HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-08-06, Page 8fe•-:
*ill sell his large Grain Scale, Fairbanks Patent,
weighs 2,500 lbs. Having no further use for it,
sell cheap.
Sabbath School Excursion of the child-
ren of the Sabbath &hoots in this
neighborhood, will take place from
here to Goclerich on Thursday next.
The train will leave here at 9 o'clock in
the morning and returning will leave
Goderieli at 7 in the evening, and it is
expected a boat will be in attendance
at Goderich to give exenrsionists a sail
on the lake. The fare for the return
trip will be 35c for adults and 20c for
children. All are cordially invited.
A. H. Ireland, Master of Britannia
Masonic Lodge, Seaforth, is in receipt of
letters from Mr. John Joslin of Virden,
Manitoba, fatner of the late T. E. Joslin
of this town and from MraJoslin, widow
of the deceased, in which each express
in the sincerest terms their gratitude to
the members of the Lodge for their kind -
mess to and attention upon Mr. Joslin
during his illness. Of course, while the
members of the lodge only did their duty
in this respect, it must be gratifying to
them to know that their services are ap-
preciated by the relatives of the de-
ceased and it was a graceful act of Mr.
and Mrs. Joslin to make this formal ac-
turns from the several Branch Agricul-
tural Societies in the South Riding of
Huron show the membership of each
society, upon which Government money
is drawn, to be as foliowse The Hay
Branch has a membership of 156, the
Stephen and Usborne, 358; the Stanley
and Goderich township, 308; the Tuck-
ersmith, 283, making a total member-
ship for the several branch societies in
the South Riding of 1,105. This is a
fair membership, but if the farmers
would take the interest in these societies
that they should do the membership
would be at least doubled and the use-
fulness of the societies correspondingly
THE VOTERS' LISTS.—The voters'
lists, under the Ontario Act, for the
town of Seaforth are now issued. An
analysis of the list shows that there are
568 persons who are entitled to vote at
both municipal elections and elections to
the Legislative Assembly; 46 who are en-
titled to vote at municipal eleetions only,
and H2 who are entitled to vote only at
Provincial elections. There are 46 fe-
male voters, 15 property -holders' sons,
and 30 wage earners. The town is now
divided into five polling sub divisions,
instead of three, as formerly. In di-
oision No. 1 there are 176 who are en-
titled to vote at municipal elections and
179 at Parliamentary; in No. 2, 127 at
municipal and 133 at Parliamentary; in
No. 3, 142 at municipal and 160 at Par-
liamentary; in No. 4, 77 at municipal
and 93 at Provincial, and. in No. 5, 92 at
municipal aud 101 at Parliamentary.
There are 234 eligible to serve as jurors.
The arrangement is an excellent one and
we hope the Society will receive such
encouragement as will justify tliem in
continuing this new system of a two
day's Show in reality, as wellas immune.
The full prize list will be issued in a few
ga,ret Brydon' relict of the late David
Brydon, diedat the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr. T. P. Bull, in Detroit,
en the 3rd inst. The deceased had been
residing in Detroit for about two years.
She had attained the great age of 82
years and 5 months. She was among
the early settlers of this district, and
with. her husband resided for many years
on the Huron Road, Tuckersrnith, on
the farm new owned by Mr. Wm. Fow-
ler. Mrs. Brydon was a native of Har-
purhey, a. suburb ofManchester, Eng-
land, and came to the county of inuron
in July, 1834. She was the mother of
four children, one son, James, now a
restdent of East St. Louis, Illinois, and
three daughters Isa,bella,, the late wife
of A. G. Vanignioncl, of this town;
Christina, widow of the late Thomas
Little, of Memphis, Michigan, and Bar,
bare., wife of T. P. Bull, Detroit, at
whose residence she died. After a few
flays' sickness she passed to her last rest
in peaceeand the remains were brought
to Seaforth on Wednesday last The
last rites of the church were performed
by he Rev. Mr. Craig, of 'Clinton, and
in the cemetery at Egmondville, by the
side of her late husband, she sleeps the
sleep of the just.
OUR SHow.—The annnal Fall Show
of the South Huron Agricultural Society
in connection with the Tuckersmith
Branch, will be held in Seaforth on Mon-
dey and Tuesday September 27 and 28.
The Societies present an unusually at-
tractive prograrame this year. Hither-
to it has been the practice of the So-
cieties to devote the first day of the
Shaw to takingentries and arranging
and judging the indoor department and
eeserving the whole of the out -door at-
tractions foe the seeond day. This year,
a new departure is to be made, and
there will be an interesting field. exhibit
on both days. On the first day the
Carriage and Roadster Horses will be
shown andjadged and in addition an at-
tractive special liet,provided bythe local
so siety will betaken up. The following
Special Prizes will be offered: Best pair
of Drivers, under four, speed and style
considered, in carrine:-• and harness and
owned by one persen, 1st $5, 2nd $3,
3rd $2; best single driver, under four,
speed and style considered, in buggy
and heelless, 1st, $4, 2nd $3, 3rd $2;
best Siugle Turn -out, horse, buggy and
haruess considered, and all the property
or one owner, 1st, $3, 2nd $2, 3rd 81 ;
mite trott, open to horses that never
wan public money, best 3 in 5, go as
tfu-y please, ist $6, 2nd 84, 3rd $2, best
L &der Inieestrienne'1st 86, 2nd $4, 3rd
nto. The Carriage, Roadster and special
classes will be exhibited and judged on
the first day of the Show and the Carriage
aud Roadster horses must also be on the
ground on the second day of the Show
when the prize e will be awarded,
hut the special classes, those specified
• anave, will be awarded their prizes on
ties firet day and will not be required on
the second day. In this way an excel-
lent and attractive Show will be provided
for the first day while the second day's
Show will not be interfered with in any
way and Will be conducted seas usual.
