HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-08-06, Page 5r
Y find their way to_
*ahem, Aeronaut",
try since nay cows;
ea, seems almost t
ti-Tes the fittle sot
ae-board snack lieu
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'imin the -am*
enareh of all
here is none • ta
.-41, squatter ilea
as he coot
in a. da.y. Ent tilt,
Y ia gone, and jifs.
•ed over the prods
limits of int forroii
are gone inanyen
s, who, like thona,`
farther west to fint
-he environs diddle;
however, people are
Instead of blow
g or wooden sitacka:
in good, substantial
stone fon/Wane%
rig to modern style.
ted and improved;
erected every few
ighways are graded
In fact there
eisary and medent
tial to a well °rm.
:amid state, that say
ron county, deainag
rig this section of tho
sladly furnish them
far as it lies within
Thanking you
your paper for the_
letter, I am, very
5NETR McKLesesen
n Marys young mai
-ound the Gulf of st
LIY, of Mitchell,na
aka' holiday caraping
sr., and the Mayor
tggerheads about the
unifornied Knights
t will participate la
tonstration in Stmt.
ceived the first new
ea at his nein ia St.
y, 24th ult. It wit
ny Mr. Henry Near.
rink company hu
tratford, and $6,000
r the purpose of pun
nitting up a suitable-
in the big Ellice
ite and luscious, atel
be found there from
mty, and many from
Ilice are busy with
is entirely freefrom
n is excellent, but the
:en winter killed) it_
te desired.
is to be held in Top
very second Sunday •
lents of that locality,
`a- from a church, win
a the Rev. Mr. liam-
Ar behalf.
Orr, the Stratford
.1-trised out last April,
eurned building by a-
factery 42x96, an
r is quick work. The
the way of machin-
rrom Cant Brothers of
ea attached to a milk
t, made a desperate
way, at Honey Grove
norning lately. AI -
• battered cans and a
re expected by coin&
r team, serious injury
▪ a, scaffolding& few
la,rys, five men were
ance of twenty feet
I were more or. lest
ly one seriously hurt
sey, contractor. Re
sensible, three iibt
ierced the 1uzgsbe He is ins
ad, sr., of Mitchell,
final rest on Sunday
at the advanced age
-as for some time s
rt, but removed to
years ago. His two
Kerr, of Muskegon,
rs. George Lee, of
t at the funeralethe
'on a visit to her
weeks. Mr. Kill's'
ed him about a year
ertson, who has late -
with the Toronto
y, is spending vaca-
e in North Easthopa
ly been a. short time
usiness, he has, by
tiness been promoted
another, tin he ha
position of conductor.
his connection with
IT, to accept a tnore
with the Cleveland
s roam at the top for
a thriving and port-
tchell some 20 year*
at time a successful
of Missouri, is visit
lends in this county
- He is acCompanied
, her many friends
is in comparatively
• Hill, when he lived
e leading merchantia
s a justice of the
ic-spirited and enter
enjoyed the respeot
old friends were g1tAi
parent enjoyment of
nd not much older
he left Mitchell,
serious accident onl
afternoon last week
Downie. Mr. Wifl.
telephone ofacee
was at his lion*
ip on a short v&ca.
with his brotheraand
riendg he was swing -
m a hammock. .4.g
nging for a jumps by
'erturnecl backwaren
rce on his head. It
-ed that he was cam
and medical aid wts
C has been ininredt
young man has nov
below the neck ek
fingers of oflehand.
cious, but his ree°v•-
fuI. He way, holt`
AuctusT 6, 1886,
tort linger on for a long time in that
'condition, as many others have done,
„tea the spinal column was affected, or
he may be more speedily and almost in-
stantly restored than moat people could
imagine possible. Mr. Oliver is a young
man of unusually excellent parts, harid-
some, away and respectable, and this
Lead accident ts deeply regretted.
—The Mitchell Advertiser of last
awn says: A couple .of young bloods
procured -a horse and rig, one night this
leek, from Coppin's livery stable, and
proceeded to Dublin, thence to Seaforth,
nod had a generakgallop around inspect-
ing all the hotels in the Scott Act coun-
v. After getting well filled with Scott
Act cream they returned home at a two.
forty speed. On their arrival in Mit-
chell the horse was either drunk, tired
-or shamming sickness for the brute was
nalined to give up. Upon seeing the
time and nature of things, the livery
man rather brought the boys up with a
jerk, by administering a chastisement
which will not be forgotten for some
wife have taken a trip to Montreal to
visit friends.—Mr. Chas. Reading is
preparing to built a new house this fall
on his farm near the station.—It is now
nearly a. year since the sidewalk in
front of the Methodist parsonage was
removed to permit teams /to pass in
with material, for the building, and as
the parsonage was completed last win-
ter, we would suggest to those in-
terested. the propriety of having the
walk laid down now.—Mr. Henry Me
Hardy, a prominent member of our base-
ball club, left here for Seaforth last
Tuesday, where he will work and catch
for the League team of that town.—
Mr. James Simmons has improved bis
premises by the erection of a nice new
driving shed.—How is it that no base-
ball club will come and play our boys at
home? When they went a game they
have to go to neighboring towns. Is
any person afraid?
