HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-08-06, Page 7red .Tela, an, sprovement as at the of i tel Stables FORTH. , JR., was allion Robert Bonne I. Robert Benner the art Bonner was re Abdallah,: g - i sire imported d mare. Robert f Long Island, Blael ad Sally Miller; r , Young Bashaw b sai�. i rl out of First f a aa by Flag of Truce ender. Sally Miller's imported Messenger ' titter:of imp. Souris' Robert Bonner* sa bdallab, Abdallab b g. Robert Bonner, Jr' age, she by Americus, a Kentucky thorough ad Black flaw . day without handling, it been fitted for r handling trotted- a + 2:37 last fall. Re aasagt i of his weight in the middle of the stud' k over the -Alston. half,* ads 16 hands I. incl, beautiful nay. e a. foal 816 s1 and the balance n hares tried must be •rse, or they will be foal. CHEM,. Proprietor. on pus# BURN. 1W-UND KfNB(/Aiif r your very liberal paw„ year, I would reaper' New Store, where I laws Et of roceries, Crockery -e, Stone and ina Sets. LOW PRICES.-- and RICES.a c Hardw e: rn, it is no trouble to gt onades,, S it t W nceys, etc. TEA,no better value e paid for farm produce. , Hides and Skinss w r goods. lways on hand. Seaforth: prices. L Don't forget the Oars wire, to the new startle* STEWART. LD &T VHITNEY1 F. HOUSE, OUR LINES OP ▪ EATER .. ROYAL Base Burner -in four tersand with Ovens al Peninsular Square Base Burner niak,v fail to see it. ne of all kinds of Coal COG le to show theme all, and get Barg>D-. CG AINS IN . LE . TDtW FE,E AND CANADIAN' L YAPS ON HAND SMILLS PPEN. �arills Proprietor of these ri pulm, has been saw - I chin•:ery, and is noir Wig Irtan article of V FLOUR, xcelled by any will t bile the party waits for r for wheat, chopping Or hopped for six cents Fresh oat meal always e and exchanged for sit also, bran alwayson >� , aarket prices,a#` ad. Orders P entthh l have not yet ane eir interest to do 5G. � r "Beira Mills." EN EtcNEVnt TING STAL=L* LISLE, at Two Years O ka anon at his owner's stab%: Seaforth. ars old, stands 16 handt lbs., ar.d is a dark bac sired by King gene, lexandei's Abdellah, he tonian., First dam b y Chief, by Mainbrino>~ub wile, 4th darn by Bla ak pedigree and • performance" insure, payable wben ars arr tion. fTELY, Proprietor. TO LOAN. GES EOUg0- `AUGUST 6, 1886. THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR. 7 Disappoint a Balkysueceas in the cure of disease. Fortunately, the Horse. rise of the far -lamed ;Holloway's Pills and Oint- t that f Napoleonic in � s march to - of men was like o a idea—a design The Fitchburg Sentinel tells how a that nothing could withstand in it luster farmer anted his horse of a ,t wards universal conquest, When Mr. Holloway, some forty years ago, spoke to the principal of balky freak by gentle means. ge, drove him, - attached to a rack wagon, to the wood lot for a small load .Of wood, The animal would not pull a pound. He did not beat him, but tied tan do a tree and "let him stand." lie went to the lot at sunset, and asked him to draw, but he would not straigh- ten a tug. " I made up my mind," aid the farmer, " when that horse Went to the barn, he would take that loadof covered went to the barn,got blankets, the horse rm, .and he stood till morning. Then he re- fused to draw. At noon I went down, and he was probably hungry and lone- some, He drew that load the first time I asked him. I returned, got another load before I fed dinner,im. Iwh ell he eathen ger, him with a go� g ly devoured. I have drawn several loads with hien since. Once he refused to draw ; but as soon as he saw me start for the house, he started after me with the load. A horse becomes lonesome and discontented when left alone, as much so as a person, and I claim this method, if rightly used, is better for both horse and man than to beat the an- imal with a club." —The Queen's jubilee is to be cele- brated by one -sensible ste-p at any rate, says Truth. The royal portrait on the coinage is to be- brought down to date, and the Queen has given Mr. Boehm a sitting for the purpose. It is inconceiv- able why this was not done years ago, The linage and superscription of the Sovereign become meaningless if not true, and the " Queen's head " on the coinage and postage stamps has had no pre- tensions to be considered a portrait for these forty years.past and more. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Notable Facts. --Intense heat augments the annoand encoues the de etances pment of febrilof skin e d orseaseders ; wherefore they should, as they thay, be removed by these deter- gent and purifying preparations. In stomach complaints, liver affections, pains and spasms of the bowels, Holloway's Ointment well r Jibbed overthe affected part immediately gives the great- est ease, prevents congestion and inflate nation, checks the threatening diarrhoea and averts in- cipient cholera. The poorer inhabitants of large cities will find these remedies to be their best friend when any pestilence rages, or when from unknown causes, eruptions, boils, abscesses, or ulcerations betoken the presence of taints or im- purities wlthiin the system, and call for instant, and effective curative medicines. 