Robert Carnochan, sr., of Tuckersmith,
passed peacefully away on Tuesday
night last at the age of 75 years. She
had been in feeble health for a long
time. Her maiden name was Ann
Landsborough. She was a native of
Kirkcudbright, Scotland, and, was the
eldest daughter of the late Wm. Lands -
borough and sister of the Messrs.
Landsborough, of Tuckersmith. With
the other members of her family she
came to this country in 1834, and soon
after was -married to Mr. Carnoehan,
who survives her. They had a family
of five children three sons and two
daughters, and four still survive. Of
these, all are residents of Tuckersmith
and occupy neighboring farms, with the
exception of Robert, who has been in
Tulare, California, for several years.
The deceased was a plain, unassuming
Christian lady, who always found her
greatest happiness in the bosom of her
family, to whom she was much devoted
and by whom she was greatly beloved,
and her death will now be sincerely and
deeply mourned by all, but it will fall
with the greatest weight upon the aged
partner of her joys and sorrows for so
many years, The remainswere in-
terred in the Harpurhey cemetery on
Thursday, and the high respect in
which the deceased was held in the
neighborhood could not be more fully
exemplified than by the large concourse
of people who assembled to pay the last
tribute of respect to the memory of one
who was alike beloved and esteemed by
Go! Go! Go ! To Niagara Falls and
Grimsby Camp, on August 21st by the big Four
Day Excursion, and hear Talmage and Chaplain
McCabe, and enjoy a good time at the Falls.
This will be the popular Excursion of the season.
Crowds are going. Come aiong. Train at Sea -
forth at 7:45, and tickets only $1.75 for the
round trip. • - 973x2
has been in town for some days, employed in
feather cleaning, and has done a good deal of
work here, and has given the very highest satis-
faction to all who have employed him. From
personal knowledge we can testify that Mr.
Hastings does excellent work in this line, and is
deserving of patronage. Parties requiring feather
cleaning done may safely trust him to do the
work 973
about 800 excursionistspasted up to
Goderich from Mitchell 'Thursday Morn-
ing.—Mr. W. H. Hastings, of Sterling,
Hastings county, and a brother-in-law
of Judge Doyle has oorne to town to
practice law, and will have an office
open in a few days. We have now four
practising barristers. In the intiltitude
of counsellors there is wisdom,—Mr.
and Mrs. F. G. Sperling. and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Grieve left on Thursday for
Goderich and intend taking the trip on
the pleasure steamer " Oconto."—We
have on hand a letter from Mr. Wm.
Stanley, of Clinton, agent for the To-
ronto binder, in reply to that from Mr.
Moffatt, which appeared last week, but
it came to hand too late, and we are
forced to leave it over until next week.
Those interested in binders will peruse
this letter with considerable interest.—
Mr. J. II. Piper has commenced the
erection of a new residence on ,Goderich
street adjoining the residence of Mr.
John Beattie.—'We inadvertently omit-
ted to mention last week that the fine
new organ in the Presbyterian church is
from the manufactory of Bell & Co.,
G-uelph.—The adjourned meeting of
Huron Presbytery to consider the resig-
nation of Rev. Mr. Denby will be held in
Egmondville • Presbyterian church next
Sunday.—Mr. T. P. Bull, of Detroit,
one of Seaforth's early residents and its
first town clerk, is in town just now,
and he is looking younger and bet-
ter than he did fifteen years ago.—
" A base ball match between the Woolen
Mill and Egtnondville boys, played on
Thursday afternoon, resulted in a score
of 11 to 7 in favor of Egmondville.
LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mr. James Anderson,
of Woodstock, was in town on Saturday
last. He is now foreman of the Bain
wagon works, Woodstock.—The first
fall wheat of the new crop was delivered'
at Ogilvie & Co.'s mill, in this town, on
Monday 'last, by Mr. Wm. Adams, of
McKillop. It is, of the Star variety,
and is a splendid sample.—Mrs. M. Mor-
rison of Woodstock, has been in town
visiting friends. -Miss Darling, of Exeter,
daughter of Mr. Jas. Darling, one of the
pioneer bilsiness men of Seaforth, has
been in town some days, and was the
guest of Mrs. J. Fairley.—Mr. W. 0.
Reid left for his holidays on Friday.
He is rusticating in Muskoka, and is
accompanied by Mr. Robt. Graham, of
Brussels, Mr. R. L. Sharp and other,
Toronto gentlemen.—Mr. John Leckie,
inspector of the Freehold Loan and Sav-
ings Society of Toronto, and Mr. John
Shaw, of Brussels, were in town on
Saturday.—Mr. Wm. Murray, the vet-
eran thresher, returned from Algoma
last week, and will remain here until
fall with his sons, who are extensively
enaaged in the threshing business.—The
Woodstock ,base ball club played a match
with the Stars of Seaforth on Saturday
last, and came off victorious by a score
of 20 to 10. The Seaforth club are hav-
ing hard luok this season, having been
badly beaten in every match yet. --Mr.