LOCALITIES.—D. Turner, of Hamil-
ton, paid Blyth a flying visit last week.
J. W.- Hamilton is visiting -
friends at Staffa.—Miss Holmes, of
Clinton, was visiting at C. Hamilton's
last week.—Myles Young has returned
borne from his trip to Muskoka.—Miss
Nettie Young, of Paris, is visiting at
Hugh MeQuarrie's.—Miss Rutledge, of
St Augustine, is at P. Kelly's.—The
second band concert will take place in
the Agricultural hall on Friday evening
August 6th. A good programme has
been prepared, and they are
deserving of a large audience.
—Mr. R. Portice, of the Central hotel,
left for Exeter on Thursday. Mr. Por-
tice has been in Blyth five months, and
cannot make things pay. Mr. Wm.-
VanEgrnond, late of the Grand Central,
Clinton, will run the Central. We
understand he will put on another 'bus.
This will make the 'bus business lively.
—Mr. F. Metcalf is in Toronto buying
goods this week. Frank will not be be-
hind the times.—Mr. W. ;Jackson, of
Clinton, has made our townband a pres-
ent of a drum major's hat. Although
they had a good one they accepted it
with many thanks. If some of our own
citizens would do as well it would be
whatthe band deserves.—Last week A.
Taylor and J. Emigh drove up the road
toward Belgrave to try the speed of their
horses. Archie was beaten, but he in-
tends practising, and thinks in a short
tune he will will come out ahead. Blyth
can boast of good horseflesh now.—The
senior base ball club chajlenged Clinton
last week, bat from all appearances they
are afraid. they will be beaten the second
time in Blyth, and answered they woulcl
not come.
• " '
McLEOD.—In Seaforth, on the lst inst., the wife
Mr. John A. McLeod of a daughter. '
KERR.—In Brussels, on the 23rd ult„ the wife
of Mr. W. H. Kerr, of the Post, of a son.
CLARK.—In Brussels, on the 24th ult., the wife
of Mr. Andrew Clark of a daughter.
JONES:—In Usborne, on the 21st ult., the wife
of Mr. Jas. Jones, teacher, of a son.
MOORE.—At Blyth, on the 26th ult., the wife of
Mr. Jas. Moore of a son.
CLUFF.—In Clinton, on -the 26th ult., the wife
of Mr. D. Clutlf of the daughter.
CRICEL—In Seaforth, on the 30th ult., the wife
of Mr. John Crich of a son.
HUGHES.—In Turnberry, on the 31st nit', the
wife of Mr. Albert Hughes of a son.
PATERSON.—In-Bluevale, on the 25th ult., the
wife of Mr. Arch Paterson of a daughter.
Local Notices.
THE best and cheapest sugars for pre-
serving are at Wilson & Young's, Ssiforth.
TILES.—Parties requiring Tiles can
be supplied towards the latter end of next week
at .I'ROAT'S brickyard, in Tuckersmith. All
sizes made. J. SPROAT. 971-3
WILSON & Youno's,_Seaforth, 50 cent
Tea is very choice. Try it.
SUGAR SEASON OF 1886.—Charles-
worth & Brownell will receive this week one car
load of Sugar -80 barrels—bought direct from re-
finery. Also, a large consignment of New Season's
Teas, which will be jobbed in half chests and
caddies at wholesale prices. CHARLESWORTH &
FRUIT -JARS all sizes being cheap at
Wilson & Young's, Seaforth.
RESIDENCE FOR. SALE.—For sale cheap,
the brick residence on Goderich street at
present occupied by Mr. J. Duncan. It con-
tains nine rooms, including five bed -rooms,
also a servant's room, together with wood -shed
and all other conveniences. There are two
corner lots. It is one of the most desirable
residences in Seaforth. Apply to J. DUNCAN.
TION—to sell "Manual of Correspondence," the
best text -book yet published on this subject;
exercises in capital leters, abbreviations, punc-
tuation, spelling, English, construction of sen-
tences; sample business letters beautifully en-
graved; sells at sight; bonanza for agents; 60
cents sample copy.—C. O'DEA, Arcade, Toronto.
GIRL WANTED.—Wanted a good ser-
vant girl. Small family. Apply to MRS. AuLT,
Goderich Street.
THE "CENTRAL" are giving bargains
in Sugars, Teas and general grocerjes. Call and
secure some. LAIDLAW &FAIRLEY, Seaforth. 672-3
LOCKET LOST.—Lost on Tuesday,
July,22nd, between Silver Creek and Wilson &
Young's store, Seaforth, a gold locket and chain,
photograph in locket. The finder will be suita.la
ly rewarded on leaving the same at Tim Exeosa
TOR office, Seaforth. 672
Goderich Township.
