOR— CUSTOM CHOPPING Ilas been put in, and the necessary machinery fo handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagon can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WI-tr.::..AT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRSI-cLASS ROLLEC. FLEUR Tal Fe. A i'4A E D 01J5T0M T:s1 Chopped eatisfactorily and withoutdelay. ROLLER FIGUR, BPAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Conetantly on hand. Highest Market price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS —AND— GUtRSE AND LAND Si -IT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging -men will be kept to attend customers. Tho liberal patronge of farmers arid general trade respectfully solicited. • . Ai W. OCILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. ezi:EATP;C:CIPPON LEGAL. 11101 C. HAYS, Solicitor- &c. Private Money to JR4 lend at lowest rates of interest. Office— Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 - jM. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office— Itooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson _Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents—CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON.. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. PROUDFOOT. 686 flAMERON, . HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, l..1 Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 506 • LOFTUS -E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 'e- 786 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office—Beaver Block, Clinton; Ontario. A. H. MANNING, JAMES SCOTT. 781 F.IIOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of . McCaughey & Holinested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. .Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. Air ONEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 6 per in_ cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6t per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. - 850 DENTISTRY. W.A_T'SCD1\T„ DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms- over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 • - W_ t.T... Pi M etta. 13,e . ,itleir ,..te i TA D. S., M. R. C. and b. S., of int aheithee ' -1 A. Ontario. Latest improve - gels iii -, ' nients in every line. Satisfaction II -t guaranteed. Office,—In Cadyie Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence,—The Poplurs, John Street. 941 • - KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. 7.7'' „1.:g.t HuronISIOtlevli,llobne riceZulasthTahtutrshe. its the ' day and in Hen- -4--e-d 9f each month, sel next day, (Friday,) at Ilet 'wide' Hotel. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work feat class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. . NATM. HANOVER, M. D. C. 3L, Graduate of V 3IcGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence—North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the.3Iethoditt church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Office,—Royal Hotel. 930. • T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, J, and Accoucher, Seaforth, Opt. Office and residence South side of Godench street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 - D W. BRUCE S3IITII, 3f, D , C. M., Member ille of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 DR. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of Toronto- University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Sure -Cons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drugstore. Residence, Jolla Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 EYE, EAR AND THROAT. . . DR. G -EO. S. RYERSON/ L. It. C. -P., L. It. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Bye and Ear In- firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. :317 Church Street, Toronto. V ETEBINARY . trinli. J. WILSON, V. S.,-lioriortd graduate of 1 I Toronto Veterinary College, Registered Member of the Veterinary Medical Association of Ontario. liaving had sever:LI years experience can be found prepared to trerd, all diseases of the donieetieated alliIIMIS On the iiittst amid most im- proved priuciplts. Treatment of delicate foals a»d teeth urcesing a epecielty. Residence; Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953 _ dhai EAFORTII HORSE INFIRM ARY.—Corner of i..D Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to th( Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Out. All dis- eases of llorees, Cattle, Sheep. or aiiy of the do. meeticated animals, smiles:drilla treated at ill( Infirmary, or elsewhere, en the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S.