John Murray, of Harpurhey, left with
us on Monday last, a number of ears of
very fine corn already fit for table use.
This is the first of the season and is very
early.—Mr. Wm. Logan purchased a
very fine driving horse a few days ago
for which he paid $220. The animal is
four years old and is, from old Clear Grit
and a Royal Revenge mare and was bred
in Goderich township. It was purchased
for Mr. Robert Logan, of Car-
bery, and was shipped there on Mon-
day.—A cricket match was played here
on Tuesday between the Clinton and
Seaforth elubs, and resulted in a victory
for the former.—An observant citizen
says he saw snow falling on Monday
afternoon last. It was cold enough for
it, anyway.—Mrs. A. Young is recover-
ing nicely, and is nowable to sit up oc-
casionally.—An excursion train coin -
posed of thirteen cars passed here from,
Woodstock for Goderich on Saturday.
If the Goderich people would only
spruce up a bit they could make their
town one of the most attractive points
in Canada for excursionists and summer
tourists.—The Rev. Dr. Gregg, of To-
ronto, will preach in the Presbyterian
chureh next Sunday in place of Rev.
Mr. McDonald, who is off enjoying his
holidays.—While in the stone quarry
the other day, Mr. John Lyons had a
large stone fall on his foot, and he is
now crippling around with a cane.—We
are sorry to learn that Mr. W. W.
Wade, photographer, is laid up with a
severe attack of illness, but we hope to
see him around again soon. Mrs.
Robinson, with an assistant, is attend-
ing to the business.—Mr. John Ward
has rented the store on the east side of
Main street at one time occupied by
Mr. M. Morrison and intends removing
his harness shop there.—We under-
stand that Mr. and Mrs. Martin Charles-
worth intend returning t� Seaforth to
reside, and that they have leased Mrs.
Davidson's residence on John street.—
We are glad to learn that Mr. Zenas
Beam, who has been very ill for two
weeks, is now in a fair way for recovery.
—Mr. Thomas Daly, formerly of Eg-
mondville, whe-has been in business in
Blyth for some time, has removed to
Seaforth, and has purchased the grocery
and bakery business of Mr. P. Megarey.
Mr. Daly is well and favorably known
here, and will, no doubt, do a good
business. Mr. and Mrs. Megarey leave
this week for Philadelphia, where" they
intend residing for a time. —The masons
and bricklayers are now busily engaged
at the residences of Messrs. D. Watson,
John Weir and Hugh Itobb:—The em-
ployees of Mr. D. D. Wilson's Egg Em-
porium are going to play a base ball
match with the employees of Messrs.
Broadfoot & Box's Planing Mill and
Cabinet Factory on Saturday afternoon.
The match promises to be an interesting
one.—Miss M. V. Kyle, of Stratford,
formerly of Seaforth, is visiting ffiends
in town.—Misses Maud Wilson and
Birdie McMulkin are visi,ting in Gode-
rich.—An excursion train containing
HOUSE BURNED. --The residence of
Mr. John McElroy, near Roxboro'Mc-
Killop, was destroyed by fire on Wednes-
day evening last. The fire Was dis-
covered about six o'clock, but had got
such headway, that nothing could be
done to save the building. It is Sup-
poSed to have originated frotn the
kitchen stove. Mrs. McElroy was
milking the cows at the timeotrid there
was no person in the house. Mr. Mc-
Elroy first noticed it from the field
where he was drawing in grain, 'Nearly
all the contents were saved. l'Itesehouse
was brick, with slate roof, and although
the interior is burned out, the walls are
still good. It was insured in the Mc-
Killop Mutual for $1,000:
AIIGUST 6 1886.
gathered up through the country for the
29th and 30th July.—Base ball is'quiet
among the boys now, but, according to
reports, we will soon hear from Harris-
ton.—Messrs. W. S. Bean and J. Mc-
Laughlin left last Friday morning on
the excursion up the lakes to Sault Ste.
last meeting of the town council by-laws
were passed and ordered to be sub-
mitted to the ratepayers for their ap•
proval (1) to raise a loan of $1,500 to
extend High School accommodation.; (2)
to raise $2,000 for the purchase of a
town park. The loan is to extend over
a period of 20 years and the debentures
will bear interest at 5 per cent. There
is no moss on our council; they are
going right in for improvements.
was civic holiday and the place was
nearly deserted, only a few stand-bys
being left behind. There were 395
tickets sold at the railway station, di-
vided as follows: Toronto, 200; Lon-
don, 70; Goderich, 140; Stratford, 30;
Seaforth, 55, and Port Stanley, 80. The
rest of the people distributed themselves
in the surrounding country or remained
home -keepers.
TOWN ESTEWATES.—The following is
a statement of the estimated expendi-
ture which the council will be required
to make in behalf of the town during
tne current year: County rate, $885.-
29 ; railway debenture interest, $990;
High School debenture interest, $300;.
fire and water debenture interest, $420;
High School, $l,400; Public School,
$3,200; salaries, $1,316; stationery,
election expenses and insurance, $145;
,market, $160; streets and sidewalks,
$l,200; cemetery, $100 ; printing, $75;
Mechanics' Institute, $100; interest ac-
count, $130; incidental, $l00; fire and
water, $300; street -watering, $100;
charity $250 ;. 3inking fund, High
school and fire and water, $550; drains,
$250; floating debt, $788, making a
total expenditure of $12,759,
CRICKET.—The return match was
played last week between *the President
and Vice President, and -again resulted
in a victory for the Vice -President, the
score being President 66 runs; Vice -
President 83 runs.