OBITUARY.—ehristopher Lindsay, was
barn in Fermanagh county, Ireland, in
1803, e.nd settled on lot No. 23, conces-
sion 3, Goderich township, in 1835, on
which he lived until his death on July
27th 1886. He served for a short time
in the militia. in 1837 at Sarnia. He
was of a robust healthy constitution, and
never required the services of a doctor
until the Sunday before his death. - He
never wore spectacles and on the night
before he died he sat up in bed and
wrote his name by lamp light, a.nd he
could read the fine print of the Montreal
Witness without glasses. He lived
fifty-one years on the above farm, raised
a family of six children'one of his sons
has seven children on the same farm,
and his was the first funeral that ever
left the farm. His. illness only lasted
three days. He was of a quiet- turn of
mind, a kind husband and father and a
good neighbor. He was brought up
under the Church of England. When
the Primitive Methodists came in he at-
tached himself with that body and went
with them into the Union - where
he remained until he took his departure.
ITEMS.—George Newell of the first
concession, has been blind during the
last five or six years, and it is a matter
of surprise to his neighbors the amount
of work he performs, A few days since
he was mowing his fence corners. He
can weed and hoe his carrots and tur-
nips, in fact do anything about his farm,
but drive a team. He has always been
noted for working very hard and some
think it was that which caused his blind-
ness.—Wm. Beevers of the first conces-
sion has a very fine piece of barley the
heads of which are very long and extra
well filled.—Fall wheat harvest is over
and the boys are examining their thresh-
ing machines -to see if they are all right.
We expect to hear them next.—Cherries
have been an extra good crop along the
lake.—A poor, miserable specimen of
humanity, as dirty and ragged as it is
possible for a tramp to be, has been
going the rounds among the farmers on
the second concession, but has been
very unwelcome caller.
TOOMBS—JOHNSTON.—In Fordwich, at the
residence of the bride's parents, on the 21st
-- ult., by Rev. Ma Muir, Mr. John Toombs, of
Gerrie, to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr.
Frederiek Johnston, ,of Fordwieh. •
MALCOLM—KINGSTON.---At Virden, Manitoba,
on the 16th ult., by Rev. J. M. Kelly, Mr.
Archibald Malcolm, of Oak Lake, Manitoba,
formerly of Wroxeter, Ontario, -to Mrs. Har-
riet Kingston, of Virden, formerly of Wor-
cesterehire, England.
GENUINE Clearing' Sale of Crockery
and Glassware until 1st Sept., 1886, at the
"Central" Grocery. Now is your time to secure,
bargains and don't forget it. LAIDLAW &FAIRLEY,
Seaforth. 672-3
COX az CO_
Members Toronto Stock
Direct. Wires to New York, Chicago,
Oil City, Toronto_and Montreal.
Continuous Quotations.
Transact a General
Brokerage Business.
BRYDON.—In Detroit, on the 3rd inst., Margaret
Ray, relict of the late David Brydon, and
formerly of Harpurhey, aged 82 years and 5
ARMSTRONG.—In Hullett, on the 30th ult.;
James Armstrong, youngest son of Mr. Wm.
Armstrong, aged 16 years.
McTAVISH.—In Wiligham, on the 29th ult.,
Duncan McTavish, aged 45 years, 5 months
and 19 days.
CARNOCHAN. In Tuckersinith, on the 3rd inst.,
Ann Landsborough, wife of Mr. Robert-Car-
nochan, aged 75 years.
JAMIESON.—At her residence in the township
of Hay, on the 16th ult., Margaret Hunter,
relict of the late Thomas Jamieson, a native
of the county Of Londonderry, Ireland, aged
75 years.
HUGHES.—In Turnberry, on the lst inst., Mrs.
Albert Hughes, aged 42 years.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions
and Oil
Bought for Cash or on Margin.
MAIN STI==111_
HARVEST.—The fall wheat hereabouts
is all cut ; the binders make short work
of it, and all of them seem to work well.
Mr. Robt. King has been cutting by the
acre at 75 cents, and found his own
team. Cheap enough, surely. MT.
King and his brother George are getting
lk new steam thresher, and they are
likely to do a large amount of work
around here. Messrs. Messett & Moffatt,
up the boundary, are also getting one.
A'_Fiasco.—The much talked of trot-
ting match between Nixon's mare Lucy
from Bluevale and Perdue's horse from
Morris for $50 a side, came off on the
Wingham track on Saturday, and. re-
sulted in great disappointment to the
on -lookers. It was a walk -over for the
little mare, ancl she took the three
straight heats with ease. The horse
had better be put in the plow or at some
other useful occupation, as nature evi-
dently never intended him for the turf.
SUDDEN' DEATIL—OUT citizens were
much pained to learn the sudden death
of Mrs. Albert Hughes on Sunday after-
noon. She had been confined on Satur--
day night. She leaves a husband and
four of a family. She was greatly res-
pected by all who knew her, and was a
good and thoughtful wife and loving
mother, and her sudden taking away is
a severe bereavement to the stricken
husband and family. The remains were
interred in the Bluevale cemetery on
Tuesday, and the large attendance at
the funeral showed the high respect in
which the deceased was held.