—ei large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept conetantiv on hand • AUCTIONEEr.s. - T P. BRINE, Licenecd Auctioneer- for tht 0. County of Huron. Saks attended in al parts of time County. All orders left at THli EXPOSI'TOR Office will be premptly attended to. — ---- - - A succesefel inEdieine tested over :30 years in thonsands of cast --s. Ftnniptly euree Ner- vous Prostration, Wenknees of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Gen- erative urgetis et either ziex, Deis:mime; and all jib caused by indiscretinn m over eeerrion. peekegeeis gunranteed to (elect a cure ehr.,n all other niediienes taml. (hie eacloree el, six reek - nen tit, by mail. :told by dingetists. Write tor Pamphlet. Address ErREKA Cli EMICAL CO., Detroit. Pee'leld hr Seeforte by Lune edee a: Wilson and lerneeists generally. fieli-ee OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS 117 71,„ , _geed isle ndLitti r rjAz; t - P4, TIGHT BINDII:G As there are many inferior goods, corded with jute, het ete.,offered and sold as Caroline by Some Un - •p merchants trad- in a 011 the reputation of eta genuine coratinte, we ;721'11 the ladies against retie impeeition by draw- ', heir attention to the DC.SSiirl of seeing that the name CROMPTON CORSET CO.' is,stampodon inner side of all Coraline goods, Without which none are genuine. Preserve Your .Sight. By wearing the only FRANK LAZARUS, (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) Renowned Spectacles d. Eye Glasses. These Speetaeles and Et e Gle.ezes have been used for the past,35 eare,aed l.eve elven in every iratonce imbomided satieffintien. They are VIE inv,T EN THE WORLD. They ntver the, and lmt mapy years without change. fcr Sale by . DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH FRANK LAZARUS ANUFACTITP, ER, ee Maryland Road, ilerrew rnm. Leerlon, Eng. (Lat(' Lazarns & Mot ries Ileleee•el, Conn.) (:OrlDN'tkal with ele. c:. er firm in the D'fit=inirin of Caned: SEAFORTH PUMP WORKS. Jim returnipg thani:s '10 In :.• enetono're for their petroyeee eihee Pee ; teener husintee iii S aforth f would mid trikr tosteiply the demand for PUMPS CISTERNS ezc. that I have jut in Steam Pee er and more new muchhiere, and can m w dr, y ork quicker and better, and as I ute none eat the - best ma- terial I can get, and do a, etee .t colt as I know how, 1 hope to nu( tit a conriitero -e of your pat- ronage. CUSTOM PLANING' AND BAND SAWING A SPECIALITY. N. CLUFF. P. S.—I would be pleased to receipt all the ac- counts of the past and previous years. Must have money. -966-t,f. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOU —TO CALL AT THE— HURON FOUNDRY,. NEAR THE HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTH. And see our stock of PLOW- S, Which have been made especially for this county. I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the market. Our LAND ROLLERE4 Are large a heavy, running light and doieg good wor nir GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from Hard Iron, and will last longer' than any other -machine made. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to le - pairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on application. Also Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con- stantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment 001V11:3_Aa\T-5C_ This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates - of Interest. Mortgages .Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER.. Goderich, August 5th,1885. 922 SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. If yon want solid comfort call at M. Robertson's, And 'buy one of those:Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. H eau also supply illyarld Chairs and Carriages. lie alen sells the most eomfortable and durable SIG - That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is vete Inwe and Complete. Inter d'e,e. purehae ers would do well to give him 0.001 beiore pun - chasing eleewhere. Wart rooms cue Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth, il'C.IBERT:i.3004, ........., ....4 .,...,..., r.—..).....-.+, ...,. ...1 It\.11 .....f.), ii.., ...s.,_ s i „ N. .'4 •-• 7° '''- ,s,'5' , ,s-''.... \ \ . ,p ,,,1,. /.'', ' ' N ' .."'", 'a P-",1 - '4---..11.,..f ' • -,.: • • ',..... ., "4,--,?,:t",'‹P" fe‘elt-t • - hint ..e.t.ettnite ettftettehte tititetentehiheitsit ' ,1 •totit'Z;i'- ''" 4> t 31'. 1 '4^ • - ,-. . .1 ?.%;.. pi,' • -ii"."`% )5 . i F..* %-thl a ft. r 4 Thie great Himeehold Medicine runes aniouett Ile leading neeeeeerie8 of Life. Thee lemons Pills perhy the Blood, awl act nioet powerfeley, yet soothingly, en the Liver, Stomach, 71-iidnees and Bowels. ;tiling tone, -energy and vigor i.e these eTeat Mein leprings of Life. They are ton- fidently reeommended as a never failing Feinedy in all (wee where- the yenstilutien, from velate ever cense, has beeeme inipaired or weakened. They are emelerfn'ly ?Ay:1(4cm in all ailments ineldeeeal to fel:ie.:es of ail ages; and as a Gen- eri.3 Family Medleiee unsurpaEsed. olden a.r.d. Heeding- Prott-rtas kri• the World. For the -irre f • - Breaels, Old W -m -ids, Siete ar d - riirettly ceectuaey 1.1. He. end cheetas '-at let() nut at, (•:.• , 11.1-(11.te•. -Ceeges at d Coeor 01a110:11ar :4.7.itnings arid Pelee i lite a el;n1.))). G,T;.:t anti Mielltuatisin never fails to afford relief. elan ufactu r( d at Professor Holloway's Establiehment, N Oxle-rd Street (late filia Oxford Street) London and sold at ls. LILL, 28. ed„ 4s, :Ude 115., 225 and fi3F, each Box and Pot. ime Beware of Am erican count-effeits,—Pnrehasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes.. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 - •