A MEAN ACT.—On Monday last Mr.
Win. Becker, of this place, took his
steam engine and threshing machine to
Wagner's Corners preparatory to com-
mencing to thresh there the next day.
During the night some evil disposed
persons, actuated by spite or other evil
motives, cut the belting of the machine
and knocked off several of the brass
taps and inflicted other similar depre-
dations. The mean scamps who com-
mitted this act, whether through wan-
toness or spite will have the satisfaction
of knowing that they have put Mr.
Becker to a good deal of expense and in-
convenience, but if they are found out a
short time in the Central Prison will
do them good.
lists courts in Grey and Brussels are fur-
thur adjoured. The appeal 'has not yet
been heard in Toronto on account of the
vacations, but it is expected to be heard
on Friday next.
CouNCIL MEETtNG.—The regular meet-
ing was held last Monday night, nothing
of much importance being done unless
passing a number of accounts. The
question of appointing a constable who
will see to the stoppage of such rows on
our streets at night as we have been
having lately, was taken up and a com-
mittee appointed, having power to en-
gage such a person .as will do his duty
irrespective of party. When this is
done we will probably have peace and
quietness at night. The council are
having the town hall overhauled and re-
paired, it thing that was very much
needeg. W. Ainley has the contract on
hand, and is doing it in a workmanlike
manner. The hall when done will look
better than ever.
PERSONALS.—Reeve Rogers has re-
turned from his trip up the lakes, hav-
ing evidently enjoyed himself.—A. Hun-
ter and A. McKay are back from their
Hayeroft and D. McArthur,
who have been visiting in the old sod,
returned home last week. Tom took in
the Colonial Exhibition while in London.
He says it is good, but Canada is ahead
of any. of the other colonies. John
Leckie was visiting in town last week.
He looks hale and hearty as of yore.—
Robt. Graham has gone on a fishing trip
up to Muskoka fora couple of weeks.
LOCALITIES.—Mr. James Rogers, jr.,
formerly clerk in the store of %V. S.
Bean, and who has been attendiog the
business college in Belleville for the last
three months, has returned home, he
having passed successfully all the ex-
aminations connected therewith.—Quite
a number of folks visited Listowel on
the 29th and 30th ults. from here; and
report the sports good.—Mr. Henry
Sanderson, of the firm of Sanderson
Brothers, has sold his residence and
land connected therewith to Mr. John
Harding, who intends moving into
town soon, he having sold his farm
north_ of Gorrie.—Mr. A. McIntosh, of
the Royal Hotel, Listowel, was in town
last Saturday with a covered wagon de-
livering a load of waiters whom he had
Hills Green.
LOCALITIES.—Mr. R. H. Pfaff, who
has been carrying on the boot and shoe
business here for some time, removed to
Kippen on Tuesday. He has taken a
situation there with Mr. Weismiller.—
Mr. Thomas Coleman intends starting
his cider mill shortly, when he will be
prepared to furnish this delightful bev-
erage to all who desire it.—Mr. Charles
Troyer, of the Post Office Store're-
cently purchased from Mr. T. J. Ran-
kin, of Ottawa, a pair of very fine Ches-
ter White Pigs. They are splendid
animals, and will do much to improve
the pork producers of the neighborhood.
They cost a good penny, but they are
worth the money.—Most of the farmers
in this vicinity have got their fall wheat
in the barn. It is a splendid crop, and
has been saved in good erder. Mr.
Jas. Jarrott, one of our leading farmers,
has 65 acres, and he hopes it will run
about 40 bushels to the acre: All the
crops are good this year, except the
spring wheat, which is only fair.
Mn. D. WEISMILLER begs to announce
to the public in this vicinity that he has opened
a Boot and Shoe shop in connection with his
store, where he is prepared to do all kinds of
ordered work, as well as repairing on short
notice. With liberal prices, excellent w9rk-
manship, and firstclass leather to offer, he ex -
pec y to give undoubted satisfaction. •
LOCALS.—Mr. Robert McLean return-
ed on Tuesday last from his trip to the.
Old Country.—Mrs. Wm.Kyle, is spend-,
ing a week visiting friends in Seaforth.
—Harvest is progressing very rapidly.
Farmers are being kept very busy and
• business men idle.
GOOD WORK.—Having firm faith in
the efficiency of the "Little Chief Bin-
der," Mr. B. Blair, has secured one for
the season and has done some excellent
cutting on several farms near the village,
giving the best of satisfaction where -
ever he has been at, work.
ON DIT. —One of ,-our town fathers has
recently, we believe, assumed the grave
responsibility of training the village
boys in the way they should go. Al-
though the proper trainiag of youth is
desirable, yet experience proves that with
inexperienced hands, as is the case here,
the result generally is failure.
RETURNED.—Mr. Elam Butt, after an
absence of about six months has moved
into our village again with his family.
We are glad to see him back and- trust
that with such a -strong "limb of the
law in our midst, law -breakers will
not find this a very congenial spot.