LOCALITI ES.—Mr. Thomas Nixon has
had his residence rnudh improved in ap-
pearance by a new coat of paint and the
erection of a new verandah.—Mr. Ged:
Ikteheson is also having repairs made to
residence.—Rev. Mr. Cooke and
J. F. McLaren, Manager.
DENT & HODGE, Barribters, of Mit-
chell, have an unlimited amount of money to
lend on farm security at 6 per cent per annum,
with privileges. Moitgages bought. 968-8
Mr. Watkins' Opinion.
. . .
--"It WANTED.—A Female Teacher for
mEACHt... eth Department of the Seaforth
1 the Seve. -- the balance of 1886, duties to
Public School fo. 0th.;s*80—for the term. Ap-
commence August . ;ved by the undeisigned
plications will be rect. WM. BALLANTYNE,
until August 13th, 1880,
Secretary. .
TXTANTED.—Energetic, reliable t2len, to sell
VY Nursery stock in Ontario. Mut:
good references. Good salesmen can mak: Mei
pay. No drones Wanted. Apply to CHAC.'
BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Colborne, Ontario. t
Nurseries at Rochester, N. Y. • 973x5
HOUSE FOR SALE.—For sale cheap, the
house at present occupied by Mrs. T. E.
Joslin. The house is comfortable and in good
repair, and has .all necessary conveniences, and
the grounds are well supplied with fruit and
ornamental trees. Also all thehouseholdeffects
will be Bold. Apply on the premises to MRS..
NXTATCH LOST.—Lost„ on Main Street, Sea -
V V. forth, on Monday, August 2nd., between
Hawkshaw's hotel, and John Kyle's grocery, a
silver open faced watch. The finder will be
suitably rewarded on leaving the same at Tux
EXPOSITOR office, or with GILBERT DICK, Kip -
pen. 973-t. f.
To the White Bronze Monument Company,,
• St. Thomas.
Gentlemen:— After I gave my order to Mr. W.
M. Giffin for No. 224 White Bronze Monument, a
marble agent came to Die and said it was a hum-
bug, and would soon get as black as my hat. He
had a great deal more to sIty that was uncalled
for, and I have no doubt but he was sorry that
he did not sell to me, but I am pleased to say
that I am not. The monument that I got from
you two years ago and erected in Clinton cem-
etery looks as welltoday as the day it was set
up—and I think better, and you are at liberty to
use my mine in any way you please in recom-
mending White Bronze. JOSEPH WATKINS,°
Clinton, July lst 1886.
Parties intending to purchase a monument
should call on or write to
' Clinton, or
Goderich. 973
Coming Fairs.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept 6th to 18th.
Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 20th to 25th.
Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27th to Oct. lst.
Western, London, Sept. 27th to Oct. 2nd.
Northern, Walkerton, Oct. 5th to 8th.
East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 5th and 6th.
South Huron, Seaforth, Sept. 27th and 28th.
Listowel, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. lst.
West Huron, Goderich, Sept. 21st and 22nd.
Stephen and Usborne, Exeter, Oct. 4th and 5th.
Haj, Zurich, Sept. 20th and 21st.
Morris, Blyth, Oct. 7th and 8th.
Hibbert, Staffa, October 6th.
SEAPOitTli, August Gth. 1886.
Fall Wheat per bushel (new) eo 70 to $0 73
Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 55 to 0 73
Oats per bushel • 0 28 to 0 30
Peat" per bushel 0 60 to 0 62
Barley per bushel ........ .;. .. 0 45 to 0 55
Butter, No. 1, loose.... .. .. 0 10 to 0 11
Butter, tub 0 11 to 0 12
Eggs 0 i 1 to 011
Flour, per 100 lbs 2 00 to 2 25
Hay per ton 8 00 to 8 60
Hides per 100 Is .. 5 00 to 5 60
Sheepskins each 0 60 to 0 85
Wool 0 19 to 0 21
Salt (retail) per barrel.... .. 80 to 1 00
Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. 0 80
Potables per bushel, new 0 60 to 0 60
Wood per cord 2 60 to 3 60
ITALIAN BEES FOR SALE.—Grand chance to
buy 36 colonies of choice Italian and Holy
Land Bees, mostly in D. A. Jones' hives, the
ballance in Langstroth hives.- Will sell out all
kinds of appliances kept in a first-class apiary.
Will sell single colones for 86.00. Reason for
selling—My time is otherwise engag el, and have
not'got rootu to keep them. I have also got
several empty hives, and several hundred un -
nailed frames for Joues,' hives. I. LANGSTROTH,
Seaforth. Residence First street East of Fair
Ground, 2nd house from Huron Road. 973
Thomas Coleman wth-start his cider mill on
August 25th.'When hd will be prepared to make
the very best cider for any who may favor him
with their patronage. Bring along your apples
and you can haul your cider horne with you.
Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
CLINTON, August 6th, 1886.
Fall -Wheat per bushel (new) $0 70 to $0 73
Spring Wheat per bushel.... .... 0 55 to 0.73
Oats per bushel . . .... . 0 28 to 0 30
Barley per bushel ..... . 0 51 to 0 62
Peas per bushel ...... ...... 0 52 to 0 54
Butter . 0 12 to 0 16
Eggs 0 11 to 0 11
Hay per ton 800 to 9 00
Potatoes per bushel, new 0 60 to 0 GO
Apples per barrel 2 00 to 2 00
Wool ...... e 17 to 021
Ifides per 100 Is 6 00 to 7 00
Pork 4 60 ta 500
Cordwood 2 60 to 3 60
Dressed Hogs, per 100 Ms 5 50 to 6 00
ToRotrro, Aug. 4.—Fall wheat, 80.75 to 80.76,
spring, $0.75 to 80.76; oats, 39c to 40c; peas 55e
to 55c; barley, 48c to 50c; hay, per ton, $9.00 to
814.00; butter, 15c to 16c; potatoes, per bbl.,
81 to 82.25 ; eggs, per doz., 15cto 16c; dressed
hogs, per 100 lbs., $7.00 to $7.50.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 4.—Spring wheat, 068 08d;
red winter, es 08d; California No. 1, 06s 09d;
California No. 2, Os 00d; oats, Os 00d; barley, 5s
6d; peas, 5s 05d; pork, 57s 06d; cheese, 41s 00d.
con. 6, containing -100 acres, and situated
two miles from the village of Ethel, seven from
Brussels, 12 from Listostell, quarter mile from a
never failing creek 97 acres cleared . mostly all
clear of stumps arid under good cultivation, 60
acres of crop, good outlet for draining, Comfor-
table dwelling, bank barn stabling underneath,
good bearing orchard,a well convenient to house
and yard; price 84000, will be sold with crop or
without • possession given at any time. Apply
TON, Ethel P. 0. 972-4
- —
lot 30, con. 11, East Wawanosh, consisting
of ninety-seven acres, more or less. Eighty
acres cleared, well fenced with cedar and hard-
wood rails, a good lined Jog house and log barn,
with frame stable and driving house, and a never
failing spring creek running across the centre.
Also a farm on the 14th con. of Hullett, . lot 38,
consisting of one hundred and twenty-eight
acres, more or less. One hundred acres cleared,
well fenced and under good cultivation-, log
house with good frame kitchen, good frame
barn, driving shed and stabling, two good wells
of water with a pump in each. For further par-
ticulars apply to J. 11. GREENAN, Marnoch P.O.,
Huron Co. • 972-12
Great Bargains!
Rush of People 1
In spite of the dull times, we are determined to make it an object to parties
to purchase all kinds of
Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Gents' Fur
nishings, &c.,
Great Dissolution Clearing Sale.
-We must have room for heavy fall importations now arriving, so intending
purchasers would do well to oblige by inspecting our large and complete stock of
Embroideries, Laces and Dress Goods; Hosiery, Gloves, Prints and Muslins ;
Check Silk for summer wear, White and Cream Lawns, Sateens and New Jerseys.
As also 500 Remnants in Dress Goods and Prints to be . sold at half the original
Balance of Millinery to be Cleared out at a Sacrifice in price.
ABARGAIN.—This farm' will be sold cheap
. and on easy terms, and is well situated,
'being East Half of Let 39, Concession 7, East
Wawanosh,Huron County ; containing 100 acres;
about 75 acres cleared,and well adapted for crop.
The balance is heavily timbered with inaple and
beech principally, which will make about 50
cords of four foot wood per acre,and sells readily
delivered in Belgrave, three miles distant, at
from 82.50 to 83.00 per cord. The soil is rich
and fertile, wild oats, mustard, ragweed, daisies,
etc., have never been allowed to grow on the
place; no wasteland; a never failing well;
good new house and barn; a young orchard of
about 200 trees of the very choicest varieties; 16
acres of fall wheat will be sown on well prepared
land. School and churches convenient. This is
really a- choice farm. For further partitulars
apply to W. J. MARTIN, Belgrave P. 0. 972x8.
signed Offers for sale his very valuable pro-
perty, consisting of 160 acres, being Lot No. 2
and the west hall of Lot 4, on the 7th Conces-
sion of Tuckersmith, in the county of Huron:
The buidlings on Lot 2, are, viz: A brick house
24x34 feet, -kitchen 18x20 feet, verandahs and
woodshed attached. Barn 56x54 feet with stone
stabling underneath 9 feet high, frame stabling,
one 18x42 -another 18x36, pig house and all nec-
essary buildings. There are 75 acres cleared and
in a high state of -cultivation, the balance is well
timbered. There are also on the place a good
orchard and two never failing wells of water.