964.52w. —The prettiest summer .dresses are white cloth, tailor made. Redfern has made up more white serge this year, he says, than ever before. A good figure, a good fit, and graceful draping are at last having ,and holding their own. Trimmings are being rapidly relegated tel the very farthest backwoods.. Taste is being purified and elevated. By and bye we shall dress as well as the im- mortal Greeks, and it wont cost us much more either. an eminent SrnE about bringing out a patent medicine, the old gentleman shook his head -and asked Mr: Holloway - if he had any money. " Yes," was the reply. " Then you had better ikeep it," rejoined he, In spite of this discourag- ing hint, however, ;Holloway conscious of the importance of his great discovery, knowing that it was not merely a Slip of paper with a'prescrip- tion upon it, but something destined for a .great future, persevered against all opposition, and very soon - discovered that not only the entire British public, but all the world, were ready to support him in his great design of doing battle with disease in every form, and with the most efficient weapons, although only in the shape of of simple Pills and Ointment. The progress of this patent'medieine was not slow.. On the con- trary, it was commensurate -with the greatness of its object and its all-powerful efficacy, and as for the present state of Holloway's Pills and Ointment, according to the statistics of patent medicines, we may truly declare -that it is_ astounding. It may suffice on the present occa- sion to point to the fact that the number of druggists end medicine. vendors throughout the United Kindom with.whom Holloway is connect- ed is over fourteen thousand, and that not one of them would remain for an hour without a supply of- his Pills. and Ointment.—The Philo- sophical Advocate. 964m. Off Work. " I was off work for two years suffering from kidney disease, and could get no relief, until ad- vised by a friend to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I was cured by two bottles, and consider it a miraculous cure." The above is the substance of a. communication from Woe..Tier, St. Marys. Ont. 857.52.2w. On the Rise. -- " Leaves have their time to fall," says the poet, but wild strawberries leaves are on the rise just now, being utilized in such enormous quantities in making Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry—the infallible remedy for cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and other summer complaints 857. 52.5w. - . In Bad Humor.. A year ago my head was covered with sores, and the eruption• covered my face al9o, and spread even until the backs of my hands were sore. I became weak and ill. Finding no Cure I tried Burdock Blood Bitters Two bottles per- fectly cured me." Statement of Miss Minnie Stevenson, Coeagne, N. B. 857.52.2W. Always Required—A rood cathartic medicine. National Pills will not disappoint you. 857.52m. Freeman's Worm Powders are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children and adults. 857.52m. . Low's Sulphur Soap should be found with every toilet. It is cleansing and healing. 857.52m. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is a safe and reliable - worm remedy for all worms afflicting children and adults. 852.52m. - Hepworth, 6th May, 1886. I can say with confidence that I deriyed very great relief from Dr. Jug's Medicine. I had been ill for over five months with congestion of the lungs and was reduced to a very low ebb, when a friend induced me to try this medicine. 1'received very great benefit from it, and at- tribute my rapid recovery in a great measure to its effects. Mrs.. J. E. Murphy: For sale by all druggists. 967.52.2w. The Curative Power of Ayers Sarsaparilla is too well known to re- quire the specious aid of any exaggerated or fic- titious certificate. Witnesses of its marvelous cures are to -day living in every city and hamlet of the land. Write Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., for names. 969.22w. —Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett will :occupy the Teedor homestead at Nahant this season with her family. The family consists of her husband, Dr. Burnett, an oculist of some reputation, and two small boys, one of - whom, Lionel,is the original of " Little Lord Fauntleroy." The children are devoted to their mother and seem to have a proud appreciation of her genius. Mrs. Burnett is short and fair and rather heavily built. Her features are atrong yet delicate, and. she has the best nose a woman was ever known to possess. If there is anything in physiognomy nobody could mistake genius: in that straight, clean-cut, deli- .cately 'modelled nose. Mrs. Burnett has been a victim to nervous prostration for some years past. The seabreezes of Nahant should be conjured to do their best for her. The Most Deadly Foe to all malarial diseases is Ayer's Agiie Cure, a combination of vegetable ingredients, of which the most valuable is used in no other prepara- tion. The remedy is an absolute specific, and succeeds when other remedies fail. Warranted. 969.52w. —William Mackenzie, of Inverness, has been appointed Chief Clerk to the Commission formed to administer the Crofter Act in Scotland. Mr. Mackenzie, who is a native of Strath-na-Sealg, Duni- donnell, Rossh-ire, has a large circle of literary friends and relatives- in Canada. He has been Secretary' for the Gaelic Society, of Inverness, for a long time, and shorthand clerk and interpreter in the Sheriff's Court for the last twelve years. He is a thorough Gaelic scholar, understanding all its dialects. Mr. Mackenzie has written extensively on Scottish questions. A Free Gift. Around each bottle of Dr. -Chase's Liver Cure is a medical guide and recipe book containing useful information, over 200 recipes, and''pro- nounced by doctors and druggists as worth ten times the cost of the medicine. Medicine and book $1. Sold by.I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. 