NEW BUSINESS.—Always alive to the
interests of the place and ever anxious
to supply the wants of his numerous
customers as well as the pnblic at large,
Mr. Weismiller, supplied a long felt
want by opening a boot and shoe shop,
in conhection with his store. He has
secured the services of an experienced
shoemaker who will turn out first class
work. We are proud to say that equip-
ped, as he now is; with tailors and shoe-
maker, Mr. Weismiller's establish-
ment ;auks second to none in the county.
one horse down in the last throes of
death; and the other horse tramping on
the boy. She quickly drew the boy out
with his arm broken in two places, and
his body braised from head to foot On
examining the dead horse a single hole
was found in its shoulder, made evident-
ly by the pitch -fork, which was lying
near the manger, broken,and with marks
of blood on it. It is supposed the boy
in trying to use the fork, got it turned
toward the herse'and the horse moving
forward ran it into itself. The mystery
is how the forkWas pulled out, and that
only a single hole was made sufficient to
cause death. The little fellow is doing
well under the circumstances, and will
probably recover if nothing more serious
UNION Pic-The.—The union picnic
held under the auspices of the English,
Presbyterian and. Methodist Sabbath
Schools, was in a way a decided success.
All forenoon the prospects for a wet day
were apparent, and at 12 o'clock there
was a heavy shower, leaving the grass
and trees wet. It was almost decided
to postpone the event until next day.
While those interested were discussing
postponement, the sun came out bright
and clear, and a fine breeze sprung up,
and before the children arrived on the
grounds everything was dry, and -a very
pleasant afternoon was spent, every
one coming home satisfied that a union
picnic was just the thing. The ladies
deserve a word of praise for the excel-
lent manner in which the eatables were
got up. May we have many more pic-
nics of the same kind.
son has his house finished, and it really
looks fine and worth all the trouble and
expense pot on it.—Mr. John Davidson,
our enterprising blacksmith, is about
building a new residence for himself on
the site occupied by his present resi-
dence, which is to be pulled down with
the exception of the front part, which
he intends to move and use for a show
room. The new house is to be of brick,
one storey and a half high. May he and
his family live long to enjoy their new
house when built.—Mr. Gibson is busily
eniployed stopping up every leak in the
mill dam. The grist mill is not making
full time on account of the scarcity of
VISITORS. —Mrs. Sanderson and daugh-
ter, .of Wilmot, are visitors at Mr. Win.
Sanderson's.—Mrs. Howson, of Tees -
water, has—been visiting her son and his
family in this place.—Mr. F. Sanders is
home for a visit from Oakville. We are
sorry to learn he has not completely re-
covered from his accident in the spring.
—Mr. and Mrs. Godbolt, of Winnipeg,
were the guests of -Dr. Brawn and his
family on Saturday and Sunday last.—
Mr. Ireland, of Owen Sound, has been
visiting his brother in this place.—We
are sorry tot learn of the illness of Mr.
George Barnard, of this place. , We
have not heard what is really the cause,
but we • hope he will soon be around
Acionese.—A very painful and mys-
terious accident happened at the house
of Mr. Thos. Evans, close to this place.
His little boy Harry, a lad about seven
years old, went into the stable where
the two farm horses ere standing to-
gether feeding. His mother heard him
screaming and. ran to the stable to find
A COOL JOKE.—Two ladies have had
the privilege of laughing at each other
about the loss of some eggs. One went
for berries and locked her house up and
some youngsters got in and made on afire,
cooked and ate a dozen or two eggs for
her. A day or two after the other lady
went for berries and locked up her house
and the satne young vagrants got in
and cooked two of three dozen more eggs
there. Each lady thought it was a good
joke on the other, but it will be no joke
at all if they happen to get their hands
on the young scamps.
BRIEFS.—A few days ago a boy heretook
another half -a -mile to show him a horse
he had to sell. "Oh that thing, I would
not give you a dollar and a half for
him" "Now look here 'I am not going
to take any more money, not take
one cent less than one dollar and
twenty-five cents for him." The horse
was sold.—Last Tuesday, was Clinton's
Civic holiday, and a great many, took
in the excursions, some going to Port
-Huron, Port Stanley, Toronto and
other places.
SHINGLES and 'Hemlock Lumber con-
stantly on hand. A large lot of Hemlock Logs,
alTlengths, to cut.—D. URQUHART. 972-1
CIVIC HOLIDAY.—Our annual civic
holiday will be held on Wednesday,
August llth, when all places of business
will be closed, as there is a cheap excur-
sion to London that day, on account of
the Independent Order of Oddfellows'
demonstration there, our villagers can
have their choice of spending the day in
the city, on the banks of Lake Huron or
BRIEFS.—The Messrs. Welsh Brothers,
who have the contract for the re -build-
ing of Marshall's brick -block, are push-
ing forward the work, and in the course
of a few weeks will have it nearly if not
quite finished.—Mr. A. Lammie, of
Exeter, is spending a few weeks' holi-
days among his friends in this neighbor-
hood.—Miss J. Evans, who has been in
London for the past two weeks visiting
friends, has returned home.—Miss Ball
is in Delhi visiting her brother, Rev. J.
Ball.—Miss Dick, of Hay, who has
been in Thornbury for some time past,
has returned home.—Mrs. R. C. Mit-
chell, of Thornbury, is the guest of Mrs.