-The 50 acre farm has on it a good orchard and
log house, good well, 25 acres cleared which is
under grass, the balance well timbered. These
farms are well drained and fenced, and will be
sold together or separately. Apply to THOMAS
McBRI DE, on Lot 2, or by letter to Seaforth
P. 0. 9-72-tf
Pursuant to the judgment and final order for
sate made in this-cause,and bearing date respect-
ively the 17th day of December .1885, and the
22nd day of July, 1886, there will be sold, with
the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson, Esq.,
one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of jud-
icature for Ontario at Goderich, at the American
Hotel, in the village of Brussels, on the 19th day
of August, 1886; at the hour of twelve o'clock
noon, the following lands and premises, in one
parcel, namely: Lot number twelve in the four-
teenth concestion of the Township of Grey; in
the County of Huron, containing 100 acres of
land. This property is situatedabout five and
one half miles from the village of .Brussels, and
about two miles from the town plot of Grey, in a
good farming section of the conntry. About 85
acres of the said land is Cleared and fenced and
about 70 acres free from stamps and fit for culti-
vation. There is also erected a frame barn and a
frame house. There is also an oichard in a fair-
ly good condition. The balance of the said Lot
is timbered with beech, maple and hemlock.
The land is slightly rolling, and of a heavy clay
Ten per cent down on the day of sale to the
plaintiffs solicitors, the balance without interest
to be paid into court within one month- there-
after, when the purchaser will be entitled to a
conveyance. Possession for the purpose of
ploughing and putting in fall wheat can be had
immediately after the sale, and free possession
of the whole of said property on the 15th day of
October next. The purchaser at the Mine of
sale will be required to sign an agreement for
the completion of his purchase. The property
will be put up subject to a reserved bid. In
other- respects the conditions of sale will be the
standing conditions . of sale of this court. Fur-
ther particulars may be had from A. Hunter
Esq., Brussels; Messrs. Kerr MacDonald David.--
son & Paterson Barristers, Toronto, or from the
plaintiff's solicitors. Dated -at Goderich the 29th
day of July, 1886, S. MALCOMSON, Local
Master at Goderich. GARROW & PROUDFOOT
Plai n tiff's. Solicitors. 973-2
Live Stock Markets.
. MONTREAL, Aug. 3,—Stall fed cattle sell at from
4c to 41c per lb., and some of the best a little
more, good grass-fed beeves sell at from ate to
4c, and leamsh beasts at from 21,c to 3c per lb.
There is very little demand for calves, and ex-
cept they are fat they bring low rates for this
time of the year. -Prices are from $2 to 84 for
common and sai to 810 each for superior veals.
Sheep and lambs are plentiful and low priced,
sheep selling at from 82.25 to $4.50 each, and
lambs at from $1.50 to $3.25 each. Hogs are in
good supply, and sell at from 5Ic to 53,-c per Ib.
American buyers have been taldng a few small
lots of horses of late, and during last week 3S
horses, costing *3,304.50, were shipped from here
to the United States.
Change of Business.
Having purchased the Grocery, Baking and
Confectionery business of MR. P. MEGAREY,
will carry on the business in the old and popular
stand. He will keep always on hand the
-88 T -J - 01-1M.A.P —
Give us a trial and see what we can do -ler
a N. B.—A very nice stock of Crockery and
Glassware. Farm Produce taken as Cash for
goods. - 973-41
Industrial and Art Exhibition
London Canada_
SEPT'. 27th to OCT. 2nd, 1886.
Competition Open to the World.
Duncan ct Duncan, Mont
FARMS FOR. SALE.—For sale, Two Farms,
Lot 14, on the 61h Concession, and Lot 16
on the 7th Concession of Morris, containing 100
acres •each, about 90 acres cleared, free from
stumps on one farm, and about 60 acres cleared
on the other: The cleared land is in a good state
of -cultivatidn and well fenced. Good frame
barn and stables, and log house on One, and on
the other a Iog house and log barn. There is a
good bearing orchard en Lot 14, A never failing
spring creek runs through both pieces. The soil
is first-class, there being no better farms in the
township. These places are admirably adapted
for grain growing or grazing-, and are within five
miles of the flourishing town of Brussels. The
places will be sold together or separately, and
can be bought cheap and on easy terms. Apply
on the premises or address the proprietor,Sum
shine P. O. GEO. SEALE, Proprietor. 973-4
The Western Fair is the great event of the
season for the people of Western Ontario. The
Directors are determined that the forthcoming
Exhibition shall equal, if not surpass, any of its
The ‘.-Sonunittee on Attractions are preparing
a splendid programme for each day of the Fair,
full particulars of which will be published later
Write to the Se'cretary for Prize Lists, Posters,
Programmes, or any information required.
President. Secretary.
al House, Seaforth.
The same liberal reductions offered in the Montreal Dry Goods Establish-
ment will be given in the Oak Hall Clothing and Gents' Furnishing House during
the Dissolution Clearing Sale. Special attention drawn to our TAILORING
DEPARTMENT, where we are prepared to turn out Suits in the latest style and
from imported Scotch, English and Irish Tweeds, as also Canadian goods of the
best quality, on short notice and reasonable figures. Gents, give us a call and ex-
amine our stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, and
every kind of Gents' Wearing Apparel.