966.52.w. AN•DONTARIO ,�. ting Society have as } to lend t real of inteves a 3 h er of resaa ing }unesrs of NT I Messrs. the a 11, who are f as for the Society. Far the Year 1888 • No better resolution can be made than to_ resist buying any of the substitutes offered as just as good' as the great only srlre.pop corn cure— Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. It never fails to give satisfaction.- Beware of poisonous flesh eating substitutes.952.52w•. . • A Wise Precaution During the summer and fall people are liable to sudden attacks of bowel complaints, and with no prompt remedy or medical aid at hand, life may be in danger. Those whose experience has given them wisdom, always keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry at hand for prompt relief, and a physician is seldom required 857.52.2w. -'A Fortunate Escape. Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne, Beamsville, Ont., had what was supposed to be a cancer on her nose. She was about to submit to acancer doctor's treatment, when she concluded to try hurdock Blood Bitters, internally and externally, a few bottles of which entirely cured her 858.52.2w. This is to certify that I have used McGregor's Speedy Cure for dyspepsia•and liver complaint, and do honestly say that if it cost me one hun- dred dollars ($100) a bottle I would not be with- out it, as it has done me more good than all the medicines I ever used, and I feel like a new man. —Yours truly, Alex.. Steel, Carleton Place, Ont. This medicine is for sale at 50c and Si per bottle at Lumsden- & Wilson's drug store', Seaforth. 964.52w. - Have you ever tried McGregor & Parke's Car- bolic Cerate for sores of any kind? It is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing sores, burns, cuts, pim- ples, blotches, and is the only proper method of applying carbolic acid. Sold at Lumsden &- Wilson's dnig store, Seaforth for 25c per box. 964.52w. The latest remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc., is McGregor's Lung Compound. There is no remedy in exist- ence containing any one of the active ingredients composing McGregor's Luna Compound, so do not say you have taken everything until you have tried this for your cold or cough, and your opinion will be the same as all who have used it, viz., that it is the best. Sold in 50e -and 81 bottles by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea - forth.. 961.52.w. - . Have you toothache? Use Fluid Lightining. - Have you rheumatism? Use Fluid Lightning: Have you a stiff joint'. Use Fluid Lightning. Have you neuralgia? -Use Fluid Lightning. Have you lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning. Are you troubled with headache? Use Fluid Lightning. - - - Have you any pain ? Use Fluid Lightning. It will cure you the instant it is applied. - Try it. 25 cents per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 964.52w. Consumption Cured. A Common Cold Is often the beginning -of serious affec- tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tabes, and Lungs. Therefore, the importance of early and effective treatment cannot -be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral may always be relied upon, for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I was attacked with a severe Cold, which, by neglect -and fre- quent exposures, became worse, finally settling on my lungs. A terrible. cough soon followed, accompanied' by pains in the chest, from which I suffered intensely. After trying various remedies, without obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was Seedily Cured. - - I am satisfie that this remedy saved my life:—Juo. Webster,'Pawtucket, R.I. I contracted a severe cold, which sud- denly developed into Pneumonia, present- ing dangerous and obstinate symptoms. My physician at once ordered the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. His instructions were followed; and the result was a rapid and permanent cure.—II. E... Simpson; Rogers Prairie, Texas. ' Two Years ago I suffered from a severe Cold which settled -on my Lungs. I con- sulted various physicians and took the thedieines they prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend induced me to try Aver's Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I have given the Pec- toral to my children, and consider it - The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat- and Lung diseases, ever used in my family. -- Robert Vanderpool, Meadville, Pa. Some time ago I took a slight Cold which, being neglected, grew worse, and settled on my dings. I had a hacking cough, and was very weak. Those who knew ine best considered my life to be in great danger. I continued to suffer -until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this val- uable medicine cured me, and I feel that I owe the preservation of my life to its curative powers. —Mrs., Ann Lockwood, Akron, New York. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, the one great remedy for all diseases of the throat and- lungs, and is more in demand than any other medicine of its .class. — J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. - None Better. There is no more wholesome or delicious fruit • on earth than the wild strawberry, and there is no more effectual remedy for cholera, dysentery, cramps, and other saintlier complaints of infants or adults, than Dr. k owleas extract ofWild Strawberry 57.52.•2w. - Curious Facts Relating td Paten Medicines. Few can farm an adequate idea of the statistics of Patent Medicines iii general, but the history, or rise, progress, and present state of one of then—we mean Holloway's Pills and Ointment— may be considered one of the most interesting episodes of modern civilization. Nothing ap- pears easier - no mode of leueincss seems readier at hand—than the- . establishment of a patent medicine. Only a slip of paper is required, with a prescription upon it, and a few drugs. Such is all the general public think necessary ; and so a great many have tried the thing over and over ® again to- their great loss and huge disappoint- ment. True, a patent medicine only results from a prescription written on a piece of paper—but then the thing must prove itself worthy of the confidence of the public, and its verdict depends Upon the efficacy of the medicine, in a -word, its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., 'Lowell, Mass, Sold by Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $G, The Appetite May be 'increased, the Digestive organs .strengthened, and the Bowels regulated, by taking Ayer's Pills. These Pills are purely vegetable in their composition. •They contain. neither calomel nor any other dangerous drug, and may be taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation. I had no appetite, became greatly debilitated, and was con- stantly aftiicted with Headache and Dizzi- ness. I consulted our family doctor, who prescribed- for me, at various times, with- out affording more than temporary relief. I finally commenced taking Ayer's Pills.. In a short time my digestion and appetite IMPROVED An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Br6nchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou .om- plaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it ha duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of chargo, tea all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namin_ this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 eow Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold -in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into catarrh when you can be cured for. 25 cents. A few applications will - cure incipient catarrh. One to two_boxes will cure ardinary catarrh.. One to five boxes will cure chronic catarrh. Dr: Chase's catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per box. 966.1y Advice to Mothers.. _ Are you disturbed and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering.- and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer - immediately. Depend upon it, mother ; there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums; reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and - is for sale by all, druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fol " MRS. W mxSLOW's SOOTBING Sv ari'," and take no other kind:966.1y. my. bowels were regulated; and, by the. time I finished two boxes of these Pills my tendency to headaches had disappeared, and I .became strong and well. —Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del. was troubled, for over a year; with Li,ss of Appetite, and General Debility. I commenced_ taking Ayer's Pills, and, be- fore finishing half: a box of this medicine, mv appetite and strength were restored. 0. Clark, Danbury, Conn. ,A.yer's Pills are the best medicine known to me for regulating the bowels, and for all diseases caused by a disordered Stomach and Liver. I suffered for over three years with Headache, indigestion, and Constipation. I had no appetite, and was weak aud nervous most of the time. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern Medicine has been attained by the Dixon Treatmest for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startlina when it is remembered that n6 five per cent. oft' patients presenting themselves to the resular practitioner are benefitted, while the patent medicines and- other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believedhy the most scien- tifie men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissee, Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their ektermination— ehis accompliShed, he claims the Catarrh is prac- tically cured, and the permanency is unquestion- td, as cures effected by him four' years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat ment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a -speedy and permanent cure, the majority of eases being mired at one treat- ment. Sufferers should cortespond saith Messrs. A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh.—Montreal Star, November 17, 1882 882-52 Ikel!\RRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REOUIRED BY USING' three boxes of Ayer's Pillsa and, at the same time dieting myself, I was com- pletely cured. Miy digestive organs are now in good order, end I am in perfect kealth.—Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's Pills have benefited me wonder- fully. For months I saffered from Indi- gestion and Headache, was restless at night, and- had a bad taste in my mouth every morning. After taking one box of Ayer sa-Pills, these troubles disap- peared, my food digested well, and my sleep was refreshing. —Henry C. Hem - "I waa cured of the Piles by the use of Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved me of that painful disorder, but gaye me in- creased vigor, and restored my health.— John Lazarus, St. John, N. B. Ay6r'S s7, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists- and Dealers iu CV VS Ca 3111 JO NS1S Hardware! ' Bought for cash direct from the menu- fieturersathe advantage of .which we will give to our customers, by selling them goods at lowest prices. Our im- mense stock is very complete, compris ing the following seasonable lines : Spades and Shovels, best Eng- lish, American & Canadian makes. Draining Tools of all kinds, Field Hoes, Garden Hoes and Rakes, • Two_ and Four Point Steel Fencing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel Fencing Wire, Plain Galvanized Wire, for straight rail fences. THE CELEBRATED MANDRAKE DANDEL161 LIVER CURE_ Builders' Hardware, Best Montreal Steel and Iron Nails. Lcicks, Knobs, Hinges,' Paints, Oil, Glass and Putty, To those building, we can offer special low figures. Binding Twine, the best made at low- est possible prices. Have you Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion-, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Dizzi- ness, Pain in the Back, .Costiveness, or any dis- ease arising from a deranged liver, Dr Chase's livercure will be found a surd and certain remedy. Nature's Remedy—The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Care in Liver Complaint rests solely with the factthat it is compounded from nature's well-known liver regulators, Mandraks -and Dandelion, combined with many other inval- uable roots, barks -and herbs; having a powerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and blood. Five hondred thousand sold. Over one-half mil- lion of Dr. Chase's Receipt Books were sold in Canada alone. We want every man woman and child who is troubled with Liver. Complaint to try this excellent remedy. Something—new. Give away free. Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household medical Guide and Receipe Book (84 pages), con- taining over 200 useful reccipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invaluable, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. Try Chase's Catarrh Cure. A safe and positive reme- dy. Price, 25 cents. Try Chase's -Kidney and Liver Pills. Twenty- five cents per box. Sold by all dealers.—T. EDMANSON & Co., sole agents, Bradford. For Sale by V. FEAR, Druggist, Stock Breeders Take Your Choice. Reid & Hardware and Iron Importers, MAIN -ST., - SEAFORTH. CAMPBELL'S 7 COMPOUN is effective in small doses, octs without griping, does not oc- casion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as -do- many of the usual cathartics ad- mieiatered in the form of Pills. &c. Ladies and Chil- dren having the moSt, sensitive sto- .rnachs takethis medicine without trou- ble or complaint. . CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND iS especially adapted for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BI emus DIS- ORDERS. FOR -ACID STOMACH AND LOSS OF AP- PETITE. FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. FOR CONSTIPATION,OR COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING Frtoat A DISORDERED STATE OF TIIE STO- This medieine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to meet the requirements of different per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child as to the adult. Put Up in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in You can have choice of tWo Imported Bulls, Red Knight; a beautiful Red Bull, 14 months' old, weighs 1;100 Sae and Young Chamberlain, a dark roan Bull about the. some weight. They are both in good condition and are sure Stock getters. Terms. ---For Grade Cows to Young Chamberlain, 82.50 ; for grade cows to Red Knight, 83 ; for Thoroughbred Cows to either bull, 88. Cows returned regularly three times and not in e'en will net be charged for. Parties bringing a number of Cows will be liber-• • ally dealt with. Will have pasture to keep CoWs from a distance. Young Chamberlain took first prize at Seaforth and Brussels Shows last fall. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont., 955 Zir PERRY DAVIS' `WA PAIN -KILLER IS RECOMMENbED BY Managers of Factories, Work -shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, —in short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITH A WINE GLASS OF IIOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE pOUND A NEVER FAILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON— GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM— . MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT Sz.c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH IN REMOVING THE FAIN ARISING IROM SPRAINS., BRUISES, P. IIE1.73 A— 'ISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED – FACE, TOOTHACHE, - "—ENS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 2,5cts. per Bottle. Still Ahead Of All. H. S. SMITH & -Co., CATERERS, And dealers in American and Canadian Confec- tionerys Ice Cream and Water Ices,Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and kinds of Fruits. Families, Hotels, Picnic Parties and others wishing Ice Cream in bulk, cen be supplied at reasonable rates. Tobaccos and Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, First Door North o Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, Main Street Seaforth, H. L. SMITH & Co. Cs Thie agreeable yet poteot pre- paration is e,peLlally adapted for the relief and cure of that class of dieentiers attendant upon a low or reduced state of the aed usually ac- companied by P NV n ess and Pal. pitation of the lieart. Prempt results will follow its use in caeee of Sie.hi n Exhaustion maing from Loss of Lie Act:te. or Chronic Di,ea!,es, and in the we,. tira invariably accompanies the recovery fv,,m Waging Fevers. No remedy. will give. nt,Ae sp.eecly reiief .in `>c,' pontiency, and in ail ca.‘fs where co LANT 959 Removed I Removed SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleaaed to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to.favor him With their patronage. Mr•Remember the place, between Henderson's Harnees Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, orinclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, 81 per box. Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. 2.:erSold in Seaforth by Lumsdpn & Wilson and by Druggists generally. 969-5,2 Sola by ail Dea:ers in Medicines. DAVIS &LAWRENCE CO. (Limited) SOLE AGENTS, MONTREAL, P. Q. The Seaforth, Brussels AND Wroxeter Stage Line. This old and reliable Stage Line which runs daily between Seaforth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gorrie, leaves Seaforth on the arrival of the Mail train from the east, and connects with the trains running east and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Brussels, and also connects with the train for Teeswater at Wroxeter. Comfartable covered carriages and careful, at- entive drivers always on the road. Fares Reasonable. S. WALSH, Proprietor. T HE BIO MILLS, The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon -the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. LEGAL. lp C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Honey to pas lend at lowest rates of interest. Office— Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. Office— d Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, afeyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich n ARROW & P4OUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- Wm. PRoIIDPOOT. 686 The Mill -and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS —AND— Flour Dressing Machines flAMERON, 'HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, ka Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. CAMERON. 506 a S E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, Conveyancera&c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 allVIANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office—Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MANNING, JANES SCOIT. 781 From the best Manulaaturing Firms have been put in, and eveaything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. sMi • A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR— CUSTOM CHCPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. T]l HOLMESTED, successor to the late liam of licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend, Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6i per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. WHEAT EXCHANGES' Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLUB OTTSTOM 1-1===30 Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS —AND— FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. A successful medicine tested over 20 years in thousands of cases. Promptly cures Ner- vous Prostration, Weakness of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Gen- erative organs of either sex, Emissiond and all ills caused by indiscretion or over exertion. Six packages is guaranteed to effect a mire when all other medicines fail. One package :e1, six pack- ages $5, by mail. Sold by druggifsts. Write for Pamphlet Address EUREKA CHEMIC.AL CO., Detroit, Mich. ire.,'Sold in Scaforth by Lum- sden & Wilson and Druggists generally. 960-52 arNENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Rooms -over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 EWAR OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS 1.74.%(t. Ontario. Latest improve - /G -4.Z" ' . ments in every line. Satisfaction '1" guaranteed. Office —In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hoed, Seaforth. Residence,—The Poplars, John Street. 941 '-aa'as:::), Huron Hotel, on the last Thurs. — day of each month, and in Hen- sel' next day, (Friday,) at Reynolds' Hotel. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work first class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. and Accoucheine Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence—North side Goderich street, first brick honse east of the Methodiet church. 