Thomas Dick, of Hay.—The Rev. Mr.
Burns, of Toronto, preached in the
Presbyterian church, Rodgerville on
Sabbath last. The Rev. gentleman is
here in the interests of Knox College,
and we believe is meeting with fair suc-
cess in securing aid for the same.—Mr.
W. A. Waugh, of the firm of McDonell
and Waugh, hardware merchants has
recently placed a very nice fountain on
his lawn.—Mr. G. Ingram has his new
furnitnre shed nearly finished, it is con-
siderably larger than the first one,
which he has converted into a bakery
& grocery and it will show his
stock to much better advantage:
—The business at the Grand Trunk
Railway station here has been very good
during this season, which is generally
looked upon as the slackest part of the
year, and as a proof of the business
going on, we might mention that the
earnings for the week ending
July 30th show an increase of nearly
$200.—Mrs. J. P. Fisher, of Auburn,
was here last week spending a few days
with her sister, Mrs. W. Dignam, of
Hay.—On Wednesday of this week Mr.
R. Paterson, contractor of the new Pres-
byterian church, raised and put into
placethe four large principals on which
nearly the whole weight of the roof rests.
This part of the work, in a large- build-
ing such as the one alluded to, is always
a difficult and anxious task, and we are
pleased that Mr. Paterson has that part
of the work accomplished, and that with-
out any mishap or accident.
enterprising villagers are collecting
about $100 for the -benefit of the band
tournament to be held here on Zmich
show -day. —A few days ago some evil
'disposed person damaged the threshing
engine belonging to Mr. Wm. Backer,
of Blake, to the extent of about $80.
The driving -belt was.cut and slashed hi
several places, taps broken and other
injuries perpetrated which only a spirit
of wicked revenge could devise. It is to
be hoped the culprit will be discovered..
—Fall wheat is nearly all under roof,
and threshing machines have begun to
buzz. Mr. Jacob Brown threshed. 1,150
bushels in one day with a Peter Beaver
SALE OF HORSES.—On Saturday last
Mr. John Warwick sold a heavy draught
mare to an American buyer for $190;
and Mr. Chas. Rogerson a team to the
same gentleman for the sum of $400.
Cole, jr., has purchased a Clinton sep-
arator and Waterous engine, and will
begin operati6firthis week. Mr. Cole
has been fortunate in securing competent
assistants, and those entrusting their
work to him may rely on having it done
to their satisfaction.
the voters' list of the township of Hul-
lett, just prepared by the clerk, there
are 913 persons entitled to vote at both
municipal elections and elections to the
Legislative Assembly; 42 who are en-
titled to vote at municipal elections only,
and 30 who are entitled to vote at elec-
tions of the Legislative Assembly only,
and there are 409 who are eligible to
serve as jurymen. An analysis of the
list shows that there are 43 female voters:
30 wage-earners, and 150 landholders'
GOOD WORK.—On Wednesday of last
week Messrs. A. Glazier, Wm. Ander-
son and J. Snell bound thirteen acres of
heavy fall wheat in nine hours on the
farm of Mr. J. P. McLaren, near this
village. In justice to the young men, it
may be stated that they were entirely
ignorant of the fact that they were ac-
complishing anything worthy of special
mention, and the work was performed at
a disadvantage, owing to a strong wind,
which prevailed during the afternoon,
rendering the sheaves from the reaper
very. u nshapely. Had we more men posses-
sed of such activity and endurance there
would be less requiretnent for so much
intricate machinery, and the farmers
would be less imposed Upon than they are
now by a monopoly of manufacturers
with their combination prices.
meeting will be held in the Evangelical
church here, commencing next Saturday
at 2 o'clock p. m. and continuing over
Sunday. Rev._ J. Umbach, from New
Hamburg, presiding elder, will be here
and conduct the services through the
SAD CALL.—Mr. Isaac Surarus and
wife, Jacob Surarus and wife and David
Surarus, accompanied by a number of
other friends were called by telegram
last week to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Rowel, in Blandford township. The
deceased lady was a sister of the Surarus.
brothers. They all arrived home again
last Monday.
DEATHS.—Two deaths have occurred
in this vicinity within the last few days.
Mrs. Ortwine, wife of Mr. Henry Ort -
wine, of the Brownson Line, passed
away on Thursday, 29th ult., from the
effects of a paralytic stroke which she
received about six weeks previously.
She suffered great pain, and death was a
happy release for her. She was 52 years
of age. - The funeral, which took place
on Sunday to the Evangelical cemetery
on the Brownson Line, was largely at-
tended, and the sympathy for the be-
reaved family is widespread.—The other
death was that of the widow, Mrs.
Gingerich, who was one of the first set-
tlers in Hay township, and had reached
the advanced age of 84 years. She was
interred in the Omish cemetery, on the
Brownson Line, last Saturday. The
brethren who officiated at the funeral
_were Rev. Mr. Bender, from Zorra, who
preached to a full church, assisted by C.
Bechler, John Gasho and J. 0. Ginge-
rich. Mrs. Gingerich resided. with her
daughter, Mrs. Gash°.