Duncan & Duncan, Oak Hall, Sea:forth,.
ON.—Notice is hereby given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the
third and fourth sections of the Voters' List Act,
the copies required by said section to be so trans-
mitted or delivered of the said list made pursuant
to said Act of all persons appearing by the last
revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality
to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at
elections for members at the Legislative Assem-
bly, and at Municipal Elections and that said
list was first poEted up at my office, in Seaforth,
on the 4th ,day of August, 1886, and remains
there for inspection. Erectors are called upon
to examine the paid list, and if any omission or
other errors are found therein to take immediate
proceedings to have the said errors corrected
according to law. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk.
I..) from lot 36, con. 3, East Wawanosh, about
May the 24th, the following animals: One heifer
three years old, in calf, her time is up the thirtieth
of July, her color is reel and white, some people
might call here roan with nice straighthorns. One
two years old heifer red with white on her tail,
ugly wide spread horns. One two years old red
steer a little white on his flank and a white spot
on his face with a split in his left ear. One year
old steer red with white hairs through his sides
and stag horned. One year old heifer red with
little white spots through her and a black nose.
One year old heifer the body mostly white with
red hairs through it, the neck mostly red with a
white spot in her forehead.. One year old heifer
the body mostly white with red hairs through
it, the neck mostly red, with a white stripe down
her face. Any information concerning these
animals that will lead to their recovery will re-
ceive a reward of 85. JOHN C. WILSON, Blyth
P. 0. 972-4xtf
Butter and Eggs taken in trade at the Montreal House
and trade checks issued, good for any department at cash prices.
—OF A—
In the Township of Morris,
PURSUANT to the judgment in the above ac-
tion of the Common Pleas Division of the
High Court of Justice at Toronto, dated the 22nd
June, 1886, there will be 'gold by tender with
the approbation of Sutherland Malcohnson, Esq.,
a Local Master at' Goderich of the S-upreme
Court of Judicature for Ontario, the following
valuable lands, -namely, the North half of Lot
Number, 16, in the 7th concession of the town-
ship of Morris, in the county of Huron contain-
ing 100 acres, more or less. About 85 acres are
cleared and 80 free from Amnia; and fit for culti-
vation, The soil is part clay and part sandy
loam. The land is rollieg and free from swamp.
The uncleared part is fairly- wooded, chiefly with
maple and beech. There are upon the land a
comfortable frame dwelling house, a. good frame
barn about 36x72, with stone foundation and
stabling beneath, a large shed about 30x60, an
and other necessary outbuildings. The farm is
conveniently situated,Post Office within 2i miles,
and School 1 miles, and good markets at the
village of ,Brussels and Blyth, distant 5 miles
and 7i miles respectively. The sale will he by
tender. Tenders are to be in writing and to be
addressed, postage prepaid, to Sutlaerland Mal-
cohnson '• Esquire, Local Master, Goderich P. 0,
and will be received up to the 10th of August
next, on which day they will be opened at the
office of the said Local Master in the Court
House, in the town of Goderich, at the hour of
11 o'clock in the forenoon. The highest tender
will not necessarily be accepted unless a fair
price in the opinion of the said master is
The person whose tender is accepted will be
notified of such acceptance by letter, addressed
to him and delivered at the Goderieh Post Office,
and he will be required within one week from
tht delivery of such letter at the said Post Office
to execute a contract to carry out the purchase
and pay a deposit upon the purchase money of
10 per cent to the Vendor'sSolictors and he shall
pay the balance into the court on or before the
10th of September next without interest when
he will be entitled to a conveyance and posses-
sion. In other respects -the usual conditions of
sale of the High Court of Justice shall be appli-
cable. The title is perfect. For further par-
ticulars apply to MESSRS. CAMERON, HOLT &
CAMERON, Solicitors, Goderieh. E. E. WADE.,
Esq., Solicitor, Brussels. DAVID PURVIS,
Esq., on the premises, and to the Vendor's Solici-
tors Goderich. Dated the 15th day of July,
188d. S. MALCOMSON, Local Master, at Gode-
rich. GARROW & PROUDFOOT; Vendor's
Solicitors. 971-3
Grocery Store,
In returning thanks to my neany customers
for their patronage since commencing business
in Seaforth, I would add that iteorder to supply
the demand for
-that I have put in Steam Power and more new
machinery, and can now do my work quicker
and better, and as I DSC none but the beet ma-
terial I can get, and do as good work as I. know
- how, I hope to merit a continuance of your pat-
P. S.—I would be pleased to receipt all the aa -
counts of the past and previous years. Must
have Money. 49664.f.
rpHE Subscriber is now prepared to deliver
ICE in any quantity.