981 As there are many inferior goods, corded with jute, lieu ep, etc., dffered and sold as Coraline by some Im- Ws warn the ladies against Wiper -Rion by draw - 4 -`0 -aeir attention to the ncee,32ity of seeing that the name ' CROMPTON CORSET CO: is stamped on inner side of all Coraline goods, Without which none are genuine. JJ tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Sea.forth every Satur- day afternoon. Office,—Royal Hotel. 930. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOR T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, v.) and Aecoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South Bide of Godench street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 —TO CALL AT THE— HURON FOUNDRY, —NEAR THE— HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTH, And aee our stock of Whioh have been made especially for this county. I bave greatIjimproved my Gang Plow for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the market. Our IA,. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 DR. beACKID, (late of Lueknow) Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drug store. Residence, John Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moprfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 Church Street, Toronto. VETERINARY. TAR. J. WILSON, V. S., Honored gaaduate of Toronto Veterinary College, Registered Member of the. Veterinary Medical Association of Ontario. Having had seferal years experience can be found prepared to treat all diseases of the domesticated animals on the latst and most ina proved principles. Treatment of delicate foals and teeth dressing a specialty. Residence: Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953 LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running light and doing good work. Our GRAIN CRUSHERS • OBAFORTII HORSE INFIRMARY.—Corner of. 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the Preabyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dis- eases of Horaes, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infimmay, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, .Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept constantly on hand, AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, LiCensed -Auctioneer for the 0 County of Huron. Sales attended in al pails of the County. All orders left at Tin ExPOGITOR Office will be promptly attended to. it DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the .Lia. County of Huron. Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 Are made frem Hard Iron, and will last longer thpri any other maehine made, Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to re- pairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mille, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and, all kinds of machinery repaired on short notion and at reasonable rates. MUSICAL. for graduating at less than one-half the expense of foreign teaehing. Terms moderate. Resi- dence on George Street, Second Door East of Main Street, Seaforth. 879 Preserve Your Sight, By wearing the only FRANK LAZARUS, (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) Renowned Spectacles & Eye Glasses. To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on application, SgrAlso Agent for the Implements of L. D. isisiyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con- stantly on hand, These Spectaeles and Eye •Glassc's have been used for the past 35 years,and have given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are THE BEST IN THE WORI,D. They never tire, arid last many years without change. For Sale by Hi H THOMAS HENDRY.' HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH FRANK LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, Eng. (Late Lazarus & Morrie, Hartferd, Conn.) larNo connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Cana& . 943 • This Company is Loaning Money ou Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. -Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed oa Deposits, aecording to amount and time left. - OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square' and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, SEAFORTH If you wanasolid comfort call at M. Robertson's, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjui3ta,hls Easy Chairs, represented by the above -cut. H. can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortable and durable That is made. Ills stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchae. ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wareroorns one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seafortb. M. ROaERTSON. This great Household Medicine tames amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfnily, yet soothingiy, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are eon- - fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages ; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed, ...Ching and Healing Properties erase:bout the World. For the cure ef Bee Bad Breasts, Old Woudde Sores and I' • es. it is an infallible remedy. effectually the neck and chest, as sat into meat, like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism , er fails to afford relief. elanufactured at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 N Oxford Street (late 5:33 Oxford Street) London and 23s. each Box and Pot. ZS. Beware of Am erican counterfeits,—Pnrehasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes, If the address is not 633, Oxford .Street, London, they are spurious 921-52