BRIEFS.—Mrs. Henry Demuth and
Mrs. Wm. Demuth arrived here last
Monday from Port Arthur. They will
spend some time with their parents and
other relatives here.—Mr. L. Reme,
general agent for the Economical Fire
Insurance Company, is a guest at the
Commercial hotel, and is renewing
policies.—Quite a number of our people
will visit Berlin next week to attend the
grand Sangerfest to be held there.—Our
cording to the voters' lists for this year,
prepared and compiled by the clerk,
there are 614 persons who are entitled
to vote at municipal elections and elec-
tions to the Legislative Assembly; 23
who are entitled to vote at municipal
elections only and 28 who are entitled to
vote at Parliamentary elections only.
There are 241 qualified to serve as
jurors, 107 landholders' sone, 25 wage-
earners and 20 women voters.
DOTS.—Mr. James Armstrong took in
the excursion from Clinton to Port
Huron on Tuesday last Jimmy be-
lievesin enjoying life, and he is right.—
Mrs. W. Cook left for Toronto on Tues-
day, and will spend a short time visiting
friends in the vicinity of the Queen
City.—As an evidence of the growing
wealth and prosperity of the farmers in
this vicinity, we may state that six large
new bank barns have been erected this
season on the Parr line between Varna
end Hills Green.—Mr. James Wells, of
the Bayfield Road, left on Tuesday last
for his farm in Manitoba to attend to
harvesting operations there. He took
with him a car load. of horses.- -Mr. S.
A. Moffatt, our genial and enterprising
implement agent, has been doing a
rushing business this year in self -bind-
ers, and all he has sold have given com-
plete satisfaction. If Sam can't sell, a
binder to a man no person else need. try.
—Business is somewhat quiet just now,
but our merchants say they are getting
their share. In common with other
country merchants, however, they com-
plain bitterly of the Clinton pedlars,
but farmers would find it to their ad. -
vantage to trade with their own well-
known and established merchants. In
the end they will come out best.—The
crops in this vicinity are good. There
never was a- better crop of fall wheat,
while -oats and barley and peas are
equally good. Spring wheat is light,
but there has not been a great deal
At E. McFaurs
Dry Goods and
Millinery House,
Mary Morgan, died at the residence of
. her son, on the 5th concession, Goderich
township, on Monday, the 26th ult.
Mrs. Morgan had attained the great age
of 93 years. She had been a widow for
about ten years, and was mother of Mr.
John Morgan, of this village, and Mr.
Wm. Morgan, of Goderich township.
She was a native of Balmoral, Scotland,
and had been a resident of Goderich
township over forty years. She was
widely known in early days, and was
noted for kindness of heart and univer-
sal hospitality, and was alike beloved by
all who knew her. She was a consistent
member of the Presbyterian church and
her remains were interred in the cemetery
in this place, the funeral being very
largely attended.
prise and sorrow was felt here on Satur-
day last, upon it being known that Mr.
Chas. Tough, sr, of the Brownson Line,
had met with an accident which had ter-
minaced his life. It seems that on
that morning Mr. Tough had come to
Bayfield to transact some business. He
only remained a short time when he re-
turned home. On arriving home he
found ' that he had forgotten to call at
the postoffiee and get the papers'and he
returned to the village again for that
purpose. On his return home he had
got as far as his own gate all right, and
it is supposed that he had got out of the
buggy to open the gate, and that after
getting the horse through and shutting
it again he had slipped while getting into
the bugyg, and the horse supposing
that all was right walked on slowly to
the house. At any rate, when found
the horse and buggy were standing near
the house, and Mr. Tough was lying
with his feet in the buggy and his body
over the front with his head hanging
between the front wheel and shafts. He
was quite dead, having evidently been
strangled. Mr. Tough was 78 years of
age, and was a vigorous man for his
years, although he had failed very rapid-
ly during the past year or so. He was
one of the pioneer residents of the
Every Department
Summer Trade..
MUSLINS (warranted fast in color) at
a remarkably, low price. Also
White and Cream Muslins
In Checks and Stripes,
Swiss Spots, Lace Effects, eze.
township, and for many years took an,
active part in public affairs, and particu-
larly in agricultural societies and all
other matters which tended to advance
the interests of his own calling. He
was a most successful farmer, and was
always a leading prize-winner at the an-
nual agricultural fairs and he was one
of those who made !farming pay. He
was a good neighbor, a kind and gener-
ous friend, and a useful citizen, and
many will deeply regret to learn of his
sad and tragic end. He was a life-long
Conservative in polities, and an adherent
of the English church. The remains
were interred in the Bayfield cemetery
on Monday, and the high esteem in
which the deceased was held as well as
the sympathy felt for the bereaved fami-
ly was abundantly manifested by the -
large concourse of people who attended
the funeral.
' Lakelet
HeitvEsn.—Fall wheat in this part is
all cut. Some of it is a fair crop, but,
on the whole, it will not be over half a.
crop.—Mr. J. Williamson, one of our
prominent farmers, has purchased& new
binder fron John Watson, Ayr.
GOOD STOCK.—Mr. James Halliday,.
one of Howiek's great cattle feeders, de-
livered on Tuesday of last week 35 head
of cattle to Mr. Rolland, for which he
received the sum of $2,649.79. The
average weight was 1,412 pounds. Is
there another farmer in the county of
Huron who can beat this? if so, we
would like to hear from him.