Any quantity of WOOD, hard or soft, long or
short, split or unsplit. Also any quantity of
Cedar Posts and Ceder Blocks for flooring, &c.,
as cheap as plank, all of which I will sell and de
liver at reasonable charges.
Tremendous Unreserved Clearing. Sale
Entire Balance of the
Bankrupt Stock
Thomas Kidd & Son, Seaforth.
Finding it compulsory.to effect a speedy clearance t� close out this business,
ositing to having too much on hand, the goods must and wilibe cleared out now
The stock is new and fresh and a great chance is in store for the public, of which
all are cordially invited to participate;
sW Parties making purchases from $20 to $100, can be accommodated by
giving their note at three months, FREE OF INTEREST.
Butter and Eggs also Taken as Cash for Goods.
JOSEPH KIDD & SON, In the Market.
, General Merchandise.
Kinburn, Ontario.
Dry Goods we are selling at bottom prices,
consisting of dress goods, crib nghams, Muslins,
Prints, Cottons, Cottonades, Winceys &c.
Ladies' Hose and Gloves very cheap.
Groceries, a full stock constantly OD hand,
cheap and fresh. Read our prices. 13 lbs.
Granulated Sugar for 81, 3 lbs. Good Raisins for
250., 3 PA Currants for 25c.' 7 bars Soap for 250.,
3 packages Corn Starch for 25c. Try our Coffee,
Java, Siftings, Extra Quality, 1 Silver Spool
given away with every pound.
Boots and Shoes, a large and Well Assorted
stock just arrived which we will sell at the
right price.
Crockery and Glassware, Latest and Most
Away Down Hate and Caps, Latest Stades.
Men's Suits made to order.
A full stock of General Hardware on hand,ain-
eluding Nails, Glass, Putty, PainteOils, Harvest
Mitts, Harvest tools Machine Oils &c.
Rolled Oatmeal and Roller Mill Flour always on
Give us a call and be convinced that we sell
Good Goods and Cheap Goods. All kinds of
farm produce taken in exchange for goods.
Thanking the Public for their Liberal Patron-
age in the past and trusting them for a continu-
ance of the same. '
Don't forget the place, J. Stanley's old stand.
Kinburn, Ont.
Cd_inverse s
Standard Mixed,
The Best and Cheapest
Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine,
Upright and Tnbular Boilers.
and all kinds of Sheet Iron work.
constantlyon hand.,
On hand, ready for delivery:
1 30 H. P. New:Steel Boiler.
1 8 H. P. New_Boiler.
A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit,
Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in good work-
ing order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will
receive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T
R. Station.
. P. 0. BOX 361.
Goderich, May 26th, 1886.
The Seaforth Stallion Stakes.
Some parties having complained that they did
not have an opportunity of entering- for the
Stallion Stakes Race No. 1, a_ second stakes is
now offered for the following stallions, viz: Ken•
tucky atar, Blyth; Tontine, Clinton; Fear -
naught Chief, Ilensall; Contest, Blake; Roan
Cloud, Goderich; Benham, St. Marys; Mont-
Zumit, Lucan ; Robert Bonner, Seaforth; Re-
venge, Brucefield ; American Cousin, St Marys.
This race will be trotted on the same day, on
the same track and under the same rules as race
No. 1.
Stakes.—An entrance fee of 8210 each with e60
added, to be dividtd as follows: 50 per cent.
first horse; 30 per cent second horse and 1.0
per cent, third horse. Entries to be made with
deposit of $5 on or before August 3rd; $10
additional on the 15th of August and the balance
on the day of race.. Four horses to enter and
three to start or no race. All communications
must be addressed to the Secretary.
972 Seaforth P. 0.
Queen City Oil Co's _
General Insurance Agent
Peerless -Machine Oil,
And Dealer in Sewing Machines.
Sole and Exclusive Dealer for the UNEQUAL FOR
Raymond and White Reapers, Binders and
The best Manufactured, ranging in prices from
$25 to $75.
Special Bargains during the Holiday Season. Special Value in Harvest Mitts.
These Machines have .been in use in this Sec;
tion for the last twelve years, and during that
time have -given the best of satisfaction.
They are guaranteed hy the manufacturers'
for five years.
• For Simplicity, Durability, Fine Finieh and
large range of work are unexcelled by any others
in the market.
Also dealer in Knitting 3-fachines, Needles,
Oils and all kinds of Sewing Machine supplies.
All Kinds of Machines Repaired,
Charges Moderate.
-W_ -W_A.T801\T,
The Bishop Strachan School The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to
Johnson Bros,
Capital, - $6,000,000.
- I 1:snips-nee I Enna
The School willRE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY,8th
September. Boarders to arrive the previous
Applications may be made to the Lady Prin-
cip al, Wykeham Hall, College avenue.
'receive deposits on which interest is allowed on
the most favorable terms.
Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in
Canada, on Great Britam, and on the United
States, bought and sold.
Office—First doer BOOTIE of the Commercial
A. H. IRELAND, Maneger.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor 66