OBITUARY.—It is OUT pa,inful duty this
week to record the death of Mrs. Scott,
who departed this life on Sabbath, the
1st inst., aged 780 years. Deceased was
a native of Selkirkshire, Scotland, and
came with her husband, who died about
two years ago, to this county 28 years,
ago. They first settled in the town of
Galt, where they lived for upwards of
18 months. They afterwards removed.
to their late residence on the 17th con-
cession of Howick, where they have
lived continuously ever since. Mrs.
Scott leaves a family of six, three sons
and three daughters, all married, Mr.
Wm. Scott, of Neustadt, Mr. John
Scott, who removed to the Northwest a
year ago, Mr. Walter Scott, who occu-
pies the homestead, Mts. Murray, Mrs.
Hunter and Mrs. Minnie. Mrs. Scott
had been in feeble health for a long time.
On the Friday previous to her death it.
was observed that her journey here was
near an end as she refused to eat, and
she suddenly sank until death terminat-
ed her sufferings on the following Sab-
bath morning. Her remains were follow-
ed to the new cemetery at Clifford on
Monday by a large number of friends and
relatives,who assembled to pay their last
tribute to all that was mortal of their
old and much esteemed friend. Mrs.
Scott in her life time was a devout mem-
ber of the Presbyterian- church, and, 11
we are to judge from her walk and con-
versation, she is now gone to be a mem-
ber of the Great Church above, where
there shall be no more parting.
BRUCE DOTS.—The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was administered in the
Methodist church last Sabbath to a large
number of communicants.—The farmers -
are pretty well through with their fall
wheat harvest. The spring grain is late
this season, owing to the coldness of the
first part of the season.—Last Thur
day was our civic holiday. Quito
number of our citizens went to Listowel
to attend the military review and hand
tournament.—At the recent Tororint
University examinations, W. A. Baird.
son of our station master, stood first in
the junior matriculation examinations.
—Mr. W. Treleaven was in Tara last.
week attending the funeral of Mrs. J.
Treleaven, daughter-in-law of Mr. R.
Treleaven, _Dungannon.
—Fine samples of Red and White
Fyfe wheat, in the straw, have been re-
ceived at 23 Yonge st., Arcade, Toronto,
from York Colony, North West Ter-
ritory. The wheat was grown by Joel:
Rearnan Esq. Sec. 22, Tp. 26, Range 4.
The wheat was sown on April 12 and
reaped on July 27th. The wheat aver-
aged 3 feet high and has fine heads with
a plump berry.
Oheap Cash SU
Dress Goods,
Mantle Ornaments,
Silk Gloves,
Dress Mush]
Hoop Skirtt
Dress Ciasp
Mantle Silk
Cotton Hese
too numerous to mention. Call
hera, at the
Cheap Cash St
Hoffman & Comp
Cardno's Block, Seaforth
Our Monthly Fashion Sheet
hand, and those wanting one wil
call and get one befere the sup
—Among other farms throug
theCanailian Pacific short line
made is the Mooney farm .at
MTh. Conway and other heirs
tion to get more compensation
railway offered. The railway 6
—the Atlantic and Northwester
on with its operations, and Mrs,
took summary proceedings in
stop them. Wednesday Judge I
gave judgment against the railw
peny, ordering it to stopv.-ork
ately on the land in dispute e
main issue in the case is dead
company is also condemned to
MO for illegally eontiiauing ti
besides $460 for actual damagest
—A shocking murder occurrel
Sylvester on Thursday afternt
week. The victim was a borne!
Keenan, and the parties arrestec
crime are a neighbor named Net
Fortier, his father-in-law. As t
be learned the diffieulty arose
farm which was sold to Na
two families were haymaki
wards the close -of the clay K
ed over to spealr to Napert, wh
one came behind and struck hit
scythe and cut him almost in t
ing his death on the spot. K
about 51 years old, a.nd a oath
land, Napert, one of the aceu
the principal witness against K
the shooting of a horse ease, of
was convicted and sentence
months' imprisonment at the fa
Queen's Bench in. 1885.
—A holiday party of emelt
eludiag Messrs. Telfer, mane.
Bank of don, Watford; W
station agent, Watford, ad
Senator Vidal; W. C. Morris.°
Glair, law student, and secretes
Ant formerly of Sarnia; Wm
Mackenzie, Rope Mackenzie and Fleming
West Laanbton Reform
t t
toihfl se Julyt nhnet eti3lepenfiludete r aasins Sarniaui nimr : saYwanaara sder abshitari eat'
ern watera of Lake Huron..
that they were. just leaving s_
ton en their return. Nothing
nephews of the Hon.
at Port Franks. It is sup
All were young men, only
Mackenzies, were found drift
were swamped in the storm ,0
ed to the boat.
married. Two of the bodies
unthtiaitthoef boTaetlf earndanthdr
—A llibbert corresponde
Among the improvements go
ing the present summer, we
12th concession for building o
takes the leaa. Messrs Mc
Speare have each had commod
residences erected, and e
1.Vbnte's splendid edifice, whi
In the tourse of erection d
I)ast two seasons, is almost
While the above-named gentl
been actively engaged pro
their own and families' comfor
MoLaren, Stacey and Craw
improving the -comforts
veniences of their farm stead
firstetatned gentleman has
enlerged his barn, putting alt
linrunder the whole, and the
have built large barns with
ling underneath, in which
the'ne stock from our genera
Canadian storms. The tow
whole is rapidly improving
an3n ocially,
morally and fin